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BANG!DiceGame OldSaloon Rules ENG

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Contents When using these dice, the new order of resolution

• 2 Saloon dice (the color is slightly for dice results is as follows:

different from those in the base 1. Indian arrow
game in order to distinguish them 2. Broken arrow
more easily) OLY
ID 3. Bullet
4. Dynamite
o nde o

tre ri i pre indian

usi upe puo po ore.

che , rec .altro Ca cat

ti vita e
vol un tiri del o gio tiri unae
ni e/o ta pun che perder e or
i Se cia che y tak una
Og due
vol dev thre , to.
puo frec un altrvolta ma
dare ow
la da Ogni
più Ogheni ore useti vita, pos you . , ,puoi
you Arre

• 22 Cards:
freccyer. a.

5. A) Bull’s Eye “1” and double Bull’s Eye “1”

anc cat youpun suo nts o più quell eef’s scelt
gio o epiù /or al poi yer
rolldi Chi rapla tua

tu ian tore
h tim liand life dado r pla life e
If youunInd
Eac perre
der two e ilthe
mo regaini usar
o Puotim senzcansei
sostre ituir ).
e ano oramo losedadi
give ER
als Each coneone (tiri ce. Each , you dado
s del
spacst losebase, you pla the
his or more
Puoi those choic
il dado
mu nts
poi m in use out one
of senza
codardor of your sostituire
theYou may die withdie dadi).
playebase (tiri sei
th toiladado
mou a base ).
Loud cing total Ogni the Coward
may usevolta

* 8 Characters
repla six dice Youperdere che devi

B) Bull’s Eye “2” and double Bull’s Eye “2”

punti a
(roll di without
die vita a causa
o six dice total).
solo base die (roll , perdi un punto
Risolvi ogni vita in meno.
dopo il tuo ultimo
Each time
you must
life points lose
Apply results only for
you lose one or ,
after your last roll. life point

6. Beer and double Beer

* 9 special Roles: 1 Sheriff, 7. Gatling and double Gatling
3 Deputies, 3 Outlaws, 2
Rivela questa carta

(This is shown on the new Summary cards.)

Rivela dopo l’ultimo
un altrocarta
tiro di
Quel giocatore a quest dopo l’ultimo
un altro
dadiQuel tiro deve
Quel giocatore ritirare
a carta
giocatoretutti i
dadie eaccettare
gioca unidevenuovi dopo .
Giochi la partita con tre pallottole dadi accettare gioca tuttil’ultim
in più, anziché due. Reveal e accettore ideve tore. i o
nuovi risultati.
Revealthis card after tare anotherritirar
Revea this
last Thatcard i nuov player’s
e tutti
roll.l this player
anotheri risult
re-roll all of i
You play the game with three lastdice
his Thatcard player’s
roll. and player ati.

his dice the
aftermustnew results.
additional bullets instead of two. Rivela questa carta dopo un tiro di dadi. his dice and playe theanoth
accept re-roll
Rivela all
Rivelaquesta carta dopo
Gira questa
un dado una facciaun
su carta a tua
tiro scelta.
di dadi.
accep r must playe of
Giraun t the re-roll r’s
dadosu una dopo
a tua new all Rivela questa carta quando un giocatore
su una tiro scelta.
di dadi. result of Rivela questa carta quando
Reveal this card after anyfaccia
Reveal this card after any tua Turn
scelta. s. stasta
per essere eliminato. Quel giocatore
essere eliminato. un giocatore
one die this
to show
cardthe side ofdice
Turn resta
restainingioco con due punti Quel
e può
one die
die to show after any gioco con due
to show the side ofdice
yourroll. scartare punti
the side choice.
Turn scartaretutte le proprie
tutte le proprie
vita e può
of your frecce.
Revealthis card when any player is about
this card when
totobe any player
eliminated.That player staysisinabout
game with
with two life That
and may
in the
two life points
and may discard
all of his arrows.
all of his arrows.

* 1 special “Ghost Renegade” Role Module 2 - The Arrow of the Indian Chief
At the start of the game, add the Indian
Chief’s Arrow token to the pile of arrow
5 7


* 1 Ghost
Prendi subito una freccia, anche
quella delPrendi Capo indiano. Se prendi
l’ultima freccia,
quella del subito
gli Indianiuna attaccano.
Puoi ritirare il dado.Capo indiano. anche
Puoi freccia, Prengli Se prendi
Scarta subitoritirare una freccia quell di Indiani

tokens. The Indian Chief’s Arrow is

il dado. subit attaccano.
(non la Scarta
freccia del Capo l’ultim a del o una
(non la subito
di un giocatore, incluso
Puoi unateafreccia Capo
frecc frecc
Puoi ritirare
di un il freccia ritira
dado. india ia,
ia, gli
Puoi Scartdel Capo
giocatore, re ilindiano) no. anch
India Se prend e
Perdi subitoritirare (non
un punto aincluso
subit tedado
il lavita. stesso.
. ni attac
Puoi ritirare di undado.
il dado.
Perdi subito frecc o una i
Puoi ritirare Puoiun giocapunto ia del frecc .
Non si ritira! Se neil tiri
dado. tre otore,
ritira vita.
più, Capo ia
smetti Non di tirare e perdi unrepunto
si ritira! il dadoinclu india
Applica Puoi Se
normalmente subitglitiri no)
te stess
smetti di tirareritira ne o altri
dadi. .
ApplicaNon e perdi
re un o più,
punto o.
Il tuo vicinosmet normalme
di destra
si ritira o diil sinistra
dado puntovita.
perde un punto
Il tuo vita. nte gli altri . vita.
Appl ti
vicino ! dadi.

