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History Assig 2 J Pina 18513064

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The document discusses a unit outline for a Year 10 history class on World War 1 that incorporates different learning theories and assessment strategies.

The unit outline provides an overview of the topics, key questions, outcomes and time frame for a unit on World War 1 as part of the NSW history curriculum.

The unit planning incorporates inquiry theory, Universal Design for Learning and Piaget and Vygotsky’s social learning theory to create an active and supportive learning environment.

18513064 Jasmine Pina

History Curriculum Assignment 2

Section 1 Unit Outline
Unit title: The Making of the Modern World Stage 5 Duration: 10 Weeks
Core Study Depth Study 3: Australians at War: World War I (WW1) (1914–1918) Detail: 30 lessons/hrs
At the end of the eighteenth century, a build-up of tensions among Europe's great powers contributed to the outbreak of World War I, the first global war. This unit is
part of Depth Study 3, which includes the study of both World War I and World War II.
Key Inquiry Questions Skills
 What were the changing features  Read and understand historical texts.
of the movement of peoples  Sequence historical events to demonstrate the relationship between different periods, people and places.
from 1750 to 1918?  Use historical terms and concepts in appropriate contexts
 Identify different types of sources.
 How did new ideas and
 Identify the origin, content, context and purpose of primary and secondary sources.
technological developments  Process and synthesise information from a range of sources as evidence in an historical argument.
contribute to change in this  Evaluate the reliability and usefulness of primary and secondary sources for a specific historical inquiry.
period?  Identify and analyse the reasons for different perspectives in a particular historical context.
 What was the origin,  Recognise that historians may interpret events and developments differently.
development, significance and  Interpret history through the actions, values, attitudes and motives of people in the context of the past.
 Ask and evaluate different kinds of questions about the past to inform an historical inquiry.
long-term impact of imperialism
 Plan historical research to suit the purpose of an investigation.
in this period?  Identify, locate, select and organise information from a variety of sources, using ICT and other methods.
 What was the significance of  Develop historical texts, particularly explanations and historical arguments that use evidence from a range of sources.
World Wars I and II?  Select and use a range of communication forms (oral, graphic, written and digital) to communicate effectively about
the past for different audiences and for different purposes).
Historical Concepts Syllabus Outcomes
 Continuity and change A student:
HT5-1: explains and assesses the historical forces and factors that shaped the modern world and Australia
 Cause and effect
HT5-2: sequences and explains the significant patterns of continuity and change in the development of the modern world and
 Perspectives Australia
HT5-4: explains and analyses the causes and effects of events and developments in the modern world and Australia
 Empathetic understanding
HT5-5: identifies and evaluates the usefulness of sources in the historical inquiry process
 Significance HT5-7: explains different contexts, perspectives and interpretations of the modern world and Australia
HT5-9: applies a range of relevant historical terms and concepts when communicating an understanding of the past
18513064 Jasmine Pina
History Curriculum Assignment 2
 Contestability HT5-10: selects and uses appropriate oral, written, visual and digital forms to communicate effectively about the past for
different audiences
Related Life Skills outcomes: HTLS-3, HTLS-4, HTLS-6, HTLS-7, HTLS-9, HTLS-11, HTLS-12, HTLS-13

Week/ Historical knowledge Outcomes Skills (Learn to) Resources Activities/ Teaching and Learning Strategies
Sequence (Learn about)
Term 2 Background to WW1: HT5-1 Outline the main  Ask students what do they know about
Week 1 An overview of the causes of WW1. WW1? Students work in groups to put
Lessons 1-3 causes of the wars, knowledge on paper. (Think + Pair)
why men enlisted Identify different
 Engage in a class “brainstorm” to share
and where types of sources
Australians fought. student knowledge of WW1 and create
concept map (Share). Encourage students to
Commemorations bring up points on WW1 causes, location,
and the nature of the tactics and artillery. Also encourage the
ANZAC legend. sharing of personal family War stories.
 Give students an overview of what they will
be learning over the course of the unit,
including the following four inquiry topics:
- Why did World War I happen?
- What was the nature of warfare
- What was Australia’s role?
- What was the war’s impact on the
Australian home front? (Teacher centred)
HT5-1 Locate and sequence YouTube  Watch YouTube video “Introduction to lesson
the places where “Introduction to on World War I” and answer questions to
HT5-2 Australians fought in lesson on World War develop understanding of primary and
HT5-5 WW1. I” -
secondary sources
/watch?v=8UcvJi8klz  Students visit the Australian War Memorial
8 website and create a timeline of key events of
WW1 and Australia’s involvement in the war.
18513064 Jasmine Pina
History Curriculum Assignment 2
Website/s Teacher will provide key dates to guide
https://www.awm.go learning and scaffold activity. (Online simulation)

