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Best Practices for Gearbox Assembly

and Disassembly
Jodi Bello

In most applications, gearbox reliabil- design team the design intent. Includ- If this value is positive, the fit is clear-
ity is critical to the productivity of the ing features to facilitate disassembly, ance, if it is negative, the fit is interfer-
overall plant operation. So it follows minimizes repair cycle time and helps ence. If the value is zero, the parts could
that when industry is looking at the to prevent damage to components that theoretically slide together, but in prac-
best ways to increase efficiency, reduce could radically compromise their de- tice a small amount of force or thermal
downtime, and increase profitability, sign life or performance. difference is needed for assembly. The
gearbox performance and reliability are clearance value needed to slide parts
key factors. Basic Types of Component and together easily is generally assumed to
Designing for repair, and writing ef- Assembly Interfaces be at least 0.001 inches. For long fits and
fective repair procedures, can speed First we should examine the basic large diameters, more clearance may be
the service time, and provide a quality methods of attachments. Figures 1–4 required; evaluating the tolerance and
refurbishment. The best practices listed illustrate some basic diagrams for the run-out of the parts will help determine
below are proven, effective methods different types of common connec- an appropriate value.
used to install and remove bearings, tions. Clearance fits. Clearance fits are
seals, gears, couplings and shafts within Components that have sustained used for easy assembly, in typically low
a gearbox. damage in operation may not retain speed applications. Set screws can be
their original dimensions. The design used to connect the shaft to the hub
Introduction intent of the fit will have to be deter- and transmit torque.
When industry is looking at the best mined to appropriately determine the • Straight bore clearance fits slide
ways to increase efficiency, reduce values for the repaired component. together easily. There is no axial
downtime and increase profitability, There are technical documents for location control with this fit
alone, and limited radial location.
gearbox performance and reliability are designing each of these types of fits. Shoulders, set screws and pins can
key factors. In most applications gear- Please see the references for some of be used to control axial locations.
box reliability is critical to the produc- the relevant technical specifications for • Splined connections fit multiple-
tivity of the overall plant operation. more detailed information. tooth internal teeth against external
Repair is often required with a swift Each of these interfaces can be made teeth. There is clearance on both the
turnaround, as down time is very ex- with different types of fits, clearance or sides and diameters of the teeth.
pensive. Designing for repair, and writ- interference. To determine which fit • Keyways transmit the torque
ing effective repair procedures, can type you have, calculate the fit using between the shaft and hub. Parts
assemble easily. Set screws can be
speed the service time, and provide Equation 1: used to fix the key and shaft in the
a quality refurbishment. Minimizing bore.
F = d − D
down time and extending service life • Interference fits. When assembled,
will contribute significantly to achiev- F = maximum fit the bore expands and/or the shaft
ing the lowest overall operation costs. d = smallest diameter of bore contracts so that the interface is in
The best practices listed below are compression. Interference fits can
D = the largest shaft diameter transmit more torque than clearance
proven, effective methods used to in- fits. There are several different
stall and remove bearings, seals, gears, Measure the bore and shaft at several methods for assembly, which will
couplings and shafts within a gearbox. locations, and use the smallest diam- be discussed later. These fits are
These techniques are not new, and are eter bore and largest diameter shaft. If typically used to control location of
usually obtained by hard-won experi- the shaft and bore tolerances are avail- the components, axial and radial, as
well as transmit torque. Interference
ence. Collecting them in one location able, the entire expected fit range can fits are also used to maintain balance
is an attempt to document the best be calculated. (To calculate the mini- of components in high speed
practices and provide a reference for mum fit, you would use the largest bore applications.
design engineers. Engineers write the diameter minus the smallest shaft di- • Straight. A straight interface
procedures for assembly and disassem- ameter.) transmits torque while maintaining
bly, they also dictate to the rest of the both axial and radial location control
of the components.

Printed with permission of the copyright holder, the American Gear Manufacturers Association, 1001 N. Fairfax Street, Fifth Floor,
Alexandria, VA 22314-1587. Statements presented in this paper are those of the author(s) and may not represent the position or opinion
of the American Gear Manufacturers Association.

