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Diocese Statement 6.6.2018 and Update On Safe Environments

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News Media Statement

June 6, 2018

The Diocese of Rochester has been in correspondence for several months with the Garabedian
law firm regarding the individuals named publicly at the news conference today. The Diocese
has invited participation in a process of investigation and resolution. We have had little or no
Regarding the individuals named today:
Eugene Emo, David Simon and Francis Vogt are among those listed, since 2012, on our
website as priests who were removed from public ministry for sexual abuse of a minor. That list
can be found at
The Diocese has never received any complaints of clergy sexual abuse of a minor against
Fathers G. Stuart Hogan, Charles McCarthy and Richard Orlando, each of whom retired as
a priest and are now deceased.
The Diocese never received any complaints of clergy sexual abuse of a minor against Gary
Shaw, who resigned from ministry in 1977 and was dispensed from the clerical state in 1978.
The allegation against Father Thomas J. Valenti was investigated, reviewed and determined to
be unsubstantiated. No further complaints of sexual abuse of a minor against Father Valenti have
ever been received.
The Diocese of Rochester treats all claims of abuse most seriously and has done so for decades,
long before the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops issued the Charter for the
Protection of Children and Young People in 2002.
To assist in the resolution of any claim of clerical sexual abuse of a minor – regardless when it is
alleged to have occurred – the Diocese has retained Hon. Robert J. Lunn, a retired New York
State Supreme Court, Appellate Division, Justice whose practice currently concentrates on
mediation and arbitration of civil claims. Justice Lunn, who is a Member of the National
Academy of Distinguished Neutrals, is a partner in the firm of Trevett Cristo, P.C., in Rochester,
New York ( While on the bench and also in private practice, Justice
Lunn has had extensive experience in reviewing, assessing and resolving claims of sexual abuse.
If a claimant consents to participate, Justice Lunn will review all required documentation relating
to the claim, evaluate the merits on a case-by-case basis and make a final decision regarding
appropriate compensation for the victim. When administering any claim of clerical sexual abuse
of a minor, Justice Lunn will serve independently of the Diocese. His decision regarding will be
final. The Diocese has agreed to accept his determination without appeal.
“I again wish to re-state to the victims and all the faithful my deep sorrow, regret and empathy
for those who have suffered so grievously the sin of sexual abuse. I continue to offer fervent
prayers for those who have been hurt and betrayed, and I ask all the faithful to join with me in
these prayers,” said The Most Reverend Salvatore R. Matano, Bishop of Rochester.
Victims of clergy sexual abuse of a minor are encouraged to contact civil authorities. To receive
help and guidance from the Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester, please contact Mrs. Deborah
Housel, victim assistance coordinator, at (585) 328-3210, ext. 1555, or toll-free 1-800-388-7177,
ext. 1555 or by e-mail to
Upon receiving notification of any such claim, regardless when it occurred, the Diocese, in
addition to promptly notifying appropriate civil authorities, conducts its own investigation,
which is reviewed by an independent Review Board of experts in law, child protection, law
enforcement and psychology.
Update on Safe Environment Efforts
The Diocese of Rochester is committed to creating a safe environment for all. Numerous initiatives
have been undertaken.

“The issue of sexual abuse of children by clergy and others in our Church has caused much pain,
alienation from the Church, hardship and understandable
anger,” Bishop of Rochester Salvatore R. Matano has stated HELP FOR VICTIMS
Victims of abuse should always
“I join with our Holy Father, Pope Francis, and my brother report to the civil authorities.
bishops throughout the world in expressing deep sorrow for
this tragedy. As the Shepherd of this Diocese, I will To report a case of possible sexual
continue to work unceasingly to ensure that our parishes, abuse and to receive help and
schools and every entity connected to our Diocese are safe guidance from the Roman Catholic
and holy environments for all. It is my fervent prayer that Diocese of Rochester, victims are
any person who has been harmed by a person in a position encouraged to contact the Victims’
of trust and authority within our Church will find the Assistance Coordinator:
spiritual and emotional healing they deserve.” Deborah Housel
Phone (585) 328-3228, ext. 1555
Most recently, in 2015, the Diocese established a new Toll-free 1-800-388-7177, ext.
diocesan Office of Safe Environment Education and 1555
Compliance and began a new Creating a Safe Environment E-mail:
newsletter for our employees and volunteers to
communicate safety information.

In 2014, we established a Creating a Safe Environment Coordinator in every parish.

Our initiatives go back decades. In 1993, we established a Diocesan Review Board to offer guidance
in responding to allegations. The Review Board, whose members represent many areas of expertise,
regularly meets to this day and helps us immeasurably in the process of policy development,
assessment of sexual-abuse complaints, and the development of services for victims.

At that same time, we appointed a Victims’ Assistance Coordinator who receives complaints and
organizes assistance that might be helpful for victims and formed and instituted policies concerning
sexual abuse and harassment and provided training to all clerics and employees in these areas.

We have reported contemporary allegations of abuse to the appropriate civil authorities, with the
result that diocesan priests, in some instances, were arrested, tried and convicted, and canonical
proceedings, including laicization, have been initiated.
Following the promulgation of the Charter for the
Our Guiding Principles Protection of Children and Young People by the United
States Conference of Catholic Bishops in 2002, the
The Diocese will respond promptly to all Diocese of Rochester:
allegations of sexual abuse of minors
where there is reasonable belief that • Enhanced our Review Board, particularly with the
abuse has occurred; addition of individuals with extensive law-enforcement
We will reach out to the victims and their • Reached out to strengthen our relationships with law-
families, and communicate sincere enforcement officials throughout the 12-county Diocese;
commitment to their spiritual and • Reviewed our past responses in individual cases and,
emotional well-being, as well as offer no- when appropriate, removed offenders from public
cost psychological counseling, ministry;
opportunities to speak with diocesan • Strengthened the screening process for men applying
leadership, including the Bishop of
as candidates for ordination as priests and deacons;
Rochester, and to take part in spiritual
• Instituted a program of background checks, including
programs to aid healing and
reconciliation. criminal history for clerics, educators, employees and
volunteers who would work with children and vulnerable
We will remove ministerial privileges adults;
from the alleged offender promptly and • Developed Codes of Conduct and educated clerics,
refer him for appropriate medical educators, employees and volunteers concerning their
evaluation and intervention if such an applicability in specific settings. Those codes can be
allegation is supported by sufficient reviewed online at;
evidence. • Publicized contact information for our victims'
assistance coordinator and offered training to all clerics,
We will comply with the obligations of educators, employees and volunteers on the process of
civil law by reporting an incident and reporting allegations; and
cooperating with any official • Encouraged victims to report to civil authorities and to
investigation. seek assistance. In addition, we have continued to report
contemporary and past allegations to appropriate civil
We will use open and transparent authorities.
communications with members of the
• Since 2002, we have conducted background checks
community, within the confines of
and provided training for more than 25,000 clerics,
respect for privacy of the individuals
involved. educators, employees and volunteers through the Creating
a Safe Environment program, a number which continues to
• In 2010, we launched a program to re-train all who work for the Diocese, in parishes, schools
and in our affiliated agencies. Training and background checks are renewed every three

The Diocese of Rochester has been found in compliance with all provisions of the Charter for the
Protection of Children and Young People in annual, independent audits since the first audit was
conducted in 2003.

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