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Cognition: Jennifer Cole Wright

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Cognition 115 (2010) 491–503

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Brief article

On intuitional stability: The clear, the strong, and the paradigmatic

Jennifer Cole Wright *
Department of Psychology, College of Charleston, 57 Coming Street, Charleston, SC 29424, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Skepticism about the epistemic value of intuition in theoretical and philosophical inquiry
Received 22 September 2009 has recently been bolstered by empirical research suggesting that people’s concrete-case
Revised 1 February 2010 intuitions are vulnerable to irrational biases (e.g., the order effect). What is more, skeptics
Accepted 10 February 2010
argue that we have no way to ‘‘calibrate” our intuitions against these biases and no way of
anticipating intuitional instability. This paper challenges the skeptical position, introducing
data from two studies that suggest not only that people’s concrete-case intuitions are often
stable, but also that people have introspective awareness of this stability, providing a
Order Effect
promising means by which to assess the epistemic value of our intuitions.
Cognitive Bias Ó 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Intuitional Stability

1. Introduction 1991, 2006; Haidt & Joseph, 2004; Huemer, 2005; Jackson,
1998; Macnamara, 1991), and a variety of other areas.1
Intuition—what it is and how, when, and why it works— One such debate concerns the epistemic2 status of intu-
has recently received renewed attention in philosophy, itions. This debate centers around the following question: Is
cognitive science, and psychology. There has been much it legitimate, epistemically speaking, for individuals to form
debate concerning the nature of intuition (Audi, 2004; beliefs about matters of logic, mathematics, metaphysics,
Bealer, 1999, 2000; Claxton, 1998; Huemer, 2006; Kornb- epistemology, morality, etc. on the basis of their intuitions
lith, 1999; Laughlin, 1997; Osbeck, 1999, 2001; Parsons, about theoretical principles and/or concrete cases (involving
2000; Pust, 2000; Sosa, 1999, 2007a, 2007b; Williamson, actual or hypothetical examples)? In other words, do intu-
2007; Wisniewski, 1999), as well as what sort of cognitive itions have some positive epistemic value?
process intuiting might be or involve (Cummins, 1998; While there are many who endorse an affirmative an-
Denes-Raj & Epstein, 1994; Dorfman, Shames, & Kilstrom, swer to this question (e.g., Bealer, 1992, 1999, 2000,
1996; Epstein, Lipson, Holstein, & Huh, 1992; Gendler, 2004; Bonjour, 1998; Jackson, 1998; Pust, 2000; D. Sosa,
2007; Osbeck, 1999; Shafir, 1999; Sloman, 1996). There
has also been debate about what role intuitions might play
in logic and mathematics (Bealer, 2000; Bonjour, 1998; For instance, intuition has been implicated in linguistics (Chomsky,
1988; Devitt, 2006; Hintikka, 2001), rapid judgment and decision making
Casullo, 2003; Parsons, 1986, 2000; Sosa, 2006; Wright,
(Griffin & Tversky, 1992; Hammond, 1996; Kahneman & Tversky, 1982;
2004), epistemology (Alexander & Weinberg, 2007; Bealer, Klienmutz, 1990; Plessner, Betsch, & Betsch, 2007; Sloman, 1996), insight
1992; Brown, 2006; Nagel, 2007; Weinberg, 2007; Wil- and problem-solving (Bowers, Farvolden, & Mermigis, 1995; Bowers,
liamson, 2004), metaphysics (Bealer, 2002, 2004; Bonjour, Regehr, & Balthazard, 1990; Dorfman et al., 1996; Sternberg & Davidson,
1998; Jackson, 1994, 1998; Pust, 2004; Sosa, 2000, 2006), 1995), implicit learning (Reber, 1989, 1993), expertise (Dreyfus & Dreyfus,
1986, 1991), social cognition (Haidt, 2001; Osbeck, 2001; Seung, 1993),
morality (Audi, 2004; Bartsch & Wright, 2005; Dancy,
scientific theory-building (Goldman & Pust, 1997; Monsay, 1999), and even
medicine (King & Appleton, 1997; Miller, 1995; Ubel & Loewenstein, 1997).
It is important to note that this concern about intuition’s ‘epistemic’
status could be targeting several things, including intuition’s rational,
* Tel.: +1 843 953 8196; fax: +1 843 953 7151. justificatory, and/or evidential status. Thanks to John Bengson for clarifying
E-mail address: this issue.

0010-0277/$ - see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
492 J.C. Wright / Cognition 115 (2010) 491–503

