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AEN 301 Pest Management in Field Crops 2+1

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Distribution, host-range, bionomics, symptoms of damage and management practices for major
pests of the following crops.
Cereals and Millets
1. Rice – sucking pests.
2. Rice – internal feeders.
3. Rice – foliage pests.
4. Wheat – sucking pests, internal feeders and foliage pests.
5. Millets – Sorghum.
6. Millets – Corn.
7. Millets – Pearl millet, Finger millet and Tenai.
8. Redgram.
9. Greengram, Lab-lab.
10. Cowpea, beans, blackgram and chickpea.
Oil seeds
11. Mustard, Soybean.
12. Groundnut – foliar feeders.
13. Groundnut – subterranean pests.
14. Gingelly and Sunflower
15. Castor.
Fibre crops
16. Cotton – sucking pests.
17. Mid semester examination.
18. Cotton – bollworms.
19. Cotton – foliar feeders.
20. Cotton – stem weevil, surface and leaf weevils.
21. Sugarcane – borers.
22. Sugarcane – sucking pests, subterranean pests.
23. Fumigatories and Masticatories – Tobacco
24. Green manure crops.
25. Forage crops.
26. Pests of stored commodities.
27. Scientific methods of storage.
28. Management of storage pests.
29. Locusts – biology, classification and management.
30. Rodents and their management.
31. Non insect pests – birds, crabs, snails.
32. Non insect pests – mites.
33. Integrated pest management case studies – rice, cotton.
34. Integrated pest management – future needs.

1. Thrips, Stenchaetothrips biformis, Thripidae, Thysanoptera

Symptom of attack: Affected nurseries present a pale yellow colour with brown tips.
On passing the wet palm over the top of the seedlings a large number of black adults
and yellowish nymphs may be seen striking to the palm. The infestation invariably
disappears after sharp showers.
Nature of damage: Both the adults and nymphs lacerate the tender leaves and suck up
the plant sap. As a result fine yellowish lines or silvery streaks are seen on the leaves.
Later, the leaves curl longitudinally and begin to dry from the tip downwards. In severe
cases, the entire nursery may dry up and fail to produce seedling. Sometimes
transplanted crop is also affected in the early stages.
Life stages
Egg: Eggs laid singly in the tissues of the tender leaves on the sides facing the stem.
Eggs are hyaline and turn pale yellow as they mature.
Nymph: Newly hatched nymphs are transparent but turn yellowish white after the first
moult and possess darker legs, head and antennae.
Pupa: Pupation takes place inside the rolled leaves and appendages and wings are
clearly visible.
Adult: Adult is 1 mm long, dark brown to black in colour with fringed wings. Male is
smaller, more slender than female. It reproduces parthenogenetically since males are
seldom seen in the population.

2. Green leafhopper, Nephotettix virescens , Cicadellidae, Hemiptera

Symptoms of attack: Affected plants become pale yellow in colour and get stunted in
growth. If the plants are tapped large number of leafhoppers may be seen jumping to
Nature of damage: Both nymphs and adults suck the plant sap from the leaf and leaf
sheath. (It is a phloem feeder. Amino acid content is high in phloem sap than xylem. The xylem and
phloem vessels are plugged with their stylet sheath that causes disruption in the transport of food
substances in the vessels.) Mild infestation reduces the vigour of the plant and the number
of reproductive tillers. Heavy infestation causes withering and complete drying of the
crop. Plants are predisposed to fungal and bacterial infection through feeding and
ovipositional punctures. Nymphs and adults exude sticky, whitish honeydew, which
attracts sooty mould (that reduces the photosynthetic rate). It also transmits plant diseases
such as dwarf, transitory yellowing, yellow dwarf and rice tungro virus (Tungro is
transmitted during short feeding period).
Life stages
Egg: Greenish transparent eggs are deposited in the midrib of leaf blade or sheath of
rice or green grass. They are laid in batches of 10 to 15 arranged in a single row.
Nymph: The nymphs are soft bodied, yellow white in colour. Gradually the colour
changes to green.
Adult: Adults are 3-5 mm long, bright green with variable black markings, wedge
shaped with a characteristic diagonal movement. Male insect has a black spot in middle
of the forewings that is absent in females. The insect is active during July to September.

3. Brown planthopper/ Fulgorid, Nilaparvata lugens, Delphacidae, Hemiptera

Symptom of attack: Symptoms will not be visible from outside in the early stages, but if
we enter the field and tap the plants large number of this insect can be seen. They are
visible only when the damage has been severe, the plants present a burnt up
appearance, hopper burn, in circular patches.
Nature of damage: Both the nymphs and adults remain at the ground level and suck the
plant sap. It is a typical vascular feeder primarily sucking phloem sap leading to hopper
burn. At early infestation, circular yellow patches appear which soon turn brownish
due to the drying up of the plants. The patches of infestation then may spread out and
cover the entire field. The grain setting is also affected to a great extent. During
sustained feeding, it excretes a large amount of honeydew. It also acts as vector of the
virus diseases like grassy stunt, wilted stunt and ragged stunt. (Transmission of persistent
ragged stunt and grassy stunt virus require more time. Sheath blight and stem rot incidence was high in
BPH infested plants.)
Life stages
Egg: Eggs are laid in a group of 2 to 12 in leaf sheath (near the plant base or in the ventral
midribs of leaf blades). White, transparent, slender cylindrical and curved eggs are thrust in
straight-line in two rows. (They are covered with a dome-shaped egg plug secreted by the female.
Only the tips protrude from the plant surface.)
Nymph: Freshly hatched nymph is cottony white, 0.6 mm long and it turns purple-
brown, 3.0 mm long in the fifth instar.
Adult: Adult hopper is 4.5-5.0 mm long and has a yellowish brown to dark brown body.
The wings are sub hyaline with a dull yellowish tint. It has two characteristic wing
morphs: macropterous (long winged) and brachypterous (short winged). (Wing morphism is
influenced by various factors viz., crowding during the nymphal stage and reduction in the quality and
quantity of food, short day length and low temperature, which favour macroptery)

4. Whitebacked planthopper, Sogatella furcifera, Delphacidae, Hemiptera

Symptom of attack: Heavy infestation cause outer leaves of a hill to show burn
symptoms. Damage in the form of hopperburn appears uniformly in a rice field,
whereas it appears as circular patches in the case of BPH.
Nature of damage: WBPH is more abundant during the early stage of the growth of rice
crop, especially in nurseries. (It attacks less than four-month old plants in fields with standing
water and shows a marked increase with the age of the crop. Rice is more sensitive to attack at the
tillering phase than at the boot and heading stages.) Damage is caused through feeding and
oviposition. Gravid females cause ovipositional punctures in leaf sheaths. Both
nymphs and adults suck phloem sap causing reduced vigour, stunting, yellowing of
leaves and delayed tillering and grain formation. (Rice crop fails to produce complete grains
[seedless glumes] and this condition is known as red disease in Malaysia.) Feeding puncture and
lacerations caused by ovipositor predispose the plants to pathogenic organisms and
honeydew excretion encourages the growth of sooty mould. It is not a vector of any
viral disease.
Egg: Cylindrical eggs are laid in groups when the rice plant is small but in the upper
part of the rice plant when the plant is large. (They are laid with the micropylar end protruding
from the tissue, the operculum is long and narrow. The eggs in a group are not sealed together by the
material secreted by female.)
Nymph: White to a strongly mottled dark grey or black and white in colour and 0.6 mm
size when young. Fifth instar nymph with a narrow head and white or creamy white
body. Dorsal surface of the thorax and abdomen marked with various amounts of grey
and white markings.
Adult: The adult hopper is 3.5-4.0 mm long. The forewings are uniformly hyaline with
dark veins. There is a prominent white band between the junctures of the wings.
Macropterous males and females and brachypterous females are commonly found in
the field.

5. Mealy bug, Brevennia rehi, Pseudococcidae, Hemiptera

Symptom of attack: The infestation starts in plants one or two month after
transplanting. Stunted, circular patches may be seen in the fields. If such plants are
pulled out and teased the insects can be seen at the base of the leaves and leaf sheaths.
Nature of damage: Large number of these insects’ remains inside the leaf sheaths and
suck up the plant sap. The affected tillers remain stunted with yellowish curled leaves.
When the attack is severe, it inhibits panicle emergence. This type of disease is called as
Soorai disease in Tamil Nadu. The damage occurs from September. In severe cases,
yield may be reduced even upto 50%.
Egg: The female lays numerous yellowish white eggs/ simply deposits nymphs in outer
leaf sheaths.
Nymph: The newly hatched nymphs crowded within the waxy threads for 6-10 h before
they disperse to various parts of the same plant. The pale yellowish nymph is active and
crawls about the plant for a while and settled itself on the plant/ stem and turns dark
yellow after a day. Body gets covered with waxy material on second day.
Adult: Nymphs and adults being wingless look alike. Females are reddish, oval, soft-
bodied living in colonies inside the leaf sheath. Males are small, slender, pale-yellow,
having single pair of wings and a style like process at the end of the abdomen but lack
mouthparts. Males are seldom found in the colonies, so it reproduces

6. Black bug, Scotinophara lurida, Podopidae, Hemiptera

Symptom of attack: Presence of bugs at the base of the stem just above the water level.
Plants stunted with reduced number of tillers; leaves turn reddish brown and dry.
Nature of damage: The bugs remain and feed the plant sap on the base of the plants
causing stunting of plants. Leaves turn reddish brown and grains do not develop. Bugs
feed on the panicles in milky stage result in brown spots or empty grains in the
panicles. Heavy bug infestation may cause death to the plants and whole field appears
burned called bug burn similar to hopper burn.
Egg: Eggs are cylindrical, greenish and laid in small groups of ten in two rows on the
Nymph: Young nymph is brown with yellowish green abdomen and a few black spots.
Adult: Adults are flat, 7-9 mm long, brownish black bugs with a prominent scutellum
and pronotum having a spine on either side. It is active on the cloudy days and during
night. Adults or late nymphal stage aestivate in cracks in bunds.

7. Earhead bug/ Gundhi bug, Leptocorisa acuta, Alydidae, Hemiptera

Symptom of attack: Leaves turn yellow and later rusted from tip downwards.
Appearance of numerous brownish spots at the feeding sites / shrivelling of grains. In
the case of heavy infestation, the whole earhead may become devoid of mature grains.
Its presence in the field is made out by its strong smell.
Nature of damage: Both adults and nymphs do the damage. The nymphs start feeding 3
to 4 hours after hatching. They feed on the leaf sap near the tip/ on milky sap in
developing spikelets at milky stage. Sucking of the milky sap causes ill-filled/ partial
filled and chaffy grains. Serious infestation can reduce the yield by 50%. The straw
gives off-flavour that is unattractive to cattle.
Egg: Eggs are circular, brownish seed like, 2 mm long, laid in clusters in two rows along
the midrib on the upper surface of the leaf-blade.
Nymph: First instar is small, 2 mm long, pale green in colour, which grows to deepen
green through different instars.
Adult: Adults are greenish yellow, long and slender, above ½ inch in length with a
characteristic buggy odour.

8. Earhead stink bug/ Shield bug/Red spotted bug, Menida histrio, Pentatomidae,
Symptom of attack: Small dot like discoloration on the grains.
Nature of damage: Both adult and nymph suck the sap/ milk of developing rice grain
and cause pecky rice. (Grain discoloration is caused by subsequent infections of
pathogenic fungi or bacteria on the sucking injuries and such grains are called as pecky
rice). Sucking of this pentatomid bug causes comparatively small dot like discolorations
on the grain than by L. acuta.
Egg: Eggs are laid in masses of 2-6 on leaves.
Nymph: Nymphs are dark brown.
Adult: It is a small brown bug with red and yellow spots.

Minor pests
1. White leafhopper, Cofana spectra, Cicadellidae, Hemiptera
2. Nama vandu/ Stripped bug, Tetroda histeroides, Pentatomidae, Hemiptera
3. Blue leafhopper, Empoascanara spp., Cicadellidae, Hemiptera
4. Zigzag leafhopper, Recilia dorsalis, Cicadellidae, Hemiptera

1. Paddy stem borer, Scirpophaga incertulas, Pyraustidae, Lepidoptera
Symptoms of attack: A number of stem borer moths seen dead and floating on the water
in the fields. In the vegetative stage, dead hearts seen in the affected tillers and in the
reproductive stage, whiteear may be seen.
Nature of damage: The insect may start attacking the plants in the nursery especially
long duration varieties. The incidence is mild in the season June to September, but later
on gets intensified from October to January and February. The caterpillar enters the
stem and feeds on the growing shoot. As a result the central shoot dries up and
produces the characteristic dead heart. The tillers may get affected at different stages.
When they are affected at the time of flowering the earheads become chaffy and are
known as white ear.
Egg: Eggs are creamy white, flattened, oval and scale like and laid in mass. Each egg
mass consists of 15-80 eggs and covered with buff coloured hairs. Before hatching, the
eggs darken to a purplish tinge. They are laid mostly near the tip of the leaves.
Larva: The hatched larvae move downward and wander about on the plant for 1 or 2
hours. They may hang down by a sliver thread and get to other plants with the help of
the wind. They can also swim over the water and reach other tillers. They enter the leaf
sheath and feed upon the green tissues of the stem for 2-3 days. Then they bore into the
stem near the node. Deposition of silica in the epidermal layer of the stem and leaf
sheath acts as an obstacle to the first instar larvae to chew up a hole. Generally only one
caterpillar is seen inside a tiller. It may come out and attack fresh tiller. The full-grown
caterpillar measures about 20 mm, white or yellowish white in colour with a
conspicuous prothoracic shield.
Pupa: Pupation takes place inside the rice stem, straw or stubble. Before pupation it
make a exit hole in the internode and covers it will a thin web for the adult to come out
later. The anterior extremity of the cocoon is tubular and attached to the exit hole and to
make the cocoon waterproof the larva webs two horizontal septa in this tubular area.
Adult: They exhibit remarkable sexual dimorphism. The female moth is bright
yellowish brown with a black spot at the centre of the forewing and a tuft of yellow
hairs at the anal region. The male is small in size and brownish.

2. Paddy gall midge, Orseolia oryzae, Cecidomyiidae, Diptera

Symptom of attack: The central shoot instead of producing leaf produces a long tubular
structure. When the gall elongates as an external symptom of damage, the insect will be
in pupal stage and ready for emergence.
Nature of damage: The maggot bores into the growing point of the tiller and causes
abnormal growth of the leaf sheath, which becomes whitish tubular and ends bluntly. It
may be pale green, pink or purplish. Further growth of tiller is arrested. This is called
onion shoot, silver shoot or anaikomban. The feeding by the maggot and the larval
secretion, which contains an active substance called cecidogen, is responsible for cell
proliferation of the meristematic cells and gall formation. It is a pest in irrigated and wet
season crop. Tillers in 35 to 53 days old crops are preferred.
Egg: The fly lays elongate, cylindrical, shinning white or red or pinkish eggs singly or in
clusters (2-6) at the base of the leaves.
Maggot: Maggot is 1 mm long after hatching with pointed anterior end. It creeps down
the sheath and enters the growing bud. An oval chamber is formed round the site of
Pupa: At the time of emergence the pupa wriggles up the tube with the help of antennal
horn to the tip of the silver shoot and projects half way out.
Adult: The adult fly is yellowish brown and mosquito like. The male is ash grey in
colour. Adults feed on dewdrops.

1. Swarming caterpillar: Spodoptera mauritia: Noctuidae: Lepidoptera

Symptom of attack: Nurseries found completely eaten away by the caterpillars’
Nature of damage: Caterpillars march in large numbers in the evening hours and feed
on the leaves of paddy seedlings till the morning and hide during daytime. They feed
gregariously and after feeding the plants in one field march onto the next field. Under
severe infestation crop gives the appearance of grazed plants. Attacked plants are
reduced to stumps. Nurseries situated in ill-drained marshy areas attacked are earlier
than dry ground. Damage is severe during July to September.
Egg: Eggs are spherical and creamy in colour, which are laid in a group covered over
with grey hairs.
Larva: The caterpillars are light green with yellowish white lateral and dorsal stripes in
the early stages and later become dark brown or grayish green in colour with a crescent
(semi-circular) shaped black spot on the side of each segment.
Pupa: They pupate inside the soil in earthen cocoons. Pupa is dark brown and measures
16-17 mm long.
Adult: The adult moth is medium sized, stout built dark brown with a conspicuous
triangular black spot on the forewings. Hind wings are brownish white with thin black

2. Rice case worm: Nymphula depunctalis: Pyraustidae: Lepidoptera

Symptom of attack: Plants stunted, caterpillars hanging on the leaf edges in a tubular
Nature of damage: The caterpillar cuts a piece of leaf, rolls it longitudinally into a
tubular structure and remains inside. It feeds by scraping the green tissue of the leaf.
The cases often float in the water. Its damage can be distinguished from damage by
other pests in two ways, firstly the ladder like appearance of the removed leaf tissue
resulting from the back and forth motion of the head during feeding and secondly the
damage pattern is not uniform through out the field because the floating cases are
often carried in the run off water to low lying fields where the damage is more
Egg: Eggs are light yellow, disc like, smooth and irregular in shape. They are laid on the
under side of the leaves floating on the water.
Larva: They hatch into green caterpillars with orange brownish head. Each caterpillar
lives inside a tubular case and hang down the leaves. The tubular cases are open at one
end. The inside of the case is lined with silk to hold a thin film of water, which is
essential for respiration and preventing desiccation of the larvae. The cases are replaced
with each moult. It moves up and down with the protruded legs and scrapes the green
matter. It drops in the water when disturbed. It is semi aquatic and can breathe by
filamental gills at the sides. Full-grown caterpillars measure upto 15 mm length.
Pupa: It pupates inside the leaf case. Fresh pupae are milky white, which gradually turn
to light yellow.
Adult: The adult is a small delicate moth having white wings speckled with pale brown
wavy markings. Females are larger than males. Egg laying takes place in the night.

