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General Description Features: 2A Step Down DC To DC Converter

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2A Step Down
DC to DC Converter

General Description Features

The MP1410 is a monolithic step down switch 2A Output Current
mode regulator with a built in internal Power 0.22Ω Internal Power MOSFET Switch
MOSFET. It achieves 2A continuous output Stable with Low ESR Output Ceramic
current over a wide input supply range with capacitors
excellent load and line regulation. Up to 95% Efficiency
20µA Shutdown Mode
Current mode operation provides fast transient Fixed 380KHz frequency
response and eases loop stabilization. Thermal Shutdown
Cycle-by-cycle over current protection
Fault condition protection includes cycle-by- Wide 4.75 to 15V operating input range
cycle current limiting and thermal shutdown. In Output Adjustable from 1.22 to 13V
shutdown mode the regulator draws 25µA of Programmable under voltage lockout
supply current. Available in 8 pin SO
Evaluation Board Available
The MP1410 requires a minimum number of
readily available standard external components. Applications
PC Monitors
Ordering Information Distributed Power Systems
Battery Charger
Part Number * Package Temperature Pre-Regulator for Linear Regulators
MP1410ES SOIC8 -20 to +85 °C
MP1410EP PDIP8 -20 to +85 °C
EV0012 Evaluation Board
* For Tape & Reel use suffix - Z (e.g. MP1410ES-Z)

Figure 1: Typical Application Circuit

Efficiency versus Output

Current and Voltage. VIN=10V
4.75 to 15V

Efficiency (%)



0 0 .5 1 1 .5 2

Ou t pu t Cu r r e n t ( A)

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2A Step Down
DC to DC Converter
Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1) Recommended Operating Conditions (Note 2)
Input Voltage (VIN) -0.3V to 16V Input Voltage (VIN) 4.75V to 15V
Switch Voltage (VSW) -1V to VIN +1V Operating Temperature -20°C to +85°C
Boot Strap Voltage (VBS) VSW-0.3V toVSW+6V
All Other Pins -0.3 to 6V
Junction Temperature 150°C Package Thermal Characteristics (Note 3)
Lead Temperature 260°C Thermal Resistance θJA (SOIC8) 105°C/W
Storage Temperature -65°C to 150°C Thermal Resistance θJA (PDIP8) 100°C/W

Electrical Characteristics (Unless otherwise specified refer to Circuit of Figure 1, VEN=5V, VIN=12V, TA=25 C)
Parameters Condition Min Typ Max Units
Feedback Voltage 4.75V ≤ VIN ≤ 15V 1.184 1.222 1.258 V
Upper Switch On Resistance 0.22 Ω
Lower Switch On Resistance 10 Ω
Upper Switch Leakage VEN=0V; VSW=0V 10 µA
Current Limit 2.4 2.95 A
Oscillator Frequency 320 380 440 KHz
Short Circuit Frequency VFB = 0V 42 KHz
Maximum Duty Cycle VFB = 1.0V 90 %
Minimum Duty Cycle VFB = 1.5V 0 %
Enable Threshold 0.7 1.0 1.3 V
Under Voltage Lockout Threshold High Going 2.0 2.5 3.0 V
Under Voltage Lockout Threshold Hysteresis 200 mV
Shutdown Supply current VEN=0V 25 50 µA
Operating Supply current VEN=0V; VFB =1.4V 1.0 1.5 mA
Thermal Shutdown 160 °C
Note 1. Exceeding these ratings may damage the device.
Note 2. The device is not guaranteed to function outside its operating rating.
Note 3. Measured on 1” square of 1 oz. copper FR4 board.

