Acronym: BDI-II
Basic Description
Author(s): Beck, A.T., Steer, R.A., & Brown, G.
Author Contact: Aaron T. Beck
Psychopathology Research Unit
3535 Market Street, Room 2032
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Fax: (215) 573-3717
Contact first author via e-mail.
Author Email:
Citation: Beck, A.T., Steer, R.A., & Brown, G.K. (1996). Manual for the
Beck Depression Inventory-II. San Antonio, TX: Psychological
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Cost per copy (in US $): $1.50
Copyright: Yes
Description: The BDI-II is a widely used 21-item self-report inventory
measuring the severity of depression in adolescents and adults.
The BDI-II was revised in 1996 to be more consistent with DSM-
IV criteria for depression. For example, individuals are asked to
respond to each question based on a two-week time period
rather than the one-week timeframe on the BDI.
Sample Items:
Domains Scale Sample Items
Depression not available
Training to Administer: None Must be a psychologist
(check all that apply) Yes Via manual/video Training by experienced
clinician (<4 hours)
Prior experience psych Training by experienced
testing & interpretation clinician (≥4 hours)
Training to Interpret: None Must be a psychologist
(check all that apply) Yes Via manual/video Training by experienced
clinician (<4 hours)
Yes Prior experience psych Training by experienced
testing & interpretation clinician (≥4 hours)
Training Notes: Can be administered by paraprofessionals. Only mental health
professionals with appropriate clinical training and experience
should interpret the scores.
Global Rating (scale based on Hudall Stamm, 1996):
Considered a gold standard
Norms: Yes
For separate age groups: No
For clinical populations: No
Separate for men and women: No
For other demographic groups: No
Notes: The normative sample included outpatients from various clinics and
hospitals located in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Kentucky who were
used as part of the measure development for the BDI-II. This population
consisted of 317 females and 183 males; 91% Caucasian, 4% African
American, 4% Asian American, and 1% Latino. The mean age was 37.20
Clinical Cutoffs: Yes
Specify Cutoffs: Raw scores of 0 to 13 indicates minimal depression, 14 to 19
indicates mild depression, 20 to 28 indicates moderate
depression, and 29 to 63 indicates severe depression.
Used in Major Studies: Yes
Specify Studies:
Additional data regarding reliability are presented under Notes for "Construct Validity."
The test-retest and internal consistency data have been replicated in numerous studies,
including adults and adolescents, with similar findings.
Content Validity:
The items on the BDI-II were developed to assess an individual's depressive symptoms
based on DSM-IV criteria for depressive disorders.
Osman, Kopper, Guttierez, Barrios, & Bagge (2004) studied the content validity of the BDI-II
by having 10 “experts” rate the relevance and specificity of items for DSM-IV Major
Depressive Disorders. Thirteen adolescents aged 13-17 rated the degree to which items
were understandable, easy to read, and would correspond to what they would say to a
mental health professional about how they feel.
Items receiving low Relevance ratings included item 3 (Past Failure), item 6 (Punishment
Feelings), and item 21 (Loss of Interest in Sex). Items receiving low Specificity ratings
included item 11 (Agitation), item 19 (Concentration Difficulty), and item 21 (Loss of Interest
in Sex).
1. Numerous studies have established the reliability and validity of the BDI-II in
different populations and cultures. In adults, the BDI-II has been found to
correlate with multiple measures of depression including the Center for
Epidemiological Studies of Depression Scale (CES-D), Zung Self-Rating
Depression Scale, the Beck Hopelessness Scale, and the Revised Hamilton
Psychiatric Rating Scale for Depression (Beck, Steer, & Brown, 1996).
One study involving a confirmatory factor analysis of the CES-D and the original
BDI, failed to validate a single-factor model (Skorikov & Vandervoort, 2003).
The authors suggested that the measures assess different underlying aspects of
the construct of depression, with the CES-D assessing more of an affective
component and the BDI assessing more of a cognitive component. The authors
suggested that the measures not be used interchangeably since they may be
assessing different aspects of depression. They also interpreted their findings
as suggesting that the CES-D may be more effective in non-clinical populations.
5. A number of studies report that females score significantly higher than males
do on the BDI in adult (Beck, Steer, & Brown, 1996) and adolescent populations
(Kumar, Steer, Teitelman, & Villacis, 2002; Osman, Kopper, Guttierez, Barrios, &
Bagge, 2004; Steer, Kumar, Ranieri, & Beck, 1998).
4. Steer et al. (1998) examined the psychometrics of the BDI-II with adolescent
outpatients and found good internal consistency. Through principal factor
analysis, they identified a single second-order dimension of self-reported
depression and three first-order factors. The authors claimed that only two of the
first-order factors, Cognitive and Somatic-Affective, were generalizable. These
two factors have been identified using the BDI-II with adult outpatients. They
found no differences between Caucasians and non-Caucasians but did report
significant correlations between age and BDI-II scores.
1. The BDI has also been found to be sensitive to intervention effects in and
randomized trials with individuals with diagnosed PTSD (e.g., Bryant, Moulds,
Guthrie, & Nixon, 2005; Ehlers et al., 2005; Kubany et al., 2004). Individuals
treated with interpersonal psychotherapy adapted for PTSD also show
decreases in BDI-II scores following treatment (Bleiberg & Markowitz, 2005).
Parents of children with PTSD symptoms related to sexual abuse and traumatic
bereavement show decreases in BDI symptoms after participating in treatment
with their children (Cohen, Deblinger, Mannarino & Steer, 2004; Cohen,
Mannarino, & Knudsen, 2004).
2. Among women who have experienced intimate partner violence, those with
comorbid PTSD and Major Depression show higher levels of symptomatology on
the BDI-II than those with PTSD alone and those with no PTSD or Major
Depression (Nixon, Resick, Nishith, 2004).