3. Rice skipper: Pelopidas mathias: Hesperidae: Lepidoptera

Symptom of attack: Leaves folded longitudinally and scrapped patches in such places.
Nature of damage: The caterpillar folds the leaves and feeds from inside. It feeds on the
parenchyma and leaf gets reduced to skeleton. Occurs in the nursery and planted crop.
Not a serious pest.
Egg: Eggs are laid on the leaves.
Larva: The caterpillar is elongate, yellowish green with four white dorsal stripes,
smooth and with a constructed neck and red ‘V’ mark on the head, which is distinct.
Pupa: Pale green pupa has white longitudinal lines on it and is attached to the leaf
blade by a silk girdle.
Adult: The adult is a dark brown skipper butterfly with two white spots on the wings.

4. Leaf folder/ roller: Cnaphalocrocis medinalis: Pyralidae: Lepidoptera

Symptom of attack: Leaves folded longitudinally or transversely with silk and scrapped
patches in such places.
Nature of damage: Larvae remain inside the fold and scrapping off green portion of the
leaves leaving white patches.
Egg: Flat oval yellowish eggs laid singly or in pairs on the undersurface of tender
Larva: Larva is yellowish green in colour and translucent about 16-20 mm long.
Pupa: It pupates inside the fold.
Adult: Adult is small yellow coloured moth with dark wavy lines on both pairs of

5. Rice horned caterpillar: Melanitis ismene: Nymphalidae: Lepidoptera

Symptom of attack: Defoliated leaves. It is a minor pest.
Nature of damage: The larva feed on the paddy leaves at night, remaining inactive
during daytime.
Egg: Eggs are white, round laid singly on the paddy leaves.
Larva: Larva is green in colour with roughened skin, flattened dorsally and has a dark
brown head with a pair of red horn like processes and two yellow processes in the anal
end. It feeds on the leaves.
Pupa: Dark green chrysalis hangs from the leaf and is attached to the leaf blade by its
anal extremity.
Adult: The butterfly is dark brown with large wings having a few black and yellow eye-
like markings one on each of the forewings and six ocellar spots on hindwings.

6. Yellow hairy caterpillar: Psalis pennatula: Lymantriidae: Lepidoptera

Symptom of attack: Defoliated leaves. It is a minor pest.
Egg: Eggs are laid in batches on the leaves covered with yellow hairs.
Larva: The caterpillar is yellow with red stripes and an orange head. Tufts of hairs are
found all over, of which two in the anterior region and one in the posterior region are
Pupa: Pupation is in a yellowish cocoon of hairs on the leaves.
Adult: Moth is light yellow with bipectinate antenna.

7. Grass hoppers : Hieroglyphus banian (Large grasshopper)

Oxya nitidula (Small grasshopper) : Acrididae: Orthoptera
Symptom of attack: The nymphs and adults nibble leaves and also earheads in the early
Nature of damage: Both the adults and nymphs feed on the leaf and in severe cases the
entire leaf may be eaten away. It is capable of causing severe damage. In the earhead
stage the adults nibble at the tender florets or grain or into the base of the stalks causing
white ears.
Life stages H. banian has only one brood in a year. O. nitidula breeds throughout the
year. Egg: It lays eggs in the wet sandy soil during October to November at a depth of
about 2”especially in the side of bunds. The eggs are laid in batches of 30-40, hatch only
in June to July on receipt of the monsoon rains. Eggs are yellowish and covered with
gummy substrate that hardens into a waterproof coating.
Nymphs: The nymphs feed on the grasses or paddy
Adult: They grow into adults by August to September. H. banian measures about 1½
inches long. There are three transverse dark lines on the prothorax, which is helpful for
identifying the pest. O. nitudula is about one inch long and has a longitudinal brown
streak on either side of the thorax.

8. Spiny beetle/ Rice hispa: Dicladispa armigera: Chrysomelidae: Coleoptera

Symptom of attack: The mining of the grubs will be clearly seen on the leaves. White
parallel line will be clear on the leaves.
Nature of damage: The grub mines into the leaf blade and feed on the green tissue
between the veins. Adults also feed in the green tissue; they scrape the green matter of
the tender leaves. Generally the plants are affected in the young stage.
Egg: Eggs are laid inside minute slits on the tender leaves generally toward the tip.
Grub: The grub is whitish yellow and flattened. It feeds inside the leaf tissue by mining.
It pupates inside.
Adult: The adult beetle is somewhat square shaped about 1/6 to 1/8” in length and
width. Dark blue or blackish in colour with spines all over the body.

9. Whorl maggot: Hydrellia sasakii: Ephydridae: Diptera

Symptoms of attack: Presence of feeding lesions in the lines and the infested plants
become stunted.
Nature of damage: The maggots are found to feed on the unopened leaves and to nibble
the inner margins of the leaves, which showed conspicuous feeding lesions in the lines.
Damaged leaves became distorted and broke-off in the wind. Infested plants are
stunted. It cause damage to the boot leaf and developing panicles, which resulted in
producing only partially filled/ half filled grains. Small puncture appear in the middle
of the flag leaf and its margin get discolored.
Egg: White, cigar shaped egg laid singly on either side of the leaves.
Grub: Newly hatched larva is transparent to very light cream in colour but later become
yellow. The larvae move down the leaf into the whorl on a film of dew and feed within
developing whorls. The larvae mostly remain outside the leaves and feed on the
mesophyll tissue of the foliage. When leaves emerge from the whorl damage can be
seen as pinholes in the leaves and white and yellowish lesions on the leaf edge.
Pupa: Pupation takes place in between the leaf sheath where the pupa is loosely
attached to the stem. The puparium is light to dark brown ovoid and sub-cylindrical in
Adult: Adult dark grey flies, 1.8-2.3 mm in size.

10. Blue beetle: Halticia cyanea: Chrysomelidae: Coleoptera


1. Shoot fly: Atherigona varia soccata: Anthomyiidae: Diptera.
Symptom of attack: Dead heats or drying of central shoots or production of profuse side
tillers in main plants.
Nature of damage: The maggots bore into the shoot of young plants, a week after
germination to about one month and as a result the central shoot dries up. If the plants
are attacked at the initial stages the mother plant may produce profuse side tillers, but
the tillers also may be attacked. The infestation often goes as high as 60%. The high
yielding hybrid varieties are severely attacked. In South India, crop is damaged during
October to December as also in summer.
Egg: Whitish eggs are laid singly on the under surface of the leaves which are about one
week old.
Maggot: The maggots are yellow in colour migrate to the dorsal surface of the leaf, enter
the space between the leaf sheath and the axis and make a clear cut through the tightly
rolled sheaths and damages growing point. The growing points of the plant die and
decay on which the maggots feed.
Pupa: Pupation takes place inside the stem itself.
Adult: The adult is a small dark fly. Female fly has whitish grey head and thorax, while
the abdomen is yellowish with paired brown patches. Male is darker in colour.

2. Stem borer: Chilo partellus: Crambidae: Lepidoptera

Symptoms of attack: Presence of circular holes on the unfolded leaves and dead hearts
in the early stages are the main symptoms. The boreholes may be visible in contrast to
the dead heart caused by the stem borer. When grown up plants are attacked the
symptoms will not be quite visible.
Nature of damage: The caterpillar bores into the stem and feeds on the central shoot.
There may be more than one caterpillar in a single plant. In early stages, the caterpillars
make circular holes on unfolded leaves and later central shoot dries up producing dead
heart. Later it acts as an internode borer and is found till the time of harvest. Young
cobs may also be attacked. Yield is affected much and the quality of the fodder is also
reduced. The damage caused to the crop by this pest was estimated to range between 70
– 80%. Egg: Eggs are yellowish in colour, flat and oval, laid on the underside of the
leaves, near the midrib.
Larva: The larva is pale white with black dots and brown head. The newly hatched
caterpillars migrate to the top of the plant and enter the stem or it mines in the midrib
or bores into the stem near the node and feeds upwards. The larvae remain dormant in
winter and hibernate. A caterpillar is dirty white with a brown head and thorax. There
are four longitudinal stripes on its dorsal surface.
Pupa: Pupation takes place inside the stem.
Adult: Moth is medium sized and straw coloured. Male has pale brown forewings
provided with dark brown scales forming a dark area along the coastal margin. Hind
wings are light straw light straw in colour. Female possesses forewing of a lighter
colour and nearly white hind wings.

3. Pink Stem borer : Sesamia inferens: Noctuidae: Lepidoptera

Symptom of damage: Presence of dead heart.
Nature of damage: The young larvae after hatching, congregate inside the leaf whorls
and feed on folded central leaves causing typical ‘pin hole’ symptoms. Severe feeding
results in killing of the central shoot and consequent dead heart formation. Usually the
second instar larvae migrate to neighbouring plants by coming out from the whorls and
suspending themselves from the plants by silken threads, these are then easily blown
off by wind to other plants. These larvae penetrate in the stem and cause tunneling
resulting in stunting, infested plants become weak and bear very small earheads. The
weakened stems, especially of tall local varieties, break easily during heavy rains or
with high velocity winds.
Egg: Creamy white spherical eggs are laid in batches in between leaf sheaths and stem
of a plant.
Larva: The larvae penetrate the stems directly and may kill the young plants. The fully
developed caterpillar is cylindrical, pinkish dorsally and whitish ventrally. Larvae can
migrate from plant to plant.
Pupa: Pupation occurs inside the stem, pupae are robust and light brown in colour.
Adult: Adults are stout, straw coloured and are nocturnal in habit.


5. Slug caterpillar: Thosea apierens: Cochlididae: Lepidoptera
Symptom of attack: Defoliation.
Nature of damage: They feed on the leaves and defoliate. Apart from this they cause lot
of irritation on the people who work in the field. Harvest is made difficult and it is
reported the even cattle do not relish the fodder.
Life stages: Slug is found to appear in a severe form in Coimbatore.

6. Leaf roller: Marasmia trapezalis : Pyralidae: Lepidoptera

Symptom of attack: Rolled up leaves in which the larvae are found feeding and
longitudinal patches on leaves whose tips dry are the clear symptoms.
Nature of damage: The leaf roller becomes quite serious on young crops and feeds on
the leaf epidermis. It causes longitudinal patches on the leaves and the tips of the leaves
dry up. It is only a minor pest and rarely becomes serious. The varieties with broad
leaves are attacked more severely.
Egg: Eggs are laid on young leaves.
Larva: A caterpillar is greenish yellow and is provided with setae over its body. Head
and thoracic shield are brownish in colour. When full grown the caterpillar measures
about 20 mm.
Pupa: Pupation takes place within the rolled leaf.
Adult: Adults are grayish with shining coloured patterns. Anal margins are darker in
7. Flea beetle: Cryptocephalus schestedti : Chrysomelidae: Coleoptera
Monolepta signata: Chrysomelidae: Coleoptera
Symptom of attack: Shot holes.
Nature of damage: The pest occurs in small number is feeding on the leaves. It nibbles
small holes on the leaves.
Life stages: C. schestedti: This is an yellow beetle with long black streak. M. signata:
Adult is a black beetle with four yellow spots.


8. Shoot bug : Peregrinus maidis : Delphacidae: Hemiptera
Symptom of attack: The leaves turn yellow due to sucking; plants become weak and the
yield goes down. The mid rib of the leaves become red due to egg laying and may dry
up subsequently.
Nature of damage: Both adults and nymphs suck the plant sap from the leaves and
cause the shoot to dry. They feed gregariously within the leaf sheaths. It is not a serious
pest, but sometimes causes appreciable damage.
Life stages: It is a small active, grayish brown bug. Colonies of this bug (both adults and
nymphs) live within the whorl of the central leaf or in the root region. This pest is very
common in Coimbatore during summer. The large black ant attends these insects.

9. Plant lice: Rhopalosiphum maidis, Longuinguis sacchari : Aphididae: Hemiptera

Nature of damage: Nymphs and adults suck plant sap from the leaf, leaf sheath and
inflorescence. They occur in cluster and may cause severe damage to inflorescence by
hampering pollination. The aphid colony secretes honeydew in plenty.
Life stages: The former one is yellow with dark green legs and lives inside the central
leaf. The latter is creamy and lives on the under the surface of lower leaves. These are
not serious pests. Reproduction parthenogenetic. Cloudy and humid weather favours

10. Earhead bug: Calocoris angustatus : Miridae: Hemiptera

Symptom of damage: No external symptom will be visible. The earheads should be
tapped either on the palm or a piece of cardboard. A number of brownish or greenish
nymphs and adults can be seen. On the developing grains small brownish spots will be
visible. In severe infestation, the grains get shriveled without maturing and the
earheads appear uneven.
Nature of damage: The adults and nymphs live inside the earhead and suck the milky
fluid from the tender ripening grains. Due to the feeding, the grains get shriveled and
chaffy and thus unfit for sowing and for consumption. No damage is caused to fully
ripened grains. A reduction of 15 – 30% in the yield was estimated due to its attack.
Usually high yielding varieties with compact earheads (Chitrai cholam) are subjected to
more infestation than the loose earheads.
Egg: The female bug thrusts shining pale yellowish cigar shaped eggs into the tender
tissues of the shoot between glumes in the centre of the florets.
Nymph: The newly hatched nymphs have light orange red abdomen, which changes to
green in the advanced instars.
Adult: The adult is a slender green elongate bug about 1 cm long and active flier.

11. Mirid bug: Creontiades pallidifer: Miridae: Hemiptera

Nature of damage: It is a minor pest. Nature of damage is similar to earhead bug.

12. Sorghum midge: Contarinia sorghicola: Cecidomyidae: Diptera

Symptoms of attack: The flowers appear damaged; earheads are devoid of grains and
during severe attack, may appear blighted.
Nature of damage: This fly attacks the developing grains. The larvae develop by
feeding inside the grains. This results in the failure of grain formation causing them to
shrivel during serious infestation the entire earhead may appear to be blighted or
blasted. This pest is a minor pest and assumed major pest status after the introduction
of CSH 1 hybrid cholam.
Egg: Eggs are laid inside the glumes of closed or open flowers.
Maggot: The newly hatched maggot feed on the ovaries. The advanced stage larvae are
pink in colour.
Pupa: pupate inside the damaged flowers.
Adult: The midge is a tiny (2 mm long) pinkish coloured fly.

13. Gram caterpillar: Helicoverpa armigera: Noctuidae: Lepidoptera

Nature of damage: Caterpillars feed on the grains at the time of maturity causing
considerable damage.

14. Other pests

Red hairy caterpillar: Amsacta albistriga: Arctiidae: Lepidoptera
Angoumois grain moth: Sitotroga cerallela: Gelechiidae: Lepidoptera
Cryptoblabes sp.: Pyralidae: Lepidoptera
Flower webber: Eublemma silicula: Noctuidae: Lepidoptera
Dolicoris indicus:
Nezara viridula: Pentatomidae: Hemiptera
These pests are found on the earheads in the milky stage. The injury is only very

1. Pink borer, Sesamia inferens, Noctuidae, Lepidoptera
Symptom of damage: Deadheart.
Nature of damage: Larva congregate inside the leaf whorls and feed on the central
leaves causing typical ‘pin hole’ symptom. Severe feeding results in drying of the
central shoot and results in dead heart formation.
Egg: Creamy white spherical eggs laid in batches in between leaf sheaths and stem of
the plant.
Larva : Pinkish brown with a reddish brown head.
Pupa: Brown, obtect pupa, pupates inside the stem.
Adult: Straw coloured moth with forewings having 3 black spots and a faint brown
mid-stripe with white hindwings.

2. White borer, Saluria inficita, Phycitidae, Lepidoptera

Symptom of damage: Deadheart.
Nature of damage: Larva found at the base of tillers close to soil level and attack the
basal parts of the plants.
Larva: Creamy white with yellow head.
Pupa: Brown, obtect type, pupates inside the stem.
Adult: Small moth with dark brown forewings bearing a white band along the anterior
margin and white hindwings.

