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Savage Worlds

FANTASY By Tom Harrison

Includes Additional Material from:
The Lejendary Rules for All Players, by Gary Gygax
Beasts of Lejend, by Gary Gygax
Deadlands: The Savage West, by Shane Lacy Hensley

Cover Art by Keith Parkinson

Jade Tinnerman, Wes Brown, Sanford “Bud” Bryan, Colleen and Dave Pevear,
Gareth Livergood

Special Thanks:
To all the folks on the Pinnacle Message Boards and the Yahoo! Savage Worlds group,
many of who contributed to this work in some form or fashion.

Savage Worlds is Copyright © 2004, Great White Games.

They are used here without permission.
Character Racial Summary
Creation Summary • Human: Bonus Edge
• Veshoge: Low Light Vision, Outsider,
Race • Dwarf: Low Light Vision, Slow (Pace 5”),
You can choose any race available in the racial Tough (Vigor d6)
summary to the right.
• Gnome: Low Light Vision, Luck (+1 benny),
Small (-1 Toughness), Outsider, Bargainer
Traits • Ilf: Low Light Vision, Animal Affinity, Delicate
• Your hero starts with a d4 in each attribute, • Kobold: Invisibility (see rules), Low Light
and has 5 points with which to raise them. Vision, Outsider, Small (-1 Toughness)
Raising an attribute a die type costs 1 point. • Oaf: Low Light Vision, Tough (Vigor d6),
• You have 15 points for skills. Strong (Strength d6), Dumb (see rules), All
• Each die type in a skill costs 1 point up to the Thumbs
linked attribute costs 2 points per level. • Orc: Low Light Vision, Strong (Strength d6),
• Charisma is equal to the total bonuses or All Thumbs
penalties given by Edges and Hindrances. • Trollkin: Low Light Vision, Natural
• Pace is 6”. Swimmers, Outsider
• Parry is equal to 2 plus half Fighting. • Wylf: Low Light Vision, Enhanced Senses
• Toughness is equal to 2 plus half Vigor. Go (Notice d6), Delicate
ahead and add the bonus granted by the

World Pantheons
armor worn on your torso to this value as
well for speed’s sake, but remember it may
not count if attacks target other parts of the Major Similar to…
body. Danneen Celtic Mythology
Nopponic Japanese Mythology
Edges & Hindrances Karcenian Phoenician Mythology
You gain additional points for taking up to one Khemitic Egyptian Mythology
Major Hindrance and two Minor Hindrances. Marazdian Ancient Persian Mythology
For 2 points you can: Maztacian Mayan Mythology
• Gain another attribute point Olympian Greek/Roman Mythology
• Choose an Edge Otamask Slavic Mythology
For 1 point you can: Payliconain Incan Mythology
• Gain another skill point Suakadian Babylonian Mythology
• Increase starting funds by 100% Sungkinese Chinese/Tibetan Mythology
Tenoric Norse Mythology
Urfinic Finland Mythology
Gear Vedsudic Ancient Indian Mythology
Start with $500.
Background Details Lyrdian South Pacific Mythology
Fill in any background details you care to add. Manitoian Native American Mythology
Neyanic Mayan Mythology
Tengralic Asian Mythology
Vubenic African Mythology
Yattemic South Pacific Mythology

Savage Worlds Fantasy A-1

The humans of the Legendary Earth are much the same as humans in the real world. Male
members of the species stand roughly 5’10” in height, on average, some three inches taller than the
females. Humans show a great variety of hair and eye colors, and a greater variance in body size
and shape than perhaps any other character species.

• Bonus Edge: humans start play with one free Edge of their choice. The character must meet the
requirements of the Edge as usual.

Veshoge look very much like humans with pink cast of skin and somewhat pig-like visage—often
outward turning canines, round cheeks, upturned nose, beady eyes, and horizontally oval face with
sparse hair. Average height is about five feet tall, with slope-shouldered thick torso, tending towards
corpulence. A veshoge has little body hair save a shock growing atop the head and running to the
shoulder blades.

• Low Light Vision: Veshoges ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
• Outsider: Veshoges are generally disliked, distrusted, and discriminated against by all other
societies. Their Charisma suffers a –2 modifier outside of their own tribes.
• Bargainers: Veshoges are shrewd merchants. They gain a +2 to Persuasion rolls when haggling,
bargaining, or otherwise engaged in commerce.

Savage Worlds Fantasy B-1

Alfar Races
• Small: Gnomes are typically less than 4’
tall. Their small size subtracts 1 from their
• Outsider: Gnomes are generally
Dwarf discriminated against by human societies.
Dwarves are short, with no member of the Their Charisma suffers a –2 modifier
race much above four feet in height, broad- outside of alfar society.
shouldered and muscular, fair to tan of
complexion but always with ruddy portions – Ilf
ears, cheeks, nose. They are craggy featured Ilfs stand as tall as tall as average humans,
folk, strong of brow, high of forehead, hirsute but are generally of small bone structure and
of face, often bald in part or whole, carnally, slender build. They have much sinewy
with hair of dark, earthy hue or the color of strength and considerable agility. Complexion
ashes or stone. They have large extremities – ranges from quite fair to a near leather-
head, hands, and feet alike. brown. Their appearance tends towards the
Dwarves have a decided tendency to very attractive to humans.
exhibit the traits of greed, gluttony, Ilfs tend to be disorderly in thinking, and
avariciousness, and covetousness. actions, gullible, judgmental, and rash. A lack
of self-discipline, combined with good looks,
• Low Light Vision: dwarven eyes are often get Ilfs into trouble.
accustomed to the dark of the underearth.
They ignore attack penalties for Dim and • Low Light Vision: Ilfs are accustomed to the
Dark lighting. dim light of the shadowy forest canopy.
• Slow: Dwarves have a pace of 5” They ignore attack penalties for Dim and
• Tough: Dwarves are stout and tough. Dark lighting.
They start with a d6 Vigor instead of a d4. • Animal Affinity: Ilfs have a natural affinity
with normal animals. They may make a
Gnome Persuasion roll to see if a single specimen
Small (about three and a half feet or a bit can be called, calmed or controlled so as
more in height), gnarly, and ruddy or leathery to prevent attack or flight.
skinned. They are plain to ugly-looking folk • Delicate: Due to their lithe build, ilf
by human standards, wrinkle-skinned from characters are not particularly vigorous.
birth, looking aged as mere babes to humans. Points of Vigor cost twice the usual cost
Gnomes have a tendency to be hagglers during character creation. Furthermore,
and chiselers – even cheaters – to get more they may never possess a Vigor of more
gain. than d10.

• Low Light Vision: gnomish eyes are Kobold

accustomed to dim and shadowy lighting. Kobolds stand around three feet height,
They ignore attack penalties for Dim and with small bone structure and slender build.
Dark lighting. As with many Alfar races, they have a sinewy
• Bargainers: Gnomes are shrewd strength and high agility. Complexions range
merchants. They gain a +2 to Persuasion from a mere greenish cast to pale apple green
rolls when haggling, bargaining, or or even a near jade hue. Eye coloration is
otherwise engaged in commerce. hazel to a striking gold. Hair ranges from
• Luck: Gnome characters draw one blue-black through dark brown to deep green.
additional benny per game session. This Although the slight slant of eye, sharp features
may be combined with the Luck and Great and sometimes wide mouth can give a
Luck Edges. somewhat devilish appearance to the face,

Savage Worlds Fantasy B-2

kobolds are overall not unattractive, and some two levelling opportunities to raise their
are downright striking in their attractiveness. Smarts thereafter.
Kobolds have a tendency to be abrasive, • All Thumbs: Oafs do not shun modern
crude, rude, and are prone to “practical joke” devices, but have difficulty understanding
stunts, bad puns, and jokes. They have an their complexities. Thus they possess the
inclination to be sly, lazy, arrogant, drunken, All Thumbs Hindrance (see page 26)
and “shady” in business deals.
• Invisibility: Kobolds are able to become
In general orcs are not quite so tall as oafs
invisible. It takes one full round of
but are broader and almost as strong, and not
concentration to become invisible, or
quite so dull-witted. Even though not fast
become visible in the same period of time.
intellectually, orcs can be cunning and tricky.
This ability does not require the
A typical specimen is less than six feet tall from
expenditure of Power Points, nor is it
the top of his sloping cranium to the soles of
subject to the standard duration of the
his big, flat, long-toed feet. Facial features are
Invisibility Power. Any action taken by the
coarse, the jaw lantern-like, ears long.
kobold meant to cause harm results in the
Shoulders are square, arms quite long, hands
immediate dismissal of this invisibility.
ham-like with long but thick fingers.
Otherwise, the Power functions exactly as
• Low Light Vision: Orcish eyes are
• Low Light Vision: Kobolds ignore attack
accustomed to dim and shadowy lighting.
penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
They ignore attack penalties for Dim and
• Small: Kobolds are typically less than 3’ Dark lighting.
tall. Their small size subtracts 1 from their
• Strong: Orcs start with a d6 in Strength
instead of a d4.
• Outsiders: Kobolds are generally disliked,
• All Thumbs: Orcs do not shun modern
distrusted, and discriminated against by
devices, but have difficulty understanding
human societies. Their Charisma suffers a
their complexities. Thus they possess the
–4 modifier outside of alfar society.
All Thumbs Hindrance (see page 26)

Oaf Trollkin
A typical Oaf is about six and a half feet
There are two varieties of trollkin. A typical
tall from the top of his flat, oval-shaped head
cave trollkin specimen is about three and a
to the callused soles of his big, flat feet. Facial
half feet tall, weighs some 70 pounds because
features are apish, with prognathus jaw, ears
of dense bones and muscle. Trollkin are
that stick out, beetling brow, etc. Shoulders
bullet-headed, with features seemingly
slope to long arms terminating in large hands
scrunched down onto the lower third of their
with short, thick and powerful fingers.
faces, with large ears protruding laterally that
accentuate this condition. Cranial hair is in a
• Low Light Vision: Oafish eyes are straight standing shock atop the point of the
accustomed to dim and shadowy lighting. head.
They ignore attack penalties for Dim and Slightly smaller than barrens trollkin are
Dark lighting. the Cave Trollkin. A typical specimen is only
• Tough: Oafs are stout and tough. They about three and a quarter-feet tall, but weighs
start with a d6 Vigor instead of a d4. some 60 pounds at least. Their features are
• Strong: Oafs start with a d6 in Strength much the same as their cousins, but their skin
instead of a d4. is a deep gray hue.
• Dumb: Oafs aren’t too bright. It costs 2 Trollkin have a tendency to be rude, hurtful
points to raise their Smarts during and mean.
character creation, and they must dedicate

Savage Worlds Fantasy B-3

• Low Light Vision: Trollkin ignore attack
penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
However, in normal or bright lighting, they
suffer penalties normally associated with
• Natural Swimmers: Trollkin gain a +2
bonus to Swimming rolls.
• Outsider: Trollkin are generally
discriminated against by human societies.
Their Charisma suffers a –4 modifier
outside of alfar society.

Wylf (Grotto Elf, Thicket Elf)

A typical wylf (otherwise known as grotto
or thicket elves) stands slightly taller than an
average human and is generally of small bone
structure and quite willowy build, with sinewy
strength and great agility.
Grotto elves are near albinos, with pale to
fair hair and large, light-colored eyes and
largish and pointed ears, but relatively small
noses and mouths.
Thicket elves are much like that in
appearance but have fair, tanned, or even
wood-hued of skin with hair colors that range
from fair to the spectrum of leaves in autumn.
All wylfs have a tendency to be suspicious,
xenophobic, irascible, nervous in crowds, and
uncomfortable in urban settings.

• Low Light Vision: Wylfs are accustomed to

the dim light of the shadowy forest canopy.
They ignore attack penalties for Dim and
Dark lighting.
• Enhanced Senses: All of a wylf’s senses are
especially acute. A wylf character begins
with a d6 Notice skill.
• Delicate: Due to their lithe build, wylf
characters are not particularly vigorous.
Points of Vigor cost twice the usual cost
during character creation. Furthermore,
they may never possess a Vigor trait of
more than d10.

Savage Worlds Fantasy B-4

Avatar Quick Physical Information Generation
When in a hurry to generate an Avatar or a NAC for your own use, the following tables will serve
to sketch out the salient details of such characters.

Height & Weight: Roll d4 for height and weight range, d3 for body type. Diametric results of 1 and
4 or 4 and 1 for height and weight must be looked at carefully. Very short and obese might be
passable, but very tall and very thin might not. Whenever in doubt use the next higher or lower result
to modify extreme variance.

Male Personas
Race Height Range Weight Range
dwarf 3’6” 3’10” 4’2” 4’6” 70# 85# 100# 115#
gnome 3’3” 3’6” 3’9” 4’ 50# 60# 70# 80#
human 5’6” 5’9” 6’ 6’3” 100# 150# 200# 250#
ilf 5’6” 5’9” 6’ 6’3” 90# 120# 150# 180#
kobold 2’11” 3’1” 3’3” 3’6” 45# 50# 55# 60#
oaf 6” 6’3” 6’6” 6’9” 200# 250# 300# 350#
orc 5’9” 6’ 6’3” 6’6” 180# 210# 240# 270#
barrens 3’3” 36” 3’9” 4’ 60# 70# 80# 90#
cave 3’ 3’3” 3’6” 3’9” 50# 60# 70# 80#
veshoge 5’ 5’3” 5’6” 5’9” 140# 155# 170# 185#
wylf 5’8’ 6’ 6’4” 6’8” 125# 150# 175# 200#

Female Personas
Race Height Range Weight Range
dwarf 3’3” 3’7” 3’11” 4’1” 60# 75# 90# 105#
gnome 3” 3’3” 3’6” 3’9” 40# 50# 60# 70#
human 5’2” 5’5” 5’8” 5’11” 85# 125# 165# 205#
ilf 5’3” 5’6” 5’9” 6’ 75# 105# 135# 165#
kobold 2’10” 3’ 3’2” 3’5” 40# 45# 50# 55#
oaf 5’9” 6’ 6’3” 6’9” 160# 190# 220# 250#
orc 5’6” 5’9” 6’ 6’3” 130# 165# 200# 235#
barrens 3’ 3’3” 3’6” 3’9” 55# 65# 75# 85#
cave 2’9” 3’ 3’3” 3’6” 45# 55# 65# 75#
veshoge 4’8” 4’11” 5’2” 5’5” 105# 120# 135# 150#
wylf 5’6” 5’9” 6’ 6’3” 85# 110# 135# 160#

Modifying Height & Weight: To modify height and weight additionally, roll the d4 a second time,
with a 1 result meaning that height and then weight is less than indicated, and a 4 indicating greater
height and weight, thus:
Resulting Change
Second d4 Roll Height Weight
1 (and check for 1 again) deduct 1” height/3’ base height deduct 5% weight
4 (and check for 4 again) add 1” height/3’ base height add 10% weight
Ignore rolls other than 1 or 4.

Lifespan of Alfar & Humanoid Races

For campaign purposes the Game Master might need to know and convey to players the
following life expectancies of the various races, especially those of the sort possible for Avatars.
As a rule of thumb, assume the initial 10% of the span is pre-adolescent, the next 10% as
adolescent, and the last 20% as old age. thus, for example a human, with a lifespan of 125 years in
the Legendary Earth milieu will be mature at 25 and active until age 100, while a wylf won’t mature
until age 30 and will be elderly and generally inactive at age 120.

Savage Worlds Fantasy B-5

Avatar Races Suggested:
Dwarf 350 years (71-280)
Gnome 300 years (61-240)
Human 125 years (26-100)
Ilf 250 years (51-200)
Kobold 250 years (18-200
Oaf 100 years (20-80)
Orc 100 years (20-80)
Veshoge 90 years (18-70)
Wylf 175 years (36-135)

Savage Worlds Fantasy B-6

Born Under a Bad Sign (Minor)
Strange things always seem to happen when you are around. Danger follows you around like a
stray dog. These situations always turn bad. Many consider you a jinx or just plain bad luck.

Heavy Sleeper (Minor)

Your hero subtracts 4 from Notice rolls made to wake up, or Vigor rolls made to stay awake when on
guard duty.

Hedonistic (Minor)
You love a good time. You party too much, drink too much, and eat too much. You have trouble
resisting an invitation to join someone in a drink and sometimes shirk your duties if offered a more
enjoyable time elsewhere.

