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remote sensing

A New Method for the Estimation of Broadband
Apparent Albedo Using Hyperspectral Airborne
Hemispherical Directional Reflectance Factor Values
Javier F. Calleja 1, *, Carmen Recondo 2,3 , Juanjo Peón 2 , Susana Fernández 4 ,
Fernando de la Cruz 5 and José González-Piqueras 6

1 Departamento de Física, Universidad de Oviedo, Calvo Sotelo s/n, 33007 Oviedo, Spain
2 Área de Ingeniería Cartográfica, Geodésica y Fotogrametría, Departamento de Explotación y Prospección de
Minas, Universidad de Oviedo, Gonzalo Gutiérrez Quirós s/n, 33600 Mieres, Spain; (C.R.); (J.P.)
3 Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Ordenación del Territorio (INDUROT), Universidad de Oviedo,
Gonzalo Gutiérrez Quirós s/n, 33600 Mieres, Spain
4 Departamento de Geología, Universidad de Oviedo, Jesús Arias de Velasco s/n, 33005 Oviedo, Spain;
5 Instituto Técnico Agronómico Provincial (ITAP), Polígono Industrial Campollano, Avda.2ª, No. 42B,
02007 Albacete, Spain;
6 Instituto Desarrollo Regional (IDR), Grupo Teledetección y SIG, Universidad Castilla La Mancha,
Campus Universitario s/n, 02071 Albacete, Spain;
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +34-985458136

Academic Editors: Eyal Ben-Dor, Magaly Koch and Prasad S. Thenkabail

Received: 15 July 2015; Accepted: 14 February 2016; Published: 25 February 2016

Abstract: The broadband albedo values retrieved from satellite sensors are usually compared
directly to ground measurements. Some authors have noted the necessity of high spatial resolution
albedo estimates to fill the gap between ground measurements and satellite retrievals. In this
respect, hyperspectral airborne data with high spatial resolution is a powerful tool. Here, a new
operational method for the calculation of airborne broadband apparent albedo over the spectral range
of 350–2500 nm is presented. This new method uses the Hemispherical Directional Reflectance Factor
(HDRF) as a proxy for the narrowband albedo, assuming a Lambertian approximation. The broadband
apparent albedo obtained is compared to that estimated using theapparent albedo equation devised
for the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). Airborne data were collected
using the Airborne Hyperspectral Scanner (AHS). Field data were acquired at three sites: a camelina
field, a green grass field, and a vineyard. The HDRF can be used to approximate the narrowband
albedo for all View Zenith Angle (VZA) values for flights parallel to the solar principal plane (SPP);
for flights orthogonal to the SPP, discrepancies are observed when the VZA approaches ´45˝ . Root
Mean Square Error (RMSE) values in the range 0.009–0.018 were obtained using the new method,
improving upon previous results over the same area (RMSEs of 0.01–0.03). The relative error in the
albedo estimation using the new method is 12% for ´36.2˝ < VZA < 40.8˝ in the case of flights parallel
to the SPP and less than 15% for ´13˝ < VZA < 45˝ and 45% for VZA = ´45˝ for flights orthogonal to
the SPP. The good performance of the new method lies in the use of the at-surface solar irradiance
and the proposed integration method.

Keywords: broadband albedo; HDRF; validation; AHS

Remote Sens. 2016, 8, 183; doi:10.3390/rs8030183

Remote Sens. 2016, 8, 183 2 of 29

1. Introduction
Land surface albedo is a key parameter in the Earth’s surface energy balance and climate studies.
It is an input required in the surface energy balance (SEB) and evapotranspiration (ET) models used
for agricultural and water resource management, as well as in the global climate models (GCM) and
weather forecasting models [1,2]. However, different models compute surface albedo differently and
yield albedo values with a large spread [3]. This spread is a major source of uncertainty in radiative
transfer calculations [4,5], current climatic modeling [6], and ET estimations [7].
The different SEB models provide estimates of instantaneous surface fluxes by solving the energy
balance equation for net radiation (Rn), soil heat flux (G), sensible heat (H), and latent heat (LE).
They have in common the estimation of net radiation [8,9] but use different approaches to estimate
H and LE. Some models use the stability functions for separating canopy and soil transpiration [1]
by means of internal calibration of extreme temperatures within the scene [2,10]; other models avoid
the stability theory functions by using the evaporative fraction [11]. In all these SEB models, net
radiation is computed from the albedo, the incoming shortwave radiation and the incoming longwave
radiation [8]. The typical uncertainty in the net radiation estimate in agricultural areas using remote
sensing data is between 5% and 15%, which corresponds to an error between 15% and 30% in LE and
H fluxes [9,12]. Despite this sensitivity, the only research analyzing the impact of albedo accuracy has
been performed with respect to the evaporative fraction-based models [7]. This research has found
relative errors for H and LE ranging from 23% to 39% and 6% to 18%, respectively, for the same albedo
range presented in this work. This analysis is out of the scope of this work, but the discussion of
the operative approaches used to calculate the broadband albedo and the influence of the angular
observations should be conducted to account for its impact on the cited models.
Currently, hyperspectral and high-resolution imagery is complementing operational
multi-spectral and low to medium spatial resolution images, such as those produced by Landsat
(30 m, six optical bands), MODIS (500 m, seven bands), and the future Sentinel-3 (500 m, 11 bands),
in precision agriculture, modern studies of SEB and ET estimation, and mapping or other local
studies focusing on water management and nutrient supply. Therefore, it is necessary to obtain new
operational methods for the albedo calculation, similar to those proposed by Tasumi et al. [13], but
using specific coefficients for the numerous bands of these images.
The algorithms for estimating surface broadband albedo can be classified in four categories [14]:
Narrow-to-Broadband conversions, Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) angular
modeling, Direct-Estimation algorithms, and algorithms specially developed for geostationary
satellites. Narrow-to-Broadband albedo algorithms assume that the land is Lambertian. The broadband
albedo can then be estimated from linear combinations of narrowband albedo with different coefficients.
Liang [15] proposed a formula to obtain shortwave (300 to 3000 nm) surface broadband apparent
albedo from narrowband albedo for MODIS:

ρ “ 0.160 ρ1 ` 0.291ρ2 ` 0.243ρ3 ` 0.116ρ4 ` 0.112ρ5 ` 0.081ρ7 ´ 0.0015 (1)

where ρ is the broadband albedo and ρi is the spectral albedo of the MODIS band i.
Equation (1) has been applied to the Airborne Hyperspectral Scanner AHS in spite of the
spectral mismatch between MODIS bands and AHS channels. When applied to AHS, Equation (1)
becomes [7,16]

ρ “ 0.160 ρ8 ` 0.291ρ15 ` 0.243ρ2 ` 0.116ρ5 ` 0.112ρ20 ` 0.081ρ35 ´ 0.0015 (2)

where ρ is the broadband albedo and ρ¡ is the narrowband albedo of channel i. The coefficients in
Equation (1) are calculated through extensive radiative transfer modeling using measured reflectance
spectra and simulated solar radiative fluxes. The main advantage of this approach is that broadband
albedo can be estimated from a single observation. Some authors calculate the broadband albedo
Remote Sens. 2016, 8, 183 3 of 29

by integrating the at-surface reflectance across the shortwave spectrum [13]. The coefficients in this
case are calculated using a simulated at-surface solar irradiance. These methods have been proven to
be very useful. The method proposed by Tasumi et al. [13] is currently one of the most used, and it
has been implemented in the operational applications of the METRIC (Mapping Evapotranspiration
with Internalized Calibration) model [2]. In the BRDF modeling approach, the surface is not assumed
to be Lambertian; thus, it is necessary to build a BRDF model that describes the surface reflectance
with different solar and view angles. Narrowband albedo is calculated by integrating the BRDF over
the solar and view hemispheres. The broadband albedo is then calculated as a linear combination
of the narrowband albedo with different coefficients. The linear combination is found using the
same procedure as in the Narrow-to-Broadband albedo algorithm. This is the procedure used to
generate the MODIS BRDF/Albedo products [17] using multi-angular MODIS data collected during a
16-day observation cycle. The broadband inherent albedo is calculated using the linear combination of
narrowband albedo proposed in Liang et al. [18]. This algorithm requires multiangular data; thus, it
cannot be applied to a single observation. The Direct-Estimation algorithm is based on calculating
the broadband albedo from the apparent reflectance without the need for atmospheric correction.
The broadband albedo is calculated as a linear combination of apparent reflectance at certain specific
bands. This procedure was applied to MODIS [18] and has recently been applied to the Airborne Visible
Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) [19]. This algorithm can be applied to a single observation.
It requires extensive radiative transfer modeling to simulate the surface albedo and the surface apparent
reflectance. Broadband albedo estimates from geostationary satellites are quite different from the
previous methods, but they also require BRDF modeling and Narrow-to-Broadband conversion.
Although the Lambertian approximation has been extensively used [15,20], real surfaces are
non-Lambertian and their directional reflectance depends on illumination and viewing directions.
The non-Lambertian behavior of vegetated surfaces is well documented and the anisotropy in
reflectance has been documented from field measurements [21–23] and remote sensing data [22–25].
The anisotropy in reflectance is mainly caused by canopy structure and architectural properties. In this
respect, BRDF in semiempirical models is expressed as a linear combination of three contributions [26]:
a constant corresponding to isotropic reflectance, the volume scattering from canopy and the
geometric-optical surface scattering from 3D objects casting shadows. The maximum values of
reflectance are obtained for the highest VZA, where only the upper and most illuminated top of the
canopies are seen by the sensor. This is the so-called gap effect. The gap effect is more important for
dense and high canopies [22–24] and is observed along any viewing direction. The combination of the
gap effect and the effect of shadows is responsible for the anisotropy in the reflectance. The influence
of shadows depends on the viewing direction and on the solar zenith angle (SZA). When reflectance is
measured along the plane orthogonal to the solar principal plane, the shadow pattern is symmetrical
with respect to the nadir view, yielding a symmetrical reflectance with respect to the nadir-viewing
direction [22]. When reflectance is measured along the solar principal plane, shaded areas are detected
from the forward scattering direction, producing a decrease in the radiance received by the sensor.
However, shaded areas disappear for areas observed from the backscattering direction. This produces
a high anisotropy in reflectance measured along the solar principal plane [21–24]. Regarding the SZA,
increasing values of the SZA cause an increase of shaded areas with the corresponding decrease in
reflectance [22,24]. Furthermore, the impact of shadows depends on the instantaneous field of view
(IFOV) of the sensor [24], which determines the size of the ground sample distance (the size of a
pixel of a remote sensing image). A larger ground sample distance gives rise to a mixture of signal
from illuminated and shaded areas and thus diminishes the magnitude of reflectance anisotropy [25].
On the other hand, smaller ground sample distance increases the contribution of shadows to the
reflectance anisotropy [25]. In addition to this, the reflectance anisotropy depends on the wavelength
of the radiation. For instance, geometric-optical effects have less influence on the NIR due to increased
multiple scattering [22–24]. In this paper, we use HDRF as a proxy for the narrowband albedo,
assuming a Lambertian approximation. The approximation is expected to be valid when the HDRF
Remote Sens. 2016, 8, 183 4 of 29

depends only slightly on the viewing direction and the SZA. We carry out a study of the dependence
of the airborne HDRF on the viewing direction and on the SZA to establish the limiting conditions
of the approximation. Then, we perform a statistical analysis of the error in the broadband albedo
obtained using the HDRF.
Regarding validation of albedo data retrieved from remote sensing sensors, medium/coarse
resolution satellite-retrieved albedo data are usually compared directly to ground measurements.
Some authors have noted the necessity of high spatial resolution albedo estimates to fill the gap
between ground measurements and satellite retrievals [19,27]. Some improvements have already
been introduced into the validation of Landsat and MODIS albedo using airborne albedo retrievals
as an intermediate step between ground and satellite data [28]. However, an easy-to-use algorithm
to estimate the apparent albedo from airborne hyperspectral data is still lacking. In this work, we
intend to fill this gap. From our perspective, to say that a method is easy to use means that the
method can be applied to a single observation and does not require intensive radiative modeling.
The Narrow-to-Broadband and the Direct-Estimation algorithms require extensive radiative modeling
and rely on simulated solar fluxes. The BRDF modeling approach demands multiangular observations.
The objective of this work is to develop a new procedure to calculate the broadband apparent
albedo from airborne data using a single observation (a single image) and using the Hemispherical
Directional Reflectance Factor (HDRF) as a proxy for the narrowband albedo. It is also our purpose
to determine the experimental conditions under which this procedure can be applied because of the
non-Lambertian nature of real surfaces. We are interested in the broadband apparent albedo because
this is the product that can be directly compared to field data [13,18]. We intend to use the HDRF
because it is the product that results from the atmospheric correction when using the Atmospheric and
Topographic Correction software (ATCOR4) [29,30]. We calculate the broadband apparent albedo as
a linear combination of the spectral HDRF. The coefficients of the linear combination are calculated
by integrating the spectral HDRF using measured downwelling reflected irradiance over a white
reference panel. This new procedure is then compared to the broadband apparent albedo estimated
using Equation (2). This comparison is carried out because, as previously noted, Equation (2) has been
used despite the spectral mismatch between the AHS and MODIS sensors.
The fact that the new procedure to estimate the broadband albedo proposed in this work can be
applied to a single observation implies that no BRDF modeling is needed.

