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Sensitivity Oi 3kysiolojical and 3syckolojical Markers To 7raininj /oad, Ntensi Iication in Volleyball 3layers

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©Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (2014) 13, 571-579

5esearcK article

Sensitivity oI 3KysioloJical and 3sycKoloJical Markers to 7raininJ /oad ,ntensi

Iication in Volleyball 3layers
1 1 2 3
Victor H. Freitas , Fabio Y. Nakamura , Bernardo Miloski , Dietmar Samulski and Mauricio G.
Bara FilKo
1 2
Departamento de Educação Física, Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Londrina, Brazil; Escola de Educação
e Esporte, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil; Escola de Educação Física, Fisioterapia e
Ocupacional da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – MG, Brazil; Faculdade de Educação Física e
Desportos, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora – MG, Brazil
successful teams, who win championships, and the less
$bstract successful
The aim of this study was to test the sensitivity of; performance
in the countermovement vertical Jump (CMJ); the Recovery and
Stress Questionnaire for Athletes (RESTQ-Sport); the
Quality Recovery Scale (TQR) and the creatine kinase (CK)
to the deliberate intensification of volleyball training loads.
this purpose 8 athletes underwent a training period (FP) of 11
days of deliberate training load (TL) intensification followed by
a second period (SP) of 14 days of reduction of loads (IT
group). A further 8 athletes continued training with normal
TL (NT group). Both groups were tested before the FP
(baseline), after the FP and after the SP. The TL evaluated
using the session rating of perceived exertion method
(session-RPE) was higher after the FP compared to the SP,
and higher in the IT group, compared to the NT group. The
CMJ did not change in either group (p > 0.05). In the IT
group, the RESTQ-Sport was altered after the FP compared to
both the baseline and the SP (p < 0.05), while no change was
observed in the NT group. In the IT group, the CK increased
and the TQR decreased after the FP compared to both the
baseline and after the SP and were higher and lower,
respectively, than the NT group (p < 0.05). The results
suggest that performance in the CMJ is not a sensitive
variable to the fatigue caused by intensification of training
loads during a pre- competitive period in volleyball,
whereas CK, TQR and RESTQ-Sport were shown to be
sensitive measures.

.ey words: Team sport, rating of perceived exertion, physical

training, overtraining, performance.

Volleyball is characterized as an intermittent sport,
with frequent high-intensity actions, involving
explosive bursts, short body displacements and
numerous jumps (Sheppard et al., 2007). One of the
main physical abilities required in this modality is
lower limb muscle power, expressed by the numerous
jumps performed during the games, which are
important both for the attacking and blocking actions
(Sheppard et al., 2007; 2008; 2009). Some studies
have reported positive changes in the ability of
performing vertical jumps during a competitive season
(Hakkinen, 1993), as well as during the years of
training in the transition from the junior to the senior
category (Sheppard et al., 2012). Besides this, a greater
ability to perform serving and blocking actions has been
suggested as a discriminating factor between the more
ones (Sheppard et al., 2009). It is noteworthy that in mod- (Borresen and Lambert, 2009; Coutts et al., 2007d; Coutts
ern volleyball, most players serve using jumps in order to and Reaburn, 2008).
have higher vertical amplitude in contact with the ball, In this sense, the session rating of perceived exer-
thereby increasing the power of the action. Therefore, a tion (session-RPE) method (Foster, 1998; Foster et
well-planned pre-competitive period is essential to ensure al.,
that the athletes enter the competitive period with an op- 2001) is presented as a simple low cost strategy, validated
timal performance in this and other abilities. to quantify the internal training load in several sports
Volleyball, like other team sports, presents a cal- (Foster, 1998; Foster et al., 2001; Coutts and Reaburn,
endar with a short pre-competitive period and a long 2008; Coutts et al., 2007b; 2007d; Impellizzeri et al.,
competitive period. Thus, during the pre- 2004; Milanez et al., 2011), including volleyball (Bara
competitive period, intensification of the training load is Filho et al., 2013), and has been shown to be consistent
a frequently used strategy aimed at preparing the with the manipulation of external load.
Among the numerous jumps performed in volley-
athletes to face the demands of a long competitive
ball games (Sheppard et al., 2007), a substantial percent-
period and adapt rapidly (Coutts et al., 2007a; Coutts
age are performed with a countermovement, implying a
and Reaburn, 2008). Such a strategy requires careful
rapid eccentric phase leveraging the concentric phase of
control of training loads, since the application of
the jump. Thus, the countermovement vertical jump test
excessive loads and insufficient recov- ery may induce
(CMJ) is frequently used to evaluate performance in this
negative adaptations to training, leading the athlete to
modality (Sheppard et al., 2008; 2009; 2012). Fatigue
non-functional overreaching or overtraining (Borresen
caused by exhaustive exercises, especially those involving
and Lambert, 2009; Foster et al., 2001; Kentta and
stretch-shortening cycle, implies a loss in neuromuscular
Hassmen, 1998). Appropriate load control, in turn, is
function (Horita et al., 1999; Komi, 2000). The
based on accurate quantification and frequent monitoring
reduced performance in the CMJ, which is related to
of performance and psychophysiological changes result-
the magni- tude of muscle damage and neuromuscular
ing from the balance between the stress and recovery
fatigue, may