HT5-5 Explain how and why Websites • Ask the students the following questions
Australians have  https://www.awm. “what does it mean to be an Anzac?”, “What
commemorated the is Anzac Day?” and “what does Anzac day
HT5-10 wars. ons/dawn/spirithttp: mean to them?” (Group Discussion)
// After discussing these questions as a class,
Explain different
perspectives on the memoration/anzac/i student are to work in groups to research
ANZAC legend. ndex.html these questions further and present their
 findings and Anzac images in an Anzac poster,
Select and use a that each group will present to the class.
range of history/traditions/an (Collaborative learning/ Group presentation)
communication forms
zac-day Students are given a number of websites to
(oral, graphic, written
and digital) to  http://www.austra guide their research (see resources) Students will be required to reference their
sources on the back of their posters to create
effectively about the au/blogs/on-this-
a bibliography.
past for different day/2017/04/evoluti
audiences and for on-of-anzac-day
different purposes.
 https://www.yout

18513064 Jasmine Pina
History Curriculum Assignment 2
Term 2 An overview of the HT5-1 Outline the main YouTube  Students will watch a brief video on the
Week 2 causes of the wars, causes of WW1. “Causes of the First “Causes of the First World War”and take
Lesson 4-6 why men enlisted World War” – notes in preparation for a quiz at the
and where Sequence historical conclusion of the film.
Australians fought events to
 Teacher presentation will introduce
demonstrate the students to key causes of war, Militarism,
Inquiry Question relationship between Alliances, Nationalism, Imperialism and give
"What causes led to different periods, Oth. a brief overview of each. (Teacher centred
the largest loss of people and places. - Causes of War learning/ Teacher presentation)
human life, at that Use historical terms PowerPoint  Students’ research the definitions of
time, in recorded and concepts in - “Causes of the First Militarism, Alliances, Nationalism,
history?" appropriate contexts. Imperialism, Arms Race, Patriotism, National
World War” video
quiz Identity, and National Pride and write the
definitions in the “glossary” section of their
workbooks. (Research/ literacy)
HT5-1 Outline the main Oth.  Students analyses two sources
causes of WW1. Alliance source demonstrating the alliances of 1914 and
analysis worksheet answer the questions provided by the
HT5-10 Evaluate the teacher. (Source analysis)
reliability and  Following this students are to create their
usefulness of primary own cartoon reflecting the alliances of
and secondary Europe in 1914 and provide an explanation
sources for a specific of the imagery they have used.
historical inquiry.
HT5-2 Explain why Oth.  Teacher asks students to think about “what
Australians enlisted Empire/alliance it means to be Australian?” Then ask
to fight in WW1. mapping worksheet. students to think about what they think it
means to be German/French/English and
Outline the main what thing do we associate with these
causes of WW1. countries. (Class discussion)
 Students engage in a research colouring in
Identify, locate, select map activity where students research who
and organise controlled what countries and alliances.
information from a (Information mapping)
18513064 Jasmine Pina
History Curriculum Assignment 2
variety of sources,
using ICT and other