Pin Description

BS 1 8 N/C
IN 2 7 EN

GND 4 5 FB

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2A Step Down
DC to DC Converter
Table 1: Pin Designator
# Name Description
1 BS High-Side Gate Drive Boost Input. BS supplies the drive for the high-side n-channel MOSFET switch.
Connect a 10nF or greater capacitor from SW to BS to power the high-side switch.
2 IN Power Input. IN supplies the power to the IC, as well as the step-down converter switches. Drive IN
with a 4.75V to 15V power source. Bypass IN to GND with a suitably large capacitor to eliminate noise
on the input to the IC. See Input Capacitor.
3 SW Power Switching Output. SW is the switching node that supplies power to the output. Connect the
output LC filter from SW to the output load. Note that a capacitor is required from SW to BS to power
the high-side switch.
4 GND Ground.
5 FB Feedback Input. FB senses the output voltage to regulate that voltage. Drive FB with a resistive
voltage divider from the output voltage. The feedback threshold is 1.22V. See Setting the Output
6 COMP Compensation Node. COMP is used to compensate the regulation control loop. Connect a series RC
network from COMP to GND to compensate the regulation control loop. See Compensation.
7 EN Enable Input. EN is a digital input that turns the regulator on or off. Drive EN high to turn on the
regulator, drive it low to turn it off. For automatic startup, leave EN unconnected.
8 N/C No Connect

Figure 2: Functional Block Diagram

IN 2

Regulators Current
Slope Sense
Compensation Amplifier 1 BS

3 SW

Shutdown Current M2
Comparator Comparator

0.7V 4 GND
EN 7


2.30/2.53V Lockout

Foldback 0.7V 1.22V
Comparator Error Amplifier
5 FB gm= 630uA/Volt


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2A Step Down
DC to DC Converter

Functional Description
The MP1410 is a current-mode step-down
switch-mode regulator. It regulates input The inductor is required to supply constant
voltages from 4.75V to 15V down to an output current to the output load while being driven by
voltage as low as 1.22V, and is able to supply the switched input voltage. A larger value
up to 2A of load current. The MP1410 uses inductor results in less ripple current that in
current-mode control to regulate the output turn results in lower output ripple voltage.
voltage. The output voltage is measured at FB However, the larger value inductor has a larger
through a resistive voltage divider and physical size, higher series resistance, and/or
amplified through the internal error amplifier. lower saturation current. Choose an inductor
The output current of the transconductance that does not saturate under the worst-case
error amplifier is presented at COMP where a load conditions. A good rule for determining
network compensates the regulation control the inductance is to allow the peak-to-peak
system. The voltage at COMP is compared to ripple current in the inductor to be
the switch current measured internally to approximately 30% of the maximum load
control the output voltage. current. Also, make sure that the peak
inductor current (the load current plus half the
The converter uses an internal n-channel peak-to-peak inductor ripple current) is below
MOSFET switch to step down the input voltage the 2.4A minimum current limit. The
to the regulated output voltage. Since the inductance value can be calculated by the
MOSFET requires a gate voltage greater than equation:
the input voltage, a boost capacitor connected L = (VOUT) * (VIN-VOUT) / VIN * f * ∆I
between SW and BS drives the gate. The
capacitor is internally charged while the switch Where VOUT is the output voltage, VIN is the
is off. An internal 10Ω switch from SW to GND input voltage, f is the switching frequency, and
is used to insure that SW is pulled to GND ∆I is the peak-to-peak inductor ripple current.
when the switch is off to fully charge the BS Table 2 lists a number of suitable inductors
capacitor. from various manufacturers.

Application Information Table 2: Inductor Selection Guide

Core Core
The output voltage is set using a resistive Type Material
Dimensions (mm)
voltage divider from the output voltage to FB Vendor/Model W L H
(see Figure 3). The voltage divider divides the
CR25 Open Ferrite 7.0 7.8 5.5
output voltage down by the ratio: CDH74 Open Ferrite 7.3 8.0 5.2
VFB = VOUT * R3 / (R2 + R3) CDRH5D28 Shielded Ferrite 5.5 5.7 5.5
CDRH5D28 Shielded Ferrite 5.5 5.7 5.5
Thus the output voltage is: CDRH6D28 Shielded Ferrite 6.7 6.7 3.0
VOUT = 1.222 * (R2 + R3) / R3 CDRH104R Shielded Ferrite 10.1 10.0 3.0
D53LC Type A Shielded Ferrite 5.0 5.0 3.0
R3 can be as high as 100KΩ, but a typical D75C Shielded Ferrite 7.6 7.6 5.1
value is 10KΩ. Using that value, R2 is D104C Shielded Ferrite 10.0 10.0 4.3
determined by: D10FL Open Ferrite 9.7 11.5 4.0
R2 ~= 8.18 * (VOUT – 1.222) (KΩ) DO3308 Open Ferrite 9.4 13.0 3.0
For example, for a 3.3V output voltage, R3 is DO3316 Open Ferrite 9.4 13.0 5.1
10KΩ, and R2 is 17KΩ.

