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A Primer On The Taguchi Method

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Ranjit K. Roy
Copyright © 2010 Society of Manufacturing Engineers


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Library of Congress Control Number: 2009942461

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My exposure to the Taguchi methods began in the early 1980s

when I was employed with General Motors Corporation at its
Technical Center in Warren, Mich. At that time, manufacturing
industries as a whole in the Western world, in particular the auto-
motive industry, were starving for practical techniques to improve
quality and reliability. Having perfected his concepts in Japan and
a few places elsewhere during the late 1940s, Dr. Taguchi intro-
duced his quality improvement methods to the United States in
the early 80s. His focus was to optimize performance and make
design robust by use of the statistical technique known as design
of experiments (DOE), which was originally introduced by R.A.
Fisher in England in the 1920s.
To make the technique more effective and easy to use, Dr. Ta-
guchi recommended a standardized version of DOE and devised
ways for practical application and analysis of results. For quality
improvement champions, this was an attractive tool. Manufac-
turing organizations of all kinds readily learned and applied the
methods to benefit the design of numerous products and processes.
Remarkable progress was made by many throughout the 1980s.
For automotive manufacturers, the process of catching up in qual-
ity with foreign manufacturers was launched.
Those of us who were actively promoting the quality improve-
ment effort within our organizations and had the responsibilities
to implement the technique were challenged to find better ways
to teach and apply the technique. In the early 80s, there were
only a handful of books and hardly any documented application
examples. The primary reference in the market was Dr. Taguchi’s
x A Primer on the Taguchi Method

own book, System of Experimental Design (Quality Resources,

1987). That book and related training materials were my first
resources to explain the Taguchi technique to others in a simpler
form. A credit to the effectiveness and acceptance of the Taguchi
technique is that there now are more than a dozen textbooks and
thousands of published reports available to practitioners.
Following the overwhelming surge of interest in learning and
implementing the technique by manufacturing companies of all
kinds, the focus shifted in the mid 1990s. Introduction of general
and company-wide quality improvement disciplines such as ISO/
QS-9000 and Six Sigma unintentionally diminished the priority
and funding for activities that required special techniques. These
general quality systems, which were value-added and beneficial
to most businesses, also required use of statistical techniques like
DOE, Taguchi methods, statistical process control (SPC), and so
on, but for most companies these were among the last few things
to do and easily postponed.
The turn of the 21st century saw the beginning of a downturn
in the economy. Auto companies were downsizing; most didn’t
have much money to spend on training as business survival over-
shadowed quality improvement concerns. Now as the economy is
starting to show signs of recovery, manufacturing companies can
refocus on implementing statistical techniques.
While teaching, training, and practicing in the 1990s, I found
greater demand for a reference on the application of the technique
rather than on the theory. Thus, the first edition of A Primer on
the Taguchi Method (Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 1990)
introduced basic concepts through application examples and case
studies. This led to my second book, Design of Experiments Using
the Taguchi Approach (John Wiley & Sons, 2001), which covered
a minimal amount of theory while describing many more applica-
tions in detail. Both books were received favorably by readers in
academia, business, and industry.


The following are highlights of additions and changes in this
second edition of the Primer:
Preface xi

• Chapters 1–4: Minor changes in clarity and in the defini-

tions of quality
• Chapter 5: Taguchi robust design strategy and the two-step
optimization technique added
• Chapter 6: Advanced analysis of multiple-sample results
• Chapter 7: Relationship of the loss function to other per-
formance and capability statistics defined
• Chapter 8: Comprehensive experiment planning discussions
included, and transformation to overall evaluation criteria
revised and expanded
• Chapter 9: An example depicting current practices in ap-
plication to production problem solving added

This book would not be in circulation today without the Society
of Manufacturing Engineers undertaking continued printing of the
first edition after the original publisher folded technical publish-
ing activities. For this second edition, I am indebted to Rosemary
Csizmadia of SME, who was relentless in her conviction of market
demand for the book even in difficult economic times. I would also
like to thank Ellen Kehoe of SME for her grasp of language and
insight into the technology in editing the manuscript.
I am grateful to my professional and business associates, Larry
Smith, Mike Comerford, Greg Adams, Larry Tracey, Dave White,
and Jay Chandra, for their trust in my ability to support their clients
seeking training and application of the Taguchi technique. I would
like to express my sincere thanks to Larry Smith, in particular, who
spent an extraordinary amount of time on a meticulous review, and
to Andrea Stamps, Kush Shah, Side Zhao, Fred Schenkelberg, and
Pradeep Kumar for their detailed and constructive suggestions.
Finally, I thank my wife, Krishna, who has put up with my
dedication to the life of an independent consultant, trainer, and
author for more than two decades.
Ranjit K. Roy
January 2010

Preface .......................................................................................................................... ix
Abbreviations and Symbols ........................................................................... xii

1 Quality Through Product and Process Optimization

BACKGROUND ..................................................................................................................... 1
DESIGN OF EXPERIMENTS—THE CONVENTIONAL APPROACH ......................................... 1
DESIGN OF EXPERIMENTS—THE TAGUCHI APPROACH ..................................................... 5
EXERCISES ..................................................................................................................... 6

2 Taguchi Approach to Quality and Cost Improvement

BACKGROUND ..................................................................................................................... 9
TAGUCHI PHILOSOPHY ...................................................................................................... 10
CONCEPT OF THE LOSS FUNCTION ................................................................................... 13
EXPERIMENT DESIGN STRATEGY ...................................................................................... 18
ANALYSIS OF RESULTS ...................................................................................................... 19
AREAS OF APPLICATION ................................................................................................... 21
THE NEW APPROACH—ITS APPEAL AND LIMITATIONS .................................................. 22
EXERCISES ................................................................................................................... 23

3 Measurement of Quality
THE QUALITY CHARACTERISTIC ........................................................................................ 25
VARIATION AS A QUALITY YARDSTICK .............................................................................. 26
COST OF VARIATION .......................................................................................................... 27
QUALITY AND VARIATION ................................................................................................. 27
THE QUALITY WE ARE AFTER ............................................................................................ 29
vi A Primer on the Taguchi Method

TAGUCHI QUALITY STRATEGY ........................................................................................... 30

SELECTING DESIGN PARAMETERS FOR REDUCED VARIATION ......................................... 31
COMMON TERMINOLOGY .................................................................................................. 32
EXERCISES ................................................................................................................... 35

4 Attractions and Benefits of the Taguchi Method

THE NEW DISCIPLINE ........................................................................................................ 37
UP-FRONT THINKING ........................................................................................................ 39
EXPERIMENTAL EFFICIENCY .............................................................................................. 40
EFFECTIVE USE OF STATISTICAL PROCESS CONTROL ....................................................... 41
LONG-TERM BENEFITS ...................................................................................................... 41
QUANTIFYING COST BENEFITS—TAGUCHI LOSS FUNCTION .......................................... 41
SPECIFYING TOLERANCE LEVELS ...................................................................................... 47
EXERCISES ................................................................................................................... 48

5 Working Mechanics of the Taguchi Design of Experiments

FORMULAS FOR EXPERIMENT LAYOUT ............................................................................. 49
BASIC METHODOLOGY ...................................................................................................... 50
DESIGNING THE EXPERIMENT ........................................................................................... 53
DESIGNING WITH MORE THAN THREE VARIABLES ........................................................... 65
DESIGNS WITH INTERACTION ........................................................................................... 68
DESIGNS WITH MIXED FACTOR LEVELS ............................................................................ 85
DUMMY TREATMENT (COLUMN DEGRADING) ................................................................... 93
COMBINATION DESIGN ...................................................................................................... 98
DESIGNING EXPERIMENTS TO REDUCE VARIABILITY ..................................................... 103
ROBUST DESIGN STRATEGY ............................................................................................ 104
TWO-STEP OPTIMIZATIONS ............................................................................................ 110
ROBUST DESIGNS AGAINST MULTIPLE NOISES .............................................................. 121
DESIGN AND ANALYSIS SUMMARY ................................................................................. 124
EXERCISES ................................................................................................................. 126

6 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

THE ROLE OF ANOVA ....................................................................................................... 129
ANOVA TERMS, NOTATIONS, AND DEVELOPMENT .......................................................... 129
Contents vii

ONE-WAY ANOVA ............................................................................................................. 135

ONE-FACTOR TWO-LEVEL EXPERIMENTS (ONE-WAY ANOVA) ........................................ 141
TWO-WAY ANOVA ............................................................................................................ 146
EXPERIMENTS WITH REPLICATIONS ............................................................................... 149
STANDARD ANALYSIS WITH SINGLE AND MULTIPLE RUNS ........................................... 154
APPLICATION OF S/N RATIO ........................................................................................... 172
EXERCISES ................................................................................................................. 182

7 Loss Function
DERIVATION OF LOSS FUNCTION .................................................................................... 185
AVERAGE LOSS FUNCTION FOR PRODUCT POPULATION ............................................... 189
APPLICATION OF LOSS FUNCTION CONCEPTS ............................................................... 189
LOOKS OF PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT ..................................................................... 196
EXERCISES ................................................................................................................. 202

8 Brainstorming—An Integral Part of the Taguchi Philosophy

THE NECESSITY OF BRAINSTORMING ............................................................................. 205
THE NATURE OF THE SESSION ........................................................................................ 206
TOPICS OF THE DISCUSSIONS ......................................................................................... 208
EXERCISES ................................................................................................................. 221

9 Examples of Taguchi Case Studies

APPLICATION BENCHMARKS ........................................................................................... 225
APPLICATION EXAMPLES, INCLUDING DESIGN AND ANALYSIS ..................................... 226
Example 9-1: Engine Valve Train Noise Study .................................................. 226
Example 9-2: Study of Crankshaft Surface Finishing Process ............................. 230
Example 9-3: Automobile Generator Noise Study ............................................. 234
Example 9-4: Engine Idle Stability Study ........................................................ 236
Example 9-5: Instrument Panel Structure Design Optimization .......................... 238
Example 9-6: Study Leading to Selection of Worst-Case Barrier Test Vehicle ...... 241
Example 9-7: Airbag Design Study .................................................................. 244
Example 9-8: Transmission Control Cable Adjustment Parameters ..................... 247
Example 9-9: Front Structure Crush Characteristics ........................................... 247
Example 9-10: Electronic Connector Spring Disengagement Force Study ............ 252
viii A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Appendix A: Orthogonal Arrays, Triangular Tables, and

Linear Graphs ...................................................................................................... 261

Appendix B: Taguchi Experiment Flow Diagram and

F-Tables ..................................................................................................................... 281

References .............................................................................................................. 293

Bibliography .......................................................................................................... 294
Glossary ................................................................................................................... 295
Index ........................................................................................................................... 299
1 Quality Through Product
and Process Optimization

Mankind has always had a fascination with quality. Today’s
technology is testimony to man’s incessant desire to provide a
higher level of quality in products and services to increase market
share and profits. Sometimes quality is essential. A pacemaker that
controls heart action must operate continuously and precisely. An
erratic pacemaker is valueless, useless, and dangerous.
Driven by the need to compete on price and performance and
to maintain profitability, quality-conscious manufacturers are
increasingly aware of the need to optimize products and processes.
Quality achieved by means of design optimization is found by many
manufacturers to be cost effective in gaining and maintaining a
competitive position in the world market.


The technique of defining and investigating all possible condi-
tions in an experiment involving multiple factors is known as the
design of experiments (DOE). In the literature, this technique is
also referred to as factorial design. Design of experiments concepts
have been in use since Sir Ronald A. Fisher’s work in agricultural
experimentation during the late 1920s. Fisher [1] successfully
designed experiments to determine optimum treatments of land
for agriculture to achieve maximum yield. Numerous applications
of this approach, especially in the chemical and pharmaceutical
industries, are cited in the literature. A thorough coverage of this
subject is beyond the scope of this study, but the method and its
2 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

advantages and disadvantages from an engineering point of view

are illustrated by a simple example.
Consider a snack food company planning to introduce a new
chocolate chip cookie in the market. The product designers have
standardized all other ingredients except the amount of sugar and
chocolate chips. Two levels of chips, C1 and C2, and two levels of
sugar, S1 and S2, were selected (subscripts 1 and 2, respectively,
refer to the low and high levels of each factor). To select the best
combination of these ingredients that appeal most to potential
customers, the market research group decided to conduct a survey
of customer preference.
This is one of the simplest cases of design of experiments. It
involves two factors (chips and sugar) at two different levels (high
and low) that affect the taste of cookies. Such an experiment is
described as a 2 × 2 factorial experiment. There are four (2 ) pos-
sible treatments or combinations. The responses to these factors,
as obtained by a taste test, are given in Table 1-1.
Examination of customer response shows a 10% (55 – 45)
increase in preference for sugar level S2 at the low level (C1) of
chocolate chips, but the response increases to 15% (80 – 65) when
more chips (C2) are used. These increases are called the simple
effect of sugar. On the other hand, for the higher amount of chips,
the taste preference increased from 45% to 65% at sugar level
S1 and further increased to 80% with the higher sugar level S2.

Table 1-1. Taste preference survey (in percent)

SUGAR LEVEL Mean response
(chocolate chips)
LEVEL S1 S2 Mean (C2 – C1)
C1 45 55 50.0
C2 65 80 72.5
Grand mean
Mean 55.0 67.5
Mean response
(sugar) 12.5
(S2 – S1)
Quality Through Product and Process Optimization 3

The mean response, that is,

the difference between the 84
average effects at two levels 80 80
of sugar (12.5%), is called 76

the main effect of sugar. 72 S2

Similarly, the main effect for 64 Sugar level 65
chocolate chips is 22.5%. It 60
is important to note that, in 56 55
this example, only the main 52 S1
effects are analyzed; no at- 48
44 45
tempt is made to analyze the
interactions between the fac- C1 C2
tors. Interactions may or may Chocolate chips level
not be present. The relative
influence of the factors and Figure 1-1. Factor effects
interactions between various
factors included in the study
can be quantitatively determined by using the analysis of variance
(ANOVA). This procedure is described in Chapter 6.
For the present, the degree of interactions for a 2 × 2 experi-
ment can be determined from Figure 1-1, which graphs the response
against one factor (C) for two levels of the second factor (S). Because
the lines for the two levels, S1 and S2, are almost parallel, the factors
(S and C) are said to be independent, and little or no interaction is
assumed to exist. Nonparallel lines would indicate the presence of
some interaction. Highly skewed lines or a higher angle between
lines (need not be intersecting) would indicate strong interaction
between the two factors. Figure 1-1 indicates only a slight interac-
tion between the two factors (sugar and chocolate chips).
In the above example there were only two factors, each at two
different levels. It would be rather easy to manufacture four types
of cookies reflecting all possible combinations of the factors under
study and to subject them to a market survey.
For a full factorial design, the number of possible designs, N, is
N=L (1.1)
where L = number of levels for each factor and m = number of factors.
4 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Thus, if the qualities of a given product depend on three fac-

tors, A, B, and C, and each factor is to be tested at two levels, then
Eq. (1-1) would result in 2 (8) possible design configurations. This
three-factor, two-level experiment is represented by Table 1-2.
In this configuration of factors and levels, the test matrix is
still easily managed, and every combination can be investigated.
Each box in the table is called a “cell.” To improve accuracy, sev-
eral observations are made per cell, and the significance of the
factors’ influences on the variability of results is determined by
statistical analysis (ANOVA).
Now consider the case where the cookies under consideration
have 15 different ingredients at two levels each. In this case, 2
(32,768) possible varieties of cookies need to be investigated before
the most desirable recipe can be established. A market research
program of this magnitude would be exorbitant in cost and time.
Techniques such as fractional (or partial) factorial experiments are
used to simplify the experiment. Fractional factorial experiments
investigate only a fraction of all possible combinations. This ap-
proach saves considerable time and money but requires rigorous
mathematical treatment, both in the design of the experiment
and in the analysis of the results. Each experimenter may design
a different set of fractional factorial experiments.
So, while factorial and fractional factorial designs of experi-
ments are widely and effectively used, they suffer from the fol-
lowing limitations:

1. The experiments become unwieldy in cost and time when

the number of variables is large.
2. Two designs for the same experiment may yield different
3. The interpretation of the experimental results with a
larger number of factors may be difficult due to lack of
clear design and analysis guidelines.

In this part of the science of designing experiments, Dr. Genichi

Taguchi of Japan proposed an innovative method. He simplified
and standardized fractional factorial designs in such a manner that
Quality Through Product and Process Optimization 5

Table 1-2. Test matrix with three factors at two levels

A1 A2
B1 B2 B1 B2 Average
C2 “cell”

two engineers conducting tests thousands of miles apart would use

designs of similar size and expect to obtain consistent results.
Taguchi contributed discipline and structure to the design of
experiments. The result is a standardized design methodology that
can easily be applied by investigators. Furthermore, designs for the
same experiment by two different investigators will yield similar
data and will lead to similar conclusions. Taguchi overcame the
limitations of factorial and fractional factorial experiments.


To make the DOE easier and more attractive to industrial
practitioners, Dr. Taguchi proposed the following considerations
for application of the technique:
1. Definition of quality – Taguchi defined quality in terms of
minimum loss to society (described in detail in Chapter 2),
which in measurable engineering terms translates into con-
sistency of performance. Regardless of application, whether
it is a product or a process, or how the results are measured,
consistency in performance is considered as a primary
attribute. Consistency is achieved when performance is
close to the target with least variation. To improve quality,
Taguchi proposed a two-step optimization approach:
a. Find the factor-level combination that reduces perfor-
mance variability.
b. Adjust the factor levels that bring performance closer
to the target.
2. Standardized DOE – For designing experiments, Taguchi
utilized a special set of tables, called orthogonal arrays
6 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

(OAs), which represent the smallest fractional factorials

and are used for most common experiment designs.
3. Robust design strategy – To make products and processes
insensitive to the influence of uncontrollable (noise) factors,
Taguchi incorporates a formal way to include noise factors
in the experiment layout. This new structure (called outer
array design) facilitates the use of experiments of smaller
size to study the effects of a larger number of noise factors,
which leads to a favorable performance with the mean close
to the target and reduced variation around the mean.
4. Loss function – The mathematical formula associated with
the concept of the loss function proposed by Taguchi allows a
simple way to quantify the improvements in monetary units.
The concepts can be easily used to express predicted improve-
ment from DOE results in terms of expected cost savings.
5. Signal-to-noise (S/N) analysis – For analysis of results from
multiple-sample tests, use of signal-to-noise ratios instead
of the results makes the analysis of DOE results much
easier. In addition, the logarithmic transformation of the
results in terms of S/N ratios empowers the prediction of
improvement in performance from the analysis.

1-1. What are the three main disadvantages of the conventional
design of experiments approach as compared with Taguchi’s
1-2. Which one of the two factor effect graphs in Figure 1-2 indi-
cates the existence of an interaction between the two factors
of an experiment?
1-3. A product involves three primary parameters at three differ-
ent levels of each. To optimize the product, a full factorial
design is planned for experimental evaluations. How many
possible design configurations need to be tested to achieve
the objective?
1-4. Draw a factor graph for the experiment shown in Table 1-3
and discuss the results.
Quality Through Product and Process Optimization 7

B2 B1

B1 B2

A1 A2 A1 A2
Factor A Factor A

Figure 1-2. Factor effect graphs

Table 1-3. Two-factor experiment data

Response to B
B A1 A2 Average (B2 – B1)
B1 40 70 B1 =

B2 65 45 B2 =
Average A1 = A2 =
Response to A
(A2 – A1)
2 Taguchi Approach to
Quality and Cost

After the Second World War, Allied forces found the quality of
the Japanese telephone system to be extremely poor and totally
unsuitable for long-term communication purposes. To improve
the system to a state-of-the-art level, the Allied command rec-
ommended that Japan establish research facilities similar to the
Bell Laboratories in the United States. The Japanese founded the
Electrical Communication Laboratories (ECL), with Dr. Genichi
Taguchi in charge of improving R&D productivity and enhancing
product quality. Taguchi observed that a great deal of time and
money was expended in engineering experimentation and testing,
with little emphasis on the process of creative brainstorming to
minimize the expenditure of resources.
Taguchi started to develop new methods to optimize the
process of engineering experimentation. He developed the
techniques that are now known as the Taguchi Methods. His
greatest contribution lies not in the mathematical formulation
of the design of experiments (DOE) but rather in the accompa-
nying philosophy. His approach is more than a method to lay
out experiments. It is a concept that has produced a unique
and powerful quality improvement discipline that differs from
traditional practices.
Two completely opposing points of view are commonly held
about Taguchi’s contribution to the statistical design of experi-
ments. One view holds that his contribution to the field of quality
control is one of the most significant developments of the last
few decades. The other view maintains that many of the ideas
10 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

proposed in Taguchi’s approach are neither new nor were they

developed by him. This text will not resolve this controversy but
will explain application principles and document successful case
studies using Taguchi’s methods. These new techniques were
transplanted to the United States in the early 1980s and created
significant changes in quality engineering methods in this country.
The Taguchi approach has been successfully applied in several
industrial organizations and has completely changed their outlook
on quality improvement activities.

Taguchi espoused an excellent philosophy for quality control
in the manufacturing industries. Indeed, his doctrine is creating
an entirely different breed of engineers who think, breathe, and
live quality. He has, in fact, given birth to a new quality culture
in this country. Ford Motor Company, for example, decreed in the
early 1990s that all Ford Motor and suppliers’ engineers be trained
in the Taguchi methodology and that these principles be used
to resolve quality issues. Taguchi’s philosophy has far-reaching
consequences, yet it is founded on three very simple and funda-
mental concepts. The whole of the technology and techniques arise
entirely out of these three ideas. These concepts are:
1. Quality should be designed into the product and not
inspected into it.
2. Quality is best achieved by minimizing the deviation from a
target. The product should be so designed that it is immune
to uncontrollable environmental factors.
3. The cost of quality should be measured as a function of
deviation from the standard, and the losses should be
measured system-wide.
Taguchi built on W.E. Deming’s observation that 85% of poor
quality is attributable to the manufacturing process and only 15%
to the worker. Hence, Taguchi developed manufacturing systems
that were “robust” or insensitive to daily and seasonal variations
of environment, machine wear, and other external factors. The
three principles were his guides in developing these systems,
Taguchi Approach to Quality and Cost Improvement 11

testing the factors affecting quality production, and specifying

product parameters.
Taguchi believed that the better way to improve quality was to
design and build it into the product. Quality improvement starts
at the very beginning, that is, during the design stages of a prod-
uct or a process, and continues through the production phase. He
proposed an “off-line” strategy for developing quality improvement
early in the design phases in place of an attempt to inspect quality
into a product on the production line. Taguchi observed that poor
quality cannot be improved by the process of inspection, screen-
ing, or salvaging. No amount of inspection can put quality back
into the product; inspection merely treats a symptom. Therefore,
quality concepts should be based on, and developed around, the
philosophy of prevention. The product design must be so robust
that it is immune to the influence of uncontrolled application and
environmental factors on the manufacturing processes. Taguchi
was insistent on addressing quality up-front in design for much
higher return on investment.
Taguchi’s second concept deals with actual methods of improv-
ing the quality of products. He contended that quality is directly
related to the deviation of a design parameter from the target
value, not to conformance to some fixed specifications. A product
may be produced with properties skewed toward one end of an
acceptance range yet show shorter life expectancy. However, by
specifying a target value for the critical property and developing
manufacturing processes to meet the target value with little de-
viation, the life expectancy may be much improved.
Taguchi’s third concept calls for measuring deviations from
a given design parameter in terms of the overall life cycle costs
of the product. These costs would include the cost of scrap, re-
work, inspection, returns, warranty service calls, and/or product
replacement. These costs provide guidance regarding the major
parameters to be controlled.
Taguchi views quality improvement as an ongoing effort. He
continually strives to reduce variation around the target value. A
product under investigation may exhibit a distribution that has a
mean value different from the target value. The first step toward
12 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

improving quality is to achieve the population distribution as

close to the target value as possible. To accomplish this, Taguchi
designs experiments using specially constructed tables known as
orthogonal arrays (OAs). The use of these tables makes the design
of experiments very easy.
A second objective of manufacturing products to conform to
an ideal value is to reduce the variation or scatter around the
target. To accomplish this objective, Taguchi cleverly incorporates
a unique way to treat noise factors. Noise factors, according to
his terminology, are factors that influence the response of a pro-
cess but cannot be economically controlled. Noise factors such as
weather conditions, machinery wear, and so on, are usually the
prime sources for variations. Through the use of what he calls
the outer arrays, Taguchi devised an effective way to study their
influence with the least number of repetitions. The end result is
a “robust” design affected minimally by noise, that is, with a high
signal-to-noise (S/N) value.
To achieve desirable product quality by design, Taguchi recom-
mends a three-stage process, as follows:
1. System design
2. Parameter design
3. Tolerance design
The focus of the system design phase is on determining the
suitable working levels of design factors. It includes designing
and testing a system based on the engineer’s judgment of selected
materials, parts, and nominal product/process parameters based
on current technology. Most often it involves innovation and
knowledge from the applicable fields of science and technology.
While system design helps to identify the working levels of the
design factors, parameter design seeks to determine the factor levels
that produce the best performance of the product/process under
study. The optimum condition is selected so that the influence of
the uncontrolled factors (noise factors) causes minimum variation of
system performance. This text deals solely with parameter design.
Tolerance design is a step used to fine-tune the results of
parameter design by tightening the tolerance of factors with sig-
Taguchi Approach to Quality and Cost Improvement 13

nificant influence on the product. Such steps will normally lead to

identifying the need for better materials, buying newer equipment,
spending more money for inspection, and so on.
Detailed discussion of system design and tolerance design is
beyond the scope of this text.


The concept of the “total loss function” employed by Dr. Ta-
guchi has forced engineers and cost accountants to take a serious
look at the quality control practices of the past. The concept is
simple but effective. Taguchi defines quality as “the total loss
imparted to society from the time a product is shipped to the
customer.” The loss is measured in monetary terms and includes
all costs in excess of the cost of a perfect product. The definition
can be expanded to include the development and manufacturing
phases of a product.
A poorly conceived and designed product begins to impart
losses to society from the embryonic stage and continues to do
so until steps are taken to improve its functional performance.
There are two major categories of loss to society with respect to
the product quality. The first category relates to losses incurred as
a result of harmful effects to society (for example, pollution), and
the second category relates to losses arising because of excessive
variation in functional performance. In this book, the total loss
function refers essentially to the second category.
The conventional method of computing the cost of quality is
based on the number of parts rejected and reworked in a produc-
tion environment. This method of quality evaluation is incapable
of distinguishing between two samples, both within the specifica-
tion limits but with different distributions of targeted properties.
Figure 2-1 shows the conventional method and Taguchi’s view of
the loss function. This graph depicts the loss function as a function
of deviation from an ideal or the target value of a given design
parameter. Here T represents the target value or the most desir-
able value of the parameter under consideration. This parameter
may be a critical dimension, color of the product, surface finish,
or any other characteristic that contributes to the customer’s
14 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Old school
(No loss range)

100% Taguchi Conventional

loss function loss function

UAL Target value (T) LAL

LAL = Lower acceptable limit (same as LSL)

UAL = Upper acceptable limit (same as USL)

Figure 2-1. Taguchi and conventional loss functions

conception of quality. How this ideal value of the parameter was

arrived at and how significant this value is in achieving quality
goals will be evident later.
UAL and LAL in Figure 2-1 represent upper and lower ac-
ceptable limits of a design parameter, respectively. Normally the
product is functionally acceptable if the value of the specified
parameter is within the range between the UAL and LAL limits.
No societal loss is assumed to occur; the product is shipped to
the consumer. However, outside these limits, as shown by the
crosshatched region, 100% functional deterioration occurs, and
the product is either discarded, reworked, or subjected to salvage
operations. Every attempt is made to control the manufacturing
process to maintain the product within the acceptable limits.
However, according to Taguchi, there is no sharp cutoff in the
real world on situations just before and beyond the LAL and UAL
points. Typically, performance begins to gradually deteriorate as
the design parameter deviates from its optimum value. Therefore,
Taguchi proposed that the loss function be measured by the devia-
tion from the ideal value. This function is continuous, as shown
by the dotted line in Figure 2-1. Product performance begins to
suffer when the design parameters deviate from the ideal or the
target value. Taguchi’s definition clearly puts more emphasis on
customer satisfaction, whereas previously all definitions were
Taguchi Approach to Quality and Cost Improvement 15

concerned with the producer. Optimum customer satisfaction can

be achieved by developing the products that meet the target value
on a consistent basis. It may be worthwhile to mention that Tagu-
chi allows for more than 100% loss imparted by a product. Such
cases can occur when a subsystem results in a failure of the entire
system or when a system fails catastrophically. Thus, the single
most important aspect of Taguchi’s quality control philosophy is
the minimization of variation around the target value.
A case study conducted by the Sony Corporation makes it abun-
dantly clear that these two schools of thought are significantly dif-
ferent from each other and indeed affect customer satisfaction. In
the early 1980s, Sony manufactured one of its color television sets
in Japan as well as in the United States. The TVs from both sources
were intended for the U.S. market and had identical design and
system tolerances. Yet American consumers consistently preferred
the color characteristics of TV sets manufactured overseas.
A study was conducted to determine a cause for the difference
in customer preference. The results indicated that the frequency
distributions for the sets manufactured in United States and those
manufactured in Japan were significantly different, as shown
in Figure 2-2. Plants in both countries produced TVs with color
density within the tolerance range. None or a limited number of
televisions with out-of-tolerance color characteristics were shipped
to the consumer. However, the U.S.-built sets followed a somewhat
flat distribution consistent with a go/no-go philosophy, while the
product manufactured in Japan followed a normal distribution
with smaller deviation from the target value. The large scatter,
observed in the performance characteristics of the product manu-
factured in the U.S., as is evident from Figure 2-2, was responsible
for significantly lower customer preference for these sets. Once the
process in the U.S. plant was improved, which led to the produc-
tion of the frequency distribution similar to the TVs produced in
Japan, customer satisfaction with the U.S. product achieved the
level of satisfaction seen with the imported sets. The Sony case
demonstrated that quality is more than just producing between
upper and lower limits; quality is achieving the target as much
as possible and limiting deviations from the target.
16 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Sony Japan


Sony U.S.

LAL = Lower acceptable limit Color density
UAL = Upper acceptable limit
T = Target value

Figure 2-2. Color density distributions

Consider another example, which will further support this

concept of quality. Two batches of main bearings for an internal
combustion engine were received from two different sources, A
and B, for a new engine development program. Under laboratory
conditions, bearings from source B wore much faster than those
from source A. To pinpoint the cause of the unequal wear, selected
performance characteristics of the bearings were measured and
posted. Both batches of bearings were within the design specifi-
cations. However, the source B bearings consistently measured
a mean diameter on the larger side of the tolerance limits, as
depicted in Figure 2-3. Although within the tolerance band, the
larger diameter resulted in excessive clearance. Bearing analysis
later revealed that excessive clearance adversely affected the oil
film thickness, causing the poor wear properties of this batch.
Taguchi Approach to Quality and Cost Improvement 17

Nominal diameter
4 "

Good wear character

" " Source A

" "

Poor wear character

Source B

" "

0 " "
LAL Bearing diameter UAL

Figure 2-3. Bearing diameter distribution

The problem was solved by adjusting the manufacturing process

to maintain bearing diameter near the target value.
The loss function and its implications are discussed in detail
in later sections. At present, it is important to note that:
• The quality loss function is a continuous function and is
a measure of deviation from the target value. The con-
formance to specification limits LAL and UAL is an inad-
equate measure to define the quality loss function.
• Quality loss is related to product performance character-
istics and can best be minimized by designing quality into
the product. Prevention of poor quality is less costly than
rework and yields far better returns.
• Quality loss results from customer dissatisfaction and
should be measured system-wide rather than at a discrete
point in the manufacturing process.
18 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

• Quality loss is a financial and societal loss.

• Minimization of quality loss is the only way to be competitive
and survive in today’s competitive business environment.


Dr. Taguchi utilized a special set of orthogonal arrays (OAs)
to lay out his experiments. The use of Latin squares orthogonal
arrays for experiment designs dates back to the time of World War
II. By combining the orthogonal Latin squares in a unique man-
ner, Taguchi prepared a new set of standard OAs to be used for a
number of experimental situations. A common OA for two-level
factors is shown in Table 2-1. This array, designated by the symbol
L8 (or L-8), is used to design experiments involving up to seven
two-level factors. The array has eight rows and seven columns.
Each row represents a trial condition with factor levels indicated
by the numbers in the row. The vertical columns correspond to
the factors specified in the study.
The columns of all orthogonal arrays are balanced in two ways.
First, the columns are balanced within themselves such that they
all have an equal number of levels of the factor. Second, the col-
umns are balanced between any two columns such that together
they form an equal number of possible combinations. For example,
each column in an L8 array (Table 2-1) contains four one-level and

Table 2-1. Orthogonal array L8(27)

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2
3 1 2 2 1 1 2 2
4 1 2 2 2 2 1 1
5 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
6 2 1 2 2 1 2 1
7 2 2 1 1 2 2 1
8 2 2 1 2 1 1 2
Taguchi Approach to Quality and Cost Improvement 19

four two-level conditions for the factor assigned to the column.

Two two-level factors combine in four possible ways, such as (1,1),
(1,2), (2,1), and (2,2). When two columns of an array form these
combinations the same number of times, the columns are said to
be balanced or orthogonal. Note that any two columns of an L8
(27) array have the same number of combinations of (1,1), (1,2),
(2,1), and (2,2). Thus, all seven columns of an L are orthogonal
to each other.
The OA facilitates the experiment design process. To design
an experiment is to select the most suitable orthogonal array, as-
sign the factors to the appropriate columns, and finally, describe
the combinations of the individual experiments, called the trial
conditions. Let us assume that there are at most seven two-level
factors in the study. Call these factors A, B, C, D, E, F, and G
and assign them to columns 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, respectively,
of L8. The table identifies the eight trials needed to complete the
experiment and the level of each factor for each trial run. The
experiment descriptions are determined by reading the numerals
1 and 2 appearing in the rows of the trial runs. Obviously, when
in use for experiment design, the numbers in the columns of the
orthogonal array represent the level of the factors assigned to the
column. A full factorial experiment would require 27 or 128 runs
but may not provide appreciably more useful information.
The array forces all experimenters to design almost identical
experiments. Experimenters may select different designations for
the columns, but the eight trial runs will include all combinations
independent of column definition. Thus, the OA assures consis-
tency of design by different experimenters.

In the Taguchi method, the results of the experiments are ana-
lyzed to achieve one or more of the following three objectives:
1. To determine the trend of influence of factors and interac-
tions under study.
2. To identify the significant factors and their relative influ-
ences on the variability of results.
20 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

3. To establish the best or the optimum condition for a prod-

uct or a process, along with
• An estimate of contribution of individual factors.
• A prediction of expected response under the optimum
The optimum condition is identified by studying the main
effects of each of the factors. The process involves minor arith-
metic manipulation of the numerical results for average effects
of factor levels and usually can be done with the help of a simple
calculator. The main effects indicate the general trend of the influ-
ence of the factors. Knowing the characteristic, that is, whether
a higher or lower value produces the preferred result, the levels
of the factors that are expected to produce the best results can
be predicted.
The knowledge of the contribution of individual factors is a key
to deciding the nature of the control to be established on a produc-
tion process. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) is the statistical
treatment most commonly applied to the results of the experiment
to determine the relative percent influence of an individual factor
and to separate the significant factors from the insignificant ones.
Study of the ANOVA table for a given analysis helps determine
which of the factors need control and which do not.
Once the optimum condition is determined and expected per-
formance (predicted value) is estimated, it is usually a required
and good practice to run a confirmation experiment. As additional
information, performance at any of the full factorial conditions
(128 for L-8 experiment) can also be calculated from the results
of experiments conducted. It should be noted that the optimum
condition may not necessarily be among the many experiments
already carried out, as the OA represents only a small fraction of
all the possibilities.
Taguchi suggests two different routes to carry out the com-
plete analysis. First, the standard approach, where the result of a
single run, or the average of repetitive runs, is processed through
main effect and ANOVA analyses, as identified above. The second
approach, which Taguchi strongly recommends for multiple runs,
is to use the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio for the same steps in the
Taguchi Approach to Quality and Cost Improvement 21

analysis. S/N analysis determines the most robust set of operating

conditions from variations within the results.

In the design of engineering products and processes, analytical
simulation plays an important role, transforming a concept into
the final product design. The Taguchi approach can be utilized to
arrive at the best parameters for the optimum design configura-
tion with the least number of analytical investigations. Although
there are several methods available for optimization, using such
simulations when the factors are continuous, the Taguchi method
is the method that treats factors at discrete levels. Frequently this
approach significantly reduces computer time.

Test and Development

Testing with prototypes is an efficient way to see how the
concepts work when they are put into a design. Because experi-
mental hardware is costly, the need to accomplish the objectives
with the least number of tests is a top priority. The Taguchi ap-
proach of laying out the experimental conditions with standardized
orthogonal arrays significantly reduces the number of tests and
the overall testing time.

Process Development
Manufacturing processes typically have a large number of
factors that influence the final outcome. Identification of their
individual contributions and their intricate interrelationships is
essential in the development of such processes. The Taguchi con-
cepts used in such projects have helped many U.S. and Japanese
companies realize significant cost savings in recent times.

Validation Testing
For many products, proper validation testing requires as-
surance of performance under numerous application factors
22 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

and durability life cycles. Many products also are designed to be

robust against many known noise conditions. Use of the Taguchi
approach to lay out structured test plans can potentially save costs
for product assurance.

Marketing and Advertising

While as a general capability for studying multiple variables
at a time the experimental design technique always had potential
for benefiting advertising and marketing efforts, it was not until
Web-based advertising became popular in the late 1990s that
the benefits of the DOE technique, particularly the Taguchi ap-
proach to experimental design, was demonstrated by many large
consumer product companies. Today, many Web-based advertising
companies routinely use the Taguchi DOE technique to optimize
advertisement design or traffic.

Problem Solving
Production and manufacturing problems related to variations,
rework, and rejects are common in industry. While many such
issues may be resolved by common problem-solving disciplines,
some require special techniques. Fortunately, the solution often
is obtainable by properly adjusting many influencing factors
rather than searching for innovative means. The Taguchi DOE
is a powerful technique to investigate such technical issues and
determine data-driven permanent solutions.


The Appeal
• Up-front improvement of quality by design and process
• Measurement of quality in terms of deviation from the
target (loss function).
• Problem solution by team approach and brainstorming.
• Consistency in experimental design and analysis.
• Reduction of time and cost of experiments.
Taguchi Approach to Quality and Cost Improvement 23

• Design of robustness into product/process.

• Reduction of variation without removing its causes.
• Reduction of product warranty and service costs by ad-
dressing them with the loss function.
Taguchi’s design methodology, the common features of which
are listed above, has wide-ranging applications. Generally speak-
ing, experimental design using OAs can be applied where there
are a large number of design factors. Taguchi’s OAs for the design
of experiments, signal/noise analysis, and cost guidance based on
the loss function have made his approach increasingly popular
among practicing engineers. Taguchi’s extension of loss beyond
the production line has necessitated a team-based approach to the
application of DOE techniques, and this approach has been found
to be highly effective.

The most severe limitation of the Taguchi method is the need
for proactive thinking and working as a group to address the qual-
ity improvement issues early in the product/process development.
The technique is most effective when applied before the design of
the product/process system is released. After the design variables
are determined and their nominal values are specified, experimen-
tal design may not be cost effective. Also, though the method has
wide-ranging applications, there are situations in which classical
techniques are better suited; for example, in simulation studies
involving factors that vary in a continuous manner, such as the
torsional strength of a shaft as a function of its diameter, the
Taguchi method may not be the best choice.

2-1. There are two types of losses that society incurs because of the
poor quality of a product. What are these losses?
2-2. Explain why the old definition of cost of quality is inad-
2-3. What is the most important idea of Taguchi’s concept of achiev-
ing higher product quality?
24 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

2-4. Name three stages in the process of achieving desirable quality

by design.
2-5. List some areas in your field where the Taguchi approach can
be used to improve a product or the efficiency of a manufac-
turing process.
2-6. A manufacturer of hi-fi speakers uses a gluing operation at the
last stage in the manufacturing process. Recently, because of a
change in the bonding agent, the quality of the bond has been
observed to be below specifications. Some engineers maintain
that the poor quality of the bond is attributable not to the change
of glue but rather to the accompanying application temperature.
A 2 × 2 factorial experiment including two different glues at two
application temperatures is planned. List at least three noise fac-
tors that may influence the outcome of the test.
3 Measurement of Quality


Every product is designed to perform some intended func-
tion. Some measurable characteristic, generally referred to as
the quality characteristic, is used to express how well a product
performs the function. Consider a light bulb; its quality can be
measured in terms of its hours of life. For a machine automati-
cally producing 2.00 inch diameter shafts, the deviation from this
target dimension may be a quality characteristic. In a majority
of cases, the quality characteristic may be a single measurable
quantity such as weight, length, hours, and so on. For some
products, subjective measurements like “good,” “bad,” “low,” and
“high” may be used. In other instances, subjective and objective
evaluations may be combined into an Overall Evaluation Criteria
(OEC, Chapter 8).
No matter how the quality of the product is measured—by a
single criterion or by a combination of multiple criteria, the mea-
sure will possess one of the following three characteristics that
indicates the direction of desirability of results:
• bigger is better
• smaller is better
• nominal is best
Suppose that we are investigating a pump to determine the
best design parameters that produce the maximum flow rate. In
this case, the quality of the design may be judged by the flow rate,
measured in units of cubic feet per minute, which therefore will
be of the characteristic “bigger is better.”
26 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

If, on the other hand, the purpose of the study is to determine

the least noisy pump, the noise measured in units of, say, decibels,
will be of the type described by “smaller is better.” When the
object or process under study has a target value, as for a battery
of 9.0 volts or a process to machine a cylinder with a 3.00 inch
inside diameter, the measure of quality will possess the “nominal
is best” characteristic.
In general engineering practices, performance of a product or
process is termed ‘result’ or ‘response’ and is expressed in terms
of any suitable units of measurements. In scientific experimental
studies involving DOE, the term quality characteristic (QC) is used,
along with its two attributes: units of measure and the direction of
desirability. For example, in a study to improve the power output
of an internal combustion engine, the selected QC may be expressed
as, QC: power generated (horsepower, bigger is better).