Received: 22 November 2013 / Accepted: 02 April 2014 / Published (online): 01 September 2014
57 et al.
Freitas 57
Training load intensification markers in volleyball
2 2
persist for several days (Komi, 2000; Horita et al., performance, RESTQ-Sport, TQR and CK to
1999). A study by Delextrat et al. (2012) reported deliberate intensification of training load during the pre-
a decrease in the CMJ height on the third day of a regular competitive period on high-level volleyball players.
training week in basketball players. In rugby athletes,
Coutts et al. (2007a) showed a reduction in CMJ
performance after a pre-competitive period with
intensified training loads. Johnston et al. (2013) also
identified impaired muscular function during the
performance in the CMJ in response to an intense
period of rugby fixtures. Thus, the CMJ appears to be
a sensitive index of the fatigue occasioned by the
intensification of training load, especially in sports like
volleyball, in which the stretch-shortening cycle is
repeated hundreds of times a week. However, the
sensitiv- ity of CMJ to the fatigue caused by the
intensification of training has not yet been tested in
Questionnaires are also shown to be valid,
simple and practical strategies for monitoring the effects
of train- ing loads (Kentta and Hassmen, 1998).
Among them, the
Recovery and Stress Questionnaire for Athletes
Sport) (Costa and Samulski, 2005; Kellmann and
2001) is capable of simultaneously monitoring the stress
and recovery in response to team sports training (Coutts
and Reaburn, 2008; di Fronso et al., 2013; Noce et al.,
2011), whilst also being sensitive for monitoring the ef-
fects of training loads during periods of intensification
and to identify/predict overreaching (Coutts and Reaburn,
2008; Coutts et al., 2007d; Gonzalez-Boto et al.,
2008; Nederhof et al., 2008). Another tool that is
thought to be equally sensitive to the effects of
training loads is the
Total Quality Recovery Scale – TQR – (Kentta
Hassmen, 1998), used to monitor the state of the psycho-
physiological recovery of athletes (Brink et al., 2010;
Suzuki et al., 2006).
Serum creatine kinase (CK) is a biochemical
mark- er widely used in sports science as a diagnostic
parameter for quantifying the degree of muscle damage
(Brancaccio et al., 2010; Hartmann and Mester, 2000)
or changes in the permeability of the muscle cell
membrane (Goodman et al., 1997). Studies show a sharp
rise in CK levels after prolonged high intensity
exercises (Nederhof et al., 2008; Waskiewicz et
al., 2012), after exercises with a large eccentric
component (Snieckus et al., 2012), as well as in response
to a period of intensified training (Coutts et al.,
2007a; 2007b). In addition, in soccer players, an increase
above the 90 percentile of CK found in the
athletes’ plasma, during a competition, is suggested to
detect fa- tigue and muscle overload (Lazarim et al.,
The sensitivity of the aforementioned performance,
psychological and biochemical markers in monitoring the
overload effects of training in athletes of various sports
leads us to the hypothesis that these markers will present
the same sensitivity for monitoring the effects of training
load intensification during a pre-competitive period in
volleyball. Nevertheless, this has not yet been investi-
gated in previous studies and is justified based on the
perceived need of coaches and trainers to monitor bio-
logical signs of excessive internal training loads. Thus,
the aim of this study was to test the sensitivity of CMJ
57 et al.
Freitas 57
Training load intensification markers in volleyball
3 3
MetKod indicators. Accordingly, the coach presented a list of
s the eight athletes who had more potential to be starters in
(xperimental approacK to tKe championship. These athletes composed the IT
The present study involved a mesocycle of 25 days prepa- These players were 23.37 ± 2.94 years old, 88.18 ± 5.26
ration of a high-level volleyball team (adult team compet- kg, 1.95 ± 0.06 m with a 7.80 ± 2.13% fat percentage.
st A group of eight players with lower chances of being
ing in the 1 division of Brazilian volleyball – Brazilian
start- ers (non-starters) was submitted to the training
Men’s Volleyball Super League) for a state
that is habitually planned in the pre-competitive period
competition, in which the team was among the 4
of the investigated team, composing the NT group.
finalists. The begin- ning of the investigated period
These ath- letes were 19.75 ± 1.48 years old, 77.52 ±
corresponded to the sev- enth mesocycle of the team
season, with competitions at national and state level. 11.51 kg, 1.88
In order to assess the sensitivity of the markers to ± 0.07 m with a 9.07 ± 2.71% fat percentage. Hence,
the intensification of training loads, a proportion of the we emphasize that this study was not a randomized
players were submitted to deliberate intensification of controlled trial, because the randomization of players into
training load (IT group). The training load was the groups would not have been in the interests of the
deliber- ately intensified for 11 days (first period – FP) team, and so, it would be counterproductive to its goals.
