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Miller, Reiner, Sturmfels - Geometric Combinatorics (Ias Park City Mathematics Series, AMS) (696p) PDF

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This document contains lectures from a graduate summer school on geometric combinatorics and related topics. Some of the main subjects covered include lattice points and polyhedra, generating functions, associahedra and cluster algebras, discrete Morse theory, and q-analogs in enumeration.

Lectures discuss topics like lattice points, generating functions, associahedra, cluster algebras, discrete Morse theory, Macdonald polynomials, and q-analogs.

Some examples discussed include the pentagon recurrence, root systems, Coxeter groups, and generalized associahedra.


Preface xv

Ezra Miller and Vic Reiner

What is Geometric Combinatorics?
An Overview of the Graduate Summer School 1

Bibliography 17

Alexander Barvinok
Lattice Points, Polyhedra, and Complexity 19

Introduction 21

Lecture 1. Inspirational Examples. Valuations 23

Valuations 26
Problems 27

Lecture 2. Identities in the Algebra of Polyhedra 29

Problems 34

Lecture 3. Generating Functions and Cones. Continued Fractions 39

Generating Functions and Cones 39
Continued Fractions 42
Computing f (K, x) for 2-dimensional Cones 43
The Computational Complexity 44
Problems 45

Lecture 4. Rational Polyhedra and Rational Functions 47

Problems 51

Lecture 5. Computing Generating Functions Fast 53

Why Do We Need Generating Functions? 53
What “Fast” and “Short” Means 54
Problems 57
Concluding Remarks 58

Bibliography 61

Sergey Fomin and Nathan Reading

Root Systems and Generalized Associahedra 63

Lecture 1. Reflections and Roots 67

1.1. The Pentagon Recurrence 67
1.2. Reflection Groups 68
1.3. Symmetries of Regular Polytopes 70
1.4. Root Systems 73
1.5. Root Systems of Types A, B, C, and D 75

Lecture 2. Dynkin Diagrams and Coxeter Groups 77

2.1. Finite Type Classification 77
2.2. Coxeter Groups 79
2.3. Other “Finite Type” Classifications 80
2.4. Reduced Words and Permutohedra 82
2.5. Coxeter Element and Coxeter Number 84

Lecture 3. Associahedra and Mutations 87

3.1. Associahedron 87
3.2. Cyclohedron 93
3.3. Matrix Mutations 95
3.4. Exchange Relations 96

Lecture 4. Cluster Algebras 101

4.1. Seeds and Clusters 101
4.2. Finite Type Classification 104
4.3. Cluster Complexes and Generalized Associahedra 106
4.4. Polytopal Realizations of Generalized Associahedra 108
4.5. Double Wiring Diagrams and Double Bruhat Cells 111

Lecture 5. Enumerative Problems 115

5.1. Catalan Combinatorics of Arbitrary Type 115
5.2. Generalized Narayana Numbers 120
5.3. Non-crystallographic Types 124
5.4. Lattice Congruences and the Weak Order 125

Bibliography 129

Robin Forman
Topics in Combinatorial Differential Topology and Geometry 133

Lecture 1. Discrete Morse Theory 137

1. Introduction 137
2. Cell Complexes and CW Complexes 138
3. The Morse Theory 143
4. A More Combinatorial Language 146
5. Our First Example: The Real Projective Plane 147
6. Sphere Theorems 148
7. Our Second Example 148
8. Exercises for Lecture 1 151

Lecture 2. Discrete Morse Theory, continued 153

1. Suspensions and Discrete Morse Theory 153
2. Monotone Graph Properties 155
3. The Morse Complex 161
4. Canceling Critical Points 165
5. Exercises for Lecture 2 166

Lecture 3. Discrete Morse Theory and Evasiveness 169

1. The Main Results 169
2. Betti Numbers for General Sets of Faces 175
3. Exercises for Lecture 3 180

Lecture 4. The Charney-Davis Conjectures 181

1. Introduction 181
2. Exercises for Lecture 4 187

Lecture 5. From Analysis to Combinatorics 189

1. Hodge Theory and the Hopf-Charney-Davis Conjectures 189
2. The Charney-Davis Conjecture and the h-vector 194
3. Exercises for Lecture 5 198

Bibliography 201

Mark Haiman and Alexander Woo

Geometry of q and q, t-Analogs in Combinatorial Enumeration 207
Introduction 209

Lecture 1. Kostka Numbers and q-Analogs 211

1.1. Definition of Kostka Numbers 211
1.2. Kλμ in Symmetric Functions 212
1.3. Sn Representations 212
1.4. GLn Representations 214
1.5. The q-Analog Kλμ (q) 215
1.6. Exercises 216

Lecture 2. Catalan Numbers, Trees, Lagrange Inversion, and their q-Analogs 217
2.1. Catalan Numbers 217
2.2. Rooted Trees 218
2.3. The Lagrange Inversion Formula 219
2.4. q-Analogs 220
2.5. q-Lagrange Inversion 222
2.6. Exercises 226

Lecture 3. Macdonald Polynomials 227

3.1. Symmetric Function Bases and the Involution ω 227
3.2. Plethystic Substitution 228
3.3. The Cauchy Kernel and Hall Inner Product 228
3.4. Dominance Ordering 229
3.5. Definition of Macdonald Polynomials 229
3.6. More Properties of Macdonald Polynomials 232
3.7. Exercises 234

Lecture 4. Connecting Macdonald Polynomials and q-Lagrange Inversion;

(q, t)-Analogs 235
4.1. The Operator ∇ and a (q, t)-Analog of kn (q) 235
4.2. Proof of Theorem 7 236
4.3. First Remarks on Positivity 239
4.4. Exercises 240

Lecture 5. Positivity and Combinatorics? 241

5.1. Representation Theory of H  μ (x; q, t) 241
5.2. Representation Theory of ∇en 243
5.3. Combinatorics of ∇en 243
5.4. Combinatorics of H  μ (x; q, t) 245
5.5. Exercises 245

Bibliography 247

Dmitry N. Kozlov
Chromatic Numbers, Morphism Complexes, and Stiefel-Whitney
Characteristic Classes 249

Preamble 251

Lecture 1. Introduction 253

1.1. The Chromatic Number of a Graph 253
1.2. The Category of Graphs 256

Lecture 2. The Functor Hom (−, −) 261

2.1. Complexes of Graph Homomorphisms 261
2.2. Morphism Complexes 264
2.3. Historic Detour 267
2.4. More about the Hom -Complexes 269
2.5. Folds 273

Lecture 3. Stiefel-Whitney Classes and First Applications 277

3.1. Elements of the Principal Bundle Theory 277
3.2. Properties of Stiefel-Whitney Classes 279
3.3. First Applications of Stiefel-Whitney Classes to Lower Bounds of
Chromatic Numbers of Graphs 281

Lecture 4. The Spectral Sequence Approach 285

4.1. Hom+ -construction 285
4.2. Spectral Sequence Generalities 288
4.3. The Standard Spectral Sequence Converging to H ∗ (Hom+ (T, G)) 293

Lecture 5. The Proof of the Lovász Conjecture 295

5.1. Formulation of the Conjecture and Sketch of the Proof 295
5.2. Completing the Sketch for the Case k is Odd 297
5.3. Completing the Sketch for the Case k is Even 301

Lecture 6. Summary and Outlook 305

6.1. Homotopy Tests, Z2 -Tests, and Families of Test Graphs 305
6.2. Conclusion and Open Problems 308

Bibliography 311

Robert MacPherson
Equivariant Invariants and Linear Geometry 317

Introduction 319
0.1. Spaces with a Torus Action 320
0.2. Linear Graphs 322
0.3. Rings and Modules 323

Lecture 1. Equivariant Homology and Intersection Homology 327

1.1. Introduction 327
1.2. Simplicial Complexes 328
1.3. Pseudomanifolds 329
1.4. Ordinary Homology Theory 330
1.5. Basic Definitions of Equivariant Topology 332
1.6. Equivariant Homology 333
1.7. Formal Properties of Equivariant Homology 335
1.8. Torus Equivariant Cohomology of a Point 337
1.9. The Equivariant Cohomology of a 2-Sphere 338
1.10. Equivariant Intersection Cohomology 340

Lecture 2. Moment Graphs 343

2.1. Assumptions on the Action of T on X 343
2.2. The Moment Graph 344
2.3. Complex Projective Line and the Line Segment 346
2.4. Projective (n − 1)-Space and the Simplex 347
2.5. Quadric Hypersurfaces and the Cross-Polytope 348
2.6. Grassmannians and Hypersimplices 351
2.7. The Flag Manifold and the Permutahedron 353
2.8. Toric Varieties and Convex Polyhedra 354
2.9. Moment Maps 357

Lecture 3. The Cohomology of a Linear Graph 359

3.1. The Definition of the Cohomology of a Linear Graph 359
3.2. Interpreting Hi (G) for Small i 360
3.3. Piecewise Polynomial Functions 361
3.4. Morse Theory 362
3.5. Perfect Morse Functions 364
3.6. Determining H∗ (G) as a O(T) Module 366
3.7. Poincaré Duality 366
3.8. The Main Theorems 367

Lecture 4. Computing Intersection Homology 371

4.1. Graphs Arising from Reflection Groups 371
4.2. Upward Saturated Subgraphs 372

4.3. Sheaves on Graphs 373

4.4. A Criterion for Perfection 374
4.5. Definition of the Sheaf M 375
4.6. The Main Results 377
4.7. Flag Varieties and Generalized Schubert Varieties 377

Lecture 5. Cohomology as Functions on a Variety 379

5.1. The Fixed Point Arrangement 379
5.2. How to Compute the Fixed Point Arrangement 380
5.3. The Main Result 381
5.4. Springer Varieties 382
5.5. Relation with Lecture 3 385

Bibliography 387

Richard P. Stanley
An Introduction to Hyperplane Arrangements 389

Lecture 1. Basic Definitions, the Intersection Poset and the Characteristic

Polynomial 391
1.1. Basic Definitions 391
1.2. The Intersection Poset 397
1.3. The Characteristic Polynomial 398
Exercises 400

Lecture 2. Properties of the Intersection Poset and Graphical Arrangements 403

2.1. Properties of the Intersection Poset 403
2.2. The Number of Regions 409
2.3. Graphical Arrangements 414
Exercises 419

Lecture 3. Matroids and Geometric Lattices 421

3.1. Matroids 421
3.2. The Lattice of Flats and Geometric Lattices 423
Exercises 428

Lecture 4. Broken Circuits, Modular Elements, and Supersolvability 431

4.1. Broken Circuits 431
4.2. Modular Elements 437
4.3. Supersolvable Lattices 442
Exercises 446

Lecture 5. Finite Fields 449

5.1. The Finite Field Method 449
5.2. The Shi Arrangement 452
5.3. Exponential Sequences of Arrangements 454
5.4. The Catalan Arrangement 456
5.5. Interval Orders 459
5.6. Intervals with Generic Lengths 466
5.7. Other Examples 467
Exercises 468

Lecture 6. Separating Hyperplanes 475

6.1. The Distance Enumerator 475
6.2. Parking Functions and Tree Inversions 478
6.3. The Distance Enumerator of the Shi Arrangement 483
6.4. The Distance Enumerator of a Supersolvable Arrangement 487
6.5. The Varchenko Matrix 490
Exercises 491

Bibliography 495

Michelle L. Wachs, Poset Topology: Tools and Applications 497

Introduction 499

Lecture 1. Basic Definitions, Results, and Examples 501

1.1. Order Complexes and Face Posets 501
1.2. The Möbius Function 505
1.3. Hyperplane and Subspace Arrangements 507
1.4. Some Connections with Graphs, Groups and Lattices 512
1.5. Poset Homology and Cohomology 513
1.6. Top Cohomology of the Partition Lattice 515

Lecture 2. Group Actions on Posets 519

2.1. Group Representations 519
2.2. Representations of the Symmetric Group 521
2.3. Group Actions on Poset (Co)homology 526
2.4. Symmetric Functions, Plethysm, and Wreath Product Modules 528

Lecture 3. Shellability and Edge Labelings 537

3.1. Shellable Simplicial Complexes 537
3.2. Lexicographic Shellability 541
3.3. CL-shellability and Coxeter Groups 553
3.4. Rank Selection 558

Lecture 4. Recursive Techniques 563

4.1. Cohen-Macaulay Complexes 563
4.2. Recursive Atom Orderings 567
4.3. More Examples 569
4.4. The Whitney Homology Technique 573
4.5. Bases for the Restricted Block Size Partition Posets 579
4.6. Fixed Point Möbius Invariant 586

Lecture 5. Poset Operations and Maps 587

5.1. Operations: Alexander Duality and Direct Product 587
5.2. Quillen Fiber Lemma 591
5.3. General Poset Fiber Theorems 596
5.4. Fiber Theorems and Subspace Arrangements 599
5.5. Inflations of Simplicial Complexes 601

Bibliography 605

Günter M. Ziegler
Convex Polytopes: Extremal Constructions and f -Vector Shapes 617
Introduction 619
Lecture 1. Constructing 3-Dimensional Polytopes 621
1.1. The Cone of f -vectors 623
1.2. The Steinitz Theorem 625
1.3. Steinitz’ Theorem via Circle Packings 628
Lecture 2. Shapes of f -Vectors 643
2.1. Unimodality Conjectures 644
2.2. Basic Examples 644
2.3. Global Constructions 647
2.4. Local Constructions 649
Lecture 3. 2-Simple 2-Simplicial 4-Polytopes 653
3.1. Examples 654
3.2. 2-Simple 2-Simplicial 4-Polytopes 657
3.3. Deep Vertex Truncation 659
3.4. Constructing DVT(Stack(n, 4)) 661
Lecture 4. f -Vectors of 4-Polytopes 665
4.1. The f -Vector Cone 666
4.2. Fatness and the Upper Bound Problem 669
4.3. The Lower Bound Problem 671
Lecture 5. Projected Products of Polygons 673
5.1. Products and Deformed Products 673
5.2. Computing the f -Vector 674
5.3. Deformed Products 674
5.4. Surviving a Generic Projection 678
5.5. Construction 678
Appendix: A Short Introduction to polymake
(by Thilo Schröder and Nikolaus Witte) 681
A.1. Getting Started 681
A.2. The polymake System 684
Bibliography 687

The IAS/Park City Mathematics Institute (PCMI) was founded in 1991 as part of
the “Regional Geometry Institute” initiative of the National Science Foundation.
In mid 1993 the program found an institutional home at the Institute for Advanced
Study (IAS) in Princeton, New Jersey.
The IAS/Park City Mathematics Institute encourages both research and ed-
ucation in mathematics and fosters interaction between the two. The three-week
summer institute offers programs for researchers and postdoctoral scholars, gradu-
ate students, undergraduate students, high school teachers, undergraduate faculty,
and researchers in mathematics education. One of PCMI’s main goals is to make
all of the participants aware of the total spectrum of activities that occur in math-
ematics education and research: we wish to involve professional mathematicians
in education and to bring modern concepts in mathematics to the attention of
educators. To that end the summer institute features general sessions designed
to encourage interaction among the various groups. In-year activities at the sites
around the country form an integral part of the High School Teachers Program.
Each summer a different topic is chosen as the focus of the Research Program
and Graduate Summer School. Activities in the Undergraduate Summer School
deal with this topic as well. Lecture notes from the Graduate Summer School are
being published each year in this series. The first fourteen volumes are:

• Volume 1: Geometry and Quantum Field Theory (1991)

• Volume 2: Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations in Differential Geom-
etry (1992)
• Volume 3: Complex Algebraic Geometry (1993)
• Volume 4: Gauge Theory and the Topology of Four-Manifolds (1994)
• Volume 5: Hyperbolic Equations and Frequency Interactions (1995)
• Volume 6: Probability Theory and Applications (1996)
• Volume 7: Symplectic Geometry and Topology (1997)
• Volume 8: Representation Theory of Lie Groups (1998)
• Volume 9: Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry (1999)
• Volume 10: Computational Complexity Theory (2000)
• Volume 11: Quantum Field Theory, Supersymmetry, and Enumerative
Geometry (2001)
• Volume 12: Automorphic Forms and their Applications (2002)
• Volume 13: Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations (2003)
• Volume 14: Geometric Combinatorics (2004)

Volumes are in preparation for subsequent years.

Some material from the Undergraduate Summer School is published as part
of the Student Mathematical Library series of the American Mathematical Soci-
ety. We hope to publish material from other parts of the IAS/PCMI in the future.
This will include material from the High School Teachers Program and publications
documenting the interactive activities which are a primary focus of the PCMI. At
the summer institute late afternoons are devoted to seminars of common interest
to all participants. Many deal with current issues in education: others treat math-
ematical topics at a level which encourages broad participation. The PCMI has
also spawned interactions between universities and high schools at a local level. We
hope to share these activities with a wider audience in future volumes.

John C. Polking
Series Editor
April 2007
IAS/Park City Mathematics Series
Volume 14, 2004

What is Geometric Combinatorics?

–An Overview of the Graduate
Summer School
Ezra Miller and Victor Reiner

What is geometric combinatorics? This question is a bit controversial, but

at least in part, it is the study of geometric objects and their combinatorial
structure. Rather than trying to define this precisely at the outset, in this lecture
we’ll mainly give examples that appear in the 2004 PCMI graduate courses.

1. Polytopes
A popular class of examples are the convex polytopes, that is, convex hulls of finite
point sets in Rd . These form the main topic of the graduate course by Ziegler, but
also play prominent roles in the undergraduate courses by Swartz and Thomas, and
in the undergraduate faculty course by Su (as well as making cameo appearances
in the graduate courses by Barvinok, Fomin, Forman, MacPherson, and Wachs!).
In R2 , convex polytopes are polygons such as triangles, quadrilaterals, pen-
tagons, hexagons, etc. In R3 they can be more interesting, such as the triangular
prism depicted in Figure 1(a).

d f


d b

a c a c

(a) (b)

Figure 1. (a) The triangular prism P , with f -vector f (P ) = (f0 , f1 , f2 ) =

(6, 9, 5). (b) Its graph or 1-skeleton, drawn as a 2-dimensional Schlegel diagram.

1 School
of Mathematics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis MN, 55455.
E-mail address:,

2007 American Mathematical Society


What do we mean by combinatorial structure for a convex polytope? An obvi-

ous combinatorial feature of a convex polytope is that it has faces, each being the
intersection of the polytope with some hyperplane containing the polytope entirely
in one of its two closed half-spaces. Zero-dimensional faces are called vertices (la-
belled a, b, c, d, e, f in Figure 1), one-dimensional faces are edges, and faces of codi-
mension 1 within the polytope are called facets. One can record the combinatorial
structure of the faces of a convex polytope P in varying ways and levels of detail.
• One might simply count the faces of various dimensions, and encode this
data in the f -vector
f (P ) = (f0 , f1 , . . . , fd−1 ),
where fi (P ) is the number of i-dimensional faces of P . For example, the
triangular prism in Figure 1 has f (P ) = (f0 , f1 , f2 ) = (6, 9, 5).
• One might consider the graph or 1-skeleton of P ; this is the abstract graph
whose node set is the set of vertices of P , and whose (undirected) arcs
are the edges of P . For example, Figure 1(b) depicts this graph for the
triangular prism. Here we have chosen to draw this graph in the plane
by projecting the whole 3-dimensional polytope P to the plane inside
one of its quadrangular facets, a visualization technique known as a 2-
dimensional Schlegel diagram for P . The back of the 2004 PCMI T-shirt
depicts the 3-dimensional Schlegel diagram of a four-dimensional polytope
with an interesting property, related to work of Joswig and Ziegler [4]: it
is dimensionally ambiguous in the sense that this same 1-skeleton appears
also for a five-dimensional polytope.
• One might further consider the entire partially ordered set (or poset, for
short) of all faces of P ordered by inclusion; see Figure 2.

abc acdf abde bcef def

ab ac bc ad be cf de ef df

a b c d e f

Figure 2. The Hasse diagram for the poset of faces of the prism in Figure 1.

2. Characterizing f -vectors
What kinds of combinatorial questions about convex polytopes might we ask? One
that has been considered often is the following.
Question 1. Which (non-negative) vectors (f0 , f1 , . . . , fd−1 ) in Zd can actually
arise as the f -vector of a d-dimensional convex polytope?

111111111 0000000000000000000
111111111 0000000000000000000
111111111 1111111111111111111
111111111 0000000000000000000
111111111 0000000000000000000
111111111 0000000000000000000
111111111 0000000000000000000
111111111 0000000000000000000
111111111 0000000000000000000
111111111 0000000000000000000
111111111 0000000000000000000
111111111 0000000000000000000
111111111 0000000000000000000
111111111 0000000000000000000
111111111 0000000000000000000
111111111 0000000000000000000
111111111 0000000000000000000
111111111 0000000000000000000
111111111 0000000000000000000
111111111 0000000000000000000
111111111 0000000000000000000
111111111 0000000000000000000
111111111 0000000000000000000
111111111 0000000000000000000
111111111 0000000000000000000
111111111 0000000000000000000

Figure 3. The digon and the monogon: two valid CW -balls, obeying the
topological constraint f0 = f1 . The digon has 2 vertices and 2 edges, while
the monogon has 1 vertex and 1 edge.

From now on, when we speak of a “d-dimensional” polytope, we will assume that
it is fully d-dimensional in the sense that its points affinely span a d-dimensional
space. For d = 2, Question 1 has an obvious answer.
Proposition 2. A vector (f0 , f1 ) ∈ Z2 is the f -vector of a 2-dimensional convex
polytope (polygon) if and only if
(i) f0 = f1 , and
(ii) f0 , f1 ≥ 3.
In spite of its simplicity, this answer foreshadows some important issues arising in
higher dimensions. Note that the equation constraint (i) is really a consequence of
topology: the boundary of a convex polygon is homeomorphic to a one-dimensional
sphere. The same equation (i) would hold—without any polytopality assumption—
for any CW -complex homeomorphic to a 2-dimensional ball, e.g. the digon or mono-
gon depicted in Figure 3.
On the other hand, the inequality (ii) is really a consequence of polytopality. It
highlights the importance of clarifying in which category we work when studying f -
vectors (such as CW -spheres, regular CW -spheres, P L-spheres, polytopal spheres,
etc.) as this can have a dramatic effect on the answers and the difficulty level for
questions about f -vectors.
Question 1 for d = 3 is also not hard, and was answered by Steinitz roughly a
century ago.
Theorem 3. A vector (f0 , f1 , f2 ) ∈ Z3 is the f -vector of a 3-dimensional convex
polytope if and only if
(i) f0 − f1 + f2 = 2 (Euler’s relation),
(ii) f0 , f2 ≥ 4, and
(iii) 2f1 ≥ 3f2 , 2f1 ≥ 3f0 .
Again, the equational constraint (i) is a familiar consequence of topology. Poly-
topality provides us with the first inequality f0 ≥ 4 in (ii), since we have assumed
that our polytope affinely spans R3 and hence must have at least 4 affinely indepen-
dent vertices.2 The condition f2 ≥ 4 then follows from the important tool of polar
duality: every convex polytope P in Rd has a (polar) dual polytope P ♦ , whose
faces correspond bijectively with those of P , but in an inclusion-reversing and
dimension-reversing fashion. Thus for a 3-dimensional polytope P with f -vector
2Actually, both inequalities in (ii) already follow from (i) and (iii), and hence are redundant, but
we have included them anyway.

Figure 4. A pair of Platonic solids, which are polar dual to each other: the
icosahedron and the dodecahedron. Their f -vectors (f0 , f1 , f2 ) are related by
reversal, namely (12, 30, 20) and (20, 30, 12), respectively.

Figure 5. “Blowing apart” the facets of a 3-dimensional polytope and then

counting edges in two ways shows that 2f1 ≥ 3f2 .

(f0 , f1 , f2 ), its polar dual P ♦ will have f -vector (f2 , f1 , f0 ). Two classic examples
of dual Platonic solids, the icosahedron and dodecahedron are shown in Figure 4.
The remaining inequalities (iii) in the above theorem are another consequence
of convexity that follows from counting the edges in the polytope after “blowing
apart” the facets, as depicted in Figure 5. Combining the fact that every edge
lies in exactly two facets with the fact that each facet has at least three boundary
edges, one is led to the inequality 2f1 ≥ 3f2 . The second inequality in (iii) then
follows from polar duality. This shows the necessity of Steinitz’s conditions; the
sufficiency can be shown by constructing 3-dimensional polytopes with specified
f -vectors via some relatively simple constructions (start with a pyramid having an
arbitrary polygonal base, and iterate the operation of shaving off a vertex, or its
polar dual operation of stellarly subdividing a facet).
What about Question 1 for d ≥ 4? In dimension 4 there are only partial answers
(see Ziegler’s course), and in higher dimensions, the question is wide open.

Figure 6. The area of a lattice triangle having i = 1 interior lattice point and
b = 4 boundary lattice points is i + 12 b − 1 = 2.

3. Lattice points
There is even more combinatorial structure attached to lattice polytopes, the topic
of the graduate course by Barvinok, appearing also in the undergraduate course by
Thomas as well as the undergraduate faculty course by Su. A lattice polytope is
a convex polytope whose vertices lie in Zd . Here there are non-trivial results even
for d = 2, that is for lattice polygons! The most famous is probably Pick’s formula
for the area of a lattice polygon.
Theorem 4. (Pick [6]) Let P be a lattice polygon with i lattice points in its interior
and b lattice points on its boundary. Then the area of P is i + 21 b − 1.
Figure 6 illustrates this result for a certain lattice triangle. In fact, Pick’s Theorem
holds even for lattice polygons which are not convex.
The theory of lattice polytopes becomes more interesting in higher dimensions,
including the theory of Ehrhart polynomials. It is a subject that has seen many
advances within the last decade that have greatly increased our ability for explicit
computations. One such advance is Brion’s formula, which says how to list the
lattice points in a lattice polytope. More precisely, let P be a polytope in Rd with
integer vertices. If a = (a1 , . . . , ad ) ∈ Zd is a lattice point, then write ta = ta1 1 · · · tadd
for the corresponding Laurent monomial. The generating function for the lattice
points in P is the sum of all Laurent monomials ta for a ∈ Zd ∩ P . It is a rational
function because it has only finitely many terms. In contrast, consider the tangent
cone Tv to the polytope at the vertex v, which is the translate by v of cone generated
over the positive real numbers by P − v. The generating function for the lattice
points Zd ∩ Tv in a tangent cone is not a finite sum, but it is still expressible as a
rational function Cv (t). Brion’s formula breaks the lattice point enumerator of P
into a sum over the vertices of P :
ta = Cv (t).
a∈Zd ∩P vertices v of P

This counter-intuitive result looks like it counts each lattice point in P once for
each vertex of P , and furthermore counts all of the lattice points outside of P some
number of times, as well. But when that wild-looking generating function (sup-
ported on all of Zd ) is expressed as a single rational function, the over-counting
inside of P and parts outside of P vanish. Brion’s formula is important for compu-
tation because it provides a “short” way to represent the set of lattice points in P .

= + + +

st2 t2 1 s
= + + +
(1 − s−1 )(1− t−1 ) (1 − s)(1 − t−1 ) (1 − s)(1 − t) (1 − s−1 )(1 − t)
s t − t + 1 − s2
2 3 3
(1 − s)(1 − t)
(1 − t3 )(1 − s2 )
(1 − s)(1 − t)
= (1 + t + t2 )(1 + s)
= 1 + t + t2 + s + st + st2

Figure 7. Brion’s formula verified for the 2 × 1 lattice rectangle in R2

Example 5. Let P ⊂ R2 be the 2 × 1 lattice rectangle

with vertex set {(0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 0), (1, 2)}. The lattice point enumerator of P , writ-
ten in variables (s, t) = (t1 , t2 ), is 1 + t + t2 + s + st + st2 . The lattice points in
the tangent cone at (say) the vertex (1, 2) of P consist of all integer vectors (a, b)
such that a ≤ 1 and b ≤ 2. The generating function for these lattice points is
st2 /(1 − s−1 )(1 − t−1 ). The statement of Brion’s formula in this case is verified in
the calculation appearing in Figure 7.

4. Hyperplane arrangements
Another interesting example of geometric objects with combinatorial structure are
arrangements of hyperplanes, the subject of Stanley’s graduate course, and other
(affine or) linear subspaces of a vector space, which form part of the subject of
Wachs’s graduate course. Figure 8 illustrates an affine arrangement of hyperplanes
(lines) in R2 , along with a central arrangement of hyperplanes in R3 depicted via
their intersections with the unit sphere.
Hyperplanes dissect Rd into open regions (or chambers), which can be bounded
or unbounded, and which one can attempt to count. When one complexifies real
hyperplanes or subspaces by considering them inside Cd , they “poke holes” in the
space, creating non-trivial topology one can try to measure, e.g. by computing
homotopy invariants such as homology or homotopy groups, or cohomology rings.
When the hyperplanes or subspaces are defined over Z, one can consider their

Figure 8. An arrangement of affine lines in R2 with the bounded regions

shaded, and a central arrangement of hyperplanes in R3 depicted as great
circles on a unit sphere.

reductions mod p as arrangements in vector spaces Fdp over finite fields, and then
count points lying on or off the arrangement. It turns out that almost all of this
enumerative or topological analysis comes down to understanding the topology of
another poset: the lattice of intersections of the subspaces, ordered by inclusion.
In particular, one learns that it is important to associate a simplicial complex
(and hence a topological space) to this poset, via the ubiquitous order complex
or nerve construction. We also find ourselves in need of a wide array of tools,
provided in the graduate course on poset topology by Wachs, for understanding
the homotopy or homeomorphism type of the various kinds of simplicial complexes
that arise in this way.

5. Symmetry
Many of the examples of combinatorial geometric objects cropping up all over
mathematics, such as in the geometry and representation theory of Lie groups
and algebras, are those possessing a high degree of symmetry. Such objects are the
subject of the graduate course by Fomin, and also play a prominent role in the part
of Wachs’s course that deals with the equivariant theory of poset topology.
To give some flavor of Fomin’s course, let’s look briefly at the classical topic of
regular polytopes. A regular polytope is one in which every maximal flag of faces
vertex ⊂ edge ⊂ · · · ⊂ facet
“looks” the same, meaning that the group of linear symmetries preserving the poly-
tope acts transitively on all such flags. The 3-dimensional regular polytopes are
exactly the Platonic solids, depicted in Figure 4. Classical results in the theory as-
sociate to every regular polytope P a certain well-studied and well-behaved hyper-
plane arrangement: the symmetry group of a regular polytope is always generated
by reflection symmetries, and one simply takes the associated reflecting hyperplanes
for all such symmetries. For the regular tetrahedron, the associated dissection by
reflecting hyperplanes and the hyperplane arrangement are shown in Figure 9. Not
only do these reflection arrangements play a central role in Fomin’s course, but
they show up as key motivating examples, along with some of their well-behaved
deformations, in Stanley’s course as well.

Figure 9. The reflection symmetries of the regular tetrahedron, dissecting

its boundary. The associated reflection hyperplane arrangement and root sys-
tem gives rise to the 3-dimensional associahedron, with f -vector (f0 , f1 , f2 ) =
(14, 21, 9). Note that f0 = 14 = 15 2·4
` ´
= C4 is a Catalan number.

A collection of vectors consisting of a pair of two opposite normal vectors for

each of these reflecting hyperplanes gives rise to what is called a root system. It
should be noted that not every root system comes from the reflection arrange-
ment of a regular polytope, but three of the four infinite families of (finite, irre-
ducible, crystallographic) root systems (types A, B, and C) do arise in this way from
the higher-dimensional regular polytopes that generalize tetrahedra (simplices) and
cubes/octahedra (hypercubes/hyperoctahedra).
Moving beyond the classical theory, an exciting development in 21st century
geometric combinatorics (and a main focus of Fomin’s graduate course) has been
the discovery of what are called cluster algebras. The cluster algebras of finite type
give rise to new and important convex polytopes associated to root systems, called
generalized associahedra. For root systems of type A, these are the classical as-
sociahedra or Stasheff polytopes which have been known for decades in topology,
geometry and algebra. The bottom part of Figure 9 depicts the type A associahe-
dron arising from the reflection arrangement for the regular tetrahedron. In type B,
one recovers the more recently discovered cyclohedra of Bott and Taubes.
These polytopes exhibit wondrous numerology, closely connected with Cata-
1 2n
lan numbers Cn = n+1 n in type A, and more generally with the mysterious
numerology of exponents for all root systems. A great deal of intriguing combina-
torics awaits discovery in these polytopes.

6. Moment graphs
Geometric combinatorics does not only concern structures arising from spaces that
feel discrete. Smooth spaces often have underlying combinatorics, as well. Many
smooth spaces can be considered from the point of view in MacPherson’s course,

S 1 × S 1 action:

CP1 × CP1 = ×

Figure 10. CP1 × CP1 and the action of S 1 × S 1

where the combinatorics takes the form of a graph drawn with straight edges in Rn .
The setup is as follows.
An algebraic torus is a group of the form T = (C∗ )n , where C∗ = C \ {0} is
the set of nonzero complex numbers, considered as a group under multiplication.
Inside of the algebraic torus T is an honest compact torus TR = (S 1 )n , the product
of n copies of the unit circle group. MacPherson’s course concerns spaces X with
an action of T . More precisely, let X be a smooth compact complex algebraic
variety of dimension d; thus X is a real manifold of dimension 2d with some extra
structure to make it a manifold over C. We require that the action T : X → X has
finitely many
• T -fixed points and
• complex 1-dimensional orbits.
An orbit of complex dimension 1 has real dimension 2, and is necessarily isomorphic
to a copy of C∗ . Since X is compact, the closure of such an orbit is an isomor-
phic copy of the Riemann sphere (projective complex line) P1 : add an origin 0 and
a point ∞ at infinity (both of which will be T -fixed points) to the copy of C∗ .
The union of the T -fixed points and the 1-dimensional orbits is a configuration,
called a balloon sculpture, of finitely many Riemann spheres in X joined at some
of their poles. The moment graph is a real 1-dimensional shadow of the complex
1-dimensional balloon sculpture. It is obtained from the balloon sculpture by iden-
tifying together all points in each orbit of the compact torus TR .
Example 6. Let X = CP1 ×CP1 be a product of two Riemann spheres. This space
comes with an action of T = C∗ × C∗ , so n = 2 in the preceding notation. The
compact torus TR = S 1 × S 1 is the familiar real 2-dimensional doughnut. The two
copies of S 1 spin the corresponding spheres CP1 around their axes, each leaving the
other sphere fixed pointwise, as depicted in Figure 10. The balloon sculpture in X
consists of four spheres joined pole-to-pole in a cycle, as in Figure 11. The circles
of latitude in the four balloons are TR orbits, as are each of the poles. Collapsing
each of these orbits to a point yields the moment graph of CP1 × CP1 : a square.
In the above example, the quotient of all of X by TR is the entire square—
including the interior, over which the TR orbits are 2-dimensional tori. More gener-
ally, for every lattice polytope P there is a toric variety XP whose moment graph is
the edge graph of P , and whose quotient by TR is all of P . Although toric varieties
constitute a very important class of examples—they are the simplest spaces with
moment graphs—they aren’t the only spaces with moment graphs.

balloon sculpture X

moment graph X/TR

Figure 11. The balloon sculpture of X = CP1 × CP1 and its map to the moment graph

Example 7. Let X be the quadric hypersurface in CP6 consisting of the solutions

to the polynomial equation z 2 + x1 y1 + x2 y2 + x3 y3 = 0. The algebraic torus
T = (C∗ )3 , with coordinates (τ1 , τ2 , τ3 ), acts by
(τ1 , τ2 , τ3 ) · (z : x1 : x2 : x3 : y1 : y2 : y3 ) = (z : τ1 x1 : τ2 x2 : τ3 x3 : τ1−1 y1 : τ2−1 y2 : τ3−1 y3 );
that is, the polynomial equation is invariant under T . The moment graph is ubiq-
uitous when it comes to this summer school. In particular, there is geometric
combinatorics on the front of the 2004 PCMI T-shirt as well as on the back! This
example is straight from MacPherson’s notes, where it is treated in more detail.

Figure 12. The moment graph of the quadric hypersurface X in CP6

The methods surrounding moment graphs are particularly well-suited to spaces

like complete flag manifolds and their relatives, including Grassmannians, other
quotients of compact Lie groups by parabolic subgroups, and loop Grassmanni-
ans. These spaces are crucial to interactions of combinatorics with representation
theory and algebraic geometry. Moment graphs (and moment maps, when they
are available) are vehicles by which smooth spaces give rise to more obviously
discrete-geometric objects such as polytopes, graphs, and root systems. A hint of
the consequences of this transition occurs in Fomin’s graduate course.

Figure 13. The convex hull of the moment graph of the flag manifold F ℓ3 is a permutohedron

Example 8. Let X = F ℓ3 be the manifold of flags in C3 . Thus F ℓ3 consists

of the chains {0} = V0 ⊂ V1 ⊂ V2 ⊂ V3 = C3 of vector subspaces of C3 with
dim Vi = i. The algebraic torus (C∗ )3 naturally acts on X by virtue of its action
on C3 . The moment graph of F ℓ3 is depicted in Figure 13. The graph can be
naturally embedded in a plane sitting in R3 , and its convex hull, which is the image
of the moment map, is a hexagon. More generally, the convex hull of the moment
graph of the manifold F ℓn of flags in Cn is a polytope called the permutohedron,
whose vertices are the n! permutations of (1, . . . , n). Unlike the moment graphs of
toric varieties (but like the PCMI logo in Figure 12), the edges of the permutohedron
constitute only part of the moment graph of F ℓn , which also has edges passing
through the interior.

7. Fixed points of smooth symmetries

Moment graphs isolate combinatorial structures from a priori smooth geometric
contexts. But what is this combinatorial data good for? Although it may not
seem likely at first, the moment graph actually retains an enormous amount of
information about a space X. In particular, much of the topology of X can be
faithfully recovered from the discrete data of its moment graph.
This sort of claim reflects a phenomenon that is quite general. Without intro-
ducing too many hypotheses, the setup is that X should be a space with an action
of some Lie group G such that the set X G of fixed points is finite. Now suppose
that ξ is some global topological invariant of X that is G-equivariant, meaning that
it takes into account the G-action. The aim is to produce statements saying that
ξ= ξx
x∈X G

breaks up as a sum of local contributions ξx at the fixed points. Theorems of

this form are called localization theorems or fixed point formulas, and often come
attached to names such as Atiyah, Bott, or Lefschetz. The idea is that the residual
action of G on the tangent spaces to the G-fixed points carries enough information
about the action on X to reconstruct topological data.

In MacPherson’s course, ξ is an equivariant cohomology class or some related

invariant, the point being that the entire equivariant cohomology ring of X is
determined by its moment graph. In Barvinok’s course, taking ξ to be the character
of the global sections of a line bundle on a toric variety yields Brion’s theorem as
a statement in equivariant K-theory. For instance, the computation in Example 5
comes from localization applied to the line bundle O(1, 2) on the toric variety from
Example 6. Of course, this key to Barvinok’s polynomial-time algorithms for lattice
point enumeration does not, in a logical sense, require thinking about equivariant
K-theory of toric varieties; but it is worthwhile to note that it was in such a context
that Brion discovered the formula in the first place.
The notion that topology is encoded by local data near fixed points is a pow-
erful one. Even forgetting temporarily about the two preceding examples, it has
far-reaching consequences, combinatorial and otherwise, ranging from Okounkov
and Pandharipande’s proof of Witten’s conjecture (Kontsevich’s theorem) [5] to
Deligne’s proof of the Weil conjectures (see [2]).
Yet another example underlies a fundamental part of the geometry in Haiman’s
course. The smooth space there is the Hilbert scheme Hn of n points in the plane C2 .
As a set, Hn consists of the ideals I ⊆ C[x, y] in the two-variable polynomial
ring such that C[x, y]/I has dimension n as a vector space over C. The ideal of
polynomials vanishing on n distinct points in C2 is an example of a point I ∈ Hn .
However, there are other colength n ideals, such as the ideal generated by xn and y;
a C-linear basis for the quotient C[x, y]/I is given by {1, x, x2 , . . . , xn−1 }.
More generally, for every partition λ of n, meaning a weakly decreasing list of
integers whose sum is n, there is an ideal Iλ generated by monomials. Think of λ
as a (Young) shape, so that for example

λ = (7, 4, 2, 2, 1) ←→

is a partition of 7 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 16 in “French” notation. The nooks immediately

outside of λ can be labeled naturally with monomials as in Figure 14. The ideal Iλ
is then generated by these monomials. Thus, for λ = (7, 4, 2, 2, 1) we get
Iλ = hx7 , x4 y, x2 y 2 , xy 4 , y 5 i.
It is easy to verify that the boxes inside λ correspond to monomials that constitute
a C-linear basis for the quotient C[x, y]/Iλ . In particular, if λ is a partition of n
then C[x, y]/Iλ has dimension n as a vector space over C.
The torus T = (C∗ )2 acts on Hn because it acts on C2 by scaling the axes.
More concretely, if I = hf1 (x, y), . . . , fr (x, y)i is an ideal, then (σ, τ ) ∈ T acts on I
(σ, τ ) · I = hf1 (σx, τ y), . . . , fr (σx, τ y)i.
If f (x, y) is a monomial, then f (σx, τ y) is a scalar multiple of f (x, y). Therefore, if
all of the polynomials fi (x, y) are monomials, then (σ, τ ) · I = I. In other words, if

xy 4

x2 y 2
x4 y

Figure 14. Monomials in the nooks immediately outside of the partition λ = (7, 4, 2, 2, 1)

I = Iλ for some partition λ then Iλ is a T -fixed point of Hn . The converse holds as

well: if I is a T -fixed point, then I = Iλ is a monomial ideal for some partition λ.
For Hilbert schemes, therefore, combinatorics is evident already in the fixed
points themselves, regardless of localization theorems. This makes fixed point P for-
mulas on Hn all the more interesting: any such formula will have a sum λ ξλ
over partitions λ of n on one side of the equation. What Haiman’s geometric the-
ory shows is that, for certain vector bundles and more general sheaves on Hn with
interesting global section characters ξ, fixed point formulas result in extraodinarily
interesting sums over λ.
The reason why the fixed point formulas are so interesting is that a certain
particularly natural vector bundle on Hn yields summands ξλ that are essentially
the Macdonald polynomials from Lecture 3 of Haiman’s course. This statement is
equivalent to the n! theorem (see Theorem 8 in the notes by Haiman and Woo).
One of the fixed point formulas it yields results in the (n + 1)n−1 theorem [3], a
combinatorial statement that motivated the whole geometric story. It says that
Rn = C[x1 , y1 , . . . , xn , yn ]/ xr1 y1s + · · · + xrn yns | r, s ∈ N ,

which is known as the ring of diagonal coinvariants, has dimension (n + 1)n−1 as

a vector space over C. In fact, since the summands ξλ are torus-equivariant data
at the fixed point Iλ , the fixed point formula is a doubly-graded version of this
enumerative statement. Combinatorial methods for such q, t-analogues in general,
and the Macdonald polynomials in particular, constitute Haiman’s course.

8. Morse theory
Localization theorems are powerful ways to reconstruct topological invariants from
knowledge of local data near fixed points. However, even to speak of fixed points we
must have a group action. In the preceding situations, such actions were natural,
in that they were fundamental to the smooth spaces under consideration. The flag
manifold, for instance, is the quotient of a Lie group by a closed subgroup, and
hence obviously has lots of Lie group actions on it; and a toric variety is (by some
definitions) the closure of a dense torus orbit. But what if our smooth space doesn’t
come with a natural Lie group action? Make a group action from scratch!
Suppose that X is a real manifold with a Riemannian metric. Any real-valued
function f : X → R yields a gradient flow on X: each point goes in the direction
of steepest descent. Gradient flow can be viewed as an action of the Lie group R

Figure 15. Four critical points on a torus, with the negative flow directions

(thought of as parametrizing time) on X. The fixed points of the flow are the
critical points of f , where the derivative of f vanishes; these points are ambivalent
about which direction to go, so they stay put. See Figure 15 for an example with
four critical points on a torus. When f is generic, we can define the index of a
critical point x to be the number of independent directions at x in which the flow
points away from x—that is, the limit is x as time approaches −∞.
Topological invariants are extracted from this (more or less) combinatorial data
of critical points, indexes, and downward flow submanifolds by constructing a cell
decomposition of X. There is one cell for each critical point, and the dimension of
the cell is the index of the critical point. From Figure 15, we see that a torus can
be constructed from a vertex (the bottom critical point), two edges (the middle two
critical points), and one 2-cell (the top critical point). The manner in which the
downward flow submanifold from one critical point approaches the other critical
points determines how to glue the cells.
Gradient flow is all well and good if we’re given a smooth manifold. But what if,
in the spirit of how this Overview started, we’re given a discrete geometric object,
such as a collection of polytopes or a simplicial complex ∆? The answer lies in
Forman’s lectures: use discrete Morse theory. The idea is strikingly simple. Let P
be the Hasse diagram of the face poset of ∆. Orient all of the edges of P downward.
A Morse flow in this context is a (partial) matching on P such that reversing the
edges in the matching does not ruin the directed acylicity property of the directed
graph P . This mirrors the stipulation that our Morse function f mapped X to
the real numbers, and not (for example) to the circle. The critical simplices of the
Morse flow are the unmatched elements of P . In analogy with the smooth case,
the critical simplices correspond to cells in a complex that is homotopy-equivalent
to ∆, so the topological invariants have not changed. Discrete Morse theory is an
extremely useful tool in making explicit calculations. It is also a key theoretical
tool for poset homology, which leads to Wachs’s course.
Going beyond Morse theory, it is possible to combinatorialize a number of
other notions from differential geometry. Forman’s fourth and fifth lectures, for
example, discuss combinatorializations of curvature, and the purely combinatorial

questions that result as a consequence. Of course, combinatorialization often helps

us understand the smooth setting better. Recent work of Biss [1], for example,
shows that understanding metric tangent data in a purely combinatorial context
loses no topological information whatsoever. The discrete analogues of smooth
tangent bundles are, in that case, matroid bundles on combinatorial differentiable
manifolds (“CD-manifolds”).

9. Further topics
We have tried in this Overview to give an idea of what “geometric combinatorics”
might mean, although (for obvious reasons) we have done so mostly in the con-
text of the courses at PCMI 2004. But this summer’s offerings are by no means
comprehensive! There are vast numbers of ways combinatorial structure arises in
geometry. Here, for example, is a small list of keywords.
• Tropicalization: polyhedral structures reflect the geometry of complex
algebraic varieties.
• Degeneration: replace a manifold or variety, such as a Schubert variety, by
a degenerate version that has several components, each of which is simpler.
• Stratification: different strata, as in moduli spaces of curves, can represent
collections of geometric objects with identical combinatorial properties.
• Branch point data (Hurwitz schemes and ramified covers): counting meth-
ods rely on combinatorics of the symmetric group.
• Generating functions: for example, Gromov–Witten theory leads to mul-
tivariate hypergeometric series.
• Characteristic classes: for example, functorial approaches to graph color-
ing and Tverberg-type theorems.
Some of the above items were hot topics at the 2004 PCMI Research Program: the
Clay lecture by Sturmfels was one of many talks about tropical geometry and its
applications, and the research talk by (for example) Vakil concerned recent advances
using degeneration. The last item on the list was expanded by Kozlov to a survey
paper that is included in this volume. The survey concerns graph complexes and
functorial approaches to graph coloring. More precisely, in 1978 Lovász proved a
subtle conjecture of Kneser in graph theory using functoriality: a proper vertex-
coloring of a graph is intepreted as a morphism in a certain category of graphs.
This leads to a morphism between two topological spaces with free Z2 -actions,
to which the Borsuk–Ulam theorem can be applied. Recently these techniques of
graph complexes and characteristic classes have been greatly extended, culminating
in Babson and Kozlov’s proof of a conjecture of Lovász.
Keeping in mind that the above list is incomplete, it should be clear that there
would never be enough time to cover all of the relevant topics. The only remedy
would be another summer school on Geometric Combinatorics.

1. D. K. Biss, The homotopy type of the matroid Grassmannian, Ann. of Math.

(2) 158 (2003), no. 3, 929–952.
2. E. Freitag and R. Kiehl, Étale cohomology and the Weil conjecture, Ergebnisse
der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete (3) [Results in Mathematics and
Related Areas (3)] Vol. 13, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1988.
3. M. Haiman, Vanishing theorems and character formulas for the Hilbert
scheme of points in the plane, Invent. Math. 149 (2002), 371-407.
4. M. Joswig and G.M. Ziegler, Neighborly cubical polytopes, Discrete Comput.
Geom. 24 (2000), 325–344.
5. A. Okounkov and R. Pandharipande, Gromov–Witten theory, Hurwitz num-
bers, and Matrix models, I, preprint. arXiv:math.AG/0101147
6. G. Pick, Geometrisches zur Zahlenlehre, Sitzungsberichte Lotos (Prag),
Natur-med. Verein für Böhmen 19 (1899), 311–319.

Lattice Points, Polyhedra, and

Alexander Barvinok
IAS/Park City Mathematics Series
Volume 14, 2004

Lattice Points, Polyhedra, and


Alexander Barvinok

The central topic of these lectures is efficient counting of integer points in polyhe-
dra. Consequently, various structural results about polyhedra and integer points
are ultimately discussed with an eye on computational complexity and algorithms.
This approach is one of many possible and it suggests some new analogies and
connections. For example, we consider unimodular decompositions of cones as a
higher-dimensional generalization of the classical construction of continued frac-
tions. There is a well recognized difference between the theoretical computational
complexity of an algorithm and the performance of a computational procedure in
practice. Recent computational advances [L+04], [V+04] demonstrate that many
of the theoretical ideas described in these notes indeed work fine in practice. On the
other hand, some other theoretically efficient algorithms look completely “unimple-
mentable”, a good example is given by some algorithms of [BW03]. Moreover,
there are problems for which theoretically efficient algorithms are not available at
the time. In our view, this indicates the current lack of understanding of some
important structural issues in the theory of lattice points and polyhedra. It shows
that the theory is very much alive and open for explorations.
Exercises constitute an important part of these notes. They are assembled at
the end of each lecture and classified as review problems, supplementary problems,
and preview problems.
Review problems ask the reader to complete a proof, to fill some gaps in a
proof, or to establish some necessary technical prerequisites. Problems of this kind
tend to be relatively straightforward. To be able to complete them is essential for
Supplementary problems explore various topics in more depth and breadth.
Problems of this kind can be harder. They may use some general concepts which
are not formally introduced in the text, but which, nevertheless, are likely to be
familiar to the reader.
1 Department of Mathematics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1043.
E-mail address:
This work is partially supported by the NSF grant DMS 0400617.

2007 American Mathematical Society


Preview problems address what is going to appear in the following lectures

or could be an object of further study. The purpose of these problems is to make
the reader prepared, to the extent possible, for further developments.
Not every result mentioned in these lectures is accompanied by a complete
proof. However, the reader can find the details in the references at the end of each

Acknowledgments. I am grateful to Ezra Miller, Vic Reiner, and Bernd Sturm-

fels, the organizers of the 2004 Graduate Summer School at Park City, for their
invitation to give these lectures and for their support. I am grateful to students
and researchers who attended the lectures, asked questions, and otherwise showed
their interest in the material. It is my pleasure to thank Greg Blekherman for the
excellent job of conducting review sessions where the lecture material was discussed
and problems were solved. I am indebted to Greg Blekherman and Kevin Woods
for reading the first, pre-event, version of the notes and suggesting corrections and
improvements and to Kevin Woods for detailed comments and suggestions on the
post-event version.
Inspirational Examples. Valuations

The theory we are about to describe is inspired by two simple well-known

formulas. Our first inspiration comes from the formula for the sum of the finite
geometric series.

Example 1.

1 − xn+1
xm = .

We observe that the long polynomial on the left-hand-side of the equation sums up
to a short rational function on the right-hand-side.
Geometrically, we do the following: we take the interval [0, n], for every integer
point m in the interval we write the monomial xm , and then take the sum over the
integer points in the interval, see Figure 1.


0 m n

Figure 1. Integer points in the interval

We observe that the thus obtained “long” polynomial (it contains n + 1 mono-
mials) can be written as a “short” rational function (it is expressed in terms of only
4 monomials).
Naturally, we ask what happens if we replace the interval by something higher-
dimensional. Let us, for example, draw a big triangle in the plane, for each integer
point m = (m1 , m2 ) in the triangle let us write the bivariate monomial xm =
xm 1 m2
1 x2 , and then let us try to write the sum over all integer points in the triangle
as some simple rational function in x1 and x2 , see Figure 2. If the triangle is really
large, we get a really long polynomial this way. Later, we will see how to write it
as a short rational function.

Our second inspiration comes from the formula for the sum of the infinite
geometric series.

x1m1x 2m 2

(m1,m 2 )

Figure 2. Integer points in the triangle

Example 2.

xm = .
This formula makes sense because the series on the left-hand-side converges for all
|x| < 1 to the function on the right-hand-side. Similarly,

1 −x
xm = −1
1−x 1−x
makes sense because the series converges for all |x| > 1.
How do we make sense of

xm ?

This sum does not converge for any x, so we take the easiest route and say that
the sum is 0. This may look bizarre but there is some consistence in the way we
define the sums: the inclusion-exclusion principle seems to be respected. Indeed,
we get the set of all integers if we take all non-negative integers, add all non-positive
integers, and subtract 0, as it was double-counted:

xm = xm + xm − x0 .
m=−∞ m=0 m=−∞

This suspiciously agrees with

1 −x
0= + − 1.
1−x 1−x
Geometrically, the real line R1 is divided into two unbounded rays intersecting
in a point. For every region (the two rays, the line, and the point), we construct a
rational function so that the sum of xm over the lattice points in the region converges
to that rational function, if it converges at all, and the inclusion-exclusion principle
is upheld, see Figure 3.

x−3 x−2 x−1 x 0 x 1 x 2 x 3


Figure 3. The real line divided into two rays


Naturally, we ask what happens in higher dimensions. Let us draw three lines
in general position in the plane: each line splits the plane into two halfplanes, every
two lines form four angles, and there are various other regions (one triangle, the
whole plane, and some nameless unbounded polygonal regions), see Figure 4.


Figure 4. The plane divided into regions

Among those regions, there are regions R where the sum m∈R∩Z2 xm con-
verges for some x, and there are regions where such a sum would never converge.
Can we assign a rational function to every region simultaneously so that each se-
ries converges to the corresponding rational function, if it converges at all, and the
inclusion-exclusion principle is observed?
Later, we will see that such an assignment is indeed possible.
We need some definitions.
Defintion 1. The action takes place in Euclidean space Rd , with coordinates x =
(x1 , . . . , xd ), the scalar product

x, y = xi yi for x = (x1 , . . . , xd ) and y = (y1 , . . . , yd ),

and with the integer point lattice Zd ⊂ Rd , consisting of the points x with integer
coordinates. A polyhedron P ⊂ Rd is the set of solutions to finitely many linear
P = x ∈ Rd : aij xj ≤ bi , i = 1, . . . , m .
If all aij , bi are integers, the polyhedron is rational. The main object in these notes
is the set P ∩ Zd of integer points in a rational polyhedron P .
What can we do with polyhedra? The intersection of finitely many (rational)
polyhedra is a (rational) polyhedron. The union doesn’t have to be but may happen
to be a polyhedron. To account for all possible relations among polyhedra, we
introduce the algebra of polyhedra.
Defintion 2. For a set A ⊂ Rd , let [A] : Rd −→ R be the indicator of A. Thus [A]
is the function on Rd defined by

1 if x ∈ A
[A](x) =
0 if x ∈
/ A.
The algebra of polyhedra P(Rd ) is the vector space spanned by the indicators [P ]
for all polyhedra P ⊂ Rd . The coefficient field does not matter much: it can be
Q, R, or C.

The algebra of rational polyhedra P(Qd ) ⊂ P(Rd ) is defined similarly as the

subspace spanned by the indicators [P ] of rational polyhedra P .
Why do we call P(Rd ) and P(Qd ) algebras? So far, we defined P(Rd ), P(Qd )
as vector spaces. There is one obvious algebra structure on P(Rd ) and P(Qd ).
Namely, let f, g : Rd −→ R be functions from the algebras. Then we can define
their point-wise product h = f g by h(x) = f (x)g(x). It is immediate to check that
h indeed lies in the corresponding algebra. There is a less obvious though more
interesting algebra structure on P(Rd ) and P(Qd ), see Supplementary Problem 2
in Lecture 2.
Another observation: as long as d > 0, the indicators [P ] of (rational) polyhedra
P ⊂ Rd do not form a basis of P(Rd ), P(Qd ), because they are linearly dependent.
This is what makes the theory interesting.

Let V be a vector space. A linear transformation P(Rd ), P(Qd ) −→ V is called
a valuation. Basically, this course is about the existence and properties of one
particular valuation P(Qd ) −→ C(x1 , . . . , xd ), where C(x1 , . . . , xd ) is the space of
d-variate rational functions. We saw a glimpse of this valuation in Examples 1 and
To warm up, we introduce one of the simplest and most useful valuations.
Theorem 1. There exists a unique valuation χ : P(Rd ) −→ R, called the Euler
characteristic, such that χ([P ]) = 1 for any non-empty polyhedron P ⊂ Rd .
Sketch of proof. Uniqueness of χ, if it exists, is clear: there is at most one way to
extend the definition χ([P ]) = 1 linearly on the whole algebra P(Rd ). Because the
indicators [P ] are linearly dependent, it is not at all obvious that such an extension
exists. To establish existence, we use induction on the dimension d. If d = 0, we
define χ(f ) = f (0) and it works.
Suppose that d > 0. First, we prove the existence of χ on the subspace of
P(Rd ) spanned by the indicators of bounded polyhedra, also known as polytopes.
Let us slice Rd into copies of Rd−1 by the value of the last coordinate of a point.
That is, we define Ht to be the hyperplane xd = t. Then Ht looks like Rd−1 and by
the induction hypothesis there is the Euler characteristic χt there. Given a function
f ∈ P(Rd ), we define its restriction ft onto Ht . One can easily check that if f is
a linear combination of indicators of bounded polyhedra in Rd then ft is a linear
combination of indicators of bounded polyhedra in Ht . Hence, we can define χt (ft ).
Now, the key observation is that the one-sided limit
lim χt− (ft− )

always exists and that for all but finitely many t’s it is equal to χt (ft ). In fact, if

f= αi [Pi ],
lim χt− (ft− ) = χt (ft )
unless t is the minimum value of the last coordinate on one of the polyhedra Pi in
the support of f , see Figure 5.

Figure 5. Example: for f = [P ], we have lim−→+0 χt− (ft− ) = χt (ft ) = 1

and 0 = lim−→+0 χs− (fs− ) = 1 = χs (fs )

This allows us to define

χ(f ) = χt (ft ) − lim χt− (ft− ) .

Although the sum is infinite, only finitely many terms are non-zero.
One can check that χ satisfies the required properties.
Now, we extend χ to the whole algebra P(Rd ). Let us take Pt to be the cube
|xi | ≤ t for i = 1, . . . , d and let us define

χ(f ) = lim χ(f · [Pt ]) for f ∈ P(Rd ).


Review problems.
1. Let A1 , . . . , An ⊂ Rd be sets. Prove the inclusion-exclusion formula

Ai = (−1) Ai ,
i=1 I i∈I

where the sum is taken over all non-empty subsets I ⊂ {1, . . . , n} and |I| is the
cardinality of I.
2. Fill in the gaps in the proof of Theorem 1.
3. Show that the Euler characteristic can be extended to the space spanned by
the indicators [A] of closed convex sets A ⊂ Rd so that χ([A]) = 1 if A is a
non-empty closed convex set (a set A is called convex if, for every pair of points
x, y ∈ A it contains the interval [x, y] = {αx + (1 − α)y : 0 ≤ α ≤ 1}).

A supplementary problem.
1. Let P ⊂ Rd be a bounded polyhedron with a non-empty interior int P . Show
that [int P ] ∈ P(Rd ) and that χ([int P ]) = (−1)d . Deduce the Euler-Poincaré
formula: if P is a d-dimensional polytope (bounded polyhedron), then k=0 (−1)k fk =
1, where fk is the number of k-dimensional faces of P (including the polytope

Preview problems.
1. Let P ⊂ Rd be a polyhedron and let T : Rd −→ Rk be a linear transformation.
Prove that T (P ) is a polyhedron.
2. We know that whenever there is an Euler characteristic, there must be an
underlying cohomology theory. What is the underlying cohomology theory for
the Euler characteristic in Theorem 1?
One problem is that the Euler characteristic of Theorem 1 is not a topo-
logical invariant: we have χ([A]) = 1 = −1 = χ([B]), where A is a line and B
is an open interval. Hence the underlying cohomology theory must somehow
distinguish between bounded and unbounded sets.
Remarks: Theorem 1 and its proof is due to H. Hadwiger, see also Section I.7 of
[Ba02] for more detail.
Identities in the Algebra of Polyhedra
What can we do with polyhedra? One important observation is that the image of
a polyhedron under a linear transformation is a polyhedron.
Theorem 1. Let P ⊂ Rd be a polyhedron and let T : Rd −→ Rk be a linear
transformation. Then T (P ) ⊂ Rk is a polyhedron. Furthermore, if P is a rational
polyhedron and T is a rational linear transformation (that is, the matrix of T is
rational), then T (P ) is a rational polyhedron.
The crucial step in the proof. Let us consider the following particular case:
k = d − 1 and T is the projection onto the first (d − 1) coordinates: (x1 , . . . , xd )
(x1 , . . . , xd−1 ). Suppose that the polyhedron P is defined by a system of linear
aij xj ≤ bi for i = 1, . . . , m.

Let us look at the coefficients of xd .

Let I+ = {i : aid > 0}, I− = {i : aid < 0}, and I0 = {i : aid = 0}. Then a
point y = (x1 , . . . , xd−1 ) belongs to T (P ) if and only if

(1) aij xj ≤ bj for i ∈ I0 ,

and there exists xd such that

bi  aij
xd ≤ − xj for i ∈ I+
aid j=1 aid
bi  aij
xd ≥ − xj for i ∈ I−
aid j=1 aid

Conditions (1) are some linear inequalities needed to describe T (P ), but not all
of them. We get the complete set of linear inequalities by majorizing every lower
bound by every upper bound in (2), see Figure 6:

bi1  ai j
bi  ai j
− 1
xj ≥ 2 − 2
xj for every pair i1 ∈ I+ , i2 ∈ I− .
ai1 d j=1 ai1 d ai2 d j=1 ai2 d


Thus we perform a step of the procedure known as the Fourier-Motzkin elimination.

Upper bounds


Lower bounds

Figure 6. The interval for xd is obtained by majorizing every lower bound

by every upper bound.

Linear transformations preserve linear relations among indicators of polyhedra.

Theorem 2. Let T : Rd −→ Rk be a linear transformation. Then there exists
a linear transformation T : P(Rd ) −→ P(Rk ) such that T [P ] = [T (P )] for every
polyhedron P ⊂ Rd .
Proof. Let us define the “kernel” G : Rd × Rk −→ R by

1 if T (x) = y
G(x, y) =
0 if T (x) = y.
Let us choose f ∈ P(Rd ). We must define h ∈ P(Rk ) such that T (f ) = h. To this
end, for every y ∈ Rk , we define a function gy ∈ P(Rd ) by gy (x) = G(x, y)f (x).
One can check that gy ∈ P(Rd ). Hence we can apply the Euler characteristic χ to
gy . We let h(y) = χ(gy ). Thus we got a function h : Rk −→ R. Next, one should
check that if f = [P ] then h = [T (P )]. It follows that if f ∈ P(Rd ) then h ∈ P(Rk ).
We conclude that T (f ) = h defines the required linear transformation. 
We call G(x, y) the “kernel” to underline a certain similarity between our con-
struction and the standard construction of various integral operators between func-
tional spaces in analysis. In analysis, we often construct a linear transformation
which transforms a function f : X −→ R into a function h : Y −→ R by choosing an
appropriate kernel K(x, y) : X × Y −→ R and defining h(y) = K(x, y)f (x) dμ(x)
for some measure μ on X. In polyhedral combinatorics, we can construct some
interesting linear operators A : P(Rd ) −→ P(Rk ) by choosing an appropriate “ker-
nel” K(x, y) : Rd × Rk −→ R and letting A(f ) = h, where h(y) = χ(gy ) for
gy (x) = K(x, y)f (x). The similarity is partially explained by the observation that
one can think of the Euler characteristic as a finitely-additive measure on Rd that
is a “combinatorialization” of the Lebesgue measure. In analysis, we want to know
how large is a given set and the Lebesgue measure tells us that. In polyhedral
combinatorics, we just want to know whether a given polyhedron is non-empty,
and the Euler characteristic tells that. m
It follows from Theorem 2 that whenever we have a linear relation
m i=1 αi [Pi ] =
0 among the indicator functions of polyhedra, the same relation i=1 αi [T (Pi )] = 0
holds for their images under a linear transformation. This is obvious for invertible

transformations T but starting to look less obvious for projections, see Figure 7 for
a simple example.



Figure 7. We have [ABC] = [ACD] + [CBD] − [CD] and [T (ABC)] =

[T (ACD)] + [T (CBD)] − [T (CD)].

Now we need to take a closer look at polyhedra. Some polyhedra have vertices,
some don’t.
Defintion 1. Let P ⊂ Rd be a polyhedron. A point v ∈ P is called a vertex of P
if whenever v = (x + y)/2 for some x, y ∈ P , we must have x = y = v. If v is a
point in P , we define the tangent cone of P at v as follows:
co(P, v) = x ∈ Rd : x + (1 − )v ∈ P for all sufficiently small  > 0 .

Figure 8 shows what tangent cones may look like.



Figure 8. A polyhedron and its tangent cones.

Not all polyhedra have vertices. In fact, a non-empty polyhedron has a vertex
if and only if it does not contain a line.
Defintion 2. We say that a polyhedron P contains a line if there are points x
and y such that y = 0 and x + ty ∈ P for all t ∈ R. Finally, let P0 (Rd ) ⊂ P(Rd ),
P0 (Qd ) ⊂ P(Qd ) be the subspace spanned by the indicators of (rational) polyhedra
that contain lines.
It turns out that modulo polyhedra with lines, every polyhedron is just the
sum of its tangent cones.

Theorem 3. Let P ⊂ Rd be a polyhedron. Then there is a g ∈ P0 (Rd ) such that

[P ] = g + [co(P, v)],
where the sum is taken over all vertices v of P . If P is a rational polytope then we
can choose g ∈ P0 (Qd ).
A plausible argument. We don’t really prove this important theorem, although
we come very close. We start by showing that the theorem is not obviously false.
We notice that if P is non-empty and does not contain vertices then P contains
a line and hence we can choose g = [P ].
Suppose we have been sloppy and included in the sum not only all vertices v
of P but also some non-vertices v ∈ P . No harm done: if v ∈ P is a non-vertex
then co(P, v) contains a line and so we just have to adjust g. This shows that the
formula is robust enough.
Suppose that the theorem holds for some polyhedron P ⊂ Rd and let T : Rd −→
R be a sufficiently generic linear transformation. We claim that the theorem

holds for the image T (P ). Indeed, by Theorem 2 the transformation T gives rise
to the transformation T on the algebra of polyhedra. Let us apply T to both
sides of the identity. We have T [P ] = [T (P )] and T [co(P, v)] = [T (co(P, v))] =
[co(T (P ), T (v))], cf. Review Problem 10.
We have to be somewhat careful with g: we know that g is a linear combination
of indicators of polyhedra with lines. If we are unlucky, the kernel of T may “eat
up” some of those lines and T (g) will not lie in P0 (Rk ). This is the reason why we
chose T to be “generic”. Thus if we prove the theorem for some “model” polyhedra
P , we can extend it (with some care) to polyhedra obtained from P by linear
Now, we show that the result holds for a simplex, which we define as a compact
polyhedron Δ ⊂ Rd that is the non-empty intersection of d + 1 sufficiently generic
halfspaces H1 , . . . , Hd+1 . We notice that
[H1 ∪ . . . ∪ Hd+1 ] = [Rd ]
and expanding [H1 ∪ . . . ∪ Hd+1 ] by the inclusion-exclusion formula we represent
[Rd ] as the alternating sum of the indicators [Hi1 ∩ . . . ∩ Hik ] of intersections of
halfspaces. All such intersections contain lines except for the simplex Δ = [H1 ∩
. . . ∩ Hd+1 ] itself (the intersection of all d + 1 halfspaces) and the tangent cones
[H1 ∩ . . . ∩ Hi−1 ∩ Hi+1 ∩ . . . ∩ Hd+1 ] (the intersections of all but one halfspace) at
the vertices of Δ, see Figure 9.
It follows now that the result holds for all projections of simplices, that is for
polytopes (bounded polyhedra). To obtain the formula for a general polyhedron,
one needs some structural results about unbounded polyhedra, namely that every
unbounded polyhedron is the Minkowski sum of its recession cone and a polytope,
see Review Problem 11 and Supplementary Problem 3. 
Defintion 3. Let A ⊂ Rd be a non-empty set. The set
A◦ = y ∈ Rd : x, y ≤ 1 for all x ∈ A
is called the polar of A.
It is easy to see that A◦ is a non-empty closed convex set containing the origin.

The Bipolar Theorem asserts that (A◦ ) = A provided A is a closed convex set

= + +

− − −

Figure 9. A triangle is the sum of the angles at its vertices minus the half-
planes based on its sides plus the whole plane.

containing the origin. One can show that if P is a (rational) polyhedron then P ◦
is a (rational) polyhedron, see Figure 10.


0 0

Figure 10. Some (bounded and unbounded) polyhedra and their polars.

It is somewhat surprising that the polarity correspondence preserves linear

relations among the indicator functions of polyhedra.
Theorem 4. There exists linear transformations D : P(Rd ) −→ P(Rd ), D :
P(Qd ) −→ P(Qd ), such that D[P ] = [P ◦ ] for every non-empty (rational) poly-
hedron P .
The idea of the proof. We define D as a limit of certain operators D . For  > 0,
let us define the kernel G : Rd × Rd −→ R by

1 if x, y < 1 + 
G (x, y) =
0 otherwise.

For f ∈ P(Rd ), P(Qd ) and y ∈ Rd , let gy, (x) = f (x)G (x, y). One can check
that gy, ∈ P(Rd ), P(Qd ), so we can apply the Euler characteristic χ to gy, . Let
us define h = D (f ) by h (y) = χ(gy, ). Finally, we define h = D(f ) by h(y) =
lim−→0+ h (y). One can check then that D satisfies the desired properties. 

It follows from Theorem 4 that whenever we have a linear identity

αi [Pi ] = 0

among the indicator functions of polyhedra, we have the same identity

αi [Pi◦ ] = 0

for the indicator functions of their polars, see Figure 11.

0 = + _ 0
A 0B 0 D


0 = + _
0 0 0
o o

Figure 11. We have [A] = [B] + [C] − [D] and [A◦ ] = [B ◦ ] + [C ◦ ] − [D ◦ ].

An important feature of the polarity transform is that P ◦ contains a line if and

only if P lies in an affine hyperplane, that is, not full dimensional. Continuing our
analogy with analysis, we can say that in the Euler characteristic based polyhedral
combinatorics, the polarity transform D plays the role akin to that of the Fourier
transform in the Lebesgue measure based analysis. An observation in support of
this statement can be found in Preview Problem 3.

Review problems.
1. Complete the proof of Theorem 1.
2. In Theorem 1, suppose that P ⊂ Rd is defined by m linear inequalities. Esti-
mate the number of inequalities needed to define T (P ).
3. Check the proof of Theorem 2.
4. Let P ⊂ Rd be a polyhedron defined by m linear inequalities

aij xj ≤ bi for i = 1, . . . , m.

Let x ∈ P be a point. We say that the inequality is active on x if equality holds

at x. Let ai = (ai1 , . . . , aid ) be the vector of coefficients of the i-th inequality.

Prove that v ∈ P is a vertex of P if and only if there are at least d inequalities

active on v such that their vectors form a basis of Rd .
5. Prove that a polyhedron has finitely many vertices, if any.
6. Let P be a rational polyhedron and let v ∈ P be a vertex. Prove that v has
rational coordinates.
7. Let P be a polyhedron and let v ∈ P be a point. Prove that co(P, v) is the
polyhedron defined by the inequalities of P that are active on v.
8. Prove that a non-empty polyhedron has a vertex if and only if it does not
contain lines.
9. Prove that v ∈ P is a vertex of P if and only if co(P, v) does not contain lines.

10. Let P ⊂ Rd is a polyhedron, let v ∈ P be a point, let T : Rd −→ Rk be a

linear transformation, let Q = T (P ), and let u = T (v). Prove that co(Q, u) =
T (co(P, v)).
11. Let P ⊂ Rd be a non-empty (rational) polyhedron. Let us define the recession
cone KP by
KP = x ∈ Rd : y + tx ∈ P for all y ∈ P and all t ≥ 0 .

Show that KP is a (rational) polyhedron.

12. Prove that a non-empty polyhedron P ⊂ Rd lies in an affine hyperplane if and
only if P ◦ contains a line.
13. Let us define a “simpler” version of the kernel G in Theorem 4 by

1 if x, y ≤ 1
G(x, y) =
0 otherwise
and let D be the corresponding operator. Check that if P is a non-empty
polyhedron then D ([P ]) = [Q], where
Q = y ∈ Rd : x, y ≤ 1 for some x ∈ P .

Compare Q with P ◦ , cf. Definition 3.

Supplementary problems.

1. For sets A,
 B ⊂ R d
, we define their Minkowski sum A + B = x+y : x ∈
A, y ∈ B . Prove that the Minkowski sum of polyhedra is a polyhedron and
that the Minkowski sum of rational polyhedra is a rational polyhedron.
2. Prove that there exists a bilinear operation, called convolution,  : P(Rd ) ×
P(Rd ) −→ P(Rd ) such that [P ][Q] = [P +Q] for any two polyhedra P, Q ⊂ Rd .
This gives P(Rd ) another (more interesting) commutative algebra structure.
Note that [0] plays the role of the identity, so f  [0] = [0]  f = f for all
f ∈ P(Rd ).

3. Let P ⊂ Rd be a non-empty polyhedron not containing lines and let Q be the

convex hull of the set of vertices of P . Prove that P can be represented as the
Minkowski sum P = Q + KP , where KP is the recession cone of P , cf. Review
Problem 11.
4. Using Problem 3 above, complete the proof of Theorem 3.
5. Suppose that P ⊂ Rd is a bounded polyhedron. Prove that [P ] is invertible
with respect to the convolution operation  of Problem 2 above : there exists an
f ∈ P(Rd ) such that f  [P ] = [0]. More precisely, if P is a bounded polyhedron
with a non-empty interior int P , we can choose f = (−1)d [− int P ] (that is, we
take the interior of P , reflect it about the origin, and take the indicator of the
set we got with the appropriate sign).
6. Let P ⊂ Rd be a polyhedron. We say that two points x, y ∈ P are equivalent,
if co(P, x) = co(P, y). An equivalence class of points in P is just an open face
F ⊂ P . For an x ∈ F , we denote co(P, x) by co(P, F ). Prove the following
Gram-Brianchon Theorem

[P ] = (−1)dim F [co(P, F )] ,

where the sum is taken over all non-empty faces F of P , including F = P .

7. Let P ⊂ Rd be a bounded polyhedron (polytope) containing the origin in its
interior. For a face F of P , let PF = conv(F, 0) be the convex hull of the face
F and the origin. Prove that

(−1)d−1 [P ] = (−1)dim F [PF ],

where the sum is taken over all faces F = P of P , including the empty face (cf.
Supplementary Problem 1 to Lecture 1).
8. Prove that the polar of a (rational) polyhedron is a (rational polyhedron) and

that (A◦ ) = A if A is closed, convex, and contains 0.
9. Complete the proof of Theorem 4.
10. Show that if we apply the polarity transform D to both sides of the identity in
Problem 7 above, we get the Gram-Brianchon identity of Problem 6.

Preview problems.
1. A polyhedron K ⊂ Rd is called a (polyhedral) cone if 0 ∈ K and λx ∈ K for
all x ∈ K and all λ ≥ 0 (note that the tangent cone of Definition 1 is not
necessarily a cone in the sense of this definition, since the vertex of the tangent
cone is not necessarily the origin). Prove that if K is a cone then K ◦ is a cone

and that (K ◦ ) = K.
2. Let K1 , K2 ⊂ Rd be polyhedral cones. Prove that [K1 ∩ K2 ]◦ = [K1 + K2 ],
where “+” is the Minkowski sum, see Supplementary Problem 1.
3. Let D be the transform of Theorem 4 and let f1 , f2 ∈ P(Rd ) be linear com-
binations of indicator functions of polyhedral cones. Prove that D(f1 f2 ) =

D(f1 )  D(f2 ), where  is the convolution operation from Supplementary Prob-

lem 2.
Remarks: For the Fourier-Motzkin elimination (Theorem 1), see Sections I.9 of
[Ba02] and Sections 1.2-1.3 of [Zi95]. A nice exposition of the Euler characteristic
and the theory of valuations is given in [KR97]. Much of the material of this
lecture can be found in [Ba02]: Section II.4-5 (vertices of polyhedra), Section IV.1
(polarity), Section VIII.4 (tangent cones). Analogies between integral operators in
the classical analysis and valuations are drawn, for example, in [KP93].
Generating Functions and Cones. Continued Fractions

Generating Functions and Cones

Now we turn to integer points. For an integer point m = (m1 , . . . , md ), we introduce
1 · · · xd
the monomial xm = xm 1
in d complex variables x = (x1 , . . . , xd ). Given a
set S ⊂ R , we consider the sum

f (S, x) = xm .
Our goal is to find a reasonably short expression for this sum as a rational function
in x. Our inspiration is the formula

xm = for |x| < 1.
Here is an obvious multivariate generalization of the formula.
Example 1. Let Rd+ be the non-negative orthant, that is the set of points with all
coordinates non-negative. We have
 +∞   +∞ 
x = m1
x1 ··· xd d

+ ∩Z
m∈Rd d m1 =0 md =0

= provided |xi | < 1 for i = 1, . . . , d.
1 − xi

In general, we say that f (S, x) is defined by a particular rational function if

there is a non-empty open set U ⊂ Cd such that for all x ∈ U the defining series
for f (S, x) converges absolutely to that rational function and the convergence is
uniform on compact subsets of U . In all cases we encounter, only existence of such
an U , but not its precise shape, will be of importance.
Our next step is less obvious. What if the orthant gets somewhat “skewed”?
Defintion 1. Let u1 , . . . , ud ∈ Zd be linearly independent integer vectors. The
simple rational cone generated by u1 , . . . , ud is the set

K = K(u1 , . . . , ud ) = αi ui : αi ≥ 0 for i = 1, . . . , d .


The fundamental parallelepiped of u1 , . . . , ud is the set

Π = Π(u1 , . . . , ud ) = αi ui : 0 ≤ αi < 1 for i = 1, . . . , d .
Note that the parallelepiped is “semi-open”, see Figure 12.


0 u2

0 u2

Figure 12. A simple rational cone and its fundamental parallelepiped.

If we replace vectors ui by their positive integer multiples ki ui , i = 1, . . . , d,

the cone K will not change (although the parallelepiped Π will). This is all the
freedom we have in choosing u1 , . . . , ud for a given K.
Let us define the dual set of vectors u∗i , i = 1, . . . , d, by ui , u∗j  = δij . Then
K = x : x, u∗i  ≥ 0 for i = 1, . . . , d ,
from which it follows that simple rational cones are rational polyhedra.
Theorem 1. For a simple rational cone K = K(u1 , . . . , ud ), we have
⎛ ⎞
f (K, x) = ⎝ xm ⎠ .
d i=1
1 − xui

Proof. The proof consists of the observation that every point m ∈ K ∩ Zd can be
uniquely written as m = m1 + m2 , where m1 ∈ Π ∩ Zd and m2 is a non-negative
integer combination of u1 , . . . , ud . Indeed, since u lies in the cone K, it can be
written in the form
m= αi ui for some real numbers αi ≥ 0.

Let α denote the largest integer not exceeding α (a.k.a the integer part of α) and
let {α} = α − α (the fractional part of α). Then

m1 = {αi }ui and m2 = αi ui .
i=1 i=1
To prove uniqueness, suppose that we have two decompositions m = m1 + m2 and
m = m1 + m2 , where m1 and m2 are integer points from the parallelepiped Π and
m2 and m2 are non-negative integer combinations of u1 , . . . , ud . Then we can write

m1 − m1 = m2 − m2 , from which m1 − m1 is an integer combination of u1 , . . . , ud .

However, since m1 , m1 ∈ Π, we should be able to write

m1 − m1 = βi u i where − 1 < βi < 1 for i = 1, . . . , d.

Thus we must have βi = 0 and m1 = m1 , m2 = m2 .

It remains to show that there is some non-empty open set U ⊂ Cd of x for
which the series 
f (K, x) = xm
converges absolutely and uniformly on compact subsets of U . Since u1 , . . . , ud are
linearly independent, we can find a vector c = (c1 , . . . , cd ), such that c, ui  < 0
for i = 1, . . . , d, where x, y = x1 y1 + . . . + xd yd is the standard scalar product
in Rd . We can take, for example, c = −u∗1 − . . . − u∗d . Let x0 = (ec1 , . . . , ecd ).
Then for all x in a sufficiently small neighborhood U of x0 , the series converges
as desired. Since the product i=1 (1 − xui )−1 encodes the sum of xm over all m
that are non-negative integer combinations of u1 , . . . , ud (cf. Example 1), the proof

Theorem 1 provides us with a finite formula for an infinite series, but there
is still something unsatisfactory about it. Namely, the sum over integer points in
the fundamental parallelepiped is not very explicit and, although finite, can be
quite large. Although the set of integer points lying in the parallelepiped can be
complicated, we can tell the number of such points exactly.
Theorem 2. The number of integer points in the fundamental parallelepiped is
equal to the volume of the parallelepiped.
Sketch of proof. Let Λ be the set of all integer combinations of u1 , . . . , ud :

Λ= αi ui : αi ∈ Z for i = 1, . . . , d .

Let us consider all translates Π + u with u ∈ Λ. We claim that the translations

Π + u : u ∈ Λ cover Rd without overlapping. The proof can be extracted from the
proof of Theorem 1. Let us take a sufficiently large, regular looking region X ⊂ Rd
(say, a ball of a large radius), and let us count integer points in X. On one hand, we
can approximate the number of integer points in X by the volume vol X of X. One
the other hand, the set is covered by roughly (vol X)/(vol Π) translations of the
parallelepiped Π and each translation contains the same number of integer points.
Hence we must have |Π ∩ Zd | = vol Π. 

We note that the volume of the fundamental parallelepiped of u1 , . . . , ud is

equal to the absolute value of the determinant of the matrix with the columns
u1 , . . . , ud .
For a simple illustration of Theorem 2, see Figure 13.
This leads us to the following crucial definition.
Defintion 2. Let u1 , . . . , ud ∈ Zd be linearly independent vectors and let K be the
simple cone generated by u1 , . . . , ud . We say that K is unimodular if the volume of

(2 ,3)

( 3,1)

Figure 13. The number of integer points in a fundamental parallelogram is
equal to the area of the parallelogram.

the fundamental parallelepiped Π is 1. Equivalently, K is unimodular if the origin

is the unique integer point in Π. Equivalently,

f (K, x) = .
1 − xui

One of our goals is to devise an efficient procedure of decomposing a given

simple cone into a certain combination of unimodular cones. The first non-trivial
case is d = 2 (every 1-dimensional cone is unimodular) and there such a procedure
has long been known.

Continued Fractions
Let us choose a number a ∈ R. The following procedure produces what is called
the continued fraction expansion [a0 ; a1 , . . . , an , . . .] of a. First, we write

a = a + {a} and let a0 = a.

Now, if {a} = 0, we stop. Otherwise, 0 < {a} < 1, we let b = 1/{a}, so b > 1. We
b = b + {b} and let a1 = b.
If {b} = 0 we stop. Otherwise, we let new b := 1/{old b}, and continue. In the
end, we get the expansion
a = a0 + .
a1 +
a2 +
The expansion can be finite (if a is rational) or infinite (if a is irrational). We define
the k-th convergent [a0 ; a1 , . . . , ak ] by cutting the expansion at ak . For example,
the 4-th convergent [a0 ; a2 , a3 , a4 ] is
a = a0 + .
a1 +
a2 +
a3 +

As an example, let us compute the continued fractions expansion of a = 164/31:

164 9 1 1
=5+ =5+ =5+ .
31 31 4 1
3+ 3+
9 1
Hence 164/31 = [5; 3, 2, 4]. Now we compute the convergents:
1 37 1 16 5
[5; 3, 2] = 5 + = , [5; 3] = 5 + = , [5] = .
1 7 3 3 1

Computing f (K, x) for 2-dimensional Cones

Continued fractions can be applied to obtain short formulas for f (K, x), where
K ⊂ R2 is a simple cone. Instead of developing a comprehensive theory, we give
one computational example.
Let K ⊂ R2 be the cone generated by the vectors (1, 0) and (31, 164). The
volume of the fundamental parallelepiped is 164, so the formula for f (K, x) provided
by Theorem 1 would contain a sum of 164 monomials. We will find a shorter
formula, and, moreover, will compute it by hand.
First, we compute the continued fraction expansion of 164/31 = [5; 3, 2, 4] and
the convergents [5] = 5/1, [5; 3] = 16/3, [5; 3, 2] = 37/7, cf. the above example.
Now, we do some “surgery” on cones. Let us consider the following cones, given
by their generators
K0 generated by (1, 0) and (0, 1);
K1 generated by (1, 0) and (1, 5);
K2 generated by (1, 0) and (3, 16);
K3 generated by (1, 0) and (7, 37); and, finally,
K4 generated by (1, 0) and (31, 164).
We observe that K0 is a unimodular cone with
f (K0 , x) = ,
(1 − x1 )(1 − x2 )
while we are trying to compute f (K4 , x).
The crucial observation is that to pass from Ki to Ki+1 we have either to “cut”
from Ki a unimodular cone (if i is even) or to “paste” to Ki a unimodular cone (i
is odd), see Figure 14.
Hence, starting with K0 , we
cut the unimodular cone generated by (0, 1) and (1, 5);
paste the unimodular cone generated by (1, 5) and (3, 16);
cut the unimodular cone generated by (3, 16) and (7, 37);
paste the unimodular cone generated by (7, 37) and (31, 164)
to finally get K4 . Taking into account “boundary effects” (when we cut and paste,
some points on the boundary get double-counted), which, luckily, cancel each other,





Figure 14. Cutting and pasting unimodular cones.

we get:
1 1 1
f (K, x) = − +
(1 − x1 )(1 − x2 ) (1 − x2 )(1 − x1 x2 ) 1 − x1 x52

1 1
+ −
(1 − x1 x52 )(1 − x31 x16
2 ) 1 − x1 x52
1 1
− 7 x37 ) + 1 − x7 x37
(1 − x31 x16
2 )(1 − x 1 2 1 2
1 1
+ − ,
(1 − x1 x2 )(1 − x1 x2 ) 1 − x71 x37
7 37 31 164
so finally,
1 1 1
f (K, x) = − +
(1 − x1 )(1 − x2 ) (1 − x2 )(1 − x1 x52 ) (1 − x1 x52 )(1 − x31 x16
2 )
1 1
− 7 x37 ) + (1 − x7 x37 )(1 − x31 x164 ) .
(1 − x31 x16
2 )(1 − x1 2 1 2 1 2
The formula is reasonably short.
Given an arbitrary 2-dimensional rational cone generated by u1 , u2 ∈ Z2 , we can
always change the coordinates by applying a linear transformation which preserves
Z2 so that u2 becomes equal to (1, 0). Suppose that u1 = (q, p) for integers p and
q > 0. To compute the generating function f (K, x), we compute the continued
fraction expansion of p/q and obtain K by cutting and pasting the unimodular
cones computed from the convergents of p/q. If the k-th convergent is pk /qk , we
cut or paste, depending on the parity of k > 1, the cone generated by (qk , pk ) and
(qk−1 , pk−1 ), which is always unimodular, see Review Problems 4 and 5.

The Computational Complexity

Let K ⊂ R2 be the cone generated by u1 = (1, 0) and u2 = (q, p) as above. The
fundamental parallelepiped of K contains |p| points, so if we compute f (K, x) by
the formula of Theorem 1, the resulting rational function will contain |p| terms. If,
instead, we use the continued fractions method, we get an expression for f (K, x)
containing about log(min(|p|, |q|) + O(1) terms. For large |p|, the difference is quite
significant. Looking more closely, we observe that to define the cone K, that is,

to write the coordinates of its generators, we need about log |p| + log |q| + O(1)
bits (or digits) since to write an integer a we need about log |a| + O(1) bits (or
digits). Thus we say that the input size of the problem of computing f (K, x)
is about log |p| + log |q| + O(1). The number of operations required to compute
f (K, x) via continued fractions is about O(log2 |p| + log2 |q| + 1), that is, bounded
by a polynomial in the input size. In contrast, the number operations required to
compute f (K, x) via Theorem 1 (and even to write down the answer) is exponential
in the input size of K. In Lecture 5, for any dimension d (fixed in advance), we
present a polynomial time algorithm, which, given a rational cone K ⊂ Rd as an
input, computes f (K, x) as a rational function.

Review problems.
1. Check the proof of Theorem 1.
2. Make the proof of Theorem 2 rigorous.
3. Let K be the 2-dimensional simple cone generated by u1 = (1, 0) and u2 = (1, n)
for some positive integer n. Compute f (K, x).
4. Let [a0 ; a1 , . . . , an . . .] be the continued fraction expansion of a real number a
and let pk /qk = [a0 ; a1 , . . . , ak ] be the k-th convergent (we assume that pk and
qk are coprime). Prove that for k ≥ 2
pk = ak pk−1 + pk−2 and qk = ak qk−1 + qk−2 .
Deduce that
pk−1 qk − pk qk−1 = (−1)k−1 for k ≥ 0.

5. Justify the procedure of computing f (K, x) for the cone K generated by (1, 0)
and (q, p) via continued fractions.
6. Let K ⊂ Rd be the set defined by
K = x ∈ Rd : ui , x ≤ 0 for i = 1, . . . , d

for some linearly independent vectors u1 , . . . , ud ∈ Zd . Prove that K is a simple

rational cone.
7. Let u1 , . . . , ud ∈ Zd be linearly independent vectors and let u∗1 , . . . , u∗d be de-
fined by ui , u∗j  = δij . Prove that u∗1 , . . . , u∗d ∈ Zd if and only if the cone
K generated by u1 , . . . , ud is unimodular (we assume that u1 , . . . , ud are the
minimal generators of K).

Supplementary problems.
1. Let u1 , . . . , ud be linearly independent vectors in Zd . Let K be the cone gener-
ated by u1 , . . . , ud and let

int K = αi ui : αi > 0 for i = 1, . . . , d

be the interior of K. Let

Π= αi ui : 0 < αi ≤ 1 for i = 1, . . . , d .
Prove that ⎛ ⎞
f (int K, x) = ⎝ xm ⎠ .
1 − xui
Deduce the reciprocity relation f (int K, x ) = (−1)d f (K, x).
2. Deduce from Theorem 2 the following Pick’s Theorem: if P ⊂ R2 is a convex
polygon with integer vertices and non-empty interior, then the number of in-
teger points in P is equal to the area of P plus half of the number of integer
points on the boundary of P plus 1, see Figure 15.

Figure 15. The number of integer points in the triangle (8) is equal to the area
of the triangle (5) plus half of the number of integer points on the boundary
(2) plus 1.

Preview problems.
1. Let K ⊂ Rd be a unimodular cone generated by integer vectors u1 , . . . , ud and
let K + v be the translation of K by a rational vector v ∈ Qd . Prove that

f (K + v, x) = xw with w = v, u∗i ui ,
1 − xui i=1
where u∗1 , . . . , u∗d are defined by u∗i , uj  = δij .
2. Construct an efficient (polynomial time) algorithm to sample a random integer
point in a given fundamental parallelepiped Π from the uniform distribution
on Π ∩ Zd (the dimension d needs not to be fixed in advance).

Remarks: For generating functions and rational cones, see Section 4.6 of [St97]
and Section VIII.1 of [Ba02]. A classical reference for continued fractions is [Kh97].
For the theory of computational complexity, see [Pa94].
Rational Polyhedra and Rational Functions

Let P ⊂ Rd be a rational polyhedron. Our goal is to understand the generating

f (P, x) = xm .
m∈P ∩Zd
Previously, we discussed what happens if P = K is a simple rational cone. Step by
step, we go to larger and larger classes of polyhedra.
Defintion 1. A rational polyhedron K ⊂ Rd is called a rational cone provided
0 ∈ K and λx ∈ K for every x ∈ K and every λ ≥ 0. Equivalently, K is a
rational cone if K can be defined by a system of finitely many homogeneous linear
inequalities with integer coefficients:
K= x: aij xj ≤ 0 for i = 1, . . . , m .

If 0 is a vertex of K, the cone is called pointed.

The first real difference between the concept of a rational cone and that of a
simple rational cone transpires at d = 3. While simple rational cones in Rd are
defined by exactly d inequalities, non-simple rational cones may require more or
fewer inequalities.
Theorem 1. Let K ⊂ Rd be a pointed rational cone. Then f (K, x) is a rational
function in x of the type
pi (x)
f (K, x) = ,
(1 − xui1 ) · · · (1 − xuid )

where pi (x) are Laurent polynomials in x and uij ∈ Zd are non-zero vectors.
A plausible argument. Since 0 is a vertex of K, there is a vector c ∈ Rd , c =
(c1 , . . . , cd ) such that c, x < 0 for all x ∈ K \ {0}. Now, for any
 x from a
sufficiently small neighborhood U of x0 = (ec1 , . . . , ecd ) the series m∈K∩Zd xm
converges absolutely and uniformly on compact subsets of U . It seems intuitively
obvious and indeed correct that K can be cut into simple rational cones, so we
can deduce the formula for f (K, x) from Theorem 1, Lecture 3, and the inclusion-
exclusion formula. It takes some time though to make the proof rigorous, cf. Figure

0 0 0 0

= + −

= + −
Figure 16. The indicator of a cone with a square base can be written as the
sum of the indicators of cones with triangular bases minus the indicator of a
flat cone based on the interval.

Next, we consider an arbitrary rational polyhedron with a vertex.

Theorem 2. Let P ⊂ Rd be a rational polyhedron with a vertex (equivalently, a
non-empty rational polyhedron without lines). Then f (P, x) is a rational function

pi (x)
f (P, x) = ,
(1 − x ) · · · (1
ui1 − xuid )

where pi (x) are Laurent polynomials in x and uij ∈ Zd are non-zero vectors.
Sketch of proof. The idea is to consider P as a section of a pointed rational cone
K ⊂ Rd+1 . We think of Rd as the affine hyperplane xd+1 = 1 in Rd+1 . Given the
inequalities defining P ,

aij xj ≤ bi for i = 1, . . . , m,

we define K by the inequalities

aij xj − bi xd+1 ≤ 0, xd+1 ≥ 0.

Clearly, K is a rational cone and P is the section of K by the affine hyperplane

xd+1 = 1, cf. Figure 17. One can also prove that K is pointed via the following
chain of implications:
P contains no lines =⇒ K contains no lines =⇒ K is pointed.
Finally, we obtain f (P, x) by differentiating with respect to xd+1 :

f (P, x) = f (K, x) evaluated at xd+1 = 0.

 now that P is a rational polyhedron with lines. In this case, the
series m∈P ∩Zd xm does not converge anywhere. As we hinted in the introductory
examples of Lecture 1, we want to define f (P, x) ≡ 0 in this case. Quite surprisingly,
this naive solution works just fine. The following remarkable result was proved by J.
Lawrence, and, independently, by A. Khovanski and A. Pukhlikov in early 1990’s.


Figure 17. Representing a d-dimensional polyhedron P as a hyperplane sec-
tion of a (d + 1)-dimensional cone K.

Theorem 3. There exists a map

F: P(Qd ) −→ C(x)
from the algebra of rational polyhedra to the ring of rational functions in d variables
x = (x1 , . . . , xd ) such that
1. The map F is a valuation, that is, a linear transformation,
2. If P ⊂ Rd is a rational polyhedron without lines then F [P ] = f (P, x) is
the rational function such that

f (P, x) = xm
m∈P ∩Zd

for all x such that the series converges absolutely;

3. If P ⊂ Rd is a polyhedron containing a line then F [P ] = 0.
Sketch of proof. We know how to define F on the indicators [P ] of rational poly-
hedra P without lines, as in Part (2) of the theorem. Our proof consists of two
the first step is to show that F can be extended to a valuation on P(Qd );
the second step is to show that once we extended F to a valuation, we neces-
sarily have F [P ] = 0 for rational polyhedra P with lines.
It is clear how we should extend F onto polyhedra with lines (it is not yet
clear that we can). Any rational polyhedron P can be cut into rational polyhedral
pieces Pi without lines, so we should compute F [P ] from F [Pi ] = f (Pi , x) via the
inclusion-exclusion formula. The problem is, of course, to show that this extension
is not self-contradictory. This, in turn, reduces to proving that whenever we have
a finite linear dependence

(1) αi [Pi ] = 0

of indicators of rational polyhedra Pi without lines, we must have the same linear

(2) αi f (Pi , x) = 0

of their generating functions. Suppose for a moment that in (1)  there exists a
non-empty open set U ⊂ Cd such that for x ∈ U , each of the series m∈Pi ∩Zd xm
converges absolutely to f (Pi , x). Then (2) follows by a standard argument from
analysis. The problem is that there may not be a single set U which works for

all polyhedra Pi in (1). To handle this difficulty, we break the global identity (1)
into small “local” pieces, prove (2) for every such piece and then “glue” the global
identity (2) from the local pieces.
Let us choose a representation

[Rd ] = βj [Qj ],

where {Qj } is a finite family of rational polyhedra without lines and βj are numbers.
One way to obtain the representation is to cut Rd by the coordinate hyperplanes
and express [Rd ] as a linear combination of indicators of coordinate orthants and
their intersections using the inclusion-exclusion formula. Multiplying the above
formula by [Pi ], we get

[Pi ] = βj [Pi ∩ Qj ] for all i ∈ I.

Let us fix some i ∈ I. Then Pi is a rational polyhedron without lines and Pi ∩Qj are
rational polyhedral pieces of Pi . Therefore, there is a non-empty open set Ui ⊂ Cd
such that for all x ∈ Ui all the series defining f (Pi , x) and f (Pi ∩ Qj ) converge and
so we have the identity

(3) f (Pi , x) = βj f (Pi ∩ Qj , x) for all i ∈ I.

Now, let us fix some j ∈ J. Multiplying (1) by Qj , we get

αi [Pi ∩ Qj ] = 0 for all j ∈ J.
Again, all Pi ∩Qj are rational polyhedral pieces of a rational polyhedron Qj without
lines, and, since we can find a single domain Uj ⊂ Cd for which all the relevant
series converge, we get

(4) αi f (Pi ∩ Qj , x) = 0 for all j ∈ J.

From (3) and (4) we get (2). This completes the first step of the proof.
Thus we are able to extend F to a valuation on P(Qd ). It remains to prove
Part (3) of the Theorem. One can show that if P is a rational polyhedron with
lines, then there exists a non-zero m ∈ Zd such that P + m = P (there is a non-
zero integer translation of P which maps P onto itself). On the other hand, from
elementary analysis we deduce that we must have f (P + m, x) = xm f (P, x) for any
rational polyhedron P without lines. By linearity, F [P + m] = xm F [P ] for any
rational polyhedron P . Hence, if P + m = P , we must have F [P ] = xm F [P ], from
which F [P ] = 0. 
Suppose that P ⊂ Rd is a rational polyhedron without lines (maybe even
bounded) and that we want to compute a short formula for the rational generating
function f (P, x). Theorem 3 allows us to employ various identities in the algebra
P(Qd ) of rational polyhedra, including those that involve polyhedra with lines. In
particular, we get the following result, first obtained by M. Brion in 1988.
Theorem 4. Let P ⊂ Rd be a rational polyhedron with vertices. Then
f (P, x) = f co(P, v), x ,

where the sum is taken over all vertices v of P and co(P, v) is the tangent cone of
P at v.
Proof. The proof follows by Theorem 3 of this lecture and Theorem 3 of Lecture

Note that the tangent cone co(P, v) is not a rational cone per se, but a rational
translation of a rational cone.
Example 1. Let d = 1 and let P be the interval [0, n] ⊂ R1 for some positive integer
n. Then P is a rational polyhedron with the vertices at 0 and n, see Figure 18.
The tangent cone co(P, 0) at 0 is the ray [0, +∞) and the corresponding generating
function is

xm = .
The tangent cone co(P, n) at n is the ray (−∞, n] and the corresponding generating
function is
xn −xn+1
xm = −1
= .
1−x 1−x
Note that there is not a single value of x for which both series converge. Never-
theless, Theorem 4 predicts that the sum of the two functions gives the generating
function for P :
1 xn+1
xm = − ,
1−x 1−x
which is indeed the case.

0 n

Figure 18. An interval and its tangent cones.

Review problems
1. Complete the proof of Theorem 2.
2. Let P ⊂ Rd be a rational polyhedron with a line. Prove that there exists a
non-zero vector m ∈ Zd such that P + m = P .
3. Complete the proof of Theorem 3.
4. Check Theorem 4 for the triangle in the plane with the vertices (0, 0), (0, 1),
and (1, 0).

A supplementary problem
1. Let K ⊂ Rd be a pointed rational cone with non-empty interior int K. Prove
the reciprocity relation f (int K, x−1 ) = (−1)d f (K, x).
non-empty interior int K.

Preview problems
1. Prove that the polar of a unimodular cone is a unimodular cone.
2. Let K ⊂ R2 be the cone generated by u1 = (1, 0) and u2 = (q, p) for some pos-
itive integers p and q. Compare the following two ways of computing f (K, x).
The first way is the continued fractions method of Lecture 3. The second way
is as follows: consider the polar K ◦ (check that K ◦ is the cone generated by
(−p, q) and (0, −1)). Represent [K ◦ ] as a linear combination of the indicators
of unimodular cones using the continued fractions method. Apply Theorem

4 of Lecture 1 to obtain a unimodular decomposition of K = (K ◦ ) . Com-
pute f (K, x) from that decomposition. What kind of identities do we get for
f (K, x)?
This question was asked by one of the attendees.

Remarks: Theorem 3 is proved in [La91] and, independently, in [KP92]. The

first proof of Theorem 4 [Br88] uses algebraic geometry. For the material of this
lecture, see Sections VIII.3–4 of [Ba02] (Theorems 3 and 4), Section 4.6 of [St97],
and [B+05] (generating functions for rational cones and the reciprocity relation).
Computing Generating Functions Fast
We discuss how to compute the generating function f (P, x) fast, but before we
do that, we discuss why we want to compute it and what fast means.

Why Do We Need Generating Functions?

Let P ⊂ Rd be a bounded rational polyhedron (rational polytope). For a variety
of reasons, we need to compute the number |P ∩ Zd | of integer points in P (the
counting problem). If we are able to compute the generating function

f (P, x) = xm ,

which is just a Laurent polynomial in x, we can get the number of integer points
|P ∩ Zd | by substituting x = (1, . . . , 1). Our technique allows us to compute f (P, x)
as a reasonably short rational function of the type
 pi (x)
f (P, x) = ,
(1 − x ) · · · (1 − xuid )

where pi (x) are Laurent polynomials in x. This seems to pose a little problem since
x = (1, . . . , 1) is a pole of every fraction. Nevertheless, the poles cancel each other,
as in the model example

1 xn+1
xm = − .
1−x 1−x
We deal with singularities by approaching the point (1, . . . , 1) via some curve
and computing the appropriate limit. One of the standard choices is the curve
x(t) = (etc1 , . . . , etcd ), where c = (c1 , . . . , cd ) is a sufficiently generic vector: we
need c, uij  = 0 for all i, j. Then x(0) = (1, . . . , 1) and the limit f (P, x(t)) as
t −→ 0 can be computed by using standard analysis techniques.
Generating functions help to solve integer programming problems, that is the
problems of optimizing a given linear function on the set P ∩ Zd of integer points
in a given rational polytope. In short, generating functions f (P, x) encode all the
information about the set of integer points in P in a compact form. One remarkable
fact is that to find a short formula for f (P, x) for a bounded polyhedron, we employ
the full power of the algebra P(Qd ) and identities in the algebra involving unbounded
polyhedra and even polyhedra with lines (Theorems 3 and 4 of Lecture 4).

What “Fast” and “Short” Means

We mentioned more than once that we want to compute the generating function
f (P, x) “fast” and that we want it in a “reasonably short” form. The exact meaning
of these words is understood through the theory of computational complexity.
The polyhedron P is defined by a system of linear inequalities

aij xj ≤ bi , i = 1, . . . , n.

The input size of P is the number of bits needed to write down the inequalities,
assuming that aij and bi are integers written in the binary system. For example, to
write an integer a, we need about log |a|+O(1) bits. Thus we say that the algorithm
for computing f (P, x) is reasonably fast and the resulting formula is reasonably
short if the time we need to compute f (P, x) and the space we need to write it
down grows only modestly when the input size of P grows. More precisely, we say
that we have a polynomial time algorithm for a particular class of rational polyhedra
if there is a polynomial poly such that the running time of the algorithm on every
polyhedron P from the class does not exceed poly(input size of P ). One example
of a polynomial time algorithm is provided by the continued fraction method for
computing f (K, x) where K is a 2-dimensional rational cone, see Lecture 3.
It is probably hopeless to search for a polynomial time algorithm in the class
of all rational polyhedra. However, once the dimension d is fixed such algorithms
Theorem 1. Let us fix d. Then there exists a polynomial time algorithm, which,
given a rational polyhedron P ⊂ Rd , computes the generating function f (P, x) in
the form
f (P, x) = αi ,
(1 − x i1 ) · · · (1 − xuid )

where αi ∈ {−1, 1}, vi ∈ Zd , and uij ∈ Zd \ {0} for all i, j.

Since the running time of the algorithm includes the time needed to write down
the output, the space needed to write down f (P, x) is also bounded by a polynomial
in the input size.
There exist several versions of the main algorithm behind Theorem 1. Different
versions have different advantages under different circumstances. Moreover, the
algorithm of Theorem 1 appears to be practical. It has been implemented (in fact,
by at least two independent groups). The main procedure behind Theorem 1 is a
certain unimodular cone decomposition. We sketch it below.

The main result we need is Minkowski’s Convex Body Theorem. Let A ⊂ Rd be a
set, such that
(1) A  two points x, y ∈ A, the interval [x, y] =
 is convex, that is, for every
αx + (1 − α)y : 0 ≤ α ≤ 1 also lies in A;
(2) A is symmetric about the origin, that is, for every x ∈ A, the point −x
also lies in A;
(3) A has a sufficiently large volume: vol A > 2d .

(4) Moreover, if A is compact, we may assume that vol A ≥ 2d .

Minkowski’s Convex Body Theorem asserts that A necessarily  contains a non–

zero integer point. Here is the idea of the proof: consider X = x/2 : x ∈ A , so
that vol X > 1. Consider the set of all integer translates X + u : u ∈ Zd . Argue
that some two different translates must overlap: (X + u1 ) ∩ (X + u2 ) = ∅. Deduce
that there is a non-zero lattice point in A.
If A is a rational polyhedron, then such a non-zero integer point in A can be
found efficiently, though we don’t discuss how.

The unimodular decomposition of a cone

Let K ⊂ Rd be a simple rational cone generated by linearly independent vectors
u1 , . . . , ud ∈ Zd . Our goal is to construct unimodular cones Ki such that

[K] = αi [Ki ] + indicators of lower-dimensional cones
and αi ∈ {−1, 1}. The algorithm runs in polynomial time if the dimension d fixed.
Let Π be the fundamental parallelepiped of K. Then vol Π is a positive integer
and vol Π = 1 if and only if K is unimodular. Let us call vol Π the index of K and
denote it ind K. Thus ind K measures how far K is from being unimodular. We
will iterate a certain procedure which gradually reduces the index of K.
A= αi ui : |αi | ≤ (ind K) .
Then vol A = 2d and by Minkowski’s Convex Body Theorem there is a non-zero
point v ∈ A ∩ Zd , cf. Figure 19.

0 u1

Figure 19. Finding the point.

As we mentioned, we can find this point efficiently if the dimension d is fixed.

For i = 1, . . . , d, let Ki be the cone generated by u1 , . . . , ui−1 , v, ui+1 , . . . , ud .
Then one can show that d−1
ind Ki ≤ (ind K) d .
Let αi = 1 or αi = −1 depending on whether the orientations of the bases
u1 , . . . , ui−1 , v, ui+1 , . . . , ud and u1 , . . . , ud are the same or the opposite. Then

[K] = αi [Ki ] + indicators of lower-dimensional cones,
see Figures 20 and 21.

u2 u2 u 2
v v v
= − +
0 u1 0 u 0 0

Figure 20. Writing the cone as a linear combination of cones with smaller
indices for d = 2.

Now we iterate the procedure. After k iterations, we get dk cones Ki with

d−1 k
ind Ki ≤ (ind K)( d ) .
In other words, the number of cones grows exponentially in the number k of it-
erations while the indices of the cones decrease doubly exponentially in k. It
follows that when d is fixed, to obtain a unimodular decomposition, we need
k = O(log log(ind K)) iterations, which results in a polynomial time algorithm.

0 0 0 0 0 0

= + − − +
v v v v
u1 u u1 u1 u1
u2 u2 u2
u3 u3 u3 u3

= + − − +
Figure 21. Writing the cone as a linear combination of cones with smaller
indices for d = 3 (the sections of the cones by a plane are shown below).

There are certain similarities between the described procedure and the unimod-
ular decomposition obtained from the continued fractions method in dimension 2.
There are differences, too. In the method just described, there is a certain flexibility
in choosing vector v, while the continued fractions method is quite rigid. This is, of
course, due to the fact that we know much more about integer points in dimension
2 than in higher dimensions. On the other hand, there is a version of our algorithm
that reduces to the continued fractions method in dimension 2.

Polarity and discarding lower-dimensional cones

When we apply the procedure described above, there is an apparent nuisance of
dealing with lower-dimensional cones. However, there is a certain trick which allows
us simply to forget about them.
Let K ⊂ Rd be a simple rational cone. Let
K ◦ = x ∈ Rd : x, y ≤ 0 for all y ∈ K

be the polar of K, see Lecture 2. It is not hard to prove that K ◦ is a simple rational
cone, that K ◦ is unimodular if and only if K is unimodular, and that (K ◦ )◦ = K.
Thus we modify the above procedure as follows.
Given a simple rational cone K, we compute the polar K ◦ . Then we apply the
unimodular decomposition and get

[K ◦ ] = αi [Ki ] + indicators of lower-dimensional cones,
where Ki are unimodular cones. Next, we compute Ki◦ and observe that

[K] = αi [Ki◦ ] + indicators of cones with lines,
see Theorem 4 and Review Problem 14 of Lecture 1.
By Theorem 3 of Lecture 4,

f (K, x) = αi f (Ki◦ , x),
since we can ignore polyhedra with lines.

Review problems
1. Check that the procedure of computing f (K, x) for a simple rational cone
K ⊂ R2 via continued fractions (see Lecture 3) indeed runs in polynomial
2. Prove Minkowski’s Convex Body Theorem.
3. Check that the algorithm for the unimodular decomposition of a cone indeed
works. 4. Let K ⊂ Rd be a unimodular cone. Prove that K ◦ is a unimodular

Supplementary problems
1. Let a1 and a2 be positive coprime integers and let S ⊂ Z be the set of all
non-negative integer combinations of a1 and a2 . Prove that
 1 − xa1 a2
xm = .
(1 − xa1 )(1 − xa2 )

2. Let a1 , a2 and a3 be positive coprime integers and let S ⊂ Z be the set of all
non-negative integer combinations of a1 , a2 and a3 . Prove that
 1 − xb1 − xb2 − xb3 + xb4 + xb5
xm = ,
(1 − xa1 )(1 − xa2 )(1 − xa3 )

for some, not necessarily distinct, integers bi = bi (a1 , a2 , a3 ), i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

3. Let a1 , . . . , an ∈ Zd+ be some integer vectors with non-negative coordinates.
Let S ⊂ Zd+ be the set of all non-negative integer combinations of a1 , . . . , an .
Prove that the series

xm where x = (x1 , . . . , xd )

converges for |xi | < 1, i = 1, . . . , d, to a rational function of x.

Concluding Remarks
The algorithmic theory of counting lattice points in polyhedra is discussed in
[BP99]; some of the algorithms suggested there are implemented, see [L+04] and
[V+04]. For other algorithmic questions concerning lattice points, see [G+93]. For
Minkowski’s Theorems and other topics in the geometry of numbers, see [GL87].
We conclude these lectures by discussing various related topics and open questions.

Something curvilinear?
Is it possible to extend the developed theory onto something non-polyhedral, such
as Euclidean balls? Probably not, as it appears to be in the realm of totally different
forces, more akin to theta functions than to rational functions. For example, let
B = (x1 , . . . , x4 ) : x2i ≤ n

be the standard Euclidean ball of radius n in dimension 4. Suppose for a moment
that we can efficiently enumerate integer points in B. Then we can count integer
points on the sphere x21 + x22 + x23 + x24 = n. However, the number of such points,
that is, the number of ways to represent n as a sum of four squares of integers, by
Jacobi’s formula is equal to

8 p
4 | p | n

(in words: eight times the sum of the divisors of n that are not divisible by 4). Thus
we gain some insight into divisors of n, and, pushing it a bit further, we can come
up with an efficient algorithm for factoring integers, see [B+86] and [Dy91]. The
existence of such an algorithm is not entirely impossible, but somewhat doubtful.

Irrational polyhedra?
How can we enumerate integer points in irrational polyhedra? There are some
obvious difficulties with generating functions.√Consider, for example, a cone K ⊂ R2
defined by the inequalities x1 ≥ 0 and x2 ≤ 2x1 . Just as before, we can write the
generating function

f (K, x) = xm .

The problem is that f (K, x) is no longer a rational function in x. To build an

interesting theory, we would like to extend f (K, x) analytically far beyond the
region of convergence of the defining series, and it is not clear how to do that.
There is a little trick, however, which allows us to incorporate irrational poly-
hedra P to some extent. Let us first change the coordinates and consider the
exponential sum:

F (P ; c) = e
c,m ,
m∈P ∩Zd

where c = (c1 , . . . , cd ) ∈ Cd . We obtain F (P ; c) from f (P, x) by substituting

x = (ec1 , . . . , ecd ). Let ρ : Cd −→ C be a polynomial and let us consider the
weighted version 
F (P, ρ; c) = ρ(m)e
m∈P ∩Zd
of the exponential sum. One can think of F (P, ρ; c) as the result of applying the
differential operator  
∂ ∂
D=ρ ,...,
∂c1 ∂cd
to F (P ; c). If P is an irrational polyhedron, all “bad things” happen along the
boundary ∂P of P , so let us cut them out by choosing ρ such that ρ(x) = 0 for all
x ∈ ∂P (such a ρ can be obtained by multiplying the equations that define the facets
of P ). One can show that in this case F (P, ρ; c) indeed extends to a meromorphic
function on Cd and there is a way to extend our theory, see [Ba93] for details. This
extension, however, is not particularly interesting (it lacks interesting examples so

Let’s add projections!

There are interesting sets S ⊂ Zd of integer points, which are intimately related
to sets of integer points in rational polyhedra but have a more complicated logical
structure. Such sets can be quite complicated even in dimension d = 1. For
example, let us fix positive coprime integers a1 , . . . , ad and let S ⊂ Z be the set of
all integers that are non-negative integer combinations of a1 , . . . , ad . In other words,
S is the semigroup generated by a1 , . . . , ad . We can think of S as a projection of
the set of integer points in a rational polyhedron. Let P = Rd+ be the non-negative
orthant and let T : Rd −→ R be the projection
(x1 , . . . , xd )
−→ a1 x1 + . . . + ad xd .
Then S = T (P ∩ Z ), the image of the set of integer points in P under the linear

transformation T . In [BW03], it is proved that for such sets S (obtained from the
set of integer points P ∩ Zd in a rational polyhedron P ⊂ Rd by a projection) the
generating function 
f (S; x) = xm
admits a short representation as a rational function in x, which can be computed
in polynomial time when the dimension d is fixed.
There have been some advances towards the general theory of sets of integer
points encoded by short rational generating functions. For example, in [BW03] it
is proved that if two sets S1 , S2 ⊂ Zd are defined by their short rational generating
functions f (S1 , x) and f (S2 , x), then the generating function f (S, x) of S = S1 ∩ S2
can be computed in polynomial time as a short rational function.
However, we are still quite far from having a full-fledged theory for sets S with
short rational generating functions. Suppose, for example, that S is the projection
of the difference X \ Y , where X and Y are the projections of the sets of integer
points P ∩ Zk1 and Q ∩ Zk2 in some rational polyhedra P and Q. We don’t know
how to handle such a set S (our lack of understanding is mitigated by the lack
of interesting examples of such complicated constructions). Also, algorithms of
[BW03] seem to be outrageously impractical.

Polytopes of large dimension?

The theory we described in these lectures provides efficient algorithms if the dimen-
sion d of the given rational polytope is fixed in advance. There are certain classes
of polytopes for which the algorithms still remain efficient (polynomial time), even
when the dimension is allowed to grow, see [Ba93] and [BP99]. If the dimension d
is allowed to grow, the P vs. NP issue leaves us with little hope to find efficient al-
gorithms for testing whether a given rational polyhedron contains an integer point,
let alone for computing the number of such points. The problem, however, re-
mains practically important and it seems that various probabilistic approaches of
approximate counting look the most promising here, cf. [Dy03].
There seems to be a possibility of a “hybrid” algebraic/probabilistic approach
based on the following simple observation. Let K = K(u1 , . . . , ud ) be a simple
rational cone generated by integer vectors u1 , . . . , ud and let Π be its fundamental
 Theorem 1 of Lecture 3 allows us to compute f (K, x) in terms of
the sum m∈Π∩Zd x . This sum is potentially very big, but it is very easy to
sample a random integer point m ∈ Π ∩ Zd , cf. Preview Problem 2 in Lecture 3.
Indeed, let Λ ⊂ Zd be the lattice generated by u1 , . . . , ud . Then the points Π ∩ Zd
are in one-to-one correspondence with the elements of Zd /Λ: if n ∈ Zd is an integer
point, then the point m ∈ Π ∩ Zd such that m − n ∈ Λ is computed as follows:
d d
we write n = i=1 αi ui and let m = i=1 {αi }ui . Hence the problem of sampling
m ∈ Π ∩ Zd reduces to that of sampling coset representatives n ∈ Zd /Λ, which can
be done efficiently. One can ask what happens if we try to count integer points
in a given polytope P by using Brion’s Theorem (Theorem 4 of Lecture 4) and
computing the generating functions of the supporting cones of P approximately via
random sampling.

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[Dy91] M. Dyer, On counting lattice points in polyhedra, SIAM J. Comput. 20
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152, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1995.
Root Systems and
Generalized Associahedra

Sergey Fomin and Nathan Reading

IAS/Park City Mathematics Series
Volume 14, 2004

Root Systems and

Generalized Associahedra
Sergey Fomin and Nathan Reading

These lecture notes provide an overview of root systems, generalized associahe-

dra, and the combinatorics of clusters. Lectures 1-2 cover classical material: root
systems, finite reflection groups, and the Cartan-Killing classification. Lectures 3–4
provide an introduction to cluster algebras from a combinatorial perspective. Lec-
ture 5 is devoted to related topics in enumerative combinatorics.
There are essentially no proofs but an abundance of examples. We label un-
proven assertions as either “lemma” or “theorem” depending on whether they are
easy or difficult to prove. We encourage the reader to try proving the lemmas, or
at least get an idea of why they are true.
For additional information on root systems, reflection groups and Coxeter
groups, the reader is referred to [9, 25, 34]. For basic definitions related to convex
polytopes and lattice theory, see [58] and [31], respectively. Primary sources on
generalized associahedra and cluster combinatorics are [13, 19, 21]. Introductory
surveys on cluster algebras were given in [22, 56, 57].
Note added in press (February 2007): Since these lecture notes were written,
there has been much progress in the general area of cluster algebras and Catalan
combinatorics of Coxeter groups and root systems. We have not attempted to
update the text to reflect these most recent advances. Instead, we refer the reader
to the online Cluster Algebras Portal, maintained by the first author.

1 Department of Mathematics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1109, USA.

E-mail address:,
This work was partially supported by NSF grants DMS-0245385 (S.F.) and DMS-0202430 (N.R.).

c Sergey Fomin and Nathan Reading



We thank Christos Athanasiadis, Jim Stasheff and Andrei Zelevinsky for careful
readings of earlier versions of these notes and for a number of editorial suggestions,
which led to the improvement of the paper.

S.F.: I am grateful to the organizers of the 2004 Graduate Summer School at Park
City (Ezra Miller, Vic Reiner, and Bernd Sturmfels) for the invitation to deliver
these lectures, and for their support, understanding, and technical help.
Sections 3.3-3.4 and Lecture 4 present results of an ongoing joint project with
Andrei Zelevinsky centered around cluster algebras.

N.R.: I would like to thank Vic Reiner for teaching the course which sparked my
interest in Coxeter groups; Anders Björner and Francesco Brenti for making a
preliminary version of their forthcoming book available to the students in Reiner’s
course; and John Stembridge, whose course and lecture notes have deepened my
knowledge of Coxeter groups and root systems.

Some of the figures in these notes are inspired by figures produced by Satyan
Devadoss, Vic Reiner and Rodica Simion. Several figures were borrowed from
[13, 19, 20, 21, 23].

Reflections and Roots

1.1. The Pentagon Recurrence

Consider a sequence f1 , f2 , f3 , . . . defined recursively by f1 = x, f2 = y, and
fn + 1
(1) fn+1 = .
Thus, the first five entries are
y+1 x+y+1 x+1
(2) x, y, , , .
x xy y
Unexpectedly, the sixth and seventh entries are x and y, respectively, so the se-
quence is periodic with period five! We will call (1) the pentagon recurrence.1
This sequence has another important property. A priori, we can only expect its
terms to be rational functions of x and y. In fact, each fi is a Laurent polynomial
(actually, with nonnegative integer coefficients). This is an instance of what is
called the Laurent phenomenon.
It will be helpful to represent this recurrence as the evolution of a “moving
window” consisting of two consecutive terms fi and fi+1 :
f1 τ1 f3 τ2 f3 τ1 f5 τ2 f5
−→ −→ −→ −→ −→ · · · ,
f2 f2 f4 f4 f6
where the maps τ1 and τ2 are defined by
f f f
(3) τ1 : −→ f and τ2 :  → f +1 .

g g g g

Both τ1 and τ2 are involutions: τ12 = τ22 = 1, where 1 denotes the identity map. The
5-periodicity of the recurrence (1) translates into the identity (τ2 τ1 )5 = 1. That is,
the group generated by τ1 and τ2 is a dihedral group with 10 elements.
Let us now consider a similar but simpler pair of maps. Throw away the +1’s
that occur in the definitions of τ1 and τ2 , and take logarithms. We then obtain a
pair of linear maps
x y−x x x
s1 : −→ and s2 : −→ .
y y y x−y
A (linear) hyperplane in a vector space V is a linear subspace of codimension 1.
A (linear) reflection is a map that fixes all the points in some linear hyperplane,
and has an eigenvalue of −1. The maps s1 and s2 are linear reflections satisfying
(s2 s1 )3 = 1. Thus, the group s1 , s2  is a dihedral group with 6 elements.
We are led to wonder if the dihedral behavior of τ1 , τ2  is related to, or even
explained by the dihedral behavior of s1 , s2 . To test this unlikely-sounding hy-
pothesis, let us try to find similar examples. What other pairs (s, s ) of linear
1The discovery of this recurrence and its 5-periodicity are sometimes attributed to R. C. Lyness
(1942); see, e.g., [15]. It was probably already known to N. H. Abel. This recurrence is closely
related to (and easily deduced from) the famous “pentagonal identity” for the dilogarithm function,
first obtained by W. Spence (1809) and rediscovered by Abel (1830) and C. H. Hill (1830). See,
e.g., [37].

reflections generate finite dihedral groups? To keep things simple, we set s = s1

and confine the choice of s to maps of the form
x x
s : −→ ,
y L(x, y)
where L is a linear function. Keeping in mind that s1 and s2 arose as logarithms,
we require that L have integer coefficients.
After some work, one determines that besides x − y, the functions 2x − y and
3x − y are the only good choices for L. More specifically, define
x x x x
s3 : −→ and s4 : −→ .
y 2x − y y 3x − y
Then (s3 s1 )4 = 1 and (s4 s1 )6 = 1. Thus, s1 , s3  and s1 , s4  are dihedral groups
with 8 and 12 elements, respectively.
By analogy with (3), we next define
f f f f
τ3 : −→ f 2 +1 and τ4 : −→ f 3 +1 .
g g
g g

Calculations show that (τ3 τ1 )6 = 1, and the group τ1 , τ3  is dihedral with 12
elements. We can think of τ1 and τ3 as defining a “moving window” for the sequence
y + 1 x2 + (y + 1)2 x2 + y + 1 x2 + 1
(4) x, y, , , , , x, y, . . .
x x2 y xy y
Notice that the Laurent phenomenon holds: these rational functions are Laurent
polynomials—again, with nonnegative integer coefficients.
Likewise, (τ4 τ1 )8 = 1, the group τ1 , τ4  is dihedral with 16 elements, and τ1
and τ4 define an 8-periodic sequence of Laurent polynomials.
In the first two lectures, we will develop the basic theory of finite reflection
groups that will include their complete classification. This theory will later help
explain the periodicity and Laurentness of the sequences discussed above, and pro-
vide appropriate algebraic and combinatorial tools for the study of other similar

1.2. Reflection Groups

Our first goal will be to understand the finite groups generated by linear reflections
in a vector space V . It turns out that for such a group, it is always possible to define
a Euclidean structure on V so that all of the reflections in the group are ordinary
orthogonal reflections. The study of groups generated by orthogonal reflections is
a classical subject, which goes back to the classification of Platonic solids by the
ancient Greeks.
Let V be a Euclidean space. In what follows, all reflecting hyperplanes pass
through the origin, and all reflections are orthogonal. A finite reflection group is a
finite group generated by some reflections in V . In other words, we choose a collec-
tion of hyperplanes such that the group of orthogonal transformations generated by
the corresponding reflections is finite. Infinite reflection groups are also interesting,
but in these lectures, “reflection group” will always mean a finite one.
The set of reflections in a reflection group W is typically larger than a minimal
set of reflections generating W . This is illustrated in Figure 1.1, where W is the
group of symmetries of a regular pentagon. This 10-element group is generated by

two reflections s and t whose reflecting lines make an angle of π/5. It consists of 5
reflections, 4 rotations, and the identity element. In Figure 1.1, each of the 5 lines
is labeled by the corresponding reflection.

s t

sts 1
s t tst

st ts
ststs = tstst

sts tst

stst tsts


Figure 1.1. The reflection group I2 (5).

Lemma 1.1. If t is the reflection fixing a hyperplane H and w an orthogonal

transformation, then wtw−1 is the reflection fixing the hyperplane wH.
Lemma 1.2. Let W be a finite group generated by a finite set T of reflections.
Then the set of all reflections in W is wtw−1 : w ∈ W, t ∈ T .
The set H of all reflecting hyperplanes of a reflection group W is called a
Coxeter arrangement. In light of Lemmas 1.1 and 1.2, one can give an alternate
definition of a Coxeter arrangement: A Coxeter arrangement is a collection H of hy-
perplanes which is closed under reflections in the hyperplanes. Like any hyperplane
arrangement in V , a Coxeter arrangement cuts V into connected components called
regions. That is, the regions are the connected components of the complement to
the union of all hyperplanes in H.
The regions are in one-to-one correspondence with the elements of W , as fol-
lows. Once and for all, fix an arbitrary region R1 to represent the identity element.
Lemma 1.3. The map w → Rw = w(R1 ) is a bijection between a reflection
group W and the set of regions of the corresponding Coxeter arrangement.
To illustrate, each of the 10 regions in Figure 1.1 is labeled by the corresponding
element of the group.
The choice of a region representing the identity element leads to a distinguished
choice of a minimal set of generating reflections. The facet hyperplanes of R1 are
the hyperplanes in H whose intersection with the closure of R1 has dimension n− 1.
Lemma 1.4. The reflections in the facet hyperplanes of R1 generate W . This
generating set is minimal by inclusion.

1.3. Symmetries of Regular Polytopes

A regular polytope in a Euclidean space is a convex polytope whose symmetry group
(i.e., the group of isometries of the space that leave the polytope invariant) acts
transitively on complete flags of faces, i.e., on nested collections of the form
vertex ⊂ edge ⊂ 2-dim. face ⊂ · · ·
Theorem 1.5. The symmetry group of any regular polytope is a reflection group.
The converse is false—see Remark 1.12.
We illustrate Theorem 1.5 with several concrete examples.
Example 1.6. Consider a regular m-gon on a Euclidean plane, centered at the
origin. The symmetry group of the m-gon is denoted by I2 (m). This group contains
(and is generated by) m reflections, which correspond to the m lines of reflective
symmetry of the m-gon.
The group I2 (m) is a dihedral group with 2m elements. It is generated by two
reflections s and t satisfying (st)m = 1. To define s and t, we use the construction
of Lemma 1.4. Pick a side of the polygon, and consider two reflecting lines: one
perpendicular to the side and another passing through one of its endpoints. The
case m = 5 is shown in Figure 1.1.
Example 1.7. Take a regular tetrahedron in 3-space, with the vertices labeled 1,
2, 3, and 4. Its symmetry group is obviously isomorphic to the symmetric group S4 ,
which consists of the permutations of the set {1, 2, 3, 4}. For each edge of the tetra-
hedron, choose a plane which is perpendicular to the edge and contains the other
two vertices. Reflections in these six hyperplanes generate the symmetry group.
In general, the symmetry group of a regular simplex can be described as follows.
Let (e1 , . . . , en+1 ) be the standard basis in Rn+1 . The standard n-dimensional
simplex (or n-simplex) is the convex hull of the endpoints of the vectors e1 , . . . , en+1 .
Thus the standard 1-simplex is a line segment in R2 , the standard 2-simplex is an
equilateral triangle in R3 , and the standard 3-simplex is the regular tetrahedron
described above, sitting in R4 . The symmetry group An of the standard n-simplex
is canonically isomorphic to Sn+1 , the symmetric group of permutations of the set
[n + 1] = {1, 2, . . . , n + 1}.
For each edge [ei , ej ] of the standard simplex, there is a hyperplane xi − xj = 0
perpendicular to the edge and containing all the other vertices. Reflection through
this hyperplane interchanges
the endpoints of the edge and fixes the rest of the
vertices. These n+1 2 reflections generate An .
To construct a minimal generating set of reflections, we again use Lemma 1.4.
Let R1 be the connected component of the complement to the n+1 2 reflecting
hyperplanes defined by
(5) R1 = {x1 < x2 < · · · < xn+1 }.
The facet hyperplanes of R1 are given by the equations
xi − xi+1 = 0, for i = 1, . . . , n.
Then Lemma 1.4 reduces to the well-known fact that the symmetric group Sn+1
is generated by the adjacent transpositions s1 , . . . , sn . (Here each si exchanges i
and i + 1, keeping everything else in its place.)
Figure 1.2 illustrates the special case n = 2, the symmetry group of the standard
2-simplex (shaded). The plane of the page represents the plane x + y + z = 1 in R3 .


(0, 1, 0) (1, 0, 0)


(0, 0, 1)

Figure 1.2. The reflection group A2 .

Example 1.8. The n-crosspolytope is the convex hull of (the endpoints of) the
vectors ±e1 , ±e2 , . . . , ±en in Rn . For example, the 3-crosspolytope is the regular
octahedron. The symmetry group of this polytope is the hyperoctahedral group Bn .
As in the previous examples, it is generated by the reflections it contains.
The special case n = 3 (the symmetry group B3 of a regular octahedron) is
shown in Figure 1.3. The dotted lines show the intersections of reflecting hyper-
planes with the front surface of the octahedron. Each edge of the octahedron is
also contained in a reflecting plane.

Figure 1.3. The reflection group B3


There are two types of reflections in the symmetry group of the crosspolytope.
One type of reflection transposes a vertex with its negative and fixes all other
vertices. Also, for each pair i = j, there is a reflection which transposes ei and ej ,
transposes −ei and −ej , and fixes all other vertices.
To construct a minimal set of reflections generating Bn , take the minimal gener-
ating set for An−1 given in Example 1.7 and adjoin the reflection that interchanges
e1 and −e1 .
The group Bn is also the symmetry group of the n-dimensional cube.
Example 1.9. The symmetry group of a regular dodecahedron (or a regular icosa-
hedron) is the reflection group H3 . Figure 1.4 shows the dodecahedron and a
minimal set of three reflections generating its symmetry group. The dotted lines
show the intersections of the corresponding three hyperplanes with the front surface
of the dodecahedron.

Figure 1.4. The reflection group H3

Example 1.10. In 4-space, there are six types of regular polytopes. The obvious
three are the 4-simplex, the 4-cube, and the 4-crosspolytope. There are two regular
polytopes whose symmetry group is the reflection group called H4 . One of these,
the 120-cell, has 600 vertices and 120 dodecahedral faces; the other, the 600-cell,
has 120 vertices and 600 tetrahedral faces. The remaining regular 4-dimensional
polytope is the 24-cell, with 24 vertices and 24 octahedral faces. Its symmetry
group is a reflection group denoted by F4 .
Not every reflection group is the symmetry group of a regular polytope. A
counterexample is constructed as follows.
Example 1.11. Let n ≥ 3. Returning to the crosspolytope, ignore the reflections
which transpose an opposite pair of vertices. The remaining reflections generate a
reflection group called Dn , which is a proper subgroup of Bn . The reflections of
D3 are represented by the dotted lines in Figure 1.3. We note that the Coxeter
arrangements of types A3 and D3 are related by an orthogonal transformation, so
the reflection groups A3 and D3 are isomorphic to each other.
Remark 1.12. It can be shown that, for n ≥ 4, the group Dn is not a symmetry
group of a regular polytope. See Section 2.3 for further details.

1.4. Root Systems

Root systems are configurations of vectors obtained by replacing each reflecting
hyperplane of a reflection group by a pair of opposite normal vectors; the resulting
configuration should be invariant under the action of the group. Here is a formal
definition. A finite root system is a finite non-empty collection Φ of nonzero vectors
in V called roots with the following properties:
(i) Each one-dimensional subspace of V either contains no roots, or contains
two roots ±α.
(ii) For each α ∈ Φ, the reflection σα permutes Φ.
The following lemma shows that the study of root systems is essentially equivalent
to the study of reflection groups.
Lemma 1.13. For a finite root system Φ, the group generated by the reflections
{σα : α ∈ Φ} is finite. The corresponding reflecting hyperplanes form a Coxeter
arrangement. Conversely, for any reflection group W , there is a root system Φ
such that the orthogonal reflections {σα }α∈Φ are precisely the reflections in W .
In Section 1.2, we fixed a region R1 of the associated Coxeter arrangement H.
The simple roots in Φ are the roots normal to the facet hyperplanes of R1 and
pointing into the half-space containing R1 . The rank of Φ is the cardinality n of
the set of simple roots Π. Since W acts transitively on the regions of H, the rank
of Φ does not depend on the choice of Π, and is equal to the dimension of the linear
span of Φ. It will be convenient to fix an indexing set I so that Π = {αi : i ∈ I}.
The standard choice is I = [n] = {1, . . . , n}.

For any α ∈ Φ, the coefficients ci in the expansion α = i∈I ci αi are called the
simple root coordinates of α. The set Φ+ of positive roots consists of all roots whose
simple root coordinates are all non-negative. The negative roots Φ− are those with
non-positive simple root coordinates.
Lemma 1.14. Φ is the disjoint union of Φ+ and Φ− .
In these lectures, we focus on the study of the important class of finite crystal-
lographic root systems. These are the finite non-empty collections of vectors that,
in addition to the axioms (i)–(ii) above, satisfy the “crystallographic condition”
(iii) For any α, β ∈ Φ, we have σα (β) = β−aαβ α with aαβ ∈ Z. (See Figure 1.5.)
Equivalently, the simple root coordinates of any root are integers.

σα (β)

aαβ α

Figure 1.5. Reflecting β in the hyperplane perpendicular to α.

For the rest of these lectures, a “root system” will always be presumed finite
and crystallographic.

Example 1.15. A root system of rank 1 is called A1 ; it consists of a pair of

vectors ±α. There are four non-isomorphic (finite crystallographic) root systems
of rank 2, called A1 × A1 , A2 , B2 and G2 ; see Figure 1.6.


A1 × A1
−1 0
σα1 =
0 1 α1
1 0
σα2 =
0 −1

α2 α1 + α2
−1 1
σα1 =
0 1 α1
1 0
σα2 =
1 −1

α2 α1 + α2 2α1 + α2
−1 2
σα1 =
0 1
1 0
σα2 =
1 −1

3α1 + 2α2

α2 α1 + α2 2α1 + α2 3α1 + α2
−1 3
σα1 =
0 1 α1
1 0
σα2 =
1 −1

Figure 1.6. The finite crystallographic root systems of rank 2


For the root systems A2 , B2 and G2 , the reflections σα1 and σα2 have appeared
earlier in Section 1.1. (The matrices of these reflections in the basis (α1 , α2 ) of sim-
ple roots are shown in Figure 1.6.) In these three cases, the pair (σα1 , σα2 ) coincides
with (s2 , s1 ), (s3 , s1 ), and (s4 , s1 ), respectively, in the notation of Section 1.1.

1.5. Root Systems of Types A, B, C, and D

Here we present four classical families of root systems, traditionally denoted by An ,
Bn , Cn and Dn . The corresponding reflection groups have types An , Bn , Bn and Dn
(cf. Examples 1.7, 1.8, and 1.11). In each case, n is the rank of a root system.
We realize each root system inside a Euclidean space with a fixed orthonormal
basis (e1 , e2 , . . . ), and describe particular choices of the sets of simple and positive
roots. There is no “canonical” way to make these choices. Our realizations of root
systems coincide with those in [9, 34], but our choices of simple/positive roots
(which are motivated by notational convenience alone) are different.

The root system An

The root system An can be realized as the set of vectors ei − ej in Rn+1 with i = j.
Let R1 be given by (5). Then the n simple roots are αi = ei+1 −ei , for i = 1, . . . , n,
and the positive roots are ei − ej , for 1 ≤ j < i ≤ n + 1.
Figure 1.7 shows a planar projection of the root system A3 . The positive roots
are labeled by their simple root coordinates. The solid lines are in the plane of the
page. Thick dotted lines are above the plane, while thin dotted lines are below it.
α2 α1 + α2

α2 + α3 α1 + α2 + α3



Figure 1.7. The root system A3

The root systems Bn and Cn

The root system Bn can be realized as the set of vectors in Rn of the form ±ei or
±ei ± ej with i = j. Choose R1 = {0 < x1 < x2 < · · · < xn }. Then the vectors
α0 = e1 and αi = ei+1 − ei for i ∈ [n − 1] form a set of simple roots. The positive
roots are ei for i ∈ [n] and ei ± ej for 1 ≤ j < i ≤ n. See Figure 1.8.




Figure 1.8. The root system B3 . The endpoints of the 9 positive roots are
shown as black circles on the cube’s front. The negative roots are not shown.

The root system Cn can be realized as the set of vectors in Rn of the form ±2ei
or ±ei ± ej . The vectors α0 = 2e1 and αi = ei+1 − ei form a set of simple roots.
The positive roots are 2ei and ei ± ej . See Figure 1.9.




Figure 1.9. The root system C3 . The endpoints of the 9 positive roots are
shown on the front of the octahedron. The negative roots are not shown.

The root system Cn is a rescaling of Bn , so the corresponding reflection groups

W coincide. In contrast to the type An , the action of W on the roots of Bn or Cn is
not transitive: there are two orbits, corresponding to two different lengths of roots.

The root system Dn

The root system Dn can be realized as the vectors ±ei ± ej with i = j. One choice
of simple roots is α0 = e2 + e1 and αi = ei+1 − ei , giving the positive roots ei ± ej
for 1 ≤ j < i ≤ n. This comes from setting R1 = {−x2 < x1 < x2 < · · · < xn }.
Dynkin Diagrams and Coxeter Groups

2.1. Finite Type Classification

The most fundamental result in the theory of (finite crystallographic) root systems
is their complete classification, obtained by W. Killing and E. Cartan in late nine-
teenth – early twentieth century. (See the historical notes in [9].) To present this
classification, we will need a few preliminaries.
First, we will need the notion of isomorphism. The ambient space QR = QR (Φ)
of a root system Φ is the real span of Φ. It inherits a Euclidean structure from V .
Root systems Φ and Φ are isomorphic if there is an isometry map QR (Φ) → QR (Φ )
of their ambient spaces that sends Φ to some dilation cΦ of Φ .
The Cartan matrix of a root system Φ is the integer matrix [aij ]i,j∈I , where aij
is such that σαi (αj ) = αj − aij αi , as in part (iii) of the definition of a root system.
(This convention agrees with [21, 35] but is “transposed” to the one in [9, 34].)
Lemma 2.1. Root systems Φ and Φ are isomorphic if and only if they have the
same Cartan matrix, up to simultaneous rearrangement of rows and columns.
Example 2.2. The Cartan matrices for the root systems of rank two are:
2 0 2 −1
A1 × A1 : A2 :
0 2 −1 2
2 −2 2 −3
B2 : G2 :
−1 2 −1 2
Example 2.3. The Cartan matrices for the root systems of type A4 , B4 , C4 ,
and D4 are, respectively:
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
2 −1 0 0 2 −2 0 0
⎢ −1 2 −1 0 ⎥ ⎢ −1 2 −1 0 ⎥
A4 : ⎢ ⎣ 0 −1
⎥ B4 : ⎢ ⎥
2 −1 ⎦ ⎣ 0 −1 2 −1 ⎦
0 0 −1 2 0 0 −1 2
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
2 −1 0 0 2 0 −1 0
⎢ −2 2 −1 0 ⎥ ⎢ 0 2 −1 0 ⎥
C4 : ⎢ ⎥ D4 : ⎢ ⎥
⎣ 0 −1 2 −1 ⎦ ⎣ −1 −1 2 −1 ⎦
0 0 −1 2 0 0 −1 2

The Cartan matrices of (finite crystallographic) root systems are sometimes

called Cartan matrices of finite type. This class of matrices is completely charac-
terized by several elementary properties.

Theorem 2.4. An integer n × n matrix [aij ] is a Cartan matrix of a root system

if and only if
(i) aii = 2 for every i;
(ii) aij ≤ 0 for any i = j, with aij = 0 if and only if aji = 0;
(iii) there exists a diagonal matrix D with positive diagonal entries such that
DAD−1 is symmetric and positive definite.

Remark 2.5. Condition (iii) can be replaced by

(iii ) there exists a diagonal matrix D with positive integer diagonal entries
such that D A is symmetric and positive definite.

Example 2.6. For the root systems A1 × A1 and A2 , the 2 × 2 identity matrix
serves as D. For B2 and G2 , take D = 10 √02 and D = 10 √03 , respectively.

The characterization in Theorem 2.4 can be used to completely classify the

Cartan matrices of finite type, or the corresponding root systems. It turns out that
each of those is built from blocks taken from a certain relatively short list. Let us
be more precise.
A root system Φ is called reducible if Φ is a disjoint union of root systems Φ1
and Φ2 such that every β1 ∈ Φ1 is normal to every β2 ∈ Φ2 . If such a decomposition
does not exist, Φ is called irreducible. The parallel definition for Cartan matrices
is that a Cartan matrix of finite type is indecomposable if its rows and columns
cannot be simultaneously rearranged to bring the matrix into block-diagonal form
with more than one block.
The Cartan matrices of finite type can be encoded by their Dynkin diagrams.
The vertices of a Dynkin diagram are labeled by the elements of the indexing set I;
thus they are in bijection with the simple roots. Each pair of vertices i and j is
then connected as shown below (with the vertex i on the left):
if aij = aji = 0
if aij = aji = −1
if aij = −1 and aji = −2
if aij = −1 and aji = −3
(It follows from Theorem 2.4 that these are the only possible pairs of values for aij
and aji . Cf. Example 2.2.)

Lemma 2.7. A Cartan matrix of finite type (resp., a root system) is indecomposable
(resp., irreducible) if and only if its Dynkin diagram is connected.

Theorem 2.8 (Cartan-Killing classification of irreducible root systems and Cartan

matrices of finite type). The complete list of Dynkin diagrams of irreducible root
systems is presented in Figure 2.1.

An (n ≥ 1) t t t t t t t t

Bn (n ≥ 2) t t t t t t t t

Cn (n ≥ 3) t t t t t t t t

Dn (n ≥ 4) Ht
 t t t t t t

E6 t t t t t

E7 t t t t t t

E8 t t t t t t t

F4 t t t t

G2 t t

Figure 2.1. Dynkin diagrams of finite irreducible root systems.

Root systems are just one example among a large number of mathematical
objects of “finite type” which are classified by (some class of) Dynkin diagrams. The
appearance of the ubiquitous Dynkin diagrams in a variety of seemingly unrelated
classification problems has fascinated several generations of mathematicians, and
helped establish nontrivial connections between different areas of mathematics. See
Section 2.3 and references therein.

2.2. Coxeter Groups

Let Φ be a (finite crystallographic) root system and α = β a pair of roots in Φ.
The angle between the corresponding reflecting hyperplanes is a rational multiple
of π with denominator 2, 3, 4 or 6. Thus the rotation σα σβ has order 2, 3, 4, or 6
as an element of the associated reflection group W . The insight that the order of
a product of reflections is directly related to the angle between the corresponding
hyperplanes leads to the definition of a Coxeter group.

Definition 2.9. A Coxeter system (W, S) is a pair consisting of a group W together

with a finite subset S ⊂ W satisfying the following conditions:
(i) each s ∈ S is an involution: s2 = 1;
(ii) some pairs {s, t} ⊂ S satisfy relations of the form (st)mst = 1 with mst ≥ 2;
(iii) the relations in (i)–(ii) form a presentation of the group W .
In other words, S generates W , and any identity in W is a formal consequence of
(i)–(ii) and the axioms of a group.
A group W is called a Coxeter group if it has a presentation of the above form.

The following theorem demonstrates that the notion of a Coxeter group indeed
captures the geometric essence of reflection groups.

Theorem 2.10. Any finite Coxeter group is isomorphic to a reflection group.

Conversely, a reflection group associated with a (finite crystallographic) root

system Φ is a Coxeter group, in the following sense. Let Π be the set of simple roots
in Φ. For each simple root αi ∈ Π, the associated simple reflection is si = σαi .

Theorem 2.11. Let W be the group generated by the reflections {σβ : β ∈ Φ}. Let

S = {si }i∈I = {σα : α ∈ Π}

be the set of simple reflections. Then (W, S) is a Coxeter system.

Furthermore, W is a crystallographic Coxeter group, where the adjective “crys-

tallographic” refers to restricting the integers mst to the set {2, 3, 4, 6}.

2.3. Other “Finite Type” Classifications

The classification of root systems is similar or identical to several other classifica-
tions of objects of “finite type,” briefly reviewed below.

Non-crystallographic root systems

Lifting the crystallographic restriction does not allow very many additional root
systems. The only non-crystallographic irreducible finite root systems are those of
types H3 , H4 and I2 (m) for m = 5 or m ≥ 7. See [34].

Coxeter groups and reflection groups

By Theorems 2.10 and 2.11, the classification of finite Coxeter groups is parallel to
the classification of reflection groups and is essentially the same as the classification
of root systems. The difference is that the root systems Bn and Cn correspond to
the same Coxeter group Bn . A Coxeter group is encoded by its Coxeter diagram,
a graph whose vertex set is S, with an edge s—t whenever mst > 2. If mst > 3,
the edge is labeled by mst . Figure 2.2 shows the Coxeter diagrams of the finite
irreducible Coxeter systems, including the non-crystallographic Coxeter groups H3 ,
H4 and I2 (m). The group G2 appears as I2 (6). See [34] for more details.

An (n ≥ 1) t t t t t t t t

Bn (n ≥ 2) t 4 t t t t t t t

HHt t t t t t t
Dn (n ≥ 4)


E6 t t t t t

E7 t t t t t t

E8 t t t t t t t

F4 t t 4 t t

H3 t 5 t t

H4 t 5 t t t

I2 (m) (m ≥ 5) t m t

Figure 2.2. Coxeter diagrams of finite irreducible Coxeter systems

Regular polytopes
By Theorem 1.5, the symmetry group of a regular polytope is a reflection group. In
fact, it is a Coxeter group whose Coxeter diagram is linear : the underlying graph
is a path with no branching points. This narrows down the possibilities, leading to
the conclusion that there are no other regular polytopes besides the ones described
in Section 1.2. In particular, there are no “exceptional” regular polytopes beyond
dimension 4: only simplices, cubes, and crosspolytopes. See [14].

Lie algebras
The original motivation for the Cartan-Killing classification of root systems came
from Lie theory. Complex finite-dimensional simple Lie algebras correspond nat-
urally, and one-to-one, to finite irreducible crystallographic root systems. There
exist innumerable expositions of this classical subject; see, e.g., [25].

Quivers of finite type

A quiver is a directed graph; its representation assigns a complex vector space to
each vertex, and a linear map to each directed edge. A quiver is of finite type if it
has only a finite number of indecomposable representations (up to isomorphism); a
representation is indecomposable if it cannot be obtained as a nontrivial direct sum.
By Gabriel’s Theorem, a quiver is of finite type if and only if its underlying graph
is a Dynkin diagram of type A, D or E. See [45] and references therein.

Et cetera
And the list goes on: simple singularities, finite subgroups of SU (2), symmetric
matrices with nonnegative integer entries and eigenvalues between −2 and 2, etc.
For more, see [28, 33, 59]. In Section 4.2, we will present yet another classification
that is parallel to Cartan-Killing: the classification of the cluster algebras of finite

2.4. Reduced Words and Permutohedra

Each element w ∈ W can be written as a product of elements of S:
w = si1 · · · si .
A shortest factorization of this form (or the corresponding sequence of subscripts
(i1 , . . . , i )) is called a reduced word for w; the number of factors  is called the
length of w.
Any finite Coxeter group has a unique element w◦ of maximal length. In the
symmetric group Sn+1 = An , this is the permutation w◦ that reverses the order of
the elements of the set {1, . . . , n + 1}.
Example 2.12. Let W = S4 be the Coxeter group of type A3 . The standard
choice of simple reflections yields S = {s1 , s2 , s3 }, where s1 , s2 and s3 are the
transpositions which interchange 1 with 2, 2 with 3, and 3 with 4, respectively. (Cf.
Example 1.7.)
The word s1 s2 s1 s3 s2 s3 is a non-reduced word for the permutation that inter-
changes 1 with 3 and 2 with 4. This permutation has two reduced words s2 s1 s3 s2
and s2 s3 s1 s2 .
An example of a reduced word for w◦ is s1 s2 s1 s3 s2 s1 . There are 16 such reduced
words altogether. (Cf. Example 2.14 and Theorem 2.15.)
Recall from Section 1.2 that we label the regions Rw of the Coxeter arrangement
by the elements of the reflection group W , so that Rw is the image of R1 under the
action of w. More generally, Ruv = u(Rv ).
Lemma 2.13. In the Coxeter arrangement associated with a reflection group W ,
regions Ru and Rv are adjacent (that is, share a codimension 1 face) if and only if
u−1 v is a simple reflection.
Thus, moving to an adjacent region is encoded by multiplying on the right by a
simple reflection; cf. Figure 1.1. (Warning: this simple reflection is generally not the
same as the reflection through the hyperplane separating the two adjacent regions.)
Consequently, reduced words for an element w ∈ W correspond to equivalence
classes of paths from R1 to Rw in the ambient space of the Coxeter arrangement.
More precisely, we consider the paths that cross hyperplanes of the arrangement

one at a time, and cross each hyperplane at most once; two paths are equivalent if
they cross the same hyperplanes in the same order.
In order to make the correspondence between paths and reduced words more
explicit, one can restrict the paths to the edges of the W -permutohedron, a convex
polytope that we will now define. Fix a point x in the interior of R1 . The W -
permutohedron is the convex hull of the orbit of x under the action of W . The name
“permutohedron” comes from the fact that the vertices of an An -permutohedron
are obtained by permuting the coordinates of a generic point in Rn+1 .

Example 2.14. The A2 , B2 and G2 permutohedra are respectively a hexagon, an

octagon and a dodecagon; under the right choices of x, these polygons are regular.
Figures 2.3 and 2.4 show the permutohedra of types A3 and B3 . Each of these
realizations derives from a choice of x ∈ R1 which makes the permutohedron an
Archimedean solid, so that in particular its facets are all regular polygons. The
non-crystallographic H3 -permutohedron is also an Archimedean solid1.

Figure 2.3. The permutohedron of type A3

In both pictures, the bottom vertex can be associated with the identity ele-
ment 1 ∈ W , so that the top vertex is w◦ . A reduced word for w corresponds to a
path along edges from 1 to w which moves up in a monotone fashion. There are 16
such paths from 1 to w◦ in the A3 -permutohedron; cf. Example 2.12.

The following beautiful formula is due to R. Stanley [49].

Theorem 2.15. The number of reduced words for w◦ in the reflection group An is
2 !
1n 3n−1 5n−2 · · · (2n − 1)1

1An Archimedean solid is a non-regular polytope whose all facets are regular polygons, and whose
symmetry group acts transitively on vertices. In dimension 3, there are 13 Archimedean solids.
The permutohedra of types A3 , B3 , and H3 are also known as the truncated octahedron, great
rhombicuboctahedron, and great rhombicosidodecahedron, respectively. See, e.g., [55].

Figure 2.4. The permutohedron of type B3

2.5. Coxeter Element and Coxeter Number

The underlying graph of the Coxeter diagram for a finite Coxeter group has no
cycles. Hence it is bipartite, i.e., we can write a disjoint union I = I+ ∪ I− such
that each of the sets I+ and I− is totally disconnected in the Coxeter diagram. An
example is shown in Figure 2.5, where the elements of I+ and I− are marked by +
and −, respectively.

+r −r +r −r +r −r +r


Figure 2.5. Bi-partition of the nodes of the Coxeter diagram of type E8

The simple reflections associated with I+ (resp., I− ) commute pairwise. Con-

sequently, the following is well-defined:
c= si si .
i∈I+ i∈I−

The element c ∈ W is called the Coxeter element2.

Example 2.16. In type An , let I− (resp., I+ ) consist of the odd (resp., even)
numbers in I = [n]. Then for example in A5 = S6 , we have c = s2 s4 s1 s3 s5 .
Thinking of W as a reflection group, the Coxeter element c is an interesting
orthogonal transformation. One important feature of c is that it fixes a certain
two-dimensional plane L (as a set, not pointwise). The action of c on L can be
analyzed to determine the order of c as an element of W . This order is called the
Coxeter number of W , and is denoted by h.

2 More broadly, one often calls the product of the elements in S (in any order) a Coxeter element,
but for our present purposes the definition above will do.

Example 2.17. Figure 2.6 shows the Coxeter arrangement of type A3 and the
plane L fixed by the Coxeter element c = s2 s1 s3 (dotted). The great circles rep-
resent the intersections of the six reflecting hyperplanes with a unit hemisphere.
The sphere is opaque, so only half of each circle is visible, and appears either as a
half of an ellipse or as a straight line segment. (The “equator” does not represent
a hyperplane in the arrangement.) The restriction of c onto L has order 4, so the
Coxeter number for A3 is h = 4.

Example 2.18. Figure 2.7 is a similar picture for B3 , illustrating that the Coxeter
number for B3 is h = 6. In this picture, the equator does represent a hyperplane
in the arrangement.

s1 s3


Figure 2.6. The Coxeter arrangement A3 and the plane fixed by the Coxeter element

s2 s3


Figure 2.7. The Coxeter arrangement B3 and the plane fixed by the Coxeter element

The action of c on L also leads to a determination of its eigenvalues, which all

have the form e2miπ/h , where m is a positive integer less than h. The n values of
m which arise in this way are called the exponents of W . We denote the exponents
by e1 , . . . , en . They pop up everywhere in the combinatorics of root systems and
Coxeter groups. For instance, the order (i.e., cardinality) of W is expressed in terms
of the exponents by

|W | = (ei + 1) .
See Section 5.1 for more examples.
For a finite irreducible Coxeter group W Figure 2.8 tabulates some classical
numerical invariants associated to W and the corresponding (not necessarily crys-
tallographic) root system Φ.

type of Φ |Φ+ | h e 1 , . . . , en |W |
An n(n + 1)/2 n+1 1, 2, . . . , n (n + 1)!
Bn , Cn n2 2n 1, 3, 5, . . . , 2n − 1 2n n!
Dn n(n − 1) 2(n − 1) 1, 3, 5, . . . , 2n − 3, n − 1 2n−1 n!
E6 36 12 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11 27 34 5
E7 63 18 1, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 17 2 3 5·7
10 4

E8 120 30 1, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29 214 35 52 7

F4 24 12 1, 5, 7, 11 27 32
G2 6 6 1, 5 22 3
H3 15 10 1, 5, 9 2 3·5

H4 60 30 1, 11, 19, 29 26 32 52
I2 (m) m m 1, m−1 2m

Figure 2.8. Number of positive roots, Coxeter number, exponents, and the order of W .
Associahedra and Mutations

3.1. Associahedron
We start by discussing two classical problems of combinatorial enumeration.
(i) Count the number of bracketings (parenthesizations) of a non-associative
product of n + 2 factors. Note that we need n pairs of brackets in order
to make the product unambiguous.
(ii) Count the number of triangulations of a convex (n+3)-gon by diagonals.
Note that each triangulation involves exactly n diagonals.
Example 3.1. In the special cases n = 1, 2, 3, there are, respectively:
• 2 bracketings (ab)c and a(bc) of a product of 3 factors;
• 5 bracketings ((ab)c)d, (a(bc))d, a((bc)d), (ab)(cd), and a(b(cd)) of a prod-
uct of 4 factors;
• 14 bracketings of a product of 5 factors (check!).
As to triangulations, there are:
• 2 triangulations of a convex quadrilateral (n = 1);
• 5 triangulations of a pentagon (n = 2, Figure 3.3);
• 14 triangulations of a hexagon (n = 3, Figure 3.4).
Theorem 3.2. Both bracketings
triangulations described above are enumerated
by the Catalan numbers n+2 n+1 .
There are a great many families of combinatorial objects enumerated by the
Catalan numbers; more than a hundred of those are listed in [50]. This list includes:
ballot sequences; Young diagrams and tableaux satisfying certain restrictions; non-
crossing partitions; trees of various kinds; Dyck paths; permutations avoiding pat-
terns of length 3; and much more. In Lecture 5, we will discuss several additional
members of the “Catalan family,” together with their analogues for arbitrary root
systems. (We will see that the ordinary Catalan numerology should be considered
as “type A.”)
A bijection between bracketings and triangulations is described in Figure 3.1.
For a fixed n, the bracketings naturally form the set of vertices of a graph whose
edges correspond to applications of the associativity axiom. Figure 3.2 shows this
graph for n = 2.

a f

b e
c d

a b c d e f
(( a ( b c ))( d e )) f

Figure 3.1. The bijection between triangulations and bracketings.


((ab)c)d a(b(cd))

(a(bc))d a((bc)d)

Figure 3.2. Applying associativity to the bracketings of abcd.

The bijection illustrated in Figure 3.1 translates an application of the associa-

tivity axiom into a diagonal flip on the corresponding triangulation. That is, one
removes a diagonal to create a quadrilateral, then replaces the removed diagonal
with the other diagonal of the quadrilateral.
We call the graph defined by diagonal flips the exchange graph. The exchange
graphs for n = 2 and n = 3 are shown in Figures 3.3 and 3.4.

The drawing of the exchange graph in Figure 3.4 fails to convey its crucial prop-
erty: this exchange graph is the 1-skeleton of a convex polytope, the 3-dimensional
associahedron. (Sometimes it is also called the Stasheff polytope, after J. Stash-
eff, who first defined it in [52].) Figure 3.5 shows a polytopal realization of this

Figure 3.3. The exchange graph for triangulations of a pentagon.

Figure 3.4. The exchange graph for triangulations of a hexagon.