Term 2 The Assassination of HT5-4 Outline the main YouTube  Students will watch a brief video on the “A
Week 3 Archduke Franz causes of WW1. “A Shot that Changed Shot that Changed the World - The
Lesson 7-9 Ferdinand HT5-10 the World - The Assassination of Franz Ferdinand I PRELUDE
Interpret history Assassination of TO WW1”– Students will take notes and will
through the actions, Franz Ferdinand”– be quizzed by the teacher at the end on key
Reactions to War values, attitudes and https://www.youtub facts mentioned in the video. (Teacher
- What was motives of people in centred learning)
Australia’s reaction the context of the xq28440c
to War? past.  Students research and write a biography on
- What did Writing Task web Gavrilo Princip. This will give students the
Australian’s enlist to Identify, locate, select resources- opportunity to express the human story of a
fight and organise man whose actions led to one of the greatest
information from a m/2014/06/27/opini conflicts in history. See list of websites that
variety of sources, on/7-things-gavrilo- can be used to assist students in their
using ICT and other princip-man-who- research. (Student centered empathy task)
methods.. started-
- http://spartacus-
HT5-1 Outline the main Website  Students work in groups to make a mind map
causes of WW1. in their books on the causes of war, stating
HT5-4 k/schools/gcsebitesiz with four arms from the centre representing
HT5-9 Use historical terms e/history/mwh/ir1/u each of the following concepts: nationalism,
and concepts in nderlyingcausesrev2. imperialism, militarism and alliances. Using
appropriate contexts shtml the interactive map, find examples

18513064 Jasmine Pina
History Curriculum Assignment 2
of nationalism, imperialism, militarism and
Identify, locate, select alliances in each country and add this
and organise information to the relevant concept arm of
information from a the mind map. (collaborative learning)
variety of sources,
using ICT and other  Teacher will go through the content of the
methods. mind maps and clearly piece together
concepts with events and actions that that led
to the declaration of war in 1914.
HT5-1 Explain why Oth.-  Teacher asks student to take a few
Australians enlisted Australia’s reaction minutes to writes answers to the
HT5-5 to fight in WW1 to the declaration of following questions-
war Source analysis
HT5-9  “What would you fight for?” and “What
Interpret history worksheet
would you die for?” Get students to share
through the actions,
values, attitudes and their response with class. (Think + share)
motives of people in  Teacher explains how people all around
the context of the the world rejoiced at the idea of war in
past. 1914. Ask student to think why and
engage in class discussion. (Teacher
centered/ class discussion)

- Students engage in a source analysis

worksheet to explore Australia’s reaction
to the declaration of war in 1914 and why
Australian’s enlisted to fight. (Source
analysis/ critical thinking)

Term 2 Impact of the wars HT5-1 Use of government Oth.  Students work individually to complete
Week 4 on Australia, Life on propaganda “Art of War” “Art of War” propaganda worksheet.
the Home front. HT5-5 propaganda
Lesson 10-12  Together class discusses answers to
HT5-7 Enemy ‘aliens’ worksheet (See worksheet question (Class discussion)
Resource 2)

18513064 Jasmine Pina
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Research for HT5-1 Wartime  Teacher provides an overview presentation
Assessment Task controls/censorship on war time controls and censorship in
Australia during WW1, student take
HT5-7 Evaluate the notes.(Teacher centered presentation)
reliability and  Student’s research to find a source that
usefulness of primary reflects government censorship in Australia
and secondary and shares this source with the class.
sources for a specific (Research task/ source analysis)
historical inquiry.  Students research the definition of
“censorship” and adds this to their unit

HT5-1 Changing roles of YouTube  Students watch YouTube film, “Sustaining

women ”Sustaining Total War Total War - Women in World War One I THE
HT5-5 - Women in World GREAT WAR” and answer questions
HT5-7 Interpret history War One I THE GREAT  Teacher provides an overview presentation
through the actions, WAR” on the role of Australian women in WW1,
values, attitudes and https://www.youtub student take notes.(Teacher centered
motives of people in presentation)
the context of the jzuvThE  Students visit the Australian War Memorial
past website to find a diary entry or letter from an
Websites Australian woman during war time. Students
https://www.awm.go are to use this source to write a paragraph on who the woman was, where she was from,
and her role during the war and her feelings
Oth. towards the war effort.
Sustaining Total War
- Women in World
WAR - Questions
Term 2 The scope and HT5-2 Outline and sequence YouTube  Teacher provides an overview presentation
Week 5 nature of warfare the changing scope Life in a Trench - on the Schlieffen plan and how it led to the
Lesson 13-15 HT5-5 and nature of https://www.youtub creation of Trench Warfare in WW1.(Teacher
HT5-10 warfare centered presentation)

