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Messaging Infrastructure




for IoT at Scale öö







The Internet of Things isn't just a buzzword anymore — it's real, • A device provisioning component for delivering software
it's around us, and we are already living in the IoT era. At same updates on devices.
time, IoT isn't completely new. Before this term was coined, a lot
of companies were already developing embedded devices able to All of these "core IoT" services will use the underlying messaging

connect to a network in order to communicate each other or with infrastructure to communicate with each other and with devices in the field.

a related monitoring system. Thanks to the hardware evolution,

a decrease in related costs, and new cloud technologies and
infrastructures, developing powerful "connected" devices is now

much simpler than before.

Today, IoT is the field for the revenge of a "hidden" technology that is
not always considered properly: the messaging.

IoT is always about messaging. Devices communicate each other by Figure 1: What makes an IoT platform?
exchanging messages. They send (telemetry) data to a cloud platform
and receive commands through messages. IoT can be considered a Of course, all the ingested data needs to be processed in order to bring
specific messaging use case in which the clients are just devices in the value to the entire IoT solution. For this reason, other "business" services
field and services in the cloud. can leverage the messaging infrastructure in order to receive such data for
monitoring, real-time analytics, machine learning, and so on.
The real big difference between a business platform using a
messaging infrastructure and an IoT solution is scale. The number THE NEED FOR ELASTICITY... AND MORE
of connected devices can range from a few units to millions, which When it comes to supporting a huge number of connected devices
means that the messaging infrastructure has to support a huge that produce telemetry data with high throughput or receive
number of connections and a massive message exchange while commands from different backend services, the underlying messaging
providing high throughput. infrastructure in the overall IoT solution becomes the main point of
success... or failure.
AS A "LEVER" The main need is to use resources productively to handle spikes in
The core of an IoT platform is the messaging infrastructure, which has
terms of connected devices and messages exchanged from lower to
to provide all the features described in the previous section. Around
higher throughput. The messaging infrastructure needs to be elastic.
such an infrastructure, there are other "core" services focused on IoT
use cases, such as: Elasticity means that the user is able to "tune" the messaging
resources according to the traffic load so that they are allocated
• A device registration component for handling devices
only when it is necessary. For example, speaking of message brokers,
information and the related status.
it's useless to have a big cluster for data ingestion when there are
• An authentication/authorization component for providing only a few connected devices. The ability to scale resources up and
access control. down provides the elasticity we need, which could be available


automatically (based on some metrics like network I/O, message it from one provider to another with little impact on the overall IoT
throughput, connected devices, and so on). solution. Maybe just changing connection information for devices and
services could be enough.
Other than elasticity, the messaging infrastructure needs to provide
resiliency and high availability, which make such an infrastructure EnMasse supports all the well-known messaging patterns (request/
more complex. All the messaging components need to recover from reply, publish/subscribe, and competing consumers), which are really
failures, which always happen in a distributed system. We cannot avoid strictly related to the available IoT communication patterns (telemetry,
failures, but we have to handle them properly. At same time, downtime notification, command/control, and inquiry).
should be approximately zero in order to have the IoT solution always
available and "reacting" to the devices and backend services inputs.

Last but not least, whoever wants to develop an IoT solution doesn't
also want to take care of all the problems related to the messaging
infrastructure deployment. It should be really simple to provide a
higher abstraction layer so that the IoT developer can focus on using
well-defined messaging addresses to allow devices to communicate
with backend services and vice versa.