Figure 3.5. The 3-dimensional associahedron.

In order to formally define the n-dimensional associahedron, we start by de-

scribing the object which is dual to it, in the same sense in which the octahedron
is dual to the cube, and the dodecahedron is dual to the icosahedron.

Definition 3.3 (The dual complex of an associahedron). Consider the following

simplicial complex:

vertices: diagonals of a convex (n+3)-gon

simplices: partial triangulations of the (n+3)-gon
(viewed as collections of non-crossing diagonals)
maximal simplices: triangulations of the (n+3)-gon
(collections of n non-crossing diagonals).

Figure 3.6 shows this simplicial complex for n = 3, superimposed on a faint

copy of the exchange graph. Note that the facial structures of the 3-dimensional
associahedron and its dual complex are indeed “dual” to each other: two vertices
of one polyhedron are adjacent if and only if the corresponding faces of the other
polyhedron share an edge.

Figure 3.6. The simplicial complex dual to the 3-dimensional associahedron.

It is not clear a priori that these complexes are topological spheres. But, as
already mentioned, more is true.

Theorem 3.4. The simplicial complex described in Definition 3.3 can be realized
as the boundary of an n-dimensional convex polytope.

Theorem 3.4 (or its equivalent reformulations) were proved independently by

J. Milnor, M. Haiman, and C. W. Lee (first published proof [36]). This theorem
also follows as a special case of the very general theory of secondary polytopes
developed by I. M. Gelfand, M. Kapranov and A. Zelevinsky [30].

Definition 3.5 (The associahedron). The n-dimensional associahedron is the con-

vex polytope (defined up to combinatorial equivalence) that is dual (or polar, see
[58, Sec. 2.3]) to the polytope of Theorem 3.4.

The facial structure of an associahedron as a cell complex is dual to that of its


vertices: triangulations
faces: partial triangulations
facets: diagonals
edges: diagonal flips

The labeling of the facets of an n-dimensional associahedron by the diagonals of

an (n + 3)-gon is illustrated in Figure 3.7 for the special case n = 3 (compare to
Figure 3.4).

Figure 3.7. Labeling the facets of the associahedron by diagonals

We note that we could have defined the associahedron directly, as a cell com-
plex whose cell structure is described by (6). (This would require resolving some
technical issues that we would rather avoid here.) The fact that these cell complexes
are polytopal—i.e., the fact that a combinatorially defined associahedron can be
realized as a convex polytope—is essentially equivalent to Theorem 3.4.

Associahedra play an important role in homotopy theory and the study of

operads [53], in the analysis of real moduli/configuration spaces [16], and other
branches of mathematics. In these notes, we restrict our attention to the combina-
torial aspects of the associahedra.
An n-dimensional polytope is called simple if every vertex is incident to exactly
n edges. This is the case for the associahedron, as every triangulation of an (n+3)-
gon is adjacent to precisely n others in the exchange graph.
Much is known about the facial structure and enumerative invariants of the
associahedron. For example, each face is the direct product of smaller associahedra.
The entries of the h-vector of the associahedron are the Narayana numbers (see
Section 5.2). This allows one to calculate the number of faces of each dimension.

3.2. Cyclohedron
The n-dimensional cyclohedron (also known as the Bott-Taubes polytope [8]) is con-
structed similarly to the associahedron using centrally-symmetric triangulations of
a regular (2n + 2)-gon. Each edge of the cyclohedron represents either a diagonal
flip involving two diameters of the polygon, or a pair of two centrally-symmetric
diagonal flips. Figures 3.8 and 3.9 show the 2- and 3-dimensional cyclohedra re-
spectively. As these figures suggest, the cyclohedron is a convex polytope for any n.
Explicit polytopal realizations of cyclohedra were constructed by M. Markl [38] and
R. Simion [47]. Each face of a cyclohedron is a product of smaller cyclohedra and

Figure 3.8. The 2-dimensional cyclohedron

Further details about the combinatorics of cyclohedra, and about their appear-
ance in the study of configuration spaces can be found in [17].
The geometry of associahedra and cyclohedra is related to the geometry of
permutohedra, as the following theorem (due to Tonks [54]) shows.
Theorem 3.6. The 1-skeleton of the n-dimensional associahedron (resp., cyclohe-
dron) can be obtained from the 1-skeleton of the permutohedron of type An (resp.,
type Bn ) by contraction of edges.
Theorem 3.6 is further discussed in Section 5.4 in connection with Theorem 5.11.
For n = 3, the theorem is illustrated in Figure 3.10. (Cf. Figures 2.3 and 2.4.)
In light of Theorem 3.6, the cyclohedron can be viewed as a “type B counter-
part” of the associahedron (which is a “type A” object).

Figure 3.9. The 3-dimensional cyclohedron

Figure 3.10. Contracting edges of permutohedra of types A3 and B3 yields

an associahedron and a cyclohedron

3.3. Matrix Mutations

Having looked closely at the associahedron and the cyclohedron, one is naturally led
to wonder: are these two just a pair of isolated constructions, or is there a general
framework that includes them as special cases? Given that the associahedra and
the cyclohedra are related to the root systems of types A and B, respectively, is
there a classification of polytopes arising within this framework that is similar to
the Cartan-Killing classification of root systems?
As a first step towards answering these questions, we will develop the machinery
of matrix mutations, which encode the combinatorics of various models similar
to the associahedron and the cyclohedron. We begin our discussion of matrix
mutations by continuing the example of the associahedron.
Fix a triangulation T of the (n + 3)-gon. Label the n diagonals of T arbi-
trarily by the numbers 1, . . . , n, and label the n + 3 sides of T by the numbers
n + 1, . . . , 2n + 3. The combinatorics of T can be encoded by the (signed) edge-
adjacency matrix B̃ = (bij ). This is the (2n + 3) × n matrix whose entries are given

⎪ 1 if i and j label two sides in some triangle of T so that j follows i

⎨ in the clockwise traversal of the triangle’s boundary;
bij =
⎪−1 if the same holds, with the counter-clockwise order;

0 otherwise.
Note that the first index i is a label for a side or a diagonal of the (n + 3)-gon,
while the second index j must label a diagonal. The principal part of B̃ is an
n × n submatrix B = (bij )i,j∈[n] that encodes the signed adjacencies between the
diagonals of T . An example is shown in Figure 3.11.

r ⎡ ⎤
0 1
7 5 ⎢ −1 0 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
r r ⎢ 0 1 ⎥  
⎢ ⎥ 0 1
1 2 B̃ = ⎢
⎢ −1 0 ⎥
⎥ B=
⎢ ⎥ −1 0
⎢ 0 −1 ⎥
4 3 ⎣ 1 −1 ⎦
1 0
r r

Figure 3.11. Matrices B and B̃ for a triangulation

In the language of matrices B̃ and B, diagonal flips can be described as certain

transformations called matrix mutations.
Definition 3.7. Let B = (bij ) and B  = (bij ) be integer matrices. We say that B 
is obtained from B by a matrix mutation in direction k, and write B  = μk (B), if

⎪−bij if k ∈ {i, j};

(7) bij = bij + |bik |bkj if k ∈/ {i, j} and bik bkj > 0;

⎩ b otherwise.

It is easy to check that a matrix mutation is an involution, i.e., μk (μk (B)) = B.


Lemma 3.8. Assume that B̃ and B̃  (resp., B and B  ) are the edge-adjacency
matrices (resp., their principal parts) for two triangulations T and T  obtained
from each other by flipping the diagonal numbered k; the rest of the labels are the
same in T and T  . Then B̃  = μk (B̃) (resp., B  = μk (B)).
Lemma 3.8 is illustrated in Figures 3.12 and 3.13. Note that the numbering of
diagonals used in defining the matrices B̃ and B can change as we move along the
exchange graph. For instance, the sequence of 5 flips shown in Figure 3.13 results
in switching the labels of the two diagonals.

⎡ ⎤
0 0 1 −1
1 4 ⎢ 0
⎢ 0 1 0 ⎥

3 ⎣ −1 −1 0 1 ⎦
1 0 −1 0


⎡ ⎤
0 0 −1 0
4 ⎢ 0
⎢ 0 −1 1 ⎥

3 ⎣ 1 1 0 −1 ⎦
2 0 −1 1 0

Figure 3.12. A diagonal flip and the corresponding matrix mutation

One can similarly define edge-adjacency matrices for centrally symmetric tri-
angulations (those matrices will have entries 0, ±1, and ±2), and verify that cyclo-
hedral flips translate precisely into matrix mutations.

3.4. Exchange Relations

We next introduce a set of algebraic (more precisely, birational ) transformations
that will go hand in hand with the matrix mutations. We start by explaining this
construction in the case of an associahedron.
Let us fix an arbitrary initial triangulation T◦ of a convex (n + 3)-gon, and
introduce a variable for each diagonal of this triangulation, and also for each side
of the (n + 3)-gon. This gives 2n + 3 variables altogether. We are now going to
associate a rational function in these 2n+3 variables to every diagonal of the (n+3)-
gon. This will be done in a recursive fashion. Whenever we perform a diagonal flip
as the one shown in Figure 3.14, all but one rational functions associated to the
current triangulation remain unchanged: the rational function x associated with
the diagonal being removed gets replaced by the rational function x associated
with the “new” diagonal, where x is determined from the exchange relation
(8) x x = a c + b d .

0 1
1 2
−1 0

0 −1
1 2
1 0

0 1
−1 0

0 −1
1 1 0

0 1
1 −1 0

0 −1
2 1
1 0

Figure 3.13. Diagonal flips in a pentagon, and the corresponding matrix mutations

q q
HH c HH c
d d 
@ b @ b
a@ a@
@q @q

Figure 3.14. A diagonal flip

Lemma 3.9. The rational function xγ associated to each diagonal γ does not de-
pend on the particular choice of a sequence of flips that connects the initial trian-
gulation with another one containing γ.
Lemma 3.9 can be rephrased as saying that there are no “monodromies” asso-
ciated with sequences of flips that begin and end at the same triangulation.
To illustrate Lemma 3.9, consider the triangulations of a pentagon (i.e., n = 2).
We label the sides of the pentagon by the variables q1 , q2 , q3 , q4 , q5 , as shown in
Figure 3.15.
q5 q3
q q

q2 q1
q q

Figure 3.15. Labeling the sides of a pentagon

We then label the diagonals incident to the top vertex by the variables y1 and y2 .
Thus, our initial triangulation T◦ appears at the top of Figure 3.16. The rational
functions y3 , y4 , y5 associated with the remaining three diagonals are then computed
from the exchange relations associated with the flips shown in Figure 3.16.
Starting at the top of Figure 3.16 and moving clockwise, we recursively express
y3 , y4 , . . . in terms of y1 , y2 and q1 , . . . , q5 :
q2 y2 + q4 q5
y3 = ,
q3 y3 + q5 q1 q3 q2 y2 + q3 q4 q5 + q5 q1 y1
y4 = = ,
y2 y1 y2
q4 y4 + q1 q2 q3 q4 + q1 y1
y5 = = ··· = (check!),
y3 y2
and, finally,
q5 y5 + q2 q3
y1 = = · · · = y1 ,
q1 y1 + q3 q4
y2 = = · · · = y2 ,

y1 y2

y5 y2 = q1 y1 + q3 q4 y1 y3 = q2 y2 + q4 q5

y1 y2
y5 y3

y4 y1 = q5 y5 + q2 q3 y2 y4 = q3 y3 + q5 q1

y4 y4

y5 y3 y5 = q4 y4 + q1 q2 y3

Figure 3.16. Exchange relations for the flips in a pentagon

recovering the original values and completing the cycle.

We note that under the specialization q1 = · · · = q5 = 1, the phenomenon
we just observed is nothing else but the 5-periodicity of the pentagon recurrence,
which we have thus generalized.
Lemma 3.9 is a special case of a much more general result from the theory of
cluster algebras. It can also be proved directly in at least two different ways briefly
sketched below; these proofs point at connections of this subject to other areas of

Ptolemy’s Theorem and hyperbolic geometry

The classical Ptolemy’s Theorem asserts that in an inscribed quadrilateral, the
sum of the products of the two pairs of opposite sides equals the product of the two
diagonals. This relation looks exactly like the exchange relation (8). It suggests that
one can prove Lemma 3.9 simply by interpreting the rational function associated
with each side or diagonal as the Euclidean length of the corresponding segment.
There is however a problem with this type of argument: the space of inscribed
(n + 3)-gons (up to congruence) is (n + 3)-dimensional, whereas we need 2n + 3
independent variables in our setup.
The problem can be resolved by passing from Euclidean to hyperbolic geometry,
where an analogue of Ptolemy’s Theorem holds, and where one can “cook up” the
required additional degrees of freedom. For much more on this topic, see [24, 29].

Plücker coordinates on the Grassmannian Gr(2, n + 3)

Take a 2 × (n+3) matrix z = (zij ). For any k, l ∈ [n + 3], k < l, let us denote by
z z1l
Pkl = det 1k
z2k z2l
the 2 × 2 minor of z that occupies columns k and l. These minors are the homoge-
neous Plücker coordinates of the row span of z as an element of the Grassmannian
Gr(2, n + 3) of all 2-dimensional subspaces of an (n+3)-space. See, e.g., [25].
It is easy to check (the special case of) the Grassmann-Plücker relations:
Pik Pjl = Pij Pkl + Pil Pjk .
Once again, one recognizes the exchange relation (8). It is straightforward to con-
struct, for a particular special choice of initial triangulation T◦ , a matrix z for which
the values of the minors Pkl corresponding to the sides and diagonals of T◦ are equal
to the variables associated with these segments. It then follows by induction that
the rational function associated to every diagonal is equal to the corresponding
minor Pkl , implying Lemma 3.9.
Cluster Algebras

Our next task is to create a general axiomatic theory of mutations (“flips”)

and exchanges, using the above examples as prototypes. This will lead us to the
basic notions and results of the theory of cluster algebras. Cluster algebras were
introduced in [20] as a combinatorial/algebraic framework for the study of dual
canonical bases and related total positivity phenomena. They since found appli-
cations in higher Teichmüller theory and representation theory of quivers, among
other fields. All these motivations and applications will remain behind the scenes
in these lectures.
Most of this lecture is based on [19, 20, 21]. Sections 4.4 and 4.5 are based
on [13] and [4, 23], respectively.

4.1. Seeds and Clusters

Consider a diagonal flip that transforms a triangulation T of a convex (n + 3)-gon
into another triangulation T  , as shown in Figure 3.14. The corresponding exchange
relation (8) can be written entirely in terms of the edge-adjacency matrix B̃. To be
more precise, let us assume, as before, that the diagonals of T have been labeled in
some way by the numbers 1, . . . , n, whereas the sides of the (n + 3)-gon have been
assigned the labels going from n + 1 through m = 2n + 3. The labeling for T  is the
same except for the one diagonal (say, labeled k) that is getting exchanged between
T and T  .
This labeling of sides and diagonals of T allows us to (temporarily) denote
the associated rational functions by x1 , . . . , xm . For T  , we get the same rational
functions except that xk is replaced by xk . Then the exchange relation under
consideration takes the form
(9) xk xk = xbi ik + x−b
bik >0 bik <0
1≤i≤m 1≤i≤m

In other words, the right-hand side of (9) is the sum of two monomials whose
exponents are the absolute values of the entries in the kth column of B̃, while the
sign of an entry determines which monomial the corresponding term contributes to.
Example 4.1. Let T be the triangulation of a pentagon in Figure 3.11, with its
edges labeled 1, . . . , 7 as shown. The exchange relations corresponding to flipping

the diagonals 1 and 2 are, respectively:

x1 x1 = x6 x7 + x2 x4 ,
x2 x2 = x1 x3 + x5 x6 ,
in agreement with (9).
To summarize, both the combinatorics of flips and the algebra of exchange rela-
tions can be encoded entirely in terms of the matrices B̃ using, first, the machinery
of matrix mutations and, second, the “birational dynamics” governed by (9). We
shall now use this observation to lay out the axioms of a cluster algebra. The for-
mulation of these axioms will require some technical preparation, which hopefully
will make sense to the reader in light of the examples discussed above.
A cluster algebra A is a commutative ring contained in an ambient field F
isomorphic to the field of rational functions in m variables over Q. (Think of the
rational functions in the variables associated with the sides and diagonals of a fixed
initial triangulation.)
A is generated inside F by a (possibly infinite) set of generators. These gen-
erators are obtained from an initial seed via an iterative process of seed mutations
which follows a set of canonical rules.
A seed in F is a pair (x̃, B̃), where
• x̃ = {x1 , . . . , xm } is a set1 of m algebraically independent generators of F ,
which is split into a disjoint union of an n-element cluster x = {x1 , . . . , xn }
and an (m − n)-element set of frozen variables c = {xn+1 , . . . , xm };
• B̃ = (bij ) is an m × n integer matrix of rank n whose principal part B =
(bij )i,j∈[n] is skew-symmetrizable, i.e., there exists a diagonal matrix D
with positive diagonal entries such that DBD−1 is skew-symmetric.
(Equivalently, there exist positive integers d1 , . . . , dn such that di bij = −dj bji for
all i and j.) The matrix B is called the exchange matrix of a seed.
A seed mutation μk in direction k ∈ {1, . . . , n} transforms a seed (x̃, B̃) into
another seed (x̃ , B̃  ) defined as follows:
• x̃ = x̃ − {xk } ∪ {xk }, where xk is found from the exchange relation (9);
• B̃  = μk (B̃), i.e., B̃ undergoes a matrix mutation (hence so does B).
The following lemma justifies the definition of a seed mutation by showing that
(x̃ , B̃  ) is indeed a seed.
Lemma 4.2. Matrix mutations preserve the rank of a matrix. If B is skew-
symmetrizable, then so is μk (B), with the same skew-symmetrizing matrix D.
Note that seed mutations do not change the frozen variables c = {xn+1 , . . . , xm }.
Example 4.3. Let x and c be the sets of variables associated with the diagonals and
sides, respectively, of some triangulation of a convex (n+3)-gon. (Thus m = 2n+3.)
Let B̃ be the sign-adjacency matrix of the triangulation. The mutations of seeds
(x̃, B̃) of this kind correspond to combining the exchange relations (8) with the
matrix mutations associated with diagonal flips.
1A diligent reader might object that we call x̃ a set rather than a sequence. This is because we
regard any two seeds obtained from each other by simultaneous relabeling of the elements xi and
the matrix entries bij as identical. That is, for any permutation w ∈ Sm such that w(i) = i
for i > n, we make no distinction between the seeds (x̃, B̃) and (w(x̃), w(B̃)), where w(x̃) =
(xw(1) , . . . , xw(m) ) and w(B̃) = (bw(i),w(j) ).

Seed mutations generate the mutation equivalence relation on seeds: (x̃, B̃) ∼
(x̃ , B̃  ). Let S be an equivalence class for this relation. Thus, S is obtained by
repeated mutations of an arbitrary initial seed in all possible directions. This creates
an exchange graph. See Figure 4.1.


@ @

Figure 4.1. Seed mutations and the exchange graph

Let X = X (S) be the union of all clusters for all the seeds in S. The elements
of X are called cluster variables. See Figure 4.2.

x1 , x2 , x3 x1 , x2 , x3
@ @
x1 , x2 , x3

x1 , x2 , x3


Figure 4.2. Cluster variables

The cluster algebra 2 A = A(S) associated with S is generated inside F by the

cluster variables in X together with the frozen variables xn+1 , . . . , xm and their
inverses. (A variation of this definition includes cluster and frozen variables, but
none of their inverses, in the generating set.) The integer n is called the rank of A.
Theorem 4.4 (The Laurent phenomenon [20]). Any cluster variable is expressed
in terms of the variables x1 , . . . , xm of any given seed as a Laurent polynomial with
integer coefficients.
2Strictly speaking, this is a definition of a skew-symmetrizable cluster algebra of geometric type.

Conjecture 4.5 (Nonnegativity conjecture [20]). Every coefficient in these Lau-

rent polynomials is nonnegative.
Conjecture 4.5 has been proved in a number of special cases, including our main
motivating example of an associahedron, to which we return in Example 4.6.
Example 4.6. In the case of Example 4.3, the exchange graph on seeds is precisely
the exchange graph on triangulations illustrated in Figures 3.3 and 3.4. The cluster
algebra in this example is generated inside the ring of rational functions in 2n + 3
independent variables by the rational functions associated with all diagonals and
sides of the (n + 3)-gon. (Cf. Lemma 3.9.) Here we use a variation of the definition
of a cluster algebra where the inverses of frozen variables are not included in the
set of generators.
This cluster algebra is canonically isomorphic to the homogeneous coordinate
ring of the Grassmannian Gr(2, n + 3) with respect to its Plücker embedding. The
cluster variables, together with the frozen variables, form the set of all Plücker
coordinates on this Grassmannian. Theorem 4.4 and Conjecture 4.5 (proven in this
special case) assert that any Plücker coordinate is written in terms of the Plücker
coordinates associated with a given triangulation as a Laurent polynomial with
nonnegative integer coefficients.

4.2. Finite Type Classification

All results in this section were obtained in [21].
A cluster algebra is said to be of finite type if it has finitely many distinct seeds.
Amazingly, the classification of the cluster algebras of finite type turns out to be
completely parallel to the Cartan-Killing classification of (finite crystallographic)
root systems. Thus there is a cluster algebra of finite type for each Dynkin diagram,
or each Cartan matrix of finite type. We shall now explain how.
For a Cartan matrix A = (aij ) of finite type, we define a skew-symmetrizable
matrix B(A) = (bij ) by

⎨ 0 if i = j;
bij = aij if i = j and i ∈ I+ ;

−aij if i = j and i ∈ I− ,
where I+ and I− are defined as in Section 2.5. To illustrate, in type B4 , we have
(cf. Example 2.3):
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
2 −2 0 0 0 −2 0 0
⎢ −1 2 −1 0 ⎥ ⎢ 1 0 1 0 ⎥
A=⎢ ⎣ 0 −1
⎦ B(A) = ⎢
⎣ 0
2 −1 −1 0 −1 ⎦
0 0 −1 2 0 0 1 0
under the convention I+ = {1, 3}, I− = {2, 4}.
Theorem 4.7 (Finite type classification). A cluster algebra A is of finite type if
and only if the exchange matrix at some seed of A is of the form B(A), where A is
a Cartan matrix of finite type.
The type of A (in the Cartan-Killing nomenclature) is uniquely determined by
the cluster algebra A, and is called the “cluster type” of A.

We note that in deciding whether a cluster algebra is of finite type, the bottom
part of the matrix B̃ plays no role whatsoever: everything is determined by its
principal part B.
In the special cases where a cluster algebra has rank n = 2, is of finite type
(that is, one of the types A2 , B2 , and G2 ), and has no frozen variables (that is,
m = 2), Theorem 4.7 brings us back to the recurrences of Section 1.1. Indeed, these
recurrences are precisely given by the exchange relations in those cluster algebras.
The periodicity of the corresponding sequences is simply a reformulation of the
“finite type” property for cluster algebras.
Theorem 4.8 (Combinatorial criterion for finite type). A cluster algebra A is of
finite type if and only if the exchange matrix B = (bij ) for any seed of A satisfies
the inequalities |bij bji | ≤ 3 for all i, j ∈ {1, . . . , n}.
To rephrase, a mutation equivalence class of skew-symmetrizable n×n matrices
defines a class of cluster algebras of finite type if and only if, for each matrix B = (bij )
in this equivalence class, the inequality |bij bji | ≤ 3 holds for all i and j.
Combining Theorems 4.8 and 2.4 yields the following completely elementary
statement about integer matrices, no direct proof of which is known3.
Corollary 4.9. Let B be a mutation equivalence class of skew-symmetrizable in-
teger matrices, with the skew-symmetrizing matrix D. (Cf. Lemma 4.2.) The fol-
lowing are equivalent:
• any matrix B = (bij ) ∈ B satisfies the inequalities |bij bji | ≤ 3, for all i and j;
• there exists a matrix B = (bij ) ∈ B with the following property. Define
A = (aij ) by

−|bij | if i = j;
aij =
2 if i = j.
Then DAD−1 is positive definite.

Let Φ be an irreducible finite root system with Cartan matrix A, and let A
be a cluster algebra of the corresponding cluster type. Theorem 4.7 tells us that
the set X of cluster variables is finite. A more detailed description of this set is
provided by Theorem 4.10 below.
Let α1 , . . . , αn be the simple roots of Φ, and let {x1 , . . . , xn } be the cluster at
a seed in A with the exchange matrix B(A).
Let Φ≥−1 denote the set of roots in Φ which are either negative simple or
positive. Theorem 4.10 shows that the cluster variables in A are naturally labeled
by the roots in Φ≥−1 .
Theorem 4.10. For any root α = c1 α1 + · · · + cn αn ∈ Φ≥−1 , there is a unique
cluster variable x[α] given by
Pα (x1 , . . . , xm )
(10) x[α] = ,
xc11 · · · xcnn
where Pα is a polynomial in x1 , . . . , xm with nonzero constant term. The map
α → x[α] is a bijection between Φ≥−1 and X .

3Note added in revision. According to A. Zelevinsky, such a proof has been recently found in his
joint work with M. Barot and C. Geiss.

Note that the right-hand side of (10) is a Laurent polynomial, in agreement

with Theorem 4.4.

4.3. Cluster Complexes and Generalized Associahedra

This section is based on [19, 21], except for the last statement in Theorem 4.11,
which was proved in [13].
It can be shown that in a given cluster algebra of finite type, each seed is
uniquely determined by its cluster. Consequently, the combinatorics of exchanges
is encoded by the cluster complex, a simplicial complex (indeed, a pseudomanifold)
on the set of all cluster variables whose maximal simplices (facets) are the clusters.
See Figure 4.3. By Theorem 4.10, the cluster variables—hence the vertices of the
cluster complex—can be naturally labeled by the set Φ≥−1 of “almost positive
roots” in the associated root system Φ.
x2 x3

x3 x2


Figure 4.3. The cluster complex

This dual graph of the cluster complex is precisely the exchange graph of the
cluster algebra.
Theorem 4.11 below shows that the cluster complex is always spherical, and
moreover polytopal.
Recall that QR denotes the R-span of Φ. The Z-span of Φ is the root lattice,
denoted by Q.
Theorem 4.11. The n roots that label the cluster variables in a given cluster form
a Z-basis of the root lattice Q. The cones spanned by such n-tuples of roots form
a complete simplicial fan in the ambient real vector space QR (the “cluster fan”).
This fan is the normal fan4 of a simple n-dimensional convex polytope in the dual
space Q∗R .
This polytope is called the generalized associahedron of the corresponding type.
Thus, the cluster complex of a cluster algebra of finite type is canonically iso-
morphic to the dual simplicial complex of a generalized associahedron of the corre-
sponding type. Conversely, the dual graph of the cluster complex is the 1-skeleton
of the generalized associahedron.
4Let P ⊂ V ∼ Rn be an n-dimensional simple convex polytope. The support function F : V ∗ → R
of P is given by
F (γ) = maxz, γ.
The normal fan N (P ) is a complete simplicial fan in the dual space V ∗ whose full-dimensional
cones are the domains of linearity for F . More precisely, each vertex z of P gives rise to the cone
{γ ∈ V ∗ : F (γ) = z, γ} in N (P ).

In type An , this construction recovers the n-dimensional associahedron (cf.

Figure 4.4). The explanation involves an identification of the roots in Φ≥−1 with
diagonals of a convex (n + 3)-gon that will be discussed later in Example 4.16.
In type Bn , one obtains the n-dimensional cyclohedron. Thus the n-dimensional
associahedron (resp., cyclohedron) is dual to the cluster complex of an arbitrary
cluster algebra of type An (resp., Bn ).

α2 α1 +α2

−α1 α1


Figure 4.4. Associahedron of type A2 and its dual fan

Theorem 4.11 leaves the following two questions unanswered:

• Which n-subsets of “almost positive” roots (“root clusters”) label the
clusters of the cluster algebra of finite type? (An answer to this question
would make explicit the combinatorics of a generalized associahedron.)
• What are the inequalities defining a generalized associahedron inside Q∗R ?
(We already know they are of the form z, α ≤ const, for α ∈ Φ≥−1 .)
We are now going to answer these questions, one after another. The answer to
the first question is facilitated by the following property of a cluster complex.

Theorem 4.12. The cluster complex is a clique complex for its 1-skeleton. In other
words, a subset S ⊂ Φ≥−1 is a simplex in the cluster complex if and only if every
2-element subset of S is a 1-simplex in this complex.

In type An , Theorem 4.12 reflects the basic property of the dual complex of an
associahedron: a collection of diagonals forms a simplex if and only if any two of
them do not cross.
In order to describe the cluster complex, we therefore need only to clarify which
pairs of roots label the edges of the cluster complex. Thus, we need to define the
root-theoretic analogue of the notion of “non-intersecting diagonals” that lies at
the heart of the combinatorial construction of an associahedron.
We will assume from now on that the root system Φ underlying a cluster alge-
bra A is irreducible. (The general case can be obtained by taking direct products.)
We retain the notation of Lecture 2. Thus, n is the rank of Φ (and A); I is the
n-element indexing set, which is partitioned into disconnected pieces I+ and I− ;

W is the corresponding reflection group, generated as a Coxeter group by the gen-

erators si , for i ∈ I; w◦ is the element of maximal length in W ; A = (aij ) is the
Cartan matrix; h is the Coxeter number.
Definition 4.13. Define involutions τ± : Φ≥−1 → Φ≥−1 by

⎨ α if α = −αi , for i ∈ I−ε ;
τε (α) = 

⎩ si (α) otherwise.
For example, in type A2 , we get:
τ+ τ− τ+ τ−
−α1 ←→ α1 ←→ α1 + α2 ←→ α2 ←→ −α2
τ− τ+
The product τ− τ+ can be viewed as a deformation of the Coxeter element. Hence,
what is the counterpart of the Coxeter number?
Theorem 4.14. The order of τ− τ+ is (h + 2)/2 if w◦ = −1, and is h + 2 other-
wise. Every τ− , τ+ -orbit in Φ≥−1 has a nonempty intersection with −Π. These
intersections are precisely the −w◦ -orbits in (−Π).
Theorem 4.15. There is a unique binary relation (called “compatibility”) on Φ≥−1
that has the following two properties:
• τ− , τ+ -invariance: α and β are compatible if and only if τε α and τε β
are, for ε ∈ {+, −};
• a negative simple root −αi is compatible with a root β if and only if the
simple root expansion of β does not involve αi .
This compatibility relation is symmetric. The clique complex for the compatibility
relation is canonically isomorphic to the cluster complex.
In other words (cf. Theorem 4.12), a subset of roots in Φ≥−1 forms a simplex
in the cluster complex if and only if every pair of roots in this subset is compatible.
Example 4.16. In type An , the compatibility relation can be described in concrete
combinatorial terms using a particular identification of the roots in Φ≥−1 with the
diagonals of a regular (n + 3)-gon. Under this identification, the roots in −Π
correspond to the diagonals on the “snake” shown in Figure 4.5. Each positive root
αi + αi+1 + · · · + αj corresponds to the unique diagonal that crosses precisely the
diagonals −αi , −αi+1 , . . . , −αj from the snake (see Figure 4.6). It is easy to check
that the transformations τ+ and τ− act on the set of diagonals as if they were the
reflections generating the dihedral group of symmetries of the (n + 3)-gon. It then
follows that two roots are compatible if and only if the corresponding diagonals do
not cross each other (at an interior point).

4.4. Polytopal Realizations of Generalized Associahedra

We now demonstrate how to explicitly describe each generalized associahedron by
a set of linear inequalities.

H r
HH @
−αH H
HH @
r −α4 H
PP −α
r −α2 PPr
@ HH
@ HH
@ HH
@ HH
@r H

Figure 4.5. The “snake” in type A5

α1 + α2
r r

−α1 −α2

α1 α2

r r

Figure 4.6. Labeling of the diagonals in type A2

Theorem 4.17. Suppose that a (−w◦ )-invariant function F : −Π → R satisfies

the inequalities

aij F (−αi ) > 0 for all j ∈ I.

Let us extend F (uniquely) to a τ− , τ+ -invariant function on Φ≥−1 . The gener-

alized associahedron is then given in the dual space Q∗R by the linear inequalities
z, α ≤ F (α) , for all α ∈ Φ≥−1 .
An example of a function F satisfying the conditions in Theorem 4.17 is ob-
tained by setting F (−αi ) equal to the coefficient of the simple coroot α∨
i in the

half-sum of all positive coroots. (Coroots are the roots of the “dual” root system;
see [9, 34].)

Example 4.18. In type A3 , Theorem 4.17 is illustrated in Figure 4.7, which shows
a 3-dimensional associahedron given by the inequalities

max(−z1 , −z3 , z1 , z3 , z1 + z2 , z2 + z3 ) ≤ 3/2 ,

max(−z2 , z2 , z1 + z2 + z3 ) ≤ 2 .

Example 4.19. In type C3 , Theorem 4.17 is illustrated in Figure 4.8 that shows
a 3-dimensional cyclohedron given by the inequalities

max(−z1 , z1 , z1 + z2 , z2 + z3 ) ≤ 5/2 ,
max(−z2 , z2 , z1 + z2 + z3 , z1 + 2z2 + z3 ) ≤ 4 ,
max(−z3 , z3 , 2z2 + z3 , 2z1 + 2z2 + z3 ) ≤ 9/2 .

s s
α2 @
s s @
B @
 B @
 B @
 B α2 + α3 @
 B @
 Bs @s
 α1 + α2
@ @
  α1 +α2 +α3 
s s 
@ @ 
s @  s

s s

Figure 4.7. Polytopal realization of the type A3 associahedron


r rH
r r HH
A Hr
 Ar @
HH @
r @
 r B r
r r Br
HH @
HH  @
Hr @r
r r

Figure 4.8. Polytopal realization of the type C3 associahedron (cyclohedron)

4.5. Double Wiring Diagrams and Double Bruhat Cells

The goal of this section is to give a glimpse into how cluster algebras come up
in “real life.” We will present just one example: the coordinate ring of the open
double Bruhat cell in GLn (C).
We will need the notion of a double wiring diagram (of type (w◦ , w◦ )), which
is illustrated in Figure 4.9. Such a diagram consists of two families of n piecewise-
straight lines, each family colored with one of two colors. The crucial requirement
is that each pair of lines of like color intersect exactly once. The lines in a double
wiring diagram are numbered separately within each color, as shown in Figure 4.9.

3 1
3 @ @ @ 1
@ @ @
2 @@ @ @@ 2
2 @ @ @ 2
@ @ @
1 @ @@ @ 3
@ @
1 3
Figure 4.9. Double wiring diagram

We note in passing that double wiring diagrams correspond naturally to shuffles

of two reduced words for the element w◦ in the symmetric group Sn .
From now on, we will not distinguish between double wiring diagrams that are
isotopic, i.e., have the same “topology.” For example, the diagrams in Figures 4.9
and 4.10 are isotopic to each other. The diagram in Figure 4.10 is obtained from

Figure 4.9 by sliding the two leftmost crossings past each other, and also doing the
same for the two rightmost crossings.
1 3
3 @ @ @ 1
@ @ @
2 @@ @ @@ 2
2 @ @ @ 2
@ @ @
3 @ @@ @ 1
@ @
1 3
Figure 4.10. An isotopic double wiring diagram

The following lemma is a direct corollary of a theorem of G. Ringel (1956). It

can also be obtained from the type A version of a classical result by J. Tits (1969)
concerning the word problem in Coxeter groups.
Lemma 4.20. Any two (isotopy classes of ) double wiring diagrams can be trans-
formed into each other by a sequence of local “moves” of three different kinds, shown
in Figure 4.11. (Each of these local moves only changes a small portion of a double
wiring diagram, leaving the rest of it intact.)
The reader is asked to ignore, for now, the labels A, B, . . . , Z in Figure 4.11.

B@ C B@ Z @ C
@ - @ @

A@ Y @ D A @ D
@ @ @

B@ C B@ Z @ C
@ - @ @

A@ Y @ D A @ D
@ @ @

A@ Y @ C  A@ Z @ C
@ @ @ @

Figure 4.11. Local “moves”

To illustrate Lemma 4.20, the double wiring diagram in Figure 4.9 allows 4 dif-
ferent local moves, all of which are of the kind shown at the bottom of Figure 4.11.
Two of these moves can be performed by first passing to the isotopic Figure 4.10.
To make each of the other two moves, slide the two innermost crossings in Figure 4.9
past each other; this will create two patterns of the form shown at the bottom of
Figure 4.11.
A chamber of a double wiring diagram is a connected component of the com-
plement to the union of the lines, with the exception of the “crumbs” made of
narrow horizontal isthmuses and small triangular regions; the large component at

the very bottom is not included either. With these conventions, there are exactly
n2 chambers altogether (e.g., 9 chambers in Figure 4.9). We then assign to every
chamber a pair of subsets of the set [1, n] = {1, . . . , n}: each subset indicates which
lines of the corresponding color pass below that chamber; see Figure 4.12.
1 3
3 @ @ @ 1
23,12 @ 13,12 @ 13,23 @ 12,23
2 @@ @ @@ 2
2 @ @ @ 2
3,1 @ 3,2 @ 1,2 @ 1,3
3 @ @@ @ 1
@ @
1 3
Figure 4.12. Chamber minors

Suppose we are given an n × n matrix x = (xij ). For any subsets I, J ⊂

{1, . . . , n} of equal cardinality, we denote by ΔI,J (x) the corresponding minor of x,
that is, the determinant of the submatrix of x occupying the rows and columns
specified by the sets I and J. Then each chamber of a double wiring diagram
is naturally associated with a chamber minor ΔI,J (viewed as a function on the
general linear group GLn (C)), where I and J are the sets written into that chamber.
We note that two double wiring diagrams have the same associated collections
of chamber minors if and only if they are isotopic.
Let F denote the field of rational functions on GLn (C), i.e., the field of rational
functions with complex coefficients in the matrix entries xij (viewed as indetermi-
Lemma 4.21. The n2 chamber minors of an arbitrary double wiring diagram form
a set of algebraically independent generators of the field F .
Notice that each local move in Figure 4.11 exchanges a single chamber minor Y
(associated with a bounded, or interior, chamber) with another chamber minor Z,
and keeps all other chamber minors in place. We can therefore define, by analogy
with triangulations, a graph of exchanges whose vertices correspond to (isotopy
classes of) double wiring diagrams, and whose edges correspond to the moves in
Figure 4.11.
Example 4.22. For n = 3, there are 34 non-isotopic double wiring diagrams. The
corresponding 34-vertex graph of exchanges can be found in [23, Figure 10]. It has
18 vertices of degree 4, and 16 vertices of degree 3. They correspond, respectively, to
the double wiring diagrams that allow 4 local moves (as the diagram in Figure 4.12)
and those allowing only 3 local moves (as the diagram in Figure 4.13).

Lemma 4.23. Whenever two double wiring diagrams differ by a single local move
of one of the three types shown in Figure 4.11, the chamber minors appearing there
satisfy the identity AC + BD = Y Z.
Lemmas 4.21 and 4.23 suggest the existence of a cluster algebra structure asso-
ciated with n×n matrices. We next present one of several versions of this structure,
leaving out most of the technical details. The ambient field for our cluster alge-
bra is the field F of rational functions on GLn (C) introduced above. Each double

1 3
3 @ @ 1
23,12 @ 12,12 @ 12,23
2 @@ @ 2
2 @ @ @ @ 2
3,1 @ 2,1 @ 1,1 @ 1,2 @ 1,3
3 @@ @
@ @ @ 1
@ @
1 3
Figure 4.13. A double wiring diagram allowing 3 local moves

wiring diagram provides us with a seed whose cluster variables are the (n − 1)2
chamber minors associated with the bounded chambers; the frozen variables are
the 2n − 1 chamber minors associated with the unbounded chambers at the edges
of the diagram. It remains to define the matrices B̃.
Take any double wiring diagram in which every bounded chamber can be
“flipped” (such a diagram can be constructed for any n). Comparing the cor-
responding exchange relations AC + BD = Y Z with (9), determine the matrix
entries of B̃. It can be shown that exchanges associated with the local moves
on double wiring diagrams are compatible with the cluster algebra axioms. Fur-
thermore, applying these axioms uncovers hitherto hidden clusters which do not
correspond to any wiring diagrams. Each variable in these clusters is a regular
function on GLn (C) (a polynomial in the matrix entries). The resulting cluster
algebra coincides with the coordinate ring of the open double Bruhat cell Gw◦ ,w◦
in GLn (C). We refer to [4] for further details.
Example 4.24. The open double Bruhat cell Gw◦ ,w◦ ⊂ GL3 (C) consists of all
complex 3 × 3 matrices x = (xij ) whose minors
 x x13   x21 x22 
(11) x13 ,  12 , x31 ,  , det(x)
x22 x23 x31 x32
are nonzero. (These 5 minors correspond to the unbounded chambers of any double
wiring diagram for GL3 (C).) The coordinate ring C[Gw◦ ,w◦ ] turns out to be a
cluster algebra of type D4 over the ground ring generated by the minors in (11)
and their inverses. Thus, the ring of rational functions on GL3 exhibits some quite
unexpected symmetries of type D4 .
This cluster algebra has 16 cluster variables, corresponding to the 16 roots
in Φ≥−1 . These variables are:
• 14 (among the 19 total) minors of x, namely, all except those listed in (11);
• two “hidden” variables: x12 x21 x33 − x12 x23 x31 − x13 x21 x32 + x13 x22 x31
and x11 x23 x32 − x12 x23 x31 − x13 x21 x32 + x13 x22 x31 .
These 16 variables form 50 clusters of size 4, one for each of the 50 vertices of the
type D4 associahedron.
For any n ≥ 4, the construction described above produces a cluster algebra of
infinite type.
Enumerative Problems

5.1. Catalan Combinatorics of Arbitrary Type

Let Φ be a finite irreducible crystallographic root system of rank n, and W the
corresponding reflection group. We retain the root-theoretic notation used in Lec-
tures 2 and 4. In particular, e1 , . . . , en are the exponents of Φ, and h is the Coxeter
The number of vertices of an n-dimensional associahedron (or, equivalently, the
number of clusters in a cluster algebra of type An ) is the Catalan number n+2 n+1 .
It is natural to ask similar enumerative questions for other Cartan-Killing types.
Theorem 5.1 ([19]). The number of clusters in a cluster algebra of finite type
associated with a root system Φ (or, equivalently, the number of vertices of the
corresponding generalized associahedron) is equal to
ei + h + 1
(12) N (Φ) = .
ei + 1
Figure 5.1 shows the values of N (Φ) for all Φ. Recall that the exponents of
root systems are tabulated in Figure 2.8.

An Bn , Cn Dn E6 E7 E8 F4 G2

3n−2 2n−2

n+2 n+1 n n n−1 833 4160 25080 105 8

Figure 5.1. The numbers N (Φ)

As the numbers N (Φ) given by (12) can be thought of as generalizations of

the Catalan numbers to an arbitrary Cartan-Killing type, it comes as no surprise
that they count a host of various combinatorial objects related to the root sys-
tem Φ. Below in this section, we briefly describe several families of objects counted
by N (Φ). We refer the reader to the introductory sections of [1, 3, 2, 12, 39]
for the history of research in this area, for further details and references, and for
numerous generalizations and connections.
The numbers N (Φ) seem to have first appeared in D. Djoković’s work [18] on
enumeration of conjugacy classes of elements of finite order in Lie groups.

Antichains in the root poset (non-nesting partitions)

The root poset of Φ is the partial order on the set of positive roots Φ+ such that
β ≤ γ if and only if γ − β is a nonnegative (integer) linear combination of simple
roots. See Figures 5.2 and 5.3.
Theorem 5.2 ([11, 43, 46]). The number of antichains (i.e., sets of pairwise
non-comparable elements) in the root poset of Φ is equal to N (Φ).

3α1 + 2α2

3α1 + α2

2α1 + α2 2α1 + α2

α1 + α2 α1 + α2 α1 + α2

α1 α2 α1 α2 α1 α2

Figure 5.2. The root posets of types A2 , B2 and G2 .

Figure 5.3. The root posets of types A5 and B5 .


Positive regions of the Shi arrangement

The Shi arrangement is the arrangement of affine hyperplanes defined by the equa-
β, x = 0
for all β ∈ Φ+ .
β, x = 1
(Thus, the number of hyperplanes in the Shi arrangement is equal to the number
of roots in the root system Φ.) The positive regions of this arrangement are the
regions contained in the positive cone, which consists of the points x such that
β, x > 0 for any β ∈ Φ+ .
Theorem 5.3 ([46]). The number of positive regions in the Shi arrangement is
equal to N (Φ).
Figure 5.4 shows the Shi arrangements of types A2 , B2 and G2 , oriented so as
to agree with the root systems as drawn in Figure 1.6.

Figure 5.4. The Shi arrangements of types A2 , B2 and G2 . The positive

cone is shaded.

W -orbits in a discrete torus

The reflection group W acts on the root lattice Q = ZΦ, hence on the “discrete
torus” Q/(h + 1)Q obtained as a quotient of Q by its subgroup (h + 1)Q.
Theorem 5.4 ([32]). The number of W -orbits in Q/(h + 1)Q is equal to N (Φ).
Figures 5.5 and 5.6 illustrate these orbits in types A2 and B2 , where h = 3 and
h = 4, respectively. Each figure shows the reflection lines of the Coxeter arrange-
ment; the shaded region is a fundamental domain for the translations in (h + 1)Q.

Figure 5.5. A2 -orbits in Q/4Q. Each orbit is labeled by a different symbol.

Figure 5.6. B2 -orbits in Q/5Q.


Non-crossing partitions
The classical non-crossing partitions introduced by Kreweras are (unordered) par-
titions of the set [n + 1] = {1, . . . , n + 1} into non-empty subsets called blocks which
satisfy the following “non-crossing” condition:
• there does not exist an ordered quadruple (a < b < c < d) such that the
two-element sets {a, c} and {b, d} are contained in different blocks.


(123)(4) (14)(23) (124)(3) (134)(2) (12)(34) (1)(234)

(12)(3)(4) (13)(2)(4) (1)(23)(4) (14)(2)(3) (1)(24)(3) (1)(2)(34)


Figure 5.7. The non-crossing partition lattice of type A3

4 2

Figure 5.8. Planar representation of non-crossing partitions


Figure 5.7 shows the 14 non-crossing partitions for n = 3, partially ordered

by refinement. Such partial order is in fact a lattice for any n; the number of
non-crossing partitions is a Catalan number.
An alternative way of representing non-crossing partitions is shown in Fig-
ure 5.8. Place the elements of [n + 1] around a circle. Then the non-crossing
partitions are those set partitions in which the convex hulls of blocks do not inter-
We will now explain how this construction arises as a type-A special case of a
general construction valid for any (possibly infinite) Coxeter system (W, S).
A reflection in a Coxeter group W is an element conjugate to a generator s ∈ S.
Any element w ∈ W can be written as a product of reflections. Let L(w) denote the
length (i.e., number of factors) of a shortest such factorization. We then partially
order W by setting u  uv whenever L(uv) = L(u) + L(v), i.e., whenever con-
catenating shortest factorizations for u and v gives a shortest factorization for uv.
Equivalently, w covers u in this partial order if and only if L(w) = L(u) + 1 and
there is a reflection t such that w = ut.
Let c be a product (in an arbitrary order) of the generators in S. Thus, c is a
Coxeter element in W , in the broader sense of the notion alluded to in a footnote
in Section 2.5. The non-crossing partition lattice for W (see [7, 10]) is the interval
[1, c] in the partial order (W, ) defined above. It is a classical result that all Coxeter
elements are conjugate to each other. Since the set of all reflections is fixed under
conjugation, it follows that different choices of c yield isomorphic posets. (These
posets are lattices, which is a non-trivial theorem.)
The following theorem was obtained in [7, 40]. A version for the classical types
ABCD appeared earlier in [43].
Theorem 5.5. Let W be the reflection group associated with a finite root system Φ.
Then the non-crossing partition lattice for W has N (Φ) elements.
In type An , the general construction presented above recovers the ordinary non-
crossing partition lattice. To realize why, look again at Figure 5.7, and interpret
each element of the poset as a permutation in S4 written in cycle notation.
The non-crossing partition lattice of type Bn can also be given a direct combi-
natorial description. Let us take the ordinary lattice of non-crossing partitions of
a 2n-element set in its representation illustrated in Figure 5.8. Then consider the
sublattice consisting of those partitions whose planar representations are centrally
symmetric. The result (for n = 3) is shown in Figure 5.9.

5.2. Generalized Narayana Numbers

For any enumerative problem whose answer is a Catalan number, replacing a simple
count by a generating function with respect to some combinatorial statistic results
in a q-analogue of a Catalan number. There are at least three such q-analogues
pop up in various contexts.
2n+2 One is obtained from the usual formula
1 2n+2
n+2 n+1 by replacing n + 2 and n+1 with their standard q-analogues. A dif-
ferent answer is obtained while counting order ideals in the root poset of type An
by the cardinality of an ideal. For more on these q-analogues, see [26, 27, 51].
We will focus on a thirdq-analogue
 that is related to the Narayana numbers,
1 n+1 n+1
defined by the formula n+1 k k+1 . The Narayana numbers form a triangle
shown on the right in Figure 5.10. Thus, the numbers in each row of this triangle

-3 2

-2 3

Figure 5.9. The non-crossing partitions of type B3 .

are obtained by looking at the corresponding row of Pascal’s triangle on the left,
computing products of consecutive pairs of entries, and dividing them by n + 1.

1 1 1
1 2 1 1 1
1 3 3 1 1 3 1
1 4 6 4 1 1 6 6 1
1 5 10 10 5 1 1 10 20 10 1

Figure 5.10. The Pascal triangle and the Narayana numbers

Remarkably, the row sums in the triangle of Narayana numbers are the Catalan
1 n+1 n+1 1 2n + 2
= .
n+1 k k+1 n+2 n+1
This suggests introducing a q-analogue of the Catalan numbers given by
1 n+1 n+1 k
(13) q .
n+1 k k+1
We will now explain the connection between this q-analogue and the classical
(type A) associahedron. This connection will lead us to an extension of the de-
finition to other root systems.

We will need the notions of the f -vector and h-vector of an (n−1)-dimensional

simplicial complex. The f -vector is (f−1 , f0 , . . . , fn−1 ) where fi denotes the number
of i-dimensional faces. The unique “(−1)-dimensional” face is the empty face. The
h-vector (h0 , h1 , . . . , hn ) is determined from the f -vector by the “reverse Pascal’s
triangle” recursion which we illustrate by an example.
Example 5.6. The f -vector of the simplicial complex dual to the associahedron
of type A3 is (1, 9, 21, 14). (See Figure 3.6.) To calculate the h-vector, we place
the f -vector and a row of 1’s in a triangular array as shown in Figure 5.11 on the
left, with most of the entries as yet undetermined. The remaining entries are then
filled in by applying the following rule: each entry is the difference between the
entry preceding it in its row and the entry directly southwest of it. Thus, we get
9 − 1 = 8, 21 − 8 = 13, etc. Finally, we obtain the h-vector (1, 6, 6, 1) by reading the
rightmost entries in every row. Notice that these are exactly the Narayana numbers
appearing in the third row in Figure 5.10.

14 ? 14 1
21 ? ? 21 13 6
9 ? ? ? 9 8 7 6
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Figure 5.11. Computing the h-vector

Lemma 5.7. The components of the h-vector of the simplicial

n+1 dual to an
n-dimensional associahedron are the Narayana numbers n+1 k k+1 .

Motivated by Lemma 5.7, we define the (generalized) Narayana numbers Nk (Φ)

(k = 0, . . . , n) for an arbitrary root system Φ as the entries of the h-vector of the
simplicial complex dual to the corresponding generalized associahedron.
Example 5.8. The f -vector of the simplicial complex dual to the 3-dimensional
cyclohedron (the associahedron of type B3 ) is (1, 12, 30, 20). The corresponding
h-vector is (1, 9, 9, 1). In general, the Narayana numbers of type Bn are the squares
of entries of Pascal’s triangle: Nk (Bn ) = nk .

to fn−1 , the num-
It is easy to see that the entries of an h-vector always add up
ber of top-dimensional faces in the simplicial complex. Thus, k Nk (Φ) = N (Φ).
Consequently, the generating function for the Narayana numbers of type Φ

N (Φ, q) = k=0 Nk (Φ)q k
provides a q-analogue of N (Φ) which generalizes (13). These generating functions
for the finite crystallographic root systems are tabulated in Figure 5.12.
The Narayana numbers provide refined counts for the various interpretations
of N (Φ) given in Section 5.1. These enumerative results are listed in Theorem 5.9
below; we elaborate on the items in the theorem in subsequent comments.
Theorem 5.9 is a combination of results in [2, 19, 39, 44, 48]; see [2] for a
historical overview, and for further generalizations.

1 n+1 n+1 k
N (An , q) = q
n+1 k k+1
n  2
N (Bn , q) = qk
n−1 n−1
N (Dn , q) = 1+q +n
− qk
k n−1 k−1 k
N (E6 , q) = 1 + 36q + 204q 2 + 351q 3 + 204q 4 + 36q 5 + q 6
N (E7 , q) = 1 + 63q + 546q 2 + 1470q 3 + 1470q 4 + 546q 5 + 63q 6 + q 7
N (E8 , q) = 1 + 120q + 1540q 2 + 6120q 3 + 9518q 4
+6120q 5 + 1540q 6 + 120q 7 + q 8
N (F4 , q) = 1 + 24q + 55q + 24q + q 4
2 3

N (G2 , q) = 1 + 6q + q 2

Figure 5.12. Generating functions for generalized Narayana numbers

Theorem 5.9. The following numbers are equal to each other, and to Nk (Φ):
(i) the kth component of the h-vector for the dual complex of a generalized
associahedron of type Φ;
(ii) the number of elements of rank k in the non-crossing partition lattice
for W ;
(iii) the number of antichains of size k in the root poset for Φ;
(iv) the number of W -orbits in Q/(h + 1)Q consisting of elements whose sta-
bilizer has rank k;
(v) the components of the h-vector for the dual cell complex of the positive
part of the Shi arrangement.
Remark 5.10 (Comments on Theorem 5.9).
(i) This was our definition of Nk (Φ).
(ii) The lattice of non-crossing partitions of type Φ is graded, and Nk (Φ) is the
number of elements of rank k.
(iii) The h-vector of any simplicial polytope satisfies the Dehn-Sommerville
equations hi = hd−i . Thus interpretation (i) implies that Nk (Φ) = Nn−k (Φ). This
symmetry of the Narayana numbers is also apparent in the interpretation (ii) be-
cause the non-crossing partition lattices are self-dual. However, this symmetry is
not at all obvious in the interpretations (iii)–(v). In particular, no direct combina-
torial explanation is known for why the number of antichains of size k in the root
poset is the same as the number of antichains of size n − k.
(iv) The stabilizer of an element in Q/(h + 1)Q is a reflection subgroup of W .
The stabilizers of elements in the same W -orbit are conjugate, and therefore have
the same rank. Nk (Φ) is the number of orbits in which the stabilizers have rank k.
For example, in type A2 there is 1 orbit whose stabilizer has rank 2 (the unfilled
circle in Figure 5.5), 3 orbits whose stabilizers have rank 1 (each symbolized by a
triangle) and 1 orbit whose stabilizers have rank 0 (the filled circles), in agreement
with N (A2 , q) = 1 + 3q + q 2 .

(v) The positive regions of the Shi arrangement can be used to define a “dual”
cell complex. The vertices of this complex correspond to the positive regions of the
Shi arrangement. The faces of the complex correspond to those faces of the closures
of these regions that are not contained in the boundary of the positive cone. Accord-
ingly, the maximal faces correspond to the vertices of the arrangement which lie in
the interior of the positive cone. See Figure 5.13. Amazingly, this cell complex has
the same f -vector (hence the same h-vector) as the corresponding associahedron.
In the example of Figure 5.13, we get 5 vertices, 5 faces, and 1 two-dimensional
face, matching the numbers for the pentagon (the type A2 associahedron).

Figure 5.13. The dual complex for the positive part of the Shi arrangement of type A2 .

5.3. Non-crystallographic Types

The construction of generalized associahedra via Definition 4.13 and Theorems 4.14
and 4.15 can be carried out verbatim for the non-crystallographic root systems
I2 (m), H3 and H4 . (However, the last sentence of Theorem 4.15 must be ignored,
since no “cluster complex” exists for non-crystallographic root systems.) The asso-
ciahedron of type I2 (m) is an (m + 2)-gon. The 1-skeleton of the associahedron for
H3 is shown in Figure 5.14. (The vertex at infinity completes the three unbounded
regions to heptagons.)
The analogue of Theorem 5.1 holds true in types H3 , H4 , and I2 (m): the
number of vertices of a generalized associahedron is equal to N (Φ). The latter
number is still given by (12), with the exponents taken from Figure 2.8. Figure 5.15
shows these values of N (Φ) explicitly.
The corresponding h-vectors (“Narayana numbers”) are given by
N (I2 (m), q) = 1 + mq + q 2 ,
N (H3 , q) = 1 + 15q + 15q 2 + q 3 ,
N (H4 , q) = 1 + 60q + 158q 2 + 60q 3 + q 4 .
The construction of the non-crossing partition lattice does not require a crys-
tallographic Coxeter group. Theorem 5.5 and Theorem 5.9(ii) remain valid for the
finite non-crystallographic root systems. At present, the other manifestations of
N (Φ) and Nk (Φ) presented in Sections 5.1 and 5.2 (including Parts (iii)–(v) of
Theorem 5.9) do not appear to extend to the non-crystallographic cases.

Figure 5.14. The associahedron of type H3

H3 H4 I2 (m)
32 280 m + 2

Figure 5.15. The numbers N (Φ) in non-crystallographic cases

5.4. Lattice Congruences and the Weak Order

This section is based on [41]. Its main goal is to establish a relationship between
two fans associated with a root system Φ and the corresponding reflection group W :
• the Coxeter fan created by (the regions of) the Coxeter arrangement, and
• the cluster fan described in Theorem 4.11.
These fans are the normal fans of a permutahedron and an associahedron of the
corresponding type, respectively.
Let ωi denote the fundamental weight [9] corresponding to αi . For i ∈ I, we set

+1 if i ∈ I+ ,
ε(i) =
−1 if i ∈ I− .

Theorem 5.11. The linear automorphism QR → QR defined by αi → ε(i)ωi moves

the cluster fan to a fan refined by the Coxeter fan.
The gluing of maximal cones of the Coxeter fan corresponds to contraction of
edges in the 1-skeleton of a permutahedron. By Theorem 5.11, this can be done
in such a way that the result of the contraction is the 1-skeleton of a generalized
associahedron. We have thus extended Theorem 3.6 to all types.

The statement of Theorem 5.11 does not specify which regions of the Coxeter
arrangement should be combined together to produce the maximal cones of the
transformed cluster fan. We next present a lattice-theoretic construction that,
conjecturally, answers this question.
The weak order on W is the partial order in which u ≤ v if and only if some
reduced word for u occurs as an initial segment of a reduced word for v. In partic-
ular, v covers u in the weak order if and only if u−1 v is a simple reflection, and the
length of v is greater than the length of u (necessarily by 1). Lemma 2.13 (see also
the paragraph that follows it) implies that the Hasse diagram of the weak order
can be identified with the 1-skeleton of a W -permutohedron.
Theorem 5.12 ([6]). The weak order on a finite Coxeter group is a lattice.
Example 5.13. The weak order of type An can be described in the language of
permutations of [n+1], written in one-line notation. Permutation v = (v1 , . . . , vn+1 )
covers u = (u1, . . . , un+1 ) if v is obtained from u by exchanging two entries ui and
ui+1 with ui < ui+1 . Figure 5.16 shows the weak order on A3 . (Cf. Figure 2.3.)


3421 4231 4312

3241 2431 3412 4213 4132

3214 2341 3142 2413 4123 1432

2314 3124 2143 1342 1423

2134 1324 1243


Figure 5.16. The weak order of type A3

A congruence on a lattice is an equivalence relation which respects the meet

and join operations. A (bipartite) Cambrian congruence on the weak order of W
is defined as the (unique) coarsest congruence “≡” such that, for each edge (s, t) in

the Coxeter diagram, with t ∈ I− , we have

t ≡ tsts · · · (mst − 1 factors).
Example 5.14. Figure 5.17 shows the bipartite Cambrian congruence for W of
type A3 , i.e., the coarsest congruence on the weak order of the symmetric group S4
such that 1324 ≡ 3124 and 1324 ≡ 1342. The congruence classes are shaded.


3421 4231 4312

3241 2431 3412 4213 4132

3214 2341 3142 2413 4123 1432

2314 3124 2143 1342 1423

2134 1324 1243


Figure 5.17. A bipartite Cambrian congruence of type A3

Conjecture 5.15. Two regions Ru and Rv of the Coxeter arrangement are con-
tained in the same maximal cone of the transformed cluster fan (see Theorem 5.11)
if and only if u ≡ v under the bipartite Cambrian congruence.
Conjecture 5.15 has been proved in types An and Bn . The proof makes explicit
the combinatorics of the Cambrian congruence and connects it to constructions
given by Billera and Sturmfels [5] (type A) and Reiner [42] (type B). The conjecture
implies in particular that the Hasse diagram of the quotient of the weak order by the
Cambrian congruence (called the Cambrian lattice) is isomorphic to the 1-skeleton
of the generalized associahedron.
More concretely, the Cambrian lattice is obtained as the induced subposet of
the weak order formed by taking the (unique) smallest element in each (Cambrian)
congruence class; see Figure 5.18. We omit the description of the bijection used to

translate the top picture in Figure 5.18 (the Cambrian lattice labeled by permuta-
tions) into the bottom one (the associahedron labeled by triangulations).


3421 4231 4312

3241 2431 3412 4213 4132

3214 2341 3142 2413 4123 1432

2314 3124 2143 1342 1423

2134 1324 1243


Figure 5.18. A bipartite Cambrian lattice of type A3


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Topics in Combinatorial Differential
Topology and Geometry

Robin Forman
IAS/Park City Mathematics Series
Volume 14, 2004

Topics in Combinatorial Differential

Topology and Geometry

Robin Forman

Many questions from a variety of areas of mathematics lead one to the problem
of analyzing the topology or the combinatorial geometry of a simplicial complex.
We will see a number of examples in these notes. Some very general theories have
been developed for the investigation of similar questions for smooth manifolds. Our
goal in these lectures is to show that there is much to be gained in the world of
combinatorics from borrowing questions, tools, motivation, and even inspiration
from the theory of smooth manifolds.
These lectures center on two main topics which illustrate the dramatic impact
that ideas from the study of smooth manifolds have had on the study of combina-
torial spaces. The first topic has its origins in differential topology, and the second
in differential geometry.
One of the most powerful and useful tools in the study of the topology of smooth
manifolds is Morse theory. In the first three lectures we present a combinatorial
Morse theory that posesses many of the desirable properties of the smooth theory,
and which can be usefully applied to the study of very general combinatorial spaces.
In the first two lectures we present the basic theory along with numerous examples.
In the third lecture, we show that discrete Morse theory is a very natural tool for
the study of some questions in complexity theory.
Much of the study of global differential geometry is concerned with the rela-
tionship between the geometry of a Riemannian manifold and its topology. One
long conjectured, still unproved, relationship is the Hopf conjecture, which states
that if a manifold has nonpositive sectional curvature, then the sign of its Euler
characteristic depends only on its dimension. (See Lecture 4 for a more precise
statement.) In [15] Charney and Davis formulated a combinatorial analogue of
1 The Department of Mathematics, Rice University, Houston, TX, USA 77251.
E-mail address:
The author was supported in part by the National Science Foundation. The author would also
like to thank Carsten Lange, who served as the TA for these lectures, created most of the figures
in these notes, and whose enthusiasm and attention to detail dramatically increased the com-
prehensibility of the text. The author expresses his gratitude to the organizers of the IAS/PC
Summer Institute for their tireless dedication and enthusiasm for all things organizational and
mathematical. Their support greatly improved the lectures and these notes.

2007 American Mathematical Society


this conjecture, and then observed that their conjecture is related to some of the
central questions in geometric combinatorics. There has been some fascinating re-
cent work on this subject, which has resulted in some very tantalizing, more general
conjectures. In Lectures 4 and 5 we present an introduction to the conjectures of
Charney and Davis, discuss some of the known partial results, and survey the most
recent developments.
Discrete Morse Theory

1. Introduction
There is a very close relationship between the topology of a smooth manifold M
and the critical points of a smooth function f on M . For example, if M is compact,
then f must achieve a maximum and a minimum. Morse theory is a far-reaching
extension of this fact. Milnor’s beautiful book [71] is the standard reference on
this subject. In these notes we present an adaptation of Morse theory that may be
applied to any simplicial complex (or more general cell complex). There have been
other adaptations of Morse Theory that can be applied to combinatorial spaces. For
example, a Morse Theory of piecewise linear functions appears in [59] and the very
powerful “Stratified Morse Theory” was developed by Goresky and MacPherson
[46],[47]. These theories, especially the latter, have each been successfully applied
to prove some very striking results.
We take a slightly different approach than that taken in these references. Rather
than choosing a suitable class of continuous functions on our spaces to play the role
of Morse functions, we will be working entirely with discrete structures. Hence, we
have chosen the name discrete Morse theory for the ideas we will describe. More-
over, in these notes, we will describe the theory entirely in terms of the (discrete)
gradient vector field, rather than an underlying function. We show that even with-
out introducing any continuity, one can recreate, in the category of combinatorial
spaces, a complete theory that captures many of the intricacies of the smooth the-
ory, and can be used as an effective tool for a wide variety of combinatorial and
topological problems.
The goal of these lectures is to present an overview of the subject of discrete
Morse theory that is sufficient both to understand the major applications of the
theory to combinatorics, and to apply the the theory to new problems. We will
not be presenting theorems in their most recent or most general form, and simple
examples will often take the place of proofs. Those interested in a more complete
presentation of the theory can consult the reference [32]. Earlier surveys of this
work have appeared in [31] and [35], and earlier, and similar, versions of some of
the sections in these notes appeared in [39] and [40].

2. Cell Complexes and CW Complexes

The main theorems of discrete (and smooth) Morse theory are best stated in the
language of CW complexes, so we begin with an overview of the basics of such
complexes. J. H. C. Whitehead introduced CW complexes in his foundational work
on homotopy theory, and all of the results in this section are due to him. The
reader should consult [68] for a very complete introduction to this topic. In these
notes we will consider only finite CW complexes, so many of the subtleties of the
subject will not appear.
The building blocks of cell complexes are cells. Let B d denote the closed unit
ball in d-dimensional Euclidean space. That is, B d = {x ∈ Ed s.t. |x| ≤ 1}. The
boundary of B d is the unit (d − 1)-sphere S (d−1) = {x ∈ Ed s.t. |x| = 1}. A d-cell
is a topological space which is homeomorphic to B d . If σ is d-cell, then we denote
by σ̇ the subset of σ corresponding to S (d−1) ⊂ B d under any homeomorphism
between B d and σ. A cell is a topological space which is a d-cell for some d.
The basic operation of cell complexes is the notion of attaching a cell. Let X
be a topological space, σ a d-cell and f : σ̇ → X a continuous map. We let X ∪f σ
denote the disjoint union of X and σ quotiented out by the equivalence relation
that each point s ∈ σ̇ is identified with f (s) ∈ X. We refer to this operation by
saying that X ∪f σ is the result of attaching the cell σ to X. The map f is called
the attaching map.
We emphasize that the attaching map must be defined on all of σ̇. That is,
the entire boundary of σ must be “glued” to X. For example, if X is a circle, then
Figure 1(i) shows one possible result of attaching a 1-cell to X. Attaching a 1-cell
to X cannot lead to the space illustrated in Figure 1(ii) since the entire boundary
of the 1-cell has not been “glued” to X.
We are now ready for our main definition. A finite cell complex is any topo-
logical space X such that there exists a finite nested sequence

(1) ∅ ⊂ X0 ⊂ X1 ⊂ · · · ⊂ Xn = X
such that for each i = 0, 1, 2, . . . , n, Xi is the result of attaching a cell to X(i−1) .
Note that this definition requires that X0 be a 0-cell. If X is a cell complex, we
refer to any sequence of spaces as in (1) as a cell decomposition of X. Suppose that

(i) (ii)
Figure 1. On the left a 1-cell is attached to a circle. This is not true for the
picture on the right.

X0 X1 X2 X3

Figure 2. A cell decomposition of the torus.

in the cell decomposition (1), of the n + 1 cells that are attached, exactly cd are
d-cells. Then we say that the cell complex X has a cell decomposition consisting
of cd d-cells for every d.
We note that a (closed) d-simplex is a d-cell. Thus a finite simplicial complex
is a cell complex, and has a cell decomposition in which the cells are precisely the
closed simplices.
In Figure 2 we demonstrate a cell decomposition of a 2-dimensional torus which,
beginning with the 0-cell, requires attaching two 1-cells and then one 2-cell. Here we
can see one of the most compelling reasons for expanding our view from simplicial
complexes to more general cell complexes. Every simplicial decomposition of the
2-torus has at least 7 vertices, 21 edges and 14 triangles.
It may seem that quite a bit has been lost in the transition from simplicial
complexes to general cell complexes. After all, a simplicial complex is completely
described by a finite amount of combinatorial data. On the other hand, the con-
struction of a cell decomposition requires the choice of a number of continuous
maps. However, if one is only concerned with the homotopy type of the resulting
cell complex, then things begin to look a bit more manageable. Namely, the homo-
topy type of X ∪f σ depends only on the homotopy type of X and the homotopy
class of f .
Theorem 1. Let h : X → X  denote a homotopy equivalence, σ a cell, and f1 :
σ̇ → X, f2 : σ̇ → X  two continuous maps. If h ◦ f1 is homotopic to f2 , then
X ∪f1 σ and X  ∪f2 σ are homotopy equivalent.
(See Theorem 2.3 on page 120 of [68].) An important special case is when h is the
identity map. We state this case separately for future reference.
Corollary 2. Let X be a topological space, σ a cell, and f1 , f2 : σ̇ → X two
continuous maps. If f1 and f2 are homotopic, then X ∪f1 σ and X ∪f2 σ are
homotopy equivalent.
Therefore, the homotopy type of a cell complex is determined by the homotopy
classes of the attaching maps. Since homotopy clases are discrete objects, we have
now recaptured a bit of the combinatorial atmosphere that we seemingly lost when
generalizing from simplicial complexes to cell complexes.
Let us now present some examples.
1) Suppose X is a topological space which has a cell decomposition consisting
of exactly one 0-cell and one d-cell. Then X has a cell decomposition ∅ ⊂ X0 ⊂
X1 = X. The space X0 must be the 0-cell, and X = X1 is the result of attaching
the d-cell to X0 . Since X0 consists of a single point, the only possible attaching
map is the constant map. Thus X is constructed from taking a closed d-ball and

identifying all of the points on its boundary. One can easily see that this implies
that the resulting space is a d-sphere.
2) Suppose X is a topological space which has a cell decomposition consisting of
exactly one 0-cell and n d-cells. Then X has a cell decomposition as in (1) such that
X0 is the 0-cell, and for each i = 1, 2, . . . , n the space Xi is the result of attaching
a d-cell to X(i−1) . From the previous example, we know that X1 is a d-sphere.
The space X2 is constructed by attaching a d-cell to X1 . The attaching map is a
continuous map from a (d − 1)-sphere to X1 . Every map of the (d − 1)-sphere into
X1 is homotopic to a constant map (since π(d−1) (X1 ) ∼ = π(d−1) (S d ) ∼
= 0). If the
attaching map is actually a constant map, then it is easy to see that the space X2
is the wedge of two d-spheres, denoted by S d ∨ S d . (The wedge of a collection of
topological spaces is the space resulting from choosing a point in each space, taking
the disjoint union of the spaces, and identifying all of the chosen points.) Since the
attaching map must be homotopic to a constant map, Corollary 2 implies that X2
is homotopy equivalent to a wedge of two d-spheres.
When constructing X3 by attaching a d-cell to X2 , the relevant information is a
map from S d−1 to X2 , and the homotopy type of the resulting space is determined
by the homotopy class of this map. All such maps are homotopic to a constant
map (since πd−1 (X2 ) ∼ = πd−1 (S d ∨ S d ) ∼
= 0). Since X2 is homotopy equivalent to
a wedge of two d-spheres, and the attaching map is homotopic to a constant map,
it follows from Theorem 1 that X3 is homotopy equivalent to the space that would
result from attaching a d-cell to S d ∨ S d via a constant map, i.e. X3 is homotopy
equivalent to a wedge of three d-spheres.
Continuing in this fashion, we can see that X must be homotopy equivalent to
a wedge of n d-spheres.
The reader should not get the impression that the homotopy type of a cell com-
plex is determined by the number of cells of each dimension. This is true only for
very few spaces (and the reader might enjoy coming up with some other examples).
The fact that wedges of spheres can, in fact, be identified by this numerical data
partly explains why the main theorem of many papers in combinatorial topology
is that a certain simplicial complex is homotopy equivalent to a wedge of spheres.
Namely such complexes are the easiest to recognize. However, that does not ex-
plain why so many simplicial complexes that arise in combinatorics are homotopy
equivalent to a wedge of spheres. I have often wondered if perhaps there is some
deeper explanation for this.
3) Suppose that X is a cell complex which has a cell decomposition consisting
of exactly one 0-cell, one 1-cell and one 2-cell. Let us consider a cell decomposition
for X with these cells: ∅ ⊂ X0 ⊂ X1 ⊂ X2 = X. We know that X0 is the 0-cell.
Suppose that X1 is the result of attaching the 1-cell to X0 . Then X1 must be a
circle, and X2 arises from attaching a 2-cell to X1 . The attaching map is a map
from the boundary of the 2-cell, i.e. a circle, to X1 which is also a circle. Up to
homotopy, such a map is determined by its winding number, which can be taken
to be a nonnegative integer. If the winding number is 0, then without altering the
homotopy type of X we may assume that the attaching map is a constant map,
which yields that X ∼ S 1 ∨ S 2 (where ∼ denotes homotopy equivalence). If the
winding number is 1 then without altering the homotopy type of X we may assume
that the attaching map is a homeomorphism, in which case X is a 2-dimensional
disc. If the winding number is 2, then without altering the homotopy type of X

we may assume that the attaching map is a standard degree 2 mapping (i.e. that
wraps one circle around the other twice, with no backtracking). The reader should
convince him/herself that the result in this case is that X is the 2-dimensional
projective space P2 . In fact, each winding number results in a homotopically distinct
space. These spaces can be distinguished by their homology, since H1 (X, Z) for the
space X resulting from an attaching map with winding number n is isomorphic to
It seems that we are not quite done with this example, because we assumed
that the 1-cell was attached before the 2-cell, and we must consider the alternative
order, in which X1 is the result of attaching a 2-cell to X0 . In this case, X1 is a
2-sphere, and X = X2 is the result of attaching a 1-cell to X1 . The attaching map
is a map of S 0 into S 2 . Since S 2 is connected (i.e. π0 (S 2 ) = 0) all such maps are
homotopic to a constant map. Taking the attaching map to be a constant map
yields that X = S 1 ∨ S 2 . Thus adding the cells in this order merely resulted in
fewer possibilities for the homotopy type of X. This is a general phenomenon.
Generalizing the argument we just presented, using the fact that πi (S d ) = 0 for
i < d, yields the following statement.
Proposition 3. Let
(2) ∅ ⊂ X0 ⊂ X1 ⊂ · · · ⊂ Xn = X
be a cell decomposition of a finite cell complex X. Then X is homotopy equivalent to
a finite cell decomposition with precisely the same number of cells of each dimension
as in (2), and with the cells attached so that their dimensions form a nondecreasing
A CW complex is one that can be constructed in this fashion. In fact, even
more is required.
Definition 4. A CW complex is a cell complex with the property that the boundary
of each cell is mapped into the union of the cells of lower dimension.
In some sense, this is a merely technical requirement, as every cell complex
is homotopy equivalent to a CW complex. However, there are certain advantages
to working with CW complexes, and all of the cell complexes which arise in these
notes will be CW complexes.
I first learned of simplicial complexes in a course on algebraic topology. They
were introduced as a category of topological spaces for which it was rather easy to
define homology and cohomology, i.e. in terms of the simplical chain- and cochain-
complexes. One might be concerned that in the transition from simplicial complexes
to cell complexes we have lost this ability to easily compute these topological in-
variants. In fact, much of this computability remains. Let X be a cell complex
with a fixed cell decomposition. Suppose that in this decomposition X is con-
structed from exactly cd cells of dimension d for each d = 0, 1, 2, . . . , n = dim(K),
and let Cd (X, Z) denote the space Zcd (more precisely, Cd (X, Z) denotes the free
abelian group generated by the d-cells of X, each endowed with an orientation).
The following is one of the fundamental results in the theory of cell complexes.
Theorem 5. There are boundary maps ∂d : Cd (X, Z) → Cd−1 (X, Z), for each d,
so that
∂d−1 ◦ ∂d = 0

and such that the resulting differential complex

∂ ∂
0 −−−−→ Cn (X, Z) −−−n−→ . . . −−−1−→ C0 (X, Z) −−−−→ 0
calculates the homology of X. That is, if we define
Ker(∂d )
Hd (C, ∂) = ,
Im(∂d+1 )
then for each d
Hd (C, ∂) ∼
= Hd (X, Z),
where Hd (X, Z) denotes the singular homology of X.
The actual definition of the boundary map ∂ is slightly nontrivial and we will not
go into it here (see [68, Ch. V, Sec. 2] for the details). In fact, it is here that we
see the main distinction between general cell complexes and CW complexes. There
may exist multiple choices for the boundary map for a general cell complex, but the
boundary map is canonical for a CW complex. At first it may seem that without
knowing this boundary map, there is little to be gained from Theorem 5. In fact,
much can be learned from just knowing of the existence of such a boundary map.
For example, let us choose a coefficient field F, and tensor everything with F to get
a differential complex
∂ ∂
0 −−−−→ Cn (X, F) −−−n−→ . . . −−−1−→ C0 (X, F) −−−−→ 0
which calculates H∗ (X, F), where now Cd (X, F) ∼
= Fcd .

From basic linear algebra we can deduce the following inequalities.

Theorem 6. Let X be a cell complex with a fixed cell decomposition with cd cells of
dimension d for each d. Fix a coefficient field F and let b∗ denote the Betti numbers
of X with respect to F, i.e. bd = dim(Hd (X, F)).
(i) (The Weak Morse Inequalities) For each d
cd ≥ b d .
(ii) Let χ(X) denote the Euler characteristic of X, i.e.
χ(X) = b0 − b1 + b2 − . . . .
Then we also have
χ(X) = c0 − c1 + c2 − . . . .

As the name “Weak Morse Inequalities” implies, this theorem can be strength-
ened. The following inequalities, known as the “Strong Morse Inequalities”, also
follow from standard linear algebra.
Theorem 7 (The Strong Morse Inequalities). With all notation as in Theorem 6,
for each d = 0, 1, 2, . . .

cd − cd−1 + cd−2 − · · · + (−1)d c0 ≥ bd − bd−1 + bd−2 − · · · + (−1)d b0 .


As the names imply, Theorem 7 does directly imply Theorem 6, as one can see by
comparing Strong Morse Inequalities for consecutive values of d, and using the fact
that bi = 0 for i larger than the dimension of K.
We mentioned earlier that a great benefit of passing from simplicial complexes
to the more general cell complexes is that one often can use many fewer cells. Let us
take another look at this phenomenon in light of the Morse inequalities. Consider
the case where X is a two-dimensional torus, so that with respect to any coefficient
field b0 = 1, b1 = 2, b2 = 1. From the weak Morse inequalities, we have that for any
cell decomposition,

c0 ≥ b 0 = 1
c1 ≥ b 1 = 2
c2 ≥ b2 = 1.
A simplicial decomposition is a special case of a CW decomposition, so these in-
equalities are satisfied when cd denotes the number of d-simplices in a fixed sim-
plicial decomposition. However, every simplicial decomposition has at least seven
0-simplices, twenty-one 1-simplices and fourteen 2-simplices, so these inequalities
are far from equality. It is generally the case that for a simplicial decomposition
these inequalities are very far from optimal, and hence are generally of little in-
terest. On the other hand, earlier we demonstrated a CW decomposition of the
two-torus with exactly one 0-cell, two 1-cells and one 2-cell. The inequalities tell
us, in particular, that one cannot build the torus using fewer cells.

3. The Morse Theory

In this section we introduce the main topic of the first three lectures, namely discrete
Morse theory. Morse theory, in the standard setting of smooth manifolds, is usually
described in the language of smooth functions on smooth manifolds (e.g. [71]). In
practice, though, it is often useful to work with gradient vector fields rather than
functions (e.g. [72], [82]). In the discrete setting, too, one can follow either path.
In these notes, we will focus on the notion of a (discrete) gradient vector field. To
see how discrete Morse theory can be presented from the function point of view,
see [31] or [32],
Let K be a CW complex. (Most of our examples will be simplicial complexes,
but in a few places, even when our object of study is a simplicial complex, it will
be convenient to allow more general cell complexes.)
Definition 8. Let β be a (p + 1)-cell of K, with attaching map h : S p → Kp ,
where Kp denotes the union of the cells of dimension ≤ p.
(i) A cell α is a face of β, denoted by α < β (or β > α) if β = α ⊂ β (where here
we are identifying a cell with its image in K).
(ii) A face α of β is said to be regular if
(a) h−1 (α) is homeomorphic to a ball, and
(b) h restricted to h−1 (α) is a homeomorphism onto α.
(iii) A regular CW complex is a CW complex in which every face is regular. We
note that every simplicial complex or polyhedron is a regular CW complex.

Figure 3. A discrete vector field.


α2 α3 α4 α5

Figure 4. A V -path.

Definition 9. A discrete vector field V on K is a collection of pairs {α(p) < β (p+1) }

of cells of K such that each cell is in at most one pair of V, and such that if
{α(p) < β (p+1) } is in V then α is a regular face of β.
We picture such vector fields by drawing, for each pair {α(p) < β (p+1) } ∈ V, an
arrow whose tail lies in α and whose head lies in β (Figure 3). Such pairings were
studied in the case of a simplicial complex in [85] and [27] as a tool for investigating
the possible f -vectors for a such complexes. Here we take a different point of view.
Our first step is to introduce a special class of vector fields which will play the role
of gradient vector fields.
Definition 10.
(1) Given a discrete vector field V on a cell complex K, a V -path is a sequence
of cells α0 , α1 , α2 , . . . , αr such that for each i = 1, 2, . . . , r, either {αi−1 <
αi } ∈ V or αi is a codimesion-one face of αi−1 and {αi < αi−1 } ∈ / V
(Figure 4). We say such a path is a non-trivial closed path if r > 0 and
α0 = αr .
(2) A discrete vector field V is a gradient vector field if there are no non-trivial
closed V -paths.
(3) If V is a gradient vector field on a cell complex K and α is a cell of K
which is not contained in any pair in V , then we say that α is a critical
cell of V .
The main theorem of discrete Morse theory is the following.
Theorem 11. Let K be a CW complex with a discrete gradient field V. Then K is
(simple-)homotopy equivalent to a CW complex with precisely one cell of dimension
p for each critical cell of V of dimension p.
Before presenting the very simple proof, we will recall the notion of simple-
homotopy. This idea was introduced by J.H.C. Whitehead in an effort to establish
a combinatorial basis for homotopy theory. Let K be a CW complex.


K1 K2

Figure 5. An elementary collapse.

Definition 12. Let β be a (p + 1)-cell of K, and α a regular face of β. We say

that α is a free face of β if α is not the face of any other cell of K. (This implies
that β is maximal, i.e. is not the face of any cell in K, and that dim(α) = p.)
If α is a free face of β then K − (int(α) ∪ int(β)) is a deformation retract
of K. Such a deformation retract is called an elementary collapse (and in the
category of simplicial complexes, an elementary simplicial collapse). See Figure 5.
Simple-homotopy is the equivalence relation generated by elementary collapse.
We are now ready to present the proof of Theorem 11. (Many essentially
equivalent proofs have appeared since the original proof in [32]. Here we present
the very short proof that can be found in [59].)
Proof. Since V has no closed paths, we can find a cell α of K which has no
predecessors, i.e. such that there is no cell β such that β, α is a V -path. There
are two possibilities, either (i) α is a maximal face, and is critical for V, or (ii) α
is a free face of a cell β, and {α < β} ∈ V , see Figure 6. In case (i), K is the
result of attaching the cell α to K  = K − int(α). In case (ii), K collapses onto
K  = K − (int(α) ∪ int(β)). The proof now follows by induction. 
Combining Theorems 11, 6, and 7, and the fact that homotopy equivalent
spaces have isomorphic homology, yields the following theorem.
Theorem 13. Let K be a simplicial complex with a discrete gradient vector field.
Let mp denote the number of critical simplices of dimension p. Let F be any field,
and bp = dim Hp (K, F) the pth Betti number with respect to F. Then we have the
following relationships.

Figure 6. Two possibilities for a cell α with no predecessors.



12 13 23

1 2 3

2 3

1 123

12 13 23

12 3
2 3

Figure 7. A 2-simplex and its Hasse diagram as a directed graph. A discrete

vector field defines a modified Hasse diagram.

I. The Weak Morse Inequalities.

(i) For each p = 0, 1, 2, . . . , n (where n is the dimension of K)
mp ≥ b p .
(ii) m0 − m1 + m2 − · · · + (−1) mn = b0 − b1 + b2 − · · · + (−1)n bn [= χ(K)].

II. The Strong Morse Inequalities.

For each p = 0, 1, 2, . . . , n, n + 1,
mp − mp−1 + · · · ± m0 ≥ bp − bp−1 + · · · ± b0 .

4. A More Combinatorial Language

The notion of a gradient vector field has a very nice purely combinatorial description
due to Chari [14], with which we can recast the Morse theory in an appealing form.
Let K be a regular CW complex. The Hasse diagram of K is defined to be the
partially ordered set of cells of K ordered by the face relation. Consider the Hasse
diagram as a directed graph, directed downward. That is, the vertices of the graph
are in 1-1 correspondence with the cells of K, and there is a directed edge from β
to α if and only if α is a codimension-one face of β. Now let V be a combinatorial
vector field. We modify the directed graph as follows. If {α < β} ∈ V then reverse
the orientation of the edge between α and β, so that it now goes from α to β. A
V -path is precisely a directed path in this modified graph.
Thus, in this combinatorial language, a discrete vector field is a partial matching
of the Hasse diagram, and a discrete vector field is a gradient vector field if the
partial matching is acyclic, in the sense that the resulting directed graph has no
directed loops.
When using this language, there is one possible minor source of confusion.
When working with a simplicial complex, one usually includes the empty set as an

3 3

2 1 2 1

1 3 2 1 e 3 2
(i) (ii)

Figure 8. (i) A triangulation of the projective plane. (ii) A discrete vector

field on the projective plane.

element of the Hasse diagram (considered as a simplex of dimension -1), while we

have not considered the empty set previously. This issue will appear repeatedly in
these lectures.

5. Our First Example: The Real Projective Plane

Figure 8(i) shows a triangulation of the real projective plane P2 . The vertices along
the boundary with the same labels are to be identified, as are the edges whose
endpoints have the same labels. In Figure 8(ii) we illustrate a discrete vector field
V on this simplicial complex. One can easily see that there are no closed V -paths
(since all V -paths go to the boundary of the figure and there are no closed V -paths
on the boundary), and hence is a gradient vector field. The only cells which are
neither the head nor the tail of an arrow are the vertex label 1, the edge e, and
the triangle t. Thus, by Theorem 11, the projective plane is homotopy equivalent
to a CW complex with exactly one 0-cell, one 1-cell and one 2-cell. (Of course, we
already knew this from our discussion of Example 3 in Section 2.)
This example gives rise to two potential concerns. The first is that from the
main theorem we learn only a statement about “homotopy equivalence”. This is
sufficient if one is only interested in calculating homology or homotopy groups.
However, one might be interested in determining the (PL-)homeomorphism type of
the complex. This is possible, in some cases, using deep results of J. H. C. White-
head. We revisit this topic briefly in the next section.
The second potential point of concern is that as we saw in Section 2 there are
an infinite number of different homotopy types of CW complexes which can be
built from exactly one 0-cell, one 1-cell and one 2-cell. One might wonder if Morse
theory can give us any additional information as to how the cells are attached. In
fact, one can deduce much of this information if one has enough information about
the gradient paths of the gradient vector field. This point is discussed further in
Section 3 of Lecture 2, where we will return to this example of the triangulated
projective plane.

6. Sphere Theorems
As mentioned in our discussion at the end of Section 5, one can sometimes use
discrete Morse theory to make statements about more than just the homotopy type
of the simplicial complex. One can sometimes classify the complex up to homeo-
morphism or combinatorial equivalence. In this section we give some examples of
such arguments. An interesting application of these ideas is presented in the next
section. So far, we have not placed any restrictions on the simplicial complexes
under consideration. The main idea of this section is that if our simplicial complex
has some additional structure, then one may be able to strengthen the conclusion.
This idea rests on some very deep work of J. H. C. Whitehead [95].
A simplicial complex K is a combinatorial d-ball if K and the standard d-
simplex σd have isomorphic subdivisions. A simplicial complex K is a combinatorial
(d − 1)-sphere if K and σ̇d have isomorphic subdivisions (where σ̇d denotes the
boundary of σd with its induced simplicial structure). A simplicial complex K is
a combinatorial d-manifold with boundary if the link of every vertex is either a
combinatorial (d − 1)-sphere or a combinatorial (d − 1)-ball. The following is a
special case of the powerful main theorem of [95].
Theorem 14. Let K be a combinatorial d-manifold with boundary which simpli-
cially collapses to a vertex. (That is, K can be a reduced to a vertex by a sequence
of elementary simplicial collapses.) Then K is a combinatorial d-ball.
With this theorem, and its generalizations, one can sometimes strengthen the con-
clusion of Theorem 11 beyond homotopy equivalence. We present just one example.
Theorem 15. Let X be a combinatorial d-manifold with a discrete gradient vector
field with exactly two critical simplices. Then X is a combinatorial d-sphere.
The proof is quite simple (given Theorem 14). The statement is trivial for
d = 0, so we assume that d ≥ 1. Suppose that X is a combinatorial d-manifold
with a discrete gradient vector field V with exactly two critical simplices. Let x0
be a vertex of X. If x0 is not critical, then {x0 < e} is an element of V , for some
edge e. Let x1 be the other endpoint of e. Then x0 , e, x1 is a V-path. If x1 is
not critical, we can follow the V -path to the next vertex x2 , etc. Since there are
only a finite number of vertices, and there are no loops, we must eventually reach
a critical vertex. We can run this argument in reverse for d-simplices. That is, if
α0 is a d-simplex, and α0 is not critical, then {β < α0 } is an element of V for some
(d−1)-simplex β. Let α1 denote the other d-simplex incident to β. Then α1 , β, α0 is
a V -path, and we can follow this path backwards until reaching a critical d-simplex.
Thus, there must be precisely one critical vertex x, and one critical d-simplex α.
Then X − α is a combinatorial d-manifold with boundary with a discrete gradient
vector field with only a single critical simplex, namely the vertex x. It follows
that X − α collapses to x. Whitehead’s theorem now implies that X − α is a
combinatorial d-ball, which implies that X is a combinatorial d-sphere.

7. Our Second Example

In this section we demonstrate some of the ideas of the previous sections with a
simple example from algebra. Fix a positive integer n, and consider the following

(((x0 x1 x2 )x3 )x4 )

((x0 x1 x2 )x3 )

(x0 x1 x2 )

x0 x1 x2 x3 x4

Figure 9. The planar rooted tree corresponding to (((x0 x1 x2 )x3 )x4 ).

(n − 2)-dimensional simplicial complex, which we denote Mn . Starting with the

following expression
(x0 x1 x2 . . . xn )
consider all ways of adding legal pairs of parentheses. An expression resulting from
adding p + 1 pairs of parentheses will be a p-simplex in our complex. The faces of
this p-simplex are all expressions that result from removing corresponding pairs of
For example, consider the case n = 3. The vertices of M3 are the expressions
v1 = ((x0 x1 )x2 x3 ), v2 = ((x0 x1 x2 )x3 ), v3 = (x0 (x1 x2 )x3 ),
v4 = (x0 (x1 x2 x3 )), v5 = (x0 x1 (x2 x3 )),
and the edges are the expressions
e1 = (((x0 x1 )x2 )x3 ), e2 = ((x0 (x1 x2 ))x3 ), e3 = (x0 ((x1 x2 )x3 )),
e4 = (x0 (x1 (x2 x3 ))), e5 = ((x0 x1 )(x2 x3 )).
One can easily check the relations
e1 = {v1 , v2 }, e2 = {v2 , v3 }, e3 = {v3 , v4 },
e4 = {v4 , v5 }, e5 = {v5 , v1 },
so that M3 is a circle triangulated with 5 edges and 5 vertices.
These complexes arise in a number of different settings. For example, they
arise in the study of planar rooted trees. To illustrate by an example, the edge
(((x0 x1 x2 )x3 )x4 ) of M4 can naturally be associated with the planar rooted tree
shown in Figure 9. From this point of view, the top dimensional simplices corre-
spond to binary trees. (See [10] and the references therein for an extensive discus-
sion of such issues.) Moreover, the complexes Mn arise in geometry, as they are
closely related to the simplicial complex of subdivisions of an (n + 1)-gon into sub-
polygons (see, e.g. [60]). In the study of homotopy associative algebras ([86], [87])
one studies an algebra which is associative only up to homotopy. In that case, M2 ,
for example, arises from studying all ways of multiplying 3 elements, with (x0 x1 x2 )
representing a homotopy between ((x0 x1 )x2 ) and (x0 (x1 x2 )). Note that here we see
a slight difference. From this point of view, one would like to think of ((x0 x1 )x2 )
and (x0 (x1 x2 )) as vertices, and (x0 x1 x2 ) as an edge between them. Thus, in this
context, one is essentially working with the dual of the complex we have defined.
We will say more about this a bit later (see the remarks following Theorem 17).
The main goal of this section is to use discrete Morse theory to give a simple
proof of the following result.

Theorem 16. The complex Mn is homotopy equivalent to an (n − 2)-sphere.

This result is well known, and it is only our proof that is new. We will prove
this theorem by showing that one can easily construct a discrete gradient vector
field on Mn which has precisely two critical simplices, namely one critical vertex
and one critical (n − 2)-simplex. The theorem then follows from Theorem 11. In
fact, one can deduce more. We saw above that M3 is not just a homotopy circle, but
rather it is an actual combinatorial circle. One can easily see that the link of every
vertex of Mn is isomorphic to a complex of the form Mp ∗ Mn−p (where ∗ denotes
join). By induction, Mp and Mn−p are combinatorial spheres of dimension p−2 and
n − p − 2, respectively, so the link is a combinatorial sphere of dimension n − 3 (see
Proposition II.1 of [45]). Since the link of every vertex of Mn is a combinatorial
(n − 3)-sphere, it follows that Mn is a combinatorial (n − 2)-manifold (see page 19
of [45]). Therefore we can apply Theorem 6 to learn the following stronger result.
Theorem 17. The complex Mn is a combinatorial (n − 2)-sphere.
Before beginning our proof, we return to our earlier comments about the com-
plex arising in the study of homotopy associative algebras. As remarked above, in
that case one considers what is essentially the dual of the complex Mn . However,
there is a slight modification. Let Mn∗ denote a combinatorial (n − 2)-sphere en-
dowed with the cell decomposition which is dual to that of Mn . In Mn the trivial
expression (x0 x1 . . . xn ) corresponds to a simplex of dimension -1, i.e. the empty
set. In the dual setting, (x0 x1 , . . . xn ) corresponds to a cell of dimension n − 1,
whose boundary sphere is identified with all of Mn∗ . Adding in this cell to form
the cone on Mn∗ results in a complex, introduced in [86] (see also [87]) called the
associahedron (or Stasheff polytope), and which is often denoted An+1 . Thus we
Corollary 18. The associahedron An+1 is a combinatorial (n − 1)-ball.
A proof of this appears in [86], by very different methods, and numerous alter-
native proofs have also been presented. In fact, An+1 is a polytope ([60]). For more
about the associahedron, from many points of view, one should certainly consult
Fomin and Reading’s wonderful lecture notes in this volume [30].
Let us now describe the construction of the desired gradient vector field V on
Mn . Let s be a simplex of Mn . Suppose that there is not a pair of parenthesis
around x0 and x1 . If it is possible to legally add a pair of parentheses around x0 and
x1 do so and call the resulting simplex t. We then add the pair {s ≺ t} to V . For
example, in M4 the expression ((x0 x1 x2 )(x3 x4 )) is paired with (((x0 x1 )x2 )(x3 x4 )).
After this step, the expressions which have not been paired with any other expres-
sion are those that have at least one parenthesis between x0 and x1 , and it is simple
to see that any such parenthesis must be a left parenthesis. There is one additional
unpaired expression, namely the expression s∗ = ((x0 x1 )x2 x3 . . . xn ). According to
our rule, this should be paired with the original expression (x0 , x1 . . . xn ) with no
added parentheses, but this is not permitted.
If s is any expression other than s∗ that is currently unpaired, and a pair of
parentheses can legally be added around the elements x1 and x2 , do so and call
the resulting simplex t. We then add the pair {s ≺ t} to V . After this step,
the expressions which have not been paired with any other expression are s∗ and
those that have at least one left parenthesis between x0 and x1 , and at least one left

parenthesis between x1 and x2 . Pair such an expression with the one resulting from
adding a pair of parentheses around x2 and x3 if possible. Continue this process as
long as possible. When it has terminated, the only expressions that have not been
paired up with any other expression are s∗ and the one that has a left parenthesis
between every consecutive pair x1 and xi+1 for i = 0, 1, . . . , n−1, i.e. the expression
t∗ = (x0 (x1 (x2 (. . . (xn−2 (xn−1 xn )))) . . . ). Note that t∗ is an (n − 2)-simplex of the
complex Mn .
This completes our construction of the vector field V . All that needs to be
checked is there are no closed V -paths. Denote by Vk the discrete vector field that
has been constructed after the k th step in the construction, i.e. after considera-
tion of the pair xk−1 , xk . It is simple to check that V1 has no closed orbits. Let
(p) (p+1) (p)
s 0 , t0 , s1 denote a V -path. This requires that s0 and t0 be paired in V . Sup-
pose that s0 and t0 are paired in Vk The reader can check that this implies that
either s1 is the head of an arrow in Vk (and hence the V -path cannot be continued)
or s1 is paired in Vk−1 . Thus, by induction, there can be no closed V -paths.

8. Exercises for Lecture 1

(1) (a) Prove the strong Morse inequalities. That is, suppose that
∂ ∂n−1 ∂n−2 ∂
V : 0 → Vn →
Vn−1 → Vn−2 → · · · →1 V0 → 0
is a differential complex (i.e. ∂i+1 ◦ ∂i = 0 for all i). Let mi de-
note the dimension of Vi , and bi the dimension of the ith homology
(=Ker(∂i )/ Im(∂i+1 )). Prove that for each i
mi − mi−1 + mi−2 − · · · ± m0 ≥ bi − bi−1 + bi−2 − · · · ± b0 .
Make sure you see how these inequalities imply the Weak Morse
(b) Now prove the converse of the Morse inequalities. That is, suppose
that we are given finite lists of nonnegative integers m0 , . . . , mn , and
b0 , . . . , bn which satisfy the above inequality for each i. Prove that
there is a complex V as above with mi = dim(Vi ) for each i, and such
that bi is the dimension of the ith homology. [This shows that one
cannot deduce anything stronger than the strong Morse inequalities
using only the abstract existence of a complex which calculates the
desired homology.]
(2) Prove that every triangulated disc is collapsible (i.e. collapses to a vertex).
(3) Triangulate a torus (more precisely, construct a simplicial complex which
is homeomorphic to the torus) and find a discrete gradient field on the
resulting simplicial complex with as few critical simplices as possible.
(4) Prove that every triangulated surface has a perfect gradient vector field.
That is, let M be a connected simplicial complex which is homeomorphic
to a compact surface. Prove that there is a gradient vector field on M
with precisely 1 critical vertex, 1 critical 2-simplex, and g critical edges,
where g denotes the genus of M. (Hint: Use the Morse inequalities to see
that it is sufficient to find a discrete gradient vector field with exactly one
critical vertex, and exactly one critical triangle.)
(5) One can also present discrete Morse theory using the language of functions,
rather than gradient vector fields. Let K be a finite simplicial complex.

A function f : K → R (i.e. f assigns a single real number to each simplex)

is called a discrete Morse function if for each p-simplex α

#{β (p+1) > α s.t. f (β) ≤ f (α)} ≤ 1


#{γ (p−1) < α s.t. f (γ) ≥ f (α)} ≤ 1.

Given such a function f, define a set of pairs Vf by declaring that {α <
β} ∈ Vf if α is a codimension-one face of β and f (β) ≤ f (α).
(a) Show that Vf is actually a discrete vector field (i.e. that each simplex
is contained in at most one pair in V ).
(b) Show that Vf is a gradient vector field.
(c) Show that every gradient vector field arises in this way. That is, if
V is a gradient vector field, then there is a discrete Morse function f
such that V = Vf .
Discrete Morse Theory, continued

1. Suspensions and Discrete Morse Theory

Let K be a simplicial complex, and let x and y be two points not in K. Then the
suspension of K is defined to be the join of K and the set {x, y}. More geometrically,
embed K in some Rd , and embed Rd in Rd+1 by adding a final coordinate. Let
x be the point (0, . . . , 0, 1) and y the point (0, . . . , 0, −1). Then the suspension of
K is the union of all of the closed line segments connecting x to a point in K and
all of the closed line segments connecting the point y to a point in K. This space
comes with a natural simplicial decomposition induced from that of K.
Let S be a simplex, and M a nonempty proper subcomplex of S. There are
two interesting topological spaces to consider in this setting. One is M itself, and
the other is S/M , the result of identifying all of the points in M to a single point.
While S/M is not a simplicial complex, it does have a canonical cell decomposition
giving S/M the structure of a CW complex. Moreover, if α < β are two faces of S
which are not in M, and α∗ and β ∗ are their images in S/M, then α∗ < β ∗ , and
moreover, α∗ is a regular face of β ∗ .
In fact, the two spaces M and S/M are closely related, and one can deduce
essentially the entire topological structure of either one from a knowledge of the
other. More precisely, we have the following statement.
Theorem 19. S/M is homotopy equivalent to the suspension of M .
Of particular interest to us is the following result.
 p+1 (S/M, Z) ∼
Corollary 20. For any p, H =H p (M, Z).

These results are not hard to prove using standard methods, but we present a
discrete Morse theory proof of Corollary 20, as the technique (more than the result)
will prove useful later (see the next section). In fact, a more careful analysis of this
proof allows one to deduce Theorem 19, but we will leave that to the reader. Our
approach is to simultaneously construct gradient vector fields U and V on M and
S/M , respectively. Let v be any vertex of M . If α is a nonempty simplex of M
which does not contain v and which has the property that v ∗ α is also in M , then

pair α with v ∗ α. Let U1 denote this collection of pairs. That is

U1 = {{α < v ∗ α} s.t. ∅ = α and v ∗ α ⊂ M }.
It is a simple observation that U1 is a gradient vector field. Similarly, define a
gradient vector field V1 on S/M by setting
V1 = {{α < v ∗ α} s.t. ∅ = α and α  M }.
(We are now identifying a simplex α in S, α  M , with its image in S/M.) The
simplices of M which are critical for U1 are the vertex v and any nonempty simplex α
of M with the property that v ∗ α  M . Let CU denote this collection of critical
simplices of U1 . The cells of S/M which are critical for V1 are the special 0-cell m
in S/M resulting from identifying all of the points in M , along with any nonempty
simplex β  M which has the property that v ∈ β, and β − v ⊂ M . Let CV denote
this collection of critical simplices of V1 . We observe that there is a canonical
identification of the elements of CU with those of CV . Namely, identify v ∈ M
with m ∈ S/M, and identify α with v ∗ α whenever α ⊂ M and v ∗ α  M. Let
U denote any vector field on M which is an extension of U1 , and let U2 = U − U1
(so that U2 consists of pairs of elements in CU ). Define V2 = {{v ∗ α < v ∗ β} s.t.
{α < β} ∈ U2 }, and let V = V1 ∪ V2 .
Lemma 21.
(i) Let A = α1 , α2 , α3 , . . . , αk be a sequence of elements in CU , and let B =
v ∗ α1 , v ∗ α2 , v ∗ α3 , . . . , v ∗ αk be the corresponding sequence of elements in
CV . Then A is a U -path if and only if B is a V -path
(ii) V is a gradient vector field if and only if U is.
Proof. Part (i) follows immediately from the construction of V . To prove part (ii)
let M  = M − CU , and S  = S/M − CV . (These are the cells that are paired in U1
and V1 , respectively.) It is easy to see that any U -path that begins in M  stays
in M  , and hence is a U1 -path. Since U1 is a gradient vector field, none of these
U -paths are closed. Similarly, any V -path that begins in S  stays in S  , and none of
these are closed. Hence any closed U -path must lie entirely in CU . Now the result
follows from part (i). 

If U is a vector field on M which contains U1 , we say that U collapses towards

v. If V is a vector field on S/M which contains V1 , then we say that V collapses
towards v ∗ . Then Lemma 21 leads to the following result.
Theorem 22. For any vertex v of M , there is a canonical identification of gradi-
ent vector fields of M which collapse towards v, and those of S/M which collapse
towards v ∗ . If U is a gradient vector field on M which collapses towards v, and V
is the corresponding gradient vector field on S/M, then v is critical for U, and m
is critical for V. For every additional critical simplex α of U, v ∗ α is critical for V,
and every critical cell of V arises in this manner.
In Section 3 we will introduce the Morse complex, a method of calculating the
homology of a cell complex exactly using a knowledge of the critical cells and the
gradient paths. The preceeding discussion is sufficient, modulo some minor details
which can be supplied by the reader, to deduce that the Morse complex for the
relative pair (M, v), which computes the reduced homology of M , is isomorphic
to the Morse complex of the relative pair (S/M, m), which computes the reduced

homology of S/M , with the isomporphism shifting all degrees up by 1. This suffices
to prove Theorem 20. A more careful consideration of the implications of Theorem
22 yields Theorem 19.

2. Monotone Graph Properties

A number of fascinating simplicial complexes arise from the study of monotone

graph properties. Let Kn denote the complete graph on n vertices, and suppose we
have label the vertices 1,2,. . . ,n. Let Gn denote the set of spanning subgraphs of
Kn , that is, the subgraphs of Kn that contain all n vertices. (Elements of Gn are
permitted to be disconnected and to have isolated vertices.) A subset P ⊂ Gn is
called a graph property of graphs with n vertices if inclusion in P only depends on
the isomorphism type of the graph. That is, P is a graph property if for all pairs
of graphs G1 , G2 ∈ Gn , if G1 and G2 are isomorphic (ignoring the labelings on the
vertices) then G1 ∈ P if and only if G2 ∈ P. A graph property P of graphs with
n vertices is said to be monotone decreasing if for any graphs G1 ⊂ G2 ∈ Gn , if
G2 ∈ P then G1 ∈ P.
Monotone decreasing properties abound in the study of graph theory. Here are
some typical examples: graphs having no more than k edges (for any fixed k), graphs
such that the degree of every vertex is less that δ (for any fixed δ), graphs which
are not connected, graphs which are not i-connected (for any fixed i), graphs which
do not have a Hamiltonian cycle, graphs which do not contain a minor isomorphic
to H (for any fixed graph H), graphs which are r-colorable (for any fixed r), and
bipartite graphs.
Any monotone decreasing graph property P gives rise to a simplicial complex K
where the d-simplices of K are the graphs G ∈ P which have d + 1 edges. In
particular, if G is a d-simplex in K, then the faces of G are all of the nontrivial
spanning subgraphs of G (the monotonicity of P implies that each of these graphs is
in K). Said in another way, if P is nonempty, then the vertices of K are the edges of
Kn (more precisely, the spanning subgraphs of Kn which include all n vertices and
precisely one edge), and a collection of vertices in K span a simplex if the spanning
subgraph of Kn consisting of all edges which correspond to these vertices lies in P.
The simplicial complexes induced by many of the above-mentioned monotone
decreasing graph properties have been studied using the techniques of these notes.
See for example [14], [25], [52], [53], [65], and [79]. These papers contain some
beautiful mathematics in which the authors construct “by hand” explicit discrete
gradient vector fields, along the way illuminating some of the intricate finer struc-
tures of the graph properties.
Some monotone graph properties have recently been the focus of intense interest
because of their relation to knot theory. Unfortunately this is probably not a good
time for an in depth discussion of this fascinating topic. We will mention only
that Vassiliev has shown how one can derive finite type knot invariants from the
study of the space of “singular knots” (i.e. maps from S 1 to R3 which are not
embeddings). The homology of the simplicial complexes of disconnected and not-
2-connected graphs show up in his spectral sequence calculation of the homology of
this space. This is explained in [93], where Vassiliev derives the homotopy type of
the complex of disconnected graphs. In [92] and [6], the topology of the space of

1 2

connected connected
component component

Figure 10. Graphs which are critical for V12 have two components.

not-2-connected graphs is determined, with discrete Morse Theory playing a minor

role in the latter reference. This topic is reexamined in [79], in which the entire
investigation is framed in the language of discrete Morse theory. We examine this
topic in Section 2.2. Discrete Morse theory is used to determine the topology of
not-3-connected graphs in [52].

2.1. The Complex of Disconnected Graphs

In this section, we will provide an introduction to this work by taking a look at
the simpler case of the complex of disconnected graphs. We will show how the
ideas of these lectures may be used to determine the topology of Δn , the simplicial
compex of disconnected graphs on n vertices. Let me begin by pointing out that
this complex can be well studied by more classical methods, and the answer has
also been found by Vassiliev in [93]. The only novelty of this section is our use of
discrete Morse theory.
Our goal is to construct a discrete gradient vector field V on Δn , the simplicial
complex of all disconnected graphs with the vertex set {1, 2, 3, . . . , n}. The con-
struction will be in steps. Let V12 denote the discrete vector field consisting of all
pairs {G, G + (1, 2)}, where G is any graph in Δn which does not contain the edge
(1, 2) and such that G + (1, 2) ∈ Δn . Another way of describing V12 is that if G is
any graph in Δn which contains the edge (1, 2), then G − (1, 2) and G are paired in
V12 . Actually, there is one exception to this rule. Let g denote the graph consisting
of only the single edge (1, 2). Then g − (1, 2) is the empty graph, which corresponds
to the empty simplex in Δn , and may not be paired in a discrete vector field. Thus,
g is unpaired in V12 .
The graphs in Δn other than g which are unpaired in V12 are those that do
not contain the edge (1, 2) and have the property that G + (1, 2) ∈ Δn . That is,
those disconnected graphs G with the property that G + (1, 2) is connected. Such
a graph must have exactly two connected components, one of which contains the
vertex labeled 1, and one which contains the vertex labeled 2. We denote these
connected components by G1 and G2 , resp. See Figure 10.
Let G be a graph other than g which is unpaired in V12 , and consider vertex
3. This vertex must either be in G1 or G2 . Suppose that vertex 3 is in G1 . If G
does not contain the edge (1, 3) then G + (1, 3) is also unpaired in V12 , so we can
pair G with G + (1, 3). If vertex 3 is in G1 , then the graph G is still unpaired if
and only if G contains the edge (1,3) and G − (1, 3) is the union of three connected
components, one containing vertex 1, one containing vertex 2, and one containing
vertex 3.

Similarly, if vertex 3 is in G2 and G does not contain the edge (2, 3), then pair
G with G + (2, 3). Let V3 denote the resulting discrete vector field.
The unpaired graphs in V3 are g and those that either contain the edge (1,3)
and have the property that G − (1, 3) is the union of three connected components,
one containing vertex 1, one containing vertex 2, and one containing vertex 3, or
contain the edge (2,3) and have the property that G − (2, 3) is the union of three
connected components, one containing vertex 1, one containing vertex 2, and one
containing vertex 3. We illustrate these graphs in Figure 11. The circles in this
figure indicate connected subgraphs.
Now consider the location of the vertex label 4, and pair any graph G which
is unpaired in V3 with G + (1, 4), G + (2, 4), or G + (3, 4) if possible (at most one
of these graphs is unpaired in V3 ). Call the resulting discrete vector field V4 . We
continue in this fashion, considering in turn the vertices label 5, 6, . . . , n. Let Vi
denote the discrete vector field that has been constructed after the consideration
of vertex i, and V = Vn the final discrete vector field. When we are done the
only unpaired graphs in V will be g and those graphs that are the union of two
connected trees, one containing the vertex 1 and one containing the vertex 2. In
addition, both trees have the property that the vertex labels are increasing along
every ray starting from the vertex 1 or the vertex 2. There are precisely (n−1)! such
graphs, and they each have n − 2 edges, and hence correspond to an (n − 3)-simplex
in Δn .
It remains to see that the discrete vector field V is a gradient vector field,
i.e. that there are no closed V -paths. We first check that V12 is a gradient vector
(p) (p+1) (p)
field. Let γ = α0 , β0 , α1 denote a V12 -path. Then α0 must be the “tail of an
arrow”, i.e. the smaller graph of some pair in V12 , with β0 being the head of the
arrow, i.e. β0 = α0 + (1, 2). The simplex α1 is a codimension-one face of β0 other
than α0 . Thus, α1 corresponds to a graph of the form α0 + (1, 2) − e, where e is an
edge of α0 other than (1,2). Since α1 contains the edge (1, 2) it is the “head of an
arrow” in V12 , i.e. the larger graph of some pair in V12 , which implies that γ cannot
be continued to a longer V12 -path. This certainly implies that there are no closed
V12 -paths.

1 2 1 2

connected connected connected connected

component component component component

3 3

connected connected
component component

Figure 11. The two types of graphs which are critical for V3 .

1 1

··· ···

··· ···
(i) v3 v4 v5 vn 2 (ii) v3 v4 v5 vn 2

Figure 12. (i) Critical Graphs in Δ2n . (ii) Critical Graphs in Nn2 .

The same sort of argument will work for V . Recall that V is constructed in
stages, by first considering the edge (1, 2) and then the vertices 3, 4, 5, . . . in order.
Let γ = α0 , β0 , α1 denote a V -path. In particular, α0 and β0 must be paired in V .
The reader can check that if α0 and β0 are first paired in Vi , i ≥ 3, then either α1
is the head of an arrow in Vi , in which case the V -path cannot be continued, or α1
is paired in Vi−1 . It follows by induction that there can be no closed V -paths.
In summary, V is a discrete gradient vector field on Nn with exactly one un-
paired vertex, and (n−1)! unpaired (n−3)-simplices. We can now apply Theorem 11
to conclude
Theorem 23 ([93]). The complex Δn of disconnected graphs on n vertices is ho-
motopy equivalent to the wedge of (n − 1)! spheres of dimension (n − 3).

2.2. Not-2-connected Graphs

Recall that a graph G is 2-connected if the removal of any vertex (along with all
incident edges) results in a connected graph. If G is not 2-connected, we call any
vertex v a cut vertex if G − v is not connected. Let Δ2n denote the complex of
not-2-connected graphs on the vertex set {1, 2, . . . , n}.

In this section, we will describe a proof of the following result.

Theorem 24. For n ≥ 3, the space Δ2n is homotopy equivalent to a wedge of (n−2)!
spheres of dimension 2n − 5.
This result was first established in [6] and [92], but we will follow (with only
cosmetic changes) the proof, via discrete Morse theory, presented in [79]. Let g
denote the graph on the vertex set {1, 2, . . . , n} containing only the single edge
(1, 2). Theorem 24 follows from the following result.
Proposition 25. There is a discrete gradient vector field on Δ2n whose critical
simplices are g along with all graphs of the form shown in Figure 12(i), where
v3 , v4 , . . . , vn is any permutation of 3, 4, . . . , n.
Let Cn2 = Gn /Δ2n . Then the cells of Cn2 , with the exception of the distin-
guished point, correspond to the 2-connected graphs, so we call Cn2 the complex of
2-connected graphs. Our construction of the gradient vector field in Theorem 24
first begins by collapsing towards g. Hence, following the discussion in the previous
section, Theorem 25 implies the following result.
Corollary 26. There is a discrete gradient vector field on Cn2 whose critical sim-
plices are the special point p in Nn2 corresponding to Δ2n , and all graphs of the form
shown in Figure 12(ii).

Proposition 25 and Corollary 26 will be proved simultaneously, inductively on

n. For n = 3, the set G3 of graphs on the vertex set {1, 2, 3}, is a 2-dimensional
simplex on the vertex set consisting of the 3 possible edges {(1, 2), (2, 3), (1, 3)}.
The only graph on 3 vertices which is 2-connected is K3 , which corresponds to the
maximal face of G3 . That is, Δ23 is a circle, and the gradient vector field which
collapses towards (1, 2), has critical vertex {[1, 2]} and critical edge {(2, 3), (1, 3)}.
The space Cn2 , resulting from collapsing Δ23 to a point, is a 2-sphere consisting of
the point p and the 2-cell K3 . The only possible gradient vector field in Cn2 is empty
so that both cells are critical. These gradient vector fields satisfy the conclusions
of Proposition 25 and Corollary 26.
Now let us begin to construct a gradient vector field on Δ2n for general n
(assuming the construction of such a gradient vector field on Cn−1 ). First, we
collapse towards g. That is, set
V1 = {{G − (1, 2), G}}
where G ranges over all graphs which are not 2-connected and contain the
edge (1, 2). Let M1 denote the graphs which remain unpaired. Then M1 con-
sists of all graphs G which are not 2-connected, and do not contain the edge (1, 2),
and have the property that G + (1, 2) is 2-connected.
To describe the next step in our construction of V, we must take a closer look at
such graphs. Such a graph G must be connected (as otherwise G + (1, 2) cannot be
2-connected). Let us now recall the basic structure of connected, not-2-connected
graphs. Let H be such a graph, and let H1 be an induced 2-connected subgraph
which is maximal among all induced 2-connected subgraphs. (A subgraph H of
a graph G is said to be induced if H contains all edges of G which connect two
vertices of H.) Let H2 denote another maximal induced 2-connected subgraph.
Then H1 ∩ H2 can contain at most one vertex (as otherwise the induced graph on
V (H1 ) ∪ V (H2 ) would be 2-connected, and larger than H1 and H2 ). If H1 ∩ H2
contains a vertex, then that vertex must be a cut vertex of H. Conversely, any
cut vertex of H is of the form H1 ∩ H2 for some maximal induced 2-connected
subgraphs H1 and H2 . Now let H(2) denote the graph whose vertices are the
maximal induced 2-connected subgraphs of H, with the property that if H1 and H2
are maximal induced 2-connected subgraphs of H, then the corresponding vertices
of H(2) are adjacent if and only if H1 ∩ H2 is not empty. Clearly every vertex of
H is contained in some maximal induced 2-connected subgraph of H. Moreover,
H is not 2-connected, which implies that H(2) has at least 2 vertices. Lastly, we
observe that every minimal loop in H is contained in some maximal induced 2-
connected subgraph of H, and hence appears as a vertex in H(2), from which one
can deduce that H(2) has no loops, i.e. H(2) is a tree. Now let G be a connected,
not-2-connected graph with the property that G + (1, 2) is 2-connected. Note that
vertices 1 and 2 cannot be contained in the same maximal induced 2-connected
subgraph of G, as otherwise the blocks of G + (1, 2) would be the same as those
of G, and hence G + (1, 2) would not be 2-connected. Let G1 denote the maximal
induced 2-connected subgraph of G that contains the vertex 1, and G2 the maximal
induced 2-connected subgraph of G that contains the vertex 2. It is easy to see that
G1 = G2 (as otherwise G + (1, 2) cannot be 2-connected). In fact, the following
result is easily established.
Lemma 27. With all notation as above, G(2) is a path from G1 to G2 .

Now let G3 denote the induced maximal 2-connected subgraph which is adjacent
to G1 in G(2), and let v(G) be the vertex G1 ∩ G3 . It is clear that v(G) = 2.
Moreover, if v(G) = 1 then vertex 1 would be a cut vertex of G+(1, 2), contradicting
the assumption that G + (1, 2) is 2-connected. Therefore v(G) ∈ / {1, 2}. Suppose
G ∈ M1 and (v(G), 2) ∈ / G. It is easy to see that v(G) is a cut vertex of G+(v(G), 2),
and hence G + (v(G), 2) is not 2-connected. Moreover, [G + (v(G), 2)] + (1, 2) =
[G + (1, 2)] + (v(G), 2) is 2-connected (since [G + (1, 2)] is), so G + (v(G), 2) ∈ M1 .
Now define

V2 = { {G, G + (v(G), 2)}}

where G ranges over all graphs in M1 which do not contain (v(G), 2).

Let M2 contain the graphs which are not paired in V1 or V2 . Then M2 consists
of those graphs G in M1 which contain (v(G), 2), and which have the property that
G − (v(G), 2) ∈/ M1 . First note that since (v(G), 2) ∈ G, v(G) and 2 are contained
in an induced 2-connected subgraph, which implies that v(G) ∈ G2 , and hence G1
and G2 are connected in G(2). From the previous lemma, we learn that G(2) must
consist of only the two vertices G1 and G2 and the edge between them. The only
way G − (v(G), 2) could fail to be in M1 is if G − (v(G), 2) failed to be connected.
This can happen only if G2 − (v(G), 2) is not connected. However, since G2 is 2-
connected, this can happen only if G2 consists entirely of the vertices 2 and v(G) and
the edge between them. Thus, the graphs G in M2 are precisely those that can be
constructed by taking a 2-connected graph G1 on the vertex set {1, 2, . . . , n} − {2},
adding the vertex 2, and adding the edge (i, 2) for some i ∈ / {1, 2} (in which case
v(G) = i).
Let M2 (i), i = 3, 4, . . . , n, denote those graphs G in M2 with v(G) = i. Then
M2 is the disjoint union of the M2 (i)’s. Each M2 (i) can be canonically identified
with the complex Γ of 2-connected graphs on the n − 1 vertices {1, 3, 4, . . . , n}.
By induction, there is a gradient vector field on Γ with precisely (n − 3)! critical
simplices of dimension 2(n − 1) − 5. = 2n − 7. Using the identification, we get a
gradient vector field V3 (i) on M2 (i) with (n − 3)! critical simplices of dimension
2n − 6. Let
V = V1 ∪ V2 ∪ (∪ni=3 V3 (i)).
Since there are n − 2 such M2 (i)’s, the total number of unmatched simplices in V
is (n − 2)(n − 3)! = (n − 2)!, each of dimension 2n − 6. The theorem now follows
once we know that V is a gradient vector field.
Lemma 28. The vector field V constructed above is a gradient vector field.
The proof is left as a (rather non-trivial) exercise.
It is, in fact, quite easy to identify more explicitly the critical simplices in the
above gradient vector field. To find the critical graphs in M2 (i), i = 3, 4, . . . , n,
we take the critical graphs in the complex of 2-connected graphs on the vertex set
{1, 3, 4, . . . , n} with respect to some optimal gradient vector field add the vertex 2
and the edge (i, 2) for some i = 3, 4, . . . , n. Fixing i, identify {1, 3, 4, . . . , n} with
{1, 2, . . . , n−1} via a correspondence that identifies 1 with 1, and identifies i with 2.
By induction, there is a gradient vector field on the 2-connected graphs on the vertex
set {1, 2, . . . , n − 1} whose critical simplices have the form shown in Figure 12(ii).
Using the identification, we get a gradient vector field on 2-connected graphs on the

··· ···

··· ···
v3 v4 vi−1 vi+1 vn i

Figure 13. Critical 2-connected graphs on the vertex set {1, 2, 3, . . . , n}.

vertex set {1, 3, 4, . . . , n} whose critical simplices are of the form shown in Figure 13
(where v3 , v4 , . . . , vi−1 , vi+1 , . . . , vn is any permutation of 3, 4, . . . , i−1, i+1, . . ., n).
Adding a vertex 2 to each such graph, and adding an edge between vertex i and
vertex 2 yields the desired collection of graphs shown in Figure 12(i). Corollary 26
now follows from Theorem 22.

2.3. Some further thoughts

The reader may wonder why we stopped with not-2-connected graphs. In fact, with
quite a bit of hard work, it is possible to go further. In [52] J. Jonsson used discrete
Morse theory to prove the following result.
Theorem 29. The simplicial complex Δ3n of not-3-connected graphs is homotopy
equivalent to a wedge of (n − 3) · (n − 2)!/2 spheres of dimension (2n − 1).
Many of the gradient vector fields presented in these notes, including the two
examples in this section, follow a similar pattern, in that one constructs the gradient
vector field in several stages, following distinct rules for each stage. In this way, a
user of discrete Morse theory generally discovers the following useful observation,
which appeared implicitly earlier, but seems to have been first explicitly stated in
[52] and [50].
Lemma 30. Let K = i∈I Ki be a partition of the faces of K, where I is some
partially ordered set. Suppose that for every i ∈ I, ∪j≤i Kj is a subcomplex of K.
Now suppose we have a discrete vector field Vi on each Ki (that is, a partial pairing
of the simplices in Ki ) with the property that there are no closed Vi -paths in Ki .
Then V = ∪i∈I Vi is a gradient vector field on K.

3. The Morse Complex

In this section we will see how more precise knowledge of the gradient vector field
on a simplicial complex K allows one to strengthen the conclusions of the main
theorems of discrete Morse theory. In particular, rather than just knowing the
number of cells in a CW decomposition for K, one can calculate the homology
Let K be a simplicial complex with a gradient vector field V . In keeping with
the standard terminology in the smooth category, we will refer to V -paths (see
Section 3) as gradient paths. Let Cp (K, Z) denote the space of simplicial p-chains,
and Mp ⊆ Cp (K, Z) the span of the critical p-simplices of V . We refer to M∗ as
the space of Morse chains. If we let mp denote the number of critical p-simplices,
then we obviously have
Mp ∼ = Zmp .

Since homotopy equivalent spaces have isomorphic homology, the following theorem
follows from Theorems 11 and 5.
Theorem 31. There are boundary maps ∂˜d : Md → Md−1 , for each d, so that
∂˜d−1 ◦ ∂˜d = 0
and such that the resulting differential complex
(3) ∂˜ ∂˜
0 −−−−→ Mn −−−n−→ . . . −−−1−→ M0 −−−−→ 0
calculates the homology of K. That is, if we define
˜ = Ker(∂d )
Hd (M, ∂)
Im(∂˜d+1 )
then for each d
˜ ∼
Hd (M, ∂) = Hd (K, Z).
In fact, this statement is equivalent to the Strong Morse inequalities (see Exer-
cise 1 of Lecture 1). The main goal of this section is to present an explicit formula
for the boundary operator ∂. ˜ This requires a closer look at the notion of a gradient
path. Let β be a critical (p + 1) simplex, and and α a critical p-simplex. Then it
is easy to check that any gradient-path from β to α has the form
(p+1) (p) (p+1) (p) (p)
β = β0 , α1 , β1 , α2 , . . . , βr(p+1) , αr+1 = α
such that for each i = 0, 1, 2, . . . , r , {αi+1 < βi+1 } ∈ V, and αi+1 < βi , but
{αi+1 < βi } ∈ / V. In Figure 14 we show a single gradient path from the boundary of
a critical 2-simplex β to a critical edge α, where the arrows pointing from an edge
to a 2-cell indicate the gradient vector field V .
Given a gradient path as shown in Figure 14, an orientation on β induces an
orientation on α. We will not state the precise definition here. The idea is that
one “slides” the orientation from β along the gradient path to α. For example, for
the gradient path shown in Figure 14, the indicated orientation on β induces the
indicated orientation on α.
We are now ready to state the desired formula.
Theorem 32. Choose an orientation for each simplex. Then for any critical (p+1)-
simplex β set

(4)  =
∂β cα,β α
critical α(p)
cα,β = m(γ)
where Γ(β, α) is the set of gradient paths which go from β to α. The multiplicity
m(γ) of any gradient path γ is equal to ±1, depending on whether, given γ, the
orientation on β induces the chosen orientation on α, or the opposite orientation.
With this differential, the complex (3) computes the homology of K.
We refer to the complex (3) with the differential (4) as the Morse complex (it
goes by many different names in the literature). An extensive study of the Morse
complex in the smooth category appears in [78]. In is section, we have focused
our attention on simplicial complexes. However, it is worth noting that this entire

β α

Figure 14. The flow of the edge e.

discussion applies, without any change, to any regular CW-complex, and, after
some refinement of the notion of the multiplicity m(γ), to all CW complexes. See
[32] for details.
We only have time to present the main ideas the proof of Theorem 32. For
the details, consult Sections 7 and 8 of [32]. The key ingredient in the proof is the
notion of a (discrete time) flow associated to a discrete vector field V . In the case
of smooth manifolds, the gradient vector field defines a dynamical system, namely
the flow along the vector field. Viewing the Morse function from the point of view
of this dynamical system leads to important new insights [83]. The same is true in
the combinatorial category.
Up to this point in the notes, we have been thinking of V as a collection of pairs
of simplices. Now it is better to think of V as a map of oriented simplices. Namely,
choose an orientation for each simplex of M . If {β (p) < α(p+1) } is an element of
V , then we set V (β) = −iα where i = ±1 is the incidence number of β and α (i.e
i = 1 if the orientations agree, and −1 otherwise). Set V (β (p) ) = 0 if there is no
such α(p+1) , i.e. if β is not the tail of any arrow in V . Now extend V linearly to a
V : Cp (M, Z) → Cp+1 (M, Z),
and do this for each p.
The flow Φ along the gradient vector field V is a map
Φ : Cp (M, Z) → Cp (M, Z),
for each p, defined by the formula
Φ = 1 + ∂V + V ∂.
See Figure 15 for the flow of an oriented edge e. In this figure, we indicate the
orientation of e, and just enough of the vector field V in order to determine Φ(e).
We observe that the map Φ commutes with the boundary operator. The other
main fact is that for a finite simplicial complex, the map Φ stabilizes in finite time.
That is, there is an N such that ΦN = ΦN +1 = ΦN +2 = . . . (it is only here that it
is necessary that the vector field V be a gradient vector field), and we denote this
map by Φ∞ .
Now let us return to the analysis of the Morse complex. Let
∂ ∂
C∗ : 0 −−−−→ Cn (K, Z) −−−n−→ . . . −−−1−→ C0 (K, Z) −−−−→ 0
denote the usual simplicial chain complex of K. Let CpΦ (K, Z) ⊂ Cp (K, Z) denote
the subspace of Φ-invariant chains (i.e. the chains c such that Φ(c) = c). Then,
since Φ commutes with the boundary operator ∂, the boundary map takes CpΦ (K, Z)
to Cp−1 (K, Z). Now consider the complex of Φ-invariant chains.
∂ ∂
C∗Φ : 0 −−−−→ CnΦ (K, Z) −−−n−→ . . . −−−1−→ C0Φ (K, Z) −−−−→ 0.

+ +

e ∂(V (e)) V (∂(e))


Figure 15. The flow of an oriented edge.

The first step is to see that this complex has the same homology as C∗ . There
are obvious maps between the two complexes, since C∗Φ injects into C∗ , and Φ∞
maps C∗ onto C∗Φ . The composition yields the identity map on C∗Φ . Thus, it
is sufficient to show that the map Φ∞ : C∗ → C∗ induces an isomorphism on
homology. For this, it is sufficient to find a homotopy operator. That is, an operator
L : C∗ (K, F) → C∗−1 (K, F) with the property that Φ∞ − 1 = L∂ + ∂L. If Φ∞ = Φ,
then one could take L = V . The general case of Φ∞ = ΦN is similar.
To make the transition to critical simplices, one can establish that
Φ∞ : Mp → Cp (K, Z)
is an isomorphism for each p, with inverse the restriction map r : Cp (K, Z) → Mp .
Theorem 32 now follows if we take ∂ = r ◦ ∂ ◦ Φ∞ . One must then calculate that
this is precisely the operator defined in the statement of the theorem.
A different proof of Theorem 32 is suggested in the exercises.
Example 33. We end this section with a demonstration of how the ideas of this
section may be applied to the example of the real projective plane P2 as illustrated
in Figure 8(ii). We saw in Section 11 how discrete Morse Theory can help us see
that P2 has a CW decomposition with exactly one 0-cell, one 1-cell and one 2-
cell. Here we will see how Morse theory can distinguish between the spaces which
have such a CW decomposition. Let us now calculate the boundary map in the
Morse complex corresponding to the gradient vector field illustrated in Figure 8(ii).

Choose an orientation for the edge e. To calculate ∂(e), we must count all of the
gradient paths from e to v. There are precisely two such paths, since the unique
gradient path beginning at each endpoint of e leads to v. (The gradient path
beginning at vertex 1 is the trivial path of 0 steps.) Since the orientation of e
induces a + on one endpoint of e, and a − orientation on the other, adding these
two paths with their corresponding signs leads us to the formula that ∂(e) = 0.
Now choose an orientation for t. It can be seen from Figure 8(ii) that there are
precisely two gradient paths from t to e, and both induce the same orientation on

 = ±2e. By reversing the chosen orientation on t if necessary, we

e, so that ∂(t)
˜ = 2e. Therefore the homology of the real projective plane
may assume that ∂(t)
can be calculated from the following differential complex.
×2 0
Z −−−−→ Z −−−−→ Z −−−−→ 0.
Thus we see that
H0 (P2 , Z) ∼
= Z, H1 (P2 , Z) ∼
= Z/2Z, H2 (P2 , Z) ∼
= 0.

4. Canceling Critical Points

One of the main problems in Morse theory, whether in the combinatorial or smooth
setting, is to find a Morse function, or equivalently a gradient vector field, for a
given space with the fewest possible critical points (much of the book [80] is devoted
to this topic). In general this is a very difficult problem, since, in particular, it
contains the Poincaré conjecture – spheres can be recognized as those spaces which
have a Morse function with precisely 2 critical points. In [72], Milnor presents
Smale’s proof [83] of the higher dimensional Poincaré conjecture (in fact, a proof is
presented of the more general h-cobordism theorem) completely in the language of
Morse theory. Drastically oversimplifying matters, the proof of the higher Poincaré
conjecture can be described as follows. Let M be a smooth manifold of dimension
≥ 5 which is homotopy equivalent to a sphere. Endow M with a (smooth) Morse
function f . One then proceeds to show that the critical points of f can be canceled
out in pairs until one is left with a Morse function with exactly two critical points,
which implies that M is a (topological) sphere.
A key step in this proof is the “cancellation theorem” which provides a sufficient
condition for two critical points to be canceled (see Theorem 5.4 in [72], which
Milnor calls “The First Cancellation Theorem”, or the original proof in [74]). In this
section we will see that the analogous theorem holds for discrete Morse functions.
Moreover, in the combinatorial setting the proof is much simpler. The main result
is that if α(p) and β (p+1) are 2 critical simplices, and if there is exactly 1 gradient
path from β to α, then α and β can be canceled. More precisely,
Theorem 34. Suppose V is a discrete gradient vector field on M such that β (p+1)
and α(p) are critical, and there is exactly one V -path from β to α. Then there is
another gradient vector field W on M with the same critical simplices except that
α and β are no longer critical. Moreover, W is equal to V except along the unique
gradient path from β to α.
In the smooth case, the proof, either as presented originally by Morse in [74]
or as presented in [72], is rather technical. In our discrete case the proof is simple.
If, in the top drawing in Figure 16, the indicated gradient path is the only V -path
from β to α, then we can reverse the gradient vector field along this path, replacing
V by the vector field W shown in the bottom drawing in Figure 14.
The uniqueness of the V -path implies that the resulting discrete vector field
has no closed orbits, and hence, by Theorem 2, is a gradient vector field. Moreover,
α and β are not critical for this new gradient vector field, while the criticality of
all other simplices is unchanged. This completes the proof.
The proof in the smooth case proceeds along the same lines. However, in
addition to turning around those vectors along the unique gradient path from β
to α, one must also adjust all nearby vectors so that the resulting vector field is

β α

Figure 16. Canceling critical simplices.

smooth. Moreover, one must check that the new vector field is a gradient vector
field, so that, in particular, modifying the vectors did not result in the creation of
a closed orbit. This is an example of the sort of complications which arise in the
smooth setting, but which do not make an appearance in the discrete theory.
This theorem was recently put to very good use in [7], in which discrete Morse
theory is used to determine the homotopy type of some simplicial complexes arising
in the study of partitions. It is fascinating, and quite pleasing, to see the same
idea play a central role in two subjects, the Poincaré conjecture and the study of
partitions, which seem to have so little to do with one another. In [50], Hersh
generalizes this cancellation technique and investigates, among other ideas, when
families of pairs of critical simplices can be canceled simultaneously. The main
theorem of this section is also used extensively in [54] as a basic computational
tool for searching for optimal gradient vector fields. To see other computational
approaches to finding optimal gradient vector fields, the reader can take a look at
[62], [63], [64].

5. Exercises for Lecture 2

(1) In the lecture we found a perfect gradient vector field on the complex Δn
of disconnected graphs on n vertices. Since our construction began by
collapsing everything towards the graph g containing only the edge [1, 2]
we saw that this is equivalent to the construction of a perfect gradient
vector field on the complex of connected graphs on n vertices. The critical
connected graphs are precisely the critical disconnected graphs with the
edge [1, 2] added. The result is the set of increasing trees on n-vertices.
That is, the trees with vertex set {1, 2, . . . , n} with the property that the
labels increase along every ray starting at vertex 1. Note that there are
(n − 1)! of these, and each contains (n − 1) edges (and thus corresponds to
a simplex of dimension (n − 2)). Consider the collection Pn of graphs on
n-vertices which are paths with one endpoint labeled 1. That is, graphs
of the form

1 − v2 − v3 − · · · − vn
where {v2 , v3 , . . . , vn } = {2, 3, . . . , n}. We observe that there are precisely
(n−1)! of these graphs, and each has (n−1) edges. Your job is to construct
a gradient vector field on the simplicial complex of connected graphs on

n vertices for which the critical graphs are precisely the graphs in Pn .
(In Vassiliev’s original work on this complex, this is the form in which he
presented the answer.)
(2) Let G be any graph, and let P be any monotone decreasing graph property.
Then we can consider the simplicial complex of all spanning subgraphs of
G that satisfy P.
In the lecture we only considered the case where G is a complete
graph. For other graphs G, these complexes are quite interesting and
largely unexplored.
(a) Examine this in the case where P is the property of being discon-
nected. What is the homotopy type of the resulting complex? That
is, given a graph G, what is the homotopy type of the simplicial
complex of disconnected spanning subgraphs of G?
(b) Pick your favorite monotone graph property and your favorite graph
and examine the resulting simplicial complex.
(3) Let M be a simplicial complex with a gradient vector field V. Prove that
the homology of the Morse complex (as defined in this lecture) is isomor-
phic to the homology of M by following these steps:
(a) Suppose that V is the empty gradient vector field. Then the Morse
complex is just the standard simplicial chain complex of M.
(b) Now prove that the homology of the Morse complex of V does not
change if one pair is removed from V (i.e. if one arrow is erased). Do
this by showing that if
d d d d
M : 0 → Mn → Mn−1 → Mn−2 → · · · → M0 → 0

d d d d
M  : 0 → Mn → Mn−1
→ Mn−2 → c . . . → M0 → 0
are the Morse complexes corresponding to gradient vector fields V
and V  on M which differ by a single arrow, then there is a map
Φ : Mi → Mi which induces an isomorphism on homology. Try to
construct the map Φ as explicitly as possible.
Together (a) and (b) prove the desired result.
(4) In the exercises to Lecture 1 we proved that every triangulated surface has
a perfect gradient vector field. Consider the Morse complex corresponding
to such a vector field. Prove that all of the differentials vanish (that is,
each differential is the zero map). Can you understand this directly from
the definition of the differential – that is by counting gradient paths?
Discrete Morse Theory and Evasiveness

1. The Main Results

So far, we have indicated some applications of discrete Morse theory to combi-
natorics and topology. We now present an application to computer science. The
reader should see the reference [36] for a more complete treatment of the content
of this section.
There is a wide variety of situations in which one has the ability to quickly ask a
series of yes/no questions, with the goal of answering a more difficult question. For
example, when one goes to the doctor with an illness, the doctor usually asks a series
of yes/no questions, such as “Do you have a headache?”, “Do you have a fever?”,
etc., using the information from the previous questions to decide what to ask next,
with the goal of answering the more difficult question “What illness does my patient
have?”. When one takes a malfunctioning car to the mechanic, the mechanic often
attempts to analyze the problem by testing the individual components one at a
time, using the appropriate tools to ask “Is this component working properly?”,
with the goal of answering the more difficult question “What is wrong with this
car?”. The mathematical study of such questions began with the following sort of
problem. Suppose that one has a network G of phones, or computers, or... which
we think of as a collection of nodes, some of which are connected by arcs. We
assume that the nework G is connected. That is, one can get from any node to any
other node by a series of arcs. Now we suppose that there is an electrical storm,
or a terrorist attack, or..., and some of the arcs are disabled. At that time, our
first concern may not be “What is the precise network that remains?” but rather,
we may primarily concerned with questions such as “Is the remaining network still
connected?”. This is the difficult question we wish to answer. We suppose further
that we have the capability of testing each arc in the original network, in order
to answer the question “Is this arc still working?”. Of course, we can answer any
question about the network if we simply test every arc in the original network,
and determine precisely which of these arcs are still working, as that completely
determines the remaining network. The precise question we want to analyse here
is “Can one do any better?”. That is, is there any strategy for testing the arcs
such that we are guaranteed that we can answer the desired question before having
tested each of the original arcs.

no yes

a b
no yes no yes

b b a a
no yes no yes no yes no yes

σ = [] [b] [a] [a,b] [c] [a,c] [b,c] [a,b,c]

Figure 17. A search algorithm.

Let us begin with a simple example of the sort of thing we wish to study.
Suppose there are three yes/no questions that we can easily ask. We label these
questions {a, b, c}.
Assumption 1: We suppose that these questions have the property that their
answers are independent of the order in which they are asked. (We will make this
assumption for the rest of these notes.)
Then there are eight possible outcomes resulting from asking these three questions.
We label these outcomes by listing the questions that yield the answer “yes” for
that outcome. The possibilities are: [ ], [a], [b], [c], [ab], [ac], [bc], [abc].
Assumption 2: We assume that every set of answers is possible.
That is, one can easily imagine a set of questions with the property that questions
b and c can not both be answered “yes”, but we will not consider this possibility
in these lectures. We make this assumption only for reasons of simplicity. The
general situation is considered in [41]. Suppose that the following four outcomes
are good: [a],[b],[c],[ab], and the remaining outcomes are bad. By asking these three
questions, our goal is to determine whether the outcome is good or bad. We can,
of course, accomplish this goal by asking all three questions. We are considered
to have won this game if we achieve the goal before we ask the third question. A
winning strategy, then, is one which guarantees that no matter what the outcome is,
we can determine whether or not it is good or bad before asking the third question.
For example, consider the search algorithm shown in Figure 17, in which case
we have listed the question to be asked next, given the answers to the previous
questions. For example, we ask question c first, and if we get the answer “yes” we
ask question b, but if we get the answer “no”, we ask the question a. We observe that,
asking questions in the indicated order, if the outcome is in the set {[ ], [b], [c], [ac]},
then we must ask the third question. Outcomes which require us to ask the third
question are called evaders of the search algorithm, so the algorithm has 4 evaders.
In fact, this is the best one can do. The following proposition is fairly easy to check
by straightforward means.
Proposition 35. Every search algorithm for the problem of determining member-
ship in the set of good outcomes {[a], [b], [c], [ab]} has at least 4 evaders. The number
of evaders which are good equals the number of evaders which are bad, and hence
there must be at least two of each.
If we assume that each outcome is equally likely, then this proposition implies
that no matter which search algorithm we choose, we will have to ask the third
question at least half of the time. Note that this theorem does not say that every
search algorithm has exactly 4 evaders, and it is rather easy to find search algorithms

ab ac

b bc c

Figure 18. A topological approach to the problem.

with more than 4 evaders. If every search algorithm has some evaders, so that we
have no winning strategy, then we say that the problem is evasive.
It is probably not at all clear to the reader what this topic is doing in a series
of lectures on discrete Morse theory, but we will show that in fact these topics are
intimately related. In particular, we will show that algebraic topology gives a way
of understanding why some problems of this form are easy, and others are hard.
First we observe that the problem can easily be stated in a more topological way.
Consider the 2-dimensional simplex S with vertices labeled {a, b, c}. Then the faces
of S can be indentified with the subsets of {a, b, c}, and hence with the 8 possible
outcomes (see Figure 18). Then the good and bad outcomes partition the faces of
S into 2 sets. In this setting we are given a partition of the set of faces, the outcome
is a face σ of the simplex, and our goal is to determine which block of the partition
contains σ. We are permitted to ask questions of the form “Is vertex v in σ?”.
In this way, we can convert binary search problems (which satisfy Assumption
1) into the language of simplices. If we also require Assumption 2, then the sort
of search problems we are considering lead to problems of the following form. Let
S be an n-dimensional simplex, with vertices v0 , v1 , . . . , vn , F the set of faces of S,
P : F = P1  P2  . . .  Pk
a partition of F, which is known to you. Let σ be a face of S which is not known
to you. Your goal is to determine which block of the partition P contains σ. In
particular, you need not determine the face σ. You are permitted to ask questions
of the form “Is vi in σ?”. You may use the answers to the questions you have
already asked in determining which vertex to ask about next. Of course, you can
determine which block contains σ by asking n + 1 questions, since by asking about
all n + 1 vertices you can completely determine σ. You win this game if you answer
the given question after asking fewer than n + 1 questions.
Say that P is nonevasive if there is a winning strategy for this game, i.e there
is a search algorithm that determines which block contains σ in fewer than n + 1
questions, no matter what σ is. Say P is evasive otherwise.
One of the main issues we will have to deal with is that a block Pi of the
partition need not be a subcomplex or have any other nice structure. Hence, the
notion of the homology of such a set is problematic. Let P be any set of faces
of a simplex S, and let F be a field. One of the main contributions of this and
the following sections is a definition of the F-Betti numbers of P. More precisely,
for each i = −1, 0, 1, . . . , we will define Bi (P, F), the ith Betti number of P with
respect to the field F. We will also define the even and odd Betti numbers, denoted
Be (P, F) and Bo (P, F), respectively, and the total Betti number B(P, F). For ease of
notation, we will assume that the field F is fixed, and refer to Bi (P ), Be (P ), Bo (P )

and B(P ). We will present the precise definition of these numbers in the next
section. The basic idea is that the Betti number Bi (P ) is defined by restricting
the chain complex of S over the field F to the faces in P . The result need not be
a complex, since the composition of its consecutive differentials might be nonzero,
but the dimension of its ith “homology” can still be defined as the dimension of its
ith kernel minus the dimension of its (i + 1)st image (if that is nonnegative, and 0
otherwise); see Proposition 47. At this point, we will state the main properties of
these Betti numbers.
Theorem 36. For any set of faces P 
(i) Be (P ) ≥ Bi (P ),
i even

Bo (P ) ≥ Bi (P ),
i odd
B(P ) = Be (P ) + Bo (P ).
(ii) Bi (P ) = 0 for i larger thanthe dimension of P .
(iii) Be (P ) − Bo (P ) = χ(P ) = i (−1)i #{i-simplices in P }
Our notion of a Betti number is equal to a standard notion in a number of settings.
Theorem 37.
(1) If P is a subcomplex of S, and the empty set (considered as a face of S)
is an element of P , then for each i
 i (P, F).
Bi (P ) = dim H
where the tilde denotes reduced homology. Moreover,
 even (P, F)
Be (P ) = dim H
 odd (P, F)
Bo (P ) = dim H
B(P ) = dim H ∗ (P, F).
(2) If P is a subcomplex of S, except that the empty set is not element of P ,
then for each i
Bi (P ) = dim Hi (P, F).
Be (P ) = dim Heven (P, F)
Bo (P ) = dim Hodd (P, F)
B(P ) = dim H∗ (P, F).
(3) Let P denote the closure of P (i.e. the set consisting of the faces of P
along with all of their faces), and let Ṗ = P − P. If Ṗ is a subcomplex of
S (which contains the empty set) then for each i
Bi (P ) = dim Hi (P , P, F).
Be (P ) = dim Heven (P , P, F)
Bo (P ) = dim Hodd (P , P, F)
B(P ) = dim H∗ (P , P, F).
Assuming these results for now, as well as the still undefined notion of Betti
number, we present the main theorem of this section.

Theorem 38. With all notation as above, for any search algorithm A the number
of evaders of A which lie in any block Pj of the partition P is at least B(Pj ). Hence
the total number of evaders is at least j=1 B(Pj ).
In fact, we can make this statement much more precise. Define the dimension
of an evader to be the dimension of the face of S to which it corresponds. That is,
if σ is any possible outcome, dim(σ) is
(the number of questions answered “yes” if the outcome is σ) − 1.
Theorem 39. With all notation as above, for any search algorithm A the number
of evaders of A of dimension i which lie in any block Pj of the partition P is at
least Bi (Pj ). The number of even-dimensional evaders which lie in block Pj is at
least Be (Pj ), and the number of odd-dimensional evaders which lie in block Pj is at
least Bo (Pj ) .

Before discussing the proof of this result, we would like to point out that Kahn,
Saks and Sturtevant [55] first observed the relationship between evasiveness and
algebraic topology. In their setting, the partition consists of precisely two blocks,
P : S = P1  P2 , in which P1 is a subcomplex. They proved the following theorem.
Theorem 40. If H̃∗ (P1 ) = 0, where H̃∗ (P1 ) denotes the reduced homology of P1 ,
then P is evasive.
In fact, they proved something stronger, and we will come back to this point
later. In [39] we used discrete Morse theory to make some of their results more
quantitative along the lines of Theorems 38 and 39. The generalization in this
section to more than two blocks is relatively minor. The extension to more general
sets of faces is the major value of this newer work.
We illustrate the previous theorems by returning to the example introduced
at the beginning of this section. Let P1 denote the set {[a], [b], [c], [ab]} of good
outcomes, and let P2 denote the complement, the set of bad outcomes. We observe
that P1 is a simplicial complex which does not contain the empty face. Hence by
Theorem 37, B(P1 ) is equal to the dimension of the (unreduced) homology of P1 ,
which is 2. By Theorem 38, we learn that for any search algorithm, the number of
evaders which lie in P1 is at least 2. We observe that P2 does not satisfy any of
the hypotheses presented in Theorem 37, so one can not deduce its Betti numbers
from that result. However, as the reader can check (after we present the definition
of Betti numbers in the next section), its total Betti number is also 2.
The link between evasiveness and algebraic topology is provided by discrete
Morse theory. Morse theory comes to the fore when one observes that a search
algorithm induces a discrete vector field on S. For example, the search algorithm
shown in Figure 17 induces the vector field
V = { {[ ] < [b]}, {[a] < [a, b]}, {[c] < [a, c]}, {[b, c] < [a, b, c]} }
That is, V consists of those pairs of faces of S which are not distinguished by the
search algorithm until the last question. There is slight subtlety here in that a search
algorithm pairs a vertex with the empty face [ ], while in our original definition, it
was not permitted to pair a simplex with [ ]. Thus, to get a true discrete vector
field, we must remove this pair from V . (It is precisely this subtle point that results
in the reduced homology of K being the relevant measure of topological complexity

ab ac

b c

Figure 19. The induced vector field V .

in Theorem 37(1), rather than the unreduced homology.) However, for simplicity,
from now on we will simply ignore this technical point.
Theorem 41. For any search algorithm, let V denote the vector field consisting of
pairs of nonempty faces of S which are not distinguished by the search algorithm
until the last question. Then V is a gradient vector field.
We will postpone the proof of this result until the end of this section.
For now, suppose that block Pj of the partition P is a subcomplex (containing
the empty face). We will complete the proof in this setting before discussing the
general case. Now restrict V to Pj by taking only those pairs in V such that both
simplices are in Pj , and denote the resulting vector field by Vj . In our simple
example, this results in the vector field
V1 = {{[a] < [a, b]}}.
From the previous theorem, V has no closed orbits. Any discrete vector field
consisting of a subset of the pairs of V has fewer paths, and hence also has no
closed orbits. Therefore, Vj is a gradient vector field on Pj . Note that V pairs
every face of S with another face, and hence there are no critical simplices except
for the vertex which is paired with the empty set. Thus, ignoring that special vertex
for the moment, the critical simplices of Vj are precisely the simplices of Pj which
are paired in V with a face of S which is not in Pj . These are precisely the simplices
of Pj which are the evaders of the search algorithm.
The Morse inequalities of Theorem 13 (i) immediately imply the following re-
Corollary 42. If the block Pj of the partition P is a subcomplex (containing the
 ∗ (Pj ).
empty face of S) then the number of evaders in Pj is at least dim H
(We must use reduced homology here because of the minor issue surrounding the
vertex paired with the empty set.) This yields Theorem 37 (in the case of a sim-
plicial complex containing the empty face).
Suppose that P is nonevasive. Then there is some search algorithm which has
no evaders. From our above discussion we have seen that this implies that Pj has a
gradient vector field with no critical simplices. Actually, this is not quite true. The
gradient vector field must have a critical vertex – the vertex that is paired with the
empty face. These ideas lead to the following strengthening of Theorem 40.
Theorem 43. If P is nonevasive, and if the block Pj of the partition is a subcom-
plex, then Pj collapses to a vertex.
This theorem appears in [55], the paper that first established, and used to very
good effect, a close relationship between evasiveness and topology. The interested

reader can consult [36] for some additional refinements of this theorem. This topic
has been the subject of much study, and the reader can find more information about
the connection between evasiveness and topology in the references [11], [56], [76],
[77], and [94] .
We now present a proof of Theorem 41. Let S denote an n-simplex, and fix a
search algorithm. Associate to each p-simplex α of S the sequence of integers
n(α) = n0 (α) < n1 (α) < · · · < np (α)
where, for each i, question number ni (α) is answered “yes” if σ = α, and these are
the only questions answered “yes”.
Let V be the vector field induced by the search algorithm and
α1 , α2
be a V -path. Then either (i) α1 is a face of α2 and {α1 < α2 } ∈ V, or (ii) α2 is a
face of α1 and {α1 < α2 } ∈ / V. Let us consider case (ii) first. In this case, α2 has
one fewer vertex than α1 , and the vertex is not the subject of the (n + 1)st question.
Suppose the the vertex is the subject of the ni (α1 )st question. Then this question
is answered “yes” for α1 , but “no” for α2 . This implies that
n(α2 ) = n0 (α1 ) < n1 (α1 ) < · · · < ni−1 (α1 ) < ni (α2 ) < · · ·
for some i < n + 1, and such that ni (α2 ) > ni (α1 ). Thus n(α2 ) > n(α1 ) in the
lexicographic order.

We now consider case (i), in which {α1 < α2 } ∈ V, and continue the V -path one
more step to α1 , α2 , α3 . Then α1 and α2 are not distinguished until the (n + 1)st
question. Thus,
n(α2 ) = n0 (α1 ) < n1 (α1 ) < · · · < np (α1 ) < n + 1.
We now observe that the vertices of α3 are a subset of the vertices of α2 . Suppose
the vertex of α2 which is not in α3 is the vertex tested in question ni (α2 ). Then
we must have i = n + 1. This demonstrates that
n(α3 ) = n0 (α1 ) < n1 (α1 ) < · · · < ni−1 (α1 ) < ni (α3 ) < · · ·
for some i < n + 1, and such that ni (α3 ) > ni (α1 ). Thus n(α3 ) > n(α1 ) in the
lexicographic order, which is sufficient to prove that there are no closed orbits.

In [53], Jonsson investigates further the question of which gradient vector fields
arise from decision trees. Anyone interested in this topic should also consult [84].

2. Betti Numbers for General Sets of Faces

In this section we examine how to extend the results of the previous section to sets
of faces of a simplex that do not form a simplicial complex or have any other special
structure. A more extensive treatment of these ideas can be found in [41]. Let F
be any field. Let
∂ ∂n−1 ∂ ∂
V : 0 −−−−→ Vn −−−n−→ Vn−1 −−−−→ · · · −−−1−→ V0 −−−0−→ V−1 −−−−→ 0
be a complex of finite dimensional vector spaces over the field F. The ∂i ’s are
assumed to be linear maps, but we are not assuming that ∂d ◦ ∂d+1 = 0. Our goal
is to define the “homology” of this complex.

If ∂p ◦ ∂p+1 = 0 for each p, then we say that V is a differential complex and that
the ∂i ’s form a differential. We recall that one defines the homology of a differential
complex by the formula
Ker ∂p
(5) Hp (V) := .
Im ∂p+1
For each p, choose a subspace Xp which is mapped isomorphically onto Im ∂p . Then
we have that
Vp = Xp ⊕ Ker ∂p .
In the case of a differential complex, Im ∂p+1 ⊂ Ker ∂p we can find a Zp ⊂ Vp so
Ker ∂p = Im ∂p+1 ⊕ Zp ,
which implies that
Vp = Xp ⊕ Im ∂p+1 ⊕ Zp ,
and the reader can easily check that Zp ∼ = Hp (V).
We now return to the general case of a nondifferential complex. That is, we
no longer assume that ∂p ◦ ∂p+1 = 0. We will use the construction of the previous
paragraph to define the homology of such a complex.
Definition 44. A homological decomposition D of the complex S is a decomposi-
Vi = Xi ⊕ Yi ⊕ Zi ,
for each i, with the property that for each i, ∂i maps Xi isomorphically onto Yi−1 .
By the notation Vi = Xi ⊕ Yi ⊕ Zi we mean that Xi , Yi and Zi are linear subspaces
of Vi , such that their pairwise intersections are {0}, and they sum to give all of Vi .
Homological decompositions always exist, since one can take Xi = 0, Yi = 0, and
Zi = Vi , for each i.
For any homological decomposition D of V, and any i, let Bi (V, D) denote the
dimension of Zi . We also define the even Betti number of D

Be (V, D) := Bi (V, D),
i even
the odd Betti number of D

Bo (V, D) = Bi (V, D),
i odd
and the total Betti number of D

B(V, D) = Be (V, D) + Bo (V, D) = Bi (V, D).
We now define the Betti numbers of S by
Bi (V) := min Bi (V, D),
Be (V) := min Be (V, D),
Bo (V) := min Bo (V, D),
B(V) := min B(V, D).
We observe the following facts.

 Let V be any finite complex

Proposition 45.  of finite dimensional vector spaces.
(i) Be (S) ≥ i even Bi (S) and Bo (S) ≥ i odd Bi (S).
(ii) B(S) = Be (S) + Bo (S).

Example 46. A simple example will serve to show that the inequalities in part (i)
of the proposition can be strict when V is not a differential complex. Consider the
complex V with V0 = V1 = V2 = F, and Vi = 0 for i = −1 and i > 2. Suppose that
∂1 and ∂0 are both the identity map.
∂ ∂
V : 0 −−−−→ F −−−1−→ F −−−0−→ F −−−−→ 0
Let D1 denote the homological decomposition
∂ ∂
0 −−−−→ F ⊕ 0 ⊕ 0 −−−1−→ 0 ⊕ F ⊕ 0 −−−0−→ 0 ⊕ 0 ⊕ F −−−−→ 0.
We have that B1 (V, D1 ) = B2 (V, D1 ) = 0, while B0 (V, D1 ) = 1, which implies that
B1 (V) = B2 (V) = 0, and B0 (V) ≤ 1.
Let D2 denote the homological decomposition
∂ ∂
0 −−−−→ 0 ⊕ 0 ⊕ F −−−1−→ F ⊕ 0 ⊕ 0 −−−0−→ 0 ⊕ F ⊕ 0 −−−−→ 0.
In this case we see that B0 (V, D2 ) = B1 (V, D2 ) = 0, while B2 (V, D2 ) = 1, which
implies that B0 (V) = B1 (V) = 0, and B2 (V) ≤ 1.
Thus we learn that Bi (V) = 0 for every i. On the other hand Bo (V, D1 ) =
Bo (V, D2 ) = 0, which implies that Bo (V) = 0. We note that Be (V, D1 ) =
Be (V, D2 ) = 1, and, in fact, once can easily see that Be (V) = 1.

