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Composition Measurement in Ethylene Plants

Introduction at 1,400-1,600°F and are rapidly quenched in

the transfer line exchangers (TLE) that generate
An Ethylene Plant is a process for the produc-
high pressure steam for use in other parts of the
tion of polymer grade ethylene (99.9 vol %). It
plant. The pyrolysis/quench systems are de-
also produces major byproducts such as propyl-
signed to handle the full range of gaseous and
ene (chemical or polymer-grade), a butadiene
liquid feedstocks from the light ethane to heavy
rich C4 stream and C6-C8 aromatics rich pyroly-
sis gasoline. The Ethylene Plant is the major
supplier of feedstock to the polyethylene plants The furnace effluent, after quenching, flows to
for the creation of polyethylene plastics. the gasoline fractionator where the heavy oil
fraction is removed from the gasoline and lighter
The first section of the Ethylene Plant is the Py-
fraction (liquids cracking only).
rolysis Unit (see Fig. 1) that cracks the feedstock
into ethylene. The hydrocarbon feedstock is Final cooling of furnace effluents is accompa-
preheated and cracked in the presence of steam nied by a direct water quench in the quench
in tubular SRT (Short Residence Time) pyrolysis tower.
furnaces. The resultant products exit the furnace
The raw gas from the quench tower is com- 3. Analyses that are required for accounting
pressed in a multistage centrifugal compressor purposes and data logging
to greater than 500 pounds of pressure. Hydro-
Analysis Used for Computer Control
carbons condensed in the first charge compres-
sion stages are returned to the quench tower For the purposes of control, the analyses are
while those condensed in the later stages are divided into two groups as follows:
removed and sent to the depropanizer.
1. Analyses that are required for closed-loop
The compressed gas is then dried and sent to control of product specifications.
the demethanizer. The bottoms go to the 2. Analyses that are required for closed-loop
Deethanizer. control and optimization of criteria other than
product specifications.
Acetylene in the Deethanizer Overhead is hy-
drogenated or, the acetylene can be removed by The above two groups are divided according to
solvent extraction and recovered. The ethyl- relative importance. Certainly, continuous pro-
ene/ethane stream is fractionated and ethane duction of product according to specification is
leaving the bottom of the Ethylene fractionator is an extremely important function.
Analysis of Product Purity
The deethanizer bottoms and stripper bottoms
from the charge compression system are depro- The principle product of an Ethylene Plant de-
manding continual monitoring for product impuri-
panized. The depropanizer bottoms is separated
into mixed C4 and light gasoline streams. Poly- ties are ethylene and sometimes propylene
mer-grade propylene can be produced by further product streams. Product specification analyses
are among the more important of the analyses
purification of the depropranizer overhead. Yield
data for various feedstocks including ethane since off-specification product normally cannot
(fresh feedstock or recycle) are shown below: be sent to the product pipeline and must be dis-
posed of otherwise - usually to a flare system.
Feedstock Ethane Propane Butane Naphtha Therefore, reliable analyzers for measuring
Ethylene, 84.0 45.0 44.4 34.4 product specifications must be provided. Al-
Wt% though product specifications can vary widely
Propylene, 1.4 14.0 17.3 14.4 from plant to plant, they are typically:
Butadiene, 1.4 2.0 3.0 4.9 CH4 + C2H6 < 0.15%
C2H2 < 5 ppm
Aromatics, 0.4 3.5 3.4 14.0 CO2 < 10 ppm
Wt% The sample for these analyzers should be taken
from the Ethylene Product line. The product
The above yield data present typical high-
severity operation to maximize ethylene produc- specification for propylene (if applicable) is typi-
tion. If desired, byproducts may be increased or cally:
decreased by altering cracking conditions. C2H6(MA) + C3H8(PD) < 2.0%
To summarize, an Ethylene Plant consists of Ethylene Product Specification Control
several parallel pyrolysis furnaces followed by a
cracked gas compressor, an acetylene con- To be able to successfully control product purity,