In conclusion, elasticity, scalability, resiliency, high availability, deployment, Figure 2: IoT and messaging patterns.

and simplicity are the main features we need from a messaging

From a protocol perspective, EnMasse supports both AMQP 1.0 and
infrastructure in order to address the complexity of an IoT solution.
MQTT (but adding HTTP support is on the roadmap). It's important to
mention that they are open standard protocols, and EnMasse is focused
on interoperability.
EnMasse is an open-source "messaging as a service" platform that

provides a simple way to deploy a messaging infrastructure both on-

Furthermore, it allows developers to build a multi-tenancy IoT solution
premise and in the cloud.
in which different tenants share the same infrastructure but are
isolated from each other. This kind of feature is really useful when a
Being open-source allows all the interested IoT developers to get involved
company adopting EnMasse to develop an IoT platform can provide
in the community around it and influence its development, as well. At
a "free" plan for end users (maybe with some limitations in terms
same time, it avoids the "vendor lock-in" problem: in the cloud, there are a
of connected devices and throughput). Such a plan could be set up
lot of really good IoT platforms, but they have some disadvantages.
with a single EnMasse instance, which would use a single messaging
First of all, such platforms are available in the cloud only; sometimes, infrastructure but use multi-tenancy to separate communications and
an IoT solution starts as a POC (proof of concept), handling a few data flows between different users.
devices and then growing if it needs to. Maybe using the cloud is not a
Finally, it provides both internal and external security: all the internal
good solution for smaller projects, but having something to deploy on-
EnMasse components are connected to each other using encrypted
premise on a few internal servers could be even better.
connections with TLS protocol and, at same time, the "external"
The other problem is that after starting with a specific cloud-based IoT devices and clients can connect to the messaging infrastructure in
platform, it's quite difficult to move the solution to a different one. Even the same way with the same degree of security. Of course, all the
if these platforms support standard protocols like AMQP 1.0, MQTT, and parties are authenticated and authorized on exchanging messages,
HTTP, they may handle devices and connectivity in a different way — and this feature is provided using the Keycloak project as the identity
moving from one platform to another could mean massive changes on management system.
both the backend service and the application running on the devices.
With EnMasse, the great advantage is the possibility to start "playing" ORCHESTRATION
with a solution locally, then moving to a real installation on-premise EnMasse is made by different open-source components connected to
and eventually to the cloud if it grows in terms of devices, connections, each other in order to provide the overall infrastructure.
throughput, and so on. Through all these phases, the user experience
The "entry" point of the entire system is an AMQP 1.0 router network
around the platform usage is always the same.
based on the Apache Qpid Dispatch Router project. It's really about
Another point is that when EnMasse runs on a cloud provider (i.e. "routing" messages, but at the application level (with AMQP) instead
Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google GCE), it's possible to move of the usual network level (with TCP/IP). As an "entry" point, all the


clients connect to such a network for exchanging messages in different deploys a "managed" cluster for you without the need to install all the
ways, as we'll see in the next section. Only MQTT clients represent Kubernetes components on the VMs.
an exception because they connect to the messaging infrastructure
It's really simple to move an IoT solution based on EnMasse from on-
through a corresponding gateway bridging MQTT to AMQP.
premise to the cloud and from one provider to another in the cloud
Going through these routers, the messages are directly delivered itself, avoiding the "vendor lock-in" problem.
from producers to consumers while, in order to store them, EnMasse
leverages the Apache ActiveMQ Artemis broker project. Behind the DIRECT OR STORE-AND-FORWARD MESSAGING?

routers, one or more brokers can be deployed in order to provide Thanks to its internal architecture based on routers and brokers,

storage. Of course, it's not only about storing but also about EnMasse provides two different messaging mechanisms: direct

forwarding messages from the brokers to the clients with the usual messaging and store and forward.

messaging "entities" like queues and topics.

