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Matlab Summary

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Basic Scalars/Matrices

• For MATLAB a scalar is simply a 1-by-1 matrix.

• To create a matrix:
1 2 3
A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6]; makes
4 5 6
• This also works:
A = [1,2,3;4,5,6]; or [1 2 3
4 5 6]

• The ‘ symbol denotes transpose:

if A = [1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6] then A′ = [1, 4; 2, 5; 3, 6]
More matrices
• You can form a matrix out of a number of vectors.
• a = [1 2 3]; b = [4 5 6];

• A = [a b]; gives 1 2 3 4 5 6

1 2 3
• A = [a; b]; gives
4 5 6

• Accessing a single element: A(1, 2) for the above gives 1st

row, 2nd column element = 2
Using the : symbol
• : is used either in declaration or accessing vectors/matrices

• Declaration format: start:stride:end

• A = [0:5:20]; makes 0 5 10 15 20

• Use transpose to make column vectors

A = [0:5:20]’; makes 10
Using the : symbol
• Access format: Similar, b

1 2 3 4 2
5 6 7 8 6
A= A(:, 2) gives 2nd column
9 10 11 12 10
13 14 15 16 14

3 4
A(1:2, 3:4) gives 1-2 row, 3-4 column submatrix
7 8

Starting row is 1, ending row can be end. Can use stride

here too, but not very useful.
Special Matrices
• eye(n) is the identity matrix of size n x n.

• zeros(m, n) is the m x n matrix with only zeroes.

• ones(m, n) is the m x n with only 1’s.

• magic(n) gives a n x n matrix with integer coefficients from

1 to n² with equal column and row sums.
Random Matrices
• rand(m, n) is a matrix of size m by n with independent
entries that are uniformly distributed on the interval [0, 1]

• randn(m, n) is a matrix of size m by n with independent

entries that are normally distributed

• rand(n) and randn(n) return square matrices of size n by

Matrix Operations
• Add, subtract, divide, multiply, exponent: + - \ / * ˆ

• * and \ correspond to matrix product and multiplication by

the inverse:
𝐴 ∗ 𝐵 = 𝐴𝐵, 𝐴⁄𝐵 = 𝐴𝐵23, 𝐴\B = 𝐴23𝐵

• The same operations (except \) are available component

[1, 2, 3]. * [2, 1, 2] = [2, 2, 6]

• A\b solves the linear system Ax = b.

Matrix Operations cont.
• null(A) is an orthogonal basis for the null space of A

•sum(A) returns a row vector containing the sum of the

columns of A.
Logical Operations
• Tests such as A < b return logical values

• These can be manipulated as regular integers (1 for true,

0 for false).

• find will return all the elements for which a condition is

find([1, 2, 3] > 1) returns [2, 3]
Logical Operations cont.
• [v, id] = max(a) returns the maximum element of the
vector a and the corresponding indices in id.

• [s, id] = sort(a) returns the elements of a sorted in

ascending order and the permutation id such that s(id) is
Usual Functions
• Mathematics: sin, cos, exp, log, log10, sqrt, ceil, floor,
round, ...

• Information: size, length, who, whos, ls

• Management: save, load, clear

save filename x y A
load filename
Writing functions
• File -> new -> function

• Functions/scripts/classes are all .m files, but different

semantics. To be able call functions, place them in your
project directory.

function [ output_args ] = Silly( input_args )

%SILLY Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here

Programming Logic
• if, else statements:

if (a > 1)
• for statements can be used too:
for i=1:n
• Similar behavior for repeat, until, while, etc.
Function parameters
function [ output1, output2 ] = Silly( input1, input2)
• To input values, use the as many arguments after the
function name as you need, then use them in your
some_value = input1*input2;

• Output values must be set before the “end” statement.

output1 = some_value;
output2 = 15.7;
Calling Functions
• Note that the type of input1, input2 is not set anywhere.
Can be scalars, vectors, matrices…
• To call this function with 2 return values, do:
[a, b] = Silly(5, 7);

[a, b] = Silly(vector1, vector2);

• This will save output1 as a and output2 as b.

• If we specify fewer return parameters, the first few are

• You should write all you commands in a script using the

• Use F5 to run the script. Using the name of the script from
the command line works too.
• Use F9 to run the current selection.

• CTRL-i will automatically (and correctly) indent the current

• CTRL-R will comment the current selection, CTRL-T will
uncomment it (useful to test only parts of a code).
• plot(x, y) will plot a function that takes values
y = (y1, . . . , yn) at the points x = (x1, . . . , xn).

• Use xlabel(′ALabelForX′) and ylabel(′ALabelForY ′) to put

labels on the axes and Title(′ATitle′) to include a title.

• plot(x1, y1, ':bo', x2, y2, '-r.') will plot two curves, one as a
blue dotted line with circles at each point, the other red
continuous with dots.
Plotting cont.
• Look for ”Linespec” in the MATLAB documentation to find
other codes for line colors, markers, etc.

• Use legend(′plot1′,′ plot2′, ...) to include a legend.

• To combine plots: use hold on after the first one and hold
off after the last plot.

hold on
plot (x1, y1, ':bo')
plot (x2, y2, '-r.')
hold off

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