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10 - Equitable Banking Corp. vs. Special Steel Products

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Republic of the Philippines

Supreme Court



Petitioner, Present:

Acting Chairperson,
- versus - BERSAMIN,
INC. and AUGUSTO L. PARDO, Promulgated:
Respondents. June 13, 2012



A crossed check with the notation account payee only can only be deposited in the named
payees account. It is gross negligence for a bank to ignore this rule solely on the basis of a
third partys oral representations of having a good title thereto.

Before the Court is a Petition for Review on Certiorari of the October 13, 2006 Decision
of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CV No. 62425. The dispositive portion of the
assailed Decision reads:

WHEREFORE, premises considered, the May 4, 1998 Decision of

the Regional Trial Court of Pasig City, Branch 168, in Civil Case No. 63561, is
hereby AFFIRMED.


Factual Antecedents

Respondent Special Steel Products, Inc. (SSPI) is a private domestic corporation selling
steel products. Its co-respondent Augusto L. Pardo (Pardo) is SSPIs President and majority
International Copra Export Corporation (Interco) is its regular customer.[3]

Jose Isidoro[4] Uy, alias Jolly Uy (Uy), is an Interco employee, in charge of the purchasing
department, and the son-in-law of its majority stockholder.[5]

Petitioner Equitable Banking Corporation (Equitable or bank) is a private domestic

corporation engaged in banking[6] and is the depository bank of Interco and of Uy.

In 1991, SSPI sold welding electrodes to Interco, as evidenced by the following sales

Sales Invoice No. 65042 dated February 14, 1991 for P325,976.34[7]
Sales Invoice No. 65842 dated April 11, 1991 for P345,412.80[8]
Sales Invoice No. 65843 dated April 11, 1991 for P313,845.84[9]

The due dates for these invoices were March 16, 1991 (for the first sales invoice) and May
11, 1991 (for the others). The invoices provided that Interco would pay interest at the rate
of 36% per annum in case of delay.

In payment for the above welding electrodes, Interco issued three checks payable to the
order of SSPI on July 10, 1991,[10] July 16, 1991,[11] and July 29, 1991.[12] Each check was
crossed with the notation account payee only and was drawn against Equitable. The
records do not identify the signatory for these three checks, or explain how Uy, Intercos
purchasing officer, came into possession of these checks.

The records only disclose that Uy presented each crossed check to Equitable on the day of
its issuance and claimed that he had good title thereto.[13] He demanded the deposit of the
checks in his personal accounts in Equitable, Account No. 18841-2 and Account No.

Equitable acceded to Uys demands on the assumption that Uy, as the son-in-law of Intercos
majority stockholder,[15] was acting pursuant to Intercos orders. The bank also relied on
Uys status as a valued client.[16] Thus, Equitable accepted the checks for deposit in Uys
personal accounts[17] and stamped ALL PRIOR ENDORSEMENT AND/OR LACK OF
ENDORSEMENT GUARANTEED on their dorsal portion.[18] Uy promptly withdrew the
proceeds of the checks.

In October 1991, SSPI reminded Interco of the unpaid welding electrodes, amounting
to P985,234.98.[19] It reiterated its demand on January 14, 1992.[20] SSPI explained its
immediate need for payment as it was experiencing some financial crisis of its own. Interco
replied that it had already issued three checks payable to SSPI and drawn against
Equitable. SSPI denied receipt of these checks.
On August 6, 1992, SSPI requested information from Equitable regarding the three
checks. The bank refused to give any information invoking the confidentiality of

The records do not disclose the circumstances surrounding Intercos and SSPIs eventual
discovery of Uys scheme. Nevertheless, it was determined that Uy, not SSPI, received the
proceeds of the three checks that were payable to SSPI. Thus, on June 30, 1993 (twenty-
three months after the issuance of the three checks), Interco finally paid the value of the
three checks to SSPI, plus a portion of the accrued interests. Interco refused to pay the
entire accrued interest of P767,345.64 on the ground that it was not responsible for the
delay. Thus, SSPI was unable to collect P437,040.35 (at the contracted rate of 36% per
annum) in interest income.[22]

