Effective date: September 2017 For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
KAPA2G Robust HotStart ReadyMix PCR Kit Technical Data Sheet
Standard PCR Protocol Step 3: Run the PCR
IMPORTANT! The KAPA2G Robust HotStart ReadyMix • Perform PCR with the following cycling protocol:
contains an engineered DNA polymerase and uniquely-
formulated buffer, and requires specialized reaction Step Temperature Duration Cycles
conditions. If these conditions are not adhered to, reaction
Initial denaturation 1
95ºC 3 min 1
failure is likely. Refer to Important Parameters for more
information. Denaturation 95ºC 15 sec
Step 1: Prepare the PCR master mix Annealing2 55–65ºC 15 sec 30–404
• Ensure that all reagents are properly thawed and mixed. Extension3 72ºC 15–60 sec/kb
• Prepare a PCR master mix containing the appropriate Final extension 72ºC 1 min/kb 1
volume of all reaction components common to all or a
subset of reactions to be performed. 1
Initial denaturation for 3 min at 95°C is sufficient for most applications. Use 5 min
at 95°C for GC-rich targets (>70% GC content).
• Calculate the required volumes of each component 2
KAPA2G Robust HotStart ReadyMix is uniquely formulated to allow for use of a
based on the following table: single annealing temperature for a wide range of primer lengths, GC contents and
calculated melting temperatures. Use 60°C as a first approach, and adjust only if
Component 25 µL reaction1 Final conc.
Use 15 sec extension per cycle for targets ≤1 kb, and 30–60 sec/kb for longer
PCR-grade water Up to 25 µL N/A fragments, or to improve yields.
5X KAPA2G Robust 4
The number of cycles required is dependent on the size of the amplicon, and the
12.5 µL 1X
HotStart ReadyMix2 amount of template copies per reaction. A 35-cycle PCR can typically amplify a
high yield of product from 100 copies of template. For crude samples, higher cycle
100% DMSO (optional)3 1.25 µL 5% numbers may be required.
Excess template DNA chelates Mg2+. Either reduce the template concentration
to <100 ng, or increase MgCl2.
Template DNA quantity and
Check template DNA quality. Store and dilute in a buffered solution, not water.
Template may contain inhibitors. Perform dilution series PCR to determine
optimal template concentration.
Some primers anneal more efficiently than others. Increase the primer
Primer concentration concentration, or optimize MgCl2 to improve primer binding.
Store and dilute primers in a buffered solution, not water.
MgCl2 Optimize MgCl2 concentration. AT-rich PCR typically requires more MgCl2.
Nonspecific Use <100 ng of DNA per reaction, or reduce the number of cycles.
amplification or Template DNA
smearing Check template DNA quality.
Excessive annealing and/or extension times will result in nonspecific
amplification, typically of bands larger than the target band. Reduce the
annealing and extension times to a minimum of 10 sec each.
Cycling protocol
If you are using a slow-ramping cycler (<3°C/sec heating/cooling rate), reduce
the denaturation and annealing times to 10 sec each, with 10 sec extension
per cycle.
A sub-optimal annealing temperature will result in nonspecific amplicons
Annealing temperature is too
that are typically smaller than the target band. See Important Parameters:
Annealing Temperature.
High target GC content Supplement reactions with 5% DMSO (amplicons with >65% GC).
Some primers anneal more efficiently than others. Decrease the primer
Primer concentration concentration.
Store and dilute primers in a buffered solution, not water.
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