2006; E. Sosa, 1999, 2005, 2006; Williamson, 2004; cf. Os- ing” our intuitions, no way of anticipating the conditions
beck, 1999, 2001), an increasing number of philosophers, under which our concrete-case intuitions will be vulnera-
cognitive scientists, and psychologists express a deep skep- ble to irrational biases, such as the order effect (for more
ticism about intuition’s epistemic value (see, e.g., Cum- on this worry, see Weinberg, 2007). This being the case,
mins, 1998; Denes-Raj & Epstein, 1994; Gendler, 2007; an adequate response to Swain et al.’s challenge needs to
Hintikka, 1999, 2001; Machery, Mallon, Nichols, & Stich, do more than simply demonstrate the stability of some
2004; Nichols & Knobe, 2007; Nichols, Stich, & Weinberg, (or even most) intuitions – it needs to identify a reliable
2003; Nisbett, Peng, Choi, & Norenzayan, 2001; Redelmeier method by which to track that stability and provide insight
& Shafir, 1995; Weinberg, 2007; Weinberg, Nichols, & into why certain intuitions, but not others, are stable. In the
Stich, 2001). In fact, whereas extreme skepticism about absence of this, the epistemic legitimacy of consulting our
perception and memory might be considered somewhat intuitions remains open to skepticism.
‘academic’ (D. Sosa, 2006), skepticism about intuition is The goal of the two studies reported here was to take up
thought by many (e.g., Machery et al., 2004; Nichols & the challenge. Their guiding hypothesis was twofold: (1)
Knobe, 2007; Nichols et al., 2003) to have serious implica- that only some intuitions (that is, intuitions about certain
tions for philosophical methodology. sorts of cases) are vulnerable to intuitional instability and
This skepticism has recently been fortified by empirical that people are implicitly aware of which cases these will
research showing that concrete-case intuitions are vulner- be, and (2) that several potentially reliable methods for
able to irrational biases. Swain, Alexander, and Weinberg tracking intuitional instability exist – among them, the
(2008), for example, found that people’s responses to con- introspectively accessed confidence and belief strength of
crete cases were vulnerable to an ‘order effect’ (Tversky & those doing the intuiting.
Kahneman, 1974). Specifically, Swain et al. (2008) found
that participants’ concrete-case judgments about the
2. Study 1
True-Temp case (a much discussed thought-experiment in
contemporary epistemology in which a man is unwittingly
2.1. Methods
led, through a ‘brain rewiring’, to form true beliefs about
the current temperature; see Lehrer, 1990) were signifi-
2.1.1. Participants
cantly influenced by what case they had previously consid-
One hundred and eighty-eight undergraduate college
ered. Participants were more likely to say that True-Temp
students (87 males, 101 females; dominantly Caucasian)
knew (as opposed to ‘merely believed’) that the tempera-
from the University of Wyoming participated in this study.
ture was 71° if they had just previously read the case about
Participants were recruited through the Introduction to
Dave, a man who formed the true belief that the next coin
Psychology research pool and received research credit for
he flipped would land heads because he had a ‘special feel-
their participation. Being dominantly college freshman,
ing’ right before he flipped the coin, and they were less
the assumption was that the participants had received lit-
likely to say that True-Temp knew if they had just previ-
tle to no explicit philosophical training (though this ques-
ously read the case about Karen, a woman who formed a
tion was not asked).
true belief about how to create a poisonous gas on the ba-
sis of reading an article about it in a top scientific journal.
Based on these findings, Swain et al. (2008) concluded 2.1.2. Materials and procedure
that, to the extent that people’s concrete-case intuitions Participants received a randomized series of the Swain
are influenced by irrational biases such as one’s previously et al. (2008) cases as ‘filler tasks’ while participating in
elicited intuitions, they do not possess the sort of epistemic one of two larger, unrelated studies. The set included the
status that they have heretofore been taken to possess. True-Temp case, the Coin-Flip case, the Fake-Barn case,
They further concluded that the instability of intuitions and the Testimony case (see Appendix), all four of which
demonstrated by their study (and others: e.g., Machery were presented to participants in a counterbalanced order.
et al., 2004; Weinberg et al., 2001) brings into question After reading each case, participants were asked whether
our reliance on intuitions as sources of evidence for theo- the subject in the case knew a specific proposition (e.g.,
retical/philosophical positions, writing ‘we contend that for True-Temp, whether the temperature was 71°), to which
this instability undermines the supposed evidential status participants answered YES or NO. They were then asked to
of these intuitions, such that philosophers [and others] rate how confident they were about their answer (0 = not
who deal in intuitions can no longer rest comfortably in very confident to 5 = very confident).
their armchairs’ (2008, 1).
Is such a strong conclusion warranted? Some have ar- 2.2. Results
gued that it is not, either due to a variety of methodological
and conceptual difficulties (none of which will be touched Preliminary note: There were no gender differences
upon here – for a discussion of some of these issues, see found and so all analyses to follow were collapsed across
Laio (2008) and elsewhere) or on the grounds that Swain gender.
et al. (2008) hardly provide a definitive demonstration of Swain et al. (2008) had found that participants were
intuitional instability, having found it in only one particu- more likely to judge that True-Temp really knew the tem-
lar case. However, the true weight of the Swain et al. perature if the case was immediately preceded by Coin-Flip
(2008) challenge is not that all (or even most) intuitions and less likely to do so if it was immediately preceded by
are unstable, but rather that we have no way of ‘‘calibrat- Testimony. A similar pattern emerged in this study. Exam-
J.C. Wright / Cognition 115 (2010) 491–503 493

Attributions of Knowledge in True-Temp




% of Participants
Don't Know




After Testimony After Fake-Barn After Coin-Flip

Fig. 1. Attributions of knowledge in True-Temp.

Attributions of Knowledge in Fake-Barn



% of Participants

Don't Know



After Coin-Flip After True-Temp After Testimony

Fig. 2. Attributions of knowledge in Fake-Barn.