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2A Step Down
DC to DC Converter
Input Capacitor Where VRIPPLE is the output ripple voltage, VIN
is the input voltage, fLC is the resonant
The input current to the step-down converter is
frequency of the LC filter, fSW is the switching
discontinuous, and therefore an input capacitor
frequency. In the case of tanatalum or low-
C1 is required to supply the AC current to the
ESR electrolytic capacitors, the ESR
step-down converter while maintaining the DC
dominates the impedance at the switching
input voltage. A low ESR capacitor is required
frequency, and so the output ripple is
to keep the noise at the IC to a minimum.
calculated as:
Ceramic capacitors are preferred, but tantalum
or low-ESR electrolytic capacitors may also VRIPPLE ~= ∆I * RESR
suffice. Where VRIPPLE is the output voltage ripple, ∆I is
the inductor ripple current, and RESR is the
The input capacitor value should be greater equivalent series resistance of the output
than 10µF. The capacitor can be electrolytic, capacitors.
tantalum or ceramic. However since it absorbs
the input switching current it requires an Output Rectifier Diode
adequate ripple current rating. Its RMS current The output rectifier diode supplies the current
rating should be greater than approximately to the inductor when the high-side switch is off.
1/2 of the DC load current. To reduce losses due to the diode forward
voltage and recovery times, use a Schottky
For insuring stable operation C2 should be rectifier.
placed as close to the IC as possible.
Alternately a smaller high quality ceramic Tables 3 provides the Schottky rectifier part
0.1µF capacitor may be placed closer to the IC numbers based on the maximum input voltage
and a larger capacitor placed further away. If and current rating.
using this technique, it is recommended that
the larger capacitor be a tantalum or Table 3: Schottky Rectifier Selection Guide
electrolytic type. All ceramic capacitors should 2A Load Current
be placed close to the MP1410. VIN (Max) Part Number Vendor
15V 30BQ15 4
Output Capacitor B220 1
20V SK23 6
The output capacitor is required to maintain SR32 6
the DC output voltage. Low ESR capacitors
are preferred to keep the output voltage ripple Table 4 lists some rectifier manufacturers.
low. The characteristics of the output
capacitor also affect the stability of the Table 4: Schottky Diode Manufacturers
regulation control system. Ceramic, tantalum, # Vendor Web Site
or low ESR electrolytic capacitors are 1 Diodes, Inc.
recommended. In the case of ceramic 2 Fairchild Semiconductor
capacitors, the impedance at the switching 3 General Semiconductor
frequency is dominated by the capacitance, 4 International Rectifier
5 On Semiconductor
and so the output voltage ripple is mostly
6 Pan Jit International
independent of the ESR. The output voltage
ripple is estimated to be:
Choose a rectifier who’s maximum reverse
voltage rating is greater than the maximum
VRIPPLE ~= 1.4 * VIN * (fLC/fSW)^2 input voltage, and who’s current rating is
greater than the maximum load current.

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2A Step Down
DC to DC Converter
Compensation compensated by a third pole set by R1 and C4.
The system stability is controlled through the The pole is:
COMP pin. COMP is the output of the internal
transconductance error amplifier. A series fP3 = 1 / (2π*R1*C4)
capacitor-resistor combination sets a pole-zero
combination to control the characteristics of The system crossover frequency (the
the control system. frequency where the loop gain drops to 1, or
0dB) is important. A good rule of thumb is to
The DC loop gain is: set the crossover frequency to approximately
1/10 of the switching frequency. In this case,
AVDC = (VFB / VOUT) * AVEA * GCS * RLOAD the switching frequency is 380KHz, so use a
crossover frequency, fC, of 40KHz. Lower
Where: crossover frequencies result in slower
VFB is the feedback threshold voltage, 1.222V response and worse transient load recovery.
VOUT is the desired output regulation voltage Higher crossover frequencies can result in
AVEA is the transconductance error amplifier instability.
voltage gain, 400 V/V
GCS is the current sense gain, (roughly the Table 5: Compensation Values for Typical
Output Voltage/Capacitor Combinations
output current divided by the voltage at
COMP), 1.95 A/V VOUT C7 R1 C3 C4
RLOAD is the load resistance (VOUT / IOUT where
2.5V 22µF Ceramic 7.5KΩ .2.2nF None
IOUT is the output load current)
3.3V 22µF Ceramic 10KΩ 1.5nF None
The system has 2 poles of importance, one is 5V 22µF Ceramic 10KΩ 2.2nF None
due to the compensation capacitor (C5), and 12V 22µF Ceramic 10KΩ 2.7nF None
the other is due to the output capacitor (C7). 560µF/6.3V
2.5V 10KΩ 15nF 1.5nF
(30mΩ ESR)
These are:
3.3V 10KΩ 18nF 1.5nF
(30mΩ ESR)
fP1 = GMEA / (2π*AVEA*C5) 470µF/10V
5V 10KΩ 27nF 1.5nF
(30mΩ ESR)
Where P1 is the first pole, and GMEA is the 220µF/25V
12V 10KΩ 27nF 680pF
error amplifier transconductance (770µS). (30mΩ ESR)

