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UN726 Air Pump Manual

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KNF provides warranty and non-warranty
repair services for all products.
1. A Return Material Authorization (RMA)
number is required for all product re-
2. To receive an RMA number, submit a
Operating and Maintenance
completed De-contamination Declara-
tion form to
3. The Decontamination Declaration form
can obtained from our website or by
contacting KNF Technical Services:
Laboratory Vacuum Pumps
- 609-890-8600 & Compressors
4. Product return instructions will be pro-
vided when the RMA is issued.
Models: UN726FTP
For Service or Parts, CONTACT:
UN726 .3FTP
Two Black Forest Road
Trenton, New Jersey 08691-1810
Fax: 609-890-8323 · Phone: 609-890-8600



2 Black Forest Rd Register your KNF product
Trenton, NJ 08691-1810 and receive a complimentary gift.
Phone: 609-890-8600
Fax: 609-890-8323

Ident# 211290/211291
Revision (07/15)
211290/211291 (0)
2 UN726/.1.2/.3FTP UN726/.1.2/.3FTP 7

Cutaway View of the Pump Head

This is the safety alert symbol. It is used to alert you to
potential personal injury hazards. Obey all safety mes-
sages that follow this symbol to avoid property damage,
possible injury or death.

FT Series Features
KNF’s N726FTP series of contamination-free diaphragm pumps feature solid
PTFE  heads combined with our exclusive PTFE coated molded diaphragm.
They are capable of pumping highly aggressive gases without attack to the
pump or contamination of the gas stream.
Solid PTFE completely eliminates blistering or peeling of pump components,
assuring the longest duty available for corrosive gas pumping applications.
This pump is available in single-head and our unique twin-head designs fitted
for either table-top use or for OEM applications mounted directly into your
CONTAMINATION-FREE TRANSFER - The diaphragm design uses no coated-
metal wetted parts. This insures a leak-tight seal and prevents contamination
of the pumped medium while at the same time increasing system reliability.
PTFE heads and FFPM valves* are resistant to most corrosive gases & vapors,
reducing periodic maintenance.
EASY MAINTENANCE - With a KNF pump, special tools or training are un-
necessary if cleaning is required. The heads and valves are disassembled and
reassembled in minutes.
*FFPM valves standard. PTFE valves optional - consult factory.
Performance Specifications
Model Max vacuum Max pressure Free-Flow Cap
UN726FTP 50 Torr/28 in. Hg 20 PSIG 17 liters/minute
UN726.1.2FTP 50 Torr/28 in. Hg 20 PSIG 30 liters/minute
UN726.3FTP 10 Torr/29.5 in. Hg N/A 17 liters/minute

1. UN726.3FTP designed for vacuum applications only.
2. Pressure ratings listed are continuous.
3. If your pump’s model number begins with an MPU, PU or PJ, perfor-
mance may vary from that listed above. Contact KNF.
Operating Instructions
The following guidelines should be observed to promote safe and reliable
operation of your KNF pump.
1. KNF units are 100% oil-free. No maintenance at all is necessary for the
bearings. All bearings are sealed and permanently lubricated. Lubrication
should not be attempted. For bearing replacement, call KNF.
2. Be sure that the available electric power matches specifications of the elec-
tric motor listed on the identification plate. Serious damage may occur
to the motor if connected to an improper voltage. All KNF units must be
grounded. In the event of an electrical short circuit, grounding reduces the
risk of electric shock by providing an escape wire for the electric current.
6 UN726/.1.2/.3FTP UN726/.1.2/.3FTP 3