The direct messaging mechanism is not new. AMQP 1.0 is a peer-

An admin console provides many different features, from deploying to-peer protocol, so you can have two clients directly connected

the needed components (routers and brokers) based on the each other. In this way, the producer is able to send a message only

addresses and messaging patterns that the user wants to a web UI when the consumer is online (providing "credits"), and it receives an

for monitoring the messaging infrastructure (i.e. connected clients, acknowledgement, which means that the consumer has received the

messages, and throughput). message. Between the two parties, there is a single contract so that
the producer knows that the message is received by the consumer
Last but not least, from a security point of view, all the internal when it gets feedback.
components are connected to each other using TLS encryption, and
the client's authentication and authorization needs are provided EnMasse provides this kind of mechanism in a more reliable

by the Keycloak project. The client needs to be authenticated and and scalable way through the router network, where routers are

authorized in order to send and receive messages through EnMasse; connected to each other making a "mesh" — the clients aren't

even the client's connections are encrypted via TLS. connected directly but instead through this network. Every router,
unlike a broker, doesn't take ownership of the message but just
forwards it to the next stop in the network in order to reach its
destination. If a router goes offline, the network is automatically
Figure 3: EnMasse architecture.
reconfigured in order to identify a new path for reaching the
consumer; it means that high availability is provided in terms of path
What has not been mentioned yet is that the EnMasse platform runs
redundancy. Furthermore, as it happens in a real direct connection
on Kubernetes and OpenShift in order to be elastic, scalable, and
with AMQP 1.0, a producer doesn't get "credits" from a router for
resilient and to effectively handle failures.
sending messages if the consumer isn't online or can't process more
All the described components are provided as Docker images that messages. Finally, direct messaging is synchronous by nature, so it's
can run as containers orchestrated by Kubernetes/OpenShift on a really useful for RPC communication.
related cluster. Deploying EnMasse is really simple, only leaving the
The entity used for identifying how producers and consumers
developers and the operators with the need to handle higher-level
exchange messages is the address, as it's defined by the AMQP 1.0
concepts from the messaging world.
specification as just a string.
Running on Kubernetes/OpenShift gives developers the flexibility to
move the messaging infrastructure and the related IoT platform built
on top of it from an on-premise solution to the cloud. Kubernetes
and OpenShift (using the Origin project or the OpenShift Container
Platform) can be installed "locally" for development and testing
purposes or even on a few servers on bare metal.

If needed, such a solution can be simply moved to the cloud on

Figure 4: Direct messaging.
any provider such as Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, or Google GCE
using one or more virtual machines in order to deploy a Kubernetes/ The store and forward mechanism is provided by the brokers behind
OpenShift cluster. EnMasse will run in the same way as it did on- the router's network in two different steps. First of all, a broker
premise. Other than using VMs and managing your own cluster, takes ownership of the received message, storing it internally (just
these cloud providers offer Kubernetes clusters "as a service," which in memory or in a persistent way), but it doesn't mean that such a


message is immediately forwarded to the final consumer, which could In an IoT-specific use case, the main two communication patterns,
be offline in that moment. It allows asynchronous communication like telemetry, command, or control, could be implemented in a few
and time decoupling because the consumer can get the message later different ways.
and at its own pace, which can be different from the producer. There
In the telemetry scenario, a device could be enabled to send telemetry
is always a double contract between producer-broker and broker-
data only if a backend service is online and able to get such data; we
consumer, so the producer knows that the message reached the broker,
don't care about data if no one is able to process it, and we are not
but not the consumer (a new message exchange on the opposite
interested in storing the related messages. In this case, using direct
direction is needed for having acknowledgement from the consumer).
messaging is the right solution. On the other side, it's possible that we
The entities used for storing messages are queues and topics, which want to ingest data from devices even when no services are running
allow point-to-point (or competing consumers) and publish-subscribe (or maybe they are busy) for processing. In this case, store and
patterns. In any case, the name of a queue or a topic is just a string, forward is the way to go, putting messages inside queues or topics
like an AMQP 1.0 address. (depending on whether we want to distribute messages to one or
more services in parallel).