ining those cases in which True-Temp was the second case immediately preceded (0–6%), v2 (2, N = 133) = 2.50,
participants considered, being directly preceded by one of p = .29 (Fig. 3).
the other three cases (KTxx, DTxx, or STxx), the results re- Of central importance is the fact that participants’
vealed that participants were significantly more likely to themselves introspectively tracked this intuitional stabil-
attribute knowledge to True-Temp when it immediately ity. Paired sample t-tests revealed that participants were
followed Coin-Flip (55%) than when it immediately fol- significantly more confident in their judgments about
lowed either Testimony (40%) or Fake-Barn (26%), v2 (2, Coin-Flip (V = 4.4, SE = .06) and Testimony (V = 4.5,
N = 143) = 8.25, p = .016 (Fig. 1). SE = .06) than they were in their judgments about True-
A similar trend emerged for Fake-Barn: participants Temp (V = 3.9, SE = .09) and Fake-Barn (V = 3.9, SE = .08),
were (marginally) less likely to count Suzy’s mental state ts(187) = 5.4 to 6.7, ps < .001, while their confidence did
as knowledge when the case immediately followed either not significantly differ between the two stable and two
Testimony or Coin-Flip (40% and 39%, respectively) than unstable cases,3 t(187) = 1.6, p = .11 and t(187) = .27,
when it immediately followed True-Temp (59%): v2 (2, p = .79, respectively.
N = 144) = 4.91, p = .086 (Fig. 2). And this was true regardless of order in which the cases
Participants’ judgments about Testimony and Coin-Flip, were presented. Participants expressed higher levels confi-
on the other hand, did not display vulnerability to the dence in their judgments for Coin-Flip and Testimony than
order effect. Participants were equally likely to attribute for True-Temp and Fake-Barn whether they were the first
knowledge in Testimony, regardless of which case imme-
diately preceded (79–84%), v2 (2, N = 139) = .50, p = .77. 3
Here I am using ‘‘stable/unstable cases” as shorthand for cases that
Likewise, participants were equally likely to fail to attri-
elicit stable vs. unstable intuitions – that is, strictly speaking, it is the
bute knowledge in Coin-Flip, regardless of which case intuitions that are stable (or unstable), not the cases.
494 J.C. Wright / Cognition 115 (2010) 491–503

Attributions of Knowledge in Testimony and Coin-Flip


% of participants
After Testimony
0.6 After True-Temp

0.4 After Fake-Barn

After Coin-Flip

Don't Know Don't Know Know Know

Testimony Coin-Flip Testimony Coin-Flip

Fig. 3. Attributions of knowledge in Testimony and Coin-Flip.

Reported Confidence in Judgments


0-5 point scale


1st case read
Last case read



Testimony Karen Coin-flip Dave True-temp Charles Fake-barn Suzy

Fig. 4. Reported confidence in judgments.

cases considered (V = 4.6, SE = .17 and V = 4.4, SE = .12 vs. Likewise, for every 1 unit increase in participants’ confi-
V = 3.7, SE = .17 and V = 3.8, SE = .17, respectively) or the dence, the odds of the case being Fake-Barn (over Testi-
last cases considered (V = 4.5, SE = .12 and V = 4.5, mony) decreased by 53%, X2(1) = 7.7, p = .005, but changes
SE = .12 vs. V = 3.9, SE = .20 and V = 3.9, SE = .18, respec- in confidence did not distinguish between Testimony and
tively, Fig. 4). Thus, it would appear that participants’ con- Coin-Flip, X2(1) = 1.24, p = .266.
fidence served as an introspective indicator of intuitional Framed in terms of probability, as participants’ confi-
stability. dence increased, the probability that the case being con-
To further explore the relationship between stability sidered was either Testimony or Coin-Flip increased
and confidence, nominal logistic regressions were per- significantly, from around 5% at a confidence of ‘1’ to
formed to see if participants’ confidence levels could be about 30% (Testimony) to 60% (Coin-Flip) at a confidence
used to predict which case was being considered. Partici- of ‘7’, and the probability that the case being considered
pants’ confidence was regressed as a covariate over the was True-Temp or Fake-Barn decreased significantly, from
cases (1 = True-Temp, 2 = Fake-Barn, 3 = Coin-Flip, 4 = Testi- about 40% (Fake-Barn) to 50% (True-Temp) at ‘1’ to
mony), with each case functioning as the reference case. around 5% at ‘7’. The case probabilities merged and be-
Each model revealed confidence to be a strong predictor came approximately equal at a confidence level of ‘4’
of stable vs. unstable cases, X2(3, N = 188) = 26.8, p < .001. (Fig. 5).
Specifically, the results show that confidence was a sig-
nificant predictor of whether the case being considered
was stable (Testimony or Coin-Flip) or unstable (True-Temp 2.3. Discussion
or Fake-Barn). For every 1 unit increase in participants’
confidence, the odds of the case being Testimony (over In line with Swain et al. (2008), this first study found
True-Temp) increased by 203% (or a factor of 2.03), participants’ knowledge attributions in the True-Temp
X2(1) = 9.6, p = .002, and the odds of the case being Coin- case to be unstable and their fluctuation to be dependent
Flip (over True-Temp) increased by 273%, X2(1) = 15.4, upon which case had been previously considered. The
p < .001. Changes in confidence did not distinguish be- same was true for the Fake-Barn case. And, also in line
tween True-Temp and Fake-Barn, X2(1) = .134, p = .714. with Swain et al., both Testimony and Coin-Flip remained
J.C. Wright / Cognition 115 (2010) 491–503 495

True Temp
Coin Flip

Fake Barn



1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Confidence Score

Fig. 5. Case probabilities at each level of confidence.