2. Materials and Methods

In this work we investigate the dependence of the HDRF on the viewing direction and on the SZA
to check the validity of the approximation consisting of using the HDRF as a proxy for the narrowband
albedo. We then proceed with the narrow to broadband albedo conversion using the HDRF as a
proxy for the narrowband albedo. The narrow to broadband conversion is performed by applying
two algorithms. The first algorithm is a new method proposed by the authors. The second algorithm
is based on the equation proposed for MODIS broadband apparent albedo, which has been applied
to AHS by other authors (Equation (2)) [7,16]. We then proceed with the validation, the estimation
of the errors and the discussion. Figure 1 shows a flow chart of the procedure followed in this paper.
Because we use an approximation that consists of considering HDRF to be independent of the viewing
direction, the validation is carried out as a function of the viewing direction to check the validity of
this approximation.
Remote Sens. 2016, 8, 183 5 of 29
Remote Sens. 2016, 8, 183 5 of 29

Figure 1. Flow 1. Flow
chart charttwo
of the of theprocedures
two proceduresfor
for estimating
estimatingthe broadband apparent albedo.
the broadband apparent albedo.
2.1. Theory
2.1. Theory The broadband apparent albedo (at an incident solar zenith angle θ and for a wavelength
range Λ) is defined as follows [18]:
The broadband apparent albedo ρ A (at an incident solar zenith angle θ and for a wavelength
( , ) ( , )
range Λ) is defined as follows [18]: ( , )= =
( , )
, (3)

where Fu is the broadband upwelling energyş λflux reflected by a unit surface into the whole
hemisphere and Fd is the broadband downwelling ρ pθ, λq
λlincident Fd pθ,
energy fordλ
fluxλq a hemispherical angular
pθ, Λq “ Fu( , λ)=
ρ A irradiance).
extent (at-surface solar “ ( , )ş λ ( , ) and Fd( , λ) are the corresponding (3)
F u
λl F(narrowband
spectral energy fluxes, and ρ( ,λ) is thed spectral albedo d pθ, λq dλ albedo). λu and λl are the
upper and lower limits, respectively, of the interval Λ of the electromagnetic spectrum over which
where Fu is the the broadband albedo is calculated.
broadband upwelling energy flux reflected by a unit surface into the whole hemisphere
Let us assume ρ(θ,λ) is a continuous piecewise function that attains a constant value over an
and Fd is the broadband
interval equal to downwelling
the bandwidth of each incident energy
of the channels fluxof the
or bands forsensor.
a hemispherical
Then, Equation (3)angular extent
(at-surface solarcan be written as follows:
irradiance). F (θ,λ)=ρ pθ, λq F pθ, λq and F (θ,λ) are the corresponding spectral energy
u d d
( , )
fluxes, and ρ(θ,λ) is the spectral albedo = = (narrowband
∑ albedo).
=∑ λ, u and λl are the (4) upper and lower
( , )
limits, respectively, of the interval Λ of the electromagnetic spectrum over which the broadband albedo
is calculated. where N is the number of bands or channels of the sensor, λuc and λlc are the upper and lower
wavelengths of the c channel, ρc is the narrowband albedo of the c channel, and c is the relative
Let us assume
weight ρ(θ,λ) isc ain continuous
of channel the whole spectralpiecewise function
range considered. thatthe
To calculate attains a constant
broadband albedo, we value over an
interval equal to the bandwidth of each of the channels or bands of the sensor. channel
need to know the at-surface solar irradiance, the upper and lower wavelengths of each Then, ofEquation (3) can
the sensor, and the narrowband albedo. The at-surface solar irradiance can be measured using a
be written as follows:
spectroradiometer, and λuc and λlc can be şestimated from the spectral response functions of the
“N λuc c“ForN the sake of clarity in the
sensor. The main problem F is the estimation
u λ theFnarrowband
of d pθ, λq dλalbedo.ÿ
ρA “ “ ρc ş λlc “ ρc ωc (4)
Fd u
Fd pθ, λq dλ
c “1 λl c “1

where N is the number of bands or channels of the sensor, λuc and λlc are the upper and lower
wavelengths of the c channel, ρc is the narrowband albedo of the c channel, and ω c is the relative
weight of channel c in the whole spectral range considered. To calculate the broadband albedo, we
need to know the at-surface solar irradiance, the upper and lower wavelengths of each channel of
the sensor, and the narrowband albedo. The at-surface solar irradiance can be measured using a
spectroradiometer, and λuc and λlc can be estimated from the spectral response functions of the sensor.
The main problem is the estimation of the narrowband albedo. For the sake of clarity in the equations
below, we omit the dependence on λ, and it is understood that all the physical quantities are spectral quantities.
The Hemispherical Directional Reflectance Factor (HDRF) is defined as follows [30,31]:
ş2π ş π{2
π 0 0 f r pθi , φi , θr , φr q Li cosθi sinθi dθi dφi
HDRF “ ş2π ş π{2 (5)
0 0 Li cosθi sinθi dθi dφi
Remote Sens. 2016, 8, 183 6 of 29

where fr (θ i , φi , θ r , φr ) is the BRDF (Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function), Li (θ i , φi ) is the

incident radiance, θ i and φi are the angles defining the incident radiation direction (illumination
direction), and θ r and φr give the direction of the reflected radiation (the viewing direction).
On the other hand, the spectral albedo is the so-called BiHemispherical Reflectance (BHR), defined
as follows [30,31]:
ş2π ş π{2 ş2π ş π{2
0 0 0 0 f r cosθr sinθr dθr dφr Li cosθi sinθi dθi dφi
ρc “ BHR “ ş2π ş π{2 (6)
0 0 Li cosθi sinθi dθi dφi

It is clear from Equations (5) and (6) that the spectral albedo is the integration of the HDRF over
the viewing hemisphere. Both physical quantities are identical for a uniform Lambertian surface, as
we show below. According to Nicodemus et al. [32] a Lambertian surface is one for which the reflected
radiance is isotropic, with the same value for all directions (θ r , φr ) regardless of how it is irradiated.
This is possible only when fr = fr,d is a constant [32]. In what follows, the subscript d is used when
referring to a Lambertian surface, so HDRFd , ρcd , BHRd , and fr,d denote the HDRF, ρc , BHR, and BRDF
of a Lambertian surface. Therefore, for a Lambertian surface, Equation (5) can be written as follows:

ş2π ş 2
π f r,d pθi , φi , θr , φr q Li cosθi sinθi dθi dφi
0 0
HDRFd “ π
ş2π ş 2
0 0 Li cosθi sinθi dθi dφi (7)
π f r,d 0 02 Li cosθi sinθi dθi dφi
ş2π ş
“ π “ π f r,d
ş2π ş 2
L cosθ sinθ dθ dφ
0 0 i i i i i

The BiHemispherical Reflectance for a Lambertian surface is:

ş2π ş π{2 ş2π ş π{2
0 0 0 0 f r,d cosθr sinθr dθr dφr Li cosθi sinθi dθi dφi
ρcd “ BHRd “ ş2π ş π{2
0 0 Li cosθi sinθi dθi dφi
π (8)
ş2π ş 2
f r,d 0 0 cosθr sinθr dθr dφr Li cosθi sinθi dθi dφi
“ ş2π ş π{2
0 0 Li cosθi sinθi dθi dφi

Because the incident radiance Li does not depend on pθr , φr q, Equation (8) becomes:
ş2π ş π{2 ş2π ş π{2
f r,d 0 0 cosθr sinθr dθr dφr 0 0 Li cosθi sinθi dθi dφi
ρcd “ BHRd “ ş2π ş π{2 “ π f r,d (9)
0 0 Li cosθi sinθi dθi dφi

From Equations (7) and (9) we conclude that for a Lambertian surface the Hemispherical
Directional Reflectance Factor and the BiHemispherical Reflectance (spectral albedo) are identical,
HDRFd = BHRd . This result was also discussed in Nicodemus et al. [32] and has been used to
simplify the equations of radiative transfer models when applied to a uniform Lambertian surface [33].
To calculate the spectral albedo, the BRDF must be known. This is a difficult task that requires the
measurement of the incident and reflected energy fluxes in several directions. In this work we use
the HDRF as a proxy for the narrowband (spectral) albedo, so the broadband apparent albedo can be
calculated as follows:
“N cÿ
ρA “ “ ρc ωc “ pHDRFqc ωc (10)
c“1 c“1
Remote Sens. 2016, 8, 183 7 of 29

where HDRF is the Hemispherical Directional Reflectance Factor of band or channel c and ωc is the
relative weight of band or channel c.

2.2. Study Area

The study area is the well-known Barrax site, located in the La Mancha region of southern Spain,
20 km west of Albacete. Because the area comprises large homogeneous land cover units and because
the terrain is flat, it is a suitable test site for remote sensing applications. Approximately 65% of the
area is dry land and 35% is irrigated and cultivated with different crops. Field measurements were
restricted to the Las Tiesas Experimental Farm (39˝ 31 33”N, 2˝ 61 5”W, elevation ca. 700 m above sea
level), which includes various land use types such as bare soil, vineyard, maize, barley, wheat, poppy,
sunflower, walnut and pistachio orchards, forest nursery, and camelina. The climate is Mediterranean,
with a low average annual rainfall (400 mm), which is mainly concentrated in spring and autumn.
During the summer, daytime temperatures above 40 ˝ C are frequent.

2.3. Field Data

Several experiments were conducted over the Las Tiesas Experimental Farm during the Regional
Experiments For Land-atmosphere EXchanges (REFLEX) [34]. In this paper, we focus on the
radiometric measurements in the solar range. Nadir reflectance measurements from 350 to 2500 nm,
with a resolution of 1 nm, were performed using an Analytical Spectral Devices (ASD) FieldSpec 3
instrument. On 25 July 2012, measurements were taken consecutively over several targets—poppy,
bare soil, stubble, black fabric, green grass, hay bales, and water—starting at 8:25 UTC and finishing
at 11:02 UTC. On 26 July 2012, measurements were taken over stubble, black fabric, and green grass
consecutively, starting at 8:30 UTC and finishing at 9:10 UTC. The measurement procedure included
pointing the ASD instrument at the target and at a white reference panel. In this paper, we use ASD
nadir measurements over the white reference panel to obtain the downwelling reflected irradiance
from which to calculate the weighting coefficients of Equation (10). Because the white reference panel
is supposed to behave as an ideal Lambertian flat surface, the reflectance spectrum obtained in the
field over the white reference panel is corrected with a calibration file to ensure a 100% reflectance at
all wavelengths.
Broadband albedo was measured at three sites during the campaign: a camelina field, a green grass
field, and a vineyard. Broadband albedo at the camelina field was acquired with a four component
CNR1 radiometer (Kipp & Zonen) at a height of 1 m above the ground. The measurements were
recorded every 10 min from 7:10 UTC until 19:00 UTC on 25–26 July 2012. In the Green Grass field, a
four component CNR1 radiometer (Kipp & Zonen) was used. The sensor was placed 2 m above the
ground and measurements were recorded every minute from 6 UTC until 19:00 UTC on 25 July 2012
and from 6:00 UTC 12:00 UTC on 26 July 2012. In the Vineyard a CNR1 radiometer (Kipp & Zonen)
was used, with the sensor at a height of 4 m above the ground, and the data were recorded every
hour from 6:00 UTC until 19:00 UTC on 25–26 July 2012. At the three sites, the broadband albedo
was calculated as the ratio of shortwave outgoing energy flux to shortwave incoming energy flux.
In these instruments, the diameter of the circular area that contributes 99% of the measured flux is
approximately 10 times the sensor height [35,36]; this guarantees that the measured albedo at the three
sites is representative of the plot.
To compare the airborne albedos to the field measurements, both values must be as close in time
as possible. We need to know the dependence of albedo on SZA to interpolate the field albedo values
for the time of the flights. A thorough analysis of the parameterization of the albedo as a function
of the SZA has already been carried out by other authors [37]. According to the original work by
Dickinson for vegetation [38] and its successive variations that include all snow-free types of surfaces,
different spectral ranges, and different seasons, [39] the albedo (ρ) can be parameterized as a function
of the SZA as follows:
ρ pSZAq “ a (11)
1 ` 2dcos SZA
Remote Sens. 2016, 8, 183 8 of 29

where a (cos SZA at 60˝ ) and d are two constants that can be adjusted to each type of surface (and, in
the case of a, also to the spectral range and to the month or season of the year).