In the case that V is a differential complex, we have

dim Hi (V) = dim(Ker ∂i ) − dim(Im ∂i+1 ).
A remnant of this equation holds for general complexes.
Proposition 47. For any complex S, whether a differential complex or not,
Bi (V) = max{dim(Ker ∂i ) − dim(Im ∂i+1 ), 0}
Since the right hand side is easily algorithmically computable by standard methods,
this theorem implies that the generalized Betti numbers are also readily computable.
Moreover, we note that these definitions do, in fact, generalize the standard defin-
ition those for a differential complex.
Theorem 48. Suppose that V is a differential complex, and let Hi (V) denote the
homology of S as defined by the standard formula (5). Then for each i,
Bi (V) = dim Hi (V).
Be (V) = Bi (V)

Bo (V) = Bi (V),
i odd
B(V) = Bi (V).

Now let S be a simplex. A simplex space is defined to be a set of faces of S

(we consider the empty set to be a face of S). Let K be a simplex space. Fix a
field F and let Cd (K, F) denote the oriented d-chains in K. This is defined in the
usual way, even if K is not a subcomplex, that is, for all d ≥ 2, let Sd (K) denote
the set of pairs (σ,
), where σ is a d-simplex in K, and
is an orientation on σ
(i.e. an ordering of the vertices in σ modulo even permutations – so that each σ has
two distinct orientations). We let C d (K, F) denote the vector space of all formal
linear combinations of elements in Sd (K), and Cd (K, F) the result of quotienting
out C̃d (K, F) by the relation −1(σ,
) = (σ, −
), where if
denotes an orientation on
a d-simplex σ, then −
denotes the alternate orientation. If d = −1, 0, then each d-
simplex in K has a unique orientation, and we let Cd (K, F) denote the vector space
of all formal linear combinations of d-simplices. Note that the only possible −1-
dimensional simplex is the empty simplex. Thus, if K contains the empty simplex
C−1 (K, F) ∼= F and otherwise C−1 (K, F) ∼ = 0.
We now define a boundary map ∂d from Cd (K, F) to Cd−1 (K, F), by setting,
for any oriented d-simplex [x0 , x1 , . . . , xd ],

∂d [x0 , x1 , . . . , xd ] = (−1)i [x0 , x1 , . . . , xi−1 , xi+1 , . . . , xd ].

where the notation means that the sum is over all i ⊂ {0, 1, 2, . . . , d} such
that the simplex {x0 , x1 , . . . , xi−1 , xi+1 , . . . , xd } is in K. As usual, the notation
[x0 , x1 , . . . , xd ] denotes the simplex {x0 , x1 , . . . , xd } along with the orientation in-
duced by ordering the vertices in the manner in which they are listed.
We let C(K, F) denote the complex
∂ ∂
0 −−−−→ Cn (K, F) −−−n−→ . . . −−−0−→ C−1 (K, F) −−−−→ 0.
Using the notation of the previous section, we denote by
Bi (K, F), Be (K, F), Bo (K, F), B(K, F),
the numbers
Bi (C(K, F)), Be (C(K, F)), Bo (C(K, F)), B(C(K, F)).
We observe that if K is a simplicial complex, and contains the empty simplex,
then C(K, F) is the usual reduced chain complex. If K is a simplicial complex except
that K does not contain the empty simplex, then C(K, F) is the usual (nonreduced)
chain complex. If K̇ = K̄ − K is a nonempty subcomplex (where K̄ denotes the
closure of K, i.e. K along with all of the faces of the elements in K, and K̇ denotes
the elements in K̄ which are not in K), then C(K, F) is isomorphic to the relative
chain complex C(K̄, K̇, F). In particular, in these cases, C(K, F) is a differential
complex, so, by Theorem 48, the Betti numbers we have defined are equal to the
standard Betti numbers. This implies Theorem 37.
Example 49. Let S denote the two-dimensional simplex with vertices labeled a,
b, c. Let K denote the simplex space consisting of the faces [c], [b, c] and [a, b, c]
(Figure 20). The chain complex for K can easily seen to be isomorphic to the
complex examined in Example 46. From the calculations done there, we see that
Bi (K) = 0 for each i = −1, 0, 2, . . . , and Bo (K) = 0, while B(K) = Be (K) = 1.
The next goal is to indicate that these Betti numbers allow us to apply the basic
notions of discrete Morse theory to general simplex spaces. Let K be a simplex

ab ac

b bc c

Figure 20. The complex K of example 49.

space. We define the basic combinatorial notions just as for a simplicial complex.
A face a of S is said to be a maximal element of K if a is in K, and a is not a
proper subset of any element in K. If a is a maximal element of K, we say that b is
a free face of a in K if: b is in K, b is a codimension-one face of a, and a is the only
element of K which properly contains b. Let K be a simplex space, a a maximal
face of K, and b is a free face of a in K. The act of replacing K by K − {a, b} is
called a simplicial collapse. Say that K is collapsible if one can transform K into
the empty simplex space by a sequence of simplical collapses.
Let K be a simplex space, and a a maximal element of K. We will call the act
of replacing K by K − a a simplical removal.
We will use the term elementary simplicial reduction to refer to either a simpli-
cal collapse or a simplicial removal. A complete reduction of K is any sequence of
elementary reductions that transforms K into the empty simplex space. In partic-
ular, K is collapsible if and only if there is a complete reduction consisting solely
of simplicial collapses.
Lemma 50. Let K be a simplex space.
(i) If K  = K − α for some maximal d-simplex α, then
B(K  ) ≥ B(K) − 1.
(ii) If K  = K − (Int(α) ∪ Int(β)) is the result of a simplicial collapse, where α
is a maximal d-simplex and β is a free face of α, then
B(K  ) ≥ B(K).
Together, parts (i) and (ii) imply the following theorem.
Theorem 51. Let K be a simplex space. In any complete reduction of K, the
number of simplices which are taken out by a simplicial removal is at least B(K).
Corollary 52. Let K be any simplex space, and V any gradient vector field on K.
Then the number of critical cells of V is at least B(K).
Theorem 50 can be made more precise to include an understanding of how the
individual Bd (K) can change under simplicial collapse and simplicial removal that
is sufficient to imply Theorem 39.
Example 53. We end this section with an example to illustrate that, unlike in the
case of a simplicial complex, a simplicial collapse can increase the Betti numbers of a
simplex space. Let S denote the two-dimensional simplex with vertices label a, b, c.
Let K denote the simplex space consisting of the four faces [a], [a, b], [b, c], [a, b, c].
Then K is collapsible, since one can remove [b, c] and [a, b, c] by one simplicial

collapse, and the remaining two faces with a second simplicial collapse. Thus, all
Betti numbers of K are zero. One the other hand, beginning with K, one can
also remove the faces [a, b] and [a, b, c] by a simplicial collapse, resulting in the
simplex space K  consisting of the faces [a] and [b, c]. One can easily check that
B0 (K  ) = B1 (K  ) = Be (K  ) = Bo (K  ) = 1.

a a

ab ac
ab ac
abc abc

b bc c b bc c

Figure 21. The simplex space K with vanishing Betti numbers collapses to
K  , which has nonzero Betti numbers.

Different algebraic extensions of discrete Morse theory appear in [9],[52] and

[81]. These appoaches are quite similar in spirit to each other, and share some
ideas with the work in this section.

3. Exercises for Lecture 3

(1) In Lecture 2 we constructed a perfect gradient field (i.e. one for which
the Morse inequalities are equalities) on Δ2n , the complex of disconnected
graphs on n vertices. Show that there is a decision tree which induces
such a gradient vector field. (This observation is due to Jonsson, who
found large classes of complexes which have perfect gradient vector fields
which are induced by decision trees.)
(2) Consider the 2-dimensional simplicial complex on 5 vertices whose maxi-
mal simplices are [012], [023], [034], [045], [051], [123], [234], [345], [451],
and [512]. Show that (i) this complex is collapsible and (ii) this complex
is not nonevasive. (This example is due to Björner.)
(3) Returning to the first example in this lecture, prove directly from the
definitions that the total Betti number of the set of bad outcomes is 2.
The Charney-Davis Conjectures

1. Introduction
These notes are intended to be an introduction to the Charney-Davis conjectures
and some of their combinatorial implications. My aim is to provide a stimulating
advertisement for a circle of ideas that is the subject of some fascinating recent
work, most of which creates more questions than answers, and which has shed new
light on some of the central questions in geometric combinatorics. The subject is
a beautiful one, borrowing techniques and ideas from geometry, topology, analysis,
algebra, algebraic geometry and combinatorics. My goal in these lectures is to
present the topological and geometric context of these conjectures (as presented
e.g. in [15],[22]), along with the most recent combinatorial understanding of them
(as in Gal [43] and Brändén[12].) These notes will have been successful if some
readers are inspired to consult these original sources, and to begin thinking about
these conjectures.
The Charney-Davis conjectures, concerned with the relationship between geom-
etry and topology, find their origins, as do most such questions, in the Gauss-Bonnet
Theorem. Recall that the Gauss-Bonnet theorem states that if M is a compact sur-
face with a Riemannian metric, then

χ(M ) = K darea
2π M
where K denotes the Gauss curvature of M . It follows that if K ≤ 0 everywhere,
then χ(M ) ≤ 0.
Hopf conjectured the following generalization.
Conjecture 54. If M is a compact Riemannian manifold of dimension 2n and the
sectional curvature of M is ≤ 0 then (−1)n χ(M ) ≥ 0.
[Recall that if M is an odd-dimensional manifold, then χ(M ) = 0.] This is
not a suitable place for a primer in differential geometry, so we hope it will suffice
to say that the condition that the sectional curvature is nonpositive means that
every two-dimensional “orthogonal slice” of M is a surface of nonpositive Gauss
curvature. This conjecture may seem a bit surprising, and perhaps unintuitive,
at first glance. However, some general considerations point in this direction. Most
notably, one has the following observations.

Proposition 55.
(1) Let M1 and M2 be compact manifolds, then
χ(M1 × M2 ) = χ(M1 )χ(M2 ).
(2) If M1 and M2 are Riemannian manifolds with nonpositive sectional cur-
vature, and M1 × M2 is endowed with the product Riemannian metric,
then M1 × M2 has nonpositive sectional curvature.
Thus, if M1 and M2 are nonpositively curved Riemannian manifolds for which
the conclusion of Hopf’s conjecture holds, then the same is true for M1 ×M2 . In par-
ticular, Hopf’s conjecture holds for any product of arbitrarily many nonpositively
curved surfaces.
Allendoerfer, Fenchel and Weil ([1],[29], [2]), and later Chern ([17]), proved
a higher dimensional version of the Gauss-Bonnet theorem, which, for a compact
Riemannian manifold, has the general form

χ(M ) = R dvol,
where R is a function of the curvature of M and is usually called the Chern-
Gauss-Bonnet integrand. Chern [18] gives a proof (attributed to Milnor) that in
dimension 4, if the sectional curvature is ≤ 0 everywhere, then R ≥ 0. In particular:
Corollary 56. If M is a compact Riemannian 4-manifold with sectional curvature
≤ 0, then χ(M ) ≥ 0.
However, Geroch [44] proved that this approach is insufficient to settle Hopf’s
conjecture in higher dimensions.
Theorem 57. In even dimensions ≥ 6, there exist Riemannian metrics with sec-
tional curvature ≤ 0 such that the Chern-Gauss-Bonnet integrand achieves both
So, in higher dimensions another approach is necessary. Before discussing al-
ternate approaches, and partial results, we will take a detour to discuss some gen-
eralizations and extensions of Hopf’s conjecture. From now on, when we say that
a Riemannian manifold M has nonpositive curvature, we mean that all sectional
curvatures are ≤ 0.
It is a theorem of Cartan and Hadamard that if M n has nonpositive curvature,
then M , the universal cover of M , is diffeomorphic to Rn . A manifold is said to
be aspherical if its universal cover is contractible. Thurston generalized Hopf’s
conjecture to the following
Conjecture 58. Let M 2n be a smooth, compact, aspherical manifold. Then
(−1)n χ(M ) ≥ 0.
This is quite interesting, as the hypothesis has changed from a geometric condition
to one that is purely topological. Our interests, however, lie in a different direction.
Riemannian curvature is expressed in terms of 2nd derivatives of the metric. Thus,
Hopf’s conjecture, as it is usually understood, is a statement about manifolds which
are at least twice differentiable. However, Alexandrov showed how one could speak
of nonpositive curvature for continuous, but nonsmooth, manifolds. Let M be a
complete Riemannian manifold. The Hopf-Rinow theorem states that for any two
points p and q in M , there exists a minimal geodesic from p to q (i.e. a curve γ

from p to q satisfying length(γ) = distance(p, q)). Let x, y and z be three points

, y and z be three points in R2 such that
in M , and x
x, y),
dM (x, y) = dR2 ( x, z),
dM (x, z) = dR2 ( y , z).
and dM (y, z) = dR2 (
(Such x, y and z always exist.) Let γ be a minimal geodesic from y to z, and  γ the
straight line from y to z. Since |γ| = |
γ | there is a natural identification between
points in γ and points in γ . In [3] Alexandrov proves the following result.
Theorem 59.
(1) If M is simply-connected and has nonpositive curvature, then for any point
p in γ, if p̃ is the corresponding point in γ̃, we have
dM (x, p) ≤ dR2 (x̃, p̃).
(2) If M is not simply-connected then the above inequality is still true if one
restricts to triples x, y and z which are sufficiently close to one another.
(3) The converse is also true: If the above inequality holds for all sufficiently
close x, y and z then M has nonpositive curvature.
Alexandrov’s theorem shows that the property of nonpositive curvature is equivalent
to a property which can be expressed in terms of the distance function without
reference to any derivatives. Hence we can use this theorem to make sense of the
notion of nonpositive curvature for spaces without a smooth structure. By replacing
R2 with other constant curvature surfaces, we can also make sense of the notion of
having curvature bounded above by any real number. While a smooth structure
is not necessary, this approach does require the existence of geodesics, so we must
restrict attention to spaces for which this notion makes sense.
Definition 60. Let M be a metric space.
(1) Let x and y be two points in M and d = dist(x, y). Then a (minimal)
geodesic between x and y is an isometry γ : [0, d] → M with γ(0) = x and
γ(d) = y.
(2) M is said to be a length space (or a geodesic space) if every pair of points
can be joined by a geodesic.
Motivated by Alexandrov’s theorem, a length space M is said to be CAT(0) (C
for Comparison or Cartan, A for Alexandrov, and T for Toponogov, who proved
related comparison theorems) if the following condition holds: For any three points
, y and z be three points in R2 such that
x, y and z in M , let x
x, y),
dM (x, y) = dR2 ( x, z),
dM (x, z) = dR2 ( y , z).
and dM (y, z) = dR2 (

Let γ be any minimal geodesic from y to z, and γ the straight line from y to z.
Let p be any point in γ, and p the corresponding point in 
γ . Then we require, for
all choices of x, y, z, γ and p that
dM (x, p) ≤ dR2 (
x, p).
Some basic facts about CAT(0) spaces are left as exercises (see the end of this
Parts (2) and (3) of Theorem 59 lead to the following definition (which first
appeared, along with many far-reaching implications and applications of this idea,
in [48]).
Definition 61. Say a length space M is nonpositively curved (NP) if the CAT(0)
inequality is true for all sufficiently close triples x, p, q.

The basic relationship between these notions is the following.

Theorem 62. M is CAT (0) if and only if M is simply connected and nonpositively
We now specialize to a subclass of length spaces, namely polyhedra. A poly-
hedron is defined by a set {p1 , p2 , p3 , . . . } of convex polytopes together with a
collection of isometric identifications of some faces of the polytopes. Quotienting
out by these identifications yields a topological space M which has a given cell
decomposition. We require that in the resulting space, if two polytopes meet, they
do so along a face of each. In these notes we also require that there be a uniform
upper bound on the diameter of the polytopes, and that the resulting cell complex
be locally finite.
It is useful now to introduce the notion of the link of a vertex. Let M be a
polyhedron, and v a vertex of M. For any
, let S(v,
) denote the points in M which
lie in a polytope incident to v and whose distance from v is precisely
. For
enough, S(v,
) is a topological space with an induced cell decomposition which is,
up to isomorphism, independent of
. This space, along with its cell decomposition,
is defined to be the link of v, and is denoted by link(v). If M has the property
that the link of every vertex is a combinatorial sphere (i.e. it has a subdivision
isomorphic to a subdivision of the boundary complex of a simplex), then M is a
manifold. In this case we call M a piecewise Euclidean manifold (or PE manifold).
It will be important later that the link of each vertex comes also with a nat-
ural geometry. If
is the radius of S, we can normalize the metric on S ∩ M by
multiplying by 1/
, so that the cells of S ∩ M are now convex cells from a sphere
of radius 1. When we speak of distances and lengths on link(v), it is always with
respect to this spherical geometry.
For any polyhedron M there is a natural notion of arc-length for curves in
M , induced by the Euclidean structure in each polytope. We can then define the
distance between two points in M to be the infimum of the length of the curves
connecting the two points.
Theorem 63. Any polyhedron with arclength and distance defined as above is a
length space.
Thus, using Definition 61, we can speak of a polyhedron having nonpositive
curvature. We can now state the first conjecture of Charney and Davis, which is a
direct analogue of Hopf’s conjecture.
Conjecture 64. If M is a nonpositively curved compact PE manifold of dimension
2n, then (−1)n χ(M ) ≥ 0.
(This conjecture, and all of the other conjectures presented in this section first
appeared in [15], and the reader should certainly consult that paper for a more
complete discussion, as well as some initial evidence for the conjectures.) Since
the first positive steps towards the Hopf conjecture were proved using the general-
ized Gauss-Bonnet theorem, it seems reasonable to begin our examination of the
Charney-Davis conjecture with a similar approach. Let us begin with the case of a
PE surface. Let M be a PE surface, and v a vertex of M. Let

(6) k(v) = 1 − angle(f, v),
f >v

where the sum is over all faces f which contain v, and angle(f, v) ∈ [0, 1] denotes
the normalized interior angle of f at v, i.e. the usual angle (in radians) divided by
2π. Then one can check in a straightforward manner the following very classical

(7) χ(M ) = k(v).
The relationship between the previous discussion and the current topic is provided
by the following lemma.
Lemma 65. A PE surface M is nonpositively curved if and only if k(v) ≤ 0 for
each vertex v.
The Charney-Davis conjecture, in the case of PE surfaces, follows immediately.

This discussion was generalized to higher dimensions by Banchoff [8]. Let M

be a polyhedron and v a vertex of M. Define
(8) k(v) = (−1)i [v, α]
i=0 {α(i) >v}

where {α(i) > v} denotes the set of i-dimensional cells of M which contain v, and
[v, α] denotes the normalized exterior angle of α at v. That is, [v, α] is the fraction
of the sphere consisting of outward pointing normals to supporting hyperplanes of
α at v. Equivalently, [v, α] is the fraction of linear functions on α which achieve
their maximum at v. Banchoff proved the following generalization of (7).
Theorem 66. If M is a polyhedron, then

(9) χ(M ) = k(v).
Recall that the local approach that was sufficient to prove Hopf’s theorem
in dimensions 2 and 4 is not sufficient in higher directions. Charney and Davis,
perhaps somewhat surprisingly, conjecture that the corresponding local approach
to their conjecture works in all dimensions.
Conjecture 67. Let M be a PE manifold of dimension 2n. If M is nonpositively
curved, then for every vertex of M
(−1)n k(v) ≥ 0.
The function k(v) can, in a straightforward way, be written in terms of the link
of v with its natural geometry as a complex of spherical cells. Let  k denote this
function, so that
k(v) = k(link(v)).
The next step is to determine which simplicial complexes can arise as links of
vertices in nonpositively curved PE manifolds. Roughly speaking, a Riemannian
manifold has nonpositive curvature if and only if the boundary of each small metric
ball is larger, in some sense, than the corresponding Euclidean sphere. Something
similar is true for PE manifolds. That is, a PE manifold is nonpositively curved
if the link is larger, in a precise sense, than a standard sphere of radius 1. More
precisely, say that a complex L of spherical cells is large if for every pair of points
x and y in L, with dist(x, y) < π, there is a unique geodesic connecting them. The
following is a theorem of Gromov [48].

Theorem 68. A PE manifold M is nonpositively curved if and only if the link of

every vertex is large.
The strongest version (from this point of view) of the Conjecture 67 can now
be stated.
Conjecture 69. Let L be a spherical complex (i.e. a cell complex in which each cell
has the geometry of a convex cell in a sphere of radius 1) which is homeomorphic
to a sphere of dimension 2n − 1. If L is large, then
k(L) ≥ 0.
Note that this is a more general conjecture that what is needed, as our original
setting required consideration only of combinatorial spheres (a more restrictive class
than all topological spheres). However, it does not seem constructive at this point
to quibble over such distinctions, since it is not at all clear what the right context
is for this conjecture. Moreover, in just a moment we will weaken this hypothesis
even further.
For the remainder of these notes, we will restrict attention to the case in which
M is a cubical complex (i.e. all of the polytopal cells in M are geometric cubes).
In this case, the links have a very special structure, namely every edge of each of
the spherical simplices has length π/2. One can easily see that for each α(i) > v,
we have [v, α] = (1/2)i . Since each such α corresponds to an (i − 1) simplex in the
link of v, we have the formula

 −1 i+1
k(L) = 1 + fi (L),

where fi (L) denotes the number of i-simplices in L. Gromov showed that there is
a simple combinatorial test for whether such a link is large.
Definition 70. Say that a simplicial complex L is flag if every clique spans a
simplex. That is, is v1 , v2 , . . . , vk are vertices in L, and they are all pairwise
adjacent, then they span a simplex.
Theorem 71. A cubical PE manifold is nonpositively curved if and only if the link
of every vertex is flag.
Thus, in this case, Conjecture 69 implies the following statement.
Conjecture 72. Let L be a simplicial complex which is homeomorphic to a sphere
of dimension 2n − 1. If L is flag, then (−1)n 
k(L) ≥ 0, where 
k(L) is given by the
formula (10
This conjecture is very combinatorial in nature, but still has one topological,
noncombinatorial, ingredient, namely the hypothesis that L be homeomorphic to a
sphere. There is a natural generalization of triangulated spheres which has a more
combinatorial flavor. A Gorenstein* complex (or a generalized homology sphere)
is a simplicial complex with the property that, for every p ≥ 0, the link of every
p-simplex has the homology of an (n − p − 1)-sphere. If L is a simplicial complex
which is homeomorphic to an n-sphere, or, more generally, any homology n-sphere,
then L is Gorenstein*. Thus, to place these ideas in a more combinatorial setting,
it is natural to consider the following generalization of Conjecture 72.

Conjecture 73. Let L be a (2n − 1)-dimensional Gorenstein* complex. If, in

addition, L is flag, then (−1)n 
k(L) ≥ 0, where 
k(L) is given by the formula (10).
It is not at all surprising that this conjecture, which is stated completely in
combinatorial terms, has received the most attention from the combinatorics com-
munity. We will discuss the connections with other combinatorial notions in Section
3. For now we note that this conjecture, or Conjecture 72, implies Conjecture 64 for
cubical complexes. It is a simple, but still rather surprising, fact that the converse is
true. The following result is due to Babson-Billera-Chan [5] and Bridson-Haefliger
Theorem 74. Let L be any simplicial complex. Then there is a finite cubical
polyhedron M with the property that the link of every vertex of M is isomorphic to
Proof. Let V denote the vertex set of L. Consider the cube C = [0, 1]V ⊂ RV
endowed with its standard cubical cell decomposition. We will find M as a sub-
complex of C. For every simplex σ of L, let Rσ denote the linear subspace of RV
traced out by varying the coordinates corresponding to vertices in σ. Let M be
the union of all faces of C which are parallel to some Rσ , for some simplex σ of
L. Then the vertices of M are the vertices of C, and the link of every vertex is
isomorphic to L. 
Applying this result to the case when L is a combinatorial sphere yields a
cubical PE manifold M. If, in addition, L is flag, it follows from Theorem 71 that
M is nonpositively curved.
Corollary 75. The Charney-Davis Conjecture 64 is true for cubical nonpositively
curved PE manifolds if and only if Conjecture 72 is true for combinatorial spheres.

2. Exercises for Lecture 4

(1) Prove that if M is a CAT(0) space then
(a) For any points p and q ∈ M , there is a unique minimal geodesic from
p to q.
(b) M is contractible.
(2) Prove the formula (7) for any triangulated surface M .
(3) Prove the formula (9) for any finite polyhedron M .
(4) Show that the formula (8) specializes to (6) in the case of a triangulated
(5) (a) Show that the barycentric subdivision of any polyhedron (in fact any
CW complex) is flag.
(b) Show that the join of any two flag simplicial complexes is flag.
(c) Show that if L is a flag simplicial complex and v is any vertex of L,
then link(v) and star(v) are both flag.
(6) Let L1 and L2 be simplicial spheres of dimension 2n1 − 1 and 2n2 − 1,
respectively, which satisfy the conjectured inequality (−1)ni  k(Li ) ≥ 0
and are flag. Show that L1 ∗ L2 , the join of L1 and L2 , also satisfies the
conjectured inequality.
From Analysis to Combinatorics

1. Hodge Theory and the Hopf-Charney-Davis Conjectures

In this section we present an overview of some of the beautiful analytical ideas that
have been used to study the Hopf-Charney-Davis conjectures. Hodge theory is one
of the standard ways of investigating the homological implications of geometric
information, so it should not be too surprising that it has played a central role in
this subject. To date, the most substantial partial results towards the Hopf and
Charney-Davis conjectures have been proved using some variation of the Hodge
theoretic approach we present here. To avoid some technical details, we will present
the ideas in the combinatorial category. However, everything in this section can,
with suitable care, be applied in the Riemannian setting.

Let X be a finite CW complex, and let C p (X) denote the space of real-valued
p-cochains on X. Let
dp : C p (X) → C p+1 (X)
denote the usual coboundary operator. Then d2 = 0, and the singular cohomology
of X, H ∗ (X, R), is isomorphic to the cohomology of the cochain complex
d d
C ∗ (X) : 0 −−−−→ C 0 (X) −−−0−→ C 1 (X) −−−1−→ C 2 (X) −−−−→ · · ·
That is
Ker dp
H p (X, R) ∼
= .
Im dp−1
Now endow each C p (X) with a (positive definite) inner product by declaring the
canonical basis to be orthonormal. More explicitly, for each p, let Sp (X) denote
the set of p-cells in X. Choose an orientation for each element in Sp (X). Then for
α and β in C p (X) set

(11) α, β = α(y)β(y).
y∈Sp (x)

Note that this inner product is independent of the chosen orientations.

Let d∗p denote the adjoint of the operator dp . That is,
d∗p : C p+1 (X) −→ C p (X)

is the unique map satisfying

dp α, β = α, d∗p β
for every p-cochain α and (p + 1)-cochain β.
Define, for each p, the (combinatorial) Laplace operator
p := dp−1 d∗p−1 + d∗p dp : C p (X) −→ C p (X).
There is much that can be said about this fascinating operator but for us, the main
point is the following.
Theorem 76. For each p
Ker(p ) ∼
= H p (X).
Proof. Using basic linear algebra, and the fact that Ker(dp ) ⊃ Im(dp−1 ), we have
Ker(dp )
H p (X) ∼
Im(dp−1 )

= Ker dp ∩ (Im dp−1 )⊥

= Ker dp ∩ Ker d∗p−1
= Ker(p ).
The last equality follows from the observation that if α ∈ Ker(p ), then
0 = p α, α = |d∗p−1 α|2 + |dp α|2 ,
so that
α ∈ Ker dp ∩ Ker d∗p−1 .

Cochains in the kernel of p are called harmonic. We will denote the space of
harmonic p-cochains in X by Hp (X).
So far, in this section, we have been considering the case of a finite CW complex.
How do things change in the case of an infinite complex? Of particular interest to
us is the case of the universal cover of a finite complex. With that in mind, let Y
denote an infinite CW complex that is the covering space of some finite complex.
Let us take a look at Hodge theory on Y . Let
d d
C ∗ (Y ) : 0 −−−−→ C 0 (Y ) −−−0−→ C 1 (Y ) −−−1−→ C 2 (Y ) −−−−→ · · ·
denote the cochain complex of Y . Hodge theory requires inner products. We quickly
realize that the standard formula (11) does not yield a well-defined inner product
in the infinite setting. There are various possible ways to proceed. However, if one
desires to work with Hilbert spaces, there is a natural choice. Let C2p (Y ) denote
the L2 p -cochains on Y . That is, if Sp (Y ) denotes the set of p-cells in Y , each
endowed with an orientation, then

C2p (Y ) = {α ∈ C p (Y ) s.t. (α(y))2 < ∞}.
y∈Sp (Y )

Then C2p (Y ) is a Hilbert space with respect to the inner product

α, β = α(y)β(y).
y∈Sp (y)

The next step is to replace the standard cochain complex on Y by the complex of
L2 cochains. To do this, one requires the following lemma.
Lemma 77. dp (C2p (Y )) ⊂ C2p+1 (Y ).
The proof is left as an exercise. (See Exercise 1 at the end of this lecture.)
Now consider the L2 cochain complex
d d
C2∗ (Y ) : 0 −−−−→ C20 (Y ) −−−0−→ C21 (Y ) −−−1−→ C22 (Y ) −−−−→ · · · .
One might wish to proceed by defining the L2 -cohomology of Y by the usual formula
Ker(dp : C2p (Y ) → C2p+1 (Y ))
Im(dp−1 : C2p−1 (Y ) → C2p (Y ))
This is certainly possible (this is called the unreduced L2 cohomology). However,
it does lead to certain difficulties, since Im dp−1 need not be a closed subspace of
Ker dp , and hence the quotient need not inherit the structure of a Hilbert space.
With that in mind, we define the L2 cohomology of Y to be
Ker(dp )
H2p (Y ) :=
Im(dp−1 )
where Im(dp−1 ) indicates that we take the closure of Im(dp−1 ) in Ker(dp ). (This
quotient is sometimes called the reduced L2 -cohomology.)
Following the same procedure as before, we can construct the adjoint operator
d∗ C2p (Y ) → C2p−1 (Y ) (see exercise 1 at the end of this section), and the Laplace
p2 : C2p (Y ) −→ C2p (Y ).
Let H2p (Y ) denote the kernel of the operator p2 . The proof of Theorem 76, applied
in this setting, yields the following result.
Theorem 78. H2p (Y ) ∼ p
= H2 (Y ).
Now let X be a finite CW complex. We define the pth Betti number of X to
be the dimension of H p (X), and denote this number by bp (X). From Theorem 76
we know that
bp (X) = dim Hp (X).
Let π p : C p (x) → Hp (x) denote the orthogonal projection. Then we can also write
bp (X) = trace(π p ).
A useful way to calculate the trace of an operator is to express the operator as
a matrix with respect to some basis, and then to take the sum of the diagonal
elements of the matrix. Let us carry out this procedure here, and represent π p as
a matrix with respect to the standard basis for the cochain space. Let α1 , . . . , αk
denote an orthogonal basis for Hp (X) (so that k = bp (X)). Then we can write

πp = αi ⊗ α∗i

where α∗i : C (X) → R is the map that takes β to β, αi . The function

K p : Sp (X) × Sp (X) −→ R

given by

K p (x, y) = αi (x)αi (y)
is a matrix for the operator π p , in the sense that for any β ∈ C p (X), and any
x ∈ Sp (X),
⎛ ⎞

[π p (β)](x) = αi (x)β, αi  = αi (x) ⎝ αi (y)β(y)⎠
i=1 i=1 y∈Sp (X)
= αi (x)αi (y) β(y) = K p (x, y)β(y).
y i=1 y

It follows that 
bp (X) = trace(π p ) = K p (x, x)
x∈Sp (X)

(This identity can easily be proved directly, without the preceeding discussion.)
The function

K p (x, x) = α2i (x)

is sometimes called the pth local Betti number (as its integral gives the pth Betti
number). We chose an orthonormal basis for the space of harmonic cochains on
order to define this function, but one can easily check that it is independent of the
Now let us consider again the case of an infinite CW complex Y which has an
action by a group G, such that Y /G is finite. In this case, if H2p (Y ) = 0, then it is
necessarily infinite-dimensional. Still, much of the previous discussion makes sense
in this setting. That is, one can define the orthogonal projection
π p : C2p (Y ) → H2p (Y ).
While the trace of this operator is not defined, we can still construct a kernel
K p (x, y), x, y ∈ Sp (Y ), given by

K p (x, y) = αi (x)αi (y)

where {αi } is an orthonormal basis for Hp (Y ). Just as for the finite complex, we
can restrict  this operator to the diagonal and consider the pth local Betti number
K (x, x) = i α2i (x), x ∈ Sp (Y ). Summing these entries, however, yields an infinite

result. At this point, we use the extra information we have, namely the fact that
everything is invariant under the action of the group G. Let Sp∗ (Y ) ⊂ Sp (Y ) denote
a set of p-cells of Y containing exactly one p-cell from each G-orbit in Sp (Y ). Then
Sp∗ (Y ) is a finite set, and the values K p (x, x) for x ∈ Sp∗ (Y ) determine K p (x, x) for
all x.
With that in mind, define the G-trace of π p , denoted by τG (π p ) to be the result
of summing K p (x, x) over x ∈ Sp∗ (Y ). That is

τG (π p ) = K p (x, x) ∈ [0, ∞).
x∈Sp∗ (Y )

(The G-trace, denoted by τG , of any G-equivariant operator on C2p (Y ) can be

defined by the same procedure.) We will denote the number τG (π p ) by bpG (Y ), and
call it the pth L2 -Betti number of Y . One simple, but essential observation, is that
bpG (Y ) = 0 if and only if H2p (Y ) = 0. The definition of bpG (Y ) may seem a bit ad
hoc. However, the reader can consult [4] to see how this definition results from
natural notions in the study of operator algebras. In that context, bpG (Y ) is the von
Neumann trace of the operator π p : C2p (Y ) → H2p (Y ).

Now let us restrict attention to the case in which X  is the universal cover of
a finite CW complex X, and we take the group G to be the fundamental group of
X, acting freely on X in the usual way. In this setting, Dodziuk proved that the
L -Betti numbers of X  computed combinatorially from a cell decomposition are
equal to those calculated from the Riemannian Laplacian, and that these numbers
are homotopy invariants of X [23]. For our purposes, the main property of the
L2 -Betti numbers of X is the following result of Atiyah [4].

Theorem 79. Let X  be the universal cover of a finite CW complex X, and take
the group G to be the fundamental group of X. Then

(12) χ(X) = 
(−1)i bpG (X).
Thus, L -Betti numbers are another tool at our disposal for investigating the Euler
characteristic. It may not be clear how one could use this new information to inves-
tigate the Hopf-Charney-Davis conjectures, but a link is provided by the following
beautiful conjecture of Singer.
 the universal
Conjecture 80. Let X be a compact aspherical n-manifold, and X
 = 0.
cover of X. Then for all p = n/2, H2p (X)
Applying Theorem 79, we see that Singer’s conjecture immediately implies the
Hopf conjecture (as generalized by Thurston, Conjecture 58). While the Hopf con-
jecture is trivial for odd dimensional manifolds, Singer’s conjecture is not. Singer’s
conjecture can quite easily be shown to be true for surfaces (it follows from the
fact that there are no L2 harmonic functions on a complete Riemannian mani-
fold of infinite volume). It has also been shown to hold for 3-manifolds for which
Thurston’s geometrization conjecture is true [66], locally symmetric spaces [24],
negatively curved Kähler manifolds [49], manifolds with sufficiently pinched neg-
ative curvature [26], aspherical manifolds whose fundamental group contains an
infinite amenable normal subgroup [16], and manifolds which fiber over S 1 [67].
It is quite natural to guess that Singer’s conjecture also holds for suitable
piecewise Euclidean manifolds. The following conjecture, along with a series of
related conjectures, appears in Section 8 of [22].
Conjecture 81. Let X be a compact nonpositively curved P E manifold of dimen-
 be the universal cover of X. Then for all p = n/2, Hp (X)
sion n, and let X  = 0.

This conjecture implies the Charney-Davis conjecture 64. In [22], Davis and
Okun used this circle of ideas to establish Conjecture 72 for 3-dimensional flag
simplicial spheres (and somewhat more generally).
Theorem 82. Let L be any flag simplicial 3-sphere, then 
k(L) ≥ 0, where 
k is as
in (10).

Very roughly speaking, for any flag simplicial 3-sphere, a special nonpositively
curved 4-dimensional cubical PE manifold M is constructed (using the structure of
right-angled Coxeter groups) which has the properties that the link of every vertex
is identified with L, and Singer’s conjecture can be shown to hold for M . This is
a wonderful result, requiring a lot of hard work, and Davis and Okun introduce
some powerful new ideas into the subject. The reader is strongly encouraged to
consult their paper. Following the discussion in Section 1, Theorem 82 implies the
following general result.
Theorem 83. If X is any finite nonpositively curved cubical PE manifold of di-
mension 4, then χ(X) ≥ 0.

2. The Charney-Davis Conjecture and the h-vector

In this section we focus attention on Conjectures 72 and 73, and show that they
reside quite naturally in the well-developed circle of ideas surrounding the inves-
tigation of f -vectors of simplicial complexes. In (10) the formula for the relevant
function k(L) is given in terms of the f -numbers of L. In a number of settings,
especially those related to commutative algebra and toric varieties, it has proved
very useful to study certain special linear combinations of the f -numbers, called the
h-numbers. In [15] Charney and Davis observe that Conjectures 72 and 73 can be
restated in a very nice way in terms of the h-numbers. For any finite n-dimensional
simplicial complex K, define the f -polynomial of  K to be the generating function
of the f -numbers. More explicitly, set f (K, t) = i=0 fi−1 (K)ti ,where we define
f−1 to be 1. Define the h-polynomial of K, h(K, t) = i=0 hi (K)ti , by the formula
(13) h(K, t) = (1 − t)n+1 f (K, ).
(We will often write h(t) for h(K, t) if it will not cause any confusion.) It follows
immediately from (10) and (13) that for any n-dimensional simplicial complex K,
h(K, −1) = 2n+1 
Hence, we can now restate Conjecture 73 as
Conjecture 84. If K is any simplicial Gorenstein* (2n − 1)-complex which is flag,
then (−1)n h(K, −1) ≥ 0.
In this form, the conjecture can more easily be compared to other conjectures
and results concerning the h-vectors of simplicial spheres and related spaces. One
advantage of the h-polynomial is that it is quite easy to state the Dehn-Somerville
relations. Say that K is Eulerian if the link of every i-simplex, i ≥ −1, has the
same Euler characteristic as a sphere of dimension n − i − 1, so that, in particular,
every Gorenstein* complex, and thus every triangulated sphere, is Eulerian. If K
is Eulerian, then
(14) h(t) = tn+1 h(t−1 ),
(equivalently, hi = hn+1−i for each i).
An n-dimensional simplicial complex is said to be Cohen-Macaulay if for every i
the link of every i-simplex has nonzero reduced homology only in dimension n−i−1.
So, for example, every Gorenstein* complex, and thus every triangulated sphere,

is Cohen-Macaulay. It can be shown using algebraic methods that if K is Cohen-

Macaulay, then all of the coefficients of the h-polynomial are nonnegative (see
Corollary II.3.2 of [90]).
To every rational polytope P that is simple (i.e. its boundary complex is dual
to a simplicial complex – and every such polytope can be perturbed slightly to be
rational), one can associate a toric variety XP in a natural way (e.g. see [42] [19]).
Danilov [19] showed that for each i, b2i (XP ), the 2ith Betti number of XP is equal
to hi (P ). This, and related indentities, has proved to be an immensely powerful
source of information about the h-polynomial, as well as a new inspiration for the
study of toric varieties.
For example, in [61] Reiner and Leung proved that if K is the boundary com-
plex of a simple 2n-polytope, then h(K, −1) is equal to the signature of an asso-
ciated toric variety. They were able to then show, using the Hirzebruch signature
formula that if such a complex K satisfies a certain local convexity property (which
is stronger than flag) then (−1)n h(K, −1) ≥ 0. Probably the most striking appli-
cation of toric techniques is Stanley’s proof of Theorem 87, stated below.
From another direction, special tools are available for simplicial complexes
which arise as the order complex of a poset. For example, the following result
is due to Babson.
Theorem 85. If K is the the boundary complex of a simplicial 2n-polytope, and is
the order complex of a poset, then (−1)n h(K, −1) ≥ 0.
Note that (i) the order complex of a poset is always flag and (ii) the barycentric
subdivision of any simplicial complex is the order complex of a poset. Therefore
this theorem implies the Charney-Davis conjecture for the barycentric subdivision
of the boundary complex of any 2n-dimensional simplicial polytope.
We can give an outline of the proof. For Eulerian n-dimensional order com-
plexes, it has proved very useful to introduce a refinement of the h-vector, known as
the cd-index, a homogeneous polynomial of degree n, ΦK (c, d) in two noncommut-
ing variables (where d is considered to have degree 2). For any (2n − 1)-dimensional
Eulerian complex K which is the order complex of a poset, Babson observed that
we have the relationship
ΦK (0, −2) = h(K, −1),
and ΦK (0, −2) is equal to (−2)n times the coefficient of dn of a polytope, then all
coefficients of the cd-index are nonnegative [89], so the result follows.
Stanley has made the following conjecture.
Conjecture 86. If K is a Gorenstein* order complex, then every coefficient of the
cd-index is nonegative.
By Babson’s argument, this would imply Conjecture 73 for any Gorenstein* com-
plex which is the order complex of a poset. We note that the barycentric subdivision
of any Gorenstein* complex is Gorenstein* and is the order complex of a poset.1
The Charney-Davis conjecture is related to some of the central conjectures in
the subject. For example, consider the Generalized Lower Bound Theorem (GLBT)
of Stanley (proved with toric methods [88], and then later reproved by McMullen
using only ingredients from convex geometry [69][70]) .
1After this lecture was delivered, the preprint by K. Karu, The cd-index of fans and lattices,
math.AG/0410513, appeared in which Karu claims to prove this conjecture. See also his follow-
up preprint Lefschetz decomposition and the cd-index of fans, math.AG/0509220.

Theorem 87. If K is an n-dimensional simplicial complex which is the boundary

of an (n + 1)-polytope, then the h-numbers of K are unimodal. That is
h0 (K) ≤ h1 (K) ≤ · · · ≤ h n+1 (K).

These are the most general linear inequalities satisfied by the f -vectors of sim-
plicial polytopes. One of the central open problems in the study of f -vectors is
to determine precisely for which simplicial complexes the conclusion of the GLBT
holds. For example, does it hold for all Gorenstein* complexes (this is sometimes
called the Generalized Lower Bound Conjecture), or all triangulated spheres, or
all PL spheres? Independently, Kalai and Stanley have shown that the conclusion
holds for the boundary complex of any triangulated (n + 1)-ball which appears as a
subcomplex of a simplicial (n + 1)-polytope, but it is not clear which spheres arise
in this way. This unimodality property has some relation to the Charney-Davis
Theorem 88. Let K be a Gorenstein* complex of dimension 2n − 1. Suppose that
h(K, t) only real roots. Then the following two conclusions hold.
(1) the h-numbers of K are unimodal, i.e. the conclusion of the GLBT holds;
(2) (−1)n h(K, −1) ≥ 0.
While we have stated this result in terms of h-polynomials of simplicial complexes,
this theorem is really just a statement about polynomials with real coefficients
satisfying a symmetry relation as in (14). Part two of this theorem is due to Charney
and Davis (see Lemma 7.5 of [15]). In fact, they prove the stronger statement that
the conclusion holds as long as h(K, t) has no nonreal roots of modulus 1. The first
part of this theorem is due to Isaac Newton!
With this theorem in mind, it is natural to make the following Real Root Con-
jecture (apparently due originally to Januzkiewicz, see [20]).
Conjecture 89. For any Gorenstein* complex K which is flag, h(K, t) has only
real roots.
In [75], Reiner and Welker consider these questions for the order complex of a
graded poset P . This special case of the real root conjecture was formulated earlier,
and is known as the Neggers-Stanley conjecture. Without proving the Neggers-
Stanley conjecture, they are able to prove the implications of this conjecture. More
precisely, they construct a simplicial polytope with the same h-polynomial as the
order complex of P , and thus the unimodality of the h numbers of the order complex
follows from Theorem 87. By other means (using the results of [61]) they establish
the Charney-Davis conjecture for KP for graded posets of width 2.
More recently, Brändén [12] has proved the Charney-Davis conjecture for KP ,
as well as the unimodality of the h-numbers, for any graded poset P . That is, he
establishes both conclusions of Theorem 88 for such complexes. He does not do this
by proving that the h-polynomial has real roots, however. Let us take a moment to
discuss Brändén’s approach, an approach that was also presented, independently,
in the recent work of Gal [43]. We know from the Dehn-Sommerville relations (14)
that the h-polynomial of any Eulerian complex of dimension 2n − 1 satisfies the

h(t) = t2n h(t−1 ).

The polynomials

pi (t) = ti (1 + t)2n−2i , i = 0, 1, 2, . . . , n
form a basis for the vector space of polynomials of degree 2n with this symmetry.
Thus, for any Eulerian complex K of dimension 2n we can write

(15) h(K, t) = ai (K)pi (t).

and the ai (K)’s are uniquely determined by this identity. We can make two simple
observations. First, we see that

1 = h(K, 0) = a0 (K).
Second, we see that

(16) h(K, −1) = (−1)n an (K).

Both Brändén and Gal make the following observation.
Theorem 90. Let K be an Eulerian complex of dimension 2n − 1. Suppose that
ai (K) ≥ 0 for each i = 0, 1, . . . , n. Then
(i) the h-numbers of K are unimodal (i.e. the conclusion of the GLBT holds),
(ii) (−1)n h(K, −1) ≥ 0.
Note that (i) follows immediately from (15) and the observation that the coefficients
of each of the pi ’s is unimodal, and (ii) from (16).
In [12], Brändén establishes the nonnegativity of the ai (K)’s for the order
complex of any graded poset, and hence he established the unimodality of the h-
polynomial and the Charney-Davis conjecture for such complexes. In [43] Gal
filled in more of the picture. In particular, he proved
Theorem 91. (i) The real root conjecture is true for spheres up to dimension 4.
(This follows from the results of Davis and Okun.)
(ii) The real root conjecture is false in all dimensions ≥ 5, and counterexamples
are found among boundary complexes of simplicial polytopes.
This certainly seems to put an end to the idea of using Theorem 88 to prove both
the Charney-Davis conjecture, and the Generalized Lower Bound Conjectures. In
[43], Gal turns his attention to Theorem 90 and (in a slightly different notation)
makes the following conjecture.
Conjecture 92. If K is a Gorenstein* complex which is flag, then for all i,
ai (K) ≥ 0.
From Theorem 90 we see that this conjecture implies Conjecture 73. Moreover, Gal
shows that his conjecture is weaker than the real root conjecture.
Theorem 93. Let K be a Gorenstein* complex of dimension 2n − 1. Suppose that
h(K, t) has only real roots. Then for all i, ai (K) ≥ 0.

Proof. Let γ(K, t) denote the generating function of the ai ’s. That is

γ(K, t) = ai (K)ti .

One can easily check the following relation.

(17) (1 + t)2n γ(K, ) = h(K, t).
(1 + t)2
Assume that all of the roots of h(K, t) are real. Since the coefficients of h(K, t) are
all nonnegative and h(K, 0) = 1, the roots must all be negative. It follows from
(17) that the roots of γ(K, t) occur either when t = −1 or at places when t/(1 + t)2
is real and negative, which implies that t is real and negative. Since the roots are
real, we can apply Isaac Newton’s result Theorem 88 (1) to deduce that the ai (K)’s
are unimodal. We also know that γ(K, 0) = a0 (K) = 1. Since all of the roots are
negative, it follows that the coefficient an (K) of the highest order term is ≥ 0, and
now, by the unimodality, it follows that all of the coefficients are ≥ 0. 
As evidence for Conjecture 92, Gal shows that for a flag Gorenstein* complex,
the coefficient of t in γ is nonnegative. This is equivalent to the statement that a
flag complex simplicial sphere of dimension n has at least 2(n + 1) vertices (with
equality only for the boundary complex of a cross polytope). The other coeffi-
cients remain quite mysterious. Much work remains to be done, to discover the
geometric/topological meaning behind these numbers, and to begin to assess the
truth of this new conjecture. At present, based on the evidence presented here,
there is every reason to believe that with Conjecture 92 we have found the right
formulation of the problem.

3. Exercises for Lecture 5

Exercises for Section 1 of Lecture 5.
(1) Let Y be an infinite CW complex which is a covering space of a finite CW
(a) Show that d(C2p (Y )) ⊂ C2p+1 (Y ), and, moreover, that d is a bounded
operator. That is, there is a constant c so that for any α ∈ C2p (Y ),
|dα| ≤ c|dα|.
(b) Prove that one can define an adjoint operator d∗ : C2p+1 (Y ) → C2p (Y ),
and that this operator is also bounded.
(2) Let X be a finite polyhedron. Let cd denote the number of d-cells for each
d. The goal in this problem is to prove that
(−1)p dim Hp (M ) = (−1)p cp .
p p
Of course, using Theorem 76 this is just the standard formula for the
Euler characteristic, but we have something else in mind. For t ∈ [0, ∞),
(−1)p trace(e−t  ),
I(t) =

where  : C (X) → C (X) is the Laplace operator, and e−t  is defined

p p p

by a power series expansion.


[The operator e−t  is the unique solution to the differential equation on


the space of operators on C p (X)

L(t) = −p L(t), L(0) = I,
where I denotes the identity map on C p (X), and this characterization,
alternate definition for e−t  .]
can be used to give an 
(a) Show that I(0) = p (−1) cp .

(b) Show that limt→∞ I(t) = p (−1)p dim Hp (M ).
(c) Show that d/dt I(t) = 0 for all t ∈ [0, ∞).
(3) Let us use the approach from exercise 2 to prove Theorem 79. In this case,
let X be a finite polyhedron, Y the universal cover, and G the fundamental
group of X. Define

(−1)p τG (e−t  ),
I(t) =

where  :p
C2p (Y)→ C2p (Y
) is the Laplace operator on Y . Show that
(a) I(0) is the left hand side of (12) and limt→∞ I(t) is the right hand
side of (12).
(b) d/dt I(t) = 0 for all t ∈ [0, ∞).
(4) Show that if Y is an infinite polyhedron, then H20 (Y ) = 0.
(5) Let Y denote the real line given the structure of an infinite polyhedron
by placing a vertex at each integer point. What is the (reduced) L2 -
cohomology of Y ? What is the unreduced L2 -cohomology of Y ?
Exercises for Section 2 of Lecture 5.
(1) The best exercise is to calculate f (t), h(t), and γ(t) for your favorite
Eulerian complexes. Start with simple complexes, and then keep going.
(2) If you have never done this before: Prove the Dehn-Somerville relations
(14) for any Eulerian complex.
(3) Prove identity (17).
(4) Find explicit formulas for the first few coefficients of γ(K, t) in terms of
the f -vector of K.
(5) Show that the coefficient of t in γ(K, t) is always ≥ 0 for a Gorenstein*
complex that is flag.

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Geometry of q and q, t-Analogs in
Combinatorial Enumeration

Mark Haiman and Alexander Woo

IAS/Park City Mathematics Series
Volume 14, 2004

Geometry of q and q, t-Analogs in

Combinatorial Enumeration
Mark Haiman and Alexander Woo

The aim of these lectures was to give an overview of some combinatorial, symmetric-
function theoretic, and representation-theoretic developments during the last sev-
eral years in the theory of Hall-Littlewood and Macdonald polynomials. The
motivating problem for all these developments was Macdonald’s 1988 positivity
conjecture [20, 21]. The positivity conjecture asserts that certain polynomials
have non-negative integer coefficients, and so it naturally raised the question of
how to understand Macdonald polynomials combinatorially. This question remains
open, even after the proof of the positivity conjecture in [16], using methods from
algebraic geometry. The latest developments, which will be discussed at the end
of these notes, for the first time promise progress on the combinatorial side of the
The lectures start with basics and proceed towards a discussion of the most
recent combinatorial advances. Along the way, I have taken as my central topic
the q and q, t-analogs of classical combinatorial themes such as Catalan numbers,
enumeration of trees and parking functions, and Lagrange inversion. The surprising
connection between these themes and the theory of Macdonald polynomials was one
of the most beautiful discoveries to emerge from work on the positivity conjecture.
This topic also serves nicely to motivate the combinatorial conjectures discussed in
the final lecture.
The subject as a whole has grown far beyond what can be covered in a series
of introductory lectures. Omitted entirely are the algebraic geometrical aspects
[2, 14, 16, 17]. Also omitted is a treatment of the full list of other quantities, not
quite so immediately connected with classical enumeration, which are also expressed
by formulas involving Macdonald polynomials, and are known or conjectured to be
Schur-positive, for which combinatorial interpretations are still sought [1]. Yet
another direction not touched on here is the link with representation theory of
1 Dept.
of Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley, CA.
E-mail address:,
Work supported in part by NSF grant DMS-0301072 (M.H.).

2007 American Mathematical Society


Cherednik algebras and their degenerations [4, 5, 10, 11]. A more advanced but
less up-to-date survey of some of these topics can be found in [18].
My heartfelt thanks go to Alexander Woo, who conducted discussion and ex-
ercise sessions associated with the lectures and did most of the work in preparing
these notes. In the process he greatly improved the exposition, worked out missing
details, and took pains to clarify those points which proved most troublesome for
students in the discussion sections. Credit for whatever good qualities the following
notes may possess is mostly due to him.
Kostka Numbers and q-Analogs

1.1. Definition of Kostka Numbers

Let n be a nonnegative integer. A partition of n is a non-decreasing sequence of
nonnegative integers λ = (λ1 ≥ λ2 ≥ · · · ≥ λl ) such that n = λ1 + λ2 + · · · + λl . The
number n is known as the size of λ and denoted |λ|. Assuming we have written λ
so that λl = 0, the number l is the length of λ and denoted l(λ).
We can associate to any partition a pictorial representation called the Young
diagram, or sometimes the Ferrers diagram. It consists of boxes (i, j) in the
first quadrant such that j < λi+1 . For example, the Young diagram for the par-
tition λ = (5, 4, 2) is in Figure 1. Note the standard convention in the literature,
which we follow, is that boxes are labelled (row, column) as in upside-down matrix
To keep notation simple, we will frequently write λ to indicate its diagram when
there is no possibility of confusion.
A semistandard Young Tableaux (abbreviated SSYT) of shape λ is a
filling of the boxes of the diagram of λ by positive integers, that is, a function
T : diagram(λ) → Z>0 , such that rows are non-decreasing as one moves to the
right, and columns are strictly increasing as one moves up. For example, Figure 2
is a SSYT of shape (5, 4, 2).
The content μ of a tableau is the sequence μ1 , . . . , μk with μi = #(T −1 (i)). It
is obviously a composition of n (that is, a sequence μ1 , . . . , μk of nonnegative inte-
gers such that their sum is n). The SSYT in Figure 2 has content μ = (3, 3, 2, 2, 1).
The Kostka number Kλμ is then the number of SSYT of shape λ and content
μ. Kostka numbers (and, by extension, Young tableaux) have significance in the

Figure 1. Young diagram for λ = (542)


3 5
2 2 4 4
1 1 1 2 3

Figure 2. SSYT of shape λ = (542) and content μ = (33221)

theory of symmetric functions, and in the representation theory of Sn and of GLn .

We will visit these interpretations of Kλμ in order.

1.2. Kλμ in Symmetric Functions

We have the following lemma whose proof consists of finding a simple bijection and
is left as an exercise:
Lemma 1. Kλμ is independent of the order of the parts of μ.
This states that, for example, K(41),(221) = K(41),(212) = K(41),(122) . Therefore,
we can, and by convention usually will, consider Kλμ only in the case where μ is a
To an SSYT T , we can associate the monomial xT := c∈λ xT (c) in Z[x1 , x2 , . . .]
or C[x1 , x2 , . . .]. In this product we have written c ∈ λ to indicate that c is a cell in
the diagram of λ. Now we can associate to each partition λ the Schur function

sλ = xT .

By our definition, this is a “polynomial” in infinitely many variables, and, by

Lemma 1, it is symmetric. The Schur functions form a basis for the ring of sym-
metric functions. Although they may seem unmotivated at first, in light of what
follows, the Schur functions should probably be considered the most natural basis
for the ring of symmetric functions.
Perhaps the most obvious basis for the ring of symmetric functions consists of
the monomial symmetric functions, defined by
mμ = xμ1 1 xμ2 2 · · · xμk k + all symmetric terms.
By our definition of sλ , we have

sλ = Kλμ mμ ,

where the sum is taken over all partitions μ, or equivalently all partitions μ of
size |λ|.

1.3. Sn Representations
Let V be a finite dimensional Sn representation, that is, a finite dimensional C-
vector space with a linear action by Sn . For any partition μ of n, there is the Young
subgroup Sμ = Sμ1 × Sμ2 × · · ·× Sμk ⊆ Sn , where the Sμ1 factor permutes the first
μ1 letters, the Sμ2 factor permutes the μ1 + 1-th through μ1 + μ2 -th letters, and so
on. Now let V Sμ denote the subspace of V fixed by every element of Sμ . Then there

is a symmetric function associated to V , called the Frobenius characteristic of

V , defined by 
FV (x) = (dimV Sμ )mμ (x).
(This is not quite the usual definition of FV , as for example in [21, 22], but it can
easily be seen to be equivalent to the usual one.)
A representation is said to be irreducible if it has no proper sub-representa-
tions. By a classical theorem of Maschke, any representation of a finite group
(over C) splits as the direct sum of irreducible representations. Therefore, it suffices
to study the irreducible representations. For Sn , we have the following theorem of
Theorem 1. The irreducible representations Vλ of Sn are determined up to iso-
morphism by their Frobenius characteristics, and FVλ (x) = sλ (x).
Note that Frobenius characteristic is additive on direct sums, so this theorem
essentially describes the representation theory (over C) of Sn completely.
As examples, we have the two one-dimensional irreducible representations of Sn .
Example 1. Let V = C, with Sn acting trivially. (In other words, every ele-
 of Sn acts as the identity.) Then dimV Sμ = 1 for every Sμ , so FV (x) =
|μ|=n mμ (x). This representation is clearly irreducible, so FV (x) = sλ (x) for
some partition of n. Since the partition (n) has the property that, for any μ of size
n, there is exactly one SSYT of shape (n) and content μ, we have FV (x) = s(n) (x).
Example 2. Now let V = C, but with Sn acting by sign. That is, let w ∈ Sn
act by the identity if w is an even permutation but by −1 if w is odd. Except
for μ = (1, 1, . . . , 1) = (1n ), every Sμ has an odd permutation, so dimV Sμ = 0
except when μ = (1n ). Therefore, FV (x) = m(1n ) (x). The unique partition λ
which admits only one symmetry class of SSYT’s of the given shape is λ = (1n ),
so FV (x) = s(1n ) (x).
The symmetric functions associated with these examples have special impor-
tance and therefore have their own names. The symmetric function s(n) is known
as the complete homogeneous symmetric function (of degree n) and is de-
noted hn . The symmetric function s(1n ) is known as the elementary symmetric
function and is denoted en .
There is another interpretation of Kλμ in terms of the representation theory of
Sn , which we will only sketch briefly. Let Wμ be the set of words of content μ, that
is, words with μ1 1’s, μ2 2’s, and so on, and let Sn act on these words by permuting
the positions of their letters. Extending by linearity gives an Sn representation on
C · Wμ . Then we have that
Proposition 1. 
FC·Wμ (x) = Kλμ sλ (x),
or, equivalently, 
Wμ ∼
= Vλ .

This can be proven by identifying C·Wμ with the induced representation C ↑SSnμ
and using Frobenius reciprocity.

1.4. GLn Representations

Now we consider finite dimensional GLn representations. Here we restrict our-
selves to rational representations; that is, a representation V determines a map
ρ : GLn → GL(V ), and we require that we can find polynomials fij (in n2 vari-
ables) such that for a matrix g, ρ(g) is the matrix 1/ det(g)N [fij (g11 , · · · , gnn )] for
some nonnegative integer N . If such polynomials exist with N ≤ 0, then V is a
polynomial representation.
The 1-dimensional trivial representation is polynomial, with ρ(g) = [1], and
the n-dimensional defining representation is also polynomial, since ρ(g) = g. For
a rational (resp. polynomial) representation V , there are naturally defined rational
(resp. polynomial) representations on V ⊗k , V and Symk V .
k k
Both and Sym can be considered as operations which construct new repre-
sentations from existing ones. They have generalizations, one for each partition λ,
called Schur functors, and denoted S λ . Given a representation V , S λ V is defined
as follows. l
For any l, there is the natural inclusion V → V ⊗l given by v1 ∧ · · · ∧ vl →
σ∈Sl sgn(σ)vσ(1) ⊗ · · · ⊗ vσ(l) , and the natural surjection V → Syml V given
by v1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ vn → v1 · · · vn . Note that these maps respect the GLn action, so
they are maps not only of vector spaces but also of GLn representations. Let
T = (i,j)∈λ V (i,j) , where each V (i,j) is an isomorphic copy of V , so that T ∼ = V ⊗|λ| .
λ1 λλ

Now we define the map i : V ⊗ ··· ⊗ 1 V → T by using the natural
λk λk (j,k)
inclusion given above to map the tensor factor to j=1 V . Then define
the map π : T → Sym V ⊗ · · · ⊗ Sym
λ1 λl(λ)
V by using the natural surjection to
λk (k,i)
map i=1 V to Symλk V , and let φ = π ◦ i. Finally, S λ V is defined to be im φ.
In particular, for λ = (k), S (k) = Symk , and for λ = (1k ), S (1 ) =
. Since,
assuming V is a rational (resp. polynomial) representation, φ is a map of rational
(resp. polynomial) GLn representations, S λ V is also a rational (resp. polynomial)
For the remainder of this section let V be the n-dimensional defining represen-
tation, and let V λ := S λ V .

Theorem 2. (1) The representation V λ is irreducible, and every irreducible

polynomial representation of GLn is V λ for some λ.
(2) Let T ⊆ ⎡GLn denote the ⎤
subgroup of (invertible) diagonal matrices, and let
x1 0
⎢ .. ⎥
g(x) := ⎣ . ⎦ ∈ T . Then tr(V λ , g(x)) = sλ (x). Equivalently,
0 xn
there isa decomposition of V λ , considered as a representation of T , into
V λ = μ (V λ )μ , where g(x) acts on (V λ )μ by multiplication by xμ , and
dim(V λ )μ = Kλμ .

The most basic examples are λ = (k), in which case tr(Symk V, g(x)) = hk (x),
and λ = (1k ) for k ≤ n, for which tr( V, g(x)) = ek (x).

1.5. The q-Analog Kλμ (q)

The aim of this section is to describe a q-analog of Kλμ known as K  λμ (q) and
make some brief remarks about its properties. Here (algebraic) geometry makes its
appearance. For each partition μ, we will define a variety Yμ whose cohomology
ring will have a natural action of Sn . Then we will define K  λμ (q) as the graded
Frobenius characteristic of this cohomology ring.
Let N be the set of nilpotent n×n matrices. This set can be given the structure
of an algebraic variety; nilpotent matrices are precisely the matrices X for which
X n = 0, and the entries of X n are polynomials in the entries of X, so N is defined
as an affine variety in Cn×n by the vanishing of these polynomials. The variety N
is singular, so we would like to understand it better by studying a smooth variety
similar to it. More precisely, we would like a resolution of singularities for N ,
that is, a variety Z along with a map π : Z → N , with the properties that Z is
smooth, and π is both projective and birational. (Birational means that π is an
isomorphism on an open dense set, and projective means that π can be factored
as some inclusion i : Z → N × Pk (for some k) followed by the usual projection
N × Pk → N .)
To construct Z, we need the flag variety. A flag is a sequence of vector
subspaces of Cn denoted F• = 0 ⊆ F1 ⊆ F2 ⊆ · · · ⊆ Fn−1 ⊆ Cn , satisfying
dimFi = i. The flag variety contains, as a set, all flags in Cn ; as a variety or
manifold it is the quotient G/B where G = GLn and B consists of the upper
triangular matrices. Now we can let

Z = {(X, F• ) ∈ N × G/B : XFi ⊆ Fi−1 for all i} ,

with the map π being the projection onto the first factor.
Now we show that Z is smooth. Let ψ : Z → G/B be the projection onto
the second factor, and let E• be the standard flag, that is, the flag with Ei =
C · {e1 , . . . , ei }, where {e1 , . . . , en } is the standard basis of Cn . The fiber ψ −1 (E
is given by ψ −1 (E• ) = {(X, E• ) : X is upper triangular}, so ψ −1 (E• ) is a n2 -
dimensionalvector space. Moreover, for any flag F• , F• = gE• for some g ∈ G, and
−1 −1
ψn (F• ) = (gXg , F• ) : X is upper triangular , also a vector space of dimension
2 . This makes Z into a vector bundle over G/B; since G/B is smooth, Z must
also be smooth. (Technically we also need to check that Z is locally trivial over
G/B, but this is also easy to check using the group action.)
The map π is projective because G/B is a projective variety. Also, for any X
whose Jordan form has only one Jordan block, π −1 (X) consists of a single flag, so,
as these matrices X form an open dense subset of N , π is birational.
Now let G act on N by conjugation; that is, g · X := gXg −1 for g ∈ G and
X ∈ N . Let μ be a partition. Let Mμ be the nilpotent Jordan matrix with Jordan
blocks of size μ1 , μ2 , · · · , μk , and Oμ = GLn · Mμ . These orbits cover all of N , since
every matrix has a Jordan form and we can conjugate by permutation matrices
to rearrange the Jordan blocks so that their sizes are in non-increasing order. We
have a corresponding action on Z by g · (X, F• ) := (gXg −1 , gF• ), so the fibers of π
over points in the same G orbit are isomorphic. Let Yμ = π −1 (P ) for some point
P ∈ Oμ . (We will only be interested in isomorphism invariants of Yμ , so the choice
of point is irrelevant.)

For example, for μ = (n), Y(n) is a single point, as already stated above. At
the other extreme, when X is the zero matrix, (X, F• ) ∈ Z for every F• , so for
μ = (1n ), Y(1n ) ∼
= G/B.
The following theorem allows what we will consider the definition of Kλμ (q).
Theorem 3.
(1) The natural map H ∗ (G/B, C) → H ∗ (Yμ , C) is surjective.
(2) There are geometrically defined Sn actions on H ∗ (G/B, C) and H ∗ (Yμ , C)
such that the above map is Sn -equivariant.

(3) H ∗ (Yμ , C) ∼
= C · Wμ ∼
= λ Vλ λμ as Sn -representations.
 λμ (q) by
Now we define K

 λμ (q) =
Kλμ q i ,
where Kλμ is defined by

H 2i (Yμ , C) ∼
= Sn Vλ .

(The original definition of Kλμ (q) is related to K  λμ (q) by Kλμ (q) = q N K λμ (q −1 ),

where N is a positive integer depending on μ. The K  λμ (q) appear to be somewhat
more natural so we will be using this form throughout the lectures.)
From the definition and part 3 of the theorem, it is clear that K  λμ (1) = Kλμ ,

and that Kλμ (q) is a polynomial with positive integer coefficients, but it is not so
clear how to compute K  λμ (q). We will see later a formula of Shoji and Lusztig for

Kλμ (q), but it will be a rational expression from which it is not obvious that K  λμ
is a polynomial, much less one with positive coefficients.
However, there is a combinatorial definition due to Lascoux and Schützenberger

which gives K  λμ (q) = cc(T )
T ∈SSYT(λ,μ) q , where the co-charge cc(T ) is a certain
rather subtle combinatorial statistic on tableaux. Somewhat unsatisfactorily, the
proofs that the two definitions are equivalent rely on showing that they both sat-
isfy initial conditions and recurrence relations which are sufficient to determine
K λμ (q). A better proof would explain this equivalence by explicitly finding a basis
of H ∗ (Yμ , C) indexed by tableaux whose co-charge is equal to the cohomology de-
gree of the basis element, with the Sn action on the cohomology ring closely related
to the Sn action on the corresponding tableaux. However, no such conceptually
satisfactory proof is yet known.

1.6. Exercises
(1) Prove Lemma 1.
(2) Define hμ (x) := hμ1 (x)hμ2 (x) · · · hμl(μ) (x). Show that FC·Wμ (x) = hμ (x).

Deduce that hμ (x) = λ Kλμ sλ .
(3) Find a basis and weight space decomposition of V λ (the GLn representa-
tion) for λ = (2, 1k−2 ).
(4) Let V = Cn = C·{e1 , . . . , en } be the defining representation of Sn , that is,
with the action w · ei = ew(i) . Decompose V into irreducibles and FV (x)
into Schur functions, corresponding to your decomposition of V .
Catalan Numbers, Trees, Lagrange Inversion, and their

2.1. Catalan Numbers

The Catalan numbers Cn are known to count many different combinatorial objects,
but for the sake of brevity we will only mention a small number which will be
important for these lectures.
Let w be a string consisting of n left parentheses “(” and n right parentheses
“)”. The string w is proper if it makes sense as a parenthesization of something,
that is, if, reading from left to right, one has encountered at every point at least as
many left parentheses as right parentheses.
To every proper parentheses string we can associate a Dyck path, that is, a
lattice path from (0, n) to (n, 0) (using Cartesian coordinates) which always remains
below (or on) the line defined by x + y = n. We do this by starting at (0, n) and,
as we read a string w from left to right, moving down by (0, −1) every time we
encounter a “(” and moving to the right by (1, 0) every time we encounter a “)”.
By considering the Dyck path as the boundary of the diagram of a partition, the
set of Dyck paths is also equivalent to the set of partitions λ ⊆ δ(n), where μ ⊆ ν
for partitions μ and ν means that the diagram of μ fits inside the diagram of ν
(that is, μi ≤ νi for all i), and δ(n) is the partition (n − 1, n − 2, . . . , 1, 0).
For example, the above bijections associate the word “()(()())” with the Dyck
path in Figure 1 and the partition (2, 1, 1).
The Catalan numbers Cn can then be defined as the number of proper paren-
theses strings (of n left and n right parentheses), or equivalently the number of Dyck

Figure 1. Dyck path and partition corresponding to ()(()())


Figure 2. Partitions counted by C2 and C3

paths from (0, n) to (n, 0), or equivalently the number of partitions inside δ(n). We
have C0 = C1 = 1, C2 = 2, and C3 = 5, as demonstrated by the Figure 2.
As is frequently useful in combinatorics, we can try to calculate or get a formula
for Cn by using a generating
 function. In this case, this means a power series
C(x) defined by C(x) := n Cn xn .
Given a proper parentheses string, the initial “(” matches with some “)”, and
between those parentheses is a proper parenthesization of some length k, while after
the specified “)” is another proper parentheses string of length n − 1 − k. In other
words, a non-empty proper parentheses string looks like (A)B, where A and B are
respectively parentheses strings of length k and n − 1 − k. Therefore, the Catalan
numbers satisfy the recurrence Cn = k=0 Ck Cn−1−k . In terms of the generating
function, we have
C(x) = 1 + xC(x)2 .
We can get a formula for Cn by solving for C(x) and using the binomial theorem,
but we will instead get one by using Lagrange inversion later in this lecture. For
now, note that our equation can be rewritten as
xC(x)(1 − xC(x)) = x,
or equivalently F1 (x) ◦ (xC(x)) = x, where ◦ denotes functional composition and
F1 (x) = x(1 − x). In other words, F1 (x) and xC(x) are compositional inverses.

2.2. Rooted Trees

A tree is a connected graph with no cycles, and a labelled tree is a tree whose
vertices are assigned distinct labels. A rooted tree is a tree in which one vertex is
distinguished and designated as the root. Let tn be the number of labelled rooted
trees with vertex set {1, 2, . . . , n}, with t0 = 0 by convention. A rooted forest
is a graph with labelled vertices and no cycles where each connected component
has a vertex designated as the root. Note that the number of rooted forests on
n vertices is the same as the number of unrooted trees with vertex set {0, . . . , n},
which is tn+1 /(n + 1); this is because, as illustrated in Figure 3, for any rooted
forest we can construct a tree by creating a new vertex labelled 0 and adding an
edge between 0 and each root, and conversely given a tree with vertex set {0, . . . , n}
we can construct a labelled rooted forest by removing the vertex 0 and calling each
vertex formerly attached to 0 the root of its connected component.
As with Catalan numbers, we can form a generating series, but in this case
 will be more convenient to form the exponential generating series T (x) =
n t n x /n!. This allows us to use the Exponential Formula [22, Cor. 5.1.6] to

10 5 8
1 2 7

6 4 3 9

Figure 3. Construction of a rooted tree from a rooted forest

relate the generating series for the number of rooted trees and the number of rooted
forests, so
 that, if hn = tn+1 /(n + 1) is the number of rooted labelled forests and
H(x) = n hn xn /n!, we have H(x) = eT (x) . Therefore,
 tn+1 xn  xn T (x)
eT (x) = = tn+1 = .
n + 1 n! n
(n + 1)! x

Then T (x)e−T (x) = x so F2 (x) = xe−x is the compositional inverse of T (x).

2.3. The Lagrange Inversion Formula

Given these examples, it would be nice to have a formula which, given a power series,
calculates the coefficients of its compositional inverse. The Lagrange inversion
formula exactly fulfills this need.
Theorem 4. Let E(x) = n en xn and K(x) = n kn xn be power series, with
e0 = k0 = 1. Then
◦ (xK(x)) = x
if and only if
kn = [xn ] E(x)n+1 .
Here and below the symbol [xn ] denotes the coefficient of xn in the quantity
that follows. We will later prove Theorem 4 as a special case of a q-Lagrange
inversion theorem. A direct proof can be found, for example, in [22, Thm 5.4.2].
Let us use this theorem to calculate explicit formulas for Cn and tn .
To solve for Cn , let E(x) = 1/(1 − x). Then x/E(x) = F1 (x), so
◦ (xC(x)) = x.
Applying the Lagrange inversion theorem,
1 1 1 n+1 1 2n
Cn = [xn ] = = .
n−1 (1 − x)n+1 n−1 n n−1 n

n = 7, k=3

q (2)−|ν|

λn−k+1 = k + 1

ν 000
2 )−|ρ|


Figure 4. The q-Catalan recurrence illustrated for λ = (6, 4, 4, 1).

It turns out to be slightly easier to solve for hn , the number of rooted forests.
If we let E(x) = ex , then x/E(x) = F2 (x), and
◦ (xH(x)) = x.
Once again applying Lagrange inversion,
hn 1 1 (n + 1)n
= [xn ] e(n+1)x = ,
n! n+1 n+1 n!
so hn = (n + 1)n−1 , and tn = nn−1 .

2.4. q-Analogs
The Catalan numbers have two q-analogs, but we will only be concerned with the
one originally defined by Carlitz and Riordan [3], namely Cn (q) = λ⊆δ(n) q ( 2 )−|λ| .
This q-analog satisfies a recurrence as follows. We can separate all partitions λ ⊆
(k) (k)
δ(n) into classes Cn for 0 ≤ k < n − 1 by putting λ in Cn if k is the smallest
number such that λn−k−1 = k + 1 = δ(n)n−k−1 , and k = n − 1 if no such number
exists. For example, as illustrated in Figure 4, the partition (6, 4, 4, 1) ⊆ δ(7)
(3) (k)
belongs in C7 . Now, for λ ∈ Cn , let ν be the partition defined by νi = λn−k−1+i ,
and let ρ be the partition defined by ρi = λi − k − 1, for i, 1 ≤ i ≤ n − k − 1, as
illustrated in Figure 4. Notice that ν ⊆ δk , and ρ ⊆ δn−1−k . Furthermore,
n k n−1−k
− |λ| = (k + − |ν|) + ( − |ρ|),
2 2 2
so we have the recurrence

Cn (q) = q k Ck (q)Cn−1−k (q).

Now we turn to a q-analog of hn = (n+1)n−1 . It is possible to give a statistic on

rooted labelled forests that produces this q-analog, but it will be more convenient

Figure 5. Tableau associated with the parking function f (2) = f (4) = f (6) =
1, f (3) = 3, f (1) = f (5) = 4

for us to define this q-analog later using parking functions. A parking function
is a function f : {1, . . . , n} → {1, . . . , n} such that #f −1 ({1, . . . , k}) ≥ k for all
k ∈ {1, . . . , n}. (The name comes from the following description. Suppose we have
n parking spaces on a one way street, labelled in order, and n cars. The cars arrive
at the street in order, and each car k immediately goes to its preferred parking
space f (k). If it is already filled by a previous car, then it keeps going and parks in
the first empty space. The condition above is then satisfied if and only if every car
successfully finds a parking space without having to enter the street a second time.)
Denote the set of parking functions for n cars by PF(n) The symmetric group Sn
acts on PF(n) by w · f = f ◦ w−1 for w ∈ Sn and f ∈ PF(n).
We can represent a parking function by a tableaux of skew shape (λ + (1n ))/λ
for some partition λ, that is a filling of the boxes in λ + (1n ) but not in λ, strictly
increasing in columns and weakly increasing in rows (although in this case there
are no relevant rows) as usual. Let f be f sorted into non-increasing order; in other
words, we want f = w ·f for some w such that f(i) ≥ f(i+1) for all i, 1 ≤ i ≤ n−1.
Now we specify λ by requiring λi = f(i)−1. Note that the requirement that f (or f)
be a parking function is equivalent to requiring that λ ⊆ δ(n). Now the j-th column
in (λ + (1n ))/λ will have f −1 (j) many open boxes to fill, and we fill them with the
elements of f −1 (j) in increasing order. Figure 5 shows the tableau associated with
the parking function f (2) = f (4) = f (6) = 1, f (3) = 3, f (1) = f (5) = 4. The
content of this tableaux
always (1 ).
Note that 2 − |λ| = i=1 i − ni=1 f (i), and we will denote this quantity as
n n

wt(f ). (This quantity is sometimes known as the “frustration factor” of the parking
function since it counts  the sum total of how far drivers park from their preferred
space.) Let Pn (q) := f ∈PF(n) q wt(f ) . Counting parking functions according to the
partition representing them, we get that

n n
Pn (q) = q ( 2 )−|λ| ,
α0 , α1 , · · · , αn−1

where αi is the number of parts of λ of size i (adding parts of 0 if necessary so that

λ has exactly n parts; that is, α0 = n − i=1 αi ).

2.5. q-Lagrange Inversion

To understand the above q-analogs better, we will give a q-analog of Lagrange
inversion. Of course, for q-Lagrange inversion to make sense, we first have to define
a q-analog of functional composition. The relevant definition is due to Garsia and
Gessel independently [8, 9].
Definition 1. Let F (x) = n fn xn and G(x) = n gn xn be power series with
g0 = 0. Then  the q-composition of F (x) and G(x), denoted F (x) ◦q G(x), is
defined to be n fn G(q n−1 x)G(q n−2 x) · · · G(qx)G(x).

Note that, if we substitute q = 1, we have F (x) ◦ G(x) = n fn G(x)n , which
is just ordinary composition of functions. Now we have a theorem, due to Garsia
[8], which states that this setting gives a good q-analog of compositional inverses.
Theorem 5. We have
F (x) ◦q G(x) = x if and only if G(x) ◦q−1 F (x) = x.
Furthermore, when the above holds,
(Ψ(x) ◦q G(x)) ◦q−1 F (x) = (Ψ(x) ◦q−1 F (x)) ◦q G(x) = Ψ(x) for all Ψ(x).
Proof. Suppose that F (x) ◦q G(x) = x. We will show that for any power series
Ψ(x), (Ψ(x) ◦q−1 F (x)) ◦q G(x) = Ψ(x). In other words, we will show that, if we
define maps π, φ : C(q)[[x]] → C(q)[[x]] by π : Ψ → Ψ ◦q−1 F and φ : Ψ → Ψ ◦q G,
φ ◦ π is the identity map. Now, two power series are equal if and only if they are
equal modulo xN for every N , so we can view π and ψ as countable sequences of
maps of finite-dimensional vector spaces. Therefore, if φ ◦ π is the identity, π ◦ φ
is the identity, so, once we show that (Ψ(x) ◦q−1 F (x)) ◦q G(x) = Ψ(x), we will
have proven that (Ψ(x) ◦q G(x)) ◦q−1 F (x) = Ψ(x). Then the forward direction of
the first statement follows by Ψ(x) = x, which shows G(x) ◦q−1 F (x) = x, and the
reverse direction follows by substituting q −1 for q.
Now we show that (Ψ(x)◦q−1 F (x))◦q G(x) = Ψ(x). First we need the following
lemma whose proof is straightforward from the definition of q-composition and left
as an exercise.
Lemma 2.
(xF (x)) ◦q G(x) = G(x)(F (x) ◦q G(qx)) = G(x)(F (x) ◦q G(x))x→qx .
Now, if F (x) ◦q G(x) = x, by applying the lemma we have (xF (x)) ◦q G(x) =
G(x)qx, by applying the lemma again we have (x2 F (x)) ◦q G(x) = G(x)G(qx)q 2 x,
and by applying the lemma repeatedly we have
(xr F (x)) ◦q G(x) = G(x)G(qx) · · · G(q r−1 x)q r x.

Therefore, for all power series Φ(x) = n φn xn ,

(Φ(x)F (x)) ◦q G(x) = (φn xn F (x)) ◦q G(x)

= φn xq n G(q n−1 x)G(q n−2 x) · · · G(qx)G(x)
= (Φ(qx) ◦q G(x))x.
Apply the above equation with Φ(x) = F (q −1 x) to get
(F (q −1 x)F (x)) ◦q G(x) = x2 .

Then apply the equation with Φ(x) = F (q −2 x)F (q −1 x), and the last equation, to
(F (q −2 x)F (q −1 x)F (x)) ◦q G(x) = x3 .
By induction, we have
(F (q −(n−1) x) · · · F (q −1 x)F (x)) ◦q G(x) = xn .

Therefore, for any power series Ψ(x) = n ψn xn ,

(Ψ(x) ◦q−1 F (x)) ◦q G(x) = ψn (F (q −(n−1) x) · · · F (qx)F (x)) ◦q G(x)

= ψn xn
= Ψ(x),
as desired. 

For usual functional composition, it turned out that it was easier to get the
explicit Lagrange inversion formula for the modified form
◦ xK(x) = x,
or equivalently,
K(x) = E(x) ◦ xK(x),
was easier to solve for the coefficients. (The equivalence is obvious once one stops
using the ◦ notation.) Similarly, for q-composition, it is easier to state the q-
Lagrange inversion formula for the following forms, whose equivalence is left as a
(not so trivial) exercise.
Proposition 2.
◦q xK(qx) = x
if and only if
K(x) = E(x) ◦q xK(x).
Now we are ready state the q-Lagrange inversion formula. It will not have a
simple algebraic form, but will instead be a combinatorial sum that relates to the
q-analogs described in section 2.4.
Theorem 6. Let E(x) = n en xn and K(x) = n kn (q)xn be power series, with
e0 = k0 (q) = 1. Then
◦q (xK(qx)) = x
if and only if
kn (q) = q ( 2 )−|λ| eα0 (λ) eα1 (λ) · · · eαn−1 (λ) ,
where αi (λ) is the number of parts of λ having size i, and α0 = n − i=1 αi . (For
example, if n = 4 and λ = (3, 1, 1), then α1 = 2, α0 = α3 = 1, and α2 = 0.)

Proof. By Proposition 2,
◦q xK(qx) = x

if and only if

K(x) = E(x) ◦q xK(x),

and, expanding the second equation, we have the recurrence

kn (q) = [xn ] 1 + er q r−1 xK(q r−1 x) · · · qxK(qx)xK(x)
= [x ] er q (2) xr K(q r−1 x) · · · K(qx)K(x)
= er q (2) xn−r K(q r−1 x) · · · K(qx)K(x)
= er q (2) [xm
i ] K(q
r>0 m1 +···+mr =n−r i
= er q (2) q (r−i)mi kmi (q)
r>0 m1 +···+mr =n−r i
= er q i (mi +1)(r−i) kmi (q)
r>0 m1 +···+mr =n−r i

It is clear that this recurrence has a unique solution (given the initial condition
k0 (q) = 1), so we need to show that

kn (q) = q ( 2 )−|λ| eα0 (λ) eα1 (λ) · · · eαn−1 (λ)

satisfies this recurrence.

As with the recurrence for the q-Catalan numbers, we will show this recurrence
holds by dividing the set of partitions λ ∈ δ(n) into classes. First put λ into the
class K(r) where r = n − l(λ). Now we further subdivide each class K(r) into classes
K(m1 ,...,mr ) , one for each composition m1 , . . . , mr of n − r. For each λ ∈ K(r) and
each i with 0 ≤ i ≤ r − 1, let ni (λ) be the largest number less than or equal to n − r
such that λni > n − ni − r + i. (Recall that the ni -th part of δ(n) has size n − ni , so
ni is the highest row, not including the top r rows, with fewer than r − i entries in
δ(n) − λ.) Notice that, by definition, λn−r > 0 = n − (n − r) − r + 0, so n0 = n − r,
and we set nr = 0 by convention. Now let mi (λ) = ni−1 (λ) − ni (λ), and place λ
into K(m1 ,...,mr ) accordingly; it is clear that m1 , . . . , mr will be a composition of
n − r. Figure 6 shows that (13, 10, 7, 7, 6, 2, 2, 1) is in K(3,0,3,1,0,1) (for n = 14).
For each partition λ in K(m1 ,...,mr ) , and each i with 1 ≤ i ≤ r, we define
partitions ν (i) (λ) by letting νj (λ) = λni (λ)+j −λni−1 (λ) for j such that 1 ≤ j ≤ mi .

n = 14

q (m1 +1)(r−1)


2 )−|ν (1) |

q (m3 +1)(r−3)
q ( 2 )−|ν |
m3 (3)

ν (1)
(m2 = 0)
00 q (m4 +1)(r−4)
q (m5 +1)(r−5)
(m5 = 0)

ν (3)

Figure 6. The q-Lagrange inversion recurrence illustrated for λ = (13, 10, 7, 7, 6, 2, 2, 1).

Now Figure 6 shows that

q ( 2 )−|λ| eα0 (λ) eα1 (λ) · · · eαn−1 (λ)
λni −1

= q i (mi +1)(r−i)+ i (m2i )−|ν (i) (λ)| e eαj (λ)
α0 (λ)
i=1 j=λni−1

q ( 2 )−|ν | eα0 (ν (i) ) · · · eαmi −1 (ν (i) ) .
mi (i)
= er q i (mi +1)(r−i)

Therefore, abbreviating eα0 (ν (i) ) · · · eαmi −1 (ν (i) ) to eα(ν) ,

kn (q) = q ( 2 )−|λ| eα0 (λ) eα1 (λ) · · · eαn−1 (λ)
q ( 2 )−|ν | eα(ν)
mi (i)
= er q i (mi +1)(r−i)

r m1 +···+mr =n−r λ∈K(m

(r) i
1 ,...,mr )
= er q i (mi +1)(r−i) kmi (q),
r>0 m1 +···+mr =n−r i

which is the desired recurrence. 

We now relate q-Lagrange inversion to q-Catalan numbers and to parking func-
tions counted by frustration factor. Let E(x) = 1/(1 − x); then en = 1 for all n.
We see that, by the above theorem,
⎛ ⎞
⎝ q ( 2 )−|λ| ⎠ xn
C(x; q) := Cn (q)xn =
n n λ∈δ(n)

is the specified solution to the q-Lagrange inversion problem E(x) x

◦q xK(qx) = x,
so we have
x(1 − x) ◦q xC(qx; q) = x.
As for parking functions, let E(x) = ex ; then en = n! . Now,
n n
n!kn (q) = q ( 2 )−|λ| = Pn (q),
α0 , α1 , . . . , αn
so the exponential generating function P (x; q) = n
n Pn (q)x /n! solves xe ◦q
xP (qx; q) = x. In particular, this shows, by setting q = 1, that Pn (1) = (n + 1)n−1 ,
or that the number of parking functions for n cars is the same as the number of
rooted forests on n vertices.

2.6. Exercises
(1) Prove Lemma 2.
(2) Prove Proposition 2.
(3) Use Theorem 6 to prove Theorem 4 by setting q = 1. (Hint: First
show that, if (α0 , . . . , αn ) ∈ N satisfy α0 + · · · + αn = n, the sequence
(α0 , . . . , αn ) has a unique rotation (β0 , . . . , βn ) such that there is a parti-
tion λ ⊆ δ(n) with αi (λ) = βi for all i.)
(4) Prove directly that there are (n + 1)n−1 parking functions on {1, . . . , n}.
(5) Let Sn act on PF(n) as previously stated, and view C · PF(n) as an Sn
representation graded by wt(f ). Show that C · PF(n) is a direct sum of
induced representations C ↑SSnμ (which are respectively isomorphic to the
representations C · Wμ introduced in Lecture 1) in which the generating
function for the multiplicity of C ↑SSnμ in the graded degrees is equal to the
coefficient of eμ1 · · · eμk in kn (q).
Macdonald Polynomials

The Macdonald polynomials are a basis for the ring of symmetric functions over
the base field Q(q, t). This basis has a number of useful and interesting properties,
but, unfortunately, the polynomials are difficult to write out explicitly; indeed we
will only have space to give an abstract definition and a number of their important
properties, mostly without proof. These statements will require some notation and
machinery, as well as motivation, from the general theory of symmetric functions,
which we will now proceed to explain in the first part of this lecture.
Throughout this lecture, Λk denotes the ring of symmetric functions over the
base field (or occasionally base ring) k.

3.1. Symmetric Function Bases and the Involution ω

In the first lecture, we saw two bases for the ring ΛQ , namely the monomial sym-
metric functions and the Schur functions. We now proceed to define three more
 The complete homogeneous symmetric function hn is defined by hn :=
|u|=n mμ = s(n) . In other words, hn is the sum of all the monomials of de-
gree n. We can then define hμ forall partitions μ by hμ := hμ1 hμ2 · · · hμk . By
Exercise 1.6(2), we have that hμ = λ Kλμ sλ .
The elementary symmetric function en is defined by en := m(1n ) = s(1n ) ;
it is the sum of all square-free monomials of degree n. We define eμ similarly by
eμ := eμ1 · · · eμk .
 Finally, the power sum symmetric function pn is defined by pn := m(n) =
i i
, with pμ defined by pμ := pμ1 · · · pμk .
As μ ranges over all partitions, the sets {hμ }, {eμ }, and {pμ } are all bases of
ΛQ .
Let ω : ΛQ → ΛQ be the ring homomorphism sending en to hn ; since the en are
algebraically independent and generate ΛQ , this map ω exists and is unique. Let
λ denote the partition conjugate to λ, that is, the partition whose diagram is the
transpose of the diagram of λ. We will see later that ω is in fact an involution, that
ωsλ = sλ , and that ωpk = (−1)k pk . In terms of the representation theory of Sn ,
ω corresponds to tensoring by the sign representation.

3.2. Plethystic Substitution

Let R be a ring, and designate some (possibly infinite) set {a1 , a2 , . . .} of elements of
R as indeterminates with the property that, for each k ∈ Z≥0 , there exists a ring
homomorphism φk : R → R with φk (ai ) = aki . Given A ∈ R and some symmetric
function f , we define f [A], the plethystic substitution of A into f , as follows.
First define pk [A] := φk (A). Then let pμ [A] := pμ1 [A]pμ2 [A] · · · pμl [A]. Finally,
since the power sum symmetric functions are a basis for the ring of symmetric
functions, we extend linearly to all symmetric functions.
The most trivial example is as follows. Let R = C[x1 , x 2 , . . .], and all xi be
indeterminates. Then for any symmetric function f , if X = i xi , f [X] = f (x).
Less trivially, note that pk [−X] = −pk (x) = (−1)k ωpk (x). Therefore, for any
symmetric function f homogeneous of degree d, f [−X] = (−1)d ωf (x).
It is customary to neglect to specify R and the set of indeterminates, and
allow the set of indeterminates to be all the variables appearing in the expression.
The ring R then will be the polynomial ring in the indeterminates, or the field
of rational functions in the indeterminates, or some other similar object such as
the formal power series ring or Laurent series ring in the indeterminates, subject
to any relations we have imposed. If we do impose any relations, we must be
careful not to impose relations which make some φk no longer well-defined; that
is, if we impose some relation x(a1 , a2 , . . .) = y(a1 , a2 , . . .), we must take care that
φk (x(a1 , a2 , . . .)) = φk (y(a1 , a2 , . . .)) for every k.
For example, if t is an indeterminate, X is any expression in R, and f a sym-
metric function homogeneous of degree d, f [tX] = td f [X]. However, f [−X] =
(−1)d ωf [X] = (−1)d f [X]. This is because t = −1 is not an allowable relation for
an indeterminate t, since φk (−1) = −1 but φk (t) = td = −1 for k even.
However, if we take X = x1 + x2 + · · · for an infinite set of variables, then
the pk [X] are algebraically independent, so any plethystic equation which holds for
X holds identically for any expression in place of X. The same is true if we have
several independent infinite sets of variables X, Y , Z, and so on.

3.3. The Cauchy Kernel and Hall Inner Product

 Ω denote the Cauchy kernel, which is the symmetric  power series Ω :=
n≥0 h n , so for X = x 1 + x2 + · · · , Ω[X] = n≥0 h n [X] = i 1/(1 − xi ). Notice
that, if we have Y = y1 + y2 + · · · as well, Ω[X + Y ] = Ω[X]Ω[Y ], and since this
identity holds with X and Y both sums of infinite sets of variables,it holds for
 X and Y . In particular, Ω[X]Ω[−X] = Ω[0] = 1, so Ω[−X] = i (1 − xi ) =
n (−1) e n (x). Taking the degree n piece of this identity, we have hn [−X] =
(−1)n en [X], which shows that, for f a homogeneous symmetric function of degree
d, ωf [X] = (−1)d f [−X].
Now we define the Hall inner product ·, · on symmetric functions by declar-
ing that hλ , mμ  = 0 if λ = μ, and hμ , mμ  = 1. This inner product has the
following interpretation in terms of Ω.

Proposition 3. Two bases {uλ } and {vλ } are dual (with respect to the Hall inner
product) if and only if Ω[XY ] = λ uλ [X]vλ [Y ].

Proof. First note that Ω[XY ] = i,j 1/(1 − xi yj ) = i Ω[xi Y ] = i n xni hn [Y ] =
λ mλ [X]hλ [Y ], and, by symmetry, Ω[XY ] = λ hλ [X]mλ [Y ]. (This is known as
the first Cauchy formula.)
Let ·, ·x denote the Hall inner product with respect to the x variables only.
Then mλ [X], Ω[XY ]x = mλ [X], hλ [X]mλ [Y ]x = mλ [Y ], so linearity implies
If Ω[XY ] = λ uλ [X]vλ [Y ], then {uλ } and {vλ }
f [X], Ω[XY ]x = f [Y ] for all f . 
are dual bases, because vλ [X], λ uλ [X]vλ [Y ]x = vλ [Y ]. Since the Hall inner
product is non-degenerate, the only way to have vλ [X], g[XY ]x = vλ [X] for all λ
is to have g = Ω, which proves the reverse direction. 
It can be shown, for example
 by using the Robinson-Schensted-Knuth corre-
spondence, that Ω[XY ] = λ sλ [X]sλ [Y ], so the Schur functions are an orthonor-
mal basis for ΛQ under this inner product. Therefore, in terms of the representation
theory of Sn , we therefore have that dim(HomSn (V, W )) = FV , FW  for any two
representations V and W .
Finally, note that ω is an isometry with respect to the Hall inner product. In
other words, ωf, ωg = f, g for any symmetric functions f and g.

3.4. Dominance Ordering

The final definition we need is a partial order on partitions known as dominance
order. Being the only order relation we will use on partitions, we will simply
denote it by ≤. We say λ ≤ μ if λ1 + · · · + λk ≤ μ1 + · · · + μk for every positive
integer k.
Proposition 4. If μ ≤ λ, then Kλμ = 0.
Proof. Let T be a SSYT of shape λ. Note that, for any k, any box of T with a
label i < k must occur in one of the first k rows. Therefore, if μ is the content of T ,
μ1 + · · · + μk ≤ λ1 + · · · + λk . Since this holds for any k, we have that, if Kλμ = 0,
then μ ≤ λ, proving the proposition. 
We will also need the following proposition, whose (not entirely trivial) proof
is left as an exercise.
Proposition 5. λ ≤ μ iff λ ≤ μ .

3.5. Definition of Macdonald Polynomials

Now we are ready to define the Macdonald polynomials and their predecessors, the
Hall-Littlewood polynomials.
Theorem-Definition 1. The ring ΛQ(t) has a unique basis H  μ (x; t) characterized
(1) H  μ (x; t) ∈ Q(t) {sλ |λ ≥ μ}

(2) Hμ [X(1 − t); t] ∈ Q(t) {sλ |λ ≥ μ }
(3) H  μ [1; t] = 1.
These polynomials are known as the Hall-Littlewood polynomials. More-

 μ (x; t) =
over, H  
λ Kλμ (t)sλ (x), where the Kλμ (t) are as in Lecture 1.

 μ (x; q, t) charac-
Theorem-Definition 2. The ring ΛQ(q,t) has a unique basis H
terized by

 μ [X(1 − q); q, t] ∈ Q(q, t) {sλ |λ ≥ μ}

(1) H
 μ [X(1 − t); q, t] ∈ Q(q, t) {sλ |λ ≥ μ }
(2) H
 μ [1; q, t] = 1.
(3) H
These polynomials are known as the Macdonald polynomials.
Now we can define a two variable q, t-analog of the Kostka numbers.
Definition 2. Since the Schur functions are a basis for ΛQ(q,t) ,

 μ (x; q, t) =
H  λμ (q, t)sλ (x)

 λμ (q, t). These are the q, t-Kostka numbers.

for some rational functions K
We do not have time to give a complete proof of these theorems. We will
however prove uniqueness and give an indication of the main ingredients in the
existence proof. Details can be found in [15,
Pick an arbitrary degree n. Suppose H  μ (x; q, t) and H (x; q, t)
|μ|=n |μ|=n
are two bases of the degree n part of ΛQ(q,t) characterized by the three given con-
ditions. Order these bases by choosing the same refinement of dominance order for
both. Then there will be a transition matrix, which we denote T , which tells us
how to write elements of one basis with respect to the other. Our goal is to show
that T must be the identity matrix.
Define the operator Π(1−q) on ΛQ(q,t) by Π(1−q) f = f [X(1 − q)]. Also, define
Π1/(1−q) by Π1/(1−q) f = f [X/(1 − q)], and similarly define Π(1−t) and Π1/(1−t) . By
checking for f = pn , we see that Π(1−q) and Π1/(1−q) are clearly inverse to each
other, as are Π(1−t) and Π1/(1−t) .
Let P and P be transition matrices respectively expressing H  μ (x; q, t)

and H  (x; q, t) in terms of the basis {s [X/(1 − q); q, t]} . By ap-

μ λ |λ|=n
plying Π1/(1−q) to condition (1), we see that both P and P are upper trian-
gular. Therefore, T = P −1 P is upper triangular. Rewriting condition (2) as
H μ [X(1 − q); q, t] ∈ Q(q, t) {sλ |λ ≤ μ} and applying Π1/(1−t) , we have that the
transition matrices expressing H  μ (x; q, t) and H  (x; q, t) in terms
|μ|=n |μ|=n
of the basis {sλ [X/(1 − t); q, t]}|λ|=n are lower triangular, so T is also lower trian-
gular, and therefore diagonal. Condition (3) then forces T to be the identity.
Now we outline the ideas behind the existence proof. Let X = x1 + x2 + · · · as
usual. Define a linear operator Δ0 on ΛQ(q,t) by
Δ0 f = [u0 ](f [X + (1 − q)(1 − t)u−1 ]Ω[−uX]),
and define the linear operator Δ by
f − Δ0 f
Δf = .
(1 − q)(1 − t)
The operator Δ is known as the Macdonald operator, and the existence of Mac-
donald polynomials is proved by showing that Π(1−q) ΔΠ1/(1−q) is upper triangu-

lar with respect to {sλ }|λ|=n , with diagonal entries Bλ (q, t) := i j
(i,j)∈λ t q =
it (1 − q )/(1 − q). (Note the convention is that powers of q increase as one

moves to the right and powers of t increase as one moves up.) Therefore, eigenfunc-
tions for Δ must satisfy (1). Furthermore, Δ and Bλ are symmetric with respect to
simultaneously exchanging q and t and exchanging μ and μ , so these eigenfunctions
must satisfy (2). Condition (3) is just a scalar normalization factor. Note that, in
ΔH  μ (x; q, t) = Bμ (q, t)H  μ (x; q, t).
Some properties of Macdonald polynomials are easy to see from the definition
and theorem. First, H  μ (x; 0, t) = H  μ (x; t), and K  λμ (0, t) = K  λμ (t). In other
words, setting q = 0 in a Macdonald polynomial recovers the corresponding Hall-
Littlewood polynomial. Also, the definition looks the same when we both swap q
and t and swap μ and μ , so by uniqueness, H  μ (x; q, t) = H  μ (x; t, q). In particular,
if μ = μ , then H  μ (x; q, t) is symmetric under switching q and t.
From the definition it is possible to compute H  (n) (x; q, t). Every partition
dominates (1 ) = (n) , so the second condition is vacuous. The first condition
states that H  (n) [X(1 − q); q, t] = f hn (x) for some f ∈ Q(q, t), or, equivalently, that
H (n) (x; q, t) = f hn [X/(1 − q); q, t] for some f . Now we use the third condition to
solve for f ; namely f = H  (n) [1; q, t]/hn [1/(1 − q)]. Note that
hn [1/(1−q)] = hn (1, q, q 2 , . . .) = q |λ| = q |λ| = .
(1 − q)(1 − q 2 ) · · · (1 − q n )
l(λ)≤n λ1 ≤n

 (n) (x; q, t) = (1 − q) · · · (1 − q n )hn X
H .
Next we compute H  μ (x; q, 1) for all μ. First, note that Δ |t=1 is a derivation
on ΛQ(q) ; that is, for any f, g ∈ ΛQ(q) , Δ(f g) |t=1 = f (Δ(g) |t=1 ) + (Δ(f ) |t=1 )g.
Since Δ |t=1 is linear on ΛQ(q) , this statement can be proven by showing that it
holds when f = pμ and g = pν , and this is left as an exercise. Now note that
 (n) (x; q, t) = H
H  (n) (x; q, 1), so we have that

ΔH  (n) (x; q, 1) = (1 − q n )/(1 − q)H

 (n) (x; q, 1) = B(n) (q, 1)H  (n) (x; q, 1).
Using that Δ |t=1 is a derivation on ΛQ(q) ,
 μ1 (x; q, 1) · · · H
Δ |t=1 (H  μ (x; q, 1)) = Bμ (q, 1)(H
 μ1 (x; q, 1) · · · H
 μ (x; q, 1)).
k k

Now the uniqueness of Macdonald polynomials tells us that

H μ (x; q, 1) =  μi (x; q, 1).
 μ (x; 1, 1) for all μ. First,
Finally, we compute H
 (1) (x; q, 1) = (1 − q)h1 [ X ; q, 1] = h1 (x),
H (1) (x; 1, 1) = h1 (x).
In particular, it follows from the previous paragraph, specialized at q = 1, that
 (1n ) (x; 1, 1) = H
H  (1) (x; 1, 1)n = h(1n ) (x).
Now, since
 (n) (x; q, 1) = H
H  (1n ) (x; 1, q),




0 1 2
q q q

Figure 1. H(22) (x; q, t)

we get that

 μ (x; 1, 1) =
H  (μ ) (x; 1, 1) = h(1|μ| ) (x).
H i

Note in particular this does not depend on the partition μ as long as |μ| = n.

3.6. More Properties of Macdonald Polynomials

The theory of Macdonald polynomials is a large subject fit for another series of
lectures, so we will not be able to cover most of it. Instead we merely state here,
without proof, a few facts which we will need in subsequent lectures.
To help in understanding these properties, we provide one small example. It
can be calculated that H (22) (x; q, t) = s(4) (x)+(q+t+qt)s(31) (x)+(q 2 +t2 )s(22) (x)+
(q t+qt +qt)s(211) (x)+q 2 t2 s(1111) (x). We can draw this as a picture asin Figure 1.
2 2

First we describe the action of ω. For a partition μ, let n(μ) = i (i − 1)μi .

ωH  μ (x; q −1 , t−1 ).
 μ (x; q, t) = tn(μ) q n(μ ) H
Here n(μ) and n(μ ) appear because they are respectively the top degrees of t and
q found in H μ (x; q, t), so the multiplication by tn(μ) q n(μ ) normalizes the right hand
side to be a polynomial in q and t with nonzero constant term.
There is also the Macdonald specialization formula, which states that

H μ [1 − u; q, t] = Ω[−uBu ] = (1 − uq j ti ).




Figure 2. Arm and Leg of a cell c ∈ λ.

We can use this formula to derive K λμ when λ a hook shape, that is, if λ = (n−r, 1r )
for some r. Specifically,
K (n−r,1r ),μ = er [Bμ − 1].

Finally, we describe a q, t-analog of the Hall inner product and give a corre-
sponding Cauchy formula for Macdonald polynomials. Define

f, g∗ := f [X(1 − q); q, t], ωg[X(1 − t); q, t],

where the inner product on the right is the usual Hall inner product (with respect
to the x variables). Then H  μ (x; q, t)∗ = H
 λ (x; q, t), H  λ [X(1−q); q, t], ω H  μ [X(1−
t); q, t], and, expanding both parts of the inner product in terms of the orthonormal
basis of Schur functions, we see that H  μ (x; q, t)∗ = 0 iff {ν : ν ≥
 λ (x; q, t), H
λ} ∩ {ν : ν ≥ μ } = ∅ iff λ ≤ μ. By symmetry of the inner product (which follows
from ω being an isometry and Π(1−q) and Π1/(1−q) being adjoint), we also have
λ ≥ μ, so H  μ (x; q, t)∗ = 0 if λ = μ.
 λ (x; q, t), H
Let c be a cell in the diagram of some partition λ. The arm and leg of c,
respectively denoted a(c) and l(c), are the number of boxes strictly to the right of,
and respectively the number of boxes strictly above, the box c in the diagram of λ,
as illustrated in Figure 2. It turns out that

H  μ (x; q, t)∗ = tn(μ) q n(μ )
 μ (x; q, t), H (1 − tl(c)+1 q −a(c) )(1 − t−l(c) q a(c)+1 ).

Therefore, we have
 t−n(μ) q −n(μ ) H
 μ [X(1 − q); q, t]ω H  μ [Y (1 − t); q, t]
Ω[XY ] =  −a(c)
μ c∈μ (1 − t
l(c)+1 q )(1 − t−l(c) q a(c)+1 )

or, after substituting X/(1 − q) for X and −Y /(1 − t) for Y , taking the degree n
piece, and multiplying both sides by (−1)n ,
 μ (x; q, t)H
 μ (y; q, t)
XY t−n(μ) q −n(μ ) H
en =  .
(1 − q)(1 − t) c∈μ (1 − t
l(c)+1 q −a(c) )(1 − t−l(c) q a(c)+1 )

3.7. Exercises
(1) Let X = x1 + x2 + · · · and Y = y1 + y2 + · · · . Express en [X − Y ] in terms
of symmetric functions separately in the x and y variables.
(2) Show that the graded Frobenius series of C[x1 , · · · , xn ] as an Sn repre-
C[x1 ,··· ,xn ]d (where C[x1 , · · · , xn ]d denotes the
sentation, that is, d t F
polynomials of degree d), is hn [X/(1 − t)].
(3) Prove Proposition 5.
(4) Show that Δ |t=1 is a derivation on ΛQ(q) by showing that
Δ(pμ pν ) |t=1 = Δ(pμ ) |t=1 pν + pμ Δ(pν ) |t=1 .
(5) Show that
 μ (x; q, t) = tn(μ) q n(μ ) H

 μ (x; q −1 , t−1 ).
(You will need to use the Macdonald specialization formula.)
 λμ (q, t) = er [Bμ −
(6) Use the Macdonald specialization formula to show that K
1] when λ = (n − r, 1r ).
(7) (a) Prove that for any expression A
en [(1 − u)A]
|u=1 = (−1)n−1 pn [A].
(b) For the Macdonald operator Δ, show that
X en [X]
Δ (−1)n−1 pn = .
(1 − q)(1 − t) (1 − q)(1 − t)

(c) Let Πμ (q, t) = (i,j)∈μ\(0,0) (1 − q j ti ). Now use parts (a) and (b), the
Macdonald specialization, and the Cauchy formula to prove that
 t−n(μ) q −n(μ ) (1 − q)(1 − t)Πμ (q, t)Bμ (q, t)H  μ (x; q, t)
en (x) =  −a(c) −l(c)
c∈μ (1 − t )(1 − t
l(c)+1 q q a(c)+1 )
Connecting Macdonald Polynomials and q-Lagrange
Inversion; (q, t)-Analogs

In this lecture we will take expressions which at first appear to be relatively

unmotivated symmetric functions and show that in fact they are a (q, t)-analog of
the kn (q) which solved the q-Lagrange inversion problem in Lecture 2. Most of the
lecture will be devoted to this proof which includes some complicated calculations.
They have been included because they reflect many of the calculational techniques
which are important in this subject. The main general reference for this section is

4.1. The Operator ∇ and a (q, t)-Analog of kn (q)

Recall from Lecture 3 and specifically Exercise 3.7(7) that
 t−n(μ) q −n(μ ) (1 − q)(1 − t)Πμ (q, t)Bμ (q, t)H  μ (x; q, t)
en (x) =  −a(c) −l(c)
c∈μ (1 − t )(1 − t
l(c)+1 q q a(c)+1 )
where Bμ (q, t) = (i,j)∈λ ti q j , Πμ (q, t) = Ω[1 − Bμ ] = (i,j)∈μ\(0,0) (1 − ti q j ), and,
for c a cell in the diagram of μ, a(c) and l(c) denote respectively the arm and leg
of c.
Define an operator ∇ on ΛQ(q,t) by letting
∇H μ
 μ := tn(μ) q n(μ ) H 

and extending by linearity. Applying this operator to the above expansion of en

 (1 − q)(1 − t)Πμ (q, t)Bμ (q, t)H  μ (x; q, t)
∇en =  l(c)+1 q −a(c) )(1 − t−l(c) q a(c)+1 )
c∈μ (1 − t
Now we calculate ∇en , en . Notice that
 μ (x; q, t), en  = H
H  μ (x; q, t), s(1n ) 
= K (1n ),μ
= en−1 [Bμ − 1]
= en−1 [ ti q j ] = ti q j = tn(μ) q n(μ ) ,
(i,j)∈μ\(0,0) (i,j)∈μ\(0,0)


where the third equality comes from the Macdonald specialization formula as dis-
cussed in Lecture 3. Therefore,
tn(μ) q n(μ ) (1 − q)(1 − t)Πμ (q, t)Bμ (q, t)
∇en , en  =  l(c)+1 q −a(c) )(1 − t−l(c) q a(c)+1 )
|μ=n| c∈μ (1 − t

Define Cn (q, t) to be this rational function ∇en , en . It turns out that Cn (q, t)
is a polynomial with positive integer coefficients, and that Cn (q, 1) = Cn (q), the
q-analog of the Catalan numbers discussed in Lecture 2. Furthermore, Cn (q, t)
is symmetric under exchanging q and t; that is, Cn (q, t) = Cn (t, q). For example,
C3 (q, t) = q 3 +q 2 t+qt+qt2 +t3 , and specializing to t = 1 gives C3 (q) = q 3 +q 2 +2q+1
which is what we had earlier. Therefore, it makes sense to think of Cn (q, t) as a
(q, t)-analog of the Catalan numbers.
 notice that Cn (q) = kn (q)|ek →1 , as we saw at the end of Lecture 2. Since
hn = |μ|=n mμ and {hμ } and {mμ } are dual bases, hμ , hn  = 1 for all μ, and con-
sequently, since ω is an isometry with respect to the Hall inner product, eμ , en  = 1
for all μ. Therefore, if we pretend that the ek in kn (q) actually stand for elementary
symmetric functions, then Cn (q) = kn (q), en .
Comparing the equations Cn (q) = kn (q), en  and Cn (q, t) = ∇en , en  hints
at a possible connection between kn (q) and ∇en . It turns out that there is indeed
a connection given by the following theorem, which we will spend most of the
remainder of this lecture proving.
Theorem 7. Interpreting the ek in kn (q) as elementary symmetric functions, we
have that
∇en |t=1 = kn (q).
Before we go into the proof, let us mention two corollaries giving (q, t)-analogs
of our main examples from Lecture 2. The first corollary
  follows  from the discussion
above. To prove the second, recall that h(1n ) = |μ|=n μ1 ,...,μ mμ , so eμ , e(1n )  =
 n  l

μ1 ,...,μl .

Corollary 1. Define Cn (q, t), as above, by Cn (q, t) = ∇en , en . Then

Cn (q, 1) = Cn (q).
Corollary 2. Define Pn (q, t) by Pn (q, t) := ∇en , e(1n ) . Then
)−|λ| n
Pn (q, 1) = Pn (q) = q 2 .
α0 , α1 , . . . , αn

4.2. Proof of Theorem 7

Let K(z) = n kn (q)z n , and E(z) = n en z n . Identifying the en with the ele-
mentary symmetric functions en (x), we have E(z) = ωΩ[zX] = n en [X]z n . For
convenience, let us define
 E := ωΩ as a symmetric power series, so E(z) = E[zX].
Notice that E[zX] = i (1+zxi ), so E[z(A+B)] = E[zA]E[zB] for any expressions
A and B. Consequently, since 1 = E[0] = E[z(A − A)] = E[zA]E[−zA], we have
that E[−zA] = 1/E[zA].
Now recall that K(z) is in fact the solution to the q-Lagrange inversion problem
z/E[zX] ◦q zK(qz) = z, or, equivalently by Theorem 5, z = zK(qz) ◦q−1 z/E[zX].

For convenience, let gn be the coefficient of z n in zK(qz), so gn = q n−1 kn−1 (q).

We can now calculate that
z = zK(qz) ◦q−1 z/E[zX]
 z q −1 z q −(n−1) z
= gn −1
E[zX] E[q zX] E[q −(n−1) zX]
 n 1
= g n z n q −( 2 )
E[z(1 + q + · · · + q −(n−1) )X]

 n 1
= g n z n q −( 2 )
E[z(1 − q )X/(1 − q −1 )]

 n E[zq −n X/(1 − q −1 )]
= g n z n q −( 2 ) .
E[zX/(1 − q −1 )]

n q −n zX zX
(1) g n z n q −( 2 ) E = zE .
1 − q −1 1 − q −1
For any series Ψ(z) = n Ψn z n , define ∨Ψ(z) = n Ψn q ( 2 ) z n = Ψ(z) ◦q z.
Now we need a lemma about the behavior of ∨.
Lemma 3. We have the identities
(1) ∨(z n q −( 2 ) Ψ(q −n z)) = z n∨Ψ(qz)
(2) ∨(zΨ(z)) = z ∨Ψ(qz).
Proof. By linearity, it suffices to prove this for Ψ(z) = z r (for all r) in both cases.
We see that
n n+r n

(z n q −( 2 ) (q −n z)r ) = q ( 2 ) q −( 2 )−nr z n+r
= q (2) z n+r
= z n∨z r .

(z r+1 ) = q( 2 ) z r+1
= zq (2) q r z r
= z ∨((qz)r ).

Apply the operator ∨ to both sides of equation 1. Using the first part of the
lemma on the left hand side and the second part on the right hand side, we get
n∨ zX ∨ qzX
gn z E −1
=z E .
1 − q 1 − q −1

 z ∨E qzX/(1 − q −1 )
zK(qz) = G(z) = gn z = ∨ ,
E [zX/(1 − q −1 )]

and, substituting q −1 z for z,

E zX/(1 − q −1 )
K(z) = kn (q)z = ∨ .
E [q −1 zX/(1 − q −1 )]
Specializing to q = 1 appropriately here gives us kn = [z n ] E(z)
n+1 , that is, the last
formula is actually a q-analog of the classical formula in Theorem 4.
To understand K(z) more explicitly, we make two further definitions; neither is
strictly necessary but they will both make our notation significantly more compact.
First, for each partition μ, define the symmetric functions fμ (x) (sometimes known
as the forgotten symmetric functions) by the identity

en [XY ] := hμ [X]fμ [Y ].

Equivalently, we could also define fμ as the dual basis to {eμ } under the Hall inner
product, or by letting fμ := ωmμ . Secondly, we introduce a fictitious alphabet A
such that
hn [A] := q ( 2 ) hn [X/(1 − q)].
Now we produce the following identity to simplify our expression for K(z):
∨ q zX ∨ −zX
E −1
= E
1−q 1−q

= (−1)n ωen [X/(1 − q)]z n

= hn [X/(1 − q)](−z)n
= q ( 2 ) hn [X/(1 − q)](−z)n
= hn [A](−z)n = en [−zA] = E[−zA] = 1/E[zA].
n n n

From this identity, our previous equation for K(z) reduces to

K(z) = = E[z(1 − q)A] = hμ [A]fμ [z(1 − q)],
E[qzA] μ

the last equality coming from our definition of fμ . By our definition of A,

⎛ ⎞
 l(μ) μi
K(z) = ⎝ q ( 2 ) hμi [X/(1 − q)]⎠ fμ [z(1 − q)].
μ i=1

Extracting on both sides the coefficient of z n , we end up with

kn (q) = q n(μ ) hμ [X/(1 − q)]fμ [1 − q].

Finally, recall from Lecture 3 that

! "

Hμ (x; q, 1) = 
Hμi (x; q, 1) = (1 − q) · · · (1 − q ) hμ [X/(1 − q)] ,

i i





0 1 2 3
q q q q

Figure 1. ∇e3

which means that

∇|t=1 hμ [X/(1 − q)] = q n(μ ) hμ [X/(1 − q)].
⎛ ⎞

kn (q) = ∇|t=1 ⎝ hμ [X/(1 − q)]fμ [1 − q]⎠ = ∇en (x)|t=1 ,

as desired. 

4.3. First Remarks on Positivity

Making some calculations, we see that ∇e3 = s(3) + (q + t + q 2 + qt + t2 )s(21) +
(qt + q 3 + q 2 t + qt2 + t3 )s(111) . This is pictured in Figure 1.
Looking at the s(111) = e3 part gives us C3 (q, t) = qt + q 3 + q 2 t + qt2 + t3 ,
while taking the Hall inner product with e(111) gives us P3 (q, t) = 1 + 2q + 2t +
2q 2 + 3qt + 2t2 + q 3 + q 2 t + qt2 + t3 , since s(3) , e(111)  = s(111) , e(111)  = 1, while
s(21) , e(111)  = 2.

Notice that P3 (q, t) and C3 (q, t) are both polynomials in q and t with pos-
itive integer coefficients. This in turn follows from the coefficients of sλ in the
Schur function expansion of ∇e3 all being polynomials with positive integer coef-
ficients. This and further calculations suggest that ∇en , sμ  should always be a
polynomial with positive integer coefficients. One can hope to prove this positiv-
ity in two ways. First, one can hope that ∇en has a combinatorial interpretation
under which one can calculate ∇en , sλ  by counting some set of objects (associ-
ated with the partition λ) with appropriate weights. More precisely, there should
be combinatorially defined sets Sλ and functions qwt, twt : Sλ → N such that
∇en , sλ  = s∈Sλ q qwt(s) ttwt(s) . Secondly, one can hope ∇en has a representation
theoretic interpretation by which ∇en is the bi-graded Frobenius characteristic
FVn for some naturally defined family of bi-graded Sn representations Vn .
Since the Macdonald polynomials H  μ (x; q, t) are also Schur-positive, that is,
have only positive integer polynomial coefficients in their Schur function expansions,
there should also be similar interpretations of the Macdonald polynomials.
At present, there are known interpretations of the Macdonald polynomials and
of ∇en in terms of Sn -representation theory. Both ∇en and H  μ turn out to be
the Frobenius characteristics of certain finite dimensional quotients of the rings
C[x1 , . . . , xn , y1 , . . . , yn ] which we will describe in the last lecture. Although these
quotient rings can be defined in an elementary way, the existing proofs of these
theorems require some fairly sophisticated algebraic geometry involving the Hilbert
scheme of points in the plane [16, 17].
As for combinatorial interpretations, those relating to ∇en are known and
proved only for Cn (q, t) and some related specializations. Some recent conjectures
have, however, shed further light on this subject. These will be the main topic of
the final lecture.

4.4. Exercises
 (n) , and that therefore Pn (q, 0) = H
(1) Prove that ∇en |t=0 = H  (n) , e(1n )  =
qk −1
[n]q !, where by definition [n]q ! = [n]q [n − 1]q · · · [1]q and [k]q = q−1 .
Positivity and Combinatorics?

 μ (x; q, t)
5.1. Representation Theory of H
Recall the Frobenius characteristic of an Sn representation V is defined as

FV (x) = (dimV Sμ )mμ (x).

Recall also that

FVλ = sλ (x)
for the irreducible representation Vλ and that Frobenius characteristic is additive
on direct sums (of representations).
If V is graded, that is, V = ⊕i∈N Vi where each Vi is an Sn representation,
then we can define 
FV (x; q) = FVi (x)q i .
Similarly, if V is bi-graded with V = ⊕i,j∈N Vi,j , we can define

FV (x; q, t) = FVi,j (x)q i tj .

By construction, FV (x; q, t), sλ  ∈ N[q, t] for every λ. Therefore, one method
for showing that a symmetric function f ∈ ΛQ(q,t) has the property that f, sλ  ∈
N[q, t] for every λ is to show that f = FV (x; q, t) for some bi-graded representation
In this section we will construct this representation V for f = H  μ (x; q, t),

which shows that Kλμ ∈ N[q, t]. In the next section we will do the same for
f = ∇en . Although we will be able to explicitly describe these representations, the
proof that they have the right Frobenius characteristic involves fairly sophisticated
algebraic geometry involving the Hilbert scheme of points in the plane, and would
require another entire series of lectures to present. No elementary proof that these
representations have the right Frobenius characteristic is known.
Given a partition μ with |μ| = n, let {(p1 , q1 ), . . . , (pn , qn )} be the coordinates
of the boxes in its diagram. Now define
 p q 
Δμ (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn , y1 , y2 , . . . , yn ) = det xi j yi j .

For example, for μ = (3, 2),

⎡ ⎤
1 x1 y1 x1 y1 y12
⎢ 1 x2 y2 x2 y2 y22 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
Δ(3,2) (x, y) = det ⎢
⎢ 1 x3 y3 x3 y3 y32 ⎥.

⎣ 1 x4 y4 x4 y4 y42 ⎦
1 x5 y5 x5 y5 y52
For μ = (1n ), only the x variables are involved, and Δ(1n ) (x, y) is just the classical
Vandermonde determinant
# $n 
Δ(x) = det xj−1i = (xi − xj ).

(Note that the convention is for powers of x to increase along the vertical axis in the
partition diagram and for powers of y to increase along the horizontal axis, contrary
to the usual expectation for Cartesian coordinates. Our peculiar convention has
become established in the literature because the rings Rμ we will soon define were
first studied in the case of Hall-Littlewood polynomials, and these are conventionally
written in terms of t and the x-variables, setting q and the y-variables to 0.)
Now let S denote the ring C[x1 , . . . , xn , y1 , . . . , yn ], bi-graded so that its (i, j)-
th graded piece consists of polynomials homogeneous of degree j in the x variables
and degree i in the y variables. (In the lectures and in a number of places in the
literature, Q is used instead of C here. This is an irrelevant difference since the
representation theory of Sn is exactly the same over the two fields. We have reverted
to using C since that is more consistent with earlier lectures and the general study
of representation theory.) Now for each partition μ with |μ| = n, define an ideal Jμ
of S by % &
∂ ∂
Jμ = f : f ( , )Δμ (x, y) = 0 .
∂x ∂y
In other words, Jμ consists of all polynomials that, when considered as partial
differentiation operators, annihilate Δμ . Now let Rμ = S/Jμ .
The simplest example is μ = (1n ). As mentioned before, Δ(1n ) is the classical
Vandermonde determinant, and J(1n ) = y1 , . . . , yn , e1 (x), . . . , en (x). Therefore,
R(1n ) = C[x]/C[x]S+n ,
or, in words, the polynomial ring in the x variables modulo the ideal generated by
all homogeneous non-constant symmetric functions. This ring is known as the ring
of covariants, and it is a classical theorem that R(1n ) ∼
= S n C · Sn ∼
= C ↑S1 , and,
furthermore, that
 (1n ) (x; q, t).
FR(1n ) (x; q, t) = (1 − t)(1 − t2 ) · · · (1 − tn )hn [X/(1 − t)] = H
Generalizing this, we have the following theorem.
Theorem 8 ([16]). There holds the identity
 μ (x; q, t).
FRμ (x; q, t) = H

Since, as computed in Lecture 3, H  μ (x; 1, 1) = h(1n ) (x), this means that

Rμ = C · Sn as Sn representations. In particular, dim(Rμ ) = n!. This was the
“n! conjecture,” which turned out to be the most difficult point in the proof of
Theorem 8.

5.2. Representation Theory of ∇en

A different quotient of the ring S gives a module whose Frobenius series is ∇en .
Let Jn be the ideal of S generated C[x, y]S+n , that is, the ideal generated by all
homogeneous non-constant functions symmetric with respect to the diagonal action
of Sn on the x and y variables. One set of generators for Jn is the polarized
elementary symmetric functions, defined by
ea,b (x, y) = xi yj .
I,J∈{1,...,n} i∈I j∈J

Now let Rn = C/Jn , the coinvariant ring for the diagonal action. We have the
following theorem.
Theorem 9 ([17]). There holds the identity
FRn (x; q, t) = ∇en .
Corollary 3.
(1) ∇en ∈ N[q, t] · {sλ : |λ|  = n}.
(2) Cn (q, t) = ∇en , en  = i,j dim(Rn )i,j ti q j ∈ N[q, t].

(3) Pn (q, t) = ∇en , e(1n )  = i,j dim(Rn )i,j ti q j ∈ N[q, t].
Proof. (1) holds because the Frobenius series of any (positively graded) Sn -module
is in N[q, t] · {sλ : |λ| = n}. Since f, en  picks out the coefficient of en = s(1n ) in the
expansion of f in the Schur function basis, if f = FV for some Sn representation
V , f, en  gives the multiplicity of the sign representation in V . Since the sign
representation is 1-dimensional, (2) follows. Finally, for any Sn representation
V , FV , e(1n )  = FV , h(1n ) , which is the coefficient of m(1n ) in the monomial
expansion of FV . By definition, this is the dimension of the subspace of V fixed by
the trivial group, which is all of V , giving (3). 

5.3. Combinatorics of ∇en

In this section we discuss a combinatorial interpretation of ∇en in terms of the
tableaux used to represent parking functions, although we will allow tableaux of
any content
' instead of just content (1n ). We will give two functions qwtn , twtn
from λ⊆δ(n) SSYT(λ + (1n )/λ) to N such that, conjecturally,

∇en = q qwtn (T ) ttwtn (T ) xT .
It will not be obvious at first glance that these are indeed symmetric functions, but
that has been proven in [13]. Note that this is not exactly the desired combinatorial
interpretation, as it gives an expansion of ∇en in terms of monomial symmetric
functions rather than Schur functions, but it may be a useful first step.
Since setting t = 1 should give us kn (q), the desired function qwtn should
simply be T → n2 − |λ|, where T is a tableau of skew shape λ + (1n )/λ. The
appropriate function twtn is much more subtle. We will describe this function first
in terms of a combinatorial interpretation of the (q, t)-Catalan numbers Cn (q, t).
Let λ ⊆ δ(n), and λ ( = λ + (1n )/λ. We say that a cell (i, j) ∈ λ ( attacks
(i , j ) ∈ λ if either i + j = i + j and j < j , or i + j = i + j + 1 and j > j .


Figure 1. Attacking pairs of cells for λ = (4, 4, 2) (and n = 6)

More pictorially, a cell c attacks c if either c and c are on the same diagonal
with c to the left of c , or c is one diagonal above and strictly to the right of c .
( and c attacks c }. Figure 1 shows that
Now simply let twtn (λ) = #{(c, c )|c, c ∈ λ
twt6 ((4, 4, 2)) = 9.
Now we have the following theorem.
Theorem 10 ([6, 13]). There holds the identity

Cn (q, t) = q qwtn (λ) ttwtn (λ) .

Although Cn (q, t) is invariant under switching q and t, it is still an open prob-

lem to find an involution on partitions which would combinatorially explain this
symmetry. More precisely, there should be a combinatorially defined involution I
such that qwtn (I(λ)) = twtn (λ) and twtn (I(λ)) = qwtn (λ), but no such involution
is known.
Now we come to the conjectured combinatorial description of ∇e  n . As stated
( and let qwt(T ) = qwt (λ) = n − |λ|. Now
earlier, let T be a tableau of shape λ, n 2
use the notion of attack defined earlier to define twt(T ) = #{(c, c )|c, c ∈ λ,( T (c) >
T (c ), and c attacks c }.
Theorem 11. For each λ ⊆ δ(n),

Dλ (x; t) = ttwt(T ) xT
T ∈SSYT(λ) 
is a symmetric function, and Dλ (x; t) ∈ N[t] · {sλ }.
In fact, Dλ (x; t) is shown in [13] to be an example of an LLT polynomial, as
defined by Lascoux, Leclerc and Thibon in [19].
Conjecture 1.
∇en = q qwtn (λ) Dλ (x; t) = q qwt(T ) ttwt(T ) xT .
λ⊆δ(n) λ⊆δ(n)
T ∈SSYT(λ)

This conjecture, if true, would have the following corollary; recall that a tableau
of skew shape λ( and content (1n ) corresponds directly to a parking function.

Corollary 4 (to Conjecture 1).

Pn (q, t) = ∇en , h(1n )  = q qwt(T ) ttwt(T ) .

T ∈SSYT(λ,(1n ))

It is also mysterious why this should be symmetric under switching q and t, and
what connection these combinatorics may have with the ring Rn described above.
It can at least be shown that insofar as Cn (q, t) is concerned, Conjecture 1
agrees with Theorem 10. First of all, in keeping with how ω usually acts on objects
indexed by tableaux, it can be shown that

ωDλ (x; t) = ttwt(T ) xT ,
T ∈SSYT− (λ)
where SSYT− (λ) ( denotes the set of imaginary tableaux T of shape λ, ( whose
“imaginary” entries increase weakly along columns and strictly along rows (the
requirement on rows is irrelevant in the case of the shapes λ ( occurring in the above
formula). For imaginary tableaux, twt(T ) is redefined to allow a contribution from a
pair of cells (c, c ) if c attacks c and T (c) ≥ T (c ) (instead of requiring T (c) > T (c )).
For each λ ⊆ δ(n), there is a unique imaginary tableau T of shape λ ( with
 entries being 1, and for this imaginary tableau,  twt(T ) = twt n (λ). Therefore,
 λ∈δ(n) q qwtn (λ) ωDλ (x; t), hn  = Cn (q, t). Since  λ⊆δ(n) q qwtn (λ) Dλ (x; t), en  =

 λ⊆δ(n) q qwtn (λ) ωDλ (x; t), hn , the theorem for Cn (q, t) agrees with the conjec-

 μ (x; q, t)
5.4. Combinatorics of H
This topic was addressed, not in these lectures, but in a satellite lecture by Jim
Haglund. We will comment briefly on the latest developments. Haglund conjec-
tured, and discussed in his lecture, a combinatorial formula analogous to Conjec-
ture 1 for the monomial expansion of H ( μ (x; q, t). Like Conjecture 1, Haglund’s
formula can be expressed as a q-weighted sum of LLT polynomials in the parame-
ter t, which shows in particular that it is in fact a symmetric function. (This also
shows, subject to a general Schur-positivity conjecture for LLT polynomials, that
Haglund’s formula is Schur-positive. The special case of the LLT positivity conjec-
ture required for Schur-positivity of the formula in Conjecture 1 is known to hold.)
Between the the PCMI meeting and the preparation of the final version of these
notes, Haglund’s conjecture has been proven by Haglund, Haiman and Loehr, who
verify directly that Haglund’s formula satisfies the defining axioms for Macdonald
polynomials in Theorem-Definition 2. For details, see [12].

5.5. Exercises
Show that Conjecture 1 gives the correct predictions for the following.
(1) ∇en |t=1 = kn (q)
 (1n ) (x; q, t)
(2) ∇en |q=0 = (1 − t)(1 − t2 ) · · · (1 − tn )hn [X/(1 − t)] = H
(3) ∇en |t=0 (This one is trickier.)

Proving that the conjecture gives the correct prediction for ∇en |q=1 is an open
problem. Using the first exercise, this is presumably a special case for showing
combinatorially that the conjecture gives a function symmetric under switching q
and t.

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4. Ivan Cherednik, Diagonal coinvariants and double affine Hecke algebras, Int.
Math. Res. Not. (2004), no. 16, 769–791, math.QA/0305245.
5. Pavel Etingof and Victor Ginzburg, Symplectic reflection algebras, Calogero-
Moser space, and deformed Harish-Chandra homomorphism, Invent. Math.
147 (2002), no. 2, 243–348, arXiv:math.AG/0011114.
6. A. M. Garsia and J. Haglund, A proof of the q, t-Catalan positivity conjec-
ture, Discrete Math. 256 (2002), no. 3, 677–717, LaCIM 2000 Conference on
Combinatorics, Computer Science and Applications (Montreal, QC).
7. A. M. Garsia and M. Haiman, A remarkable q, t-Catalan sequence and q-
Lagrange inversion, J. Algebraic Combin. 5 (1996), no. 3, 191–244.
8. Adriano M. Garsia, A q-analogue of the Lagrange inversion formula, Houston
J. Math. 7 (1981), no. 2, 205–237.
9. Ira Gessel, A noncommutative generalization and q-analog of the Lagrange
inversion formula, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 257 (1980), no. 2, 455–482.
10. Victor Ginzburg, Principal nilpotent pairs in a semisimple Lie algebra. I, In-
vent. Math. 140 (2000), no. 3, 511–561.
11. Iain Gordon, On the quotient ring by diagonal invariants, Invent. Math. 153
(2003), no. 3, 503–518, arXiv:math.RT/0208126.
12. J. Haglund, M. Haiman, and N. Loehr, A combinatorial formula for Macdon-
ald polynomials, J. Amer. Math. Soc. 18 (2005), no. 3, 735–761 (electronic),
13. J. Haglund, M. Haiman, N. Loehr, J. B. Remmel, and A. Ulyanov, A combi-
natorial formula for the character of the diagonal coinvariants, Duke Math. J.
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14. Mark Haiman, t, q-Catalan numbers and the Hilbert scheme, Discrete Math.
193 (1998), no. 1-3, 201–224, Selected papers in honor of Adriano Garsia
(Taormina, 1994).

15. , Macdonald polynomials and geometry, New perspectives in geometric

combinatorics (Billera, Björner, Greene, Simion, and Stanley, eds.), MSRI
Publications, vol. 38, Cambridge University Press, 1999, pp. 207–254.
16. , Hilbert schemes, polygraphs and the Macdonald positivity conjecture,
J. Amer. Math. Soc. 14 (2001), no. 4, 941–1006, arXiv:math.AG/0010246.
17. , Vanishing theorems and character formulas for the Hilbert scheme
of points in the plane (abbreviated version), Physics and combinatorics, 2000
(Nagoya), World Sci. Publishing, River Edge, NJ, 2001, pp. 1–21.
18. , Combinatorics, symmetric functions, and Hilbert schemes, Current
developments in mathematics, 2002, Int. Press, Somerville, MA, 2003, pp. 39–
19. Alain Lascoux, Bernard Leclerc, and Jean-Yves Thibon, Ribbon tableaux, Hall-
Littlewood functions, quantum affine algebras, and unipotent varieties, J. Math.
Phys. 38 (1997), no. 2, 1041–1068, arXiv:q-alg/9512031.
20. I. G. Macdonald, A new class of symmetric functions, Actes du 20e Séminaire
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21. , Symmetric functions and Hall polynomials, second ed., The Claren-
don Press, Oxford University Press, New York, 1995, With contributions by
A. Zelevinsky, Oxford Science Publications.
22. Richard P. Stanley, Enumerative combinatorics. Vol. 2, Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, 1999, With a foreword by Gian-Carlo Rota and appendix 1
by Sergey Fomin.
Chromatic Numbers, Morphism
Complexes, and Stiefel-Whitney
Characteristic Classes

Dmitry N. Kozlov
IAS/Park City Mathematics Series
Volume 14, 2004

Chromatic Numbers, Morphism

Complexes, and Stiefel-Whitney
Characteristic Classes
Dmitry N. Kozlov

Combinatorics, in particular graph theory, has a rich history of being a domain
of successful applications of tools from other areas of mathematics, including topo-
logical methods. Here, we survey the study of the Hom -complexes, and the ways
these can be used to obtain lower bounds for the chromatic numbers of graphs, pre-
sented in a recent series of papers [BK03a, BK03b, BK04, CK04a, CK04b,
Ko04, Ko05b].
The structural theory is developed and put in the historical context, culminat-
ing in the proof of the Lovász Conjecture, which can be stated as follows:
For a graph G, such that the complex Hom (C2r+1 , G) is k-connected
for some r, k ∈ Z, r ≥ 1, k ≥ −1, we have χ(G) ≥ k + 4.
Beyond the, more customary in this area, cohomology groups, the algebro-
topological concepts involved are spectral sequences and Stiefel-Whitney charac-
teristic classes. Complete proofs are included for all the new results appearing in
this survey for the first time.

1 Institute
of Theoretical Computer Science / Department of Mathematics, Eidgenössische Tech-
nische Hochschule - Zürich, CH-8006 Zürich, Switzerland.
E-mail address:
The author would like to thank the Swiss National Science Foundation and Mathematical Science
Research Institute, Berkeley for the generous support.

2007 American Mathematical Society


1.1. The Chromatic Number of a Graph

1.1.1. The Definition and Applications
Unless stated otherwise, all graphs are undirected, loops are allowed, whereas mul-
tiple edges are not. We shall occasionally stress these conventions, to avoid the
possibility of misunderstanding.
For a graph G, V (G) denotes the set of its vertices, and E(G) denotes the set of
its edges. If convenient, we think of E(G) as a Z2 -invariant subset of V (G) × V (G),
where Z2 acts on V (G)×V (G) by switching the coordinates: (x, y) → (y, x). Under
this convention, a looped vertex x is encoded by the diagonal element (x, x), while
the edge from x to y (for x = y) is encoded by the pair (x, y), (y, x) ∈ V (G) × V (G).
For example, the edge set of the graph with 2 vertices connected by an edge,
were the first vertex is looped, and the second one is not, is encoded by the set
{(1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1)}.
Definition 1.1.1. Let G be a graph. A vertex-coloring of G is a set map c :
V (G) → S such that (x, y) ∈ E(G) implies c(x) = c(y).
Clearly, a vertex coloring exists if and only if G has no loops.
Definition 1.1.2. The chromatic number of G, χ(G), is the minimal cardinality
of a finite set S, such that there exists a vertex-coloring c : V (G) → S.
An example of a graph with chromatic number 4 is shown on Figure 1.1.1.
If no such finite set S exists, for example, if G has loops, we use the convention
χ(G) = ∞.
The literature devoted to the applications of computing the chromatic num-
ber of a graph is very extensive. Two of the basic applications are the frequency
assignment problem and the task scheduling problem.
The first one concerns a collection of transmitters, with certain pairs of trans-
mitters required to have different frequencies (e.g., because they are too close).
Clearly, the minimal number of frequencies required for such an assignment is pre-
cisely the chromatic number of the graph, whose vertices correspond to the trans-
mitters, with two vertices connected by an edge if and only if the corresponding
transmitters are requested to have different frequencies.

Figure 1.1.1. A graph with chromatic number 4, which does not contain K4
as an induced subgraph.

The second problem concerns a collection of tasks which need to be performed.

Each task has to be performed exactly once, and the tasks are to be performed
in regularly allocated slots (e.g., hours). The only constraint is that certain tasks
cannot be performed simultaneously. Again, the minimal number of slots required
for the task scheduling is equal to the chromatic number of the graph, whose vertices
correspond to tasks, with two vertices connected by an edge if and only if the
corresponding tasks cannot be performed simultaneously.

1.1.2. The Hadwiger Conjecture

The question of computing χ(G) has a long history. In 1852, F. Guthrie, [Gut80],
asked whether it is true that any planar map of connected countries can be colored
with 4 colors, so that every pair of countries, which share a (non-point) boundary
segment, receive different colors. The first time this question appeared in print was
in a paper by Cayley, [Cay78], and it became known as the Four-Color Problem,
one of the most famous questions in graph theory, as well as a popular brain-teaser.
There is very extensive literature on the subject, see e.g., [Har69, KS77, MSTY,
Ore67, Th98].
The apparently first proof, offered by A. Kempe in 1880, [Kem79], turned out
to be false, as did many later ones. The flaw was noticed in 1890 by P. Heawood,
[Hea90], who also proved the weaker Five-Color Theorem. After several impor-
tant contributions, most notably by G. Birkhoff, and H. Heesch, [Hee69], the latter
reduced the Four-Color Theorem to the analysis of the large, but finite set of ”un-
avoidable” configurations, the original conjecture has been proved 1976 by Appel &
Haken, using computer computations, see [AH76] for the original announcement
and [AH89] for last reprint. A new, shorter and more structural proof (though
still relying on computers) has been obtained in 1997, see [RSST]. The usual way
to formulate this theorem is to dualize the map to obtain a planar graph, coloring
vertices instead of the countries.

Theorem 1.1.3 (The Four-Color Theorem). (Appel & Haken, [AH89]; revised
proof by Robertson, Sanders, Seymour & Thomas, [RSST]).
Every planar graph is four colorable.

In 1943, Hadwiger, [Had43], stated a conjecture closely related to the Four-

Color Theorem. Recall that a graph H is called a minor of another graph G,
if H can be obtained from a subgraph of G by a sequence of edge-contractions.
Let Kn denote an unlooped complete graph on n vertices, that is, V (Kn ) = [n],
E(Kn ) = {(x, y) | x, y ∈ [n], x = y}.

Conjecture 1.1.4 (Hadwiger Conjecture).

For every positive integer t, if a graph has no Kt+1 minor, then it has a t-coloring,
in other words, every graph G has Kχ(G) as its minor.

The Hadwiger conjecture is proved for χ(G) ≤ 5. Indeed, it is trivial for

χ(G) = 1, as K1 is a minor of any graph. For χ(G) = 2 it just says that K2 is
a minor of an arbitrary graph containing an edge. If χ(G) = 3, then G contains an
odd cycle, in particular it has K3 as a minor. The case χ(G) = 4 is reasonably easy,
and was shown by Hadwiger, [Had43], and Dirac, [Dir52]. Finally, it was shown
in 1937 by Wagner, [Wag37], that the case χ(G) = 5 of the Hadwiger Conjecture
is equivalent to the Four-Color Theorem.

1.1.3. The Complexity of Computing the Chromatic Number

The problem of computing the chromatic number of a graph is NP-complete, imply-
ing that the worst-case performance of any algorithm is, most likely, exponential
in the number of vertices. Stronger, already the, seemingly much more special,
problem of deciding whether a given planar graph is 3-colorable is NP-complete,
see e.g., [GJ79]. Recently, it has been shown that even coloring a 3-colorable graph
with 4 colors is NP-complete, see [KLS93].
We note that deciding whether χ(G) = 2 (i.e., whether the graph is bipartite) is
computationally much easier. The plain depth-first search yields O(|V (G)|+|E(G)|)
performance time. Another good news is that one can 4-color a planar graph in
polynomial time: quartic time was obtained in [AH89], and later improved to
quadratic time, see [RSST].
The situation is not getting much better if we switch to considering approxima-
tions. For example, it was shown by Garey & Johnson, [GJ76], that if a polynomial
time approximate algorithm for graph coloring exists (in the precise formulation,
meaning that the output of the algorithm does not differ by more than a constant
factor, which is smaller than 2, from the actual value of the chromatic number),
then there exists a polynomial time algorithm for graph coloring, which, of course,
is not very likely.
Much of the same can be said about computing lower bounds. Even the most
trivial lower bound for the chromatic number, given by the clique number, is not
good, since computing the clique number of a graph is also an NP-complete problem.
For fixed clique size, the lower bound based on clique number is polynomially
computable, but is not very interesting.
The original Lovász bound, by virtue of being based on computing the connec-
tivity of a simplicial complex, also has a very high computational complexity, since
determining the triviality of the homotopy groups is an extremely hard problem,
even in low dimensions.
It is then a positive and welcome surprise, that our bounds, based on the Stiefel-
Whitney characteristic classes are both nontrivial and polynomially computable;
here we fix the test graph and the tested dimension and consider the computational
complexity with respect to the number of vertices of the graph which is being tested.
The crucial difference is that, as opposed to homotopy, the cohomology groups (and
the functorial invariants contained therein) may be computed by means of simple
linear algebra.

1.2. The Category of Graphs

1.2.1. Graph Homomorphisms and the Chromatic Number
The following notion is the gist in recasting the various coloring questions in the
functorial language.
Definition 1.2.1. For two graphs T and G, a graph homomorphism from T to
G is a map ϕ : V (T ) → V (G), such that if x, y ∈ V (T ) are connected by an edge,
then ϕ(x) and ϕ(y) are also connected by an edge.
In other words, the map of the vertex sets ϕ : V (T ) → V (G) induces the
product map ϕ × ϕ : V (T ) × V (T ) → V (G) × V (G), and the condition for the set
map ϕ to be a graph homomorphism translates into
(ϕ × ϕ)(E(T )) ⊆ E(G).
Expressed verbally: edges map to edges.
The study of graph homomorphisms is a classical and well-developed subject
within combinatorics. The interested reader may want to consult the textbooks
[GR01] and [HN04].
Clearly, for any two positive integers m and n, a graph homomorphism ϕ :
Km → Kn exists if and only if m ≤ n. More generally, we can now restate
Definition 1.1.2 in the language of graph homomorphisms.
Definition 1.2.2. The chromatic number of G, χ(G), is the minimal positive
integer n, such that there exists a graph homomorphism ϕ : G → Kn .
In this sense, the problem of vertex-colorings and computing chromatic numbers
corresponds to choosing a particular family of graphs, namely unlooped complete
graphs, fixing a valuation on this family, here we are mapping Kn to n, and then
searching for a graph homomorphism from a given graph to the chosen family, which
would minimize the fixed valuation. Using the intuition from statistical mechanics
we call such a family of graphs state graphs.
A natural question arises: are there any other choices of families of state graphs
and valuations which correspond to other natural and well-studied classes of graph
problems. The answer is yes, and we shall describe two examples in the following

1.2.2. The Fractional Chromatic Number

First, we define an important family of graphs.
Definition 1.2.3. Let n, k be positive integers, n ≥ 2k. The Kneser graph Kn,k
is defined to be the graph whose set of vertices is the set of all k-subsets of [n], and
the set of edges is the set of all pairs of disjoint k-subsets.
• K2k,k is a matching on 2kk vertices;
• Kn,1 is the unlooped complete graph Kn ;
• K5,2 is the Petersen graph.
We can now define the fractional chromatic number by means of graph homo-

Definition 1.2.4. Let G be a graph. The fractional chromatic number of G,

χf (G), is defined by
χf (G) = inf ,
(n,k) k

where the infimum is taken over all pairs (n, k) such that there exists a graph ho-
momorphism from G to Kn,k .
Here, the state graphs are the Kneser graphs, {Kn,k }n≥2k , and the chosen
valuation on this family is Kn,k → n/k.

1.2.3. The Circular Chromatic Number

Again, we start by defining the appropriate family of graphs.
Definition 1.2.5. Let r be a real number, r ≥ 2. Rr is defined to be the graph
whose set of vertices is the set of unit vectors in the plane pointing from the origin,
and two vertices x and y are connected by an edge if and only if 2π/r ≤ α, where
α is the sharper of the two angles between x and y (or π if these two angles are
Note that both the number of vertices and valencies of the vertices (if r > 2)
are infinite.
Definition 1.2.6. Let G be a graph. The circular chromatic number of G is
χc (G) = inf r, where the infimum is taken over all positive reals r, such that there
exists a graph homomorphism from G to Rr .
In other words, the family of the state graphs is {Rr }r≥2 , and the chosen
valuation is Rr → r.
It is possible to define χc (G) by using only finite state graphs.
Definition 1.2.7. Let n, k be positive integers, n ≥ 2k. Rn,k is defined to be the
graph whose set of vertices is [n], and two vertices x, y ∈ [n] are connected by an
edge if and only if
k ≤ |x − y| ≤ n − k.
• R2k,k is a complete matching on 2k vertices;
• R2k+1,k is a cycle with 2k + 1 vertices;
• Rn,1 = Kn,1 = Kn ;
• Rn,2 is the unlooped complement of a cycle with n vertices.
The equivalent definition of χc (G) in terms of finite state graphs is also func-
Proposition 1.2.8. Let G be a graph. We have the equality
χc (G) = inf ,
(n,k) k

where the infimum is taken over all pairs (n, k) such that there exists a graph ho-
momorphism from G to Rn,k .
Here, the state graphs are {Rn,k }n≥2k , and the chosen valuation on this family
is again Rn,k → n/k.

We remark, that for any graph G we have

χ(G) − 1 < χc (G) ≤ χ(G).
For more information on the circular chromatic number of a graph, see [Vi88,

1.2.4. The Category Graphs

As we have seen so far, graph homomorphisms are invaluable in formulating various
coloring problems. The usual framework for studying a set of mathematical objects
and the set of maps between them is that of a category. Before we get that, we
need to check a few properties.
(1) Let T, G, H be three graphs, and let ϕ : T → G and ψ : G → H be two
graph homomorphisms. The composition of the set maps ψ ◦ ϕ is again a graph
homomorphism from T to H, as (x, y) ∈ E(T ) implies (ϕ(x), ϕ(y)) ∈ E(G), which
further implies (ψ(ϕ(x)), ψ(ϕ(y))) ∈ E(H).
(2) The composition of set maps (and hence of graph homomorphisms) is associa-
(3) For any graph G, the identity map id : V (G) → V (G) is a graph homomorphism.
Now we are ready to put it all together into one structure.
Definition 1.2.9. Graphs is the category defined as follows:
• the objects of Graphs are all graphs;
• the morphisms M(G, H) for two objects G, H ∈ O(Graphs) are all graph
homomorphisms from G to H.
For a graph G, let Go be the looping of G, i.e., V (Go ) = V (G), E(Go ) =
E(G) ∪ {(x, x) | x ∈ V (G)}. Then, K1o is a graph consisting of one vertex and one
loop, it is the terminal object of Graphs. The empty graph is the initial object
of Graphs.
As a useful variation we also consider the category Graphsp (where p stand for
”proper”), whose objects are all graphs, and whose morphisms are all proper graph
homomorphisms. We call a graph homomorphism ϕ : T → G proper if |ϕ−1 (g)| is
finite for all g ∈ V (G).
Proposition 1.2.10. The direct product of graphs (see Definition 4.1.6) is a cat-
egorical product, while the disjoint union of graphs is a categorical coproduct
in Graphs.
Even more generally, we have the following property.
Proposition 1.2.11. Graphs has all finite limits and colimits.
A surprising result of Welzl, [Wel84], shows that this category is in a certain
sense dense.
Theorem 1.2.12 (Welzl Theorem).
Let T and G be two arbitrary finite graphs, such that χ(T ) ≥ 3, and there exists
a graph homomorphism from T to G, but there is no graph homomorphism from
G to T . Then, there exists a graph H, such that there exist graph homomorphisms
from T to H, and from H to G, but there are no graph homomorphisms from H to
T , or from G to H.

In the setting of this category, we can think of the following generalization of

various coloring problems: given a category C, and a subcategory C, determine the
set of morphisms from a given object A to the objects in C.  In other words, we
need to study obstructions to the existence of morphisms between certain objects.

1.2.5. Test Objects

Due to the lack of structure, it is rather forbidding to study obstructions in the
category Graphs directly. Instead, we consider a functor F : Graphs → T , where
T is some category with a well-developed obstruction theory.
For two graphs A, B ∈ O(Graphs), if there exists a graph homomorphism
ϕ : A → B, then, since F is a functor, we have an induced morphism F (ϕ) :
F (A) → F (B). If, on the other hand, by some general obstruction arguments in
T , there can be no morphism F (A) → F (B), then we have gotten a contradiction,
hence M(A, B) = ∅.
The question then becomes: how does one find “good” functors F , i.e., functors
which yield nontrivial obstructions to the existence of morphisms in Graphs.
The centerpiece of this survey is the following choice of F : choose a test graph
T , and map every G ∈ Graphs to a topological space which is derived from the
set of graph homomorphisms ϕ : T → G. The idea of topologizing the set of graph
homomorphisms between two given graphs is due to L. Lovász and will be presented
in detail in Section 2.1.
Let us recall the following standard construction in category theory, cf.
[McL98, Section II.6]. For a category C and an object a ∈ O(C), the category
of objects under a, denoted a ↓ C, is defined as follows:
• the objects of a ↓ C are all pairs (m, b), where m is a morphism from a to b;
• for b1 , b2 ∈ O(C), and m1 ∈ M(a, b1 ), m2 ∈ M(a, b2 ), the morphisms in a ↓ C
from (m1 , b1 ) to (m2 , b2 ) are all morphisms m : b1 → b2 , such that m ◦ m1 = m2
(in other words, all ways to complement m1 , m2 to an appropriate commutative
The interesting and crucial detail here is the additional topological structure
which we have on top of the more usual comma category construction.
The Functor Hom (−, −)

2.1. Complexes of Graph Homomorphisms

2.1.1. Complex of Complete Bipartite Subgraphs and the Neighborhood
First, we state the well-known definition in the generality which we need here.
Definition 2.1.1. Let A, B ⊆ V (G), A, B = ∅. We call (A, B) a complete
bipartite subgraph of G, if for any x ∈ A, y ∈ B, we have (x, y) ∈ E(G), i.e.,
A × B ⊆ E(G).
In particular, note that all vertices in A∩B are required to have loops, and that
the edges between the vertices of A (or of B) are allowed. An example is shown on
Figure 2.1.1.

Figure 2.1.1. A complete bipartite subgraph.

Let G be a (possibly infinite) graph. Let ΔV (G) be a simplex whose set of

vertices is V (G), in particular, the simplices of ΔV (G) can be identified with the
finite subsets of V (G). We stress here, that we take as an infinite simplex, the
colimit of the standard inclusion sequence of finite simplices:
Δ0 → Δ1 → Δ2 → . . . .
Under this convention, the points of ΔV (G) are all convex combinations of the points
V (G), where only finitely many points have nonzero coefficients.

A direct product of regular CW complexes is again a regular CW complex.

Even stronger, ΔV (G) × ΔV (G) can be thought of as a polyhedral complex, whose
cells are direct products of two simplices.
Definition 2.1.2. Bip (G) is the subcomplex of ΔV (G) × ΔV (G) defined by the
following condition: σ × τ ∈ Bip (G) if and only if (σ, τ ) is a complete bipartite
subgraph of G.
Note that if (A, B) is a complete bipartite subgraph of G, and A  ⊆ A, B
 ⊆ B,
A, B = ∅, then (A, B) is also a complete bipartite subgraph of G. This verifies that
Bip (G) is actually a subcomplex.
Bip (G) is a CW complex, whose closed cells are isomorphic to direct products
of simplices (in the particular case here, they are in fact products of two simplices).
We call complexes satisfying that property prodsimplicial.
In 1978 Lovász proposed the following construction.
Definition 2.1.3. Let G be a graph. The neighborhood complex of G is the
simplicial complex N (G) defined as follows: its vertices are all non-isolated vertices
of G, and its simplices are all the subsets of V (G) which have a common neighbor.
Let N (v) denote the set of neighbors of v, i.e.,
N (v) = {x ∈ V (G) | (v, x) ∈ E(G)}.
Then, the maximal simplices of N (G) are precisely N (v), for v ∈ V (G). The
complexes Bip (G) and N (G) are closely related.
Proposition 2.1.4. Let G be an arbitrary graph.
(a) ([BK03b, Proposition 4.2]).
Bip (G) is homotopy equivalent to N (G).
(b) ([Ko05b, Theorem 7.2]).
Even stronger, Bip (G) and N (G) have the same simple homotopy type.
Bip (G) is our first example of the Hom (−, −)-construction, namely, Bip (G) is
isomorphic, as a polyhedral complex, to Hom (K2 , G).
1 1

1 2

2,3 3 2 3
3 2 1 3
1,2 3 3
2,3 2,3

3 3
3 1 2 3 2
111110000 3 2

2 1
3 3
Hom (L2 = K2 , K3 ) 1,3 1,3 Hom (L3 , K3 )

Figure 2.1.2. 3-coloring complexes of an edge and of a 3-string.

LECTURE 2. THE FUNCTOR Hom (−, −) 263

2.1.2. Hom -Construction for Graphs

We shall now define Hom (T, G) for an arbitrary pair of graphs T and G. As a model,
we take the definition of Bip (G). Let again ΔV (G) be a simplex
 whose set of vertices
is V (G). Let C(T, G) denote the weak direct product x∈V (T ) ΔV (G) , i.e., the
copies of ΔV (G) are indexed by vertices of T .
By the weak direct product we mean the following construction: a cell in
C(T, G) is a direct product of cells x∈V (T ) σx , with the extra condition that

dim σx ≥ 1 for only finitely many x. The dimension of this cell is x∈V (T ) dim σx ,
in particular, it is finite.

Definition 2.1.5.  Hom (T, G) is the subcomplex of C(T, G) defined by the following
condition: σ = x∈V (T ) σx ∈ Hom (T, G) if and only if for any x, y ∈ V (T ), if
(x, y) ∈ E(T ), then (σx , σy ) is a complete bipartite subgraph of G.

Let us make a number of simple, but fundamental, observations about the

complexes Hom (T, G).
(1) The topology of Hom (T, G) is inherited from the product topology of C(T, G).
By this inheritance, the cells of Hom (T, G) are products of simplices.
(2) Hom (T, G) is a polyhedral complex whose cells are indexed by all functions
η : V (T ) → 2V (G) \ {∅}, such that if (x, y) ∈ E(T ), then η(x) × η(y) ⊆ E(G).
The closure of a cell η consists of all cells indexed by η̃ : V (T ) → 2V (G) \ {∅},
which satisfy η̃(v) ⊆ η(v), for all v ∈ V (T ).
Throughout this survey, we shall make extensive use of the η-notation.

2 1
2 1 2 13
23 1

1 2
2 13

3 1 13 23 1 2
1 23

1111 000
111 000
111 000
12 1111
0000 000
111 000
13 2
1111 000
111 000
111 000
111 2 1
3 12 1111
0000 000
111 000
111 000
11 000
111 000
111 000
11 000
111 000
3 3
12 3 1111
0000 000 111
1111 000
3 2 1111
0000 000
000 2 3
11 0000
11111 0000
12 13 11111
00000 0000
13 12
11111 000000
000 3
11111 000000
111111 12
13 2
11111 000000
11111 1 3
2 13 1 2 00000
1 2 1 23
3 12

1 2 23 12
23 13
2 1 23 1
3 3

Hom (L4 , K3 )

Figure 2.1.3. 3-coloring complex of a 4-string.


(3) In the literature there are several different notations for the set of all graph
homomorphisms from a graph T to the graph G. Since an untangling of the de-
finitions shows that this set is precisely the set of vertices of Hom (T, G), i.e., its
0-skeleton, it feels natural to denote it by Hom 0 (T, G).
(4) On the intuitive level, one can think of each η : V (T ) → 2V (G) \ {∅}, satisfying
the conditions of the Definition 2.1.5, as associating non-empty lists of vertices of
G to vertices of T with the condition on this collection of lists being that any choice
of one vertex from each list will yield a graph homomorphism from T to G.
(5) The standard way to turn a polyhedral complex into a simplicial one is to take
the barycentric subdivision. This is readily done by taking the face poset and then
taking its nerve (order complex). So, here, if we consider the partially ordered set
F (Hom (T, G)) of all η as in Definition 2.1.5, with the partial order defined by η̃ ≤ η
if and only if η̃(v) ⊆ η(v), for all v ∈ V (T ), then we get that the order complex
Δ(F (Hom (T, G))) is a barycentric subdivision of Hom (T, G). A cell τ of Hom (T, G)
corresponds to the union of all the simplices of Δ(F (Hom (T, G))) labeled by the
chains with the maximal element τ .
Some examples are shown on Figures 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.1.4, and 2.1.5. On these figures
we used the following notations: Ln denotes an n-string, i.e., a tree with n vertices
and no branching points, Cm denotes a cycle with m vertices, i.e., V (Cm ) = Zm ,
E(Cm ) = {(x, x + 1), (x + 1, x) | x ∈ Zm }.