Variation is the law of nature. In nature, no two objects are
absolutely alike. They could be very similar, but hardly identical.
No two people are exactly alike. No two apples have precisely the
same weight. Mother Nature likes variety. Variations in nature
are often obvious to the human eye.
Consider man/machine-made items. Superficially, parts look
and function alike. However, when examined closely, manufac-
tured products also exhibit variation, which, unlike in nature,
may not be obvious to the human eye. Two ballpoint pens of the
same brand do not write in the same way; two light bulbs do not
last the same amount of time; two appliances do not function in
exactly the same manner; two engines of similar specifications do
not perform identically. This is because products made for the same
purpose will show factor influences and perform differently.
Generally speaking, the quality characteristic of a product
varies in two ways. First, it differs from another of the same kind,
and second, it differs from the desired (target) value. Consider five
9-volt transistor batteries. When their voltages are measured ac-
curately with a voltmeter, they may display a range of 8.90, 8.95,
8.99, 9.20, and 9.20 volts. All of the batteries may work well for
Measurement of Quality 27

radios with a range of acceptance of 8.5 to 9.5 volts, exceeding the

variation in these batteries. But for a sophisticated instrument,
only batteries that exhibit a voltage very close to the target value,
say, 8.95 to 9.05 volts, will operate the instrument properly. Bat-
teries with excessive deviations from the target value may produce
unreliable readings or may even damage the instrument.
The first kind of variation can be displayed by comparing one
item with another. The maximum voltage variation among the
batteries is 0.3 (9.2 to 8.9) volts. Although all of the batteries are
nominally rated at 9 volts, most of them will deviate from this
value. The deviation from this target or nominal value consti-
tutes the other type of variation. These variations are shown in
Figure 3-1. In Figure 3-1(a), the average value of the parameter
deviates from the target value; the range of value (variation) is
also excessive. Figure 3-1(b) shows the average on-target, but the
variation is still excessive. Figure 3-1(c) illustrates the desired
characteristic—on target and with narrow variation.

Early in his research, Dr. Taguchi observed that unexpected
variation was common to all manufacturing processes and that it
was the primary cause for rejection of parts. Parts were rejected
upon inspection when they did not conform to a predefined speci-
fication. Rejection increases the cost of production. Often, 100%
inspection is excessively costly or impractical; thus, a defective
part may reach a customer and lead to warranty costs and cus-
tomer dissatisfaction. Taguchi held that variation is costly even
beyond the immediate factory production cost and that excessive
variation causes loss of quality. He contended that the cure for
quality loss is reduction of variation. Thus, he recommended that
effort should be directed toward minimizing variation, with less
emphasis placed on production within fixed tolerance limits.


Taguchi viewed variation as a lack of consistency in the product,
giving rise to poor quality. With this view, he developed methodologies
aimed at reducing both of the elements of variation—(a) deviation
28 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Average value off target.

Too much variation around average value.

Average Target value

Average value on target.
Too much variation around target value.

Target value
Average value on target.
Little variation around target value.

Target value

Figure 3-1. Typical quality distributions

from the target and (b) variation with respect to others in the
group. In Figure 3-2, a typical quality measure of a product (similar
to Bearing Dimension discussed in Chapter 2) is compared with
the desired state. Note that the product mean value is off target
and that the variation around the mean is large, though within
upper and lower acceptance limits. A much narrower distribution
Measurement of Quality 29

Desired condition
Mean = Target
Std. dev. — Low
• •

• •
Current status
Mean < > Target
Std. dev. — High

• •

0 • •
LAL Target Mean UAL
Quality measure

Figure 3-2. Representation of the Taguchi approach

is desired, with more frequent achievement of the target value and

smaller variation around the target value.
How is this accomplished? What does it mean in terms of cost
savings? The financial implications of variation will be covered in
a later chapter. In this chapter, we will discuss in detail Taguchi’s
approach to variation reduction.


The quality of a product or a process may be difficult to define
in quantitative terms. Quality is what the customers perceive it to
be; thus, quality varies from product to product and from customer
to customer. The criteria customers use to judge the quality of a
product are related to the satisfaction derived from the product
and are numerous and often difficult to quantify. Research has
shown that a lack of product consistency is a major factor in the
30 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

perception of poor quality. Consistency (reduced level of variation)

favorably affects most common elements of quality. To custom-
ers, quality may include service after delivery, ease of assembly,
product performance, frequency of maintenance, and so on. Our
focus is the element of quality reflected by the performance of a
product or service. The Taguchi approach for reducing variation
in performance is a two-step process:
1. Make the product/process perform in the best manner most
of the time (less deviation from the target).
2. Make all products perform as identically as possible (less
variation between the products).


Taguchi’s approach to enhance quality in the design phase
involves two steps:
1. Optimizing the design of the product/process (system
2. Making the design insensitive to the influence of uncon-
trollable factors (robustness).
When a product is optimum, it performs best under the
available operating conditions. Depending on the specified per-
formance, the optimum will imply that the product has achieved
the most, the least, or the target value of the quality measure.
Optimizing the design of a product means determining the right
combination of ingredients or making the proper adjustments to
the machine so that the best results are obtained.
Consider a baking process. Assume several bakers are given
the same ingredients to bake a pound cake, the object being to
produce the best-tasting cake. Within limits, they can adjust the
amount of ingredients, but they can only use the ingredients
provided. They are to make the best cake within available design
parameters. Taguchi’s approach would be to design an experi-
ment considering all baking ingredients and other influencing
factors, such as baking temperature, baking time, oven type (if a
variable), and so on.
Measurement of Quality 31


In the last section, quality according to Taguchi’s methodol-
ogy was defined. Taguchi strives to attain quality by reducing
the variation around the target. In an effort to reduce variations,
he searched for techniques that allow variability to be reduced
without necessarily eliminating the causes of variation. Often in
an industrial setting, totally removing the causes of variation can
be expensive. A no-cost or low-cost solution may be achieved by
adjusting the levels and controlling the variation of other factors.
This is what Taguchi tries to do through his Parameter Design
approach. There is no cost or low cost in reducing variability in pa-
rameter design. Furthermore, the cost savings realized far exceed
the cost of additional experiments needed to reduce variations.
The Taguchi method is most effective when applied to ex-
periments with multiple factors. But the concept of selecting
the proper levels of design factors, and reducing the variation of
performance around the optimum/target value, can be easily il-
lustrated through an example involving only one factor.
An electronic circuit that controlled the color characteristics
of a television set was significantly influenced by the line voltage.
The experimenter, wishing to select the right voltage, investigated
the color quality at several input voltages. The influence of voltage
variation on color quality is shown in Figure 3-3. If the desirable
range of voltage for circuit design is between VC and VD, then what
voltage should be specified for the circuit? Obviously, the choice
should be a point within working voltage range VC and VD that
provides stable color quality. In Taguchi terminology, one would
look for the input voltage that reduces variation of the color qual-
ity. The experimenter would initially select a voltage at point B,
so the variation around B, say, to B or B, would minimally affect
the output, that is, the color quality. Voltage B is highly attractive
because small fluctuations in the line voltage (B to B) will not
significantly affect the color quality of the TV as perceived by the
The objective for products involving multiple factors is similar
but slightly more complex. The idea is to combine the factors at
appropriate levels, each within the respective acceptable range,
32 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

4 "
" "

Color quality


0 "

Figure 3-3. Color quality response curve

to produce the best result and yet exhibit minimum variation

around the optimum result.
To see how the Taguchi technique is used for many factors,
consider once again the process of determining the best recipe for
a pound cake (Figure 3-4). The objective is to determine the right
proportions of the five major ingredients—eggs, butter, milk, flour,
and sugar, so that the recipe will produce the best cake most of the
time (Figure 3-5). Based on the past experience of involved team
members, the working ranges of these factors are established at the
levels as shown in Figure 3-6. At this point, we face the following
questions. How do we do determine the right combination? How
many experiments do we need to run and in what combination?

The technique for laying out the conditions of experiments
when multiple factors are involved has been known to statisti-
cians for a long time. The technique was first introduced by
Measurement of Quality 33

How much milk, butter, flour,

sugar, eggs, etc.,
make the best cake?

Figure 3-4. Cake baking experiment

The best pound cake

I've ever tasted!

Figure 3-5. Desirable result of an optimized baking process

Sir Ronald A. Fisher in England in the 1920s and is popularly

known as the factorial design of experiments. The method helps
an experimenter determine the possible combinations of factors
and to identify the best combination. To determine the optimum
combination, Dr. Taguchi prescribes carrying out a number of
experiments under the conditions defined by the rules he has
34 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Ingredients How much/How many?

A. Eggs A1 A2

B. Butter B1 B2

C. Milk C1 C2

D. Flour D1 D2

E. Sugar E1 E2

Figure 3-6. Factors and levels for a pound cake experiment

developed. In experimental layout, he uses the same principles as

that of factorial design, except that his methods are much simpli-
fied and standardized.
In the cake example, with five factors each at two levels, there
are 32 (25) combinations of all possible factors and levels. If we
could bake 32 cakes, we would surely find the best-tasting one
among these 32 cakes, and we would know the impact of each
ingredient level on taste. For most industrial situations, carrying
out a large number of experiments is not feasible.
Taguchi accomplishes the same objective with a smaller num-
ber of tests. He selects a particular eight-trial fractional factorial
design (orthogonal array) that produces the most information
regarding the best-tasting cake. The factor/level combinations for
these eight experiments are defined by using the L8 (27) orthogonal
arrays. This orthogonal array (OA) is a table of eight rows and
seven columns of numbers developed to design experiments with
seven two-level factors. Orthogonal arrays are products of many
years of statistical research that bears a high degree of confidence.
They are so constructed such that the columns are balanced (equal
number of levels) within each column, and also the columns are
balanced (equal number of level combinations) between any two
Measurement of Quality 35

columns. Thus, an experiment planned using the balanced orthogo-

nal arrays provides statistically meaningful results.
An OA experiment design leads to reduction of variation caused
mainly by controllable factors. Uncontrollable factors (noise, dust,
and so on) can be handled in two ways. First, the experiment trial
can be repeated at different noise conditions. Second, the noise
factors can be included in a second orthogonal array (called an
outer array), which is used in conjunction with an inner array,
the array of controllable factors.
Because OAs are used to define the unique experimental
conditions as well as the noise factors, Taguchi calls the former
design inner array and the latter outer array. When outer array
experiments are performed, or when there are multiple samples
tested in the individual experimental condition, the analysis in-
volves transformation of the results into a signal-to-noise ratio
(S/N). S/N follows a transformation of the trial results into a loga-
rithmic scale, which changes the results of unknown nonlinear
behavior into a linear relationship with the influencing factors.
This process identifies the optimum condition and the expected
performance with the least variability of the controllable as well
as the uncontrollable factors.
The actual steps involved in designing the experiments using
inner and outer arrays will be discussed in Chapter 5.

3-1. How does Taguchi’s view of quality differ from the conventional
3-2. How does variation affect cost and quality?
3-3. What are the main causes of variation?
3-4. How is a product design optimized?
3-5. How does Taguchi make the design less sensitive to the noise
3-6. What are orthogonal arrays?
3-7. What is implied by the term parameter design and what is its
significance in achieving higher product quality?
4 Attractions and Benefits
of the Taguchi Method


The Taguchi method offers two new powerful elements.
First, the method is a disciplined way of developing a product or
investigating complex problems. Second, it provides a means to
cost-effectively investigate the available alternatives. Although
Dr. Taguchi’s method was built on well-developed concepts of
optimization through the design of experiments, his philosophy
regarding the value of quality and the procedure for carrying out
experiments were new. The power and popularity of the method
lies in the discipline rather than the technique itself. The at-
tractiveness and the resultant potential for cost savings will be
reviewed in this chapter.
The technique is applied in five steps, as follows:
1. Brainstorm the quality characteristics and design param-
eters important to the product/process under study.
2. Design the experiment and prescribe individual test recipes.
3. Conduct the experiments.
4. Analyze the results to determine the optimum conditions.
5. Run a confirmatory test(s) using the optimum conditions.
These steps are contrasted with typical current practice in
Figure 4-1.
Brainstorming is a necessary and important step in the
application process. The nature and content of the brainstorming is
dependent on the type of project under study. Taguchi recommends
the participation of all relevant functional organizations, including
marketing. Suggested steps for brainstorming (experiment
38 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Current Practice Taguchi Approach

(Series Approach) (Parallel Process)

Let’s try this Brainstorming!
1. What is the Quality Characteristic?
2. What are the Design Parameters?

Let’s try that
• • •


Analysis of results

• • •

Figure 4-1. Comparison of current practice and the Taguchi approach

planning) for Taguchi experiment designs, along with some general

guidelines, are described in Chapter 8.
Taguchi experiments are designed according to some strict
rules. A set of orthogonal arrays (OAs) is used to design the ex-
periments. A single OA may accommodate several experimental
situations. Commonly used OAs are available for two-, three-, and
four-level factors. Some standard arrays accommodate factors of
mixed levels. In many situations, a standard OA is modified to suit
a particular experiment that requires factors of mixed levels. The
process of experiment design includes selecting the suitable OA,
assigning the factors to the appropriate columns, and determining
the conditions for the individual experiments. When noise factors
are included in the experiment, the noise factor condition for each
individual experiment is also determined.
Attractions and Benefits of the Taguchi Method 39

The experiment so designed requires a fixed number of in-

dividual experiments, called trial conditions, to be carried out.
Depending on the need for variability and noise effects, each trial
is tested using multiple samples. When possible, all experiments
are carried out in random order. The most common practice is to
randomize the order of running the trial conditions and complete
all sample tests for the trial in sequence (called repetition).
The results of the Taguchi experiments are analyzed in a
standard set of phases. First, the factorial effects (main effects)
are evaluated, and the influence of the factors is determined in
qualitative terms. The optimum condition and the performance at
the optimum condition are also determined from the factorial ef-
fects. In the next phase, analysis of variance (ANOVA) is performed
on the result. ANOVA study identifies the relative influence of
the factors to the variation of results in discrete terms. When the
experiments include multiple runs and the results are measured
in quantitative terms, Taguchi recommends signal-to-noise (S/N)
ratio analysis. In S/N analysis, the multiple results of a trial condi-
tion are first transformed into S/N ratios and then analyzed.
In the concluding phase of the experimental study, the opti-
mum design identified in the analysis should be tested to confirm
that performance observed indeed is the best and that it closely
matches the performance predicted (estimated) by analysis.

The value of brainstorming in product development or for
solving complex problems is well known, yet it was rarely used for
engineering problems. Brainstorming prior to an experiment is a
necessary requirement in the Taguchi approach; however, Taguchi
does not give any guidelines for conducting brainstorming for an
experiment. The content and outcome of a brainstorming session
is largely dependent on the nature of a project and, as such, is a
technique learned primarily by experience. Most application spe-
cialists consider brainstorming to be the most important element
in deriving benefits from the Taguchi method.
Taguchi brings a new breadth to planning experimental stud-
ies. Experimenters think through the whole process before starting
40 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

the tests. This helps to decide which factors are likely to be most
important, how many experiments are needed, and how the results
would be measured and analyzed—before actually conducting any
experiment. Figure 4-1 shows the typical steps followed by experi-
menters—some initial thinking, followed by some testing, which, in
turn, is followed by some more thinking, and so on. In the Taguchi
approach, the complete plan of how to test, what to test, and when
to analyze the results will all be decided beforehand. Ideally, an ex-
periment planning (brainstorming) session will rely on the collective
experience of the group to determine the factors to be selected for
testing in an appropriate design. Practice of the Taguchi method
fosters a team approach to design optimization because participa-
tion of people from engineering, manufacturing, testing, and other
activities may be necessary for complete variable identification.

In most cases, the Taguchi experiment design using an orthogo-
nal array requires the least number of test runs. A full factorial
experiment with 15 factors at two levels each is performed with
a test matrix with 32,768 (215) test runs. A fractional factorial
experiment with an orthogonal array suitable for 15 two-level
factors consists of only 16 test runs.
The experimental efficiency Taguchi offers can be described
using the following analogy. Assume that you are asked to catch a
big fish from a lake with a circular net. You are also told that the
fish usually stays around its hideout, but you have no knowledge
of where this place is. How do you go about catching this fish?
Thinking analytically, you may first calculate the area of the net
and the lake and then lay out an elaborate scheme to cover the
entire lake. You may find, after all this planning, that you need
the whole day to locate the spot where the fish is. Wouldn’t it
be nice to have a fish finder that could tell you the approximate
locations of where to throw your net? The Taguchi approach in
experimental studies, to a great extent, works like a fish finder.
It tells you which areas to try first, and then from the results of
the trials you determine, with a high degree of certainty, the most
probable location of the fish.
Attractions and Benefits of the Taguchi Method 41


After design and development comes production. When we
complete the Taguchi experimental studies, it is time for sta-
tistical process control (SPC). But where do we apply controls?
Should we control all factors across the board? If we knew which
factors were most significant, it would be wise to pay more at-
tention to them. The information about the relative influence
of individual factors to the variability of results is obtained by
analysis of variance of the experimental results. This knowledge
about the factor influence is used to objectively determine which
factors to control and the amount of manufacturing process ad-
justment necessary.

Most of the benefits of quality improvement effort in the
design stage come after the product is put in use. The reduced
variation, a characteristic that is designed in through the optimum
combination of the factors, will yield consistent performance of
the product. This means that more of the products will perform
as designed. There will be happier customers and, therefore, less
warranty costs and increased sales.


As indicated earlier, the major attraction of the Taguchi ap-
proach is the discipline it introduces in the engineering practices,
rather than in direct benefits in time and cost savings. The value of
the discipline is extremely hard to quantify. The direct cost savings
in terms of a better product or process, on the other hand, can be
experienced in due course of time after the product is sold. Can
this potential cost savings be estimated before production begins?
Dr. Taguchi suggests a way of quantifying such cost savings. He
uses his loss function concept to estimate the potential savings
based on the improvement achievable if the product were designed
to the optimum condition prescribed by his approach.
Suppose XYZ Co., a manufacturer of a 9.00-volt transistor
battery, applied the Taguchi method to improve the quality of its
42 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

product. Before the experiment, a measured sample of 10 batteries

had the following voltages:
8.10 8.25 8.90 8.68 8.35
9.25 9.05 8.85 8.45 8.90

With the target value of 9.00 volts, the above measured values pro-
duce characteristics as shown below (also see Tables 4-1 and 4-2).
Average value = 8.67
Standard deviation = 0.37
Mean square deviation (MSD) = [(8.1 − 9.0)2 + (9.25 − 9.0)2
+ … + (8.90 − 9.0)2]/10
= 0.23
S/N ratio = −10 log10 (MSD)
= 6.36
After the experiment, a batch of 10 batteries showed the fol-
lowing characteristics:
9.10 8.93 8.69 8.92 9.08
8.08 9.02 8.91 9.15 9.25
Average value = 8.99
Standard deviation = 0.1598
Mean square deviation = 0.023
S/N ratio = 16.37

The signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio expresses the scatter around a

target value. The larger the ratio, the smaller the scatter. Taguchi’s
loss function can be expressed in terms of MSD and, thus, S/N
ratios. Knowing the S/N ratios of the samples before and after the
experiment, Taguchi’s loss function may be used to estimate the
potential cost savings from the improved product.
Attractions and Benefits of the Taguchi Method 43

Table 4-1. Standard statistical data before experiment

Observation No. 1 = 8.100
Observation No. 2 = 8.900
Observation No. 3 = 8.450
Observation No. 4 = 9.250
Observation No. 5 = 8.860
Observation No. 6 = 8.350
Observation No. 7 = 8.250
Observation No. 8 = 8.680
Observation No. 9 = 8.900
Observation No. 10 = 9.050
Target/nominal value of result (Y0) = 9.00
Number of test results (NR) = 10
Total of all test results = 86.79001
Average of test results = 8.679001
Standard deviation (SD) = 0.376252
Variance = 0.141565
Mean square deviation (MSD) = 0.230449
Signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio = 6.374235
Variance (modified form) = 0.127409
Square of mean value = 0.103041
Target value of data/test result = 9.00
Mean of data/deviation from target = –0.321
Total variance (ST)
(ST = variance * NR) = 1.274089
Correction factor (CF)
(CF = (average of data)2 * number of data) = 1.030404
Sums of squares/N = 2.304499
n 2
Standard deviation (SD) =
i 1

¤ Yi Y n 1
Variance = (SD)2
Mean square deviation (MSD) = ¤ Yi Y0 n
i 1

Signal/noise (S/N) ratio = –10 log10 (MSD)

44 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Table 4-2. Standard statistical data after experiment

Observation No. 1 = 9.100
Observation No. 2 = 9.080
Observation No. 3 = 8.910
Observation No. 4 = 8.940
Observation No. 5 = 8.880
Observation No. 6 = 9.150
Observation No. 7 = 8.690
Observation No. 8 = 9.020
Observation No. 9 = 9.250
Observation No. 10 = 8.920
Target/nominal value of result (Y0) = 9.00
Number of test results (NR) = 10
Total of all test results = 89.93999
Average of test results = 8.993999
Standard deviation (SD) = 0.159875
Variance = 0.025560
Mean square deviation (MSD) = 0.023040
Signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio = 16.37517
Variance (modified form) = 0.023040
Square of mean value = 3.6006E-05
Target value of data/test result = 9.00
Mean of data/deviation from target = –6.00004E-03
Total variance (ST)
(ST = variance * NR) = 0.230040
Correction factor (CF)
(CF = (average of data)2 * number of data) = 3.6006E-04
Sums of squares/N = 0.230040

Before estimates of savings can be made, some other pertinent

information needs to be gathered. Assuming the usual statistical
distribution of results, the two samples will exhibit the curve
shown in Figure 4-2. The producer, XYZ Co., makes 100,000 units
of the batteries per month, which sell for $1.25 each. For most
customer applications, the battery voltage should be within ±1.00
Attractions and Benefits of the Taguchi Method 45


• •


• •

• • • •


Nominal value of the quality characteristic Y0 = 9 volts
Tolerance of Y (range of deviation) = ±1 volt
Cost to repair a nonfunctioning unit by customer = $1.25
Cost to repair a nonfunctioning unit by manufacturer = $0.5
Cost to repair a nonfunctioning unit by supplier = $0.25

Manufacturer tolerance = 9 ± 0.63
Supplier tolerance = 9 ± 0.45

NOTE: If these tolerances are held, there will be no nonfunctional part in the
customer's hands. For the same cost, the manufacturer will maintain satisfied
customers and quality products in the field.

Figure 4-2. Manufacturer and supplier tolerance

volt, that is, between 8.00 and 10.00 volts. If the voltage is beyond
this range, customers request a refund ($1.25).
Taguchi’s approach to the computation of cost savings is based
on determining the refund cost associated with the variation of
the batteries, as measured by the mean square deviation (MSD)
46 A Primer on the Taguchi Method


Average = 8.67 Average = 8.99
Standard deviation = 0.37 Standard deviation = 0.1598

MSD = 0.23 MSD = 0.023

S/N = 6.36 S/N = 16.37

Observation 8.67 9.00


Target value of quality characteristic (m) = 9.00
Tolerance of quality characteristic = 1.00
Cost of rejection at production (per unit) = $1.25
Units produced per month (total) = 100,000
S/N ratio of current design/part = 6.37
S/N ratio of new design/part = 16.37


Loss function: L(y) = 1.25 x (MSD) Also L(y) = K x (y m )2

Loss/unit due to deviation from target in current design = $0.288

Loss/unit due to deviation from target in new design = $0.028

If production is maintained at the improved condition,
then based on 100,000 units/month = $25,950.90

Figure 4-3. Calculation of cost savings

from the target voltage. Obviously, the greater the variation the
more likely that some batteries will exceed the limits of customer
acceptance. With the above information, the loss is computed as
$.288 per battery for the sample before the experiment and $.028
per unit for the sample after the experiment. Because 100,000
units are manufactured per month, the total savings per month
is estimated to be $25,950.90 (Figure 4-3).
Attractions and Benefits of the Taguchi Method 47


Another application of Taguchi’s loss function formulation is in
determining the levels of tolerances for various inspection points
of the production process. Suppose that the manufacturer, XYZ
Co., is well aware of the losses in the current production samples
(before experiment). The company wishes to reduce the warranty
costs and expects to keep its customers satisfied. But the company
does not want to disturb the current design and production line. It
is, however, willing to explore ways to screen out the bad products.
The loss function offers some help here.
Let’s say XYZ Co., as the manufacturer of batteries, has a
producer who supplies the chemicals needed. Upon investigation,
XYZ Co. determines that the chemical supplied by the ABC Co.
is substandard and is the cause of voltage variation. The manu-
facturer has two options available. It can inspect the production
with the hope to screen out all of the bad products. Or it can ask
the supplier to prescreen the material so inspection of the product
becomes unnecessary. In either case, the manufacturer needs to
establish the limits to which the batteries have to conform. The
customer tolerance is established, ±1.00 volt. Company XYZ
must establish a manufacturer tolerance that it will use in the
plant, and a tolerance will also be set for the supplier ABC to use
for inspection. Taguchi determines these tolerances based on the
cost of rejection at the two places. Because the cost of rejecting a
finished part is probably greater than the cost of rejection of an
ingredient, the tolerances for the manufacturer and the supplier
will differ from that of the customers.
In addition to what is already known about the product (battery),
two more pieces of information are needed for this calculation:
— cost of rejection/replacement at the manufacturer, and
— cost of rejection/replacement at the supplier.
Suppose that a part costing 20 cents from a supplier can pro-
duce a loss of 50 cents to the manufacturer if the part fails. The
loss equations will produce tolerances of ±0.63 volts and ±0.4 volts
for the manufacturer and the supplier, respectively, as shown in
Figure 4-2. Either the supplier or the manufacturer can screen the
48 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

products. To assure defect-free products, the supplier may screen

them before they are shipped to the manufacturer, who in turn
passes them to the customers. When a supplier doesn’t screen,
the manufacturer must. (The calculations shown in Figs. 4-2 and
4-3 are obtained by using the computer software in [7].)

4-1. The Taguchi method is considered a technique that helps build
quality into a product or process. Explain what aspect of quality
it influences and how.
4-2. Compare the roles of the Taguchi method with that of statisti-
cal process control (SPC) in a manufacturing process. Explain
how the Taguchi method can influence decisions in the SPC
5 Working Mechanics of the
Taguchi Design of Experiments


It should be quite clear by now that the Taguchi method is
intended for improving the quality of products and processes
where the performance depends on many factors. In laying out
a test and development strategy, simple logic will usually be suf-
ficient to establish all possible combinations of factors along with
allowable ranges of each of the factors involved. Unfortunately,
for engineering projects involving many factors, the number of
possible combinations is prohibitively large. In addition, higher-
order interactions among the influencing factors may be needed
for specific projects. A customary method of reducing the num-
ber of test combinations is to use what are known as partial (or
fractional) factorial experiments. To secure more economical test
plans, Dr. Taguchi constructed a special set of general designs for
factorial experiments that cover many applications. The special set
of designs consists of tables of numbers called orthogonal arrays
(OAs). The use of these arrays helps determine the least number
of experiments needed for a given set of factors. The details of
using standard (not modified) OAs in designing experiments for
a given set of factors is the subject of this chapter.
The OAs provide a recipe for fractional factorial experiments,
which satisfy a number of situations. When a fixed number of
levels for all factors is involved and the interactions are unimport-
ant, standard OAs will satisfy most experimental design needs.
A modification of the OAs becomes necessary when factors with
mixed levels and interactions are present. Simple designs with a
smaller number of factors, at fixed levels, will be discussed first.
50 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

The technique of laying out the conditions (designs) of experi-
ments involving multiple factors was first proposed by Sir Ronald
A. Fisher of England in the 1920s. The method is popularly known
as the factorial design of experiments. A full factorial design will
identify all possible combinations for a given set of factors. Because
most industrial experiments usually involve a significant number
of factors, a full factorial design results in a large number of experi-
ments. For example, in an experiment involving seven factors, each
at two levels, the total number of combinations will be 128 (27). To
reduce the number of experiments to a practical level, only a small
set from all of the possibilities is selected. The method of selecting
a limited number of experiments that produces the most informa-
tion is known as a fractional factorial experiment. Although this
shortcut method is well known, there are no general guidelines for
its application or the analysis of the results obtained by performing
the experiments. Dr. Taguchi’s approach complements these two
important areas. First, he clearly defined a set of OAs, each of which
can be used for many experimental situations. Second, he devised
a standard method for analysis of the results. The combination of
standard experimental design techniques and analysis methods in
the Taguchi approach produces a higher degree of consistency and
reproducibility of the predicted performance.
Before discussing how the Taguchi approach reduces the num-
ber of experiments, it is helpful to understand how all possible
combinations result from a set of factors.
Suppose we are concerned about one factor, A (say, tempera-
ture). If we were to study the effect of A on a product at two levels,
say, 400°F and 500°F, then two tests become necessary:
Level 1 = A1 (400°F) and Level 2 = A2 (500°F)
Consider now two factors, A and B, each at two levels (A1, A2
and B1, B2). This produces four combinations because at A1, B can
assume values B1 and B2, and at A2, B can again assume values
B1 and B2.
Symbolically, these combinations are expressed as follows:
A1(B1, B2), A2(B1, B2), or as A1B1, A1B2, A2B1, A2B2
Working Mechanics of the Taguchi Design of Experiments 51

With three factors, each at two levels, there are 23 (8) possible
experiments, as described in the previous section. If A, B, and C
represent these factors, the eight experiments can be expressed
as follows:

A1B1C1, A1B1C2, A1B2C1, A1B2C2, A2B1C1, A2B1C2, A2B2C1, and A2B2C2

Using the above general rule, the total number of experiments

possible for different numbers of factors at two or three levels and
the corresponding suggested Taguchi number of experiments are
shown in Table 5-1.
A factorial experiment of seven factors (A, B, C, D, E, F, G), at
two levels of value each (1 and 2), with 128 possible combinations,
is represented by Table 5-2(a). Each of the 128 cells corresponds
to a unique combination of the factors. As shown in Table 5-2(b),
cells T1 through T8 indicate the eight trial numbers defined by
Taguchi’s fractional factorial OA for this experiment.
Taguchi established OAs that can each be used to lay out tests
suitable for a large number of experimental situations. The sym-
bolic designation for these arrays carries the key information on
the size of the experiment. The array of Table 5-2(b) is designated
as L-8 or L8. The number 8 indicates that eight trials are needed.
The next lower size of the OA is L4. An L4 experiment requires
four trial runs. This array handles up to three factors at two levels
each. To fit a situation with factors between four and seven, all at

Table 5-1. Comparison of full factorial design and Taguchi design

2 2 4 (2 ) 4
3 2 8 (23) 4
4 2 16 (2 ) 8
7 2 128 (2 ) 8
15 2 32,768 (2 ) 16
4 3 81 (34) 9
52 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Table 5-2. Experiment layouts using an L8 array

(a) Experiment structure

A1 A2
C1 C2 C1 C2 C1 C2 C1 C2
G1 T1
G2 T3
G2 T5
G1 T7
G2 T8
G1 T6
G1 T4
G2 T2

(b) Trial runs and conditions

COLUMN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
T1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
T2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2
T3 1 2 2 1 1 2 2
T4 1 2 2 2 2 1 1
T5 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
T6 2 1 2 2 1 2 1
T7 2 2 1 1 2 2 1
T8 2 2 1 2 1 1 2
Working Mechanics of the Taguchi Design of Experiments 53

two levels, an L8 will be used. For situations demanding a larger

number of factors—higher levels as well as mixed levels, a number
of other OAs are available [10].
Experiment designs by OAs are attractive because of experi-
mental efficiency, but there are some potential trade-offs. Gener-
ally speaking, OA experiments work well when there is minimal
interaction among factors; that is, the factor influences on the
measured quality objectives are independent of each other and are
linear. In other words, when the outcome is directly proportional
to the linear combination of individual factor main effects, OA de-
sign identifies the optimum condition and estimates performance
at this condition accurately. If, however, the factors interact with
each other and influence the outcome, there is still a good chance
that the optimum condition will be identified accurately, but the
estimate of performance at the optimum can be significantly off.
The degree of inaccuracy in performance estimates will depend on
the degree of complexity of interactions among all the factors.


The word “design” in the expression design of experiments is
used in a general sense to convey “a planned project or a scheme
in which the means to an end are laid down.” To design the experi-
ment is to develop a scheme or layout of the different conditions
to be studied. In engineering, the word takes on a special meaning
when used as “a design,” “product design,” or “process design.”
In these expressions, design refers to some form of an engineer-
ing communication, such as a set of specifications, drawings, or
physical models that describe a concept. Consider a statement like,
“The Taguchi design of experiments can be used to optimize many
designs.” The final “design” in this sentence obviously refers to
some engineering design process.
An experiment design must satisfy two objectives. First, the
number of trials must be determined. Second, the conditions for
each trial must be specified. Taguchi’s arrays are versatile recipes
that apply to several experimental conditions. For example, the
design for experiments involving 4, 5, 6, or 7 two-level factors
may all be accomplished by using the same orthogonal array (L8).
54 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

The OAs contain information on both the number as well as the

configurations of the experiments.
Before designing an experiment, knowledge of the product/
process under investigation is of prime importance for identifying
the factors likely to influence the outcome. To compile a compre-
hensive list of the factors, the input to the experiment is generally
obtained from all of the people involved in the project. Dr. Taguchi
found brainstorming to be a necessary step for determining the
full range of factors to be investigated.
Consider Example 5-1.

Example 5-1
An experimenter has identified three controllable factors for
a plastic molding process. Each factor can be applied at two levels
(Table 5-3). The experimenter wants to determine the optimum
combination of the levels of these factors as well as the contribu-
tion of each to product quality.
Experiment Design
There are three factors, each at two levels, thus an L4 will be
suitable, per Table 5-1. An L4 OA with spaces for the factors and
their levels is shown in Table 5-4. This configuration is a conve-
nient way to lay out a design. Because an L4 has three columns,
the three factors can be assigned to these columns in any order.
Having assigned the factors, their levels can also be indicated in
the corresponding column.
There are four independent experimental conditions in an L4.
These conditions are described by the numbers in the rows. For an
experienced user of the technique, an array with factors assigned
as shown in Table 5-2 contains all of the necessary information;

Table 5-3. Molding process factors and levels—Example 5-1

A. Injection pressure A1 = 250 psi A2 = 350 psi
B. Mold temperature B1 = 150°F B2 = 200°F
C. Set time C1 = 6 sec. C2 = 9 sec.
Working Mechanics of the Taguchi Design of Experiments 55

for others, a descriptive arrangement of the factors constituting

different conditions of the experiment may be helpful. In this case,
the four conditions can be spelled out as follows:
Experiment 1
Injection pressure at 250 psi, that is, A1
Mold temperature at 150°F, that is, B1
Set time at 6 sec., that is, C1
Experiment 2
Injection pressure at 250 psi, that is, A1
Mold temperature at 200°F, that is, B2
Set time at 9 sec., that is, C2
Experiment 3
Injection pressure at 350 psi, that is, A2
Mold temperature at 150°F, that is, B1
Set time at 9 sec., that is, C2
Experiment 4
Injection pressure at 350 psi, that is, A2
Mold temperature at 200°F, that is, B2
Set time at 6 sec., that is, C1

Table 5-4. Experiment layout using an L4 array—Example 5-1

250 psi 350 psi


9 sec.


6 sec.



Set time

EXPERIMENT 1 2 3 1 2 3 •••
1 1 1 1 30
2 1 2 2 25
3 2 1 2 34
4 2 2 1 27
56 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Order of Running the Experiments

Whenever possible, the trial conditions (the individual com-
binations in a designed experiment) should be run in a random
order to avoid the influence of experiment setup. If only one run
for each of the above conditions is planned, they could be run as
experiment 2, 4, 3, and 1, or in any other random order. If, on the
other hand, multiple repetitions are planned, say three runs for
each of the four conditions, then there are two ways to proceed.

In this approach, all of the trial conditions will be run in a
random order. One way to decide the order is to randomly pull
one trial number at a time from a set of trial numbers, including
repetitions. Often a new setup will be required for each run. This
increases the cost of the experiment.

Each trial is repeated as planned before proceeding to the next
trial run. The trial run sequence is selected in a random order.
For example, given the trial sequence 2, 4, 3, and 1, three suc-
cessive runs of trial 2 are made, followed by three runs of trial 4,
and so on. This procedure reduces setup costs for the experiment.
However, a setup error is unlikely to be detected. Furthermore,
the effect of external factors such as humidity, tool wear, and so
on, may not be captured during the successive runs if the runs
are short in duration.

Analysis of Results
Although, a detailed analysis of the results will be discussed in
Chapter 6, a brief description and objectives of such an analysis
are introduced here.
Following the specifications as prescribed above, the experi-
menter conducted the four trials. The molded products were then
evaluated, and the results, in terms of a quality characteristic, Y,
were measured as shown below:
Y1 = 30, Y2 = 25, Y3 = 34, Y4 = 27
Working Mechanics of the Taguchi Design of Experiments 57

These results are recorded in the right-most column of the OA

(Table 5-5). Because there was only one test sample in each trial
condition, the results are recorded in one column. For each repeti-
tion of the experiment, there will be another column of results.
To speed up analysis, the Taguchi approach provides some key
procedures. When these steps are strictly followed by different
individuals performing the analysis, they are likely to arrive at
the same conclusions. The objective of the analysis of the Taguchi
experimental results is primarily to seek answers to the following
three key questions:
1. What is the optimum condition?
2. Which factors influence the variability of results and by
how much?
3. What will be the expected result at the optimum condi-
tion and how much does each factor contribute to the
The predicted result should always be verified by running
confirmation experiments.

Computation of Average Performance

To compute the average performance of factor A at level 1, that
is, for A1, add results (from Table 5-3) for trials including factor
A1 and then divide by the number of such trials.
For A1, we look in the column where factor A is assigned and
find that level 1 occurs in trials 1 and 2. The average effect of
A1 is therefore calculated by adding the results, Y, of these two
trials as follows:

Table 5-5. An L4 array with test data of molding process experiment

1 1 1 1 30
2 1 2 2 25
3 2 1 2 34
4 2 2 1 27
58 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

A1  Y1 Y2 2  30 25 2  27.5

The average effects of other factors are computed similarly.
A2  Y3 Y4 2  34 27 2  30.5
B1  Y1 Y3 2  30 34 2  32.0
B2  Y2 Y4 2  25 27 2  26.0
C1  Y1 Y4 2  30 27 2  28.5
C2  Y2 Y3 2  25 34 2  29.5
The average effects can also be plotted for a visual inspection,
as shown in Figure 5-1. Frequently, the term “factorial effect,” or
“main effect” or “column effect,” is loosely substituted for “aver-
age effect.” Strictly speaking, the factorial effect is the difference
between the two average effects of the factor at the two levels. For
instance, the factorial effect of factor C is the difference between
the average effect of C1 and C2.

Quality Characteristics
In a previous chapter, the quality characteristics were de-
scribed as:
• bigger is better
• smaller is better
• nominal is best
For the molding process example, higher strength of the mold-
ed plastic part is desired and thus “bigger is better.” From Figure
5-1, the A2 B1 C2 will likely produce the best result and therefore
represents the optimum condition except for the possible effect
of interactions between the factors.
In terms of the actual design factors, the probable optimum
condition becomes:
A2 that is, injection pressure at 350 psi
B1 that is, mold temperature at 150°F
C2 that is, set time at 9 sec.
Working Mechanics of the Taguchi Design of Experiments 59



A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2

Figure 5-1. Main effects

Relative Influence of Factors

The relative influences of factors to the variation of results are
determined by comparing their variances. The technique popu-
larly known as the analysis of variance (ANOVA) is used for this
purpose. ANOVA will be covered in detail in Chapter 6. Here the
procedure is briefly introduced to complete the analysis.