verter, a Demethanizer, a Deethanizer, a C2 it is necessary to be able to measure both the
Splitter, a Depropranizer, a C3 Splitter and a De- methane and the ethane concentration in the
butanizer. Ethylene Product. The methane impurity in the
Ethylene Product is lighter than the light key
The analyses to be made in an Ethylene Plant compound in the C2 Splitter Overhead Stream.
will vary slightly from one plant to another; how- The control point for the methane impurity in the
ever, the analyses can be divided into three ba- Ethylene Product is the Demethanizer Bottoms
sic groups depending upon their intended use. Stream. Specifying the methane-to-ethane ratio
The three groups are: (CH4/C2H6) in the Demethanizer Bottoms Stream
1. Analyses that are used in closed-loop con- will specify the concentration of the methane
trol and optimization relative to ethylene in the C2 Splitter Overhead
and subsequently in the Ethylene Product. A
2. Analyses that are required for monitoring
and alarms
typical full scale range for this analysis ratio on Specifying the ethane/propylene ratio in the
the Demethanizer Bottoms Stream would be Deethanizer Bottoms will specify the concentra-
tion of ethane relative to propylene in the C3
CH4/C2H6 0.0 -> 0.002
Splitter Overhead and eventually the Propylene
The ethane impurity in the Ethylene Product is Product.
the heavy key in the C2 Splitter Overhead
The propane impurity is the heavy key in the
Stream. Once the methane concentration in the
Propylene Product. The control point for the
C2 Splitter overhead is determined from the De-
propane impurity is therefore the C3 Splitter
methanizer Bottoms Stream, the ethane concen-
Overhead. Once the ethane concentration in the
tration in the C2 Splitter Overhead can be ad-
C3 Splitter Overhead is determined, the concen-
justed or controlled to meet the CH4 + C2H6
tration of the propane in the C3 Splitter Over-
specification in the Ethylene Product. A typical
head can be adjusted to give the required C2 +
full scale range for the ethane analysis is
C3 product specification. Typical ranges for
C2H6 0.0 -> 0.2 Vol. % these analysis are:
The acetylene concentration in the Ethylene C2H6/C3H6 0.0 -> 0.02
Product is determined at the effluent of the last C3H8 0.0 -> 2.0 Vol %
stage of the Acetylene Convertors (hydrogena-
In the C3 Splitter, there is sometimes an im-
tion reactors). Therefore, the objective of con-
ported Propane - Propylene (P-P) stream. This
trolling these reactors is to control the acetylene
means, it will be necessary to also analyze this
concentration in the effluent of the last stage of
stream and the Depropanizer Overhead stream
these reactors. The recommended analyses of
to control the ethane in the Propylene Product.
these reactors for control are as follows:
Analysis Used for Additional Control & Op-
Stream Component Range
Reactor Feed C2H2 0.0 -> 5000 ppm
CO 0.0 -> 5000 ppm Additional control and plant optimization func-
Interstage C2H2 0.0 -> 500 ppm tions, requiring reliable on-line composition
CO 0.0 -> 500 ppm analysis, exist in the furnace area and in the
Reactor C2H2 0.0 -> 10 ppm fractionation area. Before specifying the analysis
Effluent to be used for the additional control and optimi-
zation functions, one must first specify the func-
Additionally, the above analyses for Acetylene
tions to be implemented.
Reactors are used for computer optimization; i.e.
minimize the amount of ethylene inadvertently Furnace Control and Optimization
converted to ethane through the hydrogenation
Normally the Cracking Furnace control and op-
process in the reactors.
timization functions that require on-line analysis
Also, some Acetylene Reactors are difficult to are:
operate; i.e. it is easy to have a reactor “run-
1. BTU Firing Rate Control
away”. The above analysis allows supervisory
2. Velocity Control
control of the Acetylene Reactors to prevent this
3. Conversion Control
from happening.
BTU Firing Control: For this control, the Fuel
The analysis of the CO2 concentration in the
Gas is normally analyzed for the following com-
Ethylene Product is not usually tied into a com-
ponents N2, H2, CH4, C2H4 and CO. From the
puter control scheme. Violation of the CO2 speci-
component analysis, the BTU content of the gas