Lyinù Eyes (Minor)

Lies just don’t come naturally to your character. That sounds good, but often causes problems when
dealing with more nefarious types.
Subtract 4 from any Persuasion rolls where lies—even little white ones—must be told.

Slow (Minor)
Your character’s Pace is reduced by 1. This is cumulative with the Lame Hindrance.

Savage Worlds Fantasy C-1

Tithing (Minor) Trick Shooter
Your character always gives 10% of his Requirements: Novice, Shooting or Throwing
income to his faith, and upon entering a temple d8+
will immediately contribute to it 10% of the When using any ranged weapon during a
money on his person. Trick maneuver, a character with this Edge gains
a +2 bonus. Other trick shots, such as shooting
a dagger out of someone's hand, might also
gain a bonus at the GM's discretion. If the

Edges shooter has Marksman, the bonus from that

Edge applies as well so long as they do not
move that turn.

Background Edges Power Edges

Brave Infernal Pact
Requirements: Novice, Spirit d6+ Requirements: Seasoned, Arcane Background
This is a very powerful Edge in any setting (Sorcery)
with monsters and great terrors. Unfortunately The ambitious practitioner of sorcery may, in
for most, it’s one of those things a character is invoking an infernal pact and forfeiting his soul,
either born with or he’s not. Brave characters qualify for the Edge. That demonurgist is
adds +2 to their Guts checks. granted an additional 10 Power Points.
This Edge may only be taken once. A Pact
Nondescript requires the sorcerer to establish three
Requirements: Novice conditions of agreement between himself and
No one seems to remember you once you’re the potent netherbeing he is petitioning. The
gone. They may be able to recall everything you GM must approve these conditions. If the
did or said with perfect clarity, but your name, sorcerer ever violates or breaks this agreement,
face, and the sound of your voice consistently his soul is immediately forfeit and is collected on
escape memory. Only your most extreme actions the spot by the beneficiary.
have a lasting impression on witnesses.
Metamagic Mastery
Requirements: Seasoned, Arcane Background,

Combat Edges
Arcane Skill (Any) d8+
You have an instinctive and growing mastery
of your magic, by paying the additional power
points required you can get the following effects.
Quick Draw Master
You have to meet the Rank requirement before
Requirements: Quick Draw
certain Metamagic abilities become available.
A quick draw master is adept at using the
You can stack Metamagic abilities if you so wish
speed of a draw to their advantage. When
and the Wizard Edge applies as normal.
drawing a weapon and acting before an
By spending one additional Power Point at
opponent (such as on a held action or higher
the time of activation, the Metamagic Master
initiative card), they gain +2 to hit. This bonus
does not apply to ranged weapons, although it
• Apply a –1 modifier to the opposed or
does negate the need to roll Agility for large
Agility rolls of opponents to resist an
weapons like rifles.

Savage Worlds Fantasy C-2

• Activate a Power even if muted, gagged Once the ritual has begun, the necromancer
or bound need not attend to it except to be present at
• Double the range of a Power completion to secure command of his creation.
Interrupting the ritual will cease the process and
the victim will slowly recover from the process,
Improved Metamagic Mastery
though some psychological scarring will no
Requirements: Veteran, Metamagic Mastery
doubt occur (in the form of a delusion, phobia,
By spending two additional Power Points
or some other hindrance).
at the time of activation, the Metamagic
The necromancer may wish to augment his
Master may:
creation with additional special abilities with a
• Apply a –2 modifier to the opposed
variable, such as armor, size, etc. These must
or Agility rolls of opponents to resist
be decided prior to the commencement of the
an effect
ritual. These cost $500 and extend the duration
• Roll a Wild Die with a damaging
of the ritual by 6 hours or 1 day per point. The
maximum bonus that can be bestowed is +3 on
• Double the base duration of a Power top of any existing modifiers.
The newly created creature is subject to the
Necromantic Artificer command of its creator, and must obey any and
Requirements: Heroic, Smarts d10+, Knowledge all commands given to it. It cannot attack or
(Arcane) d12+, Arcane Background bring harm upon its master willingly. However,
(Necromancy) should the necromancer ever find himself
The character has delved into the darker powerless in regards to power points, all the
secrets of necromancy, allowing him to undead of his creation within 8” will sense this
transform remains and living beings into horrid weakness. If they succeed at a Spirit roll, they
undead creatures, prolonging his own life in the can (and will) attack their former master.
process. The ritual itself is so dark and vile that
it can only be performed once per month. The Phylactery
materials required are costly as well. Requirements: Veteran, Arcane Background
In the case of unwilled living dead, simple (Necromancy or Sorcery), Necromancy or
remains are all that are required. Free-willed Sorcery d10+, 2 Power Points (permanent loss)
undead, evil animal spirits, and restless dead The accomplished practitioner of devilshine
spirits require a living creature. The victim is has crafted a special arcane receptacle for his
placed within a magic circle of command and life force. The object can be virtually anything
must be either bound or unconscious, but non-living, but was once part of a living human-
otherwise uninjured. Once the ritual begins, the like individual.
victim falls into an unholy stupor, and lay in an If the practitioner is “killed,” the phylactery is
unmoving state for the full duration of the ritual, triggered. The corpse of the spell caster is
during which time it will slowly expire. The immediately teleported to the location of the
physical form is altered, and the spirit twisted, by receptacle and the magical energies within used
the malign energies of the ritual. At the end of to return him to full health (he will however, be
the ritual, the victim rises as the intended form of heavily fatigued for a period of 12 hours
undead. thereafter).
If the receptacle is destroyed, the spell caster
Type Duration Cost
Unwilled 24 hours $500 immediately suffers 6d6 damage. If
Restless Spirit* 1 week $1,000 incapacitated by this damage, the spell caster is
Evil Animal Spirit 1 week $2,000 dead and his soul lost.
Free-willed* 24 hours $2,000
* in performing this ritual, the necromancer extends his own
lifespan by one month.

Savage Worlds Fantasy C-3

Trademark Spell Vow of Divine Service
Requirements: Veteran, Arcane Background Requirements: Seasoned, Arcane Background
(Any), Arcane Skill d10+ (Theurgy), Spirit d10+, Theurgy d8+
The hero has focused his expertise on a The dedicated priest who makes a solemn
single Power with unique trappings. When using vow to a specific deity and/or the whole
that specific spell, the character adds +1 to his pantheon can qualify for this Edge. That priest
spellcasting roll. A hero can take this Edge is granted an additional 10 Power Points.
multiple times, applying it to a different Power This Edge may only be taken once. If the
each time. priest ever violates or breaks his vow, he is
forever stripped of this Edge. He may continue
Trigger to serve an ecclesiastic role, however.
Requirements: Veteran; Arcane Background
(Geomancy, Necromancy, Sorcery, or

Social Edges
Thaumaturgy); Arcane Skill d10
The hero may set a particular action or
event to trigger the activation of a spell. Blast
might be cast upon a book but not take effect
until that book is opened, for instance.
This edge requires the spellcaster to cast Requirements: Veteran, Connections
the spell in advance. The Power Point cost is Your hero is has a benefactor who provides
likewise paid in advance, and requires an him with a monthly income of $50 a month. He
additional investment of 2 Power Points beyond occasionally calls upon you to perform tasks for
the standard cost of the power. him in exchange for his patronage.
Once the trigger is set, the spell will not If you offend or betray this benefactor, the
activate until the action or event established benefits of this Edge can be lost. It must then be
takes place. The spell cannot be maintained chosen again for the benefits to be restored.
beyond the initial investment of Power Points.
This edge can be taken more than one Renown
time, but only once per rank. Requirements: Veteran
Your hero has made a name for yourself.
Mention of him elicits much excitement among
Versatile Caster many circles.
Requirements: Veteran, Arcane Background Add 2 to your hero’s Charisma, but only for
(Any), Smarts d8+, Knowledge (Arcana) or those who’ve heard of him. This is generally up
Knowledge (Miracles) d10+, Arcane Skill (Any) to the GM. If he’s unsure, it’s 50/50.
The versatile caster is one of considerable
skill in experience in his art. When selecting this
Edge, they may select any two of their known
Powers and, using new trappings, create new
Weird Edges
variations on their existing abilities.
This Edge may be selected multiple times. Divination
Limitation: This edge can only be applied to Requirements: Novice
Powers you have purchased with a leveling The hero is able to employ means of
opportunity, as an Edge. Powers learned divination and fortune telling to determine
through Tomes have fixed trappings. connections, foresee future events, and similar
phenomena. For every level of Spirit, the hero
may ask one specific question about a person,

Savage Worlds Fantasy C-4

place, or thing and receive a yes or no answer medium regains control. The medium can, of
in response. Thus, a character with a d4 in course, willingly allow the spirit to possess him.
Spirit could ask a single question daily, while
one with a d12 could ask five. Additional levels
to Spirit beyond d12 (d12+1, +2, etc.) do not Other Available Edges
add to this total.
The divination attempt requires a Spirit roll. Edge Source
On a raise, the diviner has the option of asking Background Edges
a second, related question. Misphrased Scounger Evernight
questions, or those with no definite affirmative or Combat Edges
negative answer, may receive vague or even Dark Fighting Evernight
misleading answers, or none at all, in response. Deadly Opportunity Shaintar
Regardless, these attempts count against the Dirty Fighter 50 Fathoms
Improved Dirty Fighter 50 Fathoms
number of questions the character may ask.
Double Shot Evernight
Each question divined must employ a Improved Double Shot Evernight
different method. These methods include Slayer Evernight
animal omens, ashes, automatic writing, bones, Sunder Evernight
cards, crystal gazing, dice, dreams, entrails, Tunnel Fighter Evernight
War Cry Evernight
liquid mixture, lot casting, smoke, sound omens, Whirlwind Evernight
tea leaves, and visions. Improved Whirlwind Evernight

Power Edges
Medium Alchemy Fantasy Gear Toolkit
Requirements: Novice, Spirit d8+ Arcane Artificer Fantasy Gear Toolkit
Your hero can channel the spirits of the Improved Arcane Artificer` Fantasy Gear Toolkit
Enchant Fantasy Gear Toolkit
dead, allowing them to be questioned. It can be Improved Enchant Fantasy Gear Toolkit
a dangerous power if care is not taken. Golem Artificer Fantasy Bestiary Toolkit
The function of the power is similar to
Divination. Channeling a specific spirit requires
a Spirit roll. The medium’s Charisma score
should be added. The medium and his aids
may only ask as many questions as raises
scored on the Spirit roll. A personal, private item
that once belonged to the deceased grants a +1
bonus while an physical part (a lock of hair, a
corpse, etc) gives a +2 bonus. Without a
personal item, the spirit channeled will be
completely random. Successful channeling of a
spirit will leave the medium Exhausted.
Channeling spirits is a tricky business. The
GM should roll on the Reaction Table when it is
first accomplished to learn the spirit’s disposition
to the medium. Randomly channeled spirits are
at –4 to this roll. If it is hostile, the spirit may
attempt to take possession of the person. An
opposed Spirit roll is required, failure indicating
possession has taken place. Every minute
thereafter, the contest is repeated until the

Savage Worlds Fantasy C-5

Now that you’ve made your character, it’s time to outfit him with arms, armor, and other gear. Below
is a list of the most commonly sought-after goods and services, as well as armor and weaponry. Your
hero has 500 suns to purchase equipment with.

All the recognized states of the Legendary Earth have their
own standards of coinage. Modern coins will be easy to 1 copper coin = $1
recognize. The origin of ancient coins may be more elusive, 1 silver coin = $10
and they may prove valuable to collectors. 1 gold coin = $100
While in game terms currency retains the $ denotation to
keep things compatible with the Savage Worlds rules, there is Thus…
no “dollar” among the cultures of the world. Rather, coins are 10 copper coins = 1 silver coin
minted from three primary metals: gold, silver, and copper. 10 silver coins = 1 gold coin
While some advanced cultures and societies have a more
varied system of coinage, these three metals (or alloys based
upon them) are the most common.

Money Exchange: The cost for exchange is 10% of value. Naturally, in backward countries, the coinage
will be eclectic, so no exchange is needed. In really remote places, gold might fetch a premium of 10%
or higher. Generally, though, it is a good idea to have monetary exchange and charge the players’
Avatars, because they will otherwise have far too much cash in all likelihood.