In the command and control scenario, we could have the same two
approaches. In one case, we want to send a command to a device
only if it's online and we are sure that it can execute (at least receive)
the command itself in that moment. Direct messaging can help with
this use case. On the other side, it's possible that we want to handle
situations in which the device isn't online, but we want it to execute
the command when it comes back online. In this case, the command
Figure 5: Store and forward. message needs to be stored for later delivery. In order to avoid

sending "stale" commands to a device that comes back online too late
From a client's perspective, when they connect to EnMasse through
(for the command), the message can have a related TTL (time to leave)
the unique entry point (which is the router's network), they just
so that it disappears from the queue on expiration.
connect to an address for exchanging messages; they don't know that
a broker could be behind such an address with a corresponding queue
or topic.
The official EnMasse website provides a great documentation section
for digging into all the features and getting started with the platform,
The EnMasse operator has to define the addresses and their semantics
but it's worth showing here how easy it is to deploy and use it locally
in order to support the different messaging mechanisms as described
on OpenShift.
above. Using the related console, it's really simple and it's a matter of
defining what kind of pattern the clients need. The supported address
The first step is to get the OpenShift client tools needed to interact
types are the following:
with the OpenShift cluster; you can download the client from the
OpenShift Origin project.
• Queue: Backed by a broker for "store and forward" and
providing point-to-point (competing consumer) patterns. If you don't have an OpenShift cluster already running, you can deploy
one just using the oc cluster up command or using the Minishift project.
• Topic: Backed by a broker for "store and forward" and
providing publish/subscribe patterns. From the EnMasse releases page, you can download the latest release
and unpack it locally. It provides a script for deploying EnMasse on top
• Anycast: Similar to a queue in terms of direct messaging. A of the OpenShift cluster with just the following command:
producer can send messages to such an address only when
one or more consumers are listening on it and the router's ./ -m "https://localhost:8443" -n enmasse

network will deliver them in a competing consumer fashion

(Note: The "localhost" refers to an OpenShift cluster running locally; if
(from a round-robin way to a more sophisticated one based on
you are using Minishift, you have to use the related virtual machine IP
load balancing).
address instead.)

• Multicast: Similar to a topic in terms of direct messaging, it has The deployment will take some time to have all the components
a producer publish messages to more consumers listening on up; the EnMasse platform is running in a single tenant mode and
the same address so that all of them receive the same message. without authentication.


After that, you can log into the OpenShift console, select the The receiver will block until it has received ten messages.
"enmasse" project where EnMasse was deployed, and open the web
To start the sender, just run:
console to create a new address.

./ -a "amqps://$(oc get route -o

For a simple example, let's create a new address using "anycast" as type. jsonpath='{}' messaging):443/anycast" -m 10

You should see all the messages ssent and received on the other side.

As described, EnMasse provides a really powerful messaging
infrastructure for developing an end-to-end IoT solution with the
needed scalability. Today, one of the main open-source projects focused
Figure 6: Address "anycast" creation from the web UI console. on IoT devices connectivity is already using EnMasse: Eclipse Hono.

The way that EnMasse is exposed outside of the cluster is through Hono provides a uniform interface as a set of well-defined APIs for
OpenShift routes. telemetry, events, and command/control for connecting a large
number of IoT devices. One of the available Hono deployments relies
Finally, the simpler way to have a couple of clients exchanging
on EnMasse for the underlying messaging infrastructure. These
messages via AMQP through the created address is to use the
projects together and their integration show how open source is
following Python sender and receiver.
driving the IoT world.

To start a receiver, just run:

./ -a "amqps://$(oc get route -o

jsonpath='{}' messaging):443/anycast" -m 10

Written by Paolo Patierno

Paolo is a Principal Software Engineer working for Red Hat on the messaging and IoT team. He has been working on different
integration projects using AMQP with Apache Kafka and Spark, and on the EnMasse messaging-as-a-service project about
integration with MQTT. Currently, he is focusing on Apache Kafka and how to deploy and run it on Kubernetes and OpenShift.
In the IoT space he takes part in the definition of the API for the Eclipse Hono project. He is also a committer for Eclipse Paho
and a maintainer for different IoT-related components in Eclipse Vert.x.

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