9. Turn the counterweight P until the diaphragm K is in mid-position (flat This product is equipped with a cord having a grounding wire with an ap-
across). Carefully align and seat the bead of the diaphragm K in the groove propriate grounding plug. The plug must be plugged into an outlet that is
of the head spacer ring O. properly installed and grounded in accordance with all local codes and
10. Position the head B and pressure plate C according to your previously ordinances.
drawn markings, then tighten the four socket screws H until the 7 disc 3. The pump should be placed where the surrounding temperature remains
springs R are flattened. Do not overtighten. Turn the counterweight P by between 40°F and 104°F (5°C and 41°C). This is particularly important when
hand to insure that the pump turns freely and then replace the cover N and the unit is installed in a confined space. Do not block the ventilation ports
four screws M. located on the motor housing.
11. Apply a fresh, single layer of Teflon®  tape centered (not overhanging edge) 4. Standard models are designed to start against atmospheric pressure only,
around the threads of each valve body F and G, being sure that it is smooth, not under any vacuum load. Care must be taken to eliminate vacuum load
overlapped and applied in a clockwise direction so it will adhere when the after pump is turned off for any reason.
valve bodies are screwed back into the Teflon®  head. Do not use in excess 5. Use only to pump air or gas, not liquids or particulates. Damage to the pump
or substitute any other type of tape. or loss of performance can occur if liquids or particulates enter the system.
12. Slip a new O-ring S onto the EXHAUST valve body F. Prior to assembly, The life of the pump can be prolonged if the formation of condensate within
make sure that the PTFE  protection ring U is correctly positioned with the the pump is avoided.
taper up and that it is flat on the bottom of the valve cavity. Remove the old 6. Always install the pump in such a location that its external parts are pro-
valve disk T and replace with a new one. Carefully thread the EXHAUST tected from direct or indirect moisture contact.
valve body F into the head B and tighten gently. Do not over tighten. 7. Avoid operating the pump in very dusty conditions. If this cannot be pre-
13. Slip a new O-ring S onto the SUCTION valve body G. Prior to assembly, vented, then install a suction filter. Be sure to inspect and change it fre-
make sure that the PTFE protection ring U is correctly positioned with the quently to avoid excessive pressure build-up on the pressure side.
taper up and that it is flat on the bottom of the valve cavity, and the PTFE 8. Output flow should not be throttled or restricted for any reason. The maxi-
serrated airgate J is positioned on the bottom with the grooves up. Remove mum rated operating pressure is not to be exceeded, particularly if the
the old valve disk T and replace with a new one. Carefully thread the SUC- pump is used as a compressor.
TION valve body G into the head B and tighten gently. Do not over tighten. 9. Be sure that the pump is installed at the highest point within the system to
14. Set the clamping rings E over each valve body and tighten the six socket prevent possible condensate from entering the unit.
screws D securely. 10. Please remove any protective plastic plugs supplied in the intake or pres-
15. Carefully apply three layers of Teflon® tape around the center of each fitting sure ports of your pump prior to applying power to the motor.
(not overhanging edge) and re-install the head connecting tubing and fit-
tings as previously sketched in step 1 above. Do not use in excess or sub-
stitute any other type of tape. Ensure that the compression rings (ferrules)
are correctly positioned under the union nuts before tightening. WARNING
KNF portable pumps are not explosion proof, however, most
Note: Should you need to send a KNF pump to our factory for repairs, please be sure have been evaluated and approved by UL for laboratory use, ac-
to read the instructions in the Limited Warranty section with regard to obtaining an RMA cording to General Requirement UL61010-1. As with all labora-
(Return Materials Authorization) number prior to shipment. tory procedures, safety codes (i.e., NFPA 45, Fire Protection for
Laboratories Using Chemicals) pertaining to proper laboratory
ventilation and solvent handling should be adhered to, especially
when processsing potentially toxic and/or combustible liquids
and vapors.