ANOVA Terms and Notations

The analysis of variance computes quantities known as de-
grees of freedom, sums of squares, mean square, and so on, and
organizes them in a standard tabular format. These quantities
and their interrelationships are defined as shown below using
the following notation:

V = mean square (variance) P = percent influence

S = sum of squares T = total (of results)
S = pure sum of squares N = number of experiments
f = degrees of freedom C.F. = correction factor
e = error (experimental) n = total degrees of freedom
F = variance ratio
60 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

The variance of each factor is determined by the sum of the
square of each trial sum result involving the factor, divided by the
degrees of freedom of the factor. Thus:
VA  S A fA (for factor A )
VB  SB fB (for factor B )
VC  SC fC (for factoor C )
Ve  Se fe (for error terms)

Variance Ratio
The F-ratio is the variance of the factor divided by the error
Fe  Ve Ve  1

Pure Sum of Squares

The pure sum of squares is the sum minus the degrees of
freedom times the error variance.
S Aa  S A fA s Ve
SBa  SB fB s Ve
SCa  SC fC s Ve
Sea  Se  fA fB fC s Ve

Percent Influence
The percent influence of each factor is the ratio of the factor
sum to the total, expressed in percent.
PA  S A s 100 ST
PB  SB s 100 ST
PC  SC s 100 ST
Pe  Se s 100 ST
Working Mechanics of the Taguchi Design of Experiments 61

Examples of Variation Computation

Total variation: ST = Sum of squares of all trial run results – C.F.
where: C.F .  T 2 N and T  Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4

or ST  Y12  Y42 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 4

 302 252 342 272 30 25 34 27 4
 3410 3364
For the molding process experiment, the totals of the factors are:
A1 = 30 + 25 = 55 A2 = 34 + 27 = 61
B1 = 30 + 34 = 64 B2 = 25 + 27 = 52
C1 = 30 + 27 = 57 C2 = 25 + 34 = 59
therefore, the total variance of each factor is:
S A  A12 N A1 A22 N A 2 C.F .
 552 2 612 2 3364
 1512.5 1860.5 3364  9.0
SB  B12 N B1 B22 N B 2 C.F .  36.0
SC  C12 N C1 C22 N C 2 C.F .  1 0
The error variance
 46 9 36 1  0 (in this case)

Degrees of Freedom (DOF)

The number of the degrees of freedom for a factor or a column
equals one less than the number of levels. Thus, for a two-level
factor assigned to a two-level column, the DOF is 1. An L4 OA with
three two-level columns will have a total of 3 DOF, or one for each
column. The total degrees of freedom of the result T, however, is
computed as follows:
62 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

fT = total number of results – 1

= (total number of trials × number of repetition) – 1
For factors
fA = number of levels of A – 1 = 1
fB = number of levels of B – 1 = 1
fC = number of levels of C – 1 = 1

and the DOF for error variance is

fe = fT – fA – fB – fC

V A  S A fA  9 1  9
VB  SB fB  36 1  36
VC  SC fC  1 1  1
Ve  Se fe  0 0 indetermin
Note that if the experiment included repetitions, say 2, then:
fT = 4 × 2 – 1 = 7
fe = 7 – 1 – 1 – 1 = 4
where Se need not equal zero, depending on test results, and Ve
need not be zero.

Variance Ratio
FA  VA Ve is indeterminate because Ve = 0. Similarly, FB and
FC are indeterminate (Table 5-6). However, Ve can be combined
(pooled) with another small variance, VC, to calculate a new error
Ve that can then be used to produce meaningful results. The pro-
cess of disregarding an individual factor’s contribution and then
subsequently adjusting the contributions of the other factors is
Working Mechanics of the Taguchi Design of Experiments 63

known as pooling. Generally, only factors that are believed to be

insignificant are pooled. Whether a factor is significant or not is
found by the test of significance. The detailed procedure for the
test of significance (for pooling) and the criteria used to determine
its use will be discussed in Chapter 6 along with ANOVA.
Consider the pooled effects of factor C. Then the new error
variance is computed as:
Ve  SC Se  fC fe
 1.0 0 1.0 0  1

With this new Ve, all sums of squares, S, can be modified as

S Aa  S A Ve s fA
and so on.
The result then can be shown in the ANOVA table with the
effect of factor C pooled. The pooled effects are shown as the error
term in the ANOVA table (last row of Table 5-7).
The last column of the ANOVA table shows the percent contri-
bution of the individual factor. In the example, factor B contributes
the most, 76.08%. The contribution of A is 17.39% and that of C
is not significant.
Note that the difference in the percentage influences of fac-
tors before (Table 5-6) and after pooling (Table 5-7) is not large.
To increase the statistical significance of important factors, those
factors with small variances should be pooled.

Projection of Optimum Performance

Recall that for a “bigger is better” quality characteristic, the
study of the main effect shows that the optimum condition is
A2 B1 C2. It happens to be the third trial run. This is just a coin-
cidence. Most of the time, the optimum condition will not be one
of the trial runs because a Taguchi experiment represents only a
small set of the full factorial experiment. The probability is 50%
that the optimum condition is one of tests carried out. This is be-
cause in an L4 experiment four out of eight full factorial conditions
are tested. Of course, regardless of the size of the experiment, the
64 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Table 5-6. ANOVA table for molding process experiment

NOTATION f S V F s P (%)
A 1 9 9 — — 19.62
B 1 36 36 78.28
C 1 1 1 2.10
Error 0 0 0
Total 3 46 100.00%

Table 5-7. Pooled ANOVA table for molding process experiment

NOTATION f S V F s P (%)
A 1 9 9 9 8 17.39
B 1 36 36 36 35 76.08
C -------- pooled -------- -------- -------- --------
Error 1 1 1 6.74
Total 3 46 100.00%

optimum is always one of the trials defined by the full factorial

experiment. As a general rule, the optimum performance will be
estimated using the following expression.
T = grand total of all results
N = total number of results
Yopt = estimated performance at optimum condition

For optimum combination A2 B1 C2 (which happens to be ex-

periment 3)
Yopt  T N A2 T N B1 T N C2 T N 
= average performance + contribution of A2, B1, and C2
above average performance
In this example:
T  116, N  4, A2  30.5, B1  32, C2  29.5
Working Mechanics of the Taguchi Design of Experiments 65

Yopt  29 30.5 29 32 29 29.5 29
which is the result obtained in trial 3.
When the optimum is not one of the trial runs already com-
pleted, this projection should be verified by running a confirmation
test(s). Confirmation testing is a necessary and important step
in the Taguchi method as it validates assumptions used in the
analysis. Generally speaking, the average result from the confir-
mation tests should agree with the optimum performance, Yopt,
estimated by the analysis. The correlation can also be established
in statistical terms, reflecting the level of confidence, influence
of number of confirmation tests, and so on. The procedure for
calculating the confidence interval of the optimum performance
is discussed in Chapter 6.


In the preceding section, layout of a simple experiment involv-
ing only three factors was discussed. In this section, designs with
a larger number of factors will be considered. The designs will use
the higher-order orthogonal arrays (OAs).

Designs with Two-Level Variables

Example 5-2
Design an experiment to investigate
Four factors all at two levels,
Five factors all at two levels,
Six factors all at two levels,
or Seven factors all at two levels.
Let these factors be A, B, C, D, E, F, and G and their levels
be A1, A2, and so on.
Experiment Design
As seen in the last example, the smallest OA, L4, can handle
up to three factors. What if there are more than three factors?
66 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Table 5-8. L8 with seven two-level factors—Example 5-2

COLUMN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2
3 1 2 2 1 1 2 2
4 1 2 2 2 2 1 1
5 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
6 2 1 2 2 1 2 1
7 2 2 1 1 2 2 1
8 2 2 1 2 1 1 2

A list of commonly used OAs is shown in Table A-1. Notice that

L8 can be used for four to seven factors. Therefore, L8 is suitable
for any of the above situations.
An L8 array has eight trial conditions and seven columns. To
design the experiment, factors must be assigned to appropriate
columns, and eight trial conditions must be described.
Because all factors have the same number of levels, the factor
can be assigned to any one column. Thus, factor A can be assigned
to any of the columns 1 through 7. Then B can be assigned to any
one of the remaining columns. You can also assign them in natu-
rally ascending order, like A in column 1, B in column 2, and so on.
If there are only four factors, ignore the three unused columns.
The experimental conditions are defined by reading across
the row of the OA. An L8 OA, as shown in Table A-2, has eight
rows. Thus, it represents eight unique combinations of factors
and their levels. An L8 with the factors assigned to its columns is
shown in Table 5-8.
From an L8 array, trial 3 is defined as:
Trial 3 A1 B2 C2 D1 E1 F2 G2
(the numbers in the OA represent the levels of the factor
assigned to the column)
Working Mechanics of the Taguchi Design of Experiments 67

Example 5-3
Number of factors = 8 through 11
Number of levels for each = 2
Use array L12
Experiment Design
Use L12 in Table A-3 for this example. Assign factors 1 through
11 in the 11 columns available, in any order. Express the 12 ex-
perimental conditions by using the 12 rows of the OA. Note that
L12 is a special array prepared for study of the main effects only
(not suitable for study of interaction between factors). In this
array, the interaction effects of factors assigned to any two col-
umns are mixed with all other columns, which renders the array
unsuitable for interaction studies. (Use L16, L32, and L64 shown in
Appendix A to design experiments with higher numbers of two-
level factors.)

Designs with Three-Level Variables

Example 5-4
Number of factors = 5 through 13
Number of levels for each = 3
Use array L27 (Table A-8)

Designs with Mixed Levels Using Standard Arrays

Example 5-5
Consider the experiments where there are eight factors to be
investigated. To study the nonlinear effect, seven factors were set
at three levels. The remaining one factor was examined at only
two levels.
Experiment Design
This is an example of mixed levels. The L18 array shown in Table
A-7(b) is one of the few standard mixed-level arrays and is used in
this case. L18 has eight columns, with column 1 having two levels
and the rest having three levels. Obviously, the factor with two
levels will be assigned to column 1. The remaining seven factors
can be assigned to columns 2 through 8 in any desired manner.
68 A Primer on the Taguchi Method


The term interaction, expressed by inserting an “×” mark be-
tween the two interacting factors, is used to describe a condition
in which the influence of one factor on the result is dependent
on the condition of the other. Two factors, A and B, are said to
interact (written as A × B) when the effect of changes in the level
of A determine the influence of B, and vice versa.
For example, temperature and humidity appear to have strong
interaction with respect to human comfort. An increase in tem-
perature alone may cause slight discomfort, but the discomfort
increases as humidity increases. Assume the comfort level is de-
pendent only on two factors, T and H, and is measured in terms
of numbers ranging from 0 to 100. If T and H are each allowed
to assume levels as T1, T2, H1, and H2, assume that two sets of
experimental data (with the same grand total of all observations)
are obtained and represented by Tables 5-9(a) and (b). The data
are plotted in Figures 5-2(a) and (b). Figure 5-2(a) shows an in-
teraction between the two factors because the lines cross. Figure
5-2(b) shows no interaction because the lines are parallel. If the
lines are not parallel, the factors may interact, albeit weakly.
The graphical method reveals if interaction exists. The input
for this interaction plot comes from the experimental results, and
the degree of presence of interaction is calculated as the magnitude
of the angle between the lines. But how can we know whether the
factors will interact before we design the experiment? The Taguchi
methods do not specify any general guidelines for predicting inter-
actions. One has to determine interaction by some other means,
perhaps from experience or previous experimental studies.
Experimental design using Taguchi OAs is simple and straight-
forward when there is no need to include interactions. It requires a
little more care to design an experiment where interactions are of
interest and are included in the study. In Taguchi OAs, the effect
of interactions are mixed with the main effect of a factor assigned
to some other column. In the L4 shown in Table 5-10 with factors
A and B assigned to columns 1 and 2, interaction effects of A ×
B will be contained in column 3. If the interactions of A × B are
Working Mechanics of the Taguchi Design of Experiments 69

Table 5-9. Layout for experiment with two two-level factors

(a) Case with interaction (b) Case without interaction
H1 62 80 142 H1 67 75 142
H2 75 73 148 H2 70 78 148
Total 137 153 290 Total 137 153 290

80 80 80
T2 T2
76 78
76 75


72 73 72

68 68 70
T1 T1
64 64
60 60
H1 H2 H1 H2
With interaction Without interaction
(a) (b)

Figure 5-2. Main effects of factors T and H

Table 5-10. L4 with two two-level factors

COLUMN 1 2 3
1 1 1 1
2 1 2 2
3 2 1 2
4 2 2 1

of no interest, a third factor C can be assigned to column 3 (see

Table 5-10). The effect of interaction A × B will then be mixed
with the main effect of factor C.
70 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

The interacting pair of columns along with the column where

the interaction is shown constitute an interacting group of col-
umns (IGCs). An IGC consists of columns that are commutative.
Columns 1, 2, and 3 form one of the IGCs. In case of an L8 OA,
the interaction of columns 1 and 2 goes to column 3. This also
means that the interaction between 2 and 3 is reflected in column
1 and that between 3 and 1 shows up in 2. What about interactions
between other columns of an L8 or any other two-level orthogonal
arrays? What about interaction between two columns of three-
level orthogonal arrays? These are difficult tasks for practicing
engineers to keep track of. Dr. Taguchi spent much of his research
determining relationships for interacting columns. His findings
regarding which columns interact with which others are presented
in a table called the Triangular Table of Interaction. There are
tables to suit different levels of OAs. A large triangular table as
shown in Table A-6, made for two-level columns, will usually sat-
isfy most commonly used two-level orthogonal arrays.
Note that the first seven columns of Table A-6 become the
triangular table for L8, as shown in Table 5-11.
A triangular table contains information about the interaction
of the various columns of an OA. The table should be interpreted
in the following way. The number in parentheses at the bottom
of each column identifies the column. To find in which column
the interaction between columns 4 and 6 will appear, move hori-
zontally across 4 and vertically from 6; the intersection is 2 in
Working Mechanics of the Taguchi Design of Experiments 71

the tables. Thus, the interaction effects between columns 4 and

6 will appear (mixed or confounded with factors) at column 2. In
a similar manner, other interacting columns can be identified.
The triangular table facilitates laying out experiments with
interactions. The table greatly reduces the time and increases
the accuracy of assigning proper columns for interaction effects.
To further enhance efficiency of the experimental layout, Tagu-
chi created line diagrams based on the triangular tables. These
diagrams represent standard experiment designs. He calls such
diagrams linear graphs. Linear graphs for L4, L8, and other two-
level orthogonal arrays are shown in Figures A-2 and A-3.

Linear Graphs
Linear graphs are made up
1 2
of numbers, dots, and lines, as
shown in Figure 5-3 for an 3
L4 array, where a dot and its
assigned number identifies Figure 5-3. Linear graph for L4 array
a factor, a connecting line
between two dots indicates
interaction, and the number assigned to the line indicates the col-
umn number in which interaction effects will be compounded.
In designing experiments with interactions, the triangu-
lar tables are essential; the linear graphs are complementary
to the tables. For most industrial experiments, interactions
between factors are minor and the triangular tables suffice.
The following example shows how these two tools are used for
experimental design.
Example 5-6
In a baking experiment designed to determine the best recipe
for a pound cake, five factors and their respective levels were
identified, as presented in Table 5-12.
Among these factors, milk (factor C) was suspected to interact
with eggs (A) and butter (B). An experiment was designed to study
the interactions A × C and B × C in addition to the main effects
of factors A, B, C, D, and E.
72 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Table 5-12. Factors for cake baking experiment—Example 5-6

A—Eggs 2 eggs (A1) 3 eggs (A2)
B—Butter 1 stick (B1) 1.5 sticks (B2)
C—Milk 2 cups (C1) 3 cups (C2)
D—Flour 1 extra scoop (D1) 2 extra scoops (D2)
E—Sugar 1 extra scoop (E1) 2 extra scoops (E2)

Steps in the Design and Analysis

Degrees of Freedom (DOF)
Each of the five factors (A, B, C, D, E) is to be studied at two
levels; therefore, each factor has a DOF of 1 (DOF = number of levels
– 1). The DOF for the interaction is computed by multiplying the
DOF of each of the interacting factors. Thus, the DOF for A × C is 1.
Likewise, the DOF of B × C = 1. The total DOF for the five factors
and two interactions in this case is 7. The appropriate Taguchi array
cannot have a DOF less than the total DOF of the experiment.

Selecting the Right Orthogonal Array

The experiment under consideration has 7 DOF and therefore
requires an OA with 7 DOF, hence an OA with at least seven col-
umns. Because an L4 has three columns, its DOF is 3. An L8 has
seven columns and 7 DOF; it possibly can work. An L12 has 11
two-level columns, of which only seven are needed. L12 certainly
will work but will require 12 trial runs in contrast to eight for L8.
The smallest OA that will do the job should be selected to minimize
experiment cost and time. How about an L16? That is too large for
a 7 DOF experiment. In this case, an L8 is a good match. Would an
L8 always work for an experiment with 7 DOF? Not necessarily.
It will depend mainly on how many interactions are expected to
be investigated. It will work for Example 5-6.

Column Assignment
In designing experiments with interactions, the columns to
reserve to study interactions must be identified first. We have
Working Mechanics of the Taguchi Design of Experiments 73

two interactions, A × C and B × C. The trick is to select posi-

tions for A × C and B × C such that there are free columns
for each of the factors A, B, and C as well. This can be done by
using the triangular table for a two-level OA or the correspond-
ing linear graphs. Let us examine the linear graph (a) of Figure
A-2. C is common to A × C and B × C. Assign C to column 2, a
vertex with two connecting lines. Notice column 2 is a vertex of
the triangle with sides 2-3-1 and 2-6-4. With C at 2, assign A to
either column 1 or column 4 and B to any remaining column. If
A is assigned to 1 and B to 4, then A × C becomes column 3 and
B × C becomes column 6.
Five columns have been used by factors A, B, and C and in-
teractions A × C and B × C. The remaining two factors, D and
E, can be assigned to columns 5 and 7 in any order. Let us assign
D to column 5 and E to column 7. With factors and interactions
successfully assigned to the available columns, an L8 is obviously
suitable for the design.
Having a total DOF less than or equal to that for the OA is not
always a guarantee that a design can be accomplished. Suppose
instead of interactions A × C and B × C that interactions A × C
and B × D were to be investigated. The total DOF will still be 7,
the same as L8. By examining Figure A-2, notice that both linear
graphs (a) and (b) have a common factor, such as 1, 2, or 4. Because
interactions A × C and B × D do not have a common factor, an L8
cannot be used. The next higher-order array should be tried (L16
will be needed, as L12 is not suitable for interaction).
The experiment designed for Example 5-6 uses the L8 OA with
column assignments as shown in Table 5-13.

Description of Combinations
The eight trial conditions contained in Table 5-13 can be de-
scribed individually. Tables 5-14 and 5-15 show trial runs 1 and 2,
respectively. The other trial runs can be similarly described. Note
that the numbers in the columns where interactions are assigned
(columns 3 and 6 in Table 5-13) are not used in the description
of trial run 2 (Table 5-15). Normally the interaction column does
not need to appear in the description and thus is deleted from the
74 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

description of the trial runs (see trial 2, Table 5-15). Complete

design information and analysis for this experiment are shown
in Table 5-16.

Running the Experiment

The order in which a specific combination of experiments is run
is unaffected by the consideration of the interactions. Conditions
1 through 8 should be done in a random order. A minimum of one
trial run per condition must be performed. Repetition of trial runs
and the order of repetitions are constrained by time and cost.

Quality Characteristic (Results)

Eight cakes were baked, one for each of the trial runs of Table
5-13. The cakes were then examined by several experienced bakers.
Before the cakes were baked, evaluation criteria were established.
It was agreed that the cakes were to be evaluated not only for
taste but also for appearance and moistness. It was decided that
the cakes were to be rated on a scale of 0 to 100, using a scheme to
reflect the weighting of each individual attribute of the characteris-
tic. For each condition, the average of the evaluations by the bakers
was recorded, as shown in the column marked Results (see Table
Working Mechanics of the Taguchi Design of Experiments 75

Table 5-14. Description of trial 1 (cake baking)—Example 5-6

1 A—Eggs 2 eggs (A1)
2 C—Milk 2 cups (C1)
3 A × C (Eggs × Milk)
4 B—Butter 1 stick (B1)
5 D—Flour 1 extra scoop (D1)
6 B × C (Butter × Milk)
7 E—Sugar 1 extra scoop (E1)

Table 5-15. Description of trial 2 (cake baking)—Example 5-6

1 A—Eggs 2 eggs (A1)
2 C—Milk 2 cups (C1)
4 B—Butter 1.5 sticks (B2)
5 D—Flour 2 extra scoops (D2)
7 E—Sugar 2 extra scoops (E2)

5-13). Based on the definition, a higher value of the results was

considered favorable. For the purpose of analysis, this constituted
the “higher (bigger) is better” type of quality characteristic.

Analysis of Results
The analysis of data including interactions follows the same
steps as are taken when there is no interaction. The objectives are
the same: (1) determine the optimum condition, (2) identify the in-
dividual influence of each factor, and (3) estimate the performance
at the optimum condition. The methods for objectives 2 and 3 are
the same as before. For the optimum condition, interactions intro-
duce a minor change in the manner in which the optimum levels
of factors are identified. To develop a clear understanding of how
the optimum condition is selected, the main effects are discussed
here in detail. (The details of ANOVA will be covered in Chapter
6, but only the results of a computer analysis will be presented.)
76 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Table 5-16. Analysis of cake baking experiment—Example 5-6

(a) Main effects
1 A Eggs 64.25 66.00 1.75
2 C Milk 68.75 61.50 –7.25
3 A×C 1×2 67.75 62.50 –5.25
4 B Butter 56.00 74.25 18.25
5 D Flour 70.00 60.25 –9.75
6 B×C 2×4 64.50 65.75 1.25
7 E Sugar 65.50 64.75 –0.75

(b) ANOVA table

1 A Eggs 1 6.125 6.125 5.44 0.49
2 C Milk 1 105.125 105.125 93.44 10.13
3 A×C Interaction 1 × 2 1 55.125 55.125 49.00 5.26
4 B Butter 1 666.125 666.125 592.11 64.76
5 D Flour 1 190.125 190.125 169.00 18.41
6 B×C Interaction 2 × 4 1 3.125 3.125 2.77 0.19
7 E Sugar (1) (1.13) Pooled
All others/error 0 1.13 1.13 0.78
Total: 7 1026.880 100.00

(c) Estimate of performance at optimum condition of design/process

Characteristic: Higher (bigger) is better
Eggs 3 eggs 2 0.875
Milk 2 cups 1 3.625
Butter 1.5 sticks 2 9.125
Flour 1 extra scoop 1 4.875
Sugar 1 extra scoop 1 0.375
Contribution from all factors (total) ............................................................ 18.875
Current grand average of performance ..................................................... 65.125
Expected result at optimum condition ......................................................... 84.000
Working Mechanics of the Taguchi Design of Experiments 77

The average effect of level 1 of the factor in column 1 (the ef-

fect of two eggs) is computed by adding the first four trial results
of Table 5-13 and dividing the sum by 4. Note that for trials 1 to
4, factor A (eggs) is assigned level 1 (2 cups). Thus each of these
trial runs contains the effect of factor A at level 1 (A1). The aver-
age effect of A1, therefore, is found by averaging the results of
the first four experiments. The notation A1 with a bar is used for
this value. Thus,
A1  66 75 54 62 4  64.25
Similarly, the average effect of level 2 of A is obtained by the
last four trial runs because these were runs with factor A at level
2. Hence:
A 2  52 82 52 78 4  66.00
C1  68.75
C 2  61.50

 A s C 1  67.75
 A s C 2  62.50
The calculations for each factor and level are in Table 5-16(a).
The difference between the average value of each factor at levels
2 and 1 indicates the relative influence of the effect. The larger
the difference (magnitude), the stronger the influence. The sign of
the difference obviously indicates whether the change from level 1
to 2 increases or decreases the result. The main effects are shown
visually in Figure 5-4. Figure 5-5 shows the interaction effects of
A × C and B × C.
Ignoring interaction effects for the moment, notice that Table
5-16(a) and Figure 5-4 show an improvement at level 2 only for
factors A and B, while level 2 effects for C, D, and E cause a de-
crease in quality. Hence, the optimum levels for the factors based
on the data are A2, B2, C1, D1, and E1. Coincidentally, trial 6 tested
78 A Primer on the Taguchi Method


70 68.75
62 64.25 64.75
58 60.25
A1 A2 C1 C2 B1 B2 D1 D2 E1 E2

Figure 5-4. Main effects

68 67.75


64 64.50

62 62.50

(A x C)1 (A x C)2 (B x C)1 (B x C)2

Figure 5-5. Interaction effects

these conditions and produced the highest result (Table 5-13).

Because interaction is ignored, the average effects of (A × B)1,2
and (A × C)1,2, shown in Table 5-16(a), are not used in determin-
ing the optimum.

Interaction Effects
To determine whether the interaction is present, a proper
interpretation of the results is necessary. The general approach
is to separate the influence of an interacting member from the
influences of the others. In this example, A × C and B × C are
the interactions with C common to both. The information about C
Working Mechanics of the Taguchi Design of Experiments 79

can be extracted from the columns assigned to factors A, B, and C

at the two levels of C. This requires some additional calculations.
The steps involved are described below.
The A1C1 is first found from the results that contain both A1 and
C1. Note that A1C1 is not the same as the average value in level 1 of
Table 5-16(a) for interaction A × C assigned to column 3 of Table
5-13. This value is (A × C)1. In this analysis, interaction columns,
that is, columns 3 and 6, are not used. Instead, the columns of
Table 5-13 that represent the individual factors are used. Exami-
nation of column 1 shows that A1 is contained in rows (trial runs)
1, 2, 3, and 4, but C1 is in trial runs 1, 2, 5, and 6. Comparing the
two, the rows that contain both A1 and C1 are 1 and 2. Therefore,
A1C1 comes from the results of trial runs 1 and 2.
The average effect of A1C1  66 75 2  70.50 . The two
common trial runs for A1C2 are 3 and 4, and the average effect of
A1C2  54 62 2  58.00 .
In the calculations for A1C1 and A1C2 , factor level A1 is com-
mon. The difference between result 70.50 for A1C1 and result 58.00
for A1C2 is due only to factor C.
Similarly, A2C1 , A2C2 , B1C1 , B1C2 , B2C1 , and B2C2 are calcu-
lated. All of the results are shown below and plotted in Figure 5-6.

A1C1  70.50 A2C1  68.50

A1C2  58.00 A2C2  65.00
B1C1  59.00 B2C1  78.5
B1C2  53.00 B2C2  70.00
The intersecting lines on the left represent the presence of in-
teraction between A and C. Of course, for interaction to exist, the
lines need to have an angle between them, whether intersecting
or not. The parallel lines (representing a lesser angle between) on
the right show that B and C probably do not interact. Recall that
in Table 5-16(a) the average influence of interaction (A × C)1,2
assigned to column 3 was –5.25.
Further analysis for the significance of this influence is made
possible by the ANOVA table in Table 5-16(b), which shows that
80 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

80 78.50
72 70.50

68.50 A2
66 65.00
62 A1
60 59.00
58.00 B1
54 53.00

C1 C2 C1 C2

Figure 5-6. Test of interactions

the interaction A × C (column 3) is 5.26%, compared to the in-

dividual main effects of butter (B) 64.76% and flour (D) 18.4%,
and so on.
To summarize, the suspected interaction between factors B
and C was not observed within the factor ranges studied. The
suspected interaction between A and C does exist; its value is
5.26%, based on ANOVA.
To reexamine the optimum condition determined only from
the factors A2, C1, B2, D1, and E1, we see from Figure 5-6 that
A1C1 has a higher value than A2C1 . Thus, based on the interac-
tion analysis, the optimum condition must include levels A1 and
C1. The new optimum conditions become A1 B2 C1 D1 E1. However,
the performance at the new optimum should be compared with
the original optimum before the final determination of the inter-
action effects.
Working Mechanics of the Taguchi Design of Experiments 81

Consider the initial optimum that excluded the effects of in-

teraction (condition A2 C1 B2 D1 E1). Using T = average result of
eight runs (Table 5-13) = 521/8 = 65.125. Compute the optimum
performance using data from Table 5-16(a):

Yopt  T A2 T C1 T B2 T
 D T E T
1 1

 T 66.0 T 68.75 T 74.25 T

70.00 T 65.50 T
 65.125 0.875 3.625 9.125 4.875 0.375
 65.125 18.875

Similarly, for the revised optimum, considering interaction

A1 C1 B2 D1 E1, we compute:
(with interaction A × C only)

Yopt  T A1 T C1 T ¨ª A s C ·¹ T

 B T  D T E T
2 1 1

 T 64
4.25 T 68.75 T 67.75 T 
 65.125  .875 3.625 2.625 9.125 4.875 .375

Yopt can also be calculated by an alternate method as:

Yopt  T A1C1 T B 2 T D1 T E1 T
 T 70.5 T 74.25 T 70 T 65.5 T
 65.125 5.375 9.125 4.875 0.375
82 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Note that when the estimate of performance at the optimum

condition includes the interactions between A and C, the net re-
sult is obtained from the combined effect of A1C1 in the alternate
method and not from using the average value of A × C from the
effect in the third column.
The second calculation yields a value different from the opti-
mum prediction without interaction and should be used to compare
the results of the confirmation tests.
As a final check, examine the interaction between B and C.
The second pair of lines in Figure 5-6 represents the effect of C
at fixed levels of B. The lines are almost parallel, thus indicating
little interaction. The ANOVA calculations presented in Table 5-
16(b) show a small interaction (0.19%). Observe that the highest
value for the pair of lines corresponds to C1B2. Comparing C1B2
to the revised optimum condition, we find that C1B2 is included.
Thus, the interaction B × C has no influence on the optimum.
The optimum condition remains as revised for interaction A × C,
and no further modification is needed.
Optimum condition = A1 C1 B2 D1 E1
Expected performance at optimum condition = 84.875

Key Observations
• In designing experiments with interactions, triangular
tables or linear graphs should be used for column as-
signments. To select the appropriate OA, the types of
interactions and their degrees of freedom will have to be
considered. The following steps are recommended for the
experiment design process:
1. Select the array based on factors and interactions and
their levels. The degrees of freedom of the OA must
equal or exceed the DOF of factors and interactions.
2. Assign factors to the column arbitrarily when no in-
teraction is included. In case interaction is part of the
study, treat interacting factors first and reserve columns
based on the triangular table to study interaction.
3. Describe trial conditions by reading across the OA with
factors and interactions assigned to the columns.
Working Mechanics of the Taguchi Design of Experiments 83

• For the purpose of analysis, interactions are treated as

any other factors; however, their presence is ignored for
the preliminary determination of the optimum condition.
The relative significance of interactions is obtained from
an ANOVA study.
• The determination of the effect of interactions requires a
separate study. Such study may suggest a change in the
optimum condition.
• When several interactions are included in an experiment,
the level selection may become extremely complex.
How should interactions be handled? Should an extra variable
be included to study the interaction? If constraints necessitate a
choice between including an extra variable or studying an interac-
tion, Taguchi recommends “dig wide, not down.” When there is
an extra column, study a new variable, not an interaction. On the
second pass, if there are strong feelings about the interactions,
then they should be included.
More Designs with Interactions
Example 5-7
Design an experiment with five factors at two levels each and
two interactions.
Variables: A, B, C, D, E
Interactions: A × B and C × D
Experiment Design
The five factors and the two interactions each have one DOF.
Thus the total DOF is 7. In this case, an L8 will not work because
the triangular table (Tables 5-11 and A-6) shows that there is
only one independent triplet in the first seven columns. In other
words, if A and B are assigned to columns 1 and 2, column 3 will be
reserved for A × B. This means that columns 4, 5, 6, and 7 remain
for factors C, D, E, and interaction C × D. However, any combina-
tion of these columns 4, 5, 6, and 7 contains only the values 1, 2,
or 3; hence, their interaction would involve columns previously
assigned to A, B, and A × B. The next higher-order OA is an L12,
but it is a special array where interaction effects are distributed,
84 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

and thus it cannot be used to study interactions. An L16 OA is

the next higher-order array. Examination of the triangular table
(Table A-6) will show that it can be used.
Using Table A-6, arbitrarily assign:
A to column 1 C to column 2
B to column 4 D to column 8
Then A × B is column 5, C × D is column 10, and E is column 3.
There were many ways to achieve this column assignment. In this
case, using Table A-6, A and B were arbitrarily assigned to columns
1 and 4, with column 5 reserved for interaction A × B. C and D were
then assigned to two unused columns such that C × D becomes a
column that is 15 or less and not previously assigned. Columns 2, 8,
and 10 were the interacting group of columns selected for factors C,
D, and C × D, respectively. The factor E was then assigned to one of
the remaining nine columns, column 3. The final design is shown in
Table 5-17. Note that columns 6, 7, 9, and 11 to 15 are unassigned
but can be used in the analysis for a pooled error estimate.
Example 5-8
Design an experiment with nine factors at two levels each and
five interactions, as described below:
Variables: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I
Interactions: A × B, A × C, A × E, A × F, and B × D
Experiment Design
The nine factors and five interactions together have 14 DOF.
An L16 OA has 15 DOF and is a good candidate. Because of the
number of interactions, a linear graph of L16 is helpful. Because
the factor A is common to four of the five interactions, a linear
graph with a hub will be used. In Figure A-3, the lower left diagram
can be adapted for the design by selecting columns of interest, as
shown in Figure 5-7. Start by assigning A to column 1. Then select
the ends of four spokes for B, C, E, and F, as shown in Table 5-18.
If B is assigned to column 15, then D will be column 8 and B × D
will be column 7. Therefore, when all of the five interactions are
assigned to the appropriate columns, the remaining factors can
be assigned to the available columns at random.
Working Mechanics of the Taguchi Design of Experiments 85

Table 5-17. L16 d esign w ith fi ve fa ctors a nd t wo in teractions—

Example 5-7

× ×

COLUMN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

2 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0

3 1 1 1 2 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

4 1 1 1 2 2 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0

5 1 2 2 1 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0

6 1 2 2 1 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

7 1 2 2 2 2 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0

8 1 2 2 2 2 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

9 2 1 2 1 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

1 0 2 1 2 1 2 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0

1 1 2 1 2 2 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

1 2 2 1 2 2 1 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0

1 3 2 2 1 1 2 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0

1 4 2 2 1 1 2 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

1 5 2 2 1 2 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0

1 6 2 2 1 2 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

More examples of experiment designs are described in later

chapters and specifically in Chapter 9.


Designs without interactions and with all factors at two lev-
els are of the simpler kind. They are the least cumbersome and
most often can be designed by means of the standard OAs. But
there are many occasions when more than two levels will have
to be included. In the baking process experiment, a third level
86 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

of butter (say, 1.25 sticks, a

step between 1 and 1.5) could
15 7 8
be specified. The experiment
14 would consist of four factors
A AxC C at two levels and one at three
11 10 levels. What experiment de-
AxE sign is appropriate?
3 5 Why are more than two
E F levels needed? For some fac-
2 4 tors, three levels may be
important. Consider an ex-
Figure 5-7. Linear graph—Example 5-8 periment design of a molding
process that uses plastic pellet
feed stocks from four different
vendors; or four different specifications may include a study of
materials at four vendor-supplied specifications. The factor (mate-
rial), in such cases, will have four levels. Another likely reason for
more than two levels is that the influence of a factor on the result
is suspected to vary nonlinearly. Considering only two levels will
give a linear output. Nonlinear behavior can only be determined
by a third level, as shown in Figure 5-8.
There are some standard OAs that treat mixed-level factors,
but they may not be the most economical or may not even suit
one’s needs. For most applications involving mixed levels, Ta-
guchi modifies the standard arrays to fit the circumstances. By
following his prescription, a two-level column can be upgraded to
a four or eight-level column; a four-level column can be upgraded
to an eight-level column. On the other hand, a column can also
be downgraded by lowering the number of levels, say, from four
to three. The method of reducing the levels is done by what is
known as dummy treatment.
Before considering column modifications, some additional words
about DOF are appropriate. Recall that the DOF for a column is its
number of levels less 1. Thus, a two-level column has 1 DOF, a three-
level column has 2 DOF, and a four-level column has 3 DOF.
Therefore, to create a four-level column, three two-level col-
umns are needed to provide the same DOF. To change one column
Working Mechanics of the Taguchi Design of Experiments 87

Table 5-18. L16 design with nine two-level factors and five interactions—
Example 5-8
× × × × ×

COLUMN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

3 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2

4 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1

5 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2

6 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1

7 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1

8 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2

9 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

1 0 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1

1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1

1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2

1 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1

1 4 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2

1 5 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2

1 6 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1

of an L8 to a four-level column, three columns are combined.

Similarly, to change a column of an L16 into an eight-level column,
seven of the 15 two-level columns are combined.

Preparation of a Four-Level Column

A four-level column is easily prepared from three two-level
columns that are part of an interacting group of columns. To
demonstrate, consider an L8. The procedure will also apply for
all two-level OAs.
88 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

A1 A2 A1 A3 A2

Figure 5-8. Main effects of a factor with two and three levels

Steps 3
1 2
1. From the linear graph
for L8, select a set of
three interacting col- 5

umns (Figure 5-9). 7
Example: columns 1, 4
2, and 3.
2. Select any two col- Figure 5-9. Groups of interacting columns
for level upgrading
umns. Suppose 1 and
2 are selected.
3. Combine the two columns row by row, by following the rules
of Table 5-19, to get a combined column such as shown in
Table 5-17. Replace the original columns 1, 2, and 3 by the
new column that has just been prepared.
Example 5-9
Design an experiment to accommodate one factor at four levels
and four others at two levels each.
Variables: A, B, C, D
Interactions: None
Levels: A = 4; B, C, D = 2
Experiment Design
Factor A has four levels and 3 DOF. The other four two-level
factors each have 1 DOF. The total DOF is 7. An L8 OA, shown in
Table 5-20, that has 7 DOF, appears suitable.
Working Mechanics of the Taguchi Design of Experiments 89

Table 5-19. Rules for preparation of a four-level column

1 1 m 1
1 2 m 2
2 1 m 3
2 2 m 4

Table 5-20. L8 array—Example 5-9

COLUMN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2
3 1 2 2 1 1 2 2
4 1 2 2 2 2 1 1
5 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
6 2 1 2 2 1 2 1
7 2 2 1 1 2 2 1
8 2 2 1 2 1 1 2

Building Columns
The first three columns of an L8 can be combined to produce a
four-level column following the procedure previously described.
Step 1. Start with an original L8 and select a set of three
interacting columns, say 1, 2, and 3.
Step 2. Ignore column 3 (Table 5-21).
Step 3. Combine column 1 and 2 into a new column. Follow
the procedure as shown by Tables 5-22 and 5-23.
Step 4. Assign the four-level factor to this new column and the
others to the remaining original two-level columns,
as shown in Tables 5-24 and 5-25.
The experimental conditions and the subsequent analysis are
handled in a manner similarly to the techniques described before.
90 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Table 5-21. L8 undergoing column upgrade—Example 5-9

COLUMN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 1 1 2 2 2 2
3 1 2 1 1 2 2
4 1 2 2 2 1 1
5 2 1 1 2 1 2
6 2 1 2 1 2 1
7 2 2 1 2 2 1
8 2 2 2 1 1 2

Table 5-22. Rules for four-level column preparation—Example 5-9

1 1 m 1
1 2 m 2
2 1 m 3
2 2 m 4

Table 5-23. Preparing a four-level column of an L8 array—Example 5-9

COLUMN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 1 1 > 1 1 1 1 1
2 1 1 > 1 2 2 2 2
3 1 2 > 2 1 1 2 2
4 1 2 > 2 2 2 1 1
5 2 1 > 3 1 2 1 2
6 2 1 > 3 2 1 2 1
7 2 2 > 4 1 2 2 1
8 2 2 > 4 2 1 1 2
Working Mechanics of the Taguchi Design of Experiments 91

Table 5-24. Modified L8 array with one four-level column—Example 5-9

1 1 1 1 1 1
2 1 2 2 2 2
3 2 1 1 2 2
4 2 2 2 1 1
5 3 1 2 1 2
6 3 2 1 2 1
7 4 1 2 2 1
8 4 2 1 1 2

Table 5-25. Modified L8 with factors assigned (one four-level column)—

Example 5-9
1 1 1 1 1 1
2 1 2 2 2 2
3 2 1 1 2 2
4 2 2 2 1 1
5 3 1 2 1 2
6 3 2 1 2 1
7 4 1 2 2 1
8 4 2 1 1 2

Preparation of an Eight-Level Column

An eight-level column can be prepared by combining a set of
seven two-level columns of an L16 OA. The procedure is similar
to the one used in creating a four-level column. First we need to
identify the seven columns involved and then combine the columns
using some established guidelines.
Step 1. Select the set of seven columns.
One such set of seven columns consists of columns 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, and 7. The seven columns are an interacting set among three
factors, A, B, and C. If A, B, and C are assigned to columns 1, 2, and
92 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

4, respectively, the trian-

gular table or the linear
graph corresponding to
3 7 5
an L16 will show that the
interaction columns are
2 4
3 for A × B, 5 for A × C, 6
6 for B × C, and 7 for A
× B × C. Here A × B × Figure 5-10. Preparation of an eight-level
C represents the inter- column
action between factor A
(column 1) and interac-
tion B × C (column 6). The six columns may be represented as
a closed triangle in the linear graph and can be selected on this
basis. A fourth line connecting the apex and the base represents
the interaction A × B × C, as shown in Figure 5-10.
Step 2. Select the three columns to be used to form an eight-
level column.
Select the three columns where the three factors A, B, and
C are assigned. In general, select each apex of the triangle of
the linear graph for the set to represent the columns. These are
columns 1, 2, and 4 for the set. The remaining four columns are
eliminated because the three columns include the four interac-
tions A × B, A × C, B × C, and A × B × C.
Step 3. Combine three two-level columns into an eight-level
Compare numbers in each row of the three columns and com-
bine them using the rules shown in Table 5-26. Note that the rule
is not the previous one for the four-level array, although it follows
the same pattern.
For the set of columns under consideration, the first, second,
and third are columns 1, 2, and 3, respectively (Fig. 5-10). The
modified L16 array with its upgraded column is shown in Table
5-27. Note that the linear graph (Fig. 5-10) represents seven
columns consisting of three main effects and four interactions.
Thus, combining the column representing the three main effects
includes the four interactions.
Working Mechanics of the Taguchi Design of Experiments 93

Table 5-26. Rules for preparation of an eight-level column for an L16 array
1 1 1 1
1 1 2 2
1 2 1 3
1 2 2 4
2 1 1 5
2 1 2 6
2 2 1 7
2 2 2 8


Just as two-level columns of OA can be combined to higher
levels, so a higher level column can be decomposed into lower level
columns. The method used is known as dummy treatment.
Consider an experiment involving four factors, A, B, C, and
D, of which A has only two levels, and all of the others have three
levels each. The DOF is 7. An L9 array has four three-level columns
with 8 DOF. It could be used if one column can be reduced to the
two-level for factor A and the three remaining columns are occu-
pied by factors B, C, and D. In dummy treatment, the third level
of A = A3 is formally treated as A3, as if A3 exists. But in reality
A3 is set to be either A1 or A2.
The design with the modified column (3) of L9 is shown in
Table 5-28. Factor A can be assigned to any column. Note that
column 3 was selected such that the modified level 3 = 1 occurs
once in each group of three trial runs. This distribution enhances
the experiment.
Example 5-10
In a casting process used to manufacture engine blocks for a
passenger car, nine factors and their levels were identified (Table
5-29). The optimum process parameters for the casting operation
94 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Table 5-27. Converting L16 to include an eight-level column



COLUMN 1 2 4 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2
4 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1
5 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2
6 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1
7 1 2 4 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1
8 1 2 4 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2
9 2 1 5 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
1 0 2 1 5 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1
1 1 2 1 6 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1
1 2 2 1 6 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2
1 3 2 2 7 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1
1 4 2 2 7 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2
1 5 2 2 8 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2
1 6 2 2 8 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1

are to be determined by experiment. Of the nine factors, two are

of three levels each and another of four levels. The remaining
six factors are all of two levels each. The DOF is at least 13 if no
interactions are considered.
Experiment Design
Because most factors are two-level, a two-level OA may be suit-
able. Each three-level factor can be accommodated by three columns
(modified), and the four-level factor can also be described by three
columns, for a subtotal of nine columns. The remaining six two-level
factors require one column each. Thus, a minimum of 15 columns is
Working Mechanics of the Taguchi Design of Experiments 95

Table 5-28. Design with degraded column of L9

COLUMN 1 2 3 4
1 1 1 1 1
2 1 2 2 2
3 1 3 1 3
4 2 1 2 3
5 2 2 1 1
6 2 3 1 2
7 3 1 1 2
8 3 2 1 3
9 3 3 2 1
() indicates new modified level
1 = (level 3)

Table 5-29. Factors of casting process experiment—Example 5-10

A: Sand compaction Plant X Plant Y Plant Z
B: Gating type Plant X Plant Y Plant Z
C: Metal head Low High
D: Sand supplier Supplier 1 Supplier 2
E: Coating type Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4
F: Sand permeability 300 perm 400 perm
G: Metal temperature 1430°F 1460°F
H: Quench type 450°F 725°F
I: Gas level Absent High amount

needed. L16 satisfies this requirement. Nine columns are to be con-

verted to three four-level columns, then two columns will be reduced
by dummy treatment to three-level columns for this experiment.
Normally a three-level column will have 2 DOF. But when it
is prepared by reducing a four-level column, it must be counted
96 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

as 3 DOF because it includes a dummy level. Thus, the total DOF

for the experiment is:

6 variables at 2 levels each ... 6 DOF

1 variable at 4 levels each ... 3 DOF
2 variables at 3 levels each ... 6 DOF (dummy treated)
Total DOF = 15

L16 has 15 DOF and therefore is suitable for the design. The
three sets of interacting columns used for column upgrading are
1 2 3, 4 8 12, and 7 9 14. The column preparation and assignment
follows these steps.

