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Lithologic Analysis of Rock Volume

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This page is a highly abbreviated version of Chapter 13 on this website. For more about
mineralogy, alternate methods and examples, go to the Main Index Page.

The third step in a log analysis is to calculate the volume of each component of the matrix
rock. A large number of minerals exist and you must choose a set of likely minerals
appropriate to the rocks present in the zone. The minerals present must be differentiable with
sufficient resolution to provide useful results. Minerals with similar properties are often lumped
We can solve for the volume of one mineral for each porosity indicating log over the zone.
Thus a sonic, density, neutron combination or photoelectric effect, density, neutron
combination can provide volumes for either two or three mineral models. YOU must choose the
correct two or three minerals for the end points of the model. Choosing the wrong end points
may lead to mathematically feasible results which are not correct.

If additional lithology indicating curves are available, for example the natural or induced
spectral gamma ray logs, one more mineral may be added to the model for each useable curve.
Such models cannot be computed by hand, and computer programs are required. {n some
software, porosity can be one of the “minerals”.

When gas is present, only the photo electric effect (two mineral model) is useful for hand
calculated lithology analysis. If only one porosity indicating log is present, the lithology will be,
by definition, the lithology you imposed on the porosity calculation done earlier.

The META/ESP spreadsheet, available on the Downloads tab at, handles

these models and makes the work relatively painless.

Lithology calculations from logs are calibrated by comparison to sample descriptions, core
descriptions, thin section point counts and X-ray diffraction data.


This is the easiest and most common lithology method and is widely used in wellsite and office
computer programs.


STEP 1: Calculate shale density from shale porosity (a constant for each zone):
1: DENSSH = PHIDSH * KD1 + (1 – PHIDSH) * KD2

PHIDSH and DENSSH are constants for each zone,

chosen from the density log in a nearby shale.

STEP 2: Translate density porosity for each layer to

density units:
2: DENS = PHID * KD1 + (1 – PHID) * KD2

KD1 = 1.00 for English units
KD1 = 1000 for Metric units
KD2 = 2.65 for English units Sandstone
scale log
KD2 = 2650 for Metric units Sandstone scale
KD2 = 2.71 for English units Limestone scale log
KD2 = 2710 for Metric units Limestone scale log
KD2 = 2.87 for English units Dolomite scale log
KD2 = 2870 for Metric units Dolomite scale log

STEP 3: Calculate matrix density:

3: DENSma = (DENS – PHIe * DENSW – Vsh * DENSSH)
/ (1 – PHIe – Vsh)

STEP 4: Calculate rock volumes:

4: Min1 = (DENSma – DENS2) / (DENS1 – DENS2)
5: Min2 = 1.0 – Min1


Cannot be used in gas zones.

To use this method for sonic neutron crossplot, replace all DENSxx terms in Equations 3, 4,
and 5 with their corresponding DTCxx terms. Equations 1 and 2 are not needed.


 If Min1 and Min2 are to be plotted in a volumetric track with Vsh and PHIe, multiply by Vrock
before plotting, where Vrock = 1 – PHIe – Vsh.

 Use any time data is available, but not in bad hole conditions or when gas is present.
Methods using PE or UMA are usually better.

 This equation will break down when PHIe plus Vsh approaches 1.0, so we limit the use of the
equation to those cases where PHIe + Vsh < 0.8.


This is usually called the M-N method in the literature. This method provides two different two-
mineral and one three-mineral models.

YOU must choose the model which gives the best resolution for the mineral end points you
have chosen. Resolution is better when the values for the end points have the largest absolute


STEP 1: Shale correct log data:

1: PHIdc = PHID – (Vsh * PHIDSH)
2: PHInc = PHIN – (Vsh * PHINSH)

If PHIN is in sandstone units, subtract 0.03 before

using it.
3: PHIsc = (DTC – (1 – Vsh) * 47.3 – (Vsh *
DTCSH)) / (KS1 – 47.3)

Note: DTC must be in English units (us/ft).