stable across the counterbalanced order in which they competence4) would agree is an instance of ‘knowledge’,
were presented. just as Coin-Flip is the sort of case that most would agree fails
Importantly, participants seemed to be introspectively to be an instance of ‘knowledge’. It is not surprising to find
tracking this instability, reporting significantly more confi- that people’s intuitions stabilize around paradigmatic cases
dence when considering cases that elicited stable judg- – cases that are clear instances of our concepts – and so
ments than when considering cases that elicited unstable are not vulnerable to the sorts of biasing factors that Swain
judgments, regardless of order of presentation. As the re- and colleagues argue undermines intuition’s evidential
sults from the logistic regressions reflect, the lower partic- status.
ipants’ confidence, the more likely the case being In order to investigate intuitional stability in more
considered displayed instability – the higher their confi- depth, a second study was conducted that expanded upon
dence, the more likely it displayed stability. Study 1 in three ways. First, it introduced additional cases
Why would participants be vulnerable to bias in only for participants to consider; second, it introduced belief
two of the four cases? One reasonable explanation is strength as an additional introspective measure of stabil-
that, when considering True-Temp and Fake-Barn, peo- ity. Research on attitude and belief strength has found
ple’s intuitions about them were less clear (if, indeed, strongly held beliefs to be more stable over time, more
they had any intuitions about them at all). If so, then resistant to change, and less sensitive to contextual influ-
it would make sense for participants to turn elsewhere,
such as to the case that they had just previously consid-
ered, for information that would help to determine their It is important to distinguish here between conceptual competence and
judgment. For example, when considering whether or accuracy. While the hope is that most of the time these two will go together
– that is, the competent use of our concepts will usually result in us getting
not True-Temp’s mental state should count as knowledge,
things right – it seems nonetheless possible for them to come apart. We
perhaps participants who saw Coin-Flip first were more could envision two cultures, for instance (one whose beliefs about the
inclined to say ‘yes’ because it looks a lot more like nature of the universe are grounded by contemporary scientific/philosoph-
knowledge than a ‘special feeling’. On the other hand, ical theory and another whose beliefs are grounded in ancient mythological
lore) that might employ the concept ‘knowledge’ differently. Taking Coin-
it looks a lot less like knowledge than testimony from a
Flip as an example, while the first culture would hold that this clearly fails
top scientific journal. In short, under circumstances to count as an instance of knowledge, the latter might hold that it just as
where our intuitions are not as clear, it would be natural clearly counts, since Dave’s ‘‘special feeling” indicates the presence of a
for us to bring other information to bear on our psychic ability (or something along those lines). While we may certainly
judgments. want to say that the latter culture fails to adequately grasp the concept of
knowledge (and, as such, their use of the concept in Coin-Flip is mistaken),
This could also explain why participants’ knowledge
we may nonetheless want to grant them conceptual competence, given that
attributions were not influenced by the preceding cases it seems reasonable to attribute knowledge to Coin-Flip when your belief
for either Testimony or Coin-Flip. As Swain et al. (2008) system holds that psychic abilities (the presence of which is indicated by a
noted, these cases are ‘clear cases’ – or what we might call ‘‘special feeling”) exist. Especially since what we are interested in here is
people’s intuitional stability, not accuracy, this issue seems important to
paradigmatic cases – of having (or failing to have) knowl-
keep in mind. Indeed, such variation in underlying belief systems may help
edge. Arguably, Testimony is the sort of case that most peo- to explain the cultural variability in intuitions found by Machery et al.
ple (people with a reasonable degree of conceptual (2004) and elsewhere.
496 J.C. Wright / Cognition 115 (2010) 491–503

ences (for reviews see Krosnick & Petty, 1995; Petty & Kro- about their answer (1 = not very confident to 7 = very con-
snick, 1995). Thus it was hypothesized that belief strength fident). Participants were also asked to rate on a 7-point
might serve as another good introspective indicator of Likert scale how strongly they believed their answer
stability. (1 = not very strongly to 7 = very strongly). Finally, partici-
Lastly, perceived consensus was introduced as a (rough) pants were asked a perceived consensus question: If 100
proxy for ‘paradigmaticity’. The hypothesis here was that other College of Charleston students were asked the same
participants would be likely to view clear (paradigmatic) question, how many do you think would give the same an-
cases as the sorts of cases everyone would agree upon – swer you did? (1 = none of them to 7 = all 100 of them).
therefore, the more paradigmatic the case under consider- The order of these questions was counterbalanced between
ation, the higher the degree of peer consensus they should participants.
report. The claim is not that perceived consensus would
serve as a measure of actual paradigmaticity (which may 3.2. Results
involve factors outside of mere agreement), but rather that
would provide important insight into how paradigmatic 3.2.1. Preliminary note
people perceive the cases they are considering to be. There were no gender differences or differences be-
tween participants with vs. without philosophical training,
so analyses reported below were collapsed across these
3. Study 2 groups. In addition, all analyses conducted with partici-
pants’ confidence in Study 1 were replicated and partici-
3.1. Methods pants’ confidence and belief strength ratings were highly
correlated across all nine cases (rs = .86 to .99, ps < .001),
3.1.1. Participants so for the sake of brevity analyses with confidence are
One hundred and eighty-one undergraduate college not reported below.
students (33 males, 148 females; dominantly Caucasian) Of the nine cases that participants considered, six (as
from the College of Charleston participated in this study. anticipated) elicited stable intuitions. For Perception, Coin-
Participants were recruited through the Introduction to Flip, Testimony, Guess, Sell-iPod, and Break-Promise, the or-
Psychological Science research pool and received research der of presentation did not matter. Participants dominantly
credit for their participation. Ninety-three percentage of attributed knowledge in Perception (80–90%) and Testi-
the participants had no philosophical training, 6% had ta- mony (84–87%) and failed to attribute knowledge in Coin-
ken or were currently were enrolled in Introduction to Phi- Flip (3%) and Guess (0–7%), regardless of order. Participants
losophy, and 1% in some other undergraduate philosophy also dominantly judged the action to be morally wrong in
course. Sell-iPod (100%) and not wrong in Break-Promise (0–3%),
regardless of order. Examining the pattern of participants’
3.1.2. Materials and procedure answers when each of these cases was immediately pre-
This time participants were presented with three differ- ceded by the other cases in its set revealed no significant
ent sets of cases, nine cases in total (see Appendix). Two of variation for any of them, X2s(1, Ns = 57–61) = 0.0 to 1.05,
the sets involved cases in epistemology, expanding upon ps = .31–.99. All of these cases were perceived by partici-
the cases considered in Study 1 (Set 1: Perception, True- pants as being highly paradigmatic (in the sense that par-
Temp, and Coin-Flip; Set 2: Testimony, Farmer, and Guess) ticipants reported a high degree of agreement in their
and one set involved cases in ethics5 (Set 3: Break-Promise, peers): Ms = 5.6–6.5 (SEs = .06–.09).
Hide-Bombers, Sell-iPod). Once again, the cases were pre- Two of the remaining cases elicited unstable judg-
sented to the participants in a counterbalanced order, ments: True-Temp and Hide-Bombers. Examining the cases
though this time the counterbalancing occurred both within in which True-Temp was directly preceded by one of the
sets (e.g., Perception/True-Temp/Coin-Flip, True-Temp/Coin- other two cases, the results showed that participants were
Flip/Perception. . .) and between sets (e.g., Set1/Set2/Set3, significantly more likely to say that True-Temp knew the
Set2/Set3/Set1. . .). It was anticipated that six of these cases temperature immediately after reading Coin-Flip (84%)
(Perception, Coin-Flip, Testimony, Guess, Break-Promise, and than after reading Perception (57%), X2(1, N = 61) = 5.4,
Sell-iPod) would elicit stable judgments and the other three p = .020. Likewise, when reading Hide-Bombers, partici-
would elicit unstable judgments. pants were marginally more likely to say that what Hilda
After reading an epistemology case, participants were did was morally wrong immediately after reading Sell-iPod
asked whether the subject in the case knew a specific prop- (55%) than after reading Break-Promise (32%), X2(1,
osition, to which participants answered YES or NO. After N = 60) = 3.2, p = .073 (Fig. 6). These two cases were seen
reading an ethics case, they were asked whether the action as significantly less paradigmatic than either the stable
performed in the case was morally wrong, to which they ‘yes’ or the stable ‘no’ cases: Ms. 4.9 and 5.2 (SEs = .08–
answered YES or NO. Once again, participants were asked .09), ts(174–179) = 6.4–13.3, ps < .001.
to rate on a Likert scale (this time, a 7-point scale in order The final case, Farmer, was an interesting case. Examin-
to provide a neutral midpoint) how confident they were ing participants’ knowledge attributions revealed that it
was not unstable, in the sense of demonstrating an order
Zamzow and Nichols (in press) found that confidence tracked instabil-
effect, X2(1, N = 61) = .008, p = .93, but neither was it para-
ity in a set of classic ethical dilemmas (Bystander, Scan, Transplant) and so digmatic – as with the unstable cases, participants were
the inclusion of some ethical cases in Study 2 seemed prudent. strongly divided over whether or not the Farmer knew
J.C. Wright / Cognition 115 (2010) 491–503 497