2.4. Airborne Data

Airborne data were collected by an Airborne Hyperspectral Scanner (AHS, Argon ST, Fairfax, VA,
USA) mounted on the CASA 212–200 N/S 270 airplane, property of Spanish INTA (Instituto Nacional
de Técnica Aeroespacial). Flights were performed on 25–26 July 2012 [34]. All the images were then
georeferenced and the pixel size fixed depending on the altitude above the ground. The time of the
flights, altitude above the ground, pixel size, and the flight line direction with respect to the solar
principal plane (either parallel or orthogonal) are summarized in Table 1. The general pattern of the
flight lines over the study area on 25 July is shown in Figure 2. The same pattern was followed on
26 July. Due to windy conditions, the flight on 25 July at 9:19 UTC was repeated at 9:28 UTC following
the same flight line but in the opposite direction; hence, five flight lines are shown in Figure 2, but
six flights are listed in Table 1.

Table 1. The date, time of the flights, altitude above the ground, pixel size (PS), and flight line with
respect to the solar principal plane for all the flights. The flight lines are parallel (P) or orthogonal (O)
to the solar principal plane.

Remote Sens. 2016, 8, 183 25 July 2012 26 July 2012 9 of 29

Time (UTC) Altitude (m) PS (m) Flight Line Time (UTC) Altitude (m) PS (m) Flight Line
8:43 in the
1000case of the3flights orthogonal
O to the 8:43
solar principal1000
plane. In Figure
3 3a, VZA O 1 > 0,
8:51 1000 3 P 9:09 2000 5 P
9:02VZA 2 < 0. In the
2000 case of the
5 flights along
P the solar principal
9:19 plane,
2000 no distinction
5 can be made
between forward 2000
and backward5 scatteringP directions, 9:27
and we 2000 that the 5VZA is positive
assumed O
9:19 2000 5 P 9:40 1000 3 P
when9:28the target is located southwards
2000 5 of the
P flight line and negative when located northwards. In
9:38 2000 5 O
the case
9:46 of Figure20003b and for the5 time of the O flights in this work (the sun is to the east), VZA1 < 0 and
VZA2 > 0.

Figure 2. Flight
2. Flight lines
lines overthe
over thestudy
on 25
25 July
July 2012.
2012. Flights
marked inin
blue areare
blue parallel to the
parallel to the
solar principal plane; those in red are perpendicular to the solar principal
solar principal plane; those in red are perpendicular to the solar principal plane. plane.
Remote Sens. 2016, 8, 183 9 of 29

position of 8,the
Sens. 2016, 183 target being observed by the sensor with respect to the solar principal 9 of 29 plane

plays a very important role in the discussion of our results. Figure 3 provides a detailed description of
distinguished in the case of the flights orthogonal to the solar principal plane. In Figure 3a, VZA1 > 0,
the parameters
while VZA involved in the airborne data acquisition. The solar principal plane is defined as the
2 < 0. In the case of the flights along the solar principal plane, no distinction can be made
plane that contains the sun,
between forward and backward the target,scattering
and the directions,
normal toand the we
target. Because
assumed that the
the AHS
VZA isis positive
a whiskbroom
line scanner,
when allthethe targets
target lie along
is located a line perpendicular
southwards of the flight line to andthe flight direction.
negative when located In northwards.
Figure 3, two In targets,
the case of Figure 3b and for the time of the flights in this work (the sun
T1 and T2 , are shown; the sensor is operating under nadir viewing conditions; and we assume that is to the east), VZA 1 < 0 and
VZA2 > 0.
the terrain is flat. In Figure 3a,b, the solar principal plane is the XY plane and the Y-axis is the zenith
direction. In Figure 3a, the Z-axis is the flight line and the X-axis is the scanning direction. In Figure 3b,
the flight line is the X-axis and the scanning direction is the Z-axis. The Field of View (FOV) of the AHS
is 90˝ (45˝ at each side of the zenith direction) and the Instantaneous Field of View (IFOV), the angle
subtended by a single target from the sensor, is 2.5 mrad. The target has a size along the scanning
direction equal to the pixel size. The View Zenith Angle (VZA) of a target is defined as the angle from
the zenith to the line that joins the middle point of the target and the sensor. The viewing direction
is defined by the VZA and the scanning direction. In Figure 3, the VZA of T1 is VZA1 and the VZA
of T2 is VZA2 . Figure 3a corresponds to a flight orthogonal to the solar principal plane. In this case
the scanning takes place along the solar principal plane. On the other hand, Figure 3b corresponds
to a flight parallel to the solar principal plane, in which case the scanning takes place in a direction
orthogonal to the solar principal plane. Throughout this paper, flights are denominated as parallel
or orthogonal to the solar principal plane according to the direction of the flight line. During the
REFLEX campaign, the flights were conducted early in the morning; thus, the sun was to the east.
Flight lines marked in blue in Figure 2 are parallel to the solar principal plane; those marked in red
are perpendicular to the solar principal plane. The VZA is positive when the target is located in the
forward scattering direction and negative when located in the backward scattering direction [40].
Forward and backward scattering can clearly be distinguished in the case of the flights orthogonal to
the solar principal plane. In Figure 3a, VZA1 > 0, while VZA2 < 0. In the case of the flights along the
solar principal plane, no distinction can be made between forward and backward scattering directions,
and we assumed that the VZA is positive when the target is located southwards of the flight line and
negative when located
Figure 2. Flightnorthwards. In the
lines over the study case
area on 25of July
2012.3b andmarked
Flights for theintime of parallel
blue are the flights
to thein this work
(the sun is to the east), VZA1 < 0 and VZA2 > 0.
solar principal plane; those in red are perpendicular to the solar principal plane.

Figure 3.Figure 3. (a)of

(a) Field Field of View
View (FOV) (FOV) of sensor,
of the the sensor, InstantaneousField
Instantaneous Field Of
Of View
View (IFOV)
overtarget T1 T1 and
and View Zenith Angle of two targets (T1 and T2) for a flight perpendicular to the solar principal
View Zenith Angle of two targets (T1 and T2 ) for a flight perpendicular to the solar principal plane; (b)
plane; (b) FOV and position of the targets for a flight parallel to the solar principal plane. VZA1,
FOV and position of the targets for a flight parallel to the solar principal plane. VZA1 , VZA2 and IFOV
VZA2 and IFOV in (b) lie on the YZ plane and are not shown for the sake of clarity.
in (b) lie on the YZ plane and are not shown for the sake of clarity.

The AHS sensor has a total of 80 channels from 400 to 13,700 nm. In this paper, we only use
59 channels in the visible and near-infrared part of the spectrum. Twenty channels are between 400
and 1000 nm with a Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM) of 27–30 nm, one channel is at 1590 nm
with a FWHM = 159 nm, and 38 channels are between 1900 and 2500 nm with a FWHM = 12–13 nm.
Remote Sens. 2016, 8, 183 10 of 29

These 59 channels cover the same range of the electromagnetic spectrum as the ASD used in field
measurements. The spectral calibration of AHS was performed in April 2012 at the INTA facilities,
and the instrument spectral response functions were built. The AHS spectral performance is very
stable under flight conditions, and no specific in-flight calibration was performed [41]. The absolute
radiometric accuracy was evaluated using the field reflectance spectra acquired with the ASD. Very
good agreement was observed in the 400–2500 nm range. Channels affected by water vapor absorption
showed the worst match [41]. Moreover, the high quality of the AHS data were proven by comparing
the AHS reflectance spectra to the ground data over the vineyard in the range 400–1000 nm [42].
In terms of data quality, channels 22 and 23 are at the edge of atmospheric windows; they have a
low Signal to Noise Ratios (SNRs) and are seldom useful. Channels 44 and 46 had very low SNRs
due to a sensor malfunction during the campaign [34]. Data were atmospherically corrected by
INTA using ATCOR4 to produce HDRF images of each flight [29]. A detailed description of the
atmospheric correction procedure can be found in de Miguel et al. [41]. The visibility and aerosol type
were initially selected according to the values estimated simultaneously for the flights with a CIMEL
sun photometer [34]. The visibility and aerosol type were then refined using the reflectance spectra
measured in the field with the ASD as reference. All the data were acquired under nadir-looking
conditions, so the maximum VZA attained is 45˝ .

2.5. Narrow to Broadband Albedo Conversion

The narrow to broadband albedo conversion is carried out using the HDRF as a proxy for the
narrowband albedo and the two following methods:

(1) Integrating the spectral HDRF using Equation (10). The resultant albedo is denoted as the
Integrated Albedo from now on.
(2) Using the MODIS broadband apparent albedo equation [5] (Equation (2)). The resultant albedo is
denoted as the MODIS Albedo from now on.

In the case of the Integrated Albedo, the integration of HDRF over the whole spectral range
(Equation (10)) must yield cN“1 ωc “ 1, which means that the whole spectral range from 350 to

2500 nm must be included in the integration. The upper and lower wavelengths of each channel
were estimated from the spectral response function provided by INTA. In the case of overlapping
channels (channels 2 to 19 and channels 23 to 58), the upper and lower wavelengths were estimated
as the lower and upper wavelengths of the non-overlapping spectral range. This procedure yields
λuc – λlc « 27–29 nm for channels 2 to 19 and λuc – λlc « 14–18 nm for channels 23 to 58, values close
to the respective bandwidths (FWHM) of the channels. The lower wavelength of channel one was
taken at 350 nm and the upper wavelength of channel 59 at 2500 nm, which are the lower and upper
wavelengths of the spectral range of the at-surface solar irradiance obtained from the ASD, as explained
below. Channel 21 of AHS has a spectral range of 1491–1650 nm with a bandwidth (FWHM) of 159 nm;
thus, it does not overlap channels 20 and 22. The upper and lower wavelength estimations for channels
20, 21, and 22 require some consideration. In the case of the spectral region between channels 21 and 22,
we assumed that the reflectance of the spectral regions between non-overlapping channels can be
approximated by a linear interpolation of the reflectances of the neighboring channels. This procedure
has already been used for Landsat TM bands [13], considering the width of each band to spread from
and to the midpoints between the said band and the two neighboring bands, i.e., the region between
two bands was divided equally between the bands. The spectral region between channels 20 and 21
was divided, taking into account the typical spectral signature of vegetation as previously performed
by other authors [43,44] (Figure 4). If the spectral region between these channels had been divided
equally, channel 21 would have spanned from 1214 nm up to 1798 nm. Given the low reflectance of
typical vegetation at these wavelengths, this would have led to an overestimation of the contribution
of channel 21. Instead, we established the limit between channels 20 and 21 in the region where the
To calculate the weighting factors of each channel, we need to know the spectral downwelling
solar energy flux, Fd (λ). This was calculated as the mean value of the ASD measurement on the white
reference panel in each of the sites where ASD measurements were taken: green grass, bare soil,
stubble, black fabric, hay bales, and water. The measured irradiance was then normalized such that
Remote Sens. 2016, 8, 183 11(112
of 29
( ) = 1,
with λl = 350
vegetation nm andexhibits
signature λu = 2500 nm representing
a minimum, the lower
in this case at 1443and
nm.upper wavelengths
The spectral of theof
reflectance spectrum,
Figure 4
is that which was obtained on green grass using the ASD.

Figure 4. Spectral width attributed to channels 20 and 21 of AHS in the integration of HDRF to obtain
broadband albedo.
the broadband albedo. A typical vegetation spectral signature is shown. shown. The wavelength 1214 nm
would have
have been
been the
the limit
limit between
between both
both channels
channels ifif aa mere
mere linear
linear interpolation
interpolation had
had been
been considered.