and re- duced afterwards for 14 days (second period – Nevertheless, we consider the experimental design
SP). An- other group continued training with normal adequate to describe the longitudinal effects of short-
(i.e., habitual) training (NT group) load. This group term overload in volleyball, having, as a reference, a
was used as the “control”. Performances in the CMJ, group of players training nor- mally.
The study was approved by the local Ethics
RESTQ-Sport, and the CK were evaluated at three
Com- mittee (Cep/Ufjf, notion nº 278/2010) and all
different moments: on the first day of training,
participants were briefed in the test procedures before
considered as baseline, after FP and after SP. The TQR signing a con-
was evaluated at the beginning and end of each sent form expressing their willingness to participate in the
microcycle. study. The exclusion criterion was the occurrence of a
mioarticular limitation which would cause withdrawal
SubMects from the training, although no athlete fulfilled this crite-
Sixteen male athletes belonging to a high-level Brazilian rion during the study.
volleyball team participated in the study. The
technical staff planned the training in order to test the
Before starting the pre-competitive mesocycle, a micro-
effect of intensification of training loads on performance
cycle with a total weekly training load of 971.16 ± 287.22
arbitrary units (AU) was applied, followed by 72 were calculated after each microcycle, as well as after FP
hours with no training, which is considered a light and SP. The TWTL was calculated by
load. The training load was quantified by means of the summing the DTLs, the monotony was calculated by
session-RPE method (Foster, 1998; Foster et al., 2001). means of the ratio between the average and the
The training mesocycle comprised of 25 days and was standard deviation of the DTL of each microcycle,
divided into 4 microcycles, in which in the first 3 there and the strain was calculated by the product of the
were 7 days of training and in the last, 4 days. The TWTL and the monotony (Foster,
TQR scale was ap- plied on the first and last day of 1998). The athletes had been familiarized with the
training of each microcy- cle (days, 1, 6, 8, 13, 15, 20, 22 method for a period of 5 months prior to the beginning of
and 26) before starting the training session for the day. this study.
The same mesocycle was also divided into 2 periods: FP Countermovement vertical jump test (CMJ): To
of 11 days of training, of which evaluate the power of the lower limbs the countermove-
7 days belonged to the first and 4 days to the second mi- ment vertical jump test was performed on a contact mat
crocycle, and SP of 14 days, of which 3 days belonged to (Cefise®, Brazil). The CMJ was performed with an arm
the second, 7 days to the third and 4 days to the forth swing and starting in the upright position using the
microcycle. The performance in the CMJ, the responses to stretch-shortening cycle, flexing the knee until ~90º
RESTQ-Sport and the CK were evaluated on (Bosco, 1994). The test results were obtained using the
days 1 (baseline), 12 (after FP) and 26 (after SP), Jump System software (Cefise®, Brazil). The athletes
between 1:30 and 2:30 pm, before initiating the training performed three jumps and the highest one was retained
session of the day. The training content applied to the for analysis. The interval between jumps was 1 minute.
IT and NTgroups is described in Table 1. The intraclass correlation coefficients of the CMJ tests
Quantification of training load: The training performed at different moments were 0.95, 0.97 and 0.96,
load was quantified on a daily basis by means of the respectively. A previous warm up was oriented by
session rating of perceived exertion (session-RPE) the physical trainer with 3 minutes of light-intensity
method running and 2 minutes of unilateral jumping around the
(Foster, 1998; Foster et al., 2001). Thirty minutes after the court.
end of each training session, the athletes answered the Recovery and Stress Questionnaire for
question: “How was your workout?”, demonstrating their Athletes (RESTQ-Sport): To evaluate the stress and the
answer on the 10 point RPE scale (Foster et al., recovery related to the activities in the previous 3
2001), regarding the entire training session. We days and 3 nights, the Portuguese version (Costa
calculated the product of the demonstrated values from and Samulski,
the RPE scale and the training duration in minutes of 2005) of the RESTQ-Sport (Kellmann and
each training ses- sion, thereby expressing the internal Kallus, 2001) was used. This questionnaire is
load of the training session (TL). On the days with 2 composed of 76 questions consisting of a series of
training sessions, the TLs were summed to quantify the statements, with responses on a Likert scale from 0
daily TL (DTL). The total weekly training load (never) to 6 (always). The questions are divided into 19
(TWTL), monotony and strain scales, of which 7 scales are related to general stress, 5
to general recovery, 3 to the stress in