2 1 2 1

1 2 1 3
23 1
111 000
111 000
13 2 000
111 000
1 23
111 3 1 00
3 111
111 00
11 3 12
000 1 2 11
111 00
111 00
12 111
11111 00 12
11111 3
1 23 13 2

23 1 2 13

Hom (C4 , K3 )

Figure 2.1.4. 3-coloring complex of a 4-cycle.

2.2. Morphism Complexes

2.2.1. General Construction
As mentioned above, one way to interpret Definition 2.1.5 is the following: the cells
are indexed by the maps η : V (T ) → 2V (G) \ {∅}, such that any choice ϕ : V (T ) →
LECTURE 2. THE FUNCTOR Hom (−, −) 265

1 1

3 2 2 3

2 3 1 3 2 1

3 3 2 2
1 1
2 1 3 1
3 2 2 3

2 1 3 1

Hom (C5 , K3 )

Figure 2.1.5. 3-coloring complex of a 5-cycle.

V (G), satisfying ϕ(x) ∈ η(x), for all x ∈ V (T ), defines a graph homomorphism

ϕ ∈ Hom 0 (T, G). One can generalize this as follows.
Let A and Bbe two sets, and let M be a collection of some set maps ϕ : A → B.
Let C(A, B) = x∈A ΔB , where ΔB is the simplex having B as a vertex set, and
copies in the direct product are indexed by the elements of A (the direct product
is taken in the same weak sense as in the subsection 2.1.2).
 2.2.1. Let Hom M (A, B) be the subcomplex of C(A, B) consisting of all
σ = x∈A σx , such that any choice ϕ : A → B satisfying ϕ(x) ∈ σx , for all x ∈ A,
yields a map in M .
Intuitively one can think of the map ϕ as the section of σ, and the condition can
then be verbally stated: all sections lie in M . Clearly, the complex Hom M (A, B) is
always prodsimplicial.
An important fact is that Hom − (−, −) complexes are fully determined by the
low-dimensional data. This result did not previously appear in the literature, so
we include here a complete proof.
Proposition 2.2.2. All complexes Hom − (−, −) with isomorphic 1-skeletons are
isomorphic to each other as polyhedral complexes.
More precisely, the 1-skeleton determines the complex in the following way:
every product of simplices, whose 1-skeleton is in the 1-skeleton of the complex,
itself belongs to the complex.
Proof. Let us consider a complex X of the type Hom M (A, B), where A, B and M
are a priori unknown. Trivially, the 0-skeleton of X is the set M itself. Furthermore,
the 1-skeleton tells us which pairs of set maps ϕ, ψ : A → B differ precisely in one
element of A. 
Clearly, for σ = x∈A σx ∈ C(A, B) to belong to Hom M (A, B), it is required
that the 1-skeleton of σ is a subgraph of the 1-skeleton of Hom M (A, B). Let us show
that the converse of this statement is true as well.
Let Γ be the 1-skeleton of X. For every edge e in Γ let λ(e) ∈ A denote the
element in which the value of the function is changed along e. Since we do not

know the set A, we can only make the statements of the type the labels of these two
edges are the same/different.
Assume we have S ⊆ M , such that S can be written as a direct product
S = S1 × S2 × · · · × St . Assume furthermore that the subgraph of Γ induced by S
is precisely the 1-skeleton of the corresponding cell.
First, consider 3 elements a, b, c ∈ S1 × · · · × St , which have the same indices
in all Si ’s except for exactly one. Then, by our assumption on S, the subgraph of
Γ induced on the vertices a, b, and c, is a triangle. Clearly, if 3 changes of a value
of a function result in the same function, then the changes were done in the same
element of A, i.e., λ(a, b) = λ(a, c) = λ(b, c).
Next, consider 4 elements a, b, c, d ∈ S1 × · · · × St , such that pairs of vertices
(a, b), (b, c), (c, d), and (a, d), have the same indices in all Si ’s except for exactly
one. Assume further that this index is not the same for (a, b) and (b, c): say a and
b differ in S1 , and b and c differ in S2 .
According to our assumption on S, (a, b), (b, c), (c, d), and (a, d) are edges of Γ.
If λ(a, b) = λ(b, c), then Γ contains the edge (a, c), and λ(a, b) = λ(a, c), which
contradicts our choice of S.
If, on the other hand, λ(a, b) = λ(b, c), then, since changes of functions along
the paths a → b → c and a → d → c should give the same answer, we are left with
the only possibility: namely λ(a, b) = λ(c, d), and λ(b, c) = λ(a, d).
Let a ∈ S1 ×· · ·×St , a = (a1 , . . . , at ). By our first argument, if b ∈ S1 ×· · ·×St ,
b = (a1 , . . . , ãi , . . . , at ), then λ(a, b) does not depend on ai and ãi . Furthermore, let
c, d ∈ S1 ×· · ·×St , d = (a1 , . . . , ãj , . . . , at ), c = (a1 , . . . , ãi , . . . , ãj , . . . , at ), for i = j.
By our second argument, applied to a, b, c, d, we get that λ(a, b) = λ(c, d). If iterated
for various j, this implies that λ(a, b) does not depend on a1 , . . . , ai−1 , ai+1 , . . . , at
either; thus it may depend only on the index i.
Finally, this label should be different for different i’s, as otherwise, by the same
argument as above, we would get more edges in the subgraph of Γ induced by S,
than what we allowed by our assumptions. 
Summarizing, we have shown that the cell σ = x∈A σx ∈ C(A, B) belongs to
Hom M (A, B) if and only if the 1-skeleton of σ is a subgraph of Γ. This implies that
Hom M (A, B) is uniquely determined by its 1-skeleton. 
Intuitively, one can interpret Proposition 2.2.2 as saying that, with respect to its
1-skeleton, Hom M (A, B) is the polyhedral analog of the flag complex construction.

2.2.2. Specifying the Parameters in the General Construction

(1) As mentioned above, if we take A and B to be the sets of vertices of two graphs
T and G, and then take M to be the set of graph homomorphisms from T to G,
then Hom M (A, B) will coincide with Hom (T, G).
(2) We think of a directed graph G as a pair of sets (V (G), E(G)), such that E(G) ⊆
V (G) × V (G).
Definition 2.2.3. For two directed graphs T and G, a directed graph homo-
morphism from T to G is a map ϕ : V (T ) → V (G), such that (ϕ × ϕ)(E(T )) ⊆
Let A and B be the sets of vertices of two directed graphs T and G, and let M
to be the set of directed graph homomorphisms from T to G, then Hom M (A, B) is
the analog of Hom (T, G) for directed graphs. An example is shown on Figure 2.2.1.
LECTURE 2. THE FUNCTOR Hom (−, −) 267

For a directed graph G, let u(G) be the undirected graph obtained from G by
forgetting the directions, and identifying the multiple edges. We remark that for
any two directed graphs G and H, the complexes Hom (G, H) and Hom (u(G), u(H))
are isomorphic, if E(H) is Z2 -invariant.

G= 1111111

21 13
H= 12
2 3
22 0000
1111 32 33

Figure 2.2.1. An example of a Hom complex for two directed graphs.

(3) Let A and B be the vertex sets of simplicial complexes Δ1 and Δ2 , and let M
be the set of simplicial maps from Δ1 to Δ2 , then Hom M (A, B) is the analog of
Hom (T, G) for simplicial complexes.
(4) Recall that a hypergraph with the vertex set V is a subset H ⊆ 2V . Let A
and B be the vertex sets of hypergraphs H1 and H2 . There are various choices
for when to call a map ϕ : A → B a hypergraph homomorphism. Two possibilities
which we mention here are: one could require that ϕ(H1 ) ⊆ H2 , or one could ask
that for any H1 ∈ H1 , there exists H2 ∈ H2 , such that ϕ(H1 ) ⊆ H2 . The example
(3) is a special case of both. Either way, the corresponding complex Hom M (A, B)
provides us with an analog of Hom (T, G) for hypergraphs.
(5) Let A and B be the vertex sets of posets P and Q, and let M be the set of
order-preserving maps from P to Q, then Hom M (A, B) is the analog of Hom (T, G)
for posets.

2.3. Historic Detour

2.3.1. The Kneser-Lovász Theorem
The Kneser conjecture was posed in 1955, see [Kn55], and concerned chromatic
numbers of a specific family of graphs, later called Kneser graphs. We denoted these
graphs Kn,k , see Definition 1.2.3. In 1978 L. Lovász solved the Kneser conjecture
by finding geometric obstructions of Borsuk-Ulam type to the existence of graph
Theorem 2.3.1 (Kneser-Lovász, [Kn55, Lov78]).
For arbitrary positive integers n, k, such that n ≥ 2k, we have χ(Kn,k ) = n− 2k + 2.
To show the inequality χ(Kn,k ) ≥ n−2k+2 Lovász associated the neighborhood
complex N (G), see Definition 2.1.3, to an arbitrary graph G, and then used the
connectivity information of the topological space N (G) to find obstructions to the
colorability of G. More precisely, he proved the following statement.

Theorem 2.3.2 (Lovász, [Lov78]).

Let G be a graph, such that N (G) is k-connected for some k ∈ Z, k ≥ −1, then
χ(G) ≥ k + 3.
The main topological tool which Lovász employed was the Borsuk-Ulam theo-
rem. Shorter proofs were obtained by Bárány, [Bar78], and Greene, [Gr02], both
using some versions of the Borsuk-Ulam theorem, see also [GR01]. A nice brief
survey of these can be found in [dL03].
Since these developments, the topological equivariant methods have gained
ground and became a part of the standard repertoire in combinatorics. We refer the
reader to the series of papers [Ziv96, Ziv97, Ziv98] for an excellent introduction
to the subject.
We have seen in Proposition 2.1.4, that the complexes N (G) and Hom (K2 , G)
have the same simple homotopy type. This fact leads one to consider the family
of Hom complexes as a natural context in which to look for further obstructions to
the existence of graph homomorphisms.

2.3.2. Later Developments The Vertex-Critical Subgraphs of Kneser Graphs.
For a graph G and a vertex v ∈ V (G) we introduce the following notation: G − v
denotes the graph which is obtained from G by deleting the vertex v and all edges
adjacent to v, i.e., V (G − v) = V (G) \ {v}, and E(G − v) = E(G) ∩ (V (G − v) ×
V (G − v)).
Shortly after Lovász’ result, Schrijver, in [Sch78], has sharpened Theo-
rem 2.3.1. To formulate his result, we recall that a graph G is called vertex-critical
if, for any vertex v ∈ V (G), we have χ(G) = χ(G − v) + 1.
Definition 2.3.3. Let n, k be positive integers, n ≥ 2k. The stable Kneser graph
Kn,k is defined to be the graph whose set of vertices is the set of all k-subsets S of
[n], such that if i ∈ S, then i + 1 ∈
/ S, and, if n ∈ S, then 1 ∈/ S. Two subsets are
joined by an edge if and only if they are disjoint.
Clearly, Kn,k is an induced subgraph of Kn,k .
Theorem 2.3.4 (Schrijver, [Sch78]).
stab stab
Kn,k is a vertex-critical subgraph of Kn,k , i.e., Kn,k is a vertex-critical graph, and
χ(Kn,k ) = n − 2k + 2.
stab Chromatic Numbers of Kneser Hypergraphs.

In 1986, Alon-Frankl-Lovász, [AFL86], have generalized Theorem 2.3.1 to the case
of hypergraphs. To start with, recall the standard way to extend the notion of the
chromatic number to hypergraphs.
Definition 2.3.5. For a hypergraph H, the chromatic number χ(H) is, by defin-
ition, the minimal number of colors needed to color the vertices of H so that no
hyperedge is monochromatic.
Next, there is a standard way to generalize Definition 1.2.3 to the case of
Definition 2.3.6. Let n, k, r be positive integers, such that r ≥ 2, and n ≥ rk.
The Kneser r-hypergraph Kn,k is the r-uniform hypergraph, whose ground set
LECTURE 2. THE FUNCTOR Hom (−, −) 269

consists of all k-subsets of [n], and the set of hyperedges consists of all r-tuples of
disjoint k-subsets.
Using the introduced notations, we can now formulate the generalization of
Theorem 2.3.1.
Theorem 2.3.7 (Alon-Frankl-Lovász, [AFL86]).
For arbitrary positive integers n, k, r, such that r ≥ 2, and n ≥ rk, we have
r n − rk + r
χ(Kn,k )= .
Theorem 2.3.7 can be proved using the generalization of the Borsuk-Ulam the-
orem from [BSS81]. Further References.
There has been a substantial body of further important work, which, due to space
constraints, we do not pursue in detail in this survey, some of the references are
[Dol88, Kr92, Kr00, Ma04, MZ04, Sar90, Zie02].
There have also been multiple constructions, such as box complexes, designed to
generalize the original Lovász neighbourhood complexes. However, as later research
showed, the bounds obtained in that way were essentially convertible, since the Z2 -
homotopy types of these complexes were very closely related, either by simply being
the same, or by means of one being the suspension of another, or something close
to that. This means that all these constructions are avatars of the same object, as
explained in [Ziv04].

2.4. More about the Hom -Complexes

2.4.1. Coproducts
For any three graphs G, H, and K, we have

(2.4.1) Hom (G H, K) = Hom (G, K) × Hom (H, K),
and, if G is connected, and G = K1 , then also

Hom (G, H K) = Hom (G, H) Hom (G, K),
where the equality denotes isomorphism of polyhedral complexes.
The first formula is obvious. To verify the second one, note that, for any
graph homomorphism η : V (G) → 2V (H)∪V (K) \ {∅}, and any x, y ∈ V (G), such
that (x, y) ∈ E(G), if η(x) ∩ V
(H) = ∅, then η(y) ⊆ V (H), which under the
assumptions on G implies that x∈V (G) η(x) ⊆ V (H).

2.4.2. Products
For any three graphs G, H, and K, we have the following homotopy equivalence,
see [Ba05]:
(2.4.2) Hom (G, H × K)  Hom (G, H) × Hom (G, K).
In fact, the formula (2.4.2) can be strengthened to state that the left hand
side is simple homotopy equivalent (in the sense of Whitehead, see [Co73]) to the
right hand side. Since this simple homotopy equivalence result is new, we include
a complete argument, as promised in the abstract.

Consider the following three maps 2pH : 2V (H)×V (K) → 2V (H) , 2pK :
2V (H)×V (K)
→ 2V (K) , and c : 2V (H) × 2V (K) → 2V (H)×V (K) , where 2pH and
2 pK
are induced by the standard projection maps pH : V (H) × V (K) → V (H)
and pK : V (H) × V (K) → V (K), and c is given by c(A, B) = A × B.
We let ψ : 2V (H)×V (K) → 2V (H)×V (K) denote the composition map ψ(S) =
c(2pH (S), 2pK (S)) = 2pH (S) × 2pK (S).
Given a cell of Hom (G, H × K) indexed by η : V (G) → 2V (H)×V (K) \ {∅}, one
can see that the composition function ψ ◦ η : V (G) → 2V (H)×V (K) \ {∅} will also
index a cell. Indeed, for any (x, y) ∈ E(G) we know that (η(x), η(y)) is a complete
bipartite subgraph of H × K, which is the same as to say that, for any α ∈ η(x),
and β ∈ η(y), we have (pH (α), pH (β)) ∈ E(H), and (pK (α), pK (β)) ∈ E(K).
If we now choose α̃ ∈ ψ(η(x)), and β̃ ∈ ψ(η(y)), we have pH (α̃) = pH (α), for
some α ∈ η(x), and pH (β̃) = pH (β), for some β ∈ η(y), hence verifying that
(pH (α̃), pH (β̃)) ∈ E(H). The fact that (pK (α̃), pK (β̃)) ∈ E(K) can be proved
This means that we have a map ϕ : F (Hom (G, H × K)) → F (Hom (G, H × K)).
It is easy to see that ϕ is order-preserving and ascending (meaning ϕ(x) ≥ x,
for any x ∈ F(Hom (G, H × K))). It follows from [Ko05a, Theorem 3.1] that
Δ(F (Hom (G, H × K))) = Bd (Hom (G, H × K)) collapses onto Δ(im ϕ).
On the other hand, F (Hom (G, H)) × F(Hom (G, K)) ∼ = im ϕ with the iso-
morphism given by the map (η1 , η2 ) → η, where η(x) = η1 (x) × η2 (x), for
any x ∈ V (G). Thus we conclude that Bd (Hom (G, H × K)) collapses onto
Δ(F (Hom (G, H)) × F(Hom (G, K))) ∼ = Δ(F (Hom (G, H))) × Δ(F (Hom (G, K))) =
Bd (Hom (G, H)) × Bd (Hom (G, K)) ∼ = Hom (G, H) × Hom (G, K), and our argument is
now complete.
For the analog of the formula (2.4.2), where the direct product is taken on the
left, we need the following additional standard notion.
Definition 2.4.1. For two graphs H and K, the power graph K H is defined by
• V (K H ) is the set of all set maps f : V (H) → V (K);
• (f, g) ∈ E(K H ), for f, g : V (H) → V (K), if and only if, whenever
(v, w) ∈ E(H), we also have (f (v), g(w)) ∈ E(K).
It is easy to see that the power graph notion is introduced precisely so that for
any triple of graphs the following adjunction relation holds:
(2.4.3) Hom 0 (G × H, K) = Hom 0 (G, K H ).
In our topological situation the formula (2.4.3) generalizes up to homotopy.
More precisely, we have the following homotopy equivalence, see [Ba05],
(2.4.4) Hom (G × H, K)  Hom (G, K H ).
The formula (2.4.4) can as well be strengthened to yield a simple homotopy
equivalence. Below we include a complete argument.
Define a map ψ : 2V (K ) → 2V (K ) , ψ : Ω → ψ(Ω), as follows: g ∈ ψ(Ω) if and
only if g(x) ∈ {f (x) | f ∈ Ω}, for all x ∈ V (H). In other words, we use the collection
of functions Ω to specify the sets of values, which functions from ψ(Ω) are allowed
to take. Clearly, we have ψ(Ω) ⊇ Ω. Take a cell of Hom (G, K H ), η : V (G) →
2V (K ) \ {∅}, and consider the composition map ψ ◦ η : V (G) → 2V (K ) \ {∅}.
LECTURE 2. THE FUNCTOR Hom (−, −) 271

Since η is a cell, we know that if (x, y) ∈ E(G), and α ∈ η(x), β ∈ η(y), then
(α, β) ∈ E(K H ), i.e., whenever (v, w) ∈ E(H), we have (α(v), β(w)) ∈ E(K).
Choose α̃ ∈ ψ(η(x)), and β̃ ∈ ψ(η(y)). To check that (α̃, β̃) ∈ E(K H ), we need
to check that for any (v, w) ∈ E(H), we have (α̃(v), β̃(w)) ∈ E(K). However, by
the definition of ψ, we know that α̃(v) = α(v), for some α ∈ η(x), and β̃(w) = β(w),
for some β ∈ η(y). It follows that (α̃(v), β̃(w)) = (α(v), β(w)) ∈ E(K), and hence
ψ ◦ η is again a cell.
As a consequence, the composition gives us an order-preserving ascending map
ϕ : F (Hom (G, K H )) → F (Hom (G, K H )). The image of this map is isomorphic to
F (Hom (G × H, K)). The isomorphism map takes the poset element η : V (G) ×
V (H) → 2V (K) \ {∅} to the poset element η̃ : V (G) → 2V (K ) \ {∅} defined by

η̃(x) = {f : V (H) → V (K) | f (v) ∈ η(x, v), for all v ∈ V (H)},

for all x ∈ V (G). By [Ko05a, Theorem 3.1], we conclude that the complex
Δ(F (Hom (G, K H ))) = Bd (Hom (G, K H )) collapses onto its subcomplex Δ(im ϕ) =
Bd (Hom (G × H, K)).
We obtain an interesting special case of the formula (2.4.4) when substituting
G = K1o (which means a graph with one looped vertex). Since K1o × H = H, for
any graph H, we conclude that Hom (H, K)  Hom (K1o , K H ) for any two graphs H
and K. As seen directly, for an arbitrary graph G, Hom (K1o , G) is the clique complex
of the looped part of G, i.e., of the subgraph induced by the set of vertices which
have loops. In particular, the complex Hom (K1o , G) is simplicial. On the other hand,
a vertex f ∈ V (K H ) has a loop if and only if f is a graph homomorphism. We can
therefore conclude that for arbitrary graphs H and K the complex Hom (H, K) is
homotopy equivalent to the clique complex of the subgraph of K H , induced by the
set of all graph homomorphisms from H to K.

2.4.3. Associated Covariant and Contravariant Functors

For an arbitrary polyhedral complex X, we let F (X) denote its face poset ordered
by inclusion. The notion of a link of a vertex of a polyhedral complex allows several
interpretations, so let us fix our convention here. Let v be a vertex of X, the link
of v, denoted lkX (v), is the cell complex whose face poset is given by F>v (X).
Geometrically, lkX (v) can be obtained as follows. Realize faces of X as polyhedra,
in a coherent manner, and take ε to be a positive number which is smaller then the
minimal length of an edge from v. Each face F containing v can be truncated at
vertex v, by cutting it along the set of points at distance ε from v. These cuts fit
coherently to form the desired cell complex. For example, the link of any vertex of
a cube is a triangle, and in general, the link of any vertex of a polytope K is the
polytope obtained by truncating K at the vertex v.
Let T, G, and K be three arbitrary graphs, and let ϕ be a graph homomorphism
from G to K. Then the composition induces a poset map f : F (Hom (T, G)) →
F (Hom (T, K)), namely, for η : V (T ) → 2V (G) \ {∅}, we have f (η) = 2ϕ ◦ η, where
2ϕ is the map induced on the subsets.
Recall that for arbitrary regular CW complexes A and B, a poset map f :
F (A) → F (B) comes from a cellular map ϕ : A → B (meaning that f = F (ϕ)),
if and only if rk ϕ(x) ≤ rk x, for all x ∈ F(A). It is not difficult to check that
this condition is satisfied by the poset map f : F (Hom (T, G)) → F (Hom (T, K))

defined above. Hence, we can conclude that this f comes from a cellular map from
Hom (T, G) to Hom (T, K), which we denote by ϕT .
Moreover, a detailed pointwise analysis of the polyhedral structure of Hom (T, G)
shows that cells (direct products of simplices) map surjectively to other cells, and
that this map is a product map induced by the corresponding maps on the simplices.
Therefore, ϕT is a polyhedral map.
The situation is slightly more complicated if one considers the functoriality in
the first argument. Let us choose some proper graph homomorphism ψ from T
to G, and let K be some graph. Again, by using composition we can define a poset
map g : F (Hom (G, K)) → F (Hom (T, K)), namely, for η : V (G) → 2V (K) \ {∅},
and v ∈ V (T ), we have g(η)(v) = η(ψ(v)). This map is well-defined, since, first
if v, w ∈ V (T ), and (v, w) ∈ E(T ), then (ψ(v), ψ(w)) ∈ E(G), and therefore, for
any x ∈ η(ψ(v)), and y  ∈ η(ψ(w)), we have (x, y) ∈ E(K), and second, by the
properness assumption, v∈V (T ) (|η(ψ(v))| − 1) < ∞. Furthermore, this map is
order-preserving: if τ ≥ η, i.e., if τ (w) ⊇ η(w), for any w ∈ V (T ), then g(τ )(w) =
τ (ψ(w)) ⊇ η(ψ(w)) = g(η)(w).
Intuitively, one can think of the map g as the pullback map. It is important to
remark that, if ψ is not injective, it may happen that dim g(η) > dim η.
For an arbitrary regular CW complex X, let Bd (X) denote the barycentric
subdivision of X. Since g is an order-preserving map, the induced map
Δ(g) : Bd (Hom (G, K)) → Bd (Hom (T, K))
is simplicial and gives the corresponding map of topological spaces, which we de-
note ψK . However, g does not always come from a cellular map. In fact, one can
check that there exists a cellular map ψK : Hom (G, K) → Hom (T, K), such that
F (ψK ) = g, if ψ is injective on the vertices of T .
In any case, we see that Hom (T, −) is a covariant functor from Graphs to
Top, while Hom (−, K) is a contravariant functor from Graphsp to Top; here Top
denotes the category whose objects are topological spaces, and whose morphisms
are all continuous maps.

2.4.4. Composition of Hom’s

For three arbitrary graphs T, G, and K, there is a composition map
ξ : F (Hom (T, G)) × F(Hom (G, K)) −→ F(Hom (T, K)),
whose detailed description is as follows: for graph homomorphisms α : V (T ) →
2V (G) \{∅}, and β : V (G) → 2V (K) \{∅}, define the map β̃ : 2V (G) \{∅} → 2V (K) \{∅}
for S ∈ 2V (G) \ {∅}, β̃(S) := ∪x∈S β(x),
and then set ξ(α, β) := (β̃ ◦ α : V (T ) → 2V (K) \ {∅}). It is easy to check that
this map is well-defined. Indeed, let x, y ∈ V (T ), such that (x, y) ∈ E(T ), choose
arbitrary a ∈ α(x), and b ∈ α(y), and then choose arbitrary ã ∈ β(a), and b̃ ∈ β(b).
Clearly, (x, y) ∈ E(T ) implies (a, b) ∈ E(G), since α is a graph homomorphism,
which then implies (ã, b̃) ∈ E(K), since β is a graph homomorphism.
Applying the nerve functor Δ to the poset map ξ we get a simplicial map
Δ(ξ) : Δ(F (Hom (T, G)) × F(Hom (G, K))) −→ Bd (Hom (T, K)),
LECTURE 2. THE FUNCTOR Hom (−, −) 273

and hence, since for any posets P1 and P2 , the simplicial complex Δ(P1 × P2 ) is
homeomorphic to the polyhedral complex Δ(P1 ) × Δ(P2 ) (in fact it is its subdivi-
sion), we have a corresponding topological map
Hom (T, G) × Hom (G, K) −→ Hom (T, K).

2.4.5. Action of Automorphism Groups

An important special case of the situation described in the Subsection 2.4.4 is when
the considered graph homomorphisms are actually isomorphisms. In other words,
for arbitrary graphs T and G, the elements ϕ ∈ Aut (T ) and ψ ∈ Aut (G) induce
polyhedral maps ϕG : Hom (T, G) → Hom (T, G) and ψ T : Hom (T, G) → Hom (T, G),
which are easily shown to be isomorphisms.
Summarizing, we have a polyhedral action of the group Aut (T ) × Aut (G)
on the polyhedral complex Hom (T, G). As an example, we have Sm × Sn -action on
Hom (Km , Kn ), and Dm ×Sn -action on Hom (Cm , Kn ), where Sn is the n-th symmetric
group, and Dn is the n-th dihedral group.
We note the following useful fact: if for some vertex v there exists a group
element ϕ ∈ Aut (T ), such that (v, ϕ(v)) ∈ E(T ) (for example, if ϕ flips an edge in
T ), then the induced map ϕG : Hom (T, G) → Hom (T, G) is fixed-point free for an
arbitrary graph G without loops. For example, Z2 (corresponding to an arbitrary
reflection from D2r+1 ) acts freely on Hom (C2r+1 , Kn ).

2.4.6. Universality
In topological combinatorics it happens very often that the family of the stud-
ied objects is universal with respect to the invariants which one is interested in
computing. This is also the case not only for the Hom -complexes, but even for
the Hom (K2 , −)-complexes. The following result is due to Csorba, [Cs04a], and,
independently, to Živaljević, [Ziv04].
Theorem 2.4.2 ([Cs04a, Ziv04]).
For each finite, free Z2 -complex X, there exists a graph G, such that Hom (K2 , G) is
Z2 -homotopy equivalent to X.
We note that Theorem 2.4.2 can be verified by combining [Ziv04, Theorem 32],
with a remark in the beginning of [Ziv04, Section 7].

2.5. Folds
2.5.1. Sequences of Collapses Induced by Folds
Hom -complexes behave well with respect to the following standard operation from
graph theory.
Definition 2.5.1. For a graph G and v ∈ V (G), G − v is called a fold of G if
there exists u ∈ V (G), u = v, such that N (u) ⊇ N (v).
Let G − v be a fold of G. We let i : G − v → G denote the inclusion ho-
momorphism, and let f : G → G − v denote the folding homomorphism defined
u, for x = v;
f (x) =
x, for x = v.

Note that i is a graph homomorphism for an arbitrary choice of v ∈ V (G),

whereas f is a graph homomorphism if and only if G − v is a fold, in particular,
this could be taken as an alternative definition of the fold.
Let X be a polyhedral complex. Recall that an elementary collapse of X is
a removal of a pair of polyhedra (σ, τ ), such that σ is a maximal polyhedron, dim τ =
dim σ − 1, and σ is the only maximal polyhedron containing τ . Furthermore, let Y
be a subcomplex of X. We say that X collapses onto Y if there exists a sequence
of elementary collapses leading from X to Y . If X collapses onto Y , then Y is
a strong deformation retract of X.

Hom (L3 , K3 ) X Hom (K2 , K3 )

Figure 2.5.1. A two-step folding of the first argument in Hom (L3 , K3 ).

Theorem 2.5.2 ([Ko04, Theorem 3.3]).

Let G − v be a fold of G and let H be some graph. Then
(1) Bd Hom (G, H) collapses onto Bd Hom (G − v, H);
(2) Hom (H, G) collapses onto Hom (H, G − v).
The maps iH and f H are strong deformation retractions.

Figure 2.5.1 shows an example of the collapsing sequence appearing in the proof
of Theorem 2.5.2 (1).
Note that Theorem 2.5.2 cannot be generalized to encompass arbitrary graph
homomorphisms φ of G onto H, where H is a subgraph of G, and φ is identity on
H. For example, Hom (C6 , K3 )  Hom (K2 , K3 ), see Figures 2.5.2 and 2.5.3, despite
of the existence of the sequence of graph homomorphisms K2 → C6 → K2 which
compose to give an identity.
We remark that, for the sake of transparency, the striped rectangles are shown
on Figure 2.5.2 only around one of the 6 joining vertices, and only two out of the
three. The big connected component corresponds to the graph homomorphisms
ϕ : C6 → K3 having the winding number 0. The isolated points correspond to the
6 possible tight windings of C6 around K3 . Observe also that the cubes are solid.

2.5.2. Applications
When G is a graph, and H is an induced subgraph of G, we say that G reduces to
H, if there exists a sequence of folds leading from G to H.
LECTURE 2. THE FUNCTOR Hom (−, −) 275

Corollary 2.5.3 ([BK03b, Corollary 5.3]).

Let G be a graph, and S ⊆ V [G], such that G reduces to G[S]. Assume S is
Γ-invariant for some Γ ⊆ Aut (G). Then the inclusion i : G[S] → G induces a Γ-
invariant homotopy equivalence iH : Hom (G, H) → Hom (G[S], H) for an arbitrary
graph H.

1 23
1 2 23 1 12 3
23 13 1 23 3 12
1 2 12 3
1 23 2 13
2 1 13 2
13 2 000
2 13
1 2
1 2
2 1 00
11 3 3

1 2 2 1
23 1
13 2
1 23
2 13 3 12
23 1
13 2 12 3
3 12

Hom (C6 , K3 )

Figure 2.5.2. The figure depicts the polyhedral complex of all 3-colorings of
a 6-cycle.

The Theorem 2.5.2 can be used to obtain complete understanding of the ho-
motopy type of the Hom -complexes for certain specific families of graphs.
Proposition 2.5.4. If T is a tree with at least one edge, and G an arbitrary graph,
then Hom (T, G) is homotopy equivalent to N (G). As a consequence, if F is a forest,
and T1 , . . . , Tk are all its connected components consisting of at least 2 vertices, then
Hom (F, G)  i=1 N (G).
An even more special case was important in [BK03b, BK04] for the proof of
Lovász Conjecture.
Corollary 2.5.5 ([BK03b, Proposition 5.4]).
If T is a finite tree with at least one edge, then the map iKn : Hom (T, Kn ) →
Hom (K2 , Kn ) induced by any inclusion i : K2 → T is a homotopy equivalence, in
particular Hom (T, Kn )  S n−2 .
If F is a finite forest, and T1 , . . . , Tk are all its connected components consisting of
at least 2 vertices, then Hom (F, Kn )  i=1 S n−2 .
In this case, Corollary 2.5.3 can be applied to describe the Z2 -homotopy type as
well. First, some new notations: let San , resp. Stn , denote the n-dimensional sphere,
equipped with an antipodal, resp. trivial Z2 -action, where n is a nonnegative integer,
or infinity.

Proposition 2.5.6 ([BK03b, Proposition 5.5]).

Let T be a finite tree with at least one edge and a Z2 -action determined by
an invertible graph homomorphism γ : T → T . If γ flips an edge in T , then
Hom (T, Kn ) Z2 San−2 , otherwise Hom (T, Kn ) Z2 Stn−2 .

1 23
1 2
23 1
v= 2 1 13 2
1 23

2 1
1 2
1 000000
1 23
1 23
2 1
1 2
13 2
23 13
1 000000
1 2
1 000000
13 2
2 13
13 2

Figure 2.5.3. The figure on the left shows the neighbourhood of the vertex
v of Hom (C6 , K3 ). The figure on the right shows the link of this vertex.

Curiously, another computable special case is that of an unlooped complement

of a forest.
Proposition 2.5.7. Let F be a finite forest, and let G be an arbitrary graph, then
Hom (F , G)  Hom (Km , G), where m is the maximal cardinality of an independent
set in F .
In particular, as was shown in [BK03b, Proposition 5.6] that Hom (F , Kn ) is
homotopy equivalent to Hom (Km , Kn ), and hence, by Theorem 3.3.3, to a wedge of
(n − m)-dimensional spheres.
Remark 2.5.8. Recently, folds gained further prominence in connection with Hom
complexes. One has discovered, see [Ba05], that it is possible to introduce a natural
Quillen model category structure, see [GM96, Chapter V], and [Qu73], on the
category of graphs, such that the weak equivalences are precisely the maps, which
allow factorizations into a sequence of folds and unfolds (which therefore may be
viewed as trivial homotopy equivalences).
Stiefel-Whitney Classes and First Applications

3.1. Elements of the Principal Bundle Theory

3.1.1. Spaces with a Free Action of a Finite Group and Special Coho-
mology Elements
Consider a regular CW complex X with a cellular action of a finite group Γ. If
desired, the Γ-action can be made to be simplicial by passing to the barycentric
subdivision, (cf. [Bre72, Hat02]).
For the interested reader we remark here that sometimes one takes the barycen-
tric subdivision even if the original action already was simplicial. The main point
of this is that one can make the action enjoy an additional property: if a simplex
is preserved by one of the group elements, then it must be pointwise fixed by this
Next, assume that Γ acts freely. In this case X is called a Γ-space. We know
that, by the general theory of principal Γ-bundles, see e.g., [tD87], there exists
a Γ-equivariant map w : X → EΓ, and, that the induced quotient map w/Γ :
X/Γ → EΓ/Γ = BΓ is unique up to homotopy. Here EΓ denotes a contractible
space on which the group Γ acts freely, and BΓ denotes the classifying space of Γ
(also known as the associated Eilenberg-MacLane space, or K(Γ, 1)-space, see e.g.,
[AM94, Bre93, GM96, Hat02, McL95, May99, Wh78]).
Passing to cohomology, we see that the induced map (w/Γ)∗ : H ∗ (BΓ) →
H (X/Γ) does not depend on the choice of w, and thus, the image of (w/Γ)∗

consists of some canonically distinguished cohomology elements. For z ∈ H ∗ (BΓ),

we let w(z, X) denote the element (w/Γ)∗ (z), which we call characteristic class
associated to z.
Let Y be another regular CW complex with a free action of Γ, and assume that
ϕ : X → Y is a Γ-equivariant map. By what is said above, there exists a Γ-map v :
Y → EΓ. Hence, in addition to the map w : X → EΓ, we also have a composition
map v ◦ ϕ. Passing on to the quotient map and then to the induced map on
cohomology, we get yet another map ((v ◦ ϕ)/Γ)∗ : H ∗ (BΓ) → H ∗ (X/Γ). However,
as we mentioned above, the map on the cohomology algebras does not depend on
the choice of the original map to EΓ. Thus, since ((v ◦ ϕ)/Γ)∗ = (ϕ/Γ)∗ ◦ (v/Γ)∗ ,

we have commuting diagrams, see Figure 3.1.1, and therefore

w(z, X) = (ϕ/Γ)∗ (w(z, Y )),
where z is an arbitrary element of H ∗ (BΓ).

ϕ (ϕ/Γ)∗
X Y H ∗ (X/Γ) H ∗ (Y /Γ)

v◦ϕ ((v ◦ ϕ)/Γ)∗ (v/Γ)∗

EΓ H ∗ (BΓ)

Figure 3.1.1. Functoriality of characteristic classes.

In other words the characteristic classes associated to a finite group action are
natural, or, as one sometimes says, functorial.
We refer the reader to the wonderful book of tom Dieck, [tD87], for further de-
tails on equivariant maps and associated bundles. We also recommend the classical
book of Milnor&Stasheff, [MS74], as an excellent source for the theory of charac-
teristic classes of vector bundles. The generalities on bundles, including principal
bundles, can be found in [Ste51].

3.1.2. Z2 -spaces and the Definition of Stiefel-Whitney Classes

Let now X be a Z2 -space, i.e., a CW complex equipped with a fixed point free
involution. Specifying Γ = Z2 in the considerations above, we get a map w : X →
Sa∞ = EZ2 . Furthermore, we have the induced quotient map
w/Z2 : X/Z2 → Sa∞ /Z2 = RP∞ = BZ2 .
In this particular case, the induced Z2 -algebra homomorphism
(w/Z2 )∗ : H ∗ (RP∞ ; Z2 ) → H ∗ (X/Z2 ; Z2 )
is determined by very little data. Namely, let z denote the nontrivial cohomology
class in H 1 (RP∞ ; Z2 ). Then H ∗ (RP∞ ; Z2 )  Z2 [z] as a graded Z2 -algebra, with
z having degree 1. We denote the image (w/Z2 )∗ (z) ∈ H 1 (X/Z2 ; Z2 ) by 1 (X).
Obviously, the whole map (w/Z2 )∗ is determined by the element 1 (X).
This is the Stiefel-Whitney class of the Z2 -space X. Clearly, 1k (X) =
(w/Z2 )∗ (z k ). Furthermore, by the general observation, if Y is another Z2 -space,
and ϕ : X → Y is a Z2 -map, then (ϕ/Z2 )∗ (1 (Y )) = 1 (X).
As an example we can quickly compute 1 (San ), for an arbitrary nonnegative
integer n. First, for dimensional reasons, 1 (Sa0 ) = 0. So we assume n ≥ 1.
Next, we have San /Z2 = RPn . The cohomology algebra H ∗ (RPn ; Z2 ) is generated
by one element β ∈ H 1 (RPn ; Z2 ), with a single relation β n+1 = 0. Finally, the
standard inclusion map ι : San → Sa∞ is Z2 -equivariant, and induces another stan-
dard inclusion ι/Z2 : RPn → RP∞ . Identifying RPn with the image of ι/Z2 , we
can think of it as the n-skeleton of RP∞ . Thus the induced Z2 -algebra homomor-
phism (ι/Z2 )∗ : H ∗ (RP∞ ; Z2 ) → H ∗ (RPn ; Z2 ) maps the canonical generator of
H 1 (RP∞ ; Z2 ) to β, and hence we can conclude that 1 (San ) = β.

3.2. Properties of Stiefel-Whitney Classes

3.2.1. Borsuk-Ulam Theorem, Index, and Coindex
The Stiefel-Whitney classes can be used to determine the nonexistence of certain
Z2 -maps. The following theorem is an example of such situation.
Theorem 3.2.1 (Borsuk-Ulam).
Let n and m be nonnegative integers. If there exists a Z2 -map ϕ : San → Sam , then
n ≤ m.
Proof. Choose representations for the cohomology algebras H ∗ (RPn ; Z2 ) = Z2 [α],
and H ∗ (RPm ; Z2 ) = Z2 [β], with the only relations on the generators being
αn+1 = 0, and β m+1 = 0. Since the Stiefel-Whitney classes are functorial, we
get (ϕ/Z2 )∗ (1 (Sam )) = 1 (San ).
On the other hand, by the computation in the subsection 3.1.2, we have
1 (San ) = α, and 1 (Sam ) = β. So (ϕ/Z2 )∗ (β) = α, and hence αm+1 =
(ϕ/Z2 )∗ (β)m+1 = (ϕ/Z2 )∗ (β m+1 ) = 0. Since αn+1 = 0 is the only relation on
α, this yields the desired inequality m ≥ n. 
The Borsuk-Ulam Theorem makes the following terminology useful for formu-
lating further obstructions to maps between Z2 -spaces.
Definition 3.2.2. Let X be a Z2 -space.
• The index of X, denoted Ind X, is the minimal integer n, for which there exists
a Z2 -map from X to San .
• The coindex of X, denoted Coind X, is the maximal integer n, for which there
exists a Z2 -map from San to X.
Assume that we have two Z2 -spaces X and Y , and that γ : X → Y is a Z2 -
map, then, we have the inequality Coind X ≤ Ind Y . Indeed, if there exists Z2 -maps
ϕ : San → X, and ψ : Y → Sam , then the composition
ϕ γ ψ
San −→ X −→ Y −→ Sam
yields a Z2 -map between two spheres with antipodal actions, hence, by the Borsuk-
Ulam Theorem, we can conclude that n ≤ m. In particular, taking Y = X, and
ϕ = id, we get the inequality Coind X ≤ Ind X, for an arbitrary Z2 -space.

3.2.2. Higher Connectivity and Stiefel-Whitney Classes

Many results giving topological obstructions to graph colorings had the k-
connectivity of some space as the crucial assumption. We notice here an important
connection between this condition and non-nullity of powers of Stiefel-Whitney
First, it is trivial, that if X is a non-empty Z2 -space, then one can equivariantly
map Sa0 to X. It is possible to extend this construction inductively to an arbitrary
Z2 -space.
Proposition 3.2.3. Let X and Y be two simplicial complexes with a free Z2 -action,
such that for some k ≥ 0, we have dim X ≤ k, and Y is (k − 1)-connected. Assume
further that we have a Z2 -map ψ : X (d) → Y , for some d ≥ −1. Then, there exists
a Z2 -map ϕ : X → Y , such that ϕ extends ψ.

Please note the following convention used in the formulation of Proposi-

tion 3.2.3: d = −1 means we have no map ψ (in other words, X −1 = ∅), hence no
additional conditions on the map ϕ.
Proof. Choose a Z2 -invariant simplicial structure on X. We construct ϕ induc-
tively on i-skeleton of X, for i ≥ d + 1. If d = −1, we start by defining ϕ on the
0-skeleton as follows: for each orbit {a, b} consisting of two vertices of X, simply
map a to an arbitrary point y ∈ Y , and then map b to γ(y), where γ is the free
involution of X.
Assume now that ϕ is defined on the (i − 1)-skeleton of X, and extend the
construction to the i-skeleton as follows. Let (σ, τ ) be a pair of i-dimensional
simplices of X, such that γσ = τ . The boundary ∂σ is a (i − 1)-dimensional sphere.
By our assumptions i − 1 ≤ dim X − 1 ≤ k − 1, hence the restriction of ϕ to
∂σ extends to σ. Finally, we extend ϕ to the second simplex τ by applying the
involution γ: ϕ|τ := (ϕ|σ ) ◦ γ. 
Corollary 3.2.4. Let X be a Z2 -space, and assume X is (k − 1)-connected, for
some k ≥ 0. Then there exists a Z2 -map ϕ : Sak → X. In particular, we have
1k (X) = 0.
Proof. Sak is k-dimensional, hence the statement follows immediately from Propo-
sition 3.2.3. To see that 1k (X) = 0, recall that, since the Stiefel-Whitney classes
are functorial, we have (ϕ/Z2 )∗ (1k (X)) = 1k (Sak ), and the latter has been verified
to be nontrivial. 
The Corollary 3.2.4 explains the rule of thumb that, whenever dealing with
Z2 -spaces, the condition of k-connectivity can be replaced by the weaker condition
that the (k+1)-th power of the appropriate Stiefel-Whitney class is different from 0.

3.2.3. Combinatorial Construction of Stiefel-Whitney Classes

Let us describe how the construction used in the proof of Proposition 3.2.3 can
be employed to obtain an explicit combinatorial description of the Stiefel-Whitney
Let X be a regular CW complex and a Z2 -space, and denote the fixed point free
involution on X by γ. As mentioned above, one can choose a simplicial structure
on X, such that γ is a simplicial map. We define a Z2 -map ϕ : X → Sa∞ following
the recipe above.
Take the standard Z2 -equivariant cell decomposition of Sa∞ with two antipodal
cells in each dimension. Divide X (0) , the set of the vertices of X, into two disjoint
sets X (0) = A ∪ B, such that every orbit of the Z2 -action contains exactly one
element from A and one element from B. Let {a, b} be the 0-skeleton of Sa∞ , and
map all the points in A to a, and all the points in B to b. Call the edges having
one vertex in A, and one vertex in B, multicolored, and the edges connecting two
vertices in A, resp. two vertices in B, A-internal, resp. B-internal.
Let {e1 , e2 } be the 1-skeleton of Sa∞ . One can then extend ϕ to the 1-skeleton
as follows. Map the A-internal edges to a, map the B-internal edges to b. Note
that the multicolored edges form Z2 -orbits, 2 edges in every orbit. For each such
orbit, map one of the edges to e1 (there is some arbitrary choice involved here),
and map the other one to e2 .
Since the Z2 -action on the space X is free, the generators of the cochain complex
C ∗ (X/Z2 ; Z2 ) can be indexed with the orbits of simplices. For an arbitrary simplex

δ we denote by τδ the generator corresponding to the orbit of δ; in particular,

τγ(δ) = τδ .
The induced quotient cell decomposition of RP∞ is the standard one, with one
cell in each dimension. The cochain z ∗ , corresponding to the unique edge of RP∞ ,
is the generator (and the only nontrivial element) of H 1 (RP∞ ; Z2 ). Its image under
(ϕ/Z2 )∗ is simply the sum of all orbits of the multicolored edges:

(3.2.1) 1 (X) = (ϕ/Z2 )∗ (z ∗ ) = τe ,
multicolored e

where the sum is taken over representatives of Z2 -orbits of multicolored edges, one
representative per orbit.
To describe the powers of the Stiefel-Whitney classes, 1k (X), we need to recall
how the cohomology multiplication is done simplicially. In fact, to evaluate 1k (X)
on a k-simplex (v0 , v1 , . . . , vk ), we need to evaluate 1 (X) on each of the edges
(vi , vi+1 ), for i = 0, . . . , k − 1, and then multiply the results. Thus, the only
k-simplices, on which the power 1k (X) evaluates nontrivially, are those whose
ordered set of vertices has alternating elements from A and from B. We call these
simplices multicolored. We summarize

(3.2.2) 1k (X) = τσ ,
multicolored σ

where the sum is taken over representatives of Z2 -orbits of multicolored k-

dimensional simplices, one representative per orbit.

3.3. First Applications of Stiefel-Whitney Classes to Lower

Bounds of Chromatic Numbers of Graphs
3.3.1. Complexes of Complete Multipartite Subgraphs
We have seen in the subsection 2.1.1 that the complex Hom (K2 , G) is simply homo-
topy equivalent to the neighbourhood complex of G. In particular, Hom (K2 , Kn ) is
simply homotopy equivalent to S n−2 . The following proposition provides us with
a more complete information.
Proposition 3.3.1 ([BK03b, Proposition 4.3]).
(a) Hom (K2 , Kn+1 ) is isomorphic as a cell complex to the boundary complex of the
Minkowski sum Δn + (−Δn ).
(b) The Z2 -action on Hom (K2 , Kn+1 ), induced by the flip action of Z2 on K2 ,
corresponds under this isomorphism to the central symmetry.
Proposition 3.3.1 is illustrated with Figure 3.3.1. Perhaps the easiest way to
Proposition 3.3.1 is by means of the following notion.
Definition 3.3.2. Let X1 , . . . , Xt be a family of simplicial complexes with isomor-
phic sets of vertices. The deleted product of this family is the subcomplex of the
direct product of X1 , . . . , Xt , consisting of all cells τ1 ×· · ·×τt , satisfying τi ∩τj = ∅,
for any i = j.
Clearly, Hom (Km , Kn ) can be viewed as a deleted product of m copies of (n−1)-
dimensional simplices, see e.g., [Ma03]. In this context Proposition 3.3.1 is well-
known, probably due to van Kampen.

14 1

1 4 12 2 3 2 35

1 234
1 1

123 4 25 3 24 3

13 24
1 15

2 34 2 3

Hom (K2 , K4 ) Link of a vertex in Hom (K3 , K5 )

Figure 3.3.1. Complexes of graph homomorphisms between complete graphs.

Also, for m ≥ 3, Hom (Km , G) can be thought of as complexes consisting of all

complete m-partite subgraphs of G. Even in the case G = Kn , it seems complicated
to understand Hom (Km , G) up to homeomorphism. However, we still obtain a good
description of the homotopy type.
Theorem 3.3.3 ([BK03b, Proposition 4.5]).
The cell complex Hom (Km , Kn ) is homotopy equivalent to a wedge of (n − m)-
dimensional spheres.
Introducing a new piece of notation, let us say that the complex Hom (Km , Kn )
is homotopy equivalent to a wedge of f (m, n) spheres.  Let S(−, −) n
denote the
Stirling numbers of the second kind, and SFk (x) = n≥k S(n, k)x denote the
generating function (in the first variable) for these numbers. It is well-known, see
for example [Sta97, p. 34], that
SFk (x) = xk /((1 − x)(1 − 2x) . . . (1 − kx)).

For m ≥ 1, let Fm (x) = n≥1 f (m, n)xn be the generating function (in the second
variable) for the number of the spheres. Clearly, F1 (x) = 0, and F2 (x) = x2 /(1−x).
Proposition 3.3.4 ([BK03b, Proposition 4.6]).
The numbers f (m, n) satisfy the following recurrence relation
(3.3.1) f (m, n) = mf (m − 1, n − 1) + (m − 1)f (m, n − 1),
for n > m ≥ 2; with the boundary values f (n, n) = n! − 1, f (1, n) = 0 for n ≥ 1,
and f (m, n) = 0 for m > n.
Then, the generating function Fm (x) is given by the equation:
(3.3.2) Fm (x) = (m! · x · SFm−1 (x) − xm )/(1 + x).
As a consequence, the following non-recursive formulae are valid:

(3.3.3) f (m, n) = (−1)m+n+1 + m!(−1)n (−1)k S(k − 1, m − 1),


m+k+1 m
(3.3.4) f (m, n) = (−1) kn ,
for n ≥ m ≥ 1.
In particular, for small values of m, we obtain the following explicit formulae:
f (2, n) = 1, for n ≥ 2, f (3, n) = 2n − 3, for n ≥ 3, f (4, n) = 3n − 4 · 2n + 6, for
n ≥ 4, f (5, n) = 4n − 5 · 3n + 10 · 2n − 10, for n ≥ 5.

3.3.2. Stiefel-Whitney Classes and Test Graphs

One connection between the non-nullity of the powers of Stiefel-Whitney character-
istic classes and the lower bounds for graph colorings is provided by the following
general observation.
Theorem 3.3.5. Let G be a graph without loops, and let T be a graph with
Z2 -action which flips some edge in T . If, for some integers k ≥ 0, m ≥ 1,
1k (Hom (T, G)) = 0, but 1k (Hom (T, Km )) = 0, then χ(G) ≥ m + 1.
Since this statement is crucial for all our applications, we provide here a short
Proof of Theorem 3.3.5. We know that, under the assumptions of the theorem,
Hom (T, H) is a Z2 -space for any loopfree graph H. Assume now that the graph G is
m-colorable, i.e., there exists a homomorphism ϕ : G → Km . It induces a Z2 -map
ϕT : Hom (T, G) → Hom (T, Km ). Since the Stiefel-Whitney classes are functorial and
1k (Hom (T, Km )) = 0, the existence of the map ϕT implies that 1k (Hom (T, G)) = 0,
which is a contradiction to the assumption of the theorem. 
We can now use Theorem 3.3.3 to give lower bounds for chromatic numbers of
graphs in terms of Stiefel-Whitney classes of complexes of graph homomorphisms
from complete graphs.
Theorem 3.3.6. Let G be a graph, and let n, k ∈ Z, such that n ≥ 2, k ≥ −1. If
1k (Hom (Kn , G)) = 0, then χ(G) ≥ k + n.
Proof. Indeed, substituting T = Kn , and m = k + n − 1, in the Theorem 3.3.5,
all we need to do is to see that 1k (Hom (Kn , Kk+n−1 )) = 0. By Theorem 3.3.3,
Hom (Kn , Kk+n−1 ) is homotopy equivalent to a wedge of (k−1)-dimensional spheres.
Hence, by dimensional reasons we conclude that 1k (Hom (Kn , Kk+n−1 )) = 0. 
The Spectral Sequence Approach

4.1. Hom+ -construction

4.1.1. Various Definitions
We shall now define a complex Hom+ (T, G) which is related to Hom (T, G). It is
easier to compute various algebro-topological invariants for this complex, however,
it also has less bearing on our main problem: computation of the lower bounds for
chromatic numbers. We shall then connect the Hom - and Hom+ -constructions by
means of a spectral sequence. A Subcomplex of a Total Join.

Let T and G be arbitrary graphs. We shall define Hom+ (T, G) analogously to
Hom (T, G), replacing the direct product with the join. We note here that whenever
talking about Hom+ (T, G) we always assume that the graph T is finite.
Let, as before, ΔV (G) be a simplex whose set of vertices is V (G). Let J(T, G)
denote the join ∗x∈V (T ) ΔV (G) , i.e., the copies of ΔV (G) are indexed by vertices of T .
A cell (simplex) in J(T, G) isa join of (possibly empty) simplices ∗x∈V (T ) σx , the
dimension of this simplex is x∈V (T ) (dim σx + 1) − 1. Remark that this number
is finite, since we assumed that T is finite. Here we use the usual convention that
dim ∅ = −1.
Definition 4.1.1. For arbitrary graphs T and G, Hom+ (T, G) is the simplicial sub-
complex of J(T, G) defined by the following condition: σ = ∗x∈V (T ) σx ∈ Hom+ (T, G)
if and only if for any x, y ∈ V (T ), if (x, y) ∈ E(T ), and both σx and σy are non-
empty, then (σx , σy ) is a complete bipartite subgraph of G.
The intuition behind this definition is that we relax the conditions of the
Hom case by allowing some of the ”coloring lists” to be empty. One can think
of Hom+ (T, G) as a simplicial structure imposed on the set of all partial graph ho-
momorphisms from T to G, i.e., graph homomorphisms from an induced subgraph
of T to the graph G.
In analogy with the Hom case, we can describe the simplices of Hom+ (T, G)
directly: they are indexed by all η : V (T ) → 2V (G) satisfying the same condition as
in Definition 2.1.5. The closure of η is also defined identical to how it was defined

for Hom . So the only difference is that η(x) is allowed to be an empty set, for
x ∈ V (T ). A Link of a Vertex in an Auxiliary Hom -Complex.

The following construction is the graph analog of the topological coning.
Definition 4.1.2. For an arbitrary graph G, let G+ be the graph obtained from G
by adding an extra vertex a, called the apex vertex, and connecting it by edges to
all the vertices of G+ including a itself, i.e., V (G+ ) = V (G) ∪ {a}, and E(G+ ) =
E(G) ∪ {(x, a), (a, x) | x ∈ V (G+ )}.
We note that, for an arbitrary polyhedral complex K, such that all faces of
K are direct products of simplices, and a vertex x of K, the link of x, lkK (x), is
a simplicial complex. It follows from the fact that a link of any vertex in a hyper-
cube is a simplex, and the identity lk(A×B) (v, w) = lkA (v) ∗ lkB (w), for arbitrary
polyhedral complexes A and B.
We are now ready to formulate another definition, which is equivalent to Defi-
nition 4.1.1.
Definition 4.1.3. For arbitrary graphs T and G, the simplicial complex Hom+ (T, G)
is defined to be the link in Hom (T, G+ ) of the specific graph homomorphism α, which
maps all vertices of T to the apex vertex of G+ .
In short: Hom + (T, G) = lkHom (T,G+ ) (α). An example is shown on Figure 4.1.1.
The equivalence of the definitions follows essentially from the following bijec-
tion: let η ∈ F(Hom (T, G+ ))>α , and set η̃(v) := η(v) \ {a}, for any v ∈ V (T ).
Clearly, η̃ ∈ F(Hom+ (T, G)), and it is easily checked that this bijection produces an
isomorphism of simplicial complexes. Functorial Properties of the Hom+ -Construction.

Just like in the case of the Hom (−, −)-construction, Hom+ (T, −) is a covariant functor
from Graphs to Top. For two arbitrary graphs G and K, and a graph homomor-
phism ϕ from G to K, we have an induced simplicial map ϕT : Hom+ (T, G) →
Hom+ (T, K).
Again, as in the case of Hom (−, −), the situation is somewhat more complicated
with the functoriality in the first argument. Let T, G, and K, be three arbitrary
graphs. This time, for a graph homomorphism ψ from T to G to induce a topological
map from Hom+ (G, K) to Hom+ (T, K), we must require that ψ is surjective on
the vertices. We can define the topological map ψK in the same way as for the
Hom (−, −) case, but if ψ is not surjective on the vertices, then we may end up
mapping a non-empty cell to an empty one. If, in addition, we want a simplicial
map ψK : Hom+ (G, K) → Hom+ (T, K), then, as before in the subsection 2.4.3, we
must require that ψ is injective, hence bijective on the vertices.
In particular, we still have that the group Aut (T )×Aut (G) acts on the complex
Hom+ (T, G) simplicially. The difference is that we do not have the freeness as easily
as we had in the Hom (−, −) case. For example, for an involution γ of T to induce
a free action γG on Hom+ (T, G) we need to require that all orbits of γ on V (T ) are of
cardinality 2, and that the vertices in the same orbit are connected by an edge. For
instance, the action of Z2 on Hom+ (K2 , G) is free, whereas the reflection Z2 -action
on Hom+ (C2r+1 , G) is not.

4.1.2. Connection to Independence Complexes

The following is a standard construction in topological combinatorics, see e.g.,
[Ko99, Mes03].
Definition 4.1.4. For an arbitrary graph G, the independence complex of G,
Ind (G), is the simplicial complex, whose set of vertices is V (G), and simplices are
all the independent sets (anticliques) of G.
Before we can make use of the Ind (−)-construction in our context, we need
more graph terminology.
Definition 4.1.5. For an arbitrary graph G, the strong complement G is de-
fined by V (G) = V (G), and E(G) = V (G) × V (G) \ E(G).
For example, Kn is the disjoint union of n loops.
Definition 4.1.6. For arbitrary graphs G and H, the direct product G × H is
defined by: V (G × H) = V (G) × V (H), and E(G × H) = {((x, y), (x , y  )) | (x, x ) ∈
E(G), (y, y  ) ∈ E(H)}.
For example, K2 × K2 is a disjoint union of two copies of K2 , whereas G × K1
is isomorphic to G for an arbitrary graph G.

1 3 = ×

Λ K2 × Λ
Λ+ Hom (K , Λ)
+ 2 Hom (K2 , Λ+ )

Figure 4.1.1. The +-construction.

Sometimes, it can be convenient to view Hom+ (G, H) as the independence com-

plex of a certain graph.
Proposition 4.1.7 ([BK04, Proposition 3.2]).
For arbitrary graphs T and G, Hom+ (T, G) is isomorphic to Ind (T × G).

n Specializing Proposition 4.1.7 to G = Kn , and taking into account Kn =

i=1 K1 (observed above), and the fact that for arbitrary graphs G1 and G2 we
Ind (G1 G2 ) = Ind (G1 ) ∗ Ind (G2 ),
we obtain the following corollary.

Corollary 4.1.8. For an arbitrary graph T , Hom+ (T, Kn ) is isomorphic to the

n-fold join Ind (T )∗n .
When G is loopfree, the dimension of the simplicial complex Hom+ (T, G) (unlike
that of Hom (T, G)) is easy to find, once the size of the maximal independent set of
G is computed.
Proposition 4.1.9. For an arbitrary graph T , and an arbitrary loopfree graph G,
we have
dim(Hom+ (T, G)) = |V (G)| · (dim(Ind (T )) + 1) − 1.
Proof. Indeed, let s = dim(Ind (T )) + 1 be the size of the maximal independent
set in T . Since G is loopfree, every vertex of G occurs in at most s of the sets η(x),
for x ∈ V (T ). On the other hand, we can choose an independent set S ⊆ V (T ),
such that |S| = s, and then assign

V (G), for x ∈ S;
η(x) =
∅, otherwise.

This gives a simplex of dimension |V (G)| · (dim(Ind (T )) + 1) − 1. 

For example, dim(Hom+ (C2r+1 , Kn )) = n · ((r − 1) + 1) − 1 = nr − 1.

4.1.3. The Support Map

For any topological space X and a set I, there is the standard support map from
the join of I copies of X to the appropriate simplex
supp : ∗I X −→ ΔI ,
which ”forgets” the coordinates in X.
Specializing to our situation, for arbitrary graphs T and G, we get the restric-
tion map supp : Hom+ (T, G) → ΔV (T ) . Explicitly, for each simplex of Hom+ (T, G),
η : V (T ) → 2V (G) , the support of η is given by supp η = V (T ) \ η −1 (∅). See
Figure 4.1.2 for an example.
An important property of the support map is that the preimage of the barycen-
ter of ΔV (T ) is homeomorphic to Hom (T, G). This is the crucial step in setting up
a useful spectral sequence. The assumption that T is finite is crucial at this point,
since an infinite simplex does not have a barycenter.
An alternative concise way to phrase the definition of supp is to consider the
map tT : Hom+ (T, G) → Hom+ (T, K1 )  ΔV (T ) induced by the homomorphism
t : G → K1 . Then, for each η ∈ Hom+ (T, G) we have supp η = tT (η), where the
simplices in ΔV (T ) are identified with the finite subsets of V (T ).

4.2. Spectral Sequence Generalities

Spectral sequences constitute an important tool of topological combinatorics in
general. They have also been proved invaluable in the solution of the Lovász
Conjecture. Taking into account the format of this article, we only give a short
introduction here, aimed at setting up the notations and, hopefully, helping the
intuition. We refer the interested reader to the excellent existing sources, see e.g.,
[FFG86, McC01].

1 2

1,3 2 1,2,3


+ 2
Hom (K , Λ) 11111
00000 00000

Figure 4.1.2. The support map from Hom+ (K2 , Λ) to Δ[2] .

4.2.1. Cochain Complexes and their Cohomology

Recall that a cochain complex is a sequence
di−2 di−1 di di+1
C = · · · −→ C i−1 −→ C i −→ C i+1 −→ . . . ,
where C i ’s are R-modules, di ’s are R-module homomorphisms (called differentials)
satisfying di+1 ◦ di = 0, and R is a commutative ring with a unit. We shall use
the notation C = (C ∗ , d∗ ). For all our purposes it is enough in the continuation to
restrict one’s attention to the cases R = Z, and R = Z2 .
We can associate a cochain complex C ∗ (X) to a cell complex X in the standard
way: C i (X) is taken to be a free R-module with the generators indexed by the
i-dimensional cells (the module of R-valued functionals on cells of X), and the
differential maps are given by the corresponding coboundary maps. Sometimes this
particular cochain complex is called a cellular cochain complex.
Given two cochain complexes C1 = (C1∗ , d∗1 ) and C2 = (C2∗ , d∗2 ), a cochain com-
plex homomorphism ϕ : C1 → C2 (also called a cochain complex map) is a collection
of R-module homomorphisms ϕi : C1i → C2i , for all integers i, such that the follow-
ing diagram commutes
C1i −−−1−→ C1i+1
⏐ ⏐

C2i −−−2−→ C2i+1
For each choice of R, cochain complexes together with cochain complex homo-
morphisms form a category.
Associated with a cochain complex, one has the cohomology groups
H i (C) = ker di /im di−1 .
In our cases H i (C) is either an abelian group or a vector space over Z2 .
Given two cochain complexes C1 = (C1∗ , d∗1 ) and C2 = (C2∗ , d∗2 ), and a cochain
complex homomorphism ϕ : C1 → C2 , since ϕi ’s commute with the corresponding
differentials, ϕ induces a map on the cohomology groups ϕ∗i : H i (C1 ) → H i (C2 ).

The above facts mix well with the cellular structure. First, for a cell complex X,
the cellular cohomology groups of X are by definition isomorphic to the cohomology
groups of the associated cochain complex C ∗ (X). Second, for two cell complexes
X and Y , a cellular map ϕ : X → Y induces a cochain complex map between
associated cochain complexes (but in the opposite direction!), and hence a map
between corresponding cohomology groups.

4.2.2. Filtrations
In concrete situations it can be difficult to compute the cohomology groups H i (C)
without auxiliary constructions. The idea behind spectral sequences is to break
up this large task into smaller subtasks, with the formal machinery to help the
bookkeeping. This ”break up” is usually phrased in terms of a filtration.
A cochain subcomplex of C is a sequence
i−2 i−1 i i+1
C = · · · −→ C
i−1 d−→ C
 i −→ i+1 −→
d d d
C ...,
where C i is an R-submodule of C i , and the differentials are restrictions of those
 In this situation, one can form the quotient
in C. We shall simply write C ⊇ C.
cochain complex
di−2 di−1 di di+1
C/C = · · · −→ C i−1 /C
 i−1 −→ C i /C
 i −→ C i+1 /C
 i+1 −→ . . . .

The cohomology groups of this complex, H ∗ (C/C), are usually denoted H ∗ (C, C),

and are called the relative cohomology groups.
If X is a cell complex, and Y its cell subcomplex, then the cellular cochain
complex of Y is a cochain subcomplex of the cellular cochain complex of X. The
corresponding cohomology groups of the quotient cochain complex are precisely the
relative cohomology groups of the pair of topological spaces (X, Y ).
Definition 4.2.1. A (finite) filtration on a cochain complex C is a nested sequence
of cochain complexes
di−2 di−1 di di+1
Cj = · · · −→ Cji−1 −→ Cji −→ Cji+1 −→ . . . ,
for j = 0, 1, 2, . . . , t, such that C = Ct ⊇ Ct−1 ⊇ · · · ⊇ C0 (that is why we suppressed
the lower index in the differential).
In general, infinite filtrations can be considered, but in this article we limit our
considerations to the finite ones. Given a filtration C = Ct ⊇ Ct−1 ⊇ · · · ⊇ C0 , we
set C−1 = 0, for the convenience of notations.
There are many standard filtrations of cochain complexes. For example, if
a pure cochain complex is bounded, say C i = 0, for i < 0, or i > t, then, the
standard skeleton filtration is defined as follows:

i C i , if i ≤ j;
Cj =
0, otherwise.
This filtration is not very interesting though, since computing the cohomology
groups with its help is canonically equivalent with computing the cohomology
groups from the cochain complex directly.
For a cell complex X, a classical way to define a filtration on its cellular cochain
complex, is to choose a cell filtration on X, i.e., a sequence of cell subcomplexes
X = Xt ⊇ Xt−1 ⊇ · · · ⊇ X0 (again for the convenience of notations, we set

X−1 = ∅). As mentioned above, the corresponding cellular cochain complexes form
a sequence of nested subcomplexes.
If the cell complex X is finite dimensional, then, taking Xi to be the i-th
skeleton of X, we recover the standard skeleton filtration on C ∗ (X), which explains
the name of this filtration.
A much more interesting situation is the following.
Definition 4.2.2. Assume that we have a cell map ϕ : X → Y and a filtration
Y = Yt ⊇ Yt−1 ⊇ · · · ⊇ Y0 . Define a filtration on X as follows: Xi := ϕ−1 (Yi ),
for i = 0, . . . , t. This filtration on X is called the pullback of the filtration on Y
along ϕ.
In the case when the filtration on Y is simply the skeleton filtration, the cor-
responding pullback filtration on X is called the Serre filtration. We use the same
name for the corresponding filtration on the cellular cochain complex of X.

4.2.3. Spectral Sequence Terminology

Once we have fixed a filtration C = Ct ⊇ Ct−1 ⊇ · · · ⊇ C0 , Ci = (Ci∗ , d∗ ), on
a cochain complex, we can proceed to compute its cohomology groups by studying
auxiliary algebraic gadgets derived from the filtration.
Rather than studying the 1-dimensional cochain complex directly, we study
a sequence of 2-dimensional tableaux En∗,∗ , n = 0, 1, 2, . . . . Our cochain complex
had the usual differential, going one up in degree, which one can express symbol-
ically by writing d1 : C ∗ → C ∗+1 . Instead, each tableau En∗,∗ is equipped with a
differential going almost diagonally, d∗,∗ ∗,∗
n : En → En
. One expresses this
fact by saying that dn is a differential of bidegree (n, −n + 1).
Each differential dn is in a way derived from the original differential d, and
furthermore, En+1 is the cohomology tableau of En∗,∗ in the appropriate sense. The
idea is then to compute the tableaux En∗,∗ one by one, until they stabilize. The
stabilized tableau is usually called E∞ .
We would like to alert the reader at this point that even after the tableau E∞
was computed, it can still require additional work to determine the cohomology
groups of the original cochain complex. Surely, if R is a field, the situation is easy.
Namely one has

H d (C) = p,q
E∞ .

However, if R is an arbitrary ring (for example R = Z), then one may need to solve
a number of extension problems before obtaining the final answer. This has to do
with the fact, that in a short exact sequence of R-modules
α β
0 −→ A −→ B −→ C −→ 0,
B does not necessarily split as a direct sum of the submodule A and the quotient
module C. This is not even true for R = Z, a classical example is to take A = B =
Z, C = Z2 , to take α : x → 2x to be the doubling map (injective), and to take
β : x → x mod 2 to be the parity map (surjective).
Let us now describe more precisely how the tableaux En∗,∗ and the differentials
dn are constructed. As auxiliary modules, set
Znp,q := Cpp+q ∩ d−1 (Cp+n

where d−1 denotes the inverse of the differential d, i.e., Znp,q consists of all elements
of Cpp+q whose boundary is in Cp+n ; and set
Bnp,q := Cpp+q ∩ d (Cp−n ),

i.e., Bnp,q consists of all elements of Cpp+q which constitute the image of d from
Cp−n . These are the settings for n ≥ 0. Finally, for n = −1, we use the following
p,q p,q p+q−1
Z−1 := Cpp+q , and B−1 := d(Cp+1 ).
With these notations, we set
p+1,q−1 p,q
(4.2.2) Enp,q := Znp,q /(Zn−1 + Bn−1 ),

for all 0 ≤ n ≤ ∞.
It is an easy check, which we leave to the reader, that d(Znp,q ) ⊆ Znp+n,q−n+1 ,
p+1,q−1 p,q p+n+1,q−n p+n,q−n+1
and that d(Zn−1 + Bn−1 ) ⊆ Zn−1 + Bn−1 . It follows that, via the
quotient maps, the differential d induces a map from Enp,q to Enp+n,q−n+1 , which we
choose to call dp,q
n (or just dn , if it is clear what the coefficients p and q are).
One can view the tableau (En∗,∗ , dn ) as a collection of (nearly) diagonal cochain
complexes. This allows one to compute the cohomology groups, just like for the
usual cochain complexes, by setting

H p,q (En∗,∗ , dn ) = ker(Enp,q −→

d n dn
Enp+n,q−n+1 )/im (Enp−n,q+n−1 −→ Enp,q ).
Now we can make the sense in which En+1 is the cohomology tableau of En∗,∗

(4.2.3) p,q
En+1 = H p,q (En∗,∗ , dn ).

Please note, that the equation (4.2.3) is not trivial, and needs a proof. It can be
deduced directly from the equation (4.2.2), see e.g., [McC01].
Let us start with unwinding these definitions for n = 0. It follows from our
conventions for n = −1, that

(4.2.4) E0p,q = (Cpp+q ∩ d−1 (Cpp+q+1 ))/(Cp+1

p+q p+q−1
+ d(Cp+1 p+q
)) = Cpp+q /Cp+1 .

Furthermore, the differential d : Cpp+q → Cpp+q+1 induces the differential d0 :

→ E0p,q+1 , which is nothing else but the differential of the relative cochain
complex (Cp , Cp+1 ). By the equation (4.2.3), this yields

(4.2.5) E1p,q = H p+q (Cp , Cp+1 ).

Moreover, one can show that dp,q 1 : E1p,q −→ E1p+1,q is the connecting homo-
morphism ∂ : H p+q
(Cp , Cp+1 ) −→ H p+q+1
(Cp+1 , Cp+2 ) in the long exact sequence
of the triple (Cp , Cp+1 , Cp+2 ).
Unless some additional specific information is available, it is hard to say what
happens in the tableaux for n ≥ 2. The important thing is that with the setup
above, the spectral sequence runs its course and eventually converges (modulo
the extension difficulties outlined above) to the cohomology groups of the origi-
nal cochain complex.

4.3. The Standard Spectral Sequence Converging to

H ∗ (Hom+ (T, G))
4.3.1. Filtration Induced by the Support Map
Let T and G be two graphs, and assume T is finite. As mentioned above, there is
a simplicial map supp : Hom+ (T, G) → ΔV (T ) . Consider the Serre filtration of the
cellular cochain complex C ∗ (Hom+ (T, G); R) associated with this map.
We order the vertices of T and of G, and then observe that the vertices of
Hom+ (T, G) are indexed with pairs (x, y), where x ∈ V (T ), y ∈ V (G), such that
if x is looped, then so is y. Let us internally order these pairs lexicographically:
(x1 , y1 ) ≺ (x2 , y2 ) if either x1 < x2 , or x1 = x2 and y1 < y2 . Orient each simplex of
Hom+ (T, G) according to this order on the vertices. We call this orientation standard,
and call the oriented simplex η+ . One can think of this simplex as a chain in the

corresponding chain complex; we denote the dual cochain with η+ .
We can explicitly describe the considered filtration. Define the subcomplexes
F p = F p C ∗ (Hom+ (T, G); R) of C ∗ (Hom+ (T, G); R) as follows:
∂ q−1 ∂q ∂ q+1
F p : · · · −→ F p,q −→ F p,q+1 −→ . . . ,
∗ (q)
F p,q = F p C q (Hom+ (T, G); R) = R[η+ | η+ ∈ Hom+ (T, G), |supp η| ≥ p + 1],

∂ ∗ is the restriction of the differential in C ∗ (Hom+ (T, G); R), and Hom+ (T, G) de-

notes the q-th skeleton of Hom+ (T, G). Phrased verbally: F p,q is generated by all
elementary cochains corresponding to q-dimensional cells, which are supported in
at least p + 1 vertices of T . Note, that this restriction defines a filtration, since the
differential does not decrease the cardinality of the support set.
We have
C q (Hom+ (T, G); R) = F 0,q ⊇ F 1,q ⊇ · · · ⊇ F |V (T )|−1,q ⊇ F |V (T )|,q = 0,
which is the Serre filtration associated to the support map.

4.3.2. The 0th and the 1st Tableaux

By writing the brackets [−] after the name of a cochain complex, we shall mean
the index shifting (to the left), that is for the cochain complex C = (C ∗ , d∗ ), the
cochain complex C[s] = (C ∗ [s], d∗ ) is defined by C i [s] := C i+s ; note that we choose
not to change the sign of the differential.
Proposition 4.3.1 ([BK04, Proposition 3.4]).
For any p,

(4.3.1) F p /F p+1 = C ∗ (Hom (T [S], G); R)[−p].
S⊆V (T )

Hence, the 0th tableau of the spectral sequence associated to the cochain complex
filtration F ∗ is given by

(4.3.2) E0p,q = C p+q (F p , F p+1 ) = C q (Hom (T [S], G); R).
S⊆V (T )

Furthermore, using the equation (4.2.5), we obtain the description of the first
tableau as well.

(4.3.3) E1p,q = H p+q (F p , F p+1 ) = H q (Hom (T [S], G); R).
S⊆V (T )

4.3.3. The First Differential

Set now R = Z2 . According to the formula (4.3.3) the first differential dp,q
1 :
p,q p+1,q
E1 −→ E1 can be viewed as a map
H q (Hom (T [S], G); Z2 ) −→ H q (Hom (T [S], G); Z2 ).
S⊆V (T ) S⊆V (T )
|S|=p+1 |S|=p+2

It is possible to describe this map explicitly.

For S2 ⊆ S1 ⊆ V (T ), let i[S1 , S2 ] : T [S2 ] → T [S1 ] be the inclusion graph
homomorphism. Since Hom (−, G) is a contravariant functor, we have an induced
map iG [S1 , S2 ] : Hom (T [S1 ], G) → Hom (T [S2 ], G), and hence, an induced map on
the cohomology groups
i∗G [S1 , S2 ] : H ∗ (Hom (T [S2 ], G); R) → H ∗ (Hom (T [S1 ], G); R).
Let σ ∈ H q (Hom (T [S], G); Z2 ), for some q, and some S ⊆ V (G). The value of the
first differential on σ is given by

(4.3.4) dp,q
1 (σ) = i∗G [S ∪ {x}, S](σ).
x∈V (T )\S

In the case of integer coefficients, R = Z, one needs more work to derive the
formula for dp,q
1 (σ) analogous to (4.3.4), since, additionally, the signs have to be
taken into consideration.
The Proof of the Lovász Conjecture

5.1. Formulation of the Conjecture and Sketch of the Proof

5.1.1. Formulation and Motivation of the Lovász Conjecture
As mentioned in the Section 2.3, the Lovász Theorem 2.3.2, and the fact that
the neighbourhood complex N (G) is simply homotopy equivalent to Bip (G) =
Hom (K2 , G), are suggesting that Hom -complexes in general would provide the right
context of formulating and proving further topological obstructions to graph color-
Up to now, the most important extension of the original Lovász Theorem has
been the one, where the edge K2 is replaced with an odd cycle C2r+1 .
Theorem 5.1.1 (Lovász Conjecture).
Let G be a graph, such that the complex Hom (C2r+1 , G) is k-connected for some
r, k ∈ Z, r ≥ 1, k ≥ −1, then χ(G) ≥ k + 4.
Lovász Conjecture has been proved in [BK03b], for this reason we have stated
it here directly as a theorem.
Remark 5.1.2. It follows from Theorem 2.5.2, that, once the Lovász Conjecture
has been proved, the statement will remain true if C2r+1 is replaced by any graph
T , such that T can be reduced to C2r+1 by a sequence of folds.
We formulate here a strengthening of the original conjecture.
Conjecture 5.1.3. Let G be a graph, such that 1k (Hom (C2r+1 , G)) = 0, for some
r, k ∈ Z, r ≥ 1, k ≥ −1, then χ(G) ≥ k + 3.

5.1.2. The Winding Number and the Proof of the Case k = 0

The case k = 0 of the Lovász Conjecture can be settled with relatively little ma-
chinery, that is why we choose to include for it a separate argument. This is the
”toy version” which illustrates our general methods, and we prove the more general
Conjecture 5.1.3.
To any continuous map ϕ : S 1 → S 1 one can associate an integer wind (ϕ),
called the winding number of ϕ. Intuitively, the absolute value of wind (ϕ) mea-
sures, as its name suggests, the number of times ϕ wraps the source circle around

the target circle, whereas the sign of wind (ϕ) registers whether the orientation has
been changed or not. The usual way to define wind (ϕ) formally is to notice that
ϕ induces a group homomorphism ϕ∗ : H 1 (S 1 ; Z) → H 1 (S 1 ; Z). Any group homo-
morphism from Z to itself is uniquely determined by the image of 1. This image is
exactly the winding number.
As the proof of Theorem 3.3.5 suggests, we need to analyze the complexes
Hom (C2r+1 , K3 ) in some detail. One can see, by direct inspection, that the con-
nected components of Hom (C2r+1 , K3 ) can be indexed by the winding numbers α.
All one needs to see is that if two homomorphisms ϕ, ψ : C2r+1 → K3 have the same
winding number, then there is a sequence of edges in Hom (C2r+1 , K3 ) connecting ϕ
with ψ; and this is fairly straightforward.
We notice however, that these winding numbers cannot be arbitrary. Indeed, if
the number of times C2r+1 winds around K3 is α, then 2r + 1 = 3α + 2t, for some
nonnegative integer t ≤ r. Hence, α = (2r − 2t + 1)/3. It follows, that α must be
odd, and that it cannot exceed (2r + 1)/3. So α = ±1, ±3, . . . , ±(2s + 1), where
s = (r − 1)/3, in particular s ≥ 0.
Let ϕ : Hom (C2r+1 , K3 ) → {±1, ±3, . . . , ±(2s + 1)} map each point x ∈
Hom (C2r+1 , K3 ) to the point on the real line, indexing the connected component
of x. Clearly, ϕ is a Z2 -map. Since dim({±1, ±3, . . . , ±(2s + 1)}/Z2 ) = 0, we
have H 1 ({±1, ±3, . . . , ±(2s + 1)}/Z2 ; Z2 ) = 0, and the functoriality of the Stiefel-
Whitney classes implies 1 (Hom (C2r+1 , K3 )) = 0. The Conjecture 5.1.3 for this
case follows now from Theorem 3.3.5.
We have shown the Conjecture 5.1.3 for k = 0 using the Stiefel-Whitney classes,
but it is equally easy to prove the Lovász Conjecture for this case directly. Indeed,
following the lines of the proof of Theorem 3.3.5, we see that, a 3-coloring of G would
induce a Z2 -map from Hom (C2r+1 , G) to Hom (C2r+1 , K3 ). On the other hand, the
first one of these spaces is connected, by the conjecture assumption, whereas the
second one is not, and has no connected components preserved by the Z2 -action.
Clearly, this yields a contradiction.

5.1.3. Sketch of the Proof of the Lovász Conjecture

Our proof of Lovász Conjecture is based on two fundamental properties of the
complexes Hom (C2r+1 , Kn ). The first one is the following.

Theorem 5.1.4 ([BK04, Theorem 2.3(b)]).

We have 1n−2 (Hom (C2r+1 , Kn )) = 0, for all r ≥ 1, and odd n, such that n ≥ 3.

If r > r, then there is a Z2 -equivariant graph homomorphism ϕ : C2r +1 →

C2r+1 , in turn inducing a Z2 -map ϕKn : Hom (C2r+1 , Kn ) → Hom (C2r +1 , Kn ). It
follows, that if Theorem 5.1.4 is true for r , then it is also true for r. Therefore, if
necessary, we can assume that r is taken to be sufficiently large.
Some further details of the proof of Theorem 5.1.4 are given in the Section 5.3.
To formulate the second property, consider one of the two embeddings ι :
K2 → C2r+1 which maps the edge to the Z2 -invariant edge of C2r+1 . Clearly,
ι is a Z2 -equivariant graph homomorphism. Since Hom (−, H) is a contravariant
functor, ι induces a map of Z2 -spaces ιKn : Hom (C2r+1 , Kn ) → Hom (K2 , Kn ),
which in turn induces a Z-algebra homomorphism ι∗Kn : H ∗ (Hom (K2 , Kn ); Z) →
H ∗ (Hom (C2r+1 , Kn ); Z).

Theorem 5.1.5 ([BK04, Theorem 2.6]).

Assume n is even, then 2 · ι∗Kn is a 0-map.
Some further details of the proof of Theorem 5.1.5 are given in the Section 5.2.
Sketch of the Proof of Theorem 5.1.1 (Lovász Conjecture).
The case k = −1 is trivial, so take k ≥ 0. Assume first that k is even. By
Corollary 3.2.4, we have 1k+1 (Hom (C2r+1 , G)) = 0. By Theorem 5.1.4, we have
1k+1 (Hom (C2r+1 , Kk+3 )) = 0. Hence, applying Theorem 3.3.5 for T = C2r+1 we
get χ(G) ≥ k + 4.
Assume now that k is odd, and that χ(G) ≤ k + 3. Let ϕ : G → Kk+3 be
a vertex-coloring map. Combining Corollary 3.2.4, the fact that Hom (C2r+1 , −) is
a covariant functor from loopfree graphs to Z2 -spaces, and the map ι : K2 → C2r+1 ,
we get the following diagram of Z2 -spaces and Z2 -maps:
f ϕC2r+1 ιKk+3
Sak+1 −→ Hom (C2r+1 , G) −→ Hom (C2r+1 , Kk+3 ) −→
−→ Hom (K2 , Kk+3 ) ∼
= Sak+1 .
This gives a homomorphism on the corresponding cohomology groups in dimension
k+1, h∗ = f ∗ ◦(ϕC2r+1 )∗ ◦(ιKk+3 )∗ : Z → Z. By Theorem 5.1.5 we have 2·(iKk+3 )∗ =
0, hence 2h∗ = 0, and therefore h∗ = 0. It is well-known, see, e.g., [Hat02,
Proposition 2B.6, p. 174], that a Z2 -map San → San cannot induce a 0-map on
the nth cohomology groups (in fact it must be of odd degree). Hence, we have
a contradiction, and so χ(G) ≥ k + 4. 
As the reader may have already noticed, we are actually proving a sharper
statement than the original Lovász Conjecture. First of all, the condition
“Hom (C2r+1 , G) is k-connected” can be replaced by a weaker condition “the coin-
dex of Hom (C2r+1 , G) is at least k + 1”. Furthermore, for even k, that condition
can be weakened even further to “1k+1 (Hom (C2r+1 , G)) = 0”, i.e., the stronger
Conjecture 5.1.3 is proved.

5.2. Completing the Sketch for the Case k is Odd

5.2.1. The First Spectral Sequence and the Independence Complexes of
The main technical tool is to consider the spectral sequence associated to the Serre
filtration induced by the support map supp : Hom+ (C2r+1 , Kn ) → Δ[2r+1] . As we
already mentioned in the subsection 4.2.3, the spectral sequence converges to the co-
homology groups of Hom+ (C2r+1 , Kn ). As it happens, the complex Hom+ (C2r+1 , Kn )
is much easier to understand than the complex Hom (C2r+1 , Kn ).
To start with, for n = 1, we are simply dealing with the independence complexes
of graphs: Hom+ (G, K1 ) = Ind (G). Fortunately, that complex has already been
well-understood for cycles. Some examples are shown on Figure 5.2.1.
Proposition 5.2.1 ([Ko99, Proposition 5.2]).
For any t ≥ 2, we have

S k−1 ∨ S k−1 , if t = 3k;
Ind (Ct ) 
S k−1 , if t = 3k ± 1.

Here the degenerate case t = 2 makes sense, if we let C2 be a graph with two
vertices, connected by an edge (or a double edge).

1111 00000
111111111111 1

1111 00000
11111 5
1111 00000
1111 00000
1111 00000
1111 00000
11111 0000
1111 0000

Ind (C7 ) Ind (C8 )

Figure 5.2.1. Examples of independence complexes of cycles. We remark

that in the right picture, the 8 triangles on the sides of the cube are filled,
while the top and the bottom of the cube are filled with solid tetrahedra.

Now, by Corollary 4.1.8, we have Hom+ (Ct , Kn )  Ind (Ct )∗n , hence we derive
an explicit description.
Corollary 5.2.2 ([BK04, Corollary 4.2]).
For any t ≥ 2, we have

2n copies S , if t = 3k;
Hom+ (Ct , Kn ) 
S nk−1
, if t = 3k ± 1.
This is a very convenient situation for us, since we know that the spectral
sequence converges to something with a single nonzero entry.

5.2.2. The Analysis of the First Tableau

Next, we look at what the first tableau of this spectral sequence is. The general
formula (4.3.3) says that the only possibly nonzero entries will be in the columns
numbered 0, 1, . . . , 2r. Furthermore, the entries in column number p are nothing
but the direct sum of the cohomology groups of induced subgraphs with p + 1
For p = 2r this simply means that this column consists of the cohomology
groups of the desired space Hom (C2r+1 , Kn ) itself. For p = 0, . . . , 2r − 1 we get the
cohomology groups of proper induced subgraphs. Fortunately, the proper induced
subgraphs of a cycle are very simple: they are disjoint unions of isolated vertices
and of strings.
We recall now the formula (2.4.1), which, in this particular case, says that the
summands for the entries in the first tableau come from the direct products of
Hom (K1 , Kn ) and of Hom (Lm , Kn ). The first one of these complexes is contractible,

H ∗ (Hom (C2r+1 , Kn ))

d1 d1 d1 d1
D2 2n − 4

d1 d1 d1 d1
D1 n−2
n−3 d2

d1 d1 d1 d1
D0 0
p 0 2r − 2 2r − 1 2r

Figure 5.2.2. The E1∗,∗ -tableau, for E1p,q ⇒ H p+q (Hom+ (C2r+1 , Kn ); Z).

whereas, Lm can be folded to an edge, hence, by Corollary 2.5.5, Hom (Lm , Kn ) is

homotopy equivalent to S n−2 .
Since the direct products of (n− 2)-dimensional spheres may only have nontriv-
ial cohomology groups in dimensions which are multiples of n − 2, we can conclude
that the only possibly nontrivial entries of E1∗,∗ are in rows indexed t(n − 2), and in
the last column. See Figure 5.2.2 for the schematic summary of these findings; on
this figure, the shaded area covers all possibly nontrivial entries of the first tableau.

5.2.3. The Analysis of the Second Tableau

Next, we need to understand what happens in every row once we pass to the second
tableau. It is probably possible to perform a complete computation. However, this
is a rather tedious task, which is unnecessary if we only care about what happens
to the entries (2r, n − 2) and (2r, n − 3). Instead, we satisfy ourselves with deriving
some partial information about E2∗,∗ .
The idea is to introduce some combinatorial encoding for the generators of the
entries of the first tableau, and then understand the values of d1 . The first task
is not difficult, since the generators of the cohomology groups of direct products
of spheres of the same dimension, can be labeled by the subsets of the set of the
In our case, the spheres correspond to ”arcs” on the cycle, and so we can label
the generators with induced subgraphs of C2r+1 , with certain set of arcs being
marked. One can then filter these entries and employ another spectral sequence to
compute the cohomology groups with respect to the differential d1 . We refer the
reader to [BK04, Lemma 4.8] for details.
The main outcome is that the possibly nontrivial entries in E2∗,∗ will be indexed
by such collections of arcs, that the gaps between neighboring arcs will not exceed 2.
Clearly, if we are dealing with the row t(n − 2), our induced subgraph of C2r+1
cannot have fewer than (2r + 1) − 2t vertices, since otherwise one of the gaps

3n − 6

2n − 4



Figure 5.2.3. The possibly nonzero entries in E2∗,∗ -tableau, for E2p,q ⇒
H p+q (Hom+ (C2r+1 , Kn ); Z).

would be too large. Almost always this ensures that the entries of E2∗,∗ outside of
the shaded area on Figure 5.2.3 are equal to 0. There are two exceptional cases:
(n, t) = (5, 2), and n = 4. These cases can then be computed ”by hand”, using
rather specific observations, see [BK04, Subsections 4.6 and 4.7].

5.2.4. The Conclusion

After a detailed analysis of the entries E22r−2,n−2 and E22r−1,n−2 we derive par-
tial information about the cohomology groups (with integer, as well as with Z2
coefficients) of Hom (C2r+1 , Kn ), which is summarized in the Table 5.2.1.

(n, r) R H n−2 H n−3

2  | n, n ≥ 5, (n, r) = (5, 3) Z Z Z
(n, r) = (5, 3) Z Z2 Z
2 | n, n ≥ 6, or
n = 4, r ≤ 3 Z Z2 0
n = 4, r ≥ 4 Z Z ⊕ Z2 0
n ≥ 5, (n, r) = (5, 3), or
n = 4, r ≤ 3 Z2 Z2 Z2
(n, r) = (5, 3), or
n = 4, r ≥ 4 Z2 Z22 Z2
Table 5.2.1.

We remark here that the results presented in the Table 5.2.1 have been some-
what strengthened recently.
Theorem 5.2.3 ([CK04b, Corollary 4.6]).
For arbitrary integers r, n ≥ 3, the complex Hom (Cr , Kn ) is (n − 4)-connected.
Let us now return to Theorem 5.1.5. From the Table 5.2.1, we see that,
in most of the cases, 2 · ι∗Kn is a 0-map for a prosaic reason: the target group
H ∗ (Hom (C2r+1 , Kn ); Z) is isomorphic to Z2 . The only exception is the case n = 4,

r ≥ 4. The validity of the statement of Theorem 5.1.5 in this special case can
be verified by the direct analysis of the map d1 : E12r−1,2 → E12r,2 , see [BK04,
Subsection 4.8] for details.

5.3. Completing the Sketch for the Case k is Even

5.3.1. Topology of the Quotient Space Hom+ (C2r+1 , Kn )/Z2
To analyze this case we need to extend some of the results of the Section 5.2. As
a general guideline for this subsection, we would like to understand the action of Z2
on Hom (C2r+1 , Kn ), Hom+ (C2r+1 , Kn ), and on their respective cohomology groups
somewhat better.
To start with, consider the Z2 -action on Hom+ (C2r+1 , Kn ). Fortunately, despite
of the fact, that this action is not free, it turns out to be possible to describe the
quotient space rather explicitly.

Proposition 5.3.1 ([BK04, Proposition 4.4]).

For any r ≥ 1, we have

2n−1 copies S , if 2r + 1 = 3k;
Hom+ (C2r+1 , Kn )/Z2 
S kn/2−1
∗ RP kn/2−1
, if 2r + 1 = 3k ± 1.

Simple dimension inequalities yield the following corollary.

Corollary 5.3.2 ([BK04, Corollary 4.5]).

H i (Hom+ (C2r+1 , Kn )/Z2 ) = 0 for r ≥ 2, n ≥ 5, and i ≤ n + r − 2. Except for the
case r = 3.

Furthermore, again by the detailed analysis of the differentials in our spectral

sequence, but this time, with the Z2 -action in mind, one can prove the following

Proposition 5.3.3 ([BK04, Corollary 4.15]).

Let n be odd, n ≥ 3, r ≥ 2, and assume (n, r) = (5, 3). Then, Z2 acts triv-
ially on H n−2 (Hom (C2r+1 , Kn ); Z), and, it acts as a multiplication by −1, on
H n−3 (Hom (C2r+1 , Kn ); Z)  Z.

We notice at this point that the support map supp : Hom+ (C2r+1 , Kn ) →
Δ[2r+1] is Z2 -equivariant and hence it induces the quotient map supp /Z2 :
Hom+ (C2r+1 , Kn )/Z2 → Δ[2r+1] /Z2 . In order to get simplicial structure on
Δ[2r+1] /Z2 , we subdivide Δ[2r+1] in a minimal way, so that every simplex preserved
by Z2 -action is fixed by this action pointwise.
One can think of this new subdivision as the one obtained by representing
simplex Δ[2r+1] as a topological join of one point and r intervals: {c} ∗ [a1 , b1 ] ∗
· · · ∗ [ar , br ], inserting an extra vertex ci into the middle of each of the [ai , bi ], and
then taking the join of {c} and the subdivided intervals. We denote the obtained
abstract simplicial complex by Δ̃[2r+1] .
The Z2 -quotient of this simplicial structure gives one on Δ[2r+1] /Z2 , and we
can consider the Serre filtration on Hom+ (C2r+1 , Kn )/Z2 associated with the map
supp /Z2 .

5.3.2. The second spectral sequence

Consider now the spectral sequence associated to this filtration, with the coefficients
in Z2 instead of Z. As before, this time by Proposition 5.3.3, we know precisely what
this spectral sequence converges to. The formulae (4.3.1), (4.3.2), and (4.3.3) can
be generalized as well, but before we do that we need some additional terminology.
First, we denote the set of the vertices which were added in the subdivision
by C = {c, c1 , . . . , cr }. Further, for an arbitrary simplex σ̃ ∈ Δ̃[2r+1] , we define its
support simplex ϑ(σ̃) ∈ Δ[2r+1] by replacing every ci in σ̃ by {ai , bi }, i.e.,

ϑ(σ̃) = (σ̃ \ {c1 , . . . , cr }) ∪ {ai , bi }.
ci ∈σ̃

We can now state the analog of the formula (4.3.3) for the spectral sequence
of the quotient. The analogs of formulae (4.3.1), and (4.3.2), are straightforward,
and are omitted for the sake of space, see [BK04, Section 6] for further details.

E1p,q = H q−p (Hom (C2r+1 [ϑ(σ)], Kn )/Z2 ; Z2 )
H q−p (Hom (C2r+1 [ϑ(τ )], Kn ); Z2 ),

where the first sum is taken over all σ ⊆ C, such that |σ| = p + 1, and the second
sum is taken over all Z2 -orbits τ , such that τ ⊆ V (Δ̃[2r+1] ), |τ | = p + 1, and
τ \ C = ∅.

0 d4

0 Proposition 5.3.4
n−2 0
n−3 d2 Z2 d2


q 0 r−2 r−1 r r+1


Figure 5.3.1. The E2∗,∗ -tableau, E2p,q ⇒ H p+q (Hom+ (C2r+1 , Kn )/Z2 ; Z2 ).

The next important piece of structure is understanding cohomology map in

dimension n − 3, which is induced by the quotient map q : Hom (C2r+1 , Kn ) →
Hom (C2r+1 , Kn )/Z2 .

Proposition 5.3.4 ([BK04, Proposition 6.2]).

Let n be odd, n ≥ 3, r ≥ 2, and assume (n, r) = (5, 3). Then,
(5.3.2) q n−3 : H n−3 (Hom (C2r+1 , Kn )/Z2 ; Z2 ) → H n−3 (Hom (C2r+1 , Kn ); Z2 ),
is a 0-map.
The crucial ingredient of the proof is provided by Proposition 5.3.3, see [BK04]
for a complete argument.
The proof in [BK04] proceeds by deriving some partial information about the
E2∗,∗ -tableau of the spectral sequence under the consideration. The analysis is
somewhat technical and we omit the details. Figure 5.3.1 depicts the values of the
entries which are of interest to us.
Let us make two important remarks. First, to derive the value E2r+1,n−3 = Z2 ,
one needs the result of Proposition 5.3.4, which here ensures that the differential
d1 : E2r,n−3 → E2r+1,n−3 is a 0-map. Second, the value E2r−1,n−2 = 0 is derived
under the assumption that 1n−2 (Hom (C2r+1 , Kn )) = 0, which we are trying to
Finally, we may conclude from Figure 5.3.1, that E∞ r+1,n−3
= Z2 . This contra-
dicts Corollary 5.3.2, proving our original assumption 1n−2 (Hom (C2r+1 , Kn )) = 0
to be wrong.
Summary and Outlook

6.1. Homotopy Tests, Z2 -Tests, and Families of Test Graphs

6.1.1. Homotopy Test Graphs
Returning to our ideology of test graphs, it appears natural to give the following
Definition 6.1.1. A graph T is called a homotopy test graph, if, for an arbitrary
graph G, the following equation is satisfied
(6.1.1) χ(G) > χ(T ) + conn Hom (T, G).
Using the terminology of Definition 6.1.1, Theorems 3.3.6 and 5.1.1 can be
interpreted as saying that the complete graphs and the odd cycles are homotopy test
graphs. Furthermore, it follows from Theorem 2.5.2(1) that the class of homotopy
test graphs is closed under the equivalence relation given by the folds and by their
More generally, it has been asked by Lovász, [Lov], whether every graph is
a homotopy test graph. That has been answered in the negative by Hoory & Linial,
[HL04], whose example HL is presented on Figure 6.1.1. Note that χ(HL) = 5,
and set G = K5 . It was shown in [HL04] that Hom (HL, K5 ) is connected, hence
the equation (6.1.1) is false for these values of G and T .
The problem of characterizing the homotopy test graphs is a formidable one,
with many open questions left to explore, see for e.g., Conjecture 6.2.1.

6.1.2. Stiefel-Whitney Test Graphs

Switching from all spaces to Z2 -spaces, and from homotopy to cohomology, we
define a different class of test graphs. First, recall the following standard notion of
algebraic topology.
Definition 6.1.2. Let X be a Z2 -space. The height of X, denoted h(X), is the
maximal nonnegative integer h, such that 1h (X) = 0.
It is important to note, that if X and Y are two arbitrary Z2 -spaces, and
ϕ : X → Y is an arbitrary Z2 -map, then, since the Stiefel-Whitney characteris-
tic classes are functorial, we have (ϕ/Z2 )∗ (1 (Y )) = 1 (X), which in particular
implies the inequality h(X) ≤ h(Y ).

Figure 6.1.1. The Hoory-Linial example of a graph, which is not a homotopy

test graph.

We note that, for an arbitrary Z2 -space X, the existence of a Z2 -equivariant

map San → X implies n = h(San ) ≤ h(X), whereas the existence of a Z2 -equivariant
map X → Sam implies m = h(Sam ) ≥ h(X). This can be best summarized with the
Coind (X) ≤ h(X) ≤ Ind (X).
Let us now return to graphs.
Definition 6.1.3. Let T be a graph with a Z2 -action which flips an edge. Then, T
is called Stiefel-Whitney n-test graph, if we have h(Hom (T, Kn )) = n − χ(T ).
Furthermore, T is called Stiefel-Whitney test graph if it is Stiefel-Whitney
n-test graph for any integer n ≥ χ(T ).
A direct application of Theorem 3.3.5 yields the next corollary, which also
serves as an explanation for our terminology.
Corollary 6.1.4. Assume T is a Stiefel-Whitney test graph, then, for an arbitrary
graph G, we have
(6.1.2) χ(G) ≥ χ(T ) + h(Hom (T, G)).
Note, that by Corollary 3.2.4, we have h(X) ≥ conn X + 1, for an arbitrary Z2 -
space X. Therefore, comparing equations (6.1.1) and (6.1.2), we see that if a graph
T is a Stiefel-Whitney test graph, then, it is also a homotopy test graph.
Let us stress again that, in analogy to the fact that the height is defined for Z2 -
spaces, the term Stiefel-Whitney test graph actually refers to a pair (T, γ), where T
is a graph, and γ is an involution of T , which flips an edge. The following question
arises naturally in this context.
Question. Does there exist a graph T having two different involutions, γ1 and γ2 ,
such that (T, γ1 ) is a Stiefel-Whitney test graph, whereas (T, γ2 ) is not?
It would be rather surprising, if the answer to this question turned out to be
Next, we describe an important extension property of the class of Stiefel-
Whitney test graphs.

Proposition 6.1.5. Let T be an arbitrary graph, and let A and B be Stiefel-

Whitney test graphs, such that χ(T ) = χ(A) = χ(B). Assume further that there
exist Z2 -equivariant graph homomorphisms ϕ : A → T and ψ : T → B. Then, T is
also a Stiefel-Whitney test graph.

Proof. Let n be an arbitrary positive integer. By the functoriality of Stiefel-

Whitney characteristic classes, we have

h(Hom (A, Kn )) ≤ h(Hom (T, Kn )) ≤ h(Hom (B, Kn )).

Hence n − χ(A) ≤ h(Hom (T, Kn )) ≤ n − χ(B), which, by the assumptions of the

proposition, implies h(Hom (T, Kn )) = n − χ(T ). 
The next corollary describes a simple, but instructive example of the situation
in Proposition 6.1.5.

Corollary 6.1.6. Any connected bipartite graph T with a Z2 -action which flips
an edge is a Stiefel-Whitney test graph.

Indeed, we have Z2 -equivariant graph homomorphisms K2 → T → K2 , where

the first one is the inclusion of the flipped edge, and the second one is the arbitrary
coloring map, see Figure 6.1.2. Since, by Proposition 3.3.1, K2 is a Stiefel-Whitney
test graph, we conclude that T is also a Stiefel-Whitney test graph.

Figure 6.1.2. Z2 -invariant factoring of an edge through a bipartite graph.

In particular, any even cycle with the Z2 -action which flips an edge is a Stiefel-
Whitney test graph.
Summary. The class of Stiefel-Whitney test graphs contains complete graphs, con-
nected bipartite graphs (in both cases one can take any involution which flips
an edge). Furthermore, it is closed under factorizations, as described in Proposi-
tion 6.1.5.
By Theorem 5.1.4, the odd cycles are Stiefel-Whitney n-test graphs, for odd
n ≥ 3. Conjecturally, see Conjecture 6.2.5, odd cycles are Stiefel-Whitney n-test
graphs, for all n ≥ 3.

6.2. Conclusion and Open Problems

It follows from Corollary 6.1.6 that any connected bipartite graph with a Z2 -action
which flips an edge is a homotopy test graph. It seems natural to generalize this
Conjecture 6.2.1. Every connected bipartite graph is a homotopy test graph.
By what is said above, we know that a connected bipartite graph is a homotopy
test graph if there is a sequence of folds and their reverses, reducing it to some
connected bipartite graph with a Z2 -action which flips an edge.
Before formulating the next conjecture, we recall that by saying that a topolog-
ical space is (−1)-connected, we mean that it is nonempty. Clearly, if the maximal
valency of G is at most n − 1, then G can be colored with n colors by means of
the greedy procedure. Furthermore, Babson & Kozlov proved in [BK03b, Propo-
sition 2.4] that if the maximal valency of G is at most n − 2, then Hom (G, Kn )
is 0-connected. Generalizing this statement to higher dimension, we obtain the
following conjecture.
Conjecture 6.2.2 (Babson & Kozlov, [BK03b, Conjecture 2.5]). 1
Let G be any graph. If the maximal valency of G is equal to d, then Hom (G, Kn ) is
k-connected, for all integers k ≥ −1, n ≥ d + k + 2.
Next, let us recall an important class of manifolds.
Definition 6.2.3. For an arbitrary positive integer n, the Stiefel manifold
Vk (Rn ) is the set of the orthonormal k-frames in an n-dimensional Euclidean space,
topologized as subspace of (Rn )k .
Stiefel manifolds are homogeneous spaces and play an important role in the
study of characteristic classes, see [MS74].
Conjecture 6.2.4 (Csorba, [Cs04b]).
The complex Hom (C5 , Kn ) is homeomorphic to V2 (Rn−1 ), for all n ≥ 1.
The cases n = 1, 2 are tautological, as both spaces are empty.
 The example
on the Figure 2.1.4 verifies the case n = 3: Hom (C5 , K3 ) ∼
= S 1 S 1 . Several cases,
including n = 4 have been recently verified by Csorba & Lutz, see [CL04].
Returning to the Stiefel-Whitney characteristic classes, we have the following
Conjecture 6.2.5 (Babson & Kozlov, [BK04, Conjecture 2.5]).
The equation
(6.2.1) 1n−2 (Hom (C2r+1 , Kn )) = 0, for all n ≥ 2
is true for an arbitrary positive integer r.
Clearly, the case n = 2 is obvious, since Hom (C2r+1 , K2 )) = ∅. The Conjec-
ture 6.2.5 has been proved in [BK04] for r = 1 and arbitrary n ≥ 2, as well as
for odd n and arbitrary r, see here Theorem 5.1.4. For r = 2, n = 4, the equa-
tion (6.2.1) follows from the fact that Hom (C5 , K4 ) ∼
= RP3 , and the analysis of the
corresponding Z2 -action on RP .3

1At the time of the writing of this survey, this conjecture has been proved and is now a theorem,
see [CK04b].

We remark here that the Conjecture 6.2.5, coupled with Theorem 3.3.5, implies
the Conjecture 5.1.3. Note also that, as previously remarked, for a fixed value of
n, if the equation (6.2.1) is true for C2r+1 , then it is true for any C2r̃+1 , if r ≥ r̃.
We finish with another conjecture by Lovász. In [BW04], Brightwell & Winkler
have shown the following result.
Theorem 6.2.6 (Brightwell & Winkler, [BW04]).
Let G be an arbitrary graph. If for any graph T , with maximal valency at most d,
the graph Hom 1 (T, G) is connected or empty, then χ(G) ≥ d2 + 2.
Lovász has suggested that this statement can be strengthened, and that fur-
thermore, a higher dimensional analog is true.
Conjecture 6.2.7 (Lovász). Let G be an arbitrary graph. If for any graph T , with
maximal valency at most d, the complex Hom (T, G) is k-connected or empty, then
χ(G) ≥ d + k + 2.

Acknowledgements. We thank Peter Csorba, Sonja Čukić, Alexander Engström,

as well as the anonymous referees, for the helpful comments concerning the presen-
tation in this paper.

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tional geometry, CRC Press Ser. Discrete Math. Appl., CRC, Boca Raton,
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Equivariant Invariants and Linear

Robert MacPherson
IAS/Park City Mathematics Series
Volume 14, 2004

Equivariant Invariants and Linear


Robert MacPherson


0.1 This course will concern the following triangle of ideas.

The vertices of this triangle represent mathematical objects. They will be

defined in this introduction. The edges from one vertex to another represent math-
ematical constructions: given an object of the first type, we construct an object of
the second type. These constructions will be the subject of the separate Lectures.
The main theorem is that the diagram commutes: the construction on the bottom
is the same as the composition of the two constructions on the top.
The constructions represented by the three edges all involve geometry, but they
are of a completely different character from each other.

1 Institute
for Advanced Study, Princeton NJ 08540.
E-mail address:

2007 American Mathematical Society


0.2 Guide to reading. The Lectures have been made independent of each other
as much as possible, so as to allow several different points of entry into the subject.
The following is the diagram of dependencies:

The mathematical knowledge required in advance has been kept to a minimum.

*Starred sections and exercises are exceptions to this rule. They have mathematical
prerequisites that go beyond those of the other sections, and are not needed for the
rest of what we will do. The reader is invited to skip the *starred sections on a
first reading.
The exercises are designed to be an integral part of the exposition.
0.3 Credit and thanks. All of my work on this subject has been joint with
Bob Kottwitz, Mark Goresky, and Tom Braden. A deep study of moment graphs
has been carried out by Victor Guillemin, Tara Holm, and Catalin Zara; Lecture 3
may serve as an introduction to their papers.
I am grateful to Tom Braden and to many participants of PCMI for corrections
and improvements to this exposition.

0.1. Spaces with a Torus Action

1.1 Definition. The n-torus T is the group

T = T/L = (S 1 )n .
Here T is an n-dimensional real vector space, which we may take to be Rn . The
space T is a group under vector addition. The subgroup L is a lattice (i.e. a
subgroup which is discrete as a topological space, with the property that T/L is
compact). We may take L to be Zn ⊂ Rn , the subgroup consisting of points whose
coordinates are integers. The group S 1 is the unit circle group: the elements of
norm 1 in the complex plane C considered as a group under multiplication. We
may identify R/Z ∼= S 1 by the map R −→ C that sends x to e2πix , whose kernel is
Z. From this we get an identification
T/L = Rn /Zn = (R/Z)n = (S 1 )n .

1.2 We can visualize the n-torus as an n-cube [0, 1]n with the opposite faces
identified. For example, if n = 1, we have S 1 = [0, 1]/ ∼ where ∼ identifies 0 and

Or, for example, the 2-torus is the square with the opposite edges identified,

which shows why it’s called a torus.

1.3 Exercise. Show in general that an n-torus as an n-cube [0, 1]n with the
opposite faces identified. Hint: Show every Zn coset in Rn meets the unit cube
[0, 1]n ⊂ Rn , so Rn /Zn = [0, 1]n / ∼ where x ∼ y when x − y ∈ Zn . Check that ∼
identifies opposite faces.

1.4 Exercise*. Let T be the n-torus Rn /Zn and let T  be the k-torus Rk /Zk .
Every group homomorphism h : Zn −→ Zk extends uniquely to a continuous group
homomorphism h̃ : Rn −→ Rk , and so it passes to a continuous group homomor-
phism h̄ : T −→ T  . Show that the map Hom(Zn , Zk ) −→ Hom(T, T  ) that sends h
to h̄ is an isomorphism. Here Hom(T, T  ) is the set of continuous homomorphisms
from T to T  .

1.5 Definition. A space with a torus

action is a (Hausdorff) topological space
X together with a self map X −→ X
for every t ∈ T , notated x → tx, such
that composition of homeomorphisms cor-
responds to multiplication in the group
t1 (t2 x) = (t1 × t2 )x, and (t, x) → tx is
jointly continuous in x and t. We sym-
bolize this by T X. A quintessential
example will be the circle action on the
2-sphere, where the circle rotates the 2-
sphere about an axis. (Think of the ac-
tion of the 24 hour day on the surface of
the Earth.)
1.6 Exercise. Suppose that an n-torus T acts on a space X. Show that the
orbit T x of every point x in X is itself homeomorphic to a k-torus for some k ≤ n.
(Note the special case k = 0, which occurs at the North Pole N and the South Pole
S of the example above.)
1.7 Why are we interested in torus actions T X, rather than the actions of more
general connected Lie groups G X? In fact, computations for G X reduce to
the computations for T X, as explained in §3.8.11.

0.2. Linear Graphs

2.1 Definition. A linear graph is a finite set of points {vi } in a real vector space
V, called vertices, and a finite set of line segments {ek } in V, called edges such that
the two endpoints of each edge are both vertices.
2.2 For example, the following are linear graphs:

The first one, in R2 , has four vertices and six edges. Note that the edges do not have
to be disjoint: In this example, the two diagonals cross each other. The second one
has six vertices and twelve edges. It is just the vertices and edges of an octahedron
in R3 . Any convex polyhedron gives rise to a linear graph by taking the vertices
and the edges.
2.3 A topological graph is, of course, defined in a similar way, but without the
embedding into a vector space. (For our purposes, a topological graph has at most

one edge between a pair of vertices, and has no edge going from a vertex to itself.)
So a linear graph is a graph together with a mapping into V in such a way that its
edges are mapped into straight lines.

2.4 Equivalent linear graphs. We consider two linear graphs G1 and G2 in V

to be equivalent if they correspond to the same topological graph Γ, and for each
edge of Γ, the corresponding line in G1 is parallel to the corresponding line in G2 .
For example, these two linear graphs are equivalent:

2.5 Directions and direction data. We define a direction in V to be a

parallelism class of lines in V, or equivalently, a line through the origin in V. (To
specify a direction, it suffices to give a nonzero vector in D ∈ V. If λ ∈ R is nonzero,
then λD and D determine the same direction, since they determine the same line
through the origin.) To give an equivalence class of linear graphs of graphs in V,
it suffices to give a topological graph with direction data, i.e. for each edge of the
graph, we give a direction D.

2.6 Exercise. What is the dimension of the space of linear graphs equivalent to
the linear graphs pictured above?

2.7 Exercise. Suppose an abstract graph is embedded in the plane as a linear

graph. Can you find a formula for the dimension of its equivalence class?

2.8 Exercise. Consider the triangle graph with the direction data that assigns
to the three edges the following three directions D in R3 : (1, 0, 1), (−1, 1, 1), and
(0, −1, 1). Show that there is no linear graph with this direction data.

0.3. Rings and Modules

3.1 Our rings R will all be graded algebras over the real numbers R.

3.2 Definition. A graded R-algebra is an R-algebra with a direct sum decompo-

R= Ri
into R vector spaces called the graded pieces, indexed by the non-negative integers,
so that the multiplication is compatible with the grading: If r ∈ Ri and r ∈ Rj ,
then rr ∈ Ri+j . Similarly, a graded module over R module M with a direct sum
M= Mi

into R vector spaces, so that if r ∈ Ri and m ∈ M j , then rm ∈ M i+j . Ring and

module homomorphisms are required to respect the gradings.
All of our graded rings and modules will
 have the property that the odd num-
bered graded pieces are all zero, so R = j∈Z,j≥0 R2j . This perverse factor of 2
comes from the topological side of the story.
3.3 The polynomial ring O(T). We denote by O(T) the ring of real valued
polynomial functions on the real vector space T. It is the same as the ring of
polynomials with real coefficients in n variables, where n is the dimension of T. This
is a graded ring. The 2j-th graded piece is the space of polynomials of homogeneous
degree j, i.e. the space spanned by monomials of degree j.
3.4 In all our graded rings and modules, the graded pieces are finite dimensional
real vector spaces. Their dimensions are encoded in the Hilbert series.
Definition. The Hilbert series of R is the power series whose coefficients are the
dimensions of the graded pieces of R

Hilb(R) = xi dim(Ri ).

Since all of our graded rings are zero in odd degree, it is conventional to introduce
the variable q = x2 .
Hilb(R) = (x2 )j dim(R2j ) = q j dim(R2j ).
j≥0 j≥0

3.5 Proposition. The Hilbert series of the polynomial ring O(T) is

Hilb(O(R)) =
where n is the dimension of the vector space T.
3.6 Exercise. Prove this. Hint: here are two possible strategies:
1) Show directly that the number of monomials z3
in n variables of degree j is the coefficient of q j in
(q − 1)n . For example, the number of monomials
xz 2 yz 2
of degree j in 3 variables is the (j +1)-st triangu-
lar number: the number of points in a triangular
x2 z xyz y2z
array with j + 1 points on a side. This is because
the monomials of degree j can be arranged in a
x3 x2 y xy 2 y3
triangular array.

2) Or, calculate the Hilbert series of the polynomial ring O(R) of polynomials in
one variable
Hilb(O(R)) = 1 + q + q 2 + · · · =
then justify the following manipulations:

 × ·
Hilb(O(T)) = Hilb(O(R · · × R
) = Hilb(O(R) ⊗ · · · ⊗ O(R)) =

n factors n factors
= Hilb(O(R)) · · · Hilb(O(R)) =
n factors

3.7 Exercise. Let R be the ring of continuous functions on the real line R, whose
restriction to the positive reals R>0 and the negative reals R<0 are both polynomial
functions. Show that R is a graded ring isomorphic to the polynomial ring in two
variables x and y divided by the principal ideal generated by the polynomial xy,
i.e. R = R[x, y]/(xy), and that its Hilbert series is (1 + q)/(1 − q).
Equivariant Homology and Intersection Homology
(Geometry of Pseudomanifolds)

1.1. Introduction

1.1 In this lecture, we will give a geometric way of defining equivariant homology
and equivariant intersection homology. The standard definitions of these homology
theories, as found in the literature, are good for proving properties, but are perhaps
not so intuitive. In this lecture, we will consider G X: an action of a general Lie
group G on a space X, although in the other lectures we are interested mainly in
the case that G is a torus T .
1.2 The definitions we present are based on the notion of a pseudomanifold. A
k-dimensional manifold is a space that looks locally like k-dimensional Euclidean
space near every point. A k-dimensional pseudomanifold P is allowed to have
singularities, i.e. points where it doesn’t locally look like Euclidean space. However,
it must satisfy two properties:
(1) The part of P where it is a k-manifold is open and dense in P and it must
be oriented.
(2) The set of singularities has dimension at most k − 2 (i.e. codimension at
least 2).

A pseudomanifold (the pinched torus)


There are several ways to make this intuitive notion of a pseudomanifold rigorous.
We will use simplicial complexes, because that is the one most in keeping with the
spirit of these notes. Readers who are comfortable with pseudomanifolds can skip
directly to §1.4
1.3 Equivariant homology theories are difficult to compute directly from the de-
finitions as given in this Lecture. However, the methods of Lectures 3 to 5 provide
effective computations in many interesting cases.

1.2. Simplicial Complexes

Readers familiar with simplicial complexes and orientations can skip this section.
2.1 A k-simplex Δ is the convex hull of k + 1 points p0 , . . . , pk in general position
in some Euclidean space. Here general position just means that the points don’t all
lie in any (k − 1)-dimensional Euclidean subspace. The k-simplex is a polyhedron.
Its faces are themselves simplices; they are the convex hulls of subsets of the points
pi . The points pi are the vertices of Δ.

0-simplex 1-simplex 2-simplex 3-simplex

2.2 Definition. A simplicial complex is a set S of simplices in some Euclidean

space with the properties
(1) Any two simplices in S are either disjoint or intersect in a set that is a
face of each of them.
(2) Any face of a simplex in S is itself in S.

2.3 Spaces of finite type. We define a space of finite type to be a topological

space homeomorphic to the difference S − S  where S is a simplicial complex and
S  is a sub simplicial complex. We will assume without further mention that all
of our spaces are of finite type. Spaces generated by finite operations, such as
real algebraic varieties, or their images under algebraic maps, are all of finite type
(although proving it takes technology developed over many years). On the other
hand, a Cantor set, or Z are not of finite type.
2.4 An orientation O of a simplex Δ is an ordering of the vertices of Δ, two
orderings being considered equivalent if one is an even permutation of the other.
(This definition doesn’t work for a 0-simplex. An orientation of a 0-simplex is
simply one of the symbols + or −.) Any simplex has exactly two orientations,
these two orientations are called opposite orientations of each other.
2.5 An orientation of a Euclidean space is an ordered set of basis vectors, two
being considered equivalent if one is a continuous deformation of the other. We

can draw an orientation by representing the basis vectors as arrows, and signaling
the ordering by placing the tail of each arrow at the head of the previous one.
An orientation O of k-simplex Δ determines an orientation of the k-dimensional
Euclidean space E containing Δ as follows: Suppose O = {p0 < p1 < · · · < pk }.
Then {p1 − p0 , p2 − p1 , . . . , pk − pk−1 } is the ordered basis.

Exercise. Show that two orientations of Δ are equivalent if and only if they
determine equivalent ordered bases of E.
2.6 If Δ is a k-simplex and Δ is a (k − 1)-simplex, an orientation O of Δ induces
an orientation O of Δ as follows: Pick an equivalent ordering such that the unique
vertex of Δ not in Δ is the last one of the ordering. Then O is the restriction of
that ordering to Δ . (This definition doesn’t work if Δ is a 1-simplex. In this case,
O is − if Δ is the first vertex of the ordering, and it is + if it is the second one.)

1.3. Pseudomanifolds

3.1 Definition. A k-dimensional pseudomanifold is a simplicial complex together

with an orientation O(Δ) of each of its k-simplices, with the following properties:
(1) Every simplex is a face of some k-simplex.
(2) Every (k − 1)-simplex is the face of exactly two k-simplices.
(3) (The continuity of orientation property) If Δ is a (k − 1)-simplex and Δ
and Δ̃ are the two k-simplices that contain Δ in their boundary, then the
given orientations O(Δ) and O(Δ̃) induce opposite orientations on Δ .

A pseudomanifold (the simplicial pinched torus)


3.2 The following exercise shows why property 3 is called continuity of orientation.

Exercise. Suppose that Δ and Δ̃ are two k-simplices in a Euclidean k-space, and
that they intersect in a (k − 1)-simplex Δ . Show that the orientations O(Δ) and
O(Δ̃) induce opposite orientations on Δ if and only if the ordered basis for E
determined by Δ as in exercise 1.2.5 can be continuously deformed into the ordered
basis for E determined by O(Δ̃).

A path in the space of ordered bases of the plane

3.3 Definition. A k-dimensional pseudomanifold with boundary is a simplicial

complex S, an orientation O(Δ) of each of its k-simplices, and a sub simplicial
complex B called the boundary, with the following properties:
(1) The boundary B is a (k − 1)-dimensional pseudomanifold
(2) Every simplex of S is a face of some k-simplex.
(3) Every (k − 1)-simplex Δ that not in B is the face of exactly two k-
simplices, and the continuity of orientation property holds for Δ .
(4) Every (k − 1)-simplex Δ in B is the face of exactly one k-simplex Δ in S.
The orientation of Δ induced from O(Δ) coincides with the orientation
O(Δ ) of Δ from the pseudomanifold structure on B.

3.4 Exercise. Show that the continuity of orientation property for the boundary
B of a pseudomanifold with boundary follows from the other properties in the

1.4. Ordinary Homology Theory

As a warm up, we will give a definition of ordinary homology theory in the spirit
of the definitions of more complicated theories to come. This definition of ordinary
homology has roots going back to Poincaré and Veblen and the earliest days of
homology theory.
4.1 Definition. Let X be a topological space. An i-cycle is an i-dimensional
pseudomanifold P together with a map σ : P −→ X.
The idea is that an i-cycle captures the “holes” in a topological space by sur-
rounding them. For example, the following 1-cycle surrounds the hole in the annu-

We will refer to the i-cycle σ : P −→ X by the symbol P when there’s no

confusion about what σ is.
4.2 Definition. If σ1 : P1 −→ X and σ2 : P2 −→ X are two i-cycles, then the
sum P1 + P2 is their union σ : P1 ∪ P2 −→ X where σ|P1 = σ1 and σ|P2 = σ2 .
The negative −P of an i-cycle is the same i-cycle P with the opposite orientation
for every i-simplex. As usual, P1 − P2 is P1 + (−P2 ).
4.3 Definition. A cobordism between two i-cycles σ1 : P1 −→ X and σ2 :
P2 −→ X is a (i + 1)-dimensional pseudomanifold with boundary C, and a map
σ : C −→ X such that the boundary B of C is P1 − P2 and the restriction of σ to
B coincides with σ1 and σ2 . Two i-cycles σ1 : P1 −→ X and σ2 : P2 −→ X are
said to be cobordant if there is a cobordism between them.

The 1-cycles P1 and P2 are cobordant

The idea behind this definition is that if P1 and P2 are cobordant, they surround
the same holes in the same way. For example, if σ has appropriate differentiability
assumptions so that it makes sense, any closed differential i-form will have the same
integral on P1 and on P2 , by Stokes’ Theorem.
4.4 Proposition. Cobordism is an equivalence relation among i-cycles.
Exercise Prove this. For example, if S1 is a cobordism between P1 and P2 , and
S2 is a cobordism between P2 and P3 , then S1 and S2 can be glued together to
provide a cobordism between P1 and P3 .

4.5 Definition – Proposition. The i-th homology, notated Hi (X), is the set
of cobordism classes of i-cycles. The operations + and − induce the structure of
an Abelian group on this set. The identity element is represented by the empty
4.6 For example, if X is the annulus, H0 (X) is Z generated by a point, and
H1 (X) is Z generated by the cycle P1 or P2 as in the pictures above.
4.7 Exercise. Show for any X that H0 (X) is Zk where k is the number of path
connected components of X.

4.8 Convention. We write H∗ (X) for i Hi (X). It’s a summation convention:
wherever a star appears, it means a direct sum over the possible indices i that
might appear there.

1.5. Basic Definitions of Equivariant Topology

5.1 A topological group G is a set that is simultaneously a group and a topological

space, with the property that the multiplication operation G × G −→ G and the
inverse operation G −→ G are both continuous. G is a Lie group if it is one of our
spaces of finite type §1.2.3 (or, what turns out to be the same thing for topological
groups, if it’s a topological manifold with finitely many connected components.)
5.2 A space with a group action G X is a topological space X (which for us will
always be of finite type), and an a map G × X −→ X that is continuous, such that
(g · g  )x = g(g  (x)) (§0.1.5).
5.3 The equivariant category. Suppose G X and G X  are two topological
spaces with a group action. A morphism G X =⇒ G X  is a continuous group
homomorphism φ : G −→ G together with a continuous map ψ : X −→ X  such
that ψ(gx) = φ(g)ψ(x).
For example, for any G X there is a canonical morphism G X =⇒ 1 X/G.
Here 1 is the one element group; X/G is the quotient space X/ ∼ where ∼ is the
equivalence relation x ∼ x if there is a g ∈ G such that gx = x ; φ : G −→ 1 is the
only thing it could be; and φ : X −→ X/G is the quotient map.
5.4 G equivariant maps. If G is a fixed group, then the category of G-spaces is
the sub category of the equivariant category where the map φ on G is the identity.
The maps in this category are called G equivariant maps. In other words, if X and
X  are both G-spaces, then an equivariant map from X to X  is a continuous map
ψ : X −→ X  such that ψ(gx) = gψ(x) for all g ∈ G and all x ∈ X. We consider
two G spaces equivalent if they are isomorphic in this category. This means that
the map ψ is a homeomorphism.
5.5 Free actions. An action of G on X is free if no element of G except the
identity fixes any point in X, i.e. gx = x implies g is the identity.
Another commonly used terminology for the same thing is this: The map
π : X −→ X/G is called a principal G-bundle if and only if the action G X
is free. In this terminology, X/G is called the base of the principal bundle; X is
called the total space; and π is called the projection.
Yet another popular terminology is to say that X is a G-torsor over X/G.

5.6 Exercise. Show that every orbit Gx of a free action G X is homeomorphic

to G.

1.6. Equivariant Homology

6.1 Definition. Let G X be a G-space. An equivariant i-cycle is a diagram

π σ
P ←−−−− E −−−−→ X

where P is an i-dimensional pseudomanifold, E is a G-space with a free G action,

π : E −→ P is the projection on the quotient by the G action (so P = E/G), and
σ is a G equivariant map.
Another way of describing the same thing (see §1.5.5) is this: A i-cycle is an
equivariant map into X of the total space of a G-principal bundle E, whose base
space is an i-dimensional pseudomanifold.

An equivariant 1-cycle for the circle T acting on the torus X

An equivariant 0-cycle for the circle T acting on the torus X

6.2 When we want to refer to an i-cycle, we use the symbol P for the pseudo-
manifold, even though it is really a 4-tuple of data. The sum P1 + P2 of two
equivariant i-cycles P1 and P2 is P1 ∪ P2 ←− E1 ∪ E2 −→ X. The negative −P
of an equivariant i-cycle is the same i-cycle with the opposite orientation on P .

6.3 Definition. A cobordism between two equivariant i-cycles P1 and P2 is a

commutative diagram
π σ
C ←−−−− E −−−−→ X

inclusion as ⏐ ⏐ ⏐=
⏐ inclusion⏐ ⏐
boundary B
π1 ,π2 σ1 ,σ2
P1 − P2 ←−−−− E1 ∪ E2 −−−−→ X
where C is a pseudomanifold with boundary B = P1 −P2 , E is a G principal bundle
over C, σ is an equivariant map, and E1 ∪ E2 is π −1 (P1 ∪ P2 ).
Two equivariant i-cycles P1 and P2 are said to be cobordant if there is a cobor-
dism between them.
For example, the following picture shows a cobordism between two equivariant
0-cycles. Here T X is a circle rotating the annulus.

6.4 Proposition. Cobordism is an equivalence relation on equivariant i-cycles.

6.5 Definition – Proposition. The i-th equivariant homology of G X, which
we will notate Hi (G X), is the set of cobordism classes of equivariant i-cycles.
The operations + and − induce the structure of an Abelian group on this set.
The usual notation for the ith equivariant homology group is HiG (X), and
Borel’s original notation was Hi (XG ).
6.6 The topological juice of this definition comes in the requirement that the G
action on the cycles and cobordisms be free.
Exercise. Show that if we dropped the requirement that the G action be free from
the definitions of equivariant cycles and cobordisms, then we would just get the
homology of the quotient Hi (X/G).
6.7 Exercise. Show that if G acts freely on X, then Hi (G X) is, in fact, the
homology of the quotient Hi (X/G).
For example, if T is the 1-torus, X is the 2-torus, and T rotates X as in the
pictures above, then the T action is free and Hi (T X) = Hi (X/T ). Since X/T is
a circle, we have ⎧
⎪R if i = 0

Hi (T X) = R if i = 1

0 otherwise

The two nonzero equivariant homology groups are generated by the equivariant
cycles shown in the pictures above.
Similarly, the equivariant homology of the annulus is nonzero only in degree 0,
where it is generated by the 0-cycle shown in the picture.
In both of these examples, the equivariant homology is smaller than the ordi-
nary homology. For the cases we are going to study later, the reverse is true.
6.8 Exercise. Show that H0 (G X) = H0 (X), the free group generated by the
connected components of X.
6.9 Exercise. Show that Hi (1 X) = Hi (X), where 1 is the one element group.

1.7. Formal Properties of Equivariant Homology

7.1 Functoriality. Suppose that we have an equivariant map

G X =⇒ G X .
Then there is an induced map on equivariant homology
Hi (G X) −→ Hi (G X  ).
If G = G and the map G −→ G is the identity, then this map can be defined simply
by composition of G-equivariant maps. The general case is a little complicated: If
π σ
P ←−−−− E −−−−→ X
is a cycle for Hi (G X), then
π σ
P ←−−−− G ×G E −−−−→ X 
is the corresponding cycle for Hi (G X  ), where G ×G E is the “associated bundle”
defined as the quotient space (G × E)/G where G acts on G × E by g(g  , e) =
(g  · φg −1 , ge). The group G acts freely on the associated bundle G ×G E by
g  (g  , e) = (g · g  , e). The quotient of this G action is again P . The map σ  :
G ×G E −→ X  sends (g  , e) to g  (ψ(σ(e))). One needs to check that this is well
7.2 Coefficients. Suppose that R is a ring containing the integers Z. We can
define the equivariant homology with coefficients in R by
Hi (G X; R) = Hi (G X) ⊗Z R
Assumption. We will assume that our coefficient ring is the real numbers R.
(Actually, any other field of characteristic zero would work as well for everything
we will do.) With these coefficients, the equivariant homology is a real vector space;
we notate it simply by Hi (G X). There are torsion phenomena that are killed by
taking these coefficients, but the most interesting phenomena survive. Many of our
theorems are false, or are at least much more complicated to state, for coefficients
that are not fields of characteristic zero.
7.3 The Kunneth theorem. Given two spaces with group actions G1 X1 and
G2 X2 , we have the Kunneth map
Hi (G1 X1 ) × Hj (G2 X2 ) −→ Hi+j ((G1 × G2 ) (X1 × X2 ))

[P1 ] × [P2 ] → [P1 × P2 ]


where P1 × P2 is defined to be the equivariant (i + j)-cycle

1 π ×π
2 σ ×σ
P1 × P2 ←− −−− E1 × E2 −−1−−→
X1 × X2
Proposition. The Kunneth map induces an isomorphism

Hi (G1 X1 ) ⊗ Hj (G2 X2 ) −→ Hi+j ((G1 × G2 ) (X1 × X2 )).
7.4 Note on proofs. From here until the end of the lecture, we will state hard
theorems without proofs. What is important is to understand the statements, and
to understand why the various objects and maps are well defined. If you invent
proofs of any of these statements without knowing a lot of topology, that will be
quite an accomplishment.
7.5 The cohomology ring. The cohomology is the vector space dual of the

H i (G X) = (Hi (G X)) = Hom (Hi (G X), R) .
Consider the diagram

= Δ
Hi (G X) ⊗ Hj (G X) −→ Hi+j (G×G X ×X) ←− Hi+j (G X)
where Δ : G X =⇒ (G × G) (X × X) is the diagonal map that sends g to (g, g)
and sends x to (x, x).
Now take the vector space dual of the whole diagram
∼ Δ∗
H i (G X) ⊗ H j (G X) ←− H i+j (G×G X ×X) −→ H i+j (G

Proposition. The composed map from the left to the right in this diagram is the
multiplication rule of a ring structure on equivariant cohomology.
7.6 Signs. The product in cohomology satisfies the following sign rule: If x ∈
H i (G X) and y ∈ H j (G X), then xy = (−1)ij yx. The reason for this it that if
P1 and P2 are pseudomanifolds of dimensions i and j, then P1 × P2 = (−1)ij P2 ×
P1 . A nice exercise is to figure out how to define precisely the product of two
pseudomanifolds, and to show this commutation rule.
7.7 Exercise. Use the map 1 X =⇒ G X to show that there is a canonical
map Hi (X) −→ Hi (G X), or dually H i (G X) −→ H i (X).
7.8 Exercise. Let A be the ring H ∗ (G pt), where pt is a point. Use the map
G X =⇒ G pt to show that there is a map A −→ H ∗ (G X), so H ∗ (G X)
is an A-module. We will be interested mainly in actions where this map is an
injection, unlike the illustrative examples considered in the last section.
7.9 Homology vs. cohomology. There is a psychological dilemma. An equi-
variant cohomology class is hard to imagine. It is an element in a dual space — it
eats a homology class and gives you a number. But the cohomology is an algebra,
which most people find to be an intuitive structure. An equivariant homology class
is easy to visualize, but the homology forms a co-algebra, which is hard to think
Choosing the demons of dual spaces over the demons of co-algebras, our com-
putations will be in equivariant cohomology. Of course, the computation of equi-
variant cohomology is mathematically equivalent to the computation of equivariant
homology, so the information is the same in the end.

1.8. Torus Equivariant Cohomology of a Point

The ordinary homology of a point p is uninteresting: It is simply a 1-dimensional
vector space in homology degree 0, and zero in every other degree. However, for
Lie groups of positive dimension, the equivariant homology (or cohomology) or
cohomology of a point is quite interesting: It is infinite dimensional.

8.1 Generators of the circle equivariant homology of a point. Suppose T 1

is a 1-torus and pt is a point. Then for every integer k ≥ 0, we have the following
equivariant 2k-cycle:
π σ
CPk ←−−−− S 2k+1 −−−−→ pt

Here S 2k+1 is the real unit real sphere in complex (k + 1)-space, given by the
equation |z0 |2 + |z1 |2 + · · · + |zk |2 = 1. The circle T 1 = S 1 ⊂ C acts on it freely
by scalar multiplication. The quotient space CPk is the complex projective k-space
(see §2.3.1), a pseudomanifold (indeed a manifold) of real dimension 2k.

8.2 It is useful to think about why this 2k-cycle is nonzero. 1. The 2k + 1 sphere
bounds the 2k + 2 ball |z0 |2 + |z1 |2 + · · · + |zk |2 ≤ 1. The S 1 action extends to the
ball. If k > 0, the quotient is a pseudomanifold with boundary CPk . Why isn’t this
a cobordism to zero? 2. The fibers of the map S 2k+1 −→ CPk are all circles S 1 .
There is a “trivial” example of a map to CPk whose fibers are all circles: if we had
a homeomorphism S 1 × CPk −→ CPk which is cobordant to zero, since we can take
S 1 × C(CPk ) −→ C(CPk ) where C(CPk ) is the cone on CPk . So, since our 2k-cycle
is not cobordant to zero, it must not be equivalent to the“trivial” example.

8.3 Exercise*. Prove that the 2k-cycle above is not 0 in H2k (T 1 pt). Hint:
Use characteristic classes.

8.4 Proposition. The equivariant homology of T 1 pt, where T 1 is the 1-torus

and pt is a point, is given by

R generated by CPk if i = 2k
Hi (T 1 pt) =
0 if i is odd

Dually, the equivariant cohomology ring is

H ∗ (T 1 pt) = {polynomial functions on T1 = R} = O(T1 )

The basis {1, t, t2 , . . .} of H ∗ (T 1 pt) is dual to the basis {CP0 , CP1 , CP2 , . . .} of
H∗ (T 1 pt).

8.5 The torus equivariant homology of a point. A general n-torus T = T/L

is a product of n copies of the circle T 1 = T1 /L1 . Therefore, we have the product
of spaces with group action

T pt = T 1 pt ×T 1 pt × · · · × T 1 pt

n factors

Applying the Kunneth theorem for cohomology, we have

H ∗ (T pt) = H ∗ (T 1 pt) ⊗ · · · ⊗ H ∗ (T 1 pt)


n factors
⎧ ⎫

⎨ ⎪

= polynomial functions on T1 × · · · × T1

n factors
= {polynomial functions on T} = O(T)

where T = Rn is the product of n copies of T1 .

1.9. The Equivariant Cohomology of a 2-Sphere

9.1 Homology of the fixed point set N ∪ S. Suppose that the circle T 1 acts
on the 2-sphere X = S 2 by rotation as in §0.1.4. There are two fixed points, the
North pole N and the South pole S. The space N ∪ S is just two points, so its T 1
equivariant homology is just two copies of the equivariant homology of a point:

R[(CPk )N ] ⊕ R[(CPk )S ] = R2 if i = 2k
Hi (T 1 (N ∪ S)) =
0 if i is odd

The equivariant map N ∪ S → X is T 1 equivariant, so it induces a map on equi-

variant homology Hi (T 1 (N ∪ S)) −→ Hi (T 1 X).

9.2 Circle equivariant homology of the 2-sphere. Proposition. The map

Hi (T 1 (N ∪ S)) −→ Hi (T 1 X)

is an isomorphism for all i > 0. For i = 0, there is one relation [CP0N ] = [CP0S ]
given by the following cobordism whose boundary is CP0N − CP0S .

Cobordism giving the relation in H0 (T 1 X)


The boundary of this cobordism

9.3 Exercise*. This result says that every equivariant cycle for T X is cobor-
dant to one that maps into just the two fixed points N and S. The corresponding
statement in ordinary homology (i.e. 1 X) is false. Can you see geometrically why
this is true?
9.4 Translating this calculation to equivariant cohomology. In summary,
the equivariant homology of X is a quotient of the equivariant homology of N ∪ S;
i.e. we have the exact sequence of graded vector spaces
0 −−−−→ R −−−−→ H∗ (T 1 (N ∪ S)) −−−−→ H∗ (T 1 X) −−−−→ 0
where the map q sends 1 to [CP0N ] − [CP0S ]
. Dualizing, the equivariant cohomology
of X is a sub of the equivariant cohomology of N ∪S; i.e. we have the exact sequence
of rings:
0 ←−−−− R ←−−−− H ∗ (T 1 (N ∪ S)) ←−−−− H ∗ (T 1 X) ←−−−− 0.
∗ ∗ ∗
Here H (T 1
(N ∪ S)) = H (T N ) ⊕ H (T
S) which is two copies of the

ring O(T1 ) of polynomials on T1 . The map q ∗ sends the difference of the identity
elements of the two copies of the polynomial ring 1N − 1S to 1 ∈ R.
In other words, H ∗ (T 1 (N ∪ S)) is the ring of pairs (fN , fS ) of polynomial
functions on T1 = R. The ring H ∗ (T 1 X) is pairs (fN , fS ) such that fN (0) =
fS (0).
9.5 The torus equivariant cohomology of a sphere. Now suppose that an
n torus T acts on the sphere X = S 2 by rotating it. By changing coordinates in
the torus, we can arrange things so that T = T 1 × T n−1 where the circle T 1 acts
on X as in the discussion above and the torus T n−1 acts trivially. Therefore, we
have the product of spaces with group action
T X = T1 X × T n−1 p.
Applying the Kunneth theorem, we get
H ∗ (T X) = H ∗ (T 1 X) ⊗ H ∗ (T n−1 pt)
= (fN , fS ) ∈ O(T 1 ) ⊕ O(T 1 ) such that fN |0 = fS |0 ⊗ O(Tn−1 )
= (fN , fS ) ∈ O(T 1 × Tn−1 ) such that fN |Tn−1 = fS |Tn−1
In Lecture 3, this simple calculation will lie at the root of all of our calculations
of equivariant cohomology (and ordinary cohomology) of many complicated spaces.

1.10. Equivariant Intersection Cohomology

In this section, we will sketch the construction of intersection cohomology, so the
reader can get the flavor.
Intersection cohomology is an invariant of pseudomanifolds. If the pseudoman-
ifold is a manifold, then the equivariant intersection cohomology is the same as the
ordinary cohomology. If the pseudomanifold is singular, then often it is the inter-
section cohomology (equivariant or otherwise) that is important for applications,
rather than the ordinary cohomology.
10.1 Suppose X is a k-dimensional pseudomanifold of finite type. Consider the
group H X of self-homeomorphisms of X. The group H is infinite dimensional,
but its orbits in X are of finite type because X is of finite type. The space X
will be “uniformly singular” along the orbits of H X. For example, if X is “the
suspension of ∞”, we get this picture:

Orbits of the group of homeomorphisms, H X

Let Xc be the union of all the orbits of codimension c, i.e of dimension k − c.

The largest orbit X0 is an open dense k-manifold in X. X1 is empty because X is
a pseudomanifold. We assume that Xc is empty unless c is even. This assumption
holds for many spaces of interest — particularly for complex algebraic varieties,
where Xc is a complex manifold, and therefore of even real dimension.
10.2 Allowable cycles and cobordisms. Now suppose G X is a group of
type acting on X. The group G will necessarily preserve the decomposition
X = c Xc into H X orbits, since G is a subgroup of H. An allowable i-cycle is
a diagram
π σ
P ←−−−− E −−−−→ X
as in the definition of an equivariant i-cycle §1.6.1, that satisfies the allowability
codim σ −1 (Xc ) <
where codim σ −1 (Xc ) is the codimension of σ −1 (Xc ) in E .
Similarly, an allowable cobordism between two allowable equivariant i-cycles
P1 and P2 is a diagram
π σ
C ←−−−− E −−−−→ X

inclusion as ⏐ ⏐ ⏐=
⏐ inclusion⏐ ⏐
boundary B
π1 ,π2 σ1 ,σ2
P1 − P2 ←−−−− E1 ∪ E2 −−−−→ X

as in the definition of a cobordism §1.6.3 satisfying the same allowability condition

codim σ −1 (Xc ) <
10.3 Definition. The equivariant intersection homology IHi (G X) is the al-
lowable i-cycles modulo allowable cobordism. The ordinary (non-equivariant) in-
tersection homology IHi (X) is IHi (1 X), where 1 is the one element group.
10.4 Remark. The allowability condition, and particularly the appearance of 2c ,
is unintuitive at first. As usual, the solution is to look at lots of examples.
10.5 As before, we will take real coefficients by tensoring with R. The intersection
cohomology IH i (G X) is the vector space dual of the intersection homology. It
is no longer a ring, but IH ∗ (G X) is a graded module over the graded ring
H ∗ (G X). We get the ordinary intersection homology by taking the group to be
1: IHi (X) = IHi (1 X).
10.6 Caveat. This definition should give the right answer ([10], [23]) but it is
unproved at present. What can be proved to give the right answer at the moment
differs from this in two respects that are conceptually minor but technically major:
(1) The spaces Sc ⊂ X are taken as strata in some appropriate stratification
theory. (There are various possible choices.) The strata are provably a
finer decomposition than the decomposition by orbits of H X.
(2) The space X and the cycles P are taken to have extra structure like a sub-
analytic structure or a piecewise linear structure, and the maps preserve
this structure. Nevertheless, the resulting groups are provably homeomor-
phism invariants.
A precise statement, discovered jointly with T. Braden, is in [13].
10.7 Exercise. Consider the example where X is two spheres with the North
pole of one glued to the South pole of the other, and T is circle group which rotates
both spheres simultaneously.

The various types of homology groups of X that have been defined in this lecture
are given in the following table:

Type of
homology i odd i = 0 i=2 i even, i ≥ 4

Hi (X) 0 R R2 0
Hi (T X) 0 R R 3
IHi (X) 0 R2 R2 0
IHi (T X) 0 R 2
R 4

Give explicit cycles generating these groups, and give plausibility arguments that
these calculations are correct. (The hardest ones are the 4 generators of IHi (T X)
for i ≥ 2 and even. Each generator of IH2 (T X) may be represented as a 3-sphere
with a free T action, mapped into X is such a way that the inverse image of a fixed
point in X is a single T orbit. This has codimension 2 in the 3-sphere, so it satisfies
the allowability condition 1.10.2.)
This example actually comes up. It is a generalized Schubert variety §4.7.3,
and it is a Springer variety §5.4.6. The calculation methods of Lectures 3, 4, and 5
all apply to this example.
Moment Graphs
(Geometry of Orbits)

0.1 In this Lecture we will consider a space X with an action of a torus T

satisfying certain conditions. We will associate to T X a linear graph called its
moment graph. (Or more accurately, we will associate to T X an equivalence
class of linear graphs). It turns out that interesting torus actions give rise to
beautiful linear graphs. This is perhaps the first indication that the moment graph
construction is a natural one to consider. We will construct the moment graphs of
several classes of spaces: projective spaces, quadric hypersurfaces, Grassmannians,
Lagrangian Grassmannians, flag manifolds, and toric varieties.
0.2 Notation. Our torus is T/L where T is an n-dimensional real vector space
and L is a lattice, as in §0.1. We denote by t an element of T and by t̄ its coset in
T = T/L. We reserve the symbol V for the dual vector space to T so we have an
evaluation map
T × V −→ R
t × v → < t, v > .
In most of our examples, T will naturally be Rn and L will be Zn . In this case, V
is also naturally Rn . We write t = (t1 , . . . , tn ) and v = (v1 , . . . , vn ) so
< t, v >= t1 v1 + · · · + tn vn
We can also think of T as (S 1 )n . We will denote an element of (S1 )n by z =
(z1 , . . . , zn ), so zj = e2πitj .

2.1. Assumptions on the Action of T on X

The action of the n-torus T on X decomposes it into orbits T x each of which has
a dimension that is at most n. (In fact, each orbit T x is a k-torus where k ≤ n.)
1.1 Definition. The k-skeleton of T X is the union of all the orbits of X that
are of dimension at most k.
For example, the 0-skeleton is the union of the fixed points {x ∈ X | tx =
x for all t ∈ T }. The n-skeleton is X itself. The k-skeleton is preserved as a set by
the action of T on X, so the k-skeleton is itself a space with a T action.

1.2 Definition. A balloon T B is a 2-

sphere B = {x, y, z ∈ R3 | x2 + y 2 + z 2 =
1} together with a linear function D(B) :
T −→ R taking L to Z such that T = T/L
acts on B as follows: If t ∈ T, then the pro-
jection t̄ of t in T rotates the sphere about
the z axis by an angle of 2πDB (t), i.e.
⎡ ⎤
cos 2πDB (t) − sin 2πDB (t) 0
t̄ = ⎣ sin 2πDB (t) cos 2πDB (t) 0⎦ .
0 0 1

1.3 Exercise. Suppose T acts on S 2 so that the orbits are the North pole
N = (0, 0, 1), the South pole S = (0, 0, −1) and the circles of constant latitude
z = c where c is a constant between −1 and 1. Show that T S 2 is equivalent to
a balloon.
1.4 Exercise*. Show that any action of a torus T on S 2 is either a balloon or
else it’s the trivial action, where every point of T leaves every point of S 2 fixed.
1.5 Definition. A balloon sculpture is a space with a torus action such that is a
finite union of balloons Bj such that any two balloons are either disjoint or intersect
a fixed point of the torus action.

A balloon sculpture Y

1.6 Assumption. We will assume that the 1-skeleton of T X is a balloon

sculpture (until Lecture 5). 1.7 Exercise. If X is compact, show that this
assumption is equivalent to the assumption that the T acts with finitely many fixed
points, and the 1-skeleton with the 0-skeleton deleted is a 2-dimensional manifold.

2.2. The Moment Graph

2.1 If T Y is a balloon sculpture, then the quotient space Y /T is a graph whose

vertices correspond to the fixed points of T , and whose edges correspond to the

balloons. The graph Y /T is obtained by collapsing each balloon down to a line


The graph Y /T

2.2 We want to enhance the graph Y /T to a linear graph in a vector space V, as

in §0.2. To do this, we need direction data §0.2.5: To each edge of the graph, we
need to give a direction D ∈ V. The idea is to use DBj as the direction. It is a
vector in the vector space Hom(T, R), the space of all of linear maps T −→ R, i.e. V
is the dual vector space T∗ . We will call DBj the direction vector of the balloon Bj
or of the corresponding edge of the graph Y /T
Definition [13]. The moment graph of T X is the linear graph in V = Hom(T, R)
obtained from the graph Y /T , where Y is the 1-skeleton of T X, by associating
the direction vector DBj to the edge corresponding to the balloon Bj . We notate
the moment graph G(T X).
2.3 Existence and uniqueness. The moment graph can be defined only up to
equivalence §0.2.4 because we have specified it by direction data.
The direction data for the moment graph is well defined. By changing the
identification of Bj with S 2 , the actual direction vector DBj could be changed, but
the direction in V would still be the same, by §2.2.6.
A moment graph will not always exist (§2.2.7). Remarkably, it does exist for the
most interesting examples. We will construct it for many examples in this lecture.
The general phenomenon of existence of the moment graph will be discussed in

2.4 Notation in V. When T is identified with Rn , we will identify V = T∗ =

(Rn )∗ as well. We denote the standard basis for V by e1 , . . . , en , where ei is the
point where vi = 1 and all of the other vj are 0. Considered a linear map T −→ R,
we have < (t1 , . . . , tj , . . . , tn ), ej > = tj .

2.5 Exercise. Suppose that T B is a balloon and that DB : T −→ R is a
nonzero linear map such that if DB (t) = 0 then t̄ fixes every point of B. Then DB

is some scalar multiple of DB , so DB and DB determine the same direction in V.

2.6 Exercise. Suppose that B is displayed as a balloon in two different ways,

i.e. there are two different homeomorphisms equivariant homeomorphisms from B

to a sphere as in the definition of a balloon. Suppose that DB and DB are the

corresponding functions from T −→ R. Show that DB and DB determine the same

direction. (You can use exercise 2.2.5.) In fact, DB = ±DB .

2.7 Exercise. Construct an example T X where the moment graph does not
exist. (Hint: Take X to be the balloon sculpture whose direction data coincides
with that of exercise 0.2.8.)

2.3. Complex Projective Line and the Line Segment

Most of the rest of this Lecture will be devoted to explicit computation of moment
graphs for specific torus actions T X.
3.1 Definition. The complex projective k-space Pk is the quotient space Ck+1 −
{0}/C× where C× is multiplicative group of the complex numbers acting on Cn
by scalar multiplication. A point in Pk is denoted by homogeneous coordinates
(x1 : x2 : · · · : xk+1 ) where the xj are complex numbers, not all of which are zero,
and (λx1 : λx2 : · · · : λxk+1 ) represents the same point in PK as (x1 : x2 : · · · : xk+1 )
if λ is a nonzero complex number.
3.2 The projective line. Complex 1-space is called the projective line. Topo-
logically, it is a 2-sphere, called the Riemann sphere in complex analysis. We may
identify P1 − (0 : 1) with the complex plane C by sending (x1 : x2 ) to x2 /x1 . We
may identify the 2-sphere minus the north pole N with the complex plane C by
stereographic projection.

Stereographic projection takes rotation about the z axis to rotation in the complex
plane about 0, i.e. to multiplication by a complex number on the unit circle S 1 .
Now, suppose that the 2 torus acts on the projective line by the formula
z(x1 : x2 ) = (z1 x1 : z2 x2 ).
Proposition. With this action, P1 is a balloon B where the direction vector DB
is e1 − e2 in V. (Here ei is the standard basis as in §2.2.4.)

This proposition gives us the moment graph of

P1 . We must send the two vertices correspond-
ing to the two fixed points F1 = (1 : 0) and
F2 = (0 : 1) to points p1 and p2 in V = R2 so
that the straight line from p2 to p1 is parallel to
the direction vector e1 − e2 . An obvious choice
is p1 = e1 and p2 = e2 , so the moment graph
is a line segment between e1 and e2 , as in this
G(T CP1 )

Proof. We compute the action of T in P − (0 : 1) = C

z2 x2 e2πit2 x2 x2 x1 x1
= 2πit1 = e2πi(t2 −t1 ) =e 2πi(e2 −e1 )(t1 ,t2 )
=e 2πi(e2 −e1 )t
z1 x1 e x1 x1 x2 x2
which means that t̄ gives a rotation of (e1 − e2 )(t) Alternatively, the proposition
can be seen by §2.2.5: If (e2 − e1 )(t1 , t2 ) = 0, then t1 = t2 so (e2πit1 x1 : e2πit2 x2 )
is the same point as (x1 ; x2 ) because both homogeneous coordinates are multiplied
by the same number.
3.3 Exercise. More generally, show that if an n-torus T acts on the projective
line by t̄(x1 : x2 ) = (e2πiφ1 (t) x1 : e2πiφ2 (t) x2 ) for φ1 , φ2 : T −→ R, and φ1 = φ2 ,
then P1 is a balloon with DB = φ1 − φ2 .
3.4 Almost all of the balloons in the 1-skeleta of the T X we will consider in
this Lecture are themselves a copy of P1 embedded in the space X. So the analysis
of this section will be used repeatedly in what follows.

2.4. Projective (n − 1)-Space and the Simplex

We generalize the discussion P1 above. The “standard” action of the n-torus on
Pn−1 is
z(x1 : · · · : xn ) = (z1 x1 : · · · : zn xn )
where z = (z1 , . . . , zn ) and zj ∈ S 1 ⊂ C.

4.1 The fixed points are the n points Fi where all the homogeneous coordinates
are zero except the i-th one.

4.2 The balloons. Let i and j be any pair of distinct indices 1 ≤ i, j ≤ n. Then
the balloon Bij is where all the homogeneous coordinates are zero except the i-th
one or the j-th one. It connects the fixed points Fi and Fj .
4.3 Remark: balloons and C∗ orbits. The action of T = S1n on Pn−1 extends
to an action of TC = (C∗ )n where C∗ is the nonzero complex numbers considered
as a group under multiplication. The action of TC is given by the same formula
z(x1 : · · · : xn ) = (z1 x1 : · · · : zn xn ) where zj ∈ C∗ . Each balloon consists of
three TC orbits: the two fixed points and one more, of complex dimension 1. So the
classification of balloons is the same as the classification of complex one dimensional
orbits of the TC action.

4.4 The direction vector of Bi,j is ei − ej .

4.5 The moment graph. If we send Fi to ei , then the straight line connecting
Fi to Fj is parallel to ei − ej . So the moment graph G(T Pn−1 ) of Pn−1 is the
1-skeleton of the (n − 1)-simplex Δn−1 . (The (n − 1)-simplex Δn−1 is the convex
hull of the basis vectors e1 , . . . , en , or alternatively
Δn−1 = {(v1 , . . . vn ) | v1 + · · · + vn = 1 and vj ≥ 0}).

4.6 The proofs. The points Fi are fixed by the equivalence relation on homo-
geneous coordinates. The sets Bi,j are projective lines, so they are spheres. The
action of T on Bi,j is very similar to the action of §2.3.2, so the direction vectors
can be computed in a similar way. Alternatively, §2.3.3 can be used directly. The
only real challenge is to show that the 1-skeleton is the union of the balloons Bij .
This follows from the following exercise.
4.7 Exercise. Show that if x ∈ Pn has k nonzero homogeneous coordinates, then
the dimension of the orbit T x is k − 1.

2.5. Quadric Hypersurfaces and the Cross-Polytope

5.1 Definition of T X. The (2n − 2)-dimensional quadric hypersurface Q2n−2

is the subset of P2n−1 with homogeneous coordinates (x1 : · · · : xn : y1 : · · · : yn )
cut out by the equation x1 y1 + x2 y2 + · · · + xn yn = 0. (This makes sense because
if (x1 : · · · : xn : y1 : · · · : yn ) satisfies the equation, then so will (λx1 : · · · : λxn :
λy1 : · · · : λyn ).)
The n-torus T acts on X = Q2n−2 by the formula
z(x1 : · · · : xn : y1 : · · · : yn ) = (z1 x1 : · · · : zn xn : z1−1 yn : · · · : zn−1 yn )
You can check that this formula is compatible with the equivalence relation on
homogeneous coordinates defining P2n−1 and that it preserves the equation for the
hypersurface Q2n−2 .
5.2 The fixed points are the points where exactly one homogeneous coordinate
is nonzero. Let’s call Fi the point where xi is nonzero and Fi the point where yi is
5.3 The balloons. For every pair of homogeneous coordinates except the n
pairs {xi , yi }, the points in X where only that pair of homogeneous coordinates is
nonzero is a projective line. These are the balloons. So there is a balloon connecting
any pair of fixed points except the n pairs with the same index, Fi and Fi . So the
number of balloons is 2n 2 − n = 2 − n, where 2n 2 is the number of 2
element subsets of a 2n element set.

5.4 Real picture for n = 2. We can’t draw

any interesting complex quadrics, because their
dimensions are too large. However, we can
draw the real quadric QR 2n−2 for n = 2. It is the
surface x1 y1 + x2 y2 = 0 in RP3 . The real pro-
jective space RP3 contains the real affine space
R3 as a dense subspace. The intersection of
the quadric with R3 is pictured at the right. It
is doubly ruled surface. The four fixed points
F1 , F2 , F1 , F2 lie in QR
2 ⊂ Q2 . Each of the four
balloons in Q2 is a CP1 , it intersects RP3 in
a RP1 , which intersects R3 in a straight line.
These 4 points and 4 lines are shown on the
picture. Just as the balloons are the closures
of the complex 1-dimensional TC orbits §2.4.3,
these 4 real lines are the closures of the real 1-
dimensional TR orbits, where TR = (R∗ )2 acts
by the same formulas as in the complex case.
5.5 The direction vectors. For the balloon B joining Fi and Fj , the direction
vector DB is ei − ej . For the balloon B joining Fi and Fj , DB is −ei + ej . For the
balloon B joining Fi and Fj for i = j, DB is ei + ej .
5.6 Exercise. Verify this calculation of direction vectors. Hint: use §2.3.3.
5.7 The n-dimensional cross-polytope On is the polyhedron in V = Rn
defined by the relation that the sum of the absolute values of the coordinates is at
most 1.
On = {(v1 , . . . , vn ) ∈ Rn | |v1 | + · · · + |vn | ≤ 1}
The cross-polytopes in dimensions 2 and 3 are the square and the octahedron.

