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National Steel Corporation Vs CA

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G.R. No. 112287 December 12, 1997

Panganiban, J.

 The MV Vlasons I is a vessel which renders tramping service and, as such, does not transport
cargo or shipment for the general public. Its services are available only to specific persons who
enter into a special contract of charter party with its owner. It is undisputed that the ship is a
private carrier. And it is in the capacity that its owner, Vlasons Shipping, Inc., entered into a
contract of affreightment or contract of voyage charter hire with National Steel Corporation.

 Plaintiff National Steel Corporation (NSC) as Charterer and defendant Vlasons Shipping, Inc. (VSI)
as Owner, entered into a Contract of Voyage Charter Hire whereby NSC hired VSI’s vessel, the MV
Vlasons I to make one voyage to load steel products at Iligan City and discharge them at North
Harbor, Manila. The handling, loading and unloading of the cargoes were the responsibility of
the Charterer.

 The skids of tinplates and hot rolled sheets shipped were allegedly found to be wet and rusty.
Plaintiff, alleging negligence, filed a claim for damages against the defendant who denied liability
claiming that the MV Vlasons I was seaworthy in all respects for the carriage of plaintiff’s cargo;
that said vessel was not a “common carrier” inasmuch as she was under voyage charter contract
with the plaintiff as charterer under the charter party; that in the course its voyage, the vessel
encountered very rough seas.


Whether or not the provisions of the Civil Code on common carriers pursuant to which there exists a
presumption of negligence against the common carrier in case of loss or damage to the cargo are
applicable to a private carrier.


 In the instant case, it is undisputed that VSI did not offer its services to the general public. As
found by the Regional Trial Court, it carried passengers or goods only for those it chose under a
"special contract of charter party." 13 As correctly concluded by the Court of Appeals, the MV
Vlasons I "was not a common but a private carrier."14Consequently, the rights and obligations of
VSI and NSC, including their respective liability for damage to the cargo, are determined
primarily by stipulations in their contract of private carriage or charter party. Recently, in
Valenzuela Hardwood and Industrial Supply, Inc., vs. Court of Appeals and Seven Brothers
Shipping Corporation, the Court ruled:

“. . . in a contract of private carriage, the parties may freely stipulate their duties and obligations
which perforce would be binding on them. Unlike in a contract involving a common carrier,
private carriage does not involve the general public. Hence, the stringent provisions of the Civil
Code on common carriers protecting the general public cannot justifiably be applied to a ship
transporting commercial goods as a private carrier. Consequently, the public policy embodied
therein is not contravened by stipulations in a charter party that lessen or remove the protection
given by law in contracts involving common carriers.

 Burden of Proof

In view of the aforementioned contractual stipulations, NSC must prove that the damage to its
shipment was caused by VSI's willful negligence or failure to exercise due diligence in making MV
Vlasons I seaworthy and fit for holding, carrying and safekeeping the cargo. Ineluctably, the
burden of proof was placed on NSC by the parties' agreement.

 This view finds further support in the Code of Commerce which pertinently provides:
Art. 361. Merchandise shall be transported at the risk and venture of the shipper, if the contrary
has not been expressly stipulated.

 Therefore, the damage and impairment suffered by the goods during the transportation, due to
fortuitous event, force majeure, or the nature and inherent defect of the things, shall be for the
account and risk of the shipper.

 The burden of proof of these accidents is on the carrier.

Art. 362. The carrier, however, shall be liable for damages arising from the cause mentioned in
the preceding article if proofs against him show that they occurred on account of his negligence
or his omission to take the precautions usually adopted by careful persons, unless the shipper
committed fraud in the bill of lading, making him to believe that the goods were of a class or
quality different from what they really were. Because the MV Vlasons I was a private carrier, the
shipowner's obligations are governed by the foregoing provisions of the Code of Commerce and
not by the Civil Code which, as a general rule, places the prima facie presumption of negligence
on a common carrier. It is a hornbook doctrine that:

In an action against a private carrier for loss of, or injury to, cargo, the burden is on the plaintiff
to prove that the carrier was negligent or unseaworthy, and the fact that the goods were lost or
damaged while in the carrier's custody does not put the burden of proof on the carrier.

 Since . . . a private carrier is not an insurer but undertakes only to exercise due care in the
protection of the goods committed to its care, the burden of proving negligence or a breach of
that duty rests on plaintiff and proof of loss of, or damage to, cargo while in the carrier's
possession does not cast on it the burden of proving proper care and diligence on its part or that
the loss occurred from an excepted cause in the contract or bill of lading. However, in
discharging the burden of proof, plaintiff is entitled to the benefit of the presumptions and
inferences by which the law aids the bailor in an action against a bailee, and since the carrier is
in a better position to know the cause of the loss and that it was not one involving its liability,
the law requires that it come forward with the information available to it, and its failure to do so
warrants an inference or presumption of its liability. However, such inferences and
presumptions, while they may affect the burden of coming forward with evidence, do not alter
the burden of proof which remains on plaintiff, and, where the carrier comes forward with
evidence explaining the loss or damage, the burden of going forward with the evidence is again
on plaintiff.
 Where the action is based on the shipowner's warranty of seaworthiness, the burden of proving
a breach thereof and that such breach was the proximate cause of the damage rests on plaintiff,
and proof that the goods were lost or damaged while in the carrier's possession does not cast on
it the burden of proving seaworthiness. . . . Where the contract of carriage exempts the carrier
from liability for unseaworthiness not discoverable by due diligence, the carrier has the
preliminary burden of proving the exercise of due diligence to make the vessel seaworthy.

 In the instant case, the Court of Appeals correctly found the NSC "has not taken the correct
position in relation to the question of who has the burden of proof. Thus, in its brief (pp. 10-11),
after citing Clause 10 and Clause 12 of the NANYOZAI Charter Party (incidentally plaintiff-
appellant's [NSC's] interpretation of Clause 12 is not even correct), it argues that 'a careful
examination of the evidence will show that VSI miserably failed to comply with any of these
obligation's as if defendant-appellee [VSI] had the burden of proof."

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