3. Cutworm, Spodoptera exigua, Noctuidae, Lepidoptera

Symptom of damage: Defoliation in the nursery.
Nature of damage: Larva feed on leaves especially in the nursery. Larvae hide in the
soil during daytime and feed on leaves at night.
Egg: Lays cluster of eggs on the lower portion of young plants.
Larva: Brownish green with wavy lines in dorsal surface and lateral yellow stripes.
Pupa: Pupates in the soil in earthen cocoons.
Adult: Brown moth with white hindwings.

4. Black hairy caterpillar, Estigmene lactinea, Arctiidae, Lepidoptera

Symptom of damage: Defoliation.
Nature of damage: Larva feeds on the leaves.
Egg: Eggs are laid on the plants.
Larva: Thick with black head and hairs all over the body.
Pupa: Pupates in soil.
Adult: Large white moth with crimson markings on head, body and wings.

5. Flea beetle, Chaetocnema pusaensis, Alticidae, Coleoptera

Symptom of damage: Shot holes in the leaves of young plants.
Nature of damage: Adult bites and makes holes in the leaves of young plants and
affects their vigour both in the nursery and in the young transplanted crop.
Adult: Dark blue beetle with enlarged hind femur.

6. Wingless grasshopper, Neorthacris simulans, Acrididae, Orthoptera

Symptom of damage: Defoliation.
Nature of damage: Nymph and adult defoliate the crop.
Adult: Greenish brown colour with a red stripe on the sides; without wings.

7. Aphid, Schizaphis graminum, Aphididae, Hemiptera

Symptom of damage: Yellowing of leaves and presence of ants.
Nature of damage: Nymph and adult suck the sap.
Adult: Greenish yellow aphids.

8. Aphid, Hysteroneura setariae, Aphididae, Hemiptera

Symptom of damage: Presence of colonies of aphids on leaves and ears.
Nature of damage: Nymph and adult suck the sap.
Adult: Brown coloured aphids.

9. Whitegrub, Holotrichia consanguinea, Melolonthidae, Coleoptera

Symptom of damage: Death of grown up plants. Leaves and tender shoots nibbled.
Nature of damage: Grub feed on the root and rootlets, results in the death of the plants.
Adults nibble on the leaves and tender shoots. They can move under soil, thus can
migrate from one plant to another.

10. Root aphid, Tetraneura nigriabdominalis, Aphididae, Hemiptera

Symptom of damage: Wilting and drying of plants in patches. Presence of black ants,
Camponotus compressus, around the base of the plants.
Nature of damage: Nymph and adult attack underground parts of the plants, they suck
sap from roots. Plants become weak and may wilt.
Nymph and Adult: Pinkish globular aphids.

11. Aphid, Rhopalosiphum maidis, Aphididae, Hemiptera

12. Ash weevil, Myllocerus spp., Curculionidae, Coleoptera

1. Stem fly, Atherigona orientalis, Muscidae, Diptera
Symptom of damage: Dead heart.
Nature of damage: Maggot.
Adult: Small grey coloured fly.

2. Corn worm/ Earworm, Helicoverpa armigera, Noctuidae, Lepidoptera

Symptom of damage: Damage on grains and presence of broken grains in the earhead.
Nature of damage: Feeds on silk and developing grains.

3. Cutworm, Agrotis ipsilon, Noctuidae, Lepidoptera

Symptom of damage: Cutting of tender stem and defoliation.
Nature of damage: Larva defoliates the crop.
Larva: Greasy to touch; coil up at the slightest touch. Blackish brown with red head,
greyish green laterally with dark stripes.
Adult: Stout moth with brownish forewings with wavy lines and spots; hindwings

4. Phadka grasshopper, Hieroglyphus nigrorepletus, Acrididae, Orthoptera

Symptom of damage: Leaves defoliated from the margin; plants often bared.
Nature of damage: Nymph and adult feed on the leaves and shoots.
Egg: Gravid female trails its abdomen on the ground searching for a soft moist spot. It
drills a hole with its ovipositor, inserts the abdomen with ovipositor, secretes a fluid
and lays the eggs one by one. The fluid hardens into a capsule or egg-pod containing
30-40 eggs.
Nymph and Adult: Have green and brown forms, the brown being the most common
form. Both have a conspicuous irregular black dorsal pronotal stripe. Adults mostly

5. Stem borer, Chilo partellus, Crambidae, Lepidoptera

6. Pink stem borer, Sesamia inferens, Noctuidae, Lepidoptera
7. Webworm, Cryptoblabes gnidiella, Pyraustidae, Lepidoptera
8. Cutworm, Mythimna separata, Noctuidae, Lepidoptera
9. Cutworm, Spodoptera exigua, Notuidae, Lepidoptera
10. Ash weevil, Myllocerus spp., Curculionidae, Coleoptera
11. Leaf hopper, Pyrilla perpusilla, Lophopidae, Hemiptera
12. Aphid, Rhopalosiphum maidis, Aphididae, Hemiptera
13. Shoot bug, Peregrinus maidis, Delphacidae, Hemiptera

1. Shoot fly, Atherigona approximata, Muscidae, Diptera

Symptom of damage: Dead hearts in young plants; corkscrew or chaffy grains in the
upper portion and well-developed grains in the lower portion of earhead in mature
Nature of damage: Maggot damages the growing point and causes ‘dead heart’. It
injures the leaf blades as well as the young shoots and tillers. It also infests the peduncle
of earhead at the time of emergence from boot-leaf, preventing seed setting at advanced
stage of crop growth.
Egg: Eggs are laid on the shoots near the soil surface.
Maggot: White cylindrical maggots.
Pupa: Puparium brown colour, pupates inside the stem. S
Adult: Greyish white fly.

2. Earhead midge, Geromyia penniseti, Cecidomyiidae, Diptera

Symptom of damage: Grainless glumes with white pupal case attached to the tip of the
Nature of damage: Maggot attacks developing grains and feed on the ovaries. As a
result of their feeding grain formation is affected and in case of heavy infestation entire
head appear to be aborted.
Egg: Eggs are laid singly or in pairs in spikelets and may be found sticking to glumes.
Maggot: White cylindrical maggots.
Pupa: Puparium brown colour pupates inside the spikelet.
Adult: Light pink, fragile fly.

3. Leaf beetle, Lema downsei, Galerucidae, Coleoptera

Symptom of damage: Whitening and drying of leaves leading to burnt up appearance.
Nature of damage: Grub and adult scrape the green matter of leaves in rainfed crop
causing whitening and ultimate drying.
Egg: Eggs laid singly on the leaf tissue.
Grub: Whitish with a black head, swollen humped body and has the habit of carrying
its faecal matter dorsally.
Pupa: Pupation takes place inside the soil.
Adult: Straw coloured beetle.

4. Root grub, Arthrodeis sp., Tenebrionidae, Coleoptera

Symptom of damage: Yellowing and gradual wilting of entire plants.
Nature of damage: Grubs feed on the roots of rainfed crop.
Adult: Black coloured shiny beetle.

5. Red hairy caterpillar, Amsacta albistriga, Arctiidae, Lepidoptera

6. Black hairy caterpillar, Estigmene lactinea, Arctiidae, Lepidoptera
7. Wingless grasshopper, Neorthacris simulans, Acrididae, Orthoptera
8. Ash weevil, Myllocerus spp., Curculionidae, Coleoptera
9. Pink stem borer, Sesamia inferens, Noctuidae, Lepidoptera
10. Semilooper, Antoba silicula, Noctuidae, Lepidoptera
11. Stink bug, Nezara viridula, Pentatomidae, Hemiptera
12. Stink bug, Dolycoris indicus, Pentatomidae, Hemiptera

1. Stem borer, Anadastus parvulus, Languriidae, Coloeptera
Symptom of damage: Scrapped leaves, plants wither and in severe cases.
Nature of damage: Grubs bore into the stem and cause withering of plants. Adult beetle
scrapes green matter on the leaves.
Grub: Yellowish with chitinous spines on the surface of the anal segment.
Adult: Small smooth beetle with red head and thorax and blue wings.

2. Stem fly, Atherigona destructor, A. atripalpis, Muscidae, Diptera

Symptom of damage: Dead hearts in young plants.
Nature of damage: Maggot
Adult: Small grey coloured fly.

3. Black bug, Scotinophara lurida, Podopidae, Hemiptera

4. Earhead bug, Leptocorisa acuta, Alydidae, Hemiptera
5. Ash weevil, Myllocerus spp., Curculionidae, Coleoptera
6. Shoot bug, Peregrinus maidis, Delphacidae, Hemiptera

1. Gram pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera, Noctuidae, Lepidoptera
Symptom of damage: In the early stages, plants seen defoliated. Boreholes seen on the
pods and affected pods have no seeds.
Nature of damage: Young larva feeds on tender leaves, buds, flowers, and subsequently
it bores into the pods and feeds on the seeds with its head and part of the body only
thrust inside, the rest remaining outside. A single larva may destroy 30-40 pods before
Egg: Spherical in shape with a flattened base, giving dome shaped appearance, surface
is sculptured in the form of longitudinal ribs. Yellowish-white, glistening and change to
dark brown, before hatching.
Larva: Newly hatched caterpillar is sluggish and whitish-green in colour. Full-grown
larva is 3.5-4.0 cm in length with pale-green body colour. However, the colour varies
according to the food intake. Dorsal surface bears dark broken stripes. Head is reddish-
brown. Larva is highly cannibalistic and readily eats one another.
Pupa: It pupates in soil in earthen cell. Pupa is obtect type. Freshly formed pupa is
greenish yellow in colour and darkened prior to emergence of moths.
Adult: It is a medium-sized light brown coloured moth. On the forewings, there is
speck that forms a V-shaped mark. Hind wings are dull grey coloured with a black
border on the distal end. Female moth is bigger than male and presence of tuft of hairs
on the tip of the abdomen.

2. Blue butterfly, Lampides boeticus, Lycaenidae, Lepidoptera

Symptom of damage: Bore holes on buds, flowers, green pods and matured pods.
Nature of damage: The larva bores into the buds, flowers and green pods just within
couple of hours after hatching and feeds inside the developing grains.
Egg: Eggs are laid on the buds, flowers, green pods and on shoot and leaves. Greenish
white in colour, round in shape with a slight depression at the top.
Larva: Newly hatched larva is yellowish green in colour with black head and a dark-
brown patch on the prothorax and cylindrical body with scattered hair. Full-grown
larva is yellowish green to yellowish red sometimes light purple in colour, ventral
surface is light green. Whole larva is covered with small setae and marked with
irregular black markings. It looks like a slug. Brownish mid-dorsal and yellowish lateral
lines are well marked.
Pupa: Pupa are green in colour later on it darkens and wings are also visible.
Adult: It is medium sized butterfly. The colour of the wings is violet metallic blue to
dusky blue. The tail of hind wings is black and tipped with white. The female is slightly
bigger than the male. In males, the abdomen is slender and tapering, while in female it
is long and broader at the tip.
3. Gram blue butterfly, Euchrysops (Catochrysops) cnejus, Lycaenidae, Lepidoptera
Symptom of damage: Presence of regular, big, circular borehole on the flowers and
pods. Presence of flat slug like green coloured larva on affected flowers or young pods.
Black ants hovering around the plants.
Nature of damage: Larva bores into the buds, flowers and green pods and feeds inside
the developing grains.
Egg: Laid on flower buds, green pods, shoots and leaves.
Larva: Flat, slug like, green or yellowish green, red coloured mid stripe and few hairs.
Pupa: Pupates in soil or on the plants
Adult: Blue coloured butterfly having five black spots on the dorsal surface of the hind
wing and two black spots on the ventral surface.

4. Plume moth, Exelastis atomosa, Pterophoridae, Lepidoptera

Symptom of damage: Pods are scrapped in the early stages, later boreholes seen on the
pods and seeds eaten away.
Nature of damage: Young larvae bore into the unopened flower buds for consuming the
developing anthers. Grown up larvae first scrap the surface of the pods and then bore
into pods. The larvae never enter the pod completely.
Egg: Minute eggs laid singly on young pods, flower buds or tender leaves.
Larva: Full-grown caterpillar is 1.3 cm in length, greenish–brown in colour and fringed
with hairs and spines.
Pupa: Pupates on the pod surface or in the entrance hole itself. Pupa looks like larva.
Adult: It is lightly built and light brown in colour, wings deeply fissured, the forewings
longitudinally cleft into two plumes and hind wings into three plumes. Forewings are
extremely elongate. Legs are long and slender. Abdomen is dark-brown in colour.

5. Spotted pod borer, Maruca testulalis, Pyraustidae, Lepidoptera

Symptom of damage: Presence of semi-solid excreta at the junction of the borehole.
Young shoot with dried tip, large scale dropping of flowers. Larva present inside the
webbing of leaves, flowers and young pods, faecal material accumulates outside the
Nature of damage: It feeds on the seeds by boring into the pods.
Egg: Laid on or near the flower buds.
Larva: Light green with brown head and four pairs of black warts present on the dorsal
surface of each segment, which form four black longitudinal lines on the body with
short dark hairs.
Pupa: Pupates inside the affected pods or leaf fold in a thin silken cocoon. Pupa is
yellow with greenish body.
Adult: Dark brown with a white cross band in the middle of the forewings and the hind
wings are white with a darker border.
6. Spiny pod borer, Etiella zincknella, Phycitidae, Lepidoptera
Symptom of damage: Entrance hole in the green pod disappears and leaves little
evidence that the pod is infested. In pods, the larva devours many seeds. The pod
always contains a mass of frass and held together by a loosely spun web.
Nature of damage: Young larva bores into floral parts, making rough and irregular
Egg: Laid singly or in small groups on immature pods either along the midrib or on the
calyx. Freshly laid eggs are glistening white and adhere securely to whatever they
Larva: Dorsal surface of mature larva is reddish pink, while the pleural and ventral
surfaces of the body are pale-green or creamy-white.
Pupa: Light green in colour changes to light brown or amber. Pupates in the ground at a
depth of 2 to 4 cm.
Adult: Greyish brown moth, distinct pale-white band along the costal margin of the
forewings, hind wings are semi-transparent with a dark marginal line. Orange coloured

7. Field bean pod borer, Adisura atkinsoni, Noctuidae, Lepidoptera

Symptom of damage: Affected pods and flowers have irregular bore holes.
Nature of damage: Young larva bores into floral parts and pods and feeds on it.
Egg: Small, spherical, laid singly on tender pods or buds.
Larva: Robust, green, resemble gram pod borer except for the presence of dark brown
lateral stripe on each side and the humped segment.
Pupa: Pupates in soil or on flower spikes
Adult: Yellowish has light brownish forewings with V-shaped specks and pale brown
markings on hind wings.

8. Redgram podfly/ ‘Tur’ podfly, Melanagromyza obtusa, Agromyzidae, Diptera

Symptom of damage: Shriveled pods and seeds. Damaged seeds become unfit for
consumption and also do not germinate. However, the attack of the fly remains
unnoticed by the farmers due to the concealed mode of life of this insect within the
Nature of damage: Young maggot attaches itself on the immature seed inside the pod.
In the beginning it feeds on the surface and thereafter mines into seeds and makes
galleries just under the seeds epidermis, causing a ring like track. (One seed is enough
for the development of a maggot. It never leaves the pod in which it enters once and
completes its maggot stage)
Egg: Freshly laid eggs are white, broad and round at its posterior end which is
embedded in the tissues of the pod and narrowed anteriorly into a somewhat elongated
egg sheath.
Maggot: Freshly hatched maggot is white with dark-brown mouth hook. Full-grown
maggot is cylindrical in shape and is narrower at the head end, which bears black
mouthparts. It is creamy white but acquires a yellowish tinge just before pupation.
Pupa: Pupation takes place in hard chitinous puparium, which is found sticking to the
side of pod or in the groove eaten into the grain by the larva. It is cylindrical with
broadly rounded ends. Fresh pupa is yellowish white, but becomes darker
Adult: It is slightly bigger than the male. Its wings are also slightly broader. Colour of a
newly emerged adult is dull-white and smoky patches at places, but gradually it
acquires the normal black colour with slight bright greenish tinge. Abdomen is glossy
black, but in some cases it is slight bronzy, while ins other cases it has a greenish-blue

9. Stem fly, Ophiomyia phaseoli, Agromyzidae, Diptera

Symptom of damage: Drooping of the tender leaves and yellowing characterize serious
damage of young plants. The sites where maggot and pupae are present become
swollen and start rotting. Older plants show stunting but are not usually killed.
Nature of damage: Maggot is the damaging stage. It mines sub-epidermally through the
leaves. Plants are most seriously affected at the seedling stage, where stem is tunneled.
Egg: Eggs are laid inserted under the epidermis on the under surface of the leaves. Eggs
are elongate, oval and white in colour with a smooth and transparent surface.
Maggot: Light yellow-coloured maggot moves in the leaf and then bores deeper into the
stem. It travels downwards in the young plants. In older plants, the maggots do not
move much. It cuts an exit hole in the stem for the adult before pupation.
Pupa: Pupation takes place in the underground portion in the young plants, whereas in
the older plants, it is usually in the main stem or branches.
Adult: Light brown when freshly emerged, but fully developed adult is metallic-bluish
or greenish-black in colour with light brown eyes. Wings are transparent. Female is
slightly bigger than the male.