SSPI and its president, Pardo, filed a complaint for damages with application for a writ of
preliminary attachment against Uy and Equitable Bank. The complaint alleged that the
three crossed checks, all payable to the order of SSPI and with the notation account payee
only, could be deposited and encashed by SSPI only. However, due to Uys fraudulent
representations, and Equitables indispensable connivance or gross negligence, the
restrictive nature of the checks was ignored and the checks were deposited in Uys
account. Had the defendants not diverted the three checks in July 1991, the plaintiffs could
have used them in their business and earned money from them. Thus, the plaintiffs prayed
for an award of actual damages consisting of the unrealized interest income from the
proceeds of the checks for the two-year period that the defendants withheld the proceeds
from them (from July 1991 up to June 1993).[23]

In his personal capacity, Pardo claimed an award of P3 million as moral damages from the
defendants. He allegedly suffered hypertension, anxiety, and sleepless nights for fear that
the government would charge him for tax evasion or money laundering. He maintained
that defendants actions amounted to money laundering and that it unfairly implicated his
company in the scheme. As for his fear of tax evasion, Pardo explained that the Bureau of
Internal Revenue might notice a discrepancy between the financial reports of Interco
(which might have reported the checks as SSPIs income in 1991) and those of SSPI (which
reported the income only in 1993). Since Uy and Equitable were responsible for Pardos
worries, they should compensate him jointly and severally therefor.[24]

SSPI and Pardo also prayed for exemplary damages and attorneys fees.[25]
In support of their application for preliminary attachment, the plaintiffs alleged that the
defendants are guilty of fraud in incurring the obligation upon which the action was brought
and that there is no sufficient security for the claim sought to be enforced in this action.[26]

The trial court granted plaintiffs application.[27] It issued the writ of preliminary attachment
on September 20, 1993,[28] upon the filing of plaintiffs bond for P500,000.00. The sheriff
served and implemented the writ against the personal properties of both defendants.[29]
Upon Equitables motion and filing of a counter-bond, however, the trial court eventually
discharged the attachment[30] against it.[31]

Equitable then argued for the dismissal of the complaint for lack of cause of action. It
maintained that interest income is due only when it is expressly stipulated in writing. Since
Equitable and SSPI did not enter into any contract, Equitable is not liable for damages,
in the form of unobtained interest income, to SSPI.[32] Moreover, SSPIs acceptance of
Intercos payment on the sales invoices is a waiver or extinction of SSPIs cause of action
based on the three checks.[33]

Equitable further argued that it is not liable to SSPI because it accepted the three crossed
checks in good faith.[34] Equitable averred that, due to Uys close relations with the drawer
of the checks, the bank had basis to assume that the drawer authorized Uy to countermand
the original order stated in the check (that it can only be deposited in the named payees
account). Since only Uy is responsible for the fraudulent conversion of the checks, he
should reimburse Equitable for any amounts that it may be made liable to plaintiffs.[35]

The bank counter-claimed that SSPI is liable to it in damages for the wrongful and
malicious attachment of Equitables personal properties. The bank maintained that SSPI
knew that the allegation of fraud against the bank is a falsehood. Further, the bank is
financially capable to meet the plaintiffs claim should the latter receive a favorable
judgment. SSPI was aware that the preliminary attachment against the bank was
unnecessary, and intended only to humiliate or destroy the banks reputation.[36]

Meanwhile, Uy answered that the checks were negotiated to him; that he is a holder for
value of the checks and that he has a good title thereto.[37] He did not, however, explain
how he obtained the checks, from whom he obtained his title, and the value for which he
received them. During trial, Uy did not present any evidence but adopted Equitables
evidence as his own.

Ruling of the Regional Trial Court [38]

The RTC clarified that SSPIs cause of action against Uy and Equitable is for quasi-
delict. SSPI is not seeking to enforce payment on the undelivered checks from the
defendants, but to recover the damage that it sustained from the wrongful non-delivery of
the checks.[39]

The crossed checks belonged solely to the payee named therein, SSPI. Since SSPI did not
authorize anyone to receive payment in its behalf, Uy clearly had no title to the checks and
Equitable had no right to accept the said checks from Uy. Equitable was negligent in
permitting Uy to deposit the checks in his account without verifying Uys right to endorse
the crossed checks. The court reiterated that banks have the duty to scrutinize the checks
deposited with it, for a determination of their genuineness and regularity. The law holds
banks to a high standard because banks hold themselves out to the public as experts in the
field. Thus, the trial court found Equitables explanation regarding Uys close relations with
the drawer unacceptable.[40]

Uys conversion of the checks and Equitables negligence make them liable to compensate
SSPI for the actual damage it sustained. This damage consists of the income that SSPI
failed to realize during the delay.[41] The trial court then equated this unrealized income
with the interest income that SSPI failed to collect from Interco. Thus, it ordered Uy and
Equitable to pay, jointly and severally, the amount of P437,040.35 to SSPI as actual