7able 1. 7raininJ load description.

Micro 3Kysical
3X 3X 2X 2 X AA;
4 X WT 3 X WT
P; AA; P; 2X
(HYP); 0 0
5X 2X (HYP); 2X ABD;
1 2 X AC;
S; ABD; 1 X AC; S; 1 X ACA
2 X CA;
2X 1X 2X
2 X AG
D; ACA D; 1 X AA;
2X 2X 2X
4X 0
A; 3 X WT A;
WT 1X 0
1X 1X 1 X ACA
(STR); B AA; (STR); B
2 X AC; 2X 2X 2X 2
2 ABD; X
P; P;
2X 2X 2X D;
D; WT D;
WT 2X 1X
(STR/PO) A; A;
; 2X 2X 1X
1X 1X
P; P;
3X 3X
S; S;
3 2X 1 X 1 X D; 1X
2XB 1 X P; 2
1 X AA;
(STR/PO); 1X 1 X AA;
D; 2 A 1
1 X P; A X
2 AB
1X +
B C D;
4 2X 3X ABD; 0 2X 3X 1X 0
WT (PO) S; 1X WT (PO) S; ACA;
1 ACA; 1 1X
X 1X X AA+
X – sessions; WT – weight training; AC – aerobic circuit; CA – continuous aerobic training; AG - Agility; PPC – power physical
circuit; P – pass; S - service; A - attack; B - block; D - defense; AA - amount of attack; ABD – amount of block/defense; ACA –
Amount of counter-attack; AA+CA – amount of attack + counter-attack ; .HYP – hypertrophy; STR – strength; PO – power.
7able 2. Variables related to tKe traininJ loads measured in diIIerent Groups tKrouJKout tKe 4 microcycles and
2 traininJ periods. Data are means (±SD).
N7 2870 (807) 1.52 (.53) 4630 (2239)