10.Blister beetle, Mylabris pustulata, Meloidae, Coleoptera
Symptom of damage: Presence of blister beetles on the flowers. The adult beetles feed
on flowers, leaves and tender panicles, thus preventing grain formation.
Nature of damage: These beetles are diurnal and general feeders.
Egg: Eggs laid on the ground or in the soil.
Larva: First stage larva is ‘triungulins’ (long-legged) and actively searches for the host.
They moult to become eruciform or caraboid. (Hypermetamorphosis)
Pupa: Pupates in the soil.
Adult: Medium sized, 12.5-25.0 mm long. Conspicuous in appearance and are
moderately robustly built. Beetles are bright metallic blue, green, black and yellow or
brown in colour.
11. Flower webber, Eublemma hemirrhoda, Eublemma silicula, Nocutidae, Lepidoptera
Symptom of damage: Webbing of flowers.
Nature of damage: Larva webs the flowers on the inflorescence in greengram,
blackgram and cowpea, and feeds on them.
Larva: Green with a black head and long white hairs on the body.
Pupa: Brown coloured, obtect type.
Adult: Moth has forewings with yellow and purple patches and white hind wings.

12.Chafer beetle, Oxycetonia versicolor, Cetonidae,Coleoptera
13. Pod wasp, Tanaostigmodes cajaninae, Tanaostigmatidae, Hymenoptera

1. Bean aphid, Aphis craccivora, Aphididae, Hemiptera
Symptom of damage: Presence of aphid colonies on the leaves, terminal shoots and
pods. In severe cases, the plants wither and vigour reduced.
Nature of damage: Colonies of nymphs and adults found on leaves, terminal shoots and
pods and such the plant sap. Vector of stunt disease in chickpea, rosette of groundnut.
Serious pest when the rainfall is low.
Nymph: Newly laid nymph is translucent with reddish brown compound eyes. After a
couple of minutes changes to light yellow. After about 30 minutes, the nymph starts
moving and in an hour starts feeding.
Adult: Apterous females are shiny, dark brown or black. Alate forms are greenish black
with transparent wings.

2. Thrips, Ayyaria chaetophora, Thripidae, Thysanoptera

Symptom of damage: Leaves mottled with characteristic silvering on lablab, green
gram, black gram and cowpea.
Nature of damage: Nymphs and adults suck the plant sap.
Adult: Tiny yellow fringe winged adults.

3. Whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, Aleyrodidae, Hemiptera

Symptom of damage: Yellowing of leaves, plant vitality reduced, development of sooty
mould, plant dies in case of severe attack.
Nature of damage: Nymphs and adults suck the plant sap and also transmits yellow
mosaic virus (YMV).
Egg: Stalked, sub-elliptical, light yellow at first, and turning brown later on. Eggs laid
singly on adaxial (lower) side of leaves.
Nymph: Elliptical on emergence, soon they fix their mouthparts into the plant tissues
and feed on the cell sap. Greenish yellow, oval on undersurface of leaves.
Adult: Small with yellow body covered with white waxy bloom.

4. Green leafhopper, Empoasca kerri, Empoasca binotata, Cicadellidae, Hemiptera

Symptom of damage: Affected leaves turn pale and then rust-red. They curl
downwards; in severe cases, show 'hopper burn' symptom, dry and fall to the ground.
Nature of damage: Nymphs and adults suck the sap and inject toxins.
Egg: Yellow, laid on the underside of the leaf, embedding them into the leaf veins.
Nymph: Wedge-shaped, very active, suck cell sap from underside of the leaves
Adult: 3 mm long, greenish yellow during the summer acquiring a reddish tinge in the
winter. Adults move briskly, forward and laterally and jump or fly away at slight
disturbance and attracted to light at night.
5. Pod bug, Riptortus pedestris, Clavigrella horrens, Clavigrella gibbosa, Anoplocnemis
phasiana, Coreidae, Hemiptera
Symptom of damage: Nymphs and adults cause substantial damage to pods and also to
stem, leaves and flower buds. Attacked pods show pale-yellow patches. When the
attack is heavy, the pods shrivel up. The grains in the attacked pods remain shriveled
and extremely small.
Nature of damage: Both the nymphs and adults cause damage by sucking juice. The
pest assumes serious proportions on the pods before the maturity of the crop.
Egg: Freshly laid eggs are flat dorsally and round in shape dull white brown in colour.
Eggs are laid in cluster of 3–15.
Nymph: Newly hatched nymphs are reddish in colour and in the latter instars it
changes to greenish-brown.
Adult: R. pedestris: Slender elongated, dark brown coloured bug with two black bands
on ventral side of the abdomen. C. horrens: Robust, greyish brown in colour with spines
at the anterior margin of the prothorax. C. gibbosa: Greenish-brown in colour, 2 cm in
length, with spines on either side of the middle of the prothorax. Female bug is bigger
and has a round and swollen abdomen in comparison with a narrow and pointed
abdomen of the male. A. phasiana: Biggest of all the bugs with swollen curved hind

6. Lablab bug/ Stink bug, Coptosoma cribraria, Coremelanidae, Hemiptera

Symptom of damage: Bugs cluster on the plant parts.
Nature of damage: Nymphs and adults infest tender shoots and pods of lab-lab,
redgram, cowpea, greengram and blackgram.
Adult: Small, sub-globular, greenish brown stink bug with characteristic buggy odour.

7. Leaf webber, Eucosma critica, Eucosmidae, Lepidoptera
Symptom of damage: During vegetative stage of the crop, the caterpillar damages
leaves by webbing, while at the floral stages of the crop they enter the buds, flowers and
pods and feed on the immature seeds.
Nature of damage: Young larva gets itself concealed into the frass produced during the
course of scratching. The grown-up larva then draws the two leaves together and spins
a thread between them, in which it passes later instar and also pupates.
Egg: Oval, creamy white in colour, laid singly in leaves, petioles or stem.
Larva: Young larvae are pale-yellow in colour, moderately stout, smooth, except for a
few short scattered hairs. It hibernates in larval form.
Pupa: Yellowish in colour, gradually turn to light-brown and finally to dark brown.
Pupates in thin papery white silken cocoon.
Adult: Dusky brown with forewings having four black dots and a silvery transparent

8. Leaf folder, Anticarsia irrotata, Noctuidae, Lepidoptera

Symptom of damage: Leaves folded together.
Nature of damage: Larva folds the leaf and remains inside the fold and defoliates it.
Larva: Green coloured.
Pupa: Green coloured, obtect type.
Adult: Yellowish brown moth with an oblique black line on the wings.

9. Lab-lab leaf miner, Cyphosticha coerula, Gracillariidae, Lepidoptera

Symptom of damage: Leaves with large irregular papery mines on the dorsal surface.
Larva: Orange coloured caterpillar.
10. Termites/ White ants, Odonototermes sp., Termitidae, Isoptera
Symptom of damage: They live underground, but make small earthen mounds or
earthen passages that are visible above the ground. On opening a portion of an earthen
passage, greyish white and wingless insects are seen moving towards or away from the
centre of their nest, where the queen of the colony resides.
Nature of damage: Termites generally damage the crop soon after germination and in
subsequent growth stages. The damaged plants dry up completely and are easily pulled

11. Leafhopper, Empoasca kerri, E. binotata, Cicadellidae, Hemiptera
12. Redgram scale, Ceroplastodes cajani, Coccidae, Hemiptera
13. Redgram leaf roller, Caloptilia soyella, Gracillaridae, Lepidoptera
14. Leaf eating caterpillar, Azazia rubricans, Noctuidae, Lepidoptera
15. Sphingid caterpillar, Acherontia styx, Sphingidae, Lepidoptera
16. Leaf cutter bee, Megachile antracena, Megachilidae, Hymenoptera

1. Mustard aphid, Lipaphis erysimi, Aphididae, Hemiptera
Nature of damage: Suck the sap from under surface of leaves.
Nymph: Light yellowish green in colour and pear shaped.
Adult: Darker than nymph.

2. Mustard sawfly,. Athalia lugens proxima, Tenthredinidae, Hymenoptera

Nature of damage: Grub nibbles the margins of tender leaves and pod.
Larva: Resembles lepidopterous caterpillar; oily black or green in colour.
Adult: Adult with dark head and thorax and orange colour abdomen and translucent
smoky wings with black veins.

3. Painted bug, Bagrada hilaris, Pentatomidae, Hemiptera

4. Leaf miner, Chromatomyia horticola, Agromyzidae, Diptera
5. Bihar hairy caterpillar, Spilosoma oblique, Arctiidae, Lepidoptera
6. Flea beetle, Phyllotreta cruciferae, Alticidae, Coleoptera
7. Diamond back moth, Plutella xylostella, Plutellidae, Lepidoptera

1. Red hairy caterpillar, Amsacta albistriga, Arctiidae, Lepidoptera
Symptom of damage: Defoliation
Nature of damage: All the leaves are eaten away by the larvae leaving the main stem
alone. Larvae are voracious feeders. During severe attack, the caterpillars move in
groups destroying field after field.
Egg: Light yellow spherical eggs are laid in clusters on the undersurface of the leaves.
Larva: Hairy caterpillar reddish brown with black band on either end having long
reddish brown hairs all over the body.
Pupa: Reddish brown and elongate remains under soil for 9-10 months. Adults emerge
after receiving the first monsoon showers.
Adult: Forewing white with brownish streak all over and yellowish streak along the
anterior margin and head; hindwings white with black markings.

2.Leaf miner/ Surul poochi/ soybean leaf miner, Aproaerema modicella, Gelechiidae,
Symptom of damage: Brown blotches in midrib; terminal leaflets with white patches;
webbed together, distorted and finally get dried up.
Nature of damage: Minute larvae wander briefly and they mine into the leaves and eat
the green matter of the leaves. Later they web several leaves together and feed inside
the enclosed space thus formed.
Egg: Laid on the leaves and shoots.
Larva: Small, green in colour with dark head and prothorax.
Pupa: Reddish brown. Pupa is formed inside the mines.
Adult: Dark brown moth with a white spot on the costal margin of each forewing.

3. Tobacco caterpillar, Spodoptera litura, Noctuidae, Lepidoptera

Symptom of damage: Skeletonization, defoliation.
Nature of damage: Early instar larva remain gregarious and cause skeletonization. Later
instar cause defoliation.
Egg: Yellow in colour, laid in mass and covered with hairs.
Larva: Pale greenish with dark markings; gregarious in the early stages.
Pupa: Brown colour, obtect pupa.
Adult: Moth with wavy white markings on a brown forewing. Hindwings white with a
brown patch along the margin.

4. Gram pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera, Noctuidae, Lepidoptera

Symptom of damage: Defoliation.
Nature of damage: Larvae feed on the leaves irregularly.

5. Stem borer, Ver poochi, Sphenoptera perotetti, Buprestidae, Coleoptera
Symptom of damage: Branches may droop and the plants show wilting and may die
when the grubs reach the root.
Nature of damage: Grubs tunnel the stem just below the soil surface and main roots,
tunnel containing elongate flat-headed grubs.
Life stages
Egg: Small flat oval eggs laid on the main stem of the plants.
Grub: Slender pale whitish with flattened anterior portion, called ‘flat-headed grubs’.
Pupa: Pupation occurs inside burrows (tunnels) from which the adult beetles emerge by
cutting their way out.
Adult: Dark brown, shiny beetle, jewel like and small (1 cm) beetle.

6. White grub, Holotrichia spp., Melolonthidae, Coleoptera

Symptom of damage: Wilting of plants in patches. Wilted plants do not have taproot
and rootlets.
Nature of damage: Both the grubs and adults do the damage. The grubs feed on the root
and rootlets. Adult beetles feed on the foliage and are capable of defoliating plants and
even trees like neem, banyan. Feeding is carried out during the night.
Egg: Laid in loose moist sandy or sandy-loam soil on the onset of monsoon.
Grub: White coloured.
Pupa: Exarate pupa.
Adult: Large-sized, copper coloured, nocturnal beetles. Adults remain at a depth of 10-
20 cm and come out during the night for feeding. Diapause occurs from November to

7. Termite, Odontotermes obesus, Termitidae, Isoptera

Symptom of damage: Wilting of plants in patches. Taproots of wilted plants
penetrated; bore holes in pods. Damage to soft tissue in pod (scarification) leaving
thicker portion intact. Termites found hovering in and around plants.
Nature of damage: Adults feed on the taproots and pods.
Adult: Cream coloured tiny insects resembling ants with dark coloured head.

8. Pod borer (Earwig), Euboriella (=Anisolabis) stali, Forficulidae, Dermaptera

Symptom of damage: Young pods showing bore holes plugged with excreta, sand
particles or discoloured pulps; pods without kernels.
Nymph: Nymph white in early stages and later turn brown.
Adult: Dark brown to black with forceps like caudal cerci and white leg joints.

9. Pod bug, Elasmolomus sordidus, Lygaeidae, Hemiptera

Symptom of damage: Freshly harvested pods having shrivelled kernels.
Nature of damage: Nymphs and adults suck oil from the kernels of mature pods
especially after harvest making them unfit for use. Bug hides within rubbish heaps of
semi-dry leaves.
Nymph: Pinkish in colour.
Adult: Dark brown bugs.
10. Millipede, Spirostreptus sp., Spriostreptidae, Spirostreptidae
Symptom of damage: Empty pods with hole.
Nature of damage: Young one and adult bores into soil attack developing pods and
eaten away internal kernel.

Adult: Elongated body with annular ring-like segments with two pairs of legs in each
segment, brown in colour.

11. Aphids, Aphis craccivora, Aphididae, Hemiptera
Symptom of damage: Wilting of tender shoots during hot weather. Leaves mottled with
chlorotic or dark green spots and plants stunted.
Nature of damage: Nymphs and adults suck the sap from tender shoots. Vector of
groundnut rosette. In cowpea and blackgram it can transmit yellow mosaic.
Nymph and Adult: Reddish to dark brown coloured aphids.

12. Leafhopper, Empoasca kerri, Cicadellidae, Hemiptera

Symptom of damage: Tip yellowing in leaves in the form of ‘V’ shape later turn brown,
dry and brittle, called ‘hopper burn’. Also cause distortion and whitening of veins, leaf
curling and plants stunted.
Nature of damage: Nymphs and adults suck the sap from leaves and thus reducing
plant vitality and yield. Attack the crop upto one month.
Egg: Eggs are inserted in the leaf tissue (vein).
Nymph and Adult: Elongate, active wedge shaped green insects found on the under
surface of leaves.

13. Thrips, Caliothrips indicus, Thripidae, Thysanoptera

Symptom of damage: Older/lower leaves showing white spots/marks or streaks
intermingled with black excreta on the upper surface.
Nature of damage: Nymphs and adults suck the sap from tender shoots.
Nymph and Adult: Dark blackish brown with fringed wings. Forewings have three pale
white coloured bands.

14. Thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis, Thripidae, Thysanoptera

Symptom of damage: Tender leaves showing yellowish green patches on the upper
surface and brown necrotic areas and silvery sheen on the lower surface.
Nature of damage: Nymphs and adults suck the sap from tender shoots.
Nymph and Adult: Creamy to white nymph and black adult.
15. Thrips¸Frankliniella schultzei, Thripidae, Thysanoptera
Symptom of damage: Young/ terminal leaves showing white scars, transmit bud
Nature of damage: Nymphs and adults suck the sap from tender shoots.
Nymph and Adult: Yellowish nymph and black adult

1. Leaf webber, Leaf roller, Sesame webworm, Til leaf roller, Simsim webworm, pod
caterpillar, Antigastra catalaunalis, Pyraustidae, Lepidoptera
Symptom of damage: Top leaves rolled and webbed together and damaged in
vegetative phase; flowers and young capsules bored at reproductive phase.
Nature of damage: Larvae start attack from 15th day of sowing. In 1st instar stage, acts as
leaf miner, in later stage, comes out of the mine and acts as webber by webbing the top
leaves or tip of shoot, by remaining within epidermis results in drying of webbed
portion. When the flowers are formed, it bores into flowers and feeds on reproductive
parts. When capsule formed, it acts as capsule borer. By suitably adjusting its feeding
habit, it attacks throughout the crop period. Pest is active during rainy season.
Egg: Eggs are oblong, shinning pale green, laid singly on the tender leaves or flowers at
Larva: Dirty white with dark prominent head. Grown up larva are greenish white in
colour with black warts and fine hairs all over the body. Hibernates as caterpillar within
Pupa: Pupates in silken cocoon under fallen leaves or in soil crevices. Pupa is slender,
greenish brown in colour.
Adult: Forewings are reddish-yellow colour with zigzig indistinct reddish decorative
markings on them; hindwings are pale yellow and rather transparent.