Attributions of Knowlege/Wrongness

% of participants



After After Coin After Selling After After After
Perception Flip iPod Breaking Testimony Guessing

True-Temp True-Temp Hide- Hide- Farmer Farmer

Bombers Bombers


Fig. 6. Attributions of knowledge/wrongness in True-Temp, Hide-Bombers, and Farmer.

his cow was in the field, approximately 1/3rd saying he did t(178) = 5.3, p < .001 (Fig. 7). Given that participants’ intro-
know and 2/3rd saying he did not (Fig. 6). spective judgments appear to be locating Farmer in be-
This fact was nicely reflected in participants’ reports of tween the stable and unstable cases, it will be heretofore
paradigmaticity, which for Farmer fell significantly in be- referred to as an ‘‘intermediate” case.
tween their reported paradigmaticity for the stable vs. More generally, a within-subjects ANOVA with stability
unstable epistemology cases: paired-sample t-tests showed (stable-yes, unstable/intermediate, stable-no) and set
perceived consensus for Farmer (M = 5.3, SE = .09) to be (epist1, epist2, ethics) as within-subjects factors revealed
lower than their perceived consensus for the stable-yes that participants’ belief strength was significantly higher
(Perception/Testimony) and stable-no (Coin-Flip/Guess) epis- for the stable cases than for the unstable/intermediate
temology cases (Ms = 6.0/5.9 and 5.6/6.4, SEs = .07–.09, cases across all three sets, F(2,346) = 87.7, p < .001, g2 = .34.
respectively), ts(178) = 2.0–7.7, ps from .05 to <.001, and Importantly, this suggests that the same general rela-
yet higher than the unstable (True-Temp) epistemology case tionship between stability and confidence also holds for
(M = 4.9, SE = .08), t(177) = 5.2, p < .001 (Fig. 7). stability and belief strength – and that it does so across
Interestingly, participants’ belief strength showed a multiple sets of cases, both epistemological and ethical.
similar pattern: paired-sample t-tests revealed that partic- But does this mean that belief strength, like confidence,
ipants’ belief strength for Farmer (M = 5.9, SE = .09) was sig- can be used to predict case? To investigate this, nominal
nificantly lower than for the stable-yes (Perception/ logistic regressions (separate for each set) were performed
Testimony) and stable-no (Coin-Flip/Guess) epistemology with belief strength as the covariate over case (Set 1:
cases (Ms = 6.5/6.3 and 6.4/6.7, SEs = .05–.07, respectively), 1 = Perception, 2 = Coin-Flip, 3 = True-Temp; Set 2: 1 = Testi-
ts(178) = 3.5–9.2, ps = <.001, but also significantly higher mony, 2 = Guess, 3 = Farmer; Set 3: 1 = Sell iPod, 2 = Break-
than for the unstable (True-Temp) case (M = 5.4, SE = .10), Promise, 3 = Hide-Bombers).