32 Power Transmission Engineering MARCH 2014 WWW.POWERTRANSMISSION.COM ]————

• Tapered. A tapered shaft and bore required can be calculated by using
under compression can be used to
transmit the friction torque. The Equation 2 (use consistent units).
compression can be obtained by Thermal differential (simplified equa-
drawing the shafts together using a tion):
shaft nut or by thermal differential (2)
assembly. δ
∆T =
• Keyways. Keys with interference fits α (dia.)
do not shift and alter the balance where:
of the components. They also can δ = diametral interference
transmit more torque than a straight α = material coefficient of thermal
or tapered interface with the same expansion
interference, because the key helps dia = diameter in question
ensure the joint will not slip. Most coefficients are given at a spe-
• Splines. Usually these are cific temperature, and will give a close
interference fit on the outside Figure 1  Straight bore.
diameter of the splines. These are enough approximation to the change
typically used when radial position in temperature for assembly purposes.
needs to be controlled. Add a few thousands of an inch to the
• Bushings. There are various diametral interference to give a result-
mechanical devices that can be used ing clearance for assembly after the
to create an interference fit. They slip heat has expanded the parts.
on to the shaft with clearance, but
when engaged create an interference It is common to add a few degrees to
fit between the shaft and hub. the delta to compensate for handling
Tightening these devises is best done time and the assumptions of the equa-
in a star pattern for proper centering tion. Rounding the value up by 20 de-
of the parts. Centering is especially grees, or to an easy to measure value,
important if balance is critical. The
best practice here is to follow the is acceptable, as long as this does not
individual manufacturer’s assembly put the value beyond the material lim-
instruction. its. These material limits are based on
• Transition fits. Transition fits can composition and heat treatments. It is
Figure 2  Tapered bore.
be either clearance or interference. important not to exceed these limits as
The tolerance range on the parts this could impact the ability of the com-
can result in a small interference or
clearance based on the individual ponent to function properly.
components. These fits are Because the temperature will change
commonly used to ease assembly in with time, it is important to have all
applications that still require close the fixtures and tools for assembly pre-
fits. They can be assembled using pared before removing the component
the interference fit techniques but
with much less force or temperature from the oven or freezer. As for any job,
difference. proper personal protective equipment
• Bearing fits. Bearing assembly is should be worn, as the parts will not be
a special case. Bearings may be able to be touched by bare skin.
interference fit on one race of the If there is a question about the tem-
bearing and clearance on the other. perature of the components or the
The mounting of the bearing on
the shaft and in the housing will measurement system, parts can be
determine the operating clearance measured before assembly, at tempera- Figure 3  Splined bore.
of the bearing. Having the correct ture, to determine they have reached
bearing fit for the application is the proper size. This must be done
critical to achieving the design life quickly because the delicate measure-
and reliability of a bearing. Bearing
catalogs have more information, or ment instruments will be affected by
consult the manufacturers directly the temperature too. It is easier to mea-
for each application. sure the temperature, but when devel-
oping a new process this technique can
Assembly Techniques give valuable information.
Thermal differential. Heating or cool- Use Equation 2 to determine the
ing components can cause them to amount of temperature difference re-
expand or contract to overcome inter- quired. The temperature differential
ference and allow for easy assembly. can be obtained by heating, cooling or
The amount of temperature difference a combination of both.

Figure 4  Keyed bore.