Savage Worlds Fantasy D-1

Hand Weapons
Weapon Class Damage H R Wgt Cost STR Notes Availability
Aclis club str+1 1 50 - (barbarian)
Assegai Sword str+2 7 50 d6
Axe, Hand Axe str+2 5 110 d6
Axe, Battle Axe str+3 2 9 150 d8
Bagh Nakh (Tiger Claws) hand-to-hand str+1 1 60 - Irohj
Bardiche Axe str+4 2 7 250 d8
Bec de Corbin axe str+2 2 3 160 d6
Bill-Guisarme (Scorpion) pole-arm str+3 2 2 5 80 d6 Unhorse on a raise
Bill Hook pole-arm str+3 2 2 6 150 d6
Blackjack club str+1 0.5 25 -
Bludgeon club str+1 2 3 20 -
Bludgeon, 2-handed club str+1 2 4 40 -
Bo Stick club str+2 1 3 20 - Hazgar, Noppon
Brass Knuckles hand-to-hand str+1 1 50 -
Chain whip str+1 10 -
Chopper axe str+2 2 60 -
Dagger dagger str+1 1 90 -
Fang (Zaghnal) axe str+3 100 d6 Hazgar, Irohj
Fauchard pole-arm str+3 2 2 6 70 d6
Fauchard-Fork pole-arm str+3 2 2 6 125 d6
Feather Staff pole-arm str+1 2 2 350 - disarm +1
Flail whip str+2 6 150 d6 ignores shield parry bonus
Flail, 2-handed whip str+4 8 190 d8 ignores shield parry bonus
Fork pole-arm str+2 2 2 7 75 d6 disarm +1
Garrote hand-to-hand str+1 1 10 -
Glaive Fork pole-arm str+2 2 2 6 70 d6
Glaive-Guisarme pole-arm str+3 2 2 8 115 d8 Unhorse on a raise
Guisarme Fork pole-arm str+3 2 2 15 80 d8 Unhorse on a raise
Guisarme-Voulge pole-arm str+3 2 2 100 d8
Halberd pole-arm str+3 2 1 8 175 d8
Half-Moon pole-arm str+2 2 2 85 d6 Unhorse on a raise
Demi-Lune Hammer club str+1 5 135 d6
Hammer, Maul club str+3 2 5 30 d10 AP 2 v. rigid armor (plate); parry -1
Hammer, 2-handed club str+3 2 8 200 d8
Harpoon pole-arm str+2 2 125 d6
Hoko pole-arm str+3 2 2 110 d6 Noppon Islands
Hook Fauchard pole-arm str+3 2 2 6 80 d6 Unhorse on a raise
Jo Stick pole-arm str+1 2 1 15 - Hazgar, Noppon
Knife (small) dagger str 1 45 -
Knife (large) dagger str+1 2 85 -
Hand Weapons
Lance (L. Horse) pole-arm str+3 2 1 8 85 d6
Lance (M. Horse) pole-arm str+4 2 2 10 105 d8 AP 1
Lance (H. Horse) pole-arm str+4 2 2 15 140 d8 AP 2
Lochaber Axe (Jedberg) pole-arm str+3 2 1 5 105 d8 Unhorse on a raise
Lucern Hammer pole-arm str+2 2 1 8 120 d6
Mace club str+2 8 140 d6
Mace, 2-handed club str+3 10 180 d8
Machete Sword str+2 50 d6
Man-catcher pole-arm str 2 1 6 165 d8 Unhorse on a raise; disarm +1
Manopele (Bladed Guantlet Sword str+2 5 95 - disarm +1
Morningstar club str+3 8 220 d8
Naginita pole-arm str+3 2 1 110 - Noppon
O-no (Pole-axe) pole-arm str+3 2 1 140 d8 Noppon
Partisan pole-arm str+3 2 2 190 d8 disarm +1
Pick (Martel) Axe str+2 105 d6
Pick, 2-handed Axe str+3 7 115 d8
Pig’s Feathers pole-arm sp. 2 90 - see description
Pike pole-arm str+3 2 2 14 150 d8
Pike, Awl pole-arm str+3 2 2 14 115 d8
Pole-axe pole-arm str+3 2 1 150 d8
Ransuer pole-arm str+3 2 2 140 d6 disarm +1
Sabre Axe pole-arm str+3 2 1 320 d8
Spear pole-arm str+2 2 1 8 85 d6 parry +1
Spetum pole-arm str+3 2 2 145 d6 disarm +1
Spontoon pole-arm str+2 2 1 100 -
Staff (Quarter) pole-arm str+1 2 1 5 20 - Parry +1
Sword (Bastard, hand and a Sword str+3/str+4 or 2 410 d8/d6
Sword (Broad) Sword str+3 5 325 d6
Sword (Cutlass) Sword str+3 5 200 d6
Sword (Epee, Foil) Sword str+2 3 275 - parry +1; AP -1
Sword (Falchion) Sword str+3 5 500 d6
Sword (Gladius, short) Sword str+2 4 200 -
Sword (Great, Claymore) Sword str+4 2 10 500 d10 parry -1
Sword (Katana, Tachi) Sword str+4 900 d6 Noppon
Sword (Khopesh) Sword str+2 3 250 d8
Sword (Long) Sword str+3 6 350 d6
Sword (No-Dachi) Sword str+4 or 2 9 500 d8/d6 Noppon
Sword (Odachi) Sword str+4 2 10 610 d10
Sword (Rapier) Sword str+1 3 400 - parry +1
Sword (Sabre, dueling) Sword str+1 4 360 d6
Sword (Sabre, Yatigan) Sword str+2 4 330 d6
Hand Weapons
Sword (Scimitar) Sword str+2 5 420 d6
Sword (Small, dress) Sword str+2 3 300 -
Sword (Tulwar) Sword str+3 4 370 d6 Irohj
Sword (Wakizashi, short) Sword str+2 600 - Noppon
Trident pole-arm str+2 2 6 105 d6 disarm +1 Irojh, Hazgar, Noppon
Voulge pole-arm str+3 2 2 6 130 d8
Whip whip str 2 3 40 - disarm +1
Ranged Weapons
Weapon Class Range Damage RoF Wgt Cost STR Notes Availability
Aclis Sling 2/4/2006 Str+2 1 50
Aklys Darts 4/8/2016 Str+2 1 10
Assegal Spear 4/8/2016 Str+2 1 50 d8
Axe, hand Axe 3/6/2012 Str+2 1 2 110 d6
Blowgun Blowgun 3/6/2012 1d6 1 50/.25 poisoned dart Primitive cultures
Bolas Sling 3/6/2012 Str+1 1 70
Boomerang Boomerang 4/8/2016 Str+2 1 40
Bow, Self (short) Bow 10/20/1930 2d6 1 100/3
Bow, Self (medium) Bow 12/24/1948 2d6 1 3 150/3.50 d6
Bow, Self (long) Bow 15/30/60 2d6 1 5 300/4 d8 Requires Shooting d8
Bow, Composite (short) Bow 10/20/1930 2d6 1 250/3
Bow, Composite (medium) Bow 12/24/1948 2d6 1 375/3.50 d6
Bow, Composite (long) Bow 15/30/60 2d6 1 550/4 d8
Bow, Foot (long) Footbow 15/30/60 3d6 1 400/6 d8 Hazgar, Irohj
Cho-ko-nu, repeating Crossbow 4/8/2016 Str+1 1 300/1 Hazgar
Club (Aclis) Sling 2/4/2006 Str+1 1 25
Crossbow, Hand Crossbow 3/6/2012 1d6 1 100/.5
Crossbow, Small Crossbow 12/24/1948 2d6 1 150/5 AP 2; requires 1 action to reload
Crossbow, Medium Crossbow 15/30/60 2d6 1 10 200/1.5 d6 AP 2; requires 1 action to reload
Crossbow, Large Crossbow 15/30/60 3d6 1 250/2 d8 AP 2; requires 1 action to reload
Crossbow, repeating Crossbow 4/8/2016 1d6 1 300/.5 d6 AP 2; requires 1 action to reload
Dagger Knife 3/6/2012 Str+1 1 1 90
Dart, small Darts 3/6/2012 Str-1 1 1
Hammer Axe 3/6/2012 Str+2 1 30 d8
Harpoon Spear 4/8/2016 Str+2 1 125 d6
Javelin Spear 4/8/2016 Str+2 1 60 d6
Javelin (thonged) Spear 4/8/2016 Str+2 1 65 d6
Javelin (w/Atatl) Spear 4/8/2016 Str+2 1 80 d6
Knife Knife 3/6/2012 Str+1 1 1 85
Rock Darts 4/8/2016 Str-1 1 -
Sling Sling 4/8/2016 Str+1 1 1 5
Spear Spear 3/6/2012 Str+2 1 5 85 d6
Staff Sling Sling 4/8/2016 Str+2 1 25
Throwing Star (small) T. Star 3/6/2012 Str-1 1 3 Hazgar, Noppon
Throwing Star (large) T. Star 3/6/2012 Str 1 5 Hazgar, Noppon
Type Armor Weight Price Notes
Leather +1 15 50 Covers torso, arms, and legs
Hide +1 30 30 Covers torso, arms, and legs
Banded and Scale +2 40 200 Covers torso, arms, and legs
Chain +2 25 300 Covers torso, arms, and legs
Plate corslete +3 25 400 Covers torso
Plate arms (vambace) +3 10 200 Covers arms
Plate leggings (greaves) +3 15 300 Covers legs
Leather cap +1 1 25 50% chance of protecting against a head shot
Chain coif +2 3 50 50% chance of protecting against a head shot
Pot helm +3 4 75 50% chance of protecting against a head shot
Steel helmet (enclosed) +3 8 150 Covers head

Plate barding +3 30 1250 For horses; cover entire body

Small shield (buckler) -- 8 25 +1 Parry
Medium shield -- 12 50 +1 Parry; +2 armor to ranged shots that hit
Large shield (Kite, Pavise, Tower) -- 20 200 +2 Parry; +2 armor to ranged shots that hit
** Shields protect only against attack from front and left (assuming a right-handed character)

Plate: The heaviest armor is plate mail, but it

Armor Descriptions also provides the most protection. The
breastplate, grieves, and leggings are all made
Leather: Leather armor is soft and supple at the of tempered steel, providing excellent protection
joints for maximum flexibility, with boiled against most all hand weapons.
“plates” attached to the forearms, chest, and Plate mail must be customized to fit a
upper legs. particular person. This requires an hour of time
Banded: Banded armor is fashioned of and a Repair roll. If non-tailored armor is worn,
overlapping strips of metal sewn to a backing of the user suffers a –1 penalty to all his physical
leather and chain mail. The strips cover trait tests.
vulnerable areas, while the chain and leather Scale: Scale mail is a coat of leather covered
protect the joints and provide freedom of with overlapping pieces of metal, much like the
movement. Straps and buckles distribute the scales of a fish.
weight evenly.
Chain: Chain mail consists of thousands of
interwoven iron links. Many adventurers wear Shields
only a chain shirt, but stronger types can handle If a character with a shield is hit by a ranged
the extra weight on their legs as well. attack from the protected side, roll damage
Hide: Hide armor is prepared from multiple normally, but add the Armor bonus of the shield
levels of treated animal hides. It is stiff and to the character’s Toughness in the affected area
difficult to move in. It is favored primarily (it acts as an obstacle).
among less civilized, barbaric cultures.

Savage Worlds Fantasy D-6

Clothing Weight Price Brandy, pint 1 $3-$15
Belt 0.5 $10 Bread, loaf -- $0.5-$1
Boots, high, hard 5 $150 Flour, 10-lb sack 10 $5
Boots, high, soft (or fine shoes) 3 $100 Grain, horse meal, 1 day 10 $2
Boots, low, hard 3 $75 Rations, standard, 1 week 7 $50
Boots, low, soft 2 $50 Rum, pint 1 $5
Cap 0.5 $15 Wine, quart, good 2 $20
Cloak 3 $75 Wine, quart, watered 2 $10
Girdle, broad 3 $75
Girdle, normal 2 $50 Furniture Weight Price
Hat 1 $30 Bench, wooden 15 $50
Robe 2-3 $50 Bowl, pewter 1 $20
Cape 3 $30 Bowl, pottery 1 $5
Cloth, cotton, bolt 50 $15 Carpet, small 25 $50-$250
Cloth, linen, bolt 50 $15 Chair, wooden 10 $100
Cloth, wool, bolt 55 $25 Cup, pewter -- $15
Dress 2 $75 Cup, pottery -- $1
Gloves, cloth -- $5-$10 Curtains/drapes 10 $25-$100
Gloves, leather 0.5 $25-50 Cushion 1 $5-$25
Needle, sewing -- $1 Cutlery, copper 1 $2
Scissors -- $10 Cutlery, pewter 1 $5
Shirt/Blouse 1 $30 Decanter, crystal 2 $300
Thread, 1 spool -- $2 Decanter, pottery 2 $10
Trousers/skirt 1 $25 Goblet, pewter -- $25
Mattress, straw-filled 10 $25
Thieves Items Weight Price Mattress, down-filled 20 $250
Beeswax, 1 pound 1 $5 Pillow, feather 1 $25-$50
Plate, pewter 1 $10
Plate, pottery 1 $3
Fur Weight Price
Sconce, wall 1 $4
Beaver, pelt 3 $200
Stool 3 $15
Ermine, pelt 3 $200
Table 25 $200
Fox, pelt 3 $300
Marten 3 $200
Mink, pelt 3 $100 Miscellaneous Weight Price
Muskrat 3 $100 Backpack, leather 2 $50
Sable, pelt 3 $500 Bag -- $5-$25
Seal, pelt 5 $500 Barrel 30 $25
Basket, large (bussel) 1 $5
Basket, small -- $1
Musical Items Weight Price
Bird cage 3 $20-$100
Drum 3-8 $50-$500
Blanket 4 $10-$25
Fife 1 $50-$500
Bucket/pail 3 $5-$20
Flute 0.5 $50-$500
Caltrops, 4” (x12) 2 $25
Gong 10-20 $50-$500
Caltrops, 2” (x12) 1 $15
Horn 1-3 $75-$750
Candle snuffer -- $2
Lute 5-10 $100-$1,000
Candle, tallow -- $0.50
Pipes 1 $50-$500
Candle, wax -- $1
Recorder 0.5 $50-$500
Cask 1 $10
Chain, iron, heavy 1/ft $1/foot
Provisions Weight Price Chain, iron, light 0.25/ft $0.5/foot
Ale or beer, pint 1 $1-$3 Chain, iron, medium 0.5/ft $0.75/foot

Savage Worlds Fantasy D-7

Charcoal, 10-lb bag 10 $2 Tinderbox, w/flint and steel -- $5
Chest, wooden, large 45 $125 Torch -- $1
Chest, wooden, small 15 $50 Whetstone -- $5
Coal, 10-lb bag 10 $1 Whistle -- $2
Comb -- $0.50

Board Costs
Dice/knucklebones, 1 pair -- $1
Grindstone 10 $10-$25
Hacksaw 2 $5 Meal Low Avg High Exc
Hairbrush 0.5 $3 Breakfast $5 $10 $25 $125
Jar 1 $1 Dinner $10 $25 $75 $500
Supper $5 $15 $50 $250
Jug 2 $5
Keg 30 $25
Ladder, 15'
Lamp, oil, pint
Lodging Costs/Person
Time Low Avg High Exc
Lantern, hooded 2 $75 Night $25 $50 $125 $400
Lard, pint 1 $1 Week $125 $300 $750 $2,500
Nails, iron, 100 10 $10 Month $400 $1,000 $2,500 $9,000
Oil, lamp, quart 0.5 $5
Padlock and key 1 $50
Paintbrush, medium-large -- $10 Rental Costs/Month,
Furnished, City
Paint, 1 gallon 1 $30
Pepper, pound 1 $100
Pavilion 20 $100 Rooms Low Avg High Exc
Pike axe, mining 12 $30-$60 One $200 $350 $800 $3,000
Pipe, smoking -- $15 Two $300 $550 $1,250 $5,000
Pipeweed/tobacco, 8 oz. Pouch -- $5 Three $400 $750 $1,600 $7,000
Five* $600 $1,000 $2,500 $10,000
Pole, 10' 5 $5
Eight** $1,000 $1,750 $5,000 $20,000
Pouch, belt, large -- $10
*Small Villa
Pouch, belt, small -- $7 ** Large Villa
Powder, chalk 0.5 $1
Pulley 1 $5-$25
Quilt 6 $50-$150 Services
Quiver, 1 doz. Arrows cap. 2 $15 Service Cost
Quiver, 1 score arrows cap. 2 $25 Bath $2
Quiver, 1 score bolts cap. 2 $20 Ecclesiastic treatment: $250/day, one-day minimum
Quiver, 2 score bolts cap. 2 $35 curing illness/injury
Meal, cheap $1
Rope, 50' 8 $10
Meal, good $3
Sack, large 0.5 $8
Meal, feast $5
Sack, small -- $5
Ship passage $5+ per day
Salt, pound 1 $1-$5
Scabbard, broad 2 $100
Scabbard, long 2 $100
Scabbard, short 1 $60
Scabbard, sword, bastard 2 $150
Sheath, dagger or knife 0.5 $30
Skin for water or wine 1 $5
Soap, 8 oz. Bar -- $1-$5
Spade/shovel $25-$50
spike, iron, large 1 $1
String, 50' -- $0.10
Tent 10 $30

Savage Worlds Fantasy D-8

Oil (1 pint): Besides providing light when used in
Common Goods lanterns, oil can also be used as a weapon. This
is most commonly done by putting oil in a
ceramic flask with a lit fuse. The flask is then
Caltrops: Caltrops are weapons made up of
thrown at the target where it breaks and the fuse
four (or more) sharp nails or spines arranged in
sets the oil alight. Lighting a fuse requires 1d6
such a manner that one of them always points
rounds with flint and steel (1 round with open
upward from a stable base. Twelve caltrops will
flame), so it’s best to light the fuse before a fight
fill a 1” (2 yard) space. Those moving through
starts (a fuse stays alight for 10 minutes). The
this space must do so at half their normal Pace,
flask’s range is 3/6/12. Anything it hits is set
thus the space counts as 2” for movement
alight on a d6 roll of 5-6, causing 1d10
purposes. Those who do not reduce their Pace
damage per round. The fire has a chance of
must make an Agility roll –2 or suffer a level of
growing each turn as usual.
Fatigue. If the result of the roll is snake eyes, the
target also suffers a Wound.
Pick: Picks are unbalanced as weapons and so
Caltrops come in two sizes, 2-inches and 4-
inflict a -1 penalty on the user’s Parry and
inches. The 2-inch variety is effective against
Fighting scores. Their damage is Str+2.
most troops and mounts, while the 4-inch is
effective against larger creatures.
Rope (15 yards): The rope can safely handle
300 pounds without worry. For every 50 pounds
Candle: A candle provides clear light in a 2”
over that, roll 1d6 every minute or whenever the
radius for two hours. A candle blows out in a
rope suffers a sudden stress. On a 6, the rope
strong wind or whenever the character holding it
breaks under the strain.
Torch (3 hours): A torch provides clear light in a
Grappling hook and line: A grappling hook is
4” radius. Properly prepared torches last for one
attached to a light line of variable length but
hour. Temporary torches can be made with
usually no more than 15 yards in length). The
some wood, rags, and 1 pint of oil for every 10
user throws the hook just as if he were attacking
torches. These last half as long, however.
a target. It has a range of 3/6/12. If it “hits,” the
hook has set and can hold up to 200 pounds of

Lantern: A lantern provides light in a 4” radius

for three hours per pint of oil. There is a 50%
chance the lantern breaks if dropped, and a 1 in
6 chance it sets normal combustibles alight. (See
the rules for Fire on page 97 of Savage Worlds.)

Lantern, Bullseye: A bullseye lantern acts as a

regular lantern, but also has a shuttered
reflective hood that can focus light through a
small opening. When used in this way, it
provides a cone of light equal to the Cone
Template. There is a 50% chance the lantern
breaks if dropped.