4: DENSc = PHIdc * KD1 + (1 – PHIdc) * 2.71
5: DTCc = PHIsc * KS1 + (1 – PHIsc) * 47.3

KD1 = 1.0 for fresh drilling mud
KD1 = 1.1 for salty drilling mud
KS1 = 200 for fresh drilling mud
KS1 = 188 for salty drilling mud

STEP 2: Calculate lithology factors:

6: Mlith = 0.01 * (KS1 – DTCc) / (DENSc – KD1)
7: Nlith = (1.00 - PHInc) / (DENSc – KD1)
8: Klith = Mlith / Nlith
9: Alith = 1 / Nlith

STEP 3: Calculate two mineral rock volumes from MLITH factor:

10: Min1 = (Mlith – MLITH2) / (MLITH1 – MLITH2)
11: Min2 = 1.0 – Min1

STEP 4: Calculate two mineral rock volumes from NLITH factor:

12: Min1 = (Nlith – NLITH2) / (NLITH1 – NLITH2)
13: Min2 = 1.0 – Min1

STEP 5: Calculate three mineral rock volumes from Mlith and Nlith:
14: D = (Mlith * (NLITH2 – NLITH1) + Nlith * (MLITH1 – MLITH2)

15: E = (D * (NLITH3 – NLITH1) – Nlith + NLITH1) / (NLITH1 – NLITH2)

16: Min1 = MAX(0, 1 – D – E) / (MAX(0, 1 – D – E) + MAX(0, D) + MAX(0, E))
17: Min2 = MAX(0, E) / (MAX(0, 1 – D – E) + MAX(0, D) + MAX(0, E))
18: Min3 = 1 – Min1 – Min2


Cannot be used in gas zones.

To use DTCma and DENSma instead of Mlith and Nlith, replace all Mlith terms with DTCma
terms, and all Mlith with DENSma terms in Equations 15 and 16. Equations 1 thru 14 are not
needed, but DTCma and DENSma must be derived as shown in Section 6.01.


 If Min1 and Min2 are to be plotted in a volumetric track with Vsh and PHIe, multiply by Vrock
before plotting, where Vrock = 1 - PHIe – Vsh. For examp;e Vmin1 = Min1 * Vrock.

 Nlith gives about the same answer as the matrix density method, because both methods use
density and neutron data. Do not use in bad hole conditions or when gas is present.

 Mlith uses sonic and density data. Do not use in bad hole conditions or when gas is present.

 Alith and Klith can be used to calculate 2 or 3 mineral models by replacing all Mlith and Nlith
terms in Equations 10 through 18 with corresponding Alith and Klith terms.

 Klith uses sonic and neutron data and can be used in bad hole where Mlith and Nlith are no

 For the available two or three mineral models in this section, choose the method with the
most resolution for the mineral pair you have chosen. This means that the numerical distance
between the end points is as large as possible.

 Mlith and Nlith are usually called M and N, but they can be confused with the cementation
exponent M and the saturation exponent N, so we have changed their names to reduce
PARAMETERS: See next Section

To calculate MLITH and NLITH parameters for salt mud case, use Equations 6 and 7 with KD1
and KS1 for salt mud.


This is the best method for calculating lithology if the data is available. This method provides
two different two-mineral and one three-mineral models.

YOU must choose the model which gives the best resolution for the mineral end points you
have chosen. Resolution is better when the values for the end points have the largest absolute


STEP 1: Calculate shale density and shale capture cross section (a constant for each zone):
1: DENSSH = PHIDSH * KD1 + (1 – PHIDSH) * KD2

STEP 2: Translate density porosity to density units for each layer:

3: DENS = PHID * KD1 + (1 – PHID) * KD2

Where: KD1 = 1.00

KD2 = 2.65 for Sandstone scale
KD2 = 2.71 for Limestone scale

NOTE: Density data is needed in English units (gm/cc).

STEP 3: Calculate matrix capture cross section for each layer:

4: Uma = (PE * DENS – Vsh * USH) / (1 – PHIe)

STEP 4: Calculate two mineral rock volumes from UMA:

5: Min1 = (Uma – UMA2) / (UMA1 – UMA2)
6: Min2 = 1.0 – Min1

STEP 5: Calculate two mineral rock volumes from PE:

7: Min1 = (PE – PE2 – PESH * Vsh) / (PE1 – PE2)
8: Min2 = 1.0 – Min1

STEP 6: Calculate three mineral rock volumes from Uma and DENSma:
9: D = (Uma * (DENS2 – DENS1) + DENSma * (UMA1 – UMA2)
+ UMA2 * DENS1 – UMA1 * DENS2) / (UMA1 * (DENS3 – DENS2)
+ UMA2 * (DENS1 – DENS3) + UMA3 * (DENS2 –DENS1))

10: E = (D * (DENS3 – DENS1) – DENSma + DENS1) / (DENS1 – DENS2)

11: Min1 = MAX(0, 1 – D – E) / (MAX(0, 1 – D – E) + MAX(0, D) + MAX(0, E))
12: Min2 = MAX(0, E) / (MAX(0, 1 - D - E) + MAX(0, D) + MAX(0, E))
13: Min3 = 1 – Min1 – Min2


Only the PE 2 mineral model can be used in gas zones.