3. Results and Discussion

To calculate the weighting factors of each channel, we need to know the spectral downwelling
energy flux, Fwe
this section, d (λ). This the
present wasfield
calculated as the
albedo data mean value
obtained ofof
at each the
sitesmeasurement on the
as well as the results
white reference panel in each of the sites where ASD measurements were taken: green grass,
of the parameterization used to calculate the albedo exactly at the time of each flight. We also show bare soil,
stubble, black fabric,
the dependence haynarrowband
of the bales, and water.
HDRF Theonmeasured
the VZAirradiance was then
of each field normalized
site and for eachsuch thatto
demonstrate that the HDRF product can be ż λused to calculate the broadband albedo. We then provide
the weighting coefficients used to calculate the Integrated
Fd pλq dλ “ 1 Albedo and compare the albedo values (12)
obtained from the Integrated Albedo andλl the MODIS Albedo. Subsequently, we carry out the
validation by comparing the field and airborne albedos.
with λl = 350 nm and λu = 2500 nm representing the lower and upper wavelengths of the spectrum, respectively.

3. Field Broadband Albedo
and Discussion
In broadband
this section, wealbedo
theobtained as the
field albedo dataratio of theatoutgoing
obtained each of the shortwave
sites as wellradiation to the
as the results
incoming shortwave radiation measured at three sites: a green grass field, a camelina
of the parameterization used to calculate the albedo exactly at the time of each flight. We also show field, andthea
vineyard. The
dependence timenarrowband
of the interval between
HDRF on twotheconsecutive
VZA of each measurements
field site and was different
for each flight for each site: 1
to demonstrate
min in the green grass, 10 min in the camelina field, and 1 h in the vineyard. It is
that the HDRF product can be used to calculate the broadband albedo. We then provide the weightingwell known that the
surface albedo
coefficients usedistodependent
calculate theonIntegrated
the time Albedo
of day andbecause
compareit depends
the albedo strongly on the SZA.
values obtained fromThe
dependence of broadband albedo on the SZA is shown in Figure 5 for the three
Integrated Albedo and the MODIS Albedo. Subsequently, we carry out the validation by comparing sites. For each site
the field and airborne albedos.

3.1. Field Broadband Albedo

The broadband albedo was obtained as the ratio of the outgoing shortwave radiation to the
incoming shortwave radiation measured at three sites: a green grass field, a camelina field, and a
vineyard. The time interval between two consecutive measurements was different for each site: 1 min
in the green grass, 10 min in the camelina field, and 1 h in the vineyard. It is well known that the surface
albedo is dependent on the time of day because it depends strongly on the SZA. The dependence
Remote Sens. 2016, 8, 183 12 of 29

of broadband albedo on the SZA is shown in Figure 5 for the three sites. For each site and for each
day, the results are grouped into morning (until 12 UTC) and afternoon (after 12 UTC) measurements.
No measurements were taken in the afternoon on 26 July at the green grass site. At the three sites, the
albedo decreases from dawn to noon, reaches a minimum value at noon, and then increases again until
dusk. This behavior has been explained before by an increase in diffuse irradiance resulting from the
increased scattering associated with longer path lengths at high solar zenith angles [20]. The obtained
albedo dependence on SZA has also been observed in wheat fields using an albedometer [20] and in
green crops and yellow grass using albedometers consisting of pyranometers [45]. The most exhaustive
field data collection can be found in Yang et al. [37], which provides albedo data collected between
1997 and 2005 from a wide range of surface types (pastures, grasses, bare soil, prairie grasses with
a few trees, rocky desert with scrub vegetation, pasture grasses with a few deciduous trees, grasses,
crops, and prairie grasses). In all cases, the albedo shows a diurnal cycle similar to those depicted in
Figure 5. Similar diurnal cycles have been observed in the spectral albedo measured using a multi-filter
radiometer on short green grass at different times of the year [46] and for several wavelengths in
the visible and NIR bands. The variation in the spectral albedo with SZA increased with increasing
wavelength. The decrease in the broadband albedo with decreasing SZA from dawn to noon was
obtained using a Bidirectional Reflectance Factor (BRF) library and some conversion formulas used in
satellite broadband albedo calculations [47]. In this case, the same general trend was observed over a
variety of surfaces, including grey gravel, dry sand, new snow, dry old snow, very wet melting snow,
moss, lichen, lingonberry, and wet and dry peat.
Regarding the albedo parameterization as a function of the SZA, the field-measured albedo values
were fitted to Equation (11). The results of the fits are given in Table 2. Briegleb [39] and Hou et al. [48]
proposed d = 0.1 and 0.4 for surface types where the dependence of albedo on SZA is weak and
strong, respectively. However, the d values found in the literature are significantly larger (0.5–1.1) [37].
The difference in the albedo-SZA relationship between morning and afternoon observations has been
studied [37], and the research suggests that the albedos in the morning are not always larger than
those in the afternoon. In any case, it is not our aim to gain insight into the physical basis of the
parameterization of the broadband albedo as a function of the SZA. At this stage, we only wish to
find the most suitable parameterization to interpolate the field data. However, we need to study the
dependence of a and d on the surface type and compare their values with those obtained by other
authors to confirm that our field data are dependable. When using Equation (11), field data with very
high SZA and high albedo values were discarded [37,49,50], keeping only the field data with ρ < 0.3
and cos SZA > 0.385 (corresponding to SZA < 67˝ ) for the camelina and cos SZA > 0.421 (corresponding
to SZA < 65˝ ) for the green grass site and the vineyard. The fitting results are given in Figure 5 for
both the morning and afternoon data.
The statistical significance of a and d in Table 2 was tested (with a significance level of 5%) using
the p-value test. Only afternoon d values for the vineyard failed the test. This means that Equation
(11) explains the SZA dependence of the albedo for the three sites in the given range of SZA, except
for the vineyard data in the afternoon. As shown in Table 2, a is similar in the three covers (0.2–0.3).
In contrast, d is very different in the three cases, i.e., approximately 0.1 for the camelina field, between
0.6 and 1.1 for the green grass field, and between 0.6 and 0.8 for the vineyard morning data. A value of
d = 0.1 is the lowest limit proposed by Briegleb [39] and Hou et al. [48], whereas the highest values are
similar to those obtained by other authors [37]. Furthermore, there is no clear trend from morning to
afternoon in the data [37]. The values of the field-measured albedos obtained using Equation (11) are
shown in Table 3. The values are given for the time of the flights. The value of the SZA for each time
was obtained using a solar position calculator [51]. The values of the albedo from 26 July are slightly
larger than those from 25 July at the three sites. This small difference can be explained by some high
clouds in the area on 25 July 2012.
Remote Sens. 2016, 8, 183 13 of 29
Remote Sens. 2016, 8, 183 13 of 29

Figure 5. Broadband
Figure 5. Broadband albedo
albedo measured
measured at
at the
the green
sites. The
The fits
fits to
to the
Remote Sens. 2016, 8, 183 14 of 29

Table 2. Values of parameters a and d obtained from the fit of the field broadband albedos to the
parameterization as a function of the solar zenith angle.

Camelina Field Green Grass Vineyard

a d a d a d
25 July 2012 morning 0.280 0.079 0.263 0.852 0.305 0.646
25 July 2012 afternoon 0.286 0.095 0.246 0.638 0.225 0.045
26 July 2012 morning 0.286 0.081 0.283 1.131 0.318 0.762
26 July 2012 afternoon 0.287 0.082 - - 0.226 0.042

Table 3. Values of the field-measured albedo at the camelina site, the green grass site, and the vineyard
site at the time of the flights. The albedo values are obtained using the equation of the albedo as a
function of the SZA.

25 July 2012 26 July 2012

Time (UTC) Camelina Green Grass Vineyard Time (UTC) Camelina Green Grass Vineyard
8:43 0.2739 0.2308 0.2724 8:43 0.2793 0.2439 0.2818
8:51 0.2731 0.2271 0.2686 9:09 0.2767 0.2305 0.2687
9:02 0.2721 0.2224 0.2637 9:19 0.2758 0.2261 0.2643
9:10 0.2714 0.2192 0.2604 9:27 0.2751 0.2228 0.2611
9:19 0.2706 0.2159 0.2569 9:40 0.2741 0.2179 0.2562
9:28 0.2698 0.2127 0.2536
9:38 0.2691 0.2095 0.2502
9:46 0.2685 0.2071 0.2477

Having proven the goodness of fit in the morning data in the three covers, the field data at the time
of the flights were interpolated using Equation (11), with a and d corresponding to the morning fits.

3.2. Airborne Broadband Albedo

To estimate the broadband albedo from the airborne data, first we need to know the narrowband
albedo. Because of the lack of angular measurements, the albedo cannot be calculated from the
integration of the BRDF. In this work we use the HDRF as a proxy for the narrowband albedo.
In Figure 6, we show the dependence of the HDRF on the VZA and flight direction, of pixels from
sites with the following land covers: barley, camelina, green grass, maize, reforestation, and vineyard.
Let us remember that ´45˝ < VZA < 45˝ . The pixels on the camelina field, the green grass, and the
vineyard were chosen at the exact location where the albedo field measurements were taken. The other
sites were chosen to have a wider range of land covers to evaluate the HDRF dependence on the VZA.
For the sake of clarity, we only show flights on 25 July 2012. Similar results were obtained for the flights
on 26 July 2012. In the case of the barley field, all HDRF spectra are quite similar except the one at VZA
= ´40.2˝ for an orthogonal plane. HDRF seems to be VZA-independent for parallel flights as well as
for orthogonal flights with positive VZA values up to 25.9˝ . The HDRF for the camelina site appears
to be VZA-independent in the range of 400–1000 nm for the flights along the solar principal plane,
even for VZA values as high as 38.9˝ and for flights perpendicular to the solar plane, as long as VZA is
positive and small. However, the HDRF dependence on VZA becomes more apparent with increasing
wavelength. The camelina site was out of the swath of the flights at 8:43, 8:51 and 9:46 UTC. In the
case of the green grass, a very good match is observed over the spectral range of 400–2500 nm for all
the parallel flights and for the orthogonal flights with small VZA. The flight at 9:38 UTC (orthogonal
to the solar principal plane and with a VZA of ´44.8˝ ) exhibits HDRF values well above the others.
We can conclude that the HDRF does not depend on the VZA for flights along the solar principal plane.
For flights orthogonal to the solar principal plane, HDRF does not depend on the VZA as long as the
VZA is small (´2.5˝ ). The HDRF does show, however, a strong VZA dependence for flights orthogonal
Remote Sens. 2016, 8, 183 15 of 29

Remote Sens. 2016, 8, 183 15 of 29

to the solar principal plane with high VZA values. The results for the vineyard are similar to those for
however, a strong VZA dependence for flights orthogonal to the solar principal plane with high
the green grass. In the case of the maize, the HDRF appears to be VZA-independent for parallel flights
VZA values. The results for the vineyard are similar to those for the green grass. In the case of the
and for orthogonal flights at low VZA. An important discrepancy is observed in the near-infrared band
maize, the HDRF appears to be VZA-independent for parallel flights and for orthogonal flights at
for a perpendicular flight with VZA = 44.2˝ . The HDRF spectra for the reforestation field do not show
low VZA. An important discrepancy is observed in the near-infrared band for a perpendicular flight
any VZA dependence for parallel flights; however, directional effects are observed with increasing
with VZA = 44.2°. The HDRF spectra for the reforestation field do not show any VZA dependence
VZA for orthogonal flights. In the case of flights orthogonal to the solar principal plane, for the barley
for parallel flights; however, directional effects are observed with increasing VZA for orthogonal
we obtained HDRF (11.6˝ ) < HDRF (25.9˝ ) < HDRF (´40˝ ), for the green grass HDRF (´2.5˝ ) « HDRF
flights. In the case of flights orthogonal to the solar principal plane, for the barley we obtained HDRF
˝ ) < HDRF (´44.8˝ ), for the reforestation HDRF (24.2˝ ) < HDRF(´9.4˝ ) < HDRF(´41.2˝ ) and for
(11.6°) < HDRF (25.9°) < HDRF (−40°), for the green grass HDRF (−2.5°) ≈ HDRF (−3.3°) < HDRF
the vineyard ˝ ) < HDRF (´5˝ ) < HDRF (´45˝ ) over the whole spectral range. In all the cases
(−44.8°), forHDRF(´9
the reforestation HDRF (24.2°) < HDRF(−9.4°) < HDRF(−41.2°) and for the vineyard
we observe an
HDRF(−9°) increase
(−5°) < HDRF with an increase
(−45°) over the in the absolute
whole value of
spectral range. InVZA,
all theespecially for negative
cases we observe an
VZA (target observed in the backscattering direction). This trend can be explained
increase of HDRF with an increase in the absolute value of VZA, especially for negative VZA (target by the combined
observedof thein gap effect and the direction).
the backscattering absence ofThis
trend in the
can bebackscattering
explained by thedirection
combined [21,22,24].
action ofInthe
case of flights parallel to the solar principal plane, no clear trend is observed. It is well
gap effect and the absence of shadows in the backscattering direction [21,22,24]. In the case of flights known that
this case the solar
to the reflectance
principal is symmetrical with
plane, no clear respect
trend to the nadir
is observed. viewing
It is well known direction andcase
that in this changes
smoothly [21,22].
reflectance is symmetrical with respect to the nadir viewing direction and changes smoothly [21,22].