Lockpicks: A character who tries to pick a lock

without these tools suffers a -2 penalty to his

Savage Worlds Fantasy D-9

Harp 10-30 $500-$5,000
Specially Constructed Items Lyre 3- $275-$3,000
Mandolin 5-10 $280-$4,000
Rebec & bow 2-4 $300-$3,500
Clothing Weight Price
Beaver, cape or jacket 7 $2,000
Beaver, coat 10 $4,000 Thieves Items Weight Price
Acid, 1 pt. 1 $10
Beaver, trimming on garment 1 $200
Climbing hooks and line 5 $100
Ermine, cape or jacket 7 $27,000
Drills and chisels 1 $100-$300
Ermine, coat 10 $54,000
Hearing cone 1 $5
Ermine, trimming on garment 1 $900 Key-making set 1 $250
Fox, cape or jacket 7 $3,000 Magnifying lense 0.5 $10
Fox, coat 10 $6,000 Poison, ingestive, 10-dose
Fox, trimming on garment 1 $300 1 $500
Marten, cape or jacket 7 $4,000 Poison antidote, 1-dose bottle -- $500
Marten, coat 10 $8,000 Thieves' picks and tools 0.5 $300
Marten, trimming on garment 1 $400 Utility suit 5 $150
Mink, cape or jacket 7 $9,000
Mink, coat 10 $18,000
Mink, trimming on garment 1 $600
Religious Items Weight Price
Beads, prayer -- $10-$100
Muskrat, cape or jacket 7 $1,000
Incense stick 0.5 $0.1-$5
Muskrat, coat 10 $2,000
Symbol, holy, iron 1 $10-$50
Muskrat, trimming on garment 1 $100 Symbol, holy, silver 0.5 $50-$75
Sable, cape or jacket 7 $45,000 Symbol, holy, wooden -- $5-$25
Sable, coat 10 $90,000 Holy water/oil, 3 oz. -- $3
Sable, trimming on garment 1 $1,500
Seal, cape or jacket 7 $1,250
Seal, coat 10 $2,500 Miscellaneous Weight Price
Seal, trimming on garment 1 $250 Air bladder 0.5 $5
Book, blank, 100 pages,
10 $750
Thieves Tools Weight Price Book, blank, 100 pages,
10 $300
Beacon $400 parchment
Bell, large 50 $1,000-$5,000 Book, blank, 100 pages,
10 $500
Bottle or flask -- $2-$20 vellum
Box, iron, large 15 $300-$600 Book, blank, 100 pages,
10 $1,000
Box, iron, small 5 $100-$300 paper
Chain, iron, fine, small, foot -- $2 Box, small, gold 25 $10,000
Crampons, each 0.5 $2 Box, small, lead 10 $100-$1,000
Crowbar 3 $25 Case, bone, map or scroll 0.5 $100-$500
Dice/knucklebones, 1 pair, Case, leather, map or scroll 0.5 $75-$150
-- $50
loaded Healing salve, jar, 7-
1 $100
Drill, iron 3 $25 applications
Glue, 8 oz. Pot 1 $5 Naphtha, 1 qt. flask 2 $10
Glue, solvent/remover, 1 qt. 2 $5 Paper, 1 sheet -- $0.50
Grapnel 2 $20 Papyrus, 1 sheet -- $0.75
Grappling Hook (for ships) 5 $5 Parchment, 1 sheet -- $0.35
Lantern, bull's-eye 3 $20 Pen, fine, wood or metal -- $5
Lantern, waterproof 3 $50 Pen, quill -- $1
Manacles, pair and key 2 $200 Vellum, 1 sheet -- $1
Metal file 1 $20 Vial, ceramic -- $5
Mirror, large, metal 45 $350 Vial, crystal or metal -- $25-$100
Oil, waterproofing, pint 1 $3
Padlock w/poison reservior
and key
1 $500 Maps Weight Price
Pliers 1 $10 City/Local 1 $600-$1,200
Continental 1 $1,400-$2,400
Hemisphere 1 $1,800-$3,200
Musical Items Weight Price State/Region 1 $1,000-$1,600
Bandore $150-$750 World 1 $2,200-$4,000
Chime 1-5 $20
Savage Worlds Fantasy D-10
taken within 10 minutes of poisoning to be
Specially Constructed Items effective. The subject then gains an immediate
Vigor roll +4 to resist further effects of the
Acid: This clear liquid has a slight, identifiable poison. If the roll fails, the poison continues to
odor. It is a corrosive material that is harmful to function as normal. The antidote does not relive
flesh and metal. Flasks can be employed as damage done by the poison’s effects.
grenades (3/6/12 range). Contacting flesh,
acid does 2d6 damage for 1d4 rounds or until
cleansed by an alkaline fluid. Metal objects
suffer 2d8 damage for 1d4 rounds.

Healing Salve: This creamy substance is

available from most apothecaries. It is a mixture
of a variety of herbs ground together into a
paste, applied across a fresh wound or burn
and covered by a loose bandage. Use of a
healing salve gives the subject +2 to Natural
Healing rolls.

Naphtha: This colorless liquid is highly

flammable and often used to augment siege
missiles. Sold in one-quart ceramic flasks, the
fluid will burn hot and fast when exposed to an
open flame, or even hot embers and coals.
Flasks of this substance can be used as
The flask is thrown at the target where it
breaks and the fuse sets the oil alight. Lighting a
fuse requires 1d6 rounds with flint and steel (1
round with open flame), so it’s best to light the
fuse before a fight starts (a fuse stays alight for
10 minutes). The flask’s range is 3/6/12.
Anything it hits is set alight on a d6 roll of 2-6,
causing 1d10 damage per round. Add +2 to
the fire’s normal chances of growing.

Poison, Ingestive: This colorless liquid has a

slight acrid odor and flavor, easily disguised in
food or drink by the skilled assassin. Those who
ingest the poison must make a Vigor roll or
become Exhausted. Those who fail must make a
second Vigor roll +2 or die in 2d10+10
This represents the most readily available
poisons. Stronger varieties are available but are
more expensive and difficult to obtain.

Poison Antidote: This thick, bitter liquid will

counteract most ingested poisons. It must be
Savage Worlds Fantasy D-11
Animal Size Pace Cap. Price Notes
Camel, riding +2 8 300 $350 60 mi/day; Hazgar; +2 Vigor rolls v. Heat
Camel, racing +2 10 200 $500 70 mi/day; Hazgar; +2 Vigor rolls v. Heat
Elephant +5 8 1,000 $2,000 95 mi/day; Apphir, Irohj
Horse, light +2 8 200 $200 85 mi/day
Horse, medium +2 10 300 $300 90 mi/day
Horse, racing +2 12 200 $600 100 mi/day
Warhorse +3 8 350 $750 70 mi/day
Mule +2 6 400 $150 85 mi/day
Pony +2 6 200 $150 55 mi/day
Ox +3 6 700 $500 50 mi/day

Vehicle Size Weight Price Notes
Cart 3 people 350 $150
Coach (2-horse) 4 people 1,000 $1,250
Coach (4-horse) 4 people 1,200 $2,500
Howdah 3 people 200 $600 Sized for elephants; Apphir, Irohj
Wagon, small 2 people 600 $600 1,200 lbs cargo capacity
Wagon, large 2 people 600 $1,200 1,800 lbs cargo capacity
Canoe 2 people 130 $100
Boat (10’) 4 people 200 $250 1,000 lbs cargo capacity
Boat (20’) 8 people 800 $600 4,000 lbs cargo capacity
Longboat (30’) 16 people 2,000 $1,000 7,000 lbs cargo capacity

Livestock Price Tack Weight Price

Chicken $3 Bit and Bridle 2 $25-$75
Harness 2 $30-60
Cow $350
Saddle 10-20 $50-$500
Dog, guard $150
Saddlebags, large 5 $50-$250
Dog, hunting $100
Saddlebags, small 2.5 $30-$150
Goat $50
Saddle blanket 1 $5
Hawk, large $200
Hawk, small $100
Ox $500
Pig $200
Pigeon $1
Piglet $25
Sheep $75
Songbird $10+

Savage Worlds Fantasy D-12

Rare and Fantastic Items Gemstones
Slaves Amber: Transparent golden
Amethyst: Purple crystal
Purpose Price
Azurite: Opaque, mottled deep blue
Exotic/Highly Skilled $5,000
Banded Agate: Brown, blue, red, and white
Household $1,000
Laborer, prime $2,000
Blue Quartz: Transparent pale blue
Laborer, common $400
Coral: Pink to crimson
Youth $200-1,000
Eye Agate: Gray, white, brown, blue, and green
Gemstones Hematite: Gray-black
Lapis Lazuli: Light or dark blue with yellow flecks
Classification Value* Malachite: Striated light and dark green
Ornamental Stones $1 ($50/1 c.) Moss Agate: Pink, yellow-white with gray-green
Fancy Stones $100 ($350/1 c.) moss-like markings
Semi-Precious Stones $500 ($1,000/1 c.) Obsidian: Jet black
Precious Stones $1,500 ($2,500/1 c.) Smoky Quartz: light gray, yellow, brown or blue
Jewels $3,500 ($5,000/1 c.) Star Rose Quartz: Smoky rose with white star
* the number in parenthesis is the value of a one-carat, well cut stone.
Rhodochrosite: Light pink
Fantastic Metals Tiger Eye Agate: Rich golden brown with dark
Substance Price Turquoise: Aqua with darker mottling
Oracalcum $500/oz.
Tilferium $1,000/oz. FANCY STONES
Xagium $2,000/oz. Jadeite: Light to dark green or white
Moonstone: White with pale blue hue
Peridot: Olive green
Spinel: Red, red-brown
Zircon: Clear pale aqua

Bloodstone: Dark gray with red flecks
Carnelian: Orange to red-brown
Chalcedony: White
Chrysoberyl: Yellow green
Chrysoprase: Translucent apple to emerald
Citrine: Pale yellow brown
Fire Opal: Fiery red
Garnet: Green
Jasper: Blue, black to brown
Onyx: Black, white, or bands of both
Rock Crystal: Clear, transparent
Sardonyx: Bands of red and white
Spinel: Green, or deep blue
Tourmaline: Pale green, blue, brown, or red
Topaz: Golden yellow

Savage Worlds Fantasy D-13

Fantastic Metals
Alexandrite: Dark green
Oracalcum: This very rare, hard and flexible
Aquamarine: pale blue green
metal is unique in that it does not rust or tarnish
Black Opal: Dark green with black mottling and
and is a non-conductor of electricity. It holds
golden flecks
and edge. Although extremely difficult to work,
Chrysoberyl: Green or showing red in artificial
it can be forged as flexible or unyielding. It is a
glowing, golden-copper colored metal near to
Garnet: Deep red to violet crystal
chrome in its appearance. Oracalcum is
Jade: dark emerald green
sometimes alloyed with other metals, silver for
Jet: Deep black
ornamentation, steel for strength, etc.
Pearl: Pure white, rose, to black
Sapphire: Non-blue
Tilferium: This rare and exceptionally hard
Spinel: Red
metallic substance adds tensile strength and
durability to metals with which it is alloyed. It is
also known among arcane societies for its ability
Black Sapphire: Rich black with highlights
to store magical energy (generally 5 Power
Diamond: Clear blue-white, rich blue, yellow, or
Points per oz.), and is used in forging items
meant to hold an enchantment. It is a dull gray-
Emerald: Brilliant green
green in node form.
Jacinth: Fiery orange
Opal: Pale blue with green and gold mottling
Xagium: This very rare and very hard metallic
Oriental Amethyst: Deep purple
substance adds tensile strength and durability to
Oriental Emerald: Bright green
metals with which it is alloyed. It is also known
Oriental Topaz: Fiery yellow
among arcane societies for its ability to store
Ruby: Clear to deep crimson red
magical energy (generally 10 Power Points per
Sapphire: Blue
oz.), and is used in forging items meant to hold
Star Ruby: Translucent ruby with white star
an enchantment. The metal has a dark metallic
blue color that tints other metals with which it is
Star Sapphire: Translucent blue with white star

Savage Worlds Fantasy D-14

Arcane Backgrounds
Arcane Background (Geomancy)
Arcane Skill: Geomancy (Smarts)
Starting Power Points: 10
Starting Powers: 2
Geomancy deals in the summoning of elementals and elementaries to perform tasks at the bidding
of the summoner. Effects usually associated with powers can, in most cases, be duplicated by
elementaries, the least of elemental-kin. In the mortal realm, an elementary might manifest as a brief
rainshower, or a dustdevil of hot ash.
Retribution: If the geomancer rolls a 1 on his Geomancy die (regardless of his Wild Die) during the
conjuration of an elemental, the geomancer’s protection circle is flawed and the elemental is free to
attack him.

Arcane Background (Necromancy)

Arcane Skill: Necromancy (Smarts)
Starting Power Points: 10
Starting Powers: 2
Necromancy deals in the summoning, creation, and command of living dead (zombies, skeletons,
ghouls, etc.) and the restless dead (ghosts, apparitions, poltergeists, etc.). In addition to their
summoning abilities, necromancers have a catalog of spell-like powers they may wield as well.
Retribution: If the necromancer rolls a 1 on his Necromancy die (regardless of his Wild Die) during
the summoning or creation of a living dead creature or spirit, the necromancer’s protection circle is
flawed and thing is free to attack him.

Savage Worlds Fantasy E-1

Arcane Background (Psionics) temporarily or permanently forsaken. Minor
sins cause the character to suffer a –2 to his
Arcane Skill: Psionics (Smarts)
Shamanism rolls for one week. Major sins rob
Starting Power Points: 10
him of all arcane powers for the week. Mortal
Starting Powers: 3
sins cause the character to be forsaken
Arcane Background (Psionics) functions
indefinitely. In the latter case, a penitent hero
identically to its description in the Savage Worlds
must be sincerely apologetic for his misdeeds,
Core Rules (p. 80-81).
and then complete some great quest,
Brainburn: When a psionic character rolls a 1
pilgrimage, or other task of atonement to
on his Psionics die (regardless of the Wild Die), he
regain his lost powers.
is automatically Shaken.

Arcane Background (Shamanism) Arcane Background (Sorcery)

Arcane Skill: Sorcery (Smarts)
Arcane Skill: Shamanism (Spirit)
Starting Power Points: 10
Starting Power Points: 10
Starting Powers: 2
Starting Powers: 2
Sorcery deals in the summoning of beings
Shamanism is the more rustic equivalent of
from the netherrealms to perform tasks at the
Theurgy, and likewise involves the dedication and
bidding of the summoner. There are four
service of the practitioner to spirits and naturalistic
classifications of these creatures: demons,
deities of a pantheon. These folk are particularly
devils, fiends, and oni. The least form of these
opposed to those who treat with the living dead,
creatures is the imp, which sorcerers often
or creatures from the nether world, as these are
employ as they are less dangerous (but no less
an affront to the natural order and highly
hostile) than their more powerful brethren. In
destructive in their taint.
addition to their summoning abilities,
There are three established followings of
necromancers have a catalog of spell-like
Shamanism, called Ceremonies: Observance of
powers they may wield as well.
Natural Pathways, Thwarting Evil, and Unseen
Retribution: If the necromancer rolls a 1 on
Forces. When initially selecting this Edge, the
his Necromancy die (regardless of his Wild
player must distinguish which Ceremony his
Die) during the summoning or creation of a
character will follow. No shaman may observe
living dead creature or spirit, the
more than one Ceremony.
necromancer’s protection circle is flawed and
Ceremony of Observance of Natural Pathways
thing is free to attack him.
– these shamans are wise-men of naturalistic bent.
They are often referred to as nature caretakers or
nature priests. Arcane Background (Thaumaturgy)
Ceremony of Thwarting Evil – these shamans Arcane Skill: Thaumaturgy (Smarts)
oppose devilshine and other malign things. They Starting Power Points: 10
are referred to as apotropaists or witch doctors, Starting Powers: 3
depending on the culture. Thaumaturgy functions identical to Arcane
Ceremony of Unseen Forces – these are true Background (Magic) in the Savage Worlds
shamans and referred to as such, or medicine Core Book (p. 80)
men in less civilized cultures. Backlash: When a mage rolls a 1 on his
In addition to its catalog of powers, Thaumaturgy die (regardless of his Wild Die),
Shamanism does involve the summoning of spirits he is automatically Shaken.
who perform tasks at the behest of the shaman.
The shaman must provide a suitable sacrifice, with Arcane Background (Theurgy)
proper votive and propitiation materials. Even the
Arcane Skill: Theurgy (Spirit)
general powers of shamanism are nothing more
Starting Power Points: 10
than manifestations of the least of spirits.
Starting Powers: 2
Protector: A shaman who offends his patron
Practitioners of Theurgy are ecclesiastics,
deity or spirit, through word or deed, are
friars, nuns, holy crusaders and the like.