1. Discard column 3 and use columns 1 and 2 to prepare a

four-level column, then dummy treat it to a three-level
column. Place it as column 1. Assign factor A (sand com-
paction) to this column.
2. Discard column 12 and use columns 4 and 8 to create a
four-level column first, then dummy treat it to a three-level
column. Call it column 4. Assign factor B (gating type) to
this column.
3. Discard column 14 and use columns 7 and 9 to create a four-
level column for factor E (coating type). Call it column 7.
4. Assign the remaining seven two-level factors to the rest of
the two-level columns, as shown in Table 5-30(a).

The detail array modified to produce two three-level and one

four-level column is shown in Table 5-30(b). Table 5-30(c) shows
the modifications to create three four-level columns and the
dummy treatment of two columns to three-level columns. Note
that in new column 1, the four dummy levels 1 occur together.
In this case, to avoid any undesirable bias due to level 1, the ex-
periment should be carried out by selecting trial conditions in a
random order.

Description of Experimental Conditions

Once the factors are assigned, the 16 trial runs are described
by the rows of the OA (modified), as shown in Table 5-30(b). With
Working Mechanics of the Taguchi Design of Experiments 97

Table 5-30(a). Casting process optimization design—Example 5-10

(Design variables and their levels)
1 Sand compaction Plant X Plant Y Plant Z
2 (Used with Col 1) M/U
3 (Used with Col 1) M/U
4 Gating type Plant X Plant Y Plant Z
5 Metal head Low High
6 Sand supplier Supplier 1 Supplier 2
7 Coating type Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4
8 (Used with Col 4) M/U
9 (Used with Col 7) M/U
10 Sand perm 200 perm 300 perm
11 Metal temperature 1430°F 1460°F
12 (Used with Col 4) M/U
13 Quench type 450°F 725°F
14 (Used with Col 7) M/U
15 Gas level None High
Note: Modified columns 1 2 3, 4 8 12, and 7 9 14.
No interaction.
Objective: Determine process parameter for best casting.
Characteristic: Bigger is better.

experience, the run conditions are easily read from the array.
But for the inexperienced, and for large arrays, translating the
array notations into actual descriptions of the factor levels may
be subject to error. Computer software [7] is available to reduce/
eliminate chances of such errors. A printout of the trial conditions
for sample trial runs is shown in Table 5-30(d).
Main Effect Plots for Three-Level and Four-Level Factors
The analysis of experimental data follows the same steps as
before. The results of a single test run at each of the 16 conditions
are shown in Table 5-30(e). The main effects of the factors are
presented in Table 5-30(f); the effects for the three- and four-level
98 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

factors are displayed in Figure 5-11. The optimum combination

is easily determined by plotting the main effects of all factors,
or from the data of Table 5-30(f) of the main effects by selecting
the higher values (because the quality characteristic is “the big-
ger the better”). Note that for sand compaction the middle level
produces the highest value. Such nonlinear behavior of the factor
was suspected from previous experience; hence, three levels were
selected for the experiment.

Consider an experiment involving three three-level factors and
two two-level factors. An experiment design could consider an L16
Working Mechanics of the Taguchi Design of Experiments 99

Table 5-30(c). Casting process optimization design—Example 5-10

(Column upgrading procedure)
1 2 and 3 to form a 4 8 and 12 to form a 7 9 and 14 to form a
3 level col., “New 1” 3 level col., “New 4” 4 level col., “New 7”
1 2 3 NEW 1 4 8 12 NEW 4 7 9 14 NEW 7
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2
1 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 2 1 2 3
1 1 1 1 2 2 1 4 = 1 2 2 1 4
1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 3
1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 4
1 2 2 2 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 1
1 2 2 2 2 2 1 4 = 1 1 2 2 2
2 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 4
2 1 2 3 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 3
2 1 2 3 2 1 2 3 1 2 2 2
2 1 2 3 2 2 1 4 = 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 1 4 = 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2
2 2 1 4 = 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1
2 2 1 4 = 1 2 1 2 3 2 2 1 4
2 2 1 4 = 1 2 2 1 4 = 1 2 1 2 3
Note: () indicates dummy-treated levels

OA with three columns for each of the three-level factors and two
additional columns for the two-level factors. Such a design will
utilize 11 of the available 15 columns and require 16 trial runs for
the experiment. Alternatively consider the L9 OA. Three columns
satisfy the three-level factors. If the fourth column can be used to
accommodate two two-level factors, then L9 with only nine trial
runs could be used.
Indeed, it is possible to combine two two-level factors into a single
three-level factor, with some loss of confidence in the results and loss
of opportunity to study interactions. The procedure is given below.
100 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Table 5-30(d). Description of individual trial conditions—Example 5-10

Sand compaction M/C = Plant X …Level 1
Gating type = Plant X …Level 1
Metal head = Low …Level 1
Sand supplier = Supplier 1 …Level 1
Coating type = Type 1 …Level 1
Sand perm = 300 perm …Level 1
Metal temperature = 1430°F …Level 1
Quench type = 450°F …Level 1
Gas level = Absent/none …Level 1
Sand compaction M/C = Plant X …Level 1
Gating type = Plant Y …Level 2
Metal head = Low …Level 1
Sand supplier = Supplier 1 …Level 1
Coating type = Type 2 …Level 2
Sand perm = 400 perm …Level 2
Metal temperature = 1460°F …Level 2
Quench type = 725°F …Level 2
Gas level = High …Level 2

Define a new factor (XY) to be formed out of the combination

of X and Y and assign it to column 4. From the four possible com-
binations X and Y (X1Y1, X2Y1, X1Y2, and X2Y2), select any three
and label them as stated below:
X1Y1 as (XY)1 that is, level 1 of new factor (XY)
X2Y1 as (XY)2 that is, level 2 of new factor (XY)
X1Y2 as (XY)3 that is, level 3 of new factor (XY)
Note that one combination, X2Y2, is not included. With factor
XY assigned, an L9 OA is shown in Table 5-31. From the array, the
trial run conditions defined for trial 1 (row 1) are A1 B1 C1 (XY)1,
where (XY)1 is X1Y1, which was defined above.
Working Mechanics of the Taguchi Design of Experiments 101

Table 5-30(e). Casting process optimization data—Example 5-10

1 67.00 67.00
2 66.00 66.00
3 56.00 56.00
4 67.00 67.00
5 78.00 78.00
6 90.00 90.00
7 68.00 68.00
8 78.00 78.00
9 89.00 89.00
10 78.00 78.00
11 69.00 69.00
12 76.00 76.00
13 78.00 78.00
14 66.00 66.00
15 77.00 77.00
16 87.00 87.00

Table 5-30(f). Casting process optimization design main effects—

Example 5-10
1 Sand compaction 70.50 78.50 8.00 78.00 00.00
4 Gating type 77.50 75.00 –2.50 67.50 00.00
5 Metal head 76.25 72.50 –3.75 00.00 00.00
6 Sand supplier 76.25 72.50 –3.75 00.00 00.00
7 Coating type 69.25 72.75 3.50 74.75 80.75
10 Sand permeability 75.25 73.50 –1.75 00.00 00.00
11 Metal temperature 75.00 73.75 –1.25 00.00 00.00
13 Quench type 72.50 76.25 3.75 00.00 00.00
15 Gas level 75.50 73.25 –2.25 00.00 00.00
102 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

82 80.75
80 78.50
78 77.50
76 78.00

74 72.75 74.75
70 70.50
68 69.25
L1 L2 L3 L4 L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3
Coating Sand compaction Gating

Figure 5-11. Plots of main effects—Example 5-10

Table 5-31. L9 with five factors

COLUMN 1 2 3 4
1 1 1 1 1
2 1 2 2 2
3 1 3 3 3
4 2 1 2 3
5 2 2 3 1
6 2 3 1 2
7 3 1 3 3
8 3 2 1 3
9 3 3 2 1

The total data are analyzed with the two factors X and Y
treated as one, (XY). The analysis yields the main effect of (XY).
The individual effect of the constituents X and Y is then obtained
as follows:
Main effect of X   XY 1  XY 2 and
Main effect of Y   XY 1  XY 3
Working Mechanics of the Taguchi Design of Experiments 103

The first equation above, which can be expanded as (X1Y1)

– (X2Y1), shows the effect of X when Y is fixed at Y1. The second
equation, which can be expanded as (X1Y1) – (X1Y2), shows the
effect of Y when X is fixed at X1.
After determining the main effects, the optimum condition,
including the levels of the two factors used in combination design,
can be identified. However, the interaction effects between factors
X and Y cannot be obtained from the data by this method. Should
interaction be important, the experiment design must be based
on a larger array such as L16.


Variation is a law of nature. No two things in nature are alike.
Examined carefully, man/machine-made parts of a kind also differ.
Our goal in quality improvement is to reduce variation. Therefore,
variation is our number-one enemy.
Robust products and processes perform consistently on target.
To build robustness, we must reduce variability in performance.
But what causes variability?
Throughout this text, the terms factors, variables, and param-
eters synonymously refer to factors that influence the outcome of
the product or process under investigation. Taguchi further cat-
egorized the factors as controllable factors and noise factors. The
factors identified for the baking process experiment, namely, sugar,
butter, eggs, milk, and flour, were easily controlled factors. Other
factors that are less controllable or too expensive to control, such
as oven temperature distribution, humidity, oven temperature cycle
band width, and so on, may also influence the optimum product.
Variation in performance occurs mainly due to the influence
of control factors and noise factors (uncontrollable). While DOE
can identify the influential control factors that can indeed be
adjusted to improve the consistency in performance, for most
systems the uncontrollable factors are the main cause of varia-
tion. In planned DOE, the results vary when a trial condition is
repeated. As statistical principles dictate, the more the samples
are tested in the same condition the better the information about
the variability. Obviously, to capture variability information from
104 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

DOE experiments, we must repeat experiments—in other words,

have more samples tested in each trial condition.
Because variation is always present in tests with hardware,
testing multiple samples is a necessity. The number of samples
desired in a study is decided based on expected variability and the
cost of the samples. More importantly, Taguchi followed a struc-
ture to repeat the test samples, exposing them to the influence of
noise, as will be described later in this section.
Before Taguchi, the noise factors were popularly known as nui-
sance factors. At different times, different methods were followed
to deal with them, often trying to control such uncontrollable fac-
tors as temperature, humidity, dust in the air, tool wear, and so
on. Unfortunately, there were no effective and standard means of
dealing with the noise factors. In this regard, Dr. Taguchi offered
a revolutionary strategy that caught the attention of the scientific
world. His approach has been to not go after the uncontrollable
factors, but simply to find other ways to do the job such that the
product is shielded from such influence. His strategy for robust
design is to reduce variability of the product/process without actu-
ally removing the cause of variation. He chooses to leave the noise
alone and instead to find suitable levels of the control factors that
produce results most immune to noise influence.
In his robust design strategy, Taguchi seeks the desired design
not by selecting the best performance under ideal condition but
instead by looking for a design that produces consistent perfor-
mance in the face of uncontrollable factors. To find the factor
level most robust to noise influence, Taguchi relies heavily on
the interaction between noise and control factors. Interestingly,
critiques of the Taguchi methodologies have been pointing to the
lack of emphasis on interaction, which many hold as an important
part of the analyses.


The key to robust design is noise and control factor interac-
tions. When tests are repeated in the same trial condition, the
influence of noise factors in the system will cause variation from
sample to sample. Because the noise factors are those that are
Working Mechanics of the Taguchi Design of Experiments 105

uncontrollable in the production environment, the goal is to se-

lect the levels of the controllable factors that produce minimum
variation when exposed to the noise factors. Consider the simple
example below to understand the concept.

Example 5-11
In a simple study to determine the influence of alcohol con-
sumption during different types of meals on blood alcohol content
(BAC), the test parameters were defined as:
Controllable factor—
A: Type of meals
(two levels: A1 = light snack, A2 = steak dinner)
Noise factor—
N: Type of alcohol
(two levels: N1 = hard liquor, N2 = light beer)
Assume that the individuals under observation have no control
over the drinks he/she will be served, but do have control over the
meals consumed before going to a party. The effects of alcohol con-
sumption when meals are of the type described are found to be:
A1N1 = 50, A2N1 = 30, A1N2 = 25, and A2N2 = 20
The numbers shown are the likelihood of exceeding the BAC limit.
From the above data, the control factor and noise effects can
be plotted by taking two data points at a time from the set of four
data [Fig. 5-12(a) and 5-12(b)]. These plots showing the effects of
one factor at various levels of the other are called interaction plots.
The angle between the lines, if present, indicates the strength of
the presence of interaction. The first of the two plots [Fig. 5-12(a)]
indicates that there is interaction between meals and alcohol
consumption because the lines are not parallel. The second plot
[Fig. 5-12(b)], however, is of most interest. This graph presents
the same interaction showing the effects of noise (alcohol) at two
levels of the control factor (meals). From the slope of the two lines,
it is obvious that the influence of alcohol is much less (shallower
line) when a steak dinner is consumed (A2). So, given an option,
106 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

A1N1 = 50
Level of intoxication

N1 = Hard liquor

A2N1 = 30
A1N2 = 25
N2 = Light beer
A2N2 = 20

A1 = Light snack A2 = Steak dinner

Figure 5-12(a). Type of meal and alcohol interaction plot (factor along x-
axis)—Example 5-11

A1N1 = 50
Level of intoxication

A1 = Light snack

A2N1 = 30
A2 = Steak dinner A1N2 = 25

A2N2 = 20

N1 = Hard liquor N2 = Light beer

Figure 5-12(b). Alcohol and type of meal interaction plot (noise along x-
axis)—Example 5-11
Working Mechanics of the Taguchi Design of Experiments 107

a steak dinner will be more resistant to the influence of alcohol.

Obviously, the same concept can be applied to interaction between
any control factor and noise in industrial settings.
In the sections that follow, the robust-level selections of mul-
tiple factors against single and multiple noises will be described.
But because all such experiments will include testing multiple
samples in each trial conditions, new ways of analyzing multiple
sample results will be covered first.


For some experiments, trial runs are easily and inexpensively
repeated. For others, repetitions of tests are expensive as well as
time consuming. Whenever possible, trials should be repeated,
particularly if strong noise factors are present. Repetition of-
fers several advantages. First, the additional trial data confirm
the original data points. Second, if noise factors vary during
the day, then repeating trials through the day may reveal their
influence. Third, additional data can be analyzed for variance
around a target value.
When the cost of repetitive trials is low, repetition is highly
desirable. When the cost is high or interference with the operation
is high, then the number of repetitions should be determined by
means of an expected payoff for the added cost. The payoff can be
the development of a more robust production procedure or pro-
cess, or by the introduction of a production process that greatly
reduces product variance.
Repetition permits determination of a variance index called
the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio. The greater this value, the smaller
the product variance around the target value. The signal-to-noise
ratio concept has been used in the fields of acoustics, electrical
and mechanical vibrations, and other engineering disciplines
for many years. Its broader definition and application will be
covered in Chapter 6. The basic definition of the S/N ratio is
introduced here.
To capture variability, all trial conditions of a planned experi-
ment are repeated such that they have multiple results. A common
approach to analyze such results is to use the average of the trial re-
108 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

sults for the optimum condition. Unfortunately, average alone does

not capture complete information about the variability present.
Comparison of multiple data for a part:
8 9 10 => Avg. = 9
7 9 11 => Avg. = 9
Comparing the averages of the above two sets, they would look
the same. While the distribution of these two sets is different, it will
not be captured unless information on standard deviation, range,
scatter, and so on, are considered for the comparison purposes. A
common indicator for variability is standard deviation (S). Any
scheme that allows comparison of both average and variability is
a good measure of population performance.
Mean square deviation (MSD) is one such measure that de-
pends on both average and standard deviation of the data. But
MSD requires separate definition for different quality character-
istics, as shown below.
S/N is a log (to the base 10) transformation of MSD for the
convenience of linearity of influence and a wider range of data.
S/N = −10 log10 (MSD)
where MSD = mean square deviation from the target value of the
quality characteristic.
Consistent with its application in engineering and science, the
value of S/N is intended to be large; hence, the value of MSD should
be small. Thus, the MSD is defined differently for each of the three
quality characteristics considered, smaller, nominal, or larger.
For smaller is better:

MSD  y12 y22 y32  n
For nominal is best:
MSD   y m
2 2
 y2 m  n
Note: It can be shown that MSD in this case equals
¨S 2 Y m 2 ·

©ª avg
¹̧ .
For bigger is better:

MSD  1 y12 1 y22 1 y32  n
Working Mechanics of the Taguchi Design of Experiments 109

Table 5-32. L4 with results and averages

COLUMN 1 2 3 R1 R2 R3
1 1 1 1 5 6 7 6
2 1 2 2 3 4 5 4
3 2 1 2 7 8 9 8
4 2 2 2 4 5 6 5

where y1, y2, etc. equal the results of experiments, observations,

or quality characteristics such as length, weight, surface finish,
and so on.
S = standard deviation
m = target value of results (above)
n = number of repetitions (yi)
Consider an experiment with three repetitions, using an L4
orthogonal array as shown in Table 5-32. In the table, trial 1 is
repeated three times, R1, R2, and R3, with results 5, 6, and 7, re-
spectively. The average of these three repetitions is 6. The aver-
age is used for the study of the main effects in a manner similar
to that described for nonrepeated trials. Slight differences in the
analysis of variance for the repetitive case are covered in Chapter
6. For experiments with repetitions, analysis should always use
the S/N ratios computed as follows:
Assume that bigger is better is the quality characteristic sought
by the experimental data of Table 5-32. Then,

MSD  1 y12 1 y22 1 y32  n
Now, for row 1,
y12  5 s 5  25 y22  6 s 6  36
y32  7 s 7  49 n3
MSD  1 25 1 36 1 49 3
 .04 .02777 .020408 3
 .088185 3
110 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Table 5-33. L4 with results and S/N ratios

COLUMN 1 2 3 R1 R2 R3
1 1 1 1 5 6 7 15.316
2 1 2 2 3 4 5 11.47
3 2 1 2 7 8 9 17.92
4 2 2 2 4 5 6 13.62

MSD = .029395, a small value.
The S/N ratio is calculated as:
S/N  10 log10  MSD
 10 log10 .029395
S/N values for all rows are shown in Table 5-33.
In analysis, the S/N ratio is treated as a single data point at
each of the test run conditions. Normal procedure for studies of the
main effects will follow. The only difference will be in the selection
of the optimum levels. In S/N analysis, the value of MSD or the
greatest value of S/N represents a more desirable condition.

In this approach, product and process designs are achieved by
adjusting factor levels to reduce variability. The process follows two
distinct steps, with the assumption that reduction of variability
is more important than being on the target:
1. Reduce variability by adjusting the levels of factors deter-
mined to be influential
2. Adjust performance mean to target by adjusting those fac-
tors with less influence on variability
Dr. Taguchi recommends the two-step optimization strategy
when multiple factors influence the outcome. The following ex-
ample demonstrates how robust factor levels are determined when
there is only one major noise factor.
Working Mechanics of the Taguchi Design of Experiments 111

The optimization using the above two steps can be achieved by

three different independent types of analyses: (a) noise-to-control
factor interaction study, (b) mean and standard deviation analysis,
and (c) analyses using S/N ratios of results. While all three types
give a deeper understanding of the optimization process, the S/N
analysis is the recommended approach. The three analyses are
explained in the example using the same experimental results.
Example 5-12: Experimental Study to Reduce Rejects Due to Short Shots in an
Injection Molding Process
Objective: Reduce rejects due to short shots.
Quality characteristic: Percent of rejects with desirable per-
formance—smaller is better.
Factors and levels: The top six of the list of 18 qualified and “Pa-
retoized” factors were selected for the study. To keep the size of the
experiment small and study as many factors as possible, all factors
were studied at two extreme ranges of values (two levels). These
factors and their levels are shown next as a long list of qualified
factors in descending order of importance to the project team.
1. Injection pressure
2. Mold closing speed
3. Mold pressure
4. Backpressure
5. Screw speed
6. Spear temperature
7. Manifold temperature
8. Mold opening speed
9. Mold opening time
10. Forward screw speed
11. Nozzle heater-on time
12. Screw retract speed
13. Cooling time
14. Holding pressure time
15. Ejection speed
16. Coolant type (water/oil)
17. Room temperature (cold/warm)
18. Operator skill level (new/experienced)
112 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Table 5-34. Selected factors and their levels—Example 5-12

(Six among 18 factors selected for the study)
A Injection pressure 1,800 psi 2,250 psi
B Mold closing speed Low Moderate
(not revealed)
C Mold pressure 600 psi 950 psi
(4.1 MPa)
D Backpressure 950 psi 1,075 psi
E Screw speed 50 sec. 65 sec.
F Spear temperature 325°C 380°C
Interaction Between factors A and B (A × B), column 3 reserved

Selected factors and their levels (six among 18 factors selected

for the study) are shown in Table 5-34.
Interaction: Interaction between factors A and B (A × B) was
identified but not studied.
Noise factors: Among the factors identified, the coolant type
was considered uncontrollable, noise factor: Coolant type (water
= N1 and oil = N2)
Scope of Experiment: Based on the number of factors (six two-
level factors and one interaction), the experiment using an L-8
array and six samples, three in each noise condition, were tested
in each trial condition.
The experiment design [Fig. 5-13(a)] shows how the six factors
are assigned. The results collected after the tests exposing them
to the two noise levels are shown in Figure 5-13(b). The three
columns next to the results show the average values under each
noise level (N1 and N2) and the average of all results in a trial.

(a) Two-Step Optimization Using Noise and Control Factor Interaction

The values of the trial averages [Fig. 5-13(b)] are used to
calculate the combined factor and noise (A1N1, A2N1, and so on)
effects and their plots as shown in Figure 5-13(c).
The combined effect of factor A and noise is calculated as:
Working Mechanics of the Taguchi Design of Experiments 113

TRIAL A B – C D E F Noise N1 Noise N2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
For each trial condition:
2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2
3 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 3 sample results were
4 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 exposed to noise
condition N1.
5 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
6 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 sample results were
7 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 exposed to noise
condition N2.
8 2 2 1 2 1 1 2
Figure 5-13(a). Experimental design for six two-level factors and noise
exposure—Example 5-12


TRIAL A B – C D E F N1 N2 N1 N2 y
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11.5 11.8 11.3 14.1 14.5 13.8 11.5 14.3 12.8
2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 9.2 8.7 8.2 9.3 10.7 9.6 8.7 9.9 9.3
3 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 11.7 11.8 11.5 14.3 14.4 14.1 11.7 14.3 12.9
4 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 12.7 12.7 12.6 15.6 15.6 15.4 12.7 15.5 14.1
5 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 13.8 13.5 13.8 13.3 12.8 12.4 13.7 12.8 13.3
6 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 13.2 13.5 13.4 16.2 16.6 16.4 13.4 16.4 14.9
7 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 12.6 12.9 12.1 15.4 15.8 14.8 12.5 15.3 13.9
8 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 12.3 11.7 12 15.1 14.3 14.2 12.0 14.7 13.3
Grand averages => 12.0 14.1 13.1

Figure 5-13(b). Experimental results and calculated trial results averages—

Example 5-12

Average effect of A1N1 =

(11.5 + 8.70 + 11.7 + 12.70)/4 = 11.15 (Highlighted data)
Average effect of A2N1 =
(13.7 + 13.4 + 12.5 + 12.0)/4 = 12.90
Similarly, all other combined effects [Fig. 5-13(c)] are calculated
and are used to plot factor effects at each level using N1 and N2
along the x-axis. For example, A1N1 (11.5) and A1N2 (13.49) are
114 A Primer on the Taguchi Method


A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 D1 D2 E1 E2 F1 F2
Noise N1 11.15 12.90 11.82 12.21 12.36 11.68 12.14 11.90 12.48 11.57 12.52 11.52

Noise N2 13.49 14.82 13.31 14.97 14.15 14.13 14.88 13.39 14.30 13.98 15.35 12.93

14.00 B2
13.50 C1
12.00 A1
N1 Noise N2 N1 Noise N2 N1 Noise N2

D1 E1
12.50 D2 E2
12.00 F2
N1 Noise N2 N1 Noise N2 N1 Noise N2

Figure 5-13(c). Calculated noise and control factor interactions and plots
(N×A, N×B, ..., N×F)—Example 5-12

used to obtain plot of A1 line. Plots for all other factor level effects
are obtained in the same manner.
Review of the noise and control factor interaction plots [Fig.
5-13(c)] shows that the plots for factors B, C, D, and F have more
angle between the lines, indicating that there is significant in-
teraction. Because, for robust design, the line with a shallower
angle to horizontal is likely to produce less variation, levels B1, C1,
Working Mechanics of the Taguchi Design of Experiments 115


A B – C D E F
Level 1 12.29 12.57 – 13.25 13.49 13.37 13.94
Level 2 13.84 13.57 – 12.88 12.65 12.78 12.20
Diff. L2 – L1 1.54 1.00 – –.37 –.84 –.60 –1.74

A1 Factor A2 B1 Factor B2 C1 Factor C2

D1 Factor D2 E1 Factor E 2 F1 Factor F2

Figure 5-13(d). Calculated factor average effects and plots (Main effects of
A, B, C, D, E, and F)

D2, and F2 are the choices for these factors. Factors A and E are
considered to have interaction of lesser degree and are treated by
analysis using the main effects of factors.
Main effects of factor are plotted from the calculated average
effects using the trial result averages [last column in Fig. 5-13(b)],
as shown in Figure 5-13(d). The levels of the remaining two fac-
116 A Primer on the Taguchi Method


TRIAL A B – C D E F N1 N2 y S
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11.5 11.8 11.3 14.1 14.5 13.8 12.8 1.45
2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 9.2 8.7 8.2 9.3 10.7 9.6 9.3 0.85
3 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 11.7 11.8 11.5 14.3 14.4 14.1 12.9 1.43
4 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 12.7 12.7 12.6 15.6 15.6 15.4 14.1 1.57
5 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 13.8 13.5 13.8 13.3 12.8 12.4 13.3 0.56
6 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 13.2 13.5 13.4 16.2 16.6 16.4 14.9 1.67
7 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 12.6 12.9 12.1 15.4 15.8 14.8 13.9 1.59
8 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 12.3 11.7 12 15.1 14.3 14.2 13.3 1.43
Grand averages=> 13.1 1.32

Figure 5-13(e). Experimental results and calculated standard deviation of

trial results—Example 5-12

tors, A and E, now can be identified from the lower values (QC =
smaller is better) of the factor average effects as A1 and E2.

Optimization Step Summary

1. Reduce variability by identifying the factors that interact
with noise.
• Factors with strong interaction: B, C, D, F [A and E are
found to have less interaction with N; see interaction plot
Figure 5-13(c)].
• Levels for least variability: B1, C1, D2, and F2
2. Adjust mean by selecting factors with least interaction
with noise.
• Factors with lesser interaction: A and E
• Levels for mean closer to target: A1 and E2 (smaller is
better QC, see plots of main effect above)

(b) Two-Step Optimization Using Mean and Standard Deviation

This type of analysis uses standard deviation (S) of trial re-
sults for selecting robust factor levels along with main effects for
adjusting mean response. Using the same trial results, standard
Working Mechanics of the Taguchi Design of Experiments 117


A B – C D E F
Level 1 1.33 1.13 – 1.26 1.50 1.26 1.57
Level 2 1.31 1.51 – 1.38 1.14 1.38 1.07
Diff. L2 – L1 –.01 .37 – .12 .35 .13 –.50

A1 Factor A2 B1 Factor B2 C1 Factor C2

D1 Factor D2 E1 Factor E 2 F1 Factor F2

Figure 5-13(f). Calculated average factor effects on standard deviation and

plots—Example 5-12

deviation and averages are calculated [Fig. 5-13(e)]. Figure 5-13(f)

shows the average effects of factor on S and the plots. Because vari-
ability is never desirable, regardless of the quality characteristic
of the process under study, a smaller value (smaller is better) of S
becomes the levels for robust design. Based on the variability [Fig.
118 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Tr A B – C D E F N1 N2 S/N RATIO
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11.5 11.8 11.3 14.1 14.5 13.8 –22.21
2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 9.2 8.7 8.2 9.3 10.7 9.6 –19.38
3 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 11.7 11.8 11.5 14.3 14.4 14.1 –22.30
4 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 12.7 12.7 12.6 15.6 15.6 15.4 –23.03
5 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 13.8 13.5 13.8 13.3 12.8 12.4 –22.46
6 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 13.2 13.5 13.4 16.2 16.6 16.4 –23.50
7 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 12.6 12.9 12.1 15.4 15.8 14.8 –22.93
8 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 12.3 11.7 12 15.1 14.3 14.2 –22.50
Grand averages => –22.29

Figure 5-13(g). Experimental results and calculated S/N ratios—Example


5-13(f)], factors B, D, and F are found significant and their levels

for robust design are B1, D2, and F2. The levels of the remaining
factors are selected based on the main effects as before [A1, C2,
and E2 from Fig. 5-13(d)].

Optimization Step Summary

1. Reduce variability by identifying factors with significant
effects of standard deviation of results.
• Significant factors: B, D, and F (A and E are found to have
less interaction with N, see interaction plots above)
• Levels for least variability: B1, D2, and F2
2. Adjust mean by selecting factors with less interaction
with noise.
• Factors with lesser effects on standard deviation: A, C,
and E
• Factor levels: A1, C2, and E2 (smaller is better QC, see
plots of main effect above)

(c) Two-Step Optimization Using S/N Ratios

S/N of the trial results [Fig. 5-13(g)], which is directly related
to deviation of results from the target, is used for computing fac-
Working Mechanics of the Taguchi Design of Experiments 119


A B – C D E F
Level 1 –21.73 –21.89 – –22.48 –22.63 –22.55 –22.92
Level 2 –22.847 –22.69 – –22.10 –21.95 –22.03 –21.66
Diff. L2 – L1 –1.12 –.80 – .37 .68 .52 1.26

A1 Factor A2 B1 Factor B2 C1 Factor C2

D1 Factor D2 E1 Factor E 2 F1 Factor F2

Figure 5-13(h). Plot of average effects of factors (S/N effects of A, B, C, D,

E, and F)—Example 5-12

tor average effects as shown in Figure 5-13(h). By definition, no

matter the quality characteristic of the original results, larger
values of S/N always represent lower variation.
Based on the plot above, the factor levels that shows the high-
est S/N values are: A1, B1, C2, D2, E2, and F2. All significant factors
now can be identified from the rest by performing ANOVA shown
120 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

1 A: Injection pressure 1 2.486 2.486 6.031 2.073 18.96
2 B: Mold closing sp. 1 1.277 1.277 3.099 .865 7.91
3 Interaction A × B 1 2.277 2.277 5.525 1.865 17.05
4 C: Mold pressure (1) (.278) Pooled
5 D: Back pressure 1 .915 .915 2.222 .503 4.60
6 E: Screw speed (1) (.545) Pooled
7 F: Spear temperature 1 3.156 3.156 7.657 2.743 25.09
Other/Error 2 .824 .412 26.38
Total 7 10.937 100%

Figure 5-13(i). ANOVA statistics (S/N of results)—Example 5-12

in Figure 5-13(i). Calculation of ANOVA terms and its use will be

discussed later (Chapter 6). Our immediate attention is directed
to only the last column of ANOVA, which represents the relative
percent influence of the factors to the variability of results in
statistical and discrete terms.
From ANOVA, factors C and E are found to be insignificant
(pooled) and are ignored in the estimation of the expected per-
formance at optimum conditions below. Like in the previous two
types of analyses, the levels of factors C and E are determined
from the factor average effect plot [Fig. 5-13(d)] using the smaller
is better quality characteristic.
Optimum condition: A1 B1 D2 F2 (factors C and E are pooled)

Yopt  22.29  21.73 22.29  21.89 22.29

 21.95 22.29  21.66 22.29
 22.29 0.56 0.4 0.34 0.63
 22.29 1.93
 20.36 S/N
(which translates to 10.4 in the original units of results)
Working Mechanics of the Taguchi Design of Experiments 121

Control Noise
Number of factors

factors factors

R&D Adv. Eng. Design & Devel. Test & Valid. Mfg. & Prod.

Figure 5-14. Presence of control and noise factors in various stages of

product development

Optimization Step Summary

1. Reduce variability by identifying factors with significant
effects on S/N.
• Significant factors: A, B, D, and F
• Factor levels: A1, B1, D2, and F2 (larger S/N)
2. Adjust mean by selecting factors with lesser effect on S/N.
• Factors with lesser effects on S/N: C and E
• Factor levels: C2 and E2 (smaller is better, main effect)


Repetitions show the variation of the product or process. The
variation occurs principally as a result of the uncontrollable fac-
tors (noise factors). By expanding the design of the experiment to
include noise factors in a controlled manner, optimum conditions
insensitive to the influence of the noise factors can be found. These
are Taguchi’s robust conditions that control production close to
the target value despite noise in the production process. Gener-
ally, the treatment of noise and control factors varies depending
on the experimental studies undertaken during the stages of
engineering and production, as depicted in Figure 5-14.
Before describing how the uncontrollable factors are treated,
additional definitions are needed:
122 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Controllable factors—Factors whose levels can be specified

and controlled during the experiment and in the final design of
the product or process.
Noise factors—These are factors that have influence on the
product or process results but generally are not maintained at spe-
cific levels during the production process or application period.
Inner array—OA of the controllable factors. All experiment
designs discussed to this point fall into this category.
Outer array—OA of recognized noise factors. The term outer
or inner refers to the usage rather than to the array itself, as will
be made clear soon.
Experiment—This refers to the whole experimental process.
Trial condition—Combination of factors/levels at which a trial
run is conducted.
Conditions of experiment—Unique combinations of factor
levels described by the inner array (orthogonal array).
Repetitions or runs—These define the number of observations
under the same conditions of an experiment.
The experiment requires a minimum of one run per condition.
But one run does not represent the range of possible variability in
the results. Repetition of runs enhances the available information
in the data. Taguchi suggests guidelines for repetitions.
To incorporate noise factors into the design of the experiment,
the factors and their levels are identified in a manner similar to
those used for other product and process factors (control factors).
For example, if humidity is considered noise, the low and high
levels may be considered a factor for the design. After determin-
ing the noise factors and their levels for the test, OAs are used to
design the conditions of the noise factors that dictate the number
of repetitions for the trial runs. The OA used for designing the
noise experiment is called an outer array.
Assume that three noise factors are identified for the cake
baking experiment (Tables 5-12 and 5-16), which utilized an L8 OA.
The noise factors are to be investigated at two levels each. There
are four possible combinations of these factors. To obtain complete
data, each trial run of L8 must be repeated for each of the four noise
combinations. The noise array selected is an L4 OA. This outer array,
Working Mechanics of the Taguchi Design of Experiments 123

Table 5-35. Inner and outer orthogonal arrays

Outer array



Inner array


COLUMN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2
3 1 2 2 1 1 2 2
4 1 2 2 2 2 1 1
5 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
6 2 1 2 2 1 2 1
7 2 2 1 1 2 2 1
8 2 2 1 2 1 1 2

with four combinations of the three noise factors, tests each of the
eight trial conditions four times. The experiment design with inner
and outer array is shown by Table 5-35. Note that for the outer array,
column 3 represents both the third noise factor and the interaction
of the first and second noise factor. Note also the arrangement of
each array, with the noise (outer) array perpendicular to the inner
array. The complete design is shown by Table 5-36.
For most simple applications, the outer array describes the
noise conditions for the repetitions. This formal arrangement
of the noise factors and the subsequent analysis influences the
combination of the controllable factors for the optimum condition.
The use of S/N ratio in analysis is strongly recommended.
124 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Table 5-36. Cake baking experiment with noise factors


Eggs 2 eggs 3 eggs

Milk 2 cups 3 cups



Butter 1 stick 1.5 sticks


Flour 1 extra scoop 2 extra scoops



Sugar 1 spoon 2 spoons


1. Gas 1. +5 min. 1. 80%
2. Electric 2. –5 min. 2. 60%
COLUMN 1 2 3
1 1 1 1

2 1 2 2

3 2 1 2

4 2 2 1


Application of the Taguchi technique is accomplished in two
phases: (1) design of the experiment, which includes determining
controllable and noise factors and the levels to be investigated,
which determines the number of repetitions, and (2) analysis of
the results to determine the best possible factor combination from
individual factor influences and interactions. The two activities,
experiment design and analysis of test data, are presented (flow
charts) in Figures 5-15 and 5-16. The steps involved are briefly
described here.
Working Mechanics of the Taguchi Design of Experiments 125


Simple design using Designs with mixed levels

standard arrays and interactions

Assign factors to columns Modify columns

as appropriate Assign factors requiring
level modification
Assign interacting factors
Assign all other factors

Consider noise factor

Deter mine noise condition using outer array
Deter mine number of repetitions

Run experiments in random order when possible

Figure 5-15. Experiment design flow diagram


Without repetition With repeated results

Under noise condition

or simply repeated

Standard analysis S/N analysis

• Nominal is best
• Smaller is better
• Bigger is better

Figure 5-16. Analysis flow diagram

126 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Design of the Experiment

Depending on the factors and levels identified, follow one of
the two paths (Fig. 5-15). If all the factors are of the same level,
say 2, one of the standard OAs can probably be used. In this case,
the factors can be assigned to the columns without much consid-
eration about where they should be placed. On the other hand, if
the factors require many levels, or one or more interactions are
to be investigated. Then carefully select certain specific columns
for factor assignments or level changes. No matter how simple
the design, the applicable noise conditions should be identified
and a second array (outer array) selected to include noise effects.
The number of repetitions will be dictated by the number of
noise factors. In the absence of a formal layout such as Table 5-
35, the number of repetitions will be influenced by time and cost

Analysis of Results
Analysis of results follows either paths (Fig. 5-16) of repetitions
or no repetition. Generally, for a single observation for each trial
condition, the standard analysis approach is followed. When there
are repetitions of the trial runs, whether by outer array designed
noise condition, or under random noise condition, S/N analysis
should be performed. The final analysis for the optimum condition
is based on one of the three characteristics of quality—greatest,
smallest, or nominal.