The vertices of the cross-polytope On are the 2n points {e1 , . . . , en ; −e1 ,

. . . , −en } where the ei are the standard basis vectors for Rn . The convex poly-
hedron On can be defined alternatively as the convex hull of this set of vertices.
5.8 Exercise. Show that there is an edge between any pair of vertices except
2 −n =
for the n pairs {ei , −ei } so that the number of edges is 2n − n,
2n 2
where 2 is the number of 2 element subsets of a 2n element set.

5.9 Exercise. Show that the number of faces of dimension i in the cross-polytope
On is the coefficient of q i+1 in the polynomial (1 + 2q)n .

5.10 The moment graph of the (2n − 2)-dimensional quadric hypersurface X

is the 1-skeleton of the cross-polytope On .
More explicitly, we define a map from the set of fixed points to V = Rn by
sending Fi to ei and sending Fi to −ei . Then for every pair of fixed points connected
by a balloon, the direction vector of that balloon is parallel to the line connecting
the corresponding points in V.

Moment graph G(T Q2 ) Moment graph G(T Q4 )

5.11 Odd dimensional quadric hypersurfaces. The (2n − 1)-dimensional

quadric hypersurface Q2n−1 is the subset of P2n with homogeneous coordinates (w :
x1 : · · · : xn : y1 : · · · : yn ) cut out by the equation w2 +x1 y1 +x2 y2 +· · ·+xn yn = 0.
The n-torus T acts on the x and the y coordinates as before, and it acts trivially
on w. So it contains the (2n − 2)-dimensional quadric hypersurface Q2n−2 as the T
invariant subspace where w = 0. The fixed points of Q2n−1 are the same as the fixed
points of Q2n−2 , but there are n additional balloons: namely, the subspace where
only xi , yi , and w are nonzero is a balloon connecting Fi and Fi . The moment
graph for Q2n−1 is the moment graph for Q2n−2 with n additional straight lines
connecting Fi to Fi .

Moment graph G(T Q3 ) Moment graph G(T Q5 )

(The moment graph G(T Q5 ) is the PCMI logo.)

2.6. Grassmannians and Hypersimplices

A point in projective space Pn−1 represents a line through the origin in the vector
space Cn : The points in the line are the different homogeneous coordinates that
represent the point in projective space. Similarly, we can make a space whose
points represent subspaces of higher dimension in Cn . This leads to various kinds
of Grassmannian varieties.

6.1 The space Gni is the Grassmannian variety whose points are the i-dimen-
sional subspaces of the n-dimensional complex vector space Cn . The n-torus acts
on it through its action on Cn : z(x1 , . . . , xn ) = (z1 x1 , . . . , zn xn ).

6.2 The fixed points. Suppose that S is a subset of {1, 2, . . . , n}. Let PS be
the coordinate plane corresponding to S, i.e. PS is the |S|-plane defined by the
condition that only the coordinates {xj | j ∈ S} can be nonzero. Here |S| is the
number of elements of S. The fixed points in Gni are the planes PS where |S| = i.
We denote PS by FS when thinking of it as a fixed point in Gni .

6.3 The balloons. Suppose S  is obtained from S by deleting the number j

and adding number k, for j = k. Then the set of i-dimensional subspaces that
contain PS∩S  and are contained in PS∪S  is a balloon connecting FS and FS  . The
direction vector of this balloon is ej − ek .

6.4 Here is a picture of the planes in the balloon connecting F{1,2} , and F{2,3} in
G32 . Since we can’t visualize C3 , we’re using a real picture, i.e. real planes in the
real vector space R3 instead of complex planes in the complex vector space C3 .

Points in a balloon in G32

6.5 The hypersimplex Δni is the intersection of the n-cube [0, 1]n ⊂ Rn = V
with the plane v1 + v2 + · · · + vn = i. It is a convex polyhedron with vertices
νS = Σj∈S ej where S is an i element subset of {1, . . . , n}. The vertices νS and νS 
are connected by an edge if S  is obtained from S by deleting the number i and
adding number j, for i = j. Then the edge is parallel to ei − ej .

The hypersimplex Δ31 The hypersimplex Δ32

6.6 The moment graph of the Grassmannian Gni is the 1-skeleton of the hyper-
simplex Δni . There is a rich theory surrounding hypersimplices and Grassmannians
[12], [11], [6].
6.7 Exercise. Show that the hypersimplices can be arranged in a polyhedral
version of Pascal’s triangle where the faces of each polyhedron are isomorphic to
one of the two polyhedra lying above it.
For dimension up to 4, this is illustrated in the following picture. The labels
of vertices show which coordinates are 1 (or equivalently, which coordinate axes
are in the corresponding plane representing a T fixed point of the Grassmannian).
The figures in last line, representing 4-dimensional hypersimplices, are projections
to R3 called Schlegel diagrams. Note that the polyhedra on the two upper edges of
the picture are ordinary simplices.

Pascal’s triangle of hypersimplices


6.8 The Lagrangian Grassmannian and the cube. Consider C2n with co-
ordinates x1 , . . . , xn , y1 , . . . , yn and the alternating form Σi xi yi − xi yi . The La-
grangian Grassmannian Ln is the subvariety of the Grassmannian G2n n consisting
of n planes on which this alternating form vanishes identically. The torus T acts
on Ln by through its action on C2n by the formula
z(x1 , . . . , xn , y1 , . . . , yn ) = (z1 x1 , . . . , zn xn , z1−1 yn , . . . , zn−1 yn ).
The fixed points FS are the coordinate planes that lie in Ln . For any subset
S ⊂ {1, . . . , n}, FS is the plane whose nonzero coordinates are the xi for i ∈ S and
the yi for i ∈ / S. There are 2n of them.
Exercise. Show that the vertices of the moment graph of Ln are the vertices of
the n-cube [0, 1]n ⊂ V and the edges of the moment graph are the edges of the cube
together with the diagonals of the 2-dimensional faces.

The moment graph G(T L2 ) The moment graph G(T L3 )

2.7. The Flag Manifold and the Permutahedron

7.1 The flag manifold. Consider Cn as R2n in the usual way, with the standard
real dot product ·R on it. A point in the flag manifold Fn is an ordered set of
n mutually orthogonal complex lines through the origin in Cn . Here mutually
orthogonal means that if x is in one of the complex lines and y is in another one,
then x ·R y = 0. (This is the same as their being orthogonal with respect to the
standard Hermitian inner product.)
The n-torus T acts on Fn through its standard action on Cn . This action
preserves the orthogonality condition.
7.2 Fixed points. A point is fixed if the n mutually orthogonal lines coincide
with the complex coordinate axes in Cn . There are n! of them, one for each ordering
of the coordinate axes.
7.3 The balloons. Pick two coordinate axes of Cn , say the xi axis and the xj
axis. A balloon is the set where all but two of the mutually orthogonal complex
lines are required to lie on a coordinate axis that is not the xi axis or the xj axis.
The remaining two complex lines are free to wander (staying orthogonal to each
other) in the 2-dimensional plane spanned by the xi axis and the xj axis.
7.4 The permutahedron. Fix n distinct real numbers a1 , . . . , an . The permu-
tahedron is the convex hull in Rn of the n! points (aσ(1) , . . . aσ(n) ) where σ runs
through the n! permutations of the numbers {1, . . . , n}. It is an (n− 1)-dimensional

polytope because it lies in a hyperplane in Rn where the sum of the coordinates is

constant since the sum of the coordinates of the vertices is constant.

7.5 The moment graph of the flag manifold. The vertices of the moment
graph for Fn are the vertices of the permutahedron. Two  vertices
 are connected by
an edge if one is a reflection of the other in one of the n2 hyperplanes defined by
an equation vi = vj .

Moment graph
G(T F3 )

Moment graph G(T F4 )

2.8. Toric Varieties and Convex Polyhedra

So far, we have begun with a space with a torus action T X and we have computed
the moment graph G(T X). In this section we go the other way. We give ourselves
a rational convex polyhedron in a vector space V, and we associate to it a space
with a torus action T T (P ) called the toric variety associated to P . The moment
graph of T T (V) is the 1-skeleton of P .
We recall our notational conventions: V is the real vector space Rn , T is its
dual vector space, also Rn , and L is the lattice Zn ⊂ T.

8.1 Rational polyhedra. A convex n-dimensional polyhedron P in the real

vector space V = Rn is called rational if all of its vertices lie in Qn , i.e. all the
coordinates of its vertices are rational numbers.

8.2 F ⊥ . Given a face F of the polyhedron P ⊂ V, we will denote by F ⊥ the

vector subspace of T = V∗ consisting of vectors which are perpendicular F , i.e. the
set of all t ∈ T such that <t, v − v  > = 0 for every pair of points v, v  ∈ F . If F is
a vertex of P , then F ⊥ = V. If F is P itself, then F ⊥ is just the zero vector 0 ∈ T.

8.3 F (p). Given a point p ∈ P of a polyhedron, we write F (p) for the smallest
face of P containing p. If p is a vertex, then F (p) is p itself. F (p) = P , if and only
if p is an interior point of P .

8.4 The toric variety T(P ) is the quotient space

P ×T
T(P ) =

where ∼ is the following equivalence relation:

(p, t) ∼ (p , t ) if and only if p = p and t ∼

= t mod (F (p)⊥ + L)

p∈P ⊂V The subgroup F (p)⊥ + L in T

8.5 The T action. The torus T = T/L acts on the toric variety T(P ) as follows:
T acts on P × T by vector addition t(p, t ) = (p, t + t), and this action passes to
an action of T on the quotient space T(P ). On the quotient space, L acts trivially,
since if t ∈ L, then t(p, t ) ∼ (p, t ) So the quotient group T/L acts on the quotient
space T(P ).

8.6 The moment map. There is a map μ : T(P ) −→ P called the moment map
which is induced from the projection (P × T) −→ P . The reason the projection
passes to the quotient T(P ) is that the equivalence relation ∼ is compatible with
this map — it identifies points only if they lie in the same fiber. In fact, there is
an identification T(P )/T ≈ P , the moment map T(P ) −→ T(P )/T is the quotient
map for the group action T T(P ).

Proposition. The fiber μ−1 p ⊂ T(P ) over a point p ∈ P is a torus of the same
dimension as the face F (p).

So we can think of the toric variety T(P ) as a family of tori over the polyhedron
P whose fiber dimensions decrease as you get to smaller faces. To visualize it, here
are some pictures of fibers at various points of P .

Moment map fibers μ−1 (p) for various p ∈ P

The torus μ−1 (p) over the a point p in the interior of the polyhedron P becomes
thinner, looking more like a bicycle tire than a car tire, as p approaches an edge.
It collapses into a circle when p reaches the edge. The circle μ−1 (p) over a point p
in an edge becomes smaller as p approaches a vertex, and it collapses into a point
when p reaches the vertex.
8.7 Proof of the proposition. Why is the fiber μ−1 (p) a torus? It is a single
orbit of the action of the torus T , so it must be a torus if it is a Hausdorff space.
But why is it Hausdorff? We have
T/F (p)
μ−1 p = T/(L + F (p)⊥ ) =
L/(L ∩ F (p)⊥ )

We must show that L/(L ∩ F (p)⊥ ) is a lattice in T/F (p). Since this quotient
space will itself be a torus: it will be the vector space T/F (p)⊥ modulo the lattice
L/(L ∩ F (p)⊥ )
8.8 Exercise. Show that the following conditions are equivalent, and they all
hold if the polytope P is rational:
(1) The vector space F ⊥ is a rational subspace of T for all faces F .
(2) The vector space F ⊥ is spanned by F ⊥ ∩ L for all faces F .
(3) The quotient space T/(L + F ⊥ ) is Hausdorff for all faces F .
(4) The subgroup L/(L ∩ F (p)⊥ ) is a lattice in the vector space T/F (p).

(5) The toric variety (P × T)/ ∼ is Hausdorff.

8.9 Proposition. The moment graph of the toric variety T (P ) is the 1-skeleton
P 1 of P .
Since the dimension of the orbit μ−1 (p) is the dimension of F (p), the 1-skeleton of
T T(P ) is the inverse image of the 1-skeleton of P . The inverse image of an edge
of P is a balloon.

It remains to see that the direction vector of this balloon is parallel to the edge.
This follows from §2.2.5.
8.10 Exercise. Show that the projective (n − 1)-space Pn−1 is a toric T(P )
where P is an (n − 1)-simplex.
8.11 Simple polytopes. A polytope is simple if the edges coming in to every
vertex, considered as vectors, are linearly independent. For example, a tetrahedron
and a cube are simple, whereas an octahedron is not. All 2-dimensional polyhedra
are simple.
Toric varieties of simple polytopes play a special role that will become apparent
later (§3.8.1).

2.9.* Moment Maps

This is a * starred section, meaning that its prerequisites go beyond those of the
other sections, and its results are not needed for the rest of what we will do. The
purpose is to provide an orientation for going further in the subject, and to show
how the material ties in to other mathematical ideas.
9.1 The Lie algebra. Our torus T is a compact Lie group. The vector space
T is its Lie algebra. The map T −→ T is the exponential map of Lie theory
and the lattice L is its kernel. In general, the exponential map is not a group
homomorphism, but it is for the Lie group T , since T is Abelian. If T X and X
is smooth, every t ∈ T gives rise to a vector field on X which we notate x → t(x).
9.2 Complex algebraic varieties. All of the spaces X we have constructed in
this section are complex projective algebraic varieties. Our torus T = (S 1 )n is the
maximal compact subgroup of a complex torus TC = (C∗ )n which is an algebraic
group. The action of T extends to an algebraic action of TC . The fixed points
of T are still fixed under TC . The real dimension of a T orbit T x is the complex
dimension of the TC orbit TC x. If B is one of the balloons and N and S are the
two fixed points on it, then B − N − S is a single orbit of TC of complex dimension

1. These are all the 1 complex dimensional orbits of TC . If we are given a complex
algebraic action of TC on X, then our hypothesis that the 1-skeleton of T X is a
balloon sculpture is equivalent to the hypothesis that TC has finitely many orbits
of complex dimension 0 and 1.
9.3 The moment map. If X is nonsingular and projective, then it has a real
symplectic form ω called the Kähler form. By Weyl’s trick of averaging over T , we
can choose ω to be T invariant. We define a V-valued differential 1-form θ on X as
follows: For t ∈ T, let ξt be the corresponding vector field on X. If τ ∈ Tx X is a
tangent vector to X at x, then t → ω(τ, ξt (x)) is a linear map T −→ R, so it is an
element of V = T∗ . That element is θ(τ ). The moment map μ : X −→ V is defined
by the formula  x
μ(x) = θ
where x0 is a base point chosen in X. (If X is not connected, we define μ on each
connected component separately by this procedure.)
If X is singular, we proceed a little differently. We embed X in a complex
projective space in a way that is TC equivariant. Then we take the moment map on
the ambient complex projective space as constructed above, and restrict it to X.
If T X is a toric variety, then the moment map as defined here will coincide
with the moment map from its definition as a toric variety.
9.4 Proposition. If TC acts algebraically on X with finitely many orbits of
dimension 0 and 1, then the moment graph G(T X) is μ(X 1 ), the moment map
image of its 1-skeleton. The set of vertices of the moment graph is μ(X 0 ). The
image μ(X) of all of X will be the convex hull of the moment graph. There were
several choices in constructing the moment map (choice of a Kähler form, choice of
a base point). Different choices will result in different but equivalent linear graphs.
9.5 Exercise*. Suppose X is nonsingular and compact, and that TC acts al-
gebraically on X with finitely many fixed points F . Suppose further that at each
fixed F , the representation TC TF X on the tangent space has no representation of
multiplicity greater than 1. Show that TC acts with finitely many one dimensional
orbits, so that the 1-skeleton of T X is a balloon sculpture.
The Cohomology of a Linear Graph

(Polynomial and Linear Geometry)

We will attach a cohomology ring to any linear graph G. Most of this section
is a study of this ring and how to compute it. Then section 3.8 contains the main
theorem: if the linear graph G is a moment graph G(T X), then the cohomology
ring of G is the equivariant cohomology ring of T X.

3.1. The Definition of the Cohomology of a Linear Graph

1.1 Notations. Suppose G is a linear graph. We will call the vertices ν, ν  , . . . If

ν and ν  are connected by an edge, we will call it νν  . The graph is embedded in
a real n-dimensional vector space V, whose dual vector space is T. For every edge
νν  , let ⊥
νν  be the (n − 1)-dimensional subspace of T consisting of vectors that
are orthogonal to the straight line νν  . Let O(T) be the ring of real polynomial
functions f : T −→ R graded so that the grading degree is twice the degree of the
Definition [13]. Consider the ring

vertices ν of G
An element of this ring is a polynomial function fν : T −→ R for each vertex ν of
G. We can notate such an element {fν , fν  , . . .} The cohomology of G, H∗ (G) is the
subring of this cut out by the requirement that for every edge νν  of G, we have
the restriction condition:
fν | ⊥ ⊥
νν  = fν  | νν  .
In other words, the restriction condition requires that if the vertices ν and ν  are
connected by an edge νν  , then the polynomial fν and the polynomial fν  must
have the same restriction to the space ⊥ νν  .
For a useful reformulation of this definition, see §4.3.5.

1.2 Exercise. Show that H∗ (G) is a subring of ν O(T).
1.3 Graded structure. The ring H∗ (G) is a graded ring

H∗ (G) = Hi (G)


where Hi (G) = 0 if i is odd, and H2k (G) is the set of elements represented by sets
of polynomials {fν , . . .}, each of which is homogeneous of degree k (i.e. every term
of fν is of degree k). If α ∈ Hi (G) and β ∈ Hj (G), then the product αβ ∈ Hi+j (G).

1.4 Module structure. The ring H∗ (G) is a graded module over the graded
ring O(T) of polynomial functions on T. The module action of g ∈ O(T) sends
{fν , fν  , . . .} ∈ H∗ (G) to {gfν , gfν  , . . .}.

1.5 Restriction. Suppose that we have an inclusion of linear graphs G  ⊂ G,

i.e. G  has some of the vertices of G and some of the edges. Then the projection
O(T) −→ O(T)
vertices ν of G vertices ν of G 
induces a map
H∗ (G) −→ H∗ (G  ).

1.6 Exercise. Show that the graded structure, the module structure, and the re-
striction, as defined above, make sense – for example that they respect the condition
for each edge of G in the definition of H∗ (G).

1.7 Sections 3.2 to 3.7 will be devoted to the study of the cohomology ring of
a graph. The definition is simple enough, but it is not immediately clear from
the definition how you would compute it or how to think about it. The papers of
Guillemin, Holm, and Zara are recommended for further reading [18], [19], [20],
[21], [22].

3.2. Interpreting Hi (G) for Small i

In this section, we will give interpretations for i = 0, 2, or 4.
2.1 The degree 0 part of the cohomology. The
dimension of the vector space H0 (G) is the number of
connected components of the topological graph associ-
ated to G. (The topological graph of the figure at the
right consists of two disjoint triangles.) Exercise.
Prove this. H 0 (G) = R ⊕ R

2.2 The degree 2 part of the cohomology. The dimension of the vector space
H2 (G) is the dimension of the space of graphs in V that are equivalent to G (see

2.3 Proof. An element of vertices ν of G O(T) is a linear function on T for

every vertex ν of the graph G. But a linear function on T is a vector Dν in V.

Draw the vector Dν as an arrow, and put its tail at the vertex ν and call its head
ν̄. We will consider Dν a displacement of ν to a new vertex ν̄ of a new graph Ḡ.
For every edge νν  the restriction condition that fν | ⊥ ⊥
νν  = fν  | νν  translates in to
the condition that the line ν̄ ν¯ connecting the head of Dν to the head of Dν  , is
parallel to νν  . But that is exactly the condition that the displaced graph Ḡ should
be in the same equivalence class of linear graphs as G.

= the displaced graph G 

= the graph G

2.4 Exercise. Determine the dimension of H2 (G) for all of the linear graphs
pictured in Lecture 2.
2.5 The degree 4 part of the co-
homology. The dimension of the vec-
tor space H4 (G) is the dimension of the
space C(G) of configurations of the fol-
lowing sort: For each vertex ν of the
graph G, we give an ellipsoid Eν in V
centered at ν. For each edge νν  , we
ask that when you take the projection
along the direction of νν  to an (n − 1)-
dimensional quotient space of V, the two
ellipsoids Eν and Eν  should have the
same image. (Recall that an ellipsoid is
the zero set of a degree two polynomial
that is compact.) I am indebted to Vic- A configuration of ellipses in C(G)
tor Guillemin for this interpretation of
H4 (G).

2.6 Exercise. Prove this statement. More precisely, prove that the tangent
space to C(G) at any point is canonically H4 (G).

3.3. Piecewise Polynomial Functions

Suppose that G is the 1-skeleton of a convex polyhedron P . We will give an inter-
pretation of the ring H∗ (G(P )).

3.1 The dual cone decomposition. If P is a convex polyhedron in V, then

the dual space T is partitioned into subsets F ∗ corresponding to faces F of P as
follows: If t ∈ T, suppose that c ∈ R is the maximum value that the image t(P )
can take. Then t−1 (c) will be some face F of P . We say that t ∈ F ∗ .
For example, 0 ∈ T is always in P ∗ (P is a face of itself). If P has the same
dimension as V, then 0 = P ∗ . The set F ∗ is an open subset of T if and only if F is
a vertex of P .
If we identify V = T = R2 and t(v) =< t, v > where < ·, · > is the usual inner
product, then we can picture the dual cone decomposition like this:

3.2 Piecewise polynomial functions. A function f : T −→ R is  called piece-

wise polynomial with respect to the dual cone decomposition T = V ∗ if it is
continuous and its restriction to each set V ∗ is given by a polynomial function.

The graph of a function that is piece-

A polyhedron in V = R1 wise polynomial with respect to the
dual cone decomposition
3.3 Exercise. Show that a continuous function is piecewise polynomial if its
restriction to F ∗ is given by a polynomial function for every vertex F .
3.4 Interpretation of the cohomology of the 1-skeleton of P . If G is the 1-
skeleton of the polyhedron P , then its cohomology ring H∗ (G) is the ring of functions
on T that are piecewise polynomial with respect to the dual cone decomposition.
3.5 Exercise. Prove this. Use the lemma that a polynomial is entirely deter-
mined on its values on any open set.
3.6 Remark. When the polyhedron is simple, this ring is called the Reisner
Stanley ring of the dual simplicial polyhedron.

3.4. Morse Theory

Morse theory is the main tool we have for understanding the cohomology of a graph.
The idea of Morse theory is to break the computation of the cohomology down into
a series of simpler computations.
4.1 Morse functions. Suppose we have a linear graph G in a vector space V.
Consider a linear function φ : V −→ R. The values φ(ν) where ν is a vertex of G are
called the critical values of φ. The function φ is called a Morse function if all of the

critical values are distinct, i.e. for any pair of vertices ν and ν  of G, φ(ν) = φ(ν  ).
It follows that φ is not constant on any edge of G.
Morse functions exist for any linear graph. In fact, if you choose a linear
function φ : V −→ R at random, you have to be infinitely unlucky to get one that
is not Morse.

4.2 The truncated graph. Now suppose c is a real number, which we call the
“cut-off value”. We define G ≤c to be the subgraph of G consisting of those vertices
ν such that the critical value φ(ν) ≤ c, together with all the edges νν  connecting
vertices ν and ν  both of which have critical values ≤ c.

A Morse function φ The truncated graph G ≤c

If we have a Morse function φ, we can label the vertices of G by ν1 , ν2 , . . . νk

so that their critical values are increasing φ(ν1 ) < φ(ν2 ) < · · · < φ(νk ). Call cj the
critical value φ(νj ). For c < c1 , we have G ≤c is empty. As the number c increases,
G ≤c grows by jumps every time c reaches a critical value cj until finally for c ≥ ck ,
G ≤c = G. The idea of Morse theory is to trace the growth of H∗ (G ≤c ) as c increases.

4.3 The Morse module. Suppose that c1 < c2 < · · · < ck are the critical values
of the Morse function φ, and c0 is a real number less than the smallest critical value
c1 . Then for all integers j ∈ {1, . . . , k}, we have

G ≤cj−1 ⊂ G ≤cj

H∗ (G ≤cj−1 ) ←− H∗ (G ≤cj ) ←− Mj ←− 0

Here i∗j is the map on cohomology induced by the inclusion of graphs ij and Mj
the kernel of the map i∗j . The kernel Mj is a graded module over O(T) because it
is the kernel of a map of graded modules. It is a graded ideal in H∗ (G ≤cj ), but it
is more useful to think of it as a O(T)-module. The module Mj is called the Morse
module of the vertex νj whose critical value is cj .

4.4 The Morse index. For any vertex

ν ∈ G, let L(ν) denote the set of edges com-
ing in to ν. The Morse function φ splits the
edges in L(ν) into two types: L− (ν) is the
edges going down from ν as measured by
φ, i.e. the edges connecting ν to vertices ν 
with φ(ν  ) < φ(ν). The others are in L(ν)+ ,
the edges going up from ν. We define the
Morse index Index(ν) to be twice the num-
ber of edges in L− (ν).
Morse indices of vertices
4.5 Calculation of the Morse module Mj . The graph G ≤cj has exactly
one more vertex than the graph G ≤cj−1 , namely νj . Therefore for an element
{. . . , fν , . . .} of Mj ⊂ H∗ (G ≤cj ), all of the fν will be zero except for fνj correspond-
ing to νj . This polynomial fνj : T −→ R will vanish on all of the hyperplanes ⊥
for ∈ L− . For each ∈ L− , let g be a nonzero linear function on T that is zero
on ⊥ .
Proposition. The Morse module Mj is the principal ideal in O(T) generated by
the homogeneous element
gνj = g .
∈L− (νj )

As a module over O(T), Mj is a free module generated by gνj , which lies in the
graded piece O(T)Index(νj ) .
4.6 Exercise. Finish the proof of this proposition.
4.7 Exercise*. Suppose that G is the 1-skeleton of a simple polyhedron. Show
that the ordering of the vertices given by a Morse function corresponds to a linear
shelling of the dual simplicial polytope.

3.5. Perfect Morse Functions

Having a Morse function isn’t much help unless the cokernel of the map
H∗ (G ≤cj−1 ) ←− H∗ (G ≤cj )

is zero, because in general it can be very difficult to compute this cokernel. If it is

zero, the Morse function is called perfect:
5.1 Definition. The Morse function ϕ is called perfect if i∗j is surjective for all j.
5.2 Hilbert series. One of our goals is to compute the dimensions of the coho-
mology groups H∗ (G), or equivalently, to compute the Hilbert series of the coho-
mology of a graph Hilb(H∗ (G))(see §0.3.4). This determines the isomorphism class
of H∗ (G) except for the ring structure and the structure as a module over O(T).
If φ is perfect, then we see by induction that the dimension of the i-th graded
piece of H∗ (G) is the sum of the dimensions of the i-th graded pieces of the Morse

modules. Expressed in Hilbert series,

Hilb(H∗ (G)) = Hilb(Mj ).

But since the Morse module Mj is a free O(T) module on a generator of degree
Index(νj ), and the Hilbert series of O(T) is computed in §0.3.5, we have the follow-
5.3 Proposition. If φ is a perfect Morse function, the Hilbert series of the
cohomology of the graph is given by
k  n  k  n
1 1
Hilb(H∗ (G)) = xIndex(νi ) = q Index(νi )/2
1 − x2 i=1

5.4 The Betti numbers of a graph. Suppose that G has a perfect Morse
function φ. Then we define the Betti numbers Bi of G to be the number of vertices
of G whose Morse index is i. Note that Bi is automatically zero if i is odd.
We define the Poincaré polynomial P to be

P (x) = Bi xi .

so we have  n
Hilb(H∗ (G)) = P (x)
1 − x2
P (x) = Hilb(H∗ (G)) 1 − x2
where the last expression, which is a priori an infinite power series, is actually a
5.5 Exercise. Show that if the graph G has more than one different perfect Morse
function, the Betti numbers (and the Poincaré polynomials) are independent of the
choice of the Morse function.
5.6 Exercise. Show that the sum of the Betti numbers i Bi is the number of
vertices of the graph G.
5.7 Exercise. Show that the sum i (i/2)Bi is the number of edges of the graph
5.8 Exercise*. Show that the homology groups of the topological graph G are
determined by the Betti numbers of H∗ (G).

5.9 Exercise. Let G be the 1-skeleton of the

Egyptian pyramid in 3-space. Show that not all of the
Morse functions on G are perfect by showing that they
would lead to different Betti numbers. Can you identify
which ones are not perfect?

5.10 Exercise. Show that the height function on the

linear graph in the plane displayed on the right is not
perfect. We call this graph the “inverted V”.

5.11 Remark. It can be difficult to tell whether a given Morse function φ is

perfect. There is one deep general theorem about this, due to Guillemin and Zara
[18]. However, as we will see in §3.8.8, most of the cases we are considering have
perfect Morse functions for topological reasons.
5.12 Exercise. It is known that all Morse functions of the graphs pictured in
Lecture 2 are perfect. Calculate their Betti numbers.

3.6. Determining H∗ (G) as a O(T) Module

For many purposes, we want more than the dimensions of the cohomology groups
Hi (G). A Morse function φ enables us to determine it as a O(T)-module:
6.1 Proposition. If G has a perfect Morse function, its cohomology H∗ (G) is a
free graded O(T)-module. The number of free generators of degree 2i is Bi .
This proposition can be proved inductively, using §3.4.5.
6.2 Proposition. If φ is perfect, the cohomology H∗ (G) is a free graded module
over OT, i.e. 
H∗ (G) = gj O(T)
where gj is a lift of gi to H∗ (G).
6.3 Exercise. Prove this.
6.4 Definition. We say that a linear graph has the free module property if its
cohomology is a free graded module over O(T).
If a graph has the free module property, we may define its Poincaré polynomial by
P (G) = Hilb(H∗ (G))(1 − q)n
which will necessarily be a polynomial. Graphs with a perfect Morse function have
the free module property, but the converse isn’t true:

6.5 Exercise. Show that the graph to the right

has no perfect Morse function, but has the free
module property.

6.6 Exercise. Show that a nonplanar quadri-

lateral in 3-space does not have the free module
property (example due to T. Braden).

3.7. Poincaré Duality

Suppose that G is k-valent: it has k edges coming out of every vertex (#|L(ν)| = k
for all vertices ν ∈ G). The simplest form of Poincaré duality is the numerical
statement that the Betti numbers Bj and B2k−j are equal.
This numerical Poincaré duality holds whenever there is a perfect Morse func-
tion whose negative is also perfect.

7.1 Exercise. Suppose that G is k-valent and that it has a perfect Morse function
φ such that the Morse function −φ is also perfect. Show that
Bj (G) = B2k−j (G).
As usual in mathematics, it is better to have a canonical isomorphism or a duality
of vector spaces than an equality of their dimensions. We want something of the
kind for Poincaré duality. First, we need some preliminaries on graded rings.
7.2 The canonical filtration of a graded R-module. Consider a graded
module M over a graded ring R. Let M ≤k be the sum of the graded pieces M 0 ⊕
M 1 ⊕· · ·⊕M k . This is not an R-module, but it generates one; call it Fk M = R·M ≤k .
Then M has an increasing filtration of R-submodules F0 M ⊆ F1 M ⊆ · · · .

7.3 Exercise. If G has the free module property, then Bi is the dimension of the
i graded piece of Fi H∗ (G)/Fi−1 H∗ (G).

7.4 Internal Hom. Suppose that M and N are two graded R modules. Then
the space HomR (M, N ) has the structure of a graded R module. The i-th graded
piece is the elements of HomR (M, N ) that map each M j into N j+i .
7.5 Proposition. Functorial Poincaré duality. Now, suppose that G is con-
nected, k-valent, and that it is universally perfect (i.e. all Morse functions are per-
fect). Then H∗ (G)/F2k−1 H∗ (G) is a free O(T) module on one generator in degree
2k. Call it D. The pairing

H∗ (G)
H∗ (G) ⊗O(T) H∗ (G) −→ H∗ (G) −→ F2k−1 H∗ (G) =D
x × y → xy
is perfect in the sense that the induced map
H∗ (G) −→ Hom(H∗ (G), D)
is an isomorphism of O(T) modules.
7.6 Exercise. Show that functorial Poincaré duality implies numerical Poincaré

3.8. The Main Theorems

This section relates the cohomology of a linear graph to torus actions and the
moment graph construction.
8.1 Assumptions. We consider a torus acting on a space T X such that the
moment graph G(T X) exists. (This means, in particular, that the 1-skeleton
of the action is a balloon sculpture.) We further assume that X has only even
dimensional real cohomology, i.e. Hi (X; R) = 0 for i odd.
These assumptions hold for complex projective spaces, quadric hypersurfaces,
Grassmannians, Lagrangian Grassmannians, flag manifolds and their and toric vari-
eties based on simple polyhedra. In other words, the assumptions hold for all spaces
considered in Lecture 2, except for toric varieties of some non-simple polyhedra.

8.2 Theorem [13]. The T equivariant cohomology ring of X is the cohomology

ring of the moment graph of X, i.e.
H ∗ (T X) = H∗ (G(T X)).

8.3 Theorem. The ordinary (non-equivariant) cohomology ring of X, calculated

from the moment graph by
H∗ (G(X))
H ∗ (X) =
the ideal generated by O(T)>0
where O(T)>0 is the positive degree part of O(T).
8.4 Theorem. The moment graph has the free module property, i.e. H∗ (G(X))
is a free graded module over the polynomial algebra O(T) and the Poincaré poly-
∗ n
! i of the graph P (G) = Hilb(H (G))(1 − q) is the Poincaré polynomial
i x dim Hi (X) of X.

8.5 We can pause to marvel at the statements. The data in moment graph of
T X depends only on a very small part of X – its 1-skeleton. Yet by these
theorems, all of the homology and equivariant homology of X is encoded in this
The proofs of these three propositions are beyond our ambitions here. The
reader is referred to [13] and the references given there. However, we have given
enough information in our explicit construction of generators and relations for the
equivariant cohomology of the 2-sphere, we have to construct the map

H ∗ (T X) ←− H∗ (G(T X))
in Theorem 3.8.2.
8.6 Exercise. Construct a map H ∗ (T X) → H∗ (G(T X)).
8.7 Exercise. Show that the free generators α1 , α2 , . . . for H∗ (G(X)) as a module
over O(T) pass in the quotient to generators of H ∗ (X) as a vector space, i.e. as a
module over R.
8.8 Morse theory and Poincaré duality for our examples. In Lecture 2,
we gave many examples of spaces with a torus action: projective spaces, quadric
hypersurfaces, Grassmann manifolds, Lagrangian Grassmannians, flag manifolds,
and toric varieties for simple polyhedra. These examples all satisfy the hypotheses
of the theorems above. Furthermore, they are all universally perfect (every Morse
function is perfect), so they satisfy Poincaré duality. (This may be seen using
topological methods.) Many other examples in this favorable class will be mentioned
in §4.1.2.
8.9* Morse theory and moment maps. Suppose that X is a nonsingular
algebraic variety, and the action T X and the moment map μ : X −→ V are as
in §2.9. If ϕ : V −→ R is a Morse function for the moment graph of T X in the
sense of this Lecture, then ϕ ◦ μ : X −→ R is a Morse function in the usual sense
of differential topology. In this case, the Morse function will be perfect. In this
case, Morse theory we have described is a reflection of the usual topological Morse

8.10* The Schubert basis. Suppose X is a generalized flag manifold, i.e. a pro-
jective space, a quadric hypersurface, a Grassmann manifold, a Lagrangian Grass-
mannian, a flag manifold, or more generally a space of §4.7.2. Then the Morse
function ϕ ◦ μ is perfect on ordinary cohomology H ∗ (X). The basis of cohomology
it provides is called the Schubert basis, and the study of the properties of this basis
in the ring H ∗ (X) is called Schubert calculus, an interesting combinatorial study in-
volving such things as the Littlewood-Richardson rule, Schubert polynomials, etc.
By Exercise 3.8.7, the H ∗ (X) and its Schubert basis is encoded in the moment
graph, so in principle questions in Schubert calculus reduce to questions about the
moment graph.
8.11* A general Lie group. Here’s a brief account. Suppose G X is an
action of a general connected Lie group. Then H ∗ (G X) = H ∗ (K X) where K
is a maximal compact subgroup of G. Then, by a theorem of Borel, H ∗ (K X) =
H ∗ (T X)W where T is a maximal torus of K and W is the Weyl group of K and
the superscript means taking the invariants. Now, suppose the T action satisfies our
hypotheses, so it has moment graph in G(T X) ⊂ V. The Weyl group W acts on V
preserving the moment graph, so we can calculate H ∗ (G X) = H∗ (G(T X))W .
Computing Intersection Homology

(Polynomial and Linear Geometry II)

In the last lecture, we saw the value of perfect Morse functions. In this lecture,
we consider some linear graphs G with Morse functions that are not perfect. By
changing the cohomology theory, the Morse functions become perfect again. When
G arose as the moment graph of T X, the new cohomology theory turns out to
be the equivariant intersection cohomology of T X.
All of the ideas of this Lecture are joint work with Tom Braden.

4.1. Graphs Arising from Reflection Groups

1.1 Finite reflection groups. Consider a finite configuration of hyperplanes

H in V that pass through the origin. Suppose that reflection in each hyperplane
H in H takes the configuration H to itself. Then we call H a set of reflecting
hyperplanes. These are all classified. For example here are the sets of reflecting
hyperplanes when V has dimension 2:

and here are some when V has dimension 3:

Or, when V = Rn , H could be the n2 planes xi = xj in Rn where two coordinates
are equal. A finite reflection group W is the group of maps of V to itself generated
by reflections in hyperplanes in H.

1.2 The linear graph associated to H. Choose any point v ∈ V. We

get a linear graph G(H, v) as follows: The set of vertices of G(H, v) is the orbit
W v of the point v. Two vertices ν and ν  are connected by an edge whenever ν 
is the reflection of ν through one of the hyperplanes of H. (So the edge will be
perpendicular to the hyperplane.) Here are two of the possible graphs associated
to a single H where V has dimension 2:

1.3 Exercise. All of the linear graphs pictured in sections 2.3 to 2.7 arise in this
way. Construct the family of hyperplanes H for each of them.
1.4 Crystallographic reflection groups. If there is some lattice L ⊂ V such
that reflection in each of the hyperplanes in H takes this lattice into itself, then H
is called crystallographic. This is true for most, but not all of the possible choices
for H. If H is crystallographic, then G(H, v) arises as a moment graph, as described
in §4.7.2.
1.5 The linear graphs G(H, v) are all universally perfect. In other words, all
Morse functions on these graphs are perfect. (This may be seen using a topological
argument if H is crystallographic. In general, it follows from [18].) In fact, every
graph we have considered so far is universally perfect, with the exception of a few
counterexamples and 1-skeleta of non-simple polytopes. We will now construct a
large class of examples with non-perfect Morse functions.

4.2. Upward Saturated Subgraphs

2.1 Consider a linear graph arising from a finite reflection group G(H, v) ⊂ V
and a Morse function φ : V −→ R (a linear function that takes distinct values on
different vertices of G). Recall (§3.4.4) that if ν is a vertex of G, we define L− (ν) to
be the edges going down from ν and L+ (ν) to be the edges going up from ν, where
“up” and “down” are measured by φ.
2.2 Definition. We call a subgraph G  of G upward saturated with respect to φ
if whenever ν is in G  then every edge in L+ (ν) is in G  .

Upward saturated subgraphs


2.3 The Morse function φ is not usually perfect on upward saturated subgraphs.
In fact, for two of the examples above, the inverted V §3.5.10 and the Egyptian
pyramid §3.5.9 the function φ has already been shown not to be perfect. However,
2.4 Exercise. Show that −φ is perfect for an upward saturated subgraph. (Use
the fact that G(H, v) is universally perfect.)
2.5 Exercise*. The Morse function φ turns the set of vertices of G(H, v) into a
poset where ν ≤ ν  if there is a sequence of edges from ν to ν  such that φ increases
along each edge. The partial order of this poset is called the Bruhat order. Show
that an upward saturated subgraph can be characterized as a complete subgraph
on a set of vertices that is an ideal in this poset.

4.3. Sheaves on Graphs

We introduce the notion of a sheaf on a graph. This will give us another interpreta-
tion of the cohomology of a linear graph. It will also give us a better understanding
of when a Morse function is perfect.
Definition [7]. Suppose G is a topological graph. A sheaf of graded rings S on G
is the following data.
(1) A graded ring Sν for every vertex ν of G;
(2) A graded ring S for ever edge of G; and
(3) A graded ring homomorphism sν : Sν −→ S whenever ν lies on .
There is a similar definition replacing “rings” by any other category, such as graded
modules over a graded ring.
3.1 Definition. Consider the set E(G) which is the union of the set of vertices
of the graph with the set of edges of the graph. An open subset of E(G) is a subset
U with the property that if a vertex ν is in U , then all the edges in L(ν) are in U
(where L(ν) is the set of edges containing ν).

Linear graph G The finite set E(G) An open subset U

3.2 Definition. Let U be an open subset of E(G). A section of a sheaf S over U

is the choice of an element eν for every vertex ν in E(G) and element e for every
edge in E(G) such that if ν lies in , then sν (eν ) = e . We will notate the set of
such sections Γ(S, U ).
If U  ⊂ U , then we have a restriction homomorphism Γ(S, U ) −→ Γ(S, U  )
defined by restricting the data.
3.3 Exercise*. Show that the definition of open set makes E(G) into a (finite)
topological space. Show that the function U → Γ(S, U ) satisfies the sheaf axioms

E(G). Establish an equivalence between sheaves as usually defined on the finite

topological space E(G) and the notion of a sheaf on a graph.
3.4 The sheaf A. Now suppose that G is a linear graph. Then it has a canonical
sheaf of graded rings A on it defined as follows.
(1) The graded ring Aν is O(T), the ring of polynomial functions on T = V∗
for every vertex ν of G;
(2) The graded ring A for the edge of G is O( ⊥ ), the ring of polynomial
functions on ⊥ ⊂ T.
(3) The homomorphism aν is the restriction of polynomial functions.

3.5 Proposition. The cohomology H∗ (G) of the graph G is the global sections
Γ(A, E(G)) of the sheaf A.
This is just a slightly disguised presentation of the definition of H∗ (G).

4.4. A Criterion for Perfection

We mix the language of sheaves on graphs with Morse theory.
4.1 Recall from §3.5.1 that the criterion for a Morse function φ to be perfect is a
surjectivity condition for each vertex of the graph. We will focus on this criterion
for a single vertex ν. Suppose that φ is a Morse function for the linear graph G, ν
is the vertex with the largest critical value φ(ν) = c, and c < c is the next to the
largest critical value. The Morse function φ is perfect at ν if the map

H∗ (G) = H∗ (G ≤c ) −→ H∗ (G ≤c )
is a surjection.
4.2 Consider the following open cover of the finite set E(G).
• E <c = E(G) − {ν}
• S(ν) = {ν} ∪ L− (ν) (S for star)
so that
• E <c ∩ S(ν) = L− (ν)
• E <c ∪ S(ν) = E(G)
We have a diagram

Aν = Γ(A, S(ν)) −→ Γ(A, L− (ν)) ←− Γ(A, E <c ) = H∗ (G ≤c )
where both maps are restriction maps.
4.3 Proposition. The image of Aν −→ Γ(A, L− (ν)) is contained in the image
of Γ(A, L− (ν)) ←− Γ(A, E <c ). The graph is perfect at ν if and only if these two
images coincide, i.e. if and only if the map
" #
Aν −→ Image Γ(A, L− (ν)) ←− Γ(A, E <c )
is a surjection.
4.4 Exercise. Prove this. You may want to prove the following lemmas first:
• The map Γ(A, E(G)) −→ Γ(A, S(ν)) is surjective.
• The maps Γ(A, L− (ν)) ←− Γ(A, E <c ) and Γ(A, E(G)) −→ Γ(A, S(ν)) have iso-
morphic kernels.

4.5 If you want to understand what makes a Morse function perfect, it is worth-
while to pause to appreciate this proposition. An element e in Γ(A, L− (ν)) is just a
collection of polynomials on the hyperplanes ⊥ ⊂ T for ∈ L− (ν). The condition
that e be in the image of Γ(A, L− (ν)) ←− Γ(A, E <c ) is a potentially complicated
compatibility condition on these polynomials, coming from the structure of the
graph. According to the proposition, it is perfect if and only if a set of polynomials
⊥ satisfying this compatibility condition is necessarily the restriction of a single
polynomial on T.
4.6 For example, take the Egyptian pyramid. As in §3.3.4, an element of the
image of
Γ(A, L− (ν)) ←− Γ(A, E <c )
is a continuous piecewise polynomial function on configuration consisting of the
four upper planes on the right below. We are asking whether such a thing is
the restriction of a polynomial in 3-space. We can see that it is not, just by a
dimension count. For example, there is a 4-dimensional space of linear polynomials
on the configuration (it can be anything on each of the 4 lines). But there is only a
3-dimensional space of linear polynomials in 3-space. So the height function is not
perfect. (Compare §3.5.9.)

Egyptian pyramid The dual cone decomposition

4.5. Definition of the Sheaf M

We define a sheaf of O(T) modules that repairs the deficiency in perfectness as
measured by Proposition 4.4.3.
5.1 Hypotheses on the graph G. We will assume that the graph G is an upward
saturated subgraph of a graph G  that arises from a crystallographic reflection group
as in §4.1.2. For example, the ambient graph G  can be any of the graphs of Lecture
2, except for some moment graphs of toric varieties.
5.2 Construction. [7]. We define the sheaf M inductively:
• If L− (ν) is empty, then Mν is a free module over O(T) generated by a generator
gν in degree −|L+ (ν)|, minus the number of edges going up from ν.
• If Mν has already been constructed, and ∈ L+ (ν) is an edge going up from Mν
M = Mν ⊗O(T) O( ⊥ ).

• If ν is a vertex and M has already been constructed on all of the vertices and
edges of G <ν , then Mν is the free cover of
" #
Image Γ(M , L− (ν)) ←− Γ(M , E <ν (G))
and the maps mν are determined by
F " # 
Mν −→ Image Γ(M , L− (ν)) ←− Γ(M , E <ν (G  )) ⊂ M
∈L− (ν)

where F is the free cover map.

5.3 Remark. As constructed, Mν is the smallest free module mapping surjec-
tively to Image [Γ(M , L− (ν)) ←− Γ(M , E <ν (G  ))]. By the discussion above, this
surjectivity is what we need for φ to be a perfect Morse function.
5.4 Proposition. Image [Γ(M , L− (ν)) ←− Γ(M , E <ν (G  ))] has the canonical
free cover property, as defined in §4.5.6 below, so the construction of Mν makes
5.5 Exercise. Show that the induction is possible, i.e. that these three rules
determine the sheaf M everywhere on G.
5.6 Free covers. Suppose that R is a graded ring and M is a finitely generated
R-module. A free cover of M is a surjection F −→ M where F is free a set of
generators, and such a surjection can’t be found with fewer generators.
Free covers are unique in the following sense: If F −→ M and F  −→ M are
two free covers, then there is always a commutative diagram
F −→ F
F F’
where i is an isomorphism. In general, however, free covers are not functorial since
i is not uniquely determined by the commutativity of this diagram.
Definition. The module M has the canonical free cover property if there is exactly
one map i making the diagram above commutative.
5.7 Exercise. Consider the 2-dimensional module M over the polynomial ring
in one variable R[t] generated by elements g1 and g2 , both of degree zero, with the
relations tgi = 0. Show that its free cover is the module freely generated by g1
and g2 , and has the canonical free cover property. On the other hand, consider the
module generated by g1 in degree zero and g2 in degree 2 with the same relation
tgi = 0. Show that its free cover is the free module generated by g0 and g2 , but that
it does not have the canonical free covers property because the map determined by
g1 → g1 and g2 → g2 + at2 g1 commutes with the map to M for any real number a.
5.8 Exercise. Suppose that M is generated by homogeneous generators g1 , g2 , . . .
with homogeneous relations r1 , r2 , . . . and that the degree of each of the ri is greater
than the degree of any of the gi . Show that M has the canonical free cover property.
This is the reason for Proposition 4.5.4. In the second example of the last
exercise, the relation tg1 = 0 has degree 1, while the generator g2 has degree 2.

5.9 Exercise. Carry out the inductive construction for the inverted V graph and
the Egyptian pyramid. In both cases, M will coincide with A until the top vertex.
At the top vertex ν, for the inverted V graph, Mν will be as in the first example of
Exercise 4.5.8 above. For the Egyptian pyramid, it will have a generator in degree
2 reflecting the phenomenon for linear functions explained in §4.4.6.

4.6. The Main Results

6.1 Theorem. [7]. Suppose that T Y is a generalized flag manifold as in

§4.7.1 and that T X ⊂ T Y is a generalized Schubert variety as in §4.7.3, and
G(T X) is its moment graph. Then the equivariant intersection cohomology of
T X is the O(T) module of global sections of the sheaf M on its moment graph
IH ∗ (T X) = Γ(M , G(T X))
and the intersection homology of X is given by
IH ∗ (X) = IH ∗ (T X) ⊗O(T) C = Γ(M , G(T X)) ⊗O(T) C

6.2 Theorem. All Morse functions on G(H, v) are perfect for the sheaf M .
6.3 Theorem. Γ(M , G(H, v)) is a free module over O(T).
Let IBi be the number of free generators in degree i.
6.4 Theorem. Γ(M , G(H, v)) satisfies Poincaré duality: IBi = IB−i . Moreover,
the canonical pairing
Γ(M , G(H, v)) ⊗O(T) Γ(M , G(H, v)) −→ O(T)
is perfect in the sense that the induced map
Γ(M , G(H, v)) −→ Hom(Γ(M , G(H, v)), O(T))
is an isomorphism of O(T) modules.

4.7.* Flag Varieties and Generalized Schubert Varieties

7.1 Generalized flag manifolds. Suppose that G is a connected compact Lie

group, T is its maximal torus, and H is a connected compact subgroup of G with
the same maximal torus T . Then G/H is a generalized flag manifold.
7.2 This relates to the linear graph G(H, v) constructed in §4.1.2 as follows: If
H is crystallographic §4.1.4, then we can construct a compact group G such whose
coroots correspond to H and whose Weyl group is the reflection group. We can
construct a subgroup H corresponding to the choice of v ∈ V. (It depends only on
which hyperplanes in H the element v lies on.) Then the moment graph of G/H
will be G(H, v). In the case where v lies on no hyperplane in H, P is the Borel
subgroup, the abstract graph corresponding to G(H, v) is called the Bruhat graph.
7.3 Generalized Schubert varieties. The generalized flag manifold G/H also
has a description as GC /P where GC is the complexification of G and P is a para-
bolic subgroup.
Suppose we have a Morse function φ : V −→ R and an upward saturated
subgraph G  of G(H, v). We can approximate the linear function by a rational one,

without changing the fact that G  is upward saturated. Then φ is a coweight, so it

corresponds to a map χ : C∗ −→ TC . Now, the generalized Schubert variety whose
moment graph is G  will be those p ∈ GC /P such that limλ→0 χ(λ)p is a fixed point
of T (GC /P ) corresponding to one of the vertices in G  .
There is an enormous literature on the manifolds GC /P and on Schubert vari-
eties and their singularities. For introductions with a combinatorial slant, see [5]
and [8].
7.4 A mystery. What about non-crystallographic configurations of reflecting
hyperplanes H? For example, k lines at equal angles in V = R2 where k = 1, 2, 3, 4,
or 6 is non-crystallographic. Other examples are constructed out of the icosahe-
dron. All purely graph theoretic theorems we have stated work just as well for these
examples. But there is no known topological space corresponding to them. It is rea-
sonable to conjecture that all of the results of this Lecture (in particular the crucial
Proposition 4.5.4) hold for the graphs G(H, v) associated to non-crystallographic
H. Better yet, is there some sort of topological object whose “moment graph” is
G(H, v)?
Another problem is to find general sufficient conditions on a linear graph G
that hold for graphs of the form G(H, v), so that the results of this Lecture work
for G.
7.5 If P is a polyhedron that is rational but not simple, then there is a construction
of a sheaf on its 1-skeleton that has a similar relation to equivariant intersection
cohomology to the one discussed in this lecture [4],[24],[1],[2],[3]. A similar mystery
applies to 1-skeleta of non-rational polyhedra. This has been the subject of a lot
of recent work, e.g. [9].
Cohomology as Functions on a Variety

(Geometry of Subspace Arrangements)

In this lecture, we will describe another paradigm for computing equivariant coho-
mology via geometry. This paradigm can be described by the following directed

One advantage is that this paradigm treats certain spaces whose 1-skeleton
is not a balloon sculpture, as was required up until now. But the main point is
that the arrangements of linear spaces that arise in this way seem interesting in

5.1. The Fixed Point Arrangement

1.1 Arrangements of sections. An arrangement of sections is a diagram of

vector spaces

π s1 s2 · · ·


where π : E −→ T is a surjection and sj : T −→ E are sections, i.e. maps satisfying

the section relations: π(sj (t)) = t for all t ∈ T, i.e. π ◦ sj is the identity on T.
1.2 Suppose we have fixed E −→ T. To give a section si is the same thing as to
give its image si (T) as a subspace of E. So an arrangement of sections is equivalent
to an arrangement of subspaces of E, each of which is transverse to K, the kernel
of π.

1.3 A diagram of spaces. Now suppose we have a space with a torus action
T X with finitely many fixed points F1 , F2 , . . . Then we have the following diagram
of spaces with a T action and T equivariant maps:

p i1 i2 · · ·

here pt is a point (with a trivial T action), p : X −→ pt is the only thing it could
be, and ij : pt −→ X sends pt to the fixed point Fj .
1.4 The fixed point arrangement. We apply second equivariant homology
functor H2 (·) to this diagram.
Definition. The fixed point arrangement of X is the arrangement of sections
E = H2 (T X), T = H2 (T pt), π = p∗ : H2 (T X) −→ H2 (T pt) and
sj = (ij )∗ : H2 (T pt) −→ H2 (T X).

5.2. How to Compute the Fixed Point Arrangement

The definition of the fixed point arrangement of T X is difficult to work with,
because we don’t usually have a good handle on the second equivariant homology
group. In this section, we give a way to compute the fixed point arrangement
without using equivariant homology.
2.1 The spaces K and T. The space H2 (T pt) is what we’ve been calling T
all along: the vector space such that T/L = T or, otherwise put, the Lie algebra
of T . If X has only even dimensional homology, then the space K is H2 (X), the
ordinary second homology group of X. (This follows from equivariant formality,
see [13].)

2.2 How to specify an arrangement of sections. If we have an arrangement

of sections, for every ordered pair of sections sj and sk , we have a linear map
fjk : T −→ K which associates to t ∈ T the vector sk (t) − sk (t) as in this picture:

Conversely, if we know the linear functions fjk , that determines the configuration
up to automorphisms of E commuting with π, which is enough for our purposes.
In fact, since fjk + fkl = fkl , if we’re really efficient about it, we only need to know
m − 1 of them, where m is the number of fixed points.
2.3 Determining fkj . Suppose that Fj and Fk lie in a balloon B: a 2-sphere
that is taken into itself by T . Since there are only finitely many fixed points, T the
orbits of T on B will all be circles, except for Fj and Fk . Chose such a circle, S.
There will be a linear map g : T −→ R and an identification of S with R/Z such
that the action of t̄ corresponds to addition of g(t). The trouble is that there are
two such functions g which are negatives of each other, corresponding to opposite
identifications of S with R/Z. If we had an orientation of S, we could specify that
the orientation should correspond to the natural orientation of R.
Choose an orientation O for B. That does two things for us. First, it makes
B into a cycle, so it gives us a class [B] in homology. Second, it restricts to an
orientation of the disk bounded by S containing Fj . This induces an orientation
on its boundary, S, solving the problem above. With these conventions, we get
fjk = g[B]
2.4 Exercise. Show that this definition is independent of the orientation O of
B chosen. Show directly from this definition that fjk = −fkj .

5.3. The Main Result

3.1 The function ring of the configuration. Let A be the union of the linear
subspaces in the fixed point configuration. In other words, a ∈ A if and only if
a = sj (t) for some section sj in our arrangement and some t ∈ T. The set A
is a real algebraic variety - it has a function ring O(A), which is the polynomial
functions on E, two being considered equivalent if they take the same values on
every point of A. In other words,
O(A) =
where I(A) is the ideal of polynomials vanishing on the set A.

3.2 The map π : E −→ T provides an inclusion O(T) ⊂ O(A). An element f of

f π f
O(T) is a polynomial function T −→ R so the composition A −→ T −→ R is in
3.3 Theorem. [17] Suppose that H ∗ (X) is generated as a ring by H 2 (X). Then
the equivariant cohomology of X is the function ring of the fixed point configuration
of X
H ∗ (T X) = O(A).
The ring O(A) is a free graded module over the polynomial algebra O(T). As in
H ∗ (X) =
the ideal generated by O(T)>0
where O(T)>0 is the positive degree part of O(T).
3.4 Remark. The fact that O(A) is a free module over O(T) is an interesting
and mysterious property of the configuration. Here it follows from theorems in
topology. We don’t know any geometric characterization of which configurations of
sections have this property.

5.4. Springer Varieties

Suppose that k = k1 + · · · + kj is a partition of the integer k. Let γ be the k × k
matrix whose Jordan blocks have size k1 , . . . , kj . For example if the partition is
6 = 3 + 2 + 1, then γ is given by
⎡⎡ ⎤ ⎤
0 1 0
⎢⎣0 0 1⎦ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ 0 0 0 ⎥
γ=⎢ ⎢ % & ⎥
0 1 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎣ 0 0 ⎦

4.1 Definition. The Springer variety Xγ of γ is the set of complete flags 0 ⊂

F 1 ⊂ F 2 ⊂ · · · ⊂ F k−1 ⊂ Ck , where F i is an i-dimensional subspace of Ck , with
the property that γ takes each space F k into itself.
4.2 The torus action on Xγ . There is a torus T that acts on Xγ . This is the
set of diagonal matrices a with the following properties: the determinant of a is 1;
the entries of a are complex numbers with absolute value 1; and furthermore the
first k1 diagonal entries are equal to each other; the next k2 diagonal entries are
equal to each other, and so on. For example, for our partition 6 = 3 + 2 + 1, T
consists of the matrices
⎡⎡ ⎤ ⎤
a1 0 0
⎢ ⎣ 0 a1 0 ⎦ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ 0 0 a1 ⎥
a=⎢ ⎢ % & ⎥ such that |ai | = 1 and det a = 1.
a 0 ⎥
⎢ 2 ⎥
⎣ 0 a2 ⎦
[a3 ]

4.3 Exercise. Prove that the torus T preserves the Springer variety Xγ . Use
the fact that the matrix t commutes with the matrix γ.

4.4 The arrangement of subspaces. The action T Xγ of the torus T on the

Springer variety satisfies the hypotheses of Theorem 5.3.3 (see [17]). (In general, the
1-skeleton of T Xγ is too complicated to satisfy the hypotheses §3.8.1 of Theorem
3.8.2, so the methods of Lecture 3 don’t apply to Springer varieties.)
The subspace arrangement A for the Springer variety is quite beautiful config-
uration that depends, of course, only on the given partition.
The Lie algebra T of T is the set of k × k diagonal real matrices with trace 0
such that the first k1 diagonal entries are equal to each other, the next k2 diagonal
entries are equal to each other, and so on. For 6 = 3 + 2 + 1, the elements t of T
⎡⎡ ⎤ ⎤
t1 0 0
⎢⎣ 0 t1 0 ⎦ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ 0 0 t1 ⎥
t=⎢ ⎢
% & ⎥ such that ti is real and trace t = 0

⎢ t2 0 ⎥
⎣ 0 t2 ⎦
[t3 ]

The space K = H2 (Xγ ) is (k − 1)-dimensional. It can be identified with the

set of all k × k real matrices with trace 0. (This holds for all partitions except for
the trivial partition k = k. For the trivial partition, the Springer variety Xγ is just
a point, so there isn’t much to study.)
There are k!/(k1 ! · · · kj !) fixed points of the action of T on Xγ , so the arrange-
ment A consists of k!/(k1 ! · · · kj !) linear subspaces of E = T ⊕ K. Each of these is
the graph of a linear map m from T to K. The linear maps m are constructed as
follows: Write a diagonal matrix so that t1 occurs k1 times, t2 occurs k2 times, etc.
There are k!/(k1 ! · · · kj !) ways to do this. For our partition 6 = 3 + 2 + 1, here’s
one of them:
⎡ ⎤
⎢ t3 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ t1 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ t2 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎣ t1 ⎦
This provides our map m from T to K.

4.5 The Springer action. The symmetric group Sk on k letters acts on the
configuration A of linear subspaces (by permuting the diagonal entries in the last
matrix). It follows that Sk acts on the equivariant cohomology of Xγ ([17]). The
Sk action on A preserves the fibers of the map π to T. Therefore, it passes to an
action of Sk on the ordinary cohomology of Xγ . This is the usual Springer action.
A similar equivariant cohomology construction for Springer actions on the co-
homology of Springer varieties for loop groups is found in [14]. Historically, the
effort to solve the problem addressed in [14] was what originally led to the whole
body of material in this lecture series.

4.6 Example. Suppose we start with the partition 3 = 2 + 1 so γ is the nilpotent

matrix ⎡% & ⎤
0 1
γ=⎣ 0 0 ⎦.
The Springer variety Xγ consists of two 2-spheres joined together. The T action
has 3 fixed points F1 , F2 , and F3 . The picture looks like this:

The Springer variety Xγ

(In this case, the 1 skeleton is a balloon sculpture, so Theorem 3.8.2 applies as
The Lie algebra T is 1-dimensional. It is the set of real matrices
⎡% & ⎤
t1 0
⎣ 0 t1 ⎦ such that 2t1 + t2 = 0
[t2 ]
The space K is 2-dimensional. It is the space of diagonal matrices of trace 0. The
three maps from T to K corresponding to the three fixed points are given by
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
t1 t1 t2
⎣ t1 ⎦,⎣ t2 ⎦ , and ⎣ t1 ⎦
t2 t1 t1
The resulting configuration of sections looks like this:

Note that this configuration has an obvious action of S3 , the symmetric group
which permutes the 3 sections. Thus we get an action of S3 on the equivariant
cohomology of Xγ and also the ordinary cohomology. This is not induced by an
action of S3 on Xγ itself: Xγ is less symmetric than its fixed point configuration.

4.7 Exercise. Verify the statements in the last section about the Springer variety
for the partition 3 = 2 + 1.

5.5. Relation with Lecture 3

Suppose T X satisfies both the hypotheses for Theorem 5.3.3 above and for The-
orem 3.8.2. This happens, for example, with flag manifolds and toric varieties for
simple polytopes. What is the relation between the two pictures?
Given the moment graph G(X T ) we will construct the configuration of sec-
Suppose the graph has k vertices ν1 , . . . , νk . The space of all graphs equivalent
to G(X T ) embeds in Vk by the position of the k vertices. The space E ∗ =
H 2 (T X) is the closure. Also the projections on the factors give k maps ηj from
E ∗ to V. The diagonal gives a map Δ : V −→ E ∗ . As we have assumed from the
beginning, V = T∗ . In summary, the moment graph G(X T ) gives us a diagram

Δ η1 η2 · · ·

If we dualize this diagram, we get the arrangement of sections of §5.1.1.
5.1 Exercise. In this situation, construct a map
O(A) −→ H∗ (G(T X)).

Assuming that H (G(T X)) is generated by H (G(T 2
X)), show that this map
is an isomorphism.

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An Introduction to Hyperplane

Richard P. Stanley
IAS/Park City Mathematics Series
Volume 14, 2004

An Introduction to Hyperplane

Richard P. Stanley

Basic Definitions, the Intersection Poset and the
Characteristic Polynomial

1.1. Basic Definitions

The following notation is used throughout for certain sets of numbers:
N nonnegative integers
P positive integers
Z integers
Q rational numbers
R real numbers
R+ positive real numbers
C complex numbers
[m] the set {1, 2, . . . , m} when m ∈ N
We also write [tk ]χ(t) for the coefficient of tk in the polynomial or power series χ(t).
For instance, [t2 ](1 + t)4 = 6.
A finite hyperplane arrangement A is a finite set of affine hyperplanes in some
vector space V ∼= K n , where K is a field. We will not consider infinite hyperplane
arrangements or arrangements of general subspaces or other objects (though they
have many interesting properties), so we will simply use the term arrangement for
a finite hyperplane arrangement. Most often we will take K = R, but as we will see
1 Department of Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts
E-mail address:
The author was supported in part by NSF grant DMS-9988459. He is grateful to Lauren Williams
for her careful reading of the original manuscript and many helpful suggestions, and to Hélène
Barcelo and Guangfeng Jiang for a number of of additional suggestions. Students in 18.315, taught
at MIT during fall 2004, also made some helpful contributions.

2007 American Mathematical Society


even if we’re only interested in this case it is useful to consider other fields as well.
To make sure that the definition of a hyperplane arrangement is clear, we define a
linear hyperplane to be an (n − 1)-dimensional subspace H of V , i.e.,
H = {v ∈ V : α · v = 0},
where α is a fixed nonzero vector in V and α · v is the usual dot product:

(α1 , . . . , αn ) · (v1 , . . . , vn ) = αi vi .
An affine hyperplane is a translate J of a linear hyperplane, i.e.,
J = {v ∈ V : α · v = a},
where α is a fixed nonzero vector in V and a ∈ K.
If the equations of the hyperplanes of A are given by L1 (x) = a1 , . . . , Lm (x) =
am , where x = (x1 , . . . , xn ) and each Li (x) is a homogeneous linear form, then we
call the polynomial
QA (x) = (L1 (x) − a1 ) · · · (Lm (x) − am )
the defining polynomial of A. It is often convenient to specify an arrangement
by its defining polynomial. For instance, the arrangement A consisting of the n
coordinate hyperplanes has QA (x) = x1 x2 · · · xn .
Let A be an arrangement in the vector space V . The dimension dim(A) of
A is defined to be dim(V ) (= n), while the rank rank(A) of A is the dimension
of the space spanned by the normals to the hyperplanes in A. We say that A is
essential if rank(A) = dim(A). Suppose that rank(A) = r, and take V = K n . Let
Y be a complementary space in K n to the subspace X spanned by the normals to
hyperplanes in A. Define
W = {v ∈ V : v · y = 0 ∀y ∈ Y }.
If char(K) = 0 then we can simply take W = X. By elementary linear algebra we
(1) codimW (H ∩ W ) = 1
for all H ∈ A. In other words, H ∩ W is a hyperplane of W , so the set AW :=
{H ∩W : H ∈ A} is an essential arrangement in W . Moreover, the arrangements A
and AW are “essentially the same,” meaning in particular that they have the same
intersection poset (as defined in Definition 1.1). Let us call AW the essentialization
of A, denoted ess(A). When K = R and we take W = X, then the arrangement A
is obtained from AW by “stretching” the hyperplane H ∩ W ∈ AW orthogonally to
W . Thus if W ⊥ denotes the orthogonal complement to W in V , then H  ∈ AW if
and only if H  ⊕ W ⊥ ∈ A. Note that in characteristic p this type of reasoning fails
since the orthogonal complement of a subspace W can intersect W in a subspace
of dimension greater than 0.
Example 1.1. Let A consist of the lines x = a1 , . . . , x = ak in K 2 (with coordinates
x and y). Then we can take W to be the x-axis, and ess(A) consists of the points
x = a1 , . . . , x = ak in K.
Now let K = R. A region of an arrangement A is a connected component of
the complement X of the hyperplanes:

X = Rn − H.

Let R(A) denote the set of regions of A, and let

r(A) = #R(A),
the number of regions. For instance, the arrangement A shown below has r(A) = 14.

It is a simple exercise to show that every region R ∈ R(A) is open and convex
(continuing to assume K = R), and hence homeomorphic to the interior of an n-
dimensional ball Bn (Exercise 1). Note that if W is the subspace of V spanned by
the normals to the hyperplanes in A, then R ∈ R(A) if and only if R ∩W ∈ R(AW ).
We say that a region R ∈ R(A) is relatively bounded if R ∩ W is bounded. If A
is essential, then relatively bounded is the same as bounded. We write b(A) for
the number of relatively bounded regions of A. For instance, in Example 1.1 take
K = R and a1 < a2 < · · · < ak . Then the relatively bounded regions are the
regions ai < x < ai+1 , 1 ≤ i ≤ k − 1. In ess(A) they become the (bounded) open
intervals (ai , ai+1 ). There are also two regions of A that are not relatively bounded,
viz., x < a1 and x > ak .
A (closed) half-space is a set {x ∈ Rn : x · α ≥ c} for some α ∈ Rn , c ∈ R. If
H is a hyperplane in Rn , then the complement Rn − H has two (open) components
whose closures are half-spaces. It follows that the closure R̄ of a region R of A is
a finite intersection of half-spaces, i.e., a (convex) polyhedron (of dimension n). A
bounded polyhedron is called a (convex) polytope. Thus if R (or R̄) is bounded,
then R̄ is a polytope (of dimension n).
An arrangement A is in general position if
{H1 , . . . , Hp } ⊆ A, p ≤ n ⇒ dim(H1 ∩ · · · ∩ Hp ) = n − p
{H1 , . . . , Hp } ⊆ A, p > n ⇒ H1 ∩ · · · ∩ Hp = ∅.
For instance, if n = 2 then a set of lines is in general position if no two are parallel
and no three meet at a point.
Let us consider some interesting examples of arrangements that will anticipate
some later material.
Example 1.2. Let Am consist of m lines in general position in R2 . We can compute
r(Am ) using the sweep hyperplane method. Add a L line to Ak (with AK ∪ {L} in
general position). When we travel along L from one end (at infinity) to the other,
every time we intersect a line in Ak we create a new region, and we create one new

region at the end. Before we add any lines we have one region (all of R2 ). Hence
r(Am ) = #intersections + #lines + 1
= + m + 1.
Example 1.3. The braid arrangement Bn in K n consists of the hyperplanes
Bn : xi − xj = 0, 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n.
Thus Bn has 2 hyperplanes. To count the number of regions when K = R, note
that specifying which side of the hyperplane xi − xj = 0 a point (a1 , . . . , an ) lies
on is equivalent to specifying whether ai < aj or ai > aj . Hence the number of
regions is the number of ways that we can specify whether ai < aj or ai > aj for
1 ≤ i < j ≤ n. Such a specification is given by imposing a linear order on the
ai ’s. In other words, for each permutation w ∈ Sn (the symmetric group of all
permutations of 1, 2, . . . , n), there corresponds a region Rw of Bn given by
Rw = {(a1 , . . . , an ) ∈ Rn : aw(1) > aw(2) > · · · > aw(n) }.
Hence r(Bn ) = n!. Rarely is it so easy to compute the number of regions!
Note that the braid arrangement Bn is not essential; indeed, rank(Bn ) = n − 1.
When char(K) does not divide n the space W ⊆ K n of equation (1) can be taken
to be
W = {(a1 , . . . , an ) ∈ K n : a1 + · · · + an = 0}.
The braid arrangement has a number of “deformations” of considerable interest.
We will just define some of them now and discuss them further later. All these
arrangements lie in K n , and in all of them we take 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n. The reader who
likes a challenge can try to compute their number of regions when K = R. (Some
are much easier than others.)
• generic braid arrangement : xi − xj = aij , where the aij ’s are “generic”
(e.g., linearly independent over the prime field, so K has to be “sufficiently
large”). The precise definition of “generic” will be given later. (The prime
field of K is its smallest subfield, isomorphic to either Q or Z/pZ for some
prime p.)
• semigeneric braid arrangement : xi −xj = ai , where the ai ’s are “generic.”
• Shi arrangement : xi − xj = 0, 1 (so n(n − 1) hyperplanes in all).
• Linial arrangement : xi − xj = 1.
• Catalan arrangement : xi − xj = −1, 0, 1.
• semiorder arrangement : xi − xj = −1, 1.
• threshold arrangement : xi + xj = 0 (not really a deformation of the braid
arrangement, but closely related).

An arrangement A is central if H∈A H = ∅. Equivalently, A is a translate
of a linear arrangement (an arrangement of linear hyperplanes, i.e., hyperplanes
passing through theorigin). Many other writers call an arrangement
 central, rather
than linear, if 0 ∈ H∈A H. If A is central with X = H∈A H, then rank(A) =
codim(X). If A is central, then note also that b(A) = 0 [why?].
There are two useful arrangements closely related to a given arrangement A.
If A is a linear arrangement in K n , then projectivize A by choosing some H ∈ A

to be the hyperplane at infinity in projective space PK . Thus if we regard
PK = {(x1 , . . . , xn ) : xi ∈ K, not all xi = 0}/ ∼,
where u ∼ v if u = αv for some 0 = α ∈ K, then
H = ({(x1 , . . . , xn−1 , 0) : xi ∈ K, not all xi = 0}/ ∼) ∼ n−2
= PK .
The remaining hyperplanes in A then correspond to “finite” (i.e., not at infinity)
projective hyperplanes in PK . This gives an arrangement proj(A) of hyperplanes
in PK . When K = R, the two regions R and −R of A become identified in

proj(A). Hence r(proj(A)) = 12 r(A). When n = 3, we can draw PR2 as a disk with
antipodal boundary points identified. The circumference of the disk represents the
hyperplane at infinity. This provides a good way to visualize three-dimensional real
linear arrangements. For instance, if A consists of the three coordinate hyperplanes
x1 = 0, x2 = 0, and x3 = 0, then a projective drawing is given by


The line labelled i is the projectivization of the hyperplane xi = 0. The hyperplane

at infinity is x3 = 0. There are four regions, so r(A) = 8. To draw the incidences
among all eight regions of A, simply “reflect” the interior of the disk to the exterior:



12 24


Figure 1. A projectivization of the braid arrangement B4

Regarding this diagram as a planar graph, the dual graph is the 3-cube (i.e., the
vertices and edges of a three-dimensional cube) [why?].
For a more complicated example of projectivization, Figure 1 shows proj(B4 )
(where we regard B4 as a three-dimensional arrangement contained in the hyper-
plane x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 = 0 of R4 ), with the hyperplane xi = xj labelled ij, and
with x1 = x4 as the hyperplane at infinity.
We now define an operation which is “inverse” to projectivization. Let A be
an (affine) arrangement in K n , given by the equations
L1 (x) = a1 , . . . , Lm (x) = am .
Introduce a new coordinate y, and define a central arrangement cA (the cone over
A) in K n × K = K n+1 by the equations
L1 (x) = a1 y, . . . , Lm (x) = am y, y = 0.
For instance, let A be the arrangement in R1 given by x = −1, x = 2, and x = 3.
The following figure should explain why cA is called a cone.

−1 2

It is easy to see that when K = R, we have r(cA) = 2r(A). In general, cA has

the “same combinatorics as A, times 2.” See Exercise 2.1.

1.2. The Intersection Poset

Recall that a poset (short for partially ordered set) is a set P and a relation ≤
satisfying the following axioms (for all x, y, z ∈ P ):
(P1) (reflexivity) x ≤ x
(P2) (antisymmetry) If x ≤ y and y ≤ x, then x = y.
(P3) (transitivity) If x ≤ y and y ≤ z, then x ≤ z.
Obvious notation such as x < y for x ≤ y and x = y, and y ≥ x for x ≤ y will be
used throughout. If x ≤ y in P , then the (closed) interval [x, y] is defined by
[x, y] = {z ∈ P : x ≤ z ≤ y}.
Note that the empty set ∅ is not a closed interval. For basic information on posets
not covered here, see [31].
Definition 1.1. Let A be an arrangement in V , and let L(A) be the set of all
nonempty intersections of hyperplanes in A, including V itself as the intersection
over the empty set. Define x ≤ y in L(A) if x ⊇ y (as subsets of V ). In other words,
L(A) is partially ordered by reverse inclusion. We call L(A) the intersection poset
of A.
Note. The primary reason for ordering intersections by reverse inclusion rather
than ordinary inclusion is Proposition 3.8. We don’t want to alter the well-esta-
blished definition of a geometric lattice or to refer constantly to “dual geometric
The element V ∈ L(A) satisfies x ≥ V for all x ∈ L(A). In general, if P is a
poset then we denote by 0̂ an element (necessarily unique) such that x ≥ 0̂ for all
x ∈ P . We say that y covers x in a poset P , denoted x  y, if x < y and no z ∈ P
satisfies x < z < y. Every finite poset is determined by its cover relations. The
(Hasse) diagram of a finite poset is obtained by drawing the elements of P as dots,
with x drawn lower than y if x < y, and with an edge between x and y if x  y.
Figure 2 illustrates four arrangements A in R2 , with (the diagram of) L(A) drawn
below A.
A chain of length k in a poset P is a set x0 < x1 < · · · < xk of elements of
P . The chain is saturated if x0  x1  · · ·  xk . We say that P is graded of rank
n if every maximal chain of P has length n. In this case P has a rank function
rk : P → N defined by:
• rk(x) = 0 if x is a minimal element of P .
• rk(y) = rk(x) + 1 if x  y in P .
If x < y in a graded poset P then we write rk(x, y) = rk(y) − rk(x), the length
of the interval [x, y]. Note that we use the notation rank(A) for the rank of an
arrangement A but rk for the rank function of a graded poset.
Proposition 1.1. Let A be an arrangement in a vector space V ∼ = K n . Then the
intersection poset L(A) is graded of rank equal to rank(A). The rank function of
L(A) is given by
rk(x) = codim(x) = n − dim(x),
where dim(x) is the dimension of x as an affine subspace of V .

Figure 2. Examples of intersection posets

Proof. Since L(A) has a unique minimal element 0̂ = V , it suffices to show that
(a) if xy in L(A) then dim(x)−dim(y) = 1, and (b) all maximal elements of L(A)
have dimension n − rank(A). By linear algebra, if H is a hyperplane and x an affine
subspace, then H ∩ x = x or dim(x) − dim(H ∩ x) = 1, so (a) follows. Now suppose
that x has the largest codimension of any element of L(A), say codim(x) = d. Thus
x is an intersection of d linearly independent hyperplanes (i.e., their normals are
linearly independent) H1 , . . . , Hd in A. Let y ∈ L(A) with e = codim(y) < d. Thus
y is an intersection of e hyperplanes, so some Hi (1 ≤ i ≤ d) is linearly independent
from them. Then y ∩ Hi = ∅ and codim(y ∩ Hi ) > codim(y). Hence y is not a
maximal element of L(A), proving (b). 

1.3. The Characteristic Polynomial

A poset P is locally finite if every interval [x, y] is finite. Let Int(P ) denote the
set of all closed intervals of P . For a function f : Int(P ) → Z, write f (x, y) for
f ([x, y]). We now come to a fundamental invariant of locally finite posets.
Definition 1.2. Let P be a locally finite poset. Define a function μ = μP :
Int(P ) → Z, called the Möbius function of P , by the conditions:
μ(x, x) = 1, for all x ∈ P

(2) μ(x, y) = − μ(x, z), for all x < y in P.

This second condition can also be written

μ(x, z) = 0, for all x < y in P.

If P has a 0̂, then we write μ(x) = μ(0̂, x). Figure 3 shows the intersection poset
L of the arrangement A in K 3 (for any field K) defined by QA (x) = xyz(x + y),
together with the value μ(x) for all x ∈ L.
A important application of the Möbius function is the Möbius inversion for-
mula. The best way to understand this result (though it does have a simple direct
proof) requires the machinery of incidence algebras. Let I(P ) = I(P, K) denote


2 1 1 1

−1 −1 −1 −1

Figure 3. An intersection poset and Möbius function values

the vector space of all functions f : Int(P ) → K. Write f (x, y) for f ([x, y]). For
f, g ∈ I(P ), define the product f g ∈ I(P ) by

f g(x, y) = f (x, z)g(z, y).

It is easy to see that this product makes I(P ) an associative Q-algebra, with mul-
tiplicative identity δ given by

1, x = y
δ(x, y) =
0, x < y.
Define the zeta function ζ ∈ I(P ) of P by ζ(x, y) = 1 for all x ≤ y in P . Note that
the Möbius function μ is an element of I(P ). The definition of μ (Definition 1.2) is
equivalent to the relation μζ = δ in I(P ). In any finite-dimensional algebra over a
field, one-sided inverses are two-sided inverses, so μ = ζ −1 in I(P ).
Theorem 1.1. Let P be a finite poset with Möbius function μ, and let f, g : P → K.
Then the following two conditions are equivalent:

f (x) = g(y), for all x ∈ P

g(x) = μ(x, y)f (y), for all x ∈ P.

Proof. The set K P of all functions P → K forms a vector space on which I(P )
acts (on the left) as an algebra of linear transformations by

(ξf )(x) = ξ(x, y)f (y),

where f ∈ K P and ξ ∈ I(P ). The Möbius inversion formula is then nothing but
the statement
ζf = g ⇔ f = μg.

We now come to the main concept of this section.

Definition 1.3. The characteristic polynomial χA (t) of the arrangement A is de-

fined by

(3) χA (t) = μ(x)tdim(x) .

For instance, if A is the arrangement of Figure 3, then

χA (t) = t3 − 4t2 + 5t − 2 = (t − 1)2 (t − 2).
Note that we have immediately from the definition of χA (t), where A is in K n ,
χA (t) = tn − (#A)tn−1 + · · · .
Example 1.4. Consider the coordinate hyperplane arrangement A with defining
polynomial QA (x) = x1 x2 · · · xn . Every subset of the hyperplanes in A has a
different nonempty intersection, so L(A) is isomorphic to the boolean algebra Bn of
all subsets of [n] = {1, 2, . . . , n}, ordered by inclusion.
Proposition 1.2. Let A be given by the above example. Then χA (t) = (t − 1)n .
Proof. The computation of the Möbius function of a boolean algebra is a standard
result in enumerative combinatorics with many proofs. We will give here a naive
proof from first principles. Let y ∈ L(A), r(y) = k. We claim that
(4) μ(y) = (−1)k .
The assertion is clearly true for rk(y) = 0, when y = 0̂. Now let y > 0̂. We need to
show that

(5) (−1)rk(x) = 0.
The number of x such that x ≤ y and rk(x) = i is ki , so (5) is equivalent to the

well-known identity i=0 (−1)i ki = 0 for k > 0 (easily proved by substituting
q = −1 in the binomial expansion of (q + 1)k ). 

We will (subjectively) indicate the difficulty level of each problem as follows:
[1] easy: most students should be able to solve it
[2] moderately difficult: many students should be able to solve it
[3] difficult: a few students should be able to solve it
[4] horrendous: no students should be able to solve it (without already
knowing how)
[5] unsolved.
Further gradations are indicated by + and −. Thus a [3–] problem is about the
most difficult that makes a reasonable homework exercise, and a [5–] problem is an
unsolved problem that has received little attention and may not be too difficult.
Note. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all graphs, posets, lattices, etc., are
assumed to be finite.
(1) [2] Show that every region R of an arrangement A in Rn is an open convex set.
Deduce that R is homeomorphic to the interior of an n-dimensional ball.

(2) [1+] Let A be an arrangement and ess(A) its essentialization. Show that
tdim(ess(A)) χA (t) = tdim(A) χess(A) (t).
(3) [2+] Let A be the arrangement in Rn with equations
x1 = x2 , x2 = x3 , . . . , xn−1 = xn , xn = x1 .
Compute the characteristic polynomial χA (t), and compute the number r(A) of
regions of A.
(4) [2+] Let A be an arrangement in Rn with m hyperplanes. Find the maximum
possible number f (n, m) of regions of A.
(5) [2] Let A be an arrangement in the n-dimensional vector space V whose normals
span a subspace W , and let B be another arrangement in V whose normals span
a subspace Y . Suppose that W ∩ Y = {0}. Show that
χA∪B (t) = t−n χA (t)χB (t).
(6) [2] Let A be an arrangment in a vector space V . Suppose that χA (t) is divisible
by tk but not tk+1 . Show that rank(A) = n − k.
(7) Let A be an essential arrangement in Rn . Let Γ be the union of the bounded
faces of A.
(a) [3] Show that Γ is contractible.
(b) [2] Show that Γ need not be homeomorphic to a closed ball.
(c) [2+] Show that Γ need not be starshaped. (A subset S of Rn is starshaped
if there is a point x ∈ S such that for all y ∈ S, the line segment from x to
y lies in S.)
(d) [3] Show that Γ is pure, i.e., all maximal faces of Γ have the same dimension.
(This was an open problem solved by Xun Dong at the PCMI Summer
Session in Geometric Combinatorics, July 11–31, 2004.)
(e) [5] Suppose that A is in general position. Is Γ homeomorphic to an n-
dimensional closed ball?
Properties of the Intersection Poset and Graphical

2.1. Properties of the Intersection Poset

Let A be an arrangement in the vector space V . A subarrangement of A is a
subset B ⊆ A. Thus B is also an arrangement in V . If x ∈ L(A), define the
subarrangement Ax ⊆ A by
(6) Ax = {H ∈ A : x ⊆ H}.
Also define an arrangement Ax in the affine subspace x ∈ L(A) by
Ax = {x ∩ H = ∅ : H ∈ A − Ax }.
Note that if x ∈ L(A), then
L(Ax ) ∼
= Λx := {y ∈ L(A) : y ≤ x}
x ∼
(7) L(A ) = Vx := {y ∈ L(A) : y ≥ x}



Choose H0 ∈ A. Let A = A − {H0 } and A = AH0 . We call (A, A , A ) a

triple of arrangements with distinguished hyperplane H0 .




The main goal of this section is to give a formula in terms of χA (t) for r(A)
and b(A) when K = R (Theorem 2.5). We first establish recurrences for these two
Lemma 2.1. Let (A, A , A ) be a triple of real arrangements with distinguished
hyperplane H0 . Then
r(A) = r(A ) + r(A )

b(A ) + b(A ), if rank(A) = rank(A )
b(A) =
0, if rank(A) = rank(A ) + 1.
Note. If rank(A) = rank(A ), then also rank(A) = 1 + rank(A ). The figure
below illustrates the situation when rank(A) = rank(A ) + 1.

Proof. Note that r(A) equals r(A ) plus the number of regions of A cut into two
regions by H0 . Let R be such a region of A . Then R ∩ H0 ∈ R(A ). Conversely,
if R ∈ R(A ) then points near R on either side of H0 belong to the same region
R ∈ R(A ), since any H ∈ R(A ) separating them would intersect R . Thus R is
cut in two by H0 . We have established a bijection between regions of A cut into
two by H0 and regions of A , establishing the first recurrence.
The second recurrence is proved analogously; the details are omitted. 
We now come to the fundamental recursive property of the characteristic poly-
Lemma 2.2. (Deletion-Restriction) Let (A, A , A ) be a triple of real arrange-
ments. Then
χA (t) = χA (t) − χA (t).

Figure 1. Two non-lattices

For the proof of this lemma, we will need some tools. (A more elementary proof
could be given, but the tools will be useful later.)
Let P be a poset. An upper bound of x, y ∈ P is an element z ∈ P satisfying
z ≥ x and z ≥ y. A least upper bound or join of x and y, denoted x ∨ y, is an upper
bound z such that z ≤ z  for all upper bounds z  . Clearly if x ∨ y exists, then it
is unique. Similarly define a lower bound of x and y, and a greatest lower bound
or meet, denoted x ∧ y. A lattice is a poset L for which any two elements have a
meet and join. A meet-semilattice is a poset P for which any two elements have
a meet. Dually, a join-semilattice is a poset P for which any two elements have a
join. Figure 1 shows two non-lattices, with a pair of elements circled which don’t
have a join.
Lemma 2.3. A finite meet-semilattice L with a unique maximal element 1̂ is a
lattice. Dually, a finite join-semilattice L with a unique minimal element 0̂ is a
Proof. Let L be a finite meet-semilattice. If x, y ∈ L then the set of upper bounds
of x, y is nonempty since 1̂ is an upper bound. Hence

x∨y = z.

The statement for join-semilattices is by “duality,” i.e., interchanging ≤ with ≥,

and ∧ with ∨. 
The reader should check that Lemma 2.3 need not hold for infinite semilattices.
Proposition 2.3. Let A be an arrangement. Then L(A) is a meet-semilattice. In
particular, every interval [x, y] of L(A) is a lattice. Moreover, L(A) is a lattice if
and only if A is central.

Proof. If H∈A H = ∅, then adjoin ∅ to L(A) as the unique maximal element,
obtaining the augmented intersection poset L (A). In L (A) it is clear that x ∨ y =
x∩y. Hence L (A) is a join-semilattice. Since it has a 0̂, it is a lattice by Lemma 2.3.

Since L(A) = L (A) or L(A) = L (A) − {1̂}, it follows that L(A) is always a meet-
semilattice, and is a lattice if A is central. If A isn’t central, then x∈L(A) x does
not exist, so L(A) is not a lattice. 
We now come to a basic formula for the Möbius function of a lattice.
Theorem 2.2. (the Cross-Cut Theorem) Let L be a finite lattice. Let X be a subset
of L such that 0̂ ∈ X, and such that if y ∈ L, y = 0̂, then some x ∈ X satisfies
x ≤ y. Let Nk be the number of k-element subsets of X with join 1̂. Then
μL (0̂, 1̂) = N0 − N1 + N2 − · · · .
We will prove Theorem 2.2 by an algebraic method. Such a sophisticated proof
is unnecessary, but the machinery we develop will be used later (Theorem 4.13).
Let L be a finite lattice and K a field. The Möbius algebra of L, denoted A(L), is
the semigroup algebra of L over K with respect to the operation ∨. (Sometimes
the operation is taken to be ∧ instead of ∨, but for our purposes, ∨ is more con-
venient.) In other words, A(L) = KL (the vector space with basis L) as a vector
space. If x, y ∈ L then we define xy = x ∨ y. Multiplication is extended to all
of A(L) by bilinearity (or distributivity). Algebraists will recognize that A(L) is
a finite-dimensional commutative algebra with a basis of idempotents, and hence
is isomorphic to K #L (as an algebra). We will show this by exhibiting an explicit

isomorphism A(L) → K #L. For x ∈ L, define

(8) σx = μ(x, y)y ∈ A(L),

where μ denotes the Möbius function of L. Thus by the Möbius inversion formula,

(9) x= σy , for all x ∈ L.

Equation (9) shows that the σx ’s span A(L). Since #{σx : x ∈ L} = #L =

dim A(L), it follows that the σx ’s form a basis for A(L).
Theorem 2.3. Let x, y ∈ L. Then σx σy = δxy σx , where δxy is the Kronecker
delta. In other words, the σx ’s are orthogonal idempotents. Hence

A(L) = K · σx (algebra direct sum).

Proof. Define a K-algebra A (L)

with basis {σx : x ∈ L} and multiplication
σx σy = δxy σx . For x ∈ L set x = s≥x σs . Then
⎛ ⎞⎛ ⎞
x y  = ⎝ σs ⎠ ⎝ σt ⎠
s≥x t≥y

= σs

= σs

= (x ∨ y) .
Hence the linear transformation ϕ : A(L) → A (L) defined by ϕ(x) = x is an
algebra isomorphism. Since ϕ(σx ) = σx , it follows that σx σy = δxy σx . 

Note. The algebra A(L) has a multiplicative identity, viz., 1 = 0̂ = x∈L σx .

Proof of Theorem 2.2. Let char(K) = 0, e.g., K = Q. For any x ∈ L, we
have in A(L) that   
0̂ − x = σy − σy = σy .
y≥0̂ y≥x y
Hence by the orthogonality of the σy ’s we have
(0̂ − x) = σy ,
x∈X y

where y ranges over all elements of L satisfying y ≥ x for all x ∈ X. By hypothesis,

the only such element is 0̂. Hence

(0̂ − x) = σ0̂ .
If we now expand both sides as linear combinations of elements of L and equate
coefficients of 1̂, the result follows. 
Note. In a finite lattice L, an atom is an element covering 0̂. Let T be the set
of atoms of L. Then a set X ⊆ L − {0̂} satisfies the hypotheses of Theorem 2.2 if
and only if T ⊆ X. Thus the simplest choice of X is just X = T .
Example 2.5. Let L = Bn , the boolean algebra of all subsets of [n]. Let X = T =
{{i} : i ∈ [n]}. Then N0 = N1 = · · · = Nn−1 = 0, Nn = 1. Hence μ(0̂, 1̂) = (−1)n ,
agreeing with Proposition 1.2.
We will use the Crosscut Theorem to obtain a formula for the characteristic
polynomial of an arrangement A. Extending  slightly the definition of a central
arrangement, call any subset B of A central if H∈B H = ∅. The following result
is due to Hassler Whitney for linear arrangements. Its easy extension to arbitrary
arrangements appears in [24, Lemma 2.3.8].
Theorem 2.4. (Whitney’s theorem) Let A be an arrangement in an n-dimensional
vector space. Then

(10) χA (t) = (−1)#Btn−rank(B) .
B central

Example 2.6. Let A be the arrangement in R2 shown below.

c d


The following table shows all central subsets B of A and the values of #B and
B #B rank(B)
∅ 0 0
a 1 1
b 1 1
c 1 1
d 1 1
ac 2 2
ad 2 2
bc 2 2
bd 2 2
cd 2 2
acd 3 2
It follows that χA (t) = t2 − 4t + (5 − 1) = t2 − 4t + 4.
Proof of Theorem 2.4. Let z ∈ L(A). Let
Λz = {x ∈ L(A) : x ≤ z},
the principal order ideal generated by z. Recall the definition
Az = {H ∈ A : H ≤ z (i.e., z ⊆ H)}.
By the Crosscut Theorem (Theorem 2.2), we have

μ(z) = (−1)k Nk (z),
where Nk (z) is the number of k-subsets of Az with join z. In other words,

μ(z) = (−1)#B .
z= H∈B H

Note that z = H∈B H implies that rank(B) = n − dim z. Now multiply both sides
by tdim(z) and sum over z to obtain equation (10). 
We have now assembled all the machinery necessary to prove the Deletion-
Restriction Lemma (Lemma 2.2) for χA (t).
Proof of Lemma 2.2. Let H0 ∈ A be the hyperplane defining the triple
(A, A , A ). Split the sum on the right-hand side of (10) into two sums, depending
on whether H0 ∈ B or H0 ∈ B. In the former case we get

(−1)#B tn−rank(B) = χA (t).
B central

In the latter case, set B1 = (B−{H0 })H0 , a central arrangement in H0 ∼= K n−1 and

a subarrangement of A = A . Since #B1 = #B− 1 and rank(B1 ) = rank(B)− 1,

we get
(−1)#B tn−rank(B) = (−1)#B1 +1 t(n−1)−rank(B1 )
H0 ∈B⊆A B1 ∈A
B central
= −χA (t),
and the proof follows. 

2.2. The Number of Regions

The next result is perhaps the first major theorem in the subject of hyperplane
arrangements, due to Thomas Zaslavsky in 1975.

Theorem 2.5. Let A be an arrangement in an n-dimensional real vector space.


(11) r(A) = (−1)n χA (−1)

(12) b(A) = (−1)rank(A) χA (1).

First proof. Equation (11) holds for A = ∅, since r(∅) = 1 and χ∅ (t) = tn .
By Lemmas 2.1 and 2.2, both r(A) and (−1)n χA (−1) satisfy the same recurrence,
so the proof follows.
Now consider equation (12). Again it holds for A = ∅ since b(∅) = 1. (Recall
that b(A) is the number of relatively bounded regions. When A = ∅, the entire
ambient space Rn is relatively bounded.) Now

χA (1) = χA (1) − χA (1).

Let d(A) = (−1)rank(A) χA (1). If rank(A) = rank(A ) = rank(A ) + 1, then d(A) =

d(A ) + d(A ). If rank(A) = rank(A ) + 1 then b(A) = 0 [why?] and L(A ) ∼
= L(A )
[why?]. Thus from Lemma 2.2 we have d(A) = 0. Hence in all cases b(A) and d(A)
satisfy the same recurrence, so b(A) = d(A). 
Second proof. Our second proof of Theorem 2.5 is based on Möbius inversion
and some instructive topological considerations. For this proof we assume basic
knowledge of the Euler characteristic ψ(Δ) of a topological space Δ. (Standard
notation is χ(Δ), but this would cause too much confusion with the character-
istic polynomial.) In particular, if Δ is suitably decomposed into cells with fi
i-dimensional cells, then

(13) ψ(Δ) = f0 − f1 + f2 − · · · .

We take (13) as the definition of ψ(Δ). For “nice” spaces and decompositions, it is
independent of the decomposition. In particular, ψ(Rn ) = (−1)n . Write R̄ for the
closure of a region R ∈ R(A).

Definition 2.4. A (closed) face of a real arrangement A is a set ∅ = F = R̄ ∩ x,

where R ∈ R(A) and x ∈ L(A).

If we regard R̄ as a convex polyhedron (possibly unbounded), then a face of

A is just a face of some R̄ in the usual sense of the face of a polyhedron, i.e., the
intersection of R̄ with a supporting hyperplane. In particular, each R̄ is a face of
A. The dimension of a face F is defined by

dim(F ) = dim(aff(F )),

where aff(F ) denotes the affine span of F . A k-face is a k-dimensional face of A.

For instance, the arrangement below has three 0-faces (vertices), nine 1-faces, and
seven 2-faces (equivalently, seven regions). Hence ψ(R2 ) = 3 − 9 + 7 = 1.

Write F(A) for the set of faces of A, and let relint denote relative interior. Then

Rn = relint(F ),
F ∈F(A)

where denotes disjoint union. If fk (A) denotes the number of k-faces of A, it
follows that
(−1)n = ψ(Rn ) = f0 (A) − f1 (A) + f2 (A) − · · · .
Every k-face is a region of exactly one Ay for y ∈ L(A). Hence

fk (A) = r(Ay ).

Multiply by (−1)k and sum over k to get

(−1)n = ψ(Rn ) = (−1)dim(y) r(Ay ).

Replacing R by x ∈ L(A) gives


(−1)dim(x) = ψ(x) = (−1)dim(y) r(Ay ).

Möbius inversion yields

(−1)dim(x) r(Ax ) = (−1)dim(y) μ(x, y).

Putting x = Rn gives

(−1)n r(A) = (−1)dim(y) μ(y) = χA (−1),

thereby proving (11).

The relatively bounded case (equation (12)) is similar, but with one technical
complication. We may assume that A is essential, since b(A) = b(ess(A)) and
χA (t) = tdim(A)−dim(ess(A)) χess(A) (t).
In this case, the relatively bounded regions are actually bounded. Let
Fb (A) = {F ∈ F(A) : F is relatively bounded}

Γ = F.
F ∈Fb (A)

The difficulty lies in computing ψ(Γ). Zaslavsky conjectured in 1975 that Γ is

star-shaped, i.e., there exists x ∈ Γ such that for every y ∈ Γ, the line segment

a a
c d c d
Figure 2. Two arrangements with the same intersection poset

joining x and y lies in Γ. This would imply that Γ is contractible, and hence (since
Γ is compact when A is essential) ψ(Γ) = 1. A counterexample to Zaslavsky’s
conjecture appears as an exercise in [7, Exer. 4.29], but nevertheless Björner and
Ziegler showed that Γ is indeed contractible. (See [7, Thm. 4.5.7(b)] and Lecture 1,
Exercise 7.) The argument just given for r(A) now carries over mutatis mutandis
to b(A). There is also a direct argument that ψ(Γ) = 1, circumventing the need to
show that Γ is contractible. We will omit proving here that ψ(Γ) = 1. 
Corollary 2.1. Let A be a real arrangement. Then r(A) and b(A) depend only on
Figure 2 shows two arrangements in R2 with different “face structure” but
the same L(A). The first arrangement has for instance one triangular and one
quadrilateral face, while the second has two triangular faces. Both arrangements,
however, have ten regions and two bounded regions.
We now give two basic examples of arrangements and the computation of their
characteristic polynomials.
Proposition 2.4. (general position) Let A be an n-dimensional arrangement of m
hyperplanes in general position. Then
m n−2 n m
χA (t) = t − mt
n n−1
+ t − · · · + (−1) .
2 n
In particular, if A is a real arrangement, then
m m
r(A) = 1 + m + + ···+
2 n
m n m
b(A) = (−1) 1 − m +
− · · · + (−1)
2 n
= .

Proof. Every B ⊆ A with #B ≤ n defines an element xB = H∈B H of L(A).
Hence L(A) is a truncated boolean algebra:
L(A) ∼ = {S ⊆ [m] : #S ≤ n},

Figure 3. The truncated boolean algebra of rank 2 with four atoms

ordered by inclusion. Figure 3 shows the case n = 2 and m = 4, i.e., four lines in
general position in R2 . If x ∈ L(A) and rk(x) = k, then [0̂, x] ∼
= Bk , a boolean
algebra of rank k. By equation (4) there follows μ(x) = (1)k . Hence

χA (t) = (−1)#S tn−#S
= tn − mtn−1 + · · · + (−1)n . 2
Note. Arrangements whose hyperplanes are in general position were formerly
called free arrangements. Now, however, free arrangements have another meaning
discussed in the note following Example 4.11.
Our second example concerns generic translations of the hyperplanes of a lin-
ear arrangement. Let L1 , . . . , Lm be linear forms, not necessarily distinct, in the
variables v = (v1 , . . . , vn ) over the field K. Let A be defined by
L1 (v) = a1 , . . . , Lm (v) = am ,
where a1 , . . . , am are generic elements of K. This means if Hi = ker(Li (v) − ai ),
Hi1 ∩ · · · ∩ Hik = ∅ ⇔ Li1 , . . . , Lik are linearly independent.
For instance, if K = R and L1 , . . . , Lm are defined over Q, then a1 , . . . , am are
generic whenever they are linearly independent over Q.

nongeneric generic

It follows that if x = Hi1 ∩ · · · ∩ Hik ∈ L(A), then [0̂, x] ∼

= Bk . Hence

χA (t) = (−1)#B tn−#B ,

1 6 3 12 4 12

Figure 4. The forests on four vertices

where B ranges over all linearly independent subsets of A. (We say that a set of hy-
perplanes are linearly independent if their normals are linearly independent.) Thus
χA (t), or more precisely (−t)n χA (−1/t), is the generating function for linearly
independent subsets of L1 , . . . , Lm according to their number of elements. For in-
stance, if A is given by Figure 2 (either arrangement) then the linearly independent
subsets of hyperplanes are ∅, a, b, c, d, ac, ad, bc, bd, cd, so χA (t) = t2 − 4t + 5.
Consider the more interesting example xi − xj = aij , 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n, where the
aij are generic. We could call this arrangement the generic braid arrangement Gn .
Identify the hyperplane xi − xj = aij with the edge ij on the vertex set [n]. Thus
a subset B ⊆ Gn corresponds to a simple graph GB on [n]. (“Simple” means that
there is at most one edge between any two vertices, and no edge from a vertex to
itself.) It is easy to see that B is linearly independent if and only if the graph GB
has no cycles, i.e., is a forest. Hence we obtain the interesting formula

(14) χGn (t) = (−1)e(F ) tn−e(F ) ,
where F ranges over all forests on [n] and e(F ) denotes the number of edges of
F . For instance, the isomorphism types of forests (with the number of distinct
labelings written below the forest) on four vertices are given by Figure 4. Hence
χG4 (t) = t4 − 6t3 + 15t2 − 16t.
Equation (11) can be rewritten as

r(A) = (−1)rk(x) μ(x).

(Theorem 3.10 will show that (−1)rk(x) μ(x) > 0, so we could also write |μ(x)| for
this quantity.) It is easy to extend this result to count faces of A of all dimensions,
not just the top dimension n. Let fk (A) denote the number of k-faces of the real
arrangement A.
Theorem 2.6. We have

(15) fk (A) = (−1)dim(x)−dim(y) μ(x, y)
x≤y in L(A)

(16) = |μ(x, y)|.
x≤y in L(A)

Proof. As mentioned above, every face F is a region of a unique Ax for x ∈ L(A),

viz., x = aff(F ). In particular, dim(F ) = dim(x). Hence if dim(F ) = k, then r(Ax )
is the number of k-faces of A contained in x. By Theorem 2.5 and equation (7) we
r(Ax ) = (−1)dim(y)−dim(x) μ(x, y),

where we are dealing with the poset L(A). Summing over all x ∈ L(A) of dimension
k yields (15), and (16) then follows from Theorem (3.10) below. 

2.3. Graphical Arrangements

There are close connections between certain invariants of a graph G and an asso-
ciated arrangement AG . Let G be a simple graph on the vertex set [n]. Let E(G)
denote the set of edges of G, regarded as two-element subsets of [n]. Write ij for
the edge {i, j}.
Definition 2.5. The graphical arrangement AG in K n is the arrangement
xi − xj = 0, ij ∈ E(G).
Thus a graphical arrangement is simply a subarrangement of the braid arrange-
ment Bn . If G = Kn , the complete graph on [n] (with all possible edges ij), then
AKn = Bn .
Definition 2.6. A coloring of a graph G on [n] is a map κ : [n] → P. The coloring
κ is proper if κ(i) = κ(j) whenever ij ∈ E(G). If q ∈ P then let χG (q) denote the
number of proper colorings κ : [n] → [q] of G, i.e., the number of proper colorings
of G whose colors come from 1, 2, . . . , q. The function χG is called the chromatic
polynomial of G.
For instance, suppose that G is the complete graph Kn . A proper coloring
κ : [n] → [q] is obtained by choosing a vertex, say 1, and coloring it in q ways.
Then choose another vertex, say 2, and color it in q − 1 ways, etc., obtaining
(17) χKn (q) = q(q − 1) · · · (q − n + 1).
A similar argument applies to the graph G of Figure 5. There are q ways to color
vertex 1, then q − 1 to color vertex 2, then q − 1 to color vertex 3, etc., obtaining
χG (q) = q(q − 1)(q − 1)(q − 2)(q − 1)(q − 1)(q − 2)(q − 2)(q − 3)
= q(q − 1)4 (q − 2)3 (q − 3).
Unlike the case of the complete graph, in order to obtain this nice product formula
one factor at a time only certain orderings of the vertices are suitable. It is not
always possible to evaluate the chromatic polynomials “one vertex at a time.” For
instance, let H be the 4-cycle of Figure 5. If a proper coloring κ : [4] → [q] satisfies
κ(1) = κ(3), then there are q choices for κ(1), then q − 1 choices each for κ(2) and

6 8
5 4 4 3
1 2
1 3
Figure 5. Two graphs

κ(4). On the other hand, if κ(1) = κ(3), then there are q choices for κ(1), then
q − 1 choices for κ(3), and then q − 2 choices each for κ(2) and κ(4). Hence
χH (q) = q(q − 1)2 + q(q − 1)(q − 2)2
= q(q − 1)(q 2 − 3q + 3).
For further information on graphs whose chromatic polynomial can be evaluated
one vertex at a time, see Corollary 4.10 and the note following it.
It is easy to see directly that χG (q) is a polynomial function of q. Let ei (G)
denote the number of surjective proper colorings κ : [n] → [i] of G. We can choose
an arbitrary proper
 coloring κ : [n] → [q] by first choosing the size i = #κ([n]) of
its image in qi ways, and then choose κ in ei ways. Hence
(18) χG (q) = ei .

Since qi = q(q−1) · · · (q−i+1)/i!, a polynomial in q (of degree i), we see that χG (q)
is a polynomial. We therefore write χG (t), where t is an indeterminate. Moreover,
any surjection (= bijection) κ : [n] → [n] is proper. Hence en = n!. It follows from
equation (18) that χG (t) is monic of degree n. Using more sophisticated methods
we will later derive further properties of the coefficients of χG (t).
Theorem 2.7. For any graph G, we have χAG (t) = χG (t).
First proof. The first proof is based on deletion-restriction (which in the
context of graphs is called deletion-contraction). Let e = ij ∈ E(G). Let G − e
(also denoted G\e) denote the graph G with edge e deleted, and let G/e denote G
with the edge e contracted to a point and all multiple edges replaced by a single
edge (i.e., whenever there is more than one edge between two vertices, replace these
edges by a single edge). (In some contexts we want to keep track of multiple edges,
but they are irrelevant in regard to proper colorings.)

2 4 2 4 4
e 5 5 23 5
1 3 1 3 1

G G−e G/e
Let H0 ∈ A = AG be the hyperplane xi = xj . It is clear that A−{H0 } = AG−e .
We claim that
(19) AH0 = AG/e ,
so by Deletion-Restriction (Lemma 2.2) we have
χAG (t) = χAG−e (t) = χAG/e (t).

To prove (19), define an affine isomorphism ϕ : H0 → Rn−1 by
(x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) → (x1 , . . . , xi , . . . , xˆj , . . . , xn ),
where xˆj denotes that the jth coordinate is omitted. (Hence the coordinates in
Rn−1 are 1, 2, . . . , ĵ, . . . , n.) Write Hab for the hyperplane xa = xb of A. If neither

of a, b are equal to i or j, then ϕ(Hab ∩ H0 ) is the hyperplane xa = xb in Rn−1 . If

a = i, j then ϕ(Hia ∩ H0 ) = ϕ(Haj ∩ H0 ), the hyperplane xa = xi in Rn−1 . Hence ϕ
defines an isomorphism between AH0 and the arrangement AG/e in Rn−1 , proving
Let n• denote the graph with n vertices and no edges, and let ∅ denote
the empty arrangement in Rn . The theorem will be proved by induction (using
Lemma 2.2) if we show:
(a) Initialization: χn• (t) = χ∅ (t)
(b) Deletion-contraction:
(20) χG (t) = χG−e (t) − χG/e (t)
To prove (a), note that both sides are equal to tn . To prove (b), observe that
χG−e (q) is the number of colorings of κ : [n] → [q] that are proper except possibly
κ(i) = κ(j), while χG/e (q) is the number of colorings κ : [n] → [q] of G that are
proper except that κ(i) = κ(j). 
Our second proof of Theorem 2.7 is based on Möbius inversion. We first obtain
a combinatorial description of the intersection lattice L(AG ). Let Hij denote the
 xi = xj as above, and let F ⊆ E(G). Consider the element X =
ij∈F H ij of L(AG ). Thus
(x1 , . . . , xn ) ∈ X ⇔ xi = xj whenever ij ∈ F.
Let C1 , . . . , Ck be the connected components of the spanning subgraph GF of G
with edge set F . (A subgraph of G is spanning if it contains all the vertices of G.
Thus if the edges of F do not span all of G, we need to include all remaining vertices
as isolated vertices of GF .) If i, j are vertices of some Cm , then there is a path from
i to j whose edges all belong to F . Hence xi = xj for all (x1 , . . . , xn ) ∈ X. On the
other hand, if i and j belong to different Cm ’s, then there is no such path. Let
F̄ = {e = ij ∈ E(G) : i, j ∈ V (Cm ) for some m},
where V (Cm ) denotes the vertex set of Cm . Figure 6 illustrates a graph G with
a set F of edges indicated by thickening. The set F̄ is shown below G, with the
additional edges F̄ − F not in F drawn as dashed lines.
A partition π of a finite set S is a collection {B1 , . . . , Bk } of subsets of S, called
blocks, that are nonempty, pairwise disjoint, and whose union is S. The set of all

Figure 6. A graph G with edge subset F and closure F̄


partitions of S is denoted ΠS , and when S = [n] we write simply Πn for Π[n] . It

follows from the above discussion that the elements Xπ of L(AG ) correspond to the
connected partitions of V (G), i.e., the partitions π = {B1 , . . . , Bk } of V (G) = [n]
such that the restriction of G to each block Bi is connected. Namely,
Xπ = {(x1 , . . . , xn ) ∈ K n : i, j ∈ Bm for some m ⇒ xi = xj }.
We have Xπ ≤ Xσ in L(A) if and only if every block of π is contained in a block of
σ. In other words, π is a refinement of σ. This refinement order is the “standard”
ordering on Πn , so L(AG ) is isomorphic to an induced subposet LG of Πn , called
the bond lattice or lattice of contractions of G. (“Induced” means that if π ≤ σ
in Πn and π, σ ∈ L(AG ), then π ≤ σ in L(AG ).) In particular, Πn ∼ = L(AKn ).
Note that in general LG is not a sublattice of Πn , but only a sub-join-semilattice of
Πn [why?]. The bottom element 0̂ of LG is the partition of [n] into n one-element
blocks, while the top element 1̂ is the partition into one block. The case G = Kn
shows that the intersection lattice L(Bn ) of the braid arrangement Bn is isomorphic
to the full partition lattice Πn . Figure 7 shows a graph G and its bond lattice LG
(singleton blocks are omitted from the labels of the elements of LG ).


abc ac−bd ab−cd

b d abd acd bcd

a c ab ac bd cd

Figure 7. A graph G and its bond lattice LG

Second proof of Theorem 2.7. Let π ∈ LG . For q ∈ P define χπ (q) to be

the number of colorings κ : [n] → [q] of G satisfying:
• If i, j are in the same block of π, then κ(i) = κ(j).
• If i, j are in different blocks of π and ij ∈ E(G), then κ(i) = κ(j).
Given any κ : [n] → [q], there is a unique σ ∈ LG such that κ is enumerated by
χσ (q). Moreover, κ will be constant on the blocks of some π ∈ LG if and only if
σ ≥ π in LG . Hence 
q |π| = χσ (q) ∀π ∈ LG ,
where |π| denotes the number of blocks of π. By Möbius inversion,

χπ (q) = q |σ| μ(π, σ),

where μ denotes the Möbius function of LG . Let π = 0̂. We get

(21) χG (q) = χ0̂ (q) = μ(σ)q |σ| .

It is easily seen that |σ| = dim Xσ , so comparing equation (21) with Definition 1.3
shows that χG (t) = χAG (t). 
Corollary 2.2. The characteristic polynomial of the braid arrangement Bn is given
χBn (t) = t(t − 1) · · · (t − n + 1).
Proof. Since Bn = AKn (the graphical arrangement of the complete graph Kn ),
we have from Theorem 2.7 that χBn (t) = χKn (t). The proof follows from equation
There is a further invariant of a graph G that is closely connected with the
graphical arrangement AG .
Definition 2.7. An orientation o of a graph G is an assignment of a direction
i → j or j → i to each edge ij of G. A directed cycle of o is a sequence of vertices
i0 , i1 , . . . , ik of G such that i0 → i1 → i2 → · · · → ik → i0 in o. An orientation o is
acyclic if it contains no directed cycles.
A graph G with no loops (edges from a vertex to itself) thus has 2#E(G) orien-
tations. Let R ∈ R(AG ), and let (x1 , . . . , xn ) ∈ R. In choosing R, we have specified
for all ij ∈ E(G) whether xi < xj or xi > xj . Indicate by an arrow i → j that
xi < xj , and by j → i that xi > xj . In this way the region R defines an orientation
oR of G. Clearly if R = R , then oR = oR . Which orientations can arise in this
Proposition 2.5. Let o be an orientation of G. Then o = oR for some R ∈ R(AG )
if and only if o is acyclic.
Proof. If oR had a cycle i1 → i2 → · · · → ik → i1 , then a point (x1 , . . . , xn ) ∈ R
would satisfy xi1 < xi2 < · · · < xik < xi1 , which is absurd. Hence oR is acyclic.
Conversely, let o be an acyclic orientation of G. First note that o must have a
sink, i.e., a vertex with no arrows pointing out. To see this, walk along the edges
of o by starting at any vertex and following arrows. Since o is acyclic, we can never
return to a vertex so the process will end in a sink. Let jn be a sink vertex of o.
When we remove jn from o the remaining orientation is still acyclic, so it contains
a sink jn−1 . Continuing in this manner, we obtain an ordering j1 , j2 , . . . , jn of [n]
such that ji is a sink of the restriction of o to j1 , . . . , ji . Hence if x1 , . . . , xn ∈ R
satisfy xj1 < xj2 < · · · < xjn then the region R ∈ R(A) containing (x1 , . . . , xn )
satisfies o = oR . 
Note. The transitive, reflexive closure ō of an acyclic orientation o is a par-
tial order. The construction of the ordering j1 , j2 , . . . , jn above is equivalent to
constructing a linear extension of o.
Let AO(G) denote the set of acyclic orientations of G. We have constructed a
bijection between AO(G) and R(AG ). Hence from Theorem 2.5 we conclude:
Corollary 2.3. For any graph G with n vertices, we have
#AO(G) = (−1)n χG (−1).
Corollary 2.3 was first proved by Stanley in 1973 by a “direct” argument based
on deletion-contraction (see Exercise 7). The proof we have just given based on
arrangements is due to Greene and Zaslavsky in 1983.
Note. Given a graph G on n vertices, let A# G be the arrangement defined by
xi − xj = aij , ij ∈ E(G),

where the aij ’s are generic. Just as we obtained equation (14) (the case G = Kn )
we have 
χA# (t) = (−1)e(F ) tn−e(F ) ,
where F ranges over all spanning forests of G.

(1) [3–] Show that for any arrangement A, we have χcA (t) = (t − 1)χA (t), where cA
denotes the cone over A. (Use Whitney’s theorem.)
(2) [2–] Let G be a graph on the vertex set [n]. Show that the bond lattice LG is a
sub-join-semilattice of the partition lattice Πn but is not in general a sublattice
of Πn .
(3) [2–] Let G be a forest (graph with no cycles) on the vertex set [n]. Show that
LG ∼ = BE(G) , the boolean algebra of all subsets of E(G).
(4) [2] Let G be a graph with n vertices and AG the corresponding graphical arrange-
ment. Suppose that G has a k-element clique, i.e., k vertices such that any two
are adjacent. Show that k!|r(A).
(5) [2+] Let G be a graph on the vertex set [n] = {1, 2, . . . , n}, and let AG be the
corresponding graphical arrangement (over any field K, but you may assume
K = R if you wish). Let Cn be the coordinate hyperplane arrangement, con-
sisting of the hyperplanes xi = 0, 1 ≤ i ≤ n. Express χAG ∪Cn (t) in terms of
χAG (t).
(6) [4] Let G be a planar graph, i.e., G can be drawn in the plane without crossing
edges. Show that χAG (4) = 0.
(7) [2+] Let G be a graph with n vertices. Show directly from the the deletion-
contraction recurrence (20) that
(−1)n χG (−1) = #AO(G).
(8) [2+] Let χG (t) = tn − cn−1 tn−1 + · · · + (−1)n−1 c1 t be the chromatic polynomial
of the graph G. Let i be a vertex of G. Show that c1 is equal to the number of
acyclic orientations of G whose unique source is i. (A source is a vertex with no
arrows pointing in. In particular, an isolated vertex is a source.)
(9) [5] Let A be an arrangement with characteristic polynomial χA (t) = tn −
cn−1 tn−1 + cn−2 tn−2 − · · · + (−1)n c0 . Show that the sequence c0 , c1 , . . . , cn = 1
is unimodal, i.e., for some j we have
c0 ≤ c1 ≤ · · · ≤ cj ≥ cj+1 ≥ · · · ≥ cn .
(10) [2+] Let f (n) be the total number of faces of the braid arrangement Bn . Find
a simple formula for the generating function
 xn x2 x3 x4 x5 x6
f (n) = 1 + x + 3 + 13 + 75 + 541 + 4683 + · · · .
n! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6!

More generally, let fk (n) denote the number of k-dimensional faces of Bn . For
instance, f1 (n) = 1 (for n ≥ 1) and fn (n) = n!. Find a simple formula for the
generating function
 xn x2 x3
fk (n)y k = 1 + yx + (y + 2y 2 ) + (y + 6y 2 + 6y 3 ) + · · · .
n! 2! 3!
n≥0 k≥0
Matroids and Geometric Lattices

3.1. Matroids
A matroid is an abstraction of a set of vectors in a vector space (for us, the normals
to the hyperplanes in an arrangement). Many basic facts about arrangements
(especially linear arrangements) and their intersection posets are best understood
from the more general viewpoint of matroid theory. There are many equivalent
ways to define matroids. We will define them in terms of independent sets, which
are an abstraction of linearly independent sets. For any set S we write
2S = {T : T ⊆ S}.
Definition 3.8. A (finite) matroid is a pair M = (S, I), where S is a finite set and
I is a collection of subsets of S, satisfying the following axioms:
(1) I is a nonempty (abstract) simplicial complex, i.e., I = ∅, and if J ∈ I and
I ⊂ J, then I ∈ I.
(2) For all T ⊆ S, the maximal elements of I ∩ 2T have the same cardinality.
In the language of simplicial complexes, every induced subcomplex of I is
The elements of I are called independent sets. All matroids considered here will
be assumed to be finite. By standard abuse of notation, if M = (S, I) then we write
x ∈ M to mean x ∈ S. The archetypal example of a matroid is a finite subset S of
a vector space, where independence means linear independence. A closely related
matroid consists of a finite subset S of an affine space, where independence now
means affine independence.
It should be clear what is meant for two matroids M = (S, I) and M  = (S  , I )
to be isomorphic, viz., there exists a bijection f : S → S  such that {x1 , . . . , xj } ∈ I
if and only if {f (x1 ), . . . , f (xj )} ∈ I . Let M be a matroid and S a set of points in
Rn , regarded as a matroid with independence meaning affine independence. If M
and S are isomorphic matroids, then S is called an affine diagram of M . (Not all
matroids have affine diagrams.)
Example 3.7. (a) Regard the configuration in Figure 1 as a set of five points in the
two-dimensional affine space R2 . These five points thus define the affine diagram
of a matroid M . The lines indicate that the points 1,2,3 and 3,4,5 lie on straight

1 5

2 4

Figure 1. A five-point matroid in the affine space R2

lines. Hence the sets {1, 2, 3} and {3, 4, 5} are affinely dependent in R2 and therefore
dependent (i.e., not independent) in M . The independent sets of M consist of all
subsets of [5] with at most two elements, together with all three-element subsets of
[5] except 123 and 345 (where 123 is short for {1, 2, 3}, etc.).
(b) Write I = S1 , . . . , Sk  for the simplicial complex I generated by S1 , . . . , Sk ,
S1 , . . . , Sk  = {T : T ⊆ Si for some i}
= 2 S1 ∪ · · · ∪ 2 Sk .
Then I = 13, 14, 23, 24 is the set of independent sets of a matroid M on [4]. This
matroid is realized by a multiset of vectors in a vector space or affine space, e.g., by
the points 1,1,2,2 in the affine space R. The affine diagam of this matroid is given

1,2 3,4
(c) Let I = 12, 23, 34, 45, 15. Then I is not the set of independent sets of a
matroid. For instance, the maximal elements of I ∩ 2{1,2,4} are 12 and 4, which do
not have the same cardinality.
(d) The affine diagram below shows a seven point matroid.

1 2


If we further require the points labelled 1,2,3 to lie on a line (i.e., remove 123
from I), we still have a matroid M , but not one that can be realized by real vectors.
In fact, M is isomorphic to the set of nonzero vectors in the vector space F32 , where
F2 denotes the two-element field.


110 011

100 101 001

Let us now define a number of important terms associated to a matroid M .
A basis of M is a maximal independent set. A circuit C is a minimal dependent
set, i.e., C is not independent but becomes independent when we remove any point
from it. For example, the circuits of the matroid of Figure 1 are 123, 345, and 1245.
If M = (S, I) is a matroid and T ⊆ S then define the rank rk(T ) of T by
rk(T ) = max{#I : I ∈ I and I ⊆ T }.
In particular, rk(∅) = 0. We define the rank of the matroid M itself by rk(M ) =
rk(S). A k-flat is a maximal subset of rank k. For instance, if M is an affine
matroid, i.e., if S is a subset of an affine space and independence in M is given by
affine independence, then the flats of M are just the intersections of S with affine
subspaces. Note that if F and F  are flats of a matroid M , then so is F ∩ F  (see
Exercise 2). Since the intersection of flats is a flat, we can define the closure T of
a subset T ⊆ S to be the smallest flat containing T , i.e.,

T = F.
flats F ⊇T

This closure operator has a number of nice properties, such as T = T and T  ⊆

T ⇒ T ⊆ T.

3.2. The Lattice of Flats and Geometric Lattices

For a matroid M define L(M ) to be the poset of flats of M , ordered by inclusion.
Since the intersection of flats is a flat, L(M ) is a meet-semilattice; and since L(M )
has a top element S, it follows from Lemma 2.3 that L(M ) is a lattice, which we
call the lattice of flats of M . Note that L(M ) has a unique minimal element 0̂, viz.,
¯∅ or equivalently, the intersection of all flats. It is easy to see that L(M ) is graded
by rank, i.e., every maximal chain of L(M ) has length m = rk(M ). Thus if x  y in

1 2 3 4 5

Figure 2. The lattice of flats of the matroid of Figure 1

L(M ) then rk(y) = 1 + rk(x). We now define the characteristic polynomial χM (t),
in analogy to the definition (3) of χA (t), by

(22) χM (t) = μ(0̂, x)tm−rk(x) ,

where μ denotes the Möbius function of L(M ) and m = rk(M ). Figure 2 shows the
lattice of flats of the matroid M of Figure 1. From this figure we see easily that
χM (t) = t3 − 5t2 + 8t − 4.
Let M be a matroid and x ∈ M . If the set {x} is dependent (i.e., if rk({x}) = 0)
then we call x a loop. Thus ¯∅ is just the set of loops of M . Suppose that x, y ∈ M ,
neither x nor y are loops, and rk({x, y}) = 1. We then call x and y parallel points.
A matroid is simple if it has no loops or pairs of parallel points. It is clear that the
following three conditions are equivalent:
• M is simple.
• ¯
∅ = ∅ and x̄ = x for all x ∈ M .
• rk({x, y}) = 2 for all points x = y of M (assuming M has at least two
For any matroid M and x, y ∈ M , define x ∼ y if x̄ = ȳ. It is easy to see that ∼ is
an equivalence relation. Let
(23)  = {x̄ : x ∈ M, x ∈ ¯∅},
with an obvious definition of independence, i.e.,
) ⇔ {x1 , . . . , xk } ∈ I(M ).
{x̄1 , . . . , x̄k } ∈ I(M
Then M is simple, and L(M ) ∼ = L(M). Thus insofar as intersection lattices L(M )
are concerned, we may assume that M is simple. (Readers familiar with point set
topology will recognize the similarity between the conditions for a matroid to be
simple and for a topological space to be T0 .)
Example 3.8. Let S be any finite set and V a vector space. If f : S → V , then
define a matroid Mf on S by the condition that given I ⊆ S,
I ∈ I(M ) ⇔ {f (x) : x ∈ I} is linearly independent.

Then a loop is any element x satisfying f (x) = 0, and x ∼ y if and only if f (x) is
a nonzero scalar multiple of f (y).
Note. If M = (S, I) is simple, then L(M ) determines M . For we can identify
S with the set of atoms of L(M ), and we have
{x1 , . . . , xk } ∈ I ⇔ rk(x1 ∨ · · · ∨ xk ) = k in L(M ).
See the proof of Theorem 3.8 for further details.
We now come to the primary connection between hyperplane arrangements and
matroid theory. If H is a hyperplane, write nH for some (nonzero) normal vector
to H.
Proposition 3.6. Let A be a central arrangement in the vector space V . Define
a matroid M = MA on A by letting B ∈ I(M ) if B is linearly independent (i.e.,
{nH : H ∈ B} is linearly independent). Then M is simple and L(M ) ∼
= L(A).
Proof. M has no loops, since every H ∈ A has a nonzero normal. Two distinct
nonparallel hyperplanes have linearly independent normals, so the points of M are
closed. Hence M is simple.
Let B, B ⊆ A, and set
X= H = XB , X  = H = XB  .

Then X = X  if and only if

span{nH : H ∈ B} = span{nH : H ∈ B }.
Now the closure relation in M is given by
B = {H  ∈ A : nH  ∈ span{nH : H ∈ B}}.

Hence X = X  if and only if B = B , so L(M ) ∼ = L(A). 
It follows that for a central arrangement A, L(A) depends only on the matroidal
structure of A, i.e., which subsets of hyperplanes are linearly independent. Thus
the matroid MA encapsulates the essential information about A needed to define
Our next goal is to characterize those lattices L which have the form L(M ) for
some matroid M .
Proposition 3.7. Let L be a finite graded lattice. The following two conditions
are equivalent.
(1) For all x, y ∈ L, we have rk(x) + rk(y) ≥ rk(x ∧ y) + rk(x ∨ y).
(2) If x and y both cover x ∧ y, then x ∨ y covers both x and y.
Proof. Assume (1). Let x, y  x ∧ y, so rk(x) = rk(y) = rk(x ∧ y) + 1 and
rk(x ∨ y) > rk(x) = rk(y). By (1),
rk(x) + rk(y) ≥ (rk(x) − 1) + rk(x ∨ y)
⇒ rk(y) ≥ rk(x ∨ y) − 1
⇒ x∨y  x.
Similarly x ∨ y  y, proving (2).
For (2)⇒(1), see [31, Prop. 3.3.2]. 

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 3. Three nongeometric lattices

Definition 3.9. A finite lattice L satisfying condition (1) or (2) above is called
(upper) semimodular. A finite lattice L is atomic if every x ∈ L is a join of atoms
(where we regard 0̂ as an empty join of atoms). Equivalently, if x ∈ L is join-
irreducible (i.e., covers a unique element), then x is an atom. Finally, a finite
lattice is geometric if it is both semimodular and atomic.
To illustrate these definitions, Figure 3(a) shows an atomic lattice that is not
semimodular, (b) shows a semimodular lattice that is not atomic, and (c) shows a
graded lattice that is neither semimodular nor atomic.
We are now ready to characterize the lattice of flats of a matroid.
Theorem 3.8. Let L be a finite lattice. The following two conditions are equivalent.
(1) L is a geometric lattice.
(2) L ∼
= L(M ) for some (simple) matroid M .
Proof. Assume
L is geometric, and let A be the set of atoms of L. If T ⊆ A
then write T = x∈T x, the join of all elements of T . Let
I = {I ⊆ A : rk(∨I) = #I}.

Note any S ⊆ A and x ∈ A that rk(( S)∨x) ≤
that by semimodularity, we have for
rk( S) + 1. (Hence in particular, rk( S) ≤ #S.) It follows that I is a simplicial
complex. Let S ⊆ A, and let T, T  be maximal elements of 2S ∩ I. We need to show
that #T = #T  .
Assume #T < #T  , say. If y ∈ S then y ≤ T  , else T  = T  ∪ y satisfies
rk( T  ) = #T  , contradicting
 the maximality of T  . Since #T < #T  and T ⊆ S,
it follows that T < T [why?]. Since L is atomic, there exists y ∈ S such that
y ∈ S but y ≤ T . But then rk( (T ∪ y)) = 1 + #T , contradicting the maximality
of T . Hence M = (A, I) is a matroid, and L ∼ = L(M ).
Conversely, given a matroid M , which we may assume is simple, we need to
show that L(M ) is a geometric lattice. Clearly L(M ) is atomic, since every flat is
the join of its elements. Let S, T ⊆ M . We will show that
(24) rk(S) + rk(T ) ≥ rk(S ∩ T ) + rk(S ∪ T ).

Note that if S and T are flats (i.e., S, T ∈ L(M )) then S ∩ T = S ∧ T and

rk(S ∪ T ) = rk(S ∨ T ). Hence taking S and T to be flats in (24) shows that L(M )
is semimodular and thus geometric. Suppose (24) is false, so
rk(S ∪ T ) > rk(S) + rk(T ) − rk(S ∩ T ).
Let B be a basis for S ∪T extending a basis for S ∪T . Then either #(B ∩S) > rk(S)
or #(B ∩ T ) > rk(T ), a contradiction completing the proof. 
Note that by Proposition 3.6 and Theorem 3.8, any results we prove about geo-
metric lattices hold a fortiori for the intersection lattice LA of a central arrangement
Note. If L is geometric and x ≤ y in L, then it is easy to show using semi-
modularity that the interval [x, y] is also a geometric lattice. (See Exercise 3.) In
general, however, an interval of an atomic lattice need not be atomic.
For noncentral arrangements L(A) is not a lattice, but there is still a connection
with geometric lattices. For a stronger statement, see Exercise 4.
Proposition 3.8. Let A be an arrangement. Then every interval [x, y] of L(A) is
a geometric lattice.
Proof. By Exercise 3, it suffices to take x = 0̂. Now [0̂, y] ∼
= L(Ay ), where Ay is
given by (6). Since Ay is a central arrangement, the proof follows from Proposi-
tion 3.6. 
The proof of our next result about geometric lattices will use a fundamental
formula concerning Möbius functions known as Weisner’s theorem. For a proof, see
[31, Cor. 3.9.3] (where it is stated in dual form).
Theorem 3.9. Let L be a finite lattice with at least two elements and with Möbius
function μ. Let 0̂ = a ∈ L. Then

(25) μ(x) = 0.
x : x∨a=1̂

Note that Theorem 3.9 gives a “shortening” of the recurrence (2) defining μ.
Normally we take a to be an atom, since that produces fewer terms in (25) than
choosing any b > a. As an example, let L = Bn , the boolean algebra of all subsets
of [n], and let a = {n}. There are two elements x ∈ Bn such that x ∨ a = 1̂ = [n],
viz., x1 = [n − 1] and x2 = [n]. Hence μ(x1 ) + μ(x2 ) = 0. Since [0̂, x1 ] = Bn−1 and
[0̂, x2 ] = Bn , we easily obtain μBn (1̂) = (−1)n , agreeing with (4).
If x ≤ y in a graded lattice L, write rk(x, y) = rk(y) − rk(x), the length of
every saturated chain from x to y. The next result may be stated as “the Möbius
function of a geometric lattice strictly alternates in sign.”
Theorem 3.10. Let L be a finite geometric lattice with Möbius function μ, and let
x ≤ y in L. Then
(−1)rk(x,y) μ(x, y) > 0.
Proof. Since every interval of a geometric lattice is a geometric lattice (Exercise 3),
it suffices to prove the theorem for [x, y] = [0̂, 1̂]. The proof is by induction on the
rank of L. It is clear if rk(L) = 1, in which case μ(0̂, 1̂) = −1. Assume the result
for geometric lattices of rank < n, and let rk(L) = n. Let a be an atom of L in
Theorem 3.9. For any y ∈ L we have by semimodularity that
rk(y ∧ a) + rk(y ∨ a) ≤ rk(y) + rk(a) = rk(y) + 1.

Hence x ∨ a = 1̂ if and only if x = 1̂ or x is a coatom (i.e., x  1̂) satisfying a ≤ x.

From Theorem 3.9 there follows

μ(0̂, 1̂) = − μ(0̂, x).

The sum on the right is nonempty since L is atomic, and by induction every x
indexing the sum satisfies (−1)n−1 μ(0̂, x) > 0. Hence (−1)n μ(0̂, 1̂) > 0. 
Combining Proposition 3.8 and Theorem 3.10 yields the following result.
Corollary 3.4. Let A be any arrangement and x ≤ y in L(A). Then
(−1)rk(x,y) μ(x, y) > 0,
where μ denotes the Möbius function of L(A).
Similarly, combining Theorem 3.10 with the definition (22) of χM (t) gives the
next corollary.
Corollary 3.5. Let M be a matroid of rank n. Then the characteristic polynomial
χM (t) strictly alternates in sign, i.e., if
χM (t) = an tn + an−1 tn−1 + · · · + a0 ,
then (−1)n−i ai > 0 for 0 ≤ i ≤ n.
Let A be an n-dimensional arrangement of rank r. If MA is the matroid
corresponding to A, as defined in Proposition 3.6, then
(26) χA (t) = tn−r χM (t).
It follows from Corollary 3.5 and equation (26) that we can write
χA (t) = bn tn + bn−1 tn−1 + · · · + bn−r tn−r ,
where (−1)n−i bi > 0 for n − r ≤ i ≤ n.

(1) (a) [1+] Let χG (t) be the characteristic polynomial of the graphical arrange-
ment AG . Suppose that χG (i) = 0, where i ∈ Z, i > 1. Show that
χG (i − 1) = 0.
(b) [2] Is the same conclusion true for any central arrangement A?
(2) [2] Show that if F and F  are flats of a matroid M , then so is F ∩ F  .
(3) [2] Prove the assertion in the Note following the proof of Theorem 3.8 that an
interval [x, y] of a geometric lattice L is also a geometric lattice.
(4) [2–] Let A be an arrangement (not necessarily central), and let cA denote the
cone over A. Show that there exists an atom a of L(cA) such that L(A) ∼ =
L(cA) − Va , where Va = {x ∈ L : x ≥ a}.
(5) [2–] Let L be a geometric lattice of rank n, and define the truncation T (L) to
be the subposet of L consisting of all elements of rank = n − 1. Show that T (L)
is a geometric lattice.
(6) Let Wi be the number of elements of rank i in a geometric lattice (or just in the
intersection poset of a central hyperplane arrangement, if you prefer) of rank n.
(a) [3] Show that for k ≤ n/2,
W1 + W2 + · · · + Wk ≤ Wn−k + Wn−k+1 + · · · + Wn−1 .
(b) [2–] Deduce from (a) and Exercise 5 that W1 ≤ Wk for all 1 ≤ k ≤ n − 1.

(c) [5] Show that Wi ≤ Wn−i for i < n/2 and that the sequence W0 , W1 , . . . , Wn
is unimodal. (Compare Lecture 2, Exercise 9.)
(7) [3–] Let x ≤ y in a geometric lattice L. Show that μ(x, y) = ±1 if and only if
the interval [x, y] is isomorphic to a boolean algebra. (Use Weisner’s theorem.)
Note. This problem becomes much easier using Theorem 4.12 (the Broken
Circuit Theorem); see Exercise 4.13.
Broken Circuits, Modular Elements, and Supersolvability

This lecture is concerned primarily with matroids and geometric lattices. Since
the intersection lattice of a central arrangement is a geometric lattice, all our results
can be applied to arrangements.

4.1. Broken Circuits

For any geometric lattice L and x ≤ y in L, we have seen (Theorem 3.10) that
(−1)rk(x,y) μ(x, y) is a positive integer. It is thus natural to ask whether this integer
has a direct combinatorial interpretation. To this end, let M be a matroid on the
set S = {u1 , . . . , um }. Linearly order the elements of S, say u1 < u2 < · · · < um .
Recall that a circuit of M is a minimal dependent subset of S.
Definition 4.10. A broken circuit of M (with respect to the linear ordering O of
S) is a set C − {u}, where C is a circuit and u is the largest element of C (in the
ordering O). The broken circuit complex BCO (M ) (or just BC(M ) if no confusion
will arise) is defined by
BC(M ) = {T ⊆ S : T contains no broken circuit}.
Figure 1 shows two linear orderings O and O of the points of the affine matroid
M of Figure 1 (where the ordering of the points is 1 < 2 < 3 < 4 < 5). With respect
to the first ordering O the circuits are 123, 345, 1245, and the broken circuits are
12, 34, 124. With respect to the second ordering O the circuits are 123, 145, 2345,
and the broken circuits are 12, 14, 234.
It is clear that the broken circuit complex BC(M ) is an abstract simplicial
complex, i.e., if T ∈ BC(M ) and U ⊆ T , then U ∈ BC(M ). In Figure 1 we

1 5 3 5

2 4 2 4

3 1

Figure 1. Two linear orderings of the matroid M of Figure 1


have BCO (M ) = 135, 145, 235, 245, while BCO (M ) = 135, 235, 245, 345. These
simplicial complexes have geometric realizations as follows:
1 3

5 5

4 2 4 3

Note that the two simplicial complexes BCO (M ) and BCO (M ) are not iso-
morphic (as abstract simplicial complexes); in fact, their geometric realizations are
not even homeomorphic. On the other hand, if fi (Δ) denotes the number of i-
dimensional faces (or faces of cardinality i − 1) of the abstract simplicial complex
Δ, then for Δ given by either BCO (M ) or BCO (M ) we have
f−1 (Δ) = 1, f0 (Δ) = 5, f1 (Δ) = 8, f2 (Δ) = 4.
Note, moreover, that
χM (t) = t3 − 5t2 + 8t − 4.
In order to generalize this observation to arbitrary matroids, we need to introduce
a fair amount of machinery, much of it of interest for its own sake. First we give
a fundamental formula, known as Philip Hall’s theorem, for the Möbius function
value μ(0̂, 1̂).
Lemma 4.4. Let P be a finite poset with 0̂ and 1̂, and with Möbius function μ.
Let ci denote the number of chains 0̂ = y0 < y1 < · · · < yi = 1̂ in P . Then
μ(0̂, 1̂) = −c1 + c2 − c3 + · · · .
Proof. We work in the incidence algebra I(P ). We have
μ(0̂, 1̂) = ζ −1 (0̂, 1̂)
= (δ + (ζ − δ))−1 (0̂, 1̂)
= δ(0̂, 1̂) − (ζ − δ)(0̂, 1̂) + (ζ − δ)2 (0̂, 1̂) − · · · .
This expansion is easily justified since (ζ −δ)k (0̂, 1̂) = 0 if the longest chain of P has
length less than k. By definition of the product in I(P ) we have (ζ − δ)i (0̂, 1̂) = ci ,
and the proof follows. 
Note. Let P be a finite poset with 0̂ and 1̂, and let P  = P − {0̂, 1̂}. Define
Δ(P  ) to be the set of chains of P  , so Δ(P  ) is an abstract simplicial complex. The
reduced Euler characteristic of a simplicial complex Δ is defined by
χ̃(P ) = −f−1 + f0 − f1 + · · · ,
where fi is the number of i-dimensional faces F ∈ Δ (or #F = i + 1). Comparing
with Lemma 4.4 shows that
μ(0̂, 1̂) = χ̃(Δ(P  )).
Readers familiar with topology will know that χ̃(Δ) has important topological sig-
nificance related to the homology of Δ. It is thus natural to ask whether results

concerning Möbius functions can be generalized or refined topologically. Such re-

sults are part of the subject of “topological combinatorics,” about which we will
say a little more later.
Now let P be a finite graded poset with 0̂ and 1̂. Let
E(P ) = {(x, y) : x  y in P },
the set of (directed) edges of the Hasse diagram of P .
Definition 4.11. An E-labeling of P is a map λ : E(P ) → P such that if x < y in
P then there exists a unique saturated chain
C : x = x0  x1  x1  · · ·  xk = y
λ(x0 , x1 ) ≤ λ(x1 , x2 ) ≤ · · · ≤ λ(xk−1 , xk ).
We call C the increasing chain from x to y.
Figure 2 shows three examples of posets P with a labeling of their edges, i.e.
a map λ : E(P ) → P. Figure 2(a) is the boolean algebra B3 with the labeling
λ(S, S ∪ {i}) = i. (The one-element subsets {i} are also labelled with a small
i.) For any boolean algebra Bn , this labeling is the archetypal example of an E-
labeling. The unique increasing chain from S to T is obtained by adjoining to S
the elements of T − S one at a time in increasing order. Figures 2(b) and (c) show
two different E-labelings of the same poset P . These labelings have a number of
different properties, e.g., the first has a chain whose edge labels are not all different,
while every maximal chain label of Figure 2(c) is a permutation of {1, 2}.

3 2 1
1 1 2 1
1 1
2 1 3 1 2
1 2 3 2 2
1 3 1 2
1 2 3

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 2. Three examples of edge-labelings

Theorem 4.11. Let λ be an E-labeling of P , and let x ≤ y in P . Let μ denote

the Möbius function of P . Then (−1)rk(x,y) μ(x, y) is equal to the number of strictly
decreasing saturated chains from x to y, i.e.,
(−1)rk(x,y) μ(x, y) =

#{x = x0  x1  · · ·  xk = y : λ(x0 , x1 ) > λ(x1 , x2 ) > · · · > λ(xk−1 , xk )}.


Proof. Since λ restricted to [x, y] (i.e., to E([x, y])) is an E-labeling, we can assume
[x, y] = [0̂, 1̂] = P . Let S = {a1 , a2 , . . . , aj−1 } ⊆ [n − 1], with a1 < a2 < · · · < aj−1 .
Define αP (S) to be the number of chains 0̂ < y1 < · · · < yj−1 < 1̂ in P such that
rk(yi ) = ai for 1 ≤ i ≤ j − 1. The function αP is called the flag f -vector of P .
Claim. αP (S) is the number of maximal chains 0̂ = x0  x1  · · ·  xn = 1̂ such
(27) λ(xi−1 , xi ) > λ(xi , xi+1 ) ⇒ i ∈ S, 1 ≤ i ≤ n.
To prove the claim, let 0̂ = y0 < y1 < · · · < yj−1 < yj = 1̂ with rk(yi ) = ai for
1 ≤ i ≤ j − 1. By the definition of E-labeling, there exists a unique refinement
0̂ = y0 = x0  x1  · · ·  xa1 = y1  xa1 +1  · · ·  xa2 = y2  · · ·  xn = yj = 1̂
λ(x0 , x1 ) ≤ λ(x1 , x2 ) ≤ · · · ≤ λ(xa1 −1 , xa1 )
λ(xa1 , xa1 +1 ) ≤ λ(xa1 +1 , xa1 +2 ) ≤ · · · ≤ λ(xa2 −1 , xa2 )
Thus if λ(xi−1 , xi ) > λ(xi , xi+1 ), then i ∈ S, so (27) is satisfied. Conversely, given
a maximal chain 0̂ = x0  x1  · · ·  xn = 1̂ satisfying the above conditions on λ,
let yi = xai . Therefore we have a bijection between the chains counted by αP (S)
and the maximal chains satisfying (27), so the claim follows.
Now for S ⊆ [n − 1] define

(28) βP (S) = (−1)#(S−T ) αP (T ).
T ⊆S

The function βP is called the flag h-vector of P . A simple Inclusion-Exclusion

argument gives

(29) αP (S) = βP (T ),
T ⊆S

for all S ⊆ [n−1]. It follows from the claim and equation (29) that βP (T ) is equal to
the number of maximal chains 0̂ = x0  x1  · · ·  xn = 1̂ such that λ(xi ) > λ(xi+1 )
if and only if i ∈ T . In particular, βP ([n − 1]) is equal to the number of strictly
decreasing maximal chains 0̂ = x0  x1  · · ·  xn = 1̂ of P , i.e.,
λ(x0 , x1 ) > λ(x1 , x2 ) > · · · > λ(xn−1 , xn ).
Now by (28) we have

βP ([n − 1]) = (−1)n−1−#T αP (T )
T ⊆[n−1]
= (−1)n−k
k≥1 0̂=y0 <y1 <···<yk =1̂

= (−1)n (−1)k ck ,

where ci is the number of chains 0̂ = y0 < y1 < · · · < yi = 1̂ in P . The proof now
follows from Philip Hall’s theorem (Lemma 4.4). 
We come to the main result of this section, a combinatorial interpretation of
the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial χM (t) for any matroid M .

Theorem 4.12. Let M be a matroid of rank n with a linear ordering x1 < x2 <
· · · < xm of its points (so the broken circuit complex BC(M ) is defined), and let
0 ≤ i ≤ n. Then
(−1)i [tn−i ]χM (t) = fi−1 (BC(M )).
Proof. We may assume M is simple since the “simplification” M  has the same
lattice of flats and same broken circuit complex as M (Exercise 1). The atoms xi of
L(M ) can then be identified with the points of M . Define a labeling λ̃ : E(L(M )) →
P as follows. Let x  y in L(M ). Then set
(30) λ̃(x, y) = max{i : x ∨ xi = y}.
Note that λ̃(x, y) is defined since L(M ) is atomic.
As an example, Figure 3 shows the lattice of flats of the matroid M of Figure 1
with the edge labeling (30).

5 5 4 5 4 2

4 1 5 1 42 5 2
3 55 4
3 2
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5

Figure 3. The edge labeling λ̃ of a geometric lattice L(M )

Claim 1. Define λ : E(L(M )) → P by

λ(x, y) = m + 1 − λ̃(x, y).
Then λ is an E-labeling.
To prove this claim, we need to show that for all x < y in L(M ) there is a
unique saturated chain x = y0  y1  · · ·  yk = y satisfying
λ̃(y0 , y1 ) ≥ λ̃(y1 , y2 ) ≥ · · · ≥ λ̃(yk−1 , yk ).
The proof is by induction on k. There is nothing to prove for k = 1. Let k > 1 and
assume the assertion for k − 1. Let
j = max{i : xi ≤ y, xi ≤ x}.
For any saturated chain x = z0  z1  · · ·  zk = y, there is some i for which
xj ≤ zi and xj ≤ zi+1 . Hence λ̃(zi , zi+1 ) = j. Thus if λ̃(z0 , z1 ) ≥ · · · ≥ λ̃(zk−1 , zk ),
then λ̃(z0 , z1 ) = j. Moreover, there is a unique y1 satisfying x = x0  y1 ≤ y and
λ̃(x0 , y1 ) = j, viz., y1 = x0 ∨ xj . (Note that y1  x0 by semimodularity.)

By the induction hypothesis there exists a unique saturated chain y1  y2 

· · · yk = y satisfying λ̃(y1 , y2 ) ≥ · · · ≥ λ̃(yk−1 , yk ). Since λ̃(y0 , y1 ) = j > λ̃(y1 , y2 ),
the proof of Claim 1 follows by induction.
Claim 2. The broken circuit complex BC(M ) consists of all chain labels λ(C),
where C is a saturated increasing chain (with respect to λ̃) from 0̂ to some x ∈
L(M ). Moreover, all such λ(C) are distinct.
To prove the distinctness of the labels λ(C), suppose that C is given by 0̂ =
y0  y1  · · ·  yk , with λ̃(C) = (a1 , a2 , . . . , ak ). Then yi = yi−1 ∨ xai , so C is the
only chain with its label.
Now let C and λ̃(C) be as in the previous paragraph. We claim that the
set {xa1 , . . . , xak } contains no broken circuit. (We don’t even require that C is
increasing for this part of the proof.) Write zi = xai , and suppose to the contrary
that B = {zi1 , . . . , zij } is a broken circuit, with 1 ≤ i1 < · · · < ij ≤ k. Let B ∪ {xr }
be a circuit with r > ait for 1 ≤ t ≤ j. Now for any circuit {u1 , . . . , uh } and any
1 ≤ i ≤ h we have
u1 ∨ u2 ∨ · · · ∨ uh = u1 ∨ · · · ∨ ui−1 ∨ ui+1 ∨ · · · ∨ uh .
zi1 ∨ zi2 ∨ · · · ∨ zij−1 ∨ xr = z = zi1 ∨ zi2 ∨ · · · ∨ zij .
Then yij −1 ∨ xr = yij , contradicting the maximality of the label aij . Hence
{xa1 , . . . , xak } ∈ BC(M ).
Conversely, suppose that T := {xa1 , . . . , xak } contains no broken circuit, with
a1 < · · · < ak . Let yi = xa1 ∨ · · · ∨ xai , and let C be the chain 0̂ := y0  y1  · · · yk .
(Note that C is saturated by semimodularity.) We claim that λ̃(C) = (a1 , . . . , ak ).
If not, then yi−1 ∨ xj = yi for some j > ai . Thus
rk(T ) = rk(T ∪ {xj }) = i.
Since T is independent, T ∪ {xj } contains a circuit Q satisfying xj ∈ Q, so T
contains a broken circuit. This contradiction completes the proof of Claim 2.
To complete the proof of the theorem, note that we have shown that
fi−1 (BC(M )) is the number of chains C : 0̂ = y0  y1  · · ·  yi such that λ̃(C)
is strictly increasing, or equivalently, λ(C) is strictly decreasing. Since λ is an
E-labeling, the proof follows from Theorem 4.11. 
Corollary 4.6. The broken circuit complex BC(M ) is pure, i.e., every maximal
face has the same dimension.
The proof is left as an exercise (Exercise 21).
Note (for readers with some knowledge of topology). (a) Let M be a matroid
on the linearly ordered set u1 < u2 < · · · < um . Note that F ∈ BC(M ) if and only
if F ∪ {um } ∈ BC(M ). Define the reduced broken circuit complex BCr (M ) by
BCr (M ) = {F ∈ BC(M ) : um ∈ F }.
BC(M ) = BCr (M ) ∗ um ,
the join of BCr (M ) and the vertex um . Equivalently, BC(M ) is a cone over BCr (M )
with apex um . As a consequence, BC(M ) is contractible and therefore has the ho-
motopy type of a point. A more interesting problem is to determine the topological
nature of BCr (M ). It can be shown that BCr (M ) has the homotopy type of a wedge

of β(M ) spheres of dimension rank(M ) − 2, where (−1)rank(M)−1 β(M ) = χM (1)

(the derivative of χM (t) at t = 1). See Exercise 22 for more information on β(M ).
As an example of the applicability of our results on matroids and geometric
lattices to arrangements, we have the following purely combinatorial description of
the number of regions of a real central arrangement.
Corollary 4.7. Let A be a central arrangement in Rn , and let M be the matroid
defined by the normals to H ∈ A, i.e., the independent sets of M are the linearly
independent normals. Then with respect to any linear ordering of the points of M ,
r(A) is the total number of subsets of M that don’t contain a broken circuit.
Proof. Immediate from Theorems 2.5 and 4.12. 

4.2. Modular Elements

We next discuss a situation in which the characteristic polynomial χM (t) factors in
a nice way.
Definition 4.12. An element x of a geometric lattice L is modular if for all y ∈ L
we have
(31) rk(x) + rk(y) = rk(x ∧ y) + rk(x ∨ y).
Example 4.9. Let L be a geometric lattice.
(a) 0̂ and 1̂ are clearly modular (in any finite lattice).
(b) We claim that atoms a are modular.
Proof. Suppose that a ≤ y. Then a ∧ y = a and a ∨ y = y, so equation
(31) holds. (We don’t need that a is an atom for this case.) Now suppose
a ≤ y. By semimodularity, rk(a ∨ y) = 1 + rk(y), while rk(a) = 1 and
rk(a ∧ y) = rk(0̂) = 0, so again (31) holds. 
(c) Suppose that rk(L) = 3. All elements of rank 0, 1, or 3 are modular by
(a) and (b). Suppose that rk(x) = 2. Then x is modular if and only if for
all elements y = x and rk(y) = 2, we have that rk(x ∧ y) = 1.
(d) Let L = Bn . If x ∈ Bn then rk(x) = #x. Moreover, for any x, y ∈ Bn we
have x ∧ y = x ∩ y and x ∨ y = x ∪ y. Since for any finite sets x and y we
#x + #y = #(x ∩ y) + #(x ∪ y),
it follows that every element of Bn is modular. In other words, Bn is a
modular lattice.
(e) Let q be a prime power and Fq the finite field with q elements. Define
Bn (q) to be the lattice of subspaces, ordered by inclusion, of the vector
space Fnq . Note that Bn (q) is also isomorphic to the intersection lattice
of the arrangement of all linear hyperplanes in the vector space Fn (q).
Figure 4 shows the Hasse diagrams of B2 (3) and B3 (2).
Note that for x, y ∈ Bn (q) we have x ∧ y = x ∩ y and x ∨ y = x + y
(subspace sum). Clearly Bn (q) is atomic: every vector space is the join
(sum) of its one-dimensional subspaces. Moreover, Bn (q) is graded of rank
n, with rank function given by rk(x) = dim(x). Since for any subspaces
x and y we have
dim(x) + dim(y) = dim(x ∩ y) + dim(x + y),

010 110 001 101 011

100 111


Figure 4. The lattices B2 (3) and B3 (2)

it follows that L is a modular geometric lattice. Thus every x ∈ L is

Note. A projective plane R consists of a set (also denoted R) of
points, and a collection of subsets of R, called lines, such that: (a) every
two points lie on a unique line, (b) every two lines intersect in exactly one
point, and (c) (non-degeneracy) there exist four points, no three of which
are on a line. The incidence lattice L(R) of R is the set of all points
and lines of R, ordered by p < L if p ∈ L, with 0̂ and 1̂ adjoined. It
is an immediate consequence of the axioms that when R is finite, L(R)
is a modular geometric lattice of rank 3. It is an open (and probably
intractable) problem to classify all finite projective planes. Now let P and
Q be posets and define their direct product (or cartesian product ) to be
the set
P × Q = {(x, y) : x ∈ P, y ∈ Q},
ordered componentwise, i.e., (x, y) ≤ (x , y  ) if x ≤ x and y ≤ y  . It is easy
to see that if P and Q are geometric (respectively, atomic, semimodular,
modular) lattices, then so is P × Q (Exercise 7). It is a consequence of the
“fundamental theorem of projective geometry” that every finite modular
geometric lattice is a direct product of boolean algebras Bn , subspace
lattices Bn (q) for n ≥ 3, lattices of rank 2 with at least five elements
(which may be regarded as B2 (q) for any q ≥ 2) and incidence lattices of
finite projective planes.
(f) The following result characterizes the modular elements of Πn , which is the
lattice of partitions of [n] or the intersection lattice of the braid arrange-
ment Bn .
Proposition 4.9. A partition π ∈ Πn is a modular element of Πn if
and only if π has at most one nonsingleton block. Hence the number of
modular elements of Πn is 2n − n.
Proof. If all blocks of π are singletons, then π = 0̂, which is modular by
(a). Assume that π has the block A with r > 1 elements, and all other
blocks are singletons. Hence the number |π| of blocks of π is given by
n − r + 1. For any σ ∈ Πn , we have rk(σ) = n − |σ|. Let k = |σ| and
j = #{B ∈ σ : A ∩ B = ∅}.

Then |π ∧ σ| = j + (n − r) and |π ∨ σ| = k − j + 1. Hence rk(π) = r − 1,

rk(σ) = n − k, rk(π ∧ σ) = r − j, and rk(π ∨ σ) = n − k + j − 1, so π is
Conversely, let π = {B1 , B2 , . . . , Bk } with #B1 > 1 and #B2 > 1.
Let a ∈ B1 and b ∈ B2 , and set
σ = {(B1 ∪ b) − a, (B2 ∪ a) − b, B3 , . . . , Bk }.
|π| = |σ| = k
π∧σ = {a, b, B1 − a, B2 − b, . . . , B3 , . . . , Bk } ⇒ |π ∧ σ| = k + 2
π ∨ σ = {B1 ∪ B2 , B3 , . . . , Bl } ⇒ |π ∨ σ| = k − 1.
Hence rk(π) + rk(σ) = rk(π ∧ σ) + rk(π ∨ σ), so π is not modular. 
In a finite lattice L, a complement of x ∈ L is an element y ∈ L such that
x ∧ y = 0̂ and x ∨ y = 1̂. For instance, in the boolean algebra Bn every element has
a unique complement. (See Exercise 3 for the converse.) The following proposition
collects some useful properties of modular elements. The proof is left as an exercise
(Exercises 4–5).
Proposition 4.10. Let L be a geometric lattice of rank n.
(a) Let x ∈ L. The following four conditions are equivalent.
(i) x is a modular element of L.
(ii) If x ∧ y = 0̂, then rk(x) + rk(y) = rk(x ∨ y).
(iii) If x and y are complements, then rk(x) + rk(y) = n.
(iv) All complements of x are incomparable.
(b) (transitivity of modularity) If x is a modular element of L and y is modular
in the interval [0̂, x], then y is a modular element of L.
(c) If x and y are modular elements of L, then x ∧ y is also modular.
The next result, known as the modular element factorization theorem [28], is
our primary reason for defining modular elements — such an element induces a
factorization of the characteristic polynomial.
Theorem 4.13. Let z be a modular element of the geometric lattice L of rank n.
Write χz (t) = χ[0̂,z] (t). Then
⎡ ⎤

(32) χL (t) = χz (t) ⎣ μL (y)tn−rk(y)−rk(z) ⎦ .
y : y∧z=0̂

Example 4.10. Before proceeding to the proof of Theorem 4.13, let us consider
an example. The illustration below is the affine diagram of a matroid M of rank
3, together with its lattice of flats. The two lines (flats of rank 2) labelled x and y
are modular by Example 4.9(c).

y x y

Hence by equation (32) χM (t) is divisible by χx (t). Moreover, any atom a of

the interval [0̂, x] is modular, so χx (t) is divisible by χa (t) = t − 1. From this it
is immediate (e.g., because the characteristic polynomial χG (t) of any geometric
lattice G of rank n begins xn −axn−1 +· · · , where a is the number of atoms of G) that
χx (t) = (t − 1)(t − 5) and χM (t) = (t − 1)(t − 3)(t − 5). On the other hand, since y is
modular, χM (t) is divisible by χy (t), and we get as before χy (t) = (t − 1)(t − 3) and
χM (t) = (t − 1)(t − 3)(t − 5). Geometric lattices whose characteristic polynomial
factors into linear factors in a similar way due to a maximal chain of modular
elements are discussed further beginning with Definition 4.13.

Our proof of Theorem 4.13 will depend on the following lemma of Greene [19].
We give a somewhat simpler proof than Greene.