MARCH 2014 Power Transmission Engineering 33


Lifting holes or fixtures for holding heaters, ovens, or hot oil baths. Thor- eters, contact thermometers, or even
the components are especially impor- ough heating and consistent tempera- temple sticks, (wax crayons that melt at
tant in thermal differential assembly. ture is required. The best method is a specific temperature).
The fixtures need to be able to with- dependent mainly on economics and Cooling. Cooling can be done with
stand the temperature, and also be out available resources. freezers, dry ice or liquid nitrogen.
of the way for assembly. Planning the Ovens make sense for large parts, When using liquid nitrogen, use cau-
methods for lifting must be done before high volume production, or for time tion that freezing the components will
the components have changed temper- savings. Many ovens can run unattend- not damage them. There are some heat
ature. ed, so parts can be loaded at the end of treated components that should not be
Having components level during as- a shift and heated overnight for assem- cryogenically treated.
sembly seems like a simple thing, but is bly the next morning. This allows thor- There is always a chance of conden-
often overlooked. It is easy to get com- ough heating and efficient use of time. sation forming on frozen parts. Wiping
ponents jammed if they are not aligned. Induction heaters are fast and ef- them down with isopropyl alcohol be-
Occasionally this can be overcome with ficient. Load the part, press the but- fore assembly will help to dissipate the
gentle taps, but careful alignment can ton — and the heater runs. It monitors moisture. This should also be done as
eliminate this need. the temperature and shuts off when the parts return to ambient tempera-
Components that have been assem- temperature is achieved. Most ma- ture if condensation appears.
bled using heat or cold can creep apart chines will monitor the temperature Freezers are very convenient because
as they cool. A bearing that is seated and reheat the part if the temperature parts can be placed in the freezer over-
against a shoulder can move apart ever drops more than five degrees. night and assembled in the morning.
so slightly, and this can impact opera- Hot oil baths are a time-proven solu- Dry Ice can be packed around parts
tion later. Clamping the parts or gently tion for heating parts. However, careful that need to be cooled. It is more dif-
tapping a spacer down repeatedly as monitoring is required to prevent the ficult to get a consistent cooling of the
things normalize can prevent this. Nev- oil from catching fire, and additional parts due to it being solid. Use a ther-
er tap a bearing across the rollers. It is safety procedures must be observed to mometer to get an accurate tempera-
OK to gently tap an inner race seating protect the operator from the hot oil. ture, realizing that it is a surface tem-
on a shaft, or an outer race without roll- No matter what the method, care perature. Parts may need to soak for a
ers into the housing. must be taken to prevent overheating considerable time to be cooled through.
Heating. There are several meth- of the parts. There are various methods It is not often that both cooling and
ods of heating components: induction available such as, infrared thermom- heating are required. This high amount
of interference may better be obtained
by pressing the parts together. There is
a high risk of the parts cracking from
thermal shock when heat and cold are
both required.
Press. Parts can be pressed together
using a mechanical or hydraulic press.
Caution must be taken when using a
press, as the forces are very large and
the process can be
dangerous. As with all work, proper
personal protective equipment and
protective guarding around the equip-
ment is recommended.
Basic equation. See Figure 5 for visual
depiction of press fit.
F = A μ P
A = π d L
P = δ

(Ed )( dd  − d + Ν )+( )( )

2 2 2 2
o  + d d d  + d − Ν
2 2 o 2 2 i
o o E d  − d
i i

F = force to press
A = area of interface
μ = co-efficient of friction

Figure 5  Press fit illustration.