and Choosing the Compensation Components

fP2 = 1 / (2π*RLOAD *C7)
The values of the compensation components
The system has one zero of importance, due given in Table 5 yield a stable control loop for
to the compensation capacitor (C5) and the the output voltage and capacitor given.
compensation resistor (R1). The zero is:
To optimize the compensation components for
fZ1 = 1 / (2π*R1*C5) conditions not listed in Table 5, use the
following procedure:
If a large value capacitor (C7) with relatively
high equivalent-series-resistance (ESR) is Choose the compensation resistor to set the
used, the zero due to the capacitance and desired crossover frequency. Determine the
ESR of the output capacitor can be value by the following equation:

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2A Step Down
DC to DC Converter
R1 = 2π*C7*VOUT*fC / (GEA*GCS*VFB) Determine if the second compensation
capacitor, C4 is required. It is required if the
Putting in the know constants and setting the ESR zero of the output capacitor happens at
crossover frequency to the desired 40kHz: less than four times the crossover frequency.
R1 ≈ 1.37x108 C7*VOUT
8π*C7*RESR*fC ≥ 1
The value of R1 is limited to 10KΩ to prevent
output overshoot at startup, so if the value where RESR is the equivalent series resistance
calculated for R1 is greater than 10KΩ, use of the output capacitor.
10KΩ. In this case, the actual crossover
frequency is less than the desired 40kHz, and If this is the case, then add the second
is calculated by: compensation resistor. Determine the value
by the equation:
fC = R1*GEA*GCS*VFB / (2π*C7*VOUT)
C4 = C7*RESR(max) / R1
fC ≈ 2.92 / (C7 * VOUT) Where RESR(MAX) is the maximum ESR of the
output capacitor.
Choose the compensation capacitor to set the
zero to ¼ of the crossover frequency. Example:
Determine the value by the following equation:
VOUT =3.3V
C5 = 2 / π*R1*fC ≈ 1.59x10-5 / R1 C7 = 22µF Ceramic (ESR = 10mΩ)

if R1 is less than 10KΩ, or if R1 = 10KΩ use R1 ≈ (1.37 x 108) (22 x 10-6)(3.3V) = 9.9KΩ
the following equation: Use the nearest standard value of 10KΩ.

C5 = 4C7*VOUT / (R12*GEA*GCS*VFB) C5 ≈ 1.59x10-5 / 10KΩ = 1.6nF. Use the

nearest standard value of 1.5nF.
C5 ≈ 2.2x10-5 C7 * VOUT
2π C7 RESR fC = .055 which is less than 1,
therefore no second compensation capacitor is

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2A Step Down
DC to DC Converter
Figure 3. MP1410 Step Down from 15V to 3.3V @ 2A





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2A Step Down
DC to DC Converter



PIN 1 IDENT. 0.229(5.820)


0.150(3.810) 0.0075(0.191)
0.157(4.000) 0.0098(0.249)


0.011(0.280) x 45o

0.197(5.004) 0o-8o

0.068(1.730) 0.060(1.524)



1) Control dimension is in inches. Dimension in bracket is millimeters.

NOTICE: MPS believes the information in this document to be accurate and reliable. However, it is subject to change
without notice. Please contact the factory for current specifications. No responsibility is assumed by MPS for its use or fit to
any application, nor for infringement of patent or other rights of third parties.

MP1410 Rev 1.6

© 2003 MPS, Inc. 9

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