It also ordered the defendants to pay exemplary damages of P500,000.00, attorneys fees
amounting to P200,000.00, as well as costs of suit.[43]

The trial court likewise found merit in Pardos claim for moral damages. It found that Pardo
suffered anxiety, sleepless nights, and hypertension in fear that he would face criminal
prosecution. The trial court awarded Pardo the amount of P3 million in moral damages.[44]

The dispositive portion of the trial courts Decision reads:

WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered in favor of plaintiffs Special Steel

Products, Inc., and Augusto L. Pardo and against defendants Equitable Banking
Corporation [and] Jose Isidoro Uy, alias Jolly Uy, ordering defendants to jointly
and severally pay plaintiffs the following:

1. P437,040.35 as actual damages;

2. P3,000,000.00 as moral damages to Augusto L. Pardo;
3. P500,000.00 as exemplary damages;
4. P200,000.00 as attorneys fees; and
5. Costs of suit.

Defendant EBCs counterclaim is hereby DISMISSED for lack of factual and

legal basis.

Likewise, the crossclaim filed by defendant EBC against defendant Jose Isidoro
Uy and the crossclaim filed by defendant Jose Isidoro Uy against defendant
EBC are hereby DISMISSED for lack of factual and legal basis.


Pasig City, May 4, 1998.[45]

The trial court denied Equitables motion for reconsideration in its Order dated November
19, 1998.[46]

Only Equitable appealed to the CA,[47] reiterating its defenses below.

Appealed Ruling of the Court of Appeals[48]

The appellate court found no merit in Equitables appeal.

It affirmed the trial courts ruling that SSPI had a cause of action for quasi-delict against
Equitable.[49] The CA noted that the three checks presented by Uy to Equitable were
crossed checks, and strictly made payable to SSPI only. This means that the checks could
only be deposited in the account of the named payee.[50] Thus, the CA found that Equitable
had the responsibility of ensuring that the crossed checks are deposited in SSPIs account
only. Equitable violated this duty when it allowed the deposit of the crossed checks in Uys

The CA found factual and legal basis to affirm the trial courts award of moral damages in
favor of Pardo.[52]

It likewise affirmed the award of exemplary damages and attorneys fees in favor of


1. Whether SSPI has a cause of action against Equitable for quasi-delict;

2. Whether SSPI can recover, as actual damages, the stipulated 36% per annum interest
from Equitable;

3. Whether speculative fears and imagined scenarios, which cause sleepless nights, may be
the basis for the award of moral damages; and

4. Whether the attachment of Equitables personal properties was wrongful.

Our Ruling

SSPIs cause of action

This case involves a complaint for damages based on quasi-delict. SSPI asserts that it did
not receive prompt payment from Interco in July 1991 because of Uys wilful and illegal
conversion of the checks payable to SSPI, and of Equitables gross negligence, which
facilitated Uys actions. The combined actions of the defendants deprived SSPI of interest
income on the said moneys from July 1991 until June 1993. Thus, SSPI claims damages
in the form of interest income for the said period from the parties who wilfully or
negligently withheld its money from it.

Equitable argues that SSPI cannot assert a right against the bank based on the undelivered
checks.[54] It cites provisions from the Negotiable Instruments Law and the case
of Development Bank of Rizal v. Sima Wei[55] to argue that a payee, who did not receive the
check, cannot require the drawee bank to pay it the sum stated on the checks.

Equitables argument is misplaced and beside the point. SSPIs cause of action is not based
on the three checks. SSPI does not ask Equitable or Uy to deliver to it the proceeds of the
checks as the rightful payee. SSPI does not assert a right based on the undelivered checks
or for breach of contract. Instead, it asserts a cause of action based on quasi-delict. A quasi-
delict is an act or omission, there being fault or negligence, which causes damage to
another. Quasi-delicts exist even without a contractual relation between the parties. The
courts below correctly ruled that SSPI has a cause of action for quasi-delict against