18513064 Jasmine Pina
History Curriculum Assignment 2  Students watch “Life in a Trench” film.
Interpret history Y66BG38  Pretend to be a Soldier and write a letter
through the actions, home to a loved one telling them about life in
values, attitudes and Oth. the trenches.(Empathy task)
motives of people in Trench Warfare  Students label a diagram of a trench
the context of the Presentation
Trench Diagram
HT5-2 Outline and sequence Oth.  Teacher makes a presentation on the nature
the changing scope WW1 Warfare of warfare in WW1 including types of
HT5-7 and nature of Presentation ammunition and tactics used.
HT5-9 warfare  Students are to complete a source analysis
Warfare Source task and explain what the images tell us
Evaluate the analysis task about the tactics of war.
reliability and
usefulness of primary
and secondary
sources for a specific
historical inquiry
HT5-1 Outline and sequence Oth.  Research task – student’s research where
the changing scope Australia at War Australians fought and why they fought at
HT5-2 and nature of Worksheet. Gallipoli and the Western Front. They
HT5-5 warfare (Resource 1) present their findings in a map detailing
campaigns and results. This is to be
Identify, locate, select completed on a black line master of Europe.
and organise Other details to be tabled included
information from a casualties, numbers involved in campaigns
variety of sources, and duration of campaign. (Research Task)
using ICT and other

Term 2 Gallipoli HT5-1 Explain why 1981 film Gallipoli,  Students watch the 1981 film Gallipoli,
Week 6 Australians enlisted directed by Peter directed by Peter Weir, from half way (Egypt)
Lesson 16-18 HT5-5 to fight in WW1 Weir to the conclusion, paying particular attention

18513064 Jasmine Pina
History Curriculum Assignment 2
Significance of the from the beach-landing scene, noting
wars to Australia Describe the nature references to war strategy, the type of
of warfare during warfare used at Gallipoli and the likelihood of
Commemorations the Gallipoli success. (Teacher centred learning)
and the nature of the campaign.
ANZAC legend
Interpret history
through the actions,
values, attitudes and
motives of people in
the context of the

HT5-4 Describe the nature Website  Teacher presents on the facts of Gallipoli
of warfare during https://www.awm.go including the strategy, warfare, outcomes and
HT5-7 the Gallipoli casualties. Students take notes. (Teacher
HT5-10 campaign. centred learning/ Teacher presentation)
 Get student to reflect on the Gallipoli film
Interpret history through a writing task. Student are to pretend
through the actions, they are an Australian soldier at Gallipoli.
values, attitudes and Based on what they have learnt from the film
motives of people in they are to write a letter home to a loved one
the context of the telling them about what life is like in the
past. trenches and the status of morale amongst
the troops. They are “going over the top”
tomorrow. Include in their letter how they are
feeling about “going over the top” the
following day, both from a fear perspective
and from the view that they are proud of
what they are doing. Visit the Australian War
Memorial Website to assist with writing.
(Student centered empathy task)

18513064 Jasmine Pina
History Curriculum Assignment 2
HT5-4 Explain different Websites • Students are to work in pairs to research and
perspectives on the come up with a paragraph answer to the
HT5-7 ANZAC legend its/event_133.asp question “Why is it that this event, in the eyes
HT5-10 of many, contributes so much to our identity
Ask and evaluate vation/gallipoli as a nation, and yet we were fighting for the
different kinds of British and the whole campaign was such a
questions about the vation/gallipoli/gallip failure?”
past to inform an oli2.htm Each group will share their answer with the
historical inquiry. class, including evidence to justify their
/comment/anzac- answer. (Think + share + pair)
day-thecurious-  Individually students are to write a paragraph
notion-of-australias- that answers the question “Why do so many
birth-at-gallipoli- Australians believe Gallipoli contributes so
20140424-zqyll.html much to the identity of Australia as a nation?” (Student centered empathy task)
anzac- myths-put-to-
Term 2 Significant events HT5-1 Using sources, Youtube Video  Students watch short video “The Schlieffen
Week 7 and the experiences students investigate https://www.youtub Plan - And Why It Failed I THE GREAT WAR
Lesson 19-21 of Australians at war HT5-4 a specific Special feat.” And answer questions set by
HT5-9 event/incident, MPV5VDR4 teacher.
Western Front  Teacher presents an overview of “the
Schlieffen plan” to further clarify student
• Students should research the following terms
and enter them into their glossary:
– no man’s land
– trench foot
– trench fever
– shell shock
– poison gas
– attrition warfare