5-1. Identify each element (8, 2, 7, and so on) of the notation for
an orthogonal array L8 (27).
5-2. Design an experiment to study four factors, A, B, C, and D,
and three interactions, A × C, C × D, and A × D. Select the
orthogonal array and identify the columns for the three inter-
5-3. An experiment with three two-level factors yielded the follow-
ing results. Determine the average effect of factor C at levels
C1 and C2.
Working Mechanics of the Taguchi Design of Experiments 127

5-4. Describe the procedure you will follow to design an experiment

to study one three-level factor and four two-level factors.
5-5. In an experiment involving piston bearings, an L8 OA was used
in a manner shown in Table 5-37. Determine the description
of the trial 7.
5-6. The average effects of the factors involved in Problem 5 are as
shown in Table 5-38. If the quality characteristic is “the bigger
the better,” determine (a) the optimum condition of the design,
(b) the grand average of performance, and (c) the performance
at the optimum condition. [Ans. (b) 35.01, (c) 38.44]

Table 5-37. Design variables and their levels

1 Speed 2100 RPM 250 RPM
2 Oil viscosity At low TP At high t
3 Interaction 1 × 2 N/A N/A
4 Clearance Low High
5 Pin straightness Perfect Bend
6 (Unused) M/U
7 (Unused) M/U

Table 5-38. Average factor effects

1 Speed 34.39 35.63
2 Oil viscosity 35.50 34.52
3 Interaction 1 × 2 33.60 36.42
4 Clearance 35.62 34.40
5 Pin straightness 35.31 34.70
6 Analysis of Variance


Taguchi replaces the full factorial experiment with a lean, less
expensive, faster, partial factorial experiment. Taguchi’s design
for the partial factorial is based on specially developed orthogonal
arrays (OAs). Because the partial experiment is only a selected
set of the full factorial combinations, the analysis of the partial
experiment must include an analysis of confidence to qualify the
results. Fortunately, there is a standard statistical technique called
analysis of variance (ANOVA) that is routinely used to provide a
measure of confidence. The technique does not directly analyze
the data but rather determines the variability (variance) of the
data. Confidence is measured from the variance.
Analysis provides the variance of controllable and noise factors.
By understanding the source and magnitude of variance, robust
operating conditions can be predicted. This is a second benefit of
the methodology.


In the analysis of variance, many quantities such as degrees of
freedom, sums of squares, mean square, and so on, are computed
and organized in a standard tabular format. These quantities and
their interrelationships are defined below and their mathematical
development is presented.
C.F. = correction factor n = number of trials
e = error (experimental) r = number of repetitions
F = variance ratio P = percent contribution
130 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

f = degrees of freedom T = total (of results)

fe = degrees of freedom S = sum of squares
of error S = pure sum of squares
fT = total degrees of V = mean square (variance)

Total Number of Trials

In an experiment designed to determine the effect of factor A
on response Y, factor A is to be tested at L levels. Assume n1 repeti-
tions of each trial that includes A1. Similarly, at level A2 the trial
is to be repeated n2 times. The total number of trials is the sum of
the number of trials at each level, that is,
n  n1 n2  nL

Degrees of Freedom (DOF)

DOF is an important and useful concept that is difficult to
define. It is a measure of the amount of information that can
be uniquely determined from a given set of data. DOF for data
concerning a factor equals one less than the number of levels.
For a factor A with four levels, A1 data can be compared with A2,
A3, and A4 data but not with itself. Thus, a four-level factor has
three DOF. The DOF concept is also applied to columns of OAs
as well as the array itself. As with factors, the DOF of a column
is its number of levels minus one. Finally, the DOF of an array is
the sum of its column DOF. Thus, an L4 OA with three columns
representing two-level factors has three DOF.
The concept of DOF can also be extended to the experiment.
An experiment with n trials and r repetitions of each trial has n
× r trial runs. The total DOF becomes:
fT  n s r 1

Similarly, the DOF for a sum of squares term is equal to the

number of terms used to compute the sum of squares, and the DOF
of the error term, fe, is given by:

fe  fT fA fB fC
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 131

Sum of Squares
The sum of squares is a measure of the deviation of the ex-
perimental data from the mean value of the data. Summing each
squared deviation emphasizes the total deviation. Thus,
ST  ¤ Yi Y
i 1

where Y is the average value of Yi.
Similarly, the sum of squares of deviations, ST, from a target
value, Y0, is given by
2 2
ST  ¤ Yi Y
i 1
 n Y Y 0

Variance measures the distribution of the data about the mean

of the data. Because the data are representative of only a part of
all possible data, DOF rather than the number of observations is
used in the calculation.

* n
ST  ¤ Yi Y0
i 1

 ¤ Yi Y Y Y0
i 1

2 2
 ¤ ¨ Yi Y
i 1
2 Yi Y Y Y0 Y Y0 · 

n n n
2 2
 ¤ Yi Y
i 1
 ¤ 2 Y Y Y Y ¤ Y Y
i 1
i 0
i 1

n n n
because ¤ Y  Y
 ¤Y  ¤Y  nY  nY  0
i 1
i 1
i 1
2 2
and ¤ Y  Y

i 1
0  n Y  Y0

2 2
The above equation becomes ST  ¤ Yi Y
i 1
n Y Y0 .
132 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Sum of squares
Degrees of freedom
or V  ST f
When the average sum of squares is calculated about the
mean, it is called the general variance. The general variance, S2,
is defined as:
1 n 2

S 2  ¤ Yi Y
n i 1

Let m represent the deviation of the mean, Y , from the target

value, Y0, that is,

m  Y Y0 (6-1-3)
Substituting Eqs. (6-1-2) and (6-1-3) into Eq. (6-1-1),

ST  nS 2 nm2  n S 2 m2 (6-1-4)
Thus the total sum of squares of deviations (ST) from the target
value (Y0) is the sum of the variance about the mean and the square
of the deviation of the mean from the target value multiplied by
the total number of observations made in the experiment.
ST of Eq. (6-1-4) also represents the expected statistical value
of ST. In this book, rigorous proofs are omitted unless necessary to
clarify an idea or concept. Further, the symbol ST is used for both
the expected value and the computed value for a given sample.
The total sum of squares, ST (Eq. 6-1-4), gives an estimate
of the sum of the variations of the individual observations about
the mean, Y , of the experimental data and the variation of the
mean about the target value, Y0. This information is valuable for
controlling manufacturing processes, as the corrective actions
to reduce the variations around the mean, Y , that is, to reduce
S2, are usually not identical to those actions that move the mean
toward the target value. When the total sum of squares, ST, is
separated into its constituents, the variation can be understood
and an appropriate strategy to bring the process under control can
be easily developed. Furthermore, the information thus acquired
can be effectively utilized in statistical process control (SPC).
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 133

Mean Sum (of Deviations) Squared

Let T  ¤ Yi Y0 be the sum of all deviations from the target
i 1
value. Then, the mean sum of squares of the deviation is:
¨n ·
S  T n  © ¤ Yi Y0 ¸
n (6-2)
ª i 1 ¹
Eq. (6-2) can thus be written as:
Sm  nm2 *
It is important to note that even though from an oversimplistic
derivation of the value of Sm = nm2, its statistical estimate or the
expected value includes one part of the general variance. There-
fore, representing the statistically expected value by E(Sm):
E Sm  Sm  S 2 nm2 (6-3)
The term (ST − Sm) is usually referred to as the error sum of
squares and can be obtained from Eqs. (6-1-4) and (6-3).
Se  ST Sm  n 1 S 2
Rewriting the equation, ST = Se + Sm. Thus, the total effect
of variance, ST, can be decomposed into the mean deviation, Sm,
and the deviation, Se, about the mean. Thus, individual effects
can be analyzed. Let

* 1 2
n ª̈ Y1 Y0  Yn Y0 ·¹
which can also be expressed as:
1 2
n ª̈ Y1 Y2  Yn nY0 ·¹

1¨ 2
or Sm 

nY nY0
n2 ¨ 2
or Sm 
n ª 
Y Y0 ·¹
Sm  nm2
134 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Y1 – Y0 = 3 Y4 – Y0 = 4
Y2 – Y0 = 5 Y5 – Y0 = 6
Y3 – Y0 = 7 Y6 – Y0 = 8
where Y0 is a target value, then
ST  32 52 72 42 62 82
Sm  3 5 7 4 6 8 6
 332 6
Y  3 5 7 4 6 8 6
 5 .5
2 2
and Se  ¨© 3 Y 5 Y ·
ª ¹̧

2 2 2
 ¨3 5.5 5 5.5  8 5.5 ·
ª ¹
 1 7 .5

Note that Se  ST Sm  199 181.5  17.5

Also, because the standard deviation of the data, 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, and
8, is equal to 1.8708,
Se  n 1 S 2
 6 1 s 1.8708
Degrees of Freedom Sums
The DOF fe, fT, and fm of the sums of squares Se, ST, and Sm
are as follows:
fT = n = number of data points
fm = 1 (always for the mean)
fe = fT – fm = (n – 1)
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 135

As pointed out earlier, the DOF fT is equal to n because there

are n independent values of (Yi − Y0)2. For investigating the effect
of factors at different levels, the DOF is usually one less than the
number of observations.
To summarize:
ST  nS 2 nm2 (6-4)
Sm  S 2 nm2 (6-5)
Se  ST Sm  n 1 S 2
Also, as stated earlier, variance V is
V S f
VT  ST fT  S 2 m2 total variance
Vm  Sm fm  S 2 nm2 mean variance
Ve  ST Sm fe  S 2 error variance
The example that follows should clarify the application of the
concepts developed above. The data for this example are fictitious
but suffice for the purpose of illustrating the principles.

One-Factor One-Level Experiment
When one-dimensional experimental data (one response
variable) are analyzed using ANOVA, the procedure is termed
a one-way analysis of variance. The following problem is an ex-
ample of a one-way ANOVA. Later, ANOVA will be extended to
multidimensional problems.
Example 6-1
To obtain the most desirable iron castings for an engine block,
a design engineer wants to maintain the material hardness at 200
BHN. To measure the quality of the castings being supplied by
the foundry, the hardness of 10 castings chosen at random from
a lot is measured, as displayed in Table 6-1.
136 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Table 6-1. Hardness of cylinder block castings—Example 6-1

1 240 6 180
2 190 7 195
3 210 8 205
4 230 9 215
5 220 10 215

The analysis:
fT = total number of results – 1
= 10 – 1 = 9
Y0 = desired value = 200
the mean value is:
¥ 240 190 210 230 220 ´
Y ¦ 10
§180 195 205 215 215 µ¶
2 2 2
then ST  240 200 190 200 210 200
2 2 2
230 200 220 200 180 200
2 2 2
195 200 205 200 215 200
215 200
Sm  n Y Y0 2
 10 210 200  1000
Se  ST Sm  4000 1000  3000
And the variance is calculated as follows:
VT  ST fT  4000 9  444.44
Vm  1000 1  1000
Ve  ST Sm fe  4000 1000 9  333.33
These results are summarized in Table 6-2. Table 6-3 represents
a generalized format of the ANOVA table.
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 137

Table 6-2. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) table—Example 6-1

Mean (m) 1 1000 1000.00
Error (e) 9 3000 333.33
Total 10 4000

Table 6-3. Generalized ANOVA table for randomized one-factor designs

Mean (m) fm Sm Sm / fm
Error (e) fe Se Se / fe
Total fT ST

The data cannot be analyzed further, but analysis of the

variance of the data can provide additional information about
the data.
Let F be the ratio of total variance to the error variance. F
coupled with the degrees of freedom for VT and Ve provides a mea-
sure for the confidence in the results.
To complete the analysis, the error variance Ve is removed from
Sm and added to Se. The new values are renamed as
Sma  pure sum of squares
Sea  pure error
This reformulation allows calculation of the percent contri-
bution, P, for the mean, Pm, or for any individual factor (PA, PB,
and so on).
Table 6-3 presents the complete format for analysis F, S, and
P. These parameters are described below in greater detail.
138 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Variance Ratio
The variance ratio, commonly called the F statistic, is the ratio
of variance due to the effect of a factor and variance due to the
error term. (The F statistic is named after Sir Ronald A. Fisher.)
This ratio is used to measure the significance of the factor under
investigation with respect to the variance of all of the factors in-
cluded in the error term. The F value obtained in the analysis is
compared with a value from standard F-tables for a given statisti-
cal level of significance. The tables for various significance levels
and different degrees of freedom are available in most handbooks
of statistics. Tables B-1 through B-5 in Appendix B provide a brief
list of F factors for several levels of significance.
To use the tables, enter the DOF of the numerator to deter-
mine the column and the DOF of the denominator to determine
the row. The intersection is the F value. For example, the value of
F.10 (5, 30) from the table is 2.0492, where 5 and 30 are the DOF of
the numerator and denominator, respectively. When the computed
F value is less than the value determined from the F-tables at
the selected level of significance, the factor does not contribute
to the sum of squares within the confidence level. Computer
software, such as [7], simplifies and speeds the determination of
the level of significance of the computed F values.
The F values are calculated by:
Fm  Vm Ve
Fe  Ve Ve  1 (6-7)
and for a factor A it is given by:
FA  VA Ve (6-8)

Pure Sum of Squares

In Eqs. (6-4), (6-5), and (6-6), for each sum of squares there is
a general variance term, S2, expressed as DOF × S2.
When this term is subtracted from the sum of squares expres-
sion, the remainder is called the pure sum of squares. Because
Sm has only one DOF, it therefore contains only one S2, that is, Ve.
Thus, the pure sum of squares for Sm is:
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 139

Sma  Sm Ve  S 2 nm2 S 2  nm2

The portion of error variance subtracted from the sum of

squares for Sm is added to the error term. Therefore,

Sea  Se Ve (6-9)

If factors A, B, and C, having DOF fA, fB, and fC, are included in an
experiment, their pure sum of squares are determined by:

S Aa  S A fA s Ve (6-10)
SBa  SB fB s Ve
SCa  SC fC s Ve
Sea  Se  fA fB fC s Ve (6-11)

Percent Contribution
The percent contribution for any factor is obtained by dividing
the pure sum of squares for that factor by ST and multiplying the
result by 100. The percent contribution is denoted by P and can
be calculated using the following equations:
Pm  Sma s 100 ST
PA  S Aa s 100 ST
PB  SBa s 100 ST
PC  SCa s 100 ST
Pe  Sea s 100 ST (6-12)

The ANOVA Table 6-2 can now be completed as follows. Using

Eqs. (6-7) and (6-8) gives

Fm  Vm Ve  1000 333.33  3.00

Fe  Ve Ve  333.33 333.33  1.00

The pure sum of squares obtained using Eqs. (6-9) and (6-10)
is shown below:
140 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Table 6-4. Completed ANOVA table—Example 6-1

Mean (m) 1 1000 1000.00 3.00 666.67 16.67
Error (e) 9 3000 333.33 1.00 3333.33 83.33
Total 10 4000 100.00

Table 6 -5. C ompleted g eneralized AN OVA t able for

randomized one-factor design
Mean (m) fm Sm Vm = Sm/fm Vm/Ve Sm – Ve Sm / ST
Error (e) fe Se Ve = Se/fe — Se + Ve Se / ST
Total fT ST

Sma  Sm Ve  1000 333.33  666.67

Sea  Se Ve  3000 333.33  3333.33
And the percent contribution is calculated by using Eqs. (6-11)
and (6-12):
Pm  Sma s 100 ST  666.67 4000  16.67
Pe  Sea s 100 ST  3333.33 4000  83.33
The completed ANOVA tables are shown in Table 6-4.
A generalized ANOVA table for one-factor randomized design
is shown in Table 6-5.
Returning to Table 6-3, the computed value for Fm, 3.00, is
less than the value from Table C-1 for F.1 (1,9), that is, 3.3603.
Hence, with 90% confidence (10% risk), the castings appear to be
similar. The apparent data spread contributes only 16.67% to the
sample variability (sum of squares) whereas the remaining 83.33%
variation is caused by other factors.
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 141


Example 6-2
In Example 6-1, an experiment with one response variable and
one factor at one level was considered, the factor being the source
of the cylinder blocks. Now consider the case with two different
vendors supplying the castings. These two sources are assumed
to use similar casting processes. Therefore, a new experiment is
described with one factor, hardness of castings, from two sources,
A1 and A2. The question to be resolved is whether the castings
being supplied by the two vendors are statistically of the same
quality. If not, which one is preferable? The target hardness, 200
BHN, is unchanged.
Ten samples from each of the two castings sources were drawn
at random and their hardness was measured. The test yielded the
results shown in Table 6-6.
The analysis of this test proceeds as for the experiment of Ex-
ample 6-1. Note that the error sum of squares term, Se, as given
in Eq. (6-11), contains the variation of the mean and that of factor
A. Therefore, to separate the effect of vendors, that is, factor A,
the sum of squares term, SA, must be isolated from Se. The sum
of squares for factor A can be calculated by:
L 2
1 ¨n · T2
SA  ¤ © ¤ Aik Y0 ¸ (6-13)
k 1 nk ª i 1 ¹ n
L = number of levels
ni, nk = number of test samples at levels Ai and Ak, respec-
Table 6-6. Measured hardness—Example 6-2
240 180 190 197 202 198
195 210 205 205 203 192
230 215 220 208 199 195
215 201
142 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

T = sum total of all deviations from the target value

n = total number of observations = n1 + n2 + … + nj
The T2/n in Eq. (6-13) is a term similar to Sm and is called the
correction factor, C.F.
The expression for the total sum of squares can now be writ-
ten as:
ST  Se Sm S A (6-14)*
The DOF equation will be:
f T = fe + f A
The analysis:
Y0  200 unchanged from Example 6 -1
2 2 2
ST  240 200 180 200  215 200
2 2
197 200  195 200
201 200 C.F.
 4206 500
As T 2 n  C.F.
 ª̈Y1 Y0 Y2 Y0 ·¹ n
¨40 20  15 15 ·
© ¸ 20
©ª  3 2  5 1 ¸¹
Using Eq. (6-13), the value of SA, the square sum for the effect
of factor A (vendors), is obtained as:

* Taguchi considers deviation from the target more significant than that about the mean. The
cost of quality is measured as a function of the deviations from the target. Therefore, Taguchi
eliminates the variation about the mean from Eq. (6-14) by redefining ST as follows:
ST  ¤ Yi Y0 C.F.  Se S A
i 1

or Se  ST S A
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 143

SA = squares of sum for vendor A1

+ squares of sum for vendor A2
− C.F.
2 2
S A  ¨ YiA1 Y0 ·
¹ ª
nA1 ¨ YiA2 Y0 ·
nA2 T 2 n
240 200  215 200 ·¹
197 200  201 200 ·¹
ª̈ 500
 1000 0 500
Also Se = ST – SA
= 3706 – 500
= 3206
and the DOF will be:
fT = 20 – 1 = 19
fA = 2 – 1 = 1
fe = 19 – 1 = 18

Also, VA  S A fA  500 1  500

and Ve  Se fe  3206 18  178.11

The variance ratio, F, will therefore be as shown below:

FA  VA Ve  500 178.11  2.81
Fe  Ve Ve  1

To complete the ANOVA table, the pure sum of squares and

percentage contributions are needed. The pure sum of squares is
computed using Eq. (6-10) whereas the percentage contribution
is calculated using Eq. (6-12).
144 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

The pure sum of squares are:

S Aa  S A fA s Ve  S A 1 s Ve  500 178.11  321.87
Sea  Se fA s Ve  Se 1 s Ve  3206 178.11  3384.11
and the percentage contributions are given by:
PA  S Aa s 100 ST  321.89 s 100 3706  8.68
Pe  Sea s 100 ST  3384.11 s 100 3706  91.31

The complete ANOVA table is shown in Table 6-7.

Because the degree of freedom for the numerator is 1 and that
for the denominator is 18, from the F-tables at 0.10 level of sig-
nificance (90% confidence) we obtain F.1 (1,18) = 3.007. Because
the computed value of the F factor is smaller than the limiting
values obtained from the table, no significant difference between
the two sources of the castings can be concluded. Of the observed
variation, only 8.68% is due to the vendor and 91.32% is due to
the error and other factors not included in the study. The range
of the hardness data of Table 6-6 is 180 to 240 from vendor A1
and 192 to 208 from vendor A2. The difference in range suggests
that vendor A2 may be preferred intuitively.

Confidence Intervals
The calculations shown in the ANOVA table are only estimates
of the population parameters. These statistics are dependent
on the size of the sample being investigated. As more castings

Table 6-7. ANOVA table for cylinder block castings from two sources—
Example 6-2
Factor (A) 1 500.00 500.00 2.81 321.89 8.68
Error (e) 18 3206.00 178.00 1.00 3384.11 91.30
Total 19 3706.00 100.00
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 145

are sampled, the precision of the estimate would be improved.

For large samples, the estimates approach the true value of the
parameter. In statistics, it is therefore customary to represent
the values of a statistical parameter as a range within which it is
likely to fall, for a given level of confidence. This range is termed
the confidence interval (C.I.). If the estimate of the mean value
of a set of observations is denoted by E(m), then the C.I. for the
mean is given by:
FA  f1 , f2 s Ve
C.I. m  E m p (6-15)
FA (f1, f2) = variance ratio for DOF f1 and f2 at the level of
significance A. The confidence level is (1 − A)
f1 = DOF of mean (which always equals 1)
f2 = DOF of error term
Ve = variance of error term
ne = number of equivalent replications, given by:

Number of trials
¨DOF of mean always 1 + ·
©ªDOF of all facctors used in the estimate ¹̧

To determine the C.I. for the estimated value of the mean for
the above data, we proceed as follows:
¨240 190  215 215 ·
E m  © ¸ 20
ª 197 202  195 201¹
The number of experiments is 20, and there are two factors, m
and A, involved in the estimates. Therefore,
20 20
ne    10
fA fm 1 1
146 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Because F.1 (1,18) = 3.007

and Ve  178.11
3.007 s 178.11
m  205 p
 205 p 7.32
 197.68, 212.32

Therefore, it can be stated that there is a 90% probability that the true
value of the estimated mean will lie between 197.68 and 212.32.
The confidence interval can similarly be calculated for other

The one-way ANOVA discussed above included one factor
with two levels. This section extends ANOVA to experimental
data of two or more factors with two or more levels. The following
examples illustrate the procedure.
Example 6-3
The wear characteristics of two brands of tires (factor B),
“Wearwell” and “Superwear,” are to be compared. Several factors
such as load, speed, and air temperature have significant effect
on the useful life of tires. The problem will be limited to only one
among these factors, that is, temperature (factor A). Let Tw and Ts
represent winter (low) and summer (high) temperatures, respec-
tively. Tire life (response characteristic) is measured in hours of
operation at constant speed and load. The experiment design for
this example is given in Table 6-8. This is called a two-factor two-
level experiment. It has four possible trial runs, and the results
of each run can be interpreted as follows:
With A at A1 and B at B1, the life is = 70 hr
With A at A1 and B at B2, the life is = 75 hr
With A at A2 and B at B1, the life is = 65 hr
With A at A2 and B at B2, the life is = 60 hr
The analysis of the data follows exactly the same procedures
presented in the previous example. In this case, the total degrees
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 147

Table 6-8. Tire wear experiment—Example 6-3

“Wearwell” 70 65 135
B1 Y1 Y3
“Superwear” 75 60 135
B2 Y2 Y4
Sum = 145 125 270 = Grand total

of freedom, fT = n – 1 = 3. The degrees of freedom and the ANOVA

quantities in this case become:
n = 22 = 4
fT =n–1=4–1=3
fA = number of levels – 1 = 2 – 1 = 1
fB = types of tires – 1 = 2 – 1 = 1
fA × B =1×1=1
fe = fT – fA – fB – fA × B
C.F. = correction factor = T2/n = 2702/4 = 18225.0
Y0 = target value = 0
ST = sum of squares of all results – C.F.

 Y12  Y42 C.F.
= 702 + 652 + 752 + 602 – 18225.0
= 18350.0 – 18225.0 = 125.0
The total contribution of each factor is calculated as follows:
A1 = 70 + 75 = 145 A2 = 65 + 60 = 125
B1 = 70 + 65 = 135 B2 = 75 + 60 = 135
and S A  A12 N A1 A22 N A2 C.F.
SB  B12 N B1 B22 N B2 C.F.
2 2
i 1 j 1
i j rij C.F.
148 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

SA × B = SAB – SA – SB
ST = Se + SA + SB + SA × B

where N A1 , N A2 , and so on, refer to the number of trial runs in-

cluded in the sums A1, A2, and so on. AiBj is the total experimental
response for factor A at level i and factor B at level j whereas rij
is the number of replications (observations) for cell ij. The term
SA×B represents the interaction sum of squares.
For the above example,
S A  1452 2 1252 2 18225.0  18325.0 18225.0  100.0
SB  1352 2 1352 2 18225.0  18225.0 18225.0  0.0
Because r = 1 (one observation per cell)
S AB  702 1 752 1 652 1 602 1 18225.0  125.0
SA × B = 125.0 − 100.0 − 0 = 25.0

Therefore, using Eq. (6-11), the error variation becomes,

Se  ST S A SB S A s B
 125 100 0 25  0
Variance calculations:
V A  S A fA  100 1  100
VB  SB fB 01 0
VA s B  S A s B fA s B  25 1  25
Ve  Se fe  0 0 indeterminate, hence not useful
Variance Ratio
Once all of the variances are computed, the results can be ar-
ranged in tabular form, as appears in Table 6-9.
Observe that the DOF and Se of the error terms are zero, hence
F, the ratio of the variances, cannot be computed. Thus this ex-
perimental design is not effective for studying the interaction of
factors A and B. Additional degrees of freedom are necessary for
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 149

Table 6-9. ANOVA table for tire wear characteristics—Example 6-3

A 1 100.00 100.00
B 1 0.00 0.00
A×B 1 25.00 25.00
Error (e) 0 0.00
Total 3 125.00

a complete analysis of the interactions and main effects. This can

be accomplished by repeating the observations for each setup so
that there will be an error term that will have non-zero degrees
of freedom and variance terms.


Example 6-4
Example 6-3 is extended to two observations per cell, as shown
in Table 6-10. In Table 6-11, the data in each cell are replaced by
a single value obtained by adding the two data points. The total
of the degrees of freedom, fT, is increased:
because n = r × 22 = 2 × 4 = 8
and fT = n – 1 = 8 – 1 = 7
The degrees of freedom for other factors are as follows:
fA = number of levels – 1 = 2 – 1 = 1
fB = types of tires – 1 = 2 – 1 = 1
fA×B = 1 × 1 = 1
fe = fT – fA – fB – fA×B = 7 – 1 – 1 – 1 = 4
C.F.  correction factor  T 2 n  5422 8  36720.5
150 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Table 6-10. Tire wear experiments with repetitions—Example 6-4

TIRE TYPE A1 = Tw A2 = Ts
“Wearwell” 70, 72 65, 62
B1 Y1 Y3
“Superwear” 75, 77 60, 61
B2 Y2 Y4

Table 6-11. Tire wear experiments with repetitions—Example 6-4

“Wearwell” 142 127 269
B1 Y1 Y3
“Superwear” 152 121 273
B2 Y2 Y4
Sum = 294 248 542 = Grand total

Y0 = target value = 0
ST = sum of squares of all eight data points – C.F.

 Y12  Y82 C.F.
 702 722 752 772 652 622 602 612 36720.5
 37028.0 36720.5
The contribution of each factor is shown below:
A1 = 142 + 152 = 294 A2 = 127 + 121 = 248
B1 = 142 + 127 = 269 B2 = 152 + 121 = 273
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 151

and S A  2942 4 2482 4 36720.5  264.5

SB  2692 4 2732 4 36720.5  2.0
2 2 2 2
S A s B   A1 B1 2  A1 B2 2  A2 B1 2  A2 B2 2 C.F.
2 2 2 2
= ¨142 152 127 121 · 2 36720.5
ª ¹
 37019 36720.5  298.5

Also S A s B  298.5 264.5 2  32

Se  ST S A SB S A s B
 307.5 264.5 2 32  9.0
Variance calculations:
VA  S A fA  264.5 1  264.5
VB  SB fB  2 1  2
VA s B  S A s B fA s B  32 1  32
Ve  Se fe  9 4  2.25

Also FA  VA Ve  264.5 2.25  117.6

FB  VB Ve  2 2.25  0.89
FA s B  VA s B Ve  32 2.25  14.22

Pure sum of squares:

S Aa  S A fA s Ve  264.5 1 s 2.25  262.25
SBa  SB fB s Ve  2 1 s 2.25  0.25
S Aa s B  S A s B fA s B s Ve  32 1 s 2.25  29.75
Sea  Se  fA fB fA s B s Ve  9 3 s 2.25  15.75
and the percentage contributions will be:
PA  S Aa s 100 ST  262.25 s 100 307.5  85.28
PB  SBa s 100 ST  0.25 s 100 307.5  0.08
PA s B  S Aa s B s 100 ST  29.75 s 100 307.5  9.68
Pe  Sea s 100 ST  15.75 s 100 307.5  5.12
152 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Table 6-12. ANOVA table for tire wear with repetitions—Example 6-4
A 1 264.50 264.50 117.50 262.25 85.28
B 1 2.00 2.00 0.89 –0.25 –0.08
A×B 1 32.00 32.00 14.22 29.75 9.68
Error (e) 4 9.00 2.25 1.00 15.75 5.12
Total 7 307.50 100.00

Because the number of the degrees of freedom for the nu-

merator is 1 (see Table 6-12) and that for the denominator is 4,
from the F-tables at .05 level of significance (95% confidence) we
obtain F.05 (1,4) = 7.7086. The computed values of variance ratios
F for factor A and interaction A×B are greater than the limiting
values obtained from the table. Therefore, there is a significant
difference in the wear life of the tires under summer and winter
conditions. The interaction term, FA×B, indicates that the influ-
ence of temperature on the two brands of tires is also significant.
However, FB is less than the F-table factor. Thus, there is no dif-
ference between tire brands within the confidence level.

Procedures for Pooling

When the contribution of a factor is small, as for factor
B in the above example, the sum of squares for that factor is
combined with the error, Se. This process of disregarding the
contribution of a selected factor and subsequently adjusting the
contributions of the other factor is known as pooling. Pooling
is usually accomplished by starting with the smallest sum of
squares and continuing with the ones having successively larger
effects. Pooling is recommended when a factor is determined to
be insignificant by performing a test of significance against the
error term at a desired confidence level. A general guideline for
when to pool is obtained by comparing the error DOF with the
total factor DOF. Taguchi recommends pooling factors until the
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 153

error DOF is approximately half the total DOF of the experiment

([9], pp. 293-295). Approaching the matter technically, one could
test for significance and pool all factor influences below the 90%
confidence level. The procedure for significance testing will be
discussed later in this chapter. For now, we will arbitrarily select
small factor effects and pool. Consider the pooling effects of factor
B. If the variance for this factor is pooled with the error term,
the new error variance is computed as:
Ve  SB Se  fB fe
 2.0 9.0 1 4
 2 .2
With a pooled Ve, all S values must be modified to reflect pooling:

S Aa  S A Ve s fA  264.50 2.20  262.30

S Aa s B  S A s B Ve s fA s B  32.0 2.2 s 1  29.8
Sea  Se Ve  fA fA s B  11.0 2.2 s 2  15.4

The results of this procedure are summarized in Table 6-13, which

makes it apparent that pooling in this particular case does not
appreciably change the results. But, in certain cases, the process
may significantly affect the results. No matter the effect on the
results, insignificant factors should always be pooled.

Table 6-13. ANOVA table for tire wear with repetitions and pooling—
Example 6-4
A 1 264.50 264.50 120.20 262.30 85.30
B Pooled
A×B 1 32.00 32.00 14.50 29.80 9.69
Error (e) 5 11.00 2.20 1.00 15.40 5.01
Total 7 307.50 100.00
154 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

It is quite evident from these considerations that the ANOVA

procedure is cumbersome and extremely time consuming. The
computations necessary increase tremendously as the size of the
matrix increases. The design of the experiment and the subse-
quent analysis of the test results can be simplified using available
software specifically made for analysis of Taguchi experimental
designs. Most of the computations shown in this book have been
carried out using Qualitek-4 software [7]. To further clarify the
step-by-step procedure involved in analysis of variance, the fol-
lowing numerical example is presented.


Example 6-5
A Taguchi experiment was designed (Table 6-14) to investigate
five two-level factors (A, B, C, D, and E) and two interactions (A×C
and B×C) of a certain manufacturing operation. The L8 orthogonal
array was used to design the experiment, and the results were
examined of one sample that was tested under each experimental
configuration. The results are shown in Table 6-15.

Analysis Using Single Run

Level Totals and Their Averages
The factor averages at each factor level are obtained by adding
the results of all trial conditions at the level considered and then
dividing by the number of data points added.
A1   y1 y2 y3 y4 4  42 50 36 45 4
 173 4  43.25
A2   y5 y6 y7 y8 4  35 55 30 54 4
 174 4  43.50
C1   y1 y2 y5 y6 4  42 50 35 55 4
 182 4  45.50
C2   y3 y4 y7 y8 4  36 45 30 54 4
 165 4  41.25
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 155

Table 6-14. Factors and their levels—Example 6-5

1 Factor A A1 A2
2 Factor C C1 C2
3 Interaction A × C N/A
4 Factor B B1 B2
5 Factor D D1 D2
6 Interaction B × C N/A
7 Factor E E1 E2
Objective: Determine best design parameters.
Characteristic: Smaller is better.

B1  143 B1  35.75
B2  204 B2  51.00
D1  187 D1  46.75
D2  160 D2  40.00
E1  172 E1  43.00
E2  175 E2  43.75
156 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

and  A s C 1   y1 y2 y7 y8 4  176 4  44.00

 A s C 2   y3 y4 y5 y6 4  171 4  42.75
 B s C 1   y1 y4 y5 y8 4  176 4  44.00
 B s C 2   y2 y3 y6 y7 4  171 4  42.75
The results are shown in Table 6-16, and the main effects are
plotted in Figure 6-1.
Ignoring interaction effects and assuming the “smaller is bet-
ter” characteristic is desired, the optimum condition becomes:
A1 C2 B1 D2 E1

Computation of Interaction
Interaction effects are always mixed with the main effects
of the factors assigned to the column designated for interaction.
The relative significance of the interaction effects is obtained by
ANOVA, just as are the relative significance of factor effects. To
determine whether two factors, A and C, interact, the following
calculations are performed.
Level totals and their averages for A and C:
A1C1   y1 y2 2  42 50 2  92 2  46.0
A1C2   y3 y4 2  36 45 2  81 2  40.5
A2C1   y5 y6 2  35 55 2  90 2  45.0
A2C2   y7 y8 2  30 54 2  84 2  42.0

Level totals and their averages for B and C:

B1C1   y1 y5 2  42 35 2  77 2  38.5
B1C2   y3 y7 2  36 30 2  66 2  33.0
B2C1   y2 y6 2  50 55 2  105 2  52.5
B2C2   y4 y8 2  45 54 2  99 2  49.5
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 157

Table 6-16. Average effects—Example 6-5

1 Factor A 43.25 43.50 0.25
2 Factor C 45.50 41.25 –4.25
3 Interaction A × C 44.00 42.75 –1.25
4 Factor B 35.75 51.00 15.25
5 Factor D 46.75 40.00 –6.75
6 Interaction B × C 44.00 42.75 –1.25
7 Factor E 43.00 43.75 0.75



43.5 41.25 43.75

43.25 43.0


A1 A2 C1 C2 B1 B2 D1 D2 E1 E2

Figure 6-1. Main effects—Example 6-5

These items represent the combined effects of the factors on the

results. For example, A1C1 represents the effect of factor A at level
1 and C at level 1 together.
These results are plotted in Figure 6-2 by selecting factor C,
which is common to both pairs of interactions, arbitrarily to rep-
resent the x-axis. The angle between the two lines in this interac-
tion plot indicates the strength of presence of interaction (need
not intersect). Note that lines B1 and B2 appear almost parallel;
hence, B and C interact slightly. Note also that A1 and A2 intersect;
thus, A and C interact.
The minor interaction of B×C is ignored, but interaction
A×C is included in the optimum condition. For the “smaller is
158 A Primer on the Taguchi Method



45.0 A2 42.0

38.50 40.5

B1 33.0

C1 C2 C1 C2

Figure 6-2. Interaction A × C and B × C—Example 6-5

better” situation, A1C2 (40.5) produces the lowest average value.

Therefore, A1C2 is must be included in the optimum condition. It
so happens that A1C2 was already included in the optimum condi-
tion, A1 C2 B1 D2 E1, based on the main effects alone.

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

ANOVA establishes the relative significance of the individual
factors and the interaction effects. The steps are as follows:
Step 1. Total of all results:
T = 42 + 50 + 36 + 45 + 35 + 55 + 30 + 54 = 347
Step 2. Correction Factor:
C.F.  T 2 n  3472 8  15051.125
Note: n = total number of experiments, 8.
Step 3. Total sum of squares:
ST  ¤ yi2 C.F.
i 1

 422 502 362  542 15051.125
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 159

Step 4. Factor sum of squares:

S A  A12 N A1 A22 N A2 C.F.

 1732 4 1742 4 15051.125  0.125
SB  B12 N B1 B22 N B2 C.F.
 1432 4 2042 4 15051.125  465.125
SC  C12 N C1 C22 N C2 C.F.
 1822 4 1652 4 15051.125  36.125
SD  D12 N D1 D22 N D2 C.F.
 1872 4 1602 4 15051.125  91.125
SE  E12 N E1 E22 N E2 C.F.
 1722 4 1752 4 15051.125  1.125
2 2
S A sC   A s C 1 N  A sC  A s C 2 N  A sC C.F
1 2

 1762 4 1712 4 15051.125  3.125

2 2
SB sC   B s C 1 N B sC  B s C 2 N B sC C.F.
1 2

 1762 4 1712 4 15051.125  3.125

Alternative Formula for Two-Level Factors

In the case of two-level factors, the sums of squares can be
computed using the following formulas:

 A1 A2 2 
173 174

N A1 NA 2
4 4

 B1 B2 2 
143 204

N B1 NB 2
4 4

C1 C2 2 
182 165

N C1 N C2 4 4
160 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

 D1 D2 2 
187 160 2  91.125
N D1 N D2 4 4

E1 E2 2 
172 175 2  1.125
N E1 N E2 4 4

S A sC 
 A s C  A s C  176 171
1 2

 N  A sC N  A sC
1 2
4 4

S B sC 
B s C B s C  176 171
1 2

 N  B sC N  B sC
1 2
4 4

 599.88 0.125 465.125 36.125 91.125
91.125 3.125 3.125
 599.88 599.88  0
NA = total number of experiments where factor A1 is present
NB = total number of experiments where factor B1 is present
A1 = sum of results (Yi) where factor A1 is present
B1 = sum of results (Yi) where factor B1 is present
Step 5. Total and factor degrees of freedom (DOF):
DOF total = number of test runs minus 1
or fT = n – 1 = 8 – 1 = 7
DOF of each factor is 1 less than the number of levels:
fA = (number of levels of factor A) – 1
fB = (number of levels of factor B) – 1
fC = (number of levels of factor C) – 1
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 161

fD = (number of levels of factor D) – 1

fE = (number of levels of factor E) – 1
f(A × C) = fA × fC
f(B × C) = fB × fC
DOF of the error term in this example:
fe  fT  fA fB fC fD fE fA sC fB sC
7 7  0
With the error degrees of freedom equal to zero, fe = 0,
information regarding the error sum of squares cannot be de-
termined. In addition, F ratios for factors cannot be calculated
because the calculations involve fe. To complete the calculations,
smaller factorial effects are added together (pooled) to form a
new non-zero estimate of the error term. This is discussed in
the following section.
Step 6. Mean square (variance):
VA  S A fA  0.125 1  0.125
VB  SB fB  465.125 1  465.125
VC  SC fC  36.125 1  36.125
VD  SD fD  91.125 1  91.125
VE  SE fE  1.125 1  1.125
Ve  Se fe  0 0  indeterminate
As the variance of error term (Ve) is zero, the variance ratio
and pure sum of squares (S) cannot be calculated. In this case,
the percentage contributions are first calculated using sums of
squares. Then, if there are insignificant factors, pool them and
recalculate percentages using the pure sums of squares.
162 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Step 7. Percentage contribution:

PA  S A ST  0.125 599.88  0.02
PB  SB ST  465.125 599.88  77.54
PC  SC ST  36.125 599.88  6.02
PD  SD ST  91.125 599.88  15.20
PE  SE ST  1.125 599.88  0.19
PA sC  S A sC ST  3.125 599.88  0.52
PB sC  SB sC ST  3.125 599.88  0.52
and Pe cannot be calculated because Ve = 0.
The results of the analysis of variance are summarized in
Table 6-17.