Lemma 4.5. Let L be a finite lattice with Möbius function μ, and let z ∈ L. The
following identity is valid in the Möbius algebra A(L) of L:
⎛ ⎞⎛ ⎞
(33) σ0̂ := μ(x)x = ⎝ μ(v)v ⎠ ⎝ μ(y)y ⎠ .
x∈L v≤z y∧z=0̂

Proof. Let σs for s ∈ L be given by (8). The right-hand side of equation (33) is
then given by
μ(v)μ(y)(v ∨ y) = μ(v)μ(y) σs
v≤z v≤z s≥v∨y
y∧z=0̂ y∧z=0̂
= σs μ(v)μ(y)
s v≤s,v≤z
⎛ ⎞
⎛ ⎞
⎜ ⎟
 ⎜ ⎜ 
⎟ ⎟
= σs ⎜ μ(v)⎟ ⎜ μ(y)⎟
⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠
s ⎝v≤s∧z ⎠ y≤s
⎛ ⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟
 ⎜  ⎟
= ⎜
σs ⎜ μ(y)⎟

⎜ ⎟
s∧z=0̂ ⎜ y≤s ⎟
⎝y∧z=0̂ (redundant) ⎠
= σ0̂ .

Proof of Theorem 4.13. We are assuming that z is a modular element of
the geometric lattice L.
Claim 1. Let v ≤ z and y ∧ z = 0̂ (so v ∧ y = 0̂). Then z ∧ (v ∨ y) = v (as
illustrated below).

zv y

z vvy

v y

Proof of Claim 1. Clearly z ∧ (v ∨ y) ≥ v, so it suffices to show that rk(z ∧ (v ∨

y)) ≤ rk(v). Since z is modular we have
rk(z ∧ (v ∨ y)) = rk(z) + rk(v ∨ y) − rk(z ∨ y)
= rk(z) + rk(v ∨ y) − (rk(z) + rk(y) − rk(z ∧ y))
= rk(v ∨ y) − rk(y)
≤ (rk(v) + rk(y) − rk(v ∧ y)) − rk(y) by semimodularity
= rk(v),
proving Claim 1.
Claim 2. With v and y as above, we have rk(v ∨ y) = rk(v) + rk(y).
Proof of Claim 2. By the modularity of z we have
rk(z ∧ (v ∨ y)) + rk(z ∨ (v ∨ y)) = rk(z) + rk(v ∨ y).
By Claim 1 we have rk(z ∧ (v ∨ y)) = rk(v). Moreover, again by the modularity of
z we have
rk(z ∨ (v ∨ y)) = rk(z ∨ y) = rk(z) + rk(y) − rk(z ∧ y) = rk(z) + rk(y).
It follows that rk(v) + rk(y) = rk(v ∨ y), as claimed.
Now substitute μ(v)v → μ(v)trk(z)−rk(v) and μ(y)y → μ(y)tn−rk(y)−rk(z) in the
right-hand side of equation (33). Then by Claim 2 we have

vy → tn−rk(v)−rk(y) = tn−rk(v∨y) .
Now v ∨ y is just vy in the Möbius algebra A(L). Hence if we further substi-
tute μ(x)x → μ(x)tn−rk(x) in the left-hand side of (33), then the product will be
preserved. We thus obtain
⎛ ⎞
⎜ ⎟⎛ ⎞
 ⎜ ⎟ 
⎜ ⎟
μ(x)tn−rk(x) =⎜ μ(v)trk(z)−rk(v) ⎟ ⎝ μ(y)tn−rk(y)−rk(z) ⎠ ,
⎜ ⎟
  ⎝v≤z ⎠ y∧z=0̂
χL (t) χz (t)

as desired. 

Corollary 4.8. Let L be a geometric lattice of rank n and a an atom of L. Then

χL (t) = (t − 1) μ(y)tn−1−rk(y) .

Proof. The atom a is modular (Example 4.9(b)), and χa (t) = t − 1. 

Corollary 4.8 provides a nice context for understanding the operation of coning
defined in Chapter 1, in particular, Exercise 2.1. Recall that if A is an affine
arrangement in K n given by the equations
L1 (x) = a1 , . . . , Lm (x) = am ,
then the cone xA is the arrangement in K n ×K (where y denotes the last coordinate)
with equations
L1 (x) = a1 y, . . . , Lm (x) = am y, y = 0.
Let H0 denote the hyperplane y = 0. It is easy to see by elementary linear algebra
L(A) ∼ = L(cA) − {x ∈ L(A) : x ≥ H0 } = L(A) − L(AH0 ).
Now H0 is a modular element of L(A) (since it’s an atom), so Corollary 4.8 yields

χcA (t) = (t − 1) μ(y)t(n+1)−1−rk(y)
= (t − 1)χA (t).
There is a left inverse to the operation of coning. Let A be a nonempty linear
arrangement in K n+1 . Let H0 ∈ A. Choose coordinates (x0 , x1 , . . . , xn ) in K n+1
so that H0 = ker(x0 ). Let A be defined by the equations
x0 = 0, L1 (x0 , . . . , xn ) = 0, . . . , Lm (x0 , . . . , xn ) = 0.
Define the deconing c−1 A (with respect to H0 ) in K n by the equations
L1 (1, x1 , . . . , xn ) = 0, . . . Lm (1, x1 , . . . , xn ) = 0.
Clearly c(c −1
A) = A and L(c−1 A) ∼ = L(A) − {x ∈ L(A) : x ≥ H0 }.

4.3. Supersolvable Lattices

For some geometric lattices L, there are “enough” modular elements to give a
factorization of χL (t) into linear factors.
Definition 4.13. A geometric lattice L is supersolvable if there exists a modular
maximal chain, i.e., a maximal chain 0̂ = x0  x1  · · ·  xn = 1̂ such that each xi
is modular. A central arrangement A is supersolvable if its intersection lattice LA
is supersolvable.
Note. Let 0̂ = x0  x1  · · ·  xn = 1̂ be a modular maximal chain of the
geometric lattice L. Clearly then each xi−1 is a modular element of the interval
[0̂, xi ]. The converse follows from Proposition 4.10(b): if 0̂ = x0  x1  · · ·  xn = 1̂
is a maximal chain for which each xi−1 is modular in [0̂, xi ], then each xi is modular
in L.
Note. The term “supersolvable” comes from group theory. A finite group Γ
is supersolvable if and only if its subgroup lattice contains a maximal chain all of
whose elements are normal subgroups of Γ. Normal subgroups are “nice” analogues
of modular elements; see [29, Example 2.5] for further details.

Corollary 4.9. Let L be a supersolvable geometric lattice of rank n, with modular

maximal chain 0̂ = x0  x1  · · ·  xn = 1̂. Let T denote the set of atoms of L, and
(34) ei = #{a ∈ T : a ≤ xi , a ≤ xi−1 }.
Then χL (t) = (t − e1 )(t − e2 ) · · · (t − en ).
Proof. Since xn−1 is modular, we have
y ∧ xn−1 = 0̂ ⇔ y ∈ T and y ≤ xn−1 , or y = 0̂.
By Theorem 4.13 we therefore have
⎡ ⎤
⎢  ⎥
χL (t) = χxn−1 (t) ⎢
⎣ μ(a)tn−rk(a)−rk(xn−1 ) + μ(0̂)tn−rk(0̂)−rk(xn−1 ) ⎥

Since μ(a) = −1, μ(0̂) = 1, rk(a) = 1, rk(0̂) = 0, and rk(xn−1 ) = n − 1, the

expression in brackets is just t − en . Now continue this with L replaced by [0̂, xn−1 ]
(or use induction on n). 
Note. The positive integers e1 , . . . , en of Corollary 4.9 are called the exponents
of L.
Example 4.11. (a) Let L = Bn , the boolean algebra of rank n. By Exam-
ple 4.9(d) every element of Bn is modular. Hence Bn is supersolvable.
Clearly each ei = 1, so χBn (t) = (t − 1)n .
(b) Let L = Bn (q), the lattice of subspaces of Fqn . By Example$ % 4.9(e) every
element of Bn (q) is modular, so Bn (q) is supersolvable. If kj denotes the
number of j-dimensional subspaces of a k-dimensional vector space over
Fq , then
ei = [1i ] − [i−1
1 ]

q i − 1 q i−1 − 1
= −
q−1 q−1
= q i−1 .
χBn (q) (t) = (t − 1)(t − q)(t − q 2 ) · · · (t − q n−1 ).
In particular, setting t = 0 gives
μBn (q) (1̂) = (−1)n q ( 2 ) .
$ %
Note. The expression kj is called a q-binomial coefficient. It is a
polynomial in q with many interesting properties. For the most basic
properties, see e.g. [31, pp. 27–30].
(c) Let L = Πn , the lattice of partitions of the set [n] (a geometric lattice of
rank n − 1). By Proposition 4.9, a maximal chain of Πn is modular if and
only if it has the form 0̂ = π0  π1  · · ·  πn−1 = 1̂, where πi for i > 0 has
exactly one nonsingleton block Bi (necessarily with i + 1 elements), with
B1 ⊂ B2 · · · ⊂ Bn−1 = [n]. In particular, Πn is supersolvable and has
exactly n!/2 modular chains for n > 1. The atoms covered by πi are the

partitions  one nonsingleton block {j, k} ⊆ Bi . Hence πi lies above

exactly i+12 atoms, so
i+1 i
ei = − = i.
2 2
It follows that χΠn (t) = (t − 1)(t − 2) · · · (t − n + 1) and μΠn (1̂) =
(−1)n−1 (n − 1)!. Compare Corollary 2.2. The polynomials χBn (t) and
χΠn (t) differ by a factor of t because Bn (t) is an arrangement in K n of
rank n − 1. In general, if A is an arrangement and ess(A) its essentializa-
tion, then
(35) trk(ess(A)) χA (t) = trk(A) χess(A) (t).
(See Lecture 1, Exercise 2.)
Note. It is natural to ask whether there is a more general class of geometric
lattices L than the supersolvable ones for which χL (t) factors into linear factors
(over Z). There is a profound such generalization due to Terao [35] when L is an
intersection poset of a linear arrangement A in K n . Write K[x] = K[x1 , . . . , xn ]
and define
T(A) = {(p1 , . . . , pn ) ∈ K[x]n : pi (H) ⊆ H for all H ∈ A}.
Here we are regarding (p1 , . . . , pn ) : K n → K n , viz., if (a1 , . . . , an ) ∈ K n , then
(p1 , . . . , pn )(a1 , . . . , an ) = (p1 (a1 , . . . , an ), . . . , pn (a1 , . . . , an )).
The K[x]-module structure K[x] × T(A) → T(A) is given explicitly by
q · (p1 , . . . , pn ) = (qp1 , . . . , qpn ).
Note, for instance, that we always have (x1 , . . . , xn ) ∈ T(A). Since A is a linear
arrangement, T(A) is indeed a K[x]-module. (We have given the most intuitive
definition of the module T(A), though it isn’t the most useful definition for proofs.)
It is easy to see that T(A) has rank n as a K[x]-module, i.e., T(A) contains n,
but not n + 1, elements that are linearly independent over K[x]. We say that A
is a free arrangement if T(A) is a free K[x]-module, i.e., there exist Q1 , . . . , Qn ∈
T(A) such that every element Q ∈ T(A) can be uniquely written in the form
Q = q1 Q1 + · · · + qn Qn , where qi ∈ K[x]. It is easy to see that if T(A) is free,
then the basis {Q1 , . . . , Qn } can be chosen to be homogeneous, i.e., all coordinates
of each Qi are homogeneous polynomials of the same degree di . We then write
di = deg Qi . It can be shown that supersolvable arrangements are free, but there
are also nonsupersolvable free arrangements. The property of freeness seems quite
subtle; indeed, it is unknown whether freeness is a matroidal property, i.e., depends
only on the intersection lattice LA (regarding the ground field K as fixed). The
remarkable “factorization theorem” of Terao is the following.
Theorem 4.14. Suppose that T(A) is free with homogeneous basis Q1 , . . . , Qn . If
deg Qi = di then
χA (t) = (t − d1 )(t − d2 ) · · · (t − dn ).
We will not prove Theorem 4.14 here. A good reference for this subject is [24,
Ch. 4].
Returning to supersolvability, we can try to characterize the supersolvable prop-
erty for various classes of geometric lattices. Let us consider the case of the bond

Figure 5. A graph with eight blocks

lattice LG of the graph G. A graph H with at least one edge is doubly connected if
it is connected and remains connected upon the removal of any vertex (and all in-
cident edges). A maximal doubly connected subgraph of a graph G is called a block
of G. For instance, if G is a forest then its blocks are its edges. Two different blocks
of G intersect in at most one vertex. Figure 5 shows a graph with eight blocks, five
of which consist of a single edge. The following proposition is straightforward to
prove (Exercise 16).
Proposition 4.11. Let G be a graph with blocks G1 , . . . , Gk . Then
LG ∼= LG × · · · × LG .
1 k

It is also easy to see that if L1 and L2 are geometric lattices, then L1 and
L2 are supersolvable if and only if L1 × L2 is supersolvable (Exercise 18). Hence
in characterizing supersolvable graphs G (i.e., graphs whose bond lattice LG is
supersolvable) we may assume that G is doubly connected. Note that for any
connected (and hence a fortiori doubly connected) graph G, any coatom π of LG
has exactly two blocks.
Proposition 4.12. Let G be a doubly connected graph, and let π = {A, B} be a
coatom of the bond lattice LG , where #A ≤ #B. Then π is a modular element of
LG if and only if #A = 1, say A = {v}, and the neighborhood N (v) (the set of
vertices adjacent to v) forms a clique (i.e., any two distinct vertices of N (v) are
Proof. The proof parallels that of Proposition 4.9, which is a special case. Suppose
that #A > 1. Since G is doubly connected, there exist u, v ∈ A and u , v  ∈ B such
that u = v, u = v  , uu ∈ E(G), and vv  ∈ E(G). Set σ = {(A∪u )−v, (B∪v)−u }.
If G has n vertices then rk(π) = rk(σ) = n−2, rk(π∨σ) = n−1, and rk(π∧σ) = n−4.
Hence π is not modular.
Assume then that A = {v}. Suppose that av, bv ∈ E(G) but ab ∈ E(G). We
need to show that π is not modular. Let σ = {A − {a, b}, {a, b, v}}. Then
σ ∨ π = 1̂, σ ∧ π = {A − {a, b}, a, b, v}
rk(σ) = rk(π) = n − 2, rk(σ ∨ π) = n − 1, rk(σ ∧ π) = n − 4.
Hence π is not modular.

Conversely, let π = {A, v}. Assume that if av, bv ∈ E(G) then ab ∈ E(G).
It is then straightforward to show (Exercise 8) that π is modular, completing the
As an immediate consequence of Propositions 4.10(b) and 4.12 we obtain a
characterization of supersolvable graphs.
Corollary 4.10. A graph G is supersolvable if and only if there exists an ordering
v1 , v2 , . . . , vn of its vertices such that if i < k, j < k, vi vk ∈ E(G) and vj vk ∈ E(G),
then vi vj ∈ E(G). Equivalently, in the restriction of G to the vertices v1 , v2 , . . . , vi ,
the neighborhood of vi is a clique.
Note. Supersolvable graphs G had appeared earlier in the literature under the
names chordal, rigid circuit, or triangulated graphs. One of their many characteri-
zations is that any circuit of length at least four contains a chord. Equivalently, no
induced subgraph of G is a k-cycle for k ≥ 4.

(1) [2–] Let M be a matroid on a linearly ordered set. Show that BC(M ) = BC(M
where M is defined by equation (23).
(2) [2+] Let M be a matroid of rank at least one. Show that the coefficients of the
polynomial χM (t)/(t − 1) alternate in sign.
(3) (a) [2+] Let L be finite lattice for which every element has a unique comple-
ment. Show that L is isomorphic to a boolean algebra Bn .
(b) [3] A lattice L is distributive if
x ∨ (y ∧ z) = (x ∨ y) ∧ (x ∨ z)
x ∧ (y ∨ z) = (x ∧ y) ∨ (x ∧ z)
for all x, y, z ∈ L. Let L be an infinite lattice with 0̂ and 1̂. If every element
of L has a unique complement, then is L a distributive lattice?
(4) [3–] Let x be an element of a geometric lattice L. Show that the following four
conditions are equivalent.
(i) x is a modular element of L.
(ii) If x ∧ y = 0̂, then
rk(x) + rk(y) = rk(x ∨ y).
(iii) If x and y are complements, then rk(x) + rk(y) = n.
(iv) All complements of x are incomparable.
(5) [2+] Let x, y be modular elements of a geometric lattice L. Show that x ∧ y is
also modular.
(6) [2] Let L be a geometric lattice. Prove or disprove: if x is modular in L and y
is modular in the interval [x, 1̂], then y is modular in L.
(7) [2–] Let L and L be finite lattices. Show that if both L and L are geometric
(respectively, atomic, semimodular, modular) lattices, then so is L × L .
(8) [2] Let G be a (loopless) connected graph and v ∈ V (G). Let A = V (G) − v and
π = {A, v} ∈ LG . Suppose that whenever av, bv ∈ E(G) we have ab ∈ E(G).
Show that π is a modular element of LG .
(9) [2+] Generalize the previous exercise as follows. Let G be a doubly-connected
graph with lattice of contractions LG . Let π ∈ LG . Show that the following two
conditions are equivalent.

(a) π is a modular element of LG .

(b) π satisfies the following two properties:
(i) At most one block B of π contains more than one vertex of G.
(ii) Let H be the subgraph induced by the block B of (i). Let K be any
connected component of the subgraph induced by G − B, and let H1
be the graph induced by the set of vertices in H that are connected
to some vertex in K. Then H1 is a clique (complete subgraph) of G.
(10) [2+] Let L be a geometric lattice of rank n, and fix x ∈ L. Show that

χL (t) = μ(y)χLy (t)tn−rk(x∨y) ,

where Ly is the image of the interval [0̂, x] under the map z → z ∨ y.

(11) [2+] Let I(M ) be the set of independent sets of a matroid M . Find another
matroid N and a labeling of its points for which I(M ) = BCr (N ), the reduced
broken circuit complex of N .
(12) (a) [2+] If Δ and Γ are simplicial complexes on disjoint sets A and B, respec-
tively, then define the join Δ ∗ Γ to be the simplicial complex on the set
A ∪ B with faces F ∪ G, where F ∈ Δ and G ∈ Γ. (E.g., if Γ consists of
a single point then Δ ∗ Γ is the cone over Δ. If Γ consists of two disjoint
points, then Δ ∗ Γ is the suspension of Δ.) We say that Δ and Γ are join-
factors of Δ ∗ Γ. Now let M be a matroid and S ⊂ M a modular flat, i.e., S
is a modular element of LM . Order the points of M such that if p ∈ S and
q ∈ S, then p < q. Show that BC(S) is a join-factor of BC(M ). Deduce
that χM (t) is divisible by χS (t).
(b) [2+] Conversely, let M be a matroid and S ⊂ M . Label the points of M so
that if p ∈ S and q ∈ S, then p < q. Suppose that BC(S) is a join-factor of
BC(M ). Show that S is modular.
(13) [2] Do Exercise 3.7, this time using Theorem 4.12 (the Broken Circuit Theorem).
(14) [1] Show that all geometric lattices of rank two are supersolvable.
(15) [2] Give an example of two nonisomorphic supersolvable geometric lattices of
rank 3 with the same characteristic polynomials.
(16) [2] Prove Proposition 4.11: if G is a graph with blocks G1 , . . . , Gk , then LG ∼
L G1 × · · · × L Gk .
(17) [2+] Give an example of a nonsupersolvable geometric lattice of rank three whose
characteristic polynomial has only integer zeros.
(18) [2] Let L1 and L2 be geometric lattices. Show that L1 and L2 are supersolvable
if and only if L1 × L2 is supersolvable.
(19) [3–] Let L be a supersolvable geometric lattice. Show that every interval of L is
also supersolvable.
(20) [2] (a) Find the number of maximal chains of the partition lattice Πn .
(b) Find the number of modular maximal chains of Πn .
(21) [2+] Show that the broken circuit complex of a matroid is pure (Corollary 4.6).
(22) Let M be a matroid with a linear ordering of its points. The internal activity of
a basis B is the number of points p ∈ B such that p < q for all points q = p not
in the closure B − p of B − p. The external activity of B is the number of points
p ∈ M − B such that p < q  for all q  = p contained in the unique circuit that

is a subset of B ∪ {p }. Define the Crapo beta invariant of M by

β(M ) = (−1)rk(M)−1 χ M (1),
where  denotes differentiation.

(a) [1+] Show that 1−χ M (1) = ψ(BCr ), the Euler characteristic of the reduced
broken circuit complex of M .
(b) [3–] Show that β(M ) is equal to the number of bases of M with internal
activity 0 and external activity 0.
(c) [2] Let A be a real central arrangement with associated matroid MA . Sup-
pose that A = cA for some arrangement A , where cA denotes the cone
over A . Show that β(MA ) = b(A ).
(d) [2+] With A as in (c), let H  be a (proper) translate of some hyperplane
H ∈ A. Show that β(MA ) = b(A ∪ {H  }).
Finite Fields

5.1. The Finite Field Method

In this lecture we will describe a method based on finite fields for computing the
characteristic polynomial of an arrangement defined over Q. We will then discuss
several interesting examples. The main result (Theorem 5.15) is implicit in the
work of Crapo and Rota [13, §17]. It was first developed into a systematic tool for
computing characteristic polynomials by Athanasiadis [1][2], after a closely related
but not as general technique was presented by Blass and Sagan [9].
Suppose that the arrangement A is defined over Q. By multiplying each hyper-
plane equation by a suitable integer, we may assume A is defined over Z. In that
case we can take coefficients modulo a prime p and get an arrangement Aq defined
over the finite field Fq , where q = pr . We say that A has good reduction mod p (or
over Fq ) if L(A) ∼
= L(Aq ).
For instance, let A be the affine arrangement in Q1 = Q consisting of the points
0 and 10. Then L(A) contains three elements, viz., Q, {0}, and {10}. If p = 2, 5
then 0 and 10 remain distinct, so A has good reduction. On the other hand, if
p = 2 or p = 5 then 0 = 10 in Fp , so L(Ap ) contains just two elements. Hence A
has bad reduction when p = 2, 5.
Proposition 5.13. Let A be an arrangement defined over Z. Then A has good
reduction for all but finitely many primes p.
Proof. Let H1 , . . . , Hj be affine hyperplanes, where Hi is given by the equation
vi · x = ai (vi , ai ∈ Zn ). By linear algebra, we have H1 ∩ · · · ∩ Hj = ∅ if and only if
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
v1 a1 v1
⎢ .. ⎥ = rank ⎢ .. ⎥ .
(36) rank ⎣ ... . ⎦ ⎣ . ⎦
vj aj vj
Moreover, if (36) holds then
⎡ ⎤
⎢ ⎥
dim(H1 ∩ · · · ∩ Hj ) = n − rank ⎣ ... ⎦ .

Now for any r × s matrix A, we have rank(A) ≥ t if and only if some t × t submatrix
B satisfies det(B) = 0. It follows that L(A) ∼ L(Ap ) if and only if at least one
member S of a certain finite collection S of subsets of integer matrices B satisfies
the following condition:
(∀B ∈ S) det(B) = 0 but det(B) ≡ 0 (mod p).
This can only happen for finitely many p, viz., for certain B we must have p| det(B),
so L(A) ∼
= L(Ap ) for p sufficiently large. 
The main result of this section is the following. Like many fundamental results
in combinatorics, the proof is easy but the applicability very broad.
Theorem 5.15. Let A be an arrangement in Qn , and suppose that L(A) ∼
= L(Aq )
for some prime power q. Then
⎛ ⎞

χA (q) = # ⎝Fnq − H⎠

= qn − # H.

Proof. Let x ∈ L(Aq ) so #x = q dim(x) . Here dim(x) can be computed either over
Q or Fq . Define two functions f, g : L(Aq ) → Z by
f (x) = #x
& '

g(x) = # x− y .

In particular,
⎛ ⎞

g(0̂) = g(Fnq ) = # ⎝Fnq − H⎠ .


f (x) = g(y).

Let μ denote the Möbius function of L(A) ∼

= L(Aq ). By Möbius inversion (Theo-
rem 1.1),

g(x) = μ(x, y)f (y)

= μ(x, y)q dim(y) .

Put x = 0̂ to get

g(0̂) = μ(y)q dim(y) = χA (q).

For the remainder of this lecture, we will be concerned with applications of
Theorem 5.15 and further interesting examples of arrangements.

Example 5.12. Let G be a graph with vertices 1, 2, . . . , n, so

QAG (x) = (xi − xj ).

Then by Theorem 5.15,

χAG (q) = q n − #{(α1 , . . . , αn ) ∈ Fn1 : αi = αj for some ij ∈ E(G)}
= #{(β1 , . . . , βn ) ∈ Fnq : βi = βj ∀ ij ∈ E(G)}
= χG (q),
in agreement with Theorem 2.7. Note that this equality holds for all prime powers
q, not just for pm with p  0. This is because the matrix with rows ei − ej , where
ij ∈ E(G) and ei is the ith unit coordinate vector in Qn , is totally unimodular, i.e.,
every minor (determinant of a square submatrix) is 0, ±1. Hence the nonvanishing
of a minor is independent of the ambient field.
A very interesting class of arrangements, including the braid arrangement, is
associated with root systems, or more generally, finite reflection groups. We will
simply mention some basic results here without proof. A root system is a finite set
R of nonzero vectors in Rn satisfying certain properties that we will not give here.
(References include [6][10][20].) The Coxeter arrangement A(R) consists of the
hyperplanes α · x = 0, where α ∈ R. There are four infinite (irreducible) classes of
root systems (all in Rn ):
An−1 = {ei − ej : 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n} = Bn
Dn = {ei − ej , ei + ej : 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n}
Bn = Dn ∪ {ei : 1 ≤ i ≤ n}
Cn = Dn ∪ {2ei : 1 ≤ i ≤ n}.
We should really regard An−1 as being a subset of the space

{(α1 , . . . , αn ) ∈ Rn : αi = 0} ∼
= Rn−1 .
We thus obtain the following Coxeter arrangements. In all cases 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n
and 1 ≤ k ≤ n.
A(An−1 ) = Bn : xi − xj = 0
A(Bn ) = A(Cn ) : xi − xj = 0, xi + xj = 0, xk = 0
A(Dn ) : xi − xj = 0, xi + xj = 0.
See Figure 1 for the arrangements A(B2 ) and A(D2 ).
Let us compute the characteristic polynomial χA(Bn ) (q). For p  0 (actually
p > 2) and q = pm we have
χA(Bn ) (q) = #{(α1 , . . . , αn ) ∈ Fnq : αi = ±αj (i = j), αi = 0 (1 ≤ i ≤ n)}.
Choose α1 ∈ F∗q = Fq − {0} in q − 1 ways. Then choose α2 ∈ F∗q − {α1 , −α1 } in
q − 3 ways, then α3 in q − 5 ways, etc., to obtain:
χA(Bn ) (t) = (t − 1)(t − 3) · · · (t − (2n − 1)).
In particular,
r(A(Bn )) = (−1)n χA(Bn ) (−1) = 2 · 4 · 6 · · · (2n) = 2n n!.

A(B 2 ) A(D2 )
Figure 1. The arrangements A(B2 ) and A(D2 )

By a similar but slightly more complicated argument we get (Exercise 1)

(37) χA(Dn ) (t) = (t − 1)(t − 3) · · · (t − (2n − 3)) · (t − n + 1).
Note. Coxeter arrangements are always free in the sense of Theorem 4.14 (a result
of Terao [34]), but need not be supersolvable. In fact, A(An ) and A(Bn ) are
supersolvable, but A(Dn ) is not supersolvable for n ≥ 4 [4, Thm. 5.1].

5.2. The Shi Arrangement

We next consider a modification (or deformation) of the braid arrangement called
the Shi arrangement [27, §7] and denoted Sn . It consists of the hyperplanes
xi − xj = 0, 1, 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n.
Thus Sn has n(n − 1) hyperplanes and rank(Sn ) = n − 1. Figure 2 shows the Shi
arrangement S3 in ker(x1 + x2 + x3 ) ∼
= R2 (i.e., the space {(x1 , x2 , x3 ) ∈ R3 :
x1 + x2 + x3 = 0}).

Figure 2. The Shi arrangement S3 in ker(x1 + x2 + x3 )


Theorem 5.16. The characteristic polynomial of Sn is given by

χSn (t) = t(t − n)n−1 .
Proof. Let p be a large prime. By Theorem 5.15 we have
χSn (p) = #{(α1 , . . . , αn ) ∈ Fnp : i < j ⇒ αi = αj and αi = αj + 1}.
( a weak ordered partition π = (B1 , . . . , Bp−n ) of [n] into p − n blocks, i.e.,
Bi = [n] and Bi ∩ Bj = ∅ if i = j, such that 1 ∈ B1 . (“Weak” means that we
allow Bi = ∅.) For 2 ≤ i ≤ n there are p − n choices for j such that i ∈ Bj , so
(p−n)n−1 choices in all. We will illustrate the following argument with the example
p = 11, n = 6, and
(38) π = ({1, 4}, {5}, ∅, {2, 3, 6}, ∅).
Arrange the elements of Fp clockwise on a circle. Place 1, 2, . . . , n on some n of
these points as follows. Place elements of B1 consecutively (clockwise) in increasing
order with 1 placed at some element α1 ∈ Fp . Skip a space and place the elements
of B2 consecutively in increasing order. Skip another space and place the elements
of B3 consecutively in increasing order, etc. For our example (38), say α1 = 6.

10 0
5 9 1 2

8 2 3

7 3
4 6
6 4
Let αi be the position (element of Fp ) at which i was placed. For our example
we have
(α1 , α2 , α3 , α4 , α5 , α6 ) = (6, 1, 2, 7, 9, 3).
It is easily verified that we have defined a bijection from the (p−n)n−1 weak ordered
partitions π = (B1 , . . . , Bp−n ) of [n] into p−n blocks such that 1 ∈ B1 , together with
the choice of α1 ∈ Fp , to the set Fnp −∪H∈(Sn )p H. There are (p−n)n−1 choices for π
and p choices for α1 , so it follows from Theorem 5.15 that χSn (t) = t(t − n)n−1 . 
We obtain the following corollary immediately from Theorem 2.5.
Corollary 5.11. We have r(Sn ) = (n + 1)n−1 and b(Sn ) = (n − 1)n−1 .
Note. Since r(Sn ) and b(Sn ) have such simple formulas, it is natural to ask
for a direct bijective proof of Corollary 5.11. A number of such proofs are known;
a sketch that r(Sn ) = (n + 1)n−1 is given in Exercise 3.
Note. It can be shown that the cone cSn is not supersolvable for n ≥ 3 (Ex-
ercise 4) but is free in the sense of Theorem 4.14.

5.3. Exponential Sequences of Arrangements

The braid arrangement (in fact, any Coxeter arrangement) is highly symmetrical;
indeed, the group of linear transformations that preserves the arrangement acts
transitively on the regions. Thus all regions “look the same.” The Shi arrangement
lacks this symmetry, but it still possesses a kind of “combinatorial symmetry” that
allows us to express the characteristic polynomials χSn (t), for all n ≥ 1, in terms
of the number r(Sn ) of regions.
Definition 5.14. A sequence A = (A1 , A2 , . . . ) of arrangements is called an expo-
nential sequence of arrangements (ESA) if it satisfies the following three conditions.
(1) An is in K n for some field K (independent of n).
(2) Every H ∈ An is parallel to some hyperplane H  in the braid arrangement
Bn (over K).
(3) Let S be a k-element subset of [n], and define
ASn = {H ∈ An : H is parallel to xi − xj = 0 for some i, j ∈ S}.
Then L(AS ) ∼
n= L(Ak ).
Examples of ESA’s are given by An = Bn or An = Sn . In fact, in these cases
we have ASn ∼= Ak × K n−k .
The combinatorial properties of ESA’s are related to the exponential formula
in the theory of exponential generating functions [32, §5.1], which we now review.
Informally, we are dealing with “structures” that can be put on a vertex set V such
that each structure is a disjoint union of its “connected components.” We obtain a
structure on V by partitioning V and placing a connected structure on each block
(independently). Examples of such structures are graphs, forests, and posets, but
not trees or groups. Let h(n) be the total number of structures on an n-set V (with
h(0) = 1), and let f (n) be the number that are connected. The exponential formula
states that
 xn  xn
(39) h(n) = exp f (n) .
n! n!
n≥0 n≥1

More precisely, let f : P → R, where R is a commutative ring. (For our purposes,

R = Z will do.) Define a new function h : N → R by h(0) = 1 and

(40) h(n) = f (#B1 )f (#B2 ) · · · f (#Bk ).
π={B1 ,...,Bk }∈Πn

Then equation (39) holds. A straightforward proof can be given by considering the
 xn  xn
exp f (n) = exp f (n)
n! n!
n≥1 n≥1
⎛ ⎞
= ⎝ f (n)k k ⎠ .
n! k!
n≥1 k≥0

We omit the details (Exercise 5).

For any arrangement A in K n , define r(A) = (−1)n χA (−1). Of course if K = R
this coincides with the definition of r(A) as the number of regions of A. We come
to the main result concering ESA’s.

Theorem 5.17. Let A = (A1 , A2 , . . . ) be an ESA. Then

⎛ ⎞−t
x  n
x ⎠
χAn (t) =⎝ (−1)n r(An ) .
n! n!
n≥0 n≥0

Example 5.13. For A = (B1 , B2 , . . . ) Theorem 5.17 asserts that

⎛ ⎞−t
 xn  xn
t(t − 1) · · · (t − n + 1) =⎝ (−1)n n! ⎠ ,
n! n!
n≥0 n≥0

as immediately follows from the binomial theorem. On the other hand, if A =

(S1 , S2 , . . . ), then we obtain the much less obvious identity
⎛ ⎞−t
 xn  xn
t(t − n)n−1 =⎝ (−1)n (n + 1)n−1 ⎠ .
n! n!
n≥0 n≥0

Proof of Theorem 5.17. By Whitney’s theorem (Theorem 2.4) we have for

any arrangement A in K n that

χA (t) = (−1)#Btn−rank(B) .
B central

Let A = (A1 , A2 , . . . ), and let B ⊆ An for some n. Define π(B) ∈ Πn to have blocks
that are the vertex sets of the connected components of the graph G on [n] with

(41) E(G) = {ij : ∃ xi − xj = c in B}.


χ̃An (t) = (−1)#B tn−rk(B) .
B central

χAn (t) = (−1)#B tn−rk(B)
π={B1 ,...,Bk }∈Πn B⊆A
B central

= χ̃A#B1 (t)χ̃A#B2 (t) · · · χ̃A#Bk (t).
π={B1 ,...,Bk }∈Πn

Thus by the exponential formula (39),

 xn  xn
χAn (t) = exp χ̃An (t) .
n! n!
n≥0 n≥1

But π(B) = [n] if and only if rk(B) = n − 1, so χ̃An (t) = cn t for some cn ∈ Z. We
therefore get
 xn  xn
χAn (t) = exp t cn
n! n!
n≥0 n≥1
⎛ ⎞t
= ⎝ bn ⎠ ,

where exp x
n≥1 cn n! = . Put t = −1 to get
n≥0 bn n!
⎛ ⎞−1
 xn  xn
(−1)n r(An ) =⎝ bn ⎠ ,
n! n!
n≥0 n≥0

from which it follows that

⎛ ⎞−t
 xn  xn
χAn (t) =⎝ (−1)n r(An ) ⎠ .
n! n!
n≥0 n≥0

For a generalization of Theorem 5.17, see Exercise 10.

5.4. The Catalan Arrangement

Define the Catalan arrangement Cn in K n , where char(K) = 2, by

QCn (x) = (xi − xj )(xi − xj − 1)(xi − xj + 1).

Equivalently, the hyperplanes of Cn are given by

xi − xj = −1, 0, 1, 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n.
Thus Cn has 3 2 hyperplanes, and rank(Cn ) = n − 1.
Assume now that K = R. The symmetric group Sn acts on Rn by permuting
coordinates, i.e.,
w · (x1 , . . . , xn ) = (xw(1) , . . . , xw(n) ).
Here we are multiplying permutations left-to-right, e.g., (1, 2)(2, 3) = (1, 3, 2) (in
cycle form), so vw · α = v · (w · α). Both Bn and Cn are Sn -invariant, i.e., Sn
permutes the hyperplanes of these arrangements. Hence Sn also permutes their
regions, and each region xw(1) > xw(2) > · · · > xw(n) of Bn is divided “in the same
way” in Cn . In particular, if r0 (Cn ) denotes the number of regions of Cn contained
in some fixed region of Bn , then r(Cn ) = n!r0 (Cn ) . See Figure 3 for C3 in the
ambient space ker(x1 + x2 + x3 ), where the hyperplanes of B3 are drawn as solid
lines and the remaining hyperplanes as dashed lines. Each region of B3 contains
five regions of C3 , so r(C3 ) = 6 · 5 = 30.
We can compute r(Cn ) (or equivalently r0 (Cn )) by a direct combinatorial ar-
gument. Let R0 denote the region x1 > x2 > · · · > xn of Bn . The regions of Cn
contained in R0 are determined by those i < j such that xi − xj < 1. We need only
specify the maximal intervals [i, j] such that xi − xj < 1, i.e., if a ≤ i < j ≤ b and
xa − xb < 1, then a = i and b = j. It is easy to see that any such specification of
maximal intervals determines a region of Cn contained in R0 . Thus r0 (Cn ) is equal

Figure 3. The Catalan arrangement C3 in ker(x1 + x2 + x3 )

to the number of antichains A of strict intervals of [n], i.e., sets A of intervals [i, j],
where 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n, such that no interval in A is contained in another. (“Strict”
means that i = j is not allowed.) It is known (equivalent to [32, Exer. 6.19(bbb)])
that the number of such antichains is the Catalan number Cn = n+1 n . For
the sake of completeness we give a bijection between these antichains and a stan-
dard combinatorial structure counted by Catalan numbers, viz., lattice paths from
(0, 0) to (n, n) with steps (1, 0) and (0, 1), never rising above the line y = x ([32,
Exer. 6.19(h)]). Given an antichain A of intervals of [n], there is a unique lattice
path of the claimed type whose “outer corners” (a step (1, 0) followed by (0, 1))
consist of the points (j, i − 1) where [i, j] ∈ A, together with the points (i, i − 1)
where no interval in A contains i. Figure 4 illustrates this bijection for n = 8 and
A = {[1, 4], [3, 5], [7, 8]}.
We have therefore proved the following result. For a refinement, see Exercise 11.
Proposition 5.14. The number of regions of the Catalan arrangement Cn is given
by r(Cn ) = n!Cn . Each region of Bn contains Cn regions of Cn .
In fact, there is a simple formula for the characteristic polynomial χCn (t).
Theorem 5.18. We have
χCn (t) = t(t − n − 1)(t − n − 2)(t − n − 3) · · · (t − 2n + 1).




Figure 4. A bijection corresponding to A = {[1, 4], [3, 5], [7, 8]}

Proof. Clearly the sequence (C1 , C2 , . . . ) is an ESA, so by Theorem 5.17 we have

⎛ ⎞−t
 xn  x n
χCn (t) = ⎝ (−1)n n!Cn ⎠
n! n!
n≥0 n≥0
⎛ ⎞−t

= ⎝ (−1)n Cn xn ⎠ .

One method for expanding this series is to use the Lagrange inversion formula
[32, Thm. 5.4.2]. Let F (x) = a1 x + a2 x2 + · · · be a formal power series over K,
where char(K) = 0 and a1 = 0. Then there exists a unique formal power series
F −1 = a−1
1 x + · · · satisfying

F (F −1 (x)) = F −1 (F (x)) = x.

Let k, t ∈ Z. The Lagrange inversion formula states that
t −1 k t−k x
(42) t[x ]F (x) = k[x ] .
F (x)

Let y = n≥0 (−1)n Cn xn+1 . By a fundamental property of Catalan numbers,

y 2 = −y + x. Hence y = (x + x2 )−1 . Substitute t − n for k and apply equation
(42) to y = F (x), so F −1 (x) = x + x2 :
(43) t 2 t−n
t[x ](x + x ) = (t − n)[x ]
The right-hand side of (43) is just
) y *−t (t − n)χCn (t)
(t − n)[xn ] = .
x n!

The left-hand side of (43) is given by

t t−n t−n t−n t(t − n)(t − n − 1) · · · (t − 2n + 1)
t[x ]x (1 + x) =t = .
n n!
It follows that
χCn (t) = t(t − n − 1)(t − n − 2)(t − n − 3) · · · (t − 2n + 1)
for all t ∈ Z. It then follows easily (e.g., using the fact that a polynomial in one
variable over a field of characteristic 0 is determined by its values on Z) that this
equation holds when t is an indeterminate. 
Note. It is not difficult to give an alternative proof of Theorem 5.18 based on
the finite field method (Exercise 12).

5.5. Interval Orders

The subject of interval orders has a long history (see [15][36]), but only recently
[33] was their connection with arrangements noticed. Let P = {I1 , . . . , In } be a
finite set of closed intervals Ii = [ai , bi ], where ai , bi ∈ R and ai < bi . Partially
order P by defining Ii < Ij if bi < aj , i.e., Ii lies entirely to the left of Ij on the real
number line. A poset isomorphic to P is called an interval order. Figure 5 gives
an example of six intervals and the corresponding interval order. It is understood
that the real line lies below and parallel to the line segments labelled a, . . . , f , and
that the actual intervals are the projections of these line segments to R. If all the
intervals Ii have length one, then P is called a semiorder or unit interval order.

a c f

b d

c d e

a b
Figure 5. An example of an interval order

We will be considering both labelled and unlabelled interval orders. A labelled

interval order is the same as an interval order on a set S, often taken to be [n].

If an interval order P corresponds to intervals I1 , . . . , In , then there is a natural

labeling of P , viz., label the element corresponding to Ii by i. Thus the intervals
I1 = [0, 1] and I2 = [2, 3] correspond to the labelled interval order P1 defined by
1 < 2, while the intervals I1 = [2, 3] and I2 = [0, 1] correspond to P2 defined by
2 < 1. Note that P1 and P2 are different labelled interval orders but are isomorphic
as posets. As another example, consider the intervals I1 = [0, 2] and I2 = [1, 3].
The corresponding labelled interval order P consists of the disjoint points 1 and 2.
If we now let I1 = [1, 3] and I2 = [0, 2], then we obtain the same labelled interval
order (or labelled poset) P , although the intervals themselves have been exchanged.
An unlabelled interval order may be regarded as an isomorphism class of interval
orders; two intervals orders P1 and P2 represent the same unlabelled interval order if
and only if they are isomorphic. Of course our discussion of labelled and unlabelled
interval orders applies equally well to semiorders.
Figure 6 shows the five nonisomorphic (or unlabelled) interval orders (which
for three vertices coincides with semiorders) with three vertices, and below them
the number of distinct labelings. (In general, the number of labelings of an n-
element poset P is n!/#Aut(P ), where Aut(P ) denotes the automorphism group
of P .) It follows that there are 19 labelled interval orders or labelled semiorders on
a 3-element set.

1 6 3 3 6
Figure 6. The number of labelings of semiorders with three elements

The following proposition collects some basic results on interval orders. We sim-
ply state them without proof. Only part (a) is needed in what follows (Lemma 5.6).
We use the notation i to denote an i-element chain and P + Q to denote the disjoint
union of the posets P and Q.

Proposition 5.15.
(a) A finite poset is an interval order if and only if it has no induced subposet
isomorphic to 2 + 2.
(b) A finite poset is a semiorder if and only if it has no induced subposet
isomorphic to 2 + 2 or 3 + 1.
(c) A finite poset P is a semiorder if and only if its elements can be ordered as
I1 , . . . , In so that the incidence matrix of P (i.e., the matrix M = (mij ),
where mij = 1 if Ii < Ij and mij = 0 otherwise) has the form shown
below. Moreover, all such semiorders are nonisomorphic.

1 n


In (c) above, the southwest boundary of the positions of the 1’s in M form a
lattice path which by suitable indexing goes from (0, 0) to (n, n) with steps (0, 1)
and (1, 0), never rising above y = x. Since the number of such lattice paths is
the Catalan number Cn , it follows that the number of nonisomorphic n-element
semiorders is Cn . Later (Proposition 5.17) we will give a proof based on properties
of a certain arrangement. Figure 7 illustrates Proposition 5.15(c) when n = 3. It
shows the matrices M , the corresponding set of unit intervals, and the associated

000 001 011 001 011

000 000 000 001 001
000 000 000 000 000

Figure 7. The semiorders with three elements

Let 1 , . . . , n > 0 and set η = (1 , . . . , n ). Let Pη denote the set of all interval
orders P on [n] such that there exist a set I1 , . . . , In of intervals corresponding to
P (with Ii corresponding to i ∈ P ) such that (Ii ) = i . In other words, i < j if
and only if Ii lies entirely to the left of Ij . For instance, it follows from Figure 6
that #P(1,1,1) = 19.
We now come to the connection with arrangements. Given η = (1 , . . . , n ) as
above, define the arrangement Iη in Rn by letting its hyperplanes be given by
xi − xj = i , i = j.
(Note the condition i = j, not i < j.) Thus Iη has rank n − 1 and n(n − 1)
hyperplanes (since i > 0). Figure 8 shows the arrangement I(1,1,1) in the space
ker(x1 + x2 + x3 ).

Figure 8. The arrangement I(1,1,1) in the space ker(x1 + x2 + x3 )

Proposition 5.16. Let η ∈ Rn+ . Then r(Iη ) = #Pη .

Proof. Let (x1 , . . . , xn ) belong to some region R of Iη . Define the interval Ii =
[xi − i , xi ]. The region R is determined by whether xi − xj < i or xi − xj > i .
Equivalently, Ii > Ij or Ii > Ij in the ordering on intervals that defines interval
orders. Hence the number of possible interval orders corresponding to intervals
I1 , . . . , In with (Ii ) = i is just r(Iη ). 
Consider the case 1 = · · · = n = 1, so we are looking at the semiorder
arrangement xi − xj = 1 for i = j. We abbreviate (1, 1, . . . , 1) as 1n and denote
this arrangement by I1n . By the proof of Proposition 5.16 the regions of I1n are in
a natural bijection with semiorders on [n].
Now note that Cn = I1n ∪ Bn , where Cn denotes the Catalan arrangement.
Fix a region R of Bn , say x1 < x2 < · · · < xn . Then the number of regions of
I1n that intersect R is the number of semiorders on [n] that correspond to (unit)
intervals I1 , . . . , In with right endpoints x1 < x2 < · · · < xn . Another set I1 , . . . , In
of unit intervals Ii = [xi − 1, xi ] with x1 < x2 < · · · < xn defines a different
region from that defined by I1 , . . . , In if and only if the corresponding semiorders
are nonisomorphic. It follows that the number of nonisomorphic semiorders on [n]
is equal to the number of regions of I1n intersecting the region x1 < x2 < · · · < xn
of Bn . Since Cn = I1n ∪ Bn , there follows from Proposition 5.14 the following result
of Wine and Freunde [38].
Proposition 5.17. The number u(n) of nonisomorphic n-element semiorders is
given by
u(n) = r(Cn ) = Cn .
Figure 9 shows the nonisomorphic 3-element semiorders corresponding to the
regions of Cn intersecting the region x1 < x2 < · · · < xn of Bn .
We now come to the problem of determining r(I1n ), the number of semiorders
on [n].

x3 = x2 x3 = x2 + 1

2 3
1 1
3 2
x 2 = x1 +1
1 2 3 1 2
x2 = x1

Figure 9. The nonisomorphic 3-element semiorders as regions of C1n

Theorem 5.19. Fix distinct real numbers a1 , a2 , . . . , am > 0. Let An be the

arrangement in Rn with hyperplanes

An : xi − xj = a1 , . . . , am , i = j,

and let A∗n = An ∪ Bn . Define

F (x) = r(An )
G(x) = r(A∗n ) .

Then F (x) = G(1 − e−x ).

Proof. Let c(n, k) denote the number of permutations w of n objects with k cycles
(in the disjoint cycle decomposition of w). The integer c(n, k) is known as a signless
Stirling number of the first kind and for fixed k has the exponential generating
 xn 1  k
(44) c(n, k) = log(1 − x)−1 .
n! k!

For futher information, see e.g. [31, pp. 17–20][32, (5.25)].


We have
F (x) = G(1 − e−x ) ⇔ G(x) = F (log(1 − x)−1 )
 1  k
= r(Ak ) log(1 − x)−1
= r(Ak ) c(n, k) .
k≥1 n≥0

It follows that we need to show that

(45) r(A∗n ) = c(n, k)r(Ak ).
For simplicity we consider only the case m = 1 and a1 = 1, but the argument is
completely analogous in the general case. When m = 1 and a1 = 1 we have that
r(A∗n ) = n!Cn and that r(An ) is the number of semiorders on [n]. Thus it suffices
to give a map (P, w) → Q, where w ∈ Sk and P is a semiorder whose elements
are labelled by the cycles of w, and where Q is an unlabelled n-element semiorder,
such that ρ is n!-to-1, i.e., every Q appears exactly n! times as an image of some
(P, w).
Choose w ∈ Sn with k cycles in c(n, k) ways, and make these cycles the vertices
of a semiorder P in r(Ak ) ways. Define a new poset ρ(P, w) as follows: if the cycle
(c1 , . . . , cj ) is an element of P , then replace it with an antichain with elements
c1 , . . . , cj . Given 1 ≤ c ≤ n, let C(c) be the cycle of w containing c. Define
c < d in ρ(P, w) if C(c) < C(d) in P . We illustrate this definition with n = 8 and
w = (1, 5, 2)(3)(6, 8)(4, 7):
(3) (4,7) 3 4 7

(1,5,2) (6,8) 1 5 2 6 8

( P,w ) Q = ρ ( P,w )
Given an unlabelled n-element semiorder Q, such as

we now show that there are exactly n! pairs (P, w) for which ρ(P, w) ∼
= Q. Call a
pair of elements x, y ∈ Q autonomous if for all z ∈ Q we have
x < z ⇔ y < z, x > z ⇔ y > z.
Equivalently, the map τ : Q → Q transposing x, y and fixing all other z ∈ Q is an
automorphism of Q. Clearly the relation of being autonomous is an equivalence
relation. Partition Q into its autonomous equivalence classes. Regard the elements
of Q as being distinguished, and choose a bijection (labeling) ϕ : Q → [n] (in n!
ways). Fix a linear ordering (independent of ϕ) of the elements in each equivalence

class. (The linear ordering of the elements in each equivalence class in the diagram
below is left-to-right.)

5 4 1

3 7 6 2 8

In each class, place a left parenthesis before each left-to-right maximum, and
place a right parenthesis before each left parenthesis and at the end. (This is the
bijection Sn → Sn , ŵ → w, in [31, p. 17].) Merge the elements c1 , c2 , . . . , cj
(appearing in that order) between each pair of parentheses into a single element
labelled with the cycle (c1 , c2 , . . . , cj ).

(5) (4 , 1) (5) (4,1)

ρ −1

(3) (7 , 6) (2) (8) 3 (7,6) (2) (8)


We have thus obtained a poset P whose elements are labelled by the cycles of
a permutation w ∈ Sn , such that ρ(P, w) = Q. For each unlabelled Q, there are
exactly n! pairs (P, w) (where the poset P is labelled by the cycles of w ∈ Sn )
for which ρ(P, w) ∼= Q. Since by Proposition 5.17 there are Cn nonisomorphic
n-element semiorders, we get

n!Cn = c(n, k)r(Ak ).

Note. Theorem 5.19 can also be proved using Burnside’s lemma (also called
the Cauchy-Frobenius lemma) from group theory.
To test one’s understanding of the proof of Theorem 5.19, consider why it
doesn’t work for all posets. In other words, let f (n) denote the number of posets on

the number of nonisomorphic n-element posets. Set F (x) = f (n) xn!
[n] and g(n)

and G(x) = g(n)xn . Why doesn’t the above argument show that G(x) = F (1 −
e−x )? Let Q = 2 + 2 (the unique obstruction to being an interval order, by
Proposition 5.15(a)). The autonomous classes have one element each. Consider the
two labelings ϕ : Q → [4] and the corresponding ρ−1 :

2 4 2 4
ρ −1

1 3 1 3

4 2 4 2
ρ −1

3 1 3 1
We obtain the same labelled posets in both cases, so the proof of Theorem 5.19
fails. The key property of interval orders that the proof of Theorem 5.19 uses
implicitly is the following.
Lemma 5.6. If σ : P → P is an automorphism of the interval order P and
σ(x) = σ(y), then x and y are autonomous.
Proof. Assume not. Then there exists an element s ∈ P satisfying s > x, s > y (or
dually). Since σ(x) = y, there must exist t ∈ P satisfying t > y, t > x. But then
{x, s, y, t} form an induced 2 + 2, so by Proposition 5.15(a) P is not an interval
Specializing m = 1 and a1 = 1 in Theorem 5.19 yields the following corollary,
due first (in an equivalent form) to Chandon, Lemaire and Pouget [12].
Corollary 5.12. Let f (n) denote the number of semiorders on [n] (or n-element
labelled semiorders). Then
f (n) = C(1 − e−x ),

where √
 1− 1 − 4x
C(x) = Cn x = .

5.6. Intervals with Generic Lengths

A particularly interesting class of interval orders are those corresponding to intervals
with specified generic lengths η = (1 , . . . , n ). Intuitively, this means that the
intersection poset P (Iη ) is as “large as possible.” One way to make this precise
is to say that η is generic if P (Iη ) ∼ = P (Iη ), where η  = (1 , . . . , n ) and the

i ’s are linearly independent over Q. Thus if η is generic, then the intersection
poset L(Iη ) does not depend on η, but rather only on n. In particular, r(Iη ) does
not depend on η (always assuming η is generic). Hence by Proposition 5.16, the
number #Pη of labelled interval orders corresponding to intervals I1 , . . . , In with
(Ii ) = i depends only on n. This fact is not at all obvious combinatorially, since
the interval orders themselves do depend on η. For instance, it is easy to see that
η = (1, 1.0001, 1.001, 1.01, 1.1) is generic and that no corresponding interval order
can be isomorphic to 4 + 1. On the other hand, η = (1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000) is also
generic, but this time there is a corresponding interval order isomorphic to 4 + 1.
(See Exercise 17.)

The preceding discussion raises the question of computing #Pn when η is

generic. We write Gn for the corresponding interval order xi − xj = i , i = j,
since the intersection poset depends only on n. The following result is a nice appli-
cation of arrangements to “pure” enumeration; no proof is known except the one
sketched here.
Theorem 5.20. Let
 xn x2 x3 x4 x5
z= r(Gn ) = 1 + x + 3 + 19 + 195 + 2831 + · · · .
n! 2! 3! 4! 5!

Define a power series

x2 x3 x4
y =1+x+5 + 46 + 631 + · · ·
2! 3! 4
by 1 = y(2 − exy ). Equivalently,
1 1 + 2x
y =1+ log .
1+x 1+x
Then z is the unique power series satisfying z  /z = y 2 , z(0) = 1.
Note. The condition z  /z = y 2 can be rewritten as z = exp y 2 dx.
Sketch of proof. Putting t = −1 in Theorem 2.4 gives

(46) r(Gn ) = (−1)#B−rk(B) .
B central
Given a central subarrangement B ⊆ Gn , define a digraph (directed graph) GB on
[n] by letting i → j be a (directed) edge if the hyperplane xi − xj = i belongs to B.
One then shows that as an undirected graph GB is bipartite, i.e., the vertices can be
partitioned into two subsets U and V such that all edges connect a vertex in U to a
vertex in V . The pair (U, V ) is called a vertex bipartition of GB . Moreover, if B is
a block of GB (as defined preceding Proposition 4.11), say with vertex bipartition
(UB , VB ), then either all edges of B are directed from UB to VB , or all edges are
directed from VB to UB . It can also be seen that all such directed bipartite graphs
can arise in this way. It follows that equation (46) can be rewritten

(47) r(Gn ) = (−1)n (−1)e(G)+c(G) 2b(G) ,
where G ranges over all (undirected) bipartite graphs on [n], e(G) denotes the
number of edges of G, and b(G) denotes the number of blocks of G.
Equation (47) reduces the problem of determining r(G) to a (rather difficult)
problem in enumeration, whose solution may be found in [25, §6]. 

5.7. Other Examples

There are two additional arrangements related to the braid arrangement that in-
volve nice enumerative combinatorics. We merely repeat the definitions here from
Lecture 1 and assemble some of their basic properties in Exercises 19–28.
The Linial arrangement in K n is given by the hyperplanes xi − xj = 1, 1 ≤ i <
j ≤ n. It consists of “half” of the semiorder arrangement I1n . Despite its similarity
to I1n , it is considerably more difficult to obtain its characteristic polynomial and
other enumerative invariants. Finally the threshold arrangement in K n is given by

the hyperplanes xi + xj = 0, 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n. It is a subarrangement of the Coxeter

arrangements A(Bn ) (=A(Cn )) and A(Dn ).

(1) [2] Verify equation (37), viz.,
χA(Dn ) (t) = (t − 1)(t − 3) · · · (t − (2n − 3)) · (t − n + 1).
(2) [2] Draw a picture of the projectivization of the Coxeter arrangement A(B3 ),
similar to Figure 1 of Lecture 1.
(3) (a) [2] An embroidered permutation of [n] consists of a permutation w of [n]
together with a collection E of ordered pairs (i, j) such that:
• 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n for all (i, j) ∈ E.
• If (i, j) and (h, k) are distinct elements of E, then it is false that
i ≤ h ≤ k ≤ j.
• If (i, j) ∈ E then w(i) < w(j).
For instance, the three embroidered permutations (w, E) of [2] are given
by (12, ∅), (12, {(1, 2)}), and (21, ∅). Give a bijective proof that the num-
ber r(Sn ) of regions of the Shi arrangement Sn is equal to the number of
embroidered permutations of [n].
(b) [2+] A parking function of length n is a sequence (a1 , . . . , an ) ∈ Pn whose
increasing rearrangement b1 ≤ b2 ≤ · · · ≤ bn satisfies bi ≤ i. For instance,
the parking functions of length three are 11, 12, 21. Give a bijective proof
that the number of parking functions of length n is equal to the number of
embroidered permutations of [n].
(c) [3–] Give a combinatorial proof that the number of parking functions of
length n is equal to (n + 1)n−1 .
(4) [2+] Show that if Sn denotes the Shi arrangement, then the cone cSn is not
supersolvable for n ≥ 3.
(5) [2] Show that if f : P → R and h : N → R are related by equation (40) (with
h(0) = 1), then equation (39) holds.
(6) (a) [2] Compute the characteristic polynomial of the arrangement Bn in Rn
with defining polynomial

Q(x) = (x1 − xn − 1) (xi − xj ).

In other words, Bnconsists of the braid arrangement together with the

hyperplane x1 − xn = 1.
(b) [5–] Is cBn (the cone over Bn ) supersolvable?
(7) [2+] Let 1 ≤ k ≤ n. Find the characteristic polynomial of the arrangement Sn,k
in Rn defined by
xi − xj = 0 for 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n
xi − xj = 1 for 1 ≤ i < j ≤ k.
(8) [2+] Let 1 ≤ k ≤ n. Find the characteristic polynomial of the arrangement Cn,k
in Rn defined by
xi = 0 for 1≤i≤n
xi ± xj = 0 for 1≤i<j≤n .
xi + xj = 1 for 1 ≤ i < j ≤ k.
In particular, show that r(Cn,k ) = 2n−k n! 2k
k .
(9) (a) [2+] Let An be the arrangement in Rn with hyperplanes xi = 0 for all i,
xi = xj for all i < j, and xi = 2xj for all i = j. Show that

χAn (t) = (t − 1)(t − n − 2)n−1 ,

where (x)m = x(x − 1) · · · (x − m + 1). In particular, r(An ) = 2(2n +

1)!/(n + 2)!. Can this be seen combinatorially? (This last question has not
been worked on.)
(b) [2+] Now let An be the arrangement in Rn with hyperplanes xi = xj for
all i < j and xi = 2xj for all i = j. Show that

χAn (t) = (t − 1)(t − n − 2)n−3 (t2 − (3n − 1)t + 3n(n − 1)).

In particular, r(An ) = 6n2 (2n − 1)!/(n + 2)!. Again, a combinatorial proof

can be asked for.
(c) [5–] Modify. For instance, what about the arrangement with hyperplanes
xi = 0 for all i, xi = xj for all i < j, and xi = 2xj for all i < j? (This
example is actually not difficult.) Or xi = 0 for all i, xi = xj for all i < j,
xi = 2xj for all i = j, and xi = 3xj for all i = j?
(10) (a) [2+] For n ≥ 1 let An be an arrangement in Rn such that every H ∈ An
is parallel to a hyperplane of the form xi = cxj , where c ∈ R. Just as in
the definition of an exponential sequence of arrangements, define for every
subset S of [n] the arrangement

ASn = {H ∈ An : H is parallel to some xi = cxj , where i, j ∈ S}.

Suppose that for every such S we have LASn ∼

= LAk , where k = #S. Let
F (x) = (−1)n r(An )
G(x) = (−1)rank(An ) b(An ) .

Show that
 xn G(x)(t+1)/2
(48) χAn (t) = .
n! F (x)(t−1)/2

Verify that this formula is correct for the braid arrangement.

(b) [2] Simplify equation (48) when each An , n ≥ 1, is a central arrangement.
Make sure that your simplification is valid for the coordinate hyperplane
(11) [2+] Let R0 (Cn ) denote the set of regions of the Catalan arrangement Cn con-
tained in the regions x1 > x2 > · · · > xn of Bn . Let R̂ be the unique region
in R0 (Cn ) whose closure contains the origin. For R ∈ R0 (Cn ), let XR be the
set of hyperplanes H ∈ Cn such that R̂ and R lie on different sides of H. Let
Wn = {XR : R ∈ R0 (Cn )}, ordered by inclusion.

c d

c e
b d
Let Pn be the poset of intervals [i, j], 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n, ordered by reverse
[1,2] [2,3] [3,4]
[1,2] [2,3]

[1,3] [2,4]
P3 P4
Show that Wn ∼ = J(Pn ), the lattice of order ideals of Pn . (An order ideal of a
poset P is a subset I ⊆ P such that if x ∈ I and y ≤ x, then y ∈ I. Define J(P )
to be the set of order ideals of P , ordered by inclusion. See [31, Thm. 3.4.1].)
(12) [2] Use the finite field method to prove that

χCn (t) = t(t − n − 1)(t − n − 2)(t − n − 3) · · · (t − 2n + 1),

where Cn denotes the Catalan arrangement.

(13) [2+] Let k ∈ P. Find the number of regions and characteristic polynomial of the
extended Catalan arrangement

Cn (k) : xi − xj = 0, ±1, ±2, . . . , ±k, for 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n.

Generalize Exercise 11 to the arrangements Cn (k).

(14) [3–] Let SB
n denote the arrangement

xi ± xj = 0, 1, 1≤i<j≤n
2xi = 0, 1, 1 ≤ i ≤ n,

called the Shi arrangement of type B. Find the characteristic polynomial and
number of regions of SB
n . Is there a “nice” bijective proof of the formula for the
number of regions?

(15) [5–] Let 1 ≤ k ≤ n. Find the number of regions (or more generally the charac-
teristic polynomial) of the arrangement (in Rn )

1, 1 ≤ i ≤ k
xi − xj =
2, k + 1 ≤ i ≤ n,
for all i = j. Thus we are counting interval orders on [n] where the elements
1, 2, . . . , k correspond to intervals of length one, while k + 1, . . . , n correspond
to intervals of length two. Is it possible to count such interval orders up to
isomorphism (i.e., the unlabelled case)? What if the length 2 is replaced instead
by a generic length a?
(16) [2+] A double semiorder on [n] consists of two binary relations < and  on [n]
that arise from a set x1 , . . . , xn of real numbers as follows:
i<j if xi < xj − 1
ij if xi < xj − 2.
If we associate the interval Ii = [xi − 2, xi ] with the point xi , then we are
specifying whether Ii lies to the left of the midpoint of Ij , entirely to the left of
Ij , or neither. It should be clear what is meant for two double semiorders to be
(a) [2] Draw interval diagrams of the 12 nonisomorphic double semiorders on
{1, 2, 3}.
(b) [2] Let ρ2 (n) denote the number of double semiorders on [n]. Find an
(2) (2)
arrangement In satisfying r(In ) = ρ2 (n).
(c) [2+] Show that 3nthe
 number of nonisomorphic double semiorders on [n] is
given by 2n+1 n
3n n
(d) [2–] Let F (x) = n≥0 2n+1 n x . Show that
ρ2 (n) = F (1 − e−x ).

(e) [2] Generalize to “k-semiorders,” where ordinary semiorders (or unit interval
orders) correspond to k = 1 and double semiorders to k = 2.
(17) [1+] Show that intervals of lengths 1, 1.0001, 1.001, 1.01, 1.1 cannot form an in-
terval order isomorphic to 4 + 1, but that such an interval order can be formed
if the lengths are 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000.
(18) [5–] What more can be said about interval orders with generic interval lengths?
For instance, consider the two cases: (a) interval lengths very near each other
(e.g., 1, 1.001, 1.01, 1.1), and (b) interval lengths superincreasing (e.g., 1, 10, 100,
1000). Are there finitely many obstructions to being such an interval order? Can
the number of unlabelled interval orders of each type be determined? (Perhaps
the numbers are the same, but this seems unlikely.)
(19) (a) [3] Let Ln denote the Linial arrangement, say in Rn . Show that
t  n
χLn (t) = n (t − k)n−1 .
2 k

(b) [1+] Deduce from (a) that

χLn (t) (−1)n χLn (−t + n)
= .
t −t + n

1 3 2 4 2 4 1 3

1 4 2 3 3 4 1 2

2 3 1 4
1 2

2 3

1 3

Figure 10. The seven alternating trees on the vertex set [4]

(20) (a) [3–] An alternating tree on the vertex set [n] is a tree on [n] such that
every vertex is either less than all its neighbors or greater than all its neigh-
bors. Figure 10 shows the seven alternating trees on [4]. Deduce from
Exercise 19(a) that r(Ln ) is equal to the number of alternating trees on
[n + 1].
(b) [5] Find a bijective proof of (a), i.e., give an explicit bijection between the
regions of Ln and the alternating trees on [n + 1].
(21) [3–] Let
χLn (t) = an tn − an−1 tn−1 + · · · + (−1)n−1 a1 t.
Deduce from Exercise 19(a) that ai is the number of alternating trees on the
vertex set 0, 1, . . . , n such that vertex 0 has degree (number of adjacent vertices)
(22) (a) [2+] Let P (t) ∈ C[t] have the property that every (complex) zero of P (t)
has real part a. Let z ∈ C satisfy |z| = 1. Show that every zero of the
polynomial P (t − 1) + zP (t) has real part a + 12 .
(b) [2+] Deduce from (a) and Exercise 19(a) that every zero of the polynomial
χLn (t)/t has real part n/2. This result is known as the “Riemann hypothesis
for the Linial arrangement.”
(23) (a) [2–] Compute limn→∞ b(Sn )/r(Sn ), where Sn denotes the Shi arrangement.
(b) [3] Do the same for the Linial arrangement Ln .
(24) [2+] Let Ln denote the Linial arrangement in Rn . Fix an integer r = 0, ±1, and
let Mn (r) be the arrangement in Rn defined by xi = rxj , 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n, together
with the coordinate hyperplanes xi = 0. Find a relationship between χLn (t) and
χMn (r) (t) without explicitly computing these characteristic polynomials.
(25) (a) [3–] A threshold graph on [n] may be defined recursively as follows: (i) the
empty graph ∅ is a threshold graph, (ii) if G is a threshold graph, then so is
the disjoint union of G and a single vertex, and (iii) if G is a threshold graph,
then so is the graph obtained by adding a new vertex v and connecting it
to every vertex of G. Let Tn denote the threshold arrangement. Show that
r(Tn ) is the number of threshold graphs on [n].

(b) [2+] Deduce from (a) that

 xn ex (1 − x)
r(Tn ) = .
n! 2 − ex

(c) [1+] Deduce from Exercise 10 that

χTn (t) = (1 + x)(2ex − 1)(t−1)/2 .

(26) [5–] Let

χTn (t) = tn − an−1 tn−1 + · · · + (−1)n a0 .
For instance,
χT3 (t) = t3 − 3t2 + 3t − 1
χT4 (t) = t4 − 6t3 + 15t2 − 17t + 7
χT5 (t) = t5 − 10t4 + 45t3 − 105t2 + 120t − 51.
By Exercise 25(a), a0 + a1 + · · · + an−1 + 1 is the number of threshold graphs
on the vertex set [n]. Give a combinatorial interpretation of the numbers ai as
the number of threshold graphs with a certain property.
(27) (a) [1+] Find the number of regions of the “Linial threshold arrangement”
xi + xj = 1, 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n.
(b) [5–] Find the number of regions, or even the characteristic polynomial, of
the “Shi threshold arrangement”
xi + xj = 0, 1, 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n.
(28) [3–] Let An denote the “generic threshold arrangement” (in Rn ) xi + xj = aij ,
1 ≤ i < j ≤ n, where the aij ’s are generic. Let
T (x) = nn−2 ,

the generating function for labelled trees on n vertices. Let

R(x) = nn−1 ,

the generating function for rooted labelled trees on n vertices. Show that
xn 1 1 + R(x)
r(An ) = eT (x)− 2 R(x)
n! 1 − R(x)

x2 x3 x4 x5 x6
= 1+x+2 + 8 + 54 + 533 + 6934 + · · · .
2! 3! 4! 5! 6!
(29) [2+] Fix n ≥ 1. Let f (k, n, r) be the number of k × n (0, 1)-matrices A over
the rationals such that all rows of A are distinct, every row has at least one 1,
and rank(A) = r. Let gn (q) be the number of n-tuples (a1 , . . . , an ) ∈ Fnq such
that no nonempty subset of the entries sums to 0 (in Fq ). Show that for p  0,
where q = pd , we have
gn (q) = f (k, n, r)q n−r .

(The case k = 0 is included, corresponding to the empty matrix, which has rank
Separating Hyperplanes

6.1. The Distance Enumerator

Let A be a real arrangement, and let R and R be regions of A. A hyperplane
H ∈ A separates R and R if R and R lie on opposite sides of H. In this chapter
we will consider some results dealing with separating hyperplanes. To begin, let
sep(R, R ) = {H ∈ A : H separates R and R }.
Define the distance d(R, R ) between the regions R and R to be the number of
hyperplanes H ∈ A that separate R and R , i.e.,
d(R, R ) = #sep(R, R ).
It is easily seen that d is a metric on the set R(A) of regions of A, i.e.,
• d(R, R ) ≥ 0 for all R, R ∈ R(A), with equality if and only if R = R
• d(R, R ) = d(R , R) for all R, R ∈ R(A)
• d(R, R ) + d(R , R ) ≥ d(R, R ) for all R, R , R ∈ R(A).
Now fix a region R0 ∈ R(A), called the base region. The distance enumerator of A
(with respect to R0 ) is the polynomial

DA,R0 (t) = td(R0 ,R) .

We simply write DA (t) if no confusion will result. Also define the weak order (with
respect to R0 ) of A to be the partial order WA on R(A) given by
R ≤ R if sep(R0 , R) ⊆ sep(R0 , R ).
It is easy to see that WA is a partial ordering of R(A). The poset WA is graded
by distance from R0 , i.e., R0 is the 0̂ element of R(A), and all saturated chains
between R0 and R have length d(R0 , R).
Figure 1 shows three arrangements in R2 , with R0 labelled 0 and then each
R = R0 labelled d(R0 , R). Under each arrangement is shown the corresponding
weak order WA . The first arrangement is the braid arrangement B3 (essentialized).
Here the choice of base region does not affect the distance enumerator 1 + 2t + 2t2 +
t3 = (1 + t)(1 + t + t2 ) nor the weak order. On the other hand, the second two

1 0 1 1 2
2 0
1 2 0 1
3 1
2 2 3 1 2

Figure 1. Examples of weak orders

arrangements of Figure 1 are identical, but the choice of R0 leads to different weak
orders and different distance enumerators, viz., 1 + 2t + 2t2 + t3 and 1 + 3t + 2t2 .
Consider now the braid arrangement Bn . We know from Example 1.3 that the
regions of Bn are in one-to-one correspondence with the permutations of [n], viz.,
R(Bn ) ↔ Sn
xw(1) > xw(2) > · · · > xw(n) ↔ w.
Given w = a1 a2 · · · an ∈ Sn , define an inversion of w to be a pair (i, j) such that
i < j and ai > aj . Let (w) denote the number of inversions of w. The inversion
sequence IS(w) of w is the vector (c1 , · · · , cn ), where
cj = #{i : i < j, w−1 (j) < w−1 (i)}.
Note that the condition w−1 (j) < w−1 (i) is equivalent to i appearing to the right
of j in w. For instance, IS(461352) = (0, 0, 1, 3, 1, 4). The inversion sequence is a
modified form of the inversion table or of the code of w, as defined in the literature,
e.g., [31, p. 21][32, solution to Exer. 6.19(x)]. For our purposes the inversion
sequence is the most convenient. It is clear from the definition of IS(w) that if
IS(w) = (c1 , . . . , cn ) then (w) = c1 + · · · + cn . Moreover, is easy to see (Exercise 2)
that a sequence (c1 , . . . , cn ) ∈ Nn is the inversion sequence of a permutation w ∈ Sn
if and only if ci ≤ i − 1 for 1 ≤ i ≤ n. It follows that
t(w) = tc1 +···+cn
w∈Sn (c1 ,...,cn )
0≤ci ≤i−1
& ' & n−1 '

= t c1
··· t cn

c1 =0 cn =0

(49) = 1 · (1 + t)(1 + t + t ) · · · (1 + t + · · · + tn−1 ),


a standard result on permutation statistics [31, Cor. 1.3.10].

Denote by Rw the region of Bn corresponding to w ∈ Sn , and choose R0 = Rid ,
where id= 12 · · · n, the identity permutation. Suppose that Ru , Rv ∈ R(Bn ) such
that sep(R0 , Rv ) = {H} ∪ sep(R0 , u) for some H ∈ Bn , H ∈ sep(R0 , Ru ). Thus Ru

and Rv are separated by a single hyperplane H, and R0 and Ru lie on the same
side of H. Suppose that H is given by xi = xj with i < j. Then i and j appear
consecutively in u written as a word a1 · · · an (since H is a bounding hyperplane of
the region Ru ) and i appears to the left of j (since R0 and Ru lie on the same side
of H). Thus v is obtained from u by transposing the adjacent pair ij of letters. It
follows that (v) = (u) + 1. If u(k) = i and we let sk = (k, k + 1), the adjacent
transposition interchanging k and k + 1, then v = usk .
The following result is an immediate consequence of equation (49) and mathe-
matical induction.
Proposition 6.18. Let R0 = Rid as above. If w ∈ Sn then d(R0 , Rw ) = (w).
DBn (t) = (1 + t)(1 + t + t2 ) · · · (1 + t + · · · + tn−1 ).
There is a somewhat different approach to Proposition 6.18 which will be gen-
eralized to the Shi arrangement. We label each region R of Bn recursively by a
vector λ(R) = (c1 , . . . , cn ) ∈ Nn as follows.
• λ(R0 ) = (0, 0, . . . , 0)
• Let ei denote the ith unit coordinate vector in Rn . If the regions R and R
of Bn are separated by the single hyperplane H with the equation xi = xj ,
i < j, and if R and R0 lie on the same side of H, then λ(R ) = λ(R) + ej .
Figure 2 shows the labels λ(R) for B3 .

x1 = x3 x2 = x3

002 000
x1 = x 2

012 010

Figure 2. The inversion sequence labeling of the regions of B3

Proposition 6.19. Let w ∈ Sn . Then λ(Rw ) = IS(w), the inversion sequence of

Proof. The proof is a straightforward induction on (w). If (w) = 0, then w =id
λ(Rid ) = λ(R0 ) = (0, 0, . . . , 0) = IS(id).
Suppose w = a1 · · · an and (w) > 0. For some 1 ≤ k ≤ n − 1 we must have
ak = j > i = ak+1 . Thus (wsk ) = (w) − 1. Hence by induction we may assume

λ(wsk ) = IS(wsk ). The hyperplane xi = xj separates Rw from Rwsk . Hence by

the definition of λ we have
λ(Rw ) = λ(Rwsk ) + ej = IS(wsk ) + ej .
By the definition of the inversion sequence we have IS(wsk ) + ej = IS(w), and the
proof follows. 
Note. The weak order WBn of the braid arrangement is an interesting poset,
usually called the weak order or weak Bruhat order on Sn . For instance [14][17][30],
the number of maximal chains of WBn is given by
2 !
1n−1 3n−2 5n−3 · · · (2n − 3)
For additional properties of WBn , see [5].

6.2. Parking Functions and Tree Inversions

Some beautiful enumerative combinatorics is associated with the distance enumer-
ator of the Shi arrangement Sn (for a suitable choice of R0 ). The fundamental
combinatorial object needed for this purpose is a parking function.
Definition 6.15. Let n ∈ P. A parking function of length n is a sequence
(a1 , . . . , an ) ∈ Zn whose increasing rearrangment b1 ≤ b2 ≤ · · · ≤ bn satisfies
1 ≤ bi ≤ i for 1 ≤ i ≤ n. Equivalently, the sequence (b1 − 1, . . . , bn − 1) is the
inversion sequence of some permutation w ∈ Sn .
The parking functions of length at most 3 are given as follows:
1 11 12 21
111 112 121 211 113 131 311 122
212 221 123 132 213 231 312 321
The term “parking function” [21, §6] arises from the following scenario. A one-
way street has parking spaces labelled 1, 2, . . . , n in that order. There are n cars
C1 , . . . , Cn which enter the street one at a time and try to park. Each car Ci has
a preferred space ai ∈ [n]. When it is Ci ’s turn to look for a space, it immedi-
ately drives to space ai and then parks in the first available space. For instance,
if (a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 ) = (2, 1, 2, 3), then C1 parks in space 2, then C2 parks in space
1, then C3 goes to space 2 (which is occupied) parks in space 3 (the next avail-
able), and finally C4 goes to space 3 and parks in space 4. On the other hand, if
(a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 ) = (3, 1, 4, 3), then C4 is unable to park, since its preferred space 3
and all subsequent spaces are already occupied. It is not hard to show (Exercise 3)
that all the cars can park if and only if (a1 , . . . , an ) is a parking function.
A basic question concerning parking functions (to be refined in Theorem 6.22)
is their enumeration. The next result was first proved by Konheim and Weiss [21,
§6]; we give an elegant proof due to Pollak (described in [26][16, p. 13]).
Proposition 6.20. The number of parking functions of length n is (n + 1)n−1 .
Proof. Arrange n+1 (rather than n) parking spaces in a circle, labelled 1, . . . , n+1
in counterclockwise order. We still have n cars C1 , . . . , Cn with preferred spaces
(a1 , . . . , an ), but now we can have 1 ≤ ai ≤ n + 1 (rather than 1 ≤ ai ≤ n).
Each car enters the circle one at a time at their preferred space and then drives

counterclockwise until encountering an empty space, in which case the car parks
there. Note the following:
• All the cars can always park, since they drive in a circle and will always
find an empty space.
• After all cars have parked there will be one empty space.
• The sequence (a1 , . . . , an ) is a parking function if and only if the empty
space after all the cars have parked is n + 1.
• If the preference sequence (a1 , . . . , an ) produces the empty space i at the
end, then the sequence (a1 + k, . . . , an + k) (taking entries modulo n + 1 so
they always lie in the set [n + 1]) produces the empty space i + k (modulo
n + 1).
It follows that exactly one of the sequences (a1 + k, . . . , an + k) (modulo n + 1),
where 1 ≤ k ≤ n+1, is a parking function. There are (n+1)n sequences (a1 , . . . , an )
in all, so exactly (n + 1)n /(n + 1) = (n + 1)n−1 are parking functions. 
Many readers will have recognized that the number (n + 1)n−1 is closely related
to the enumeration of trees. Indeed, there is an intimate connection between trees
and parking functions. We therefore now present some background material on
trees. A tree on [n] is a connected graph without cycles on the vertex set [n]. A
rooted tree is a pair (T, i), where T is a tree and i is a vertex of T , called the root.
We draw trees in the standard computer science manner with the root at the top
and all edges emanating downwards. A forest on [n] is a graph F on the vertex set
[n] for which every (connected) component is a tree. Equivalently, F has no cycles.
A rooted forest (also called a planted forest ) is a forest for which every component
has a root, i.e., for each tree T of the forest select a vertex iT of T to be the root of
T . A standard result in enumerative combinatorics (e.g., [32, Prop. 5.3.2]) states
that the number of rooted forests on [n] is (n + 1)n−1 .
An inversion of a rooted forest F on [n] is a pair (i, j) of vertices such that i < j
and j appears on the (unique) path from i to the root of the tree in which i occurs.
Write inv(F ) for the number of inversions of F . For instance, the rooted forest F
of Figure 3 has the inversions (6, 7), (1, 7), (5, 7), (1, 5), and (2, 4), so inv(F ) = 5.

7 8 3 4

6 10 2 11
9 1 12
Figure 3. A rooted forest on [12]

Define the inversion enumerator In (t) of rooted forests on [n] by

In (t) = tinv(F ) ,
where F ranges over all rooted forests on [n]. Figure 4 shows the 16 rooted forests
on [3] with their number of inversions written underneath, from which it follows
I3 (t) = 6 + 6t + 3t2 + t3 .

1 2 3 1 3 1 2 2 3 2 1 3 2 3 1 1

2 3 1 3 1 2 2 3
0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0

2 3
1 1 2 2 3 3

1 3 1 2 2 3 1 3 1 2

3 2 3 1 2 1

1 2 0 1 1 2 2 3

Figure 4. The 16 rooted forests on [3] and their number of inversions

We collect below the three main results on In (t). They are theorems in “pure”
enumeration and have no direct connection with arrangements. The first result,
due to Mallows and Riordan [23], gives a remarkable connection with connected
Theorem 6.21. We have

In (1 + t) = te(G)−n ,

where G ranges over all connected (simple) graphs on the vertex set
[0, n] = {0, 1, . . . , n} and e(G) denotes the number of edges of G.
For instance,
I3 (1 + t) = 16 + 15t + 6t2 + t3 .
Thus, for instance, there are 15 connected graphs on [0, 3] with four edges. Three of
these are 4-cycles and twelve consist of a triangle with an incident edge. The enu-
meration of connected graphs is well-understood [32, Exam. 5.2.1]. In particular,
Cn (t) = te(G) ,
where G ranges over all connected (simple) graphs on [n], then
 xn  n x
(50) Cn (t) = log (1 + t)( 2 ) .
n! n!
n≥0 n≥1

Thus Theorem 6.21 “determines” In (t). There is an alternative way to state this
result that doesn’t involve the logarithm function.
Corollary 6.13. We have
2 )x
 xn n≥0
(51) In (t)(t − 1)n =  n n
n! x
n≥0 t( 2 )

The third result, due to Kreweras [22], connects inversion enumerators with
parking functions. Let PFn denote the set of parking function of length n.
Theorem 6.22. Let n ≥ 1. Then
(52) t( 2 ) In (1/t) = ta1 +···+an −n .
(a1 ,...,an )∈PFn

We now give proofs of Theorem 6.21, Corollary 6.13, and Theorem 6.22.
Proof of Theorem 6.21 (sketch). The following elegant proof is due to Gessel
and Wang [18]. Let G be a connected graph on [0, n]. Start at vertex 0 and let
T be the “depth-first spanning tree,” i.e., move to the largest unvisited neighbor
or else (if there is no unvisited neighbor) backtrack. The edges traversed when all
vertices are visited are the edges of the spanning tree T . Remove the vertex 0 and
root the trees that remain at the neighbors of 0. Denote this rooted forest by FG .
0 4 6
1 0

3 5 5 1 5 1

2 3 4 3 4

G 2 6 2 6
Given a spanning forest F on [n], what connected graphs G on [0, n] satisfy
F = FG ? The answer, whose straightforward verification we leave to the reader, is
the following. Add the vertex 0 to F and connect it the roots of F , obtaining T .
Clearly G consists of T with some added edges ij. The edge ij can be added to T
if and only if the path from 0 to j contains i (or vice versa), and if i is the next
vertex after i on the path from i to j, then (j, i ) is an inversion of F . Thus each
inversion of F corresponds to a possible edge that can be added to T , and these
edges can be added or not added independently. It follows that

te(G) = te(T ) (1 + t)inv(F )
G : F =FG

= tn (1 + t)inv(F ) .
Summing on all rooted forests F on [n] gives
te(G) = tn (1 + t)inv(F )
= tn In (1 + t),
where G ranges over all connected graphs on [0, n]. 
Proof of Corollary 6.13. By equation (50) and Theorem 6.21 we have
 xn  n x
tn−1 In−1 (1 + t) = log (1 + t)( 2 ) .
n! n!
n≥0 n≥0

Substituting t − 1 for t gives

 xn  n xn
(t − 1)n−1 In−1 (t) = log t( 2 ) .
n! n!
n≥0 n≥0

Now differentiate both sides with respect to x to obtain equation (51). 

Proof of Theorem 6.22. Let
 n È
Jn (t) = t( 2 )− (ai −1)
(a1 ,...,an )∈PFn
= t( 2 i
(a1 ,...,an )∈PFn

Claim #1:
(53) Jn+1 (t) = (1 + t + t2 + · · · + ti )Ji (t)Jn−i (t).

Proof of claim. Choose 0 ≤ i ≤ n, and let S be an i-element subset of [n]. Choose

also α ∈ PFi , β ∈ PFn−i , and 0 ≤ j ≤ i. Form a vector γ = (γ1 , . . . , γn+1 ) by
placing α at the positions indexed by S, placing (β1 + i + 1, . . . , βn−i + i + 1) at
the positions indexed by [n] − S, and placing j + 1 at position n + 1. For instance,
suppose n = 7, i = 3, S = {2, 3, 6}, α = (1, 2, 1), β = (2, 1, 4, 2), and j = 1. Then
γ = (6, 1, 2, 5, 8, 1, 6, 2) ∈ PF8 . It is easy to check that in general γ ∈ PFn+1 . Note

n+1 i 
γk = αk + βk + (n − i)(i + 1) + j + 1,
k=1 k=1 k=1
n+2 i+1 n−i+1
− γk = − αk + − βk + i − j.
2 2 2
Equation (53) then follows if the map (i, S, α, β, j) → γ is a bijection, i.e., given
γ ∈ PFn+1 , we can uniquely obtain (i, S, α, β, j) so that (i, S, α, β, j) → γ. Now
given γ, note that i + 1 is the largest number that can replace γn+1 so that we still
have a parking function. Once i is determined, the rest of the argument is clear,
proving the claim.
Note. Several bijections are known between the set of all rooted forests F on
[n] (or rooted trees on [0, n]) and the set PFn of all parking functions (a1 , . . . , an )
of length n, but none of them have the property that inv(F ) = a1 + · · · + an − n.
Hence a direct bijective proof of Theorem 6.22 is not known. It would be interesting
to find such a proof (Exercise 4).
Claim #2:
(54) In+1 (t) = (1 + t + t2 + · · · + ti )Ii (t)In−i (t).

Proof of claim. We give a proof due to G. Kreweras [22]. Let F be a rooted forest
on S ⊆ [n], #S = i, and let G be a rooted forest on S̄ = [n] − S. Let u1 < · · · < ui
be the vertices of F , and set ui+1 = n + 1. Choose 1 ≤ j ≤ i + 1. For all m ≥ j
replace um by um+1 . (If j = i + 1, then do nothing.) This gives a labelled forest F 
on (S ∪ {n + 1}) − {uj }. Let T  be the labelled tree obtained from F  by adjoining
the root uj and connecting it to the roots of F  . Keep G the same. We obtain a
rooted forest H on [n + 1] satisfying
inv(H) = j − 1 + inv(F ) + inv(G).

7 11 10 7 10 4
8 3 8 12
5 1 6 9 1 6 9
2 5 11 3

F G 2 H
This process gives a bijection (S, F, G, j) → H, where S ⊆ [n], F is a rooted
forest on S, G is a rooted forest on S̄, 1 ≤ j ≤ 1 + #S, and H is a rooted forest on
[n + 1]. Hence

Ii (t)In−i (t)(1 + t + · · · + ti ) = In+1 (t),
i=0 S⊆[n]

and the claim follows.

The initial conditions I0 (t) = J0 (t) = 1 agree, so by the two claims we have
In (t) = Jn (t) for all n ≥ 0. The proof of equation (52) follows by substituting 1/t
for t. 

6.3. The Distance Enumerator of the Shi Arrangement

Recall that the Shi arrangement Sn is given by the defining polynomial

QSn = (xi − xj )(xi − xj − 1).

Let K = R, and let R0 denote the region

(55) x1 > x2 > · · · > xn > x1 − 1,
so x ∈ R0 if and only if 0 ≤ xi − xj ≤ 1 for all i < j. We define a labeling
λ : R(Sn ) → Nn of the regions of Sn as follows.
• λ(R0 ) = (0, 0, . . . , 0)
• If the regions R and R of Sn are separated by the single hyperplane H
with the equation xi = xj , i < j, and if R and R0 lie on the same side of
H, then λ(R ) = λ(R) + ej (exactly as for the braid arrangement).
• If the regions R and R of Bn are separated by the single hyperplane H
with the equation xi = xj + 1, i < j, and if R and R0 lie on the same side
of H, then λ(R ) = λ(R) + ei .
Note that the labeling λ is well-defined, since λ(R) depends only on sep(R0 , R).
Figure 5 shows the labeling λ for the case n = 3.
Theorem 6.23. All labels λ(R), R ∈ R(Sn ), are distinct, and
PFn = {(a1 + 1, . . . , an + 1) : (a1 , . . . , an ) = λ(R) for some R ∈ R(Sn )}.
In other words, the labels λ(R) for R ∈ R(Sn ) are obtained from the labels λ(R)
for R ∈ R(Bn ) by permuting coordinates in all possible ways. This remarkable fact
seems much more difficult to prove than the corresponding result for Bn , viz., the
labels λ(R) for Bn consist of the sequences (a1 , . . . , an ) with 0 ≤ ai ≤ i − 1 (an
immediate consequence of Proposition 6.19 and Exercise 2.
Proof of Theorem 6.23 (sketch). An antichain I of proper intervals of [n]
is a collection of intervals [i, j] = {i, i + 1, . . . , j} with 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n such that if

x2 = x 3
x2 = x3 + 1
101 200

102 210
x1 = x 2 + 1
001 100
002 110
x1 = x 2

012 120

011 020

x1 = x3 + 1
x1 = x3

Figure 5. The labeling λ of the regions of S3

I, I  ∈ I and I ⊆ I  , then I = I  . For instance, there are five antichains of proper

intervals of [3], namely (writing ij for [i, j])
∅, {12}, {23}, {12, 23}, {13}.
In general, the number of antichains of proper intervals of [n] is the Catalan number
Cn (immediate from [32, Exer. 6.19(bbb]), though this fact is not relevant here.
Every region R ∈ R(Sn ) corresponds bijectively to a pair (w, I), where w ∈ Sn
and I is an antichain of proper intervals such that if [i, j] ∈ I then w(i) < w(j).
Namely, the pair (w, I) corresponds to the region
xw(1) > xw(2) > · · · > xw(n)
xw(r) − xw(s) < 1 if [r, s] ∈ I
xw(r) − xw(s) > 1 if r < s, w(r) < w(s), and ∃[i, j] ∈ I such that i ≤ r < s ≤ j.
We call (w, I) a valid pair. Given a valid pair (w, I) corresponding to a region R,
write d(w, I) = d(R0 , R). It is easy to see that
(56) d(w, I) = #{(i, j) : i < j, w(i) > w(j)}
+#{(i, j) : i < j, w(i) < w(j), no I ∈ I satisfies i, j ∈ I}.
We say that the pair (i, j) is of type 1 if i < j and w(i) > w(j), and is of type 2 if
i < j, w(i) < w(j), and no I ∈ I satisfies i, j ∈ I. Thus d(w, I) is the number of
pairs (i, j) that are either of type 1 or type 2.
Example. Let w = 521769348 and I = {14, 27, 49}. We can represent the pair
(w, I) by the diagram


This corresponds to the region

x5 > x2 > x1 > x7 > x6 > x9 > x3 > x4 > x8
x5 − x7 < 1, x2 − x3 < 1, x7 − x8 < 1.
This region is separated from R0 by the hyperplanes
x5 = x2 , x5 = x1 , . . . (13 in all)
x5 = x6 + 1, x5 = x9 + 1, . . . (7 in all).
Let λ(w, I, w(i)) be the number of integers j such that (i, j) is either of type 1 or
type 2. Thus
λ(R) = (λ(w, I, 1), . . . , λ(w, I, n)).
For the example above we have λ(R) = (2, 3, 0, 0, 7, 2, 3, 0, 3). For instance, the
entry λ(w, I, 5) = 7 corresponds to the seven pairs 12, 13, 17, 18 (type 1) and 15,
16, 19 (type 2).
Clearly λ(R) + (1, 1, . . . , 1) ∈ PFn , since λ(w, I, w(i)) ≤ n − i (the number of
elements to the right of w(i) in w).
Key lemma. Let X be an r-element subset of [n], and let v = v1 · · · vr be a
permutation of X. Let J be an antichain of proper intervals [a, b], where va < vb .
Suppose that the pair (i, j) is either of type 1 or type 2. Then
λ(v, J, vi ) > λ(v, J, vj ).
The proof of this lemma is straightforward and is left to the reader. For the ex-
ample above, writing λ(R) = (λ1 , . . . , λ9 ) = (5, 2, 1, 7, 6, 9, 3, 4, 8), the above lemma
implies that
(a) λ5 > λ2 , λ5 > λ1 , λ5 > λ3 , λ5 > λ4 , λ2 > λ1 , λ7 > λ6 , λ7 > λ3 , λ7 > λ4 ,
λ6 > λ3 , λ6 > λ4 , λ9 > λ3 , λ9 > λ4 , λ9 > λ8
(b) λ5 > λ6 , λ5 > λ9 , λ5 > λ8 , λ2 > λ4 , λ2 > λ8 , λ1 > λ4 , λ1 > λ8 .
The crux of the proof of Theorem 6.23 is to show that given α + (1, 1, . . . , 1) ∈
PFn , there is a unique region R ∈ R(Sn ) satisfying λ(R) = α. We will illustrate the
construction of R from α with the example α = (2, 3, 0, 0, 7, 2, 3, 0, 3). We build up
the pair (w, I) representing R one step at a time. First let v be the permutation
of [n] obtained from “standardizing” α from right-to-left. This means replacing
the 0’s in α with 1, 2, . . . , m1 from right-to-left, then replacing the 1’s in α with
m1 + 1, m1 + 2, . . . , m2 from right-to-left, etc. Let v −1 = (t1 , . . . , tn ). For our
example, we have
α = 2 3 0 0 7 2 3 0 3
v = 5 8 3 2 9 4 7 1 6 .
v −1 = 8 4 3 6 1 9 7 2 5
Next we insert t1 , . . . , tn from left-to-right into w. From α we can read off where ti
is inserted. After inserting ti , we also record which of the positions of the elements
so far inserted belong to some interval I ∈ I. We can also determine from α the
unique way to do this. The best way to understand this insertion technique is to
practice with some examples. Figure 6 illustrates the steps in the insertion process
for our current example. These steps are explained as follows.
(1) First insert 8.








Figure 6. Constructing a valid pair (w, I) from the parking function α = (2, 3, 0, 0, 7, 2, 3, 0, 3)

(2) Insert 4. Since α8 = 0, 4 appears to the left of 8, so we have the partial

permutation 48. We now must decide whether the positions of 4 and 8
belong to some interval I ∈ I. (In other words, in the pictorial represen-
tation of (w, I), will 4 and 8 lie under some arc?) By the first term on
the right-hand side of (56), we would have α4 ≥ 1 if there were no such I.
Since α4 = 0, we obtain the second row of Figure 6.
(3) Insert 3. As in the previous step, we obtain 348 with a single arc over all
three terms.
(4) Insert 6. Suppose we inserted it after the 3, obtaining 3648, with a single
arc over all four terms (since 3 and 8 have already been determined to lie
under a single arc). We have α6 = 2, but the contribution so far (of 3648
with an arc over all four terms) to α6 is 1. Thus later we must insert some
j to the right of 6 so that the pair (6, j) is of type 1 or type 2. By the
lemma, we would have λ(w, I, 6) > λ(w, I, j), contradicting that we are
inserting elements in order of increasing αi ’s. Similarly 3468 and 3486 are
excluded, so 6 must be inserted at the left, yielding 6348. If the arc over
4,6,8 is not extended to 6, then we would have α6 ≥ 3. Hence we obtain
the fourth row of Figure 6.

(5) Insert 1. Using the lemma we obtain 16348. Since α1 = 2, there is an arc
over 1 and two other elements to the right to 1. This gives the fifth row
of Figure 6.
(6) Insert 9. Placing 9 before 1 or 6 yields α9 ≥ 4, contradicting α9 = 3.
Placing 9 after 3,4, or 8 is excluded by the lemma. Hence we get the sixth
row of Figure 6.
(7) Insert 7. Placing 7 at the beginning yields four terms j < 7 appearing to
the right of 7, giving α7 ≥ 4, a contradiction. Placing 7 after 6,9,3,4,8 will
violate the lemma, so we get the partial permutation 1769348. In order
that α7 = 3, we must have 7 and 8 appearing under the same arc. Hence
the arc from 6 to 8 must be extended to 7, yielding row seven of Figure 6.
(8) Insert 2 and 5. By now we hope it is clear that there is always a unique
way to proceed.
The uniqueness of the above procedure shows that the map from the regions
R of Sn (or the valid pairs (w, I) that index the regions) to parking functions α
is injective. Since the number of valid pairs and number of parking functions are
both (n + 1)n−1 , the map is bijective, completing the (sketched) proof. In fact,
it’s not hard to show surjectivity directly, i.e., that the above procedure produces
a valid pair (w, I) for any parking function, circumventing the need to know that
r(Sn ) = #PFn in advance. 
Corollary 6.14. The distance enumerator of Sn is given by

(57) DSn (t) = ta1 +···+an −n .
(a1 ,...,an )∈PFn

Proof. It is immediate from the definition of the labeling λ : R(Sn ) → Nn that if

λ(R) = (a1 , . . . , an ), then d(R0 , R) = a1 + · · · + an . Now use Theorem 6.23. 
Note. An alternative proof of Corollary 6.14 is given by Athanasiadis [3].

6.4. The Distance Enumerator of a Supersolvable Arrangement

The goal of this section is a formula for the distance enumerator of a supersolvable
(central) arrangement with respect to a “canonical” base region R0 . The proof will
be by induction, based on the following lemma of Björner, Edelman, and Ziegler
Lemma 6.7. Every central arrangement of rank 2 is supersolvable. A central
arrangement A of rank d ≥ 3 is supersolvable if and only if A = A0 ∪A · 1 (disjoint
union), where A0 is supersolvable of rank d− 1 (so A1 = ∅) and for all H  , H  ∈ A1
with H  = H  , there exists H ∈ A0 such that H  ∩ H  ⊆ H.
Proof. Every geometric lattice of rank 2 is modular, hence supersolvable, so let A
be supersolvable of rank d ≥ 3. Let 0̂ = x0  x1  · · ·  xd−1  xd = 1̂ be a modular
maximal chain in LA . Define
A0 = Axd−1 = {H ∈ A : xd−1 ⊆ H},
so L(A0 ) ∼= [0̂, xd+1 ]. Clearly A0 is supersolvable of rank d − 1. Let A1 = A − A0 .
Let H  , H  ∈ A1 , H  = H  . Since xd−1 ⊆ H  we have xd−1 ∨ (H  ∨ H  ) = 1̂ in
L(A). Now rk(xd−1 ) = d − 1, and rk(H  ∨ H  ) = 2 by semimodularity. Since xd−1
is modular we obtain
rk(xd−1 ∧ (H  ∨ H  )) = (d − 1) + 2 − d = 1,

i.e., xd−1 ∧ (H  ∨ H  ) = H ∈ A. Since H ≤ xd−1 it follows that H ∈ A0 . Moreover,

H  ∩ H  ⊆ H since H ≤ H  ∨ H  . This proves the “only if” part of the lemma.
The “if” part is straightforward and not needed here, so we omit the proof. 
Given A0 = Axd−1 as above, define a map π : R(A)  R(A0 ) (the symbol 
denotes surjectivity) by π(R) = R if R ⊆ R . For R ∈ R(A) let

F(R) = {R1 ∈ R(A) : π(R) = π(R1 )} = π −1 (π(R)).

For example, let A be the arrangement

1 3
6 4

Let A0 = {H}. Then F(1) = {1, 2, 3} and F(5) = {4, 5, 6}.

Now let R ∈ R(A0 ). By Lemma 6.7 no H  , H  ∈ A can intersect inside R .
The illustration below is a projective diagram of a bad intersection. The solid lines
define A0 and the dashed lines A1 .


Thus π −1 (R ) must be arranged “linearly” in R , i.e., there is a straight line

intersecting all R ∈ π −1 (R ).

Since rank(A) > rank(A0 ), we have #π −1 (R ) > 1 (for H ∈ A does not bisect

R if and only if rank(A0 ∪ H) = rank(A0 )). Thus there are two distinct regions
R1 , R2 ∈ π −1 (R ) that are endpoints of the “chain of regions.”
Let ed have the meaning of equation (34), i.e.,
ed = #{H ∈ A : H ∈ A0 } = #A1 .
Then π (R ) is a chain of regions of length ed , so #π −1 (R ) = 1 + ed . We now

come to the key definition of this section. The definition is recursive by rank, the
base case being rank at most 2.
Definition 6.16. Let A be a real supersolvable central arrangement of rank d, and
let A0 be a supersolvable subarrangement of rank d − 1 (which always exists by the
definition of supersolvability). A region R0 ∈ R(A) is called canonical if either (1)
d ≤ 2, or else (2) d ≥ 3, π(R0 ) ∈ R(A0 ) is canonical, and R0 is an endpoint of the
chain F(R0 ).
Since every chain has two endpoints and a central arrangement of rank 1 has
two (canonical) regions, it follows that there are at least 2d canonical regions.
The main result on distance enumerators of supersolvable arrangements is the
following, due to Björner, Edelman, and Ziegler [8, Thm. 6.11].
Theorem 6.24. Let A be a supersolvable central arrangement of rank d in Rn . Let
R0 ∈ R(A) be canonical, and suppose that
χA (t) = (t − e1 )(t − e2 ) · · · (t − ed )tn−d .
(There always exist such positive integers ei by Corollary 4.9.) Then

DA,R0 (t) = (1 + t + t2 + · · · + tei ).

Proof. Let WA be the weak order on A with respect to R0 , i.e.,

WA = {sep(R0 , R) : R ∈ R(A)},
ordered by inclusion. Thus WA is graded with rank function given by rk(R) =
d(R0 , R) and rank generating function

trk(R) = DA (t).

Since R0 is canonical, for all R ∈ R(A0 ) we have that π −1 (R ) is a chain of length
ed . Hence if R ∈ R(A) and h(R) denotes the rank of R in the chain F(R), then
dA (R0 , R) = dA0 (π(R)) + h(R).
DA (t) = DA0 (t)(1 + t + · · · + ted ),
and the proof follows by induction. 
Note. The following two results were also proved in [8]. We simply state them
here without proof.
• If A is a real supersolvable central arrangement and R0 is canonical, then
WA is a lattice (Exercise 7).
• If A is any real central arrangement and WA is a lattice, then R0 is
simplicial (bounded by exactly rk(A) hyperplanes, the minimum possible).
In other words, the closure R̄0 is a simplex. As a partial converse, if every
region R is simplicial, then WA is a lattice (Exercise 8).

6.5. The Varchenko Matrix

Let A be a real arrangement. For each H ∈ A let aH be an indeterminate. Define
a matrix V = V (A) with rows and columns indexed by R(A) by

VRR = aH .
H∈sep(R,R )

For instance, let A be given as follows:

1 2

1 2 3
5 7

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 1 a1 a1 a2 a1 a3 a3 a2 a3 a1 a2 a3
2 a1 1 a2 a3 a1 a3 a1 a2 a3 a2 a3
3 a1 a2 a2 1 a2 a3 a1 a2 a3 a1 a3 a3
V =
4 a1 a3 a3 a2 a3 1 a1 a1 a2 a2
5 a3 a1 a3 a1 a2 a3 a1 1 a2 a1 a2
6 a2 a3 aa a2 a3 a1 a3 a1 a2 a2 1 a1
7 a1 a2 a3 a1 a3 a3 a2 a1 a2 a1 1
The determinant of this matrix happens to be given by
 3  3  3
det(V ) = 1 − a21 1 − a22 1 − a23 .

In order to state the general result, define for x ∈ L(A),

ax = aH
n(x) = r(A )
p(x) = b(c−1 Ax ) = β(Ax ),
where as usual Ax = {x ∩ H = ∅ : x ⊆ H} and Ax = {H ∈ A : H ⊇ x}, and
where c−1 denotes deconing and β is defined in Exercise 4.22. Thus

n(x) = |χAx (−1)| = |μ(x, y)|
, ,
p(x) = ,χAx (1), .
Example 6.14. The arrangement of three lines illustrated above has two types of
intersections (other than 0̂): a line x and a point y. For a line x, Ax consists of
two points on a line, so n(x) = r(Ax ) = 3. Moreover, Ax consists of the single
hyperplane x in R2 , so c−1 Ax = ∅ and p(x) = b(∅) = 1. Hence we obtain the
factor (1 − ax )3 in the determinant. On the other hand, Ay = ∅ so n(y) = r(∅) = 1.
Moreover, Ay consists of two intersecting lines in R2 , with characteristic polynomial
χAy (t) = (t − 1)2 . Hence p(y) = |χAy (1)| = 0. Equivalently, c−1 Ay consists of a
single point on a line, so again p(y) = b(c−1 Ay ) = 0. Thus y contributes a factor
(1 − a2y )0 = 1 to det(V ).
We can now state the remarkable result of Varchenko [37], generalized to
“weighted matroids” by Brylawski and Varchenko [11].
Theorem 6.25. Let A be a real arrangement. Then

det V (A) = (1 − a2x )n(x)p(x) .


Proof. Omitted.

(1) Let A be a central arrangement in Rn with distance enumerator DA (t) (with
respect to some base region R0 ). Define a graph GA on the vertex set R(A)
by putting an edge between R and R if #sep(R, R ) = 1 (i.e., R and R are
separated by a unique hyperplane).
(a) [2–] Show that GA is a bipartite graph.
(b) [2] Show that if #A is odd, then DA (−1) = 0.
(c) [2] Show that if #A is even and r(A) ≡ 2 (mod 4), then DA (−1) ≡ 2 (mod 4)
(so DA (−1) = 0).
(d) [2] Give an example of (c), i.e., find A so that #A is even and r(A) ≡
2 (mod 4).
(e) [2] Show that (c) cannot hold if A is supersolvable. (It is not assumed that
the base region R0 is canonical. Try to avoid the use of Section 6.0.4.)
(f) [2+] Show that if #A is even and r(A) ≡ 0 (mod 4), then it is possible for
DA (−1) = 0 and for DA (−1) = 0. Can examples be found for rank(A) ≤ 3?
(2) [2–] Show that a sequence (c1 , . . . , cn ) ∈ Nn is the inversion sequence of a per-
mutation w ∈ Sn if and only if ci ≤ i − 1 for 1 ≤ i ≤ n.

(3) [2] Show that all cars can park under the scenario following Definition 6.15 if
and only if the sequence (a1 , . . . , an ) of preferred parking spaces is a parking
(4) [5] Find a bijective proof of Theorem 6.22, i.e., find a bijection ϕ between the
 and the set PFn of all parking functions of length
set of all rooted forestson [n]
n satisfying inv(F ) = n+1 2 − a1 − · · · − an when ϕ(F ) = (a1 , . . . , an ). Note.
In principle a bijection ϕ can be obtained by carefully analyzing the proof of
Theorem 6.22. However, this bijection will be of a messy recursive nature. A
“nonrecursive” bijection would be greatly preferred.
(5) [3] There is a natural two-variable refinement of the distance enumerator (57)
of Sn . Given R ∈ R(Sn ), define d0 (R0 , R) to be the number of hyperplanes
xi = xj separating R0 from R, and d1 (R0 , R) to be the number of hyperplanes
xi = xj + 1 separating R0 from R. (Here R0 is given by (55) as usual.) Set

Dn (q, t) = q d0 (R0 ,R) td1 (R0 ,R) .
R∈R(Sn )

What can be said about the polynomial Dn (q, t)? Can its coefficients be inter-
preted in a simple way in terms of tree or forest inversions? Are there formulas
or recurrences for Dn (q, t) generalizing Theorem 6.21, Corollary 6.13, or equa-
tion (53)? The table below give the coefficients of q i tj in Dn (q, t) for 2 ≤ n ≤ 4.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 1 1 2 3 3 3 1
0 1 2 3
1 3 3 6 7 6 3
0 1 0 1 1 2 1
2 5 5 8 9 5
0 1 1 1 2 2 2
3 6 7 9 6
1 1 2 2 2
4 5 6 5
3 1
5 3 3
6 1
(6) [5–] Let Gn denote the generic braid arrangement
xi − xj = aij , 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n,
in R . Can anything interesting be said about the distance enumerator DGn (t)

(which depends on the choice of base region R0 and possibly on the aij ’s)? Gen-
eralize if possible to generic graphical arrangments, especially for supersolvable
(or chordal) graphs.
(7) [3–] Let A be a real supersolvable arrangement and R0 a canonical region of A.
Show that the weak order WA (with respect to R0 ) is a lattice.
(8) (a) [2+] let A be a real central arrangement of rank d. Suppose that the weak
order WA (with respect to some region R0 ∈ R(A)) is a lattice. Show that
R0 is simplicial, i.e., bounded by exactly d hyperplanes.
(b) [3–] Let A be a real central arrangement. Show that if every region R ∈
R(A) is simplicial, then WA is a lattice.
(9) (a) [2] Set each aH = q in the Varchenko matrix V of an arrangement R in Rn ,
obtaining a matrix V (q). Let r = r(A). The entries of V (q) belong to the
principal ideal domain Q[q], so V (q) has a Smith normal form AV (q)B =
diag(p1 , . . . , pr ), where A, B are r × r matrices whose entries belong to Q[q]
and whose determinants are nonzero elements of Q, and where p1 , . . . , pr ∈

Q[q] such that pi | pi+1 for 1 ≤ i ≤ r − 1. The Smith normal form is unique
up to multiplication of the pi ’s by nonzero elements of Q. For instance, if
A = B3 , then
AV (q)B = diag(1, q 2 − 1, q 2 − 1, q 2 − 1, (q 2 − 1)2 , (q 2 − 1)2 (q 4 + q 2 + 1)).
Show that each pi is a polynomial in q 2 .
(b) [3+] Let ai be the number of j’s for which (q 2 − 1)i | pj but (q 2 − 1)i+1  pj .
Show that 
χA (t) = (−1)n−i ai q n−i .
(c) [5] What more can be said about the polynomials pi ? By Theorem 6.25
they are products of cyclotomic polynomials, so one could begin by asking
for the largest powers of q 2 + 1 or q 4 + q 2 + 1 dividing each pi .

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Poset Topology: Tools and Applications

Michelle L. Wachs
IAS/Park City Mathematics Series
Volume 14, 2004

Poset Topology: Tools and Applications

Michelle L. Wachs

The theory of poset topology evolved from the seminal 1964 paper of Gian-Carlo
Rota on the Möbius function of a partially ordered set. This theory provides a deep
and fundamental link between combinatorics and other branches of mathematics.
Early impetus for this theory came from diverse fields such as
• commutative algebra (Stanley’s 1975 proof of the upper bound conjecture)
• group theory (the work of Brown (1974) and Quillen (1978) on p-subgroup
• combinatorics (Björner’s 1980 paper on poset shellability)
• representation theory (Stanley’s 1982 paper on group actions on the ho-
mology of posets)
• topology (the Orlik-Solomon theory of hyperplane arrangements (1980))
• complexity theory (the 1984 paper of Kahn, Saks, and Sturtevant on the
evasiveness conjecture).
Later developments have kept the theory vital. I mention just a few examples:
Goresky-MacPherson formula for subspace arrangements, Björner-Lovász-Yao com-
plexity theory results, Björner-Wachs extension of shellability to nonpure com-
plexes, Forman’s discrete version of Morse theory, and Vassiliev’s work on knot
invariants and graph connectivity.
So, what is poset topology? By the topology of a partially ordered set (poset)
we mean the topology of a certain simplicial complex associated with the poset,
called the order complex of the poset. In these lectures I will present some of
the techniques that have been developed over the years to study the topology of a
poset, and discuss some of the applications of poset topology to the fields mentioned
above as well as to other fields. In particular, I will discuss tools for computing
homotopy type and (co)homology of posets, with an emphasis on group equivariant
(co)homology. Although posets and simplicial complexes can be viewed as essen-
tially the same topological object, we will narrow our focus, for the most part,
1 Departmentof Mathematics, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Fl 33124.
E-mail address:
This work was partially supported by NSF grant DMS 0302310.

2007 Michelle L. Wachs


to tools that were developed specifically for posets; for example, lexicographical
shellability, recursive atom orderings, Whitney homology techniques, (co)homology
bases/generating set techniques, and fiber theorems.
Research in poset topology is very much driven by the study of concrete ex-
amples that arise in various contexts both inside and outside of combinatorics.
These examples often turn out to have a rich and interesting topological struc-
ture, whose analysis leads to the development of new techniques in poset topology.
These lecture notes are organized according to techniques rather than applications.
A recurring theme is the use of original examples in demonstrating a technique,
where by original example I mean the example that led to the development of the
technique in the first place. More recent examples will be discussed as well.
With regard to the choice of topics, I was primarily motivated by my own
research interests and the desire to provide the students at the PCMI graduate
school with concrete skills in this subject. Due to space and time constraints and
my decision to focus on techniques specific to posets, there are a number of very
important tools for general simplicial complexes that I have only been able to
mention in passing (or not at all). I point out, in particular, discrete Morse theory
(which is a major part of the lecture series of Robin Forman, its originator) and
basic techniques from algebraic topology such as long exact sequences and spectral
sequences. For further techniques and applications, still of current interest, we
strongly recommend the influential 1995 book chapter of Anders Björner [29].
The exercises vary in difficulty and are there to reinforce and supplement the
material treated in these notes. There are many open problems (simply referred to
as problems) and conjectures sprinkled throughout the text.
I would like to thank the organizers (Ezra Miller, Vic Reiner and Bernd Sturm-
fels) of the 2004 PCMI Graduate Summer School for inviting me to deliver these
lectures. I am very grateful to Vic Reiner for his encouragement and support. I
would also like to thank Tricia Hersh for the help and support she provided as my
overqualified teaching assistant. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to
the graduate students at the summer school for their interest and inspiration.
Basic Definitions, Results, and Examples

1.1. Order Complexes and Face Posets

We begin by defining the order complex of a poset and the face poset of a simplicial
complex. These constructions enable us to view posets and simplicial complexes as
essentially the same topological object. We shall assume throughout these lectures
that all posets and simplicial complexes are finite, unless otherwise stated.
An abstract simplicial complex Δ on finite vertex set V is a nonempty collection
of subsets of V such that
• {v} ∈ Δ for all v ∈ V
• if G ∈ Δ and F ⊆ G then F ∈ Δ.
The elements of Δ are called faces (or simplices) of Δ and the maximal faces
are called facets. We say that a face F has dimension d and write dim F = d if
d = |F | − 1. Faces of dimension d are referred to as d-faces. The dimension dim Δ
of Δ is defined to be maxF ∈Δ dim F . We also allow the (-1)-dimensional complex
{∅}, which we refer to as the empty simplicial complex. It will be convenient to refer
to the empty set ∅, as the degenerate empty complex and say that it has dimension
−2, even though we don’t really consider it to be a simplicial complex. If all facets
of Δ have the same dimension then Δ is said to be pure.
A d-dimensional geometric simplex in Rn is defined to be the convex hull of d+1
affinely independent points in Rn called vertices. The convex hull of any subset of
the vertices is called a face of the geometric simplex. A geometric simplicial complex
K in Rn is a nonempty collection of geometric simplices in Rn such that
• Every face of a simplex in K is in K.
• The intersection of any two simplices of K is a face of both of them.
From a geometric simplicial complex K, one gets an abstract simplicial com-
plex Δ(K) by letting the faces of Δ(K) be the vertex sets of the simplices of K.
Every abstract simplicial complex Δ can be obtained in this way, i.e., there is a
geometric simplicial complex K such that Δ(K) = Δ. Although K is not unique,
the underlying topological space, obtained by taking the union of the simplices of
K under the usual topology on Rn , is unique up to homeomorphism. We refer to
this space as the geometric realization of Δ and denote it by Δ. We will usually

3 2

1 3
2 5 6

1 4

P Δ (P)

Figure 1.1.1. Order complex of a poset


123 123

12 13 23 34 12 13 23 34

1 3
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

4 ^

Δ P(Δ ) L(Δ )

Figure 1.1.2. Face poset and face lattice of a simplicial complex

drop the   and let Δ denote an abstract simplicial complex as well as its geometric
To every poset P , one can associate an abstract simplicial complex Δ(P ) called
the order complex of P . The vertices of Δ(P ) are the elements of P and the faces
of Δ(P ) are the chains (i.e., totally ordered subsets) of P . (The order complex
of the empty poset is the empty simplicial complex {∅}.) For example, the Hasse
diagram of a poset P and the geometric realization of its order complex are given
in Figure 1.1.1.
To every simplicial complex Δ, one can associate a poset P (Δ) called the face
poset of Δ, which is defined to be the poset of nonempty faces ordered by inclusion.
The face lattice L(Δ) is P (Δ) with a smallest element 0̂ and a largest element 1̂
attached. An example is given in Figure 1.1.2.
If we start with a simplicial complex Δ, take its face poset P (Δ), and then take
the order complex Δ(P (Δ)), we get a simplicial complex known as the barycentric

2 2

12 23
12 13 23 34
1 3 1 3
1 2 3 4
4 4

Δ P(Δ ) Δ (P(Δ ))

Figure 1.1.3. Barycentric subdivision

12 13 23
12 23

1 2 3 1 3

B3 Δ (B3)

Figure 1.1.4. Order complex of the subset lattice (Boolean algebra)

subdivision of Δ; see Figure 1.1.3. The geometric realizations are always homeo-
Δ∼= Δ(P (Δ)).
When we attribute a topological property to a poset, we mean that the geomet-
ric realization of the order complex of the poset has that property. For instance, if
we say that the poset P is homeomorphic to the n-sphere Sn we mean that Δ(P )
is homeomorphic to Sn .
Example 1.1.1. The Boolean algebra. Let Bn denote the lattice of subsets of
[n] := {1, 2, . . . , n} ordered by containment, and let B̄n := Bn − {∅, [n]}. Then
B̄n ∼
= Sn−2
because Δ(B̄n ) is the barycentric subdivision of the boundary of the (n−1)-simplex.
See Figure 1.1.4.
We now review some basic poset terminology. An m-chain of a poset P is a
totally ordered subset c = {x1 < x2 < · · · < xm+1 } of P . We say the length l(c) of
c is m. We consider the empty chain to be a (−1)-chain. The length l(P ) of P is
defined to be
l(P ) := max{l(c) : c is a chain of P }.
Thus, l(P ) = dim Δ(P ) and l(P (Δ)) = dim Δ.
A chain of P is said to be maximal if it is inclusionwise maximal. Thus, the set
M(P ) of maximal chains of P is the set of facets of Δ(P ). A poset P is said to be

pure (also known as ranked or graded) if all maximal chains have the same length.
Thus, P is pure if and only if Δ(P ) is pure. Also a simplicial complex Δ is pure
if and only if its face poset P (Δ) is pure. The posets and simplicial complexes of
Figures 1.1.1 and 1.1.2 are all nonpure, while the poset and simplicial complex of
Figure 1.1.4 are both pure.
For x ≤ y in P , let (x, y) denote the open interval {z ∈ P : x < z < y} and let
[x, y] denote the closed interval {z ∈ P : x ≤ z ≤ y}. Half open intervals (x, y] and
[x, y) are defined similarly.
If P has a unique minimum element, it is usual to denote it by 0̂ and refer
to it as the bottom element. Similarly, the unique maximum element, if it exists,
is denoted 1̂ and is referred to as the top element. Note that if P has a bottom
element 0̂ or top element 1̂ then Δ(P ) is contractible since it is a cone. We usually
remove the top and bottom elements and study the more interesting topology of
the remaining poset. Define the proper part of a poset P , for which |P | > 1, to be
P̄ := P − {0̂, 1̂}.
In the case that |P | = 1, it will be convenient to define Δ(P̄ ) to be the degenerate
empty complex ∅. We will also say Δ((x, y)) = ∅ and l((x, y)) = −2 if x = y.
For posets with a bottom element 0̂, the elements that cover 0̂ are called atoms.
For posets with a top element 1̂, the elements that are covered by 1̂ are called
A poset P is said to be bounded if it has a top element 1̂ and a bottom element
0̂. Given a poset P , we define the bounded extension
P̂ := P ∪ {0̂, 1̂},
where new elements 0̂ and 1̂ are adjoined (even if P already has a bottom or top
A poset P is said to be a meet semilattice if every pair of elements x, y ∈ P
has a meet x ∧ y, i.e. an element less than or equal to both x and y that is greater
than all other such elements. A poset P is said to be a join semilattice if every
pair of elements x, y ∈ P has a join x ∨ y, i.e. a unique element greater than or
equal to both x and y that is less than all other such elements. If P is both a join
semilattice and a meet semilattice then P is said to be a lattice. It is a basic fact of
lattice theory that any finite meet (join) semilattice with a top (bottom) element
is a lattice.
The dual of a poset P is the poset P ∗ on the same underlying set with the
order relation reversed. Topologically there is no difference between a poset and its
dual since Δ(P ) and Δ(P ∗ ) are identical simplicial complexes. The direct product
P × Q of two posets P and Q is the poset whose underlying set is the cartesian
product {(p, q) : p ∈ P, q ∈ Q} and whose order relation is given by
(p1 , q1 ) ≤P ×Q (p2 , q2 ) if p1 ≤P p2 and q1 ≤Q q2 .
Define the join of two simplicial complexes Δ and Γ on disjoint vertex sets to
be the simplicial complex given by
(1.1.1) Δ ∗ Γ := {A ∪ B : A ∈ Δ, B ∈ Γ}.
The join (or ordinal sum) P ∗ Q of posets P and Q is the poset whose underlying
set is the disjoint union of P and Q and whose order relation is given by x < y if


1 1 2 1

-1 -1 -1 -1

Figure 1.2.1. μ(0̂, x)

either (i) x <P y, (ii) x <Q y, or (iii) x ∈ P and y ∈ Q. Clearly

Δ(P ∗ Q) = Δ(P ) ∗ Δ(Q).
There are topological relationships between the join and product of posets, which
are discussed in Section 5.1.

1.2. The Möbius Function

The story of poset topology begins with the Möbius function μ(= μP ) of a poset
P defined recursively on closed intervals of P as follows:
μ(x, x) = 1, for all x ∈ P

μ(x, y) = − μ(x, z), for all x < y ∈ P.

For a bounded poset P , define the Möbius invariant

μ(P ) := μP (0̂, 1̂).
In Figure 1.2.1, the values of μ(0̂, x) are shown for each element x of the poset.
There are various techniques for computing the Möbius function of a poset; see
[171]. Perhaps the most basic technique is given by the product formula.
Proposition 1.2.1. Let P and Q be posets. Then for (p1 , q1 ) ≤ (p2 , q2 ) ∈ P × Q,
μP ×Q ((p1 , q1 ), (p2 , q2 )) = μP (p1 , p2 )μQ (q1 , q2 ).
Exercise 1.2.2. Prove Proposition 1.2.1.
Exercise 1.2.3. Use the product formula to show that the Möbius function for
the subset lattice Bn is given by

μ(X, Y ) = (−1)|Y −X| for all X ⊆ Y.

Exercise 1.2.4. For positive integer n, the lattice Dn of divisors of n is the set
of positive divisors of n ordered by a ≤ b if a divides b. Show that the Möbius
function for Dn is given by
μ(d, m) = μ(m/d),

where μ(·) is the classical Möbius function of number theory, which is defined on
the set of positive integers by

(−1)k if n is the product of k distinct primes
μ(n) =
0 if n is divisible by a square.
This example is the reason for the name Möbius function of a poset.
The combinatorial significance of the Möbius function was first demonstrated
by Rota in 1964 in his Steele-prize winning paper [149]. The Möbius function of a
poset is used in enumerative combinatorics to obtain inversion formulas.
Proposition 1.2.5 (Möbius inversion). Let P be a poset and let f, g : P → C.
g(y) = f (x)
if and only if 
f (y) = μ(x, y) g(x).

Three examples of Möbius inversion are classical Möbius inversion (P = Dn ),

inclusion-exclusion (P = Bn ), and Gaussian inversion (P = Bn (q), the lattice of
subspaces of an n-dimensional vector space over the field with q elements); see [171]
for details.
Our interest in the Möbius function stems from its connection to the Euler
characteristic. The reduced Euler characteristic χ̃(Δ) of a simplicial complex Δ is
defined to be

χ̃(Δ) := (−1)i fi (Δ),
where fi (Δ) is the number of i-faces of Δ.
Proposition 1.2.6 (Philip Hall Theorem). For any poset P ,
μ(P̂ ) = χ̃(Δ(P )).
Exercise 1.2.7. Prove Proposition 1.2.6.
It follows from the Euler-Poincaré formula below that the Euler characteristic
is a topological invariant. Hence by Proposition 1.2.6, μP (x, y) depends only on
the topology of the open interval (x, y) of P .
Theorem 1.2.8 (Euler-Poincaré formula). For any simplicial complex Δ,

χ̃(Δ) := (−1)i β̃i (Δ),

where β̃i (Δ) is the ith reduced Betti number of Δ, i.e., the rank, as an abelian
group, of the ith reduced homology of Δ over Z.
The Möbius function of a poset plays a fundamental role in the theory of
hyperplane arrangements and the homology of a poset plays a fundamental role in
the theory of subspace arrangements. We discuss the connection with arrangements
in the next section.

3 4 5 8 6 7
2 6
1 5
7 1 2 3 4

A L (A)

Figure 1.3.1. Intersection semilattice of a hyperplane arrangement

1.3. Hyperplane and Subspace Arrangements

A hyperplane arrangement A is a finite collection of (affine) hyperplanes in some
vector space V . We will consider only real hyperplane arrangements (V = Rn ) and
complex hyperplane arrangements (V = Cn ) here.
Real hyperplane arrangements divide Rn into regions. A remarkable formula
for the number of regions was given by Zaslavsky [215] in 1975. This formula
involves the notion of intersection semilattice of a hyperplane arrangement.
The intersection semilattice L(A) of a hyperplane arrangement A is defined to
be the meet semilattice of nonempty intersections of hyperplanes in A ordered by
reverse inclusion. Note that we include the intersection over the empty set which
is the bottom element 0̂ of L(A). Note also that L(A) has a top element if and
only if ∩A = ∅. Such an arrangement is called a central arrangement. Hence for
central arrangements A, the intersection semilattice L(A) is actually a lattice. An
example of a hyperplane arrangement in R2 and its intersection semilattice are
given in Figure 1.3.1.
Before stating Zaslavsky’s formula, we discuss four fundamental examples of
real hyperplane arrangements and their intersection lattices, to which we refer
throughout these lectures.
Example 1.3.1. The (type A) coordinate hyperplane arrangement and the Boolean
algebra Bn . The coordinate hyperplane arrangement is the central hyperplane
arrangement consisting of the coordinate hyperplanes xi = 0 in Rn . It is easy to
see that the intersection lattice of this arrangement is isomorphic to the subset
lattice Bn . Indeed, the intersection
{x ∈ Rn : xi1 = xi2 = · · · = xik = 0},
where 1 ≤ i1 < i2 < · · · < ik ≤ n, corresponds to the subset {i1 , i2 , . . . , ik }. This
correspondence is an isomorphism from the intersection lattice to Bn .
Example 1.3.2. The type B coordinate hyperplane arrangement and the face lattice
of the n-cross-polytope Cn . The type B coordinate hyperplane arrangement is the
affine hyperplane arrangement consisting of the hyperplanes xi = ±1 in Rn . One
can see that if we attach a top element 1̂ to the intersection semilattice of this
arrangement we have a lattice that is isomorphic to the lattice of faces of the n-
cross-polytope, which we denote by Cn . (This is dual to the lattice of faces of the

x 2=x 3 123
x 1=x 3
x 1=x 2

12/3 13/2 23/1


A2 L(A2)=Π3

Figure 1.3.2. Intersection lattice of braid arrangement

n-cube.) Indeed, the intersection

{x ∈ Rn : 1 xi1 = 2 xi2 = · · · = k xik = 1},
where 1 ≤ i1 < i2 < · · · < ik ≤ n and i ∈ {−1, 1}, maps to the (n − k)-face
{x ∈ [−1, 1]n : 1 xi1 = 2 xi2 = · · · = k xik = 1}
of the n-cube. This correspondence is an isomorphism from the intersection lattice
to the dual of the face lattice of the cube.
Example 1.3.3. The (type A) braid arrangement and the partition lattice Πn . For
1 ≤ i < j ≤ n, let
Hi,j = {x ∈ Rn : xi = xj }.
The hyperplane arrangement
An−1 := {Hi,j : 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n}
is known as the braid arrangement or the type A Coxeter arrangement. The in-
tersection lattice L(An−1 ) is isomorphic to Πn , the lattice of partitions of the set
[n] ordered by refinement. Indeed, for each partition π ∈ Πn , let π be the linear
subspace of Rn consisting of all points (x1 , . . . , xn ) such that xi = xj whenever i
and j are in the same block of π. The map π → π is a poset isomorphism from Πn
to L(An−1 ). The braid arrangement A2 intersected with the plane x1 + x2 + x3 = 0
and the partition lattice Π3 are shown in Figure 1.3.2.
Example 1.3.4. The type B braid arrangement and the type B partition lattice
n . For 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n, let

Hi,j = {x ∈ Rn : xi = xj } and Hi,j = {x ∈ Rn : xi = −xj }.
For i = 1, . . . n, let
Hi = {x ∈ Rn : xi = 0}.

x1  = 0 012
x1 = -x 2 x1  = x2

x2  = 0 01/2 02/1 0/12 0/12


B2 L(B2)=Π

Figure 1.3.3. Intersection lattice of type B braid arrangement

The hyperplane arrangement

Bn := {Hi,j
: 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n} ∪ {Hi,j : 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n} ∪ {Hi : 1 ≤ i ≤ n}
is called the type B braid arrangement or the type B Coxeter arrangement. The
intersection lattice L(Bn ) is isomorphic to the type B (or signed) partition lattice.
The elements of the type B partition lattice ΠB n are partitions of {0, . . . , n} for
which any of the elements of [n] can have a bar except for the elements of the block
that contains 0 and the smallest element of each block. For example, 025/17̄9/346̄8̄
is an element of ΠB 9 , while 025̄/17̄9/3̄46̄8̄ is not because 5 and 3 are not allowed
to be barred. The covering relation is given by π1 <· π2 if π2 is obtained from π1
by merging two blocks B1 and B2 into a single block B in the following manner:
Suppose min B1 < min B2 . Then
• if 0 ∈ B1 , let B be the union of B1 and B2 with all bars removed,
• if 0 ∈
/ B1 , let B be the union of either
– B1 and B2 with all bars intact or
– B1 and B̄2 , where B̄2 is obtained from B2 by barring all unbarred
elements and unbarring all barred elements.
For example, the type B partitions that cover 025/17̄9/346̄8̄ in ΠB
9 are

012579/346̄8̄, 0234568/17̄9, 025/1346̄7̄8̄9, 025/13̄4̄67̄89.

The isomorphism from ΠB
n to L(Bn ) is quite natural. Take a typical type B partition

It maps to the subspace
{x ∈ R9 : x2 = x5 = 0, x1 = −x7 = x9 , x3 = x4 = −x6 = −x8 },
in L(Bn ). The type B braid arrangement B2 and the type B partition lattice ΠB
are shown in Figure 1.3.3.

Examples 1.3.1 and 1.3.3 are referred to as type A examples, and Examples 1.3.2
and 1.3.4 are referred to as type B examples because of their connection with
Coxeter groups. Indeed, associated with every finite Coxeter group (i.e., finite
group generated by Euclidean reflections) is a simplicial complex called its Coxeter
complex. The order complex of the Boolean algebra Bn is the Coxeter complex
of the symmetric group Sn , which is the type A Coxeter group, and the order
complex of the face lattice of the cross-polytope Cn is the Coxeter complex of the
hyperoctahedral group, which is the type B Coxeter group. (The use of notation is
unfortunate here; Bn is type A and Cn is type B.)
Also associated with every finite Coxeter group is a hyperplane arrangement,
called its Coxeter arrangement, which consists of all its reflecting hyperplanes. The
group generated by the reflections about hyperplanes in the Coxeter arrangement is
the Coxeter group. The braid arrangement is the Coxeter arrangement of the sym-
metric group (type A Coxeter group) and type B braid arrangement is the Coxeter
arrangement of the hyperoctahedral group (type B Coxeter group). Coxeter groups
are discussed further in Section 3.3. See the chapters in this volume by Fomin and
Reading [71] and Stanley [176] for further discussion of Coxeter arrangements.
The types A and B partition lattices belong to another family of well-studied
lattices, namely the Dowling lattices. We will not define Dowling lattices, but we
will occasionally refer to them; see [83] for the definition. A broad class of Dowling
lattices arise as intersection lattices of complex hyperplane arrangements Am,n
consisting of hyperplanes of the forms zj = 0, where j = 1, . . . , n, and zj = ω h zi ,
where ω is the mth primitive root of unity e m , 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n, and h ∈ [m]. This
class includes the types A and B partition lattices.
We now state Zaslavsky’s seminal result.
Theorem 1.3.5 (Zaslavsky [215]). Suppose A is a hyperplane arrangement in
Rn . Let r(A) be the number of regions into which A divides Rn and let b(A) be the
number of these regions that are bounded. Then

(1.3.1) r(A) = |μ(0̂, x)|

(1.3.2) b(A) = |μ(L(A) ∪ 1̂)|.
The arrangement of Figure 1.3.1 has a total of 10 regions with 2 of them
bounded. One can use the values of the Möbius function given in Figure 1.2.1 to
confirm (1.3.1) and (1.3.2) for the arrangement of Figure 1.3.1. Note that if A is a
central arrangement, L(A) ∪ 1̂ has an artificial top element above the top element
of L(A). In other words L(A) ∪ 1̂ has exactly one coatom. It is easy to see that
posets with only one coatom have Möbius invariant 0. Since central arrangements
clearly have no bounded regions, (1.3.2) is trivial for central arrangements.
Exercise 1.3.6. Suppose we have a hyperplane H of Rn which is generic with
respect to a central hyperplane arrangement A in Rn . This means that dim(H ∩
X) = dim(X) − 1 for all X ∈ L(A). Let AH = {H ∩ K : K ∈ A}. This is a
hyperplane arrangement induced in H ∼ = Rn−1 . Show that the number of bounded
regions of AH is independent of the choice of generic hyperplane H (see [42]).
The next major development in the combinatorial theory of hyperplane arrange-
ments is a 1980 formula of Orlik and Solomon [131], which can be viewed as a

complex analog of (1.3.1). The number of regions in a real hyperplane arrangement

A is equal to the sum of all the Betti numbers of the complement Rn − ∪A. Indeed,
since each region is contractible, all the Betti numbers are 0 except for the degree 0
Betti number, which equals the number of regions. Hence (1.3.1) can be interpreted
as a formula for the sum of the Betti numbers of the complement Rn − ∪A. The
analog for complex arrangements is given by following result.
Theorem 1.3.7 (Orlik and Solomon [131]). Let A be a hyperplane arrangement
in Cn . The complement MA := Cn − ∪A has torsion-free integral cohomology and
has Betti numbers given by,

βi (MA ) = |μ(0̂, x)|,
x ∈ L(A)
dimC (x) = n − i

for all i.
There is a striking common generalization of the Zaslavsky formula (1.3.1) and
the Orlik-Solomon formula, obtained by Goresky and MacPherson in 1988, which
involves subspace arrangements. A real subspace arrangement is a finite collection
of (affine) subspaces in Rn . Real hyperplane arrangements and complex hyper-
plane arrangements are both examples of real subspace arrangements. Indeed,
hyperplanes in Cn can be viewed as codimension 2 subspaces of R2n . Again the
intersection semilattice L(A) is defined to be the semilattice of nonempty intersec-
tions of subspaces in the subspace arrangement A.
Theorem 1.3.8 (Goresky and MacPherson [80]). Let A be a subspace arrangement
in Rn . The reduced integral cohomology of the complement MA := Rn −∪A is given
by the group isomorphism

H̃ i (MA ; Z) ∼
= H̃n−dim x−2−i ((0̂, x); Z),

for all i.
To see that the Goresky-MacPherson formula reduces to the Zaslavsky formula
and to the Orlik-Solomon formula, one needs to understand the homology of the
intersection lattice of a central hyperplane arrangement. The intersection lattice
belongs to a well-understood class of lattices called geometric lattices. A fundamen-
tal result due to Folkman [70] states that the proper part of any geometric lattice
L has vanishing reduced homology in every dimension except the top dimension
(i.e. dimension equal to l(L) − 2). In fact, the homotopy type is that of a wedge of
spheres of top dimension. The intersection lattice of an affine hyperplane arrange-
ment belongs to a more general class of lattices called geometric semilattices, which
were introduced and studied by Wachs and Walker [205]. The proper part of a
geometric semilattice also has the homotopy type of a wedge of spheres of top di-
mension. Topology of geometric (semi)lattices is discussed further in Sections 3.2.3
and 4.2.
Exercise 1.3.9. Use Folkman’s result to show that the Goresky-MacPherson for-
mula reduces to both the Zaslavsky formula and the Orlik-Solomon formula.
The intersection lattice of a hyperplane arrangement determines more than the
additive group structure of the integral cohomology of the complement. Orlik and

Solomon show that it determines the ring structure as well. Ziegler [218] showed
that, in general, for subspace arrangements the combinatorial data (intersection
lattice and dimension information) does not determine ring structure. However
in certain special cases the combinatorial data does determine the cohomology
algebra, see [69], [214], [58]. In Section 5.4 we discuss some stronger versions of
the Goresky-MacPherson formula, namely a homotopy version due to Ziegler and
Živaljević [222], and an equivariant version due to Sundaram and Welker [186].
For further reading on hyperplane arrangements, see the chapter by Stanley in
this volume [176] and the text by Orlik and Terao [132]. Further information on
subspace arrangements can be found in Björner [28] and Ziegler [216].

1.4. Some Connections with Graphs, Groups and Lattices

In this section we briefly discuss some results and questions in which poset topology
plays a role. We start with a old conjecture of Karp in graph complexity theory. An
algorithm for deciding whether a graph with n nodes has a certain property checks
the entries of the graph’s adjacency matrix until a determination can be made. A
graph property is said to be evasive if the best algorithm needs to check all n2
entries (in the worst case). Here are some examples of evasive graph properties:
• property of being connected
• property of containing a perfect matching
• property of having degree at most b for some fixed b.
A monotone graph property is a property of graphs that is isomorphism in-
variant and closed under addition of edges or closed under removal of edges. The
graph properties listed above are clearly monotone graph properties. We say that
a graph property is trivial if every graph has the property or every graph lacks the
Conjecture 1.4.1 (Karp’s Evasiveness Conjecture). Every nontrivial monotone
graph property is evasive.
Kahn, Saks, and Sturtevant [108] proved the evasiveness conjecture for n a
prime power by using topological techniques and group actions. Since determining
whether a graph has a certain property is equivalent to determining whether the
graph lacks the property, one can require without loss of generality that a monotone
graph property be closed under removal of edges. Given such a monotone  graph
property, P, let ΔnP be the simplicial complex whose vertex set is [n] 2 and whose
faces are the edge sets of graphs on node set [n] that have the property. Alter-
natively, ΔnP is the simplicial complex whose face poset is the poset of graphs on
node set [n] that have property P, ordered by edge set inclusion. Kahn, Saks, and
Sturtevant show that
• nonvanishing reduced simplicial homology of ΔnP implies P is evasive
• ΔnP has nonvanishing reduced simplicial homology when n is a prime
power, using a topological fixed point theorem.
Although this connection between evasiveness and topology doesn’t really in-
volve posets directly, we mention it here because posets and simplicial complexes
can be viewed as the same object, and as we will see in later in these lectures, the
tools of poset topology are useful in the study of the topology of graph complexes.
For other significant results on evasiveness and topology of graph complexes, see

eg., [55], [213], [73]. This topic is discussed in greater depth in Forman’s chapter
of this volume [74]. Applications of graph complexes in knot theory and group the-
ory are discussed in Section 5.2. There are also connections between the topology
of graph complexes and commutative algebra, which are explored in the work of
Reiner and Roberts [140] and Dong [61]. A direct application of poset topology in
a different complexity theory problem is discussed in Section 3.2.4.
Representability questions in lattice theory deal with whether an arbitrary
lattice can be represented as a sublattice, subposet or interval in a given class of
lattices. We briefly discuss three examples that have connections to poset topology.
A result of Pudlák and Tuma [136] states that every lattice is isomorphic to a
sublattice of some partition lattice Πn . This implies that every lattice can be repre-
sented as the intersection lattice of a subspace arrangement embedded in the braid
arrangement. There is another representability result that is much easier to prove;
namely that every meet semilattice can be represented as the intersection semilat-
tice of some subspace arrangement, see [216]. From either of these representability
results, we see that, in contrast to the situation with hyperplane arrangements,
where the topology of the proper part of the intersection semilattice is rather spe-
cial (a wedge of spheres), any topology is possible for the intersection semilattice
of a general subspace arrangement. Indeed, given any simplicial complex Δ, there
is a linear subspace arrangement A such that L(A) is homeomorphic to Δ; namely
A is the linear subspace arrangement whose intersection lattice L(A) is isomorphic
to the face lattice L(Δ).
An open representability question is whether every lattice can be represented
as an interval in the lattice of subgroups of some group ordered by inclusion. An
approach to obtaining a negative answer to this question, proposed by Shareshian
[155], is to establish restrictions on the topology of intervals in the subgroup lattice.
Conjecture 1.4.2 (Shareshian [155]). Let G be a finite group. Then every open
interval in the lattice of subgroups of G has the homotopy type of a wedge of spheres.
This conjecture was shown to hold for solvable groups by Kratzer and Thévenaz
[114] (see Theorem 3.1.13 which strengthens the Kratzer-Thévenaz result). Further
discussion of connections between poset topology and group theory can be found
in Section 5.2
Our last example deals with the order dimension of a poset P , which is defined
to be the smallest integer n such that P can be represented as an induced subposet
of a product of n chains. Order dimension is an important and extensively studied
poset invariant, see [191]. Reiner and Welker give a lower bound on order dimension
of a lattice in terms of its homology.
Theorem 1.4.3 (Reiner and Welker [143]). Let L be a lattice and let d be the
largest dimension for which the reduced integral simplicial homology of the proper
part of L is nonvanishing. Then the order dimension of L is at least d + 2.

1.5. Poset Homology and Cohomology

By (co)homology of a poset, we usually mean the reduced simplicial (co)homology
of its order complex. On rare occasions, we will deal with nonreduced simplicial
homology. Although it is presumed that the reader is familiar with simplicial ho-
mology and cohomology, we review these concepts for posets in terms of chains of

the poset. For each poset P and integer j, define the chain space
Cj (P ; k) := k-module freely generated by j-chains of P,
where k is a field or the ring of integers.
The boundary map ∂j : Cj (P ; k) → Cj−1 (P ; k) is defined by

∂j (x1 < · · · < xj+1 ) = (−1)i (x1 < · · · < x̂i < · · · < xj+1 ),

where the ˆ· denotes deletion. We have that ∂j−1 ∂j = 0, which makes (Cj (P ; k), ∂j )
an algebraic complex. Define the cycle space Zj (P ; k) := ker ∂j and the boundary
space Bj (P ; k) := im∂j+1 . Homology of the poset P in dimension j is defined by
H̃j (P ; k) := Zj (P ; k)/Bj (P ; k).
The coboundary map δj : Cj (P ; k) → Cj+1 (P ; k) is defined by
(1.5.1) δj (α), β = α, ∂j+1 (β)
where α ∈ Cj (P ; k), β ∈ Cj+1 (P ; k), and ·, · is the bilinear form on ⊕j≥−1 Cj (P ; k)
for which the chains of P form an orthonormal basis. This is equivalent to saying
δj (x1 < · · · < xj ) =

(−1)i (x1 < · · · < xi−1 < x < xi < · · · < xj ),
i=1 x∈(xi−1 ,xi )

for all chains x1 < · · · < xj , where x0 is the bottom element of P̂ and xj+1
is the top element of P̂ . Define the cocycle space to be Z j (P ; k) := ker δj and
the coboundary space to be B j (P ; k) := imδj−1 . Cohomology of the poset P in
dimension j is defined to be
H̃ j (P ; k) := Z j (P ; k)/B j (P ; k).
When k is a field, H̃ j (P ; k) and H̃j (P ; k) are isomorphic vector spaces. The
jth (reduced) Betti number of P is given by
β̃j (P ) := dim H̃j (P ; C),
which is the same as the rank of the free part of H̃j (P ; Z).
We will work primarily with homology over C and Z. For x < y in P , we write
H̃j (x, y) for the complex homology of the open interval (x, y) of P , and β̃j (x, y) for
the jth Betti number of the open interval (x, y). When x = y, define H̃j (x, y) to
be C and β̃j (x, y) to be 1 if j = −2, and to be 0 for all other j.
Many of the posets that arise have the homotopy type of a wedge of spheres.
We review a basic fact pertaining to wedges of spheres and a partial converse.
Theorem 1.5.1. Suppose Δ has the homotopy type of a wedge of spheres of various
dimensions, where ri is the number of spheres of dimension i. Then for each i =
0, 1, . . . , dim Δ,
(1.5.2) H̃i (Δ; Z) ∼
= H̃ i (Δ; Z) ∼
= Zri .
Theorem 1.5.2. If Δ is simply connected and has vanishing reduced integral ho-
mology in all dimensions but dimension n, where homology is free of rank r, then
Δ has the homotopy type of a wedge of r spheres of dimension n.

x1 xm


Figure 1.6.1. Top coboundary relations: δ(c c )

The first tool that we mention for computing homology of posets and simplicial
complexes is a very efficient computer software package called “SimplicialHomol-
ogy”, developed by Dumas, Heckenbach, Sauders, and Welker [63]. One can run it
interactively or download the source file at the web site:∼dumas/Homology,
where a manual can also be found. This package has been responsible for many
of the more recent conjectures in the field. Its output was also part of the proofs
of (at least) three results on integral homology appearing in the literature; see
[156, 157, 202].

1.6. Top Cohomology of the Partition Lattice

The top dimensional cohomology of a poset has a particularly simple description.
For the sake of simplicity assume P is pure of length d. Let M(P ) be the set of
maximal chains of P and let M (P ) be the set of chains of length d − 1. Since
ker δd = Cd (P ; k), we have the following presentation of top cohomology as a quo-
tient of Cd (P ; k):
H̃ d (P ; k) = M(P ) | coboundary relations,
where the coboundary relations have the form δd−1 (c) for c ∈ M (P ). Each chain
c in M (P ) is the concatenation c c of two unrefinable chains c and c . If c is
not empty, let a be the maximum element of c1 , and if c is empty, let a be 0̂ of P̂ .
If c is not empty, let b be the minimum element of c , and if c is empty, let b be
1̂ of P̂ . Clearly, [a, b] is an interval of length 2 in P̂ . Let {x1 , . . . , xm } be the set of
elements in the open interval (a, b). We have
δd−1 (c) = ±(c x1 c + · · · + c xm c ).
Hence the cohomology relations can be associated with the intervals of length 2 in
P̂ . See Figure 1.6.1.
We demonstrate the use of intervals of length 2 by deriving a presentation for
the top cohomology of the proper part of the partition lattice Π̄n . There are two
types of length 2 closed intervals in Πn ; see Figure 1.6.2. In Type I intervals, there
are 2 pairs of blocks {A, B} and {C, D} which are separately merged resulting in
blocks A ∪ B and C ∪ D. In Type II intervals, there are 3 blocks A, B, C, which



A/B/C/ D A/B/C/ D

Type I interval Type II interval

Figure 1.6.2.

3 5 1

2 4

Figure 1.6.3.

are merged into one block A ∪ B ∪ C. Type I intervals have 4 elements and type II
intervals have 5 elements.
The two types of intervals induce two types of cohomology relations, Type
I and Type II cohomology relations on maximal chains. It is convenient to use
binary trees on leaf set [n] to describe these relations. A maximal chain of Π̄n is
just a sequence of merges of pairs of blocks. The binary tree given in Figure 1.6.3
corresponds to the sequence of merges:
(1) merge blocks {3} and {5}
(2) merge blocks {2} and {4}
(3) merge blocks {2, 4} and {1}.
This corresponds to the maximal chain
1/2/35/4 <· 1/24/35 <· 124/35
of Π̄5 The internal nodes of the tree represent the merges, and the leaf sets of the
left and right subtrees of the internal nodes are the blocks that are merged. The
sequence of merges follows the postorder traversal of the internal nodes, i.e. first
traverse the left subtree in postorder, then the right subtree in postorder, then the
Given a binary tree T on leaf set [n], let c(T ) be the maximal chain of Πn
obtained by the procedure described above. Although not all maximal chains can
be obtained in this way, it can be seen that every maximal chain is equal, modulo
the cohomology relations of Type I, to ±c(T ) for some T . So the set
{c(T ) : T is a binary tree on leaf set [n]}

generates top cohomology H̃ n−3 (Π̄n ; k). The Type I cohomology relations induce
the following relations
(1.6.1) c(· · · (A ∧ B) · · · ) = (−1)|A||B| c(· · · (B ∧ A) · · · ),
where X ∧Y denotes the binary tree whose left subtree is X and whose right subtree
is Y , and |X| denotes the number of internal nodes of X. The Type II cohomology
relations induce the following relations
(1.6.2) c(· · · (A ∧ (B ∧ C)) · · · ) + (−1)|C| c(· · · ((A ∧ B) ∧ C) · · · )
+ (−1)|A||B| c(· · · (B ∧ (A ∧ C)) · · · ) = 0.
Exercise 1.6.1. Show that the Type I cohomology relations yield (1.6.1) and the
Type II cohomology relations yield (1.6.2).
The relations (1.6.1) and (1.6.2) resemble the relations satisfied by the bracket
operation of a Lie algebra. The Type I relation (1.6.1) corresponds to the anticom-
muting relation and the Type II relation (1.6.2) corresponds to the Jacobi relation.
Indeed there is a well-known connection between the top homology of the partition
lattice and the free Lie algebra which involves representations of the symmetric
group. In the next lecture, we discuss representation theory.
Theorem 1.6.2 (Stanley [169], Klyachko [110], Joyal [106]). The representation
of the symmetric group Sn on H̃n−3 (Π̄n ; C) is isomorphic to the representation of
Sn on the multilinear component of the free Lie algebra over C on n generators
tensored with the sign representation.
This result follows from a formula of Stanley for the representation of the sym-
metric group on homology of the partition lattice (Theorem 4.4.7) and an earlier
similar formula of Klyachko for the free Lie algebra. The first purely combinatorial
proof was obtained by Barcelo [14]. The presentation of top cohomology discussed
above appeared in an alternative combinatorial proof of Wachs [199]. It also ap-
peared in the proof of a superalgebra version of this result obtained by Hanlon and
Wachs [91]. A k-analog of the Lie superalgebra result was also obtained by Hanlon
and Wachs [91]. A type B version (Example 1.3.4) was obtained by Bergeron [16]
and a generalization to Dowling lattices was obtained by Gottlieb and Wachs [83].
Group Actions on Posets

In this lecture we give a crash course on the representation theory of the sym-
metric group and then discuss some representations on homology that are induced
by symmetric group actions on posets. For further details on the representation
theory of the symmetric group and symmetric functions, we refer the reader to the
following excellent standard references [76, 126, 151, 174].
There are various reasons that we are interested in understanding how a group
acts on the homology of a poset. One is that this can be a useful tool in computing
the homology of the poset. Another is that interesting representations often arise.
We limit our discussion to the symmetric group, but point out there are often
interesting analogous results for other groups such as the hyperoctahedral group,
wreath product groups, and the general linear group.

2.1. Group Representations

We restrict our discussion to finite groups G and finite dimensional vector spaces
over the field C. A finite dimensional vector space V over C is said to be a repre-
sentation of G if there is a group homomorphism
φ : G → GL(V ).
For g ∈ G and v ∈ V , we write gv instead of φ(g)(v) and view V as a module
over the ring CG (G-module for short). The dimension of the representation V is
defined to be the dimension of V as a vector space.
There are two particular representations of every group that are very important;
the trivial representation and the regular representation. The trivial representation,
denoted 1G , is the 1-dimensional representation V = C, where gz = z for all g ∈ G
and z ∈ C. The (left) regular representation is the G-module CG where G acts on
itself by left multiplication, i.e., the action of g ∈ G on generator h ∈ G is gh.
We say that V1 and V2 are isomorphic representations of G and write V1 ∼ =G V2 ,
if there is a vector space isomorphism ψ : V1 → V2 such that
ψ(gv) = gψ(v)
for all g ∈ G and v ∈ V1 . In other words, V1 and V2 are isomorphic representations
of G means that they are isomorphic G-modules.

The character of a G-module V is a function χV : G → C defined by

χV (g) = trace(φ(g)).
One basic fact of representation theory is that the character of a representation
completely determines the representation. Another is that χV (g) depends only on
the conjugacy class of g.
A G-module V is said to be irreducible if its only submodules are the trivial
submodule 0 and V itself. A basic result of representation theory is that the number
of irreducible representations of G is the same as the number of conjugacy classes
of G. Another very important fact is that every G-module decomposes into a direct
sum of irreducible submodules,
∼G V1 ⊕ · · · ⊕ Vm .
V =
The decomposition is unique (up to order and up to isomorphism). Hence it makes
sense to talk about the multiplicity of an irreducible in a representation. We have
the following fundamental fact.
Theorem 2.1.1. The multiplicity of any irreducible representation of G in the
regular representation of G is equal to the dimension of the irreducible.
There are two operations on representations that are quite useful. The first is
called restriction. For H a subgroup of G and V a representation of G, the restric-
tion of V to H, denoted V ↓G H , is the representation of H obtained by restricting
φ to H. Thus the restriction has the same underlying vector space with a smaller
group action. The other operation, which is called induction, is a bit more compli-
cated. For H a subgroup of G and V a representation of H, the induction of V to
G is given by
V ↑GH := CG ⊗CH V,
where the tensor product A ⊗S B denotes the usual tensor product of an (R, S)-
bimodule A and a left S-module B resulting in a left R-module. Now the underlying
vector space of the induction is larger than V .
Exercise 2.1.2. Show
dim V ↑G
H= dim V.
Although restriction and induction are not inverse operations, they are related
by a formula called Frobenius reciprocity. We will state an important special case,
which is, in fact, equivalent to Frobenius reciprocity.
Theorem 2.1.3. Let U be an irreducible representation of H and let V be an
irreducible representation of G, where H is a subgroup of G. Then the multiplicity
of U in V ↓G H is equal to the multiplicity of V in U ↑H .

There are two types of tensor products of representations. Given a represen-

tation U of G and a representation V of H, the (outer) tensor product U ⊗ V
is a representation of G × H defined by (g, h)(u, v) = (gu, hv). Given two repre-
sentations U and V of G, the (inner) tensor product, also denoted U ⊗ V , is the
representation of G defined by g(u, v) = (gu, gv).
In these lectures we will describe representations in any of the following ways:
• giving the character
• giving an isomorphic representation

• giving the multiplicity of each irreducible

• using operations such as restriction, induction and tensor product.

2.2. Representations of the Symmetric Group

In this section, we construct the irreducible representations of the symmetric group
Sn , which are called Specht modules and are denoted by S λ , where λ is a partition
of n. We also discuss skew shaped Specht modules.
Let λ be a partition of n, i.e., a weakly decreasing sequence of positive integers
λ = (λ1 ≥ · · · ≥ λk ) whose sum is n. We write λ  n (or |λ| = n) and say that the
length l(λ) is k. We will also write λ = 1m1 2m2 · · · nmn , if λ has mi parts of size i
for each i. Each partition λ is identified with a Young (or Ferrers) diagram whose
ith row has λi cells. For example, the partition (4, 2, 2, 1)  9 is identified with the
Young diagram

A Young tableau of shape λ  n is a filling of the Young diagram corresponding

to λ, with distinct positive integers in [n]. A Young tableau is said to be standard
if the entries increase along each row and column. For example, the Young tableau
on the left is not standard, while the one on the right is.

8 2 4 1 1 2 4 7
7 5 3 6
9 3 5 8
6 9
Let Tλ be the set of Young tableaux of shape λ and let M λ be the complex
vector space generated by elements of Tλ . The symmetric group Sn acts on M λ by
permuting entries of the Young tableaux. That is, for transposition σ = (i, j) ∈ Sn ,
the tableau σT is obtained from T by switching entries i and j. For example,
8 2 4 1 8 3 4 1
7 5 7 5
(2, 3) = .
9 3 9 2
6 6
The representation that we have described is clearly the left regular representation
of Sn . One can also let Sn act as the right regular representation on M λ . That is
for transposition σ = (i, j) ∈ Sn and T ∈ Tλ , the tableau T σ is obtained from T
by switching the contents of the ith and jth cell under some fixed ordering of the
cells of λ.
We will say that two tableaux in Tλ are row-equivalent if they have the same
sequence of row sets. For example, the tableaux
8 2 4 1 1 2 4 8
7 5 5 7
9 3 3 9
6 6

are row-equivalent. Column-equivalent is defined similarly. For shape λ, the row

stabilizer Rλ is defined to be the subgroup
Rλ := {σ ∈ Sn : T σ and T are row-equivalent for all T ∈ Tλ }.
Similarly, the column stabilizer Cλ is defined to be the subgroup
Cλ := {σ ∈ Sn : T σ and T are column-equivalent for all T ∈ Tλ }.
We now give two characterizations of the Specht module S λ ; one as a subspace
of M λ generated by certain signed sums of Young tableaux called polytabloids;
and the other as a quotient of M λ by certain relations called row relations and
Garnir relations. We caution the reader that our notions of polytabloids and Garnir
relations are dual to the usual notions given in standard texts such as [151].
We begin with the submodule characterization. For each T ∈ Tλ , define the
polytabloid of shape λ,
eT := sgn(β) T αβ.
α∈Rλ β∈Cλ

For example if
1 2 1 2 3 2 2 1 3 1
T = then eT = − + − .
3 3 1 3 2
Since the left and right action of Sn on Tλ commute, we have
(2.2.1) πeT = eπT ,
for all T ∈ Tλ and π ∈ Sn . We can now define the Specht module S λ to be the
subspace of M λ given by
S λ := eT : T ∈ Tλ .
It follows from (2.2.1) that S λ is an Sn -submodule of M λ (under the left action).
Theorem 2.2.1. The Specht modules S λ for all λ  n form a complete set of
irreducible Sn -modules.
A polytabloid eT is said to be a standard polytabloid if T is a standard Young
tableau. We will see shortly that the standard polytabloids of shape λ form a basis
for the Specht module S λ .
Now we give the quotient characterization. The row relations are defined for
all T ∈ Tλ and σ ∈ Rλ by
(2.2.2) rσ (T ) := T σ − T.
For all i, j such that 1 ≤ j ≤ λi , let Ci,j (λ) be the set of cells in columns j
through λi of row i and in columns 1 through j of row i + 1. Let Gi,j (λ) be the
subgroup of Sn consisting of permutations σ that fix all entries of the cells that
are not in Ci,j (λ) under the right action of σ on tableaux of shape λ. The Garnir
relations are defined for all i, j such that 1 ≤ j ≤ λi and for all T ∈ Tλ by

(2.2.3) gi,j (T ) := T σ.
σ∈Gi,j (λ)

For example if
7 1 5 10
3 4 2
T = and (i, j) = (1, 2)
9 8
11 6

then the entries 1, 5, 10, 3, 4 are permuted while the remaining entries are fixed. So
7 1 3 4 7 1 3 4 7 1 3 5 7 1 3 5
5 10 2 10 5 2 4 10 2 10 4 2
g1,2 (T ) = + + + + ...
9 8 9 8 9 8 9 8
11 6 11 6 11 6 11 6
Again, since the left and right action of Sn on Tλ commute, we have
πrσ (T ) = rσ (πT )
πgi,j (T ) = gi,j (πT ),
for all π ∈ Sn . Consequently, the subspace U λ of M λ generated by the row
relations (2.2.2) and the Garnir relations (2.2.3) is an Sn -submodule of M λ .
Theorem 2.2.2. For all λ  n,
Sλ ∼
=Sn M λ /U λ .
Now we can view the Specht module S λ as the module generated by tableaux
of shape λ subject to the row and Garnir relations.
Exercise 2.2.3. Prove Theorem 2.2.2 by first showing that,
(a) U λ ⊆ ker ψ, where ψ : M λ → S λ is defined by ψ(T ) = eT ,
(b) the standard polytabloids eT are linearly independent,
(c) the standard tableaux span M λ /U λ .
We have the following consequence of Exercise 2.2.3.
Corollary 2.2.4. The standard polytabloids of shape λ form a basis for S λ . The
standard tableaux of shape λ form a basis for M λ /U λ . Consequently dim S λ is equal
to the number of standard tableaux of shape λ.
There is a remarkable formula for the number of standard tableaux of a fixed
shape λ.
Theorem 2.2.5 (Frame-Robinson-Thrall hook length formula). For all λ  n,
dim S λ = ,
x∈λ hx
where the product is taken over all cells x in the Young diagram λ, and hx is the
number of cells in the hook formed by x, which consists of x, the cells that are below
x in the same column, and the cells to the right of x in the same row.
One can generalize Specht modules to skew shapes. By removing a smaller
skew diagram μ from the northwest corner of a skew diagram λ, one gets a skew
diagram denoted by λ/μ. For example if λ = (4, 3, 3) and μ = (2, 1) then

λ/μ = .