18513064 Jasmine Pina
History Curriculum Assignment 2
HT5-1 Using sources, YouTube • Students watch short film “The Battle of
students investigate https://www.youtub Fromelles Commemoration Film”. Teacher leads
HT5-5 a specific campaign, a quiz composed with information from the
eg the Western Front yvBHcfo film, at the conclusion of the video.
1916  Students search for Australian War Graves at
Websites Fromelles and Villers-Bretonneux on Google
Identify, locate, select Overseas memorials - Maps. This exercise allows students to
and organise http://memorials.dva visualize the loss of life felt as a result of these
information from a battles and its impact on Australia.
variety of sources, Office of Australian
using ICT and other War Graves -
HT5-1 Using sources, Film • Students watch part of film, Beneath Hill 60.
students investigate Beneath Hill 60, 2010 Film demonstrates the horrible conditions of
HT5-4 a specific trench warfare.
HT5-7 event/incident,
Term 2 HT5-1 Explain the impact of Film • Teacher starts by giving students the casualty
Week 8 Casualties the wars on returned Anzac Girls, 2014 (6 facts relating to WW1 and individual battles.
Lesson 22-24 HT5-4 soldiers/civilians part series) Statistics are paired with modern day
Significance of the HT5-5 examples to allow students to better visualize
wars to Australia Explain the role of the significance of the losses.
Women in WW1  Students answer the following numeracy
Commemorations questions related to WW1 statistics:
and the nature of the - What percentage of the male population
ANZAC legend between 18 and 35 enlisted as soldiers?
- What percentage of troops who served
overseas were killed?
- What percentage of troops who served
overseas were killed or wounded?
- What percentage of the entire population
were killed?

18513064 Jasmine Pina
History Curriculum Assignment 2
 Students watch snippets from the series
ANZAC girls. Using information that they
have gathered from these videos students
are to pretend to be an Australian Nurse or
Doctor serving in WW1 either at Gallipoli or
the western front. They are to write a letter
home to their loved one detailing their
experience of war.

HT5-1 Explain the impact of Websites  Teacher will lead a presentation on war
the wars on returned https://www.awm.go stories including the story of the Unknown
HT5-2 soldiers/civilians Soldier and “Simpson and his donkey”.
HT5-4 search/people • Using the AWM website students are to
browse the “people” section to select a
WW1 soldier. Using the worksheet provided
they are to write a profile for the soldier
using the sources found on the website.
HT5-2 Explain the impact of
the wars on returned  Students get in groups of 4 and discuss
HT5-7 soldiers/civilians following questions and share answers with
HT5-10 class for further discussion- What lessons
Students explain how should we have learned from this war? This
and why Australians method of fighting? Why is Anzac Day
have commemorated experiencing a renaissance in terms of its
the wars meaning for the young in Australia when 25
years ago, interest in it was rapidly
Students explain diminishing? (Think + pair + share)
different  Students write a short essay to the question
perspectives on the - Why is Anzac Day experiencing a
ANZAC legend renaissance in terms of its meaning for the
young in Australia when 25 years ago,
Select and use a interest in it was rapidly diminishing?
range of (Critical thinking)
communication forms