3. The BDI has also been used with individuals with vicarious traumatization
Beck Depression Inventory-Second Edition
NCTSN Measure Review Database
with scores on a Secondary Trauma Scale related to higher levels of depression
(Motta, Newman, Lombardo, & Silverman, 2004).
1. Leigh & Tolbert (2001) examined the reliability of the BDI-II with deaf college
students and found good internal consistency (alpha=.88), split-half reliability
(.76), and one-week test-retest reliability (.77).
2. Grothe, K.B., Dutton, G.R., Jones, GN., Bodenlos, J., Ancona, M., & Brantley,
P.J. (2005) factor analyzed data from a low-income African American outpatient
sample. Consistent with previous research conducted by Beck, they identified 2
first-order factors (somatic and cognitive) and one second-order factor
(depression). They also found high internal consistency (alpha=.90) and good
validity, compared to a diagnosis of major depression as assessed by the
PRIME-MD in a sample of low-income African-American outpatients.
4. Cardemil, Kim, Pinedo, & Miller (2005) found high internal consistence
(alpha was .90-.92) and change in scores over the course of treatment for both
English- and Spanish-speaking Latina women from a predominantly low-income
5. Penley, Wiebe, & Nwosu (2003) examined the psychometrics of the Spanish
translation of the BDI II in a sample of predominantly Hispanic adults undergoing
medical treatment for hemodialysis, many of whom were of lower SES. They
found good internal consistency (alpha=.92), and using confirmatory factor
analysis, identified two first-order depression factors and one second-order
general depression factor, similar to what has been reported in other samples.
They reported that BDI-II scores were negatively correlated to SES and
acculturation and positively correlated with disease severity. Bilingual
participants completed both English and Spanish versions, with comparable
scores across language administrations. However, 30% of bilingual participants
would be placed in a different depressive category depending on whether their
Spanish or English scores are used. These findings are especially important in
light of a study using an earlier version of the BDI that reported item bias when
Latinos completed a translated version of the BDI (Azocar, Areán, Miranda &
Muñoz, 2001).
8. The BDI has also been found to be related to the Adolescent Dissociative
Experiences Survey and to a measure of alexithymia in a sample of Turkish
adolescents (Sayar, Kose, Grabe, & Murat, 2005).
9. Byrne, Stewart, & Lee (2004) examined the psychometrics of the Chinese
Beck Depression Inventory-II with a sample of Hong Kong community
adolescents. They conducted both exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis
and found a 2nd order general factor of Depression and three first-order factors:
Negative Attitude, Performance Difficulty, and Somatic Elements. Their findings
replicate what has been found in Canadian, Swedish, and Bulgarian non-clinical
adolescents, but are different from factor analyses conducted with inpatient and
outpatient adolescents in the United States. They also reported good internal
consistency, test-retest reliability, and convergent validity.
10. The psychometric properties of the Arabic version of the BDI-II has been
examined with students aged 18-37 at the University of Bahrain. The authors
suggest findings provide support for the BDI-II in this population (Al-Musawi,
2. Kumar, Steer, Teitelman, & Villacis (2001) examined adolescents who had
cutoff scores of 21 and above. They found a sensitivity of .85 and specificity of
.83, as well as the positive and negative predictive power listed above.
Consumer Satisfaction
No known data on this topic.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Spanish Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
2. Arabic Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
3. Japanese Yes Yes Yes
4. Norwegian Yes Yes
5. Chinese Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6. German Yes Yes
7. Turkish Yes Yes Yes Yes
8. Farsi Yes
9. Swedish Yes
10. Japanese Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
7. Victims of the 9/11 attacks who either witnessed the attacks, lost loved ones, or were
involved in rescue/cleanup/body recovery at the WTC: 1
8. Trauma survivors with PTSD (bodily harm, common assault, sexual assault, or rape): 1
9. Adolescents: 1, 2, 3, 4
10. Substance abuse: 2
11. HIV: 2
12. Other medical illnesses (e.g., breast cancer): 2
13. Older adults: 1, 2
2. The BDI-II can be administered orally by an examiner to those with reading difficulties
or problems with concentration.
4. It has been translated into languages other than English, and its psychometric
properties have been established in numerous cultural groups including the deaf
5. The BDI-II is designed to assess state-related depression and could be used as a quick
weekly screener prior to therapy sessions.
2. Individuals with low education and some Spanish speakers have difficulty with the
Beck Depression Inventory-Second Edition
NCTSN Measure Review Database
response format.
3. The procedure used to determine the cut scores may increase the likelihood of false
positives or overdiagnoses of depression among clients.
4. The wording in some items asks the respondent to compare their current state to a
prior one (e.g., than usual, as ever). Individuals with chronic trauma since childhood
sometimes respond by circling a zero because they do not feel worse than "usual."
6. Although the measure can be used for adolescents, the norms were gathered with
7. The majority of psychometric studies conducted with adolescents in the United States
have involved predominantly Caucasian samples and have not included large numbers of
individuals of lower socio-economic status. More research is needed on the use of the
BDI-II with diverse groups of adolescents.
A PsychInfo search (6/05) for "Beck Depression Inventory" or “BAI” anywhere revealed that
the BDI has been referenced in 9,013 peer-reviewed journal articles. The BDI-II has been
referenced in 586 publications in peer-reviewed journal articles. Below is a sampling of
some of these articles:
Author Comments:
The author provided comments, which were incorporated.
Citation for Review: Chandra Ghosh Ippen, Ph.D., Connie Wong, M.A.
Editor of Review: Chandra Ghosh Ippen, Ph.D., Robyn Igelman, M.A., Nicole Taylor,
Ph.D., Madhur Kulkarni, M.S.
Last Updated: 6/8/2005
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