Note that in Step 7 the effects of factors A and E and interac-
tions B×C and A×C are small, totaling slightly more than 1%
(1.2%). These factors are pooled to obtain new, non-zero estimates
of Se and fe.
Sum of squares of error term:
Let: Se = SA + SE + SA × C + SB × C
then Se  ST SB SC SD  599.9 592.4  7.5

Table 6-17. ANOVA table—Example 6-5

1 Factor A 1 0.125 0.125 0.02
2 Factor C 1 36.125 36.125 6.02
3 Interaction A × C 1 3.125 3.125 0.52
4 Factor B 1 465.125 465.125 77.54
5 Factor D 1 91.125 92.125 15.20
6 Interaction B × C 1 3.125 3.125 0.52
7 Factor E 1 1.125 1.125 0.19
All other/error 0 0 0
Total 7 599.880 100.00%
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 163

Degree of freedom of error term:

fe  fT fB fC fD
7 34
Variance of error term:
Ve  Se fe  7.5 4  1.875
Factor F ratios, for significant factors:
FC  VC Ve  36.125 1.875  19.267
FB  VB Ve  465.125 1.875  248.067
FD  VD Ve  91.125 1.875  48.600
Pure sum of squares, S, for significant factors:
SCa  SC Ve s fC
 36.125 1.875 s 1  34.25
SBa  SB Ve s fB
 465.125 1.875 s 1  463.25
SDa  SD Ve s fD
 91.125 1.875 s 1  89.25
Note that in the ANOVA in Table 6-18, the pure sum of squares,
S, is not shown.
Percentage contribution:
PC  SCa ST  34.25 599.88  5.71%
PB  SBa ST  463.25 599.88  77.22%
PD  SDa ST  89.25 599.88  14.88%
Pe  100%  PC PB PD  100% 5.71 77.22 14.88
 100% 97.81  2.19%
The ANOVA terms that are modified after pooling are shown in
Table 6-18.
Taguchi’s guideline for pooling ([9], pp. 293-295) requires
starting with the smallest main effect and successively including
164 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Table 6-18. Pooled ANOVA—Example 6-5

1 Factor A (1) (0.13) Pooled
2 Factor C 1 36.125 36.125 19.267 5.71
3 Interaction A × C (1) (3.125) Pooled
4 Factor B 1 465.125 265.125 248.067 77.22
5 Factor D 1 91.125 92.125 48.600 14.88
6 Interaction B × C (1) (3.125) Pooled
7 Factor E (1) (1.125) Pooled
All other/error 4 7.500 1.88 2.19
Total 7 599.880 100.00%

larger effects until the total pooled DOF equals approximately half
of the total DOF. The larger DOF for the error term, as a result of
pooling, increases the confidence level of the significant factors.
Note that as small factor effects are pooled, the percentage
contributions and the confidence level of the remaining factors
decrease (PC = 5.71 versus PC = 6.02). By pooling, the error term
is increased and, in comparison, the other factors appear less in-
fluential. The greater the number of factors pooled, the worse the
unpooled factor effects look. Then we must consider why column
effects are pooled.
Error variance represents the degree of inter-experiment error
when the DOF of the error term is sufficiently large. When the
error DOF is small or zero, which is the case when all columns
of the OA are occupied and trials are not repeated, small column
effects are successively pooled to form a larger error term (this
is known as a pooling-up strategy). The factors and interactions
that are now significant, in comparison with the larger magnitude
of the error term, are now influential. Taguchi prefers this strat-
egy as it tends to avoid the mistake (alpha mistake) of ignoring
helpful factors.
A large error DOF naturally results when trial conditions are
repeated and standard analysis is performed. When the error DOF
is large, pooling may not be necessary. Therefore, one could repeat
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 165

the experiment and avoid pooling, but to repeat all trial conditions
just for information on the error term may not be practical.
A sure way to determine if a factor or interaction effect should
be pooled is to perform a test of significance (1 – confidence level).
But what level of confidence do you work with? No clear guidelines
are established. Generally, factors are pooled if they do not pass
the test of significance at the confidence level assumed for the
experiment. A factor is considered significant if its experimental
F-ratio exceeds the standard table value at a confidence level. A
common practice is to subjectively assume a confidence level be-
tween 85% and 99%, with 90% or 95% being a popular selection.
Consider factor C in Example 6-5, which has 5.7% influence (19.267
F-ratio). When tested for significance, this factor shows more than
99% confidence level and thus should not be pooled.
From the ANOVA table
FC = 19.267
From the F-table, find the F value at
n1 = DOF of factor C = 1
n2 = DOF of error term = 4
at a confidence level (say, the 99% confidence level).
F = 21.198 (from Table C-4)
As FC from the experiment (19.267) is smaller than the F-table
value (21.198), factor C should be pooled.
Description of the factor = Factor C
Column the factor is assigned to =2
Variance ratio for this factor = 19.267
DOF of the factor =1
DOF of error term, fe =4
Confidence level % = 99
Based on the level of confidence desired (99%), the following
is recommended:
“Pool this factor”
166 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

The revised values are calculated as shown below:

Se  ST SB SD  599.9 556.25  43.625
fe  fT  fB fD  7 2  5
Ve  Se fe  43.625 5  8.725
FB  VB Ve  465.125 8.725  53.309
FD  VD Ve  91.125 8.725  10.444
SBa  SB Ve s fB  465.125 8.725 s 1  456.40
SDa  SD Ve s fD  91.125 8.725 s 1  82.40
PB  SBa ST  456.40 s 100 599.8
88  76.08
PD  SDa ST  82.40 s 100 599.88  13.74
Pe  100%  PB PD  100% 76.08 13.74  10.18

Confidence Interval of Factor Effect

The confidence interval of estimates of the main effect is cal-
culated using the following expression:
C.I.  p  F 1, n s V
2 e Ne
F (1,n2) = F value from the F-table at a required confidence
level and at DOF 1 and error DOF n2
Ve = variance of error term (from ANOVA)
Ne = effective number of replications
Total number of results  or number of S/N ratios

an =1, always + DOF of all factors
DOF of mea
included in the estimate of the mean

Thus for factor C at level C1, the C.I. is calculated by first deter-
mining the F factor:
n2 = 4
Ne = 8/(1+1) = 4
F (1,4) = 7.7086 at 95% confidence level
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 167

then C.I. = ±1.9034 at 95% confidence level

because C1 = 45.50 (Table 6-16)
expected value of C1 = 45.50 ± 1.9034
Based on:
F value from the table (at a confidence level) = 7.7086
Error variance, Ve = 1.88
Number of effective replications =4
The confidence interval C.I. is calculated as follows:
C.I.  p  F 1, n s V
2 e Ne
C.I. represents the boundaries of the expected performance in
the optimum condition at a confidence level used for the F value
from the standard table.
Confidence interval (C.I.) = ±1.9034

Estimated Result at Optimum Condition

The performance at the optimum condition is estimated only
from the significant factors. This practice keeps the predicted
performance conservative. Therefore, the pooled factors are not
included in the estimate.
Grand average of performance: T  347 8  43.375
As factors B, C, and D are considered significant, the perfor-
mance at the optimum condition will be estimated using only
these three factors.

 T B1 T D 2 T C 2 T
 43.375 35.75 43.375 40 43.375 41.25 43.375
Note that the optimum condition for the “smaller is better” quality
characteristic is B1 C2 D2. The average values at these conditions
were previously calculated as summarized in Table 6-19.
168 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Table 6-19. Estimate of performance at optimum condition—Example 6-5

Factor C C2 2 –2.125
Factor B B1 1 –7.6250
Factor D D2 2 –3.3750
Contribution from all factors (total) –13.125
Current grand average of performance 43.375
Expected result at optimum condition 30.250

Confidence Interval of the Result at the Optimum Condition

The expression for computing the confidence interval, for
performance at the optimum condition, is calculated in the same
way as are the factor effects.

C.I.  p  F 1, n s V
2 e Ne
F (1,n2) = F value from the F-table at a required confidence
level and at DOF 1 and error DOF n2
Ve = variance of error term (from ANOVA)
Ne = effective number of replications
Total number of results  or number of S/N ratios

DOF of mea an =1, always + DOF of all factors
included in the estimate of the mean

Three factors, B1, C2, and D2, are included in calculating the
estimate of the performance at the optimum condition. There-
fore, the effective number of replications, the F value, and the
confidence intervals are calculated as shown below. A confidence
level of 85% to 99% is the normal range of selection for common
industrial experiments. A 90% confidence level is arbitrarily se-
lected for the following calculations.
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 169

n2 =4
Ne = 8/(1+3) = 2
F (1,4) = 4.5448 at the 90% confidence level
Ve = 1.88
C.I. = ±2.067 at the 90% confidence level
Therefore, the result at the optimum condition is 22.0 ± 2.067 at
the 90% confidence level.

Expression: C.I.  p  F 1, n s V

2 e Ne
F (n1, n2) = computed value of F with n1 = 1, n2 = error DOF,
at a desired confidence level
Ve = error variance
Ne = effective number of replications
Based on F = 4.5448, n1 = 1 and n2 = 4, Ve = 1.88, and Ne = 2:
The confidence interval (C.I.) = ±2.067
which is the variation of the estimated result at the optimum, that
is, the mean result (m) lies between (m + C.I.) and (m − C.I.) at
90% confidence level.
The confidence interval formula assumes a sufficiently large
number of data points so that the sample approximates the popu-
lation characteristics. With a “small” sample, its characteristics
may deviate from the population. When the sample is small, that
is, only a finite number of confirmation tests is planned, the C.I.
of the expected result is expressed as:
C.I.  p ª̈ F n1 , n2 s Ve s  N e N r ·¹ N e s N r
F (n1, n2) = computed value of F at a desired confidence level
with n1 = 1, n2 = error DOF
Ve = error variance
170 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Ne = effective number of replications

Nr = number of repetitions
Based on:
n1 = 1 n3 = 4 Ve = 1.88
Ne = 2 Nr = 3
F.1 (1,4) = 4.5448 at the 90% confidence level
then C.I. = ±2.668 at the 90% confidence level. This is a wider
interval than previously calculated based on a large number of

Analysis with Multiple Runs

Assume the trial runs of the experiment were each repeated
three times and that the average result of each trial as shown Table
6-20 is the same as that for a single trial in Table 6-15. The analy-
sis takes a slightly different form. Because the averages of these
hypothetical results were kept the same, the main effects remain
unchanged, as shown in Tables 6-21 and 6-16. However, the results
of ANOVA (Table 6-22) are significantly different from the corre-
sponding result of the single run (Table 6-18).
Computation for ANOVA:
DOF = total number of results – 1
= number of trials × number of repetitions – 1
= 8 × 3 – 1 = 23
Sample calculations using factor B:
B1  38.0 42.0 46.0 38.0 36.0 34.0
30.0 35.0 40.0 40.0 30.0 20.0  429
Note that the trial condition for calculating B1 is (1, 3, 5, and 7).
B2  45.0 50.0 55.0 55.0 45.0 35.0
65.0 55.0 45.0 58.0 54.0 50.0  612

Using the sum of squares formula for a two-level factor,

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 171

Table 6-20. Results with three repetitions—Example 6-5

1 38.00 42.00 46.00 42.00
2 45.00 50.00 55.00 50.00
3 38.00 36.00 34.00 36.00
4 55.00 45.00 35.00 45.00
5 30.00 35.00 40.00 35.00
6 65.00 55.00 45.00 55.00
7 40.00 30.00 20.00 30.00
8 58.00 54.00 50.00 54.00

Table 6-21. Main effects—Example 6-5

1 Factor A 43.25 43.50 0.25
2 Factor C 45.50 41.25 –4.25
3 Interaction A × C 44.00 42.75 –1.25
4 Factor B 35.75 51.00 15.25
5 Factor D 46.75 40.00 –6.75
6 Interaction B × C 44.00 42.75 –1.25
7 Factor E 43.00 43.75 0.75

Table 6-22. Pooled ANOVA—Example 6-5

1 Factor A (1) (0.38) Pooled
2 Factor C 1 108.375 108.375 2.728 2.67
3 Interaction A × C (1) (9.380) Pooled
4 Factor B 1 1395.375 1395.375 35.126 52.72
5 Factor D 1 273.375 273.375 6.882 9.09
6 Interaction B × C (1) (9.380) Pooled
7 Factor E (1) (3.380) Pooled
All other/error 20 794.500 39.72 35.53
Total 23 2571.630 100.00%
172 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

 B1 B2 2 
 429 612

N B1 N B2 24
VB  SB fB  1395.375 1  1395.375
FB  VB Ve  1395.375 39.72  35.126
SBa  SB Ve s fB  1395.375 39.72  1355.65
PB  100 s SBa ST  100 s 1355.655 2571.63  52.70%

The ANOVA and the performance at the optimum condition

are as shown in Tables 6-22 and 6-23, respectively.
When trial runs are repeated, ANOVA produces different re-
sults with larger error DOF and thus a higher level of confidence
in the estimate optimum performance and the factor influences.
ANOVA results from multiple repetitions should always be pre-
ferred as this will yield the robust design and reproducible per-
formance estimate. For this reason, repetition is highly desirable.
But because repeating trial runs may be expensive, it must be
weighed against the need for robustness.


The change in the quality characteristics of a product under
investigation in response to a factor introduced in the experimen-
tal design is the “signal” of the desired effect. However, when an
experiment is conducted, there are numerous external and internal

Table 6-23. Estimate of performance at optimum condition—Example 6-5

Factor C C2 2 –2.1250
Factor B B1 1 –7.6250
Factor D D2 2 –3.3750
Contribution from all factors (total) –13.125
Current grand average of performance 43.375
Expected result at optimum condition 30.250
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 173

factors not designed into the experiment that influence the out-
come. These uncontrollable factors are called the noise factors, and
their effect on the outcome of the quality characteristic under test
is termed “noise.” The signal-to-noise ratio (S/N ratio) measures
the sensitivity of the quality characteristic being investigated in
a controlled manner to those influencing factors (noise factors)
not under control. The concept of S/N originated in the electri-
cal engineering field. Taguchi effectively applied this concept to
establish the optimum condition from the experiments.
The aim of any experiment is always to determine the highest
possible S/N ratio for the result. A high value of S/N implies that
the signal is much higher than the random effects of the noise fac-
tors. Product design or process operation consistent with highest
S/N always yields the optimum quality with minimum variance.
From the quality point of view, there are three typical catego-
ries of quality characteristics:
1. Smaller is better; for example, minimum shrinkage in a
cast iron cylinder block casting.
2. Nominal is best; for example, dimension of a part consis-
tently achieved with modest variance.
3. Bigger is better; for example, maximum expected life of a
The S/N analysis is designed to measure quality characteristics.

Conversion of Results into S/N Ratios

The conversion of a set of observations into a single number,
the S/N ratio, is performed in two steps. First, the mean square
deviation (MSD) of the set is calculated. Second, the S/N ratio is
computed from the MSD by the equation,
S N  10 log10  MSD (6-16)
Note that for the S/N to be large, the MSD must have a value
that is small.
The smaller is better quality characteristic:

MSD  Y12 Y22  YN2 N (6-17)
174 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

The nominal is the best quality characteristic, Y0 = nominal

or target value:

 2 2
MSD  Y1 Y0 Y2 Y0  YN Y0
N (6-18)
The bigger is better quality characteristic:

MSD  1 Y12 1 Y22  1 YN2 N (6-19)
The MSD is a statistical quantity that reflects the deviation from
the target value. The expressions for MSD are different for differ-
ent quality characteristics. For the nominal is best characteristic,
the standard definition of MSD is used. For the other two charac-
teristics, the definition is slightly modified. For smaller is better,
the unstated target value is zero. For larger is better, the inverse
of each large value becomes a small value and, again, the unstated
target is zero. Thus, for all three MSD expressions, the smallest
magnitude of MSD is being sought. In turn, this yields the greatest
discrimination between controlled and uncontrolled factors. This
is Taguchi’s measure for robust product or process design.
Alternate forms of definitions of the S/N ratios exist ([6], pp.
172-173), particularly for the nominal is best characteristic. The
definition in terms of MSD is preferred as it is consistent with
Taguchi’s objective of reducing variation around the target. Con-
version to S/N ratio can be viewed as a scale transformation for
convenience of better data manipulation.

Advantage of S/N Ratio Over Average

To analyze the results of experiments involving multiple runs,
use of the S/N ratio over standard analysis (use average of results)
is preferred. Analysis using the S/N ratio will offer the following

1. It provides a guidance to selection of the optimum level

based on the least variation around the target and also on
the average value closest to the target.
2. It offers objective comparison of two sets of experimental
data with respect to variation around the target and the
deviation of the average from the target value.
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 175

Target value

X = 60.2 X = 75
S/N = –23.05 S/N = –25.82


0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Figure 6-3. Comparison of two distributions

3. Because S/N represents results transformed into a logarith-

mic scale that linearizes any nonlinear behavior, if pres-
ent, the assumption of linearity for prediction of optimum
performance is validated.
To examine how the S/N ratio is used in analysis, consider the fol-
lowing two sets of observations, which have a target value of 75:
Observation A: 55 58 60 63 65 Mean = 60.2
Deviation of mean from target = (75 − 60.2)
= 14.8
Observation B: 50 60 75 90 100 Average = 75.00
Deviation of mean from target = (75 − 75)
= 0.0
These two sets of observations may have come from the two dis-
tributions shown in Figure 6-3. Observe that set B has an average
176 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

value that equals the target value, but it has a wide spread around
it. On the other hand, for set A, the spread around its average is
smaller, but the average itself is quite far from the target. Which
one of the two is better? Based on average value, the product shown
by observation B appears to be better. Based on consistency, prod-
uct A is better. How can one credit A for less variation? How does
one compare the distances of the averages from the target? Surely,
comparing the averages is one method. Use of the S/N ratio offers
an objective way to look at the two characteristics together.

Computation of S/N Ratio

Consider the first of the two sets of observations shown above,
that is, set A: 55 58 60 63 65.
Case 1. Nominal is best.
Using Eq. (6-18), and with the target value of 75,
¥ 55 75 2 58 75 2 60 75 2 ´
MSD  ¦ µ 5
¦§ 63 75 2 65 75 2 µ¶

 400 289 225 144 100 5

 1158 5
S N  10 log  MSD
 10 log 231.6
Case 2. Smaller is better.
Using Eq. (6-17),

MSD  552 582 602 632 652 5
 3025 3364 3600 3969 4425 5
 18183 5
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 177

and S N  10 log 3636.6

Case 3. Bigger is better.
Using Eq. (6-19),

MSD  1 552 1 582 1 602 1 632 1 652 5
 1 3025 1 3364 1 3600 1 3969 1 4425 5
 3.305 2.972 2.777 2.519 2.366 s 10 4 5
 13.939 s 10 4 5
S N  10 log .0002787
The three S/N ratios computed for data sets A and B under the
three different quality characteristics are shown in Table 6-24.
The columns N, S, and B, under the heading “S/N ratios,” are for
nominal, smaller, and bigger characteristics, respectively.
Now select the best data set on the basis of minimum varia-
tion. By definition, lower deviation is indicated by a higher value
of the S/N ratio (regardless of the characteristics of quality). If the
nominal is best characteristic applies, then using column N, the
S/N ratio for A is −23.65 and for B is −25.32. Because −23.65 is
greater than −25.32, set A has less variation than set B, although
set B has an average value equal to the desired target value.
Similarly, set A is selected for the smaller is better character-
istic, and B is selected for the bigger is better characteristic.

Table 6-24. S/N ratios for three quality characteristics

Set A: 55 58 60 63 65 60.2 –23.65 –35.60 35.54
Set B: 50 60 75 90 100 75.0 –25.32 –37.76 36.65
178 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Effect of S/N Ratio on the Analysis

Use of the S/N ratio of the results, instead of the average val-
ues, introduces some minor changes in the analysis.
• Degrees of freedom of the entire experiment is reduced.
DOF with S/N ratio = number of trial conditions − 1 (that is,
number of repetitions is reduced to 1).
Recall that the DOF in the case of the standard analysis is:
DOF = (number of trials × number of repetitions) − 1
The S/N ratio calculation is based on data from all observations
of a trial condition. The set of S/N ratios can then be considered
as trial results without repetitions. Hence the DOF, in the case of
S/N, is the number of trials − 1. The rest of the analysis follows
the standard procedure.
• S/N must be converted back to meaningful terms. When
the S/N ratio is used, the results of the analysis, such as
estimated performance from the main effects or confidence
interval, are expressed in terms of S/N. To express the
analysis in terms of the experimental result, the ratio must
be converted back to the original units of measurement.
To see the specific differences in the analysis using the S/N
ratio, let us compare the two analyses of the same observations
for the cam-lifter noise study shown in Table 6-25(a) (standard
analysis) and in Table 6-25(b) (S/N ratio analysis). In this study, the
three factors (spring rate, cam profile, and weight of the push rod),
each at two levels, were investigated. The L4 OA defined the four
trial conditions. At each of the four trial conditions, three observa-
tions (in some noise scale of 0 to 60) were recorded. The results
were then analyzed both ways, as shown in these two tables.
A subtable “Results” of the standard analysis [Table 6-25(a)]
presents the average of the three repetitions for each trial run at
the extreme right-hand column. The averages are used in calcu-
lating the main effects. The values shown in the subtable titled
“Main effects” have the same units as the original observations.
Similarly, the expected value at the optimum condition, 30.5,
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 179

Table 6-25(a). Cam lifter noise study—Standard analysis

1 Spring rate Current Proposed
2 Cam profile Type 1 Type 2
3 Wt. of push rod Lighter Heavier
Individual Results and Their Average
1 23.00 30.00 37.00 30.00
2 35.00 40.00 45.00 40.00
3 50.00 30.00 40.00 40.00
4 45.00 48.00 51.00 48.00
Main Effects
1 Spring rate 35.00 44.00 9.00 00.00 00.00
2 Cam profile 35.00 44.00 9.00 00.00 00.00
3 Wt. of push rod 39.00 40.00 1.00 00.00 00.00
1 Spring rate 1 243.00 243.00 5.93 23.63
2 Cam profile 1 243.00 243.00 5.93 23.63
3 Wt. of push rod (1) (3.00) POOLED
All other/error 9 369.00 41.00 52.76
Total: 11 855.00 100.00
Estimate of Optimum Condition of Design/Process:
For Smaller is Better Characteristic
Spring rate Current 1 –4.50
Cam profile Type 1 1 –4.50
Contribution from all factors (total) –9.00
Current grand average of performance 39.50
Expected result at optimum condition 30.50
180 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Table 6-25(b). Cam lifter noise study—S/N analysis


1 Spring rate Current Proposed
2 Cam profile Type 1 Type 2
3 Wt. of push rod Lighter Heavier
Individual Results and S/N Ratios
1 23.00 30.00 37.00 –29.70
2 35.00 40.00 45.00 –32.09
3 50.00 30.00 40.00 –32.22
4 45.00 48.00 51.00 –33.64
Main Effects
1 Spring rate –30.9 –32.93 –2.04 00.00 00.00
2 Cam profile –30.96 –32.86 –1.91 00.00 00.00
3 Wt. of push rod –31.67 –32.16 –0.49 00.00 00.00
1 Spring rate 1 4.141 4.141 17.61 48.79
2 Cam profile 1 3.629 3.629 15.43 42.39
3 Wt. of push rod (1) (0.24) POOLED
All other/error 1 0.24 0.24 8.82
Total: 3 8.01 100.00
Estimate of Optimum Condition of Design/Process:
For Smaller is Better Characteristic
Spring rate Current 1 1.0175
Cam profile Type 1 1 0.9525
Contribution from all factors (total) 1.9699
Current grand average of performance –31.9125
Expected result at optimum condition –29.9425
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 181

has the same units as the original recorded data. The degrees of
freedom for the experiment (DOF column in ANOVA table) is 11
(4 × 3 − 1).
Comparing the standard analysis with the analysis using the
S/N ratio [Table 6-25(b)], note that the average value of the re-
sults is replaced by the S/N ratio. The S/N ratios are then used to
compute the main effects as well as the estimated performance at
the optimum condition. Notice also that the degrees of freedom
for the experiment is 3. This difference in DOF produces a big
difference in the way the two analyses compute ANOVA, that is,
the percentage contribution of the factors involved (for spring
rate, the value is 23.6% from standard analysis as compared with
48.79% from S/N analysis). Likewise, the other factors will have
different magnitudes of contribution in the two methods.
In estimating the result at the optimum condition, only the
factors that will have significant contributions are included. In this
case, both methods selected level 1 of factors in columns 1 (spring
rate) and 2 (cam profile). This may not always be true.
When the S/N ratio is used, the estimated result can be con-
verted back to the scale of units of the original observations. For
example, the expected result in terms of S/N ratio is −29.9425
[Table 6-25(b), bottom line]. This is equivalent to an average
performance, Y, which is calculated as follows:
S N  10 log MSD

MSD  Y12  YN2 N for smaller is better

MSD  10( S/N ) /10  10 ( 29.9425 ) /10  986.8474
Yexpected MSD 1 / 2  986.8474 1 / 2  31.41
which is comparable to 30.5 shown at the bottom of Table 6-25(a).
182 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

When to Use S/N Ratio for Analysis

Whenever an experiment involves repeated (two or more) obser-
vations at each of the trial conditions, the S/N ratio has been found
to provide a practical way to measure and control the combined
influence of deviation of the population mean from the target and
the variation around the mean. In standard analysis, the mean and
the variation around the mean are treated separately by a main
effect study and ANOVA, respectively. The analysis of the Taguchi
experiments using S/N ratios for the observed results can be con-
veniently performed by using computer software such as [7].

6-1. In an experiment involving four factors (A, B, C, and D) and
one interaction (A × B), each trial condition is repeated three
times and the observations recorded as shown in Table 6-26.
Determine the total sum of squares and the sum of squares
for factor A.
6-2. Assuming the “bigger is better” quality characteristic, trans-
form the results of trial 1 (Table 6-26) into the corresponding
S/N ratio.
6-3. Table 6-27 shows the product of ANOVA performed on the
observed results of an experiment. Determine the following
from the ANOVA table.
a. Percent influence of the clearance factor.
b. Degrees of freedom of the speed factor.
c. Error degrees of freedom.
d. Influence of noise factors and all other factors not included
in the experiment.
e. Confidence interval (90%) of the performance at the opti-
mum condition (use F-table for 90% confidence level).
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 183

Table 6-26. Orthogonal array and test data

TRIAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R1 R2 R3
Trial 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 45.00 56.00 64.00
Trial 2 1 1 1 2 2 0 0 34.00 45.00 53.00
Trial 3 1 2 2 1 1 0 0 67.00 65.00 60.00
Trial 4 1 2 2 2 2 0 0 45.00 56.00 64.00
Trial 5 2 1 2 1 2 0 0 87.00 81.00 69.00
Trial 6 2 1 2 2 1 0 0 78.00 73.00 68.00
Trial 7 2 2 1 1 2 0 0 45.00 56.00 52.00
Trial 8 2 2 1 2 1 0 0 42.00 54.00 47.00

Table 6-27. ANOVA

1 Speed 1 3.036 3.036 4.432 9.56
2 Oil viscosity (1) (1.91) Pooled
Interaction 1 15.820 15.820 23.093 61.57
4 Clearance 1 2.987 2.987 4.361 9.36
5 Pin straightness (1) (0.75) Pooled
All other/error 4 2.740 0.685 19.51
Total 7 24.584 100.00%
Note: Insignificant factorial effects are pooled as shown ( ).
7 Loss Function


In Chapter 2, Taguchi’s philosophy regarding the cost of qual-
ity was stressed. In his view, a poorly designed product causes
society to incur losses from the initial design stage through to
product usage. Therefore, he emphasizes good quality at the con-
ceptual stage of a product and onward, by optimizing the product
design parameters as well as the production conditions, to create
a robust product.
A question commonly asked is how much effort should an
organization expend on quality. How can the point of diminishing
returns be determined? In this section the basic mathematical
formulation of Taguchi’s loss function is developed, and an outline
of the steps used to apply the loss function is presented. The loss
function has proven to be an excellent tool for determining the
magnitude of the process (manufacturer) and supplier tolerances,
based on quality as perceived by the customer. The methodology
for realignment of tolerances is beyond the scope of this text.
Taguchi defined the loss function as deviation as a quantity
proportional to the deviation from the target quality character-
istic. At zero deviation, the performance is on target and the loss
is zero. If Y represents the deviation from the target value, then
the loss function L(Y) is:
L Y  k Y Y0 (7-1)
Y = quality characteristics, such as dimension, performance,
and so on
186 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Y0 = target value for the quality characteristic

k = a constant, dependent on the cost structure of a manu-
facturing process or an organization
It is important to note that:
1. The term (Y − Y0) represents the deviation of the quality
characteristic Y from the target value Y0.
2. The equation for the loss function is of the second order
in terms of deviation of the quality characteristic.
The loss function represented by Eq. (7-1) is graphically shown
in Figure 7-1; it possesses the following characteristics:
1. The loss must be zero when the quality characteristic of a
product meets its target value.
2. The magnitude of the loss increases rapidly as the quality
characteristic deviates from the target value.

Target value

Loss in dollars

• •

• •

• •
0 •
–6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6
Y (quality characteristics)

Figure 7-1. Taguchi quality loss function

Loss Function 187

3. The loss function must be a continuous (second-order)

function of the deviation from the target value.
Taguchi determined the loss function from a Taylor’s theorem
expansion about the target value, Y0. Thus,
1 2
L Y  L Y0 L a Y0 Y Y0 L aa Y0 Y Y0 (7-2)
where the terms with powers of (Y − Y0) higher than 2 are ignored
as being too small for consideration.
In Eq. (7-2), L(Y) is the minimum at Y = Y0; hence, its first
derivative, L(Y0), is zero. Therefore, Eq. (7-2) can be written as
1 2
L Y  L Y0 L aa Y0 Y Y0 (7-3)
The expression (1/2)L(Y0) in Eq. (7-3) is a constant and can
be replaced by a constant k. Also, if Y0 is the mean value of the
product/process, then Eq. (7-3) is interpreted as the loss about
the product/process mean plus the loss due to displacement of the
process mean from the target. If the process mean coincides with
the target, the loss term L(Y0) is zero and the loss function reduces
to Eq. (7-1),
L0  k Y0 $ Y0
The magnitude of the loss incurred because of the inability
of a process to meet the target value of a quality characteristic,
as computed using Eq. (7-1), is dependent on the target value,
the manufacturing process, and the cost of rework, scrap, and
warranty. For a given value of Y0, the value of k varies with the
process and the organization. An organization seriously committed
to achieving higher standards of quality in an optimum manner
may develop families of loss curves for each process. One family of
curves with different values of k is shown in Figure 7-2. The value
of k for any application can be determined as outlined below.
Any mass-produced product exhibits variation in its quality
characteristic. As long as the variation is small, the quality of
the product is acceptable to the customer. Customer acceptance
188 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Target value

20 • •

° K=2 °
• •
Loss in dollars

• ° N N ° •

• •
° N N
• •
• ° ° •

° °• •

°• •N •°
–6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6
Y (quality characteristics)

Figure 7-2. Family of loss functions

determines the range of variation. If the perceived quality falls

outside the range, the customer will not accept the product, and
corrective actions at the design or process level are required.
Let this tolerance zone be ±$. Then the quality characteristic
at the extremes can be denoted as:
Y0 + $ and Y0 − $
Poor quality exceeding the extremes necessitates corrective
action such as a warranty cost of L0.
Let L0 be the loss at Y = Y0 + $
Then from Eq. (7-1):
L0  k Y0 $ Y0
Loss Function 189

or k
Therefore, Eq. (7-1) for this case becomes:
L Y 
Y Y0 2
The above equation now completely defines the loss function
in terms of the deviation from the target value.


The loss function given in Eq. (7-1) represents the financial loss
experienced by a single product when the quality characteristic,
Y, of the product deviates from the target value, Y0. In a mass-
production process, the average loss per unit is expressed by:
2 2 2 2
L Y  ¨k Y1 Y0 k Y2 Y0 k Y3 Y0  k Yn Y0 · n
ª ¹
where n is the number of units in a given sample.
In the above equation, the factor k is common with every term,
and therefore it can also be written as:
2 2 2 2
L Y  k ¨Y1 Y0 Y2 Y0 Y3 Y0  Yn Y0 · n
ª ¹
Note that the expression within the brackets is the mean square
deviation (MSD), the average of the squares of all deviations from
the target value, Y0. The average loss per unit can now simply be
expressed by:
L(Y) = k(MSD) (7-4)


The loss function concept has two practical applications. The
primary application is for estimating the potential cost savings
resulting from the improvements achieved by optimizing a prod-
uct or process design. The loss function can serve as a measure of
performance regardless of the method of the quality improvement.
As long as variation is reduced by corrective actions or design im-
190 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

provements, the loss function presents a means for estimating the

savings in terms of dollars and cents. It can also be used to determine
if an investment to reduce variation is worth the cost. The second
application is to determine manufacturer and supplier tolerances
based on the customer’s perception of the quality range. In this case,
the loss function provides an objective way to set the limits for the
inspection of products at the manufacturer or supplier location. The
following examples illustrate the use of the loss function.
Example 7-1
Machine Bracket Casting Process (Cost Savings)
Engineers involved in casting a machine bracket designed an
experimental study to improve the process and reduce scrap rate.
As a result of the study, a number of improvements were incor-
porated. Data were taken from 10 samples before and after the
experiments. The foundry had a production rate of 1500 castings
per month. The quality inspection criterion was a length dimen-
sion of 12 ± 0.35 inches. The parts that did not fall within the
limits were rejected. The average unit cost for scrap or rework of
the rejects was $20. The potential cost savings of the optimized
process was calculated by the Taguchi loss function.

Before Experiment
11.80 12.30 12.20 12.4 12.1 12.2 11.9 11.8 11.85 12.15
After Experiment
11.9 12.2 12.1 12.2 12.1 12.1 11.9 11.95 11.95 12.1
Other Data:
Target value = 12.00 in.
Tolerance = ±0.35 in.
Cost of rejection = $20.00
Production rate = 1500 per month

For this application, the expression of loss in terms of the
MSD will be used.

L(Y) = k(Y − Y0)2 for a single sample

Loss Function 191

L(Y) = k(MSD) for multiple samples
Using Eq. (7-1), the constant k is determined as follows:
L = k(Y − Y0)2
When all parts are made just outside of the specifications,
that is, when
Y =Y0 ± Tolerance,
then L = k(Y0 ± Tolerance − Y0)2
But the loss L in this case equals the cost of rejecting a part
($20.00), and the tolerance is 0.35.
or 20 = k(.35)2
or k = 20/(.35)2 = 163.265
Therefore, from Eq. (7-4),
L = 163.265 (MSD) (7-5)
Using the data from samples before the experiment,
2 2
MSD  ¨11.8 12 12.3 12 · 10
ª ¹
The MSD and other statistical parameters for this example, as
shown in Tables 7-1, 7-2, and 7-3, are obtained by using the soft-
ware in [7]. The format of the design descriptions and the results
are presented in the manner displayed by the software.
From Eq. (7-5) the average loss per unit is calculated as:
L = 163.265 × .0475 = 7.754 (in dollars)
Using the data from samples after the experiment,
2 2
MSD  ¨11.9 12 12.2 12 · 10
ª ¹
From Eq. (7-6), the average loss per unit is calculated to be:
L = 163.265 × .0145 = 2.367 (in dollars)
192 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Table 7-1. Machine bracket casting process (Before experiment)

Observation No. 1 = 11.800
Observation No. 2 = 12.300
Observation No. 3 = 12.200
Observation No. 4 = 12.400
Observation No. 5 = 12.100
Observation No. 6 = 12.200
Observation No. 7 = 11.900
Observation No. 8 = 11.800
Observation No. 9 = 11.850
Observation No. 10 = 12.150
Target/nominal value of result = 12.00
Number of test results (NR) = 10
Total of all test results = 120.70000
Average of test results = 12.07000
Standard deviation (SD) = 00.21756
Variance = 00.04733
Mean square deviation (MSD) = 00.04749
Signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio = 13.23307
Variance (modified form) = 00.04259
Square of mean value = 00.00489
Target value of data/test result = 12.00
Mean of data/deviation from target = 00.069999
Total variance (ST) = 00.426
(ST = variance * NR)
Correction factor (CF) = 00.04899
(CF = (average of data)2 * number of data)
Sums of squares/N = 00.47499

The average savings per unit is calculated by subtracting the

loss after the experiment ($2.367) from that before the experiment
($7.754). The total savings is then obtained by multiplying the
average savings by the production rate as shown here.
Total savings per month = (7.754 − 2.367) × 1500
= $8080.50
Loss Function 193

Table 7-2. Machine bracket casting process (After experiment)

Observation No. 1 = 11.900
Observation No. 2 = 12.200
Observation No. 3 = 12.100
Observation No. 4 = 12.200
Observation No. 5 = 12.100
Observation No. 6 = 12.100
Observation No. 7 = 11.900
Observation No. 8 = 11.950
Observation No. 9 = 11.950
Observation No. 10 = 12.100
Target/nominal value of result = 12.00
Number of test results (NR) = 10
Total of all test results = 120.50000
Average of test results = 12.05000
Standard deviation (SD) = 00.11547
Variance = 00.01333
Mean square deviation (MSD) = 00.01450
Signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio = 18.38631
Variance (modified form) = 00.01200
Square of mean value = 00.00250
Target value of data/test result = 12.00
Mean of data/deviation from target = 00.05000
Total variance (ST) = 00.12000
(ST = variance * NR)
Correction factor (CF) = 00.02500
(CF = (average of data)2 * number of data)
Sums of squares/N = 00.14500

Example 7-2
Dryer Motor Belt (Manufacturer/Supplier Tolerance)
Alarmed by a high rate of warranty repairs of drive belts for
one of its products, the distributor sought to reduce such defects.
The field reports suggested that the problem was mainly caused
by the lack of adjustment of tension in the drive belt. To correct
194 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Table 7-3. Calculation of loss

Target value of quality characteristic (m) = 12.00
Tolerance of quality characteristic = 0.35
Cost of rejection at production (per unit) = $20.00
Units produced per month (total) = 1500
S/N ratio of current design/part = 13.23307
S/N ratio of new design/part = 18.38631
Loss function: L(y) = 163.26 × (MSD) Also L(y) = K × (y – m)2
Loss/unit due to deviation from target
in current design = $7.754
Loss/unit due to deviation from target
will be reduced from $7.754 to = $2.367
If production is maintained at the improved
condition, then based on 1500 units/month = $8080.50

the situation at the customer’s location, the field repairmen had

to adjust the tension to 100 ± 15 lbs. Field service cost is $40 per
unit. Alternately, the adjustment of tension could be made by the
manufacturer at a unit cost of $15. The distributor wants to ask
the manufacturer to make such adjustments prior to shipment in
order to eliminate the field service and maintain satisfied custom-
ers. What range of tolerance in belt tension should the distributor
specify for the manufacturer?
For this application, an understanding of the role of the three
parties, namely customer, manufacturer, and supplier, will be helpful.
In the context of tolerance specification, the three terms correspond
to three stages of product life. The supplier is the one who supplies
a component or part of the finished product to the manufacturer.
The manufacturer is the one who assembles the final product. The
Loss Function 195

customer is the one who uses the product and experiences its per-
formance. In this example, the distributor and the customers are
considered to be the end users. The customer and the manufacturer
may have a supplier (not identified) for the motor and belt assem-
bly. The relationships among the three can be represented in the
following way.
Supplier m Manufacturer m Customer
(Belt + motor) (Washer) (Washer in use)
Tolerance required:
(unknown) (unknown) (±15 lbs.)
From Eq. (7-1) we have
L(Y) = k(Y − Y0)2 = k (Tolerance)2
Tolerance = Y(max. or min.) − Y0

Based on a repair cost of $40 at the customer’s installation,

the loss per unit is $40.
Y0 = 100, Y = 100 + 15 (max.), and L(Y) = 40
k = 40/(100 + 15 − 100)2 = 0.17778
L(Y) = .17778 (Tolerance)2 (7-6)
Using the repair cost of $15 at the manufacturer’s facility as
the loss, the tolerance now can be determined by using the above
Tolerance = (L/.17778)1/2 = 9.18
Tolerance limits = 100 ± 9.8
If the manufacturer determined the problem to be caused by
a specific component, then correction at the supplier’s facilities
196 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

would be appropriate. A different set of specifications may be re-

quired. Assuming the cost to make an adjustment at the supplier
is $5 per unit, what tolerance should the manufacturer require
of the supplier to assure the required quality?
Using Eq. (7-4) with L(Y) = 5
5 = .178 (Tolerance)2
Tolerance = (5/.17778)1/2 = 5.30
Tolerance limits for supplier = 100 ± 5.3
The solutions are presented in Figure 7-3.
Example 7-3
Fuel Pump Noise Study
In an experimental study of an automotive fuel pump noise,
three two-level factors were included as shown in Table 7-4(a).
The Taguchi L4 orthogonal array was used to define the four
trial conditions. Six samples at each of the trial conditions were
tested, and the results were recorded as shown in Table 7-4(b).
The levels were selected so that trial condition 1 represents the
current design of the fuel pump. If the decision is made to change
the design to the determined optimum configuration, estimate the
performance at the optimum design and the cost savings when
the new fuel pump is produced.
The complete solution of this problem is shown in Tables 7-
4(b) and 7-4(c). In calculating the cost savings, notice that the S/N
ratios at trial condition 1 and the optimum condition are taken
directly from the analysis of the Taguchi experimental results.
(Solutions used [7].)


The common purpose for carrying out an experimental study
is to determine a new design condition (improved) that is better
Loss Function 197






S = Supplier tolerance 100 ± 5.8

M = Manufacturer tolerance 100 ± 9.18
C = Customer tolerance 100 ± 15


Nominal value of the quality characteristic Y = 100 lbs
Tolerance of Y (range of deviation) = ±15 lbs
Cost to repair a nonfunctioning unit by customer = $40.0
Cost to repair a nonfunctioning unit by manufacturer = $15.0
Cost to repair a nonfunctioning unit by supplier = $ 5.0

Manufacturer tolerance = 100 ± 9.18
Supplier tolerance = 100 ± 5.3

NOTE: If these tolerances are held, there will be no nonfunctional part in the
customer’s hands. For the same cost, the manufacturer will maintain satisfied
customers and quality products in the field.