18513064 Jasmine Pina
History Curriculum Assignment 2

Term 2 1918: The day of HT5-1 Students explain the Oth.  Teacher presents information on the end of
Week 9 Armistice. impact of the wars on Armistice Power WW1 and the day of Armistice. (Teacher
Lesson 25-27 Conclusion of the war HT5-4 returned point presentation centered)
Revision of content soldiers/civilians  Students engage in source analysis task.
Essay Preparation Students analyse the Armistice source (Source analysis)
changing relationship analysis task
of Australia with
other countries after
World War II

HT5-1 Review of content Oth.  Revision Kahoot quiz of information learnt

Kahoot WW1 Quiz throughout unit (Resource 3)
HT5-1 Essay writing Oth. Teacher reviews how to write a history essay as
Essay scaffold revision for upcoming assessment.
HT5-9 Select and use a worksheet.
HT5-10 range of
Term 2 Assessment Task HT5-1 Essay writing Oth.  Preparation for assessment task -Provide
Week 10 Preparation and Assessment essay students with an essay question and
Lesson 28-30 execution HT5-9 Select and use a question allow them two lesson to research
HT5-10 range of content including 5 quotations.
 Preparation for assessment task

Oth.  Students complete essay under exam

Essay Writing condition within the timeframe of 1 60
Assessment task minute lesson.

18513064 Jasmine Pina
History Curriculum Assignment 2

Section 1: Resources

World War 1 battles in which Australian forces participated

Activity 1:

Research the battles below and complete the table.

Battle Date Number of Number of

Australians Australian
Participated Casualties

Anzac Cove,

Lone Pine

The Nek

Hill 60



Third Ypres




Activity 2:

Identify the location of these battles on the following map.

18513064 Jasmine Pina
History Curriculum Assignment 2

18513064 Jasmine Pina
History Curriculum Assignment 2
Section 2: Resources
Resource 2:


Analyse the World War One propaganda posters below and answer the corresponding questions.

Source A Source A Questions:

 Do you think Source C was produced
during or after the war?
 What sentiments/ideas are expressed
in Sources C?
 What does this poster tell us about
tactics used to encourage men to
enlist to serve?

Source B Source B & C Questions:

 Which poster copied the other?
How do you know?
 Who do you think the figure in
Source F represents?
 What is the impact of using this
figure in this recruitment poster?

Source C

18513064 Jasmine Pina
History Curriculum Assignment 2

Answer the following questions regarding the propaganda posters below:

1. Propaganda posters had the purpose of promoting a message, feeling or call to action during
war. Below is a list of common aims and objectives of propaganda posters of World War 1.
Draw up a table in your workbook and create a column for each aim and objective. Review
each propaganda poster and note the letter of each poster (Source) in the column of the aim
or objective that best describes its purpose. Note that some posters will have more than one
i) Justification for fighting the enemy
ii) Procuring and conserving money and/or resources
iii) Maintaining/promoting morale
iv) Recruitment of soldiers

2. Propaganda posters used themes to gain the attention of it audience during war times. Draw
up a table in your workbook and create a column for each theme listed below. Review each
propaganda poster and note the letter/number of each poster (Source) in the column of the
theme that best describes it. Note that some posters will have more than one theme.
i) Appeal of Patriotism/Duty
ii) Promotion of a Work Ethic
iii) Threat from Barbarism
iv) Mateship and Adventure

3. From the collection of posters below, which do you consider the most effective and why?
4. What images and slogans would you put in a Recruitment poster? Explain your answer.


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History Curriculum Assignment 2




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History Curriculum Assignment 2




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History Curriculum Assignment 2

Y Z A2

B2 C3 D2

10 11 12

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History Curriculum Assignment 2

13 14 15

18513064 Jasmine Pina
History Curriculum Assignment 2
Resource 3: End of Unit Kahoot Quiz

18513064 Jasmine Pina
History Curriculum Assignment 2

18513064 Jasmine Pina
History Curriculum Assignment 2

18513064 Jasmine Pina
History Curriculum Assignment 2

18513064 Jasmine Pina
History Curriculum Assignment 2

18513064 Jasmine Pina
History Curriculum Assignment 2
Section 3: Justification
The above unit outline and resources have been developed for the stage five, “Core Study – Depth Study 3:
Australians at War: World Wars I and II (1914–1918, 1939–1945)” from within the NSW K-10 History Syllabus
(Board of Studies, NSW, 2012, P. 76). This depth study has been broken into two parts, World War I and World
War II, with each part being studied over a ten week term period. For the purpose if this assignment, the unit
outline and resources included are for the World War I component of this study. While designing this unit
outline, consideration has been given to a variety of theoretical approaches to learning, to ensure student are
provided with an engaging and challenging Earning environment that meets the required learning outcomes
and develops a strong historical skill sets.