Comparing Paradigmaticity and Belief Strength Btw Farmer &

Other Stable/Unstable Cases
Level of Belief Strength/Paradigmaticity

5 Perception/Testimony
True Temp
3 Coin Flip/Guessing

Paradigmaticity Belief Strength

Fig. 7. Paradigmaticity and belief strength between Farmer vs. Stable/unstable Cases.
498 J.C. Wright / Cognition 115 (2010) 491–503

For Set 1, belief strength was a strong predictor of stable Finally, for Set 3, belief strength was once again a strong
vs. unstable cases, X2(2, N = 179) = 62.1, p < .001. For every predictor of stable vs. unstable cases, X2(2, N = 176) = 73.8,
1 unit increase in participants’ belief strength, the odds of p < .001. For every 1 unit increase in participants’ belief
the case being Perception (over True-Temp) increased by strength, the odds of the case being Sell-iPod (over Hide-
302% (or a factor of 3.02), X2(1) = 31.7, p < .001, and the Bombers) increased by 903%, X2(1) = 21.0, p < .001, and
odds of the case being Coin-Flip (over True-Temp) increased the odds of the case being Break-Promise (over Hide-Bomb-
by 272%, X2(1) = 28.7, p < .001. As expected, belief strength ers) increased by 411%, X2(1) = 21.3, p < .001. Belief
was not predictive between Perception and Coin-Flip, strength was not predictive between Sell-iPod and Break
X2(1) = .30, p = .584. Promise, X2(1) = 2.5, p = .110. As participants’ belief
Framed in terms of probability, as participants’ belief strength increased, the probability that they were consid-
strength increased, the probability that they were consid- ering Hide-Bombers decreased, from almost 100% at a belief
ering True-Temp dropped significantly, from almost 100% strength of ‘1’ to around 10% at ‘7’, while the probability of
at a belief strength of ‘1’ to around 10% at a belief strength the case being either Sell-iPod or Break-Promise increased
of ‘7’. Likewise, as belief strength increased, the probability from almost 0% at ‘1’ to around 45% at ‘7’. The case proba-
that they were considering either Perception or Coin-Flip in- bilities merged and became approximately equal around
creased, from almost 0% at ‘1’ to around 45% at ‘7’. The case ‘6’ (Fig. 10).
probabilities merged and became approximately equal be- Participants’ perception of paradigmaticity was also
tween ‘5’ and ‘6’ (Fig. 8). predictive of case in all three sets. In Set 1, every 1 unit in-
For Set 2, belief strength was a strong predictor of all crease in peer consensus increased the odds that the case
three cases, X2(2, N = 180) = 31.5, p < .001. For every 1 unit being Perception (over True-Temp) by 470%, X2(1) = 37.3,
increase in participants’ belief strength, the odds of the p < .001, and increased the odds that the case was Coin-Flip
case being Testimony (over Farmer) increased by 148%, (over True-Temp) by 195%, X2(1) = 10.5, p = .001. It also de-
X2(1) = 6.7, p = .010, and the odds of the case being Guess creased the odds that the case being considered was Coin-
(over Farmer) increased by 292%, X2(1) = 20.7, p < .001. Flip (over Perception) by 42%, X2(1) = 15.7, p < .001.
And for every 1 unit increase in participants’ belief In Set 2, every 1 unit increase in consensus increased
strength, the odds of the case being Guess (over Testimony) the odds of the case being Testimony (over Farmer) by
increased by 197%, X2(1) = 8.2, p = .004. 162%, X2(1) = 10.0, p = .002, and increased the odds of the
As participants’ belief strength increased, the probabil- case being Guess (over Farmer) by 238%, X2(1) = 22.6,
ity that they were considering Farmer dropped signifi- p < .001. It also increased the odds that the case being con-
cantly, from around 85% at a belief strength of ‘1’ to sidered was Testimony (over Guess) by 147%, X2(1) = 4.7,
around 20% at a belief strength of ‘7’. Likewise, as belief p = .035.
strength increased, the probability that they were consid- Finally, in Set 3 every 1 unit increase in consensus in-
ering Guess or Testimony increased, from around 0% (Guess) creased the odds of the case being Sell-iPod (over Hide-
to 15% (Testimony) at ‘1’ to around 30% (Testimony) to 50% Bombers) by 353%, X2(1) = 29.2, p < .001, and increased
(Guess) at ‘7’. The case probabilities in this set never fully the odds of the case being Break-Promise (over Hide-Bomb-
merged (Fig. 9). ers) by 413%, X2(1) = 32.6, p < .001. Consensus was not pre-

Fig. 8. Set 1 case probabilities at each level of belief strength.

J.C. Wright / Cognition 115 (2010) 491–503 499

Fig. 9. Set 2 case probabilities at each level of belief strength.





1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Belief Strength

Fig. 10. Set 3 case probabilities at each level of belief strength.

dictive between Sell-iPod and Break-Promise, X2(1) = .44, Thus, paradigmaticity, on the one hand, and confidence/be-
p = .51. lief strength, on the other, appear to be independently pre-
On a final note, when either confidence or belief dictive of intuitional instability.
strength are entered into logistic regression equations
alongside paradigmaticity (multicollinearity issues make 4. General discussion
it problematic to enter confidence and belief strength to-
gether), each variable remains predictive of stable vs. The worry introduced by Swain et al. (2008) is that phi-
unstable cases in Sets 1 and 3 (ps between <.001 and losophers’ reliance on intuitions in argumentation for/
.042), while only paradigmaticity is significant in Set 2 against particular theses and theoretical positions is prob-
(p = .001 for paradigmaticity, p = .20 for confidence; lematic because at least some of those intuitions are epi-
p = .019 for paradigmaticity, p = .11 for belief strength), stemically vulnerable to irrational biases like the order
perhaps because Set 2 contains the intermediate case. effect. This worry gets its teeth not primarily because of
500 J.C. Wright / Cognition 115 (2010) 491–503