fication signifies CO2 break-through from the
can be calculated and used to control the BTU
caustic wash. This CO2 analysis is used primar-
firing rate.
ily for monitoring and alarm.
Velocity Control (or Residence Time): For this
Propylene Product Specification Control
control, an analysis is made of the cracked gas
Again, successful control of the sum of the two for the purpose of determining the molecular
primary impurities in the Propylene Product re- weight. The sample point for this analysis is lo-
quires control of the concentration of each of the cated on the effluent of the Secondary Transfer
two individual impurities. The ethane impurity is Line Exchanger (TLE). Since speed of analysis
the lighter than light key compound in the Pro- is critical for proper control, each sample point is
pylene Product. Therefore, the control of this monitored by two analyzers. The first analyzer
impurity is the Deethanizer Bottoms Stream. measures only a few compounds to provide the
control system with the information to calculate Additional process streams for possible control
and estimate molecular weight for the velocity in the fractionation area are:
control. The second analyzer provides a slower
1. Deethanizer Overhead
but more complete analysis of the cracked gas.
2. Demethanizer Overhead
The analysis from the second chromatograph is
3. C2 Splitter bottoms
used to trim (or update) the estimated molecular
4. C3 Splitter Bottoms
weight obtained from the first analyzer.
5. Depropanizer Overhead
It is not always practical to have two analyzers 6. Depropanizer Bottoms
on every furnace. What is frequently done is 7. Debutanizer Overhead
have a dedicated analyzer for each furnace to 8. Debutanizer Bottoms
perform the short analysis and to have a couple
The control of the additional sample points are
of chromatographs that are configured to pro-
meant to optimize the recovery of the ethylene
vide the complete analysis for a number of fur-
and the recovery of the propylene, the reduction
naces each. Furthermore, since the data form
of fractionator utility costs and increased
the short analysis is so critical for the proper
throughput where appropriate.
control of the velocity rates, the short analysis
analyzers are typically set up to provide back-up Control of Ethylene Recovery: Ethylene is lost
capability between each other in the event of in the Demethanizer Overhead stream and the
analyzer failure. C2 Splitter Bottoms. Optimizing ethylene recov-
ery involves control of these two streams. The
Conversion Control: Conversion control re-
chromatographic analyses required are the eth-
quires the analysis of the Hydrocarbon Feed to
ylene concentration in the Demethanizer over-
the furnace and the Furnace Effluent or Cracked
head and the ethylene concentration in the C2
Gas Stream. The cracked gas analysis used for
Splitter Bottoms. Typical ranges for these analy-
velocity control is also used to calculate conver-
sis are:
sion. Again, the partial analysis is used to esti-
mate conversion, with the more complete analy- C2H4 (Demethanizer Overhead) 0.0 -> 1.0 Vol. %
sis being used to trim or update the estimated C2H4 (C2 Splitter Bottoms) 0.0 -> 2.0 Vol. %
conversion. Control of Propylene Recovery: Propylene is
Cracked Gas Cracked Gas lost in the C2 Splitter Bottoms (Recycle Ethane)
Mixed Feed Partial Detailed and in the C3 Splitter Bottoms stream. As pro-
Stream Analysis Analysis pylene lost in the C2 Splitter Bottoms is heavier
CH4 C2H4 H2 than the heavy key, the control point for the pro-
C2H4 C2H6 CH4 pylene in the C2 Splitter Bottoms is the Deetha-
C2H6 C3H6 C2H4 nizer Overhead. Control of propylene recovery,
C3H8 C3H8 C2H6 therefore involves control of the Deethanizer
C4+ C3H6 Overhead and the C3 Splitter Bottoms. The
C3H8 analyses required for control of propylene re-
C4’s covery are the propylene to ethane ratio in the
C5+ Deethanizer Overhead stream and the propyl-
Fractionator Control and Optimization ene in the C3 Splitter Bottoms stream. Typical
ranges for these analyses are:
In order to control the process to insure that the
product streams meet specification as discussed C3H6 (C3 Splitter Bottoms) 0.0 -> 5.0 Vol. %
earlier, the analyses of fractionator streams are C3H6/C2H6 (Deethanizer Overhead) 0.0 -> 0.2