equal to two regular arrows.

perde un ica tirareSe ne
Il giocatore apunto norm
due posti o perdi tiri
di verso
Il tuo vita. dae te, sinistra
tre o
perde alme
/ Il giocatore
destra o perde
sinistra, vicin un puntoun vita. più,
a dueo posti nte punto
/ destra o un di destr gli altri
Tu o unIl altro sinistra,punto da te, verso
giocagiocatore perde guadagnate

* 3 new Summary cards

/ unTu punto un vita.tore
odestr vita. o di
/ un puntoaltro a o giocatore
a due vita.
Se neTu tirio tre o sinis
vita.più, tra,
tutti gli guadagnat
/ Se ne
perdonoun tiri ununpunto
punto altro vita,perde da te, e
e tu scarti
perdono tre o più,
/ tutteSelenetue frecce.
un punto giocatutti gli un punto verso
tutte ledoppi vita,tore altri
Simboli tue
= 2 simboli singoli. e tuguad
scarti vita.
Puoi no tre
assegnare ognio simbolo
più, separatamente. agna
le tueun
Puoi assegnare = 2punto
simboli tutti
Simbo frecc
ogni simbolo singoli.
vita, gli
Puoi li doppi
assegn =
e. e tu altri
are 2 simbo i
ogni li
simbo singol
lo separa

If you have to take an arrow from the pile, you can

• 7 Ghost tokens choose to take the Indian Chief’s Arrow instead of
one regular arrow—even though the Indian Chief’s
• 1 Indian Chief’s Arrow token
Arrow is worth two regular arrows, taking it only
counts for one result!
• Life points: Bullet tokens
(3 × value 1, 1 × value 3) When the Indians attack, the Indian Chief’s Arrow
will make you lose two life points instead of one—
• These rules. unless you have the Indian Chief’s Arrow and
you are the single player with the most arrows
Preparation (not tied for the most): then you don’t lose any life
Old Saloon is an expansion for BANG! The Dice points at all for the Indian attack!
Game, which includes five “modules”. Each Example: Martin rolls an arrow and takes the last
module can be added to the base game on its own token from the pile: the Indians attack! Each player
or combined with the other modules for even more counts their arrows: Martin has 2; Barbara has
excitement! 4, counting the Indian Chief’s Arrow as 2 arrows;
The game follows all of the normal rules from William has 1; and Jack has 3. Barbara has more
BANG! The Dice Game, except for the following arrows than any other player and the Indian Chief’s
changes: Arrow, so she discards all of her arrows and does
not lose any life points!