2. Gall fly, Asphondylia sesami, Cecidomyiidae, Diptera

Symptom of damage: Gall formation.
Nature of damage: Maggots feed on floral parts and cause malformation like galls
(tumors) on the buds, which fail to develop.
Egg: Eggs laid singly on buds, flowers and capsules.
Maggot: White, found inside the flowers.
Pupa: Pupation occurs inside the galls.
Adult: Minute sized flies with bright coloured wings bearing superficial resemblance to

3. Sphinx, Death’s head moth, hawk moth, Acherontia styx, Sphingidae, Lepidoptera
Symptom of damage: Defoliation.
Nature of damage: Massive larva is voracious feeder on leaves defoliating the whole
Egg: Large yellowish eggs are laid singly on leaves.
Larva: Stout, sturdy and greenish with dark green or yellow oblique lines on its sides
also decorated with pleasant mixture of soft colours; measures 90-100 mm long and 12-
15 mm broad and bears a curved caudal horn.
Pupa: Pupates in soil.
Adult: Large, robust, greyish brown insect, which is an active flier. Forewings have
dark-brown and grey patterns with dark wavy markings and a prominent yellow spot
on each wing while the hindwings are ochre background with black border and few
black spots, two dark brown wavy broad cross strips. Wingspan is about 10 cm. The
thorax bears a prominent Death’s head mark. Abdomen is ochracious in general hue
with dark-brown cross bands.
4. Leaf hopper, Orosius albicinctus, Cicadellidae, Hemiptera
Symptom of damage: Phyllody.
Nature of damage: Vector of sesamum phyllody.
Adult: Light brown coloured hoppers.

5. Aphid, Aphis gossypii, Aphididae, Hemiptera

6. Stink bugs, Eusarcocoris ventralis, Pentatomidae, Hemiptera
7. Stink bugs, Nezara viridula, Pentatomidae, Hemiptera
8. Stink bugs, Dolycoris indicus, Pentatomidae, Hemiptera
9. Lygaeid bug, Aphanus sordidus, Lygaeidae, Hemiptera
10. Lygaeid bug, Nysius inconspicuous, Lygaeidae, Hemiptera


1. Capitulum borer, Helicoverpa armigera, Noctuidae, Lepidoptera

Nature of damage: Feeds on capitulum and leaves.

2. Tobacco caterpillar, Spodoptera litura, Noctuidae, Lepidoptera

3. Black hairy caterpillar, Estigmene lactinea, Arctiidae, Lepidoptera
4. Bihar hairy caterpillar, Spilosoma oblique, Arctiidae, Lepidoptera
5. Ash weevil, Myllocerus spp., Curculionidae, Coleoptera
6. Stink bug, Nezara viridula, Pentatomidae, Hemiptera
7. Stink bug, Dolycoris inidcus, Pentatomidae, Hemiptera
8. Peach leaf curl aphid, Brachycaudus helichrysi, Aphididae, Hemiptera
9. Compositae tingid, Cadmilos retiarus, Tingidae, Hemiptera
Lecture No. 14. PESTS OF CASTOR

1. Shoot and capsule borer, Conogethes (=Dichocrocis) punctiferalis, Pyraustidae,
Symptom of damage: Capsules with bore holes, damaged capsules webbed together,
peduncle and capsules show galleries made of silk and frass.
Nature of damage: In early stage, larvae are present at junction of the petiole feed on
petiole and young leaves. They also bore into capsule and peduncle.
Egg: Eggs are laid on tender parts of plants.
Larva: Pale greenish with pinkish tinge, black blotches and fine hairs with dark head
and prothoracic shield.
Pupa: Pupation takes place in cocoons of silk, inside the stem or capsule.
Adult: Yellowish with black spots on both pair of wings.

2. Castor semilooper, Achaea janata, Noctuidae, Lepidoptera

Symptom of damage: Defoliation.
Nature of damage: First instar larva nibbles on the leaves while the second instar makes
holes and late instars eating the leaves completely. Caterpillars destroy leaves, bark and
capsules. Moths suck citrus fruit, so called fruit sucking moth, doing great damage to
Egg: Eggs laid in batches of six on both surfaces of the leaves.
Larva: Slender and of varied colour with longitudinal stripes of red and white on the
body. Body colour changes to velvety black. It has a pair of reddish anal processes.
Caterpillar walks with a semi looping motion.
Pupa: Pupates in loosely threaded silken cocoon, on the ground amongst wrapped up
Adult: Adult moths are stout bodied and of a fairly large size. Forewings are pale-
reddish brown. Hindwings possess a medially white patch and three large white
patches on the outer margin on a black background.

3. Semilooper, Parallelia algira, Noctuidae, Lepidoptera

Symptom of damage: Defoliation.
Nature of damage: Larva feeding on castor leaves.
Egg: Eggs are laid singly on leaves.
Larva: Olive green with numerous longitudinal lines.
Pupa: Pupation in soil or in leaf folds.
Adult: Forewing with white band, hindwing with a white median band and grey outer
4. Castor slug caterpillar, Latoia (=Parasa) lepida, Cochlidiidae, Lepidoptera
Symptom of damage: Defoliation.
Nature of damage: The slug-caterpillars feed on the leaves. When they are young they
remain in clusters and feed by scrapping the green matter of the leaves on the
underside. Affected leaves may dry.
Egg: Eggs are flat and shinning, laid in batches of 20-30 on the lower surface of leaves.
Larva: Young caterpillars remain gregarious on the lower surface of the leaves and
scrape the green matter. A caterpillar is fleshy with yellowish-green body bearing a
greenish blue stripe it is called blue-striped nettle grub. There are six rows of spiny scoli
on the dorsal surface while the ventral body surface is flat. The spines are highly
irritating to touch.
Pupa: Pupation takes place on the tree trunk in a hard shell-like, elliptical, greyish to
chocolate-brown cocoon. Pupal body is flat on the ventral surface and convex dorsally.
Adult: Moth is short and stout. Wings are greenish in colour fringed with brown
patches along the margins.

5. Tussock caterpillar, Notolopus (=Orygyia) postica, Lymantriidae, Lepidoptera

Symptom of damage: Defoliation.
Nature of damage: Caterpillars of the moth feed on the leaves.
Egg: Eggs are laid in clusters on the leaves and covered over with hairs.
Larva: Caterpillars are gregarious in young stages. Full grown larva possess a brown
head, a pair of long pencil of hairs projecting forwardly from the prothorax, yellowish
tuft of hairs arising from the lateral side of the first two abdominal segment and long
brownish hairs arising from 8th abdominal segment.
Pupa: Pupation takes place in silken cocoon.
Adult: Small adult with yellowish brown wings. Female moth is wingless. Presence of
bipectinate antenna.

6. Hairy caterpillar, Euproctis fraterna, Lymantriidae, Lepidoptera

Symptom of damage: Defoliation
Nature of damage: Caterpillars feed on the leaves.
Larva: Full grown larva has red head and dark reddish brown body completely
covered with white hairs and a single tuft of hairs in the head and pre-anal segment.
Pupa: Pupation takes place inside the plant in a yellowish cocoon.
Adult: Medium sized, yellowish colour with pale transverse lines and three black spots
on the border of the forewings.

7. Hairy caterpillar, Porthesia (=Euproctis) scintillans, Lymantriidae, Lepidoptera

Symptom of damage: Defoliation.
Nature of damage: Caterpillars feeds on the leaves.
Larva: Larva has yellowish brown head with middle red and lateral yellowish stripes
on the body. There are tufts of black hairs on the segments between the true legs and
Pupa: Pupates in a yellowish silken cocoon.
Adult: Small, yellow moth with reddish tinge and two lighter lines and spots on the
8. Hairy caterpillar, Dasychira mendosa, Lymantriidae, Lepidoptera
Symptom of damage: Defoliation.
Nature of damage: Caterpillars feed on the leaves.
Larva: Larva is greyish brown in colour with dark prothoracic and pre-anal tuft of hairs.
Tip of prolegs are crimson coloured.
Pupa: Pupates in a yellowish silken cocoon.
Adult: Bigger, yellowish brown moth with bulged abdomen.

9. Castor butterfly, Spiny caterpillar, Ergolis merione, Nymphalidae, Lepidoptera

Symptom of damage: Defoliation.
Nature of damage: Caterpillars lie on the upper surface of the leaf. It feeds from margin
and cause defoliation.
Life stages
Egg: Sculptured eggs laid singly on the leaves or in groups of 3-11.
Larva: Green body covered with branched hairs and yellow stripe on dorsal side.
Pupa: Brownish chrysalis pupa.
Adult: Brown colour adult with black wavy lines on wings.

10. Wooly bear, Pericallia ricini, Arctiidae, Lepidoptera

Symptom of damage: Defoliation
Nature of damage: Caterpillar feeds on the leaves.
Larva : Robust, greyish black or blackish brown larva with red head and thick tuft of
hairs are arising from the body.
Adult: Greyish brown or black colour and black spots on wings. Hindwings are pink or
red colour with black spots.

11. Whitefly, Trialeurodes ricini, T. rara, Aleyrodidae, Hemiptera

Symptom of damage: Yellowing and development of sooty mould.
Nature of damage: Nymphs and adults suck the sap from undersurface of leaves and
cause yellowing. They produce honeydew, which in turn favours the sooty mould
fungus development.
Nymph: Small white wax covered nymphs, remain in large colonies.
Adult: Very small bug yellowish in colour with white wings.

12. Leafhopper, Empoasca flavescens, Cicadellidae, Hemiptera

13. Thrips, Retithrips syriacus, Thripidae, Thysanoptera
14. Gall fly, Asphondylia ricini, Cecidomyiidae, Diptera
15. Tobacco caterpillar, Spodoptera litura, Noctuidae, Lepidoptera

1. Leafhopper / Jassid, Amrasca devastans, Cicadellidae, Hemiptera
Symptom of attack: Yellowing of leaves, crinkling, backward curls of leaves, bronzing
and hopperburn, plants become stunted .
Nature of damage : Nymphs and adults remain between the veins on the undersurface
of the leaves and sucks the sap.
Egg : Elongate, yellowish eggs are laid singly within the leaf veins in the
parenchymatous layer between the vascular bundles and the epidermis on the upper
leaf surface.
Nymph : Light green, translucent, wingless and wedge shaped.
Adult : Slender green insect, wedge shaped

2. Cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii, Aphididae, Hemiptera

Symptom of attack : Young plants become weak, leaf curl up and wither.
Nature of damage : Nymphs and adults suck the plant sap and lower the plant vitality.
They produce honeydew, which results in development of black sooty mould. The
damage is more severe in young plants.
Adult :Soft, yellow, exist both in winged and wingless forms. Both forms reproduce
parthenogenetically and are viviparous.

3. Thrips, Thrips tabaci, Scirtothrips dorsalis, Thripidae, Thysanoptera

Symptom of attack : Silvery sheen on the undersurface of the leaves . When infestation
in heavy, leaves shrivel and have ragged edges. Attacks leaf and flowers.
Nature of damage : Nymphs and adults lacerate the tissue on the under surface of the
leaves and suck up the sap.
Adult : Small slender insects, colour vary from yellow to brown with fringed wings.

4. Whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, Aleyrodidae, Hemiptera

Symptom of attack: White chlorotic spots appear on leaves, which coalesce forming
reddish yellow area, which extends from reins to the outer edges. Leaves fall
prematurely. Number and quality of flowers squares and bolls gets reduced. Nymphs
and adults secrete honeydew, which lead to sooty mould formation.
Nature of damage : Nymphs and adults remain in cluster and desap. It also acts as
vector of cotton leaf curl virus, vein-clearing disease in bhendi, tobacco leaf curl and
cassava mosaic.
Egg : Stalked eggs, laid singly on the undersurface of the leaves
Nymph : Oval, greenish yellow
Pupa : Oval and seen on the undersurface of the leaves.
Adult : Minute with yellow body and hyaline wings dusted with a waxy powder
5. Red cotton bug /cotton stainer, Dysdercus cingulatus Pyrrhocoridae, Hemiptera
Symptom of attack :Young bolls are affected, which turn dark brown and fail to burst,
Lint stained red . Seeds shrivel.
Nature of damage :Nymphs and adults sucks the sap from the plant and bolls, reduce
the vigour of the plant, produce poor quality lint.
Egg : Ovoid, yellowish eggs are laid in loose masses in the soil and protected with soil/
dry leaves.
Nymph : Reddish with white band on the abdomen.
Adult : Red and black with white stripes ventrally on the abdomen.

6. Dusky cotton bug, Oxycarenus hyalinipennis, Lygaeidae, Hemiptera

Symptom of attack: Presence of nymphs and adults on the bursted bolls, lint gets
discoloured; seeds shrivel and fail to germinate.
Nature of damage : Nymphs and adults suck the sap from the bursted / open bolls.
Egg : Cigar shaped white eggs, laid in clusters within half opened bolls or on the bolls,
flower or buds.
Adult : Small flat, dusky brown bugs with pointed head and hyaline wings.

7. Scales : Black scale : Saissetia nigra ,

Yellow scale: Cerococcus hibisci,
White scale: Pulvinaria maxima , Coccidae, Hemiptera
Symptom of attack : Presence of scales on the tender shoots, leaves, stem and bolls,
stunting of the plants and bears only few bolls. Movement of ants seen. Sooty mould
development also seen.
Nature of damage : Nymphs and adults remain in group and sucks the sap from leaves
and shoots.
Adult : S.nigra - full grown female scale is black in colour.

8. Mealy bug, Ferrisia virgata , Pseudococcidae, Hemiptera

Symptom of attack: Presence of mealybugs on tender shoots, leaves, stem and bolls.
Yellowing of leaves initially and later the plants die. Leaves and bolls fall prematurely.
Nature of damage: Nymphs and adults remain in-group and suck the sap. Generally
the damage is noticed towards the end and in places where ratooning is practiced.

1. Spotted bollworm, Earias vittella, Noctuidae, Lepidoptera

Spiny bollworm, Earias insulana, Noctuidae, Lepidoptera
Symptom of attack: Terminal shoots wither and droop; shedding of buds, flowers and
bolls, flaring of bracts, bore holes on bolls plugged with excreta, bolls eaten and lint
Nature of damage : Larva bores into the tender top shoot during vegetative stage and
during reproductive stage they bore into the buds, flowers and bolls.
Egg : Sculptured, shinning bluish eggs are laid singly on tender parts of the plant.
Larva : E. vittella :Chocolate brown with dorsum showing a white median longitudinal
streak. E. insulana: Last 2 thoracic segments and all the abdominal segments have two
pairs of fleshy tubercles.
Pupa : Boat shaped, dirty brown cocoons seen on the base of the bolls or amongst the
fallen leaves .
Adult : E. vittella :Buff coloured small moth, forewings buff coloured with a green
wedge in the middle. E. insulana: Buff coloured small moths, forewings uniformly
2. Pink bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella, Gelechiidae, Lepidoptera
Symptom of attack: Premature shedding of the buds and bolls, infested flowers are
spun together to form rosette shaped bloom and boll fails to open, premature opening
of the bolls, seeds destroyed, lint quality declines seed germination reduced, presence of
interlocular burrow in the opened bolls.
Nature of damage : Larvae feed inside the buds, flowers and bores into bolls. They feed
on the developing anthers and style and occasionally ovary. The external injury caused
by them heals up.
Egg : Flat eggs , laid singly on tender leaves, flowers or immature bolls
Larva : Initially white later turn pink with several dark and light alternating bands
running the entire length . They also hibernate.
Pupa : Pupates amongst the fallen leaves, debris or under a clod of soil.
Adult : Small brown moth with black spotted forewings and fringed hindwings.
3. American bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera , Noctuidae, Lepidoptera
Symptoms of attack : Regular circular boreholes on bolls , presence of granular faecal
pellets outside the bore hole.
Nature of damage : Caterpillar cuts a hole on the boll and feed on the boll by thrusting
their heads alone inside. The affected bolls may rot due to fungus attack. Yield is
considerably reduced.
4. Red bollworm, Rabila frontalis , Noctuidae, Lepidoptera
Symptom of attack : Bolls showing irregular bore holes.
Nature of damage : Larvae remain inside the bolls and feed .
Larva : Stout light pink caterpillar.
Pupa : It pupates in the ground for a period of 3 to 4 weeks in Oct to Nov.
Adult : Pale brown with yellow marking on forewings and white hindwings.
Lecture No. 17. Mid-semester Examination


1. Leaf roller, Sylepta derogata, Pyraustidae, Lepidoptera
Symptom: Leaves rolled in the form of trumpets and fastened by silken threads,
Nature of damage : Larva remain within the fold and eat away the leaves. A single
larva can damage several leaves.
Egg : Round, yellowish green, laid singly on undersurface of the leaves.
Larva : Green , glistening with dark head and prothoracic shield.
Pupa : Naked, obtect, pupates within leaf roll / under fallen leaves / debris.
Adult: Medium sized, yellowish wings with brown wavy markings.
2. Semiloopers : Anomis flava, Xanthodes graellsi, Tarache nitidula:Noctuidae ,
Symptom of attack : Defoliation, leaves with midribs, presence of larva
Nature of damage : Larvae defoliates the plant.
Egg: Singly laid.
Larva : A. flava– Green with five white longitudinal lines and red prolegs; X.graellsi –
Green with a pair of horse-shoe shaped black mark on each segment and black warts on
the abdomen; T.nitidula – Dark brown caterpillar.
Pupa : A. flava-obtect, pupates within leaf folds; X.graellsi – pupates in soil.
Adult : A. flava– medium sized , brown moth; forewings reddish-brown provided with
dark coloured zig-zag bands. Hindwings are light brown; X.graellsi – yellowish with a
brown streak; T.nitidula – Stout and white moth with black spots.
3. Ash weevil, Myllocerus spp., Curculionidae, Coleoptera
Symptom of attack : Holes in the leaves, leaf margins notched, roots eaten up, plants
wilt and they come off easily when pulled
Nature of damage : Grubs remain underground and feed on the root system. Adults
they damage the above ground parts
Egg : White, laid in the rhizosphere.
Grub : White apodous.
Pupa : Exarate, pupates in soil.
Adult : Green / Brown / Grey with or without markings on the elytra.