C3H6 (C2 Splitter Bottoms) 0.0 -> 2.0 Vol. %
made of the following:
Additional Control of the C3 Splitter: Improved
1. Deethanizer Bottoms
control of this column could be obtained by the
2. Demethanizer Bottoms
analysis of the C3 Splitter Feed Stream. The
3. C2 Splitter Overhead
feeds to this column are the Depropanizer Over-
4. C3 Splitter Overhead
head Stream and Alkyl Import Stream (if appli-
cable). In both streams, the compounds for
analysis are propylene and propane.
Depropanizer Control: Control of the Depro- high limit in acetylene concentration in the efflu-
panizer is limited frequently to the control of the ent of the Acetylene Convertor.
total C4’s in the Depropanizer Overhead. The
Analysis For Accounting Purposes
chromatographic analysis required for this is the
total C4’s in the Depropanizer Overhead stream. Chromatographs are also used to provide the
compositional information needed for accounting
Debutanizer Control: Control of the Debutan-
purposes. Typical streams monitored for ac-
izer tower is to the separation of the C4’s from
counting purposes include:
the C5’s and to keep the C4’s out of the Debutan-
ized Gasoline stream. 1. Cracking Furnace Fresh Feed
2. Demethanizer H2 Rich Tail Gas
All of these chromatographic analyses dis-
3. Demethanizer CH4 Rich Tail Gas
cussed so far were made for the purpose of
4. C4 Content of the Import Alkyl Stream
executing closed-loop control. Even if closed-
5. Import Refinery Gas
loop control is not the objective of the plant,
these analyses should be made to provide the The ethylene rich Import Refinery Gas is intro-
plant operators with the information they need duced into the Cracked Gas Compressor ahead
for proper operation. of the fractionation train.
Analyses for Monitoring and Alarm Overall Benefits of Using Process GC’s
In addition to the benefits listed throughout this
Some chromatographic analyses are for moni-
paper, using process GC’s as part of an overall
toring and alarm purposes only. These analyses
advanced control scheme can lead to very im-
are the acetylene and carbon dioxide in the C2
pressive benefits. These additional benefits in-
Splitter Overhead and the methyl acetylene and
propadiene (MA/PD) in the C3 Splitter Bottoms.
1. Increase the total pounds of ethylene or ole-
Acetylene and carbon dioxide concentration are
fins produced by 5 percent or more when
included in the ethylene production specification.
demand and feed supply are not limited.
When either exceeds product specification, the
product must be flared or otherwise disposed of. 2. Increase yield of ethylene or olefins per
It is necessary to detect off-specification product pound of feed by 2-4 percent when feed
ahead of the C2 Splitter Overhead accumulator supply or product demands are limited.
since this accumulator supplies the ethylene
refrigeration system. By detecting the off- 3. Reduce energy consumption per pound of
product regardless of feed supply and mar-
specification product ahead of the C2 Splitter
Overhead Accumulator, contamination (requiring ket conditions.
additional flaring) of the ethylene refrigeration 4. Achieve smoother operation with continuous
system can be avoided. Conversely, as soon as and automatic coordination of plant-wide
on-specification ethylene is produced, the ethyl- changes.
ene can be delivered immediately as product
minimizing the amount of ethylene flared. 5. Increase process on-stream time by auto-
matically detecting and correcting conditions
The analysis for methyl acetylene and propadi- that could lead to costly shutdowns.
ene in the C3 Splitter Bottoms is a safety meas-
ure. MA/PD tend to accumulate in the C3 Splitter 6. Produce a more consistent quality product
Bottoms. Furthermore, MA/PD tend to explode if that assures customer satisfaction.
their concentrations reach a certain value. The Furthermore, if process analyzers are coupled
analysis of MA/PD provides the information for a with both advanced control and plant-wide opti-
high limit alarm in the C3 Splitter Bottoms. mization schemes, overall plant profitability can
Many of the analyses used for control are also improve an additional 5% above those already
used for alarm purposes. These analyses are (a) given.
high limit on all product specifications and (b)