Figure Airborne HDRF
HDRF as as aa function
function of
of wavelength
wavelength at at sites
barley, camelina, green grass, maize, reforestation, and vineyard on 25 July 2012.
barley, camelina, green grass, maize, reforestation, and vineyard on 25 July 2012. P = flights parallelP = flights parallelto
to solar
the the solar principal
principal plane; plane; O = flights
O = flights orthogonal
orthogonal to the to theprincipal
solar solar principal plane.
plane. The TheZenith
View View Angle
the of each
site for the site foriseach
flight also flight is also
indicated. indicated.
Flight Flight identifications:
identifications: blue solid
blue solid diamond (8:51diamond
UTC), red(8:51
UTC), red solid square (9:02 UTC), green solid triangle (9:10 UTC), indigo × sign
square (9:02 UTC), green solid triangle (9:10 UTC), indigo ˆ sign (9:19 UTC), blue asterisk (9:28 UTC), (9:19 UTC), blue
orange (9:28
solid UTC),
circle orange
(8:43 UTC),solid
bluecircle (8:43(9:38
plus sign UTC), blueand
UTC), plusredsign (9:38
solid UTC),
circle and
(9:46 red solid circle
(9:46 UTC).
Remote Sens. 2016, 8, 183 16 of 29
Remote Sens. 2016, 8, 183 16 of 29

In order to study
study thetheairborne
airborneHDRF HDRFdependence
dependence ononthethe SZA
SZA wewetaketake advantage
advantage of fact
of the the fact
that some flight lines of 25 July are nearly superimposed to flight lines of 26
some flight lines of 25 July are nearly superimposed to flight lines of 26 July taken at different UTC, July taken at different
allowsallows the observation
the observation of a given
of a given area with
area with very very
closeclose values
values of VZAof VZA and different
and different SZA.SZA.The
The results
results forgreen
for the the green
and theandvineyard
the vineyardand for andVZA for VZA close
close to to nadir
nadir are shown
are shown in Figure
in Figure 7. These7.
These two sites were chosen because of their different canopy architecture (the
two sites were chosen because of their different canopy architecture (the vineyard is a field with a vineyard is a field with
high3D 3Dstructured
whilethe thegreen
green grass
grass is is aa cover
cover with continuous and dense canopy) canopy) and and
because ˝ , and HDRF changes very smoothly around nadir [21]. The results
because thethe VZA
VZA isis very
very close
close toto 00°, HDRF changes very smoothly around nadir [21]. The results
show that
depends onon thethe SZASZAveryveryslightly for flights
slightly parallel
for flights to theto
parallel solar
the principal plane.
solar principal
On the On
plane. other
otherHDRF dependence
hand, HDRF on the on
dependence SZA isSZA
the moreisimportant for flights
more important perpendicular
for flights to the
solar principal, especially for the green grass in the NIR and for the vineyard
to the solar principal, especially for the green grass in the NIR and for the vineyard in the SWIR. in the SWIR. On the other
hand, it is worth
the other hand, noting that the
it is worth HDRF
noting forthe
that flights
HDRF parallel to the solar
for flights principal
parallel to the plane
solar attains
the samevirtually
attains values onthe25–26
same July. Thus,on
values the25–26
possible changes
July. Thus,ofthe thepossible
atmospheric conditions
changes of thebetween
dates might have a negligible influence on the HDRF.
conditions between both dates might have a negligible influence on the HDRF.

Figure 7.7.Airborne
Figure AirborneHDRFHDRFasas a function
a function of wavelength
of wavelength at green
at the the green
grass grass and vineyard
and vineyard sites. Psites. P=
= flights
flights parallel
parallel to theprincipal
to the solar solar principal
plane; Oplane; O = flights
= flights orthogonal
orthogonal to theprincipal
to the solar solar principal
plane. plane. The
The Solar
Solar Zenith
Zenith AngleAngle
and theand
Viewthe View
AngleAngle are indicated.
are indicated. P flight
P flight identifications:
identifications: red solid
red solid squaresquare
and circle
circle (9:02 (9:02
UTC,UTC, 25 July),
25 July), blue solid
blue solid squaresquare and circle
and circle (9:09 UTC,
(9:09 UTC, 26 July),
26 July), green green solid square
solid square and
and circle
(9:40 (9:40 26
UTC, 26 O
July). July). O identifications:
flight flight identifications: redsquare
red solid solid square and (9:46
and circle circleUTC,
(9:46 25
UTC, 25 July),
July), blue
blue solid
solid square
square and (9:19
and circle circleUTC,
(9:19 26
UTC, 26 July).

These results
These results show
show that
that the
the narrowband
narrowband albedo albedo can can be
be approximated
approximated by by the
the HDRF
HDRF for for flights
along the solar principal plane for any VZA. In the case of flights orthogonal
along the solar principal plane for any VZA. In the case of flights orthogonal to the solar principal to the solar principal
plane, theapproximation
approximationis is notnot valid
valid forfor
high high
VZA VZA values,
values, especially
especially if theifVZA
the is
VZA is negative.
negative. It is
It is worth
worth noting that a negative VZA value for orthogonal planes means
noting that a negative VZA value for orthogonal planes means that the sensor detects backscattered that the sensor detects
radiation radiation
from the from the target.
target. Directional Directional
effects become moreeffects
important become
in the more important
backscattering in the
We will take intodirection. We fact
account this willintake into account
the validation. Wethis fact
have in the
tested thevalidation.
dependence We ofhave
HDRF tested
on VZA the
dependence of HDRF on VZA at only six sites. Still, we assume that the results
at only six sites. Still, we assume that the results obtained from these sites can be extrapolated to the obtained from these
sites can
entire be extrapolated
study area. Authorstointerested
the entireinstudy area. Authors
a particular interested
area should in a particular
first check the HDRFarea should first
dependence on
check the HDRF dependence
the VZA and on the SZA. on the VZA and on the SZA.
To calculate the
the Integrated
Integrated Albedo,
Albedo, the the reflected
reflected downwelling
downwelling irradiance
irradiance fromfrom thethe white
white panel
was used.We Wecalculated
calculatedthe themean
value ofofthetheASDASD measurement
measurement on on
whitewhite reference
reference panelpanel on
on the
the sites where ASD measurements were taken. The results are shown in
sites where ASD measurements were taken. The results are shown in Figure 8. It is worth noting that Figure 8. It is worth noting
the the normalizedspectrumspectrum varies
varies very very
little from little
sitefrom site
to site. The tomean
site. value
The mean value
was used to was usedthe
calculate to
calculate the
weighting weighting factors.
Remote Sens. 2016, 8,
Sens. 2016, 8, 183
183 17

Figure 8. Normalized
Figure 8. Normalizedreflected
downwellingirradiance asas
irradiance obtained from
obtained thethe
from ASD measurement
ASD of the
measurement of
white reference panel at each site and the mean value.
the white reference panel at each site and the mean value.

Some authors have used the calculated calculated top of atmosphere

atmosphere solar irradiance
irradiance [15] or or aa calculated
at-surface solar
solar irradiance
irradiance [13,20]
[13,20] in in their
their broadband
broadband albedo albedo calculations.
calculations. Using the at-surfaceat-surface
downwelling reflected irradiance from the white panel means that we are are measuring
measuring the the apparent
albedo, which is the albedo that can be compared with the field measurements measurements [13,18],
[13,18], as opposed to
inherent albedo
inherent albedo[18].
[18].The The weighting
weighting coefficients
coefficients for each
for each channelchannel in Equation
in Equation (10) are(10) areingiven
given Table in
Table 4,
along along
with thewith
central wavelength
and the and the bandwidth
bandwidth of each of each channel.
channel. Channels Channels
22 and22 23and
are 23
are edge
the at the
of edge of the atmospheric
the atmospheric windows,windows,
and they have and they
a lowhave
SNRaand lowareSNRseldomand useful.
are seldom useful.
Channels 44
and 46 had44a and
hadSNR a very
duelow SNR due
to sensor to sensor malfunction
malfunction [34]. Wethe
[34]. We calculated calculated
weighting thecoefficients
coefficients disregarding
disregarding channels 22, 23, channels
44, and22, 23, 44, and
46 following the 46 following
procedure the procedure
described described
in the previous in the
section, to
previous section, to cover the resulting gaps equally between the
cover the resulting gaps equally between the neighboring channels. The Integrated Albedo presentedneighboring channels. The
in this paperAlbedo presentedwithout
was calculated in this taking
paper was calculated
into account without
channels 22,taking
23, 44,into
46. channels 22,
23, 44, and 46.
Table 4. Weighting coefficients (ω
The narrow-to-broadband c ) of AHS
albedo channels 1can
conversion to 59also
for the
be calculation
performedof using
the Integrated Albedo.
other approaches.
For each channel, the identification number (c), the central wavelength (λ),
Many authors have used Equation (1) by taking ρi to be the bidirectional reflectance [52–54]. and the bandwidth (∆λ) are
also given.
Broadband ∆λ corresponds
albedo for AHS has to the
Width at Half Maximum
calculated from (FWHM).
the MODIS Valuesequation
with asterisks are
for apparent
calculated without the contribution of channels 22, 23, 44, and 46 due
broadband albedo [7] (Equation (2)) or even in a simpler way from AHS channels 9 and 12 asto their low SNR.
ρ = 0.45ρ9 + 0.55ρ12 [55].
∆λ λ ∆λ λ ∆λ
C λ (nm) ωc c ωc c ωc
(nm) (nm) (nm) (nm) (nm)
Table 4.1 Weighting
443 coefficients
28 (ωc) 22
0.100242 of AHS channels
1924 13 1 to0.000334
59 for the42 calculation
2242 of
13 the0.001423
2 471 28 0.044019 22 * 1924 13 0. 43 2266
Albedo. For each channel, the identification number (c), the central wavelength (λ), and the13 0.001316
3 500 28 0.047204 23 1940 13 0.000066 43 * 2266 13 0.001854
4 (Δλ
530) are 28 0.049027 Δλ23corresponds
also given. * 1940 to
13 the Full
0. Width 44 at Half
13 (FWHM).
Values 5with asterisks
560 28 0.045990
are calculated 24
without1957 13 0.000239
the contribution 44 *
of channels 228123, 44,
22, 13 and 460. due to
6 591 28 0.045939 24 * 1957 13 0.000336 45 2296 13 0.000916
their low
7 SNR.620 28 0.045241 25 1973 13 0.000890 45 * 2296 13 0.001869
8 650 28 0.042322 26 1989 13 0.001025 46 2311 13 0.000840
C λ (nm)
9 Δλ
679(nm) 28 ω0.042243
c c 27 λ (nm)
2006 Δλ (nm)
13 ωc
0.000522 46 *c λ (nm)
2311 13 Δλ (nm)
0. ωc
1 10
443 70928 280.100242
0.036630 22 28 19242022 13
13 0.000874
0.000334 4742 2326
2242 13 0.000831 0.001423
11 738 28 0.035416 29 2038 13 0.001432 47 * 2326 13 0.001239
2 471
12 767
28 28
22 * 30 1924
0.001118 48
43 2266
2341 13
3 500
13 79628 280.047204
0.033552 23 31 19402071 13
13 0.000066 4943 *
0.001168 2266
2355 13 13
0.000666 0.001854
4 530
14 82628 280.049027
0.02741323 * 32 1940
2086 13
13 0.
0.001456 5044 2281
2370 13 13
0.000547 0.001059
5 15
560 85628 280.045990
0.031069 24 33 19572102 13
13 0.00150
0.000239 5144 * 2385
2281 13 0.000462
13 0.
16 885 28 0.027597 34 2118 13 0.001482 52 2399 13 0.000509
6 591
17 91428 280.045939
0.01975124 * 35 1957
2134 13
13 0.000336 5345
0.001499 2296
2413 13 13
0.000345 0.000916
7 620
18 94328 280.045241
0.009165 25 36 19732150 13
13 0.000890 5445 *
0.001417 2296
2428 13 13
0.000394 0.001869
8 19
650 97328 280.042322
0.016382 26 37 19892165 13
13 0.001250
0.001025 5546 2442
2311 13 0.000290 0.000840
9 20
679 100128 280.042243
0.165395 27 38 20062181 13
13 0.001302
0.000522 5646 * 2456
2311 13 0.000245
13 0.
21 1590 159 0.070316 39 2196 13 0.001170 57 2471 13 0.000182
10 709
21 * 159028 1590.036630
0.070619 28 40 2022
2212 13
13 0.000874 5847
0.001193 2326
2484 13 13
0.000061 0.000831
11 738 28 0.035416 29 41 20382227 13
13 0.001432 5947 *
0.001269 2326
2499 13 13
0.000020 0.001239
12 767 28 0.033026 30 2054 13 0.001118 48 2341 13 0.000739
13 796 28 0.033552 31 2071 13 0.001168 49 2355 13 0.000666
Sens. 2016, 8, 1838, 183
Sens. 2016, 18 of 18
29 of 29