3eriods N7 4423 (954) 1.52 (.34) 6846 (2212)
1st 3eriod

2nd 3eriod
NT – Group with normal training load; IT - Group with intensified training load; TWTL – Total
weekly training load. Significantly different for the NT Group (* p <0.05;** p < 0.01); Significantly
different to microcycle 1 (# p < 0.01); significantly different for microcyle 2 (†p < 0.01); significantly
different to microcycle 3(‡ p < 0.01p < 0.05); Significantly different to the 1st period (§ p < 0.01).
sport and 4 to specific recovery in sport. The sum of the post-hoc. The assumptions of normality were evaluated
stress and recovery scales was calculated, as well as the using the Shapiro-Wilk test. If not parametric,
difference between them. logarithmic transformation of data was used (natural
Total Quality Recovery Scale (TQR): To logarithm). All data were analyzed using the Statistica
evaluate the athletes state of recovery, the TQR scale software (v.8.0, StatSoft®, Tulsa, Ok), considering a
(Kentta and Hassmen, 1998), from 6 to 20 was used, probability of a type I error (α) of 0.05. The data are
presented to the athletes before the daily training session presented as mean (± standard deviation).
using the ques- tion: “What is your condition
now?”. The athletes had been familiarized with the 5esults
instrument for 5 months prior to the beginning of the
study. The pre-recovery was con- sidered as the
perception of the recovery state at the be- ginning of the Despite the difference in the average age and body
training microcycle and the post-recovery, as the one mass of the groups (p < 0.05), the average height and
measured at the end of each microcycle. fat per- centage were similar (p > 0.05). There was no
Creatine kinase (CK): Blood sampling was difference in performance in the CMJ, CK, and
per- formed by a qualified and experienced RESTQ-Sport be- tween the groups at baseline.
professional, re- specting the Brazilian biosecurity The variables related to training load are described
in Table 2. In the NT group, TWTL was higher in
principles. One hour after their last meal, the athletes
remained sitting for 30 minutes. Blood sampling was
cycle 1 compared to the other microcycles (p = 0.03, p <
carried out in a room near the training facilities, with
0.01 and p < 0.01, respectively). In the IT group,
the athletes remaining sitting. Approximately 5 ml of
blood was collected from one of the veins of the
was higher in the first 2 microcycles compared to the last
antecubital fossa of the right arm and stored in a tube 2 (p < 0.01). In the first 2 microcycles, the
(Becton, Dickinson Vacutainer®, EUA) with TWTLs were higher in the IT group compared to
separating gel. The samples were stored in a thermal the NT group (p <
compartment with ice and taken to a laboratory for clini- 0.01), but were not different between the groups in the
cal analysis. On arrival at the laboratory, the last 2 microcycles. The monotony of training performed
samples were centrifuged for 15 minutes at 3500 in microcycle 4 was higher than the monotony in all the
rpm, during which the CK was analyzed immediately other microcycles, both in the IT and NT groups. The
through the UV kinetic method by means of the NT
CK concentration in the serum, using the automatic group had higher training strain in microcycles 1 and 4
analyzer BS 400 (bioclin®, Brazil). compared to microcycle 3 (p < 0.01 and p = 0.04). In the
IT group, the strain was greater in the first 2 microcycles
Statistical analysis compared to microcycle 3 (p < 0.01), while microcycle 4
The internal consistency of the RESTQ-Sport scales
elicited a lower strain than microcycle 1 (p < 0.01) and a
was investigated by means of Cronbach’s Alpha. Values
higher strain than microcycle 3 (p < 0.01). The IT
to or higher than 0.70 were regarded as acceptable reli- group also presented higher strain in microcycles 1 and
ability. To test the difference between the descriptive 2 com- pared with the NT group (p < 0.01).
variables of different groups the independent samples t- In the NT group, the TWTLs in the two
test was performed. To test the difference between the periods were not different (p = 0.14). In the IT
variables related to the training load, CMJ, RESTQ- group, the FP elicited higher TWTL than the SP (p
Sport, TQR and CK, between the different groups < 0.01). The IT group performed greater TWTL
and the mo- ments analyzed, a two way repeated in the 2 periods when compared with the NT group (p <
measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) was 0.01). The IT group had higher monotony than the NT
performed followed by Turkey’s group in the FP, as well as higher monotony in the FP
when compared to the SP (p <
57 et al.
)reitas 57
TraininJ load intensification marNers in volleyball
5 5

Table 3. Creatine .inase and countermoYement Yertical Mump behaYior between the different
groups and training periods.
Creatine kinase NT 158.14 (56.12) 288.71 (105.05 331.33 (125.94)
57 et al.
)reitas 57
TraininJ load intensification marNers in volleyball
6 6
0.01). ,n the 1T(U/L)
Jroup, the traininJ strain was not differ- compared to the pre-recovery of microcycles 1, 3 and 4 (p
ent between the 2 periodsCountermoYement
analyzed (p < 0.01). ,n the ,T < 0.05), and lower when compared to the post-recovery of
Vertical -ump (cm)
Jroup, this variable was Jreater in the )P when compared microcycle 3 (p < 0.05). This variable was lower at the
SiJnificantly different to the 1T *roup (* p < 0.05); SiJnificantly different to the previous measurement (# p < 0.01).
to the SP (p < 0.01). The ,T Jroup reported Jreater strain end of microcycle 2 in the ,T Jroup when compared to the
than the 1T Jroup in both periods. 1T Jroup (p < 0.01) (Table 5).
Performance in the C0- did not chanJe alonJ the
different moments and this variable was not different Table 5. RecoYery state behaYior between the different
between the Jroups (p = 0.90) (Table 3). groups and training microcycles.
The internal consistency of the R(STQ- Microcycles
Sport Pre
scales presented reliability scores above 0.70 across the Post
three moments in which the questionnaire was applied, Pre