Savage Worlds Fantasy E-2

While the rites are matters of knowledge and
tradition, the power behind them is divine. Thus,
prayer or ritual usually invokes the powers of
Powers Availability
These Powers from the Savage Worlds
rulebook are available among the listed
There are two established orders of Theurgy, a
Arcane Backgrounds of the Savage Earth:
common thread linking all pantheons and
clergies. These are the order of Hallowing and
Armor: Geomancy, Shamanism (all),
Glory, and the order of Service and Care. No
Thaumaturgy, Theurgy (both)
priest may belong to both orders. When initially
Barrier: Geomancy, Necromancy, Psionics,
selecting this Edge, the player must distinguish
Shamanism (NP, UF), Sorcery, Thaumaturgy,
which order his character will follow.
Theurgy (Hallowing/Glory)
Order of Hallowing and Glory – the crusading
Beast Friend: Necromancy (T), Shamanism
arm of the pantheon. Priests of this order have
(NP, UF), Thaumaturgy
devoted themselves to the battle against the
Blast: Geomancy, Necromancy, Sorcery,
enemies of the pantheon and their deity. This
Thaumaturgy, Theurgy (Hallowing/Glory)
generally includes demonic spirits, the living dead,
Bolt: Geomancy, Necromancy, Shamanism
and similar creatures.
(all), Sorcery, Thaumaturgy, Theurgy
Order of Service and Care – the medicinal
arm of the pantheon. Priests of this order are
Boost/Lower Trait: Necromancy, Psionics,
devoted to the health and keeping of the
Shamanism (all), Sorcery, Sorcery,
community. They are healers and educators, and
Thaumaturgy, Theurgy (both)
preside over many of the common rites and
Burrow: Geomancy, Shamanism (NP)
invocations on holy days.
Burst: Geomancy, Necromancy, Sorcery,
Theurgy does involve the summoning of deital
minions who perform specific tasks at the behest
Deflection: Geomancy, Necromancy, Psionics,
of the priest. The priest must provide a suitable
Shamanism (all), Sorcery, Thaumaturgy,
sacrifice, with proper votive and propitiation
Theurgy (Service/Care)
materials. Else, his deity may take offense.
Detect/Conceal Arcana: Psionics, Shamanism,
Protector: A priest who offends his patron
Sorcery, Thaumaturgy (all), Theurgy (both)
deity, through word or deed, are temporarily or
Dispel: Geomancy, Necromancy, Shamanism
permanently forsaken. Minor sins cause the
(all), Sorcery, Thaumaturgy, Theurgy (both)
character to suffer a –2 to his Theurgy rolls for one
Elemental Manipulation: Geomancy,
week. Major sins rob him of all arcane powers for
Shamanism (NP), Thaumaturgy
the week. Mortal sins cause the character to be
Entangle: Shamanism (NP), Psionics,
forsaken indefinitely. In the latter case, a penitent
hero must be sincerely apologetic for his
Environmental Protection: Geomancy,
misdeeds, and then complete some great quest,
Shamanism (NP), Thaumaturgy
pilgrimage, or other task of atonement to regain
Fear: Necromancy, Psionics, Sorcery,
his lost powers.
Thaumaturgy, Theurgy (Hallowing/Glory)
Fly: Geomancy, Shamanism (NP),
Greater Healing: Theurgy (Service/Care)
Healing: Necromancy (T), Psionics,
Shamanism (all), Sorcery (T), Theurgy (both)
Invisibility: Psionics, Shamanism (TE, UF),
Light: Geomancy, Necromancy, Shamanism
(all), Thaumaturgy, Theurgy (both)
Obscure: Geomancy, Necromancy, Psionics,
Shamanism (NP), Sorcery, Thaumaturgy

Savage Worlds Fantasy E-3

Puppet: Necromancy, Psionics, Shamanism (UF),
Sorcery, Thaumaturgy, Theurgy (both) (T)
Quickness: Necromancy, Psionics, Shamanism,
Sorcery, Thaumaturgy
Shape Change: Necromancy (T), Shamanism
(NP), Sorcery, Thaumaturgy
Smite: Geomancy, Necromancy, Shamanism (all),
Sorcery, Thaumaturgy, Theurgy (both)
Speak Language: Psionics, Sorcery, Thaumaturgy,
Theurgy (both)
Speed: Geomancy, Necromancy, Psionics,
Shamanism (UF), Sorcery, Thaumaturgy
Stun: All
Telekinesis: Psionics, Thaumaturgy
Teleport: Necromancy, Shamanism (NP), Sorcery,
Zombie: Necromancy

Savage Worlds Fantasy E-4

Range: Smarts

New Powers Duration: 1 round (1/round)

Trappings: a button, dust, a speck of pepper,
Cantrips are the hedge magics, used by
Backguard apprentice mages and those who dabble in
Arcane Backgrounds: Sorcery, Thaumaturgy the arcane. They are simple enchantments
Rank: Veteran with no great effect.
Power Points: 3 No spellcasting roll is necessary to use a
Range: Self cantrip.
Duration: 2 (1/round) Thaumaturgists who choose this power
Trappings: a glowing orb, sword or other weapon, know a number of cantrip variants equal to
flowing energy their Smarts + 5. For each subsequent time
Backguard is a defensive power, creating this power is chosen as a New Power Edge,
directly behind the caster a corporeal weapon or the spellcaster gains an additional 5 variants.
similar item(s). The weapon will attack anyone Potential Effects: summon gnats, belch,
who draws within melee range behind the caster. sneeze, clean, dry, dust, freshen, ghost sound,
The weapon will always attack an opponent first, polish, spice, stitch, tie, unravel, etc.
-- Bill Littlefield
as though the caster had the First Strike Edge, and
gives the caster a +1 bonus to his parry against
attacks directed at his flank and rear. The caster Conjure Animal
uses his arcane skill for the weapon’s attack roll. Arcane Backgrounds: Necromancy,
A successful attack by the weapon does 2d6 Thaumaturgy
damage, regardless of its form. Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: Special
Banish Range: Personal
Arcane Backgrounds: Shamanism (TE), Sorcery, Duration: 1/minute
Theurgy (both) Trappings:
Rank: Veteran This power allows the caster to conjure, out
Power Points: 3 of thin air, a specific type of animal. Only
Range: Smarts natural animals may be conjured, not
Duration: Instant monsters, alfar, or the living dead.
Trappings: holy water, holy symbol, bells, prayer The animal conjured is under the control
This rite banishes a spirit entity to its home of the caster for the duration of the power,
dimension. The character must make an opposed and will obey his commands to the best of its
roll of his spellcasting skill against the entity’s understanding and ability. Once the duration
Spirit. If the spellcaster wins, the spirit vanishes expires, the animal will vanish.
instantly. Animal
Spirits who have possessed a mortal host are Points
more persistent and difficult to be rid of. The Bear 5
spellcaster must roll a Raise on his spellcasting roll Insects (swarm) 2
Mountain Lion 3
to affect spirits under these conditions.
Rat (swarm) 3
This power has no effect on spirits native to the
Snake, venomous 1
mortal dimension (ie. ghosts, apparitions, life
Spider (swarm) 3
spirits) unless they have possessed a mortal body.
Shark, medium 5
Shark, great white 5
Cantrip Wolf 3
Arcane Backgrounds: Thaumaturgy
Rank: Novice The cost in Power Points depends on the
Power Points: 1 animal summoned. The thaumaturgist can

Savage Worlds Fantasy E-5

summon multiple specimens in a single casting by Ghoul
paying the appropriate cost in Power Points.
Arcane Background: Necromancy
Summoning two bears, for instance, costs 10
Rank: Veteran
Power Points.
-- from Deadlands: The Savage West
Power Points: 5
Range: Smarts x10
Duration: 1 hour
Conjure Item Trappings: an unholy feast or similarly foul
Arcane Backgrounds: Necromancy, Thaumaturgy ritual
Rank: Novice This power draws a number of free-willed
Power Points: Special living dead to the necromancer and binds
Range: Sight them to his control. The undead will follow the
Duration: Special commands of the character for one hour, and
Trappings: will disperse thereafter.
Conjure Item allows the caster to conjure, out of A success summons 1d3 moriants, ghouls,
thin air, a minor mundane object. The object or shadowlings, 2d3 on a raise. The type of
must be of simple manufacture, with no intricate creature must be determined when power is
moving parts. Thus, a timepiece or crossbow activated. Those creatures summoned must be
could not be summoned, but a hourglass or present within the range of the power, and no
dagger could. more can be summoned than are available.
The Power Points required depends on the These numbers are for the GM to determine.
item the spellcaster intends to conjure. Excess numbers are neither drawn to the
Unfortunately, the item is very temporary and necromancer by this power, nor are they
only lasts a number of rounds equal to the under his control, so caution must be
spellcaster’s Smarts. exercised.
Additional Effects: The necromancer may
Power instead opt to summon a single Evil Animal
Spirit (nightgrim, phantom, or specter) with this
1 Copper coin
power. The choice must be made at the time
2 Scarf, dice, playing card
3 Knife, dagger, silver coin, 10’ of rope
of activation. This advanced summoning
4 Hourglass, sword, specific playing card
requires an Arcane skill roll –4 to succeed.
-- from Deadlands: The Savage West
Mindùs Eye
Ghost Arcane Backgrounds: Necromancy, Psionics,
Arcane Background: Necromancy Shamanism (all), Sorcery, Thaumaturgy,
Rank: Seasoned Theurgy (both)
Power Points: 3 Rank: Veteran
Range: Smarts x10 Power Points: 2
Duration: 1 hour Range: Self
Trappings: object of influence, an item that once Duration: 3 (1/Round)
belonged to the deceased Trappings: glowing eyes, a floating
This power draws a single restless dead spirit disconnected eye
to the necromancer and binds it to his control. The The caster gains the ability to link their
spirit will follow the commands of the character for mind into the Aether in such a fashion as to
one hour, after which it is free to act as it will. The see beyond the normal world. This enables
spirit summoned must be present within the range them to see through any form of darkness,
of the power. Excess spirits are neither drawn to and to see invisible entities as well.
the necromancer by this power, nor are they Casting this spell allows the user to ignore
under his control, so caution must be exercised. the effects of Obscure and Invisibility, as well
as any normal lighting penalties. In addition,
with a raise, the user can either immaterial,

Savage Worlds Fantasy E-6

incorporeal, or ethereal things present within their Pocket Dimension
Arcane Backgrounds: Thaumaturgy
Rank: Seasoned
Mind Reading Power Points: 3+1/person
Arcane Backgrounds: Psionics, Thaumaturgy, Range: Special
Theurgy (Hallowing/Glory) Duration: 1 hour (1/hour)
Rank: Novice Trappings: a coil of rope, a tree-bole, a door,
Power Points: 3 a tent
Range: Spirit Pocket dimension creates a nexus between
Duration: 3 (1/round) the caster’s location and a small, secluded
Trappings: other-dimensional space. This place offers a
Mind Reading allows the caster to read safe haven where the caster and his
another’s thoughts. The caster’s Arcane Skill is companions can heal, plan, or rest. The
opposed by the target’s Spirit. On a success, the dimensions of the space are generally 6” x 6”
caster can read surface thoughts and feelings. x 6” cube. It is featureless, neither warm nor
With a raise, they can probe deeper; they may cold, and has no illumination of its own.
make a standard Arcane Skill roll to find any The nexus will admit the caster and one
information they are looking, once per round. additional person for every Power Point spent.
With a second raise, they can detect deep- Once closed, the nexus will permit no other
seated, hidden, and suppressed thoughts and entry from that point. In fact, once used, the
memories (no added rolls are necessary). nexus becomes invisible to the naked eye, but
At the GM’s discretion, targets that are aware can be detected with the Detect Arcana power.
they are being read may use focusing techniques, The nexus can not be moved from its anchor-
singing out loud, or getting completely drunk to point. When the duration expires, the nexus
gain a +2 to their resistance roll. opens again and the caster and companions
are all jettisoned from the place.
Phantasm While the caster may allow his
companions to exit the nexus, they may not
Arcane Backgrounds: Thaumaturgy
return without the caster, nor may the caster
Rank: Seasoned
exit the Pocket Dimension without his fellows.
Power Points: 3 (Special)
Additional Effects: By sacrificing 1 Power
Range: Sight
Point, permanently, the caster may create a
Duration: 10 minutes (1/minute)
“fixed” pocket dimension. Every time
Trappings: Illusions, shadow stuff,
thereafter this power is used, the caster returns
Phantasms are illusions that deceive the mind.
to the same space. This allows the character
The number of senses the caster wishes to
to provision his dimension, adding furniture,
deceive determines the Power Point cost. A base
equipment, or even foodstuff. Only non-living
phantasm costs 3 Power Points and affects two
matter can be stored here. The materials are
senses. For each additional sense, the point cost
not kept in stasis, and are subject to the effects
is increased by one. The senses a phantasm can
of time and age (ie. food spoilage). Fixing the
affect are: sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell.
dimension does not extend the duration the
Spending a similar number of PP allows the caster
caster and his followers may spend her, nor
to animate the illusion.
does it reduce the costs of extending the
Those who encounter phantasms must make
an opposed Smarts roll against the caster’s
Thaumaturgy skill to recognize the deception.
Alternatively, the GM might call for a skill roll on
the part of the victim, if the phantasm dealt with
something so covered (a knowledge skill, for

Savage Worlds Fantasy E-7

Restorative Healing Hearing – the victim is deaf, and suffers a
–4 penalty to Notice and other action rolls
Arcane Backgrounds: Theurgy (Service and Care)
where sound is the key factor.
Rank: Legendary
Smell – the victim loses all sense of smell,
Power Points: 35
and suffers a –4 penalty to Notice and
Range: Touch
other action rolls where scent is the key
Duration: Instant
Trappings: holy ritual, ceremonial dressing or
Taste – the victim loses all sense of taste,
and suffers a –4 penalty to Notice and
Restorative healing may only be cast by the
other action rolls where scent is the key
most powerful and devout of priests. It can heal
permanent, crippling injuries and requires a long,
involved ritual, requiring 1d6 hours to complete.
Restorative healing may also restore life to the Summon Minor Entity
recently deceased. The subject cannot have been Arcane Backgrounds: Geomancy, Shamanism,
dead for longer than one week and the body must Sorcery, Theurgy (both)
be relatively intact. The rite is quite extensive, Rank: Seasoned
requiring a full 12 hours to complete. Power Points: 3
The priest must make a Theurgy roll –4 to Range: Smarts
succeed. If successful, the subject is returned to Duration: Special
life, though at the loss of one die type of Vigor. In Trappings: Special
this case, no character with a d4 Vigor at the time This spell allows a character to summon a
of death may be restored to life. If a raise is very minor spirit entity. The spirit is subject to
rolled, the character suffers no Vigor loss, and a the whims of the caster and bound to
subject with a deficient Vigor score can indeed be complete a single task, or two with a raise.
so restored. Failure on the priest’s part means The task must be one that can be completed
that the subject is permanently dead and can within one hour, and one within the
never be restored except through divine means (or capabilities of the spirit, lest the magic that
perhaps some sort of wish!). binds it be dismissed and the spirit released to
This power does not restore health or normal do as it will. Once the task is complete, the
wounds. These may be recovered through normal spirit will return to the realm of its origin. It
healing or through other healing powers. must be noted that most spirits (with the
possible of exceptions of those of divine
Sensory Deprivation nature), even of those of least sort, dislike
being summoned or commanded by mortals,
Arcane Backgrounds: Necromancy, Sorcery,
and are likely to complete the letter of the task
rather than the spirit of it. Tasks with multiple
Rank: Seasoned
portions will be obeyed only insofar as the first
Power Points: 3
part is concerned. Communication depends
Range: Smarts
on the capabilities of the spirit and either
Duration: 3 (1/round)
through a mental link or speech. The spirit
summoned and the means to do so vary by
By means of this power, the caster deprives an
the character’s Arcane Background.
opponent of one of his primary senses. The victim
may resist the affect with a successful opposed
Vigor roll, suffering a –2 penalty to this roll if the Summon Major Entity
caster rolls a Raise on his arcane skill roll. The Arcane Backgrounds: Geomancy, Shamanism,
specific effects of this power are as follows: Sorcery, Theurgy
Sight – the victim is effectively blind, and Rank: Veteran
suffers penalties to actions as if he were in Power Points: 5
pitch darkness. Range: Smarts
Duration: Special