14 826 28 0.027413 32 2086 13 0.001456 50 2370 13 0.000547

The15 narrow-to-broadband
856 28 0.031069
albedo 33 2102
conversion 13
can also 0.00150 51
be performed 2385
using13other0.000462 approaches.
16 885 28 0.027597 34 2118 13 0.001482 52 2399 13 0.000509
Many authors
17 914have used
28 Equation
0.019751 (1)
35 by2134taking ρ
13 i to be
0.001499the bidirectional
53 2413 reflectance
13 0.000345[52–54].
Broadband albedo for AHS has been normally calculated from the MODIS equation for apparent
18 943 28 0.009165 36 2150 13 0.001417 54 2428 13 0.000394
19 973 28 0.016382 37 2165 13 0.001250 55 2442 13 0.000290
broadband 20
(2))38or even 2181
in a 13simpler way from
0.001302 56
9 and 12 as
ρ = 0.45ρ219 + 0.55ρ1590 12 [55].
159 0.070316 39 2196 13 0.001170 57 2471 13 0.000182
The 21 Integrated
* 1590 159
Albedo 0.070619
and the MODIS 40 2212
Albedo are 13 compared
0.001193 in58five selected
2484 13
areas 0.000061 9): the
41 2227 13 0.001269 59 2499 13 0.000020
camelina field, the green grass field, the vineyard, a reforestation field, and a barley field. The first
three wereThe chosen because
Integrated they and
Albedo are the
the validation
MODIS Albedo sites.areThe reforestation
compared in fiveand barleyareas
selected fields were 9):
(Figure chosen
to include a widerfield,
the camelina range theofgreen
albedo grassvalues.
field, Although
the vineyard, theaalbedometer
reforestation in theand
field, camelina
a barley field was
field. The out of
the swath of the
first three flight
were at 9:46
chosen UTC,they
because the arepixels
the in Figure 9sites.
validation correspond to an area
The reforestation andofbarley
the camelina
fields were field in
the swath of to
flight. aTo wider
see therange of albedo
effect of the values.
VZA and Although
the flightthedirection
albedometer in the
on the camelina
albedo, field the
we show
was out of the swath of the flight at 9:46 UTC, the pixels in Figure
results for one flight parallel to the solar principal plane (flight at 9:02 UTC, Figure 9a) and another 9 correspond to an area of the
orthogonal to the solar principal plane (flight at 9:46 UTC, Figure 9b). The values providedthe
camelina field in the swath of the flight. To see the effect of the VZA and the flight direction on by the
albedo, we show the results for one flight parallel to the solar principal plane (flight at 9:02 UTC,
two methods are very close to each other. When we compare the results for both flights, we observe
Figure 9a) and another orthogonal to the solar principal plane (flight at 9:46 UTC, Figure 9b). The
that both methods exhibit similar behavior with respect to the VZA and the flight direction. In the
values provided by the two methods are very close to each other. When we compare the results for
case ofboththeflights,
vineyard, valuesthat
we observe areboth
larger for the
methods flightsimilar
exhibit at 9:46 UTC than
behavior with at 9:02 to
respect UTC,
the VZAwhereas and thefor the
camelina field, the values are larger for the 9:02 UTC flight. In the case of
flight direction. In the case of the vineyard, values are larger for the flight at 9:46 UTC than at 9:02 the green grass, an increase
in theUTC,
values range for
whereas is obtained
the camelina for the
field,flight at 9:46are
the values UTC. Notably,
larger for thethe 9:02MODIS
UTC flight.Albedo
In the is slightly
case of the higher
than the
green Integrated
grass, an Albedo
increase in in the
the vineyard
values range for isboth flights,
obtained forwhile the opposite
the flight at 9:46 UTC. is true for the
Notably, theother
sites. MODIS
Similar Albedo
results is slightly
were higherfor
obtained thanthethe Integrated
rest Albedo
of the flights. It in
has the vineyard
also for both flights,
been reported [27] that while
the opposite is true for the other sites. Similar results were obtained
albedo products overestimate the surface albedos of low-albedo sites and underestimates the albedos for the rest of the flights. It has
also been reported
of high-albedo sites. The [27] same
that MODIStrendalbedo products
is observed inoverestimate
Figure 9, which the surface
comparesalbedos the of Integrated
low-albedo and
sites and underestimates the albedos of high-albedo sites. The same trend is observed in Figure 9,
MODIS albedos. Let us remember that both the Integrated and the MODIS albedos use HDRF as a
which compares the Integrated and MODIS albedos. Let us remember that both the Integrated and
proxy for the albedo; the only difference between them lies in the narrow to broadband conversion.
the MODIS albedos use HDRF as a proxy for the albedo; the only difference between them lies in the
This bias
narrow could then be attributed
to broadband conversion. to the
bias couldto broadband conversion
then be attributed to theprocedure. Future albedo
narrow to broadband
products should perhaps improve the narrow to broadband conversion
conversion procedure. Future albedo products should perhaps improve the narrow to broadband algorithms. We conclude
that aconversion
slight biasalgorithms.
between the We two methods
conclude that aexists. This
slight bias bias may
between the be
methods exists. for This
the better
bias may albedo
estimation of the Integrated
be responsible Albedo,
for the better albedoas we will seeofwhen
estimation estimatingAlbedo,
the Integrated the uncertainty
as we willstatistics
see when of the
two methods. the uncertainty statistics of the two methods.

FigureFigure 9. Integrated
9. Integrated albedo
albedo compared
compared totoMODIS
albedo for
selectedareas. (a) (a)
areas. Flight at 9:02
at 9:02
on 25 July 2012; (b) Flight at 9:46 UTC on 25 July 2012. Each point represents a pixel
on 25 July 2012; (b) Flight at 9:46 UTC on 25 July 2012. Each point represents a pixel in the images. in the images.
The line lineis1:1 is shown
shown as aasguide
a guide
thethe eye.

The angular dependence of the Integrated Albedo, calculated with the weighting coefficients of
Table 4, is shown in Figure 10 for the overlapping area for the flights on 25 July 2012 at an altitude
of 2000 m above ground level and with a spatial resolution of 5 m. Flights at 9:02, 9:10, 9:19, and
RemoteRemote Sens. 2016,
Sens. 2016, 8, 183
8, 183 19 of 29
19 of 29

The angular dependence of the Integrated Albedo, calculated with the weighting coefficients of
9:28 UTC are 4, isparallel
shown intoFigure 10 forprincipal
the solar the overlapping
plane, areawhileforflights
the flights on 25and
at 9:38 July9:46
at anare
altitude of
2000 m above ground level and with a spatial resolution of 5 m. Flights
to the solar principal plane. Pixels corresponding to the five selected areas (vineyard, green grass,at 9:02, 9:10, 9:19, and 9:28
UTC are parallel to the solar principal plane, while flights at 9:38 and 9:46 UTC are orthogonal to the
camelina field, reforestation field, and barley field) are displayed in different colors. In the case of
solar principal plane. Pixels corresponding to the five selected areas (vineyard, green grass, camelina
the camelina, green grass, and vineyard, the areas marked in Figure 10 correspond to an area around
field, reforestation field, and barley field) are displayed in different colors. In the case of the
the pixel that corresponds
camelina, green grass, and to vineyard,
the location of themarked
the areas field measurements. Because
in Figure 10 correspond to the broadband
an area around thealbedo
does pixel
not depend on the viewing
that corresponds direction,
to the location the albedo
of the field of a certain
measurements. Becauselocation should albedo
the broadband be the does
same for
all the
not depend on the viewing direction, the albedo of a certain location should be the same for all location
flights (we expect small changes due to the change in the SZA). Therefore, a certain the
should exhibit
flights (we the same
expect albedo
small changesregardless
due to the ofchange
the VZA under
in the SZA). which it is observed,
Therefore, and regardless
a certain location should of
exhibit the
the direction sameflight
of the albedo regardless
with respect toof the
the solar
VZA under which
principal it is In
plane. observed,
this work, andtheregardless
Integrated of the
is calculated of the flightthat
to the very
solar slightly
theIn viewing
this work,direction,
the Integrated
and Albedo is the
calculated assuming that HDRF varies very slightly with the viewing
narrowband albedo can be approximated by the HDRF. Figure 10 is intended to show the limits of direction, and therefore, the
narrowband albedo can be approximated by the HDRF. Figure 10 is intended to show the limits of
validation of that approximation. For the flights at 9:02, 9:10, 9:19, 9:28, and 9:46 UTC, we can see
validation of that approximation. For the flights at 9:02, 9:10, 9:19, 9:28, and 9:46 UTC, we can see that
that the Integrated Albedo of a certain location does not change much from one flight to another. It is
the Integrated Albedo of a certain location does not change much from one flight to another. It is
obvious that that
obvious the the
angular dependence
becomes important
important for forflights
flights orthogonal
orthogonal to the
to the solarsolar principal
and forand for backscattered radiation (i.e., the flight at 9:38 UTC). There is a very strong increase inin the
backscattered radiation (i.e., the flight at 9:38 UTC). There is a very strong increase
albedotheof targets
albedo of observed in theinbackscattering
targets observed the backscattering direction when
direction when the
scanningtakestakes place along the
place along
solar the
principal plane. plane.
solar principal

Figure 10. 10. Integratedalbedo
Integrated albedo as
as aafunction
function of the VZAVZA
of the for thefor
theoverlapped by the flights
area overlapped by on
July on
25 July at an
2012 at altitude of 2000
an altitude m with
of 2000 mawith
5-m spatial resolution.
a 5-m spatial The plot The
resolution. for each
plotflight is identified
for each flight isby the
by the UTC time
time of of
flight. Some
flight. Someareas of the
areas image
of the are are
image marked in grey
marked for comparison:
in grey for comparison:B = Barley,
B = Barley,
C = Camelina, G = Green Grass, R = Reforestation, V = Vineyard.
C = Camelina, G = Green Grass, R = Reforestation, V = Vineyard.