The checks that Interco issued in favor of SSPI were all crossed, made payable to SSPIs
order, and contained the notation account payee only. This creates a reasonable expectation
that the payee alone would receive the proceeds of the checks and that diversion of the
checks would be averted. This expectation arises from the accepted banking practice that
crossed checks are intended for deposit in the named payees account only and no
other.[56] At the very least, the nature of crossed checks should place a bank on notice that
it should exercise more caution or expend more than a cursory inquiry, to ascertain whether
the payee on the check has authorized the holder to deposit the same in a different
account. It is well to remember that [t]he banking system has become an indispensable
institution in the modern world and plays a vital role in the economic life of every civilized
society. Whether as mere passive entities for the safe-keeping and saving of money or as
active instruments of business and commerce, banks have attained an [sic] ubiquitous
presence among the people, who have come to regard them with respect and even gratitude
and, above all, trust and confidence. In this connection, it is important that banks should
guard against injury attributable to negligence or bad faith on its part. As repeatedly
emphasized, since the banking business is impressed with public interest, the trust and
confidence of the public in it is of paramount importance. Consequently, the highest degree
of diligence is expected, and high standards of integrity and performance are required of

Equitable did not observe the required degree of diligence expected of a banking institution
under the existing factual circumstances.

The fact that a person, other than the named payee of the crossed check, was presenting it
for deposit should have put the bank on guard. It should have verified if the payee (SSPI)
authorized the holder (Uy) to present the same in its behalf, or indorsed it to
him. Considering however, that the named payee does not have an account with Equitable
(hence, the latter has no specimen signature of SSPI by which to judge the genuineness of
its indorsement to Uy), the bank knowingly assumed the risk of relying solely on Uys word
that he had a good title to the three checks. Such misplaced reliance on empty words is
tantamount to gross negligence, which is the absence of or failure to exercise even slight
care or diligence, or the entire absence of care, evincing a thoughtless disregard of
consequences without exerting any effort to avoid them.[58]

Equitable contends that its knowledge that Uy is the son-in-law of the majority stockholder
of the drawer, Interco, made it safe to assume that the drawer authorized Uy
to countermand the order appearing on the check. In other words, Equitable theorizes that
Interco reconsidered its original order and decided to give the proceeds of the checks to
Uy.[59] That the bank arrived at this conclusion without anything on the face of the checks
to support it is demonstrative of its lack of caution. It is troubling that Equitable proceeded
with the transaction based only on its knowledge that Uy had close relations with
Interco. The bank did not even make inquiries with the drawer, Interco (whom the bank
considered a valued client), to verify Uys representation. The banking system is placed in
peril when bankers act out of blind faith and empty promises, without requiring proof of
the assertions and without making the appropriate inquiries. Had it only exercised due
diligence, Equitable could have saved both Interco and the named payee, SSPI, from the
trouble that the banks mislaid trust wrought for them.

Equitables pretension that there is nothing under the circumstances that rendered Uys title
to the checks questionable is outrageous. These are crossed checks, whose manner of
discharge, in banking practice, is restrictive and specific. Uys name does not appear
anywhere on the crossed checks. Equitable, not knowing the named payee on the check,
had no way of verifying for itself the alleged genuineness of the indorsement to Uy. The
checks bear nothing on their face that supports the belief that the drawer gave the checks
to Uy. Uys relationship to Intercos majority stockholder will not justify disregarding what
is clearly ordered on the checks.

Actual damages

For its role in the conversion of the checks, which deprived SSPI of the use thereof,
Equitable is solidarily liable with Uy to compensate SSPI for the damages it suffered.

Among the compensable damages are actual damages, which encompass the value of the
loss sustained by the plaintiff, and the profits that the plaintiff failed to obtain.[60] Interest
payments, which SSPI claims, fall under the second category of actual damages.

SSPI computed its claim for interest payments based on the interest rate stipulated in its
contract with Interco. It explained that the stipulated interest rate is the actual interest
income it had failed to obtain from Interco due to the defendants tortious conduct.
The Court finds the application of the stipulated interest rate erroneous.

SSPI did not recover interest payments at the stipulated rate from Interco because it agreed
that the delay was not Intercos fault, but that of the defendants. If that is the case, then
Interco is not in delay (at least not after issuance of the checks) and the stipulated interest
payments in their contract did not become operational. If Interco is not liable to pay for the
36% per annum interest rate, then SSPI did not lose that income. SSPI cannot lose
something that it was not entitled to in the first place. Thus, SSPIs claim that it was entitled
to interest income at the rate stipulated in its contract with Interco, as a measure of its actual
damage, is fallacious.

More importantly, the provisions of a contract generally take effect only among the parties,
their assigns and heirs.[61] SSPI cannot invoke the contractual stipulation on interest
payments against Equitable because it is neither a party to the contract, nor an assignee or
an heir to the contracting parties.