Figure 7-3. Manufacturer and supplier tolerances

198 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Table 7-4(a). Fuel pump noise study—Example 7-3

1 Seal thickness Present Thicker
2 Rotor chuck type Present New design
3 Finger to drive C1 Present Increase
Note: Three two-level factors studied.
Objective: Design least noisy and best-performing pump.
Characteristic: Nominal is best (SIQ = 60 target).

This experiment will use L4.

COLUMN 1 2 3
Trial 1 1 1 1
Trial 2 1 2 2
Trial 3 2 1 2
Trial 4 2 2 1

than the current status. When improvement is achieved, it is

necessarily reflected in lowering the standard deviation (vari-
ance, S2) and/or reducing the distance of mean performance from
the target. Of course, when variation is reduced, with or without
change in distance to the target, common performance measures
like capability indices (Cp and Cpk) increase and Taguchi loss (L)
decreases. While all of these numerical indices are easily computed,
for better visualization of the improvement a plot of the distribu-
tion is most desirable.
A direct way to draw a distribution diagram is possible when a
large number of data (N) is available. Unfortunately, test sample
size in DOE is generally small. In this case and in situations
where the observed performance data are not available, the dis-
tribution can only be plotted from analytical expressions. When
performance is assumed to be normal, the distribution plot can
be easily created using the average and the standard deviation for
the expected performance.
Loss Function 199

Table 7-4(b). Fuel pump noise study (Result: Main effect and ANOVA)
Original Observations and Their S/N Ratios
Quality Characteristic: Nominal is Best
1 67.00 85.00 87.00 65.00 59.00 76.00 –20.71
2 65.00 65.00 66.00 54.00 73.00 58.00 –18.99
3 54.00 45.00 56.00 45.00 63.00 46.00 –25.89
4 56.00 67.00 45.00 54.00 56.00 74.00 –23.36
Main Effects
1 Seal thickness –19.85 –24.63 –4.78 00.00 00.00
2 Rotor chuck type –23.30 –21.18 2.12 00.00 00.00
3 Finger to drive –22.04 –22.44 –0.41 00.00 00.00
1 Seal thickness 1 22.801 22.801 82.97
2 Rotor chuck type 1 4.512 4.512 16.43
3 Finger to drive 1 0.164 0.164 00.60
All other/error 0
Total: 3 27.480 100.00

Regardless of the nature of distribution, given a set of ob-

served data (say, 9.2, 8.9, 9.3, 9.6, and so on, for a 9-volt battery
sample), average (a), S, MSD, S/N, Cp, and Cpk can be easily cal-
culated. Conversely, if S/N is known, as is the case when DOE
results are analyzed using S/N ratios, value of the expected S can
be estimated.
The current condition of a product studied for improvement
was found to have the following statistics.

Current Condition
Average performance aligned with the target value (assumed
for simplistic calculation) is:
200 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Table 7-4(c). Fuel pump noise study (Optimum and cost savings)
Estimate of Optimum Condition of Design/Process
Quality Characteristic: Nominal is Best
Seal thickness Present design 1 2.3875
Rotor chuck type New design 2 1.0625
Finger to drive clearance Present design 1 0.2025
Contribution from all factors (total) 3.6524
Current grand average of performance –22.2375
Expected result at optimum condition –18.5850
This estimate includes only those variables that have a significant contribution; that is, pooled variables
are excluded from the estimate. Estimates may also be made with variables of choice.

Target value of quality characteristic (m) = 70.00
Tolerance of quality characteristic = 20.00
Cost of rejection at production (per unit) = $45.00
Units produced per month (total) = 20000
S/N ratio of current design/part = –20.71
S/N ratio of new design/part = –18.585
Loss function: L(y) = 0.11 × (MSD) Also L(y) = K × (y – m)2
Loss/unit due to deviation from target
in current design = $12.953
Loss/unit due to deviation from target
will be reduced from $12.953 to = $7.941
If production is maintained at the improved
condition, then based on 20000 units/month = $100,246.90

S/N = –35.249 (or MSD = 3348.88) and

Std. dev. (S) = 13.402
The specification limits needed for calculation of capability
statistics are:
Loss Function 201

Lower specification limit (LSL) = 18.374

Upper specification limit (USL) = 98.791

Improved Condition
After completing the experimental study for the smaller is
better quality characteristic, the performance at optimum condi-
tion (improved condition) expressed in S/N ratio was estimated
to be:
S/N = 32.081 (or MSD = 1614.73)

Estimated Statistics at Improved Condition

Based on the known statistics at the current condition and
S/N at the improved condition, the expected performance with
the improved design can be calculated and the distribution rep-
resented as shown below.
Because MSD AS2 (when mean performance is on target, MSD
is proportional to variance), then
S 2 improved  s S 2 current
S 2 improved  s 13.4022

Because Loss (L) A MSD, then

L improved  s L current

s $1.00 assumed loss in
current condition

Thus, Savings (1.00 – 0.483) = 51.7 cents for every dollar spent
at current condition.
202 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

And because Process Capabilities (Cp and Cpk) A (1/S)

S current
Cp  s C p current
S improved
S current
C pk  s C pk current
S improved
that is
C p and C pk  s1
The plot of variation reduced by adopting optimum design
along with statistics calculated above is shown in Figure 7-4 (graph
from [7]). The reduction of variation is expected to lower the rejec-
tion and warranty items, which results in cost savings expressed in
terms of percentage of the loss at the current condition. A single
figure like this can capture the essence of improvement expected
and represent it graphically for all to understand.

7-1. The manufacturer of a 10.5-volt smoke alarm battery employed
the Taguchi method to determine the better design param-
eters. The experimenters estimated the signal-to-noise (S/N)
ratio for the proposed design to be 6.3. Based on a sample
inspection of the current production process, the S/N ratio was
calculated to be 5.2. The analysis of warranty showed that
when the battery voltage was beyond (10.50 ± 0.75) volts,
the smoke alarm malfunctioned and customers returned the
batteries for $6.50 each. Determine the monthly savings that
the proposed new design is expected to generate if 20,000
units are manufactured each month.
Loss Function 203

Figure 7-4. Plot of variation reduction as indication of performance improve-

ment (graph from [7])

7-2. Suppose that the manufacturer in Exercise 7-1 decides not to

adopt the new design but chooses to screen all defective bat-
teries in the manufacturing plant before they are shipped to
the customers. The cost for inspection in the plant is estimated
to be $3 per battery. If the same amount of warranty cost is
incurred in the inspection process, determine the tolerance
limits for the inspection.
8 Brainstorming—
An Integral Part of the
Taguchi Philosophy


In applying the Taguchi technique, brainstorming is a neces-
sary step in the process (Figure 8-1) and is essential for designing
effective experiments. Taguchi recommends brainstorming to
overcome cross-organizational barriers. By including representa-
tives of all departments in the project team, from design through
marketing, the quality demanded by the customer can be consid-
ered, and those production factors that may contribute toward
quality can be identified and incorporated into the design of the
The benefits of brainstorming are obvious. The design does not
belong to any one group—it belongs to all. Brainstorming identifies
characteristic effects and the environment known to the group as
a whole. Measurement techniques can draw on many disciplines.
The outcome is better than it would be when one activity assumed
all responsibilities.
Taguchi does not prescribe a standard method of brainstorm-
ing as applicable to all situations. The nature and content of the
brainstorming session will vary widely depending on the problem
and the experience of practitioners. For most studies, a formal
session is highly effective. In many instances, brainstorming can
be completed in a few hours, but for most projects the session may
take a good part of a day dedicated for the purpose.
One method of conducting brainstorming, or what is normally
referred to as an experiment planning session for the Taguchi
experimental design, is presented in the text. The procedure has
been found to be effective by the author in his experience with
206 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Team on site 5
Run Tests to
Facilitator off site Confirm

Project team 4
Analyze Test
3 Results and
Carry Out Prescribe
Planned Tests Solutions
and Collect
Design and
1 Describe Test
Hold Recipes

Figure 8-1. Five-step product or process study roadmap

various client industries. The procedure is not standard nor is it

Taguchi’s; it is the author’s.


The following guidelines help determine the participants and
the content of the brainstorming session:

Purpose of the Brainstorming or Experiment Planning Session

1. Determine project objectives; identify factors, levels,
and other pertinent information about the experiment,
Brainstorming—An Integral Part of the Taguchi Philosophy 207

collectively, with all of the project team composed of

personnel from departments concerned with a successful
outcome from the experiment.
2. Build team spirit and attitude to assure maximum partici-
pation and ownership of the team members.
3. Develop a consensus on the selection and the determina-
tion of those items that are objective and those that are
subjective in nature.

Team Leader
For the successful completion of a Taguchi case study, the ap-
pointment of a team leader, from among the project team members,
is necessary. The team leader must recognize the need for a brain-
storming session and call for such a session. The leader should
try to hold the session on neutral ground on a pre-announced day.
The leader should ensure the participation of all team members
with responsibilities for the product/process.

Session Facilitator
The session should be facilitated by someone with a good
working knowledge of the Taguchi methodologies. Engineers or
statisticians dedicated to helping others apply this tool often make
better facilitators. A facilitator need not be a participator unless
the project leader facilitates the session. The facilitator initiates
and leads the discussion but never dominates it.

Who Should Form the Project Team?

All those who have first-hand knowledge and/or a stake in
the outcome should be included. For an engineering design or a
manufacturing process, both the design and the manufacturing
personnel should be part of the team. If cost or supplier knowledge
are likely factors, then persons with experience in these matters
should be encouraged to participate (group size permitting). Mar-
keting personnel should attend the planning session to provide
customer viewpoints.
208 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

What Should Be the Size of Project Team?

The more the better. However, the time involved is proportional
to the number attending. The upper limit should be 15. There
can be as few as two. No matter the number of people involved,
brainstorming will immensely benefit the whole process. More
important than size is proper representation from all depart-
ments involved in design, development, production, marketing,
sales, and service.

Is Taguchi Training a Prerequisite?

No. Some exposure will help. Application experience on the
part of some participants will be a plus. A facilitator with appli-
cation experience can help the participants with brief overviews
when needed.

What is the Agenda for the Session?

The experiment planning session is the first step in application
process and is preceded by:
• Identification of a project by sponsors and stakeholders
• Appointment of the project leader and
• Formation of the project team
Below is the recommended list of topics and sequence of dis-
cussions as shown in Figure 8-2. The emphasis and length of the
discussion, however, will differ significantly for different problems
being addressed.


The following topics should be included in the agenda for the
brainstorming session.
• Define the system under study
• Select project title
• Describe objectives of experiment
• Define performance (results) and units of measurement
• Determine evaluation criteria and create OEC table
Brainstorming—An Integral Part of the Taguchi Philosophy 209

for Design of Experiments

– Assign project title and define objectives

– Assign personnel from function organization
– Identify quality characteristics
– Determine how each attribute is measured

– Control factors
– Noise factors
– Factor levels

Scope of project:
– How many experiments
– How many repetitions

Assign tasks:
– Who does what

Figure 8-2. Agenda for a brainstorming session

• Brainstorm and qualify factors for study

• Establish levels of study factors
• Select interactions and noise factors for study
• Indicate sample size for trial conditions
• Prescribe sample size and summarize experiment planning

Define the System Under Study

Defining your product or process under study in terms of a
system is essential for effective experimental study. The task is to
review the product/process flow diagram and define the boundaries
210 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

of the areas investigated. Depending on the concern or problem

that prompts such study, the system may include one or more of the
subprocesses that constitutes the performance. For example, in a
baking process shown in the flow diagram of Figure 8-3, there are
three subprocesses. If the concerns are strictly about mixing and
baking, the system may be defined with only the last two subpro-
cesses. Such definition of the system helps the project team more
clearly identify input and output of the process under study.

Select Project Title

The team needs to agree on a title for the experimental
study. The title is an important identifier for the activities
being undertaken. The title needs to be something that relates
to the product or process under study. Once the system is
defined, the title should describe the scope of the study. For
example, if the system only includes mixing subprocess in the
cake baking process, the title can be “Cake Ingredients Mixing
Process Study.” On the other hand, if the system includes both
mixing and baking subprocesses, “A Pound Cake Baking Process
Parameter Study” may be more appropriate.

Describe Objectives of Experiment

Discuss and agree (majority consensus) on the purpose of
launching the study. Describe this in two to five connected sen-
tences or a list of bulleted items. Bear in mind that the project
goal may include single or multiple objectives.
No matter how you prefer to define the objectives, it is a good
idea to describe in a few brief sentences the reason for the study.
The reasons may be to solve a problem, optimize designs, lay out
validation tests, or increase response from an advertisement, and
so on. No matter the real reason, the activity may be viewed as
trying to solve a problem, that is, to fill a void or absence of some-
thing. In other words, when you are finished with the experiment,
you will obtain something that you do not have now (problem).
The project may be stated as a problem you are interested in solv-
ing. Here’s how the project description can be articulated for a
“Plastic Molding” project.
Brainstorming—An Integral Part of the Taguchi Philosophy 211

Gather Mix ingredients Bake cake

ingredients (make batter) in oven

System may be defined one of three different ways

shown above (dashed-line rectangles).

Input Output

Note: OUTPUT of previous subprocess is INPUT to the next. For example, Batter is output
of the Mixing process but input to the Baking process.

Figure 8-3. System view of process (cake baking)

Example Description
“We have been experiencing high rejects and warranty
from our plastic molding process. This study is undertaken
to determine process parameters that will reduce our scrap
rate. The improved process design is also expected to keep our
customers satisfied and affect our bottom line.”
The project description may be composed during or after the
planning session. Below are a few questions to help describe your
projects and define the objectives.
— What are the reasons for performing this project?
— What is it that you want to accomplish with this project?
— What specific objectives/goals you wish to achieve from
this project?
If the study involves baking pound cakes, the objectives may
be considered be to: (a) improve taste, (b) increase moistness, (c)
prolong shelf life.
212 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Define Performance (Results) and Units of Measurement

This is an important topic of discussion. The goal is to review
all objectives carefully and define the evaluation criteria and the
units of measurement applicable to each objective. The task can
be quite complicated when there are multiple objectives, and it is
important to satisfy them all.
Typical discussion can proceed as described here. Suppose that
you are to plan a Taguchi experiment to determine the best recipe
for the pound cake. The first question is, what are we after? Of
course, everyone will agree that they are after the best cake. Ob-
viously, the taste of the cake will be a criterion. But how can the
taste be measured? How many will taste it? For a subjective evalu-
ation like taste, evaluation by more than one person is desired.
If more than one individual is involved, how can the net result
be evaluated? A possible solution is to rate the cakes in terms of
a numerical scale, say, on a scale of 0 to 10. Is number 10 for the
best taste? This needs to be defined. It can be anything agreed
on. But it is important that the matter be discussed, as this rule
will dictate the sense of the quality characteristic. If 10 represents
the best and 0 the worst, then the quality characteristic becomes
“bigger is better.” If five people taste the experimental cakes and
the ratings vary, whom do we believe? Recognize all of the ratings
and record the average of all five evaluations.
Determine Evaluation Criteria and Create OEC Table
When there are multiple criteria involved in evaluating one or
more objectives, you may consider combining the evaluations into
a single criterion for convenience. The discussions and rationale
for this are explained in the following discussions for the cake
baking project.
Is taste the only parameter to compare two cake samples? If
two cakes have the same taste, can a second parameter distinguish
between them? What about the moistness? One individual may
prefer a moister over a drier cake. How about shape, appearance,
or shelf life? Perhaps moistness is somewhat less important than
the taste. The idea of the brainstorming is to raise all of the ques-
tions, bring up all of the issues, whether important or not.
Brainstorming—An Integral Part of the Taguchi Philosophy 213

How would one measure moistness? By appearance? Perhaps

one would decide to take a fixed slice and weigh it and note the
weight in ounces. This is an objective measurement. But what is
a “standard” slice? One would not necessarily need more than one
measurement. Suppose that we agree to consider just these two
criteria, that is, taste and moistness. Taste is subjective on a scale
of 0 to 10; moistness is measured in ounces. How should one make
sense out of the two values? How would we compare a cake rated
7 for taste and 4 ounces for moistness with another rated at 8 for
taste and 3.5 ounces for moistness? What index can be devised to
distinguish between the two samples? How can the data mix of
subjective and objective values be combined and analyzed?
Are these criteria to be given equal weight or unequal weight?
How important is moistness compared to taste? Is the moistness
one-fourth as important as the taste? Is an assignment such as
taste is 80% and moistness is 20% reasonably correct? In other
words, if one were to split a dollar among all of the criteria, in
accordance with the priority, how would one distribute the 100
cents? When such a question is asked of different groups, the
responses are never the same. One group may feel taste is worth
80%, another group may say 60%. As a general rule, when con-
fronted with subjective areas such as these, let consensus prevail.
Let everyone participate. Let everyone offer their input. For each
of the items, determine the group average.
Suppose that the consensus of the group has been that the
weighting of the two quality criteria should be 68% for taste and
32% for moistness. With this knowledge, one can proceed to com-
bine the evaluations and produce a single quantified number called
overall evaluation criterion (OEC). The evaluation parameters for
the problem can be summarized as in Table 8-1.

Table 8-1. Overall evaluation criteria (OEC)

Taste 5 (y1) None 68 (w1) 10 (y1max)
Moistness 4.5 (y2) Ounces 32 (w2) 6 (y2max)
214 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

The overall evaluation criterion (OEC) can be defined as:

OEC   y1 y1 max s w1  y2 y2 max s w2 
 5 10 s 68 100 4.5 6 s 32 100
 0.34 0.24
wi = weight of ith component
yi = measurement of ith criterion
yimax = maximum value of ith criterion

Observe that the evaluation (y) in each case is divided by the

maximum value. This is done to get rid of its units (normaliza-
tion). When multiplied by the weighting, a dimensionless number,
the resulting values for each criterion are added to produce a net
result in numerical dimensionless terms.
Suppose that an L8 array is used to describe the eight trial
conditions for the experiment. The eight cakes will have to be
evaluated following the scheme given above. The OEC calculated
above (OEC = 0.58) will represent the result for one trial. There
will be seven other results like this. The eight values (OECs) will
then form the result column in the orthogonal array (OA). The
process will have to be repeated if there were repetitions in each
trial condition.
Discussions of factors and levels follow that of quality charac-
teristics. The nature of these issues are based on common sense and
some understanding of the problem under investigation. A leader
or facilitator will often find it convenient to let their experience
determine the flow of the discussions. The remaining portion of
the brainstorming session is left up to the reader’s imagination.

Brainstorm and Qualify Factors for Study

The discussion and identification of experimental factors
should only begin after the objectives and evaluation criteria are
defined. To do it any other way will be unwise. The approach to
determine factors for study should follow this sequence.
Brainstorming—An Integral Part of the Taguchi Philosophy 215

• Solicit ideas and prepare a long list of potential factors.

• Scrutinize all ideas and prepare a qualified list of factors.
• “Paretoize” the list (from most to least important factors).

Long List
Brainstorm, solicit, and list ideas and suggestions about how
to make improvements and what are the possible sources of influ-
ence. Realize that, by now, all involved on the team already know
what you are after and what are the objectives. The goal here is
to capture a quantity of ideas and list them. All ideas gathered do
not necessarily make valid factors. However, all suggestions and
ideas solicited must be collected without concern for validity. The
time for scrutiny and consideration for study will come later.
Below are sample questions that may initiate thoughts about
• What are some of the actions you can take to improve and
satisfy performance objectives?
• What are variables (materials/environmental factors/con-
stituents/settings/parameters, etc.) that may influence the
outcome of the project?
• If you have done some process studies and have prepared
cause-and-effect diagrams (fishbone or Ishikawa diagrams),
what are some of the factors that were identified?
If you have a number of people on your project team, this is
a good time to ask ideas from each and every person. You do not
want to leave “any stone unturned.”
If you are alone on the project, or working with a few members
on your team, it is a good idea to pause and attempt to collect
as many ideas as possible. For the preliminary list of ideas, the
longer the list the better chance you have to capture all possible
influencing factors.

Qualified List
After you have captured ideas and have a quantity of them
listed, you will need to qualify them and identify the valid factors
and noise factors by scrutinizing each from the long list. Use the
216 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

following criteria to scrutinize and qualify ideas. The purpose of

this exercise is to clean up the list to select only those that are
factors (input and controllable). For a factor to be a factor, it must
be something that is:
a. An input
b. Controllable at reasonable (or no) cost
c. Adjustable
d. Suspected to have influence on the result
e. Able to be varied independently
The process you should follow is to examine each item in the
list and see that it meets one or more of the above criteria. Discard
all those that are not factor. Separate those that meet factor cri-
teria but are not controllable or that you do not want to control.
Identify them as uncontrollable factors (noise factors) and put
them at the bottom of this list.
The result will be a shorter list containing qualified control-
lable and uncontrollable factors. You should now attempt to gather
consensus from the group to place all controllable factors in this
list in descending order of importance. A quick way to achieve
such group priorities is to ask all on the team to distribute 10 (or
20, depending on the number of factors) pennies to the factors in
proportion to personal preferences. Obviously, one will have the
option to put some pennies to a few factors and none to others.
Add all pennies assigned to each factor and use this number to
arrange the factors in descending order. This ordered list of quali-
fied factors will help you easily select the factors to include in the
study. To decide how many of these factors you can study, follow
the logical reasoning described below. For discussion purposes,
assume that your qualified list comprises 13 factors (listed in
descending order) and three noise factors.

Study List
Here you would select factors that you wish to include in the
study. Often this list will be shorter than the qualified list.
When you conduct an effective brainstorming with your team,
it is very likely that you will identify and qualify a larger number
Brainstorming—An Integral Part of the Taguchi Philosophy 217

of factors than what is the limit of the size of the experiment. Of

course, if money and time are not of concern, you would always
want to study all qualified factors with whatever the size of the
experiment. Generally, though, the scope will be limited, so you
should ask yourself (if you are the team facilitator and/or leader)
and others on the team about the scope of the study. Specifically,
you would be asking questions such as, how many separate experi-
ments can be done, how many samples can be fabricated, and what
test equipment is available. The answers to these questions are
very important to help decide the size of the experiment, and con-
sequently, the factors you will be able to include in the study.
Suppose the answer to the number of separate experiments is
fewer than 10. In that case, the largest size of the array for your
experiment is L-8 or L-9. Understand that at this point you do not
know what the levels of the factors need to be or which factors will
be included in the study. Your intention will be to include as many
factors as possible. So, the strategy here is to select factors first
assuming all factors at two levels and then adjust later if some
factors need to be at three or four levels. The limit of 10 separate
experiments will lead you to select an L-8 array for the experiment,
which dictates that you study only seven two-level factors. From
the ordered qualified list, select the top seven out of 13 factors.
For convenience, use symbols/notations of A, B, C, and so on, for
these factors. You now have a study list of seven factors.

Establish Levels of Study Factors

This discussion should lead to establishing the levels of all
factors in the study list one at a time. Based on the level require-
ments, which have not yet been discussed, you may need to modify
the scope of the design (array size) after the levels of all factors
are determined.
The first issue in determining the level of factors (A, B, C,
etc.) is to decide how many levels the factor should have. Gener-
ally, all factors should have two levels but may have three or four
levels depending on the need. If a factor is a discrete/fixed factor
(such as tools, machine, shifts, male/female operator, and so on),
it may require more than two levels. Also, if a factor is known to
218 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

have nonlinear behavior, it may be necessary to study it in three

or four levels. Otherwise, you should study all factors at two levels
when possible, as higher than two levels may cause increased size
of the array.
Pick each factor separately to decide its number of levels (two,
three, or four) and define the value or description for experimental
setup. Use these guidelines:
• The number of levels should be two unless more are re-
quired because the factor is discrete or known to be highly
• The values of the factors should be as far away from either
side of the current working condition as possible. The
levels should be such that the expected results become
measurably different under trial-to-trial conditions. The
levels should be such that they are practical with which
to carry out the tests and that they can easily be released
if identified to be part of the optimum condition.
As you complete setting the levels of all factors, should you
have factors that require more than two levels (three or four),
you will then need to drop factors to make room for this factor
(level upgrade) or select for a larger array for the experiment.
For example, if you have one of the seven factors at four levels,
you will need to drop two of the seven factors to make room for a
four-level factor. You will then modify the L-8 array to accommo-
date this four-level factor (requiring three columns for upgrade)
and four remaining two-level factors. However, before you can
complete the design process, you will need to consider interaction
and noise factors that might be part of the study and may indeed
reshape the experiment.

Select Interactions and Noise Factors for Study

Following selection of factors for the study, interactions and
noise factors must be considered. If you choose to study interac-
tions, you may do so by going with a larger array or selecting a
few interactions to study in lieu of some factors. Likewise, you
Brainstorming—An Integral Part of the Taguchi Philosophy 219

need to consider robust design by including noise factors by using

an outer array in your experiment.
For interactions, consider only the interactions between two
two-level factors (such as A×B, B×C, and so on). Understand
that if you have seven two-level factors, there are 7 × (7 – 1) =
21 possible interactions. You are now faced with two questions:
how many interactions to study, and which ones among all pos-
sible ones to study. Generally, you do not have any knowledge to
answer these questions. But, if you happen to have the knowledge
and/or conviction to decide on some interactions to study, you will
have to revise your experiment design. Suppose that you have two
interactions that you must study. Because your limit on the size
of the experiment is seven columns (in an L-8), you could do so by
discarding two factors to make room for the two interactions that
have a common factor. If, on the other hand, you want to study all
21 interactions and seven factors, you will require an array that
has 28 or more columns. To do so you will need to increase the
size of the experiment and go for an L-32 array.
A general recommendation is that you select the biggest array
possible and accommodate all factors first. Then if you have spare
columns, reserve them to study interactions. This is in line with
the philosophy “dig wide and not deep” that Taguchi espouses.
The last item to consider before finalizing the experiment
design is to formally incorporate the effects of noise factors. The
most desirable way to include uncontrollable/noise factors is to
go for an outer array design where an orthogonal array is used to
formally combine the noise factors. To select robust design condi-
tions, the tests under different recipes of the control factors are
repeated by exposing them to the influence of the noise condition
so created. The noise factors, of course, are uncontrollable in real
life but are assumed to be controllable while conducting the tests
in a laboratory environment.
If there are three noise factors (each at two levels) in the ex-
periment, you would use an L-4 array as an outer array. This will
require that you run each trial condition (of the control factor)
four times by exposing them to four separate noise conditions.
Such formal treatment of the noise factors requires more samples
220 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

and time in carrying out the experiments but is likely to produce

more useful information about the system under study.
A general guideline to follow is to go for a robust design ap-
proach using an outer array; if this is not possible, carry out
multiple sample tests in each trial condition under random noise

Prescribe Sample Size and Summarize Experiment Planning Discussions

Before you adjourn your planning meeting, you need agree
on the number of test samples in each trial condition and share
plans for conducting tests, acquiring test facilities, and the data
collection procedures with all on the team. If possible, you should
also form consensus on the length of time and schedule of com-
pleting the study.
Finally, a summary of the information gathered from the
planning session will be helpful for the team. This could be a
quick review with the group before you adjourn meeting with the
team, or prepare it after the meeting and share it with the team
members. You will need this summary page when you start using
computer software such as [7] to design the experiment. Your
planning summary should contain the following information.

Project Title _______________________ Location _____________________

Participants: 1. __________________ 2. __________________

3. __________________ 4. __________________

Criteria Description Worst Value Best Value QC Rel. Weighting


Your OEC equation (if criteria are combined)

OEC = ( )x +( )x +( )x +( )x
Brainstorming—An Integral Part of the Taguchi Philosophy 221


FACTORS Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4


Note: Optionally, list interactions and noise factors you wish to include in your study.
Also, indicate the inner and outer arrays used for the experiment design and how
the control factors and noise factors will be assigned to the columns of the arrays.
Based on the final design, indicate the test sample size requirements.

8-1. In an experiment involving the study of an automobile door
design, two criteria were used for evaluation purposes. Deflec-
tion at a fixed point in the door was measured to indicate the
stiffness, and the door closing effort was subjectively recorded
on a scale of 0 to 10.
a. Develop a scheme to define an overall evaluation criterion.
b. Explain why the overall evaluation may be useful.
8-2. During the brainstorming session for a Taguchi experiment,
a large number of factors were initially identified. Discuss the
type of information that needs to be considered to determine
the number of factors for the experiment, and state how you
will proceed to select these factors.
8-3. A group of manufacturing engineers identified the following
process parameters for an experimental investigation:
• Fourteen two-level factors (not all considered important)
• One interaction between two factors (considered important)
• Three noise factors at two levels each (considered important)
If the total number of trial runs (samples) is not to exceed
32, design the experiment and indicate the sizes of the
inner and outer arrays.
8-4. Brainstorm and carry out the experiment planning session follow-
ing the steps discussed in this chapter. The experimental design
222 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

should be supported by the information provided in the follow-

ing problem descriptions. Go through the planning process and
prepare a summary of experimental data, including title, project
objectives, OEC (if applicable), factors for study, and so on.

Problem Description
Engineers and production specialists in a supplier plant wish to
optimize the production of foam seats for automobile manufacturers.
The improvement project has been undertaken because there have
been complaints from the customer about the quality of the delivered
parts. The main defects found in the foam parts are: (1) excessive
shrinkage, (2) too many voids, (3) inconsistent compression set, and
(4) varying tensile strength. There appears to be general agreement
that these are the primary objectives; however, there is no consensus
as to their relative importance (weighting). Most of the individuals
involved are aware that just satisfying one of the criteria may not
always satisfy the others. It is believed that a process design that
produces parts within the acceptable ranges of all of the objective
criteria would be preferable.
Conventional wisdom will dictate that a designed experiment be
analyzed separately using the readings for each of the objectives
(criteria of evaluations). This way, four separate analyses will have to
be performed and optimum design conditions determined. Because
each of these optimums is based only on one objective, there is no
guarantee that they all will prescribe the same factor levels for the
optimum condition. To release the design, however, only one com-
bination of factor levels is desired. Such design must also satisfy all
objectives in a manner consistent with the consensus priority estab-
lished by the project team members.
Combining all of the evaluation criteria into a single index (OEC),
which includes the subjective as well as the objective evaluations, and
also incorporates the relative weightings of the criteria, may produce
the design being sought. Of course, even if the experiment is analyzed
using the overall evaluation criteria (OEC), separate analysis may
still be performed for individual objectives.
Discussions and investigations into possible causes of the sub-
quality parts revealed many variables (not all are necessarily factors),
Brainstorming—An Integral Part of the Taguchi Philosophy 223

such as: (a) chemical ratio, (b) mold temperature, (c) lid close time,
(d) pour weight, (e) discoloration of surface, (f) humidity, (g) index-
ing, (h) flow rate, (i) flow pressure, (j) nozzle cleaning time, (k) type
of cleaning agent, and so on. Most project team members suspect
that there are interactions between the chemical ratio and the pour
weight, and between the chemical ratio and the flow rate. Past studies
also indicated possible nonlinearity in the influence of the chemical
ratio, and thus, four levels of this factor are also desirable for the
experiment. But because there have been no scientific studies done
in the recent past, any objective evidence of interaction or nonlin-
earity is not available. Because of the variability from part to part, it
is a common practice to study a minimum of three samples for any
measurements. The funding and time available for the project is such
that only 30 to 35 samples can be molded. (Your plan and answer
may vary from others’.)
9 Examples of Taguchi
Case Studies

Experiments designed and carried out according to the Taguchi
methodology are generally referred to as case studies. Perhaps
they are called case studies to indicate that they are well planned
experiments and not simply a few tests to investigate the effects
of varying one or more factors at a time. The term case study
may also be used to signify that such planned experiments have
been fruitfully carried out, that the results have been analyzed to
determine the optimum combination of the factors under study,
and that tests to confirm the optimum conditions have been con-
ducted. But what does a case study look like? What are the steps
to be followed in completing a case study?
In Chapters 5 and 6, the mechanics of the Taguchi design of
experiments and the procedure for the analysis of the experi-
mental data were discussed in detail. Those chapters included
several application examples (case studies). The examples in
this chapter are representative of practical problems the author
has encountered during his associations with various industries
and clients.
A typical application of the method will include the following
five major steps (see also Figure B-1):
1. A brainstorming session
2. Designing the experiment
3. Conducting the experiment
4. Analyzing the results
5. Running the confirmation test
226 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Brainstorming for Taguchi experiments is described in Chapter

8. Brainstorming is an essential element of a Taguchi case study.
When this step is completed, the planning is done. Each of the
experimental situations may demand a unique quality objective.
What are the attributes of the quality characteristics? In what
manner should the results be monitored? How many factors should
be included in the study? These and many other pertinent ques-
tions are answered in the brainstorming session. Brainstorming
was discussed in detail in Chapter 8. In this chapter, the remain-
ing four steps of the Taguchi methodology will be clarified by the
following examples. In the solutions of these examples, extensive
use is made of computer software [7], which computes results
following procedures described in Chapters 5 and 6.


Example 9-1
Engine Valve Train Noise Study
An experiment is to be designed to study the influence of six fac-
tors, which were identified during brainstorming as influencing the
noise emitted by the valve train of a newly developed engine. Each
factor is assigned two levels. Brainstorming concluded that interac-
tion effects were much less important than the main effects.
Solution—Example 9-1
Because there are six two-level factors, the smallest array is
L8. Because interactions are insignificant, the six factors can be
assigned to the six of the seven columns in any order desired. The
factors involved and their levels are shown in Table 9-1(a).
Assume that during the brainstorming session the quality
characteristics and the methods of measurement were also deter-
mined, in addition to the factors and levels. Based on these criteria,
certain key elements of the test plan are described in Table 9-1(a)
using the principles of the design of experiments. These are shown
under the headings “Note,” “Objective,” and “Characteristic.”
For this experiment, the level of the noise was to be measured in
terms of some noise index on a scale of 0 to 100. The index was
so defined that its smaller value was always desirable.
Examples of Taguchi Case Studies 227

Table 9-1. Engine valve train noise study (Design)—Example 9-1

(a) Design Factors and Their Levels
1 Valve guide clearance Low High
2 Upper guide length Smaller Larger
3 Valve geometry Type 1 Type 2
4 Seat concentricity Quality 1 Quality 2
5 Lower guide length Location 1 Location 2
6 Valve face runout Runout type 1 Runout type 2
7 (Unused)
Note: Six variables all at two levels studied.
Objective: Determine design configuration for least noise.
Characteristic: Smaller is better (measured in terms of noise index).
(b) L8 Orthogonal Array Used for Experiment
COLUMN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Trial 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
Trial 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 0
Trial 3 1 2 2 1 1 2 0
Trial 4 1 2 2 2 2 1 0
Trial 5 2 1 2 1 2 1 0
Trial 6 2 1 2 2 1 2 0
Trial 7 2 2 1 1 2 2 0
Trial 8 2 2 1 2 1 1 0

The L8 array is shown in Table 9-1(b). Note that only six col-
umns define the test condition, with the zeros in the unused column
(column 7) showing that no condition is implied. The two-level ar-
ray, L8, describes eight trial conditions. The design may be created
manually, but a computer program will perform such computations
in a matter of seconds and without mathematical errors.
The results of the eight trial conditions, with one run per trial
condition, are shown in Table 9-2(a). Examples in this chapter
utilized computer software [7], which displays up to six repetitions
and their averages. These observed results are used to compute
the main effects of the individual factors [Table 9-2(b)]. Because
228 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Table 9-2. Original data and their averages (Results and analysis)—
Example 9-1
(a) Original Observations and Their Averages
Quality Characteristic: Smaller is Better
Results: Up to Six Repetitions Shown
1 45.00 45.00
2 34.00 34.00
3 56.00 56.00
4 45.00 45.00
5 46.00 46.00
6 34.00 34.00
7 39.00 39.00
8 43.00 43.00
(b) Main Effects
1 Valve guide clearance 45.00 40.50 –4.50 00.00 00.00
2 Upper guide length 39.75 45.75 6.00 00.00 00.00
3 Valve geometry 40.25 45.25 5.00 00.00 00.00
4 Seat concentricity 46.50 39.00 –7.50 00.00 00.00
5 Lower valve length 44.50 41.00 –3.50 00.00 00.00
6 Valve face runout 44.75 40.75 –4.00 00.00 00.00
(c) ANOVA Table
1 Valve guide clear. (1) (40.50) Pooled
2 Upper guide length 1 72.00 72.00 2.011 9.96
3 Valve geometry (1) (50.00) Pooled
4 Seat concentricity 1 112.50 112.50 3.142 21.10
5 Lower guide length (1) (24.50) Pooled
6 Valve face runout (1) (32.00) Pooled

All other/error 5 179.00 35.80 68.94

Total: 7 363.50 100.00
Note: Insignificant factorial effects are pooled as shown ( ).
Examples of Taguchi Case Studies 229

the factors have only two levels, the main effects are shown under
the two columns marked Level 1 and Level 2. The third column
labeled (L2 – L1) contains the difference between the main effects
at Level 1 and Level 2. A minus sign (in the difference column)
indicates a decrease in noise as the factor changes from Level 1 to
Level 2. A positive value, on the other hand, indicates an increase
in noise. A quick inspection of the difference column permits
selection of the optimum combination, for example, the “smaller
is better” characteristic. A negative sign in the column (L2 – L1)
indicates Level 2 of the factor is desirable, while a positive value
indicates Level 1 is the choice. This quick inspection is a sufficient
test only when two levels are involved and when all factors are
considered significant.
If the desired characteristic is “bigger is better,” then the level
selection criteria will be the reverse of the scheme given above;
positive values indicate Level 2, and all negative values will in-
dicate the choice of Level 1 for the optimum condition. In this
example with all factors, the optimum condition for “smaller is
better” is levels 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, and 2 for factors in columns 1 through
6, respectively. The sign (±) directs the selection of levels, while
the magnitude suggests the strength of the influence of the factor.
The quantitive measure of the influence of individual factors is
obtained from ANOVA [Table 9-2(c)].
ANOVA follows procedures outlined in Chapter 6. No new data
or decisions on the part of the experimenter are required. This
is an ideal situation for standard computer routines. The results
of ANOVA are shown in Table 9-2(c). A review of the percent
column shows that Upper Guide (9.96%) and Seat Concentricity
(21.10%) are significant. The other insignificant factors are pooled
(combined) with the error term. Based on information from the
ANOVA Table 9-2(c), the mean performance at optimum condi-
tion and the confidence interval are calculated as shown in Tables
9-3(a) and 9-3(b), respectively.
The last step in the analysis is to estimate the performance at the
optimum condition. Normally only the significant factors are used
for this estimate. An examination of main effects indicates which
levels will be included in the optimum condition. In addition, ANOVA
230 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Table 9 -3. En gine v alve t rain n oise s tudy

(Optimum and confidence interval)—Example 9-1
(a) Estimate of Optimum Condition of Design/Process:
For Smaller is Better Characteristic
Upper guide length Smaller 1 –3.0000

Seat concentricity Quality 2 –3.7500

Contribution from all factors (total) –6.75

Current grand average of performance 42.75
Expected result at optimum condition 36.00
This estimate includes only those variables that have a significant contribution; that is, pooled variables
are excluded from the estimate. Estimates may also be made with variables of choice.
(b) Confidence Interval
Computing F function for 1 and 5 at 90% confidence level.
Confidence Interval (C.I.) is expressed as:

F 1, n2 Ve
where F(n1, n2) = computed value of F with n1 = 1, n2 = error DOF
at a desired confidence level
Ve = error variance
Ne = effective number of replications
Based on: F = 3.2999999, n1 = 1, n2 = 5, Ve = 35.8, Ne = 2.6667 [from 8/(1+2)]
The confidence interval C.I. = ±6.656011, which is the variation of the estimated result
at the optimum condition; that is, the mean of the result, m, lies between (m + C.I.) and
(m – C.I.) at 89.93% confidence level.

indicates [by the percentage column in Table 9-2(c)] the relative

influence of each factor. Thus, all of the necessary information for
determination of the optimum condition and the expected value of
the response at this condition is available. No new information is
necessary to calculate the performance at the optimum condition.
Example 9-2
Study of Crankshaft Surface Finishing Process
An engine was found to have an unusually high rate of crank-
shaft bearing failures. Engineers identified the crankshaft surface
finish as the root cause. A brainstorming session with the engineers
Examples of Taguchi Case Studies 231

and the technicians involved in design and manufacturing activi-

ties resulted in the selection of six factors that were considered
to have a major influence on the quality of the surface finish. The
Taguchi approach of experimental design was considered an effec-
tive way to optimize the process.
The brainstorming also identified two levels for each factor and a
likely interaction between two of the factors. The group decided that
the quality characteristic of the surface finish should be measured
in terms of durability (life) under simulated laboratory tests.

Solution—Example 9-2
With six factors and one interaction involved in this study, an
L8 orthogonal array (OA) is suitable for the experimental design.
The first step is to decide where to assign the interacting factors
and which column to reserve for their interaction. The table of
interaction (Table A-6) for two-level orthogonal arrays shows that
columns 1, 2, and 3 form an interacting group. The two interact-
ing factors are therefore assigned to columns 1 and 2. Column 3
is kept aside for their interaction. The remaining four factors are
then assigned to any of the four remaining columns. The completed
design, with descriptions of factors, their levels, and the orthogonal
array, are shown in Tables 9-4(a) and 9-4(b). Eight crankshafts
were fabricated to the specifications described by the eight trial
conditions. Each sample was tested for durability (life). Because
longer life was desirable, the quality characteristic applicable in
this case was “bigger is better.”
The observed durability, the main effects, and the unpooled
ANOVA are shown in Table 9-5. The study of the main effects in-
dicates some interaction between the factors. This is shown by the
magnitude 1.25 in the column labeled (L2 – L1) in Table 9-5(b). This
value is of the same order of magnitude as the values 3.25, –6.25,
4.25, and so on. But is the interaction significant? The answer to
this question can be obtained from the percentage column of the
ANOVA table [Table 9-5(c)]. The interaction under column 3 is
only 0.74%. Contributions below 5% are generally not considered
significant. The interaction and the factor in column 5, which has
1.46 in the percentage column, are pooled. The pooled ANOVA is
232 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Table 9-4. Study of crankshaft surface finishing process (Design)—

Example 9-2
(a) Design Factors and Their Levels
1 Roundness (lobing) 700 1600

2 Lay direction (cross) Least Most

3 Interaction N/A

4 Tp (process index) 65% 90%

5 Taper .00025 .0005

6 Waviness Lower limit Upper limit

7 Shape factor .0003 .0003

Note: Interaction between roundness and lay direction.
Objective: Determine best grinding parameters.
Characteristic: Bigger is better (bearing durability life).