ments; the /acN of (nerJy at baseline and post )P; Suc- 3 Post
cess at baseline and ,nMuries at post SP. ,n the Pre
compari- sons made between the scales of the R(STQ- 4 Post
Sport (Table SiJnificantly different to the post-recovery in microcycle 1 († p < 0.01);
4), the ,T Jroup reported a hiJher value in the )atiJue SiJnificantly different to the post-recovery in microcycle 2 (*p<0.01; **
p < 0.05); SiJnificantly different to the 1T *roup (# p < 0.01).
scale post )P when compared to the baseline and the
moment post SP, as well as a hiJher value in the ,n the 1T Jroup, the C. did not chanJe between
,nMuries scale compared to the baseline. $fter the )P, the the different moments analyzed. ,n the ,T Jroup, the C.
,T Jroup rated a hiJher value in the Physical Complaints was hiJher after the )P when compared to the baseline
scale and a lower value in the Physical Recovery scale and after SP (p < 0.01). The ,T Jroup had a hiJher C.
compared to the 1T Jroup. post )P when compared with the 1T Jroup (p < 0.05)
,n the 1T Jroup, the state of recovery of the ath- (Table 3).
letes evaluated usinJ the TQR scale was not
different alonJ the different moments analyzed. ,n the
,T Jroup,
this variable was reduced at the end of microcycle 2 when