To use DTCma instead of Uma, replace all Uma terms with DTCma terms in Equations 9 and 10.
Equations 1 thru 8 are not needed, but DTCma and DENSma must be derived as shown
in Section 6.01.

 If Min1 and Min2 are to be plotted in a volumetric track with Vsh and PHIe, multiply by Vrock
before plotting, where Vrock = 1 - PHIe – Vsh.For example, Vmin1 = Min1 * Vrock.

 Use the Uma method any time data is available, but not in bad hole conditions or when gas is

 Use the PE method any time data is available, but not in bad hole conditions. However it can
be used when gas is present.

 There may be three mineral combinations where the sonic density neutron methods have
better resolution. Check the shape of the mineral triangles.

 Porosity can also be obtained from the PE response equation. Since resolution is poor, this
method is not recommended – the density/PE combination is better.

 If this method is used to find the fraction of clay minerals present in a shale, Uma is found
from Uma = PESH * DENSsh / (1 - BVWSH). Then the two or three mineral model is applied.

 If natural gamma ray spectral log data is available, other two and three mineral models can
be solved in similar fashion as for PE density neutron – compare Figures PP6.16, PP6.17 and

 If clay is to be one of the minerals to be found along with two matrix rocks, then do not shale
correct the Uma equation, and use PHIt instead of PHIe in Step 2.

Clean Quartz –
0.028 2650 182 0.802 0.623 1.82 4.8
Calcite 0.000 2710 155 0.822 0.585 5.09
Dolomite 0.005 2870 144 0.769 0.532 3.13
Anhydrite 0.002 2950 164 0.707 0.512 5.08
Gypsum 0.507 2350 172 1.002 0.365 4.04
Muscovite 0.165 2830 155 0.768 0.456 2.40 6.8
Biotite 0.225 3200 182 0.601 0.352 8.59
Kaolinite 0.491 2640 211 0.753 0.310 1.47 3.9
Glauconite 0.175 2830 182 0.723 0.451 4.77
Illite 0.158 2770 212 0.696 0.476 3.03
Chlorite 0.428 2870 212 0.658 0.306 4.77
Montmorillonite 0.115 2620 212 0.760 0.546 1.64
Barite 0.002 4080 229 0.383 0.324 261
NaFeld Albite –
0.013 2580 155 0.889 0.641 1.70 4.4
Anorthite –
0.018 2740 148 0.820 0.585 3.14 8.6
K-Feld Orthoclase –
0.011 2540 226 0.772 0.656 2.87 7.3
Siderite 0.129 3910 144 0.494 0.299 14.3 56.2
Ankerite 0.057 3080 150 0.683 0.453 8.37
Pyrite –
0.019 5000 130 0.370 0.255 16.4 82.2
Evaps Fluorite –
0.006 3120 150 0.670 0.475 6.66 20.8
Halite –
0.018 2030 220 1.172 0.988 4.72 9.6
Sylvite –
0.041 1860 242 0.295 0.270 8.76 16.3
Carnalite 0.584 1560 256 1.959 0.743 4.29
Anthracite 0.414 1470 345 1.757 1.247 0.20 0.3
Lignite 0.542 1190 525 1.460 2.411 0.25

Matrix Density – Matrix Cross Section Crossplot for Lithology


Many other two and three mineral models can be made using combinations of sonic, density,
neutron, PE and spectral gamma ray log curves, such as potassium or thorium or
potassium/thorium ratio. Typical crossplots are shown on the following page.

A comparison of various lithology methods is shown on Figure PP6.19. Notice that some
models could not resolve for three minerals so the anhydrite zone is not portrayed correctly.
PE vs Th/K Ratio Crossplot for Lithology. X Axis Th/K (ppm/%)

PE vs Potassium Crossplot for Lithology. X Axis is K (%).

Comparison of Lithology Methods. Note that the 2-mineral model will give silly results in a 3-
mineral environment, as shown here in the
anhydrite layer, unless appropriate parameters
and zoning are applied.


The dipole shear sonic log provides
compressional and shear travel time values that
can be used for lithology estimation.

1: Vp/Vs = DTS / DTC

Where DTC = compressional travel time (usec/ft or usec/m)
DTS = shear travel time (usec/ft or usec/m)
Vp/Vs = velocity ratio (unitless)

This ratio is used in seismic calibration and interpretation as a guide to lithology. Vp/Vs is
relatively independent of porosity and fluid type (little gas effect).

Sandstone Vp/Vs = 1.50 – 1.70
Dolostone Vp/Vs = 1.65 – 1.80
Limestone Vp/Vs = 1.80 – 2.00

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