4. Cotton grasshopper, Cyrtacanthacris tatarica (=ranacea), Acrididae, Orthoptera

Symptom of attack: Defoliation.
Nature of damage: Nymph and adult defoliate the plant.
Nymph: Nymph with broad yellowish stripes on prothorax.
Adult: Pale brown, stout elongated grasshopper.
Flower weevil, Amorphoidea arcuata, Curculionidae, Coleoptera
Tobacco caterpillar, Spodoptera litura, Noctuidae, Lepidoptera
Hairy caterpillar, Euproctis fraterna , Lymantriidae, Lepidoptera
Surface grasshopper, Catantops pulchellus, Acrididae, Orthoptera
Tobacco grasshopper, Atractomorpha crenulata, Acrididae, Orthoptera
Wingless grasshopper, Chrotogonus oxypterus, Acrididae, Orthoptera
Blister beetle, Mylabris pustulata, Meloidae, Coleoptera

1. Stem weevil, Pempherulus affinis, Curculionidae, Coleoptera
Symptom of attack: Swellings of stem at the point of attack (collar region) and the plant
break off from this point, when heavy winds blow.
Nature of damage: Adults feed on the bark while the young grub cuts through
medullary rays, tunnels round the stem along the cambium and feed on the soft
Egg : White, globular, oval eggs are laid in cavities scooped in tender nodes. The
cavities are sealed with a gummy secretion.
Grub : White, apodous.
Pupa : Exarate, pupates in a pupal chamber within the stem.
Adult : Brownish weevil, 3 mm long, with two small white patches on the elytra.

2. Shoot weevil, Alcidodes affaber , Curculionidae, Coleoptera

Symptom of attack: Galls in the stem and petiole, defoliation.
Nature of damage: Grubs bore into stem and petiole causing gall like swelling. Adults
feed on leaves, buds and tender terminal shoots.
Egg: Eggs are laid singly in the tissue.
Grub: Creamy yellow, apodous.
Pupa: Pupation inside the stem.
Adult: Dark greyish brown with pale cross bands on elytra. It is bigger than stem

3. Surface weevil, Atactogaster finitimus, Curculionidae, Coleoptera

Symptom of attack: Severing of seedlings
Nature of damage: Adults cut the stem of seedlings at the time of germination under
rainfed condition in the black soil tract of Tirunelveli district.
Adult : Large blackish grey weevil.

4. Stem borer, Sphenoptera gossypii, Buprestidae, Coleoptera

Symptom of attack :Stem tunneled, stem swollen at the base and dries up.
Nature of damage : The grub burrows into the stem feeding on the internal tissues.
Egg : Laid singly on the bark of the tender stem near the ground level or half way
between the base and the crown of the plant.
Grub : Grubs are 2.5 cm long.
Pupa : Pupates within the larval gallery.
Adult : Shinning, coppery brown beetle , 8mm long.

1. Early shoot borer, Chilo infuscatellus, Crambidae, Lepidoptera
Symptom of damage: Deadheart in 1-3 month old crop, which can be easily pulled out,
rotten portion of the straw coloured dead-heart emits an offensive odour. A number of
bore holes at the base of the shoot just above the ground level.
Nature of damage: Caterpillar bores into the central shoot and feeds on the internal
tissue. This cause interference in the translocation of plant sap and damage the sugar
storing tissues.
Egg: Flat-scale like eggs are laid in 3-5 rows on the lower surface of leaves in masses of
4-100. The masses are slightly overlapping like tiles.
Larva: Larva is dirty white with five dark violet longitudinal stripes and dark brown
Pupa: Pupation takes place within the tunnel. Caterpillar before pupating makes a large
exit hole in the stem and blocks the opening with silken discs.
Adult: Pale greyish brown moth with black dots near the costal margin of the forewings
and with white hindwings.

2. Internode borer, Chilo sacchariphagus indicus, Crambidae, Lepidoptera

Symptom of damage: Internodes constricted and shortened, with a number of boreholes
and fresh excreta in the nodal region. Affected tissues reddened.
Nature of damage: Caterpillars attack sugarcane plants after 3 months of planting. They
bore into the canes near the nodes; entry holes are plugged with excreta. Entry is
generally confined to the first five internodes.
Egg: Scale-like white eggs are laid by female moths in batches of 9-11, near the midribs,
on leaf sheaths or on stem.
Larva: White larva with four violet longitudinal stripes and light brown head.
Pupa: Pupation takes place in semi-dried leaf sheath.
Adult: Pale brown with white hind wings.

3. Top borer, Scirpophaga excerptalis, Pyralidae, Lepidoptera

Symptom of damage: Deadheart in grownup canes, which cannot be easily pulled;
deadheart reddish brown in colour; parallel row of shot holes in the emerging leaves
and red tunnels in the midribs of leaves; bunchy tip due to the growth of side shoots.
Nature of damage: Caterpillars are mainly found in the apical portion of the canes,
boring through the growing point and down the upper joints until it reaches the sappy
portion of the stem, there it feeds on the tissues and destroys the cane. They also bore
into the unfolded leaves preferably into the midrib, mining its way to the base.
Egg: Eggs are laid on the lower surface of top leaves in clusters particularly near
midribs. The clusters are covered with buff coloured hairs.
Larva :Smooth, white or cream coloured with a red coloured mid-dorsal line and yellow
Pupa: Pupation takes place within the larval tunnel in a chamber with an exit hole
constructed by the caterpillar.
Adult: White coloured moth (with a buff coloured anal tuft in the abdominal tip of
1. Whiteflies, Aleurolobus barodensis, Aleyrodidae, Hemiptera
Symptom of damage: Yellowing of leaves, turn pinkish and later gradually dry.
Infested leaves look white, while those below are black due to the growth of sooty
mould on the honeydew.
Nature of damage: Nymphs suck the sap from the leaves.
Egg: Females lay eggs in a line near the midrib or anywhere on the lower surface of the
leaves. Eggs are yellowish with a small curved stalk. Colour changes to black about two
hours after the eggs are laid.
Nymph : Neonate nymphs are pale yellow in colour, flat and oval in shape, later turn
shiny black. Its body is surrounded by fringes of wax.
Pupa: The fourth instar being the pupal stage, is flat, oval, greyish in colour and slightly
bigger than the nymph. There is a ‘T’ shaped white marking on the thorax, which splits
at the time of adult emergence.
Adult: Pale yellow body with hyaline wings dusted with waxy bloom, exhibit brisk
fluttering movements.

2. Whiteflies, Neomaskellia bergii, Neomaskellia andropogonis, Aleyrodidae, Hemiptera

Symptom of damage: Black, grey or white dot like pupae on the undersurface of leaves.
Nature of damage: Nymph suck plant sap from the lower surface of leaves. Drainage of
sap adversely affects plant growth.
Egg: Eggs are laid on the undersurface of the leaves in circular or semicircular masses.
Freshly laid eggs are yellowish white, which later become dusky yellow.
Nymph: Oval in shape and brownish in colour. Their bodies surrounded by white wax.
Pupa: Pupation occurs on the leaves.
Adult: Pale brown with black bands on wings.

3. Leaf hopper, Pyrilla perpusilla, Lophopidae, Hemiptera

Symptom of damage: Yellow leaves, covered with black sooty mould; top leaves gets
dried up and lateral buds germinate.
Nature of damage: Nymphs and adults remain in groups on the lower surface of leaves
and suck the plant sap. They secrete honeydew, which attract sooty mould
development. Severe attack results in loss of sugar content in the canes, to the extent of
34% and growth is suppressed.
Egg: Eggs are laid in clusters on the lower surface of leaves or in the leaf sheaths. Eggs
are covered with white fluffy waxy filaments.
Nymph : Soft pale brown dorsally and pale orange ventrally with two characteristic
anal filaments.
Adult: Soft, straw coloured with the head pointing forward as snout. Wings fold over
the abdomen like hood; they are densely veined and transparent.

4. Mealybug, Saccharicoccus sacchari, Pseudococcidae, Hemiptera

Symptom of damage: Pinkish oval insects beneath leaf sheath on the nodes, with
whitish mealy coating, main cane stunted also attack roots. Sooty mould develops on
the plant.
Nature of damage: Both adults and nymphs suck cell sap from the plants. The insects
congregate at the lower nodal regions of the stem, particularly under the leaf sheaths.
The leaves often turn red at the base. Vitality of the plants is adversely affected. Ratoon
crops suffer more. It also acts as vector of spike disease.
Egg: Eggs are retained in the female reproductive organs until almost fully mature.
Incubation period is short. The females may bring forth hundreds of young ones
parthenogenetically. An egg is yellowish, smooth, cylindrical and rounded at both ends.
Nymph: Newly emerged nymphs are quite active with a pinkish transparent body.
Adult: White with mealy coating, sessile.

5. Scale insects, Melanaspis glomerata, Diaspididae, Hemiptera

Symptom of damage: Dark encrustations on the internode.
Nature of damage: Both adults and nymphs remain inside the scale and suck the plant
sap. This causes shriveling and stunting of canes. In susceptible varieties germination
get adversely affected.
Nymph: Females multiply ovo-viviparously. The nymphs that hatch out from the eggs
within the female’s body come out through the genital aperture. They are called
‘crawlers’. They settle after selecting suitable site for feeding.
Adult: Greyish black or brown circular scales, they cover the nodal region forming a
thick encrustation.

6. Black winged bug, Proutista moesta, Derbidae, Hemiptera

Nature of damage: Nymphs and adults suck the plant sap.
Adult: Small, black in colour with long wings.

7. Aphid, Melanaphis sacchari, Aphididae, Hemiptera

Symptom of damage: Found on senescent leaves.
Nymph : Yellow in colour.
Adult: Purple when crowded.
8. Skipper, Telicota augias, Hesperiidae, Lepidoptera
Symptom of damage: Leaves folded into tubular cells.
Nature of damage: Larva folds the leaves into tubular cells by binding the tow edges
together. It feeds on the leaves from margin inwards leaving behind the midrib intact.
Egg: Light yellow colour eggs laid singly on the leaves.
Larva : Green coloured with constricted neck and dark head and dark spot on the anal
Pupa: Yellowish-green pupa. Pupation takes place in the leaf tube.
Adult: Brownish black butterfly with yellow patches on wings. Antenna is clubbed with
curved tips.
1. Termites, Odontotermes obesus, Termitidae, Isoptera
Symptom of damage: Poor germination of setts (after planting), characteristic semi-
circular feeding marks on the margin of the leaves in the standing crop. Entire shoot
dries up and can be pulled out. Setts hollow inside and may be filled with soil. Cane
collapses if disturbed; rind filled with mud.
Adult: Creamy coloured tiny insects resembling ants with dark coloured head.

2. Root borer, Emmalocera depresella, Crambidae, Lepidoptera

Symptom of damage: Young shoots with deadhearts which cannot be pulled out easily
and do not emit any smell. Grown up canes with yellow leaves.
Nature of damage: Caterpillars bore at the base of a stem, which is very close to the
root. Although they do not actually bore into the roots, but since they do so near the soil
surface they are called root borers. It differs from the shoot borer damage in the way
that the dead-heart when pulled out the whole plant comes out and it does not possess
bad smell. Besides central leaf whorl, some side leaves also dry.
Egg: Eggs are laid singly on the leaves, stem or in soil. Eggs are flat, oval and creamy
white in colour.
Larva : Creamy white with an yellowish brown head and light brown prothoracic
Pupa: Pupates within the stem and makes an exit hole for emergence of the adult about
1-1.5 cm above the ground surface.
Adult: Small moth with pink head, brown thorax and abdomen, forewings and
hindwings light yellow. Forewings possess light black longitudinal stripes. Adult moth
is 27 mm across the wings.

3. Whitegrub, Holotrichia consanguinea, Melolonthidae, Coleoptera

Symptom of damage: Drying of crown, preceded by yellowing and wilting of leaves.
Affected canes come off easily when pulled. Cause extensive damage to roots.
Grub: Fleshy ‘C’ shaped, whitish yellow in colour found close to the base of the clump.
Adult: Dark brown.

4. Root aphid, Tetraneura javensis, Aphididae, Hemiptera

Symptom of damage: Root colonized with aphids; movement of black ants.
Adult: Spherical yellowish aphids.

Gurdaspur borer, Bissetia steniellea, Crambidae, Lepidoptera
Grasshopper, Oxya velox, Acrididae, Orthoptera
Spiny beetle, Asmangulia cuspidata, Hispidae, Coleoptera
Lecture No. 22 & 23

1. Sesbania stem borer, Azygophleps scalaris, Cossidae, Lepidoptera
Symptom of damage: Drying of sesbania plants.
Nature of damage: Stoutly built larva bores into the stem and feeds, the faecal matter
getting accumulated at the entrance hole.
Egg: Laid in masses attached to the leaflets.
Larva: Robust larva of 7 cm length, light brown with a reddish brown head.
Pupa: Pupa has spines anteriorly with the help of which it moves up and down inside
the tunnel in the stem.
Adult: Sluggish yellowish brown moth.
2. Stem weevil, Alcidodes bubo, Curculionidae, Coleoptera
Symptom of damage: Drying of the terminal branches or whole plant, lodging of the
plants during monsoon seasons; affected stem with numerous bore holes and swelling
symptoms. Presence of apodous grub inside the stem.
Nature of damage: Grubs riddle into stem and cause thickenings on stem. The growth
and vigour of the plants are impaired to a great extent.
Egg: Laid on the stem.
Grub : Apodous whitish grub.
Adult: Reddish brown weevil with white transverse markings on the elytra.