the sheer number of intuitions that could be vulnerable, promise involving a minor obligation because a loved one
but more importantly because of our supposed inability is in danger). When considering cases such as these, it is
to anticipate (and protect against) this vulnerability. The less likely that outside factors, such as cases previously
thought is that we lack reliable methods by which to track considered, will influence our judgments than when we
intuitional instability – and, therefore, we cannot know consider difficult borderline (or just otherwise confusing)
when our intuitions are being negatively impacted by it cases.
and when they are not. Importantly, participants displayed awareness of para-
Contrary to this claim, the studies reported here suggest digmaticity (at least insofar as perceived consensus serves
that there are ways for us to anticipate intuitional instabil- as a legitimate measure). The degree of peer consensus
ity – in fact, several different (though related) ways. For that participants reported was strongly related to case sta-
one, the participants in both studies clearly experienced bility and participants’ peer consensus reports accurately
more confidence in their answers when considering stable identified between the stable, intermediate, and unstable
cases than when considering unstable cases, regardless of cases. The stable cases were viewed as being the sorts of
whether those cases involved the application of epistemo- cases everyone would agree upon, whereas the unstable
logical or ethical concepts. In addition, participants had and intermediate cases were viewed as more open for dis-
significantly stronger beliefs (or, held their beliefs more agreement (the unstable cases even more so than the inter-
strongly) about the stable cases than about the unstable mediate case).
cases. Collectively, these results suggest two things. First, they
Indeed, both confidence and belief strength were good suggest that people are able to introspectively track – and
predictors of whether the case being considered was stable thus potentially protect against – their vulnerability to (at
or unstable. This is interesting because while confidence least some forms of) bias. If those intuitive judgments peo-
seems a more purely cognitive construct – the degree to ple feel less confident and strongly about are more vulner-
which you experience conceptual clarity or certainty – be- able to potentially biasing ‘‘outside influences” (or if those
lief strength is often treated as more of an affective con- cases that are vulnerable to bias are cases that people feel
struct, sometimes being employed in research paradigms less confident and strongly about), then we can take care
as a proxy for things like ‘attitude extremity’ and ‘emo- with the circumstances under which we elicit intuitions
tional intensity’ (e.g., Wright, Cullum, & Schwab, 2008). about those cases; we can control exposure to potentially
And it seems possible for a person to have a high degree biasing influences. We can also treat such intuitive judg-
of confidence in a belief they do not hold particularly ments with caution, granting them less epistemic weight
strongly: my son and I could both be highly confident in in philosophical/theoretical discourse. Importantly, I
our shared belief that the Pittsburg Steelers emerged as would argue that most philosophers and scientists already
the best team in the NFL in 2009, but because he is such do this, treating clear/strong intuitions (especially their
an avid football fan, he might hold that belief much more own) more seriously than unclear/weak ones. Perhaps such
strongly (in the sense that it would be more important to efforts could be made more thoughtful and explicit, but I
him, etc.) than I. It also seems that people could be very doubt that this would require any drastic changes to cur-
confident in x and believe very strongly in x for different rea- rent philosophical/theoretical practice.
sons: someone could be very confident in his belief that Second, the results suggest that the more paradigmatic
our country should make healthcare reform its top priority the case, the less vulnerable it will be to (at least some
because of a variety of expert financial analyses he’d read, forms of) bias. Again, this seems relatively unsurprising.
but then hold this belief very strongly because of a politi- Clear cases of any particular concept are precisely that:
cal/philosophical belief that people deserve equal access clear cases. Our judgments about them, barring substantial
to healthcare. These potential differences between the conceptual revolution, are unlikely to change. Of course,
two constructs aside, both clearly (and similarly) tracked philosophy is often most interesting (and of most value)
with intuitional stability. when it is working ‘‘at the margins”, wrestling with un-
As mentioned above, one important factor behind the clear and borderline cases. And this raises Swain et al.’s
stability of particular cases may be their relative paradig- (2008) worry once again: does this render a potentially
maticity – that is, the degree to which they represent clear extensive area of philosophical debate epistemically vul-
instances of the concept(s) in question. In the epistemolog- nerable, philosophers being unable to rely on their intu-
ical cases participants considered, the concept in question itions without worry of bias?
was ‘knowledge’: whether the subjects knew or did not This is an important consideration (especially when dif-
know some particular proposition. And some things strike ficult, non-paradigmatic cases are often where philoso-
us as clear examples of knowledge (e.g., beliefs gained phers’ rely most heavily on their intuitions), but it seems
through direct perceptual observation under ideal condi- unlikely to represent an insurmountable problem for sev-
tions), while some things strike us as clearly not knowledge eral reasons. First, philosophers clearly can (and do) have
(e.g., randomly guessing the answer to a question, even if clear/strong intuitions about non-paradigmatic cases. Such
you happened to guess the correct answer). In the ethical cases, while perhaps vulnerable to bias for the general pop-
cases participants were asked whether or not an action ulation of reasonably conceptually competent people (such
was morally wrong. Here again, some things strike us as as the participants in the studies reported here), may none-
clearly morally wrong (e.g., stealing something of value theless be stable for most philosophers. After all, philoso-
that is not yours for frivolous reasons), just as some things phers receive extensive training designed specifically to
strike us as clearly not morally wrong (e.g., breaking a refine and enhance their conceptual mastery. Such training
J.C. Wright / Cognition 115 (2010) 491–503 501