The pedagogical model of enquiry based learning underpins the design of the unit outline. An Inquiry-based
learning approach is centred upon the idea that students are actively involved in the learning process, making
the learning environment “learner centred”, with control being placed solely in the hands of the learner, while
the teacher acts as a facilitator to the learning process (Blessinger and Corfora, 2014, p.5). Recent research has
shown inquiry-based learning to be particularly beneficial in the teaching of secondary history due to its way of
engaging students in learning through the active constructing of knowledge (Haydn et. al. 2013). The inclusion
of timeline mapping activity used to outline Australia’s involvement in WW1 and series of research and source
analysis tasks allow students to actively construct knowledge through the process of questioning and
researching the topics and resources presented while developing key historical skills such as source analysis
and historical enquiry.

Research into inquiry-based learning has also found scaffolding to be beneficial to the inquiry learning process
(Blanchard et. al. 2010). Scaffolding can provide students with a clear framework and direction in which to
actively construct their learning. Throughout the course of the WW1 unit, film and short videos are used as a
means of constructing meaning and evoking empathy within the student. The visual and entertaining nature of
films are a great way of engaging the students with the content and when combined with a series of questions
that can range from simple comprehension to in-depth critical thinking and analysis, films can be affectively
scaffolded to ensure all students not only construct knowledge and understanding of the content but also
achieve the unit outcomes.

Piaget and Vygotsky’s leaning theory of the social process of cognitive development (Clarke &
Pittaway, 2014) has also inspired the activities in the unit outline. Piaget and Vygotsky encourage
simulation and exploration of content through social interaction. Collaborative learning features
heavily throughout the unit. This has shown to create a positive classroom environment and improve
student engagement through active learning and critical thinking (Laal and Ghodsi, 2012). This has
been incorporated into the unit of study through a number of think-pair-share tasks, group

18513064 Jasmine Pina
History Curriculum Assignment 2
presentations, class discussions and concept mapping. The open expression of ideas amongst peers
has been proven to be effective in the development of students’ understanding of the past (Hayden
et. al., 2014), making it beneficial to the teaching of history.

Similarly the Australian curriculum’s General capabilities aim to enhance the social capabilities of
students (ACARA, 2013). This has been touched on within the study of the WW1 unit through the
inclusion of a number of empathy tasks, which require students to create letters and diary entries
that reflect the views and emotions of specific people of the time. These activities develop the socio-
emotional competencies, including their ability to understand perspective. These activities are also
beneficial for the teacher in assessing student understanding.

It is also important to ensure the diverse learning needs of students are accommodated when
affectively planning for learning. Differentiated instruction and the variety of activities included in the
structure of the unit outline reflect upon the theory of Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Loreman,
Deppeler, & Harvey (2011), define UDL to include: multiple means of representation, multiple means
of expression and multiple means of engagement, to meet the diverse learning need of the modern
classroom. The decision to include a variety of activities in the study of the WWI unit including
teacher presentations, narrative, research activities, writing tasks and documentary watching,
ensures information is presented in different forms and students of all learning abilities and needs
are engaged, while increasing the opportunity for student participation and success.

Therefore the unit outline and resources presented incorporate a number of varying theoretical
approaches including inquiry theory, Universal Design for Learning and Piaget and Vygotsky’s leaning
theory of the social process of cognitive. By engaging in these theories it is hoped that an active,
engaging and supportive learning environment will be achieved, where the diverse abilities and
needs of students are met and the successful study of history is achieved.

18513064 Jasmine Pina
History Curriculum Assignment 2

Reference List

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