Table 4. Responses to the RESTQ-Sport scales between the different groups and periods analyzed (continues).
RESTQ Scales
General Stress NT .94 (.86) 1.03 (.85) .87 (.74)
Emotional Stress NT
Social Stress NT
Conflicts/Pressure NT
Fatigue NT
Lack of Energy NT
Physical Complaints NT
Success NT
Social RecoYery NT
Physical RecoYery NT
General Well-Being NT
Sleep Quality NT
SiJnificantly different for the 1T Jroup (* p < 0.05). SiJnificantly different to the baseline (# p <
0.05). SiJnificantly different to the post 1st period († p < 0.05).
Discussion 0c/ellan et al., 2011), even with the possible muscle
damaJe, as suJJested by the increased blood levels of
The main findinJs of this study were that in the Jroup
submitted to deliberate intensification of traininJ load, the
R(STQ-Sport scales comprisinJ )atiJue, ,nMuries,
Physi- cal Complaints and Physical Recovery, the TQR
and the C. were altered after the intensified period and
returned to baseline levels after reduction of the load.
These vari- ables did not chanJe in the Jroup that
remained traininJ with normal loads. 2n the other hand,
the performance in the C0- did not chanJe in either of the
two Jroups. Thus, performance in the C0- was not a
sensitive variable to the fatiJue occasioned by the
intensification of traininJ loads durinJ a pre-competitive
period in volleyball, unliNe the other variables which
were sensitive, thereby partially confirminJ the hypothesis
of the study.
The results of the internal traininJ load, quantified
by the session-RP( method, show that the additional
external traininJ load (Table 1) had repercussions in the
,T Jroup, especially in the first period of the mesocycle.
This load was hiJher in the ,T Jroup than in the 1T
Jroup. The scarcity of studies which quantify the intensi-
fication of the traininJ load in volleyball usinJ the ses-
sion-RP( method as in this study limits the comparison of
the reported values. +owever, maJnitudes of traininJ
loads have been determined in other sports, showinJ a
similarity with the values observed in this study. ,n stud-
ies with triathletes, the loads presented when the traininJ
was intensified were ~4500 $U (Coutts et al.,
~5000 $U (Coutts et al., 2007c), and ~3100 $U in
stud- ies with ruJby athletes (Coutts et al., 2007a;
2007b). ,n the present study, the correspondinJ load was
~4200 $U.
$lso in studies with triathletes, when the traininJ loads
were reduced, the maJnitudes were ~2000 $U
(Coutts et al., 2007c; 2007d) and ~1500 $U in
studies with ruJby athletes (Coutts et al., 2007a; 2007b).
,n the present study, the volleyball players accumulated
~1500 $U. /astly, the values of traininJ load presented
by the Jroup of triath- letes that remained traininJ with
normal traininJ loads were ~1500 $U (Coutts et al.,
2007c; 2007d), and ~2000
$U in ruJby athletes (Coutts et al., 2007b), values
that approximate the averaJe of volleyball players in
this study.
Performance in the C0- did not chanJe over the
25 days of traininJ in either of the 2 Jroups analyzed in
this study. $ decline in performance was expected due to
the hiJh number of eccentric actions and contractions
involved in the stretch-shorteninJ cycle accomplished
throuJh several Mumps and other sNills executed durinJ
the volleyball traininJ, mainly in periods of
intensification. Such actions are expected to cause
decline in muscle function in the days followinJ the
exercise, with a de- crease in muscle power as a
consequence of the damaJe and muscle inflammatory
processes taNinJ place after the eccentrically-biased
exercise (Chen and +sieh, 2001;
+orita et al., 1999; -ohnston et al., 2013; SNurvydas et
2011). +owever, the performance results of this study do
not corroborate with those of other studies (Coutts et al.,
2007a; 'elextrat et al., 2012; -ohnston et al., 2013;
C.. 'elextrat et al. (2012) reported a decrease in the C0- The psychometric tools, R(STQ-Sport and
in the third day of a habitual traininJ weeN in TQR, which are considered valid simple and practical
basNetball players. 0c/ellan et al. (2011) also suJJested a strateJies for monitorinJ the effects of traininJ loads
decrease in the performance in C0- up to 24 hours after (Coutts and Reaburn, 2008; .entta and +assmen,
a ruJby match. )inally, -onhston et al. (2012) identified 1998), were also sensitive to identifyinJ chanJes in
an im- paired muscular function in C0-, with special stress and recovery after the intensification of load in
reference to the peaN power of the Mump in response to this study. The same sensitivity for monitorinJ the
an intensi- fied period of ruJby fixtures. $ reduction in effect of intensification of loads in this study
C0- per- formance has also been shown after a pre- presented by the )atiJue, ,nMuries, Physical Complaints
competitive period with intense traininJ in ruJby and Physical Recovery scales has been demonstrated in
athletes (Coutts et al., 2007a). other studies on other sports (Coutts and Reaburn, 2008;
$ plausible explanation for the lacN of C0- per- Coutts et al., 2007d; *onzalez-%oto et al., 2008). $fter
formance sensitivity to the fatiJue occasioned by the a period of traininJ with an intensified load, ruJby
intensification of traininJ load in this study is a possible athletes presented a decrease in the Physical Recovery
resistance to muscle damaJe effects induced by volleyball scale and an increase in the )atiJue scale (Coutts and
traininJ (Chen et al., 2012; SNurvydas et al., 2011). $s Reaburn, 2008), but no chanJe in the Physical Complaints
shown in tables 1 and 2, the intensification of load in the or ,nMuries scales. ,n addition, the triathletes who were
first period of traininJ in the ,T Jroup was induced by similarly submitted to overloadinJ showed chanJes in
larJer traininJ volume, but without alterinJ the intensity the ,nMuries, Physical Recovery and Physical
of traininJ drills performed by the athletes. $ccordinJly, Complaints scales (Coutts et al., 2007d). ,n swimmers,
even with the increased blood levels of C., the chanJe in the Physical Recovery scale decreased and the
the neuromuscular system responsible for C0-, resultinJ ,nMuries scale increased after a period of increased
from the thousands of Mumps carried out durinJ the traininJ volume (*onzalez-%oto et al., 2008). The