34 Power Transmission Engineering MARCH 2014 WWW.POWERTRANSMISSION.COM ]————

P = interface pressure pressure is released, completing the as- age itself and other bearings, gears and
D = shaft diameter/bore diameter
(nominal) sembly. seals in the system.
L = length of fit The amount of advance determines Depending on the type of bearing and
δ = diametral interference the interference obtained (sometimes the application, the axial location of the
do = hub outside diameter called draw-up). bearing can also be critical to achieve
di = bore in shaft or zero if solid shaft Advance can be calculated using its design life expectations. Bearings
Eo = Young’s modulus of hub Equation 6: shimmed too tightly will run hot and
Ei = Young’s modulus of shaft (6)
can seize just like pinched bearings.
Νo = Poisson’s ratio for the hub Ad = δ t
Νi = Poisson’s ratio for the shaft where: Seal assembly. There are many dif-
Ad = advance ferent types of seals on the market. As-
The force calculated here is ap- δ = diametral interference semble per manufacturer’s instructions
proximate and should be considered t = shaft taper for best results. If seals must be pressed
a minimum. It can be used to size the into place, make sure to use a ring ap-
equipment needed. More force than Because the advance controls the fit proximately the same diameter as the
calculated may be required if there is and thus the torque capacity, control- seal, but one that will not interfere with
damage to the mating surfaces, or the ling the advance during assembly is any rubber lips or other components.
parts are misaligned. Surface finish ef- very important. Setting up stops and Apply even pressure over the entire
fects have not been considered in this fixturing to stop the hub advance at the surface, so the seal assembles level and
calculation. proper location is advised. Leveling the does not get hung up anywhere.
The first operation before pressing shaft before assembly is also recom- If lip seals are used, lubricate the
should be leveling the parts to avoid mended. These simple tips will make shaft that the lip will slide over to pre-
misalignment. This will help prevent for a smoother assembly. vent nicks to the surface. Also be cau-
galling the shaft, but not eliminate it. The hub is typically fitted with O- tious of threads or keyways the seal may
There is always a significant risk of rings to retain the oil. The O-rings may have to travel over. These may have to
galling parts using a press. Using a lu- also be located in both shaft and hub. be wrapped in plastic wrap so the seal
bricant like grease or anti seize will de- The location of the assembly tap could can slide over easily without damage.
crease the chances of galling but will also be located in the hub. Lightly lubri- Consider the location of the seal be-
also decrease the coefficient of fric- cating the O-rings at assembly will help fore determining when to assemble it.
tion and torque transmission capabil- to keep the O-rings in their grooves It may be easy to assemble a seal on
ity of the joint. If the components are while assembling and also help prevent a shaft before the shaft is placed into
spacers and will not transmit torque, rolling or pinching during assembly. the next assembly, but the seal may be
light lubricant is recommended. If the Bearing assembly. Bearing assembly damaged during that assembly. It may
components are bearings or gears, lu- is critical to reliability and performance be better to assemble at final assembly
bricant is not recommended. A long of any gearbox. Most of the above to prevent damage and the leaks that
lead-in chamfer should be added if mentioned techniques can be used to come with damaged seals.
possible. Consideration should be giv- mount bearings. Because the bearings
en to whether the joint will ever need to are precise mechanisms, special care Disassembly Techniques
come apart again or not. must be taken when assembling. Press. Using a mechanical or hydraulic
Shaft locknuts. Shaft nuts can be Bearings must never be hammered press to separate parts is a very com-
used to draw tapered shafts up and re- into place. This can cause the rollers to mon practice. The same cautions for
tain the compression. They can also be exceed the material limits of the race assembly also apply to disassembly,
used to hold both straight and tapered and dent it. This bearing failure mecha- as the same large forces are involved.
connections together after other meth- nism is called brinelling. This damage Presses come in a variety of sizes as
ods of assembly. They should always be will propagate and ultimately fail the well as vertical and horizontal versions.
used with some form of retention, such bearing much sooner than its expected Make sure that the press is sized prop-
as a tab washer or set screws. This pre- design life. erly for the job you are attempting. Use
vents them from backing off in service. If the correct fit of the bearings is not a slow press speed, smoothly applying
Hydraulic assist for keyless shafts. obtained, the life of the bearings will be the load for best results.
Many tapered shafts have features that impacted. If the fit is too tight, the bear- If the interference is unknown, do a
allow assembly using a hydraulic pump ing can be pinched and cause the gear- rough estimate by using the press cal-
system. Typically there is a tap in the box to run hot, and the bearing could culation with 0.0015 inches per inch of
shaft that oil can be pumped into. The seize. diameter interference. This is a rule-
oil dilates the bore. The hub is then It is also possible if the fit is too loose of-thumb type number for a pressed-
pushed up the shaft until the required for one or both of the races to spin. This on fit. The rule of thumb for parts that
amount of advance is obtained. The will damage the shaft or housing and have been assembled with the thermal
could generate debris that will dam- differential method is interference of