Skew Specht modules S λ/μ are defined analogously to “straight” Specht modules.
There is a submodule characterization and a quotient characterization. Theo-
rem 2.2.2 and Corollary 2.2.4 hold in the skew setting. There is a classical combina-
torial rule for decomposing Specht modules of skew shape into irreducible straight
shape Specht modules called the Littlewood-Richardson rule, which we will not
present here.

Example 2.2.6. Some important classes of skew and straight Specht modules are
listed below.

λ/μ = S λ/μ = regular representation.

λ = ··· S λ = trivial representation

λ = .. S λ = sign representation

where the sign representation is the 1-dimensional representation V = C whose

character is sgn(σ), that is σz = sgn(σ)z for all σ ∈ Sn and z ∈ C. We denote
the sign representation by sgnn or S (1 ) and we denote the trivial representation
by 1Sn or S (n) .
Exercise 2.2.7. For skew or straight shape λ/μ, let χλ/μ denote the character of
the representation S λ/μ , and for σ ∈ Sn , let f (σ) denote the number of fixed points
of σ.
(a) Show χ(n−1,1) (σ) = f (σ) − 1 for all σ ∈ Sn .
(b) Show χ(n,1)/(1) (σ) = f (σ) for all σ ∈ Sn .
(c) Find the character of each of the representations in Example 2.2.6.
A skew hook is a connected skew diagram that does not contain the subdiagram
(2, 2). Each cell of a skew hook, except for the southwestern most and northeastern
most end cells, has exactly two cells adjacent to it. Each of the end cells has only
one cell adjacent to it. Let H be a skew hook with n cells. We label the cells of H
with numbers 1 through n, starting at the southwestern end cell, moving through
the adjacent cells, and ending at the northeastern end cell. For example, we have
the labeled skew hook
8 9 10
1 2 3 4
If cell i + 1 is above cell i in H then we say that the skew hook H has a descent at
i. Let des(H) denote the set of descents of H. For each subset S of [n − 1], there is
exactly one skew hook with n cells and descent set S. For example, the skew hook

is the only skew hook with 11 cells and descent set {4, 5, 6, 7, 10}.

The Specht modules of skew hook shape are called Foulkes representations.
Note that for any skew hook H with n cells, the set of standard tableaux of shape
H corresponds bijectively to the set of permutations in Sn with descent set des(H).
(The descent set des(σ) of a permutation σ ∈ Sn is the set of all i ∈ [n − 1] such

that σ(i) > σ(i + 1).) Indeed, by listing the entries of cells 1 through n, one gets
a permutation with descent set des(H). Hence by Corollary 2.2.4 for skew shapes,
the dimension of the Foulkes representation S H is the number of permutations in
Sn with descent set des(H).
A descent of a standard Young tableau is an entry i that is in a higher row
than i + 1. By applying the Littlewood-Richardson rule mentioned above, one gets
the following decomposition of the Foulkes representation into irreducibles,

(2.2.4) SH = cH,λ S λ ,

where cH,λ is the number of standard Young tableaux of shape λ and descent set
Exercise 2.2.8. Use (2.2.4) to show that the regular representation of Sn decom-
poses into Foulkes representations as follows:

CSn ∼ =Sn SH ,

where SHn is the set of skew hooks with n cells.

The induction product of an Sj -module U and an Sk -module V is the Sj+k -
U • V := (U ⊗ V ) ↑Sj+k
j ×Sk
(We are viewing Sj × Sk as the subgroup of Sj+k consisting of permutations that
stabilize the sets {1, 2 . . . , j} and {j + 1, j + 2, . . . , j + k}.)
Exercise 2.2.9. If a skew shape D consists of two shapes λ and μ, where λ and μ
have no rows or columns in common, we say that D is the disjoint union of λ and
μ. Show that S D = S λ • S μ if D is the disjoint union of λ and μ. For example

S =S •S .
Exercise 2.2.10. Let λ  n.
(a) Show that

S λ ↓Sn ∼ Sμ
Sn−1 =Sn−1

summed over all Young diagrams μ obtained from λ by removing a cell

from the end of one of the rows of λ. (We are viewing Sn−1 as the
subgroup of Sn consisting of permutations that fix n.) For example,

S ↓S8 ∼
=S7 S ⊕S ⊕S .

(b) Show that

= S λ • S (1) ∼
S λ ↑Sn+1
=Sn+1 Sμ

summed over all Young diagrams μ obtained from λ by adding a cell to

the end of one of the rows of λ. For example,

S •S ∼
=S8 S ⊕S ⊕S .
There is an important generalization of Exercise 2.2.10 (b) known as Pieri’s
Theorem 2.2.11 (Pieri’s rule). Let m, n ∈ Z+ . If λ  n then

S λ • S (m) ∼
=Sm+n Sμ,

summed over all partitions μ of m + n such that μ contains λ and the skew shape
μ/λ has at most one cell in each column. Similarly

S λ • S (1 ) ∼
=Sm+n S μ,

summed over all partitions μ of m + n such that μ contains λ and the skew shape
μ/λ has at most one cell in each row.
The conjugate of a partition λ is the partition λ whose Young diagram is the
transpose of that of λ.
Theorem 2.2.12. For all partitions λ  n,
S λ ⊗ sgnn ∼

=Sn S λ ,
where the tensor product is an inner tensor product. This also holds for skew
Exercise 2.2.13. Let V be a representation of Sn . Show that
(V ⊗ sgnn ) ↑Sn+1 ∼ S
=Sn+1 V ↑Sn+1 ⊗ sgnn+1 ,
n n

(V ⊗ sgnn ) ↓S ∼ Sn
Sn−1 =Sn−1 V ↓Sn−1 ⊗ sgnn−1 .

2.3. Group Actions on Poset (Co)homology

Let G be a finite group. A G-simplicial complex is a simplicial complex together
with an action of G on its vertices that takes faces to faces. A G-poset is a poset
together with a G-action on its elements that preserves the partial order; i.e., x <
y ⇒ gx < gy. So if P is a G-poset then its order complex Δ(P ) is a G-simplicial
complex and if Δ is a G-simplicial complex then its face poset P (Δ) is a G-poset.
A G-space is a topological space on which G acts as a group of homeomorphisms.
If Δ is a G-simplicial complex then the geometric realization Δ is a G-space under
the natural induced action of G.
Example 2.3.1. The subset lattice Bn is an Sn -poset. The action of a permutation
σ ∈ Sn on a subset {a1 , . . . , ak } is given by
(2.3.1) σ{a1 , . . . , ak } = {σ(a1 ), . . . , σ(ak )}.

Example 2.3.2. The partition lattice Πn is an Sn -poset. The action of a permu-

tation σ ∈ Sn on a partition {B1 , . . . , Bk } is given by
(2.3.2) σ{B1 , . . . , Bk } = {σB1 , . . . , σBk },
where σBi is defined in (2.3.1). The symmetric group is isomorphic to the group
generated by reflections about hyperplanes in the braid arrangement. The action
described here is simply the action of the reflection group on intersections of hy-
perplanes in the braid arrangement.
Example 2.3.3. The face lattice Cn of the n-cross-polytope (or the face lattice of
the n-cube) is an Sn [Z2 ]-poset. The wreath product group Sn [Z2 ] is also known
as the hyperoctahedral group or the type B Coxeter group (see Section 2.4 for the
definition of wreath product). It is the group generated by reflections about the
hyperplanes in the type B braid arrangement.
By viewing the n-cross-polytope as the convex hull of the points ±ei , i =
1, . . . , n, one obtains the action of Sn [Z2 ] on Cn . We describe this action in com-
binatorial terms. The (k − 1)-dimensional faces of the cross-polytope are convex
hulls of certain k element subsets of {±ei : i ∈ [n]}. These are the ones that don’t
contain both ei and −ei for any i. Thus the (k − 1)-faces can be identified with
k-subsets T of [n] ∪ {ī : i ∈ [n]} such that {i, ī}  T for all i. By ordering these sets
by containment, one gets the face poset of the n-cross-polytope. For example, the
4-subset {3, 5̄, 6, 8̄} is identified with the convex hull of the points e3 , −e5 , e6 , −e8 .
The elements of Sn [Z2 ] are identified with permutations σ of [n] ∪ {ī : i ∈ [n]}
for which σ(i) = σ(ī) for all i (where ā ¯ = a). Then the action of a permutation
σ ∈ Sn [Z2 ] on a k-subset {a1 , . . . , ak } of [n] ∪ {ī : i ∈ [n]} is given by (2.3.1).
Example 2.3.4. The type B partition lattice ΠB n is also an Sn [Z2 ]-poset. Recall
from Example 1.3.4 that the type B partition lattice ΠB n is the intersection lattice of
the type B braid arrangement. Since this arrangement is invariant under reflection
about any hyperplane in the arrangement, elements of the reflection group Sn [Z2 ]
map intersections of hyperplanes to intersections of hyperplanes. This gives the
action of Sn [Z2 ] on ΠB
n . There is a combinatorial description of the action analogous
to (2.3.2) (see e.g. [83]).
Example 2.3.5. The lattice of subspaces of an n-dimensional vector space over a
finite field F is a GLn (F )-poset, where the general linear group GLn (F ) acts in the
obvious way.
Example 2.3.6. The lattice of subgroups of a finite group G ordered by inclusion
is a G-poset, where G acts by conjugation.
Example 2.3.7. The semilattice of p-subgroups of a group G ordered by inclusion
is a G-poset, where G acts by conjugation.
Let P be a G-poset. Since g ∈ G takes j-chains to j-chains, g acts as a linear
map on Cj (P ; C). It is easy to see that
g∂(c) = ∂(gc) and gδ(c) = δ(gc).
Hence g acts as a linear map on H̃j (P ; C) and on H̃ j (P ; C). This means that
whenever P is a G-poset, H̃j (P ; C) and H̃ j (P ; C) are G-modules. The bilinear
form (1.5.1), induces a pairing between H̃j (P ; C) and H̃ j (P ; C), which allows one

to view them as dual G-modules. For G = Sn or G = Sn [Z2 ],

H̃j (P, C) ∼
=G H̃ j (P, C)
since dual Sn -modules (resp., dual Sn [Z2 ]-modules) are isomorphic.
Given a G-simplicial complex Δ, the natural homeomorphism from Δ to its
barycentric subdivision Δ(P (Δ)) commutes with the G-action. Consequently, for
all j ∈ Z
H̃j (Δ; C) ∼
=G H̃j (P (Δ); C),
H̃ j (Δ; C) ∼
=G H̃ j (P (Δ); C).
Exercise 2.3.8. The maximal chains of B̄n correspond bijectively to tableaux of
shape 1n via the map
.. → ({t1 } ⊂ {t1 , t2 } ⊂ · · · ⊂ {t1 , . . . , tn−1 }).
(a) Show that the Garnir relations map to the coboundary relations. Conse-
quently, the representation of Sn on the top cohomology H̃ n−2 (B̄n ; C) is
the sign representation.
(b) Show that the polytabloids map to cycles in top homology.
There is an equivariant version of the Euler-Poincaré formula (Theorem 1.2.8),
known as the Hopf-trace formula. It is convenient to state this formula in terms
of virtual representations, which we define first. The representation group G(G) of
a group G is the free abelian group on the set of all isomorphism classes [V ] of
G-modules V modulo the subgroup generated by all [V ⊕ W ] − [V ] − [W ]. Elements
of the representation group are called virtual representations. If V is an actual
representation, we denote the virtual representation [V ] by V . Note that two virtual
representations A − B and C − D, where A, B, C, D are actual representations of
G, are equal in the representation group if and only if A ⊕ D ∼=G B ⊕ C in the usual
sense. We will write A − B ∼ =G C − D.
Theorem 2.3.9 (Hopf trace formula). For any G-simplicial complex Δ,

dim Δ
(−1)i Ci (Δ; C) ∼
=G (−1)i H̃i (Δ; C)
i=−1 i=−1

We will usually suppress the C from our notation H̃i (P ; C) (resp., H̃ i (P ; C))
and write H̃i (P ) (resp., H̃ i (P )) instead when viewing (co)homology as a G-module.

2.4. Symmetric Functions, Plethysm, and Wreath Product Mod-

Symmetric functions provide a convenient way of describing and computing repre-
sentations of the symmetric group. In this section we give the basics of symmetric
function theory. Then we demonstrate its use in computing homology of an inter-
esting example known as the matching complex.

2.4.1. Symmetric functions

Let x = (x1 , x2 , . . . ) be an infinite sequence of indeterminates. A homogeneous
symmetric function of degree n is a formal power series f (x) ∈ Q[[x]] in which each
term has degree n and f (xσ(1) , xσ(2) , . . . ) = f (x1 , x2 , . . . ) for all permutations σ of
Z+ .
Let Λ
denote the set of homogeneous symmetric functions of degree n and
n≥0 Λ . Then Λ is a graded Q-algebra, since αf (x) + βg(x) ∈ Λ if
n n
let Λ =
f (x), g(x) ∈ Λ and α, β ∈ Q; and f (x)g(x) ∈ Λm+n if f (x) ∈ Λ and g(x) ∈ Λn .
n m

There are several important bases for the vector space Λn . We mention just
two of them here; the basis of power sum symmetric functions and the basis of
Schur functions. These bases are indexed by partitions of n. For n ≥ 1, let

pn = xni

and let p0 = 1. The power sum symmetric function indexed by λ = (λ1 ≥ λ2 ≥

· · · ≥ λk ) is defined by
pλ := pλ1 pλ2 . . . pλk .
Given a Young diagram λ, a semistandard tableau of shape λ is a filling of λ with
positive integers so that the rows weakly increase and the columns strictly increase.
Let SSλ be the set of semistandard tableaux of shape λ. Given a semistandard
tableau T , define w(T ) := xm 1 x2 · · · , where for each i, mi is the number of times
1 m2

i appears in T . Now define the Schur function indexed by λ to be

sλ := w(T ).
T ∈SSλ

Skew shaped Schur functions sD are defined analogously for all skew diagrams D.
While it is obvious that the power sum symmetric functions are symmetric
functions, it is not obvious that the Schur functions defined this way are.
Theorem 2.4.1. The sets {pλ : λ  n} and {sλ : λ  n} form bases for Λn .
Moreover, {sλ : λ  n} is an integral basis, i.e., a basis for the Z-module ΛnZ of
homogeneous symmetric functions of degree n with integer coefficients.
The Schur function s(n) is known as the complete homogeneous symmetric
function of degree n and is denoted by hn . The Schur function s(1n ) is known as
the elementary symmetric function of degree n and is denoted by en . There is an
important involution ω : Λn → Λn defined by
ω(sλ ) = sλ ,
where λ is the conjugate of λ. Clearly
ω(hn ) = en .
For the power sum symmetric functions we have
(2.4.1) ω(pλ ) = (−1)|λ|−l(λ) pλ .
Exercise 2.4.2. Prove 
hn = (1 − xi )−1 ,
n≥0 i≥1

en = (1 + xi ),
n≥0 i≥1
where h0 = e0 = 1.
The Frobenius characteristic ch(V ) of a representation V of Sn is the symmetric
function given by
ch(V ) := χV (μ) pμ ,

where zμ := 1m1 m1 !2m2 m2 ! . . . nmn mn ! for μ = 1m1 2m2 . . . nmn and χV (μ) is the
character χV (σ) for σ ∈ Sn of conjugacy type μ. Some basic facts on Frobenius
characteristic are compiled in the next result.

Theorem 2.4.3.
(a) For all (skew or straight) shapes λ,
ch(S λ ) = sλ .
(b) For all representations V of Sn ,
ω(chV ) = ch(V ⊗ sgnn ).
(c) For all representations U, V of Sn ,
ch(U ⊕ V ) = ch(U ) + ch(V )
(d) For all representations U of Sm and V of Sn ,
ch(U • V ) = ch(U ) ch(V ).

The direct sum n≥0 G(Sn ) of representation groups is a ring under the induc-
tion product. It follows from Theorem

2.4.3 that the Frobenius characteristic map
is an isomorphism from the ring n≥0 G(Sn ) to the ring of symmetric functions
over Z.
Definition 2.4.4. Let f ∈ Λ and let g be a formal power series with positive
integer coefficients. Choose any ordering of the monomials of g, where a monomial
appears in the ordering mi times if its coefficient is mi . For example, if g =
3y1 y22 + 2y2 y3 + . . . then the monomials can be arranged as
(y1 y22 , y1 y22 , y1 y22 , y2 y3 , y2 y3 , . . . ).
Pad the sequence of monomials with zero’s if g has a finite number of terms. Define
the plethysm of f and g, denoted f [g], to be the formal power series obtained from
f by replacing the indeterminate xi with the ith monomial of g for each i. Since
f is a symmetric function, the
chosen order of the monomials doesn’t matter. For
example, if f = n≥0 en = i≥1 (1 + xi ) and g is as above then
f [g] = (1 + y1 y22 )(1 + y1 y22 )(1 + y1 y22 )(1 + y2 y3 )(1 + y2 y3 ) · · · .
The following proposition is immediate.
Proposition 2.4.5. Suppose f, g ∈ Λ and h is a formal power series with positive
integer coefficients. Then
• If f has positive integer coefficients then f [pn ] = pn [f ] is obtained by
replacing each indeterminate xi of f by xni .

• (af + bg)[h] = af [h] + bg[h], where a, b ∈ Q

• f g[h] = f [h]g[h].
Note that if g ∈ Λ has positive integer coefficients then f [g] ∈ Λ. One can
extend the definition of plethysm to all g ∈ Λ, by using Proposition 2.4.5 and the
fact that the power sum symmetric functions form a basis for Λ. Hence plethysm
is a binary operation on Λ, which is clearly associative, but not commutative. Note
that the plethystic identity is p1 = h1 . We say that f, g ∈ Λ are plethystic inverses
of each other, and write g = f [−1] , if f [g] = g[f ] = h1 .

2.4.2. Composition product and wreath product

Our purpose for introducing plethysm in these lectures is that plethysm encodes a
product operation on symmetric group representations called composition product,
which is described below. (This description is based on an exposition given in
Let G be a finite group. The wreath product of Sm and G, denoted by Sm [G],
is defined to be the set of (m + 1)-tuples (g1 , g2 , . . . , gm ; τ ) such that gi ∈ G and
τ ∈ Sm with multiplication given by
(g1 , . . . , gm ; τ )(h1 , . . . , hm ; γ) = (g1 hτ −1 (1) , . . . , gm hτ −1 (m) ; τ γ).
The following proposition is immediate.
Proposition 2.4.6. The map (α1 , α2 , . . . , αm ; τ ) → τ is a homomorphism from
Sm [Sn ] onto Sm .
Definition 2.4.7. Let V be an Sm -module and W be a G-module. Then the
wreath product of V with W , denoted V [W ], is the inner tensor product of two
Sm [G]-modules:

V [W ] = W ⊗m ⊗ V̂ ,

where W ⊗m is the vector space W ⊗m with S [G] action given by

(2.4.2) (α1 , . . . , αm ; τ )(w1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ wm ) = α1 wτ −1 (1) ⊗ · · · ⊗ αm wτ −1 (m)

and V̂ is the pullback of the representation of Sm on V to Sm [G] through the

homomorphism given in Proposition 2.4.6. That is, V̂ is the representation of
Sm [G] on V defined by
(α1 , . . . , αm ; τ )v = τ v.
Given a finite set A = {a1 < a2 < · · · < an } of positive integers, let SA be the
set of permutations of the set A. We shall view a permutation in SA as a word whose
letters come from A. For σ ∈ Sn , let σ A denote the word aσ(1) aσ(2) · · · aσ(n) . We
shall view an element of the Young subgroup Sk ×Sn−k of Sn as the concatenation
α  β of words α ∈ Sk and β ∈ S{k+1,...,n} . The wreath product Sm [Sn ] is
isomorphic to the normalizer of the Young subgroup Sn × · · · × Sn in Smn . The
m times
isomorphism is given by
(α1 , . . . , αm ; τ ) → τ (1)
ατ (1)  · · ·  ατ (m)
τ (m)
where Ai = [in] \ [(i − 1)n].

Define the composition product of an Sm -module V and an Sn -module W by

V ◦ W := V [W ] ↑Smn
Sm [Sn ]

The following result relates plethysm to composition product.

Theorem 2.4.8. Let V be an Sm -module and W be an Sn -module. Then
ch(V ◦ W ) = chV [chW ].
Example 2.4.9. Given λ  n, let Π(λ) be the set of partitions of [n] whose block
sizes form the partition λ. In this example, we set λ = db , where d and b are
positive integers.
(a) The symmetric group Sbd acts on Π(db ) as in Example 2.3.2, and this action
induces a representation of Sbd on the complex vector space CΠ(db ) generated by
elements of Π(db ). It is not difficult to see that the Sbd -module CΠ(db ) is the
induction of the trivial representation of the stabilizer of the partition
π(db ) := 1, . . . , d / d + 1, . . . , 2d / . . . / (b − 1)d + 1, . . . , bd
to Sbd . The stabilizer of π(db ) is Sb [Sd ] and the trivial representation of Sb [Sd ]
is S (b) [S (d) ]. So CΠ(db ) is the composition product S (b) ◦ S (d) . By Theorem 2.4.8
ch CΠ(db ) = hb [hd ].
(b) The stabilizer Sb [Sd ] of π(db ) acts on the interval (π(db ), 1̂) of Πbd . This
induces a representation of Sb [Sd ] on the top homology H̃b−3 (π(db ), 1̂) (recall
H̃i (x, y) denotes complex homology of the open interval (x, y)). By observing that
the interval (π(db ), 1̂) is isomorphic to the poset Π̄b , one can see that
H̃b−3 (π(db ), 1̂) ∼
=Sb [Sd ] H̃b−3 (Π̄b )[S (d) ].

Next observe that b H̃b−3 (x, 1̂) is the induction of H̃b−3 (π(d ), 1̂) from

x∈Π(d )
Sb [Sd ] to Sbd . So x∈Π(db ) H̃b−3 (x, 1̂) is the composition product H̃b−3 (Π̄b )◦S (d) .
By Theorem 2.4.8,

ch H̃b−3 (x, 1̂) = ch H̃b−3 (π(db ), 1̂) ↑S bd
Sb [Sd ]
x∈Π(db )

= (ch H̃b−3 (Π̄b ))[hd ].

Theorem 2.4.8 is inadequate when λ is not of the form db . In [177, 201], more gen-
eral results are given, which enable one to derive the following generating function,
ch H̃b−3 (x, 1̂) zλ1 · · · zλb = (ch H̃b−3 (Π̄b )) z i hi ,
λ∈Par(T,b) x∈Π(λ) i∈T

where T is any set of positive integers, Par(T, b) is the set of partitions of length b,
all of whose parts are in T , the λi are the parts of λ, and the zi are (commuting)

2.4.3. The matching complex

In this subsection, we further demonstrate the power of symmetric function theory
and plethysm in computing homology. Our example is a well-studied simplicial
complex known as the matching complex, which is defined to be the simplicial
complex Mn whose vertices are the 2-element subsets of [n] and whose faces are

collections of mutually disjoint 2-element subsets of [n]. Alternatively, Mn is the

simplicial complex of graphs on node set [n] whose degree is at most 2. Its face
poset is the proper part of the poset of partitions of [n] whose block sizes are at
most 2. It is not difficult to see that
(2.4.4) ch Ck−1 (Mn ) = ek [h2 ]hn−2k .
It follows from this and the Hopf trace formula (Theorem 2.3.9) that
(−1)k−1 chH̃k (Mn ) = (−1)k ek [h2 ]hn−2k ,
k≥−1 k≥0

which implies by Exercise 2.4.2 that

(−1)k−1 chH̃k (Mn ) = (1 − xi xj ) (1 − xi )−1 .
n≥0 k≥−1 i≤j i≥1

The right hand side can be decomposed into Schur functions by using the following
symmetric function identity of Littlewood [123, p.238]:
(1 − xi xj ) (1 − xi )−1 = (−1) 2 sλ ,
i≤j i≥1 λ=λ

where r(λ) is the rank of λ, i.e., the size of the main diagonal (or Durfee square)
of the Young diagram for λ. From this we conclude that
(−1)k−1 H̃k (Mn ) ∼=Sn (−1) 2 S λ .
k≥−1 λ: λn
λ = λ

With additional work involving long exact sequences of relative homology, Bouc
obtains the following beautiful refinement.
Theorem 2.4.10 (Bouc [47]). For all n ≥ 1 and k ∈ Z,

(2.4.5) H̃k−1 (Mn ) ∼
=Sn S λ.
λ: λn
λ = λ
r(λ) = |λ| − 2k

From Bouc’s formula one obtains a formula for the Betti number in dimension
k − 1 as the number of standard Young tableaux of self-conjugate shape and rank
n − 2k (which can be computed from the hook-length formula, Theorem 2.2.5).
This result provides an excellent illustration of the use of representation theory in
the computation of Betti numbers.
We sketch a proof of Theorem 2.4.10 due to Dong and Wachs [62], which
involves a technique called discrete Hodge theory. Let Δ be a G-simplicial complex.
The combinatorial Laplacian Λk : Ck (Δ) → Ck (Δ) is defined by
Λk = δk−1 ∂k + ∂k+1 δk .
A basic result of discrete Hodge theory is that
(2.4.6) ∼G kerΛk .
H̃k (Δ) =
The key observation of [62] is that when one applies the Laplacian Λk−1 to an
oriented simplex γ ∈ Ck−1 (Mn ), one gets
Λk−1 (γ) = Tn · γ,

where Tn = 1≤i<j≤n (i, j) ∈ CSn and (i, j) denotes a transposition. It is then
shown that Tn acts on the Specht module S λ as multiplication by the scalar cλ
defined by
αi + 1 βi + 1
cλ = − ,
2 2
where r = r(λ), αi = λi − i, and βi = λi − i. That is, αi is the number of cells to
the right of and in the same row as the ith cell of the diagonal of λ and βi is the
number of cells below and in the same column as the ith cell of the diagonal. The
array (α1 , . . . , αr | β1 , . . . , βr ) is known as Frobenius notation for λ. Note that λ is
uniquely determined by its Frobenius notation.
Next we decompose Ck−1 (Mn ) into Specht modules by using (2.4.4) and an-
other symmetric function identity of Littlewood, cf., [126, I 5 Ex. 9b], namely,

(1 − xi xj ) = (−1)|ν|/2 sν ,
i≤j ν∈B

where B is the set of all partitions of the form (α1 + 1, . . . , αr + 1 | α1 , . . . , αr )

for some r. This and Pieri’s rule (Theorem 2.2.11) yield the decomposition into
Ck−1 (Mn ) ∼
= akλ S λ ,
An = {(α1 , . . . , αr | β1 , . . . , βr )  n : r ≥ 1, αi ≥ βi ∀ i ∈ [r]}
and akλ is a nonnegative integer. If λ is self-conjugate then

1 if r(λ) = n − 2k
akλ = .
0 otherwise
Clearly for λ ∈ An , we have cλ = 0 if and only if λ is self-conjugate. It follows
ker Λp−1 ∼
= akλ S λ ∼
= S λ.
λ: λn λ: λn
λ = λ λ = λ
r(λ) = n − 2k

Theorem 2.4.10 now follows by discrete Hodge theory (2.4.6).

There is a bipartite analog of the matching complex called the m × n chess-
board complex. This is the simplicial complex of subgraphs of the complete bi-
partite graph on node sets of size m and n, whose nodes have degree at most 1.
Alternatively, it is the simplicial complex of nonattacking rook placements on an
m × n chessboard. Friedman and Hanlon [75] use discrete Hodge theory to obtain
a chessboard complex analog of Bouc’s formula (2.4.5). (In fact the proof of (2.4.5)
described above was patterned on the Friedman-Hanlon proof.) Not only can the
Betti numbers be computed from this formula, but Shareshian and Wachs [157] use
the formula to compute torsion in the integral homology of the chessboard complex;
see Theorem 5.5.5. So representation theory has proved to be a useful tool in com-
puting torsion in integral homology as well as Betti numbers. Karaguezian, Reiner
and Wachs [107] use formula (2.4.5) and its chessboard complex analog to derive
a more general result of Reiner and Roberts [140], which computes the homology
of general bounded degree graph and bipartite graph complexes.

The matching complex and chessboard complex have arisen in various areas of
mathematics, such as group theory (see Section 5.2), commutative algebra [140]
and discrete geometry [223]. These complexes are discussed further in Lecture 5.
See [202] for a survey article on the topology of matching complexes, chessboard
complexes and general bounded degree graph complexes.
Shellability and Edge Labelings

3.1. Shellable Simplicial Complexes

Shellability is a combinatorial property of simplicial and more general cell com-
plexes, with strong topological and algebraic consequences. Shellability first ap-
peared in the middle of the nineteenth century in Schläfli’s computation of the
Euler characteristic of a convex polytope [152]. Schläfli made the assumption,
without proof, that the boundary complex of a convex polytope is shellable. This
assumption was eventually proved in 1970 by Brugesser and Mani [52] and was
used in McMullen’s proof [128] of the famous upper bound conjecture for convex
polytopes (the upper bound conjecture is stated in Section 4.1).
The original theory of shellability applied only to pure complexes. In the early
1990’s, a nonpure simplicial complex arose in the complexity theory work of Björner,
Lovász and Yao [34] with topological properties somewhat similar to those of pure
shellable complexes. This led Björner and Wachs [40, 41] to extend the theory
of shellability to nonpure complexes. The Goresky-MacPherson formula created a
need for such an extension, since, unlike for hyperplane arrangements, the inter-
section semilattice of a subspace arrangement is not necessarily pure. As it turned
out, there were many other uses for nonpure shellability.
For each face F of a simplicial complex Δ, let F  denote the subcomplex
generated by F , i.e., F  = {G : G ⊆ F }. A simplicial complex Δ is said to be
shellable if its facets can
 be arranged
 in linear order F1 , F2 , . . . , Ft in such a way
that the subcomplex i=1 Fi  ∩ Fk  is pure and (dim Fk − 1)-dimensional for
all k = 2, . . . , t. Such an ordering of facets is called a shelling. We emphasize
that we are not assuming purity; here shellability refers to what is commonly called
nonpure shellability.
A shelling of the boundary complex of the 3-simplex is given in Figure 3.1.1.
A pure nonshellable complex and a nonpure shellable complex are given in Fig-
ure 3.1.2, where the shading indicates that the triangles are filled in.


1 1 2 1 2

Figure 3.1.1. Shelling of the boundary of 3-simplex

pure nonshellable nonpure shellable

Figure 3.1.2

Exercise 3.1.1. Verify that the third and fifth simplicial complexes below are not
shellable, while the others are.

Theorem 3.1.2 (Brugesser and Mani [52]). The boundary complex of a convex
polytope is shellable.
A geometric construction called a line shelling is used to prove this result. See
Ziegler’s book [220] on polytopes for a description of this basic construction.
Shellability is not a topological property. By this we mean that shellability of a
complex is not determined by the topology of its geometric realization; a shellable
simplicial complex can be homeomorphic to a nonshellable simplicial complex. In
fact, there exist nonshellable triangulations of the 3-ball and the 3-sphere; see
[120],[220, Chapter 8], [221], [125].
Shellability does have strong topological consequences, however, as is shown by
the following result. By a wedge ∨ni=1 Xi of n mutually disjoint connected topological

spaces Xi , we mean the space obtained by selecting a base point for each Xi and
then identifying all the base points with each other.
Theorem 3.1.3 (Björner and Wachs [40]). A shellable simplicial complex has the
homotopy type of a wedge of spheres (in varying dimensions), where for each i, the
number of i-spheres is the number of i-facets whose entire boundary is contained in
the union of the earlier facets. Such facets are usually called homology facets.
Proof idea. Let Δ be a shellable simplicial complex. We first observe that any
shelling of Δ can be rearranged to produce a shelling in which the homology facets
come last. So Δ has a shelling F1 , F2 , . . . Fk in which F1 , . . . , Fj are not homology
facets and Fj+1 , . . . , Fk are, where 1 ≤ j ≤ k. The basic idea of the proof is that as
we attach the first j facets, we construct a contractible simplicial complex at each
step. The remaining homology facets attach as spheres since the entire boundary
of the facet is identified with a point. 
Corollary 3.1.4. If Δ is shellable then for all i,
(3.1.1) H̃i (Δ; Z) ∼
= H̃ i (Δ; Z) ∼
= Zri ,
where ri is the number of homology i-facets of Δ.
The homology facets yield more than just the Betti numbers; they form a basis
for cohomology. We discuss the connection with cohomology further in the context
of lexicographic shellability in the next section.
There are certain operations on complexes and posets that preserve shellability.
For a simplicial complex Δ and F ∈ Δ, define the link to be the subcomplex given
lkΔ F := {G ∈ Δ : G ∪ F ∈ Δ, G ∩ F = ∅}.
Theorem 3.1.5 ([40]). The link of every face of a shellable complex is shellable.
Define the suspension of a simplicial complex Δ to be
susp(Δ) := Δ ∗ {{a}, {b}, ∅},
where ∗ denotes the join, and a = b are not vertices of Δ.
Theorem 3.1.6 ([40]). The join of two simplicial complexes is shellable if and
only if each complex is shellable. In particular, susp(Δ) is shellable if and only if
Δ is shellable.
Define the k-skeleton of a simplicial complex Δ to be the subcomplex consisting
of all faces of dimension k or less.
Theorem 3.1.7 ([41]). The k-skeleton of a shellable simplicial complex is shellable
for all k ≥ 0.
A simplicial complex Δ is said to be r-connected (for r ≥ 0) if it is nonempty
and connected and its jth homotopy group πj (Δ) is trivial for all j = 1, . . . , r.
So 0-connected is the same as connected and 1-connected is the same as simply
connected. A nonempty simplicial complex Δ is said to be r-acyclic if its jth
reduced integral homology group H̃j (Δ) is trivial for all j = 0, 1, . . . , r. We say that
X is (−1)-connected and (−1)-acyclic when Δ is nonempty. It is also convenient
to say that every simplicial complex is r-connected and r-acyclic for all r ≤ −2.
It is a basic fact of homotopy theory that r-connected implies r-acyclic and
that the converse holds only for simply connected complexes. Another basic fact

is that a a simplicial complex is r-connected (r-acyclic) if and only if its (r + 1)-

skeleton has the homotopy type (homology) of a wedge of (r + 1)-spheres. This
makes shellability a useful tool in establishing r-connectivity and r-acyclicity.
Theorem 3.1.8. A simplicial complex is r-connected (and therefore r-acyclic) if
its (r + 1)-skeleton is pure shellable.
A poset P is said to be shellable if its order complex Δ(P ) is shellable. The
following is an immediate consequence of Theorems 3.1.5 and 3.1.6.
Corollary 3.1.9.
(a) A bounded poset P is shellable if and only if its proper part P̄ is shellable.
(b) Every (open or closed) interval of a shellable poset is shellable.
(c) The join of two posets is shellable if and only if each of the posets is
Theorem 3.1.10 (Björner and Wachs [41]). The product of bounded posets is
shellable if and only if each of the posets is shellable.
Sometimes shellability has stronger topological consequences than homotopy
Theorem 3.1.11 (Danaraj and Klee [56]). Let Δ be a pure shellable d-dimensional
simplicial complex in which every codimension 1 face is contained in at most 2
facets. Then Δ is homeomorphic to a d-sphere or a d-ball. Moreover, Δ is homeo-
morphic to a d-sphere if and only if every codimension 1 face is contained in exactly
2 facets.
Note that the condition on codimension 1 faces in the Danaraj and Klee theorem
can be expressed as follows: Closed length 2 intervals of L(Δ) have at most 4
elements. Pure posets in which every length 2 interval has exactly 4 elements are
said to be thin. We have the following poset version of the Danaraj and Klee result.
Theorem 3.1.12 (Björner [23]). If P̂ is pure, thin and shellable then P is isomor-
phic to the face poset of a regular cell decomposition (a generalization of simplicial
decomposition; see [92]) of an l(P )-sphere.
Many natural classes of simplicial complexes and posets, which have arisen in
various fields of mathematics, have turned out to be shellable (pure or nonpure). A
striking illustration of the ubiquity of shellability is given by the following result.
Theorem 3.1.13 (Shareshian [153]). The lattice of subgroups of a finite group G
is shellable if and only if G is solvable.
The pure version of this result, which states that the lattice of subgroups of
a finite group G is pure shellable if and only if G is supersolvable, was proved by
Björner [21] in the late 70’s by introducing a technique called lexicographic shella-
bility. Shareshian uses a general (nonpure) version of lexicographic shellability more
recently introduced by Björner and Wachs [40]. We discuss lexicographic shella-
bility in the remaining sections of this lecture. Further discussion of connections
between group theory and poset topology can be found in Section 5.2.
We end this section with two interesting conjectures. A pure simplicial complex
Δ is said to be extendably shellable if every partial shelling of Δ extends to a shelling
of Δ. Tverberg (see [56]) conjectured that the boundary complex of every polytope

is extendably shellable. The conjecture was settled in the negative by Ziegler [221]
who showed that there are simple and simplicial polytopes whose boundary complex
is not extendably shellable. The conjecture is, however, true for the simplex since
every ordering of the facets of the boundary complex is a shelling. Hence the
k = d − 1 case of the following conjecture holds.
Conjecture 3.1.14 (Simon [162]). For all k ≤ d, the k-skeleton of the d-simplex
is extendably shellable.
Simon’s conjecture was shown to be true for k ≤ 2 by Björner and Eriksson
[31], who extended the conjecture to all matroid complexes. Recently Hall [84]
showed that the boundary complex of the 12-dimensional cross-polytope is a coun-
terexample to the extended conjecture of Björner and Eriksson.
A simplicial complex Δ is said to be minimally nonshellable (called an ob-
struction to shellability in [200]) if Δ is not shellable, but every proper induced
subcomplex of Δ is shellable. For example, the complex consisting of two disjoint
1-simplexes is a minimally nonshellable complex (see Exercise 3.1.1). Billera and
Myers [20] showed that this is the only minimally nonshellable order complex. It
is also the only 1-dimensional minimally nonshellable simplicial complex. It was
shown by Wachs [200] that the number of vertices in any 2-dimensional minimally
nonshellable simplicial complex is either 5, 6 or 7; hence there are only finitely many
such complexes.
Conjecture 3.1.15 (Wachs). There are only finitely many d-dimensional mini-
mally nonshellable simplicial complexes (obstructions to shellability) for each d.

3.2. Lexicographic Shellability

In the early 1970’s, Stanley [165, 166] introduced a technique for showing that
the Möbius function of rank-selected subposets of certain posets alternates in sign.
This technique involved labeling the edges of the Hasse diagram of the poset in
a certain way. Stanley conjectured that the posets that he was considering were
Cohen-Macaulay, a topological (and algebraic) property of simplicial complexes
implied by shellability (cf., Section 4.1). Björner [21] proved this conjecture by
finding a condition on edge labelings which implies shellability of the poset. From
this emerged the theory of lexicographic shellability, which was further developed
in a series of papers by Björner and Wachs, first in the pure case [37, 38] and later
in the general (nonpure) case [40, 41].
There are two basic versions of lexicographic shellability, EL-shellability and
CL-shellability. In this section we begin with the simpler but less powerful version,
EL-shellability, and discuss some of its consequences.
An edge labeling of a bounded poset P is a map λ : E(P ) → Λ, where E(P ) is
the set of edges of the Hasse diagram of P , i.e., the covering relations x <· y of P ,
and Λ is some poset (usually the integers Z with its natural total order relation).
Given an edge labeling λ : E(P ) → Λ, one can associate a word
λ(c) = λ(0̂, x1 )λ(x1 , x2 ) · · · λ(xt , 1̂)
with each maximal chain c = (0̂ <· x1 <· · · · <· xt <· 1̂). We say that c is increasing
if the associated word λ(c) is strictly increasing. That is, c is increasing if
λ(0̂, x1 ) < λ(x1 , x2 ) < · · · < λ(xt , 1̂).

3 1
2 1
2 2
1 3
3 2

Figure 3.2.1. EL-labeling

We say that c is decreasing if the associated word λ(c) is weakly increasing. We can
order the maximal chains lexicographically by using the lexicographic order on the
corresponding words. Any edge labeling λ of P restricts to an edge labeling of any
closed interval [x, y] of P . So we may refer to increasing and decreasing maximal
chains of [x, y], and lexicographic order of maximal chains of [x, y].
Definition 3.2.1. Let P be a bounded poset. An edge-lexicographical labeling (EL-
labeling, for short) of P is an edge labeling such that in each closed interval [x, y]
of P , there is a unique increasing maximal chain, which lexicographically precedes
all other maximal chains of [x, y].
An example of an EL-labeling of a poset is given in Figure 3.2.1. The leftmost
chain, which has associated word 123, is the only increasing maximal chain of the
interval [0̂, 1̂]. It is also lexicographically less than all other maximal chains. One
needs to check each interval to verify that the labeling is indeed an EL-labeling.
A bounded poset that admits an EL-labeling is said to be edge-lexicographic
shellable (EL-shellable, for short). The following theorem justifies the name.
Theorem 3.2.2 (Björner [21], Björner and Wachs [40]). Suppose P is a bounded
poset with an EL-labeling. Then the lexicographic order of the maximal chains of
P is a shelling of Δ(P ). Moreover, the corresponding order of the maximal chains
of P̄ is a shelling of Δ(P̄ ).
Exercise 3.2.3. Prove Theorem 3.2.2.
It is for nonbounded posets that shellability has interesting topological conse-
quences since the order complex of a bounded poset is a just a cone.
Theorem 3.2.4 (Björner and Wachs [40]). Suppose P is a poset for which P̂
admits an EL-labeling. Then P has the homotopy type of a wedge of spheres, where
the number of i-spheres is the number of decreasing maximal (i + 2)-chains of P̂ .
The decreasing maximal (i + 2)-chains, with 0̂ and 1̂ removed, form a basis for
cohomology H̃ i (P ; Z).
The first part of Theorem 3.2.4 is a consequence of Theorems 3.1.3 and 3.2.2.
Indeed, the proper parts of the decreasing chains are the homology facets of the
shelling of Δ(P ) induced by the lexicographic order of maximal chains of P̂ . To es-
tablish the second part, one needs only show that the proper parts of the decreasing
chains span cohomology. This is proved by showing that the cohomology relations
enable one to express a maximal chain with an ascent as the negative of a sum

ascent descents


Figure 3.2.2. Straightening step


3 2 1

12 13 23

2 2
3 1 3
1 2 3

1 2 3

Figure 3.2.3. EL-labeling of B3

of lexicographically larger maximal chains. This provides a step in a “straighten-

ing” algorithm for expressing maximum chains as linear combinations of decreasing
maximum chains. See Figure 3.2.2.
Remark 3.2.5. In Björner’s original version of EL-shellability, the unique increas-
ing maximal chain was required to be weakly increasing and the decreasing chains
were required to be strictly decreasing. The two versions have the same topological
and algebraic consequences, but it is unknown whether they are equivalent.
Example 3.2.6. In the EL-labeling given in Figure 3.2.1, the two rightmost maxi-
mal chains are the only decreasing maximal chains. One has length 3 and the other
has length 2. It follows from Theorem 3.2.4 that the order complex of the proper
part of the poset has the homotopy type of a wedge of a 1-sphere and a 0-sphere.
This is consistent with the fact that the order complex of the proper part of the
poset consists of the barycentric subdivision of the boundary of a 2-simplex and an
isolated point.

3.2.1. The Boolean algebra Bn .

There is a very natural EL-labeling of the Boolean algebra Bn ; simply label the
covering relation A1 ⊂· A2 with the unique element in the singleton set A2 − A1 .
The maximal chains correspond to the permutations in Sn . It is easy to see that
each interval has a unique increasing chain that is lexicographically first. There is
only one decreasing chain which is consistent with the fact that Δ(B̄n ) is a sphere.
See Figure 3.2.3.

For each k ≤ n, define the truncated Boolean algebra Bnk to be the subposet of
Bn given by
Bnk = {A ⊆ [n] : |A| ≥ k}.
Define an edge labeling λ of Bnk ∪ {0̂} as follows:

max A2 if A1 = 0̂ and |A2 | = k
λ(A1 , A2 ) =
a if A2 − A1 = {a}.
It is easy to check that this is an EL-labeling. The decreasing chains correspond to
permutations with descent set {k, k + 1, . . . , n − 1}. Hence dim H̃ n−k−1 (B̄nk ) equals
the number of permutations in Sn with descent set {k, . . . , n − 1}, which equals the
number of standard Young tableaux of hook shape k1n−k . An equivariant version of
this result is given by the following special case of a result of Solomon (the general
result is given in Section 3.4).
Theorem 3.2.7 (Solomon [163]). For all k ≤ n,

H̃n−k−1 (B̄nk ) ∼
=Sn S (k1 ) .
Combinatorial proof idea. We use a surjection from the set of tableaux of shape
k1n−k to the set of maximal chains of B̄nk , illustrated by the following example in
which n = 5 and k = 2.
3 1
→ ({3, 1} <· {3, 1, 2} <· {3, 1, 2, 4}).
The surjection determines a surjective Sn -homomorphism from the tableaux mod-
ule M λ to the chain space Cn−k−2 (B̄nk ; C). To show that this homomorphism in-
duces a surjective homomorphism from the quotient space S λ to the quotient space
H̃ n−k−2 (B̄nk ) = Cn−k−2 (B̄nk ; C)/B n−k−2 (B̄nk ; C), we observe that the row relations
map to 0 in Cn−k−2 (B̄nk ; C) and show that the Garnir relations map to coboundary
relations. Since the dimensions of the two vector spaces are equal, the homomor-
phism is an isomorphism. We demonstrate the fact that Garnir relations map to
cohomology relations on two examples and leave the general proof as an exercise.
The Garnir relation
3 1 3 1
2 + 4
4 2

maps to the sum of maximal chains of the proper part of the poset


123 134



The Garnir relation

3 1 2 1 2 3
2 + 3 + 1
4 4 4

maps to the sum of maximal chains of the proper part of the poset



13 12 23

3.2.2. The partition lattice Πn .

We give two different EL-labelings of the partition lattice. The first one, due to
Gessel, appears in [21], and the second one is due to Wachs [198]. If x <· y in Πn
then y is obtained from x by merging two blocks, say B1 and B2 . For the first edge
labeling λ1 , let
λ1 (x, y) = max{min B1 , min B2 }
and for the second edge labeling λ2 , let
λ2 (x, y) = max B1 ∪ B2 .
The increasing chain from 0̂ to 1̂ is the same for both labelings; it consists of
partitions with only one nonsingleton block. More precisely, the chain is given by
0̂ <· {1, 2} <· {1, 2, 3} <· · · · <· 1̂,
where we have written only the nonsingleton block of each partition in the chain.
We leave it as an exercise to show that these labelings are EL-labelings of the
partition lattice.
The decreasing maximal chains for λ1 and λ2 are not the same. We describe
those for λ2 first. They also consist of partitions with only one nonsingleton block
and are of the form
cσ := (0̂ <· {σ(n), σ(n − 1)} <· {σ(n), σ(n − 1), σ(n − 2)} <· · · ·
<· {σ(n), σ(n − 1), σ(n − 2), . . . , σ(1)} = 1̂),
where σ ∈ Sn and σ(n) = n. We conclude that the homotopy type of Π̄n is given

(3.2.1) Π̄n  Sn−3

and that the chains c̄σ , where σ ∈ Sn and σ(n) = n, form a basis for H̃ n−3 (Π̄n , Z).
From this basis one can immediately see that
(3.2.2) H̃n−3 (Πn ) ↓Sn = ∼S H̃ n−3 (Πn ) ↓Sn ∼
=S CSn−1 ,
Sn−1 n−1 Sn−1 n−1

a result obtained by Stanley [169] as a consequence of his formula for the full
representation of Sn on H̃n−3 (Π̄n ) (Theorem 4.4.7).


3/124 312/4

3/1/24 3/12/4 31/2/4


Figure 3.2.4. Π3124

Next we describe a nice basis for homology of Π̄n that is dual to the decreasing
chain basis for λ2 . To split a permutation σ ∈ Sn at positions j1 < j2 < · · · < jk
in [n − 1] is to form the partition
σ(1), σ(2), . . . , σ(j1 ) / σ(j1 +1), σ(j1 +2), . . . , σ(j2 ) / . . . / σ(jk +1), σ(jk +2), . . . , σ(n)
of [n]. For each σ ∈ Sn , let Πσ be the induced subposet of the partition lattice
Πn consisting of partitions obtained by splitting the permutation σ at any set of
positions in [n − 1] . The subposet Π3124 of Π4 is shown in Figure 3.2.4. Each
poset Πσ is isomorphic to the subset lattice Bn−1 . Therefore Δ(Π̄σ ) is an (n − 3)-
sphere embedded in Δ(Π̄n ), and hence it determines a fundamental cycle ρσ ∈
H̃n−3 (Π̄n ; Z).
Theorem 3.2.8 (Wachs [198]). The set {ρσ : σ ∈ Sn , σ(n) = n} forms a basis
for H̃n−3 (Π̄n ; Z) dual to the decreasing chain basis {c̄σ : σ ∈ Sn , σ(n) = n} for
cohomology. Call the homology basis, the splitting basis.
Now we describe the decreasing chain basis for cohomology for the EL-labeling
λ1 and its dual basis for homology. Given any rooted nonplanar (i.e. children of a
node are unordered) tree T on node set [n], by removing any set of edges of T , one
forms a partition of [n] whose blocks are the node sets of the connected components
of the resulting graph. Let ΠT be the induced subposet of the partition lattice Πn
consisting of partitions obtained by removing edges of T ; see Figure 3.2.5. (If T is
a linear tree then ΠT is the same as Πσ , where σ is the permutation obtained by
reading the nodes of the tree from the root down.) Each poset ΠT is isomorphic
to the subset lattice Bn−1 . We let ρT be the fundamental cycle of the spherical
complex Δ(Π̄T ). Let T be an increasing tree on node set [n], i.e., a rooted nonplanar
tree on node set [n] in which each node i is greater than its parent p(i). We form
the chain cT in ΠT , from top down, by removing the edges {i, p(i)}, one at a time,
in increasing order of i. For the increasing tree T in Figure 3.2.5,
cT = (1/2/3/4 <· 3/24/1 <· 324/1 <· 1234).
We claim that the cT , where T is an increasing tree on node set [n], are the de-
creasing chains of λ1 .


3 / 124 123 / 4 324 / 1

3 / 4 / 12 3 / 24 / 1 32 / 4 / 1
3 4


Figure 3.2.5. T and ΠT

Theorem 3.2.9. Let Tn be the set of increasing trees on node set [n]. The set
{ρT : T ∈ Tn } forms a basis for H̃n−3 (Π̄n ; Z) dual to the decreasing chain basis
{c̄T : T ∈ Tn } for cohomology. Call the homology basis, the tree splitting basis.
Exercise 3.2.10.
(a) Show λ1 is an EL-labeling whose decreasing maximal chains are of the
form cT , where T is an increasing tree.
(b) Prove Theorem 3.2.9
(c) Show λ2 is an EL-labeling whose decreasing maximal chains are of the
form cσ , where σ ∈ Sn is such that σ(n) = n.
(d) Prove Theorem 3.2.8.
Both of the EL-labelings and their corresponding bases are special cases of more
general constructions. The first EL-labeling λ1 and its bases are specializations of
constructions for geometric lattices due to Björner [21, 22]; this is discussed in
the next section. The second EL-labeling λ2 generalizes to all Dowling lattices;
see the next exercise. A geometric interpretation of the splitting basis, in which
the fundamental cycles correspond to bounded regions in an affine slice of the real
braid arrangement, is given by Björner and Wachs [42]. This leads to analogs of the
splitting basis for intersection lattices of other Coxeter arrangements, in particular
the type B partition lattice ΠB n . An analog of the splitting basis for all Dowling
lattices is given by Gottlieb and Wachs [83].
Exercise 3.2.11 (Gottlieb [81, Section 7.3]).
(a) Find an EL-labeling of the type B partition lattice ΠB n analogous to the
EL-labeling λ2 of Πn .
(b) Describe the decreasing chains in terms of signed permutations in Sn [Z2 ]
whose right-to-left maxima are positive, where for i = 1, 2, . . . n, we say
that σ(i) is a right-to-left maxima of σ if |σ(i)| > |σ(j)| for all j = i . . . n.
(c) Show that the number of decreasing chains is (2n − 1)!! := 1 · 3 · · · (2n − 1),
thereby recovering the well-known fact that Π̄B n has the homotopy type
of a wedge of (2n − 1)!!-spheres of dimension n − 2.
A partition π ∈ Πn is said to be noncrossing if for all a < b < c < d, whenever
a, c are in a block B of π and b, d are in a block B  of π then B = B  . Let NCn be
the induced subposet of Πn consisting of noncrossing partitions. This poset, known
as the noncrossing partition lattice, was first introduced by Kreweras [115] who

showed that it is a graded

 lattice with Möbius invariant equal to the signed Catalan
number (−1)n−1 n1 2n−2n−1 . It has since undergone extensive study due to its many
fascinating properties and its connections to various diverse fields of mathematics
such as combinatorics, discrete geometry, mathematical biology, geometric group
theory, low dimensional topology, and free probability; see the survey papers of
Simion [161] and McCammond [127].
Björner and Edelman showed that NCn is EL-shellable (see Exercise 3.2.12).
Reiner [139] introduced an analog of the noncrossing partition lattice for the type
B Coxeter group, and established many of the same properties held by NCn , includ-
ing EL-shellability. A generalization of the types A and B noncrossing partition
lattices to all finite Coxeter groups was recently introduced in the geometric group
theory /low dimensional topology work of Bessis [17] and Brady and Watt [49].
This generalization is discussed in Section 3.3. The Möbius function for the type
D noncrossing partition lattice was computed by Athanasiadis and Reiner and the
question of EL-shellability was raised [7]. The general Coxeter group noncross-
ing partition lattices were subsequently shown to be EL-shellable by Athanasiadis,
Brady and Watt [6].
Exercise 3.2.12 (Björner and Edelman, cf. [21]).
(a) Show that the restriction to NCn of one of the EL-labelings of Πn described
above is an EL-labeling.
(b) Describe the decreasing chains for the EL-labeling and show that their
1 2n−2
number is the Catalan number n n−1 .
Exercise 3.2.13 (Stanley [173]). Define an edge labeling for NCn by
λ(x, y) = max{i ∈ B1 : i < min B2 },
where B1 and B2 are the blocks of x that are merged to obtain y and min B1 <
min B2 .
(a) Show that λ is an EL-labeling of NCn .
(b) Show that the decreasing chains correspond bijectively, via the labeling,
to the sequences of the form (a1 ≥ a2 ≥ · · · ≥ an−1 ) where an−i ∈ [i]
for all i ∈ [n − 1]. Show that the number of such sequences is a Catalan
This labeling is particularly interesting because the maximal chains correspond
bijectively, via this labeling, to a well-studied class of sequences called parking
functions; see [173].

3.2.3. Geometric lattices

A geometric lattice is a lattice L that is semimodular (which means that for all
x, y ∈ L, the join x ∨ y covers y whenever x covers the meet x ∧ y) and atomic
(which means every element of L is the join of atoms). Some fundamental examples
are the subset lattice Bn , the subspace lattice Bn (q), the partition lattice Πn , the
type B partition lattice ΠBn , and more generally, the intersection lattice L(A) of any
central hyperplane arrangement. Geometric lattices are fundamental structures of
matroid theory. It is easy to show that geometric lattices are pure.
We describe an edge labeling for geometric lattices, which comes from Stanley’s
early work [166] on rank-selected Möbius invariants and was one of the main moti-
vating examples for Björner’s original work [21] on EL-shellability. Fix an ordering

a1 , a2 , . . . , ak of the atoms of the geometric lattice L. Then label each edge x <· y of
the Hasse diagram with the smallest i for which x ∨ ai = y. Note that if the atoms
of the subset lattice Bn are ordered {1}, {2}, . . . , {n}, then the geometric lattice
EL-labeling is precisely the labeling given in Section 3.2.1.
Exercise 3.2.14.
(a) Show that the edge labeling for geometric lattices described above is an
(b) Find an ordering of the atoms of Πn such that the induced geometric
lattice EL-labeling is equivalent to the EL-labeling λ1 of Section 3.2.2.
(c) Is λ2 of Section 3.2.2 equivalent to a geometric lattice EL-labeling for
some ordering of the atoms?
(d) Show that every semimodular lattice has an EL-labeling.
The decreasing chains of the geometric lattice EL-labeling have a very nice
characterization, due to Björner [22], which is described in the language of matroid
theory. A set A of atoms in a geometric lattice L is said to be independent if
r(∨A) = |A|. A set of atoms that is minimally dependent (i.e., every proper subset
is independent) is called a circuit. An independent set of atoms that can be obtained
from a circuit by removing its smallest element (with respect to the fixed ordering
a1 , a2 , . . . , ak of the atoms of L) is called a broken circuit. A maximal independent
set of atoms is said to be an NBC base if contains no broken circuits. There is a
natural bijection from the NBC bases of L to the decreasing chains of L. Indeed,
given any NBC base A = {ai1 , . . . , air }, where 1 ≤ i1 < i2 < · · · < ir ≤ k, construct
the maximal chain
cA := (0̂ < air < air ∨ air−1 < · · · < air ∨ air−1 ∨ · · · ∨ ai1 = 1̂).
It is not difficult to check that the label sequence of cA is (ir , ir−1 , . . . , i1 ), which
is decreasing, and that the map A → cA is a bijection from the NBC bases of L to
the decreasing chains of L. We conclude that the set {c̄A : A is an NBC base of L}
is a basis for top cohomology of L.
Björner [22] also constructs a basis for homology of L indexed by the NBC
bases, which is dual to the cohomology basis described above. Any independent
set of atoms in a geometric lattice generates (by taking joins) a Boolean algebra
embedded in the geometric lattice. Given any independent set of atoms A, let LA
be the Boolean algebra generated by A and let ρA be the fundamental cycle of L̄A .
Theorem 3.2.15 (Björner [22]). Fix an ordering of the set of atoms of a geometric
lattice L. The set
{ρA : A is an NBC base of L}
is a basis for top homology of L̄, which is dual to the decreasing chain basis
{c̄A : A is an NBC base of L}
for top cohomology.
Exercise 3.2.16. Prove Theorem 3.2.15.
Exercise 3.2.17. Show that the tree splitting basis for homology of the partition
lattice is an example of a Björner NBC basis.
For further reading on the homology of geometric lattices see Björner’s book
chapter [26].


12345/6 12346/5 12356/4


1234/5/6 1235/4/6 1236/4/5


Figure 3.2.6. Interval of Π6,3

3.2.4. The k-equal partition lattice

In this section we present the original example that motivated the Björner-Wachs
extension of the theory of shellability from pure to nonpure complexes. This inter-
esting example played a pivotal role in two other important developments, namely
the use of poset topology in complexity theory (Björner, Lovász and Yao [34, 33])
and the derivation of the equivariant version of the Goresky-MacPherson formula
(Sundaram and Welker [186]).
The k-equal partition lattice Πn,k is the subposet of Πn consisting of partitions
that have no blocks of size {2, 3, . . . , k − 1}. This lattice is not a geometric lattice
when k > 2. It’s not even pure; consider the interval of Π6,3 shown in Figure 3.2.6.
The k-equal partition lattice arose in the early 1990’s from the “k-equal prob-
lem” in complexity theory: Given a sequence of n real numbers x1 , . . . , xn , deter-
mine whether or not some k of them are equal. Björner, Lovász and Yao [34, 33]
obtained the following lower bound on the complexity of the k-equal problem by
studying the topology of Π̄n,k ,
max{n − 1, n log3 }.
This lower bound differs by a factor of only 16 from the best upper bound. The k-
equal problem translates into a subspace arrangement problem; namely determine
whether or not the point (x1 , . . . , xn ) is in the complement of the real subspace
arrangement An,k , called the k-equal arrangement, consisting of subspaces of the
{(x1 , . . . , xn ) ∈ Rn : xi1 = xi2 = · · · = xik },
where 1 ≤ i1 < · · · < ik ≤ n. Björner and Lovász [33] show that the sum of the
Betti numbers of the complement of the k-equal arrangement gives a lower bound
for the depth of the best decision tree for the k-equal problem. They then use the
Goresky-MacPherson formula (Theorem 1.3.8) to reduce the complexity problem
to that of studying the topology of lower intervals in the intersection lattice of An,k ,
which is isomorphic to Πn,k .

Björner and Welker [45] prove that all open intervals of Πn,k have the homotopy
type of a wedge of spheres of varying dimensions. Since homotopy type of a wedge of
spheres (of top dimension) is the main topological consequence of pure shellability,
this result led Björner and Wachs to consider shellability for nonpure complexes.
We now present the nonpure EL-labeling of Πn,k obtained in [40] . First linearly
order the label set {1̄ < 2̄ < · · · < n̄ < 1 < 2 < · · · < n}. Now label the edge π <· τ
as follows:

⎨max B if a new block B is formed from singleton blocks
λ(π, τ ) = a if a nonsingleton block is merged with a singleton {a}

max B1 ∪ B2 if two nonsingletons B1 and B2 are merged.

Exercise 3.2.18. Show that λ is an EL-labeling of Πn,k .

We next describe the decreasing maximal chains. Given a hook shape Young
diagram k1m , by the corner of the hook we mean the cell in the first row and
first column, and by the leg of T we mean the first column of T minus the corner.
We refer to a skew diagram as a k-broken skew hook diagram if it is the disjoint
union of hooks H1 , H2 , . . . , Ht of the form k1m , where m is arbitrary. The tableaux
in Figure 3.2.7 are reverse standard tableaux (i.e. column and row entries are
decreasing rather than increasing) of 3-broken skew hook shape. For each reverse
standard tableau T of k-broken skew hook shape, with entries in [n], let πT be the
partition in Πn,k whose nonsingleton blocks are B1 , . . . , Bt , where Bi is the set of
entries of T in the hook Hi . For the tableaux in Figure 3.2.7,
πT = 15, 14, 3, 9, 8, 5/10, 7, 1, 2/13, 11, 4, 12, 6
πT  = 15, 14, 3, 9, 8, 5/10, 7, 1/13, 11, 4, 12, 6/2.
Given a reverse standard tableau T of k-broken skew hook shape, we let a be the
smallest entry among all entries of T that are either in the leg of a hook or in the
corner of a hook that has no leg. In the former case we let T  be the standard
tableau of k-broken skew hook shape obtained by removing a from T . In the latter
case we let T  be the standard tableau of k-broken skew hook shape obtained by
removing the entire hook (which is a row) containing a. In either case, we refer to
the tableau T  as the predecessor of T . In Figure 3.2.7, T  is the predecessor of T .
For each reverse standard tableau T of k-broken skew hook shape, with n cells and
entries in [n], let cT be the maximal chain of Πn,k such that
• πT ∈ cT
• the upper segment cT ∩ [πT , 1̂] is the chain

πT = B1 /B2 / . . . /Bt < B1 ∪ B2 /B3 / . . . /Bt < · · · < B1 ∪ · · · ∪ Bt = 1̂

• the lower segment cT ∩ [0̂, πT ] is the chain

0̂ = πT0 < πT1 < · · · < πTn−t(k−1) = πT ,

where Ti is the predecessor of Ti+1 .

For the tableau T of Figure 3.2.7, the maximal chain cT is given by

13 11 4
13 11 4
10 7 1
10 7 1
T = 2 T =
15 14 3
15 14 3

Figure 3.2.7.

1̂ > 15, 14, 3, 9, 8, 5, 10, 7, 1, 2/13, 11, 4, 12, 6

> 15, 14, 3, 9, 8, 5/10, 7, 1, 2/13, 11, 4, 12, 6
> 15, 14, 3, 9, 8, 5/10, 7, 1/13, 11, 4, 12, 6
> 15, 14, 3, 9, 8/10, 7, 1/13, 11, 4, 12, 6
> 15, 14, 3, 9, 8/10, 7, 1/13, 11, 4, 12
> 15, 14, 3, 9/10, 7, 1/13, 11, 4, 12
> 15, 14, 3/10, 7, 1/13, 11, 4, 12
> 15, 14, 3/13, 11, 4, 12
> 15, 14, 3/13, 11, 4
> 15, 14, 3
> 0̂
where only the nonsingleton blocks are shown.

Exercise 3.2.19.
(a) [40] Show that the set of decreasing chains with respect to λ is the set
{cT : T is a reverse standard tableau of k-broken skew hook shape,
with n cells and n in the corner of the leftmost hook}.
(b) [40] Show that the Betti numbers are given by
n−1 ji − 1
β̃n−3−t(k−2) (Π̄n,k ) =
j1 − 1, j2 , . . . , jt i=1 k − 1
j1 + j2 + . . . + jt = n
ji ≥ k

where t ≥ 1, and
β̃i (Π̄n,k ) = 0
if i is not of the form n − 3 − t(k − 2) for any t ≥ 1.
(c) [184] Prove that

H̃n−3−t(k−2) (Π̄n,k ) ↓Sn ∼ SD
Sn−1 =Sn−1

summed over all k-broken skew hook diagrams D of size n in which the
corner of the leftmost hook is removed. This is equivalent to

H̃n−3−t(k−2) (Π̄n,k ) ↓Sn ∼ jt −k
S1 • S (k−1) •
ji −k
S (k1 )
Sn−1 =
j1 + j2 + . . . + jt = n i=1
ji ≥ k

where • and denote induction product.
The decreasing chains given in Exercise 3.2.19(a) were also used by Sundaram
and Wachs [184] to obtain a formula for the unrestricted representation of Sn
on H̃n−3−t(k−2) (Π̄n,k ), involving composition product of representations. In or-
der to transfer the representation of the symmetric group on homology of the k-
equal partition poset to representations of the symmetric group on the homology
of the complement MAn,k := Rn − ∪An,k of the real k-equal arrangement An,k and
the complement MACn,k := Cn − ∪AC C
n,k of the complex k-equal arrangement An,k ,
Sundaram and Welker derived an equivariant version of the Goresky-MacPherson
formula; see Theorem 5.4.2. By computing the multiplicity of the trivial represen-
tation in the homology of the complement, they obtain Betti numbers for the orbit
spaces MAn,k /Sn and MA n,k
/Sn . For instance, they recover the following result
of Arnol’d [3]:

C 1 if i = 2k − 3
(3.2.3) β̃i (MA n,k
/Sn ) =
0 otherwise.
The orbit space MA n,k
/Sn is homeomorphic to the space of monic polynomials of
degree n whose roots have multiplicity at most k − 1.
Type B and D analogs of the k-equal arrangement and the k-equal partition
lattice were studied by Björner and Sagan [36]. Gottlieb [82] extended this study
to Dowling lattices.

3.3. CL-shellability and Coxeter Groups

We now consider a more powerful version of lexicographic shellability called chain-
lexicographic shellability (CL-shellability for short). This tool was introduced by
Björner and Wachs in the early 1980’s in order to establish shellability of Bruhat
order on a Coxeter group [37].
For a bounded poset P , let ME(P ) be the set of pairs (c, x <· y) consisting of
a maximal chain c and an edge x <· y along that chain. A chain-edge labeling of
P is a map λ : ME(P ) → Λ, where Λ is some poset, satisfying: If two maximal
chains coincide along their bottom d edges, then their labels also coincide along
these edges.
An example of a chain-edge labeling is given in Figure 3.3.1. Note that one of
the edges has two labels. This edge receives label 3 if it is paired with the leftmost
maximal chain and receives label 1 if it is paired with the other maximal chain that
contains the edge.
Just as for edge labelings, we need to restrict chain-edge labelings λ : ME(P ) →
Λ to intervals [x, y]. The complication is that since there can be more than one way
to label an edge depending upon which maximal chain it is paired with, there can
be more than one way to restrict λ to ME([x, y]). It follows from the definition of


2 1
3 2

1 3

Figure 3.3.1. Chain edge labeling

chain-edge labeling that each maximal chain r of [0̂, x] determines a unique restric-
tion of λ to ME([x, y]). This enables one to talk about increasing and decreasing
maximal chains and lexicographic order of maximal chains in the rooted interval
[x, y]r .
Definition 3.3.1. Let P be a bounded poset. A chain-lexicographic labeling (CL-
labeling, for short) of P is a chain-edge labeling such that in each closed rooted
interval [x, y]r of P , there is a unique strictly increasing maximal chain, which
lexicographically precedes all other maximal chains of [x, y]r . A poset that admits
a CL-labeling is said to be CL-shellable.
The chain-edge labeling of Figure 3.3.1 is a CL-labeling. The unique increasing
maximal chain of the poset is the leftmost maximal chain.
It is easy to see that EL-shellability implies CL-shellability. All the conse-
quences of EL-shellability discussed in Section 3.2 are also consequences of the more
general CL-shellability. It is unknown whether CL-shellability and EL-shellability
are equivalent notions.
We now present the original example that motivated this more technical version
of lexicographic shellability.
Definition 3.3.2. A Coxeter system (W, S) consists of a a group W together with
a set of generators S such that the following relations form a presentation of W :
• s2 = e, for all s ∈ S
• (st)ms,t = e, where ms,t ≥ 2, for certain s = t ∈ S.
The group W is said to be a Coxeter group.
Finite Coxeter groups can be characterized as finite reflection groups, i.e, fi-
nite groups generated by linear reflections in Euclidean space. Coxeter groups are
an important class of groups, which have fascinating connections to many areas
of mathematics, including combinatorics; see the chapter by Fomin and Reading
in this volume [71] and the recent book of Björner and Brenti [30]. The finite
irreducible Coxeter groups have been completely classified. There are four infinite
families and six exceptional irreducible Coxeter groups. The most basic family con-
sists of the type A Coxeter groups, which are the symmetric groups Sn with the
adjacent transpositions (i, i + 1), i = 1, . . . , n − 1, forming the generating set. This
is the reflection group of the (type A) braid arrangement. It is also the group of
symmetries of the n-simplex. The hyperoctahedral groups Sn [Z2 ] with generators
given by signed adjacent transpositions (1, −1) and (i, i + 1), i = 1, . . . , n − 1, form

the type B family. This is the reflection group of the type B braid arrangement. It
is also the symmetry group of the n-cube and the n-cross-polytope.
Let (W, S) be a Coxeter system. Every σ ∈ W can be expressed as a product,
σ = s 1 . . . sk ,
where si ∈ S. The word s1 . . . sk is said to be a reduced expression for σ if its length
k is minimum among all words whose product is σ. The length l(σ) of σ is defined
to be the length of a reduced expression for σ.
Bruhat order on W is a partial order relation on W that is defined via the
covering relation, σ <·τ if
• τ = tσ, for some t ∈ T := {αsα−1 : s ∈ S, α ∈ W }
• l(τ ) = l(σ) + 1.
For any subset J of the generating set S, there is an induced subposet of Bruhat
order on W , called the quotient by J, defined as follows
W J := {σ ∈ W : sσ > σ for all s ∈ J}.
Note W = W ∅ .
Bruhat order describes the inclusion relationships of the Schubert subvarieties
of a flag manifold. It was conjectured by de Concini and Stanley in the late 1970’s
that any open interval of of Bruhat order on a quotient of a Coxeter group is
homeomorphic to a d-sphere or a d-ball, where d is the length of the interval.
This result was needed by de Concini and Lakshmibai [57] in their work on Cohen-
Macaulayness of homogeneous coordinate rings of certain generalized Schubert vari-
eties. In an attempt to prove the conjecture by establishing EL-shellability, Björner
and Wachs instead came up with the notion of CL-shellability and constructed a
CL-labeling of the dual Bruhat poset (call this a dual CL-labeling). This labeling
relied on the following well-known characterization of Bruhat order.
Theorem 3.3.3 (Subword characterization of Bruhat order). Let (W, S) be a Cox-
eter system. Then σ < τ in Bruhat order on W if and only if for any reduced
expression w for τ there is a reduced expression for σ that is a subword of w.
We describe the dual CL-labeling of intervals [σ, τ ] of W J (this works for infinite
W as well as finite W ). Fix a reduced expression w for τ . It follows easily from
the subword characterization that as we travel down a maximal chain, we delete
(unique) letters of w one at a time until we reach a reduced word for σ. Label the
edges of each maximal chain from top down with the position of the letter in w
that is crossed out. This is illustrated in Figure 3.3.2 on the full interval [e, 321] of
Bruhat order on S3 , where si denotes the adjacent transposition (i, i + 1).
Theorem 3.3.4 (Björner and Wachs [37]). The dual chain-edge labeling described
above is a dual CL-labeling of closed intervals of Bruhat order on W J . The number
of decreasing chains (from top to bottom) is 1 if J = ∅ and is at most 1 otherwise.
It follows from Theorem 3.3.4 that every open interval (σ, τ ) of W J has the
homotopy type of a (l(τ ) − l(σ) − 2)-sphere or is contractible. A stronger topo-
logical consequence can be obtained by using the Danaraj and Klee result (Theo-
rem 3.1.11). Indeed, it can be shown that every closed interval of length 2 in W
has exactly 4 elements and that every closed interval of length 2 in W J has at most
4 elements.

s2s1=312 2 s1s2=231
2 1

s1=213 s2=132
3 2


Figure 3.3.2. Dual CL-labeling of S3

Corollary 3.3.5. Every open interval (σ, τ ) of Bruhat order on a quotient W J of a

Coxeter group W is homeomorphic to a (l(τ )−l(σ)−2)-sphere or a (l(τ )−l(σ)−2)-
ball. If J = ∅ then (σ, τ ) is homeomorphic to a (l(τ ) − l(σ) − 2)-sphere.

Besides for quotients, there are other interesting classes of induced subposets of
Bruhat order such as descent classes, studied by Björner and Wachs [39], and the
subposet of involutions, which arose in algebraic geometry work of Richardson and
Springer [145]. There is a natural notion of descent set for general Coxeter groups
which generalizes the descent set of a permutation. A descent class of a Coxeter
system (W, S) is the set of all elements whose descent set is some fixed subset of
S. Björner and Wachs used the chain-edge labeling described above to show that
every finite interval of any descent class of any Coxeter group is dual CL-shellable.
This chain-edge labeling does not work for the subposet of involutions because the
maximal chains of the subposet are not maximal in the full poset. Recently Incitti
found an EL-labeling that does work for the classical Weyl groups (i.e., the type
A, B or D Coxeter groups) and conjectured that his result extends to all intervals
of all (finite or infinite) Coxeter groups. More recently, Hultman [99] proved the
main consequence of this conjecture, namely that all intervals of Bruhat order on
the set of involutions of a Coxeter group are homeomorphic to spheres.
An alternative way to label the edges of Hasse diagram of W J is by labeling
the edge σ <· τ with the element t ∈ T such that τ = tσ. By imposing a certain
linear order on T , Edelman [67] showed that this edge labeling is an EL-labeling
for the symmetric group. Proctor [134] did the same for the classical Weyl groups.
Several years after the introduction of CL-shellability, Dyer [65] found a way to
linearly order T so that the edge labeling by elements of T is an EL-labeling for
all Coxeter groups and all quotients. Dyer’s linear order (called reflection order)
was recently used by Williams [212] to obtain an EL-labeling of the poset of cells
in a certain cell decomposition of Rietsch [146] of the totally nonnegative part of
an arbitrary flag variety (for any reductive linear algebraic group). This and the
fact that the poset is thin (cf., Theorem 3.1.12) led Williams to conjecture that
Rietsch’s cell decomposition is a regular cell decomposition of a ball (if true this
would improve a result of Lusztig [124] asserting that the totally nonnegative part
of the flag variety is contractible).

There are two other natural partial order relations on a Coxeter group (W, S)
that are important and interesting. By replacing T by S in the definition of Bruhat
order, one gets the definition of weak order. By replacing ordinary length l by
absolute length al in the definition of Bruhat order, where al(σ) is the length of
the shortest factorization of σ in elements of T , one gets the definition of absolute
length order.
The Hasse diagram of weak order is the same as the Cayley graph of the group
W with respect to S, directed away from the identity. It is pure and bounded
with the same rank function as Bruhat order, ordinary length l. Its topology was
first studied by Björner [24] who showed that although it is not lexicographically
shellable, it has the homotopy type of a sphere.
The Hasse diagram of absolute length order W al is the same as the Cayley
graph of the group W with respect to T , directed away from the identity. It is pure
with rank function, absolute length al; its bottom element is e, but it has no unique
top element. In the symmetric group Sn , the maximal elements are the n-cycles.
Interest in the absolute length order is a fairly recent development, which arose in
work on the braid group [48], [49], [17]. It was shown by Brady [48] that if W is
the symmetric group Sn , then every interval [e, c] of W al , where c in an n-cycle,
is isomorphic to the noncrossing partition lattice N C n discussed in Section 3.2.2.
This observation (and connections to finite type Artin groups) led Bessis [17] and
Brady and Watt [49] to define the noncrossing partition poset for any finite Coxeter
group to be the interval [e, c] of W al , where c is a Coxeter element of (W, S). A
Coxeter element is a product of all the elements of S in some order. In Sn the
Coxeter elements are the n-cycles. Reiner’s type B noncrossing partition lattice as
well as the classical (type A) noncrossing partition lattice are recovered from this

Exercise 3.3.6 (Brady [48]). Show that the interval [e, c], where c is an n-cycle,
in absolute length order of the symmetric group is isomorphic to the noncrossing
partition lattice NCn .

Although the topology of the interval (e, c), where c is a Coxeter element, is
known to have the homotopy type of a wedge of spheres via the Athanasiadis-
Brady-Watt proof of EL-shellability [6], little is known about the topology of the
full absolute length poset, W al , even for the symmetric group.

Problem 3.3.7 (Reiner [2, Problem 3.1]). What can be said about the topology of
W al − {e}, where W is an arbitrary finite Coxeter group? Is W al lexicographically
shellable, for types A and B? It is known that for type D, the poset W al is not

In the next exercise we see other examples of posets that admit CL-labelings.

Exercise 3.3.8. Let Wn be the poset of finite words over alphabet [n], ordered by
the subword relation. We have 34 < 23244 in Wn . Let Nn be the induced subposet
of normal words, where a word is said to be normal if no two adjacent letters are
equal. For example, 2324 is normal while 23244 is not.
(a) (Björner and Wachs [38]) Find a dual CL-labeling of each interval [u, v] in
Nn , and show that (u, v) is homeomorphic to an (l(v) − l(u) − 2)-sphere.
(b) (Björner [25]) Find a dual CL-labeling of each interval [u, v] in Wn .

(c) (Björner [25, 27]) Given a word v = a1 . . . an in Wn , define its repetition

set R(v) = {i : ai = ai−1 }. A normal embedding of a word u in v =
a1 . . . an is a sequence 1 ≤ ii < · · · < ik ≤ n such that u = ai1 . . . aik
and R(v) ⊆ {i1 , . . . , ik }. Show that the interval (u, v) in Wn is homotopy
equivalent to a wedge of nu,v spheres of dimension l(v) − l(u) − 2, where
nu,v is the number of normal embeddings of u in v.
In the next lecture, a formulation of CL-shellability, called recursive atom or-
dering, which does not involve edge labelings, will be presented. This formulation
has proved to be quite useful in many applications, indeed, even more useful than
the original chain labeling version. A more general form of lexicographic shellability
which does involve edge labelings was introduced by Kozlov [112]. A generalization
of lexicographic shellability to balanced complexes was formulated by Hersh [94]
and was further studied by Hultman [98]. A relative version of lexicographic shella-
bility was introduced by Stanley [172]. A Morse theory version of lexicographical
shellability, which is even more general than Kozlov’s version was formulated by
Babson and Hersh [9].

3.4. Rank Selection

Edge labelings of posets were first introduced by Stanley [164, 165, 166] for the
purpose of studying the Möbius function of rank-selected subposets of certain pure
lattices. If one drops the requirement that the unique increasing maximal chain be
lexicographically first in the definition of EL-shellability then one has the kind of
labeling that Stanley considered. Such a labeling was called an R-labeling (we now
call it an ER-labling and we call the chain-edge version a CR-labeling). Here we
discuss how CL-labelings are used to determine homotopy type and homology of
rank-selected subposets of pure CL-shellable posets.
Let P be a bounded poset. For x ∈ P , define the rank,
r(x) := l([0̂, x]).
For R ⊆ [l(P ) − 1], define the rank-selected subposet
PR := {x ∈ P : r(x) ∈ R}.
Given a CL-labeling of a bounded poset P , the descent set of a maximal chain
c := (0̂ = x0 <· x1 <· x2 <· . . . <· xt <· xt+1 = 1̂) of P is defined to be
des(c) := {i ∈ [t] : λ(c, xi−1 <· xi ) ≥ λ(c, xi <· xi+1 )}.
Theorem 3.4.1 (Björner and Wachs [38]). Suppose P is pure and CL-shellable.
Let R ⊆ [l(P ) − 1]. Then P̂R is also CL-shellable, and hence PR has the homotopy
type of a wedge of (|R|−1)-spheres. The number of spheres is the number of maximal
chains of P with descent set R. Moreover, the set
{cR : c ∈ M(P ) & des(c) = R}
forms a basis for H̃ |R|−1 (PR ; Z).
Remark 3.4.2. Theorem 3.4.1 holds for nonpure posets only when the rank set
R is rather special, see [41]. It was shown by Björner [21] that pure shellability is
preserved by rank selection. It is not known, however, whether pure EL-shellability
is preserved by rank-selection. Stanley [165, 166] proved the precursor to Theo-
rem 3.4.1 that for pure posets P that admit ER-labelings, the rank selected Möbius

invariant μ(P̂R ) is equal to (−1)|R|−1 times the number of maximal chains of P

with descent set R.
Example 3.4.3. The rank-selected Boolean algebra (Bn )R . Consider the EL-
labeling of Bn given in Example 3.2.1. Since the label sequences of the maximal
chains are the permutations in Sn , the number of maximal chains with descent
set R ⊆ [n − 1] is the number of permutations with descent set R. So (Bn )R has
the homotopy type of a wedge of dn,R spheres of dimension |R| − 1, where dn,R is
the number of permutations in Sn with descent set R. (Note that the truncated
Boolean algebra given in Section 3.2.1 is an example of a rank-selected Boolean
algebra.) We have the following equivariant homology version of the homotopy
Theorem 3.4.4 (Solomon [163]). Let R ⊆ [n − 1] and let H be the skew hook with
n cells and descent set R (the definition of descent set of a skew hook was given in
Section 2.2). Then
H̃|R|−1 ((Bn )R ) ∼
=Sn S H .
Exercise 3.4.5. Prove Theorem 3.4.4 by using a map from the set of tableaux of
shape H to the set of maximal chains of (Bn )R thereby generalizing the proof of
Theorem 3.2.7.
We consider a type B-analog and a q-analog of Example 3.4.3 in the next two
Exercise 3.4.6. The rank-selected lattice of faces of the n-cross-polytope (Cn )R .
Recall form Example 2.3.3 that we can identify the (k−1)-faces of Cn with k-subsets
T of [n]∪{−i : i ∈ [n]} such that {i, −i}  T for all i. Note that the maximal chains
of Cn correspond bijectively to elements of the hyperoctahedral group Sn [Z2 ], i.e.
the signed permutations. As was mentioned earlier, there is a natural notion of
descent set for general Coxeter groups which generalizes the descent set of a per-
mutation. For the hyperoctahedral group, descent can be characterized as follows:
i ∈ {0, 1, . . . , n − 1} is a descent of a signed permutation σ ∈ Sn [Zn ] if either
(a) σ(i) > σ(i + 1) (viewed as elements of Z) or
(b) i = 0 and σ(1) < 0.
Find an EL-labeling of Cn such that for all R ⊆ [n], the number of maximal chains
with descent set R equals d¯n,R , the number of signed permutations with descent
set R. Consequently, (Cn )R has the homotopy type of a wedge of d¯n,R spheres of
dimension |R| − 1.
Exercise 3.4.7 (Simion [160]). The rank-selected subspace lattice (Bn (q))R . Find
an EL-labeling λ of Bn (q) with label set [n] such that
• for each maximal chain c, the label sequence λ(c) is a permutation in Sn ,
• for each permutation σ ∈ Sn , the number of maximal chains c such that
λ(c) = σ is q inv(σ) , where inv(σ) is the number of inversions of σ.
Consequently, for all R ⊆ [n − 1], the rank-selected subspace lattice (Bn (q))R has
the homotopy type of a wedge of dn,R (q) spheres of dimension |R| − 1, where

dn,R (q) = q inv(σ) .
σ ∈ Sn
des(σ) = R

There are also interesting results on Sn -equivariant rank-selected homology

of the partition lattice with ties to permutation enumeration due to Sundaram
[177, 179]. See also the related recent work of Hanlon and Hersh [88] on rank-
selected partition lattices [88]
Exercise 3.4.8. Let L be a geometric lattice with the EL-labeling given in Sec-
tion 3.2.3. Also let R ⊆ [l(L) − 1]. Show that there is a basis for top homology of
LR consisting of fundamental cycles of subposets of LR that are all isomorphic to
the join B̄s1 ∗ B̄s2 ∗ · · · ∗ B̄sk , where {s1 , s1 + s2 , . . . , s1 + s2 + · · · + sk } = [l(L)] − R.
Stanley [169] gives a type B analog of Theorem 3.4.4 for the lattice of Exer-
cise 3.4.6 and a q-analog of Theorem 3.4.4 for the lattice of Exercise 3.4.7. These
results involve the representation theories of the hyperoctahedral group and the
general linear group, which are analogous to that of the symmetric group. He
proves Theorem 3.4.4 and the analogous results by invoking the following general
Theorem 3.4.9 ([169]). Let P be a bounded pure shellable G-poset of length l. If
R ⊆ [l − 1] then

(3.4.1) H̃|R|−1 (PR ) ∼
=G (−1)|R−T | C|T |−1 (PT ).
T ⊆R


(3.4.2) C|R|−1 (PR ) ∼
=G H̃|T |−1 (PT ).
T ⊆R

In [169] Theorem 3.4.9 is proved for a more general class of posets called Cohen-
Macaulay posets. These posets are discussed in the next section. Equation (3.4.1) is
a consequence of the Hopf trace formula and the fact that pure shellability, or more
generally Cohen-Macaulayness, is preserved by rank-selection. Equation (3.4.2)
follows by the principle of inclusion-exclusion or Möbius inversion on the subset
Note that Theorems 3.4.4 and 3.4.9 imply the fact that the regular representa-
tion of Sn decomposes into a direct sum of Foulkes modules, cf., Exercise 2.2.8.
Exercise 3.4.10. Prove Theorem 3.4.4 by using Theorem 3.4.9.
As was mentioned in the introduction to this lecture, shellability theory is inti-
mately connected with the enumeration of faces of polyhedral complexes, a central
topic in geometric combinatorics; see the books of Stanley [170] and Ziegler [220].
The descent set of a maximal chain is a specialization of a more general con-
cept in shellability theory known as the restriction of a facet, which is just the
smallest new face that is added to the complex when the facet is added. When
facets of pure shellable simplicial complexes are enumerated according to the size
of their restriction, an important combinatorial invariant of the simplicial complex,
known as the h-vector, is computed. For any (d − 1)-dimensional simplicial com-
plex Δ (shellable or not), the h-vector (h0 (Δ), h1 (Δ), . . . , hd (Δ)) and the f -vector
(f−1 (Δ), f0 (Δ), . . . , fd−1 (Δ)) determine each other,

hi xd−i = fi−1 (x − 1)d−i ,
i=0 i=0

but the h-vector is usually more convenient for expressing relations such as the up-
per bound conjecture, a symmetry relation known as the Dehn-Sommerville equa-
tions, the celebrated Billera-Lee [19] and Stanley [168] characterization of the f-
vector of a simplicial polytope, and the conjectured extension to convex polytopes
and homology spheres. Although shellability has played an important role in the
study of f -vectors and h-vectors, much fancier tools from commutative algebra and
algebraic geometry have come into play. See the books of Stanley [170] and Ziegler
[220] for basic treatments of this material, the survey article of Stanley [175] for
important recent developments, and the paper of Swartz [187] for even more recent
Refinements of the f -vector and h-vector called the flag f -vector and the flag
h-vector, respectively, (defined for all pure posets and the more general balanced
complexes) have been extensively studied, beginning with the Bayer-Billera [15]
analog of the Dehn-Sommerville equations; see [170] for further information. For
pure lexicographically shellable posets the entries of the flag h-vector have a simple
combinatorial interpretation as the number of maximal chains with fixed descent
For nonpure complexes, two-parameter generalizations of the f-vector and h-
vector are defined in [40]. The f-triangle and h-triangle also determine each other.
The f-triangle counts faces of a simplicial complex according to the maximum size
of a facet containing the face and the size of the face. For shellable complexes, it is
shown in [40] that the h-triangle counts facets according to the size of the restriction
set and the size of the facet. Duval [64] shows that the entries of the h-triangle
are nonnegative for a more general class of complexes than the shellable complexes;
namely the sequentially Cohen-Macaulay complexes, which are discussed in the
next lecture. It is pointed out by Herzog, Reiner, and Welker [96] that the h-
triangle of a sequentially Cohen-Macaulay complex Δ encodes the multigraded Betti
numbers appearing in the minimal free resolution of the Stanley-Reisner ideal of
the Alexander dual of Δ. Stanley-Reisner rings and ideals are discussed briefly in
the next lecture and Alexander duality is discussed in the last lecture.
Descent sets and the more general restriction sets also play an important role
in direct sum decompositions of Stanley-Reisner rings of shellable complexes; due
to Kind and Kleinschmidt [109], Garsia [77], and Björner and Wachs [41, Section
Recursive Techniques

The recursive definition of the Möbius function of a poset provides a recursive

technique for computing the reduced Euler characteristic of the order complex of a
poset. More refined recursive techniques for computing the homology of a poset are
discussed in this lecture. A general class of posets to which these techniques can
be applied, the Cohen-Macaulay posets or more generally the sequentially Cohen-
Macaulay posets, are discussed in Section 4.1. A recursive formulation of CL-
shellability is presented in Section 4.2. In Section 4.3 the recursive techniques for
computing Betti numbers are demonstrated on various examples, and in Section 4.4
equivariant versions of these techniques are also demonstrated. In Section 4.5 bases
and generating sets for homology and cohomology of some of these examples are
presented together with their use in computing Sn -equivariant homology.

4.1. Cohen-Macaulay Complexes

Recall that the link of a face F of a simplicial complex Δ is the subcomplex
lkΔ F := {G ∈ Δ : G ∪ F ∈ Δ, G ∩ F = ∅}.
Definition 4.1.1. A simplicial complex Δ is said to be Cohen-Macaulay over k if
H̃i (lkΔ F ; k) = 0,
for all F ∈ Δ and i < dim lkΔ F .
The following result shows that Cohen-Macaulayness is a topological property.
Theorem 4.1.2 (Munkres [130]). The simplicial complex Δ is Cohen-Macaulay
over k if and only if for all p ∈ Δ and all i < dim Δ,
H̃i (Δ; k) = Hi (Δ, Δ − p; k) = 0,
where the homology is reduced singular homology and relative singular homology,
The Cohen-Macaulay property has its origins in commutative algebra, in the
theory of Cohen-Macaulay rings. Associated with every simplicial complex Δ on
vertex set [n] is a ring k[Δ] called the Stanley-Reisner ring of the simplicial complex,
which is defined to be the quotient of the polynomial ring k[x1 , . . . , xn ] by the
Stanley-Reisner ideal IΔ generated by monomials of the form xi1 xi2 . . . xij where

{i1 , i2 , . . . , ij } ∈
/ Δ. The Stanley-Reisner construction is a two-way bridge used
to obtain topological and enumerative properties of the simplicial complex from
properties of the ring and vice versa. A simplicial complex is Cohen-Macaulay if
and only if its Stanley-Reisner ring is a Cohen-Macaulay ring (see [170] for the
definition of Cohen-Macaulay ring). The equivalence of the characterization given
in Definition 4.1.1 and the ring theoretic characterization is due to Reisner [144].
It follows from Theorem 4.1.2 that any triangulation of a d-sphere is Cohen-
Macaulay. The ring theoretic consequence of this fact played an essential role in
Stanley’s celebrated proof of the Upper Bound Conjecture for spheres. For n > d,
define the cyclic polytope C(n, d) to be the convex hull of any n distinct points on
the moment curve {(t, t2 , . . . , td ) ∈ Rd : t ∈ R} (the face poset of the polytope is
independent of the choice of points). The boundary complex of the cyclic polytope
is a simplicial complex. The upper bound conjecture for spheres asserts that the
boundary complex of the cyclic polytope achieves the maximum number of faces
of each dimension, over all simplicial complexes on n vertices that triangulate a
d-sphere. See [170] for Stanley’s proof of this conjecture and other very important
uses of the Stanley-Reisner ring and commutative algebra in the enumeration of
faces of simplicial complexes.
The Stanley-Reisner bridge can also be crossed in the opposite direction obtain-
ing ring theoretic information from the topology and combinatorics of the simplicial
complex, as exemplified by the commutative algebra results mentioned at the end
of the last lecture. Another example is a fundamental result of Eagon and Reiner
[66] which states that a square free monomial ideal has a linear resolution if and
only if it is the Stanley-Reisner ideal IΔ of a simplicial complex Δ whose Alexan-
der dual is Cohen-Macaulay. We will not define linear resolution, but Alexander
duality is discussed in Section 5.1. A nonpure generalization of this result involving
sequential Cohen-Macaulayness (discussed below) appears in papers of Herzog and
Hibi [95] and Herzog, Reiner and Welker [96]. For further reading on the extensive
connections between simplicial topology and commutative algebra, see Stanley’s
classic book [170] and the recent book of Miller and Sturmfels [129].
Exercise 4.1.3 (Walker [206]). Show that if lkΔ F is empty, 0-dimensional, or
connected for all F ∈ Δ, then Δ is pure. Consequently, Cohen-Macaulay simplicial
complexes are pure.
The main tool for establishing Cohen-Macaulayness is shellability. Indeed, it
follows from Theorem 3.1.5 and Corollary 3.1.4 that pure shellability implies the
Cohen-Macaulay property over any k. From Exercise 4.1.3 we see that this impli-
cation does not hold for nonpure shellability. In order to extend the implication to
the nonpure setting, Stanley [170] introduced nonpure versions of Cohen-Macaulay
for complexes and rings, called sequentially Cohen-Macaulay, and showed that all
shellable complexes are sequentially Cohen-Macaulay. Duval [64] and Wachs [201]
found similar simpler characterizations of Stanley’s sequential Cohen-Macaulayness
for simplicial complexes. Here we take Wachs’ characterization as the definition.
Definition 4.1.4. Let Δ be a simplicial complex. For each m = 1, 2, . . . , dim(Δ),
let Δ m be the subcomplex of Δ generated by facets of dimension at least m. The
complex Δ is said to be sequentially acyclic over k if H̃i (Δ m ; k) = 0 for all i < m.
We say that Δ is sequentially Cohen-Macaulay over k if lkΔ F is sequentially acyclic
over k for all F ∈ Δ.

Exercise 4.1.5. The pure m-skeleton Δ[m] of a simplicial complex Δ is defined to

be the subcomplex generated by all faces of dimension m. Show that the formulation
of sequentially Cohen-Macaulay complex given in Definition 4.1.4 is equivalent to
the following formulation of Duval [64]: Δ is sequentially Cohen-Macaulay if and
only if Δ[m] is Cohen-Macaulay for all m = 1, 2, . . . , dim(Δ).
It is clear that pure sequential Cohen-Macaulayness is the same thing as Cohen-
Macaulayness. The following generalization of Theorem 4.1.2 shows that sequen-
tial Cohen-Macaulayness is a topological property, just as Cohen-Macaulayness is.
Given a nonnegative integer m and a topological space X, define X m to be the
topological closure of the set
{p ∈ X : p has a neighborhood homeomorphic to an open d-ball where d ≥ m}.
Theorem 4.1.6. The simplicial complex Δ is sequentially Cohen-Macaulay over
k if and only if for all i < m and p ∈ Δ m ,
H̃i (Δ m ; k) = Hi (Δ m , Δ m − p; k) = 0.
Exercise 4.1.7. Munkres proof of Theorem 4.1.2 is based on the following lemma:
For any face F of a simplicial complex Δ, any point p in the interior of F , and any
integer i,
H̃i (lkF ; k) ∼
= Hi+dim F +1 (Δ, Δ − p; k).
Use this lemma to prove Theorem 4.1.6.
Exercise 4.1.8 (Wachs [201]). Show that if Δ is sequentially acyclic then H̃i (Δ; Z)
is free for all i and vanishes whenever there is no facet of dimension i.
Theorem 4.1.9 (Stanley [170]). Every shellable simplicial complex is sequentially
Cohen-Macaulay over k for all k.
Exercise 4.1.10. Prove Theorem 4.1.9 by first showing that if Δ is shellable then
there is a shelling order of the facets of Δ in which the dimensions of the facets
weakly decrease (see Björner and Wachs [40]).
We say that a poset is (sequentially) Cohen-Macaulay if its order complex
is (sequentially) Cohen-Macaulay. Early work on Cohen-Macaulay posets can be
found in the paper of Baclawski [12] and in the survey article of Björner, Garsia, and
Stanley [32]. We have the following nice characterization of sequentially Cohen-
Macaulay posets, which, in the pure case, is well-known and follows easily from
Definition 4.1.1.
Theorem 4.1.11 (Björner, Wachs, and Welker [44]). A poset P is sequentially
Cohen-Macaulay if and only if every open interval of P̂ is sequentially acyclic.
One direction of the proof follows immediately from the fact that open intervals
are links of chains. The other is a consequence of the fact that joins of sequentially
acyclic simplicial complexes are sequentially acyclic, which is proved in [44] by
using a fiber theorem of Quillen. Fiber theorems are discussed in Lecture 5. It is
also shown in [44] that other poset operations such as product preserve sequential
Cohen-Macaulayness, a fact that had been known for some time in the pure case
[207]; see Exercise 5.1.6.
To compute the unique nonvanishing Betti number of a Cohen-Macaulay poset
(or any poset in which homology is concentrated in a single dimension), one needs

only to compute its Möbius invariant. Indeed, it follows from the Phillip Hall
Theorem (Proposition 1.2.6) and the Euler-Poincaré formula (Theorem 1.2.8) that
if the homology of P vanishes below the top dimension then

(4.1.1) β̃l(P ) (P ) = (−1)l(P ) μ(P̂ ).

By applying the recursive definition of Möbius function we get the recursive formula
observed by Sundaram in [177],

(4.1.2) β̃l(P )−1 (P \ {0̂}) = (−1)l(P )+r(x) β̃r(x)−2 (0̂, x),

where P is a Cohen-Macaulay poset with a bottom element 0̂ and r(x) is the rank
of x.
Since general sequentially Cohen-Macaulay posets can have homology in mul-
tiple dimensions, (4.1.1) and (4.1.2) do not hold in the nonpure setting. How-
ever, if the sequentially Cohen-Macaulay poset has a property known as semipure,
then the following generalization of (4.1.2) shows that Möbius function can still
be used to compute its Betti numbers. A poset P is said to be semipure if
P≤y := {x ∈ P : x ≤ y} is pure for all y ∈ P . The proper part of the poset
given in Figure 3.2.1 is semipure. Also the face poset of any simplicial complex is

Theorem 4.1.12 (Wachs [201]). Let P be a semipure sequentially Cohen-Macaulay

poset with a bottom element 0̂. Then for all m,

(4.1.3) β̃m−1 (P \ {0̂}) = (−1)m+r(x) β̃r(x)−2 (0̂, x),
m(x) = m

where m(x) is the length of the longest chain of P containing x.

Exercise 4.1.13. Prove Theorem 4.1.12.

We will demonstrate the effectiveness of the formulas (4.1.2) and (4.1.3) in

computing Betti numbers on concrete examples in Section 4.3. Equivariant versions
of these formulas will be discussed in Section 4.4. For more general versions see
There is a homotopy version of Cohen-Macaulay complexes due to Quillen
[137] and a homotopy version of sequentially Cohen-Macaulay complexes studied
by Björner, Wachs and Welker [43, 44]. The requirement that homology vanish
below a certain dimension is replaced by the requirement that the homotopy groups
vanish below that dimension. The homotopy versions are stronger than the homol-
ogy versions, but are still still weaker than shellability. They are not topological
properties, however. For instance there is a triangulation of the 5-sphere that is
not homotopy Cohen-Macaulay, see [137, Section 8].
We summarize the implications for bounded posets in the following diagram.

pure EL-shellable
 =⇒ EL-shellable

pure CL-shellable
 =⇒ CL-shellable

pure shellable
 =⇒ shellable

homotopy Cohen-Macaulay
 =⇒ sequentially homotopy
 over Z =⇒ sequentially Cohen-Macaulay
 over Z
Cohen-Macaulay over k =⇒ sequentially Cohen-Macaulay over k
It is known that all the implications but
(pure) EL-shellable =⇒ (pure) CL-shellable
are strict. Whether or not there are CL-shellable posets that are not EL-shellable is
an open question. It is also unknown whether or not CL-shellability and dual CL-
shellability are equivalent. Examples of shellable posets that are not CL-shellable
were obtained by Vince and Wachs [196] and Walker [208].
There are other important properties of simplicial complexes which have recur-
sive formulations such as vertex decomposability (introduced by Provan and Billera
[135] for pure simplicial complexes and extended to nonpure simplicial complexes
by Björner and Wachs [41]) and constructible complexes (introduced by Hochster
[97] and extended to the nonpure case by Jonsson [105]). There are no special
poset versions of these tools, however, as there are for shellability.

4.2. Recursive Atom Orderings

In this section we present a rather technical, but very useful tool for establishing
poset shellability (and in turn sequential Cohen-Macaulayness). This technique,
called recursive atom ordering, was introduced by Björner and Wachs in the early
1980’s. It is equivalent to CL-shellability, but does not involve edge labelings.
Definition 4.2.1. A bounded poset P is said to admit a recursive atom ordering
if its length l(P ) is 1, or if l(P ) > 1 and there is an ordering a1 , a2 , . . . , at of the
atoms of P that satisfies:
(i) For all j = 1, 2, . . . , t the interval [aj , 1̂] admits a recursive atom ordering
in which the atoms of [aj , 1̂] that belong to [ai , 1̂] for some i < j come
(ii) For all i < j, if ai , aj < y then there is a k < j and an atom z of [aj , 1̂]
such that ak < z ≤ y.
A recursive coatom ordering is a recursive atom ordering of the dual poset P ∗ .
Figure 4.2.1 (a) gives an example of a poset that does not admit a recursive
atom ordering since condition (ii) fails for every ordering of the atoms. The poset
in Figure 4.2.1 (b) does admit a recursive atom ordering. The left to right order in
the drawing of the Hasse diagram gives an ordering of the atoms that satisfies (i)
and (ii), for each interval.

(a) (b)

Figure 4.2.1

Theorem 4.2.2 (Björner and Wachs [38, 40]). A bounded poset P is CL-shellable
if and only if P admits a recursive atom ordering.
Proof idea. We use a recursive procedure to obtain a recursive atom ordering
from a CL-labeling and vice versa. Given a CL-labeling λ, order the atoms of P in
increasing order of the labels λ(c, 0̂ <· a), where c is any maximal chain containing
the atom a (the label is independent of the maximal chain c since 0̂ <· a is a bottom
edge). Then recursively use the restriction of the CL-labeling to each interval [a, 1̂]
to obtain a recursive atom ordering of [a, 1̂].
Conversely, given a recursive atom ordering of P , label the bottom edge of
each maximum chain with the position of the atom in the atom ordering. Then
recursively use the recursive atom ordering of [a, 1̂] to obtain an appropriate chain-
edge labeling of [a, 1̂], for each atom a. 
A bounded poset P is said to be semimodular if for all u, v ∈ P that cover some
x ∈ P , there is an element y ∈ P that covers both u and v. Semimodular posets are
not necessarily shellable. A poset is said to be totally semimodular if every closed
interval is semimodular. Note that semimodular lattices are totally semimodular.
In particular, the boolean algebra and the partition lattice are totally semimodular.
Theorem 4.2.3 (Björner and Wachs [38]). Every ordering of the atoms of a totally
semimodular poset is a recursive atom ordering.
Theorem 4.2.4 (Björner and Wachs [38]). An ordering of the facets of a simplicial
complex Δ is a shelling if and only if the ordering is a recursive coatom ordering
of the face lattice L(Δ).
Exercise 4.2.5. Prove
(a) Theorem 4.2.3.
(b) Theorem 4.2.4
Definition 4.2.6 (Wachs and Walker [205]). A meet semilattice P with rank
function r is said to be a geometric semilattice if
(i) every interval is a geometric lattice 
(ii) for all x ∈ P and subset A of atoms whose join exists, if r(x) < r( A)
then there is an a ∈ A such that a ≤ x and a ∨ x exists.
Examples of geometric semilattices include
• geometric lattices

• intersection semilattices of affine hyperplane arrangements

• face posets of matroid complexes
• top truncated geometric lattices; i.e., LS where L is a geometric lattice
S = {0, 1, 2, . . . , j}
for some j ≤ l(L)
• L − [x, 1̂], where L is a geometric lattice and x ∈ L (this is a characteri-

A set A of
 atoms in a geometric semilattice P is said to be independent if A
exists and r( A) = |A|. A basic set of atoms is a maximal independent set of
Theorem 4.2.7 (Wachs and Walker [205]). Any ordering of the atoms of a geomet-
ric semilattice P that begins with a basic set of atoms is a recursive atom ordering
of P ∪ {1̂}.
Exercise 4.2.8. Let P be a geometric semilattice.
(a) Show P is pure.
(b) Show every principal upper order ideal P≥x := {y ∈ P : y ≥ x} is a
geometric semilattice.
(c) Prove Theorem 4.2.7.
From the proof of Theorem 4.2.2, we know that to every recursive atom ordering
of a poset one can associate a CL-labeling. A natural question to ask, when given
a particular recursive atom ordering, is whether there is a nice associated CL-
labeling. Then one can obtain Betti numbers and bases from the decreasing chains.
Ziegler [217] describes such a CL-labeling for one of the recursive atom orderings
of Theorem 4.2.7 and shows that it is in fact an EL-labeling. He then constructs
bases for homology and cohomology of geometric semilattices which generalize the
Björner NBC bases for geometric lattices discussed in Section 3.2.3.

4.3. More Examples

In this section we present examples of semipure posets that admit recursive atom
orderings and we demonstrate the use of the recursive formulas (4.1.2) and (4.1.3)
in computing their Betti numbers. Let’s begin with some pure examples.
Example 4.3.1. Let k ≤ n. The injective word poset In,k is defined to be the poset
of words of length at most k over alphabet [n] with no repeated letters. The order
relation is the subword relation. This poset is pure and is a lower order ideal of
the normal word poset Nn (discussed in Exercise 3.3.8) which in turn is a subposet
of the word poset Wn (also discussed in Exercise 3.3.8). It is left as an exercise
to show that lexicographic order on the injective words of length k is a recursive
coatom ordering of In,k ∪ {1̂}. One can use the fact that all closed intervals of
In,k are isomorphic to Boolean algebras. Since the duals of the closed intervals are
totally semimodular, one needs only to verify condition (i) of Definition 4.2.1.
Exercise 4.3.2.
(a) Show that lexicographic order on the injective words of length k is a
recursive coatom ordering of In,k ∪ {1̂}.

(b) Use formula (4.1.2) to show that the top Betti number β̃k−1 (I¯n,n ) is equal
to dn , the number of derangements of n elements. Consequently, I¯n,n has
the homotopy type of a wedge of dn spheres of dimension k − 1 .
(c) Let Nn,k be the induced subposet of Nn consisting of words of length
at most k. Use Exercise 3.3.8, Theorem 3.4.1, and formula (4.1.2) to
show that N̄n,k has the homotopy type of a wedge of (n − 1)k spheres of
dimension k − 1.
(d) Let Wn,k be the induced subposet of Wn consisting of words of length
at most k. Show that W̄n,k also has the homotopy type of a wedge of
(n − 1)k spheres of dimension k − 1.
Remark 4.3.3. The injective word poset and normal word poset of Example 4.3.1
were introduced by Farmer [68] who showed that Īn,k and N̄n,k have the homology
of a wedge of (k − 1)-spheres. Björner and Wachs [38] recovered these results and
strengthened them to homotopy by establishing shellability. The Betti number
computations of Exercise 4.3.2 (b) and (c) are due to Reiner and Webb [142] and
Farmer [68], respectively.
Recall that in Example 3.2.2, we used EL-shellability to show that the proper
part of the partition lattice Πn has the homotopy type of a wedge of (n−1)! spheres
of dimension n − 3. In the next two examples we use the techniques of Sections 4.1
and 4.2 to obtain analogous results for the even and odd block size partition posets.
Example 4.3.4. Let Πeven2n be the subposet of Π2n consisting of partitions whose
block sizes are even. The even block size partition poset is pure but lacks a bot-
tom element. The upper intervals [x, 1̂] are all partition lattices, which are totally
semimodular; so every atom ordering of [x, 1̂] is a recursive atom ordering. Asso-
2n ∪ {0̂} by listing the elements of each block
ciate a word with each atom of Πeven
in increasing order and then listing the blocks in lexicographic order. We claim
that lexicographic order on the words corresponds to a recursive atom ordering of
2n ∪ {0̂}. The verification is left as an exercise.
We next use (4.1.2) to compute the Betti numbers of Π̄even even
2n . Since Π2n is pure
and the upper intervals are isomorphic to partition lattices, to compute the unique
nonvanishing Betti number β̃n−2 (Π̄even
2n ), we apply (4.1.2) to the dual of the poset.
Let β2n denote the Betti number β̃n−2 (Π̄even
2n ). By (4.1.2) we have

β2n = (−1)b(x)+n β̃b(x)−3 (x, 1̂)

= (−1)b(x)+n (b(x) − 1)!

= (−1)r+n (r − 1)! |{x ∈ Πeven
2n : b(x) = r}|,
where b(x) denotes the number of blocks of x. Note that
1 2n
|{x ∈ Π2n : b(x) = r}| =
r! 2j1 , 2j2 , . . . , 2jr
(j1 ,j2 ,...,jr )n

where  n denotes composition of n. We now have

1 2n
β2n = (−1)r+n .
r 2j1 , 2j2 , . . . , 2jr
(j1 ,j2 ,...,jr )n

The exponential generating function for the Betti numbers is thus given by,
u2n r1 2n u2n
β2n = (−1) (−1)n
(2n)! r 2j1 , 2j2 , . . . , 2jr (2n)!
n≥1 r≥1 n≥1 (j1 ,j2 ,...,jr )n
 1  u2j r
= (−1)r (−1)j
r (2j)!
r≥1 j≥1
(4.3.1) = − ln(cos u).
By taking derivatives we get,
β2n = tan u.
(2n − 1)!
So β2n is equal to the coefficient of (2n−1)! in the Taylor series expansion of tan u. It
is well known that this coefficient is equal to the Euler number E2n−1 , where Em is
defined to be the number of alternating permutations in Sm , i.e., permutations with
descents at all the even positions and ascents at all the odd positions. We conclude
2n has the homotopy type of a wedge of E2n−1 spheres of dimension n − 2.
that Π̄even
There is an alternative way to arrive at β2n = E2n−1 . Replace the last line of
(4.3.1) with
− ln (−1)j

and then take derivatives of both sides of the equation. This results in
 u2n−1  u2j  u2j−1
β2n (−1)j = (−1)j−1 .
(2n − 1)! (2j)! (2j − 1)!
n≥1 j≥0 j≥0

By equating coefficients we obtain the recurrence relation,

2j − 1
(−1)r β2r = −1
2r − 1
It is not difficult to check that E2r−1 satisfies the same recurrence relation.
Example 4.3.5. Let Πodd2n+1 be the subposet of Π2n+1 consisting of partitions whose
block sizes are odd. The odd block size partition poset is totally semimodular; so
any atom ordering is a recursive atom ordering.
Now let β2n+1 denote the top Betti number β̃n−2 (Π̄odd
2n+1 ). An argument similar
to the one used in deriving (4.3.1) yields: n≥0 β2n+1 (2n+1)! is the compositional
inverse of n≥0 (−1)n (2n+1)! , i.e.,
 1  u2j+1 2n+1
(4.3.2) β2n+1 (−1)j = u.
(2n + 1)! (2j + 1)!
n≥0 j≥0
2j+1 2n+1
Since j u
j≥0 (−1) (2j+1)! = sin u, we have n≥0
β2n+1 (2n+1)! = sin−1 u. The co-
efficient u
of (2n+1)! in the Taylor series expansion of sin−1 u is (2n + 1)!!2 , where
(2n + 1)!! := 1 · 3 · 5 · · · (2n + 1). We conclude that Π̄odd
2n+1 has the homotopy type
of a wedge of (2n + 1)!!2 spheres of dimension n − 2.

Exercise 4.3.6. For integers n, d ≥ 1 and k ≥ 0, let Πknd+kmod d

be the subposet of
the partition lattice Πnd+k consisting of partitions whose block sizes are congruent
to k mod d. This poset is pure only for k ≡ 0 or 1 mod d, and is bounded only for
k ≡ 1 mod d.
(a) Show that lexicographical order on the words associated with the atoms
as in Example 4.3.4 (i.e., list the elements of each block in increasing order
and then list the blocks in lexicographical order) yields a recursive atom
ordering of Π0ndmod d ∪ {0̂}.
(b) Show that Π1nd+1
mod d
admits a recursive atom ordering.
(c) Find a recursive atom ordering of Πknd+k mod d
∪ {0̂} for k ≡ 1 mod d.
0 mod d d
(d) Show that Π̄nd has the homotopy type of a wedge of Edn−1 spheres
of dimension n − 2, where
Edn−1 = |{σ ∈ Snd−1 : des(σ) = {d, 2d, . . . , (n − 1)d}}|.

(e) Show that Π̄1nd+1

mod d
has the homotopy type of a wedge of cn spheres of
dimension n − 2, where n≥0 cn (nd+1)! is the compositional inverse of
n u nd+1
n≥0 (−1) (nd+1)! .

Remark 4.3.7. The result on the Möbius invariant of the even block size partition
lattice derived in Example 4.3.4 first appeared in in the 1976 MIT thesis of Garrett
Sylvestor on Ising ferromagnets [188]. Stanley [167] extended this result to the d-
divisible partition lattice of Exercise 4.3.6 (d). The Möbius invariant results derived
in Example 4.3.5 and Exercise 4.3.6 (e) are also due to Stanley. The recursive atom
ordering for the d-divisible partition lattice (Example 4.3.4 and Exercise 4.3.6 (a))
is due to Wachs (see [150]), as is an EL-labeling of this poset [198]. The recursive
atom ordering for the 1 mod d partition lattice (Example 4.3.5 and Exercise 4.3.6
(b)) is due to Björner (see [54] and [38]). The general recursive atom ordering of
mod d
∪ {0̂} of Exercise 4.3.6 (c) is due to Wachs [201].
In the next example, we demonstrate the full power of Theorem 4.1.12 by
finding the Betti numbers for a nonpure shellable poset.
Example 4.3.8. For n ≥ k ≥ 3, let Π≥k n be the subposet of Πn consisting of
partitions whose block sizes are at least k. It was shown by Björner and Wachs
[40] that the poset Π≥k
n ∪ {0̂} admits a recursive atom ordering similar to that of
2n ∪ {0̂}. The following computation of Betti numbers appears in [201]. The
dual of Π≥k
n is semipure and the upper intervals are partition lattices; so we apply
(4.1.3) to the dual. First note that
 |Bi |
(4.3.3) m(x) = − 1,

where B1 , B2 , . . . , Bb(x) are the blocks of x. By (4.1.3) we have,

β̃m−2 (Π̄≥k
n ) = (−1)b(x)+m β̃b(x)−3 (x, 1̂)

= (−1)r+m (r − 1)! |{x ∈ Π≥k
n : b(x) = r, m(x) = m − 1}|.

We have,
1 n
|{x ∈ Π≥n
n : b(x) = r, m(x) = m − 1}| = .
r! j1 , j2 , . . . , jr
(j1 , j2 , . . . , jr )  n
 ji ≥ k ∀i
i=1 ji /k = m

The two parameter exponential generating function is thus,

(−1)m β̃m−2 (Π̄≥k
n )t
  i=1 ji /k
r un
= (−1)r t
r j1 , j2 , . . . , jr n!
r≥1 n,m≥1 (j1 , j2 , . . . , jr )  n
ji ≥ k ∀i
 1   j/k uj r
= (−1)r t
r j!
r≥1 j≥k
= − ln 1 + tj/k .

Exercise 4.3.9. Show that Π≥k

n ∪ {0̂} has a recursive atom ordering.

Problem 4.3.10. Linusson [121] computed the Möbius invariant of the poset
n ∪ {0̂} in order to compute lower bounds for the complexity of a problem
similar to the k-equal problem of Section 3.2.4; namely that of determining whether
a given list of real numbers has the property that the number of occurrences of each
entry is at least k. It was shown by Björner and Lovász [33] that Betti number
computations give better bounds than Möbius function computations. Can the
Betti number computation of Example 4.3.8 be used to improve Linusson’s lower
bound for the complexity of the “at least k problem”?
Exercise 4.3.11 (Wachs [201]). In this exercise, we generalize the results of Ex-
amples 4.3.4 and 4.3.5 to the nonpure case of Exercise 4.3.6 . For positive integers
n, d, k, with k ≤ d, let k0 = k/gcd(k, d) and d0 = d/gcd(k, d). Show that
 nd+k  uid+k 
mod d md0 +1 u
(−1)m βm−2 (Π̄knd+k )t =f ti/k0 d0 +1 ,
(nd + k)! (id + k)!
m≥1 i≥0

where f (y) is the compositional inverse of the formal power series

 y id0 +1
g(y) = .
(id0 + 1)!

4.4. The Whitney Homology Technique

In this section we discuss a technique for computing group representations on the
homology of sequentially Cohen-Macaulay posets and demonstrate its use on the
examples of Section 4.3. This technique was introduced by Sundaram [177] in the
pure case and later generalized to semipure posets by Wachs [201]. The pure case
is based on an equivariant version of (4.1.2) and the semipure version is based on
the more general Theorem 4.1.12.

For any Cohen-Macaulay G-poset P with bottom element 0̂, Whitney homology
of P is defined for each integer r as follows,

WHr (P ) = H̃r−2 (0̂, x),

where Pr := {x ∈ P : r(x) = r}.

The action of G on P induces a representation of G on WHr (P ). Indeed g ∈ G
takes (r − 2)-chains of (0̂, x) to (r − 2)-chains of (0̂, gx). More precisely, as a G-

WHr (P ) = H̃r−2 (0̂, x) ↑G
Gx ,
x∈Pr /G

where Pr /G is a set of orbit representatives and Gx is the stabilizer of x.

Whitney homology for geometric lattices was introduced by Baclawski [11] as
the homology of an algebraic complex whose Betti numbers are the signless Whitney
numbers of the first kind. The formulation given here is due to Björner [22].
Whitney homology for intersection lattices of complex hyperplane arrangements
forms an algebra isomorphic to an algebra that Orlik and Solomon used to give
a combinatorial presentation of the cohomology algebra of the complement of the
arrangement; see [28]. Sundaram [177] recognized that Whitney homology for any
Cohen-Macaulay poset could be used as a tool in computing group representations
on homology. Her technique is based on the following result, which she obtains as
a consequence of the Hopf trace formula.
Theorem 4.4.1 (Sundaram [177, 178]). Suppose P is a G-poset with a bottom
element 0̂. Then

l(P )−1

l(P )

(4.4.1) (−1)r H̃r (P \ {0̂}) ∼
=G (−1)r−1 H̃r−2 (0̂, x) ↑G
Gx .
r=−1 r=0 x∈P/G

Consequently, if P is also Cohen-Macaulay,

l(P )
(4.4.2) H̃l(P )−1 (P \ {0̂}) ∼
=G (−1)l(P )+r WHr (P ).

Exercise 4.4.2.
(a) Prove Theorem 4.4.1.
(b) Show that if P is the face poset of a simplicial complex then (4.4.1) reduces
to the Hopf trace formula.
Example 4.4.3 (Reiner and Webb [142]). Consider the injective word poset In,k of
Example 4.3.1. Let G be the symmetric group Sn , which acts on In,k in the obvious
way. Since In,k is Cohen-Macaulay, we can apply (4.4.2). Let x ∈ In,k be a word
of length r. Clearly Gx is isomorphic to the Young subgroup (S1 )×r × Sn−r , since
the letters of x must be fixed and the letters outside of x may be freely permuted.
Gx acts trivially on the letters outside of x. The interval (0̂, x) is isomorphic to
the proper part of the Boolean algebra Br ; so its top homology is 1-dimensional.
∼G S (1) ⊗ · · · ⊗ S (1) ⊗S (n−r)
H̃r−2 (0̂, x) = x

Since Sn acts transitively on each rank row of In,k , we have

WHr (In,k ∪ {1̂}) = H̃r−2 (0̂, x) ↑Sn

=S (S (1) )•r • S (n−r) .

It follows from (4.4.2) that

H̃k−1 (Īn,k ) ∼
=Sn (−1)k−r (S (1) )•r • S (n−r)


=Sn (−1) Sk (n)
⊕ S (1)
• (−1)k−1−r (S (1) )•r • S (n−r−1)

=Sn (−1) Sk (n)
⊕ S (1)
• H̃k−2 (Īn−1,k−1 ).
This recurrence relation, for n = k, is an equivariant version of the well-known
recurrence relation for derangement numbers: dn = (−1)n + ndn−1 . From this
recurrence relation, one can obtain the following decomposition of H̃n−1 (Īn,n ) into

(4.4.3) H̃n−1 (Īn,n ) ∼
=S cλ S λ ,
where cλ is the number of standard Young tableaux of shape λ whose first descent
is even.
Exercise 4.4.4. Use Exercise 2.2.10 and the recurrence relation to prove (4.4.3).
Note that by taking dimensions on both sides of (4.4.3), and applying the well-
known Robinson-Schensted-Knuth correspondence, one recovers an enumerative
result of Désarménien [59] that the number of derangements in Sn is equal to
the number of permutations in Sn with first descent even. Désarménien gives
an elegant direct combinatorial

proof of this result. The Frobenius characteristic
of the representation c
λn λ S was used by Désarménien and Wachs [60] to
obtain deeper enumerative connections between the two classes of permutations. A
refinement of the Reiner-Webb decomposition was given by Hanlon and Hersh [89].
In [141], Reiner and Wachs use (4.4.3) to obtain a decomposition (into irreducible
representations of Sn ) of the eigenspaces of the so called “random to top” operator
in card shuffling theory. Type B analogs of these enumerative and representation
theoretic results can also be found in [141].
Exercise 4.4.5. Recall from Exercises 4.3.2 (c) and (d) that the top Betti number
of both N̄n+1,k and W̄n+1,k is nk .
(a) (Shareshian and Wachs) Use (4.4.2) to prove

ch(H̃n (N̄n+1,k ) ↓Sn+1
)= S(k, t)ht1 hn−t ,

where S(n, k) is the Stirling number of the second kind.

(b) Conclude that H̃n (N̄n+1,k ) ↓Sn+1
is the kth tensor power of S (n) ⊕S (n−1,1)
by comparing characters.
(c) Show (a) and (b) hold for Wn+1,k . (Part (b) for Nn+1,k and Wn+1,k
was originally observed by Stanley by means of the fixed point Möbius
invariant, see Section 4.6.)

Exercise 4.4.6 (Sundaram [177]). Show that by applying (4.4.2) to the Boolean
algebra Bn , one obtains the well-known symmetric function identity,
(−1)i ei hn−i = 0.

Sundaram developed her Whitney homology technique in order to study rep-

resentations of the symmetric group on various Cohen-Macaulay subposets of the
partition lattice. In fact, she applies it to the full partition lattice and obtains a
conceptual representation theoretic proof of the following classical result of Stan-
ley. The original proof of Stanley used a computation, due to Hanlon [85], of the
fixed point Möbius invariant of the partition lattice. This technique is discussed in
Section 4.6.
Theorem 4.4.7 (Stanley [169]). For all positive integers n,
(4.4.4) H̃n−3 (Π̄n )) ∼
=S e2πi/n ↑Sn ⊗ sgn
n Cn n

where Cn is the cyclic subgroup of Sn generated by σ := (1, 2, . . . , n) and e2πi/n

denotes the one dimensional representation of Cn whose character value at σ is
e2πi/n .
Proof. (Sundaram [177]). Theorem 4.4.1 is applied to the dual of the partition
lattice. By setting T = Z+ , b = r + 1 and zi = 1 in (2.4.3), one obtains
(4.4.5) chWHr ((Πn )∗ ) = chH̃r−2 (Π̄r+1 ) hi ,
n>r i≥1

Now (4.4.2) yields,


(−1)n−1 chH̃n−2 (Πn \ {1̂}) = (−1)r chWHr ((Πn )∗ )
n≥1 n≥1 r=0
= (−1)r chH̃r−2 (Π̄r+1 ) hi .
r≥0 i≥1

Since Δ(Πn \ {1̂}) is contractible for all n > 1 and is {∅} when n = 1, it follows
h1 = (−1)r chH̃r−2 (Π̄r+1 ) hi .
r≥0 i≥1
Since h1 is the plethystic identity,
(4.4.6) (−1)r−1 chH̃r−3 (Π̄r ) = hi
r≥1 i≥1
= μ(d) log(1 + pd )

where [−1] denotes plethystic inverse, μ is the number theoretic Möbius function,
and pd is the power sum symmetric function. The last equation follows from a
formula of Cadogan [53], which is also derived in [177]. By extracting the degree
n term, we have
1 n/d
(4.4.7) chH̃n−3 (Π̄n ) = (−1)n−n/d μ(d) pd .

A standard formula for the character of an induced representation yields

ch e2πi/n ↑Sn n/d
Cn = μ(d) pd .

By (2.4.1) and Theorem 2.4.3 (b), this together with (4.4.7) implies (4.4.4), as
The representation e2πi/n ↑S n
Cn is a well-studied representation called the Lie
representation because it is isomorphic to the representation of the symmetric group
on the multilinear component of the free Lie algebra on n generators, cf., Theo-
rem 1.6.2.
Exercise 4.4.8 (Sundaram [177]). Use the Whitney homology technique to prove
the following results of Calderbank, Hanlon and Robinson [54].
(a) (equivariant version of Exercise 4.3.6 (e))
(−1)n chH̃n−2 (Π̄1nd+1
mod d
)= hid+1 .
n≥0 i≥0

(b) (equivariant version of Exercise 4.3.6 (d))

(4.4.8) (−1)n−1 chH̃n−2 (Π̄0ndmod d ) = hi hid .
n≥1 i≥1 i≥1

We now present an equivariant version of Theorem 4.1.12, which extends The-

orem 4.4.1 to the nonpure setting. For any semipure sequentially Cohen-Macaulay
G-poset P with a bottom element 0̂, define r, m-Whitney homology to be the G-

(4.4.9) WHr,m (P ) := H̃r−2 (0̂, x),
x ∈ Pr
m(x) = m

where m(x) is the length of the longest chain of P containing x and Pr := {x ∈ P :

r(x) = r}.
Theorem 4.4.9 (Wachs [201]). Let P be a semipure sequentially Cohen-Macaulay
G-poset. Then for all m,

(4.4.10) H̃m−1 (P \ {0̂}) ∼
=G (−1)m+r WHr,m (P ).

Example 4.4.10 (equivariant version of Example 4.3.8 [201]). We will use Theo-
rem 4.4.9 and (2.4.3) to obtain the following formula for the two parameter gener-
ating function for the homology of Π̄≥k
n ,
(4.4.11) (−1)m−1 chH̃m−2 (Π̄≥k
n ) u n m
t = h i h i u i  ki 
t .
m≥1 i≥1 i≥k

We apply (4.4.9) to the dual of Π≥k

n ,
WHr,m ((Π≥k ∗
n ) ) = H̃r−2 (x, 1̂),
λ ∈ Par(T, r + 1) x∈Π(λ)
m(λ) = m

where T = {k, k + 1, . . . }, m(λ) = i λi /k − 1 (recall (4.3.3) here), and the
remaining notation is defined in Example 2.4.9 . By setting zi = ui ti/k in (2.4.3),
we obtain
chWHr,m−1 ((Π≥k ∗
n ) )u t
n m
= ch H̃r−2 (x, 1̂) u|λ| t i λi /k
m,n λ∈Par(T,r+1) x∈Π(λ)
h i u i t k  .
= chH̃r−2 (Πr+1 )

Thus formula (4.4.11) follows from (4.4.10) and (4.4.6).

The following result generalizes (4.4.8) and (4.4.11). Its proof is similar to that
of (4.4.11) described above.

Theorem 4.4.11 (Wachs [201]). Suppose S ⊆ {2, 3, . . . } is such that S and {s −

min S : s ∈ S} are closed under addition. For n ∈ S, let ΠSn be the subposet of Πn
consisting of partitions whose block sizes are in S. Then
(−1)m−1 chH̃m−2 (Π̄Sn ) un tm = hi hi ui tφ(i) ,
m≥1 i≥1 i∈S

where φ(i) := max{j ∈ Z+ : i − (j − 1) min S ∈ S}.

We remark that the restricted block size partition poset ΠSn ∪ {0̂} of Theo-
rem 4.4.11 is the intersection lattice of a subspace arrangement, which is discussed
further in Section 5.4.

Example 4.4.12 (equivariant version of Exercise 4.3.11 [201]). Theorem 4.4.9

and a generalization of (2.4.3) given in [201] can be used to obtain the following
formula for the two parameter generating function for the homology of the j mod d
partition poset for j = 2, 3, . . . , d:

(−1)m chH̃m−1 (Π̄jnd+j
mod d
) und+j tmd0 +1
 ji d0 +1
= hid0 +1 hid+j uid+j t 0 ,
i≥0 i≥0

j d
where j0 = and d0 = .
gcd(j,d) gcd(j,d)
Problem 4.4.13. Do the results of this section on restricted block size partition
lattices have nice generalizations to Dowling lattices or intersection lattices of Cox-
eter arrangements?1

For other restricted block size partition posets with very interesting equivariant
homology, see the work of Sundaram [182].

1For nice recent results on this see [93].



12/3456 1235/46 13/2456 1234/56

12/34/56 12/35/46 13/25/46 13/24/56

Figure 4.5.1. Π2123456

4.5. Bases for the Restricted Block Size Partition Posets

As we have seen in previous lectures, the construction of explicit bases for homology
and cohomology is an effective tool in studying group representations on homology.
In this section we construct bases for the homology and cohomology of the restricted
block size partition posets studied in the previous section. These bases are used to
obtain further results on the representations of the symmetric group on homology
of the posets and to relate these representations to representations on homology of
certain interesting graph complexes.

4.5.1. The d-divisible partition lattice Π0ndmod d

We construct analogs of the splitting basis for the homology of the partition lattice
given Section 3.2.2 and its dual basis for cohomology. To switch-split a permutation
σ at position j is to form the partition
σ(1), . . . , σ(j − 1), σ(j + 1) | σ(j), σ(j + 2) . . . , σ(n)
of [n]. Switch-splitting a permutation at two or more nonadjacent positions is
defined similarly. Let d ≥ 2. For each σ ∈ Snd , let Πdσ be the induced subposet of
Π0ndmod d consisting of partitions obtained by splitting or switch-splitting σ at any
number of positions in {d, 2d, . . . , nd}. The subposet Π2123456 of Π06 mod 2 is shown
in Figure 4.5.1.
Each poset Πdσ ∪ {0̂} is isomorphic to the face lattice Cn−1 of the (n − 1)-cross-
polytope. Therefore Δ(Π̄dσ ) is an (n − 2)-sphere embedded in Δ(Π̄0ndmod d ), and
hence it determines a fundamental cycle ρdσ ∈ H̃n−2 (Π̄0ndmod d ; Z). In each poset Π̄dσ ,
we select a distinguished maximal chain cdσ whose k block partition is obtained by
splitting σ at positions d, 2d, . . . , (k − 1)d, for k = 2, 3, . . . , n. For example,
c2123456 = (12/34/56 < 12/3456).
Adn := {σ ∈ Snd : des(σ) = {d, 2d, . . . , (n − 1)d}, σ(nd) = nd}.
Recall that in Exercise 4.3.6 (d), it is stated that Π̄0ndmod d has the homotopy type
of a wedge of |Adn | spheres of dimension n − 2.
Theorem 4.5.1 (Wachs [198]). The set {ρdσ : σ ∈ Adn } forms a basis for
H̃n−2 (Π̄0ndmod d ; Z) and the set {cdσ : σ ∈ Adn } forms a basis for H̃ n−2 (Π̄0ndmod d ; Z).

The theorem is proved by first showing that for all α, β ∈ Adn , if cdα ∈ Πdβ then
α ≤ β in lexicographic order. This is used to establish linear independence of both
{ρdσ : σ ∈ Adn } and {cdσ : σ ∈ Adn }. The result then follows from Exercise 4.3.6 (d).
The “splitting basis” given in Theorem 4.5.1 is used in [198] to give a combi-
natorial proof of the following result of Calderbank, Hanlon and Robinson, which
was first conjectured by Stanley.
Theorem 4.5.2 (Calderbank, Hanlon and Robinson [54]). Let Hn,d be the skew
hook of size nd − 1 and descent set {d, 2d, . . . , (n − 1)d} (cf. Section 2.2). Then
H̃n−2 (Π̄0 mod d ) ↓Snd ∼
nd Snd−1 =S S Hn,d

Calderbank, Hanlon, Robinson obtain this result as a consequence of (4.4.8).

By mapping tableaux of shape Hn,d to maximal chains of Π̄0ndmod d , one gets a
combinatorial proof. Indeed, for each tableaux T of shape Hn,d , let σT be the
permutation obtained by reading the entries of the skew hook tableaux T from the
southwest end to the northeast end of T and then attaching nd. Now define
cT := cdσT and ρT := ρdσT .
Theorem 4.5.3 (Wachs [198]). The map T → cT induces a well-defined Snd−1 -
isomorphism from the skew hook Specht module S Hn,d to H̃ n−2 (Π̄0ndmod d ) ↓S
Snd−1 .

To prove this, one first observes that the row permutations leave cT invariant;
then one shows that the Garnir relations map to cohomology relations.
There is a dual version of polytabloid defined for each tableaux T by
e∗T := sgn(β) T βα.
α∈Rλ β∈Cλ

(This is actually closer to the traditional notion of polytabloid than the one we
gave in Section 2.2.) For each skew or straight shape λ, it is known that
∼S S λ .
e∗ : T ∈ Tλ  =
T n

Theorem 4.5.4 (Wachs [198]). The map e∗T

→ ρT induces a well-defined Snd−1 -
isomorphism from S Hn,d to H̃n−2 (Π̄0ndmod d ) ↓S
Snd−1 .

All the results of this subsection were generalized to the restricted block size
partition posets ΠSn of Theorem 4.4.11 by Browdy and Wachs [50, 51]. The nonpu-
rity of ΠSn in the general case significantly increases the complexity of the results.
The “at least k” partition poset Π≥k n is an example of such a nonpure poset.

4.5.2. The 1 mod d partition lattice Π1nd+1

mod d

First we describe a basis for top cohomology of Π̄1nd+1

mod d
, due to Hanlon and Wachs
[91], which generalizes the decreasing chain basis {c̄σ : σ ∈ Sn , σ(n) = n} for
cohomology of Π̄n given in Section 3.2.2. This basis is used in [91] to prove a
generalization of Theorem 1.6.2, which relates the Snd+1 -module H̃ n−2 (Π̄1nd+1 mod d
to a (d + 1)-ary version of the free Lie algebra. Then we describe a basis for
top homology found about ten years later by Shareshian and Wachs [159], which
generalizes the tree-splitting basis for homology of Π̄n given in Section 3.2.2. This
basis is used in [159] to relate the Snd+1 -module H̃ n−2 (Π̄1nd+1
mod d
) to the homology
of graph complexes studied by Linusson Shareshian and Welker [122] and Jonsson

4 6

2 7 3 4 8
1 3 1 5 9
(a) (b)

Figure 4.5.2

Let Tnd+1
be the set of rooted planar (d + 1)-ary trees on leaf set [nd + 1] (i.e.,
rooted trees in which each internal node has exactly d + 1 children that are ordered
from left to right). For any node x of T ∈ Tnd+1d
, let m(x) be the smallest leaf in
the tree rooted at x. A tree T in Tnd+1 is said to be a d-brush if for each node y of

T , the m-values of the children of y increase from left to right, and the child with
the largest m-value is a leaf. An example of a 1-brush is given in Figure 4.5.2 (a)
and of a 2-brush is given in Figure 4.5.2 (b). Note that every 1-brush looks like a
comb, which is the reason for the terminology “brush”.

Exercise 4.5.5.
(a) Show that the number of 1-brushes on leaf set [n + 1] is n!.
(b) Show that the number of 2-brushes on leaf set [2n + 1] is (2n − 1)!!2 .
Recall from Section 1.6 that the postorder traversal of a binary tree on leaf set
[n] yields a maximal chain of Π̄n . Now we consider a more general construction,
which associates a maximal chain cT of Π̄1nd+1mod d
to each tree T in Tnd+1d
. Each
internal node y of T corresponds to a merge of d + 1 blocks that are the leaf sets of
the trees rooted at the d+ 1 children of y. Postorder traversal of internal nodes of T
yields a sequence of merges, which corresponds to a maximal chain cT of Π̄1nd+1 mod d
For example if T is the tree of Figure 4.5.2 (b) then
cT = 159/2/7/3/4/8/6 <· 15927/3/4/8/6 <· 15927/348/6
Theorem 4.5.6 (Hanlon and Wachs [91]). Let Bnd+1 d
be the set of d-brushes in
Tnd+1 . The set {cT : T ∈ Bnd+1 } forms a basis for H̃ n−2 (Π̄1nd+1
d d mod d
; Z).
Exercise 4.5.7 (Hanlon and Wachs [91]). Prove Theorem 4.5.6 by showing
(a) The set {cT : T ∈ Bnd+1
} spans H̃ n−2 (Π̄1nd+1
mod d
; Z).
(b) |Bnd+1 | = |μ(Πnd+1 )|.
d 1 mod d

We now construct the Shareshian-Wachs basis for homology of Π̄1nd+1 mod d

. Just
like the tree-splitting basis, which it generalizes, it consists of fundamental cycles
of Boolean algebras embedded in Π1nd+1 mod d
A connected graph G is said to be a d-clique tree if either G consists of a single
node, or G contains a d-clique, the removal of whose edges results in a graph with d
connected components that are all d-clique trees. Note that each edge of a d-clique
tree is in a unique d-clique and the removal of the edges of any d-clique from a
d-clique tree results in a graph with d connected components that are all d-clique

18 12

15 1 9

6 10


17 5

Figure 4.5.3

trees. Note also that a 2-clique tree is an ordinary tree. An example of a 3-clique
tree, which we refer to as a triangle tree, is given in Figure 4.5.3.
Given a (d + 1)-clique tree T on node set [nd + 1], one obtains a partition
in Π1nd+1
mod d
by choosing any set of (d + 1)-cliques of T and removing the edges
of each clique in the set. The blocks of the partition are the node sets of the
connected components of the resulting graph. We say that the partition is obtained
by splitting the (d + 1)-clique tree T at the chosen set of (d + 1)-cliques. For
example, the partition obtained by splitting the triangle tree at the shaded triangles
in Figure 4.5.4 is
19, 16, 6 / 8, 15, 18, 12, 13 / 10, 2, 1, 9, 7 / 3 / 17, 5, 4, 11, 14.
Now let ΠT be the subposet of Π1nd+1
mod d
consisting of partitions obtained by splitting
T . Clearly ΠT is isomorphic to the subset lattice Bn . Therefore Δ(Π̄T ) is an (n−2)-
sphere which determines a fundamental cycle ρT .
Theorem 4.5.8 (Shareshian and Wachs [159]). The set of fundamental cycles ρT
such that T is a (d + 1)-clique tree on node set [nd + 1], spans H̃n−2 (Π̄1nd+1
mod d
; Z).
This is proved by identifying a set S of (d+1)-clique trees, called increasing (d+
1)-clique trees, and establishing a bijection and unitriangular relationship between
(d + 1)-clique trees and d-brushes. This shows that {ρT : T ∈ S} is a basis for
H̃n−2 (Π̄1nd+1
mod d
; Z). The increasing 2-clique trees are the increasing trees discussed
in Section 3.2.2 and the homology basis is the tree splitting basis.
Next we discuss an application of Theorem 4.5.8 that led to the discovery of the
clique tree splitting basis in the first place. Let NPM2n be the poset of nonempty
graphs on node set [2n] that don’t contain a perfect matching (i.e., a subgraph
in which each of the 2n vertices has degree 1), ordered by inclusion of edge sets.
Linusson, Shareshian, and Welker [122] show, using discrete Morse theory, that

18 12

15 1 9

6 10


17 5

Figure 4.5.4

NPM2n has the homotopy type of a wedge of (2n − 1)!!2 spheres of dimension
3n − 4. It was in this work that the increasing triangle trees first arose as the
critical elements of a Morse matching on NPM2n (increasing triangle trees are just
called trees of triangles in [122]). See the chapter by Forman [74] in this volume to
learn about discrete Morse theory and critical elements. Recall that the property
of containing (or not containing) a perfect matching is an example of a monotone
graph property (see Section 1.4). When we discuss Alexander duality in the next
lecture, we will see how the homology of the poset of graphs that have a monotone
graph property is related to the homology of the poset of graphs that don’t have
the property.
Theorem 4.5.8 and discrete Morse theory play essential roles in the proof of the
following equivariant version of the Linusson-Shareshian-Welker result. Indeed, dis-
crete Morse theory is used to show that there is a sign twisted S2n−1 -isomorphism
between the homology of NPM2n and the cohomology of another poset called the
factor critical graph poset. Discrete Morse theory is also used to show that the co-
homology of the factor critical graph poset is generated by certain maximal chains
naturally indexed by triangle trees. This gives a natural map from the triangle tree
generators ρT of homology of Π12n−1 mod 2
to the maximal chains of the factor critical
graph poset that are indexed by the triangle trees. Relations on the triangle tree
generators of H̃n−3 (Π̄12n−1
mod 2
) are derived, which are shown to map to coboundary
relations in the factor critical graph poset.
Theorem 4.5.9 (Shareshian and Wachs [159]). For all n ≥ 1,
H̃3n−4 (NPM2n ) ↓S ∼
S2n−1 =S2n−1 H̃n−3 (Π̄2n−1 ) ⊗ sgn2n−1 .
2n 1 mod 2

Another graph poset, recently studied by Jonsson [105], curiously has the same
bottom nonvanishing homology as NPM2n and Π̄12n−1 mod 2
(up to sign twists). A graph
is said to be d-edge-connected if removal of any set of at most d − 1 edges leaves

the graph connected. So a 1-edge-connected graph is just a connected graph. The

d-clique trees are examples of graphs that are (d − 1)-edge-connected but not d-
edge-connected. In fact, the d-clique trees are minimal elements of the poset of
(d − 1)-edge-connected graphs. Jonsson studied the integral homology of the poset
of graphs that are not 2-edge-connected. Let NECdn be the poset of nonempty
graphs on node set [n] that are not d-edge-connected. Jonsson discovered that
NEC22n+1 has homology in multiple dimensions and that the bottom nonvanishing
reduced integral homology is in dimension 3n − 2 and is of rank (2n − 1)!!2 . His
proof involves discrete Morse theory with the increasing triangle trees as the critical
elements. Shareshian and Wachs [159] obtain the following equivariant version of
Jonsson’s result by giving presentations of the two homology groups in terms of
Theorem 4.5.10 (Shareshian and Wachs [159]). For all n,
H̃3n−2 (NEC2 )∼
=S2n+1 H̃n−2 (Π̄1 mod 2 ) ⊗ sgn
2n+1 2n+1 2n+1 .

Conjecture 4.5.11 (Shareshian and Wachs [159]). For all n, d ≥ 1,

H̃(d+1)n−2 (NECddn+1 ) ∼
=Sdn+1 H̃n−2 (Π̄1dn+1
mod d
) ⊗ sgn⊗d+1
dn+1 ,

H̃i (NECddn+1 ) = 0
if i < 2 n − 2.
The conjecture is true for d = 1, 2. Indeed, Jonsson’s homology result and
Theorem 4.5.10 comprise the d = 2 case. The conjecture for d = 1 says that that
the poset of disconnected graphs on node set [n + 1] has homology isomorphic, as
an Sn+1 -module, to that of the partition lattice. A proof of this well-known result
is discussed in Example 5.2.8.
There is another interesting poset with the same homotopy type and Snd+1 -
equivariant homology as that of Π̄1nd+1 mod d
, worth mentioning here. This poset is
the proper part of the poset Tnd+2 of homeomorphically irreducible trees on leaf
2 mod d

set [nd + 2] in which each internal node has degree congruent to 2 mod d. By
homeomorphically irreducible we mean nonrooted and no node has degree 2. The
order relation is as follows: T1 < T2 if T1 can be obtained from T2 by contracting
internal edges. So the bottom element of Tnd+2 2 mod d
is the star tree (the tree with only
one internal node), and the maximal elements are trees in which each internal node
has degree exactly d + 2. The d = 1 case of the tree poset Tnd+2 2 mod d
has arisen in
various areas such as algebraic geometry, homotopy theory, geometric group theory,
mathematical physics and mathematical biology; see eg., [46, 197, 148, 211, 147,
1, 18, 138] and the references contained therein. Vogtmann [197] showed that
the tree poset in the d = 1 case is homotopy Cohen-Macaulay. There is a natural
action of Snd+2 on Tnd+2
2 mod d
whose representation on the homology of Tnd+2 2 mod d
was computed by Robinson and Whitehouse [148] in the d = 1 case. Hanlon [87]
introduced the general tree poset Tnd+2
2 mod d
, proved that it is Cohen-Macaulay, and
generalized the Robinson-Whitehouse result.
Theorem 4.5.12 (Robinson and Whitehouse, d = 1 [148], Hanlon [87]). For all
d, n ≥ 1,
) ∼
H̃n−2 (T̄nd+2
2 mod d
=Snd+2 H̃n−2 (Π̄1nd+1
mod d
) ↑Snd+2
−H̃n−1 (Π̄1nd+2
mod d

The d = 1 case of the Snd+2 -module given in Theorem 4.5.12 has come to be
known as the Whitehouse module. It has occurred in a variety of diverse contexts
such as homotopy theory [148, 211], cyclic Lie operads [79, 111], homology of
partition posets [181, 182], knot theory and graph complexes [8], and hyperplane
arrangements and Lie algebra homology [90].
From Theorem 4.5.12, one can show that (see [183]),

(4.5.1) H̃n−2 (T̄nd+2

2 mod d S
) ↓Snd+2 ∼
=Snd+1 H̃n−2 (Π̄1nd+1
mod d

A direct combinatorial proof of this is discussed in the following exercise.

Exercise 4.5.13. By removing the leaf nd + 2 from any tree T in Tnd+2 2 mod d
designating the internal node that had been adjacent to the leaf nd + 2 as the root,
one turns T into a rooted nonplanar tree on leaf set [nd + 1] in which each internal
node has id + 1 children, for some i ≥ 1. The maximal elements of Tnd+2 2 mod d
now rooted nonplanar (d + 1)-ary trees on leaf set [nd + 1].
(a) Show that any linear extension of the following partial ordering of rooted
nonplanar (d + 1)-ary trees on leaf set [nd + 1] is a recursive coatom
ordering of Tnd+2
2 mod d
∪ {1̂}. Let T1 ∧ T2 ∧ · · · ∧ Td+1 denote the (d + 1)-tree
in which T1 , T2 , . . . , Td+1 are the subtrees of the root. The partial order
is defined to be the transitive closure of the relation given by T < T  if T 
can be obtained from T by replacing some subtree
(T1 ∧ · · · ∧ Td+1 ) ∧ Td+2 ∧ · · · ∧ T2d+1
with the subtree
(T1 ∧ · · · ∧ Td ∧ Td+2 ) ∧ Td+1 ∧ Td+3 ∧ T2d+1
where the minimum leaf of Td+2 is less than the minimum leaf of Td+1 .
(b) The poset Tnd+2
2 mod d
can be viewed as the face poset of a simplicial complex
whose facets correspond to rooted nonplanar (d + 1)-ary trees on leaf set
[nd + 1]. Hence the recursive coatom ordering of (a) is simply a shelling
of the simplicial complex. Show that the homology facets of the shelling
correspond to the d-brushes. Consequently,
(4.5.2) T̄nd+2
2 mod d
mod d
(c) Prove (4.5.1) by first observing that the set of the rooted planar (d + 1)-
ary trees on leaf set [nd + 1] indexes respective sets of maximal chains of
mod d
and T̄nd+2
2 mod d
that generate top cohomology, and then showing
that the two cohomology groups have the same presentation in terms of
rooted planar (d + 1)-ary trees on leaf set [nd + 1].
Trappmann and Ziegler [190] established shellability of Tnd+2 2 mod d
in a differ-
ent way from Exercise 4.5.13 (a), but with the same homology facets as in Exer-
cise 4.5.13 (b). Ardila and Klivans [1] and Robinson [147] have recently indepen-
dently proved a result stronger than the homotopy result (4.5.2) and the homology
result (4.5.1) in the d = 1 case; namely that T̄n+1
2 mod 1
and Π̄n are Sn -homeomorphic.
Robinson’s homeomorphism for the d = 1 case restricts to a homeomorphism for
the general case. Hence T̄nd+22 mod d
and Π̄1nd+1
mod d
are Snd+1 -homeomorphic for all
n, d ≥ 1.

Problem 4.5.14. It is well-known that for each permutation in Sn , there is a

distinct copy of the face poset of the (n − 1)-dimensional associahedron embedded
in Tn+2
2 mod 1
and that by taking fundamental cycles, one obtains a basis for the
homology of T̄n+2
2 mod 1
. The associahedron is discussed in the chapter of Fomin and
Reading in this volumn [71]. Is there a nice basis for homology of T̄nd+2 2 mod d
general d, consisting of fundamental cycles of embedded face posets of polytopes,
which are copies of some sort of d-analog of the associahedron?
By Theorem 4.5.9 and the isomorphism (4.5.1), the restriction of the S2n -
equivariant homology of NPM2n and T̄2n 2 mod 2
to S2n−1 are isomorphic (up to
tensoring with the sign representation). For the unrestricted homology modules,
we have the following conjecture.
Conjecture 4.5.15 (Linusson, Shareshian and Welker [122]). For all n ≥ 1,
H̃3n−4 (NPM2n ) ∼
=S2n H̃n−4 (T̄2n
2 mod 2
) ⊗ sgn2n .

4.6. Fixed Point Möbius Invariant

We conclude this lecture with a very brief discussion of another commonly used
recursive technique for computing homology representations. Let P be a G-poset
and for each g ∈ G, let P g denote the induced subposet of P consisting of elements
that are fixed by g. Let χP be the character of the virtual representation of G
on ⊕i (−1)i H̃i (P ). The following consequence of the Hopf-Lefschetz fixed point
theorem first appeared in the combinatorics literature in the work of Baclawski and
Björner [13].
Theorem 4.6.1. For any G-poset P and g ∈ G,
χP (g) = μ(P̂ g ).
There are many interesting applications of this theorem in the literature. We
give a simple example here.
Example 4.6.2 (Stanley, see [25]). Consider the normal word poset Nn,k under
the action of Sn . Since P := N̄n,k is Cohen-Macaulay, (−1)k−1 χP is the character
of the representation of Sn on H̃k−1 (N̄n,k ). The words that are fixed by g are the
words whose letters are fixed points of g. So P g is the poset of normal nonempty
words of length at most k on alphabet F (g), where F (g) is the set of fixed points
of g. By Exercise 4.3.2 (c), μ(P̂ g ) = (−1)k−1 (|F (g)| − 1)k . Since the irreducible
representation S (n−1,1) has the character (|F (g)| − 1), its kth tensor power has the
character (|F (g)| − 1)k . By Theorem 4.6.1,
H̃k−1 (N̄n,k ) ∼
=S (S (n−1,1) )⊗k .

Since the identical argument works for Wn,k ,

H̃k−1 (W̄n,k ) ∼
=S (S (n−1,1) )⊗k .

Exercise 4.6.3. Show that if χ is the character of the representation of Sn on the

homology of the injective word poset Īn,n then
χ(g) = d|F (g)| ,
where dj is the number of derangements of j letters.
Poset Operations and Maps

5.1. Operations: Alexander Duality and Direct Product

In this section we consider some fundamental operations on posets and their affect
on homology. The operations are Alexander duality, join and direct product.
Theorem 5.1.1 (Poset Alexander duality, Stanley [169, 171]). Let P be a G-poset
whose order complex triangulates an n-sphere. If Q is any induced G-subposet of
P then for all i,
H̃i (Q) ∼=G H̃ n−i−1 (P − Q) ⊗ H̃n (P ).
If Q is any induced subposet of P then for all i,
∼ H̃ n−i−1 (P − Q, Z).
H̃i (Q; Z) =
Exercise 5.1.2. Let P be the poset of all graphs on node set [n] ordered by
inclusion of edge sets. The symmetric group Sn acts on P in the obvious way,
making P an Sn -poset. Let Q be an induced subposet of P invariant under the
action of Sn . Show that for all i,
H̃i (Q̄) ∼
=Sn H̃(n)−i−3 (P̄ − Q̄) ⊗ sgn⊗n
n .

For example, if Q is the poset of connected graphs on node set [n] and R is the
poset of disconnected graphs on node set [n] then
∼S H̃ n ⊗n
H̃i (Q̄) = n ( 2 )−i−3 (R̄) ⊗ sgnn .
Exercise 5.1.3. Given a simplicial complex Δ on vertex set V , its Alexander
dual Δ∨ is defined to be the simplicial complex on V consisting of complements of
nonfaces of Δ, i.e.,
Δ∨ = {V − F : F ⊆ V and F ∈
/ Δ}.
How are the homology of Δ and its Alexander dual related?
Let P be a G-poset and let Q be an H-poset. Then the join P ∗ Q and the
product P × Q are (G × H)-posets with respective (G × H) actions given by

gx if x ∈ P
(g, h)x = ,
hx if x ∈ Q

(g, h)(p, q) = (gp, hq).
We have the following poset version of the Künneth theorem of algebraic topology.
Theorem 5.1.4. Let P be a G poset and let Q be an H-poset. Then

H̃r (P ∗ Q) ∼
=G×H H̃i (P ) ⊗ H̃r−i−1 (Q),

for all r.
A result of Quillen [137] states that if P and Q have bottom elements 0̂P and
0̂Q , respectively, then there is a (G × H)-homeomorphism
P × Q \ {(0̂P , 0̂Q )} ∼
=G×H P \ {0̂P } ∗ Q \ {0̂Q }.
Walker [206, 207] proves the similar result that if P and Q have top elements as
well as bottom elements then there is a (G × H)-homeomorphism
P ×Q∼
=G×H P̄ ∗ Q̄ ∗ A2 ,
where A2 is a two element antichain on which the trivial group acts. Theorem 5.1.4
and Quillen’s and Walker’s results yield,
Theorem 5.1.5. Let P be a G-poset with a bottom element 0̂P and let Q be an
H-poset with a bottom element 0̂Q . Then for all r,

H̃r (P × Q \ {(0̂P , 0̂Q )} ∼
=G×H H̃i (P \ {0̂P }) ⊗ H̃r−i−1 (Q \ {0̂Q }).

If P and Q also have top elements then for all r,

H̃r (P × Q) ∼
=G×H H̃i (P̄ ) ⊗ H̃r−i−2 (Q̄).

Exercise 5.1.6. Let P and Q be posets with bottom elements. Show that P × Q
is Cohen-Macaulay if and only if P and Q are Cohen-Macaulay. This result also
holds in the nonpure case but is more difficult to prove; see [44].
The products in Theorem 5.1.5 are known as reduced products. There is a
similar formula for the homology of ordinary direct products which follows from
the Künneth theorem and another (G × H)-homeomorphism
P ×Q∼
= P  × Q
of Quillen [137] and Walker [207].
Theorem 5.1.7. Let P be a G-poset and let Q be an H poset. Then for all r,

Hr (P × Q) ∼
=G×H Hi (P ) ⊗ Hr−i (Q).

Next we consider the n-fold product P ×n of a G-poset P . The group that acts
on P ×n is the wreath product Sn [G], defined in Section 2.4. The action on P ×n is
given by
(g1 , g2 , . . . , gn ; σ)(p1 , p2 , . . . , pn ) = (g1 pσ−1 (1) , g2 pσ−1 (2) , . . . , gn pσ−1 (n) ).

For each pair of positive integers i and m, define the Sm [G]-module

⎪ (m)
⎨S [Hi−1 (P )] if i is odd
H(P, i, m) :=

⎩ (1m )
S [Hi−1 (P )] if i is even.
For a partition λ with mi parts equal to i for each i, let
Sλ [G] := X Smi [G]
i:mi >0

and define the Sλ [G]-module

H(P, λ) := H(P, i, mi ).
i:mi >0

We can now state an analog of Theorem 5.1.7.

Theorem 5.1.8 (Sundaram and Welker [185]). Let P be a G-poset. Then for all
Hr (P ×n ) ∼
S [G]
=Sn [G] H(P, λ) ↑Snλ [G] .
l(λ) = n

For an analog of Theorem 5.1.5, define the Sm [G]-modules

⎪ (m)
⎨S [H̃i−2 (P )] if i is odd
H̃(P, i, m, 1) :=

⎩ (1m )
S [H̃i−2 (P )] if i is even
and ⎧ m

(1 )
[H̃i−2 (P )] if i is odd
H̃(P, i, m, 2) :=

⎩ (m)
S [H̃i−2 (P )] if i is even
and the Sλ [G]-modules
H̃(P, λ, 1) := H̃(P, i, mi , 1)
i:mi >0

H̃(P, λ, 2) := H̃(P, i, mi , 2).
i:mi >0

Theorem 5.1.9 (Sundaram and Welker [185]). Let P be a G-poset with a bottom
element 0̂. Then for all r,

H̃r (P ×n − {(0̂, . . . , 0̂)}) ∼
S [G]
=Sn [G] H̃(P − {0̂}, λ, 1) ↑Snλ [G] .
λ r+n+1
l(λ) = n

If P also has a top element then for all r,

H̃r (P ×n ) ∼
S [G]
=Sn [G] H̃(P̄ , λ, 2) ↑Snλ [G] .
l(λ) = n

We remark that we have stated Theorems 5.1.8 and 5.1.9 in a form different
from the original given in [185] but completely equivalent.