Module 1 - The Loudmouth and the Coward Module 3 - Special Roles

Place the two new Saloon dice in the middle of the These special roles are chosen at random,
table: the Loudmouth and the Coward . depending on the number of players, with the
Before starting your turn, you may choose to roll one same distribution as the roles in the base game.
of these dice (not both) instead of rolling one of the If you want even more suspense, you can mix the
dice from the base game (“base dice”). You still roll five normal and special roles together by type before
dice in total. randomly picking cards to use, so you won’t know
Rolling a Saloon die is always optional. Once you which and how many special roles are in play!
choose a die, you must use it for your entire turn. You may only use the power of your role once
You may choose different dice each turn. during the game. Reveal your role at the moment
Saloon dice have some new symbols: indicated on the card (except for the Sheriff,
Return one arrow from any player whose role is face up at the start of the game) and
(including yourself) to the central pile. You follow the instructions. Once revealed, role cards
cannot choose the Indian Chief’s Arrow (see are left face up—which means everybody will
Module 2). Apply this result right after any know who you are!
Indian arrow results. You may re-roll the “THE BEAR” – SHERIFF
die (just like the Indian arrow result). You play the game with three additional bullets
instead of two.
You immediately lose one life point. Apply
this result right after any broken arrows.
Reveal this card at the start of your turn. You
You may re-roll the die (just like the Indian
become the new Sheriff, and the old Sheriff
arrow result).
becomes a Deputy.
Double symbols are applied at the same Both players keep their current life points, but
time as the matching single symbol (they exchange their role cards. The new Sheriff does
count as two single symbols). Each result not get any additional bullets—his maximum life
may be applied independently: for points remain the same as his character’s. The
example, you can use the double Beer to old Sheriff loses his extra life point limit, which
let two different players each regain one becomes the same as his character’s, but he does
life point. Remember that you can only not have to discard his extra life points when the
activate the Gatling Gun once per turn. exchange is made.
Reveal this card after any dice roll. Turn one die to Each time you use three or more
show the side of your choice. and/or , you also regain 2 life points.
You may use this power after your own roll or Remember that, for example, counts as two .
another player’s.
Each time another player must lose 1 or
Reveal this card immediately after another player
more life points, you can lose them in
reveals his role. That player’s role has no effect
his place.
and may no longer be used.
You may never choose to lose more life
“THE GAMBLER” – OUTLAW points than you have.
Reveal this card after another player’s last roll.
That player must re-roll all of his dice and accept Module 5 - The Ghost (Only with 5 or more players)
the new results. The first player to be eliminated (unless he’s the
Ignore all results of your last roll. You must also Sheriff) becomes a Ghost.
re-roll any results. As a Ghost, you keep your role face up in front
of you and you may still win if your team wins!
“THE BAD” – OUTLAW If you were a Renegade, take the special “Ghost
Reveal this card when another player is about to gain Renegade” role card and keep it in front of you
life points. That player does not gain those life points. with the appropriate side showing, teaming with
If the life points came from results, you cannot the other players as follows:
re-roll or assign them to someone else!
No. of Players A Renegade Ghost plays as a
Reveal this card at the start of your turn.
Exchange the arrows held by any two players. 5 Outlaw
You may choose yourself.
6 Deputy
7 Outlaw
Reveal this card at the end of your turn.
Immediately take another turn. 8 Deputy
Reveal this card when any player is about to be
eliminated. That player stays in the game with 2 Take the Ghost card and place it so it overlaps
life points and may discard all of his arrows. over your character: Your character loses all of
You may use this card if you are about to be his abilities and you cannot use the ability of
eliminated yourself. your special role card. You also take the seven
Ghost tokens.
Module 4 - A Posse of New Characters
Shuffle the new characters together with the On your turn, you only roll two base dice (you
original ones. Note that some of these characters cannot choose to roll any Saloon dice). You may
only work in combination with other modules. If make two re-rolls as normal. After rolling, choose
you’re not using the other modules, do not include one of the two results and assign it to any other
those characters. player by giving him the matching token. If both
JOSÉ DELGADO (7) dice show the same result, the effect is doubled:
You may use the Loudmouth die without give the player the token also. You cannot
replacing a base die (roll six dice total). assign multiple results if the dice do not match.
If you use the Loudmouth die, you roll 6 dice total;
At the start of his next turn, the player with the
if you use the Coward die, 5. You cannot use the
token must turn one of his base dice to match the
Loudmouth and the Coward dice together.
side indicated by the token (or two dice if he also
TEQUILA JOE (7) has the ). This die is not rolled in his first roll
You may use the Coward die without (so, the player only rolls four dice—three if he has
replacing a base die (roll six dice total). the token), but the result is still evaluated as if
If you use the Coward die, you roll 6 dice total; if he had rolled it. If the player wants to use a Saloon
you use the Loudmouth die, 5. You cannot use the die, he must swap out one of the other base dice.
Loudmouth and the Coward dice together. Starting with his second roll, the die affected by
the Ghost token may be re-rolled (unless it is a
APACHE KID (9) result, which cannot be re-rolled).
If you roll , you may take the Indian
Chief’s Arrow from another player. At the end of the other player’s turn, the tokens go
back to the Ghost.
Apply results only after your last roll. The Ghost is never included when counting places
Your last roll isn’t necessarily the third one, to apply and results.
you may stop earlier, as normal.
Example: Jack is a Ghost Renegade in a 7-player
game, so he’s playing as an Outlaw. He rolls 2 dice
Each time you roll one or more , you
and gets and . He decides to re-roll them both,
may give one of those arrows to a player of
and gets and this time. He keeps the and
your choice.
re-rolls the : another !
VERA CUSTER (7) He gets to give a double arrow to the Sheriff,
Each time you must lose life points for Barbara: he hands her the and tokens. On
or , you lose 1 life point less. her next turn, Barbara must turn 2 of her base dice
For example, if someone hits you with just to the side and rolls only 3 dice. After she takes
one , you don’t lose any life points at all. arrow tokens from her first roll, she could re-roll
Remember that, for example, counts as two . those dice as normal.

Game idea: Michael Palm, Lukas Zach Development: Martino Chiacchiera, Roberto Corbelli, Sergio Roscini BANG!® The Dice Game: Old Saloon
Artworks: Riccardo Pieruccini Colors: Andrea Medri English rules editing: Roberto Corbelli, William Niebling Copyright © MMXVI
Thanks to all the play-testers, to their gaming groups and to all the players, for all the precious suggestions. The designers wish to daVinci Editrice S.r.l.
thank especially Alex, Allen, Andreas, Anke, Babs, Christiano, Daniel, Demian, Dennis, Doris, Jens, Julia, Katrin, Leon, Max, Via C. Bozza, 8
Nick, Nicky, Philipo, Sebastian, Silas, Stefan, Stoffel, Thilini and Ü-Säxle.
I-06073 Corciano (PG) Italy
For questions, comments, or suggestions: Follow us: All rights reserved.

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