Savage Worlds Fantasy E-8

Trappings: Special
This powerful spell allows a character to Summoning Trappings
summon a very minor spirit entity. The spirit is Geomancer: Magic circles of protection and
subject to the whims of the caster and bound to command, a bit of the raw element – a handful
complete a single task, or two with a Raise. The of earth, a flame, water, or a breath of air.
task must be one that can be completed within Sorcerer: Magic circles of protection and
one hour, and one within the capabilities of the command, various foul offerings.
spirit, lest the magic that binds it be dismissed and Theurgists: Various propitiation and votive
the spirit released to do as it will. Once the task is materials.
complete, the spirit will return to the realm of its
origin. It must be noted that most spirits (with the What Can Be Summoned?
possible of exceptions of those of divine nature), The spirit entity summoned is wholly
even of those of least sort, dislike being dependent on the Arcane Background of the
summoned or commanded by mortals, and are summoner. They are restricted in the types of
likely to complete the letter of the task rather than spirits they can attempt to summon.
the spirit of it. Tasks with multiple portions will be
obeyed only insofar as the first part is concerned. Geomancer Shaman
Communication depends on the capabilities of Minor Minor
the spirit and either through a mental link or • Elementary • Animal Spirit
speech. The spirit summoned and the means to Major • Hunting Spirit
do so vary by the character’s Arcane Background. • Elemental • Local Spirit
• Spirit Guide
• Life Spirit (NP)
Arcane Backgrounds: Psionics, Sorcery,
• Sentinel Spirit (TE)
• Sky Spirit (UF)
Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: 3
Sorcerer Theurgist
Range: Spirit
Minor Minor
Duration: 1 (1/round)
Trappings: a whisper on the wind, thought • Imp • Archon
projection Major Major
Telepathy is used to communicate mentally • Demon • Deva
with another person. An unwilling target may • Devil
make an opposed Spirit roll against the • Fiend
character’s spellcasting roll. • Oni
Additional effects – telepathy only allows one
way communication. By doubling the Power Point
creature, a statue, from behind a door, down
cost, the spellcaster can receive messages from
a passage, etc. The caster is able to make his
the target as well.
voice sound as if a different creature were
speaking or making the noise; of course, in a
Ventriloquism language known by him or her, or a sound
Arcane Backgrounds: Thaumaturgy which the caster can normally make. With
Rank: Novice respect to such voices and sounds, others may
Power Points: 1 make a Smarts roll with a –2 penalty to
Range: Smarts recognize the ruse.
Duration: 2 (1/round)
The Ventriloquism power enables the caster to
make it seem as though his or her voice is issuing
from someplace else, such as from another

Savage Worlds Fantasy E-9

Arcane Backgrounds: Necromancy, Shamanism
(all), Thaumaturgy, Theurgy (Service/Care)
Rank: Veteran
Power Points: 5
Range: Special
Duration: Special
Trappings: Consecration, hallowed ground,
arcane wards
Ward is an improved form of Barrier, and
allows the spellcaster to create an area intolerable
to a specified form of animal or spirit.
Ward takes 6 hours to cast properly. During
this time, the spellcaster prepares the area, either
with consecration rites or arcane sigils. The area
may not be greater than five times the spellcaster’s
Skill in yards, and is usually a temple, a
laboratory, or some other place of importance.
When the ritual is complete, the Skill roll may
be attempted. If successful, the area is warded. If
the roll fails, the spellcaster must start again.
During the ritual, there must be a complete
absence of the creature being warded against
otherwise the spell fails.
The subject of the ward must be specified
during the ritual. Typical subjects might be
vermin, evil spirits, living dead, etc. The
parameters must be fairly specific. For instance, a
room could be warded against humans but not
mammals or reptiles.
Any creature of the type warded against who
attempts to pass beyond the parameters of the
ward must make a Spirit roll each round or suffer
a wound.

Savage Worlds Fantasy E-10

Complied Powers Lists
Geomancy Conjure Item Zombie
Novice Darksight Heroic
Armor Deflection Curse
Bolt Fear Drain Power Points
Burrow Healing Special
Burst Light Shape Change
Deflection Locate
Elemental Manipulation Lock Psionics
Environmental Protection Obscure Novice
Guiding Hand Open Beast Friend
Light Silence Boost/Lower Trait
Obscure Smite Darksight
Silence Speed Deflection
Smite Stun Detect/Conceal Arcana
Speed Tongue Tied Entangle
Stun Wall Walker Farsight
Wandering Senses Seasoned Fear
Seasoned Barrier Guiding Hand
Barrier Blast Healing
Blast Confuse the Mind Leaping
Dispel Conjure Animal Locate
Spirit Shield Decipher Mind Reading
Summon Minor Entity Dispel Obscure
Tempest Ghost Slow
Whirlwind Grave Speak Smite
Zone of Silence Mishap Speed
Veteran Quickness Stun
Bridge Sensory Deprivation Succor
Column of Destruction Sluggish Reflexes Suggestion
Fly Spirit Shield Tongue Tied
Ignite Teleport Wandering Senses
Quake Viper Weapon Seasoned
Summmon Major Entity Veteran Barrier
Ghoul Berserker
Necromancy Mend Confuse the Mind
Novice Mind's Eye Invisibility
Beast Friend Petrify Quickness
Bolt Poison Touch Sentry
Boost/Lower Trait Puppet Sluggish Reflexes
Burst Ward Slumber

Savage Worlds Fantasy E-11

Speak Language Mind's Eye Ward
Telekinesis Summmon Major Entity
Telepathy Special
Ceremony of Unseen Forces
Veteran Shape Change
Hypnotic Trance
Ceremony of Thwarting Evil Beast Friend
Mind's Eye
Novice Bolt
Armor Boost/Lower Trait
Bolt Deflection
Boost/Lower Trait Detect/Conceal Arcana
Shamanism Darksight Farsight
Ceremony of Natural Pathways
Deflection Guiding Hand
Detect/Conceal Arcana Healing
Farsight Light
Beast Friend
Guiding Hand Locate
Healing Slow
Boost/Lower Trait
Light Speed
Locate Stun
Open Wandering Senses
Purify Seasoned
Detect/Conceal Arcana
Smite Barrier
Elemental Manipulation
Stun Berserker
Tongue Tied Dispel
Environmental Protection
Wandering Senses Grave Speak
Seasoned Invisibility
Dispel Quickness
Grave Speak Sluggish Reflexes
Invisibility Slumber
Quickness Speak Language
Sluggish Reflexes Spirit Shield
Spirit Shield Summon Minor Entity
Summon Minor Entity Zone of Silence
Teleport Veteran
Zone of Silence Bellow
Veteran Bridge
Banish Mend
Spirit Shield
Bellow Mind's Eye
Summon Minor Entity
Intangibility Petrify
Mend Puppet
Mind's Eye Summmon Major Entity
Petrify Ward
Summmon Major Entity

Savage Worlds Fantasy E-12

Sorcery Ignite Smite
Novice Intangibility Speed
Bolt Mend Stun
Boost/Lower Trait Mind's Eye Suggestion
Burst Petrify Ventriloquism
Darksight Poison Touch Wall Walker
Deflection Puppet Wandering Senses
Detect/Conceal Arcana Summmon Major Entity Seasoned
Fear Wall of Blades Barrier
Healing Heroic Berserker
Locate Curse Blast
Lock Drain Power Points Confuse the Mind
Obscure Special Conjure Animal
Open Shape Change Decipher
Silence Dispel
Smite Thaumaturgy Grave Speak
Speed Novice Growth/Shrink
Stun Armor Invisibility
Suggestion Beast Friend Mirror Self
Tongue Tied Bolt Phantasm
Wall Walker Boost/Lower Trait Pocket Dimension
Seasoned Burst Quickness
Barrier Cantrip Sensory Deprivation
Blast Conjure Item Sentry
Confuse the Mind Darksight Sluggish Reflexes
Decipher Deflection Slumber
Dispel Detect/Conceal Arcana Speak Language
Grave Speak Elemental Manipulation Telekinesis
Mishap Entangle Telepathy
Quickness Environmental Protection Teleport
Sensory Deprivation Farsight Zone of Silence
Sentry Fear Veteran
Speak Language Fortune Backguard
Spirit Shield Guiding Hand Bellow
Summon Minor Entity Leaping Bridge
Telepathy Light Column of Destruction
Teleport Locate Fly
Viper Weapon Lock Hypnotic Trance
Zone of Silence Mind Reading Ignite
Veteran Obscure Intangibility
Backguard Open Mend
Banish Silence Mind's Eye
Column of Destruction Slow Petrify

Savage Worlds Fantasy E-13

Puppet Petrify
Transformation Puppet
Wall of Blades Summon Major Entity
Ward Wall of Blades
Drain Power Points
Order of Service and Care
Shape Change
Theurgy Boost/Lower Trait
Order of Hallowing and Glory
Detect/Conceal Arcana
Boost/Lower Trait
Detect/Conceal Arcana
Wandering Senses
Mind Reading
Speak Language
Tongue Tied
Spirit Shield
Summon Minor Entity
Zone of Silence
Grave Speak
Greater Healing
Mind's Eye
Speak Language
Spirit Shield
Summmon Major Entity
Summon Minor Entity
Zone of Silence
Restorative Healing
Mind's Eye

Savage Worlds Fantasy E-14

The entries in this chapter have been adapted from Beasts of Lejend, by Gary Gygax. Please refer to that
text for physical descriptions. Where they differ with established Savage Worlds monsters (ghouls and
ghosts, for instance), these creatures should be used instead – particularly if the Ghoul and Ghost Powers
from the previous chapter are being employed.

There are three types of living dead, and three kinds within each type, so there are nine separate
listings in all. These creatures are all listed under this singular heading because of their similarities. It is
most difficult to destroy any kind of living dead thing, because of the unholy energy that motivates them,
and the greater the kind, the more that must be done to rid the world of its presence.

Free-Willed Living Dead

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d8, Guts d8, Intimidate d6, Notice d6, Stealth d8
Pace 6, Parry 6, Toughness 6
Special Abilities:
• Fist: Str+1
• Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from being Shaken; No additional damage from called
shots; Piercing weapons do half damage; Immune to disease and poison.
• Weakness (Holy Water, Oil): A balewretch splashed with a three-ounce volume of holy water or oil
must make a Vigor roll or be Shaken.

Savage Worlds Fantasy F-1

• Regeneration: Unless the head of the MORIANT
balewretch is severed, it will by virtue of its Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
malign energy restore itself to its unharmed Strength d8, Vigor d10
state. After seemingly being “killed”, the Skills: Fighting d8, Guts d8, Intimidate d8,
unholy energy of the thing begins to Notice d8, Stealth d10
regenerate the thing. If the head is within a Pace 6, Parry 6, Toughness 7
10 foot radius of the body and not impeded, Special Abilities:
it will roll to it and rejoin, thus enabling the • Stare (stun): victim must make an opposed
restoration to commence, and all damage Vigor roll against the moriant’s Spirit or be
sustained is healed. The newly severed head Shaken.
must be physically kept away from the body • Claws: Str+2; on a raise, the victim is
for one minute. The creature is then grappled.
destroyed. • Armor +1: unnatural energy
• Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from
GHOUL being Shaken; No additional damage from
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, called shots; Piercing weapons do half
Strength d8, Vigor d8 damage; Immune to disease and poison.
Skills: Fighting d6, Guts d8, Intimidate d8, • Weakness (Holy Water, Oil): A moriant
Notice d8, Stealth d10, Tracking d8 splashed with a three-ounce volume of holy
Pace 6, Parry 5, Toughness 8 water or oil must make a Vigor roll or be
Treasure: Meager per 3 ghouls Shaken.
Special Abilities: • Regeneration: Unless the head of the
• Claws: Str+1 moriant is severed, it will by virtue of its
• Infravision: Ghouls halve penalties (round malign energy restore itself to its unharmed
down) for bad lighting when attacking living state. After seemingly being “killed”, the
targets. unholy energy of the thing begins to
• Keen Nose: Ghouls get +2 to Notice and regenerate the thing. If the head is within a
Tracking rolls against living targets. 10 foot radius of the body and not impeded,
• Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from it will roll to it and rejoin, thus enabling the
being Shaken; No additional damage from restoration to commence, and all damage
called shots; Piercing weapons do half sustained is healed. The newly severed head
damage; Immune to disease and poison. must be physically kept away from the body
• Weakness (Holy Water, Oil): A ghoul for one minute. The creature is then
splashed with an three-ounce volume of holy destroyed.
water or oil must make a Vigor roll or be
Shaken. Unwilled Living Dead
• Regeneration: Unless the head of the ghoul
is severed, it will by virtue of its malign ANIMORT
energy restore itself to its unharmed state. Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d4,
After seemingly being “killed”, the unholy Strength d6, Vigor d6
energy of the thing begins to regenerate the Skills: Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d4,
thing. If the head is within a 10 foot radius Shooting d6
of the body and not impeded, it will roll to it Pace 6, Parry 5, Toughness 7
and rejoin, thus enabling the restoration to Treasure: None
commence, and all damage sustained is Special Abilities:
healed. The newly severed head must be
• Claws: Str+1; if a wound is suffered, the
physically kept away from the body for one
victim must make a Vigor roll or be Fatigued
minute. The creature is then destroyed.
from toxin.

Savage Worlds Fantasy F-2

• Fearless: Animorts are immune to fear and • Weakness (Salt): Exposed to salt in an eight-
intimidation ounce volume, the zomboid must make a
• Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from Vigor roll or be Shaken.
being Shaken; No additional damage from
called shots; Piercing weapons do half

damage; Immune to disease and poison.
• Weakness (Holy Water, Oil): An animort
splashed with a three-ounce volume of holy
water or oil must make a Vigor roll or be Evil Animal Spirits
Shaken. These are of intermediate threat and force,
the type of spirit filled with an unholy energy and
BONEWALKER a devilish intelligence most unlike their natural,
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, living sort. These spirits have some sort of
Strength d6, Vigor d6 thoughts, clearly, for in the night they stalk and
Skills: Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d4, bedevil humans. These evil animal spirits are
Shooting d6 created by evil Extraordinary Powers, such as
Pace 6, Parry 5, Toughness 7 those supplied by the dark Ability of
Treasure: None necromancy. Note that the Health/Free Will of
Special Abilities: these spirit creatures can exceed the normal
• Claws: Str+1 shown, for each victim one slays brings it an
• Bone darts (bolt): 2d6; each such attack additional point.
generates 1d4 such darts; range is 1”.
• Fearless: Bonewalkers are immune to fear NIGHTGRIM
and intimidation Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
• Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from Strength d8, Vigor d10
being Shaken; No additional damage from Skills: Fighting d8, Guts d8, Notice d10, Stealth
called shots; Piercing weapons do half d6
damage; Immune to disease and poison. Pace 8, Parry 6, Toughness 9
• Weakness (Holy Water, Oil): A bonewalker Special Abilities:
splashed with a three-ounce volume of holy • Bite: a successful bite reduces the target’s
water or oil must make a Vigor roll or be Spirit by one die type. If reduced to 0, the
Shaken. target becomes raving mad. This condition
can only be cured by a Greater Healing
ZOMBOID power. Spirit levels return at a rate of 1 per
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, hour. Healing will return one level, two on a
Strength d6, Vigor d6 raise. Greater Healing will restore all lost
Skills: Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d4, Spirit levels.
Shooting d6 • Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from
Pace 5, Parry 5, Toughness 7 being Shaken; No additional damage from
Treasure: None called shots; Piercing weapons do half
Special Abilities: damage; Immune to disease and poison.
• Claws: Str • Incorporeal: A nightgrim can become
• Fearless: Zomboids are immune to fear and immaterial in 1 round, and when in spirit
intimidation form travel at double normal pace (16”).
• Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from • Regeneration (special): Seeming destruction
being Shaken; No additional damage from of a nightgrim, that lacking theurgy power
called shots; Piercing weapons do half use, merely sends the it into immaterial form
damage; Immune to disease and poison. for 10 hours, and then it reforms and is able