Nevertheless, it is clear that defendants actions deprived SSPI of the present use of its
money for a period of two years. SSPI is therefore entitled to obtain from the tortfeasors
the profits that it failed to obtain from July 1991 to June 1993. SSPI should recover interest
at the legal rate of 6% per annum,[62] this being an award for damages based on quasi-delict
and not for a loan or forbearance of money.

Moral damages
Both the trial and appellate courts awarded Pardo P3 million in moral damages. Pardo
claimed that he was frightened, anguished, and seriously anxious that the government
would prosecute him for money laundering and tax evasion because of defendants
actions.[63] In other words, he was worried about the repercussions that defendants actions
would have on him.

Equitable argues that Pardos fears are all imagined and should not be compensated. The
bank points out that none of Pardos fears panned out.[64]
Moral damages are recoverable only when they are the proximate result of the defendants
wrongful act or omission.[65] Both the trial and appellate courts found that Pardo indeed
suffered as a result of the diversion of the three checks. It does not matter that the things he
was worried and anxious about did not eventually materialize. It is rare for a person, who
is beset with mounting problems, to sift through his emotions and distinguish which fears
or anxieties he should or should not bother with. So long as the injured partys moral
sufferings are the result of the defendants actions, he may recover moral damages.

The Court, however, finds the award of P3 million excessive. Moral damages are given
not to punish the defendant but only to give the plaintiff the means to assuage his sufferings
with diversions and recreation.[66] We find that the award of P50,000.00[67] as moral
damages is reasonable under the circumstances.

Equitable to recover amounts from Uy

Equitable then insists on the allowance of their cross-claim against Uy. The bank argues
that it was Uy who was enriched by the entire scheme and should reimburse Equitable for
whatever amounts the Court might order it to pay in damages to SSPI.[68]
Equitable is correct. There is unjust enrichment when (1) a person is unjustly benefited,
and (2) such benefit is derived at the expense of or with damages to another.[69] In the
instant case, the fraudulent scheme concocted by Uy allowed him to improperly receive
the proceeds of the three crossed checks and enjoy the profits from these proceeds during
the entire time that it was withheld from SSPI. Equitable, through its gross negligence and
mislaid trust on Uy, became an unwitting instrument in Uys scheme. Equitables fault
renders it solidarily liable with Uy, insofar as respondents are concerned. Nevertheless, as
between Equitable and Uy, Equitable should be allowed to recover from Uy whatever
amounts Equitable may be made to pay under the judgment. It is clear that Equitable did
not profit in Uys scheme. Disallowing Equitables cross-claim against Uy is tantamount to
allowing Uy to unjustly enrich himself at the expense of Equitable. For this reason, the
Court allows Equitables cross-claim against Uy.

Preliminary attachment

Equitable next assails as error the trial courts dismissal of its counter-claim for wrongful
preliminary attachment. It maintains that, contrary to SSPIs allegation in its application for
the writ, there is no showing whatsoever that Equitable was guilty of fraud in allowing Uy
to deposit the checks. Thus, the trial court should not have issued the writ of preliminary
attachment in favor of SSPI. The wrongful attachment compelled Equitable to incur
expenses for a counter-bond, amounting to P30,204.26, and caused it to sustain damage,
amounting to P5 million, to its goodwill and business credit.[70]

SSPI submitted the following affidavit in support of its application for a writ of preliminary

I, Augusto L. Pardo, of legal age, under oath hereby depose and declare:

1. I am one of the plaintiffs in the above-entitled case; the other plaintiff

is our family corporation, Special Steel Products, Inc., of which I am the
president and majority stockholder; I caused the preparation of the foregoing
Complaint, the allegations of which I have read, and which I hereby affirm to
be true and correct out of my own personal knowledge;

2. The corporation and I have a sufficient cause of action against

defendants Isidoro Uy alias Jolly Uy and Equitable Banking Corporation, who
are guilty of fraud in incurring the obligation upon which this action is
brought, as particularly alleged in the Complaint, which allegations I hereby
adopt and reproduce herein;

3. There is no sufficient security for our claim in this action and that the
amount due us is as much as the sum for which the order is granted above all
legal counterclaims;
4. We are ready and able to put up a bond executed to the defendants in
an amount to be fixed by the Court[,] conditioned on the payment of all costs[,]
which may be adjudged to defendants[,] and all damages[,] which they may
sustain by reason of the attachment of the court, should [the court] finally
adjudge that we are not entitled thereto.[71]

The complaint (to which the supporting affidavit refers) cites the following factual
circumstances to justify SSPIs application:

6. x x x Yet, notwithstanding the fact that SPECIAL STEEL did not

open an account with EQUITABLE BANK as already alleged, thru its
connivance with defendant UY in his fraudulent scheme to defraud SPECIAL
STEEL, or at least thru its gross negligence EQUITABLE BANK consented
to or allowed the opening of Account No. 18841-2 at its head office and
Account No. 03474-0 at its Ermita Branch in the name of SPECIAL STEEL
without the latters knowledge, let alone authority or consent, but obviously on
the bases of spurious or falsified documents submitted by UY or under his
authority, which documents EQUITABLE BANK did not bother to verify or
check their authenticity with SPECIAL STEEL.[72]


9. On August 6, 1992, plaintiffs, thru counsel, wrote EQUITABLE

BANK about the fraudulent transactions involving the aforesaid checks, which
could not have been perpetrated without its indispensable participation and
cooperation, or gross negligence, and therein solicited its cooperation in
securing information as to the anomalous and irregular opening of the false
accounts maintained in SPECIAL STEELs name, but EQUITABLE BANK
malevolently shirking from its responsibility to prevent the further perpetration
of fraud, conveniently, albeit unjustifiably, invoked the confidentiality of the
deposits and refused to give any information, and accordingly denied SPECIAL
STEELs valid request, thereby knowingly shielding the identity of the
ma[le]factors involved [in] the unlawful and fraudulent transactions.[73]

The above affidavit and the allegations of the complaint are bereft of specific and definite
allegations of fraud against Equitable that would justify the attachment of its properties. In
fact, SSPI admits its uncertainty whether Equitables participation in the transactions
involved fraud or was a result of its negligence. Despite such uncertainty with respect to
Equitables participation, SSPI applied for and obtained a preliminary attachment of
Equitables properties on the ground of fraud. We believe that such preliminary attachment
was wrongful. [A] writ of preliminary attachment is too harsh a provisional remedy to be
issued based on mere abstractions of fraud. Rather, the rules require that for the writ to
issue, there must be a recitation of clear and concrete factual circumstances manifesting
that the debtor practiced fraud upon the creditor at the time of the execution of their
agreement in that said debtor had a preconceived plan or intention not to pay the
creditor.[74] No proof was adduced tending to show that Equitable had a preconceived plan
not to pay SSPI or had knowingly participated in Uys scheme.

That the plaintiffs eventually obtained a judgment in their favor does not detract
from the wrongfulness of the preliminary attachment. While the evidence warrants [a]
judgment in favor of [the] applicant, the proofs may nevertheless also establish that said
applicants proffered ground for attachment was inexistent or specious, and hence, the writ
should not have issued at all x x x.[75]

For such wrongful preliminary attachment, plaintiffs may be held liable for
damages. However, Equitable is entitled only to such damages as its evidence would
allow,[76] for the wrongfulness of an attachment does not automatically warrant the award
of damages. The debtor still has the burden of proving the nature and extent of the injury
that it suffered by reason of the wrongful attachment.[77]

The Court has gone over the records and found that Equitable has duly proved its claim
for, and is entitled to recover, actual damages. In order to lift the wrongful attachment of
Equitables properties, the bank was compelled to pay the total amount of P30,204.26 in
premiums for a counter-bond.[78] However, Equitable failed to prove that it sustained
damage to its goodwill and business credit in consequence of the alleged wrongful
attachment. There was no proof of Equitables contention that respondents actions caused
it public embarrassment and a bank run.

WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Petition is PARTIALLY GRANTED. The

assailed October 13, 2006 Decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 62425

1. REDUCING the award of actual damages to respondents to the rate of 6% per

annum of the value of the three checks from July 1991 to June 1993 or a period of twenty-
three months;

2. REDUCING the award of moral damages in favor of Augusto L. Pardo

from P3,000,000.00 to P 50,000.00; and

3. REVERSING the dismissal of Equitable Banking Corporations cross-claim

against Jose Isidoro Uy, alias Jolly Uy. Jolly Uy is
hereby ORDERED to REIMBURSE Equitable Banking Corporation the amounts that
the latter will pay to respondents.

Additionally, the Court hereby REVERSES the dismissal of Equitable Banking

Corporations counterclaim for damages against Special Steel Products, Inc. This
Court ORDERS Special Steel Products, Inc. to PAY Equitable Banking
Corporation actual damages in the total amount of P30,204.36, for the wrongful
preliminary attachment of its properties.
The rest of the assailed Decision is AFFIRMED.


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