MARCH 2014 Power Transmission Engineering 35


0.0005 inches per inch of diametral sist of either a coil or fixed diameter that add a small cost to the initial produc-
interference. Apply a generous service wraps around the OD of the component tion but can save significant time, and
factor to these calculations. to be removed. The heat must be ap- therefore cost, in the future.
Higher fits than the rule-of-thumb plied very quickly so that the external Lifting hole sizing. Size lifting holes
fits are possible. It is also possible that part grows enough to release the fit be- not only for the weight of the part to be
the fit is galled, which will require ad- fore the internal component begins to lifted, but also the weight of any addi-
ditional force to remove. Make sure that grow also. This method is typically used tional components that could be added
the press equipment being used is ad- in combination with a press. The heat to the part. Also consider using these
equately sized for safe operation. expands the hub and much lower press holes for removal of spacers and bear-
Level the parts during setup to give force is required to remove the shaft. ings. Size each lifting hole assuming it
an even press force on the shaft. It is possible to remove parts using will be used vertically. This will give ad-
Rods similar in diameter to the shaft gravity and a torch with a large diame- ditional margin if the parts are rigged
being pressed or other fixturing com- ter tip. This method must be monitored differently.
ponents are often necessary. In addi- closely to make sure that the compo- Even smaller components that could
tion a method for catching the part that nents are not heated beyond their tem- be lifted by hand can benefit from small
is being pressed out is also necessary. perature limits. Apply the heat to the threaded holes for lifting if the assem-
The parts will separate abruptly so this outside of the part and keep the keep bly is complicated or the parts must be
must be considered in advance. the heat moving so as not to overheat lubricated at assembly. For instance,
Other techniques may need to be ap- any one location. Closely monitor the spacers that must be heated for assem-
plied in addition to the press to release temperatures of the components and bly may be small enough to be lifted by
a very heavy press fit. Both thermal and discontinue attempts if too much of the hand, but assembly is much easier if
hydraulic methods are commonly com- heat is transferring into the shaft. there are taps so that the components
bined with press fits to remove large- There is a real possibility that the can be picked up level and lowered eas-
diameter, heavy fits. Use caution when component being heated may pass its ily on to a pre-leveled shaft.
combining methods and consider op- thermal limit before removing. For this Removal taps. Are taps located in
erator safety. reason, this method is mostly used for the part so that bolts (sometimes called
Pullers. Pullers operate similarly removing parts that are being replaced, push bolts or jacking bolts) can be in-
to presses except the parts are pulled such as bearing races. Caution must be serted to push two components apart?
apart. There are both mechanical and taken to make sure the part being re- Size and location of removal taps.
hydraulic pullers. A jaw-type puller can used is not damaged. Placement of removal taps in covers
be used anywhere you can get the jaws Hydraulic assist. Hydraulic removal and spacers can prevent damaging
around the part. There are also bolt-on of hubs works the same as assembly, ex- these components at repair. Two extra
plates to extend the reach of the fingers. cept the location of the stop is different. taps on a bolt pattern can be used to re-
Designing in slots big enough for the There could also be no O-rings present lease a pilot without damage or bend-
jaws or shoulders wide enough to get if the hub was applied using heat. It is ing a flange. Always add taps that are
puller jaws or plates behind makes dis- important to provide a stop for the hub sized to be able to take the loading to
assembly faster and easier. to prevent it from being damaged. Once release the fit on the part. See the cal-
If slots or shoulders are not practical, the hub is pressurized with oil, it will culations above to see what the force is
taps of sufficient size can be located on begin to slide down the taper. This may required to release the fit.
the part and a puller similar to a wheel happen suddenly and with some force, Caution must be used on the location
puller can be used. These pullers are so a fixture to stop the hub is advisable. of removal taps. It is possible to bend
constructed of high strength threaded Hydraulic release may also be used in hubs with thin flanges or gear rims if
rods and thick plates and are available addition to a press in cases of extremely the force from the puller rods is suffi-
with either hydraulic or mechanical high fits. These may also appear on a cient to overcome their strength. Keep
jacks. straight bored shaft with a very heavy taps as close to the diameter of the fit as
This method can also be used in com- press fit. possible. If these components are dam-
bination with hydraulic and thermal aged at disassembly it will increase the
techniques for stubborn fits. Always Design Features to Assist cost of that repair. Damaging compo-
consider operator safety when combin- Assembly/Disassembly nents can make repair of the gearbox as
ing methods. Frequently a component is designed by costly as buying a new replacement.
Thermal differential. Heating or one team and another one assembles it, Hydraulic assist. If high torques and
cooling the components for disassem- then yet another team does the repair. high interference fits are required, es-
bly is difficult because the parts are This can cause a lack of communica- pecially on tapered shafts, adding the
physically connected and naturally tion that can make assembly and repair taps for hydraulic assembly and disas-
want to reach the same temperature. more time consuming and thus costly sembly is highly recommended. This
There are commercially available in- than it could be. Adding small features process is very efficient when com-
duction heaters for removal. They con- to assist assembly or disassembly may pared with other methods. When a pro-