Savage Worlds Fantasy F-3

to reappear once again. It must be sent to • Channel: a specter will attempt to establish a
perdition through a Power to be eliminated channel to a victim through one of the two
from the world. following means: 1) touching or being
touched, 2) being pursued. Touch causes an
PHANTOM attachment that can be broken only if the
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, victim can succeed in an opposed Vigor roll;
Strength d6, Vigor d8 otherwise the individual is stuck fast and will
Skills: Fighting d6, Guts d8, Notice d8, Stealth have to run or ride with the specter until
d8 exhaustion slays him or her at the rate of
Pace 6, Parry 5, Toughness 8 one level of Fatigue per minute.
Special Abilities: • Invulnerability (mundane attacks): Specter
• Claws: Str are unharmed by attacks from non-
• Soul Drain: any normal human within a enchanted weapons.
Medium Burst Template of a phantom • Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from
animal evil spirit is leeched of Spirit at the being Shaken; No additional damage from
rate of 1 die type per round as fear and called shots; Piercing weapons do half
terror are fed into the opponent. When the damage; Immune to disease and poison.
victim’s Spirit reaches 0, the victim dies of • Incorporeal: A specter can become
heart failure. Spirit levels return at a rate of 1 immaterial in 1 round, and when in spirit
per hour. Healing will return one level, two form travel at double normal pace (12”).
on a raise. Greater Healing will restore all • Regeneration (special): Seeming destruction
lost Spirit levels. of a specter,that lacking theurgy power use,
• Invulnerability (mundane attacks): Phantoms merely sends the it into immaterial form for
are unharmed by attacks from non- 10 hours, and then it reforms and is able to
enchanted weapons. reappear once again. It must be sent to
• Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from perdition through a Power to be eliminated
being Shaken; No additional damage from from the world.
called shots; Piercing weapons do half
damage; Immune to disease and poison.
Restless Dead Spirits
• Incorporeal: A phantom can become
The least energetic of mundane spirits of the
immaterial in 1 round, and when in spirit
deceased are these three kinds of restless dead.
form travel at double normal pace (12”).
They have wills of their own, can assume at least
• Regeneration (special): Seeming destruction semi-material form, and attack the living, but
of a phantom,that lacking theurgy power are not so dangerous as evil animal spirits or
use, merely sends the it into immaterial form the supernaturally empowered spirits. Whether
for 10 hours, and then it reforms and is able by their own malign refusal to accept a material
to reappear once again. It must be sent to end or brought to or kept in our dimension
perdition through a Power to be eliminated through necromancy, any spirit of this kind is
from the world. hateful and bent on causing misery and death to
all living things.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, APPARITION
Strength d10, Vigor d12 Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
Skills: Fighting d6, Guts d8, Notice d12, Stealth Strength d6, Vigor d8
d8 Skills: Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d6,
Pace 8, Parry 5, Toughness 8 Persuasion d8, Stealth d10
Special Abilities: Pace 6, Parry 5, Toughness 8
• Kick: Str+1 Treasure: None (Varies)

Savage Worlds Fantasy F-4

Special Abilities: • Weakness (Light): In bright light, such as that
• Touch: This attack ignores any armor worn of a brightly-illuminated room where there
by the target. The target must make an are no dark places, the ghost is powerless
opposed Spirit roll or suffer a level of Fatigue and cannot manifest in any way.
as his life force is siphoned by the
apparition. SHADOWLING
• Change Form: As an action, an apparition Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6,
can change into any human or humanoid Strength d6, Vigor d6
form, of any age, with a Smarts roll at -2. Skills: Climbing d8, Fighting d6, Notice d4,
This form is only partially material, but will Stealth d10
look whole in shadow or darkness. Only Pace 6, Parry 5, Toughness 5
when examined in better lighted conditions is Treasure: None.
there a chance in discovering the deception. Special Abilities:
• Ethereal: Apparitions are semi-material and • Shadow Weapon: Str+2, AP 2; a
can only be harmed by magical attacks or shadowling uses a shadow-sword or like
weapons. weapon that has a negative energy.
• Undead: +2 toughness, +2 to recover from • Undead: +2 toughness, +2 to recover from
being shaken. Called shots do no extra being shaken. Called shots do no extra
damage. Arrows and piercing attacks do damage. Arrows and piercing attacks do
half-damage. half-damage.
• Weakness (Light): In bright light, such as that • Ethereal: Shadowlings are semi-material and
of a brightly-illuminated room where there can only be harmed by magical attacks or
are no dark places, the apparition is weapons.
powerless and cannot manifest in any way.

Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d10, Golems are magical constructs, given life
Strength d4, Vigor d4 through the imprisonment of a spirit within a
Skills: Fighting d6, Intimidate d8, Notice d8, constructed automaton. Creating on is costly
Persuasion d6, Stealth d6 and laborious, and few have the requisite
Pace 6, Parry 5, Toughness 6 knowledge. Despite being inhabited by a spirit,
Treasure: None (Varies) golems cannot talk. They are usually set to
Special Abilities: guard a post and will rarely leave it unless
• Touch (Possession): A ghost will attempt to commanded by their creator.
touch a target in order to possess him. The Each arcane background is associated with
attack ignores any armor worn by the target. one or more types of golems. Thus, a
The target makes an opposed Spirit roll geomancer is limited to the type of golem that
against the ghost. The gloom may possess can be produced, as is a necromancer or
the target for 1d4 rounds, during which time thaumaturgist.
it has full control of the target’s physical Note: The golems presented in this
body. document supercede those listed in the Fantasy
• Ethereal: Apparitions are semi-material and Bestiary Toolkit in regards to the Lejendary Earth
can only be harmed by magical attacks or setting. GMs who are not employing that setting
weapons. should feel free to mix and match as desired.
• Undead: +2 toughness, +2 to recover from
being shaken. Called shots do no extra BRASS GOLEM
damage. Arrows and piercing attacks do Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
half-damage. Strength d6, Vigor d8

Savage Worlds Fantasy F-5

Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d8,
Stealth d6 Golems by Arcane Background
Pace 6, Parry 6, Toughness 9
Edges: Improved Frenzy, Two-Fisted Geomancy
Treasure: None Coal Golem
Special Abilities: Fog Golem
• Clubbing Strike: Str+1; targets Shaken or Ice Golem
wounded are knocked back 1d4”. Mud Golem
• Hooked Strike: Str+2; target Shaken or
wounded must make an Agility roll or be Necromancy
caught fast on the hook and are effectively Charnel Heap
grappled. On the following round, the Worm Golem
golem may opt to loose the hook and strike
with it again.. Sorcery
• Multi-Armed: Brass golems have four arms Brass Golem
and thus gain the Sweep edge.
• Armor +3: Magically hardened metal. Thaumaturgy
Leather Golem
• Arcane Resistance: +2 armor against
Rope Golem
damage-causing arcane powers and +2 to
Wood Golem
trait rolls to resist opposed powers.
• Construct: +2 to recover from being
Shaken; No additional damage from called • Bone Missile: 2d6; AP 1; Range 4/6/12; as
shots; Piercing attacks do half-damage; an action, the charnel heap can “throw” one
Immune to poison and disease. of its bones at a target.
• Fearless: Golems are immune to Fear and • Size +2: Charnel heaps are massive
Intimidation. creatures.
• Immunity (Cold, Water): Brass golems suffer • Armor +1: thick hides reinforced with bone.
no damage from cold or water based • Arcane Resistance: +2 armor against
attacks. damage-causing arcane powers and +2 to
trait rolls to resist opposed powers.
CHARNEL HEAP • Construct: +2 to recover from being
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, Shaken; No additional damage from called
Strength d10, Vigor d8 shots; Piercing attacks do half-damage;
Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d10, Notice d6, Immune to poison and disease.
Stealth d6 • Fearless: Golems are immune to Fear and
Pace 5, Parry 6, Toughness 9 Intimidation.
Treasure: None • Immunity (Cold, Water): Charnel heaps
Special Abilities: suffer no damage from cold or water based
• Gruesome fist: Str+2; AP 1; mass of flesh, attacks.
teeth, and protruding bones; target Shaken • Weakness (Holy Water, Oil): A charnel heap
or wounded must make an Agility roll or be splashed with a three-ounce volume of holy
caught, held fast, and effectively paralyzed water or oil must make a Vigor roll or be
for 1d4 rounds. Shaken.
• Multi-Armed: Charnel heaps have up to six
pairs of arms and can make two Sweep CLAY GOLEM
attacks a round with no multi-action penalty. Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d8,
Strength d12, Vigor d12+1

Savage Worlds Fantasy F-6

Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d10, Notice d8, range; targets hit by this attack must check
Throwing d8 to see if they catch fire.
Pace 5, Parry 6, Toughness 12 • Armor +1: coarse, rock-like hide.
Treasure: None • Size +2: Coal golems are massive
Special Abilities: constructs.
• Clubbing Strike: Str+2; AP 3 • Arcane Resistance: +2 armor against
• Clay Missile: Str+3; Range 4/6/12; as an damage-causing arcane powers and +2 to
action, a clay golem can throw a mass of trait rolls to resist opposed powers.
clay at a target. • Construct: +2 to recover from being
• Armor +2: Magically hardened clay. Shaken; No additional damage from called
• Size +1: Clay golems are large, broad shots; Piercing attacks do half-damage;
shouldered constructs. Immune to poison and disease.
• Arcane Resistance: +2 armor against • Fearless: Golems are immune to Fear and
damage-causing arcane powers and +2 to Intimidation.
trait rolls to resist opposed powers. • Immunity (Acid, Cold, Fire): Clay golems
• Construct: +2 to recover from being suffer no damage from acid, cold, or fire
Shaken; No additional damage from called based attacks.
shots; Piercing attacks do half-damage; • Weakness (Water): Water-based attacks
Immune to poison and disease. ignore the golem’s armor; if struck with a
• Fearless: Golems are immune to Fear and quart or more of water, the golem must
Intimidation. make a Vigor roll –2 or be Shaken.
• Immunity (Acid, Water): Clay golems suffer
no damage from acid or water based FOG GOLEM
attacks. Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d10,
• Immunity (Blunt Attacks): Clay golems suffer Strength d8, Vigor d6
no damage from blunt attacks. Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d10, Stealth d12
Pace 6, Parry 6, Toughness 5
COAL GOLEM Treasure: None
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Special Abilities:
Strength d8, Vigor d10 • Engulf: Str; AP 3; A fog golem attacks by
Skills: Fighting d6, Intimidation d8, Notice d8, surrounding a target. The target must roll
Stealth d6 an opposed Strength roll or be grappled and
Pace 6, Parry 5, Toughness 10 suffer crushing damage. Thereafter, the
Edges: Improved Frenzy golem can continue to engulf the target or
Treasure: None move to an adjacent target.
Special Abilities: • Invulnerable: Fog golems are immune to all
• Cinder Blast: 2d6+1 fire damage; Range attack forms, including magical, except
1/2/4; targets Shaken or wounded by this those explicitly stated as weaknesses.
attack must make an Agility roll –2 or be • Arcane Resistance: +2 armor against
blinded for 1d4 rounds. Blind targets suffer damage-causing arcane powers and +2 to
–4 to all attack rolls. Targets hit by this trait rolls to resist opposed powers.
attack must check to see if they catch fire. • Construct: +2 to recover from being
• Flame Jet: 2d6 fire damage; Range 1/2/4; Shaken; No additional damage from called
targets hit by this attack must check to see if shots; Piercing attacks do half-damage;
they catch fire. Immune to poison and disease.
• Burning Spittle: 2d6 fire damage; Range • Fearless: Golems are immune to Fear and
6/12/24; as an action, a coal golem may Intimidation.
spit a hunk of burning coal at any target in

Savage Worlds Fantasy F-7

• Weakness (Fire, Air): Fog golems suffer Edges: Dodge, Improved Frenzy, Marksman,
normal damage from fire and wind-based Two-fisted
attacks. Wind gusts in excess of 25 mph Treasure: None
force the golem to make a Vigor roll or be Special Abilities:
Shaken. • Whipping strike: Str; Reach 2”; a leather
golem may use one of its limbs to whip a
ICE GOLEM target within reach. The golem is terribly
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, accurate; receiving a +2 bonus to called
Strength d10, Vigor d10 shots and will always aim for an unarmored
Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, area.
Stealth d8, Throwing d8 • Lasso: Str+1; Range 3; a leather golem may
Pace 6, Parry 6, Toughness 11 use one of its limbs as a lasso to snare a
Edge: Improved Frenzy, Two-Fisted target in range. If struck, the target must
Treasure: None make an opposed Strength roll or be
Special Abilities: grappled.
• Clubbing fist: Str+1 • Multi-armed: While the leather golem does
• Ice spear: Str+2; Reach 1” not have extra arms as do other golems, it
• Ice Dagger: Str+1; AP 3; Range 3/6/12; as may make an Agility roll –2 to attack with
an action, an ice golem may throw an icicle one of its legs (either whipping or lasso
“dagger” at any target within range. attack as described above).
• Armor +3: magically hardened ice. • Armor +1: toughened leather, elastic hide
• Size +1: Ice golems are large, broad • Arcane Resistance: +2 armor against
shouldered constructs. damage-causing arcane powers and +2 to
• Arcane Resistance: +2 armor against trait rolls to resist opposed powers.
damage-causing arcane powers and +2 to • Construct: +2 to recover from being
trait rolls to resist opposed powers. Shaken; No additional damage from called
• Construct: +2 to recover from being shots; Piercing attacks do half-damage;
Shaken; No additional damage from called Immune to poison and disease.
shots; Piercing attacks do half-damage; • Fearless: Golems are immune to Fear and
Immune to poison and disease. Intimidation.
• Fearless: Golems are immune to Fear and • Immunity (Blunt attacks): Leather golems
Intimidation. cannot be harmed by blunt attacks.
• Weakness (Fire): Ice golems suffer +4 • Weakness (Cold): If Shaken or wounded by
damage from fire-based attacks a cold-based attack, the leather golem must
• Weakness (Sunlight): Exposed to direct make a Vigor roll or suffer –2 to all physical
sunlight, the golem must make a Vigor roll trait rolls due to stiffness.
or be Shaken.
• Weakness (Extreme Heat): Exposed to heat MUD GOLEM
in excess of 120 degrees farenheit, the Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
golem must make a Vigor roll each round or Strength d10, Vigor d10
suffer an automatic wound. Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d6,
Stealth d6, Throwing d8
LEATHER GOLEM Pace 5, Parry 6, Toughness 9
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Edges: Two-fisted
Strength d6, Vigor d8 Treasure: None
Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d8, Stealth d10, Special Abilities:
Throwing d8 • Clubbing fist: Str; AP 3; a target Shaken or
Pace 6, Parry 6, Toughness 6 wounded by this attack must make an Agility