sea- son, may not have been larJe enouJh to lead to result found in these studies (Coutts and Reaburn, 2008;
loss of muscular function. Coutts et al. (2007b) also did Coutts et al., 2007d;
not find any chanJe in vertical Mump performance after a *onzalez-%oto et al., 2008), besides reinforcinJ the re-
period of traininJ load intensification in ruJby athletes, sults found in this study, with volleyball athletes, may
even with increased C. levels. Thus, our results suJJest a hiJher sensitivity of these scales to monitorinJ
discouraJe the use of C0- to evaluate the temporary the effects of increased traininJ load. This inference is
neJative effects (fatiJue and/or damaJe) caused by the consistent as we anecdotally believe that symptoms of
intensification of traininJ load in volleyball, a fact which fatiJue, worsened physical recovery, as well as a hiJher
has not been demonstrated in prior studies.
incidence of inMuries and physical complaints, are ,n fact, the blood levels for this variable after the period
related to excessive traininJ loads. 2n the other hand, the of intense traininJ load increased and this increase may be
sum of the stress scales, recovery scales and the associated with the cumulative nature presented by C.
difference be- tween the sum of the scales of stress and when there are consecutive days of traininJ with hiJh
recovery, which have been effective for monitorinJ the loads (TotsuNa et al., 2002). Thus, this variable
stress, recovery and stress balance and recovery after reflected the muscular stress caused by the intensification
intensified traininJ load in other studies (*onzalez-%oto of train- inJ load.
et al., 2008; Coutts et al., 2007d), were not sensitive in 0onitorinJ the effect of traininJ loads usinJ sub-
our sample. This may be explained by the small number Mective methods has some limitations, mainly because
of scales that siJnifi- cantly chanJed durinJ the traininJ it requires honest responses and a thorouJh
in this study, alonJ with their respective maJnitude of understandinJ of the instrument by the athletes. +owever,
chanJes, which in other studies (*onzalez-%oto et al., the reliability presented by the R(STQ-Sport scales in
2008; Coutts et al., this study quali- fies it as a reliable questionnaire. )
2007d) were more pronounced. urthermore, prior stud- ies have qualified these tools as
The worseninJ state of recovery of the athletes reliable and practical for such monitorinJ (Coutts and
submitted to the intensification of traininJ load is evi- Reaburn, 2008; di )ronso et al., 2013; )oster, 1998;
denced in the results found in the TQR scale. %esides SuzuNi et al., 2006).
a worsened state of recovery presented by the ,T
Jroup after the intensification of traininJ load, it is Conclusion
important to note that the averaJe values found in the
TQR scale were under 13 (reasonable recovery) at the ,n conclusion, the R(STQ-Sport scales of )atiJue,
end of the 2 micro- cycles with intensified load; this ,nMu- ries, Physical Complaints and Physical
value is considered the minimum desirable level of Recovery, the TQR scale and the C. were sensitive to
recovery by the athletes (.entta and +assmen, 1998). ) deliberate inten- sification of traininJ loads durinJ the
urthermore, in microcycles where the traininJ loads were pre-competitive period in volleyball athletes, a fact which
reduced, the values found in the scale returned to was not demon- strated by C0- performance.
baseline levels and did not differ to those of the 1T Volleyball coaches and physical trainers can use the
Jroup. There are few studies that have used the TQR R(STQ-Sport and TQR to monitor and control stress
for monitorinJ a period of intensification of traininJ load, and recovery of athletes sub- mitted to a period of
maNinJ it difficult to compare the results of this study. intensification of traininJ load in this sport as simple and
+owever, we can verify that the moment of lowest easily applied strateJies. The evalua- tion of C.
recovery presented by the ,T Jroup is related to the period complements this monitorinJ by JeneratinJ information
of hiJher levels of C. and lower values in the on muscle damaJe and loss of this marNer in the plasma.
R(STQ-Sport Physical Recovery scale. +owever, the results of this study show that C0-
+iJher blood levels of C. were noted after the pe- performance should not be used to evaluate the
riod in which the traininJ load was intensified in the ,T neJative adaptations to traininJ in this sport, necessitatinJ
Jroup, demonstratinJ Jreater muscle damaJe (%rinN et al., investiJations on the use of other tests for this evaluation.
2010; +artmann and 0ester, 2000; -ohnston et al., 2013)
Thus, the sensitivity demonstrated by the aforementioned
and/or increased membrane permeability (*oodman et al.,
marNers to the fatiJue caused by the intensification of
1997). This result may be a consequence of the hiJh
traininJ load may assist coaches in the control of traininJ
number of Mumps and other sNills performed durinJ
load, enablinJ them not merely to be intuitive but quanti-
this period of traininJ, which involved many eccentric
actions and contractions with the stretch-shorteninJ
cycle. +iJh levels of C. are noted after exercises with References
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Lazarim, F.L., $ntunes-Neto, -.M., 'a Silva, F.2., Nunes, L.$.,
Victor Hugo de FREIT$S
$ssociate Post-*raduate Program in
Physical (ducation 8(M/8(L, State
8niversity of Londrina, Brazil.
Ph' student
Research interest
Physiological adaptations to training
Fabio Yuzo N$.$MUR$
$ssociate Post-*raduate Program in
Physical (ducation 8(M/8(L, State
8niversity of Londrina, Brazil.
Research interest
Physiological adaptations to training
Bernardo MIL2S.I
Post-*raduate Program in Physical (du-
cation 8SP, State 8niversity of São
Paulo, Brazil.
Ph' student
Research interest
Sport Science, (xercise physiology
Maurício Gattás B$R$-FILH2
Physical (ducation Faculty (Post-
*raduate Program) 8F-F, Federal
8niversity of -uiz de Fora, Brazil.
Research interest
Sport Science, 7raining load control,

Victor H. Freitas
Rua ,bitiguaia 690, Santa Luzia, C(P 36031-000, -uiz de Fora–
M*, Brazil

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