36 Power Transmission Engineering MARCH 2014 WWW.POWERTRANSMISSION.COM ]————

cedure is followed, consistent results Alignment Ultimately, that is what all our cus-
are obtainable. Alignment can be another critical fac- tomers —  both internal and exter-
Bushings. Designing in shaft connec- tor in establishing a good reassembly. nal — are looking for.
tions with bushings is particularly im- Poor alignment of bores from side to
portant when assembly or disassembly side as well as the parallelism of mat- References
of these components may need to be ing shafts can cause a huge impact in 1.  Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design.
done in the field. Bushings are operat- the design life of gears and bearings as Eighth Edition.
ed by a series of smaller bolts. They start well as cause the gearbox to run hot- 2. ANSI/AGMA 9002-B04. Bores and Keyways
for Flexible Couplings (Inch Series).
as a clearance fit that the bolts draw up ter than it should. Any time a gearbox
3. ANSI/AGMA 9003- B08. Flexible
until the connection is made. This is the is refurbished, these alignments should Couplings — Keyless Fits.
easiest shaft connection for the user to be checked to insure a reliable rebuild. 4. ANSI/AGMA 9103- B08. Flexible
apply. This is especially true if the bores re- Couplings — Keyless Fits (Metric Edition).
quire repair due to previous damage. 5. ANSI/AGMA 9112-A04. Bores and Keyways
Bearing Location Features Bringing the parallelism of the shafts for Flexible Couplings (Metric Edition).
There are many different kinds of bear- back to design specifications is the dif- 6. ANSI B92. Involute Splines and Inspection.
ings used in gearboxes. The individual ference between a refurbishment that
designs have different requirements. will retain the reliability of the original
Once the designs are determined, there design and one that will not.
are some key points to consider when Another issue that must be checked
working out the design. at refurbishment is parallelism of the
Disassembly should also be consid- mounting base to the internal shaft-
ered when designing in shoulders and ing. If this is skewed when the gearbox
spacers for locating bearings. Taps in is bolted into place, the case can flex
spacers or puller finger slots make as- and cause internal misalignment of the For Related Articles Search
sembling and disassembling bearings gears and shafts. This in turn can im-
more efficient. pact the life of the gearbox in service. It gearboxes
Some bearings do not require axial can easily be repaired by milling mate- at
location by design, but are clamped rial off the bottom of the mounting feet.
with piloted covers to prevent the outer This repair helps to facilitate a better
races from rotating during operation. alignment when the gearbox is mount-
Others require a preload or set axial ed in service.
location. Both of these can be accom- (It is recommended that the referenced
plished with either a ground pilot on a specifications be reviewed in detail when
cover or by shimming. The application used by the design engineer. A proper de-
usually guides which method is prefer- sign requires more calculations than dis-
able. If there is a potential for multiple cussed in the scope of this paper.)
rebuilds or rebuilds in a remote loca-
tion, shimming is usually preferred. If Summary
the rebuilds will always be done in a • Basic principles of assembly and
well-equipped facility, ground pilots disassembly have been discussed
are preferred. Please note that if shims above. None of these techniques
are new. They are time-honored
are used, select the thicknesses such practices that have been passed
that the fewest number of shims is used down from person to person for
and always sandwich the thinner shims years.
within the thicker ones. Very thin shims • This used to be accomplished
can tear under load; the thicker ones on through apprenticeships and
the outside give the pack more strength. mentoring. Most of those programs
have fallen by the wayside.
A method of preventing bearing
outer races from spinning is to pin the • With this paper we are trying to
collect that knowledge as a training Jodi Bello is currently the chief engineer for
outer races. This can be done by drilling David Brown Gear Systems USA, Inc., working
tool for new design engineers, or as at their Debord Kentucky Repair Center. She has
a hole in a cover for a pin and chamfer- a convenient reference for engineers both Bachelor and Master degrees in mechanical
ing a small slot in the outer race. Bear- writing assembly or disassembly engineering. Her professional experience has
ings can be ordered with this chamfer procedures. been varied and she has worked in numerous
• Adopting these procedures can make industries, including wind, locomotive, off-
feature. highway, underground mining, tunnel boring
gearbox building and rebuilding
and marine. She has served on AGMA technical
more cost-effective while preserving committees, including the Wind Turbine
reliability. Committee. This is her first Fall Technical paper,
but she looks forward to many more years of
service to AGMA.

MARCH 2014 Power Transmission Engineering 37

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