3.3. Validation
We now focus on the validation of the results. The Integrated Albedo and the MODIS Albedo will
be compared to field data and to each other. The results of other authors are also discussed.
Remote Sens. 2016, 8, 183 20 of 29

Regarding field measurements, we considered that 99% of the observed net radiation originated
from a circle with a diameter of 10 times the sensor height [35,36]. This means that in the case of the
camelina field, albedo measurements originate from a circle with a diameter of 10 m around the sensor;
in the case of the green grass, from a circle with a diameter of 20 m; and in the case of the vineyard,
from a circle with a diameter of 40 m. For validation, a window was selected around the pixel where
the sensor was located with a size such that it contained the circle mentioned above. For the camelina
field, for flights with a pixel of 5 m, we took the value of the albedo measured at the pixel where the
sensor was located, while for flights with a pixel of 3 m, we selected a 3 ˆ 3 pixel window around the
pixel where the sensor was placed. For the green grass, a 5 ˆ 5 pixel window around the location of
the sensor was selected for the flights with 3-m pixels, and a 3 ˆ 3 pixel window was selected for the
flights with 5-m pixels. For the vineyard site, a 7 ˆ 7 window was taken for the 5-m-pixel images and
an 11 ˆ 11 window was taken for the 3-m-pixel images. When comparing airborne with field data we
must take into account that the spectral response of the field radiometers used in this work is from
305 to 2800 nm [36]. The airborne albedo has been calculated from 350 nm to 2500 nm. The at-surface
solar irradiance is highly attenuated below 350 nm (close to the ozone absorption band centered at
260 nm) [56] (p. 97). In the range 2500–2800 nm the at-surface solar irradiance is negligible due to the
strong absorption band of water centered at 2600 nm and that of CO2 centered at 2700 nm [56] (p. 95).
Thus we assume that the field-measured albedo and the airborne albedo values can be compared. Field
albedo values obtained with the same equipment have previously been compared to AHS albedo data
over the same area [7].
The validation results are shown in Figure 11 and Table 5. In Figure 11, the albedos corresponding
to sites with negative VZA values and for flights orthogonal to the solar principal plane are marked
in red and the corresponding VZA values are given. The highest estimated albedo was for the green
grass and the flight at 9:38 UTC on 25 July 2012 (Integrated Albedo = 0.304, MODIS Albedo = 0.308).
The green grass site was observed with a high VZA in the backscattering direction (VZA = ´44.8˝ ).
In this case, the HDRF cannot be used as a proxy for the narrowband albedo, and the predicted values
are clearly wrong. These results are consistent with Figure 10, in which we noticed an increase in
albedo values for sites observed with high VZA in the backscattering direction. As for the rest of the
airborne albedos, it is clear from Figure 11 that both the Integrated Albedo and the MODIS Albedo tend
to underestimate the albedo value. This behavior has also been obtained in the validation of broadband
albedo calculated from BRDF integration using AHS data on corn, wheat, and barley at the Barrax
site [16], and it has also been reported in other works using the MODIS BRDF/albedo products [57,58].
The widespread obtained can be caused by the procedure used to obtain the field albedos at the time
of the flights and the weather conditions. The scatter observed in Figure 5, especially in the camelina
field, along with the differences observed between morning and afternoon field-measured albedo can
be caused by atmospheric conditions, especially on 25 July, when high clouds were observed during
the acquisition of the field data.

Table 5. RMSE values for the validation of airborne albedos of the three studied sites. The Integrated
Albedo was calculated by integration of the at-surface solar irradiance. The MODIS Albedo was
calculated using the MODIS apparent albedo equation adapted to the AHS channels. For the green
grass, the data for VZA = ´44.8˝ of the 9:38 UTC flight was discarded. The values in brackets are
calculated taking the data into account.

Camelina Field Green Grass Vineyard

Date Integrated MODIS Integrated MODIS Integrated MODIS
25 July 2012 0.013 0.018 0.013 (0.03) 0.013 (0.04) 0.016 0.018
26 July 2012 0.018 0.02 0.009 0.008 0.012 0.015
Remote Sens. 2016, 8, 183 21 of 29
Remote Sens. 2016, 8, 183 21 of 29

Figure 11.
Figure 11. Field-measured
Field-measured albedos
albedos vs.
vs. airborne
airborne albedos
albedos for for all
all the
the flights
flights and
and all
sites. Marked
Marked in in
red are the sites viewed in the backscattering direction (negative View Zenith Angle, VZA)
red are the sites viewed in the backscattering direction (negative View Zenith Angle, VZA) for flights for flights
perpendicular tothe
plottedas asaaguide

According to the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) values (Table 5), the Integrated Albedo,
According to the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) values (Table 5), the Integrated Albedo, relative
relative to the MODIS albedo, provides better estimates in the case of the camelina and the vineyard
to the MODIS albedo, provides better estimates in the case of the camelina and the vineyard sites and
sites and similar estimates in the case of the green grass. Previous validation results over wheat and
similar estimates in the case of the green grass. Previous validation results over wheat and barley
barley fields [7] produced an RMSE of 0.01 for airborne albedo calculated using the MODIS formula
fields [7] produced an RMSE of 0.01 for airborne albedo calculated using the MODIS formula with
with narrowband albedos calculated via BRDF integration. An RMSE of 0.03 was obtained for
narrowband albedos calculated via BRDF integration. An RMSE of 0.03 was obtained for airborne
airborne albedo estimated using the MODIS formula with narrowband albedos approximated by
albedo estimated using the MODIS formula with narrowband albedos approximated by HDRF. In the
HDRF. In the latter case, the larger discrepancies between airborne and field measurements were
latter case, the larger discrepancies between airborne and field measurements were observed for values
observed for values of VZA < 0 in the backscattering direction. No major distinction was found
of VZA < 0 in the backscattering direction. No major distinction was found between the two procedures
between the two procedures for other VZA values.
for other VZA values.
A careful distinction must be made between the flights parallel to the solar principal plane and
A careful distinction must be made between the flights parallel to the solar principal plane and
those orthogonal to the solar principal plane. We have compared field-measured albedo with
those orthogonal to the solar principal plane. We have compared field-measured albedo with airborne
airborne albedo from parallel and orthogonal flights separately. The correlation between field and
albedo from parallel and orthogonal flights separately. The correlation between field and airborne
airborne albedo is much better for flights parallel to the solar principal plane than for the orthogonal
albedo is much better for flights parallel to the solar principal plane than for the orthogonal ones
ones (Figure 12) both for the Integrated Albedo and the MODIS Albedo. The coefficient of
(Figure 12) both for the Integrated Albedo and the MODIS Albedo. The coefficient of determination is
determination is greater for the parallel flights than for the orthogonal ones. Moreover, the slope of
greater for the parallel flights than for the orthogonal ones. Moreover, the slope of the fit line is closer
the fit line is closer to one and the intercept is smaller for the parallel flights. The RMSE values of the
to one and the intercept is smaller for the parallel flights. The RMSE values of the validation in separate
validation in separate sets are given in Table 6. The approximation of using the HDRF as a proxy for
sets are given in Table 6. The approximation of using the HDRF as a proxy for the narrowband albedo
the narrowband albedo yields better results for the flights parallel to the solar principal plane,
yields better results for the flights parallel to the solar principal plane, because the HDRF depends
because the HDRF depends slightly on the VZA and the SZA for these flights as previously shown.
slightly on the VZA and the SZA for these flights as previously shown. The HDRF is highly anisotropic
The HDRF is highly anisotropic for flights orthogonal to the solar principal plane, particularly for
for flights orthogonal to the solar principal plane, particularly for high VZA values, what explains the
high VZA values, what explains the large scatter in the data of Figure 12b and the worse results of
large scatter in the data of Figure 12b and the worse results of the fit.
the fit.
Remote Sens. 2016, 8, 183 22 of 29
Remote Sens. 2016, 8, 183 22 of 29

Figure 12. Comparison

Figure 12. Comparison between
between field-measured
field-measured albedo
albedo andand airborne
airborne albedo
albedo for
for flights
flights parallel
parallel to
to the
solar principal
principal plane
plane (a)
(a) and
and flights
flights orthogonal
orthogonal to
to the
the solar
solar principal
principal plane
plane (b).
(b). Blue
Blue solid
solid circles
circles and
blue solid
correspondtotothetheIntegrated Albedo;
Integrated Albedo; thethe
solid circles
solid andand
circles redred
correspond to the
correspond to
the MODISAlbedo.

Table RMSEvalues
airborne albedos
albedos for
for flights
flights parallel
parallel to
to the
the solar
solar principal
plane (SPP)
(SPP) and
and orthogonal
orthogonal toto the
the solar
solar principal
principal plane
plane separately.
separately. For
For the
the Green
Green Grass,
Grass, the
the data
data for
VZA −44.8°˝ of
VZA == ´44.8 of the
the 9:38
9:38 UTC
UTC flight was discarded. The values in brackets are are calculated
calculated taking
taking the
data into
into account.

Flights Parallel to the SPP Flights Orthogonal to the SPP
Flights Parallel to the SPP Flights Orthogonal to the SPP
Integrated Albedo MODIS Albedo Integrated Albedo MODIS Albedo
Integrated Albedo MODIS Albedo Integrated Albedo MODIS Albedo
0.009 0.011 0.017 (0.03) 0.03 (0.04)
0.009 0.011 0.017 (0.03) 0.03 (0.04)
We estimated the discrepancy between airborne and field data by computing the relative error
(taking the field value as the true value) for each validation datum using the following equation:
We estimated the discrepancy between airborne and | field
| data by computing the relative error
(%) = 100,
(taking the field value as the true value) for each validation datum using the following equation:(13)
where ρa is the airborne albedo and ρf is the field albedo. |ρa ´ The
ρ | relative error as a function of VZA is
shown in Figure 13, with dataRelative classifiederror p%q “ to thef procedure
according ˆ 100 used for albedo estimation (13)
(Integrated or MODIS) and the flight direction (either parallel or orthogonal to the solar principal
where a is the
plane).ρThe airborne
values for thealbedo and ρare
three sites f isplotted
the field in albedo.
the sameThe relative
figure. It is error as a function
worthwhile noting of VZA
that the
is shownerror
relative in Figure
using 13, the with data classified
integration method is according
smaller than to the procedure
that using theusedMODISfor formula
albedo estimation
in most of
the cases. The or MODIS)
relative errorand the for flight
parallel (either
to the solarparallel or orthogonal
principal to thea solar
plane shows slightprincipal
plane). The values
with increasing VZA.for the
For three
positivesites are plotted
VZA values, in thethe same error
relative figure.ofItthe
is worthwhile noting that
Integrated Albedo remainsthe
below 11%,
relative erroreven
usingfor thethe VZA values
integration methodas high as 40.8°,
is smaller while
than thatfor negative
using VZA values,
the MODIS formulathe relative
in most of
the remains
cases. below 12%
The relative errorfor forVZA
flightsvalues as to
parallel high theas −36.2°.
solar For flights
principal plane orthogonal
shows a slight to the solar
with plane, VZA.
increasing a relative
For error of 45%
positive VZA is values,
obtained theforrelative
VZA = error
−45° (corresponding
of the Integrated to Albedo
the green grass),
while 11%,
below for the restfor
even ofthetheVZA VZAvalues
high as 40.8 ˝
−13°, while
and 45°), the relative
for negative VZA errors remain
values, below error
the relative 15%.
remains belowlight
12% becomes
for VZA the main
values assource
high as error ˝in
of´36.2 albedo
. For calculations,
flights orthogonal asto
the solar noted
It is worth
plane, noting
a relative that
error ofthe
is obtained for of the
VZA error
= ´45 in ˝the albedo to other
(corresponding physical
to the green quantities
grass), while in the
the energy
rest of the VZA budget
values has been studied
(between ˝
´13 and [7],45 ˝
and three
), the scenarios
relative errorswere
remain considered
below 15%. according to the
light relativethe
becomes error:
main low (21%),ofmedium
source error in (43%),
albedoand high (65%).
calculations, as Our results would
previously be classified
noted [7]. It is worth in
the low
noting thaterror scenario. The
the propagation of thefact that
error in we use the
the albedo at-surface
to other solar
physical irradiance
quantities in thetosurface
calculate energythe
budget has beenof each
studied AHS [7],channel
and three in scenarios
the integration method isaccording
were considered an advantageto thethat
albedomay explain
relative the
low results.
medium (43%), and high (65%). Our results would be classified in the low error scenario.
Now we proceed to compare our results with previous results. As for the validation of remote
sensing albedo data, numerous results for sensors on satellite platforms have been published.
However, very few results can be found concerning airborne sensors. Most of the MODIS albedo
relative accuracy of 9% is obtained when using the appropriate set of coefficients. They obtain an
RMSE in the range of 0.02–0.05, depending on the BRDF model and the combination of coefficients
used in the computation of the broadband albedo. Moreover, they study the RMSE for a given BRDF
model and for different sets of coefficients in the narrow to broadband conversion and obtain the
Remote Sens. 2016, 8, 183 23 of 29
same range of variation in the RMSE (0.02–0.05) depending on the set of coefficients used. Thus, it
seems that the narrow to broadband albedo conversion is a very important source of errors. This
The fact that the
we need to at-surface
use the develop a solar
specific algorithm
irradiance to convertthe
to calculate narrow albedo of
contribution to each
broadband albedo
AHS channel
for each sensor, as we propose in our work.
in the integration method is an advantage that may explain the good results.