3. Green semilooper, Pericyma glaucinans, Noctuidae, Lepidoptera
Symptom of damage: Defoliation of plants preceding with leaflets damage.
Nature of damage: Caterpillar feeds on the leaflets remaining along the ribs of leaves.
Larva : Pale green, semilooper with broad yellow lateral stripes.
Adult: Dark brown with black lines
4. Green looper, Semiothisa pervelgata, Semiothisa emersaria, Geometridae, Lepidoptera
Symptom of damage: Defoliation of plants preceding with leaflets damage.
Nature of damage: Larvae feed on the leaves.
Egg: Oval greenish eggs laid singly on leaves.
Larva : Pale green looper with white lines and when full grown becomes pink with
horizontal bands of violet patches dorsally on the abdominal segments.
Pupa: Pupates in the soil.
Adult: White colour with three dark lines and spots on the wings.
5. Brown looper, Hyposidra succesaria, Geometridae, Lepidoptera
Symptom of damage: Defoliation of plants preceding with leaflets damage.
Nature of damage: Larvae feed on the leaves.
Egg: Deposited in clusters.
Larva : Reddish brown in colour with spots.
Pupa: Pupates in soil.
Adult: Reddish in colour with faint lines.
6. Leaf webber, Striglina scitaria, Thyrdidae, Lepidoptera
Symptom of damage: Webbing of terminal leaflets into conical structures.
Nature of damage: In the early stage the larva twists the terminal portion of the leaflet
in the form of a small cone and lives inside scraping the green matter. As it grows, it
webs together the leaflets and lives inside the tunnel of the web and ultimately pupates
inside it.
Egg: Laid in groups of 2-4 in a row on the edges of leaflets.
Larva : Greenish caterpillar with black head.
Pupa: Pupates within the leaf web itself.
Adult: Light brown moth with oblique lines on wings.
7. Pierid butterflies, Eurema hecabe var. contubernalis, Pieridae, Lepidoptera
Symptom of damage: Defoliation of the leaflets.
Nature of damage: Caterpillar feeds on leaves.
Egg: White spindle shaped eggs laid singly on leaves.
Larva : Greenish caterpillar with white lateral lines.
Pupa: Chrysalis pupa attached to the stem with a girdle.
Adult: Yellow coloured butterfly with black margins.
8. Mottled emigrant, Catopsilia pyranthe, Pieridae, Lepidoptera
Symptom of damage: Defoliation of the leaflets.
Nature of damage: Larvae feeds on the leaves.
Larva : Greenish caterpillar with lateral yellow stripes and black dots.
Adult: Male forewing chalky white or greenish with apical and terminal black border.
Female: Black markings broader than in male.
9. Semilooper, Grammodes stolida, Noctuidae, Lepidoptera
Symptom of damage: Defoliation.
Larva : Velvety black larva with a row of red spots.
Adult: Forewing with a large black patch occupying the whole wing except the basal,
coastal and outer areas. Hind wings with medial pale band.
10. Spodoptera litura 11. Dasychira mendosa

12. Stink bug, Piezodorus rubrofasciatus and Cyclopelta siccifolia, Pentatomidae,
14. Stink bug, Brachyplatys vauhli, Plataspidae, Hemiptera 15. Coptosoma cribraria 16.
Riptortus pedestris 17. Clavigrella horrens 18. Clavigrella gibbosa 19. Aphis craccivora

1. Hairy caterpillar, Utethesia pulchella, Arctiidae, Lepidoptera
Symptom of damage: Defoliation of the plant.
Nature of damage: Larva feeds on leaves and also cause severe damage by feeding on
the contents of developing pods.
Larva : Hairy caterpillar with brown head. Yellow lines on the dorsal and dorso-lateral
side with black stripes and orange patches. Body has long brownish hairs arising on
Pupa: Pupates in the soil.
Adult: Red and black spots on the white forewings.
2. Hairy caterpillar, Argina cribraria, Argina syringa, Hypsidae, Lepidoptera
Symptom of damage: Defoliation.
Nature of damage: Larvae feeds on the leaves.
Egg: Yellowish eggs laid in clusters on the undersurface of the leaves.
Larva : Hairy caterpillar with black transverse markings and white spots.
Pupa: Pupates on the plant or the surface of the soil.
Adult: A. cribraria has black spots on yellowish wings. A. syringa has black spots on
reddish brown wings.
3. Flea beetle, Longitarsus belgamensis, Alticidae, Coleoptera
Nature of damage:Adult makes minute holes on leaves, grub feeds on the roots by
Egg: Laid in soil.
Grub : Yellowish grub.
Pupa: Pupates in earthen cells in the soil.
Adult: Yellowish brown small beetle with enlarged hind femur.
4. Sunhemp mirid, Ragmus importunitas, Miridae, Hemiptera
Symptom of damage: Minute chlorotic spots, later coalescing to cause yellowing of
Nature of damage: Nymphs and adults suck the sap from tender leaves and shoots and
cause yellowing of leaves and in severe attack, death of plants.
Egg: Eggs laid singly into plant tissue.
Adult: Greenish bug.
5. Stem borer, Enarmonia tricentra, Eucosmidae, Lepidoptera
6. Etiella zinckenella
1. Spotted alfalfa aphid, Therioaphis maculata, Aphididae, Hemiptera
Nature of damage: Nymph and adult suck the sap.
Adult: Yellow coloured aphids with series of spots.
2. Lucerne weevil, Hypera variabblis, Curculionidae, Coleoptera
Symptom of damage: Leaves with irregular holes. Affected plants remain stunted.
Nature of damage: Grub and adult cause the damage.
1. Jumping lice, Heteropsylla cubana, Psyllidae, Hemiptera
Symptom of damage: Wilting of growing shoots resulting in die back; plants unable to
put forth new growth. Honeydew deposition and sooty mould development.
Nature of damage: Nymph and adult cause the damage.
Nymph : Minute yellow. Adult: Pale greenish yellow.

Class : Mammalia
Order : Rodentia

1. House rat, Roof rat, Black rat, Rattus rattus

Nature of damage: It eats up all food materials and can damage wood, plastic, rubber
and even soft metals also. As it is responsible for plague, it is considered as the most
expensive rat of India. Generally the droppings are found scattered and banana shaped.
Habit: Being nocturnal in habit, it can be rarely seen during day time. It is a good
swimmer and good climber also. It prefers to stay in dusty places. It is rarely found in
sewers also. It rarely moves out of houses or crosses the big lanes. It can climb high to
enter through roofs.

2. House mouse, Mus musculus

Nature of damage: Their infestation imparts a typical smell to store rooms and stocks.
They feed on cereals, cereal products, vegetables, meat, fats, carbohydrates, etc. and can
damage wooden furniture, paper, clothes, rubber, plastic and leather goods, etc. They
damage more than what they eat. They are responsible for contamination of food with
hairs, urine, excreta; and also spreading Salmonella organisms responsible for food
poisoning. They may cause virus infection not only by faecal infection but also by
walking over the foodgrains etc. They are responsible for disease like ringworm. The
droppings are scattered and spindle shaped.
Habits: It prefers to stay in holes, in floors or under the boxes or any other dark place
suitable for hiding. It is active during night but can be seen in daytime also. Movements
are almost like darting. Feeding is confined normally upto 10 meters. A mouse does not
run along ‘rat runs’.

3. Norway rat, Brown rat, Sewer rat, Ship rat, Rattus norvegicus
Nature of damage: Feeds on grain. Damage containers i.e. bags/ cartons. Pollutes grain
with excreta, droppings and hairs. Spread various diseases. Droppings found in groups
and spindle shaped.
Habits: It is habituated of making burrows outside grain stores but often lives in
sewers. The burrows are only on surface with two to five openings. Normally it stays
within a radius of 25 to 30 meters. It is a good swimmer. Life span is for one year.

4. Smaller bandicoot, Indian mole rat, Lesser bandicoot, Outdoor rat, Bandicota
Nature of damage: Being omnivorous it feeds on grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts,
sometimes flesh of young ones and dead animals. It damages crops in fields (sugarcane,
wheat, paddy, maize, etc.) and gardens besides grain in granaries at times. But the
damage to cereals is little as it prefers to cut cereal crop plants particularly ‘ear heads’
thereby affecting yield considerably. It hoards grains in its burrows upto 6 kgs.
Occasionally it attack poultry. It is an important plague carrier too. In godowns besides
waste and contamination, it adds filth also. Droppings are scattered and oval shaped.
Habits: It is an expert in digging burrows with characteristic mounds of soil, which
hide the opening of burrows hence the name - mole rat. It is an excellent swimmer,
often living in bunds; it swims to damage even flooded fields of paddy. Being mainly
nocturnal, it prefers to stay in burrows during daytime. Burrows have never been
noticed inside warehouses or stores.

5. Larger bandicoot, The Bandicoot, Bandicota indica

Nature of damage: It makes big burrows, which weaken the foundation of walls, river
bunds, railway tracks etc. It damages crops by cutting tillers/ leaves thus reducing
yield drastically. It hoards grain in burrows. In stores, it mainly depends on cereals and
other grains. Droppings are scattered and spindle shaped.
Habits: It is the biggest rat found in thickly populated areas and markets of grain
stockists and also on the periphery of villages. It is less attracted towards flesh or meat
and is mainly grain feeders. Besides burrowing underground tunnels it is expert in
gnawing furniture and doors by powerful chisel shaped incisors. The grunting noise of
this rodent is typical.


Visual sighting and typical noise, rat burrows, rat droppings and urine marks,
feet or tail marks on dustry floors, greasy marks left by rats, gnawed articles (torn bags
and spilled grains etc. or damaged doors and windows), pet excitement and
disappearance of bait.

RODENT CONTROL: The following methods can be adopted for rodent control.
1. Physical methods
a. Rat proofing: While constructing new godowns, care should be taken to construct
them rat proof. The characteristics of an ideal godown are as follows: Godowns should
be away from habituation. Should be on high plinth. Water accumulation in the nearby
places should be avoided. Pucca masonry cement concrete structures are preferable. No
tree or branches of the tree should hang over the godowns roof. All windows
ventilators, gutters, drains should be fitted with 24 gauge ¼” (0.6 cm) expanded metal
mesh. Manholes should be properly covered. Doors must be closely fitted. Clearance
between doors and floors, should not exceed ¼ “ (0.6 cm). Must have 3’ (90 cms) deep
pucca foundations. Doors should be equipped with 9” (25 cms) metal sheet lining at the
bottom. Platform stairs in front of godowns should not be allowed overnight. Platform
should have 12” (30.5 cm) projection in an inversed L shaped manner. All the walls and
floors should be plastered smooth with cement. Any rat hole observed must be closed
with cement. If the hole is big enough, it should be filled with glass pieces. Automatic
door closers help in banning rat entry. Regular inspection and sanitation of godowns is
a must for effective rat control.
b. Hygiene and sanitation: Food should be kept in rat proof containers. Waste foods and
empty food tins should be thrown in dustbin with tightly fitting lids. Food stocks
should be stored in such a way that they can be inspected from all sides at frequent
intervals. Piles of rubbish, timber and bricks should not be allowed to accumulate in or
near the godowns. Best time for removing rubbish is just before taking temporary
control measures. By using rat repellent in stores.
c. Use of ultrasonic devices: Sound waves emitted by ultrasonic devices are unbearable by
rats and mice and are unheard by humans. These are reported to repel the rats without
producing any harm to human beings. However, so far effective equipment is not

2. Mechanical:
a. Trapping: It reduces the population but does not control further multiplication. It is
effective only when the population is low. Trapped rats should be killed by drowning
cages in ponds and dead rats buried. Break back traps kill the rats while trapping.
Placing of trap and selecting of bait play an important role of controlling rodents in
fields, houses and godowns. The tanjore bamboo bow traps, pot traps and break back
trap type are very useful in controlling field rats. In warehouses/ houses the physical
methods adopted are plugging the holes with glass pieces and cement plastering,
having snugly fitting doors, constructing a plinth of 75 cm high without any steps or
ladder and rat proofing by fixing metallic sheets at the bottom of doors and use of box
trap and wonder trap.
b. Killing of solitary rats by sticks, brooms and some other ways by individual.

3. Cultural
a. Deep ploughing: Ploughing upto 18” (45 cms) will unearth rat burrows and the pest
will be exposed to enemies, like dogs, cats, kites etc. But it can be done only once before
sowing operations. Due to their high rate of multiplication rats recover the same
population level.
b. Flooding the fields: Burrows in the fields can be flooded with water, which kill the rats.
c. Formation of narrow bunds: Rodents prefers broader bunds for making burrows.

4. Biological
a. Predators : Snakes and mongooses are well known predators of rats. Fixing bamboo
poles near the rat burrow. Birds like owls, eagles etc come and sit on them. As and
when the rat comes out they catch and kill. Keeping cats in houses also checks the rat
b. Parasites: Salmonella sp. of virus can be used for rodent control but not recommended
due to health threat to non target species.

II. CHEMICAL: Compounds, which kill the rats by their chemical action, are known as
rodenticides. These poisonous rodenticides can be divided into two groups.
a. Acute/ Single dose poison: Zinc phosphide, Barium chloride, Red squill, Thallium
sulphate are some of the compounds which have been used as rat poisons. These are
called as ‘acute poison’ as these are highly toxic in nature i.e. they show immediate fatal
results. The defect of acute poisons is that these create poison shyness and bait aversion
in rodents. E.g. Zinc phosphide 2 parts, food grains 96 parts and any edible oil 2 parts.

b. Chronic/ Multiple dose poison: The modern way to kill rodents in houses or godowns is
by using anticoagulants. If consumed regularly in sufficient quantity for a prolonged
period causes blood hemorrhage in mammals. These are easy to handle and involve no
health hazard to man. These do not create bait shyness.
i. Ready to feed: Rodents can be fed directly when the bait is of ready to use type.
ii. Dry baits: In case of dry concentrate form, the bait is to be prepared in the
following manner. Anticoagulant 25 gms (5 tea spoonfuls), flour 450 gms (4 tea cup
fulls), sugar or jaggery (in powder form) 15 gms (3 tea spoonfuls), any edible oil 10 gms
(2 tea spoonfuls). It should place in rat runs, dark places, where rats can consume bait
without disturbance even during day-time. Consumed baits should be replaced daily.
Rats start drying after a period 6-7 days. Baiting should continue for 21 days to get an
effective kill.

c. Fumigation of rat burrows: It gives quick results as problems like new object reaction
and bait shyness do not arise.
i. Cyanogas fumigation: Calcium cyanide was used as a fumigant. Before starting
fumigation work all rat burrows should be closed by loose earth. The following day,
freshly opened (live burrows) should be cleared and 10-20 gms (3-4 tea spoonfulls0 of
fumigant applied with the pump-applicator (6-10 strokes of the pump). The burrows
should be immediately closed tightly after removal of pump hose to avoid any leakage
of poisonous gas. Next day the fumigated burrows are again examined and any
reopened burrows are refumigated.
ii. Phosphine gas fumigation: Aluminium phosphide pellets of 0.6 gms are utilized
for carrying out burrow fumigation exactly in the same manner as discussed above for
cyano gas. Since the pellets are to be utilized, no pumping is necessary. A simple rod
like hollow applicator is thrust deep into the burrows and two pellets are put in each
burrow. A bamboo tube hollow from inside can be utilized in the same manner. In the
absence of applicator, even direct burrow fumigation can be resorted to. The process is
repeated twice in the following days on noticing any opened burrows.

Order : Acarina Class : Arachinda
Plant pests belong to the orders Tetranychidae (spider mites), Tenipalpidae (false
spider mites), Tarsonemidae (tarsonemids), Eriophyidae (blister or gall mites) and
Eupodidae (eupodids). Of these spider mites are the most important and prevalent.
Mites normally feed on the undersurface of the leaves but the symptoms are more
easily seen on the uppersurface. Tetranychids produce blotching on the leaf-surface,
tarsonemids and eriophyids produce distortion, puckering or stunting of leaves and
other parts of the plant. Some species of eriophyids produce distinct galls or blisters.

Family : Tetranychidae
1. Tetranychus cinnabarinus, Tetranychus neocaledonicus, Tetranychus ludeni: This species
has a world-wide distribution. Its infestation recorded on cotton, castor, pulses,
groundnut, daincha, sesbania. Brinjal, cotton and bhendi are the worst sufferers.
Symptom of damage: Undersurface of the leaves get covered with strands of webbing
which affect photosynthesis and so the yield. Chlorotic spots coalesce into pale or
silvery patches. Eventually the leaves dry up and fall off. Growth, flowering and fruit
setting in the plants are greatly affected. Both nymphs and adults cause the damage.

2. Oligonychus indicus: It is a serious pest of sorghum, maize, sugarcane and some

Symptom of damage: White or red patches on the lower surface of leaves of sorghum
and sugarcane. Both nymphs and adults cause the damage.

3. Oligonychus oryzae: It infests rice. White spots on lower surface of leaves which
coalesce leading to development of white or silvery patches. It is severe during summer.

Family: Tarsonemidae
4. Polyphagotarsonemus latus (yellow mite, broad mite, chilli muranai mite): These are
pests of chilli, cowpea, greengram, horsegram, sesamum, lablab, jute and cotton.
Symptom of damage: Sudden curling and crinkling of leaves followed by development
of blister patches. Severe stunting of growth and death of plants.

Family Eriophyidae
5. Aceria cajani: It is a vector of sterility mosaic of pigeonpea.
6. Aceria sorghii: Leaf crinkling, general chlorosis and choking of terminal leaves. Host
plant is sorghum.

Management of mite pests

Cultural: Avoid monocropping, do intercropping using non-host crops, clean culture.
Chemical: Acaricides viz., tetradifon, chlorbenzalite, dicofol/ kelthane, can be used to
kill phytophagous mites in all stage of development.
Biological: Some of the predatory mites and insects (coccinellids, Scolothrips indicus,
Chrysopa) produce effective control.
1. House Crow, Corvus splendens, Corvidae, Passeriformes
It is grey and has black and grey wings with a black area on the throat and the
forehead. It is omnivorous and feed on dead rats, carrion, kitchen scraps, locusts,
termites, the eggs of other birds and the ripening grains of maize and fruits. Crow are
particularly attracted to maize when it is exposed on the cob. They are often seen in
flocks in maize and other fields.
Management: Hanging a dead crow on the top of a pole can effectively be used as a
scarecrow. Maize cobs can be protected by wrapping one or two of the nearby leaves
around them. A large-wire gauze cage, 2x1x1 metres having on one side a converging
entrance, can be used as a trap for crows if some attractive food is kept inside.

2. Common Myna, Acridotheres tristis, Saturnidae, Passeriformes

It is a dark- brown bird, with a bright yellow bill, its legs and patches around the
eyes. As it flies, large white patches become visible on the wings. It is omnivorous and
feed on insects, earthworms, grasshoppers, fruits and kitchen scraps. They are seen in
ripening maize and wheat fields feeding on the grains and their flocks are found
alongside those of crows and parakeets.
Management: Destroying the nests goes a long way in checking their multiplication.