The following precautions should be taken:

1. Run the pump for a few minutes to warm it up before handling saturated
or nearly saturated vapors.
2. After use, let the pump run for about 2 minutes in air before switching it off,
to purge out droplets of liquid that may have formed on the inside of the
This prevents crystallization and/or absorption of liquids by the pump materials.
4 UN726/.1.2/.3FTP UN726/.1.2/.3FTP 5

Troubleshooting Maintenance Procedures

Your KNF Vacuum Pump should perform to specifications for years if the simple During normal use, the diaphragm and valves are the only part of the pump
operating instructions and precautions are observed. that need to be replaced. Changing them is a simple process when the follow-
If you experience a problem and suspect the pump, try these simple checks ing steps are taken.
prior to calling for assistance. If you run into a problem or have a question regarding the following proce-
1. Check that all system interconnections are gas-tight. dure, please call KNF Application Engineering for assistance.
2. Remove the head assembly as described in “Changing the Diaphragm and
Valves”. Look for any foreign matter; commonly bits of Teflon® tape or par- Note: For twin-head pumps, always change the diaphragm and valve plates in both
ticulates carried into the valve system or crystallized material from previ- heads at the same time. Follow the below procedures for each head.
ously pumped vapors. All of the above must be cleared out and the pump Materials needed:
reassembled with clean parts. Replacement kit(s) 071814, Marking pencil
3. If pitting of the pump parts or tearing of the diaphragm is observed, it is Roll of Teflon® tape (do not substitute other types of tape)
possible that the gas/vapor being pumped is capable of dissolving the PTFE Tools Required:
or FFPM wetted parts of the pump. There are very few materials that will at- 4 mm socket key
tack the pump parts, such as Nitric and Fluorine vapors. Chemical resistance 20 mm open-end wrench
charts should be consulted if you are in doubt. Generally, replacement of 27 mm socket and driver
the diaphragm and valves will restore the pump. 5/8” Deep-socket driver
Slotted-head screwdriver
Spare Parts Kits (per head)
For Head Materials FT Changing the Diaphragm and Valve Disks
Kit Part No: 071814 Consists of:
Qty ID# Description WARNING
1 K Molded Diaphragm
2 T FFPM Valve Disks Shut off all power before proceeding. Unplug pump’s power cord
2 S O-Rings from electrical source.

Note: Above kit is to renew one head only. Two kits are required to renew a twin-head 1. Make a sketch of the position of interconnecting tubes and fittings for ease
pump (.3 or .1.2 models). of reassembly later. Remove them by undoing nuts with the 20 mm wrench
and carefully pulling tubing from fittings.
Individual Spare Parts: (per head) 2. Mark the position of the pressure plate C, PTFE head B and crankcase A
ID# Description relative to each other by drawing a line on the edges with a pencil or other
C Pressure Plate marker to assure proper reassembly.
D Socket Screw (6 per head) 3. Mark the pressure F and the suction G valve bodies as they are unique and
E Clamp Ring (2 per head) must be properly re-installed in their respective holes.
F Exhaust Valve Body 4. Remove the six socket screws D with the 4 mm socket key and remove both
G Suction Valve Body clamp rings E. Unscrew valve bodies F and G using 27 mm socket.
H Large Socket Screw (4 per head) Impotrant: Clean off any residual Teflon® tape from the threads of the valve
J Air Gate (SUCTION valve only) bodies and inside the threaded holes of the head to avoid clogging the
K Molded Diaphragm valves after the system is reassembled. Discard both old O-Rings S.
Q Diaphragm Spacers (See Note 1) 5. Remove the four screws and washers M and housing cover N.
R Spring Washers (7 required per screw) 6. Remove the four socket screws H and lift off the pressure plate C and head
S O-Ring (2 per head) B as an assembly, maintaining their relative position to each other.
T Valve Disk (2 per head) 7. Unscrew the old diaphragm K by turning it counter-clockwise using both
U PTFE Protection Ring (2 per head) hands. Do not use tools. Impotrant: Take care not to lose any of the spacers,
as the exact quantity must be reassembled later for proper operation of the
Notes: pump.
1. Use same quantity as originally supplied 8. Position the same quantity of spacers removed in step 6 above onto the
2. Contact KNF Customer Service for ordering information. threaded stud of the new diaphragm. Carefully screw the new diaphragm
K into the connecting rod L and hand-tighten firmly without using tools.

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