Table I: Chromatographic Analyses For An Ethylene Plant

Stream Components Analyzed Anal./SS Probe
E/P Mixed Feed C1,C2,C3,C4+ (%) 1/1
Mixed Feed to Furnace C1,C2=,C2,C3,C4+ (%) 1/1
(included recycle streams) P1
Cracked Gas Effluent of Secondary TLE C2=,C2,C3=,C3 (%) 1/1+7
(one analysis per furnace) P1
Cracked Gas Effluent of Secondary TLE H2,C1,C2=,C2,C3=C4’s,C5+ (%) 9/2+7
(one analysis per furnace) P1
Fuel Gas to Furnaces N2,H2,C1,C2=,CO (%) 9/1
Acetylene Hydrogenation Reactor Feed CO, Acetylene (ppm) 5/1
Acetylene Hydrogenation Reactor Inter- CO, Acetylene (ppm) 5/1
stage or BGD P1
Acetylene Hydrogenation Reactor Efflu- Acetylene (ppm) 4/1
ent P1
Demethanizer Bottoms C1/C2= (%) 1/1
Demethanizer Overhead C2= (%) 1/1
Demethanizer H2,N2,C1,C2=,C2,CO (%) 9/1
-Hydrogen Rich Tail Gas P1
Demethanizer H2,N2,C1,C2=,C2CO (%) 9/1
-Methane Rich Tail Gas P1
Demethanizer Bottoms C2/C3= (%) 1/1
Deethanizer Overhead C3=/C2 (ppm) 4/1
Ethylene Tower Bottoms C2=,C3= (%) 1/1
Ethylene Tower Overhead C1,C2 (ppm) 4/1
Ethylene Tower Overhead Acetylene, CO2 (ppm) 5/1
Ethylene Product C1,C2 (ppm) 4/1
Ethylene Product Acetylene, CO2 (ppm) 5/1
Depropanizer Overhead C2,C3=,C3,C4+ (%) 1/1
Propylene Tower C2,C3 (%) 1/1
Propylene Product (99.5%) P1
Propylene Tower Bottoms C3=,C4+,MA, PD (%) 2/1
Import Alkyl C2,C3=,C3,C4+ (%) 2/1
Import Refinery Gas N2,H2,C1,C2=,C2,C3=,C3,C4+ (%) 9/1

Table II: Summary of Analyses Required for Control of Product Specification

Location Analysis Used for Control of Anal./SS
Demethanizer C1/C2= (%) C1 Concentration in Ethylene 1/1
Product P1
C2 Splitter Overhead C2 (%) C2 Concentration in Ethylene 1/1
Product P1
Acetylene Hydrogena- Acetylene (ppm) Acetylene Concentration in Ethyl- 4/1
tion Reactor Feed, ene Product P1
Interstage, and Efflu-
Acetylene Hydrogena- CO (ppm) C2 Concentration in Ethylene 4/1
tion Reactor Feed and Product P1
Deethanizer Bottoms C2/C3= (ppm) C2 Concentration in Propylene 5/1
Product P1
Propylene Tower C3 (%) C3 Concentration in Propylene 1/1
Overhead Product P1

For more information contact:

Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc.
7101 Hollister Road
Houston, TX
Phone: 713-939-7400
Fax: 713-939-9050
7005037-001 07/07

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