3. House sparrow, Passer domesticus, Ploceidae, Passeriformes

Female is ash to greyish brown above and fulvous ash-white below. The male is
15 cm long, darker above, with blackish streaks on the wings and a black patch on the
throat and breast. It has prominent white cheeks. Feeds on grains of maize.
Management: Spraying the wheat crop when ears are in the milky stage with Tetra
Methyl Thiuram Disulphite (TMTD) 0.6% repels the sparrows and protects the crop.

Other bird pests are parrot, baya weaver, peacock, seven sisters.

Management of birds
Cultural: Deep sowing of seeds, covering the seeds with soil, pre-and post dating of
sowing, growing of trap crops near the main one and use of plant varieties that are
physically and gustatorily unattractive to birds.

Electrified perches: Bird perches could be electrified to disperse the birds or kill them
by regulating the voltage.

Use of deterrents: Scare-crow (a human figure erected in the fields) or acetylene gun, a
device by which loud bangs are produced by the action of water on calcium carbide;
use of bioacoustics, in which bird’s stress or alarm signals are recorded and played in
the fields at intervals which should be kept changing to prevent the birds getting used
to them; use of repellents or feeding deterrent, TMTD.

Other methods are Use of nylon nets, Fumigation of nests with Aluminium phosphide
tablets,Trapping, use of reflecting ribbons.


Phylum : Mollusca
Class : Gasteropoda

Snails differ from slugs in having a spirally coiled shell over their body which in
slugs is reduced and completely hidden under the mantle.

Common garden snails : Helix, Macrochlamys indica

Green house snail : Opeas gracilis
Giant African snail : Achantina fulica

They do a lot of damage to vegetables, garden plants, the damage being more
serious in the seedling stage. Giant African snails even damage plantation crops like
arecanut, rubber buds and coffee.

Common Indian slugs : Limax sp., Laevicaulis alte, Arion sp.

Cultural: They can be handpicked and killed.
Chemical: Metaldehyde (5%), copper sulphate solution (1%) and insecticides
(aresenates, persistent organochlorines, etc.)

1. Rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae, S. zeamais, S. granarius, Curculionidae, Coleoptera
Host range: Wheat, rice, maize, jowar, paddy.
Life history: 150-250 E 4-5 d L
20 d
A 3-6 d P
Symptom of damage: Presence of irregular holes of 1.5 m diameter on grains of rice,
sorghum, wheat, barley, maize before harvest and in store.
Nature of damage: Both grub and adults cause the damage. Grains are hollowed out;
kernels are reduced to mere powder. S. oryzae and S. zeamais starts its attack in field
itself. Adults cut circular holes. Heating takes place during heavy infestation, which is
known as ‘dry heating’.
Egg: Translucent white, plugs the egg hole with gelatinous secretion, laid singly.
Grub : White with yellowish brown head, apodous, fleshy, curved, remains within the
Pupa: Pupates inside the grain.
Adult: Small, reddish brown to chocolate coloured weevils has characteristic snout,
elbowed antennae, slightly clubbed. Hindwings present except in S. granarius. S. zeamais
is the largest amongst the three species.

2. Sweet potato weevil, Cylas formicarius, Apionidae, Coleoptera

Host range: Sweet potato.
Life history: 200 E 3-5 d G
Total life cycle : 1-1 ½ mon
A 7-10 d P
Symptom of damage: Grubs and adults bore into the tubers and make them unfit for
Nature of damage: It is an important pest both in the field and in storage. Grubs bore
into the tubers and make them unfit for consumption. They also attack the vines. Adult
weevils feed on leaves, vines and tubers.
Egg: Eggs are laid singly in small cavities on vines and tubers.
Grub: Whitish grub is apodous and has a brown head.
Pupa: It pupates inside the vine or tuber.
Adult: Slender, ant-like with a long snout, shiny black with reddish brown thorax and

3. Lesser grain borer/Hooded grain borer/paddy borer beetle, Rhyzopertha dominica,

Bostrychidae, Coleoptera
Host range: Paddy, rice, wheat, maize. It is able to attack paddy more easily than S.
Life history: 550 E 4-6 d G4
28-56 d Total life cycle : 25 d
A 7-8 d P
Symptom of damage: Presence of round tunnel (1 mm) in grains and root crops. In
bagged storage irregular messy waste flour spots indicate infestation of the pest.
Presence of frass, shelled grains and foul smell.
Nature of damage: Heating is very common. Infestation is confined to a small area.
Grubs and adults cause damage and are voracious feeders. Adults reduce the grain
kernels to mere frass. Grubs eat their way into the grain or feed on the grain dust or
starchy material and are capable of attacking grain externally.
Egg: Eggs are laid on the surface or on the interstices of cereal grains singly or in
Grub: White, apodous with brown head, free living upto 3rd instar.
Pupa: Grub enters the grain after 3rd instar for pupation.
Adult: Brown to blackish beetle, head is deflexed downwards below prothorax to such
an extent that it is almost hidden in a dorsal view. There is a prominent constriction
between prothorax and elytra. Antenna clubbed with large loose three-segment.

4. Cigarette beetle, Lasioderma sericorne, Anobiidae, Coleoptera

Host range: Wheat flour, cereal bran, peanuts, cocoa beans, cottonseed, spices and even
insecticides containing pyrethrum, meat and fishmeal, ginger, turmeric and chillies.
Symptom of damage: Circular, pinhead sized bore holes on processed tobacco.
Nature of damage: Grub causes the damage.
Grub: White, fleshy and hairy grub.
Adult: Small, robust, oval, light brown round beetle with its thorax and head bent
downward; gives the insect a humped appearance. Elytra have minute hairs on them
and are not striated. Total life cycle is 30-50 days. Six generations in a year.

5. Drug store beetle, Stegobium paniceum, Anobiidae, Coleoptera

Host range: Turmeric, coriander, ginger, dry vegetable and animal matter.
Symptom of damage: Circular pin-head sized bore hole.
Nature of damage: Grub causes the damage.
Grub : Similar to cigarette beetle but not hairy.
Adult: Reddish brown round beetle with striated elytra and clubbed antenna.

6. Pulse beetle, Callosobruchus chinensis, C. maculatus, Bruchidae, Coleoptera

Host range: All whole pulses, beans and grams.
Life history: 80-100 E 5d G4
30-50 d
A 4d P
Symptom of damage: Grains with white cigar like eggs on seed coat and circular exit
Nature of damage: Grubs eat up the grain kernel and make a cavity. Adults come out
making exit holes.
Egg: Laid singly, glued to the surface of the pod (in fields) or on grains (in stores). Fresh
eggs are translucent, orange cream in colour, changing to greyish white with age.
Grub : Fleshy, curved, creamy white in colour with black mouth parts.
Pupa: Pupation takes place in a pupal cell prepared beneath the seed coat.
Adult: Brownish grey beetle with characteristic elevated ivory like spots near the
middle of the dorsal side. It is small, short, active with long conspicuous serrate
antenna. Elytra do not cover the abdomen completely, which is called as pygidium.
Pygidium is black with a central longitudinal white streak. Adults are short lived, it is
harmless and do not feed on storage produce at all.

7. Tamarind beetle, Pachymeres gonagra, Bruchidae, Coleoptera

Symptom of damage: Circular holes on fruits of tamarind both in tree and storage.
Nature of damage: Grub causes the damage.
Adult: Small grey coloured beetle.

8. Khapra beetle, Trogoderma granarium, Dermestidae, Coleoptera

Host range: Wheat, maize, jowar, rice, pulses, oil seeds and their cakes.
Life history: 80-125 E 4-10 d G
14 d 24-40 d Total life cycle : 25 d
Generations/year : 12
A 5-8 d P
Symptom of damage: Stored grains reduced to frass, seed coat chewed up in an
irregular manner on all cereals.
Nature of damage: Adults are harmless. Grub damages the grain starting with germ
portion, surface scratching and devouring the grain. It reduces the grain into frass.
Excessive moulting results in loss of market value due to insanitation caused by the cast
skin, frass and hair. Crowding of larvae leads to unhygienic conditions in warehouses.
Damage is confined to peripheral layers of bags in bulk storage.
Egg: Eggs are laid on the grains or crevices.
Grub: Grub is straw coloured and hair with dark brown hairy bands on each segment
and typical posterior tuft forming a tail of long hairs. It is active, move and feed freely.
Pupa: Pupation takes place on the surface of the grain in bulk and overlapping edges of
Adult: Reddish brown, convex, oval in shape with practically no distinct division of
head, thorax and abdomen. Abdomen size is comparatively larger.

9. Angoumois grain moth or Grain moth, Sitotroga cerealella, Gelechiidae, Lepidoptera

Host range: Paddy, maize, jowar, barley and wheat (rarely). It is not capable of
attacking milled rice or other cereal products.
Life history: 100 E 4-30 d L4
24 d Total life cycle : 32 d
A 7d P Generations/ year : 3-4
Symptom of damage: Grains with circular emergence hole with characteristic flap/trap
Nature of damage: Only larvae damage grains, adults being harmless. Grains are
hollowed out. It attacks both in fields and stores. In stored bulk grain, infestation
remains confined to upper 30 cms depth only. Caterpillar enters the grain through crack
or abrasion on grain. It feeds inside and remains in a single grain only.
Egg: White eggs on the surface of damp grains in stores or fields, which soon become
Larva : White with yellow head. Pupa: Pupates in cocoon inside the grain.
Adult: Dirty yellowish brown with narrow pointed wings completely folded over back
in a sloping manner.

10. Potato tuber moth, Pthorimaea operculella, Gelechiidae, Lepidoptera

Host range: Potato.
Life history: 100-150 E 3-4 d L
14-21 d
A 7-10 d P
Symptom of damage: Mine leaves and drooping of twigs of the plants in the field. Black
excreta peeping out near the eye buds as a result of tunneling by caterpillars. Rotting
and foul-smelling tubers due to bacterial infection caused by caterpillar injuries are the
common in the godowns.
Nature of damage: In the field, the larvae mine into leaves or bore into tender shoots
and developing tubers. It is carried over to the storage rooms.
Egg: Eggs are laid singly on the undersurface of leaves or on exposed tubers.
Larva: Yellowish caterpillar with a brown head.
Pupa: When full grown pupates in a silken cocoon among trash, clods of earth, etc. on
the ground or o seams of bags and in crevices in the floor or on walls.
Adult: Small dark brown moth.

11. Rust red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum, Tenebrionidae, Coleoptera
Confused flour beetle, Tribolium confusum, Tenebrionidae, Coleoptera
Host range: Broken grains/ mechanically damaged grains, germ portion and milled
products. Heavy infestation causes stinking odour in flour, adversely affecting the
dough quality. It is an important pest for mill machinery.
Life history: 400-500 E 5-12 d G
1-1 ½ years 3-12 weeks Total life cycle : 3-4 weeks
A 5-9 d P
Symptom of damage: Presence of grub, adults, moulted skin in the flour, acid odour.
Nature of damage: Grubs feed on milled products. Flour beetles are secondary pests of
all grains and primary pests of flour and other milled products. In grains, embryo or
germ portion is preferred. They construct tunnels as they move through flour and other
granular food products. In addition they release gaseous quinines to the medium,
which may produce a readily identifiable acid odour in heavy infestations.
Egg: White, translucent, sticky, slender and cylindrical.
Grub: Worm like, whitish cream colour, faint stripes, two spines like appendages at the
end segment. Pupa: Pupa remains loosely lying in the grain and is naked.
Adult: Oblong, flat, brown in colour. In T. confusum, the compound eyes are completely
notched and antennae are not gradually thickened whereas in T. castaneum, the notch is
not complete and antennae have a clear 3-segmented club.

12. Long headed flour beetle, Latheticus oryzae,Tenebrionidae, Coleoptera

Host range: Cereal flours, packaged food, rice and rice products, grains with excessive
dust, dockage and broken grains with high moisture contents preferred.
Life history: 400 E 7-12 d G
15-80 d Total life cycle : 25 d

A 5-10 d P
Nature of damage: Both grubs and adults feed.
Egg: White, smooth, cylindrical eggs at random in grain and seams of the bags.
Grub : Active grub feeds voraciously. Pupa: Pupa is naked.
Adult: Light brown with elongated body, resembles Tribolium sp. Antennae shorter
than head, 11 segmented with 5 clubbed apical segments.
13. Flat grain beetle, Cryptolestus minutas, Laemophloeus pusillus, Cucujidae, Coleoptera
Host range: Rice, maize, wheat with excessive brokens, different flours, groundnut
particularly with high moisture and mouldy grain.
Life history: E 5d G
6-12 mon 21 d Total life cycle : 6 weeks

Nature of damage: Both adults and grubs feed on stored products and are important
pests of mills. Grubs feed on germ portion and even on dead insects. Adults are only
scavengers, cause heating in grain and flour in case of heavy infestation.
Egg: White eggs are laid loosely in flour, grain or crevices.
Grub : Cigar like, yellowish white with two reddish brown spines at anal segment.
Pupa: Matured larvae pupates in a gelatinous cocoon covered with dust particles.
Adult: Tiny, light to dark reddish brown beetle with filiform antennae.

14. Saw toothed grain beetle, Oryzaephilus surinamensis, Silvanidae, Coleoptera

Host range: Rice, wheat, maize, cereal products, oil seeds and dry fruits.
Life history: 300 E 3-17 d G
3 years/ 14-20 d Total life cycle: 3 weeks
6-10 mon
A 7-21 d P
Symptom of damage: Presence of off odour in grain.
Nature of damage: Adults and grub cause roughening of grain surface and off odour in
grain. Grains with higher percentage of broken, dockage and foreign matter sustain
heavy infestation, which leads to heating of grain.
Egg: Whitish eggs laid loosely in cracks of storage receptacles or godowns.
Grub : Grub is slender, pale cream with two slightly darker patches on each segment.
Pupa: Full grown grub makes protective cocoon like covering with sticky secretion.
Adult: Narrow, flattened, thorax having six teeth like serrations on each side. Antenna
clubbed. Elytra cover abdomen completely.

15. Ricemoth, Corcyra cephalonica, Galleridae, Lepidoptera

Host range: Rice, jowar, other millets, whole cereals, cereal products, pulses, processed
products of cereals, pulses, oil seeds, nuts, dry fruits and milled spices.
Life history: E 3-5 d L

21-41 d
A 10 d P
Symptom of damage: Presence of dense webbing of grains and foul smell, which makes
the grains unfit for human consumption.
Nature of damage: Larva is only responsible for damage. It contaminates foodgrains
with frass, moults and dense webbing. In whole grains, kernels are bound into lumps
upto 2 kg.
Egg: Small, oval, elliptical laid on wall, bags or on grain. Larva : Creamy white has
prothoracic shield. Pupa: It webs silken shelter before pupation. In case of heavy
infestation cocoons may be seen sticking to the grain bags. Cocoon dense white and
tough. Adult: Pale buff brown colour.
16. Fig or Almond or Warehouse moth, Ephestia cautella, Phycitidae, Lepidoptera
Host range: Wheat, rice, maize, jowar, groundnuts, spices.
Life history: 200-250 E 3-4 d L
14 d 40-50 d

A 12 d P
Symptom of damage: Before pupation, large number of wandering larvae trails behind
silken threads. Such fine threads form the carpets of white sheen over the bags.
Matured larva spins a silken cocoon at the junction of two overlapping edges of stacked
Nature of damage: Larva feeds on germ portion leaving the rest of the kernel
undamaged. In bulk infestation its damage is limited to peripheral top layers only. Web
formation covers the bags, floor-space and mill machinery thereby leading to clogging
in mills.
Egg: Eggs are laid in grains exposed at the sampling tube spots in jute bags.
Larva : Greyish white, hairy with dark brown head with 2 dark areas on the first
segment behind the head.
Pupa: Spins silken cocoon at the time of pupation.
Adult: Dirty white to greyish in colour with indistinct black bands,

17. Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella, Phycitidae, Lepidoptera

Host range: Maize, cereals, dry fruits, groundnuts and cereal products.
Life history: 39-275 E 2-17 d L
30-35 d Total life cycle : 26 d

A 10 d P
Symptom of damage: Borehole on the grain.
Nature of damage: Larva causes serious damage to ear and grain of maize;
contaminates the grain with excreta, cast skins, webbings, dead individuals and
cocoons; prefers to eat the germ portion and hence grains lose viability. It feeds
superficially but may construct more than one silken tunnel.
Egg: Greyish white with granular surface, laid indiscriminately at night.
Larva: Transparent, dirty white, skin is granular with hairy body.
Pupa: Straw coloured, changes colour to greyish with age, in silken cocoon.
Adult: Forewing basal half silver white or greyish, outer 2/3 portion is reddish copper
bronze lustre with irregular bands.

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