MATH49111/MATH69111 Examples Sheet 5: Example: The Trapezium Rule For Integration Again..
MATH49111/MATH69111 Examples Sheet 5: Example: The Trapezium Rule For Integration Again..
MATH49111/MATH69111 Examples Sheet 5: Example: The Trapezium Rule For Integration Again..
Examples Sheet 5
Z ∞
I= p e− 4κ dx
0 2π(1 + x)
with κ = 1, 2, . . . , 10.
Stage I:
This time we shall make a base class to act as an interface.
c l a s s Base
public :
// pure v i r t u a l f u n c t i o n o p e r a t o r
v i r t u a l double operator ( ) ( double x ) const =0;
Now we need a function to inherit from the base class, that can be declared and has an
implementation to the function prototype in the base class. For this example we would
// i n t e g r a n d f u n c t i o n
c l a s s Function : public Base
public :
// parameter kappa
double kappa ;
// f u n c t i o n o p e r a t o r
double operator ( ) ( double x ) const
return exp (−(x∗x ) / ( 4 . ∗ kappa ) ) / s q r t ( 2 . ∗ Pi ∗(1+x ) ) ;
Stage II:
Now we may write the integrate function, which accepts the base class as an argument.
// f u n c t i o n t o i n t e g r a t e w i t h t h e t r a p e z i u m r u l e
double t r a p e z i u m ( double a , double b , int n , const Base& f )
// s t e p s i z e
double h= ( b−a ) / n ;
// s t o r e running sum
double sum=( f ( a)+ f ( b ) ) / 2 . ;
f or ( int i =1; i <n ; i ++)sum = sum + f ( a+i ∗h ) ;
return sum∗h ;
Now we have encapsulation, so that Function may have its own associated data types, and
also polymorphism, since the trapezium function will work on any class that inherits Base
and supplies the function ().
5.1 Recall the Secant method for finding a root:
xn − xn−1
xn+1 = xn − f (xn )
f (xn ) − f (xn−1 )
By editing previous code, or starting from scratch, use inheritance to create a generic
Secant method solver to return a root. You may use the Base class declared above.
5.2 Now recall problem 3.6 from examples sheet 3, if you have already written a function
or class to produce the value of the investment B, how would you go about completing
the problem making use of your generic root finder? Try it out in code...
5.3 Write new versions of the trapezium rule and secant method using templates.
5.4 Write the Point class as a template. Search the internet to find the syntax for how
to make the Circle class that inherits Point a template as well.
5.5 Add a swap function as a member to the Point template class.
5.6 Try to rewrite the MVector class from the courseworks as a template. What happens
if you have overloaded addition or multiplication? Can you find anyway to work
around errors that you may receive?