Example 5.1.10 (The Boolean algebra Bn ). We apply the second part of The-
orem 5.1.9 to Bn = B1×n . The trivial group S1 acts on B1 and this induces an
action of Sn [S1 ] = Sn on Bn , which is precisely the action given in (2.3.1). Clearly
H̃i−2 (B̄1 ) = 0 unless i = 1, in which case H−1 (B̄1 ) is the trivial representation of
S1 . It follows that
m m
H̃(B1 , 1, m, 2) = S (1 )
[S (1) ] = S (1 )
and H̃(B1 , i, m, 2) = 0 for i = 1. Hence
S (1 )
if λ = (1n )
H̃(B1 , λ, 2) =
0 otherwise.
It follows that the only nonzero term in the decomposition given in Theorem 5.1.9
is the term corresponding to λ = (1n ) and r = n − 2. Hence we recover the fact
that H̃r (B̄n ) is the sign representation for r = n − 2 and is 0 otherwise.
Exercise 5.1.11. The face lattice Cn of the n-cross-polytope with its top element
removed can be expressed as a product,
Cn \ 1̂ = (C1 \ 1̂)×n .
Since S2 acts on C1 \ {1̂}, the product induces an action of the hyperoctahedral
group Sn [S2 ] on Cn \ 1̂.
(a) Show that this action is the action given in Example 2.3.3.
(b) Use Theorem 5.1.9 to prove that
(1 ) (12 )
∼S [S ] S [S ] if r = n − 1
H̃r (C̄n ) = n 2
0 otherwise.
(c) Use Theorem 5.1.9 to obtain a generalization of the formula in (b) for the
poset Xm , where Xm is the poset consisting of a bottom element 0̂ and
m atoms.
Example 5.1.12 ([185]). In this example we compute the homology of lower
intervals in the partition lattice Πn . Each lower interval is isomorphic to a product
of smaller partition lattices,
[0̂, x] ∼
= X Π×m
where mi is equal to the number of blocks of x of size i. The stabilizer (Sn )x of
x under the action of Sn on Πn is isomorphic to Xi Smi [Si ]. The (Sn )x -poset
[0̂, x] is isomorphic to the Xi Smi [Si ]-poset Xi Π×m
. We use the second parts
of Theorems 5.1.5 and 5.1.9 to compute the representation of Xi Smi [Si ] on the
homology of (0̂, x). This yields the following formula of Lehrer and Solomon [119]
for the only nonvanishing homology,
H̃r(x)−2 (0̂, x) ∼
=Xi Smi [Si ] S (m1 ) [H̃−2 (Π̄1 )]⊗S (1 ) [H̃−1 (Π̄2 )]⊗S (m3 ) [H̃0 (Π̄3 )]⊗· · · .
By summing over all set partitions of rank r and taking Frobenius characteristic
one gets,
ch H̃r−2 (0̂, x) = degree n term in (−1)r hn−r (−1)m−1 chH̃m−3 (Π̄m ) .
x ∈ Πn m≥1
r(x) = r

Exercise 5.1.13 ([177, 178]). Use Theorems 5.1.5 and 5.1.9 to compute the rep-
resentation of Xi Smi [Si ] on Hi (0̂, x), where mi is equal to the number of blocks
of x of size i and (0̂, x) is an interval in the
(a) d-divisible partition lattice Π0ndmod d ,
(b) 1 mod d partition poset Π1nd+1 mod d
Computations such as those of Example 5.1.12 and Exercise 5.1.13 are used in
applications of equivariant versions of the Orlik-Solomon formula and the Goresky-
MacPherson formula. This is discussed further in Section 5.4.
The examples above don’t adequately demonstrate the power of the product
theorems because in these examples homology occurs in only one dimension. A
demonstration of the full power can be found in [178], [184] and [201], where
representations on the homology of intervals of the k-equal partition lattice Πn,k ,
the at least k partition lattice Π≥k j mod d
n , the general j mod d partition poset Πnd+j ,
and the other restricted block size partition posets of Section 4.4, are computed.

5.2. Quillen Fiber Lemma

In a seminal 1978 paper, Quillen introduced several poset fiber theorems. In this
section we shall present the most basic of these, known as the “the Quillen fiber
lemma”, which has proved to be one of the most useful tools in poset topology.
Given two posets P and Q, a map f : P → Q is called a poset map if it is order
preserving, i.e., x ≤P y implies f (x) ≤Q f (y). Given two G-posets P and Q, a
poset map f : P → Q is called a G-poset map if gf (x) = f (gx) for all x ∈ P . Given
two simplicial complexes Δ and Γ, a simplicial map is a map f : Δ → Γ that takes
0-faces of Δ to 0-faces of Γ and preserves inclusions, i.e., f is a poset map from P (Δ)
to P (Γ). If Δ and Γ are G-simplicial complexes and f commutes with the G-action
then f is said to be a G-simplicial map. A G-continuous map f : X → Y from
G-space X to G-space Y is a continuous map that commutes with the G-action.
Clearly, a G-poset map f : P → Q induces a G-simplicial map f : Δ(P ) → Δ(Q),
which in turn induces a G-continuous map f : Δ(P ) → Δ(Q).
For any element x of a poset P , let
P>x := {y ∈ P : y > x} and P≥x := {y ∈ P : y ≥ x}.
The subsets P<x and P≤x are defined similarly.
The basic version of the Quillen fiber lemma pertains to homotopy type. Quillen
also gave an integral homology version and a equivariant homology version. There
is also an equivariant homotopy version due to Thévenaz and Webb [189]. We
present only the homotopy version and the equivariant homology version. Recall
that  denotes homotopy equivalence.
Theorem 5.2.1 (Quillen fiber lemma [137]). Let f : P → Q be a poset map. If
the fiber f −1 (Q≤y ) is contractible for all y ∈ Q then
P  Q.
Theorem 5.2.2 (Equivariant homology version [137]). Let f : P → Q be a G-poset
map. If the fiber f −1 (Q≤y ) is acyclic (over C) for all y ∈ Q then
H̃r (P ) ∼
=G H̃r (Q)
for all r.

Let’s look at Quillen’s original example [137]. For a finite group G, let Sp (G)
be the poset of nontrivial p-subgroups of G ordered by inclusion and let Ap (G)
be the induced subposet of nontrivial elementary abelian p-subgroups of G. The
poset Sp (G) and its order complex were studied by Brown in his work on group
cohomology. Quillen proposed the smaller poset Ap (G) as a way of studying the
homotopy invariants of the Brown complex. He used the Quillen fiber lemma
to establish homotopy equivalence between the Brown complex and the Quillen
complex. Both posets are G-posets, where G acts by conjugation.
Theorem 5.2.3 (Quillen [137]). For any finite group G and prime p,
(5.2.1) Ap (G)  Sp (G),
(5.2.2) H̃j (Ap (G)) ∼
=G H̃j (Sp (G)) ∀j.
Proof. The inclusion map
i : Ap (G) → Sp (G)
is a G-poset map. Let us show that the fiber i−1 (Sp (G)≤H ) is contractible for all
H ∈ Sp (G) so that we can apply the Quillen fiber lemma. Note that
i−1 (Sp (G)≤H ) = Ap (H).
Since H is a nontrivial p-group, it has a nontrivial center. Let B be the subgroup
of the center consisting of all elements of order 1 or p. Consider the poset map
f : Ap (H) → {BA : A ∈ Ap (H)} defined by f (A) = BA. The fibers of this map
are contractible since they all have maximum elements. So by the Quillen fiber
Ap (H)  {BA : A ∈ Ap (H)}.
Since {BA : A ∈ Ap (H)} has minimum element B, it is contractible. So Ap (H)
and thus i−1 (Sp (G)≤H ) is contractible. Hence by the Quillen fiber lemma, (5.2.1)
holds and by the equivariant homology version, (5.2.2) holds. 
For certain finite groups G, the homology of the Quillen complex Δ(Ap (G)) is
well-understood; namely for groups of Lie type. Quillen [137] shows that for groups
G of Lie type in characteristic p, the Quillen complex Δ(Ap (G)) is homotopic to
a simplicial complex known as the building for G, which has the homotopy type
of a wedge of spheres of a single dimension. Webb [209] shows that the unique
nonvanishing G-equivariant homology of Ap (G) is the same as that of the building,
which is known as the Steinberg representation. For general finite groups, the
Quillen complex is not nearly as well-behaved, nor well-understood. In fact, it
was only recently shown by Shareshian [156] that for certain primes the integral
homology of the Quillen complex of the symmetric group has torsion.
The following long-standing conjecture of Quillen imparts a sense of the signif-
icance of poset topology in group theory.
Conjecture 5.2.4 (Quillen Conjecture). For any finite group G and prime p, the
poset Ap (G) is contractible if and only if G has a nontrivial normal p-subgroup.
The necessity of contractibility was proved by Quillen; the sufficiency is still
open. However significant progress has been made by Aschbacher and Smith [4].
In order to gain understanding of the Quillen complex for the symmetric group,
Bouc [47] considered the induced subposet Tn of S2 (Sn ) consisting of nontrivial

2-subgroups of Sn that contain a transposition, and the induced subposet Tn of

A2 (Sn ) consisting of nontrivial elementary abelian 2-subgroups generated by trans-
positions. It is easy to see that Tn is Sn -homeomorphic to the matching complex
Mn discussed in Section 2.4.3. Bouc used the Quillen fiber lemma to prove

(5.2.3) Tn  Tn  Mn
and for all i,
(5.2.4) H̃i (Tn ) ∼
=Sn H̃i (Tn ) ∼
=Sn H̃i (Mn ).
In addition to computing the representation of the symmetric group on the homol-
ogy of the matching complex, Bouc discovered torsion in the integral homology of
the matching complex. See [157], [202] and [105] for further results on torsion in
the matching complex.
Exercise 5.2.5. Prove (5.2.3) and (5.2.4).
The usefulness of the matching complex in understanding the topology of the
Quillen and Brown complexes was recently demonstrated by Ksontini [116, 117].
He used simple connectivity of Mn for n ≥ 8, which was proved by Bouc, to establish
simple connectivity of S2 (Sn ) for n ≥ 8. It was also shown by Ksontini [116, 117,
118], Shareshian [156], and Shareshian and Wachs [158] that a hypergraph version
of the matching complex is useful in studying the topology of Δ(Sp (Sn )) when
p ≥ 3.
Exercise 5.2.6. Let x̄ be a closure operator on P , i.e. x ≤ x̄ and x̄¯ = x̄ for all
x ∈ P . Define cl(P ) := {x ∈ P : x̄ = x}.
(a) Use the Quillen fiber lemma to prove:
P  cl(P ).
(b) Use (a) to show that
W̄(n, k)  N̄ (n, k).
(We already know this and (c) from Exercise 4.3.2.)
(c) Derive an equivariant homology version of the homotopy result in (a) and
use it to prove
H̃i (W̄(n, k)) ∼
=Sn H̃i (N̄ (n, k)) ∀i.
Exercise 5.2.7 (Homology version of Rota’s crosscut theorem). Let L be a lattice
and let M be the subposet of L̄ consisting of non-0̂ meets of coatoms. Prove:
(a) L̄  M .
(b) If G is a group acting on L then for all i, H̃i (L̄) ∼
=G H̃i (M ).
(c) Let Γ(L) be the simplicial complex whose vertex set is the set of coatoms
of L and whose faces are sets of coatoms whose meet is not 0̂ (this is
known as the cross-cut complex of L). Show L̄  Γ(L) and if G is a group
acting on L then for all i, H̃i (L̄) ∼
=G H̃i (Γ(L)).
The next two examples are connected with the combinatorics of knot spaces
and arose in the work of Vassiliev [193, 194, 195].

Example 5.2.8. Let NCGn be the poset of disconnected graphs on node set [n]
ordered by inclusion of edge sets. Let
f : NCGn → Π̄n
be the poset map such that f (G) is the partition of [n] whose blocks are the node
sets of the connected components of G. The fibers of f are given by

f −1 ((0̂, π]) = (0̂, Gπ ],

where Gπ is the graph whose connected components are cliques on the blocks of π.
Since the fibers have maximal elements they are contractible. Hence by the Quillen
fiber lemma
NCGn  Πn ,
which implies that NCGn has the homotopy type of a wedge of (n − 1)! spheres of
dimension n − 3. By the equivariant homology version of the Quillen fiber lemma
the only nonvanishing homology of NCGn is given by
(5.2.5) H̃n−3 (NCGn ) ∼
=Sn H̃n−3 (Πn ).
Exercise 5.2.9. Let CGn be the poset of connected graphs on node set [n] ordered
by inclusion of edge sets. From Alexander duality and (5.2.5), we have that he only
nonvanishing homology of CGn is given by
H̃(n−1)−1 (CGn ) ∼
=Sn sgn⊗n ⊗ H̃n−3 (Πn ).

Show that for n ≥ 3, the

 CGn has the homotopy type of a wedge of (n − 1)!
spheres of dimension n−1
2 − 1.
Example 5.2.10. A graph is said to be k-connected if removal of any set of at
most k − 1 vertices leaves the graph connected. Note that, unless k = 1, this is a
different graph property from that of being k-edge-connected, which was discussed
in Section 4.5.2. Every triangle tree is 2-edge-connected, but not 2-connected if the
number of nodes is greater than 3. Let NCGkn be the poset of graphs on node set
[n] that are not k-connected, ordered by inclusion of edge sets. The following result
solves a problem of Vassiliev [195] which arose from his study of knots.
Theorem 5.2.11 (Babson, Björner, Linusson, Shareshian, Welker [8], and Turchin
(a) NCGn has the homotopy type of a wedge of (n − 2)! spheres of dimension
2n − 5.
(b) H̃n−3 (NCGn ) ↓S ∼
Sn−1 =Sn−1 H̃n−4 (Πn−1 ) ⊗ sgnn−1

(c) H̃n−3 (NCG ) ∼

n =S (H̃n−4 (Πn−1 ) ↑Sn −H̃n−3 (Πn )) ⊗ sgn
n Sn−1 n

Note that the representation on the right side of (c) is the Whitehouse module
discussed in Section 4.5.2. We describe the proof method of Babson, Björner,
Linusson, Shareshian, and Welker. Define the poset map
f : NCGn → Bn−1 × Πn−1
by letting
f (G) = (S, π),

2 4
1 5

Figure 5.2.1. Not 2-connected graph

where S is the set of nodes joined to node n by an edge, and π is the partition
whose blocks correspond to the connected components of G \ {n}. For example, if
G is the not 2-connected graph in Figure 5.2.1 then
f (G) = ({2, 4, 6}, 123/45/6).
Some of the fibers have maximum elements; so one sees immediately that they
are contractible. For example,
f −1 ((0̂, ({2, 4, 6}, 123/45/6)]) = (0̂, G],
where G is the graph in Figure 5.2.1. But it is not so easy to see that the fibers with-
out maximum elements are contractible. For example, the fiber
f −1 ((0̂, ({1, 2}, 123456)]) has no maximum. To show that such fibers are con-
tractible, Babson, Björner, Linusson, Shareshian, and Welker used discrete Morse
theory, which had just been introduced by Forman [72]. In fact, this was the first
of many applications of discrete Morse theory in topological combinatorics.
Now by the Quillen fiber lemma, we have
NCGn  Bn−1 × Πn−1 .
Since the product of shellable bounded posets is shellable (Theorem 3.1.10), and
the proper part of a shellable poset is shellable (Corollary 3.1.9), Bn−1 × Πn−1 has
the homotopy type of a wedge of (2n − 5)-spheres. The number of spheres is the
absolute value of the Möbius invariant, which by Proposition 1.2.1 and (3.2.1) is
(n − 2)!. Hence Part (a) of the theorem holds.
For Part (b), we use the equivariant homology version of the Quillen fiber
lemma. Clearly the map f commutes with the permutations that fix n. Hence,
H̃2n−5 (NCGn ) ↓S ∼
Sn−1 =Sn−1 H̃2n−5 (Bn−1 × Πn−1 ).

Theorem 5.1.5 completes the proof of Part (b).

The proof of Part (c) uses Part (b) and a computation of the fixed point Möbius
invariant (Section 4.6).
Exercise 5.2.12. Let CGkn be the poset of k-connected graphs on node set [n]
ordered by inclusion of edge sets.
(a) Use Theorem 5.2.11 to determine the homotopy type of CGn .
(b) ([8]) Show that CGn is dual to the face poset of the matching complex
n−2 n−2
Mn . Conclude that neither CGn nor NCGn has the homotopy type
of a wedge of spheres and that their integral homology has torsion.

Shareshian [154] uses discrete Morse theory to determine the homotopy type of
CGn directly without resorting to Theorem 5.2.11, and to obtain bases for homology
of CGn , thereby solving another problem of Vassiliev [195]. The only value of k
other than k = 1, 2, n−2, for which anything significant is known about the topology
of the not k-connected graph complex is k = 3. Discrete Morse theory is used to
obtain the following result.
Theorem 5.2.13 (Jonsson [104]). NCGn has the homotopy type of a wedge of
(n − 3)(n − 2)!/2 spheres of dimension 2n − 4.
Problem 5.2.14. What can be said about the representation of Sn on the homol-
ogy of NCGn ?
Problem 5.2.15. ([8]) What can be said about the topology of NCGn for 3 < k <
n − 2? When does NCGn fail to be a wedge of spheres? When does its integral
homology have torsion? Recall that the integral homology of NCGn has torsion
(Exercise 5.2.12 (b)).

5.3. General Poset Fiber Theorems

In this section we present homotopy and homology versions of a fiber theorem of
Björner, Wachs and Welker, which generalizes the Quillen fiber lemma and several
other fiber theorems. Recall the definitions of k-connectivity and k-acyclicity, which
appear after Theorem 3.1.7.
Theorem 5.3.1 (Björner, Wachs, Welker [43]). Let f : P → Q be a poset map
such that for all q ∈ Q the fiber Δ(f −1 (Q≤q )) is l(f −1 (Q<q ))-connected. Then
! "
(5.3.1) Δ(P )  Δ(Q) ∨ Δ(f −1 (Q≤q )) ∗ Δ(Q>q ) : q ∈ Q ,
where ∗ denotes join defined in (1.1.1) and ∨ denotes the wedge (of Δ(Q) and
all Δ(f −1 (Q≤q )) ∗ Δ(Q>q )) formed by identifying the vertex q in Δ(Q) with any
element of f −1 (Q≤q ), for each q ∈ Q.
For clarity, let us remark that if Δ(Q) is connected then the space described on
the right-hand side of (5.3.1), which has |Q| wedge-points, is homotopy equivalent to
a one-point wedge, where arbitrarily chosen points of f −1 (Q≤q ), one for each q ∈ Q,
are identified with some (arbitrarily chosen) point of Q. Thus (5.3.1) becomes

(5.3.2) Δ(P )  Δ(Q) ∨ Δ(f −1 (Q≤q )) ∗ Δ(Q>q ).

We will refer to a poset map f : P → Q such that for all q ∈ Q the fiber
Δ(f −1 (Q≤q )) is l(f −1 (Q<q ))-connected as being well-connected. Note that the
connectivity condition implies that each fiber f −1 (Q≤q ) is nonempty.
Example 5.3.2. Let f : P → Q be the poset map depicted in Figure 5.3.1. For the
two maximal elements of Q the fiber Δ(f −1 (Q≤q )) is a 1-sphere. For the bottom
element of Q the fiber Δ(f −1 (Q≤q )) is a 0-sphere, and Δ(Q>q ) is a 0-sphere too.
So in either case Δ(f −1 (Q≤q )) ∗ Δ(Q>q ) is homeomorphic to a 1-sphere. Hence
the simplicial complex on the right side of (5.3.1) has a 1-sphere attached to each
element of Q. Thus Theorem 5.3.1 determines Δ(P ) to have the homotopy type
of a wedge of three 1-spheres. One can see this directly by observing that Δ(P ) is
homeomorphic to two 1-spheres intersecting in two points.

1 2 3 4

5 6

Figure 5.3.1. A well-connected poset map

In [43], a version of the general fiber theorem for homology over the integers
or over any field is also given, as are equivariant homotopy and homology versions.
We state only the equivariant homology version here.
Theorem 5.3.3 (Björner, Wachs, Welker [43]). Let f : P → Q be a G-poset map.
If f −1 (Q≤q ) is l(f −1 (Q<y ))-acyclic for all q ∈ Q then
r  #G

H̃r (P ) ∼
=G H̃r (Q) ⊕ H̃i (f −1 (Q≤q )) ⊗ H̃r−i−1 (Q>q ) ⏐ .
q∈Q/G i=−1

The general fiber theorems are proved using techniques of [210, 222] involving
diagrams of spaces and spectral sequences, which were developed to study subspace
arrangements. In Section 5.4, we discuss the connection between the general fiber
theorems and subspace arrangements.
Example 5.3.4. Theorem 5.3.3 can be applied to the well-connected poset map
f : P → Q given in Example 5.3.2. Let G be the cyclic group S2 whose non-
identity element acts by (1, 2)(3, 4) on P and trivially on Q. The map f is clearly
a G-poset map. For each q ∈ Q, we have Gq = S2 . If q is the bottom element
of Q then the fiber f −1 (Q≤q ) is S2 -homeomorphic to a 0-sphere on which S2
acts trivially. The same is true for Q>q . It follows that the representation of S2
on H̃0 (f −1 (Q≤q )) ⊗ H̃0 (Q>q ) is the trivial representation S (2) . If q is one of the
maximal elements of Q then the fiber f −1 (Q≤q ) is S2 -homeomorphic to a circle
with (1, 2)(3, 4) acting by reflecting the circle about the line spanned by a pair
of antipodal points. Hence the representation of S2 on H̃1 (f −1 (Q≤q )) is the sign
representation S (1 ) . Since Q>q is the empty simplicial complex, the representation
of S2 on H̃−1 (Q>q ) is the trivial representation. It follows that the representation
of S2 on H̃1 (f −1 (Q≤q )) ⊗ H̃−1 (Q>q ) is S (1 ) . We conclude from (5.3.3) that the
2 2
S2 -module H̃1 (P ) decomposes into S (2) ⊕ S (1 ) ⊕ S (1 ) and that H̃i (P ) = 0 for
i = 1.

123 123 123 123

12-3 13-2 23-1 12-3 13-2 23-1


Figure 5.3.2. P3

Example 5.3.5. Consider the action of the hyperoctahedral group Sn [Z2 ] on the
type B partition lattice ΠB
n . Define the bar-erasing map

(5.3.4) n → Π̄{0,1,...,n}
f : Π̄B
by letting f (π) be the partition obtained by erasing the bars from the barred
partition π. For example
f (0 4 7 /1 5̄ 6 9̄ /2 3̄) = 0 4 7 /1 5 6 9 /2 3
It is clear that f is a Sn [Z2 ]-poset map. We establish well-connectedness in the
following exercise.
Exercise 5.3.6 (Wachs [204]). Let Pn be the subposet of ΠB n consisting of barred
partitions whose zero-block is a singleton, where the zero-block is the block that
contains 0. The poset P3 with the zero-block suppressed is given in Figure 5.3.2.
Show the following.
(a) The fibers of the bar-erasing map have the form

b0 × Pb1 × · · · × Pbk − {0̂},

where b0 + b1 + · · · + bk = n + 1.
(b) Pn is a geometric semilattice
(c) The bar-erasing map (5.3.4) is well-connected.
(d) |μ(Pn ∪ {1̂}| = (2(n − 1) − 1)!!.
It follows from Exercise 5.3.6 that the general fiber theorems can be used to
compute the homotopy type and Sn [Z2 ]-equivariant homology of ΠB B
n . Since Πn
has the homotopy type of a wedge of (2n − 1)!! spheres of dimension n − 2 (see Ex-
ercise 3.2.11), the homotopy equivalence (5.3.2) reduces to a combinatorial identity,
which turns out to be easy to prove directly and therefore not very interesting. The
equivariant homology version of the general fiber theorem does yield an interesting
identity. Theorems 5.1.5 and 5.1.9 can be applied to the fibers given in Part (a)
of Exercise 5.3.6. This and the homology version of the general fiber theorem are
used in [204] to prove

∼ H̃γ1 −2 (Pγ1 ) • · · · • H̃γk −2 (Pγk ),
(5.3.5) H̃n−2 (ΠB n ) =Sn [Z2 ]
(γ1 ,...,γk ):
 γ =n
i i

where • denotes induction product:

S [Z ]
X • Y := (X ⊗ Y ) ↑Sn+m 2
n [Z2 ]×Sm [Z2 ]
This example is considered in the more general setting of rank-selected Dowling
lattices in [204]. The homotopy type of the Dowling lattice version of Pn \ {0̂} was
also computed by Hultman [100].
Nonpure versions of Cohen-Macaulay fiber theorems of Baclawski [12] and of
Quillen [137] follow from the general fiber theorems. We state only the nonpure
version of Baclawski’s result.
Theorem 5.3.7 (Björner, Wachs, Welker [43]). Let P and Q be semipure posets
and let f : P → Q be a surjective rank-preserving poset map. Assume that for
all q ∈ Q, the fiber Δ(f −1 (Q≤q )) is Cohen-Macaulay over k. If Q is sequentially
Cohen-Macaulay over k, then so is P .

5.4. Fiber Theorems and Subspace Arrangements

Shortly after the Goresky-MacPherson formula (Theorem 1.3.8) appeared, Ziegler
and Živaljević obtained a homotopy version, and after that Sundaram and Welker
obtained an equivariant homology version. In this section we show that the Ziegler-
Živaljević and Sundaram-Welker formulas for linear subspace arrangements can be
easily derived from the general fiber theorems of Section 5.3. This connection
should come as no surprise, since the method of proof of the general fiber theorems
is based on the proofs of Ziegler-Živaljević and Sundaram-Welker; namely diagrams
of spaces and spectral sequences.
Let A be a linear subspace arrangement i.e., a finite collection of linear sub-
spaces in Euclidean space Rd . The singularity link VAo is defined as
VAo = S(d−1) ∩ X,

where S (d−1)
is the unit (d − 1)-sphere in R . Recall that L(A) denotes the inter-

section lattice of A (ordered by reverse inclusion). Let L̄(A) denote L(A) \ {0̂, 1̂}
if A is essential (i.e., ∩A = {0}), and L(A) \ {0̂} otherwise.
Theorem 5.4.1 (Ziegler & Živaljević [222]). Let A be a linear subspace arrange-
ment. Then
! "
(5.4.1) VAo  Δ(L̄(A)) ∨ suspdim x (Δ(0̂, x)) : x ∈ L̄(A) ,
where the wedge is formed by identifying each vertex x in Δ(L̄(A)) with any point
in suspdim x (Δ(0̂, x)). Consequently, for each i,

(5.4.2) H̃i (VAo ; Z) ∼
= H̃i−dim x ((0̂, x); Z).

Proof. (given in [43]). Suppose A = {X1 , . . . , Xn }. Let H be an essential hy-

perplane arrangement in Rd such that each Xi is the intersection of a collection
of hyperplanes in H. The hyperplane arrangement H partitions S(d−1) into open
cells of each dimension from 0 to d − 1. Let F (H) be the poset of closures of the
nonempty cells ordered by inclusion. Clearly Δ(F (H)) is a triangulation of S(d−1) .
For X ∈ L̄(A), let FH (X) be the order ideal of F (H) consisting of closed cells
contained in X, and let FH (A) be the order ideal of F (H) consisting of closed cells

contained in VAo . Note that Δ(FH (X)) is a triangulation of the (dim X − 1)-sphere
X ∩ S(d−1) and Δ(FH (A)) is a triangulation of VAo .
Now let
f : FH (A) → L̄(A)∗
be defined by &
f (τ ) = Xi .
i:Xi ⊇τ
Clearly f is order preserving. We claim that f is well-connected. Observe that for
all X ∈ L̄(A),
f −1 ((L̄(A)∗ )≤X ) = FH (X).
So f −1 ((L̄(A)∗ )≤X ) is a (dim X − 1)-sphere, which is (dim X − 2)-connected. Since
f −1 ((L̄(A)∗ )<X ) has length at most dim X − 2, f is indeed well-connected, and
thus (5.4.1) follows from Theorem 5.3.1. 
The reason we refer to Theorem 5.4.1 as a homotopy version of the Goresky-
MacPherson formula is that the Goresky-MacPherson formula (for linear subspace
arrangements) follows from (5.4.2) by Alexander duality. Indeed, one can simply
apply Theorem 5.1.1 to the subposet FH (A) of F (H). A homotopy version of the
Goresky-MacPherson formula for general affine subspace arrangements is also given
in [222].
Now let G be a finite subgroup of the orthogonal group Od that maps subspaces
in A to subspaces in A. We say that A is a G-arrangement. Clearly G acts as a
group of poset maps on L(A) and as a group of homomorphisms on H̃i (VAo ) and on
H̃i (MA ). For each x ∈ L(A), let Sx be the (dim x − 1)-sphere x ∩ S(d−1) . Each g
in the stabilizer Gx acts as an orientation preserving or reversing homeomorphism
on Sx . Define

1 if g is orientation preserving
sgnx (g) :=
−1 if g is orientation reversing.
By viewing g as an element of GL(x), we have sgnx (g) = det(g). Note that
H̃dim x−1 (Sx ) is a one dimensional representation of Gx whose character is given by
sgnx .
Theorem 5.4.2 (Sundaram and Welker [186]). Let A be a G-arrangement of linear
subspaces in Rd . Then for all i,

(5.4.3) H̃i (VAo ) ∼
=G (H̃i−dim x (0̂, x) ⊗ sgnx ) ↑G
Gx .


(5.4.4)H̃ i (MA ) ∼
=G (H̃d−2−i−dim x (0̂, x) ⊗ sgnx ⊗ sgn0̂ ) ↑G
Gx .

Exercise 5.4.3. Use Theorems 5.3.3 and 5.1.1 to prove Theorem 5.4.2.
In [186] Theorem 5.4.2 is applied to subspace arrangements whose intersection
lattices are the k-equal partition lattice discussed in Section 3.2.4 and the d-divisible
partition lattice discussed in Exercises 4.3.6 and 4.4.8. By computing the multiplic-
ity of the trivial representation in H̃ i (MA ), Sundaram and Welker obtain the Betti
number formula of Arnol’d given in (3.2.3) and an analogous formula for the space

of monic polynomials of degree n, with at least one root multiplicity not divisible
by d. For another recent approach to studying these Betti numbers, see [113].
In [201], Theorem 5.4.2 is applied to the subspace arrangement whose intersec-
tion lattice is the restricted block size partition lattice ΠSn ∪ {0̂} of Theorem 4.4.11.
Since each interval (0̂, x) of ΠSn is the product of smaller ΠSm , one uses Theo-
rem 4.4.11, and the product formulas of Section 5.1 to compute the homology
of (0̂, x) (see Example 5.1.12 and Exercise 5.1.13). This yields,
Theorem 5.4.4 (Wachs [201]). Suppose S ⊆ {2, 3, . . . } is such that S and {s −
min S : s ∈ S} are closed under addition (eg., S = {k, k + 1, . . . } or more generally
S = {kd, (k + 1)d, . . . }). For n ∈ S, let MnS be the manifold
{z := (z1 , . . . , zn ) ∈ Cn : for some i the number of occurrences of zi is not in S}.
chH̃ m (MnS ) un (−t)2n−m−1 = h i ti hi hi ui tφ(i) ,
m∈Z i≥1 i≥1 i∈S

where φ(i) := max{j ∈ Z+ : i − (j − 1) min S ∈ S}. (Our notation reflects the fact
that plethysm is associative.)
We leave it as an open problem to use this formula to compute the multiplicity
of the trivial representation in H̃ m (MnS ), and thereby obtain a formula (which
generalizes the above mentioned Sundaram-Welker formula) for the Betti numbers
of the space of monic polynomials of degree n with at least one root multiplicity
not in S.

5.5. Inflations of Simplicial Complexes

Let Δ be a simplicial complex on vertex set [n] and let m = (m1 , . . . , mn ) be an
n-tuple of positive integers. We form a new simplicial complex Δm , called the
m-inflation of Δ, as follows. The vertex set of Δm is {(i, c) : i ∈ [n], c ∈ [mi ]}
and the faces of Δm are of the form {(i1 , c1 ), . . . , (ik , ck )} where {i1 , . . . , ik } is a
(k − 1)-face of Δ and cj ∈ [mij ] for all j = 1, . . . , k. We can think of cj as a color
assigned to vertex ij and of {(i1 , c1 ), . . . , (ik , ck )} as a coloring of the vertices of
face {i1 , . . . , ik }. A color for vertex i is chosen from mi colors.
Example 5.5.1. Let P and Q be the posets depicted in Figure 5.3.1. Clearly Δ(P )
is the (2, 2, 2)-inflation of Δ(Q).
Theorem 5.5.2 (Björner, Wachs, and Welker [43]). Let Δ be a simplicial complex
on vertex set [n] and let m be an n-tuple positive integers. If Δ is connected then

Δm  (susp|F | (lkΔ F ))∨ν(F,m) ,
F ∈Δ

where ν(F, m) = i∈F (mi − 1), suspk (Δ) denotes the k-fold suspension of Δ, and
Δ∨k denotes the k-fold wedge of Δ.
We prove this theorem in the following exercise.
Exercise 5.5.3. Let f : Δm → Δ be the simplicial map that sends each vertex
(i, c) of Δm to vertex i of Δ. We call this the deflating map. This can be viewed
as a poset map f : P (Δm ) → P (Δ).

(a) Show that the fiber f −1 (P (Δ)≤F ) is a geometric semilattice.

(b) Show that each f −1 (P (Δ)≤F ) is a wedge of ν(F, m) spheres of dimension
dim F .
(c) Use (b) and the fact that the join operation is distributive over the wedge
operation to prove Theorem 5.5.2.
(d) Show that Δm is sequentially Cohen-Macaulay if Δ is.
Theorem 5.5.4. Let Δ be a G-simplicial complex on vertex set [n] and let m be an
n-tuple of positive integers. If G acts on the inflation Δm and this action commutes
with the deflating map, then for all r ∈ Z,
H̃r (Δm ) ∼
=G H̃|F |−1 (F m(F ) ) ⊗ H̃r−|F | (lkΔ F ) ↑G
GF ,
F ∈Δ/G

where F  is the subcomplex generated by F and m(F ) is the subsequence

(mi1 , . . . , mit ) of m = (m1 , . . . , mn ) for F = {i1 < · · · < it }.
Shareshian [156] and Shareshian and Wachs [158] use Theorems 5.5.2 and 5.5.4,
to derive information about the homology of the Quillen complex Ap (Sn ) from a hy-
pergraph version of the matching complex. Another application of Theorems 5.5.2
and 5.5.4 can be found in [133]. Here we discuss the original example that led to
the general fiber theorem, namely the colored chessboard complex [203].
Recall from Section 2.4.3 that the chessboard complex Mm,n is the collection
of rook placements on an m × n chessboard such that there is at most one rook
in each row and each column. This complex arose in the work of Garst [78] on
Tits coset complexes, in the work of Živaljević and Vrećica [223] on the colored
Tverberg problem, in the work of Reiner and Roberts [140] on Segre algebras, and
in the work of Babson and Reiner [10] on generalizations of Coxeter complexes.
Like the matching complex, the chessboard complex has been extensively studied
in the literature; see the survey article of Wachs [202]. We state just a few of the
results on chessboard complexes here.
Theorem 5.5.5. Let 1 ≤ m ≤ n and νm,n = min{m,  m+n+1 3 } − 1.
(a) (Garst [78]) If n ≥ 2m − 1 then Mm,n is Cohen-Macaulay.
(b) (Björner, Lovász, Vrećica and Živaljević [35]) The complex Mm,n is
(νm,n − 1)-connected.
(c) (Shareshian and Wachs [157]) For n ≤ 2m − 5 and m + n ≡ 1 mod 3,
H̃ν (Mm,n ; Z) ∼
m,n = Z3 .
Part (a) follows from part (b), and Ziegler [219] gives an alternative proof
of part (b) by establishing shellability of the νm,n -skeleton of Mm,n . Part (c) is
one case of a more general torsion result, whose proof uses a chessboard complex
analog of Bouc’s representation theoretic formula (2.4.5) (due to Garst [78] for
top homology, and to Friedman and Hanlon [75] in general) to construct a ba-
sis for the vector space H̃m−1 (Mm,n ). This basis consists of fundamental cycles
constructed from pairs of standard Young tableaux via a classical combinatorial
algorithm known as the Knuth-Robinson-Schensted correspondence. We remark
that Parts (b) and (c) have analogs for the matching complex [35] [47] [157].
Let Mm,n be the simplicial complex of placements of colored rooks on an m × n
chessboard such that there is at most one rook in each row and each column, and
the colors come from the set [r]. The colored chessboard complex arose in Garst’s

work as a more general example of a Tits coset complex. One can easily see that
Mm,n is the (r, r, . . . , r)-inflation of Mm,n .
Exercise 5.5.6 (Wachs [203]). Use Theorems 5.5.2, 5.5.4, and 5.5.5 to obtain a
colored version of Theorem 5.5.5, i.e. a generalization to Mm,n , where r ≥ 1.
For open problems on the topology of chessboard complexes, matching com-
plexes and related complexes, see [202] and [157].

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Convex Polytopes:
Extremal Constructions
and f -Vector Shapes

Günter M. Ziegler
IAS/Park City Mathematics Series
Volume 14, 2004

Convex Polytopes:
Extremal Constructions
and f -Vector Shapes

Günter M. Ziegler

These lecture notes treat some current aspects of two closely interrelated top-
ics from the theory of convex polytopes: the shapes of f -vectors, and extremal
The study of f -vectors has had huge successes in the last forty years. The
most fundamental one is undoubtedly the “g-theorem,” conjectured by McMullen
in 1971 and proved by Billera & Lee and Stanley in 1980, which characterizes the f -
vectors of simplicial and of simple polytopes combinatorially. See also Section 5.2
of Forman’s article in this volume, where h-vectors are discussed in connection
with the Charney–Davis conjecture. Nevertheless, on some fundamental problems
embarassingly little progress was made; one notable such problem concerns the
shapes of f -vectors of 4-polytopes.
A number of striking and fascinating polytope constructions have been pro-
posed and analyzed over the years. In particular, the Billera–Lee construction
produces “all possible f -vectors” of simplicial polytopes. Less visible progress was
made outside the range of simple or simplicial polytopes — where our measure of
progress is that new polytopes “with interesting f -vectors” should be produced.
Thus, still “it seems that overall, we are short of examples. The methods for
coming up with useful examples in mathematics (or counterexamples to commonly
believed conjectures) are even less clear than the methods for proving mathematical
statements” (Gil Kalai, 2000).
These lecture notes are meant to display a fruitful interplay of these two ar-
eas of study: The discussion of f -vector shapes suggests the notion of “extremal”
polytopes, that is, of polytopes with “extremal f -vector shapes.” Our choice of con-
structions to be discussed here is guided by this: We will be looking at constructions
that produce interesting f -vector shapes.

1 Instituteof Mathematics, MA 6–2, TU Berlin, D-10623 Berlin, Germany.

E-mail address:
Partially supported by the Deutsche Forschungs-Gemeinschaft (DFG), via the Research Center
Matheon “Mathematics in the Key Technologies”, the Research Groups “Algorithms, Structure,
Randomness” and “Polyhedral Surfaces”, and a Leibniz grant.

c Günter M. Ziegler


After treating 3-polytopes in the first lecture and the f -vector shapes of very
high-dimensional polytopes in the second one, we will start to analyze the case of
4-dimensional polytopes in detail. Thus the third lecture will explain a surprisingly
simple construction for 2-simple 2-simplicial 4-polytopes, which have symmetric f -
vectors. Lecture four sketches the geometry of the cone of f -vectors for 4-polytopes,
and thus identifies the existence/construction of 4-polytopes of high “fatness” as a
key problem. In this direction, the last lecture presents a very recent construction
of “projected products of polygons,” whose fatness reaches 9 − ε. This shows that,
on the topic of f -vectors of 4-polytopes, there is a narrowing gap between “the
constraints we know” and “the examples we can construct.”

Sources and Acknowledgements

The main sources, and the basis for the presentation in these lecture notes, are as
follows. The proof of Steinitz’ theorem in Lecture 1 is due to Alexander Bobenko
and Boris Springborn [17]. A detailed report about the work by Ludwig Danzer,
Anders Björner, Carl Lee, Jürgen Eckhoff and many others (Lecture 2) appears
in [79, Sect. 8.6]; see also [13] and [15]. The “deep vertex truncation” construc-
tion presented in Lecture 3 is from joint work with Andreas Paffenholz [57]; my
understanding of 2-simple 2-simplicial polytopes benefits also from my previous
work with David Eppstein and Greg Kuperberg [26]. Lecture 4 draws heavily on
my 2002 Beijing ICM report [80], which was relying on previous studies by Marge
Bayer [11], and with Andrea Höppner [42]. Finally, the construction presented in
Lecture 5 was announced in [81]; the intuition for it was built in previous joint
work with Nina Amenta [4] and Michael Joswig [43].
Nikolaus Witte and Thilo Schröder have forcefully directed the problem sessions
for my Utah lectures, and suggested a number of exercises. Nikolaus Witte has pre-
pared many, and the nicest, figures for these notes. The construction of many of the
examples and the beautiful Schlegel diagram graphics are based on the polymake
system by Ewgenij Gawilow and Michael Joswig [31] [32] [33], which everyone is
invited and recommended to try out, and use. An introduction to polymake, by
Nikolaus Witte and Thilo Schröder, appears as an appendix, pp. 681–685.
I am grateful to all these colleagues for their work, for their explanations and
critical comments, and for support on these lectures as well as in general. I have
benefitted a lot from the lively discussions at the PCMI after my lectures, and
from the many interesting questions and diverse feedback I got. Boris Springborn,
Nikolaus Witte, Günter Rote, and many others provided very helpful comments on
the draft version of these lecture notes. Thank you all!
More than usually, for the trip to Utah I have depended on the support, care,
and love of Torsten Heldmann. Without him, I wouldn’t have been able to go.
Constructing 3-Dimensional Polytopes

All the polytopes considered in these lecture notes are convex. A d-polytope is
a d-dimensional polytope; thus the 3-dimensional polytopes to be discussed in this
lecture are plainly 3-polytopes.*
How many 3-dimensional polytopes “do we know”? When pressed for examples,
we will perhaps start with the platonic solids: the regular tetrahedron, cube and
octahedron, icosahedron and dodecahedron.

Figure 1.1. The regular icosahedron and dodecahedron

The classes of stacked and cyclic polytopes are of great importance for high-
dimensional polytope theory because of their extremal f -vectors (according to the
lower bound theorem and the upper bound theorem): Stacked polytopes arise from
a simplex by repeatedly stacking pyramids onto the facets (cf. Lecture 2); cyclic
polytopes are constructed as the convex hull of n > d points on a curve of order d.
However, neither of these constructions produces particularly impressive objects in
dimension 3 (compare Figure 1.2, and Exercise 1.8).
The same must be said about pyramids and bipyramids over n-gons (n ≥ 3)
— see Figure 1.3.
*We assume that the readers are familiar with the basic terminology and discrete geometric
concepts; see e.g. [79, Lect. 0] or [40].


Figure 1.2. A cyclic 3-polytope C3 (10) and a stacked 3-polytope, with 10

vertices each

Figure 1.3. The pyramid and the bipyramid over a regular 10-gon

How do we get a “random” 3-polytope with lots of vertices? An obvious thing

to look at is the convex hull of n random points on a 2-sphere.
Why is this not satisfactory? First, it produces only simplicial polytopes (with
probability 1), and secondly it does not even produce all possible combinatorial
types of simplicial 3-polytopes — see [39, Sect. 13.5]. It is a quite non-trivial
problem to randomly produce all combinatorial types of polytopes of specified size
(say, with a given number of edges). With the Steinitz theorem discussed below this
reduces to a search for a random planar 3-connected graph with a given number of
edges, say. See Schaeffer [64] for a recent treatment of this problem.

Figure 1.4. A random 3-polytope, with 1000 vertices on a sphere

1.1. The Cone of f -vectors

The f -vector of a 3-polytope P is the triplet of integers
f (P ) = (f0 , f1 , f2 ) ∈ Z3 ,
where f0 is the number of vertices, f1 is the number of edges, and f2 denotes the
number of facets (2-dimensional faces). In view of Euler’s equation f0 − f1 + f2 = 2
(which we take for granted here; but see Federico [27], Eppstein [25], and [2,
Chap. 11]), the set of all f -vectors of 3-polytopes,
F3 := {(f0 , f1 , f2 ) ∈ Z3 : f (P ) = (f0 , f1 , f2 ) is the f -vector of a 3-polytope P }
is a 2-dimensional set. Thus F3 is faithfully represented by the (f0 , f2 )-pairs of
F̄3 := {(f0 , f2 ) ∈ Z3 : f (P ) = (f0 , f1 , f2 ) for some 3-polytope P },
as shown in Figure 1.5: The missing f1 -component is given by f1 = f0 + f2 − 2.
The set of all f -vectors of 3-polytopes was completely characterized by a young
Privatdozent at the Technische Hochschule Berlin-Charlottenburg (now TU Berlin),
Ernst Steinitz, in 1906: In a simple two-and-a-half-page paper he obtained the
following result, whose proof we leave to you (Exercise 1.3).
Lemma 1.1 (Steinitz’ lemma [73]). The set of all f -vectors of 3-polytopes is given
F3 := {(f0 , f1 , f2 ) ∈ Z3 : f0 − f1 + f2 = 2, f2 ≤ 2f0 − 4, f0 ≤ 2f2 − 4}.
This answer to the f -vector problem for 3-polytopes is remarkably simple:
F3 is the set of all integral points in a 2-dimensional convex polyhedral cone.
The three constraints that define the cone have clear interpretations: They are
the Euler equation f0 − f1 + f2 = 2, the upper bound inequality f2 ≤ 2f0 − 4,


13 f2 ≤ 2f0 − 4
12 (equality:
11 polytopes)
5 f0 ≤ 2f2 − 4
4 (equality:
simple polytopes)

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 f0

Figure 1.5. The set F̄3 , according to Steinitz’ Lemma 1.1

which is tight exactly for the f -vectors of simplicial polytopes, and its dual, f0 ≤
2f2 − 4, which in the case of equality characterizes the f -vectors of simple 3-
For the centennial of Steinitz’ lemma, in 2006, let’s strive for a characterization
of the cone spanned by the f -vectors of 4-dimensional polytopes, cone(F4 ). As we
will see at the beginning of Lecture 4, this is a much more modest goal than a
characterization of F4 , which is not the set of all integral points in a convex set: It
has “concavities” and even “holes.”
Steinitz’ lemma, as graphed in Figure 1.5, also shows that all (f -vectors of)
convex 3-polytopes lie between the extremes of simple and of simplicial polytopes.
And indeed, there seems to be the misconception that an analogous statement
should be true in higher dimensions as well — it isn’t. As we will see, there are
additional interesting extreme cases in dimension 4, which are by far not as well
understood as the simple and simplicial cases.
For any 3-polytope that is not a simplex, we may compute the “slope”
f2 − 4
φ(P ) :=
f0 − 4
it generates in the graph of Figure 1.5, with respect to the apex (4, 4) of the cone,
which corresponds to a simplex. This slope satisfies
2 ≤ φ(P ) ≤ 2,
where the lower bound characterizes simple polytopes, while the upper bound is
tight for simplicial polytopes. Another interpretation of the parameter φ is that it
is a homogeneous coordinate for the cone, where the denominator f0 − 4 measures
the “size” of the f -vector. (φ is homogeneous, so it yields 00 for the f -vector of a
simplex, which is the apex of the cone. Compare Exercise 1.5.)

1.2. The Steinitz Theorem

While Steinitz’ lemma from 1906 is a very simple result, his theorem from 1922,
characterizing the graphs of 3-polytopes, is substantial and deep. He knew that:
He called it the “Fundamentalsatz der konvexen Typen,” the fundamental theorem
of convex types. Here is an informal version of it.

Theorem 1.2 (Steinitz’ theorem [74, 75]). There is a bijection

{3-connected planar graphs} ←→ {combinatorial types of 3-polytopes}.

Figure 1.6. Graphs ←→ polytopes, according to Steinitz’ Theorem 1.2

The direction “←−” of Steinitz’ theorem is not hard to establish.

Indeed, we do get a graph for any 3-polytope, namely the abstract graph whose
nodes are the vertices of the polytope, and whose arcs are given by the edges of the
polytope. This graph is indeed planar: To see this, one may first produce a radial
projection of the polytope boundary (and thus of the vertices and edges) onto a
sphere that contains the polytope, and then apply a stereographic projection [41,
§36] to the plane. Or one may directly generate the “Schlegel diagram” and thus a
straight-edge drawing of the graph in the plane. (In Lecture 3 we will see more of
this tool, which shows its true power in the visualization of 4-polytopes.)
To see that the graph of any 3-polytope is 3-connected is also easy, using
Menger’s characterization of a d-connected graph as a graph that cannot be dis-
connected by removing or blocking less than d of its vertices. A powerful extension
of this result is Balinski’s theorem [6] [79, Thm. 3.14], that the graph of any d-
polytope is d-connected.
Thus the hard and interesting part of Steinitz’ theorem is the direction “−→.” It
poses a non-trivial construction problem: To produce a convex 3-polytope with a
prescribed graph (a geometric object) from an abstract planar graph (that is, from
purely combinatorial data).
The first (easy) step for this is to convince oneself that the graph characterizes
the complete combinatorial structure of the polytope. This follows from the simple
observation (due to Whitney) that the faces of the polytope correspond exactly to
the non-separating induced cycles in the graph.
Thus we have to construct convex 3-polytopes with prescribed combinatorics
(face lattice), as given by a 3-connected planar graph. The importance of this
step may be seen from the fact that three completely different types of proofs (and
construction methods!) have been designed for it: Let’s call them Steinitz type
proofs, Tutte–Maxwell type proofs, and Koebe–Thurston type proofs.

Steinitz type proofs. Such proofs (of which Steinitz gave details on one in [74], and
three are given in the Steinitz–Rademacher book [75] that appeared after Steinitz’
death), are based on the following principle. Any planar 3-connected graph can be
“reduced” to the complete graph K4 by local operations, which yields a sequence
G = G0 → G1 → G2 → . . . → GN −1 → GN = K4 .
of 3-connected planar graphs.
This reduction sequence should then be reversed: Starting with a simplex Δ3
(with graph K4 ) we build up a sequence of polytopes,
P = P0 ← P1 ← P2 ← . . . ← PN −1 ← PN = Δ3 ,
where Pi is a 3-polytope with graph Gi , again by simple/local construction steps.
Such a proof is presented in detail in [79, Lect. 4], so there is no need to do this
here. We just mention that a number of interesting extensions and corollaries may
be derived from Steinitz type proofs. Indeed, Barnette & Grünbaum [9] proved that
in the construction of the polytope P , the shape of one face of the polytope may
be prescribed. For example, some hexagon face may be required to be a regular
hexagon, which imposes a non-trivial additional constraint. Similarly, Barnette [7]
proved with a Steinitz type argument that a “shadow boundary” may be prescribed:
P may be constructed in such a way that from some view-point outside the polytope,
the edges that bound the visible part of the surface of the polytope correspond to a
prescribed simple cycle in the graph of the polytope (which need not be induced).
Equivalently, we may construct P ⊂ 3 so that the image π(P ) of P under the
orthogonal projection π : 3 → 2 is a polygon whose edges are given exactly by
the edges of P that realize the prescribed cycle. Indeed, the edges must be “strictly
preserved” by the projection, in the terminology that we will develop and use in
Lecture 5.

Tutte–Maxwell type proofs. The Tutte–Maxwell approach to realizing 3-polytopes

works in two stages: First one gets a “correct” drawing of the graph in the plane,
then this drawing is lifted to 3-space.
For the first stage, one may assume that the graph contains a triangle face (if
not, one dualizes; see Exercise 1.1). Then the vertices of this triangle are fixed in
the plane, the edges are interpreted as ideal rubber bands, and the other vertices
are placed according to the unique and easy-to-compute energy minimum, for which
the sum of all squared edge lengths is minimal. This produces a correct, planar
drawing of the graph without intersections — this is the (non-trivial) claim of
Tutte’s (1963) “rubber band method” [77]; moreover, any such drawing can be
lifted to three-space according to Maxwell–Cremona theory, which may be traced
back to work by Maxwell [49] nearly one hundred years earlier (1864). We refer to
Richter-Gebert [60, Sect. 13.1] for a modern treatment, with all the proofs.
The Tutte–Maxwell proofs also buy us non-trivial corollaries: Indeed, each
combinatorial type of 3-polytope can be realized with rational coordinates, and thus
even with integral vertex coordinates (by clearing denominators). One can derive
from a Tutte–Maxwell proof that singly-exponential vertex coordinates suffice for
this: After a number of improvements on the original estimates by Onn & Sturmfels
[52] we now know that each type of an n vertex 3-polytope with a triangle face can
be represented with vertex coordinates in {0, 1, 2, . . . , 28.45n } (see [72], [61] and
[59]). It is not clear whether polynomial-size vertex coordinates can be achieved.

Figure 1.7. A Tutte drawing of the icosahedron graph, and the corresponding
Maxwell–Cremona lifting

Koebe–Thurston type proofs. Geometric realizations of 3-polytopes with all edges

tangent to the sphere may be derived from planar circle packings. Moreover, such
a representation is essentially unique.
This seems to be essentially due to Bill Thurston [76] — who traces it back
to Paul Koebe’s [46] work on complex functions, and to work by E. M. Andreev
[5] from the sixties on hyperbolic polyhedra. Thurston’s insight was followed up,
explained, extended and generalized by a number of authors. Pach & Agarwal [53,
Chap. 8] describe the “standard” proof, based on a (non-constructive) fixed point
argument. However, Mohar [50] described an effective construction algorithm, and
Colin de Verdière [20] was the first to prove that the circle packings in question can

be derived from a variational principle (that is, an energy functional). In this line of
work, Bobenko & Springborn [17] have quite recently discovered an explicit, elegant
and quite general variational principle for the construction of circle patterns with
prescribed intersection angles. In the following, we prove the Steinitz theorem based
on their functional — taking advantage of all the simplifications that occur in their
proof and formulas if one wants to “just” get the orthogonal circle patterns needed
for the Steinitz theorem. (See also Springborn [68] for an additional discussion of

1.3. Steinitz’ Theorem via Circle Packings

Theorem 1.3 (The Koebe–Andreev–Thurston theorem). Each 3-connected planar
graph can be realized by a 3-polytope which has all edges tangent to the unit sphere.
Moreover, this realization is unique up to Möbius transformations (projective
transformations that fix the sphere). The edge-tangent realization for which the
barycenter of the tangency points is the center of the sphere is unique up to ortho-
gonal transformations.

Figure 1.8. Edge-tangent representation of a polyhedron, according to the

Koebe–Andreev–Thurston theorem [Graphics by Boris Springborn, Matheon]

In our presentation of the proof, we first explain how any edge-tangent repre-
sentation of a polytope P induces a circle pattern on the sphere, which in turn yields

a planar circle pattern, and the combinatorics of the planar circle pattern yields a
quad graph (a planar graph whose faces are quadrilaterals), which has G(P ) as a
subdivided subgraph. This yields steps (1) to (4) in the following scheme:

facet and connect
vertex horizon stereographic circle take
circles projection centers subgraph

edge (1) spherical (2) circle (3) (4) planar

tangent circle packing quad graph 3-connected
polytope packing of graph
P rectangle G
(8) (7) (6) (5)
faces inverse overlay
spanned by
facet planes
BS(ρ) graph
and dual

Our plan is to then reverse this four-step process, in order to construct an edge-
tangent polytope from the given graph G. In step (5), the quad graph is derived
directly from the graph G = G(P ), by superposing the graph with its dual. Then,
in step (6), we construct the rectangular circle pattern with the combinatorics of
the quad graph, and then proceed to construct P from it.
The steps (5), (7), and (8) are quite straightforward: The key, non-trivial step
is (6), the construction of the (unique) rectangular circle pattern, which we achieve
via the “euclidean Bobenko–Springborn functional.”

Proof. We start with a detailed description of the four-step process from edge-
tangent polytopes to planar 3-connected graphs, via circle packings and quad

(1). Assume that P ⊂ 3 is a 3-polytope whose edges are tangent to the unit
sphere S 2 ⊂ 3 . Then the facet planes of P intersect the unit sphere S 2 in circles
that we call the facet circles: We get one circle for each facet, and the circles are
disjoint, but they touch exactly if the corresponding facets are adjacent. We also
get a second set of circles which we call the vertex horizon circles: Each such circle
is the boundary of the spherical cap consisting of all the points on the sphere that
are “visible” from the respective vertex. We get one vertex horizon circle for each
vertex, and the circles are disjoint, but they touch exactly if the corresponding
vertices are adjacent.
Moreover, at each edge tangency point, the two touching facet circles and
the two touching vertex horizon circles intersect orthogonally; see Figure 1.9 for
an example. (The vertex horizon circles of P are the facet circles of the dual
polytope P ∗ , whose edges have the same tangency points as the edges of P ; the
facet circles for P are also the vertex horizon circles for P ∗ ; corresponding edges
e ⊂ P and e∗ ⊂ P ∗ intersect orthogonally at the respective tangency point.)
(2). We perform a stereographic projection to the plane, using one of the edge
tangency points p0 as the projection center, and mapping all the facet and vertex
horizon circles to the equator plane corresponding to the projection point. In the
resulting planar figure, the two facet circles through p0 yield two parallel lines (and
after a rotation we may assume that these are horizontal); the two vertex horizon
circles through p0 also yield two parallel lines, orthogonal to the first two (and thus

vertical). So we get a planar pattern that consists of four lines bounding an axis-
parallel rectangle, and circles that touch resp. intersect orthogonally in the plane.
This is the rectangular circle pattern.
If the faces adjacent to the edge f through p0 are an h1 -gon and an h2 -gon,
then we get h1 − 2 resp. h2 − 2 circles along the horizontal edges of the rectangle.
Similarly, if the end vertices of f have degrees v1 and v2 , then we get v1 − 2 resp.
v2 −2 circles along the vertical edges of the rectangle. The example that one obtains
from the cube (Figure 1.9) is displayed in Figure 1.10.


Figure 1.9. The facet circles and the vertex horizon circles (dashed) for an
edge-tangent representation of a regular cube.

(3). Any rectangular circle pattern yields a quad graph drawing as follows: The
vertex set consists of the centers of all the circles, with four additional vertices
“far out” representing the four lines that bound the rectangles (as in Figure 1.11).
We obtain drawings of both G and G∗ by connecting the centers of touching facet
circles resp. vertex horizon circles. This includes one horizontal edge f of G “going
through infinity,” while dual graph G∗ has the corresponding edge f ∗ going through
infinity vertically.
From the rectangular circle pattern, we obtain a decomposition of a rectangle
into quadrilaterals by connecting the centers of adjacent facet circles, and the cen-
ters of adjacent vertex horizon circles. See the example of Figure 1.11, where the
rectangle is shaded. The graph of this rectangle decomposition is the quad graph:
Its vertices correspond to (the centers of) the facet circles that don’t contain p0 ,
the vertex horizon circles that don’t contain p0 , and intersection points of edges e
and e∗ of G and G∗ , other than the edges f, f ∗ that contain p0 .
(4). In particular, the graph G may be derived from the quad graph, by “deleting
the dashed edges.”

Figure 1.10. The rectangular circle pattern derived from an edge-tangent

3-cube (with h1 = h2 = 4, v1 = v2 = 3)


Figure 1.11. The quad graph for the cube, generated from Figure 1.10: The
white vertices are given by the facet circle centers, while the black vertices
correspond to the vertex horizon circles; the dashed edges connect the centers
of adjacent facet circles, and the straight edges correspond to adjacent vertex
horizon circles.

This ends the description of the passage from an edge tangent polytope to the
planar graph drawing. Now we start the way back: Another four-step process leads
us from graphs via quad graphs and circle patterns to edge-tangent 3-polytopes.

(5). The quad graph may be derived from knowledge of the graph G alone, plainly
by overlaying G and G∗ . For our cube example, the result may look like the drawing
given in Figure 1.12.


Figure 1.12. The quad graph for the cube, generated from an overlay of the
cube graph (black edges) layed out with the edge f “at infinity” and the dual
graph (dashed edges), with the dual edge f ∗ “at infinity.” The shaded part
defines the restricted quad graph.

The input for the next step will be the restricted quad graph: It is obtained
from the full quad graph by deleting everything that is adjacent to the original
edges f and f ∗ . Its bounded faces are quadrilaterals (quads for short), with two
black and two dashed edges each. Each quad has
• a black vertex and a white vertex
(the black vertex, where the two black edges meet, corresponds to the center of
a face circle; the white one, where the two dashed edges meet, corresponds to
the center of a horizon circle),
• and two more vertices where a black and a dashed edge meet
(they correspond to edge tangency points).
For the following, we use I0 as an indexing set for the black and white vertices in
the restricted quad graph. It is in bijection with the vertices of G and of G∗ , except
for the vertices of the edges f and f ∗ , which yield lines rather than circles. That
is, we have
I0 := V (G − f ) ∪ V (G∗ − f ∗ ).
The following step, which takes us from combinatorics (a graph drawing) to geom-
etry (a circle pattern), is the crucial one.
(6). In the “correct” realization of the restricted quad graph, which would yield a
circle packing, each quad is drawn as a kite in which
• the two black edges have the same length
(radius ri of the corresponding vertex horizon circle),
• the two dashed edges have the same length
(radius rj of the corresponding facet circle),
• and there are two right angles between black and dashed edges
(where facet and vertex horizon circles intersect).

The kites have to look like the one in Figure 1.13.

ri rj
i ϕij ϕji

Figure 1.13. A kite, with radii ri = eρi , rj = eρj , and angles ϕij and ϕji

Hence, we have to solve the following construction problem:

Given a quad graph decomposition of a rectangle, derived from
the overlay of a 3-connected planar graph G and its dual G∗ ,
construct a geometric drawing, with straight edges, as a kite
decomposition of a rectangle.
The kites are completely determined if we know their edge lengths: If the edge
lengths in a kite are ri , rj > 0, then the angles are given by
r  r 
j i
ϕij = arctan and ϕij = arctan ,
ri rj
with ϕij + ϕji = π2 (see Figure 1.13). Thus all we have to do is to determine radii ri
corresponding to the black and white vertices of the quad graph, such that the
following system of equations is satisfied:

(1.1) 2 arctan = Φi for all vertices i ∈ I0 ,
j:i j
where the right-hand-sides are given by

π if i is on the boundary,
Φi :=
2π if i is in the interior.
In the equation whose right hand side is Φi , the sum on the left hand side is taken
over all vertices j ∈ I0 that are opposite to i in one of the kites. (If i is a white
vertex, then j will be black, and vice versa.)
Indeed, if (1.1) is satisfied, then we can easily construct the kites and piece
them together to get a flat rectangle and the circle packing. Badly enough, (1.1) is
a non-linear system of equations, which we have to solve in positive variables ri > 0.
We want to know that this has a solution, which is unique up to multiplying all the
ri s with the same factor, and which can be computed efficiently. Luckily, we can do
this, since the system is solved by minimizing an explicit and easy-to-write-down
“energy” functional which will turn out to be convex, with a unique minimum. For
this, we first do a change of variables,
ρi := log ri .

Then we normalize by the condition i ri = 1, that is,

ρi = 0.

Furthermore, we define
f (x) := arctan(ex ).
This auxiliary function is graphed in Figure 1.14. Note that f (−x) = π
2 − f (x).

arctan(ex )



−4 −2 2 4
Figure 1.14. f (x) = arctan ex

We differentiate f ,
1 1
f  (x) = 2x
ex = ,
1+e 2 cosh x
which yields f  (−x) = f  (x) > 0 for all x ∈ . We also integrate f , and define
F (x) := f (t)dt.

This function satisfies F (x) ≥ 0 for all x, but also F (x) ≥ π

2 x. Thus we get that
(1.2) F (x) + F (−x) ≥ 2 |x|.

The system (1.1) we have to solve may be rewritten in terms of f (x) as

(1.3) 2f (ρj − ρi ) = Φi for all black or white vertices, i ∈ I0 .
i:i j
To solve this, Bobenko & Springborn [17] present the functional

(1.4) BS(ρ) := F (ρj −ρi ) + F (ρi −ρj ) − π2 (ρi + ρj ) + Φi ρ i ,
i j i ∈ I0

where the first sum is over all unordered pairs {i, j} of vertices i, j ∈ I0 that are
opposite in one of the kites. The claim is now that
(A) the critical points of BS(ρ) are exactly
the solutions to our system (1.3),
(B) the functional is convex: Restricted to i ρi = 0 it is strictly positive definite,
so the critical point is unique if it exists, and
(C) the functional gets large if any of the differences ρi − ρj gets large: Thus
the functional must have a critical point (a minimum) — the solution we are
looking for.
For (A), a simple computation yields the gradient of BS(ρ):
= Φi − 2f (ρj − ρi ).
i j

Thus the critical points of BS(ρ) are exactly the solutions to (1.3).
For (B), we compute the Hessian (the matrix of second derivatives) for BS(ρ),
and find that 
xT BS(ρ) x = 2 f  (ρj − ρi ) (xj − xi )2 .
i j
We know that f  (ρj − ρi ) > 0, so this quadratic form can vanish only if all the
differences xj − xi vanish for “adjacent” i, j ∈ I0 (that is, for black/white vertices
that share a kite). But the graph we
consider is connected, so this implies that all
variables xi are equal. Restricted to i xi = 0 this yields that all xi vanish, so the
Hessian is positive definite on the restriction hyperplane, and the solution we are
striving for is unique if it exists.
To prove the existence claim (C), we have to find that BS(ρ) grows large if any
difference of variables ρk − ρi gets large. With the same argument we just used
this implies that some difference of “adjacent” variables will become large. Then
also F (ρj −ρi ) + F (ρi −ρj ) ≥ π2 |ρj − ρi | gets large, but it will grow only linearly in
|ρj − ρi |, and it is not obvious that the growing positive terms in (1.4) will “outrun”
the negative terms. This will require a careful “matching” between positive and
negative terms.
To achieve this, we use the existence of a coherent angle system, that is, an
assignment of angles ϕij , ϕji > 0 to the kites that satisfies the conditions

(1.5) ϕij + ϕji = π2 and 2ϕij = Φi .
j:i j
Any solution to (1.1) would give us a coherent angle system, but the existence of
such a coherent angle system is much weaker, far from solving the system (1.1): If
we have a coherent angle system, then we could construct kites from this — whose
angles would fit together at the black and white vertices, but whose side lengths
might not. (Compare Figure 1.15.)
For any coherent angle system, ε0 := min ϕk is a positive number.

If there is a coherent angle system, then the minimum exists. Let’s assume for now
that a coherent angle system exists (this will be proved below). Then
BS(ρ) = F (ρj −ρi ) + F (ρi −ρj ) − π2 (ρi + ρj ) + Φi ρ i
i j i
(i)   π 
π − (ρi + ρj )
> 2 ρ i − ρ j 2 + Φi ρ i
i j i
(ii) π
= 2 ρi − ρj − 2 (ρi + ρj ) + 2(ϕij ρi + ϕji ρj )
i j i j
= −π min{ρi , ρj } + 2(ϕij ρi + ϕji ρj )
i j i j
≥ −π min{ρi , ρj } + π min{ρi , ρj } + 2 min{ϕji , ϕij }|ρi − ρj |
i j i j
= 2 min{ϕji , ϕij }|ρi − ρj | ≥ 2ε0 |ρi − ρj |.
i j i j

π π π

3 6 16
π 7π 16
3 16
π π π π
3 3 6 16 7π
π π 16 π
6 π π
3 16
6 5π 4
π π 16 π
6 6 3π 4
π 5π 3π
3 16 16
3 π 5π
6 3π

Figure 1.15. The assignment in this figure is a coherent angle system – but
not one that corresponds to a correct circle pattern.
(Note that the construction of the coherent angle system proceeds from the
plane graph without use of a straight edge drawing. In the figures further
down we draw the graphs with straight edges for simplicity, but this structure
is not used in the proof. Rather, it is produced by the proof.)

• the estimate for (i) uses F (x) + F (−x) ≥ π2 |x|, which is (1.2).
• (ii) is obtained by substituting (1.5). We need the second term in the second
sum in (ii) since the sums over “i j” are sums over unordered pairs; there is
no extra summand for “j i.”
• (iii) follows from |x − y| − (x + y) = −2 min{x, y},
• For (iv), in the case ρj ≥ ρi we compute
2(ϕij ρi + ϕji ρj ) = πρi − 2ϕji ρi + 2ϕji ρj
= π min{ρi , ρj } + 2ϕji |ρi − ρj |
≥ π min{ρi , ρj } + 2 min{ϕji , ϕij }|ρi − ρj |,
and analogously for ρi ≥ ρj .
We are dealing with a connected quad graph. Thus if the norm of the vector ρ
gets large, while the sum of the ρi is zero, then also for two i, j ∈ I0 in the same
quadrilateral the difference |ρi − ρj | gets large. Thus by the computation above,
BS(ρ) > 2ε0 |ρi − ρj | gets large. This is sufficient to prove that the strictly convex
function BS(ρ) does have a (unique) minimum — the solution to our problem.
A coherent angle system exists. Finally, we have to verify the existence of a coherent
angle system. We will see here that via some simple network flow theory, this follows
from an expansion property in the “diagonal graph” D(G ∪ G∗ ). After that, we
will prove the expansion property.
Let G be a 3-connected planar graph, G∗ its dual, both of them again drawn
into the plane with dual edges f, f ∗ intersecting “at infinity.” Then the diagonal
graph D = D(G ∪ G∗ ) has the same vertex set as G ∪ G∗ . Its edges correspond to
the diagonals in the quad graph given by G ∪ G∗ .
Equivalently, the diagonal graph D has black vertices corresponding to the
vertices of G, and white vertices corresponding to the faces of G. The edges of D
correspond to the vertex–face incidences of G. See Figure 1.16 for an example.
The reduced diagonal graph D = (V  , E  ) is obtained from the diagonal graph
D = (V, E) by removing the two vertices of f , the two vertices of f ∗ , and the four

edges that connect them, but none of the others. So indeed, D does have pending
edges (half-edges) which have lost one of their end-vertices.* See Figure 1.17 for an

Figure 1.16. The diagonal graph D = D(G ∪ G∗ ), given by the fat edges,
where G is the graph of the cube

Figure 1.17. The fat edges in this figure display the reduced diagonal graph
D  = D  (G ∪ G∗ ) in the case where G is the graph of the cube, derived from
Figure 1.16. Note that the fat edges leaving the rectangle are included in D  ,
their vertices at the other end are not. So in this example D  has 10 vertices
and 20 edges, including 6 half-edges with only one end-vertex.

*I am sure you won’t be troubled too much by the fact that this is not a graph in the usual
technical sense, since it does have half-edges with only one end-point.

The diagonal graph D = D(V, E) is a quad graph: All its faces, including the
“unbounded” face (if we draw it in the plane) are quadrilaterals. From this, we get
by double counting that 2|F | = |E| and thus |V | = 2|E| − 4 by Euler’s relation.
The reduced quad graph D = (V  , E  ) has |V  | = |V |− 4 vertices and |E  | = |E|− 4
edges. Hence we get |E  | = 2|V  |: The reduced quad graph has exactly double as
many edges as vertices.
The concept of a coherent angle system has a very nice interpretation in terms
of the restricted diagonal graph: Each vertex vi gets a weight of 2π, and this has
to be distributed to the edges e incident to vi such that
• each edge e incident to vi gets a positive part of the weight 2π of v,
• all of the weight 2π of vi is distributed to its incident edges, and
• the weights assigned to each edge sum to π.
Indeed, in such an assignment any half-edge clearly gets a weight of π from its
only end-vertex, which corresponds to a boundary vertex of the restricted quad
graph; thus the boundary vertex vi distributes a weight of exactly Φi = π to its
other incident edges, that is, to the (diagonals of the) kites it is incident to. The
vertices of D without an incident half-edge correspond to interior vertices vj of the
restricted quad graph, so they have a weight/angle of Φj = 2π to distribute to the
incident edges/kites.

The “weight distribution problem” for the reduced diagonal graph D = (V  , E  )

may also be interpreted as a flow problem (cf. [1]): We have to find a maximal flow,
of weight 2π|V  | = π|E  |, in a two-layer network as depicted in Figure 1.18. It con-
sists of a source node s, then a layer of nodes formed by the vertex set V  of D ,
then a layer of nodes in bijection to the the edge set E  , and then the sink node t.
There are three groups of arcs: The arcs (s, v  ) emanating from the source all have
an upper bound of 2π; the arcs of type (v  , e ), where the edge e is incident to v  ,
get an upper bound of ∞, while the arcs at the sink, (e , t), have an upper bound
of π.
We need a positive flow in this network; to get this, we put a small lower bound
of ε > 0 on each edge of type (v  , e ), and 0 on all other edges. There is a feasible
flow in this network with upper and lower bounds on each edge: For this, let the
flow value be ε on each (v  , e )-arc, and a suitable multiple of ε on the other arcs.
We need a positive flow of value 2π|V  | = π|E  | in this network. There is a
feasible flow, and no flow with a larger value than 2π|V  | can exist due to the cuts
that separate s or t from the rest of the network. Thus we can apply the following
generalization of the Max-Flow Min-Cut Theorem on network flows. (You should
prove this yourself: See Exercise 1.9.)
Theorem 1.4 (Generalized Max-Flow Min-Cut Theorem; cf. [1, Sect. 6.7]).
If an (s, t)-network with lower and upper bounds has a feasible flow, then the value
of a maximal (s, t)-flow is the capacity of a minimal (s, t)-cut.

The capacity of an (s, t)-cut in a network with upper and lower bounds is the
sum on the upper bounds of the forward arcs, minus the sum of the lower bounds
on the backward arcs across the cut. So in our example the cuts [{s}, V  ∪ E  ∪ {t}]
and [{s} ∪ V  ∪ E  , {t}] have capacity 2π|V  | = π|E  |. Could there be a cut of
smaller capacity? Any (s, t)-cut is of the form

[{s} ∪ V1 ∪ E1 , V2 ∪ E2 ∪ {t}]


[0, 2π] [ε, ∞] [0, π]

s t

Figure 1.18. Construction of a coherent angle system from a network flow

problem with lower and upper bounds, which are indicated by intervals
like [0, π].


[0, 2π] [ε, ∞] [0, π]


s t



Figure 1.19. The dashed line indicates the cut [{s} ∪ V1 ∪ E1 , V2 ∪ E2 ∪ {t}]
in our network

for partitions V  = V1 V2 and E  = E1 E2 . Such a cut has finite capacity if
there are no arcs (v  , e ) from V1 to E2 ; compare Figure 1.19. That is, we should
take E1 to include all the edges that are incident to a vertex in V1 .
The capacity of the cut [{s} ∪ V1 ∪ E1 , V2 ∪ E2 ∪ {t}] is
2π|V2 | + π|E1 | − ε|A(V2 , E1 )| = 2π|V  | − 2π|V1 | + π|E1 | − ε|A(V2 , E1 )|,
where |A(V2 , E1 )| denotes the number of arcs from V2 to E1 . For small enough ε,
say ε = 1/|A(V  , E  )|, we have ε|A(V2 , E1 )| < 1. Thus the following “expansion
property” for the diagonal graph implies that all cuts [{s} ∪ V1 ∪ E1 , V2 ∪ E2 ∪ {t}]
have capacity larger than 2π|V  |, except in the two trivial cases given as examples
above, where the capacity is exactly 2π|V  |. Thus the maximal flow, of value 2π|V  |,
exists; it is positive, and yields the coherent angle system.

Expansion in the diagonal graph. It remains to verify the following: Let V1 ⊆ V  be
a set of vertices in the reduced diagonal graph D (G ∪ G∗ ) = (V  , E  ), and assume
that E1 ⊆ E  includes all edges of D that are incident to a vertex in V1 . Then
(1.6) |E1 | ≥ 2|V1 |,
with equality only in the trivial cases V1 = ∅ and V1 = V  .
For this we may assume that the subgraph induced by V1 is connected, because
we can consider its components separately. We may also assume that |V1 | ≥ 2, so
V1 contains both a black and a white vertex.
Now let U be an open subset of the plane (or of S 2 ) whose boundary curves
separate V1 from the h + 1 components of the graph D \ V1 , as illustrated in
Figure 1.20. Topologically, U is an open disk with h ≥ 0 holes.
The diagonal graph yields a cell decomposition of U , consisting of f0 = |V1 |
vertices, f1int interior edges, f1bdy other (half-)edges, q quadrilateral faces, and b1 +
b2 + b3 boundary faces, where bi counts the faces with i vertices in I  . In particular
the total number of edges is f1 = f1int + f1bdy = |E1 |,

Figure 1.20. An example of five vertices in the reduced diagonal graph of

Figure 1.17. The neighborhood U is shaded.
f0 = |V1 | = 5, f1 = |E1 | = 14, f1int = 4, f1bdy = 10, h = 0, q = 0, b1 = 4,
b2 = 4, b3 = 2.

Double counting the edge-face incidences yields

(1.7) 2f1int = 4q + b2 + 2b3 and 2f1bdy = 2b1 + 2b2 + 2b3 .
The Euler characteristic of U is
(1.8) 1 − h = f0 − f1 + q + b1 + b2 + b3 = f0 − f1int + q.
With this we get
|E1 | − 2|V1 | = f1 − 2f0 = (f1int + f1bdy ) − 2(f1int − q + 1 − h)
= f1bdy − f1int + 2q + 2h − 2
= (b1 + b2 + b3 ) − (2q + 12 b2 + b3 ) + 2q + 2h − 2
= 1
2 (2b1 + b2 − 4) + 2h.
To conclude that |E1 | − 2|V1 |
≥ 0, with equality only if V1 = V  , we use h ≥ 0, and
need to verify that 2b1 + b2 ≥ 4 holds, with equality only in the trivial case V1 = V  .

For this we count the vertices v of D \ V1 which are adjacent to V1 , that is, such
that some quad in the full quad-graph D contains both v and a vertex from V1 .
Walking along the boundary curves of U , and exploring the quads that we traverse
that way, we see that there are not more than 2b1 + b2 such vertices v: We find
at most two new vertices in any quad that contains a boundary cell with 1 vertex
in V1 , and at most one new vertex in the quad of a boundary cell with 2 vertices
in V1 . The vertices found during the walk need not be all distinct, and some may
not even lie outside V1 (compare Figure 1.21). Thus we get only an inequality,
2b1 + b2 ≥ #{vertices of D \ V1 adjacent to V1 }.
In the boundary of each “hole” of U we will discover at least one vertex of D \ V1 .
In the outer face during our walk we even discover a cycle of D (see Figure 1.21).
Since D is bipartite, this cycle has even length. In the trivial case of V1 = V  this
is exactly the 4-cycle C  given by D \ D . If V1 = V  , then the vertices we discover
either yield the cycle C  plus additional vertices, or we find a different cycle. But
any cycle other than C  must have at least 6 vertices: Indeed, it is an even cycle,
on which black and white vertices alternate. The black vertices on the cycle either
include both the vertices of f , or with respect to the original graph G they separate
a black vertex in V1 from a vertex of f ; from the 3-connectivity of G we thus get
that the cycle contains at least three black vertices, that is, at least 6 vertices in
total. The same holds for the white vertices, the dual graph G∗ , which is also
3-connected, and the vertices of f ∗ . Thus
#{vertices of D in the boundary of U} ≥ 4,
with equality only if V1 = V  . This completes the proof for the expansion property,
and thus for the existence of a coherent angle system, and of the circle packing.

Figure 1.21. The cycle in the outer face to be discovered during the walk
along the boundary curve of U is drawn with fat edges; it is a 6-cycle. With
respect to G, which is drawn in thin black lines, the three vertices of the 6-cycle
separate a vertex of f from the two black vertices in V1 .

(7), (8). Given a correct rectangular circle pattern, it is easy to reconstruct the
spherical circle pattern (via an inverse stereographic projection). From this, we
obtain the edge-tangent polytope: Its face planes are given by the facet circles (and
its vertices are given by the cone points for which the vertex horizon circles do
indeed appear on the horizon). Thus construction steps (7) and (8) are easy — the
hard part was (6). 
Is this the perfect proof? I think it is really nice, but still one could dream of
a proof that avoids the stereographic projection, and produces the circle packing
directly from some functional on the sphere . . . .

1.1. Show that each 3-polytope has a triangle face, or a simple vertex (a vertex
of degree 3), or both. Even stronger, show that the number of triangle faces
plus the number of simple vertices is at least eight, so there are at least four
triangle faces, or at least four simple vertices.
Hint: Use the Euler equation.
1.2. Prove that each 3-polytope has two faces with the same number of vertices.
Hint: Do not use the Euler equation.
1.3. Prove the Steinitz Lemma 1.1:
– Prove the “upper bound theorem” for dimension 3, that is, that f2 ≤ 2f0 − 4
(you may use Euler’s equation), and derive f0 ≤ 2f2 − 4 by duality.
– Compute the f -vectors of the pyramids over n-gons.
– How does (f0 , f2 ) change if you stack a pyramid onto a triangle 2-face, or if
you truncate a simple vertex?
1.4. If a 3-dimensional polytope has f1 = 23 edges, how many vertices/faces can it
have? Construct an example for each possible pair (f0 , f2 ).
1.5. Alternative homogeneous coordinates for the cone of f -vectors are given by the
“imbalance” σ := ff21−f−6 , where the self-dual term f1 − 6 measures the “size.”

Show that − 13 ≤ σ ≤ + 31 , where σ = ± 13 characterizes simple resp. simplicial

1.6. Characterize the possible (f0 , f2 )-pairs for cubical 3-polytopes, that is, for
all polytopes with quadrilateral 2-faces only. Where are the (f0 , f2 )-pairs of
cubical 3-polytopes in Figure 1.5?
How about 3-polytopes with pentagon faces only? Hexagon faces only?
1.7. Construct quad graphs and the planar circle patterns for
(a) a square pyramid,
(b) a cube/octahedron,
(c) a cube with vertex cut off,
(d) a dodecahedron.
Which of the circle patterns do you get with rational coordinates?
1.8. Show that every 3-dimensional cyclic polytope C3 (n) is a stacked polytope.
(However, Cd (n) is not stacked, for d ≥ 4 and n ≥ d + 2.)
1.9. Describe a computational procedure to construct a coherent angle system: For
this use a scheme to augment flows along undirected paths in the network with
lower and upper bounds (increasing the value along forward arcs, decreasing
the values on backward arcs). Your procedure should also imply a proof for
the Generalized Max-Flow Min-Cut Theorem [1, Thm. 6.10, p. 193].
Shapes of f -Vectors

Let’s look at the f -vectors of d-dimensional convex polytopes P , where the

dimension d is really large. Any such f -vector

f (P ) = (f0 , f1 , f2 , ... ... ... , fd−3 , fd−2 , fd−1 )

= ( #vertices, #edges, #2-faces, . . . , #subridges, #ridges,#facets)

is a long sequence of large numbers, which we may graph just like a continuous
function, and ask for its “shape.” Indeed, we might look at a shape function
ϕ : [0, 1] → Ê that is defined by ϕ(x) := fx(d−1) ; this is defined for any x = d−1 k
that is a multiple of d−1 , and these values are rather dense if d is large. We might
interpolate if we want. But what types of f -vector shape functions ϕ do we get
that way?
Figure 2.1 shows two “naive” views, of the shape of an f -vector, and — equiv-
alently — of the shape of a typical face lattice (displayed as a Hasse diagram, so
the sizes of rank levels are the fi -values).


−1 d
0 d−1

Figure 2.1. A rough, “naive” picture of the shape of the face lattice, and the
f -vector, for a high-dimensional polytope

A very simple observation is that each vertex of a d-polytope has degree at least
d, so double counting yields f1 ≥ d2 f0 > f0 ; dually, we have fd−2 ≥ d2 fd−1 > fd−1 .
So in the first step, the f -sequence increases, in the last step it decreases. Does
this mean that the f -vector “first goes up, then comes down,” that it is unimodal,
with no “dip” in the middle?

2.1. Unimodality Conjectures

Unimodality conjectures and theorems abound in combinatorics [71] [19]: for bino-
mial coefficients, Stirling numbers and their generalizations, matroids and geometric
lattices, etc. . . . The basic unimodality conjecture for convex polytopes was posed at
least twice, by Theodore Motzkin in the late fifties, and by Dominic Welsh in 1972
(see [13]). Apparently it was disproved dramatically by Ludwig Danzer, already
in the early sixties (presented in a lecture in Graz in 1964, according to Jürgen
Eckhoff), but this is “lost mathematics,” no published account exits.
Conjecture 2.1. The f -vectors of convex polytopes are unimodal, that is, for each
d-polytope P there is an = (P ) such that
f0 ≤ f1 ≤ · · · ≤ f ≥ · · · ≥ fd−2 ≥ fd−1 .
The main point of this lecture will be to see that this is dead wrong, even
for simplicial polytopes. Moreover, we want to see this “asymptotically,” without
substantial amounts of computation, without having to list explicit f -vectors.
This asymptotic view is also motivated by the fact that the conjecture fails
only in high dimensions. For example, for simplicial polytopes, it is true up to
d = 19, and fails beyond this dimension. For general polytopes, we will see a
counterexample for d = 8, but none are known for a smaller dimension. The
conjecture holds in full for d ≤ 4 (Exercise 2.2), and also for d = 5, according to
Werner [78].
Since the conjecture is so badly wrong, it might pay off to explicitly state what
remains from it:
Conjecture 2.2 (Björner [13] [15]). The f -vectors of convex polytopes increase
on the first quarter, and they decrease on the last quarter:
f0 < f1 < · · · < f d−1  , f 3(d−1)  > · · · > fd−2 > fd−1 .
4 4

This is trivially true for d ≤ 5. It also is true for simplicial d-polytopes (the f -
vectors of simplicial polytopes indeed increase up to the middle, and they decrease
in the last quarter), but the available proof for this depends on the necessity part
of the g-theorem, so it is quite non-trivial; see [15].
To demonstrate our ignorance on such basic f -vector shape matters, here is a
suspiciously innocuous conjecture. Apparently no one has an idea for a proof, up
to now.
Conjecture 2.3 (Bárány). For any d-polytope, fk ≥ min{f0 , fd−1 }.
Bárány’s conjecture holds for d ≤ 6 [78]. However, not even
fk ≥ 1
10000 min{f0 , fd−1 }
is proven for large dimensions d ! We know so little . . .

2.2. Basic Examples

Let’s compute the f -vector shapes for the most basic high-dimensional polytopes
that we can come up with. For rough estimates, we use a very crude version of
Stirling’s formula,  n n
n! ∼ .

Example 2.4 (The simplex). For the (d − 1)-simplex Δd−1 we have

fk−1 (Δd−1 ) = .

With logarithms taken with base 2, x := kd , and ϕ(x) = fxd−1 , we get

log ϕ(x) = log ∼ −x log x − (1 − x) log(1 − x).
A little bit of analysis shows from this that the f -vector is symmetric, with a sharp
peak in the middle (at x = 12 ), of width ∼ √1d . Figure 2.2 displays a realistic
Of course, this is a well-known property of binomial coefficients, and the strong
limit theorems of probability theory depend on it. (In this context ϕ(x) is known
as the “entropy function.”)

Example 2.5 (Cross polytopes). For the d-dimensional cross polytope Cd∗ =
conv{±e1 , . . . , ±ed } we have

fk (Cd∗ ) = 2k+1 .
Again, approximating crudely and taking logarithms base 2, we get
log ϕ(x) ∼ −x log x − (1 − x) log(1 − x) + x.
The derivative
d 1 1
ϕ(x) ∼ − log x − + log(1 − x) + +1
dx ln 2 ln 2
vanishes at x = 23 : That’s where log ϕ(x) has its maximum, and where ϕ(x) has a
sharp peak (compare Figure 2.2).
Thus the f -vector of a d-dimensional cross polytope, for large d, has a sharp
peak at k = 23 d. By duality, this means that the f -vector of the d-cube peaks at
k = 13 d, for large d.

Example 2.6 (Cyclic polytopes). Let’s look at cyclic polytopes Cd (n) with many
vertices, n  d. For simplicity, we assume that the dimension d is even.
A curve in d has degree d if no d + 1 points on the curve lie on a hyperplane.
The convex hull of any n > d points on such a curve is a cyclic polytope Cd (n).
Gale’s evenness criterion [30] gives a combinatorial description for the facets, which
is easy to visualize (see Figure 2.3): Any d points on a degree d curve span a
hyperplane H. If the d points are supposed to span a facet of the polytope, then
all the other n − d points must lie on the same side of H. Since the curve crosses H
only in these d points, this means that the d points split into d2 adjacent pairs. So,
if we number the points 1, 2, . . . , n along the curve, then the facets of their convex
hull (the cyclic polytope) are given by d2 pairs i, i + 1 mod n. The (k − 1)-faces
are given by the k-subsets of such a d-set: For k ≤ d2 any such subset will do (the
cyclic polytopes are neighborly), while for k > d2 the faces consist of k − d2 pairs,
and d − k singletons. Thus the (k − 1)-faces may be obtained by choosing d2 vertices

fk /107

5 10 15 20 25
fk /10

5 10 15 20 25
fk /1018

5 10 15 20 25

Figure 2.2. The f -vector shapes of the 28-dimensional simplex Δ28 , the cross
∗ , and a cyclic polytope with 80 vertices C (80)
polytope C28 28

ij arbitrarily, and also taking ij + 1 for k − d2 of these (see Figure 2.4). Thus, with
a bit of an over-count, we get
= nk for k ≤ d2 ,
fk−1 (Cd (n))   d 
∼ nd k−2 d for k > d2 .
2 2

Figure 2.3. Sketch for Gale’s evenness criterion.

Figure 2.4. An estimate for the number of facets of Cd (n), for n  d, with d
even: There are d/2 choices for the black points; with high probability, they
are non-adjacent; the 2
pairs can be completed by taking the gray points.

Clearly this peaks at x = 34 : We get the larger entries in the case k > d2 ,
and then the maximum is achieved when k−d/2 is maximal, that is, for k = 34 d.
Figure 2.2 gives a realistic impression of the f -vector shape of a cyclic polytope.
An explicit, exact formula for fk−1 (Cd (n)) is available (Exercise 2.3), but this
doesn’t answer all the questions. In particular, is it really true that the f -vector
is unimodal? As far as I know, the Unimodality Conjecture 2.1 has not been
established in full for the cyclic polytopes. It does hold for small n > d, and
certainly also if n  d is sufficiently large compared to d (with the f -vector peak
at k =  3(d−1)
4 ), but in an intermediate range for n a challenge remains . . .

2.3. Global Constructions

We have seen classes of simplicial d-polytopes whose normalized f -vector functions
ϕ(x) = fx(d−1) peak at x = 12 , at x = 23 , or at x = 34 . By dualization we get
simple polytopes with peaks at x = 13 , and at x = 14 . The “global constructions”
of products and joins now yield examples with peaks in the whole range between
x = 14 and x = 34 . (The product construction is elementary, well-known, and
well-understood, but a review perhaps can’t harm, also in view of our needs for
Lecture 5. Joins are similarly elementary and well-understood, but perhaps not
that well-known.)

Example 2.7 (Products). Let P and Q be polytopes of dimensions d and e. Then

the product
P × Q := {(x, y) : x ∈ P, y ∈ Q}
is a polytope of dimension dim(P × Q) = dim P + dim Q = d + e.
The nonempty faces of P × Q are the products of nonempty faces of P and non-
empty faces of Q: In particular, the vertices of P × Q are of the form “vertex times
vertex,” the edges are of the form “edge times vertex” or “vertex times edge,” and
the facets are “P times facet of Q” or “facet of P times Q.” With the convention
fd (P ) = fe (Q) = 1 this yields the formula

(2.1) fm (P × Q) = fk (P ) f (Q)

for m ≥ 0.
The product construction is dual to the “free sum” construction, P ⊕ Q: For
this let x0 ∈ P ⊂ d and y0 ∈ Q ⊂ e be interior points, and take the convex hull
P ⊕ Q := conv P × {y0 } ∪ {x0 } × Q .
The proper faces of P ⊕ Q (that is, faces other than the polytope itself) arise as
joins of proper faces of P and of Q.
The product and the free sum construction are illustrated in Figure 2.5.


Figure 2.5. Product and free sum, for P = I 2 and Q = I

Since joins come up as faces of free sums, let’s briefly talk about joins.
Example 2.8 (Joins). Let again P and Q be polytopes of dimensions d and e.
Then the join P ∗ Q is obtained by positioning P and Q into skew affine subspaces,
and taking the convex hull. Thus the join is a polytope of dimension dim(P ∗ Q) =
dim P + dim Q + 1 = d + e + 1.
The faces of P ∗ Q are the joins of faces of P and faces of Q: This refers to all
faces, including the empty face and the polytope itself. The corresponding formula,
with f−1 (P ) = f−1 (Q) = 1, is

(2.2) fm (P ∗ Q) = fk (P ) f (Q),

valid for all m, that is, for −1 ≤ m ≤ d + e + 1.


Figure 2.6. Joins I ∗ I and I 2 ∗ I, of an edge with an edge, resp. of a square

with an edge

Joins are illustrated in Figure 2.6. The dual construction to taking joins is the
join construction again.
Product and join are two distinct constructions, and they do yield different
polytopes, of different dimensions (by 1). However, in a birds’ eye view, asymptot-
ically, they do behave quite similarly, and indeed, their effects on f -vector shapes
are almost the same. Namely, the formulas (2.2) and (2.1) describe finite convolu-
tions, and the only difference is whether the entry f−1 = 1 is counted. For large
dimensions, and large f -vectors, this does not make much of a difference, and in
both cases we get a convolution of f -vector shapes. Thus, in particular, if the f -
vectors of P and of Q have sharp peaks, then the product or join will have a peak
as well:
(peak at x) ∗ (peak at y) −→ (peak at d+e d e
x + d+e y).
In particular, for d = e this yields
(peak at x) ∗ (peak at y) −→ (peak at x+y 2 ).
To see this, just compute that if the peak (or, just the largest f -vector entry) for
P1 is at x = kd and for P2 at y = e , then the peak for P1 ∗ P2 will be at
k+ k d  e d e
d+e = d d+e + e d+e = x d+e + y d+e .
This also yields a convolution formula for the f -vector shape of P1 × P2 or P1 ∗ P2 ,
for large dimensions:
ϕ(x) = ϕ1 t d+e ϕ2 (1 − t) d+e
Thus, by just taking products of sums of suitable cyclic polytopes and their duals,
we do get polytopes with f -vector peaks in the whole range between 14 and 34 .

2.4. Local Constructions

Perhaps the simplest local operation that can be applied to a polytope is to “stack
a pyramid onto a simplicial facet.” To perform such a stacking operation geomet-
rically, the new vertex of course has to be chosen carefully (beyond the simplicial
facet, and beneath all other facets, in Grünbaum’s terminology [39, Sect. 5.2]), but

the combinatorial description is easy enough. In particular, we get the following

f -vector equation:
fk (stack P ) = fk (P ) + fk (Δd ) − fk (Δd−1 ).
This is valid for k < d − 1, the rest is “boundary effects” that we may safely ignore.
Furthermore, the usual binomial recursion yields fk (Δd )−fk (Δd−1 ) = fk−1 (Δd−1 ),
and we get
fk (stack P ) = fk (P ) + fk−1 (Δd−1 ).
So, the effect of stacking on the f -vector is to add a bump at x = 12 . The effect
may be negligible if the f -vector of P is large, and has large slopes. However,
any stacking operation destroys a simplicial facet and creates d new ones, so it
can be repeated. We write stackN P for a polytope that is obtained from P by N
subsequent stacking operations. Thus we get
fk (stackN P ) = fk (P ) + N fk−1 (Δd−1 ),
where we may choose N ≥ 0 freely. Thus we are adding a function with peak at 1
to a function whose peak may be, for example, at 23 .
Corollary 2.9 (Danzer 1964). For large enough d and suitable N , the Unimodality
Conjecture 2.1 fails for “N -fold stacked crosspolytopes” stackN Cd∗ .
Indeed, Danzer apparently also derived that the f -vector of a simplicial d-
polytope may have not only one dip (between two peaks), but arbitrarily many
dips and peaks!
Also, dualization yields that a suitable number of vertex truncations applied to
a high-dimensional cube leads to a simple polytope with a non-unimodal f -vector.
However, cross polytopes are not the most effective starting points for non-
unimodal examples: If we use cyclic polytopes, then the peak (at 34 ) is further
away from the peak for a simplex that we can “add” by stacking (at 12 ). Moreover,
in cyclic polytopes we can control the number of vertices in fixed dimension as well,
and thus make the peak at 34 as sharp as we want.
Theorem 2.10 (Björner [13] [15], Lee [47] [12], Eckhoff [24]). The Unimodality
Conjecture 2.1 holds for simplicial d-polytopes of dimensions d ≤ 19, but it fails for
d ≥ 20.
Specifically: Stacking N = 259 · 1011 times onto the cyclic polytope C20 (200),
one obtains a polytope with a dip f11 > f12 < f13 in the f -vector,
f11 = 5049794068451336750

f12 = 5043828885028647000

f13 = 5045792044986529500.
The proof of the first part of Theorem 2.10 utilizes the g-theorem (see Stanley
[69] and Björner [14]), which explicitly describes the f -vectors of the simplicial
polytopes, plus a substantial amount of “binomial coefficient combinatorics.” See
[15] for d ≤ 16; the extension to d ≤ 19, due to Eckhoff, unfortunately is still not
If we leave the realm of simplicial polytopes, then it becomes even easier to
construct polytopes with a non-unimodal f -vector. Then we can try to add the

f -vectors of two polytopes with peaks at 14 and at 34 , say a cyclic polytope and its
dual. And indeed, just as we can glue a pyramid onto a simplicial facet, we can
glue any polytope with a simplicial facet onto another one — after a projective
transformation, if needed [79, p. 274]. The f -vector effect of such a glueing is
f (P #P  ) = f (P ) + f (P  ) − f (Δd−1 );
if the f -vector components of P and of P  are large, then the simplex may be
neglected, and we are essentially just “adding the f -vectors.”
We can even do this with cyclic polytopes: For example, Cd (n) is simplicial; its
dual, Cd (n)∗ is simple (without simplicial facets), but if we cut off (“truncate”) one
of the simple vertices, then a simplicial facet results. Write Cd (n) for the “dual
with a vertex cut off.”
Corollary 2.11 (Eckhoff [24]). The Unimodality Conjecture 2.1 fails for d-poly-
topes of dimensions d ≥ 8. In particular,
f (C8 (25)#C8 (25) ) = (7149, 28800, 46800, 46400, 46400, 46800, 28800, 7149).
This f -vector has a nice “1% dip” in the middle! We don’t know whether the
Unimodality Conjecture 2.1 is true for dimensions d = 6 or 7.

2.1. For d = 3, 4, 5, . . . construct a d-polytope with 12 vertices and 13 facets. How
far do you get?
2.2. Show that f -vectors of 4-polytopes are unimodal.
2.3. Derive an exact formula for fd−1 (Cd (n)), and for fk (Cd (n)), for even n.
2.4. Compute fi (C8 (25)). How bad is the approximation given in Example 2.6?
2.5. Count and describe the 2-faces of a product of a pentagon and a heptagon,
P5 × P7 .
2.6. Compute f ((C10 )10 ), for the product of ten 10-gons. Where is the peak?
2.7. Estimate/compute d and N such that the “N -fold truncated d-cube” has a
non-unimodal f -vector.
2.8. If you stack “too often” onto C20 (200), then unimodality is restored. How
2-Simple 2-Simplicial 4-Polytopes

The boundary complex of a 4-polytope is a 3-dimensional geometric structure.

So, in contrast to the high-dimensional polytopes discussed in the previous lecture,
we can hope to approach 4-polytopes via explicit visualization and geometric con-
structions. Schlegel diagrams are a key tool for this.* Another one, which we will
also depend on in a key moment of this lecture, is dimensional analogy: To describe
a construction of 4-polytopes, we phrase a key step as a statement that it is valid
“for all d ≥ 3,” where the visualization is done for the special case d = 3, while the
most interesting results are obtained for d = 4.
The geometry and combinatorics of polytopes in dimension 4 is much more
interesting, rich, and difficult than in 3 dimensions, because 4-polytopes aren’t
constrained between only two extremes, simple and simplicial. Some of the most
fascinating examples around, such as Schläfli’s 24-cell, are neither simple nor simpli-
cial, but 2-simple 2-simplicial. This property was thought to be rare until recently:
Only a few years ago, exactly 8 such polytopes were known. (Unfortunately, a
claim by Shephard from 1967 did not work out: In [39, p. 82] it had been claimed
that Shephard could produce infinite families, and that each 4-dimensional con-
vex body could be approximated by 2-simple 2-simplicial 4-polytopes, which would
have established a conjecture by David Walkup. Compare [39, p. 96b])
The main goal for this lecture is to describe a simple, explicit, geometric con-
struction that produces rich infinite families of 2-simple 2-simplicial 4-polytopes.
The first infinite families, obtained by Eppstein, Kuperberg & Ziegler in 2001 [26],
relied on rather subtle constructions, via Koebe–Thurston type edge-tangent re-
alizations of 4-polytopes (which exist only in rare cases), and hyperbolic angle
measurements. In contrast to this, the deep vertex truncation construction to be
described here is remarkably simple; it appears in Paffenholz & Ziegler [57], while
special instances (for semi-regular polytopes) can be traced back to Coxeter’s clas-
sic [22, Chap. VIII], who refers to Cesro (1887) for the construction of the 24-cell
by what we here call a “deep vertex truncation” of the regular 4-cube.

*These were apparently introduced by Dr. Victor Schlegel, a highschool (Gymnasium) teacher from
Waren an der Müritz, in his paper [67] from 1883. The plates for the paper include a Schlegel
diagram (“Zellgewebe”) of a 4-cube, as well as two quite insufficient drawings representing the
24-cell. Classical, beautiful drawing may be found in Hilbert & Cohn-Vossen [41, p. 135].


3.1. Examples
Let’s start with examples of well-known 4-polytopes — and for each of those let’s
look at a Schlegel diagram, and record the f -vector
(f0 , f1 , f2 , f3 ) = ( # vertices, # edges, # 2-faces (= ridges), # facets ).
A Schlegel diagram is a way to visualize a 4-polytope in terms of a 3-dimensional
complex. We can’t develop the theory of Schlegel diagrams here (see [39, Sect. 3.3]
and [79, Lect. 5]), but we can offer two interpretations, both in terms of dimensional
• Assume that one face of a 3-polytope is transparent (a “window”), press your
nose to the window, and look inside: Then you will see all the other faces of
the polytope through the window. If you now close one eye (and thus lose the
spatial impression, or depth view), then you will see how the other faces tile the
window; you can see how they fit together, and thus the whole combinatorial
structure of the 3-polytope is projected into a 2-dimensional window. This is
the Schlegel diagram of a 3-polytope.
• Any 3-polytope can be projectively deformed in such a way that looking at it
from a suitable point, you see all faces except for one single face, which is on
the back. What you see is a polytopal complex which has the same shape as
the back face, but this is broken into all the many faces that you see on the
front side. What you see is the 2-dimensional Schlegel diagram of a 3-polytope.
The Schlegel diagram of a 4-polytope, analogously, is a 3-dimensional complex that
represents all the faces of the polytope, except for one facet (the window resp. back
facet). The whole combinatorial structure of the polytope may be read from such
a visualization. Thus, for example, one can tell whether the polytope is simple, or
simplicial, or cubical, etc.
The pictures of Schlegel diagrams as presented in the following are generated au-
tomatically in the polymake system by Gawilow & Joswig [31], with the javaview
back-end by Polthier et al. [58]. They have three limitations: They show only a
2-dimensional projection of an object that you should see rotating, 3-dimensionally,
on a screen; they depict only the edges, so in some examples it is hard to tell/imagine
where the faces and facet-boundaries go; and we don’t have color available here.
Nevertheless, I think they are impressive, and you should be able to “see” in them
what the (boundary complexes of) some 4-polytopes look like.
Example 3.1 (Simplex, cube, and cross polytope). Schlegel diagrams of the 4-
simplex, the 4-cube and the 4-dimensional cross polytope appear in Figure 3.1.
You should read off the f -vectors from this figure: f (Δ4 ) = (5, 10, 10, 5), f (C4 ) =
(16, 32, 24, 8), and f (C4∗ ) = (8, 24, 32, 16).
The simplex and cube are simple, so f1 = 2f0 , while the simplex and cross
polytope are simplical, so f2 = 2f3 .

Example 3.2 (A cubical 4-polytope with the graph of a 5-cube [43]). The con-
P := conv((2Q × Q) ∪ (Q × 2Q)),
for a square such as Q = [−1, 1]2 , yields a 4-polytope whose Schlegel diagram is
displayed in Figure 3.2. This polytope is cubical : All its facets are combinatorially
equivalent to the 3-cube [−1, 1]3.

Figure 3.1. Schlegel diagrams for the 4-dimensional simplex, cube, and cross polytope

The f -vector (32, 80, 72, 24) may be derived from the figure, but indeed it may
also be deduced just from the information that this is a cubical 4-polytope with
the graph of a 5-cube. (The latter yields f0 and f1 , the “cubical” property implies
2f2 = 6f3 by double counting, and then there is the Euler–Poincaré equation [79,
Sect. 8.2], which for 4-polytopes reads f0 − f1 + f2 − f3 = 0. See also Exercise 3.2.)

Example 3.3 (The hypersimplex). The hypersimplexes form a 2-parameter family

Δd−1 (k) of remarkable polytopes; as Robert MacPherson said in his PCMI lectures,
they have by far not received the attention, study, and popularity that they deserve.
They do appear, for example, as Kkd in [39, p.65], as Δk, in [29, Sect. 1.6] (where
apparently the name “hypersimplex” appeared first), in [35], in [34, p. 207], and
in [23]; but also elsewhere they appear under disguise, for example, as the cycle
polytopes of uniform matroids (see e.g. [38]).
The hypersimplex Δd−1 (k) may be defined as the convex hull of all the 0/1-
  of k ones and d − k zeroes. This is a (d − 1)-
vectors of length d that consist
dimensional polytope with kd vertices. In the special case k = 1 and k = d − 1 we
obtain simplices.

Figure 3.2. A cubical 4-polytope with the graph of the 5-cube

What we call the hypersimplex is a 4-dimensional polytope Δ4 (2) that appears

in this family. It may be defined, lying on a hyperplane in 5 , as

x ∈ [0, 1]5 : xi = 2 = conv{ei + ej : 1 ≤ i < j ≤ 5},

or equivalently, after projection to Ê4 by “deleting the last coordinate,” as

x ∈ [0, 1]4 : 1 ≤ xi ≤ 2 = conv {ei : 1 ≤ i ≤ 4} ∪ {ei + ej : 1 ≤ i < j ≤ 4} .

5 first representation is more symmetric: It yields “by inspection” that all
2 = 10 vertices of this polytope are equivalent (under symmetries that permute
the coordinates), but that there are two types of facets, five simplices and five oc-
tahedra, which appear in vertex-disjoint pairs, “opposite to each other,” in parallel
hyperplanes. In particular, all the facets are simplicial, that is, all the 2-faces are
triangles, so the polytope is 2-simplicial.
The second representation has the advantage of being full-dimensional, and it
supplies us with a Schlegel diagram (using an octahedron facet as a “window”), as
displayed in Figure 3.3. In the figure we may see that the (ten, equivalent) vertex
figures are triangular prisms, so they are simple; thus in this 4-polytope, each edge
is in exactly three facets, so the polytope is 2-simple. So we have seen our first
example (other than the 4-simplex) of a 2-simple, 2-simplicial 4-polytope.
From the data given it is easy to compute the f -vector of the hypersimplex: It
is f = (10, 30, 30, 10).

Figure 3.3. A Schlegel diagram of the hypersimplex

3.2. 2-simple 2-simplicial 4-polytopes

Definition 3.4. A 4-polytope P ⊆ 4 is 2-simple 2-simplicial (“2s2s” for short)
if all 2-faces of P , and of P ∗ , are triangles.
The definition given here has the nice feature of being self-dual: Clearly, P is
2s2s if and only if its dual P ∗ is 2s2s. A more explicit version is that a 4-polytope
is 2s2s if and only if
• every 2-face has the minimal number 3 of vertices, and if
• every 1-face (edge) lies in the minimal number 3 of facets.
Still equivalently, this is if and only if
• for every 2-face G the lower interval [∅, G] in the face lattice of P is boolean,
and if
• for every 1-face e the upper interval [e, P ] in the face lattice of P is boolean.
Thus the 2s2s property may be pictured in analogy with the properties of being
simple, or being simplicial. For this we note that, for example, P is simplicial if
• for every 3-face F (facet) the lower interval [∅, F ] in the face lattice of P is
boolean, and if
• for every 2-face R (ridge) the upper interval [R, P ] in the face lattice of P is
(The first property just says that the facets should be simplices; the second property
is automatically satisfied: Every ridge lies in two facets.) And similarly for simple
4-polytopes — see Figure 3.4.
Of course all this suggests generalizations, to ask for h-simple k-simplicial d-
polytopes, apparently introduced by Grünbaum [39, Sect. 4.5]. For h + k > d these
don’t exist (other than the d-simplex), but also for small h and k they are hard
to construct. Indeed, are there any 5-simple 5-simplicial d-polytopes that are not
simplexes? Not a single example is known. Compare [57] for more information.
Here we will restrict ourselves to the 4-dimensional case of 2s2s polytopes. Let’s

Figure 3.4. Simplicial, simple, and 2s2s 4-polytopes in terms of their face
lattices: The shaded intervals, and all the other intervals between the same
rank levels, must be boolean.

note one interesting property that is specific for the 4-dimensional case, and which
also confirms the impression that 2s2s 4-polytopes form a “diagonal” case.

Lemma 3.5. Every 2s2s 4-polytope has a symmetric f -vector: f0 = f3 , f1 = f2 .

Proof. If P is 2-simplicial, then each 2-face has three edges. Thus the number of
incidences between 2-faces and edges, denoted f12 , is f12 = 3f2 . If it is 2-simple,
then each edge lies in three 2-faces, that is, the number of indicences is f12 = 3f1 .
Combination of the two conditions forces f1 = f2 . With this, Euler’s equation
yields f0 = f3 . 

This proof may be rephrased in terms of the face lattice: For 4-polytopes the
2s2s conditions force the two middle rank levels of the face lattice to form a bipartite
cubic graph — which as any other regular bipartite graph has to have the same
number of vertices on each shore. You should identify this bipartite cubical graph
in the face lattice of the hypersimplex, as displayed in Figure 3.5, and thus verify
the 2s2s property for this face lattice. The symmetry of the f -vector (10, 30, 30, 10)
is explained by Lemma 3.5; nevertheless, the hypersimplex and its face lattice are
not self-dual: There are two types of facets, but only one symmetry class of vertices.
The fact that the dual of any 2s2s 4-polytope is again 2s2s (by definition), and
the symmetry property for the f -vector, might suggest that 2s2s polytopes live in
some sense “between” simple and simplicial. This is not true, as we will see in
the next lecture, when we locate their f -vectors in the cone of all f -vectors of 4-
polytopes. Indeed, the 2s2s polytopes are so interesting because they form a class
of extremal polytopes in terms of the flag vector: A 4-polytope is 2s2s if and only
if the valid inequality

2f03 ≥ (f1 + f2 ) + 2(f0 + f3 )

holds with equality. (Compare Exercise 3.7.)


Figure 3.5. The face lattice of the hypersimplex

3.3. Deep Vertex Truncation

The idea for “deep vertex truncation” is very easy: Cut off all vertices of a polytope
— but don’t just truncate the vertices, but cut them off by “deep cuts,” that is, so
deeply that exactly one point remains from each edge.
All that is said and done about “deep vertex truncation” in the following works
and makes sense for d ≥ 3. Nevertheless, the pictures will primarily represent the
case d = 3, while the most interesting results appear for d = 4.
Definition 3.6 (Deep vertex truncation). Let P be a d-polytope, d ≥ 2.
A deep vertex truncation

DVT(P ) = P ∩ Hv−
v∈V (P )

of P is obtained by cutting off all the vertices v ∈ V (P ) of P (by closed halfspaces

Hv− , one for each vertex v) in such a way that from each edge e of P , exactly one
(relative interior) point pe remains.
Equivalently, a deep vertex truncation is obtained as the convex hull
DVT(P ) = conv pe : e ∈ E(P )
of points pe placed on the edges e ∈ E(P ) of P in such a way that for each vertex
of P , the points pe chosen on the edges adjacent to v lie on a hyperplane Hv .
It is quite obvious that a deep vertex truncation DVT(P ) can be constructed
for each simple polytope P , but we will be particularly interested in the case of
simplicial polytopes: For these it is not so clear that the cutting can be performed
so that all constraints are satisfied simultaneously.
Lemma 3.7. Every 3-polytope has a realization for which deep vertex truncation
can be performed.

Proof. Take an edge-tangent Koebe–Andreev–Thurston representation (according

to Lecture 1). Then pe can be taken as the tangency points, and the cutting
hyperplanes Hv are spanned by the vertex horizon circles. 

Figure 3.6. Deep vertex truncation of a simplex and of a bipyramid yields

an octahedron, and a polytope that is “glued” from two octahedra. (Pictures
from [57])

For d ≥ 3, every deep vertex truncation polytope DVT(P ) has two types of
• deep vertex truncations DVT(F ) of the facets F of P , and
• the vertex figures P ∩ Hv = conv{pe : e  v} of P .
Proposition 3.8 (Paffenholz & Ziegler [57]). If P is a simplicial 4-polytope, then
any deep vertex truncation DVT(P ) is 2-simple and 2-simplicial.
Proof. The two types of facets of DVT(P ) are the octahedra DVT(F ), for the
tetrahedron facets F of P , and the vertex figures of P , which are simplicial. Thus
DVT(P ) 2-simplicial.
Since all edges of P are reduced to points by deep vertex truncation, all the
edges of DVT(P ) are “new,” they arise by deep vertex truncation from the 2-faces
(that is, the ridges) of P . Each such ridge lies in two facets F1 , F2 of P , so the edge
we are looking at lies in two facets DVT(F1 ) and DVT(F2 ) of the first type, and
in one facet of the second type. Thus each edge of DVT(P ) lies in exactly three
facets, that is, DVT(P ) is 2-simple. 
So we have that DVT(P ) is 2s2s for any simplicial 4-polytope P . . . if it exists.
And that’s the problem: In general it is not at all guaranteed that deep vertex
truncation can be performed. One would try to realize cyclic 4-polytopes in such
a way that deep vertex truncations can be performed, but it seems that this is not
possible. Similarly, if a sum Pm ⊕ Pn is realized “the obvious way,” with regular
polygons in orthogonal subspaces, then deep vertex truncation is not possible except
for very special cases (such as m 1
+ n1 ≥ 12 ): It is quite surprising that the sums
of polygons do have a realization such that deep vertex truncation is possible, as
proved by Paffenholz [55]. On the other hand, there does not seem to be a single
example of a simplicial polytope for which it has been proved that deep vertex
truncation is impossible for all realizations.
However, in special cases deep vertex truncation can indeed be performed. In
particular, any regular polytope admits a deep vertex truncation — just take the

edge midpoints for pe . From this we get the following three examples of 2s2s 4-
• Deep vertex truncation of a simplex, DVT(Δ4 ), yields the hypersimplex.
• Deep vertex truncation of the 4-dimensional cross polytope,
C4∗ = conv{±ei : 1 ≤ i ≤ 4} = {x ∈ Ê4 : |x1 | + |x2| + |x3 | + |x4 | ≤ 1},
yields Schläfli’s 24-cell (see Figure 3.7):
DVT(C4∗ ) = conv{± 21 ei ± 12 ej : 1 ≤ i < j ≤ 4}
= {x ∈ Ê4 : |xi | ≤ 1 for 1 ≤ i ≤ 4, |x1 | + |x2 | + |x3| + |x4 | ≤ 1}.
• Deep vertex truncation of the regular 600-cell (which has 600 regular tetra-
hedra as facets) yields a 2s2s 4-polytope with 720 vertices, whose vertex fig-
ures are prisms over regular pentagons; its facets are 600 octahedra, and 120
regular icosahedra. It seems that this remarkable polytope, with f -vector
(720, 3600, 3600, 720), first occured in the literature in 1994, as the dual of
the “dipyramidal 720-cell” constructed by Gévay [36]. See also Exercise 3.2.

Figure 3.7. The 24-cell

3.4. Constructing DVT(Stack(n, 4))

The stacked polytopes form an infinite family of simplicial polytopes which can quite
easily be realized in such a way that deep vertex truncation can be performed.
For this, we denote by Stack(n, d) := stackn (Δd ) any combinatorial type of a
d-polytope, d ≥ 3, which is obtained by n times stacking a pyramid onto a simplex
facet, starting at a d-simplex. This is a simplicial d-polytope with d + 1 + n vertices
and d + 1 + n(d − 1) facets; see Exercise 3.3. Note that the notation “Stack(n, d)”
does not specify a combinatorial type; many different types may be obtained by
stacking onto different sequences of facets (cf. Exercise 3.6).

Theorem 3.9 (Paffenholz & Ziegler [57]). Any combinatorial type of a stacked
d-polytope Stack(n, d) can be realized so that it admits a deep vertex truncation.
Proof. We proceed by induction on n, starting at n = 0, with a d-simplex, and a
deep vertex truncation that takes the convex hull of the edge midpoints.
Assume now that Stack(n, d) has been realized as P ⊂ d such that DVT(P )
can be obtained by a suitable choice of points pe on the edges e ⊂ P . Assume
that Stack(n + 1, d) arises by stacking onto a facet of Stack(n, d) that is realized
by the facet F ⊂ P with vertex set {v1 , . . . , vd }. The “new” vertex w is now
chosen “beyond” the facet DVT(F ) of DVT(P ), and “beneath” all other facets
of DVT(P ). That is, addition of w to DVT(P ) would mean stacking a pyramid
onto the facet DVT(F ) of DVT(P ). In particular, w lies “beyond” the facet F of P ,
and “beneath” all other facets of P , so P  := conv({w} ∪ P ) is a stacked polytope
realizing Stack(n + 1, d), as required.
The facet hyperplanes Hvi of DVT(P ) cut the edges [vi , w] of P  in points pi :
This is since w is beneath Hvi , while vi is cut off by Hvi . Thus we obtain points pi
on the new edges of P  , and the hyperplane Hw := aff{p1 , . . . , pd } may be taken to
cut off the new vertex w of P  . This new truncation plane is determined uniquely
by the d intersection points, because the new vertex w of P  is simple. 
This theorem is valid for all d ≥ 3; in particular, 3D-pictures work. (Figure 3.8
is a feeble attempt.) However, the construction produces by far the most interesting
results for d = 4.



Figure 3.8. The induction step in Theorem 3.9, for d = 3. DVT(F ) is drawn shaded.

Corollary 3.10 ([57]). For each n ≥ 0, and for every type of stacked 4-polytope
Stack(n, 4) with f -vector (5 + n, 10 + 4n, 10 + 6n, 5 + 3n), there is a corresponding
2-simple 2-simplicial 4-polytope DVT(Stack(n, 4)), with f -vector
f (DVT(Stack(n, 4))) = (10 + 4n, 30 + 18n, 30 + 18n, 10 + 4n).
In particular, this yields infinitely many combinatorial types of 2-simple 2-
simplicial 4-polytopes. Moreover, with a bit of care the proof of Theorem 3.9 yields
these polytopes with rational vertex coordinates. See [54] for explicit examples of
such coordinates.
Corollary 3.11 ([57]). The number of combinatorial types of 2-simple 2-simplicial
4-polytopes with 10 + 4n vertices grows exponentially in n.

See Paffenholz & Werner [56] for further constructions of 2-simple 2-simplicial
4-polytopes with interesting f -vectors. In particular, they describe the “smallest”
example of such a polytope (other than the simplex), which has only 9 vertices.

3.1. Show that any simple or simplicial d-polytope with f0 = fd−1 must be a
simplex, or 2-dimensional.
3.2. Compute the full f -vectors, as well as the number f03 of vertex-facet incidences,
for the following 4-polytopes, based only on the information given here:
(a) The 24-cell: a 2s2s polytope whose facets are 24 octahedra;
(b) The 600-cell: a simple polytope whose facets are 120 dodecahedra;
(c) The 720-cell: a 2s2s 4-polytope whose facets are 720 bipyramids over pen-
(d) A neighborly cubical polytope NCPn4 , a cubical polytope with the graph
of the n-cube (n ≥ 4).
3.3. Compute the full f -vectors of the stacked d-polytopes Stack(n, d).
3.4. Show that if a 4-polytope P is not simplicial, then DVT(P ) cannot be 2-
3.5. Find coordinates for DVT(Stack(1, 4)). Check them with polymake.
(This is Braden’s “glued hypersimplex” [18].)
3.6. Show that there are exponentially many distinct combinatorial types of stacked
d-polytopes with d + 1 + n vertices, for any d ≥ 3. Derive that there are
exponentially many types of 2-simple 2-simplicial 4-polytopes with the same
f -vector.
3.7. Show that f13 = f03 + 2f2 − 2f3 , and dually f02 = f03 + 2f1 − 2f0 , holds for
the flag vector of each 4-polytope.
(Hint: Sum the Euler equations for the facets, which are 3-polytopes.)
Derive from this that the inequality 2f03 ≥ (f1 + f2 ) + 2(f0 + f3 ) is valid
for all 4-polytopes, and that it is tight exactly for the 2-simple 2-simplicial
3.8. Show that there is no f -vector inequality (not involving f03 ) that characterizes
the 2s2s 4-polytopes.
3.9. If P is a d-dimensional simplicial polytope, and if DVT(P ) exists, is DVT(P )
then 2-simple? 2-simplicial?
f -Vectors of 4-Polytopes

The f -vector of a 4-polytope is a quadruple of integers f (P ) = (f0 , f1 , f2 , f3 ),

but due to the Euler-Poincaré relation the set of all f -vectors of 4-polytopes is a
3-dimensional set: It lies on the “Euler-Poincaré hyperplane” in 4 , given by
f0 − f1 + f2 − f3 = 0.
The task we are facing is to describe the set of all f -vectors,
F4 := {f (P ) = (f0 , f1 , f2 , f3 ) ∈ Z4 : P a convex 4-polytope}.
Here “describe” may mean a number of different things: Probably one should not
hope for a complete description (as Steinitz got for the 3-dimensional case), since
the set of f -vectors is way more complicated in the 4-dimensional case.
Indeed, F4 is not the set of all integral points in a polyhedral cone, or even in a
convex set. This may be seen from the characterizations of the projections of F4 to
the coordinate 2-planes in 4 , by Grünbaum, Barnette, and Reay [39, Sect. 10.4]
[8] [10], which show non-convexities and holes (see Figure 4.1). Or you just note
that some
f0  of the rather basic, tight inequalities, such as the upper bound inequality
f1 ≤ 2 , are concave. For example,
f (C4 (5)) = (5, 10, 10, 5),
f (C4 (7)) = (7, 21, 28, 14),
f (C4 (9)) = (9, 36, 54, 27).
The midpoint of the segment between f (C4 (5)) and f (C4 (9)) is the integral point
(7, 23, 32, 16): It violates the upper bound inequality,
  and indeed a 4-polytope with
7 vertices cannot contain more than the 21 = 72 = f1 (C4 (7)) edges. (See also
Bayer [11], Höppner & Ziegler [42].)
In the following, we will head for a complete description of the f -vector cone
for 4-polytopes, cone(F4 ). This seems to be a challenging but realistic goal. Once
that is achieved (the “2006 project”), a logical next goal might be a description of
the “large” f -vectors, that is, of
{f (P ) = (f0 , f1 , f2 , f3 ) ∈ Z4 : P a convex 4-polytope, f0 + f3 ≥ M }

for some large M . But let’s not get too ambitious too fast.

f0 (f0 − 3)
f3 ≤
f3 neighborly
15 polytopes)
6 f3 (f3 − 3)
5 f0 ≤
dual-to-neighborly polytopes)

5 6 7 8 9 10 1112131415

Figure 4.1. The (f0 , f3 )-pairs of convex 4-polytopes, according to Grünbaum

[39, Sect. 10.4])

4.1. The f -Vector Cone

Definition 4.1 (f -vector cone). The f -vector cone of 4-polytopes, cone(F4 ), is
the topological closure of the convex cone with apex f (Δ4 ) = (5, 10, 10, 5) that is
spanned by the f -vectors of 4-polytopes,
f (Δ4 ) + λi f (Pi ) − f (Δ4 ) : P1 , . . . , PN 4-polytopes, λ1 , . . . , λN ≥ 0 .

Equivalently, cone(F4 ) ⊂ 4 is the solution set to all the linear inequalities that
are valid for all f -vectors for 4-polytopes, and that are tight at the f -vector of the
The equivalence between the two versions of the definition rests on basic facts
about closed convex sets, which you should put together yourself (Exercise 4.1).
You are also asked to verify that the cone generated by the f -vectors is not closed,
so we do have to take the topological closure (Exercise 4.2.)
The closed convex cone we are looking at is 3-dimensional, so we may view it
as the cone over a 2-dimensional convex figure, which might be just a pentagon or
hexagon. Instead of looking at a 2-dimensional section (say intersecting by f1 +f2 =
100), we may equivalently introduce homogeneous (“projective”) coordinates, which
are rational linear functions, normalized to yield “ 00 ” at the f -vector of a simplex
(compare Lecture 1). There is no unique best way to do this; we choose
f0 − 5 f3 − 5
ϕ0 := and ϕ3 :=
f1 + f2 − 20 f1 + f2 − 20
as our homogeneous coordinates. (Figure 4.2 illustrates the geometry of such a
rational function on a cone.) So we are trying to describe proj(F4 ) ⊂ 2 , the Ê
closure of
conv{(ϕ0 (P ), ϕ3 (P )) ∈ 2 : P a convex 4-polytope}.

ϕ0 = 1 ϕ0 = 2
ϕ0 = 0 ϕ0 = 3

Figure 4.2. The function ϕ0 is constant on certain planes that contain the
apex of the cone. It is not defined on the line  where all those planes intersect.
(In terms of (f0 , f1 , f2 )-coordinates,  is defined by f0 = 5 and f1 + f2 = 20.)

Any 4-polytope yields a (rational) point in the (ϕ0 , ϕ3 )-plane. Any valid linear
inequality, tight at the 4-simplex, translates into a linear inequality in ϕ0 and ϕ3 .
So let’s look at some families of polytopes and of linear inequalities that we know,
and let’s see what they buy us.
Some 4-polytopes we know:
Stacked: (5 + n, 10 + 4n, 10 + 6n, 5 + 3n) −→ 1
( 10 3
, 10 )
Truncated: (5 + 3n, 10 + 6n, 10 + 4n, 5 + n) −→ 3
( 10 , 101
Cyclic: (n, n(n−1)
2 , n(n − 3), n(n−3)
2 ) −→ 1
(0, 3 )
Dual-to-cyclic: ( 2 , n(n − 3), n(n−1)
2 , n) −→ ( 13 , 0).
The truncated polytopes are the duals of the stacked polytopes, so they are simple.
Similarly, the duals of cyclic polytopes are simple. Thus we find the four points
1 3 3 1
( 10 , 10 ), ( 10 , 10 ), (0, 13 ), and ( 13 , 0), which span a quadrilateral subset of proj(F4 ).
This quadrilateral also represents the f -vectors of simple and of simplicial polytopes
and “everything in between.” (Note that duality interchanges the coordinates ϕ0
and ϕ3 , and thus proj(F4 ) is symmetric with respect to the main diagonal.)
Five linear constraints we know:
“Few Vertices”: f0 ≥ 5 ⇐⇒ ϕ0 ≥ 0,
“Few Facets”: f3 ≥ 5 ⇐⇒ ϕ3 ≥ 0,
“Simple”: f1 ≥ 2f0 ⇐⇒ 3ϕ0 + ϕ3 ≤ 1,
“Simplicial”: f2 ≥ 2f3 ⇐⇒ ϕ0 + 3ϕ3 ≤ 1,
“Lower bound”: 2f1 + 2f2 ≥ 5f0 + 5f3 − 10 ⇐⇒ ϕ0 + ϕ3 ≤ 25 .

The first four inequalities are quite trivial, and we have named them by the poly-
topes that satisfy them with equality, at least asymptotically. The translation
into (ϕ0 , ϕ3 )-inequalities, using the Euler-Poincaré relation, poses no problem.
There is no polytope with ϕ0 = 0, but the condition is satisfied asymptotically
by any family of 4-polytopes with far more vertices than facets. For example, the
products of n-gons, with f (Pn × Pn ) = (n2 , 2n2 , n2 + 2n, 2n), yield (ϕ0 , ϕ3 ) =
( 3n2n+2n−20 +2n−20 ) ∈ proj(F4 ), which in the limit n → ∞ yields ( 3 , 0).
, 3n22n−5 1

The one non-trivial inequality in our table above is the last one, a “Lower
Bound Theorem.” It may be derived quite easily [11] from the inequality f03 ≥
3f0 + 3f3 − 10, which was first established by Stanley [70] in terms of the so-called
toric g-vector (it is the inequality “g2tor (P ) ≥ 0”); a proof via rigidity theory was
later given by Kalai [44].
Figure 4.3 summarizes our discussion up to this point: We are interested
in proj(F4 ), the closure of the set
conv{(ϕ0 (P ), ϕ3 (P )) : P is a 4-polytope, not a simplex } ⊂ Ê2.
This set is contained in the pentagon cut out by the five linear inequalities discussed
above, and it contains the shaded trapezoid, which represents “everything between
simple and simplicial polytopes.” Indeed, simple and simplicial polytopes satisfy
the additional linear inequality ϕ0 + ϕ3 ≥ 13 .
Thus we are left with the following “upper bound problem”:
“Upper Bound Problem”. Are there 4-polytopes with ϕ0 + ϕ3 → 0 ?
The inequality ϕ0 + ϕ3 ≥ 13 is certainly not valid for all (possibly non-simple
non-simplicial) 4-polytopes: Already for the hypersimplex we get (ϕ0 , ϕ3 ) = ( 18 , 18 ).

cyclic polytopes
ϕ3 ϕ0 + 3ϕ3 ≤ 1
simplicial polytopes
stacked polytopes

ϕ0 + ϕ3 ≤ 2
truncation polytopes
3ϕ0 + ϕ3 ≤ 1
1 simple polytopes

dual-to-cyclic polytopes

1 1 3 1 2
10 5 10 3 5 ϕ0

Figure 4.3. Projective representation of the f -vectors of 4-polytopes, in the

(ϕ0 , ϕ3 )-plane. The convex set proj(F4 ) is contained in the bold pentagon; it
contains the shaded trapezoid.

However, currently it is not clear how small ϕ0 + ϕ3 can be for convex polytopes.
Thus the Upper Bound Problem is the key remaining problem in the description of
the f -cone for 4-polytopes.
(!) If the answer is YES to the problem as posed above, then the five inequalities
above constitute a complete linear description of cone(F4 ).
(!) If the answer is NO, then this is also exciting, since it means that the answers
for cellular spheres and for convex polytopes are distinct! Indeed, cellular
3-spheres with arbitrarily small ϕ0 + ϕ3 have been constructed by Eppstein,
Kuperberg & Ziegler [26]; see our discussion in Section 4.3.

4.2. Fatness and the Upper Bound Problem

We prefer to rephrase the Upper Bound Problem in terms of a somewhat more
graphic quantity, which we call “fatness.”

few facets
many ridges
many edges
few vertices

f0 f3
f1 f2

Figure 4.4. Fatness for a 4-polytope face lattice, and for an f -vector

Definition 4.2 (Fatness). The fatness of a 4-polytope is the quotient

1 f1 + f2 − 20
F (P ) := = .
ϕ0 + ϕ3 f0 + f3 − 10
The fatness of a 4-polytope is large if both ϕ0 and ϕ3 are small. This happens
if the polytope has relatively few vertices and facets, but many edges and 2-faces.
Thus, graphically, the face lattice and the f -vector are “fat in the middle,” whence
the name (see Figure 4.4).
“Upper Bound Problem”. Can the fatness of a 4-polytope be arbitrarily large?
Here are a few explicit values to start with: For stacked and truncated 4-
polytopes we have F (P ) = 52 exactly. For cyclic polytopes we get F (C4 (n)) → 3
for n → ∞, and the same for the duals — fatness is a self-dual quantity, that
is, any 4-polytope and its dual have the same fatness. Moreover, it is easy to
compute (or to derive from Figure 4.3) that all simple and simplicial polytopes
satisfy 52 ≤ F (P ) < 3.
But how large can fatness be? The attempts to answer this question have led
to a multitude of interesting examples and constructions, and to a fast succession
of record holders for “the fattest examples found so far.” Many of them can be
obtained by deep vertex truncation of simplicial polytopes, so they are 2-simple
and 2-simplicial by Proposition 3.8:

– The hypersimplex, which is the dual of DVT(Δ4 ), has fatness 4.

– Schäfli’s 24-cell [66], DVT(cross polytope), has fatness 4.526.
– Gévay’s 720-cell [36], the dual of DVT(120-cell), has 720 facets that are bipyra-
mids over regular pentagons. It has fatness 5.020.
– Eppstein, Kuperberg & Ziegler [26] used hyperbolic geometry arguments to
achieve a fatness of 5.048 by the “E-construction,” which is dual to deep ver-
tex truncation.
– Paffenholz [55] has very recently shown that there are realizations for any sum
of an n-gon and m-gon such that the deep vertex truncation DVT(Pm × Pn ) can
be obtained. For m = n → ∞ this yields fatness approaching 6.
However, we’ll go a different route. In the next and final lecture we will present a
construction that generalizes and extends the construction of “neighborly cubical”
4-polytopes of Joswig & Ziegler [43], to achieve fatness arbitrarily close to 9, the
latest record (as far as I know at the time of writing). I would have been happy to
have a “note added in proof” about this . . .

cyclic polytopes
simplicial polytopes
stacked polytopes
cubical F = 2.5
polytopes [43] 1
F =3 truncation polytopes
products 1 F =5 simple polytopes
of polygons 10

F =9
dual-to-cyclic polytopes

1 1 3 1 2
10 5 10 3 5 ϕ0

Figure 4.5. 4-polytopes in the (ϕ0 , ϕ3 )-plane. The shaded hexagon is

spanned by the (ϕ0 , ϕ3 )-pairs of known 4-polytopes.

What do polytopes “of very high fatness” look like? You can verify (via Exer-
cise 4.6) that they have two properties:
(1) The facets have many vertices (on average).
(2) The vertices are in many facets (on average).
Either of these properties are easy to satisfy — just look at the products Pn × Pn
for the first property, and at their duals, the free sums Pn ⊕ Pn , for the second one.
The key question is whether they can simultaneously be satisfied.
Finally, here is a problem on 3-dimensional polytopal tilings that is “essentially”
equivalent to the fatness problem: Consider face-to-face tilings of 3 (cf. [65]) that
satisfy some regularity properties, e.g. one of the following (each implies the next):

– the tiling is triply periodic (that is, there are three linearly independent trans-
lational symmetries),
– there are only finitely many distinct congruence classes of tiles,
– in- and circumradius of the tiles are uniformly bounded.
For such tilings, we may define notions of “average” vertex degrees, face numbers,
etc. The question is whether there is such a tiling where the tiles have lots of
vertices on average, and the vertices are in many tiles on average. Again, either
property is easy to achieve (look at tilings by Schlegel diagrams), but can they be
simultaneously satisfied?

4.3. The Lower Bound Problem

The upper bound problem discussed here has a natural “lower bound” counterpart.
It arises if we don’t restrict ourselves to the geometric model of convex polytopes,
but consider the larger class of cellular spheres that are “regular” in the sense that
their cells have no identifications on the boundary, and that satisfy the “intersection
property” that any two faces should intersect in a single cell (which may be empty).
These are the regular CW spheres [21] whose face poset is a lattice (where the meet
operation corresponds to intersection of faces).
“Lower Bound Problem”. Does ϕ0 + ϕ3 ≤ 2
5 hold for the cellular spheres that
satisfy the intersection property?
This problem seems crucial in terms of the separation of the “geometric” model
of convex polytopes from the “topological” model of cellular spheres/balls.
(!) If the answer to the problem is NO, then this would establish such a separation,
which would be quite remarkable.
(!) If the answer is YES, then this would imply a complete characterization of the
f -vector cone for cellular 3-spheres, by the five linear inequalities given above;
indeed, Eppstein, Kuperberg & Ziegler [26] have constructed cellular spheres
for which fatness is arbitrarily large, that is, ϕ0 + ϕ3 is arbitrarily small.
We will not discuss this here further, but refer to [26] and [80].

4.1. Show that the two definitions of the f -vector cone given in Definition 4.1 are
indeed equivalent.
Hint: You need a separation lemma; see for example Matoušek [48, p. 6].
4.2. Show that the union of the line segments [f (Δ4 ), f (C4 (n))] ⊂ 4 has the whole
ray {(5, 10 + t, 10 + 2t, 5 + t) : t ≥ 0} in its closure. Note that f0 ≥ 5 is a valid
linear inequality, which is tight at f (Δ4 ), but for no other f -vector.
Conclude that the cone with apex f (Δ4 ) spanned by the f -vectors of 4-
polytopes is not closed.
4.3. Compute the fatness and the (ϕ0 , ϕ3 )-pair for the hypersimplex, the 24-cell,
and for DVT(600-cell).
4.4. Compute the fatness of the 2s2s polytopes DVT(Stack(n, 4)), and show that
it lies in the interval [4, 4.5).
Show that for any simplicial 4-polytope P , the fatness of DVT(P ) is smaller
than 6.
Where would the f -vectors of the polytopes DVT(P ) lie in proj(F4 ), as graphed
in Figure 4.5?

4.5. If C4n is a cubical 4-polytope with the graph of an n-cube (see Exercise 3.2),
compute the fatness and the pair (ϕ0 , ϕ3 ).
4.6. Define the complexity of a 4-polytope to be the quotient
f03 − 20
C(P ) := .
f0 + f3 − 10
(a) Show that F (P ) ≤ 2C(P ) − 2, with equality if and only if P is 2-simple
and 2-simplicial.
(b) Show that C(P ) ≤ 2F (P ) − 2, with equality if and only if if all facets of P
are simple, or equivalently, if all vertex figures are simple.
(c) Derive from this that fatness is high if and only if both the average number
of vertices per facet, f03 /f3 , and the average number of facets per vertex,
f03 /f0 , are large.
Projected Products of Polygons

In this lecture we present a construction of very recent vintage, “projected

products of polytopes.” We will not have the ambition to work through all the
technical details for this; these appear in [81], see also [63]; rather, our main objec-
tive is here to identify the structural features of the construction which lead to fat
polytopes, and to outline (possibly “for further use”) some interesting components
that go into the construction. In the following version of the main result, some
concepts that will be explained below are highlighted by quotation marks.
Theorem 5.1 (Ziegler [81]). For each r ≥ 2, and even n ≥ 4, there is a realization
Pnr ⊂ 2r of a product of polygons (Pn )r (a “deformed product of polygons”) such
that the vertices and edges and all the “n-gon 2-faces” of Pnr “survive” the projection
π : 2r → 4 to the last 4 coordinates.
A number of nice tricks go into the construction that proves the theorem — see
below. Before we look into these we want to derive the enumerative consequences:
The f -vector of π(Pnr ) can be derived purely from the information given in the
theorem, not using details about the combinatorics of the resulting polytopes (which
were worked out only recently [62] [63]).

5.1. Products and Deformed Products

We have discussed the construction and main properties of products of polytopes
already in Example 2.7. A key observation is that the non-empty faces of a product
are the products of non-empty faces of the “factors.” Now we specialize to the case
of products of (several) polygons: We consider products of r n-gons — and later
we will be looking at polytopes that just have the combinatorics of such polytopes.
If Pn is an n-gon, then (Pn )r is a simple polytope of dimension 2r. It has
• f0 = nr vertices (of the form “vertex × vertex × . . . . . . . . . × vertex”), and
• f1 = rnr edges (of the form “vertex × . . . × edge × . . . × vertex).
The products of polygons have two different types of 2-faces, “quadrilaterals” and
 that we need to distinguish:
• r2 nr quadrilateral 2-faces (which arise as products of two edges, and vertices
from the other factors), and
• rnr−1 polygon 2-faces (arising as a product of one n-gon factor with vertices
from the other factors).

Thus we get f2 = r2 nr + rnr−1 .
Finally, let’s note that (Pn )r has nr facets, which arise as a product of one edge
(from one of the factors) with n-gons as the other factors.
The “deformed products” of polygons Pnr considered below are combinatorially
equivalent to the “orthogonal products” (Pn )r . Thus, the f -vector count given here
is valid for deformed products as well.

5.2. Computing the f -Vector

It is remarkable that for the proof of the following corollary to Theorem 5.1 we
don’t need detailed combinatorial information about π(Pnr ); it is sufficient to know
that it is a generic projection of a deformed product Pnr , and that all the polygon
2-faces survive the projection. The facets of π(Pnr ) are 3-faces of Pnr that “have
survived the projection,” that is, they are combinatorial cubes and prisms over
Corollary 5.2. π(Pnr ) ⊂ 4 is a 4-polytope with f -vector
n , rnr , 54 rnr − 34 nr + rnr−1 , 14 rnr − 12 nr + rnr−1
= 0 + 4r , 4, 5 − 3r + n4 , 1 − 2r + n4 · 14 rnr .
In particular, for n, r → ∞ the fatness of the projected products of polygons π(Pnr )
gets arbitrarily close to 9.
Proof. From the combinatorial information above we see that each vertex, and
each edge, of a product of polygons (Pn )r is contained in a polygon 2-face: So if all
the polygon 2-faces survive the projection, then in particular all vertices and edges
do. Thus, for (f0 , f1 , f2 , f3 ) := f (π(Pnr )) we get f0 = nr , and f1 = rnr .
Furthermore, we know that π(Pnr ) has p := rnr−1 polygon 2-faces (and a yet
unknown number of quadrilaterals). Moreover, the facets of π(Pnr ) are prisms over
polygons, and cubes. Each prism has two polygon faces (and n quadrilateral faces),
while each cube has 6 quadrilateral 2-faces, but no polygon faces. So, each polygon
(ridge!) lies in two prism facets, and each prism facet contains two polygons: Double
counting yields that there are exactly p = rnr−1 prism facets.
Denote by c the number of cube facets. Then we have
• f3 = c + p (all facets are cubes or prisms),
• 2f2 = 6c + (n + 2)p (double counting the facet-ridge incidences), and
• f2 − f3 = (r − 1)nr (Euler’s equation).
These three linear equations can now be solved for the three unknowns, f2 , f3 ,
and c. 

5.3. Deformed Products

A number of different polytope constructions have been studied in attempts to
produce interesting polytopes. For example, any polytope may be obtained by
projection of a simplex; on the other hand, any projection of an orthogonal cube
is a zonotope, which is a polytope of very special structure (see [79, Lect. 7]).
The projections of orthogonal products of centrally symmetric polygons are still
zonotopes, and the projections of orthogonal products of arbitrary polygons are
only a bit more general. However, it has been noted since the seventies (in the
context of linear programming, trying to construct “bad examples” for the simplex

algorithm; cf. [45] [3]) that some projections of “deformed products” have very
interesting extremal properties. For a very simple example, look at a 3-cube (which
is a product of three 1-polytopes). Any orthogonal cube projected to the plane will
produce a hexagon (at best), while a deformed cube can be projected to the plane
to yield an octagon: All the vertices “survive the projection” (see Figure 5.1).

Figure 5.1. A combinatorial 3-cube, in a deformed realization such that all

eight vertices “survive” the projection to the plane

And indeed, it is not so hard to show that one can realize an n-cube in such a
way that all its vertices “survive the projection” to the plane — this was first proved
by Murty [51] and Goldfarb [37]; in the context of linear programming it yields
exponential examples for the “shadow vertex” pivot rule for linear programming.
Similarly, if you project an orthogonal product of polygons to 4 , you cannot
expect that all the edges survive the projection, but with deformed products, this
is possible (although hard to visualize — proofs are mostly based on linear algebra
criteria rather than on geometric intuition).
Here are linear algebra descriptions of the polytopes we’ll be looking at:
Polygons: If V is any (n × 2)-matrix whose rows are non-zero, (w.l.o.g.) ordered
in cyclic order, and positively span 2 , then for a suitable positive right-hand side
vector b ∈ n the system V x ≤ b describes a convex n-gon Pn ⊂ 2 . Ê
Product of polygons: Given such a V , we immediately get the system
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ V ⎟ ⎜b ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟

⎜ V
0 ⎟

⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜b ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ V ⎟x ≤ ⎜ b ⎟,
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜. ⎟

0 ..

⎜ .. ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ V ⎠ ⎝b ⎠

with a block-diagonal matrix of size rn×2r, which describes the orthogonal product
of polygons (Pn )r ⊂ n .
The combinatorics of the product of polygons is reflected in the facet-vertex
incidences, as follows: Each inequality defines a facet; each of the nr vertices is the
unique solution of a linear system of equations that is obtained by requiring that
from each block, two cyclically adjacent inequalities are tight.

Deformed product of polygons: Our Ansatz is as follows:

⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
⎜ ε ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜V ⎟ ⎜ b1 ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟

0 ⎟

⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ W Vε ⎟ ⎜ b2 ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ U W Vε ⎟ ⎜ b3 ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
(5.1) ⎜ U W ... ⎟x ≤ ⎜ ⎟.
⎜ ⎟ ⎜.⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜.⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜.⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ .. ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ . ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ V ε ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ .. ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ . ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟

0 U W Vε ⎟

⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ε ⎟
U W V ⎠ ⎜ br ⎟
⎝ ⎝ ⎠

If the diagonal V ε -blocks V ε ∈ n×2 satisfy the conditions above, then the blocks
U, W ∈ n×2 below the diagonal blocks can be arbitrary — the right-hand sides can
be adjusted in such a way that we get a deformed product, which is combinatorially
equivalent to a product (Pn )r .
For this, we only have to verify that we get the correct combinatorics: If for each
of the r blocks we choose two cyclically adjacent inequalities and require them to
be tight, then this should yield a linear system of equations with a unique solution,
for which all other inequalities are satisfied, but not tight. It is now easy to prove
(by induction on r) that our system satisfies this — if we just choose the right-
hand sides suitably; in particular, bi := M i−1 b ∈ n works, for large enough M , if
V ε x ≤ b (as above) defines an n-gon.

Example 5.3. To illustrate this in a simple case, let’s consider deformed products
in the low-dimensional case of I × I, a square, where I denotes an interval (a
1-dimensional polytope) such as I = [0, 1].
In this case I can be written as

I = x∈ : Ê −1
x ≤

Consequently, the product I × I may be represented by

⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
−1 0 0
 ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
I ×I = x∈ 2 :⎜ Ê 1
⎝ 0 −1 ⎠
0 ⎟x ≤ ⎜ 1 ⎟ .
⎝ 0 ⎠
0 1 1
Now changing the matrix into
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
−1 0 0
⎜ 1 0 ⎟ ⎜ 1 ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ a −1 ⎠ x ≤ ⎝ 0 ⎠
b 1 1

leaves the first two inequalities (and thus the first I factor) intact, but it changes
the slopes of the other two inequalities — and if you are unlucky (that is, for
a + b > 1) the resulting polytope will not be equivalent to I × I any more. This
situation is depicted in the middle part of Figure 5.2. However, it can be remedied
by increasing right-hand sides: For any given a and b, a suitably large M , namely
M > a + b, in
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
−1 0 0
⎜ 1 0 ⎟ ⎜ 1 ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ a −1 ⎠ x ≤ ⎝ 0 ⎠
b 1 M
will result in a product again (as in the right part of Figure 5.2).

x2 = M − bx1

x2 = 1 M
x2 = 1 − bx1 adjusting
1 right hand
deformation sides
I ×I

1 1 1
x2 = ax1
x2 = 0

Figure 5.2. Construction of a deformation of I × I


5.4. Surviving a Generic Projection

We are looking at generic projections of simple polytopes — that is, the direction
of projection is in general position with respect to all the edges of the polytope to
be projected, and thus a small perturbation of the inequalities of the polytope, and
of the direction of projection, will not change the combinatorics of the projected
It should thus seem plausible that in this setting the following holds (compare
Figure 5.3) for a polytope projection π : P → π(P ):
• The normal vectors to a face G ⊂ P are the positive linear combinations of the
(defining) normal vectors nF to all the facets F ⊃ G that contain G.
• The proper faces of π(P ) are isomorphic copies of the faces of P that survive
the projection.
• A face G ⊂ P survives the projection exactly if it has a normal vector that is
orthogonal to the direction of projection.

n2 n2

F2 G F1

Figure 5.3. A vertex G surviving a projection, a normal vector nG orthogonal

to the projection, and the normal vectors n1 and n2 of facets F1 and F2 it can
be combined from

For Theorem 5.1 we have to specify a deformed product realization for (Pn )r of the
type given in Ansatz (5.1), such that all n-gon 2-faces are strictly preserved by the
projection. That is,
• if we choose two cyclically adjacent rows from each block except for one, and
• truncate these rows to the first 2r − 4 coordinates,
then the resulting 2r − 2 vectors must be positively dependent and span.

5.5. Construction
Now we want to specify the lower-triangular block matrix in our Ansatz (5.1) so
that it satisfies the following two main properties:
(1) the diagonal blocks have “rows in cyclic order,” and
(2) any “choice of two cyclically adjacent rows” from all but one of the blocks,
truncated to the first 2r − 4 components, yields a positively-spanning set of
Five observations (you may call them “tricks”) help us to achieve this:
(i) Condition (2) is stable under perturbation. So, we first construct a matrix
that satisfies (2), then perturb it in order to achieve (1).
(The diagonal blocks of the matrix that we construct to satisfy (2) are de-
noted V ; after perturbation, they will be V ε .)

(ii) The submatrices V , W , and U of size n×2 are constructed to have alternating
rows: So if you choose two cyclically adjacent rows from a block, you know
what you get!
Specifically, we will let matrix V have rows that alternate between (1, 0)
and (0, 0), matrix W gets rows (0, 1) and (a, b), and matrix U gets rows (c, d)
and (e, f ), with the six parameters a, b, c, d, e, f to be determined.
(iii) To make sure that you get the positive linear dependence for (2), we specify a
positive coefficient sequence and compute the matrix entries to satisfy them.
(iv) Rather than admitting that from one of the blocks no row is chosen, we will
prescribe coefficient sequences that could have zeroes on any one of the blocks,
which yields linear dependencies for which the vectors from one block are “not
Specifically, we take coefficient sequences of the form αk := (2k−t − 1)2
and βk := (2k−t − 1)(2k−t − 32 ) for the odd resp. even-index rows. These
coefficients are clearly positive for integral k, except they vanish at k = t.
Moreover, they are linear combinations of the three exponential functions
2k−t , 4k−t , and 1. If we write out the condition that “the rows chosen should
be dependent, with coefficients αk (for the even-index row chosen from the
k-th block) and βk (for the odd-index row chosen from the k-th block), then
this leads to a system of six linear equations, in six unknowns a, b, c, d, e, f —
solve it!
(v) The properties “alternating rows” and “rows in cyclic order” are, of course,
incompatible — but a matrix with rows in cyclic order can be obtained as a
perturbation V ε of the matrix V that has rows (1, 0) and (0, 0) in alternation.
Figure 5.4 suggests a way to do this.

This completes our sketch of “how to do it” — it should be sufficient to let you
construct the polytopes Pnr and thus prove Theorem 5.1 (but [81] provides these
details, too.)

Figure 5.4. A configuration of 10 vectors, which positively span the plane,

and which (in cyclic order) alternate between vectors close to (1, 0), and close
to (0, 0)

If you think about this construction, can you perhaps manage to simplify some
of the details, or even to improve the construction? After all, on the way to the
characterization of the f -vector cone for 4-polytopes, this construction of polytopes
of fatness up to 9 should be taken just as an intermediate step. Can you get further?
There is a long way to go from 9 to infinity . . .

5.1. Show that every polytope arises as a projection of a simplex.
5.2. Show that if π : n → d , P → π(P ) is a polytope projection, for an n-
polytope P , and n > d, then the strictly preserved faces have dimension at
most d − 1. In particular, no facet of P is strictly preserved by the projection.
5.3. Give examples of polytope projections where no faces are strictly preserved.
5.4. Realize the prism over an n-gon (n ≥ 3) in such a way that the projection
→ 2 strictly preserves all 2n vertices.
5.5. Show that the product Δ2 × Δ2 of two triangles cannot be realized in such a
way that all 9 vertices are strictly preserved in a projection to 2 .
5.6. How large do we have to choose r and n in order to obtain 4-polytopes of
fatness F (π(Pnr )) > 8?
5.7. Any projection of a (non-deformed) product of centrally symmetric polygons
is a zonotope. For these, one knows that f1 < 3f0 (for such inequalities, for
the dual polytope, see [16, pp. 198/199]). Deduce from this information that
the fatness is smaller than 5.
A Short Introduction to polymake
by Thilo Schröder and Nikolaus Witte

The software project polymake [31] has been developed since 1997 in the Discrete
Geometry group at TU Berlin by Ewgenij Gawrilow and Michael Joswig, with
contributions by several others. It was initially designed to work with convex poly-
topes. Due to its open design the polymake framework can also be used on other
types of objects; the current release includes a second application, topaz, which
treats simplicial complexes.
polymake is designed to run on any Linux or Unix system, including Mac OS X.
It runs in a shell using command line input. This introduction is for polymake
versions 2.0 and 2.1. polymake is free software and you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation.
This introduction aims at getting you to work on the computer rather than
explaining the details about the machinery of polymake. Therefore, there will be
only a short description of the software design, in Section A.2. For further reading
we refer to Gawrilow & Joswig [32] [33]. On the polymake website
you will find extensive online documentation as well as an introductory tutorial.

A.1. Getting Started

For polymake, every polytope is treated as an object (the file storing the data)
with certain properties such as its f -vector, its Hasse diagram, etc. The V- and
H-representation are also regarded as properties, and any one of them may be
used to define the polytope in the first place. If you are only interested in the
combinatorial structure you may also input the vertex-facet incidences. For more
details concerning the polymake file format see Section A.1.3. Once a polytope
is defined in terms of some property, you may ask polymake to compute further
polymake also provides standard constructions for polytopes. You can either
construct polytopes from scratch (e.g. the d-cube) or by applying constructions to
an existing polytope (e.g. the pyramid). In both cases polymake will produce a
new file defining the new polytope.

This section explains the command line syntax of polymake for constructing,
analyzing and visualizing polytopes. The polymake file format is briefly described
at the end of this section.

A.1.1. Constructions of Polytopes

If you want to use one of polymake’s constructions, you have to call a client program
to create the polytope. The clients have appropriate names, e.g. the client producing
the d-cube is called cube. All clients are documented at [31]. If in doubt about the
exact syntax of a client program just type the client’s name, press return and you
will get a usage message.
Clients producing polytopes from scratch
The basic syntax to create a polytope from scratch is the command line
<client> <file> [ <options> ]
For example, to produce a 4-cube type
cube c4.poly 4
Some other clients which produce polytopes you might have heard of are
simplex, cyclic, cross, rand sphere, associahedron, and permutahedron.
Clients producing polytopes from others
To construct a polytope from existing one(s), use
<client> <out_file> <in_file> [ <options> ]
For example, to produce the pyramid over our 4-cube c4.poly type
pyramid c4.pyr.poly c4.poly
Some other constructions to get interesting polytopes are obtained via the clients
bipyramid, prism, minkowski sum, vertex figure, center, truncation, and

A.1.2. Computing Properties and Visualizing

To compute a property of a polytope, just ask polymake using the following syntax
polymake <file> <PROPERTY_1> <PROPERTY_2> ...
The properties are written in capital letters. To compute the numbers of facets and
vertices of the pyramid over the 4-cube constructed above, type
polymake c4.pyr.poly N_FACETS N_VERTICES
Some other useful properties are
The visualizations use the same syntax. For example, to take a look at the graph
of a polytope, just use
polymake my.poly VISUAL_GRAPH
Here are some more visualizations
appendix: a short introduction to polymake 683

A.1.3. File Format

Let’s have a brief look at the polymake file format. If you have a look at the
file c4.pyr.poly, you will find a paragraph for each property. The paragraphs
are headed by the property’s name in capital letters, followed by the data. The
VERTICES and POINTS are represented in homogeneous coordinates, where the first
coordinate is used for homogenization. The inequality a0 + a1 x1 + . . . + ad xd ≥ 0
is encoded as the vector (a0 a1 . . . ad ).
To define a polytope with your own V- or H-description you should create a
file that contains a POINTS or INEQUALITIES section.

1 − x0 − x1 ≥ 0

x1 ≥ 0

x0 ≥ 0

Figure A.1. The triangle Δ and its V- and H-description.

Example. If you want to construct the triangle Δ (cf. Figure A.1) that is given as
Δ := conv{(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0)}
your input file should look as follows (homogeneous coordinates):
1 0 0
1 0 1
1 1 0
If you prefer to enter the same example by the inequality description
Δ := {x ∈ R2 : 1 − x0 − x1 ≥ 0, x0 ≥ 0, x1 ≥ 0},
this should be your polymake file:
1 -1 -1
0 1 0
0 0 1
The difference between POINTS and VERTICES is that the former may contain
redundancies. So you should enter POINTS, but ask for VERTICES. Similarly, one
should enter INEQUALITIES and ask for FACETS.

A.2. The polymake System

The world seen through the eyes of the polymake system consists of objects with
properties. For a given object you may ask for one of its properties and polymake
will compute it. Yet polymake acts only as a framework for the computation,
knowing little about the math involved. The actual computations are delegated to
client programs. The open design, keeping the system and the math independent,
allows for the use of external software as clients. It also makes polymake extremely
flexible with respect to the kind of objects you want to examine. For example the
applications polytope and topaz examine different classes of geometric objects.


request for a polymake

property of server property
an object rule

scratch object

polymake clients object(s) others object

Figure A.2. Main components of the polymake system.

The polymake system consists of the following three components as illustrated

in Figure A.2:

• The polymake server together with the rule base.

• polymake client programs computing properties and new objects.
• External software, such as the cdd [28] convex hull algorithm or the JavaView
[58] visualization package.

The rule base is a collection of rules, each rule containing a set of input and output
properties and an algorithm (that is a client or external software) which computes
the output properties directly from the input properties. If you request a property of
an object, the server has to determine how to compute the requested property from
the ones which are already known. There might not be an algorithm computing the
requested property directly, so other properties might have to be computed first.
Therefore, the server has to compose a sequence of rules (from the rule base) to be
executed in order to compute the requested property.
appendix: a short introduction to polymake 685

Examples and Exercises

A.1. Construct the d-simplex and the d-cube for d = 3, 4, 5. Visualize the face
lattice of the polytope and its Schlegel diagram (see Section 3.1).
A.2. Construct the cyclic polytopes C3 (7) and C4 (8). Visualize and check Gale’s
evenness criterion (see Example 2.6). Alternatively, try constructing C4 (8)
using the client cyclic caratheodory. What is the difference?
A.3. Produce the dual polytopes of the polytopes above. Watch out, they have to
be CENTERED. (Check the documentation [31] for the property CENTERED)
A.4. Construct an octahedron using as many different ways as possible.
A.5. Build the bipyramid over a square, truncate both apexes and polarize. What
does the resulting polytope look like?
A.6. Construct the product of a 5-gon and a 7-gon and visualize it.
A.7. Construct a 4-polytope with the pcmi logo as its Schlegel diagram.

A.8. Use the client rand sphere to create a random polytope by uniformly dis-
tributing 1000 points on the unit 2-sphere, visualize it and compare it to Fig-
ure 1.4. Take a look at its VERTEX DEGREES and cut off a vertex of maximal
A.9. Take a 3-polytope and truncate all its vertices. Is the resulting polytope
always simple?
A.10. Truncate the vertices of the 4-dimensional cross polytope, and let polymake
compute the f -vector, and whether the resulting polytope is simple.
Can you justify the results theoretically?
A.11. For a given planar 3-connected graph G containing a triangular face, produce
a 3-polytope with G as its graph (see Section 1.2). Use the client tutte
A.12. Visualize the Schlegel diagrams of the dwarfed cube that you get by using
different projection facets.
A.13. Visualize the effect of standard constructions (such as truncation, stellar
subdivision) on the Schlegel diagrams of 4-polytopes.

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