Savage Worlds Fantasy F-8

roll –2 or be blinded for 1d4 rounds. Blind • Construct: +2 to recover from being
targets suffer –4 to all attack rolls. Shaken; No additional damage from called
• Mud-ball Missile: Str; AP 3; Range 3/6/12; a shots; Piercing attacks do half-damage;
target Shaken or wounded by this attack Immune to poison and disease.
must make an Agility roll or be stuck fast, as • Fearless: Golems are immune to Fear and
per the Entangle power, for 1d4 rounds. Intimidation.
• Armor +2: thick, compressed earth • Immunity (Blunt, Piercing attacks): Rope
• Size +1: Mud golems are large, broad golems suffer no damage from blunt or
shouldered constructs. piercing attacks.
• Arcane Resistance: +2 armor against • Immunity (Cold): Rope golems are
damage-causing arcane powers and +2 to unaffected by cold-based attacks.
trait rolls to resist opposed powers.
• Construct: +2 to recover from being WOOD GOLEM
Shaken; No additional damage from called Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
shots; Piercing attacks do half-damage; Strength d8, Vigor d10
Immune to poison and disease. Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d6,
• Fearless: Golems are immune to Fear and Stealth d6
Intimidation. Pace 6, Parry 8, Toughness 9
• Immunity (Acid, Fire): Mud golems suffer no Edges: Improved Block
damage from acid or fire based attacks. Treasure: None
• Weakness (Water): Mud golems suffer +2 Special Abilities:
damage from water-based attacks. • Clubbing strike: Str+3; targets Shaken or
wounded by this attack are knocked back
ROPE GOLEM 1d4” and must make a Vigor roll –2 or be
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, stunned for 1d4 rounds.
Strength d6, Vigor d6 • Multi-armed: Wood golems have three pairs
Skills: Notice d8, Stealth d10, Throwing d8 of arms and thus may make 2 Sweep attacks
Pace 8, Parry 5, Toughness 5 per round with no multi-action penalty.
Edges: Marksman • Armor +2: magically hardened wood
Treasure: None • Arcane Resistance: +2 armor against
Special Abilities: damage-causing arcane powers and +2 to
• Garroting lasso: Str; Range 3; a rope golem trait rolls to resist opposed powers.
may use one of its limbs as a lasso to snare • Construct: +2 to recover from being
a target in range. It will always aim for the Shaken; No additional damage from called
head, and receives a +2 bonus to called shots; Piercing attacks do half-damage;
shots. If struck, the target must make an Immune to poison and disease.
opposed Strength roll or be grappled. The • Fearless: Golems are immune to Fear and
rope garrotes the target’s throat, doing Intimidation.
automatic Str damage each round, while the • Immunity (Cold): Wood golems suffer no
target is also subject to suffocation (see damage from cold-based attacks.
Drowning, Savage Worlds rulebook p. 93).
• Multi-Armed: Rope golems have eight arms, WORM GOLEM
thus gaining the Sweep edge. It may never Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
grapple more than eight targets at a time. Strength d8, Vigor d8
• Arcane Resistance: +2 armor against Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d10, Notice d6,
damage-causing arcane powers and +2 to Stealth d10, Throwing d8
trait rolls o resist opposed powers. Pace 6, Parry 6, Toughness 6
Edges: Marksman, Two-fisted

Savage Worlds Fantasy F-9

Treasure: None be seen were one to be so unhappy as to
Special Abilities: experience those nether dimensions.
• Claws: Str
• Worm Missile: Str; Range 3/6/12; a worm Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d10, Spirit d6,
golem can throw a mass of worms from its Strength d6, Vigor d6
body to strike any target in range; targets Skills: Fighting d6, Guts d4, Notice d10,
Shaken or wounded must make a Vigor roll Spellcasting d8, Stealth d8
–2 or become infested with the worms, which Pace 4, Parry 5, Toughness 4
will burrow into his flesh and do 2d6 Treasure: None.
damage each round until the target is dead. Special Abilities:
• Fear –1: The sight of a worm golem forces • Arcane Resistance: +2 Armor against
all to make a Guts roll –1 or be stricken with damage causing powers and +2 on trait
Fear. rolls to resist opposed powers.
• Armor +1: tough hide • Claws: Str+1.
• Arcane Resistance: +2 armor against • Demon: +2 to recover from being Shaken;
damage-causing arcane powers and +2 to Immune to poison and disease; Half-
trait rolls to resist opposed powers. damage from nonmagical attacks except for
• Construct: +2 to recover from being cold iron.
Shaken; No additional damage from called • Powers: Imps have 20 Power Points and
shots; Piercing attacks do half-damage; know the following sorcery powers: bolt,
Immune to poison and disease. detect/conceal arcana, entangle, invisibility,
• Fearless: Golems are immune to Fear and obscure, and shape change.
Intimidation. • Lending: An imp can share its Power Points
Immunity (Water): Worm golems suffer no with its master. It cannot be forced to share
damage from water-based attacks. its power.
• Ethereal: Imps can dematerialize or
materialize into an immaterial state in one
SPIRITS OF NETHER • Size –1: Imps are the size of small children.
DIMENSIONS • Weakness (Cold Iron): Demons take normal
damage from cold iron weapons.
These creatures are inhabitants of those
dismal nether dimensions. They come to our Demon Imp
own through the summoning of some sorcerer Special Abilities:
or similar means of entry. There are four types • Bite: Str; If Shaken or wounded, the target
of this sort of spirit creature, each corresponding must make a Vigor roll –2 or be poisoned.
to a region of the nether dimensions associated With success, the bite area swells and
with evil. When they travel to the world of becomes numb. The victim becomes
mankind, they materialize bodies that resemble Exhausted until healed. With a failure, the
their own forms as would be seen were one victim becomes Incapacitated and must
cursed to such nether dimensions. make a second Vigor roll or die.
MP Devil Imp
There are four types of this sort of spirit Special Abilities:
creature, each corresponding to a greater • Sting: 1d6 damage; AP 2; If a wound is
creature of its sort, all native to the nether suffered, the victim must make a Vigor roll at
dimensions associated with evil. When they –2 or be poisoned. With success, the area
travel to the world of mankind, they materialize stung swells and becomes numb. The victim
bodies that resemble their own forms as would

Savage Worlds Fantasy F-10

becomes Exhausted until healed. With a individual. If hit, the target makes an
failure, the victim becomes Incapacitated opposed Spirit roll, with a +2 bonus. If the
and must make a second Vigor roll or die. demon successfully possesses the target, only
• Fly: Pace 16, acceleration 8/turn a Theurgist has the power to evict it from its
host. It may, of course, vacate the host at its
Fiend Imp own volition.
Special Abilities: • Weakness (Holy Symbol): The touch of a
• Kick: Str+1; AP 1; Opposed Strength roll or holy symbol requires a demon to make a
the victim is knocked prone. Vigor roll or be Shaken.
• Jump: A fiend imp can jump 2” in any • Weakness (Cold Iron): Demons take normal
direction, including straight up. damage from cold iron weapons.
• Wall Walker: A fiend imp can walk on
horizontal surfaces or even upside down at DEVIL
its normal pace. Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d10, Spirit d8,
Strength d10, Vigor d12
Oni Imp Skills: Fighting d10, Intimidation d8, Persuasion
Special Abilities: d10, Notice d8, Stealth d10, Taunt d12+1
• Gore: Str+2; AP 3 Pace 6, Parry 7, Toughness 11
• Shape Change: An oni imp can shape Edges: Frenzy, Two-handed
change to an adult human form. Treasure: Varies
Gear: any normal or magical weapon, usually a
DEMON whip and a falchion, long sword, mace, or
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, similar weapon.
Strength d12, Vigor d10 Special Abilities:
Skills: Climbing d10, Fighting d10, Intimidation • Kick (paralysis): Str+2; AP 4; targets shaken
d12, Notice d8, Stealth d6 or wounded must make a Vigor roll -2 or be
Pace 6, Parry 7, Toughness 9 paralyzed for 1d4 rounds.
Edges: Frenzy • Flight: devils can fly at a Pace of 12", with a
Treasure: Varies 6" acceleration.
Special Abilities: • Armor +3: tough hide.
• Claws: Str+2; AP 4 • Demon: +2 to recover from being Shaken;
• Bite: Str+1; AP 4; a target shaken or Immune to poison and disease; Half-
wounded by this attack must make a damage from nonmagical attacks except for
successful Vigor roll or suffer 3d6 in cold iron.
additional damage. • Shape Shift: A devil can, in one round,
• Armor +3: Thick, bristly hide. assume the form of a normal appearing
• Demon: +2 to recover from being Shaken; human, a subterranean boa, or an
Immune to poison and disease; Half- unnatural springbat.
damage from nonmagical attacks except for • Ethereal: A devil can, in one round,
cold iron. dematerialize or materialize as an action.
• Shape Shift: A demon can, in one round, • Possession: While immaterial, a devil may
assume the form of a normal appearing make an attack in an effort to possess an
human or that of an unnatural 80-inch individual. If hit, the target makes an
diameter web or jumping spider. opposed Spirit roll, with a +2 bonus. If the
• Ethereal: A demon can, in one round, devil successfully possesses the target, only a
dematerialize or materialize as an action. Theurgist has the power to evict it from its
• Possession: While immaterial, a demon may host. It may, of course, vacate the host at its
make an attack in an effort to possess an own volition.

Savage Worlds Fantasy F-11

• Weakness (Holy Symbol): The touch of a • Weakness (Cold Iron): fiend take normal
holy symbol requires a devil to make a Vigor damage from cold iron weapons.
roll or be Shaken.
• Weakness (Cold Iron): devils take normal ONI
damage from cold iron weapons. Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
Strength d12+2, Vigor d12
FIEND Skills: Climbing d8, Fighting d10, Intimidation
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d12+2, d12, Notice d8, Stealth d6, Throwing d10
Strength d10, Vigor d10 Pace 6, Parry 7, Toughness 11
Skills: Climbing d10, Fighting d10, Intimidation Treasure: Varies
d10, Notice d8, Stealth d8, Tracking d10 Special Abilities:
Pace 6, Parry 7, Toughness 7 • Nether Weapon: Str+5(usually battle axe,
Edges: Frenzy great cleaver, long flail, mace, short pole-
Treasure: Varies arm, or cleaving sword)
Special Abilities: • Gore: Str+3; AP 4; targets shaken or
• Fist: Str+3; AP 4; targets shaken or wounded fall prone for one round.
wounded fall prone for one round and are • Energy Coil (Stun): The oni can throw a coil
subject to a bite attack. or dark energy that stuns the target.
• Bite: Str+2; AP 4 • Armor +3: tough hide.
• Jump: fiends may jump up to 4” in any • Shape-Change: an oni may assume the
direction, including directly up. form of an adult human in one round.
• Wall Walker: A fiend can walk on horizontal • Ethereal: A fiend can, in one round,
surfaces or even upside down at its normal dematerialize or materialize as an action.
pace. • Possession: While immaterial, an oni may
• Fiery Breath: fiends breathe fire using the make an attack in an effort to possess an
Cone Template. Every target within this cone individual. If hit, the target makes an
may make an Agility roll to avoid the attack. opposed Spirit roll, with a +2 bonus. If the
Those who fail suffer 2d6 damage and must oni successfully possesses the target, only a
check to see if they catch fire (Savage Worlds Theurgist has the power to evict it from its
rulebook page 97). host. It may, of course, vacate the host at its
• Armor +3: tough hide. own volition.
• Demon: +2 to recover from being Shaken; • Weakness (Holy Symbol): The touch of a
Immune to poison and disease; Half- holy symbol requires an oni to make a Vigor
damage from nonmagical attacks except for roll or be Shaken.
cold iron. • Weakness (Cold Iron): oni take normal
• Ethereal: A fiend can, in one round, damage from cold iron weapons.
dematerialize or materialize as an action.
• Possession: While immaterial, a fiend may
make an attack in an effort to possess an DEITAL MINIONS
individual. If hit, the target makes an The spirits of lesser sort serving the many
opposed Spirit roll, with a +2 bonus. If the deities active in the world, can be sent by a
fiend successfully possesses the target, only a greater entity or summoned by a theurgist to
Theurgist has the power to evict it from its become material. Usually one will appear in any
host. It may, of course, vacate the host at its sort of human-form guise, from a strikingly
own volition. handsome or beautiful man or woman to a
• Weakness (Holy Symbol): The touch of a small and ordinary, even old or ugly person of
holy symbol requires a fiend to make a Vigor any human-like race. Each of these four is
roll or be Shaken. detailed hereafter. There are many others of

Savage Worlds Fantasy F-12

this sort of spirit creature, slightly different from priest’s request(s), it has other duties to perform
these, but not essentially more powerful. and will not appreciate frivolous tasks. Any
baneful act committed in the presence of a deva
ARCHON will cause it to immediately terminate its service.
A summoned archon will be associated with Crusaders may be inclined to seek retribution
either the priest’s patron deity or the pantheon before departing.
served. While it will be accommodating to the
priest’s request(s), it has other duties to perform Crusader Deva
and will not appreciate frivolous tasks. Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit d12,
Strength d12+2, Vigor d12
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d10, Skills: Fighting d10, Intimidation d12,
Strength d8, Vigor d10 Knowledge (Religion) d12, Notice d10, Shooting
Skills: Fighting d8, Guts d10, Intimidation d6, d10, Theurgy d12
Knowledge (Religion) d12, Notice d8, Charisma +4, Pace 6, Parry 7, Toughness 11
Persuasion d10, Shooting d8, Theurgy d10 Edges: Block, Champion, Charismatic,
Pace 6, Parry 10, Toughness 7 Improved Frenzy, Marksman, Trademark
Treasure: None Weapon (holy sword)
Gear: Holy buckler (+4 Parry); a longsword Treasure: None
(Str+4) and longbow (2d6+1) Gear: Holy breastplate (+3); holy falchion
Special Abilities: (Str+6; AP 2) and a holy longbow (2d6+3; AP
• Aura of Holy Light: As an action, the archon 2)
can surround himself with a brilliant white Special Abilities:
light, the size of a Medium Burst Template • Aura of Holy Light: As an action, the deva
centered on the entity. Those of malign can surround himself with a brilliant white
intent or opposed to the deity the archon light, the size of a Medium Burst Template
serves must make a Spirit roll -2 to approach centered on the entity. Those of malign
within the radius of the aura. Undead intent or opposed to the deity the archon
creatures react to the light as they would serves must make a Spirit roll -2 to approach
sunlight. within the radius of the aura. Undead
• Celestial: +2 to recover from being Shaken; creatures react to the light as they would
Immune to poison, disease, electricity and sunlight.
fire; Half-damage from non-magical attacks. • Flight: Devas have a flying pace of 18”, and
• Change Form: As an action, an archon can an acceleration of 9”.
change into any human, humanoid, or • Know Truth: devas can immediately detect a
animal form with a Smarts roll at -2. lie or attempts at deceit. No deva will serve
Changing back into humanoid form requires a mortal who attempts to deceive it.
a Smarts roll. This assumed form will always • Celestial: +2 to recover from being Shaken;
have a unique physical characteristic (a Immune to poison, disease, electricity and
golden goose, a white hart, etc.). fire; Half-damage from non-magical attacks.
• Spells: Archons have 20 power points and • Spells: Devas have 30 power points and
know 6 or more theurgy powers, including know every available theurgy spell
Banish, Bolt, Healing, Speed, Stun, and associated with their order.
Guardian Deva
DEVA Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit d12,
A summoned deva will be associated with Strength d10, Vigor d12+2
either the priest’s patron deity or the pantheon
served. While it will be accommodating to the

Savage Worlds Fantasy F-13

Skills: Fighting d8, Knowledge (Religion) d12,
Notice d10, Persuasion d10, Shooting d8, ELEMENTALS
Theurgy d12
Charisma +2, Pace 6, Parry 7, Toughness 12 ELEMENTARY
Edges: Alertness, Arcane Resistance, Block, Elementaries are spirit creatures that mingle
Champion, Charismatic, Healer between the principal and elemental
Treasure: None dimensions. They are the least of the elemental
Gear: Holy raiments (+2); holy fighting staff spirits, insubstantial and wispy entities that
(Str+3; AP 2) and a holy sling (Range 4/8/16; nonetheless have a modicum of influence on
2d6+2; AP 2) their surroundings. They are often summoned
Special Abilities: by geomancers to scout locations, as non-
• Aura of Holy Light: As an action, the deva magical materials do not bind them, and they
can surround himself with a brilliant white can pass freely through walls, water, or other
light, the size of a Medium Burst Template barriers. These creatures communicate with the
centered on the entity. Those of malign summoner through a means of two-way
intent or opposed to the deity the archon telepathic communication. It is wise to note that
serves must make a Spirit roll -2 to approach elementaries can be malign and untrustworthy.
within the radius of the aura. Undead
creatures react to the light as they would Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
sunlight. Strength d10, Vigor d8
• Flight: Devas have a flying pace of 18”, and Skills: Notice d8, Persuasion d6, Stealth d10,
an acceleration of 9”. Taunt d8
• Know Truth: devas can immediately detect a Pace 6, Parry 4, Toughness 6
lie or attempts at deceit. No deva will serve Treasure: None
a mortal who attempts to deceive it. Special Abilities:
• Celestial: +2 to recover from being Shaken; • Ethereal: Apparitions are semi-material and
Immune to poison, disease, electricity and can only be harmed by magical attacks or
fire; Half-damage from non-magical attacks. weapons.
• Spells: Devas have 30 power points and • Elemental Manipulation: Elementaries can
know every available theurgy spell use the Elemental Manipulation power using
associated with their order. their Smarts as their arcane skill. They can
cast and maintain the power indefinitely.

Savage Worlds Fantasy F-14

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