gives philosophers a greater capacity for discrimination TRUE-TEMP: One day Charles was knocked out by a fall-
when it comes to concept application (e.g., whether some- ing rock; as a result his brain was ‘‘rewired” so that he is
thing counts as an instance of knowledge) and, therefore, always right whenever he estimates the temperature
they may be able to see difficult cases more clearly, and where he is. Charles is unaware that his brain has been al-
more difficult cases clearly, than the philosophical novice tered in this way. A few weeks later, this brain rewiring
– not unlike learning the difference between Quercus rubra leads him to believe that it is 71 degrees in his room. Apart
(Northern Red Oak) and Quercus alba (Pin Oak), which from his estimation, he has no other reasons to think that it
thereafter gives one the ability to distinguish between is 71 degrees. In fact, it is 71 degrees.
trees that before that seemed indistinguishable. FAKE-BARN: Suzy looks out the window of her car and
What is more, the very process of engaging in philo- sees a barn near the road, and so she comes to believe that
sophical discourse may ultimately generate new concep- there’s a barn near the road. However, Suzy doesn’t realize
tual clarity where before there was conceptual that the countryside she is driving through is currently
confusion.6 That is, the practice of philosophical and theo- being used as the set of a film, and that the set designers
retical discourse itself may expand and refine our range of have constructed many Fake-Barn facades in this area that
conceptual competence, both because of the learning that look as though they are real barns. In fact, Suzy is looking
occurs in the individual and also because of the collective at the only real barn in the area.
advancement that results for the discipline. TESTIMONY: Karen is a distinguished professor of
Of course, it is important to note that what confidence chemistry. This morning, she read an article in a leading
and belief strength track with is intuitional stability – not scientific journal that mixing two common floor disinfec-
intuitional accuracy. Research suggests that people are tants, Cleano Plus and Washaway, will create a poisonous
notoriously overconfident in their judgments across a wide gas that is deadly to humans. In fact, the article is correct:
variety of contexts (Arkes, 2001; Einhorn & Hogarth, 1978; mixing the two products does create a poisonous gas. At
Kahneman & Klein, 2009). And, more to the point, simply noon, Karen sees a janitor mixing Cleano Plus and Wash-
having clear/strong intuitions does not guarantee that they away and yells to him, ‘‘Get away! Mixing those two prod-
are also veridical: intuitions are not infallible (and few, if ucts creates a poisonous gas!”
any, philosophers think that they are). Thus, we must be
careful not to mistake high degrees of confidence/belief A.2. Study 2 Cases
strength as being indicators that we have gotten it right.
What is more, every scientist and philosopher must at A.2.1. Set 1: epistemic vignettes
some point encounter the line between looking for the the- CLEAR YES (Perception): Pat walks into her kitchen dur-
ory that best fits one’s data and looking at the data in a way ing the day when the lighting was good and there was
that best fits one’s theory. The latter is always a danger – nothing interfering with her vision. She sees a red apple
and, likewise, there is always the danger that people’s intu- sitting on the counter, where she had left it after buying
itions will be biased by the very training and theoretical it at the grocery store the day before. As she leaves home,
advancement that resulted in their heightened conceptual she tells her son, Joe, that there is a red apple sitting on the
clarity. But, this was not the problem for philosophical kitchen counter and to make sure to pack it with his lunch.
intuition that was raised by Swain et al. (2008) – and thus, CLEAR NO (Coin-Flip): Dave likes to play a game with
not the problem the studies reported here were designed flipping a coin. He sometimes gets a ‘‘special feeling” that
to address. And the good news is that whatever epistemi- the next flip will come out heads. When he gets this ‘‘spe-
cally suspect reasons (e.g., unwarranted theoretical com- cial feeling”, he is right about half the time, and wrong
mitments) for intuitional stability that may exist, about half the time. Just before the next flip, Dave gets that
intuitional instability is one worry that we do not need to ‘‘special feeling”, and the feeling leads him to believe that
be too worried about. the coin will land heads. He flips the coin, and it does land
NOT CLEAR (True-Temp): Suppose Charles undergoes
Appendix A brain surgery by an experimental surgeon who invents a
small device which is both a very accurate thermometer
A.1. Study 1 Cases and a computational device capable of generating
thoughts. The device, called a tempucomp, is implanted
COIN-FLIP: Dave likes to play a game with flipping a in Charles’ head so that the very tip of the device, no larger
coin. He sometimes gets a ‘‘special feeling” that the next than the head of a pin, sits unnoticed on his scalp and acts
flip will come out heads. When he gets this ‘‘special feel- as a sensor to transmit information about the temperature
ing”, he is right about half the time, and wrong about half to the computational system of his brain. This device, in
the time. Just before the next flip, Dave gets that ‘‘special turn, sends a message to his brain causing him to think
feeling”, and the feeling leads him to believe that the coin of the temperature recorded by the external sensor. As-
will land heads. He flips the coin, and it does land heads. sume that the tempucomp is very reliable, and so his
thoughts are correct temperature thoughts. All told, this
is a reliable belief-forming process. Charles has no idea
Perhaps philosophical training actually expands the range of paradig-
maticity – that is, through philosophical and theoretical advancement,
that the tempucomp has been inserted in his brain, is only
cases that were once non-paradigmatic become paradigmatic (or cases that slightly puzzled about why he thinks so obsessively about
are non-paradigmatic for some become paradigmatic for others). the temperature, but never checks a thermometer to deter-
502 J.C. Wright / Cognition 115 (2010) 491–503

mine whether these thoughts about the temperature are get $100 for it, which would provide her with beer money
correct. He accepts them unreflectively, another effect of for the week.
the tempucomp. Thus, at a particular moment in time he UNCLEAR (Hide-Bombers): Martha hides her Jewish
thinks and accepts that the temperature is 71 degrees – neighbors in her basement during the Nazi occupation of
and it is, in fact, 71 degrees. France. A German soldier comes to her door one afternoon
and asks her if she knows where her neighbors have gone.
Martha knows that her neighbors are wanted by the Ger-
A.2.2. Set 2: epistemic vignettes
mans for bombing a German-only schoolyard and killing
CLEAR YES (Testimony): Karen is a distinguished profes-
several children, injuring others. Martha lies to the soldier,
sor of chemistry. This morning, she read an article in a
telling them no, she hasn’t seen them recently, but she be-
leading scientific journal that mixing two common floor
lieves that they fled the country.
disinfectants, Cleano Plus and Washaway, will create a poi-
sonous gas that is deadly to humans. In fact, the article is
correct: mixing the two products does create a poisonous References
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