Figure 13. Relative error in the

Figure 13. the estimation
estimation of field albedo
albedo as aa function
function of
of the
the VZA.
VZA. The
The results
results are
grouped according to the direction
grouped according the direction of the flight with
with respect to the solar
the solar principal plane (P: parallel,
O: orthogonal)
method used
method for the
used forcalculation of the airborne
the calculation albedo (Integrated
of the airborne or MODIS).
albedo (Integrated or
Now we proceed to compare our results with previous results. As for the validation of remote
sensing et al. [61] evaluated
data, numeroustheresults
accuracy of MODIS
for sensors surfaceplatforms
on satellite albedo using
have BRDF modeling However,
been published. and field
very few resultsover canthe
be SUFRAD [62] and CART/SGP
found concerning [63] sites.
airborne sensors. They
Most of obtain an RMSE
the MODIS = 0.018
albedo over
validation results attribute the discrepancy between satellite and field data to the heterogeneitythe
the SUFRAD stations and an RMSE = 0.015 for the CART/SGP sites. In this case, they obtain of
MODIS albedo,andbecause the narrow
some authors notedtothe
broadband albedo
need for high conversion
spatial is albedo
resolution carriedestimates
out usingtothe linear
the validation in Liang [15].
procedure. A larger
Authors usingdifference between
airborne data carryMODIS and field
out the narrow values is observed
to broadband conversionin
using linear combinations that were devised for satellite sensors, despite the spectral mismatch
between the sensors. Additionally, for the narrow to broadband conversion, some authors use the
equation proposed in Liang et al. [18], while others use Equation (2) in this paper. Liang et al. [59]
use the Narrow-to-Broadband algorithm to MODIS and apply Equation (1) to estimate the apparent
broadband albedo. The validation is carried out over a diverse set of surfaces, including soils, crops,
and natural vegetation, throughout the year, and an RMSE of 0.018 is obtained, a value higher than the
one obtained in this work. Jacob et al. [60] calculated the albedo from the airborne sensor POLDER with
a spatial resolution of 20 m using three BRDF models. They perform the narrow to broadband albedo
conversion using a linear combination of spectral hemispherical reflectance. They use several sets of
coefficients that were proposed in the literature for different sensors with spectral response functions
different from those of POLDER. The validation was performed over several sites with three covers:
alfalfa, sunflower, and wheat. A relative accuracy of 9% is obtained when using the appropriate set of
coefficients. They obtain an RMSE in the range of 0.02–0.05, depending on the BRDF model and the
combination of coefficients used in the computation of the broadband albedo. Moreover, they study
the RMSE for a given BRDF model and for different sets of coefficients in the narrow to broadband
conversion and obtain the same range of variation in the RMSE (0.02–0.05) depending on the set of
coefficients used. Thus, it seems that the narrow to broadband albedo conversion is a very important
source of errors. This emphasizes the need to develop a specific algorithm to convert narrow albedo to
broadband albedo for each sensor, as we propose in our work.
Remote Sens. 2016, 8, 183 24 of 29

Jin et al. [61] evaluated the accuracy of MODIS surface albedo using BRDF modeling and field
measurements over the SUFRAD [62] and CART/SGP [63] sites. They obtain an RMSE = 0.018 over
the SUFRAD stations and an RMSE = 0.015 for the CART/SGP sites. In this case, they obtain the
inherent albedo, because the narrow to broadband albedo conversion is carried out using the linear
combination in Liang [15]. A larger difference between MODIS and field values is observed in winter,
late fall, and early spring than in the growing seasons, suggesting the possible effect of heterogeneity
within the MODIS pixels. This justifies the need for albedo estimations using data with higher spatial
resolution, as in this work.
Liu et al. [58] carry out a comparison of MODIS albedo with field albedo for three SZA ranges
(local noon, 55˝ < SZA < 65˝ , and 75˝ < SZA < 85˝ ) on snow-free surfaces at six sites over a three-year
period. Several land cover types were tested, including agriculture, grassland, pasture, and a mixture
of grassland and shrubland. They obtain an RMSE = 0.012–0.1, depending on the homogeneity of
the area. The agreement between the remote sensing albedo and field albedo is best when the SZA
is small (<30˝ ). In the present study, we work with 37.5˝ < SZA < 49.3˝ and we obtain lower RMSE
values. They observed that MODIS underestimates the surface albedo. Wang et al. [64] evaluate the
accuracy of MODIS V004 and V005 shortwave and visible albedo products for 18 FLUXNET [65] sites
between 2000 and 2007. They calculate the inherent broadband albedo as a linear combination of
narrowband albedos using the coefficients in Liang et al. [18]. In the case of the shortwave albedo
(400 to 3000 nm), i.e., the albedo that can be compared to our results, they obtained a bias of ´0.009
and a standard deviation of 0.02 for the V004 product and a bias of ´0.008 and a standard deviation
of 0.02 for the V005 product. They find that the difference between the ground and MODIS albedos
is larger at heterogeneous sites. The differences between satellite- and ground-measured albedos
have been analyzed as a function of surface heterogeneity, plant functional type and seasonality at
the FLUXNET sites by Cescatti et al. [27]. Only sites with the highest degree of homogeneity in the
area surrounding the measurement tower were chosen, and only sites with a single plant functional
type were included in the analysis. They observe that MODIS overestimates the surface albedo of
low-albedo sites and underestimates the albedo of high-albedo sites. We obtained the same result
when comparing the MODIS Albedo and the Integrated Albedo data (Figure 8). Therefore, according
to our results, this behavior can be partly attributed to the narrow to broadband conversion algorithm.
Cescatti et al. [27] obtain a mean absolute percentage error between 5% and 40%, with the lowest values
at the most spatially homogeneous sites. Their results demonstrate the need to characterize the spatial
heterogeneity of ground sites using airborne and finer-scale satellite imagery. Some authors have
evaluated the MODIS/Albedo MCD43 product and the AHS albedo over the same area used in our
study [16]. Two BRDF models have been applied to the AHS data to obtain the narrowband albedo: the
RossThick-LiSparse-Reciprocal model (the one used in the MODIS/Albedo MCD43 product) and the
RossThick-Maignan-LiSparse-Reciprocal model, which corrects for the hot spot effect. The broadband
albedo was then calculated using Equation (1). To compare the AHS and MODIS albedo values,
the AHS images are aggregated to simulate the MODIS pixel size. When compared to field data,
the non-aggregated AHS data produce an RMSE = 0.018 for both BRDF models. In addition to this,
both models underestimate the albedo. The aggregated AHS albedo versus MODIS albedo yields
an RMSE = 0.04 for both models. The discrepancy between the aggregated and MODIS albedo is
attributed not only to the aggregation procedure but also to the fact that MODIS combines data from
different dates, while AHS uses data from a single date. Airborne sensors have been used in the
validation of satellite albedo data. For instance, MODIS and Landsat albedo retrievals were validated
based on comparisons with field and airborne albedos, using the Cloud Absorption Radiometer
(CAR) airborne sensor [28]. Satellite and airborne albedos were estimated using the BRDF modeling,
and ground measurements were taken over the ARM/CART site [66]. When compared with field
measurements, they obtain an RMSE of 0.009 for MODIS when SZA < 45˝ and 0.03 when SZA > 45˝ .
In the case of the CAR sensor, which has a spatial resolution of 30 m, the RMSE = 0.01 for SZA < 45˝
and 0.03 for SZA > 45˝ . The results for Landsat yield an RMSE = 0.03 for SZA < 45˝ and 0.04 for
Remote Sens. 2016, 8, 183 25 of 29

SZA > 45˝ . In their work, they propose the use of the airborne albedos as ground-truth data for
satellite albedo validation. This point explains the need for an algorithm to estimate the broadband
albedo using airborne hyperspectral data with high spatial resolution. The Direct-Estimation algorithm
has been applied to Airborne Visible Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) data [19], yielding an
RMSE = 0.03 when their data are compared to ground data. They study the effect of surface anisotropy
on the broadband albedo estimation and conclude that Lambertian approximation does not lead to
significant errors over snow-free surfaces.

4. Conclusions
The broadband albedo of the AHS data over the Barrax site (Spain) has been calculated using a
new operational method and then validated using field measurements from three sites: a camelina
field, a green grass field, and a vineyard. The method is based on the integration of the HDRF over
the spectral range of 350–2500 nm. The spectral response functions of the AHS channels and the
at-surface downwelling irradiance measured on a white reference panel were used in the integration.
The method does not need any BRDF modeling, does not require multiangular measurements, and it is
based on the assumption that the narrowband albedo can be approximated by the HDRF. To assess this
approximation, the dependence of the airborne HDRF on the VZA and on the SZA was evaluated at the
validation sites for VZA values between ´45˝ and 45˝ . The results show that the narrowband albedo
can be approximated by the HDRF for flights parallel to the solar principal plane for all VZA values.
For flights orthogonal to the solar principal plane, the approximation is valid for all positive VZA
values (forward scattering direction). However, the data from flights orthogonal to the solar principal
plane with negative VZA values in the green grass and vineyard demonstrate that the HDRF does not
depend on the viewing direction for VZA values up to ´9.0˝ , while a significant VZA dependence is
observed for VZA = ´45˝ .
For validation purposes, albedo field measurements were obtained at the same time as the flights.
Measurements were taken every 10 min at the camelina site, every minute at the green grass site, and
every hour at the vineyard site. A parameterization of the field albedo as a function of the SZA was
used to calculate the field albedo at the time of the flights. The albedo obtained via the integration of
the HDRF (Integrated Albedo) was compared to that obtained using the equation for the broadband
apparent albedo proposed for MODIS after adaptation to the AHS data (MODIS Albedo). Although
the values obtained by both methods are very similar, a slight bias exists, the sign of which depends on
the land cover. For validation, the RMSE and the relative errors were calculated. A lower RMSE was
obtained using the Integrated Albedo than using the MODIS Albedo for the camelina (0.013–0.018 vs.
0.018–0.02) and the vineyard (0.012–0.016 vs. 0.015–0.018), while similar RMSE values were obtained
for the green grass (0.009–0.013). The relative error of the Integrated Albedo is lower than that of the
MODIS Albedo for the majority of the validation data, especially for those at high VZA values. These
results improve upon previous results using the AHS sensor over the same area (RMSE = 0.01–0.03).
When the validation is carried out for parallel and perpendicular flights separately, we obtain lower
RMSE values and a higher coefficient of determination for the flights parallel to the principal plane.
Moreover, the relative error in the Integrated Albedo is less than 12% for ´36.2˝ < VZA < 40.8˝ in the
case of flights parallel to the solar principal plane and less than 15% for ´13˝ < VZA < 45˝ and 45% for
VZA = ´45˝ for flights orthogonal to the solar principal plane. We conclude that the method can be
used for ´45˝ < VZA < 45˝ in the case of flights parallel to the solar principal plane. In the case of
flights orthogonal to the solar principal plane, it can be used for ´13˝ < VZA < 45˝ ; however, it should
be used with caution for VZA values close to ´45˝ .
Previous broadband albedo calculations using the AHS sensor relied on the MODIS apparent
broadband albedo equation without considering the spectral mismatch between MODIS bands and
AHS channels. Although the use of this equation produces good albedo estimates, its use with the
AHS sensor has never been justified. In this work, we have carried out a unique comparison of the
Integrated Albedo to the MODIS Albedo, proving that the Integrated Albedo provides better albedo
Remote Sens. 2016, 8, 183 26 of 29

estimates (lower RMSEs and lower relative errors). At the same time, this study can be considered to
be a justification for using the MODIS equation with the AHS sensor.
The authors propose the use of the weighting coefficients calculated for each AHS channel over
the at-surface solar spectrum for the calculation of the broadband albedo when using data from the
REFLEX campaign. Future investigations should be conducted to extend the application of the method
to other sensors and to a wider range of VZA values.

Acknowledgments: The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s
7th Framework Program (FP7/2008-2013) under EUFAR contract No. 27159, Cost Action ES0903-EUROSPEC and
ESA Grant D/EOP/rp/2012/48.
Author Contributions: J.F.C. conceived the idea of the work, calculated the albedo images using the two
procedures described in the paper, processed the field data to obtain the field albedos, and calculated the
parameterization as a function of the VZA. He carried out the validation and the statistical analysis and wrote
and edited the paper. C.R. performed the fits of the albedo field values to the parameterization function and
discussed the values of the parameters. J.P. calculated the VZA of each pixel in each image and contributed to the
editing of the figures and the references. F. de la Cruz provided details on the field experimental devices, and
J.R.-P. provided information on the operation of the radiation meters. S.F. contributed to the critical analysis of the
paper. All authors contributed to the manuscript by writing, editing, and proofreading.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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