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2nd Grade Lesson Plan 1

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Diversity Lesson Plan

2nd Grade

Whole Group Activity

Social Studies

Educational Standards
1. CCSS.ELA-Literacy. R. L. 2.6-Acknowledge differences in the points of view of
characters, including by speaking in a different voice for each character when reading
dialogue aloud.
2. CCSS.ELA-Literacy. R. L. 2.5-Describe the overall structure of a story, including
describing how the beginning introduces the story and the ending concludes the
• Students will be able to illustrate acceptance and awareness of different culture by
creating an anchor chart and comparing them with other peers and identifying
differences or similarities.

• The book Same, Same But Different by Jenny Sue Kostecki-Shaw
• Tape
• Colored pencils or crayons
• Index cards
• Colorful construction paper
• My Culture worksheet
• Pencils

1. Introduce: Gather students in a comfortable area and begin by explaining that
today they will be exploring all the things that make them unique from one
another. Begin a class discussion about what makes them special. There will be
students with the same answers, in the end have them think about who they had
similarities with and those who had different answers than them.
2. Read: Teachers reads the book aloud to entire class.
3. Discuss: At the end of the story briefly discuss the book, asking questions like
What did Elliot and Kailash have in common? Or What differences did they
have? Do they live in similar places?
4. Activity: Before students receive their own My Culture worksheet, create an
example anchor chart on the board using tape and index cards. On each index
card write: “How I dress,” “Where I live,” “What I eat,” “My language,” “My
family,” “Celebrations,” “What I play,” “Art and Music,” on the final index cards
write “Teachers Name’s Culture” and putting it in the center of the board. Briefly
explain that someone’s culture is they way they spreak, dress, what they eat,
celebrate, etc. Taking one of the index cards, for example "Celebrations,” place
it around the culture card and draw a line connecting the two, explaining that
we all celebrate different holidays, list a few of them while writing a few on the
cards and drawing a picture. Continue to fill out each index card while creating
your anchor chart.
Once the anchor chart is done, it is the kids turn to fill their own out. The
students will receive the My Culture worksheets with each category that they
must fill out individually. Once they are done filling each and drawing a picture
they will cut them out and create their anchor chart on a colored construction
paper. Students may decorate the construction paper with additional drawings,
personalizing it. Once students are done creating their anchor chart, they will
have to pair with a class mate to discuss each others chart. Give the pairs 3-5
minutes then have them rotate and find a new partner, do so two to three times.
At the end of the last rotation have the students gather once again in the
comfortable are. Ask students if anyone would like to share what they learned
about their classmates, who they had similarities with or differences. They may
even present their anchor charts to the class. (Teacher will collect the anchor
charts and display them around the classroom

• Teacher openly reviews what the students wrote other own poster by asking
questions and discussing the acknowledgment of differences in people and the
various cultures.

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