(b) L8 Orthogonal Array Used for Experiment

COLUMN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Trial 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Trial 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2
Trial 3 1 2 2 1 1 2 2
Trial 4 1 2 2 2 2 1 1
Trial 5 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
Trial 6 2 1 2 2 1 2 1
Trial 7 2 2 1 1 2 2 1
Trial 8 2 2 1 2 1 1 2

shown in Table 9-6(a). Observe that upon pooling the percentage

values the significant factors are adjusted slightly.
In estimating performance at the optimum, only significant fac-
tors are used. As in Table 9-6(b), the expected improvement in per-
formance is 14.875 over the current average of performance (44.125).
Because the interaction [Table 9-6(b)] has little significance, it is not
considered in the selection of levels for the optimum condition.
Examples of Taguchi Case Studies 233

Table 9 -5. C rankshaft s urface fi nishing p rocess

(Main effects and ANOVA)—Example 9-2
(a) Original Observations and Their Averages
Quality Characteristic: Bigger is Better
Results: Up to Six Repetitions Shown
1 34.00 34.00
2 56.00 56.00
3 45.00 45.00
4 35.00 35.00
5 46.00 46.00
6 53.00 53.00
7 43.00 43.00
8 41.00 41.00
(b) Main Effects
1 Roundness (lobing) 42.50 45.75 3.25 00.00 00.00
2 Lay direction 47.25 41.00 –6.25 00.00 00.00
3 Interaction 43.55 44.75 1.25 00.00 00.00
4 Tp (process index) 42.00 46.25 4.25 00.00 00.00
5 Taper 43.25 45.00 1.75 00.00 00.00
6 Waviness 39.00 49.25 10.25 00.00 00.00
7 Shape factor 41.25 47.00 5.75 00.00 00.00
(c) ANOVA Table
1 Roundness 1 21.13 21.13 5.02
2 Lay direction 1 78.13 78.13 18.56
3 Interaction 1 3.13 3.13 0.74
4 Tp (process index) 1 36.13 36.13 8.58
5 Taper 1 6.13 6.13 1.46
6 Waviness 1 210.13 210.13 49.93
7 Shape factor 1 66.13 66.13 15.71
All other/error 0
Total: 7 420.91 100.00
234 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Table 9-6. Crankshaft surface finishing process

(Pooled ANOVA and optimum)—Example 9-2
(a) ANOVA Table
1 Roundness 1 21.13 21.13 4.57 3.92
2 Lay direction 1 78.13 78.13 16.89 17.46
3 Interaction (1) (3.13) Pooled
4 Tp (process index) 1 36.13 36.13 7.81 7.48
5 Taper (1) (6.13) Pooled
6 Waviness 1 210.13 210.13 45.43 48.83
7 Shape factor 1 66.13 66.13 14.30 14.61

All other/error 2 9.25 4.63 7.69

Total: 7 420.91 100.00
Note: Insignificant factorial effects are pooled as shown ( ).
(b) Estimate of Optimum Condition of Design/Process:
For Bigger is Better Characteristic
Roundness (lobing) 1600 2 1.6250

Lay direction (cross) Least 1 3.1250

Tp (process index) 90% 2 2.1250

Waviness Upper limit 2 5.1250

Shape factor .0003 2 2.8750

Contribution from all factors (total) 14.875

Current grand average of performance 44.125
Expected result at optimum condition 59.00
This estimate includes only those variables that have a significant contribution; that is, pooled variables
are excluded from the estimate. Estimates may also be made with variables of choice.

Example 9-3
Automobile Generator Noise Study
Engineers identified one four-level factor and four two-level
factors for experimental investigation to reduce the operating
noise of a newly released generator. Taguchi methodologies were
followed to lay out the experiments and analyze the test results.
Examples of Taguchi Case Studies 235

Solution—Example 9-3
The factors in this example present a mixed-level situation.
Although experiment design is simplified if all factors have the
same level, it is not always possible to compromise the factor level.
For instance, if a factor influence is believed to be nonlinear, it
should be assigned three or more levels. The factor and its influ-
ence are assumed to be continuous functions. If, however, the
factor assumes discrete levels such as design type 1, design type
2, and so on, then the influence is a discrete function, and each
discrete step (level) must be incorporated in the design. The four-
level factor in the example is discrete. Because the four-level factor
has 3 DOF, and four two-level factors each have 1 DOF, the total
DOF for the experiment is 7. An L8 with seven two-level columns
and 7 DOF was selected for the design. The first step provides for
the four-level factor. Columns 1, 2, and 3 of L8 are used to prepare
a four-level column. This new four-level column now replaces col-
umn 1 and is assigned to the four-level factor. As columns 2 and 3
were used to prepare column 1 as a four-level column, they cannot
be used for any other factor. Thus, the four two-level factors are
assigned to the remaining columns 4, 5, 6, and 7. The design and
the modified OA are shown in Tables 9-7(a) and 9-7(b).
One run at each trial condition was tested in the laboratory,
and the performance was measured in terms of a noise index.
The index ranged between 0 (low noise) and 100 (loud noise). The
lower value of this index was desirable. The data and calculated
main effects are shown in Tables 9-8(a) and 9-8(b), respectively.
Note that the four-level factor in column 1 (Casement Structure)
has its main effects at the four levels. This factor has 3 DOF
as noted in the ANOVA table [Table 9-9(a)] under the column
marked DOF.
The ANOVA table clearly shows that the factor in column 6
(Contact Brushes) has the smallest sum of squares and hence the
least influence. This factor is pooled and the new ANOVA is in Table
9-9(a). Using the significant contributors, the estimated performance
at the optimum condition was calculated as 49.375. In this case, the
optimum condition is trial 1 (Levels 1 1 1 1 1). The result for trial 1
was 50 [Table 9-8(a)]. The difference between the trial result and the
236 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Table 9-7. Automobile generator noise (Design)—Example 9-3

(a) Design Factors and Their Levels
1 Casement structure Present Textured Ribbed New

2 (Unused)

3 (Unused)

4 Air gap Present Increase

5 Impregnation Present type Harder type

6 Contact brush Type 1 Type 2

7 Stator structure Present Epoxy

design coated
Note: One four-level and four two-level factors studied.
Objective: Determine generator design parameters for least noise.
Characteristic: Smaller is better (measured in predefined index).

(b) L8 Orthogonal Array Used for Experiment

COLUMN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Trial 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1
Trial 2 1 0 0 2 2 2 2
Trial 3 2 0 0 1 1 2 2
Trial 4 2 0 0 2 2 1 1
Trial 5 3 0 0 1 2 1 2
Trial 6 3 0 0 2 1 2 1
Trial 7 4 0 0 1 2 2 1
Trial 8 4 0 0 2 1 1 2

estimated optimum performance (49.375) resulted from the dropping

of the minor effect of the contact brush factor from the estimate.
Example 9-4
Engine Idle Stability Study
An engine development engineer identified three adjustment pa-
rameters controlling the idle performance of an engine. Each of the
factors is to be studied at three levels to determine the best setting
for the engine. A Taguchi experiment design is to be utilized.
Examples of Taguchi Case Studies 237

Table 9-8. Automobile generator noise (Main effects)—Example 9-3

(a) Original Observations and Their Averages
Quality Characteristic: Smaller is Better
Results: Up to Six Repetitions Shown
1 50.00 50.00
2 62.00 62.00
3 70.00 70.00
4 75.00 75.00
5 68.00 68.00
6 65.00 65.00
7 65.00 65.00
8 74.00 74.00
(b) Main Effects
1 Casement structure 56.00 72.50 16.50 66.50 69.50
4 Air gap 63.25 69.00 5.75 00.00 00.00
5 Impregnation 64.75 67.50 2.75 00.00 00.00
6 Contact brush 66.75 65.50 –1.25 00.00 00.00
7 Stator structure 63.75 68.50 4.75 00.00 00.00

Solution—Example 9-4
The smallest three-level OA, L9, has four three-level columns.
With three three-level factors in this study, the L9 is appropriate
for the design. The factors are placed in the first three columns,
leaving the fourth column unused. The factors, their levels, and
the modified OA are shown in Tables 9-10(a) and 9-10(b).
The performance of the engine tested under various trial condi-
tions was measured in terms of the deviation of the speed from a
nominal idle speed. A smaller deviation represented a more stable
condition. Three separate observations were recorded for each trial
condition, as shown in Table 9-11(a). The signal-to-noise (S/N)
ratio was used for the analysis of the results. The main effects,
optimum condition, and ANOVA table are shown in Tables 9-11
and 9-12. Based on the error DOF and variance, the confidence
238 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Table 9-9. Automobile generator noise (Pooled ANOVA and optimum)—

Example 9-3
(a) ANOVA Table
1 Casement structure 3 309.38 103.13 33.00 70.49
4 Air gap 1 66.13 66.13 21.16 15.07
5 Impregnation 1 15.13 15.13 4.84 3.45
6 Contact brushes (1) (3.13) Pooled
7 Stator structure 1 45.13 45.13 14.44 9.57

All other/error 1 3.13 3.12 4.98

Total: 7 438.88 100.00
Note: Insignificant factorial effects are pooled as shown ( ).
(b) Estimate of Optimum Condition of Design/Process:
For Bigger is Better Characteristic
Casement structure Present design 1 –10.1250

Air gap Present gap 1 –2.8750

Impregnation Present type 1 –1.3750

Stator structure Present design 1 –2.3750

Contribution from all factors (total) –16.750

Current grand average of performance 66.125
Expected result at optimum condition 49.375
This estimate includes only those variables that have a significant contribution; that is, pooled variables
are excluded from the estimate. Estimates may also be made with variables of choice.

interval of the estimated performance at optimum is also computed

as shown in Table 9-12(b). The confidence interval (C.I.) value of
±.3341 will mean that the estimated optimum performance (S/N
ratio) will be −25.878 ± .3341 at 90% confidence level (89.77% as
a result of numerical solution by computer software [7]).
Example 9-5
Instrument Panel Structure Design Optimization
A group of analytical engineers undertaking the design of an
instrument panel structure are to study the influence of five critical
Examples of Taguchi Case Studies 239

Table 9-10. Engine idle stability study (Design)—Example 9-4

(a) Design Factors and Their Levels
1 Indexing –5 deg 0 deg +5 deg

2 Overlap area 0% 30% 60%

3 Spark advance 25 deg 30 deg 35 deg

4 (Unused)
Note: Three three-level factors studied.
Objective: Determine best engine setting.
Characteristic: Smaller is better (speed deviation).

(b) L9 Orthogonal Array Used for Experiment

COLUMN 1 2 3 4
Trial 1 1 1 1 0
Trial 2 1 2 2 0
Trial 3 1 3 3 0
Trial 4 2 1 3 0
Trial 5 2 2 1 0
Trial 6 2 3 2 0
Trial 7 3 1 2 0
Trial 8 3 2 3 0
Trial 9 3 3 1 0

structural modifications on the system. A finite element model of

the total structure was available for a static stiffness analysis. The
objective is to determine the best combination of design alterna-
tives. To reduce the number of computer runs, a Taguchi experi-
ment design was selected to determine the number and conditions
of the computer runs necessary if each factor is to be studied at
two levels. Two interactions are believed to be important.
Solution—Example 9-5
This investigation is an analytical simulation rather than
a hardware experiment. The factors and levels shown in Table
9-13(a) are used in an L9 OA to set up the simulation. Only one
240 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Table 9-11. Engine idle stability study (Main effects and ANOVA)—
Example 9-4
(a) Original Observations and Their S/N Ratios
Quality Characteristic: Smaller is Better
Results: Up to Six Repetitions Shown
1 20.00 25.00 26.00 –27.54
2 34.00 36.00 26.00 –30.19
3 45.00 34.00 26.00 –31.10
4 13.00 23.00 22.00 –25.96
5 36.00 45.00 35.00 –31.81
6 23.00 25.00 34.00 –28.87
7 35.00 45.00 53.00 –33.06
8 56.00 46.00 75.00 –35.60
9 35.00 46.00 53.00 –33.12
(b) Main Effects
1 Indexing –29.61 –28.88 0.73 –33.93 00.00
2 Overlap –28.85 –32.53 –3.69 –31.03 00.00
3 Spark advance –30.67 –29.76 0.91 –31.99 00.00
(c) ANOVA Table
1 Indexing 2 44.636 22.318 932.80 61.26
2 Overlap 2 20.541 10.271 429.27 28.15
3 Spark advance 2 7.565 3.783 158.10 10.33
All other/error 2 0.05 0.26
Total: 8 72.79 100.00

run per trial condition is necessary because the computer results

should not change with repetition. The observation (stiffness
values), main effects, and optimum condition are shown in
Tables 9-13(b), 9-14(a), and 9-14(b). Note that the estimate of
optimum performance (25.25) is lower than the result (29.9)
of Trial #7 as it represents a conservative value that uses only
three significant factors.
Examples of Taguchi Case Studies 241

Table 9 -12. En gine id le s tability s tudy

(Optimum and confidence interval)—Example 9-4
(a) Estimate of Optimum Condition of Design/Process:
For Smaller is Better Characteristic
Indexing 0 deg 2 1.9256

Overlap 0% 1 1.9522

Spark direction 30 deg 2 1.0489

Contribution from all factors (total) 4.92667

Current grand average of performance –30.80556
Expected result at optimum condition –25.87889
This estimate includes only those variables that have a significant contribution; that is, pooled variables
are excluded from the estimate. Estimates may also be made with variables of choice.
(b) Confidence Interval
Computing F function for 1 and 2 at 90% confidence level.
Confidence Interval (C.I.) is expressed as:

F 1, n2 Ve
where F(n1, n2) = computed value of F with n1 = 1, n2 = error DOF
at a desired confidence level
Ve = error variance
Ne = effective number of replications
Based on: F = 5.999996, n1 = 1, n2 = 2, Ve = 2.392578E,
Ne = 1.285714 [from 9/(1+6)]
The confidence interval C.I. = ±0.3341461, which is the variation of the estimated
result at the optimum condition; that is, the mean of the result, m, lies between (m + C.I.)
and (m – C.I.) at 89.77% confidence level.

Example 9-6
Study Leading to Selection of Worst-Case Barrier Test Vehicle
To assure that the design of a new vehicle complies with all
of the applicable Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FM-
VSS) requirements, engineers involved in the crashworthiness
development of a new vehicle design want to determine the worst
combination of vehicle body style and options. This vehicle is to be
used as the test specimen for laboratory validation tests instead of
242 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Table 9-13. Instrument panel structure optimization (Design and data)—

Example 9-5
(a) Design Factors and Their Levels
1 Front dash beam Solid Hollow
2 Understructure With Without
3 Interaction 1×2 N/A
4 Forward panel Current design New design
5 Interaction 1×4 N/A
6 Plenum structure Steel Plastic
7 Surface structure Baseline New
Note: Interactions 1×2 and 1×4 studied.
Objective: Determine structural parameters for maximum strength.
Characteristic: Bigger is better (measured in terms of stiffness).

(b) Original Observations and Their Averages

Quality Characteristic: Bigger is Better
Results: Up to Six Repetitions Shown
1 13.50 13.50
2 14.00 14.00
3 14.30 14.30
4 13.10 13.10
5 22.00 22.00
6 18.00 18.00
7 29.90 29.90
8 16.00 16.00

subjecting several prototype vehicles with all available options and

body styles to tests under all compliance conditions. Four two-level
factors and one four-level factor were considered to have major
influence on the performance. A Taguchi experimental design
approach was followed.
Solution—Example 5-6
The design involved modifying a two-level column of an L8
into a four-level one. The process is similar to that described in
Examples of Taguchi Case Studies 243

Table 9 -14. I nstrument p anel s tructure op timization

(Main effects and optimum)—Example 9-5
(a) Main Effects
1 Front dash beam –29.61 –28.88 0.73 –33.93 00.00
2 Understructure –28.85 –32.53 –3.69 –31.03 00.00
3 Interaction 1×2
4 Forward panel
5 Interaction 1×4
6 Plenum structure
7 Surface structure –30.67 –29.76 0.91 –31.99 00.00

(b) Estimate of Optimum Condition of Design/Process:

For Bigger is Better Characteristic
Front dash beam Hollow 2 3.8750
Forward panel Current design 1 2.3250
Plenum structure Plastic 2 1.4500
Contribution from all factors (total) 7.64999
Current grand average of performance 17.64000
Expected result at optimum condition 25.25000
This estimate includes only those variables that have a significant contribution; that is, pooled variables
are excluded from the estimate. Estimates may also be made with variables of choice.

Example 7-3. The factors, their levels, and the modified OA are
shown in Tables 9-15(a) and 9-15(b). The description of the trial
conditions derived from the designed experiment served as the
specifications for the test vehicle. For barrier tests, the specimens
are prototype vehicles built either on the production line or are
handmade, one-of-a-kind test vehicles. In either case, the cost for
preparing the test vehicles could easily run in the hundreds of
thousands of dollars. Proper specification, in a timely manner, is
crucial to the cost effectiveness of the total vehicle development
program. For the purpose of the tests, eight vehicles were built on
the production line following the specifications that correspond
to the eight trial conditions. These vehicles were barrier tested
and the results recorded in terms of a predefined occupant injury
244 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Table 9 -15. Select ion of w orst-case b arrier v ehicle (Des ign)—

Example 9-6
(a) Design Factors and Their Levels
1 Test type 0 deg F 30 deg R 30 deg L NCAP
2 (Unused)
3 (Unused)
4 Type of vehicle Style 1 Style 2
5 Powertrain Light duty Heavy duty
6 Roof structure Hard top Sunroof
7 Seat structure Standard Reinforced
Note: One four-level and four two-level factors studied.
Objective: Determine the worst vehicle/option combination.
Characteristic: Smaller is better (one or more injury criteria).

(b) L8 Orthogonal Array Used for Experiment

COLUMN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Trial 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1
Trial 2 1 0 0 2 2 2 2
Trial 3 2 0 0 1 1 2 2
Trial 4 2 0 0 2 2 1 1
Trial 5 3 0 0 1 2 1 2
Trial 6 3 0 0 2 1 2 1
Trial 7 4 0 0 1 2 2 1
Trial 8 4 0 0 2 1 1 2

index. The results and the analyses are shown in Tables 9-16 and
9-17. By using eight test vehicles, the engineers were able to learn
the worst vehicle configuration. This information was then used
to adhere to several of the compliance regulations.

Example 9-7
Airbag Design Study
Engineers involved in the development of an impact-sensi-
tive inflatable airbag for automobiles identified nine four-level
Examples of Taguchi Case Studies 245

Table 9 -16. Select ion of w orst-case b arrier v ehicle

(Main effects and ANOVA)—Example 9-6
(a) Original Observations and Their Averages
Quality Characteristic: Smaller is Better
Results: Up to Six Repetitions Shown
1 45.00 45.00
2 65.00 65.00
3 38.00 38.00
4 48.00 48.00
5 59.00 59.00
6 32.00 32.00
7 36.00 36.00
8 38.00 38.00
(b) Main Effects
1 Test type 55.00 43.00 –12.00 45.50 37.00
4 Type of vehicle 44.50 45.75 1.25 00.00 00.00
5 Powertrain 38.25 52.00 –13.75 00.00 00.00
6 Roof structure 47.50 42.75 –4.75 00.00 00.00
7 Seat structure 40.25 50.00 9.75 00.00 00.00
(c) ANOVA Table
1 Test type 3 336.38 336.38 4.648 27.71
4 Type of vehicle (1) (3.13) Pooled
5 Powertrain 1 378.13 378.13 15.674 37.15
6 Roof structure (1) (45.13) Pooled
7 Seat structure 1 190.13 190.13 7.881 17.42

All other/error 2 48.25 24.13 17.72

Total: 7 952.88 100.00
Note: Insignificant factorial effects are pooled as shown ( ).

factors as the major influences on performance. With this infor-

mation, Taguchi experimental design was used to determine the
optimum design.
246 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Table 9 -17. Select ion of w orst-case b arrier v ehicle

(Optimum and confidence interval)—Example 9-6
(a) Estimate of Optimum Condition of Design/Process:
For Smaller is Better Characteristic
Test type NCAP 4 –8.1250
Powertrain Light duty 1 –6.8750
Seat structure Standard 1 –4.8750
Contribution from all factors (total) –19.8750
Current grand average of performance 45.1250
Expected result at optimum condition 25.2500
This estimate includes only those variables that have a significant contribution; that is, pooled variables
are excluded from the estimate. Estimates may also be made with variables of choice.
(b) Confidence Interval
Computing F function for 1 and 2 at 90% confidence level.
Confidence Interval (C.I.) is expressed as:

F 1, n2 Ve
where F(n1, n2) = computed value of F with n1 = 1, n2 = error DOF
at a desired confidence level
Ve = error variance
Ne = effective number of replications
Based on: F = 5.999996, n1 = 1, n2 = 2, Ve = 24.125,
Ne = 1.333333 [from 8/(1+5)]
The confidence interval C.I. = ±10.4

Solution—Example 9-7
Because the experiment involves nine four-level factors, an
L32 with nine four-level columns and one two-level column was
selected for the design. Because there is no two-level factor in this
design, the two-level column (column 1) of the OA shown in Table
9-18(b) is set to zero. The factors, their levels, and the analyses
are shown in Tables 9-18(a) through 9-20(b). The study was done
using a theoretical simulation of the system. The trial conditions
were used to set up the input conditions for the computer runs.
The results of the computer runs at each of the trial conditions
Examples of Taguchi Case Studies 247

were recorded on a scale of 1 to 10 and are as shown with the OA

(right-most column) in Table 9-18(b). The main effects and ANOVA
are presented in Tables 9-19(a) and 9-19(b). The optimum vehicle
option combination and confidence level of the design appear in
Table 9-20(a) and 9-20(b).
Example 9-8
Transmission Control Cable Adjustment Parameters
A Taguchi experiment was conducted to determine the best
parameters for the design of a transmission control cable. The engi-
neers identified one four-level factor and five two-level factors as well
as three interactions among three of the five two-level factors.
Solution—Example 9-8
This experiment required both level of modification and inter-
action study. The total DOF for the experiment was 11 [(4−1) + 5 ×
(2−1) + 3 × (1×1)]. L12 has 11 DOF. However, it requires a special
OA that cannot be used for interaction studies. L16 is selected for the
design. The factors and their levels are described in Table 9-21(a).
For a four-level column and for the three interactions, four groups
of natural interaction columns are first selected. The sets selected
are 1, 2, 3; 7, 8, 15; 11, 4, 15; and 12, 4, 8. Columns 1, 2, and 3 are
used to upgrade column 1 into a four-level column. The other three
sets are reserved for the interactions among the three factors as-
signed to columns 4, 8, and 15 such that interaction 4 × 15 is shown
in column 11, interaction 4 × 8 in column 12, and interaction 8 ×
15 in column 7. The factor with four levels is assigned to column
1, which is now a four-level column. The remaining two two-level
columns are assigned to columns 5 and 6. Columns 9, 10, 13, and
14 remain unused. The modified L16 and the factors assigned to
the appropriate columns are shown in Table 9-21(a).
Example 9-9
Front Structure Crush Characteristics
The Taguchi design of experiments methodology was used
to optimize the design of the basic load-carrying members of an
automobile front structure. The development engineers were in-
terested in determining the best combination of designs with three
248 A Primer on the Taguchi Method
Examples of Taguchi Case Studies 249

Table 9-18 (continued)

COLUMN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Trial 25 0 3 1 3 3 1 2 4 4 2 6.00
Trial 26 0 3 2 4 4 2 1 3 3 1 5.00
Trial 27 0 3 3 1 1 3 4 2 2 4 4.00
Trial 28 0 3 4 2 2 4 3 1 1 3 5.00
Trial 29 0 4 1 3 4 2 4 2 1 3 6.00
Trial 30 0 4 2 4 3 1 3 1 2 4 7.00
Trial 31 0 4 3 1 2 4 2 4 3 1 8.00
Trial 32 0 4 4 2 1 3 1 3 4 2 4.50

Table 9-19. Airbag design study (Main effects and ANOVA)—Example 9-7
(a) Main Effects
2 Steering column rotation 6.19 6.13 –0.07 5.00 5.94
3 Steering column crush 6.25 4.94 –1.32 6.00 6.06
4 Knee bolster stiffness 6.38 5.88 –0.50 5.25 5.75
5 Knee bolster location 4.94 5.94 1.00 6.38 6.00
6 Inflation rate 6.50 6.06 –0.44 4.94 5.75
7 Development time 6.19 5.56 –0.63 6.38 5.13
8 Vent size 5.63 6.56 0.93 5.06 6.00
9 Bag size (E-7 mm) 5.88 5.19 –0.69 6.13 6.06
10 Maximum bag pressure 6.63 5.50 –0.88 5.00 6.38

(b) ANOVA Table

2 Steering column rotation (3) (7.313) Pooled
3 Steering column crush (3) (8.438) Pooled
4 Knee bolster stiffness (3) (5.125) Pooled
5 Knee bolster location 3 9.063 3.021 1.631 4.65
6 Inflation rate 3 10.438 3.479 1.879 6.48
7 Development time (3) (7.938) Pooled
8 Vent size 3 9.563 3.188 1.721 5.32
9 Bag size (E-7 mm) (3) (4.438) Pooled
10 Maximum bag pressure 3 11.125 3.708 2.002 7.39

All other/error 19 35.19 1.85 76.17

Total: 31 75.38 100.00
Note: Insignificant factorial effects are pooled as shown ( ).
250 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Table 9-20. Airbag design study (Optimum and confidence interval)—

Example 9-7
(a) Estimate of Optimum Condition of Design/Process:
For Smaller is Better Characteristic
Knee bolster location 100 1 –0.8750
Inflation rate Rate 4 4 –0.0625
Vent size 1300 mm 3 –0.7500
Maximum bag pressure P3 3 –0.8125
Contribution from all factors (total) –2.5000
Current grand average of performance 5.8125
Expected result at optimum condition 3.3125
This estimate includes only those variables that have a significant contribution; that is, pooled variables
are excluded from the estimate. Estimates may also be made with variables of choice.

(b) Confidence Interval

Computing F function for 1 and 19 at 90% confidence level.
Confidence Interval (C.I.) is expressed as:

F 1, n2 Ve
where F(n1, n2) = computed value of F with n1 = 1, n2 = error DOF
at a desired confidence level
Ve = error variance
Ne = effective number of replications
Based on: F = 2.600, n1 = 1, n2 = 19, Ve = 1.851974,
Ne = 2.461539 [from 32/(1+12)]
The confidence interval C.I. = ±1.3

factors, each of which had two alternatives. The performance of

the structure was measured in terms of the deformation under
a drop silo test. For the test variability, three samples at each
configuration were tested.
Solution—Example 9-9
The factor descriptions and the analyses are shown in Tables
9-22 and 9-23. The design and the analysis are straightforward.
The analysis utilizes an S/N ratio with the “nominal is best” qual-
ity characteristic.
Examples of Taguchi Case Studies 251
252 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Table 9-22. Front structure crush characteristics (Design and data)—

Example 9-9
(a) Design Factors and Their Levels
1 Lower rail section Current Proposed
2 Upper rail geometry Open section Closed section
3 Cross member Present Reinforced
Note: Three two-level factors studied.
Objective: Determine best design for barrier crush.
Characteristic: Nominal is best (impact deformation).

(b) L4 Orthogonal Array Used for Experiment

COLUMN 1 2 3
Trial 1 1 1 1
Trial 2 1 2 2
Trial 3 2 1 2
Trial 4 2 2 1
(c) Original Observations and Their S/N Ratios
Quality Characteristic: Nominal is Best
1 12.00 14.00 11.00 –6.37
2 18.00 16.00 15.00 –8.46
3 14.00 15.00 15.00 –1.76
4 19.00 18.00 15.00 –11.47

Example 9-10
Electronic Connector Spring Disengagement Force Study
A manufacturer of precision electronic switch assemblies was
experiencing high rejects with one of its connectors. This con-
nector consists of insertion of a solid, screw-machined pin into a
flexible sleeve. The design created a compliant sleeve to generate
sufficient spring force between the sleeve and the gold-plated,
stamped metal pin similar to that shown in Figure 9-1. The plant
has been producing the pin for several years. But recently, for
some causes unknown, there has been higher than acceptable vari-
Examples of Taguchi Case Studies 253

Table 9 -23. Front s tructure crus h ch aracteristics

(Main effects, ANOVA, and optima)—Example 9-9
(a) Main Effects

1 Lower rail section –7.42 –4.86 2.56 00.00 00.00

2 Upper rail section –2.30 –9.97 –7.66 00.00 00.00
3 Cross member –8.92 –3.35 5.57 00.00 00.00
(b) ANOVA Table
1 Lower rail section 1 6.554 6.554 6.81
2 Upper rail section 1 58.676 58.676 60.96
3 Cross member 1 31.025 31.025 32.23

All other/error 0
Total: 3 96.250 100.00
(c) Estimate of Optimum Condition of Design/Process:
For Nominal is Best Characteristic
Lower rail section Proposed design 2 1.2800
Upper rail section Open section 1 3.8300
Cross member Reinforced design 2 2.7850
Contribution from all factors (total) 7.8950
Current grand average of performance –6.1350
Expected result at optimum condition 1.7600
This estimate includes only those variables that have a significant contribution; that is, pooled variables
are excluded from the estimate. Estimates may also be made with variables of choice.

ability. Precise automation and attention to detail in tool cutting

fail to improve the situation. To seek a permanent solution, the
production team launched a Taguchi experimental design study
to optimize the process and reduce variability.
The project team dedicated an entire day to experiment plan-
ning to agree on the objective and identify factors. By consensus,
the team selected seven factors from a “Paretoized” list of more
than a dozen qualified factors. The production team also agreed
that the spring disengagement force, which is a key characteristic
for the part, will be used to measure the results.
254 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Figure 9-1. Electronic connector switch component—Example 9-10

Solution—Example 9-10
The experiment was designed using a standard L-8 array by
assigning seven two-level factors in the order shown (Table 9-24).
Five sets of samples, with multiple fabricated parts in each set,
were tested in each of the eight trial conditions. Description of
an example trial condition (#3) is shown in Table 9-25. Upon
completion of the tests, results (Table 9-26) were analyzed using
S/N of results for the “bigger is better” quality characteristic.
Computer software [7] was used to perform the analysis and
draw conclusions.

Table 9-24. Study factors and their levels—Example 9-10

C: Machine setup Nominal With bushing
A: Spring gap 0.0185 in. 0.0215 in.
B: Crimp design Current design New design
D: Sleeve ID 0.050 in. 0.0507 in.
E: Spring contact radius 0.017 in. 0.022 in.
F: Metal hardness (spring, source) Brush NGK
G: Spring OD 0.0495 in. 0.0503 in.
Note: Interaction ignored and noise considered random.
Examples of Taguchi Case Studies 255

Table 9 -25. Des cription of a n ex ample t rial con dition (3 of 8 )—

Example 9-10
Trial condition 3 (random order for running this trial is 5)
C: Machine setup Nominal 1
A: Spring gap 0.0215 in. 2
B: Crimp design New design 2
D: Sleeve ID 0.050 in. 1
E: Spring contact radius 0.017 in. 1
F: Metal hardness (spring, source) NGK 2
G: Spring OD 0.0503 in. 2

Table 9-26. Experimental results and S/N for trials (Bigger is better)—
Example 9-10
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6
1 1.57 1.69 1.685 1.74 1.821 4.584
2 3.335 3.425 3.62 2.815 2.773 9.933
3 1.991 2.036 2.428 2.521 3.037 7.31
4 1.27 1.295 1.303 1.29 1.192 2.062
5 3.275 3.735 4.167 4.132 2.915 10.982
6 1.288 1.256 1.342 1.286 1.277 2.204
7 2.091 1.986 1.927 1.925 1.97 5.92
8 1.348 1.5 1.425 1.345 1.418 2.945
Avg. = 5.742
All results: Avg. = 2.111, Std. dev. = .89

Basic computations of factor average effects (main effects),

potential two-factor interactions and ANOVA are shown in Tables
9-27 through 9-29 and Figure 9-2. Based on factor effects, the op-
timum condition and the expected performance in original units
(force in oz.) are shown in Table 9-30 and Figure 9-3. Assuming the
performance is on target, the variability reduction and expected
cost savings can also be estimated (Figure 9-4). The following
observations are derived from the analysis:
256 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Table 9 -27. A verage effect s of fa ctors (S/ N for b igger is b etter)—

Example 9-10

1 C: Machine setup 5.972 5.513 –.46

2 A: Spring gap 6.926 4.559 –2.367
3 B: Crimp design 5.846 5.639 –.207
4 D: Sleeve ID 7.199 4.286 –2.914
5 E: Spring contact radius 4.261 7.224 2.963
6 F: Metal hardness (spring, source) 5.143 6.342 1.198
7 G: Spring OD 3.692 7.792 4.099

Table 9 -28. Relative s trength of p resence of in teraction a nd

factor levels—Example 9-10
1 C: Machine setup × B: Crimp design 1×3 83.74 2 [1,1]
2 C: Machine setup × F: Metal hardness 1×6 77.38 7 [1,2]
3 B: Crimp design × F: Metal hardness 3×6 71.2 5 [1,2]
4 B: Crimp design × D: Sleeve ID 3×4 58.46 7 [2,1]
5 A: Spring gap × E: Spring c. rad. 2×5 58.04 7 [1,2]
6 A: Spring gap × F: Metal hardness 2×6 55.17 4 [1,1]
7 C: Machine setup × D: Sleeve ID 1×4 50.43 5 [2,1]
8 C: Machine setup × E: Spring c. rad. 1×5 49.56 4 [2,2]
9 D: Sleeve ID × F: Metal hardness 4×6 44.82 2 [1,1]
10 A: Spring gap × G: Spring OD 2×7 41.95 5 [1,2]
11 B: Crimp design × G: Spring OD 3×7 41.53 4 [2,2]

Table 9-29. Relative factor influences (from ANOVA)—Example 9-10

FACTORS (f) SQUARES (S) (V) (F) (S) P (%)

1 C: Machine setup (1) (.421) Pooled (CL = 100%)

2 A: Spring gap 1 11.2 11.2 44.193 10.947 13.231
3 B: Crimp design (1) (.085) Pooled (CL = *NC*)
4 D: Sleeve ID 1 16.971 16.971 66.959 16.717 20.205
5 E: Spring c. rad. 1 17.565 17.565 69.304 17.311 20.923
6 F: Metal hardness 1 2.872 2.872 11.332 2.618 3.165
7 G: Spring OD 1 33.621 33.621 132.656 33.368 40.33
Other/Error 2 .506 .253 2.146
Total: 7 82.738 100.00%
Examples of Taguchi Case Studies 257

Significant factor and interaction influences


G: E: D: A: F: Error
Spring Spring Sleeve Spring Metal
OD c. rad. ID gap hardness

(Date: 2/2/2009-File:DITECH0A.Q4W)
Recreated from Qualitek-4 screenshot

Figure 9-2. Bar graph of relative factor influences (from ANOVA)—

Example 9-10

Table 9-30. Optimum condition and performance (S/N)—Example 9-10

2 A: Spring gap 0.0185 in. 1 1.183
4 D: Sleeve ID 0.050 in. 1 1.456
5 E: Spring contact radius 0.022 in. 2 1.481
6 F: Metal hardness (spring, source) NGK 2 .599
7 G: Spring OD 0.0503 in. 2 2.05
Total contribution from all factors 6.769
Current grand average of performance 5.742
Expected result at optimum condition 12.511

• Most influential factor is G: Spring OD (Larger diameter

is better for spring force, Table 9-27). Factor B: Crimp
Design has negligible effect on Spring Force.
• Factors with the most influence on average of Disengage-
ment Force are: G: Spring OD, E: Spring Contact Radius,
258 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Data Type: S/N Ratio QC Type: Bigger is Better

Estimate of expect results from S/N ratio

S/N = –10 Log (MSD) = 12.511
or MSD = 10^[–(S/N)/10] = 0.056092
MSD = [(1/y1)^2 + (1/y2)^2 + ... + (1/yn)^2]/n
= [Avg. (1/yi)^2] = 1/Yexp^2
or Yexp = SQR(1/MSD)
Expected performance in QC units
(or overall evaluation criteria) is:
Yexp = 4.222 QC units
(Based on S/N = 12.511 at optimum)
Recreated from Qualitek-4 screenshot

Figure 9-3. Expected performance at optimum in original units—Example 9-10

Figure 9-4. Plot showing variability and cost improvements—Example 9-10

Examples of Taguchi Case Studies 259

Table 9-31. Solution design and expected performance—Example 9-10

C: Machine setup With bushing
A: Spring gap 0.0185 in.
B: Crimp design Either current or new design
D: Sleeve ID 0.050 in.
E: Spring contact radius 0.022 in.
F: Metal hardness (spring, source) NGK
G: Spring OD Lower end of 0.0499–0.0503 in.
Expected performance:
Average of disengagement force in above design expected to be 4.22 oz. of spring force.

D: Sleeve ID, and A: Spring Gap (in descending order of

influence, Table 9-29).
• Factors that have the least influence are: B: Crimp Design,
C: Machine Setup, and F: Metal Hardness. Levels for these
factors are prescribed based on lower cost and ease of as-
• Design the most favorable DESIGN for higher average of
Spring Force is as shown in Table 9-31. The recommended
design was confirmed and was found to consistently de-
liver 70% higher average spring force than that before the

For more examples with S/N analysis, noise factors, and OEC,
readers are referred to [2–5, 8].
xii A Primer on the Taguchi Method


A, B, ... variables used in the design of an experiment
Ai sum of observations under condition Ai (i = 1, 2, 3, ...)
Ai average of observations under condition Ai
C.I. confidence interval
DOE design of experiments
e experimental error
f, n degrees of freedom
F variance ratio
k a constant used in the expression for loss function
L the Taguchi loss function
L8 an orthogonal array that has eight experiments
LSL lower specification limit
MSD mean square deviation
N number of experiments
OA orthogonal array, L4, L8, L16, and so on
P percent contribution of a variable
S sum of squares
S net/pure sum of squares
S/N signal-to-noise ratio
T sum of all observations
USL upper specification limit
V variance (mean square, S/f)
Y results measured in terms of quality characteristics;
for example, cost, weight, length, surface finish.

A level of significance (among other usage)

M population mean
S population standard deviation
S2 population variance
294 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

American Supplier Institute, Inc. 1985. 3rd Supplier Symposium
on the Taguchi Method, Oct. 8, 1985. Dearborn, Mich.
Baker, Thomas B., and Clausing, Donald P. 1984. Quality engi-
neering—by design. 40th Annual Rochester Section Quality
Control Conference, March 6, 1984.
Burgam, Patrick M. 1985. Design of experiments—the Taguchi
way. Manufacturing Engineering May 1985:44–46.
Byrne, Diane M., and Taguchi, Shin. 1987. The Taguchi approach
to parameter design. Quality Progress December 1987.
Cochran, W.G., and Cox, G.M. 1992. Experimental designs, 2nd
ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Gunter, Berton. 1987. A perspective on the Taguchi methods.
Quality Progress June 1987:44–52.
Iman, Ronald L., and Conover, W.J. 1983. A modern approach to
statistics. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Peace, Glen Stuart. 1992. Taguchi methods. New York: Addison-
Phadke, Madhav S. 1989. Quality engineering using robust design.
Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: PTR Prentice Hall.
Quinlan, Jim. 1985. Product improvement by application of Tagu-
chi methods. Midvale, Ohio: Flex Products, Inc.
Sullivan, Lawrence P. 1987. The power of Taguchi methods. Qual-
ity Progress 12(6):76–79.
Taguchi, G., and Konishi, S. 1987. Orthogonal arrays and linear
graphs—tools for quality engineering. Dearborn, Mich.: Ameri-
can Supplier Institute, Inc.
Wu, Yuin, and Moore, Willie Hobbs. 1986. Quality engineering—
product and process optimization. Dearborn, Mich.: American
Supplier Institute, Inc.
Glossary 295

ANOVA (Analysis of Variance)
An analysis of variance is a table of information that displays
the contributions of each factor.
Controllable Factor
A design variable that is considered to influence the response
and is included in the experiment. Its level can be controlled
by the experimenter.
Design of Experiment
A systematic procedure to lay out the factors and conditions
of an experiment. Taguchi employs specific partial factorial
arrangements (orthogonal arrays) to determine the optimum
experiment design.
Factorial Experiment
A systematic procedure in which all controllable factors except
one are held constant as the variable factor is altered discretely
or continuously.
Amount of variation in the response caused by factors other
than controllable factors included in the experiment.
Inner Array
Describes the combination of control factors and layout of the
design of experiment.
Two factors are said to have interaction with each other if
the influence of one on the response function is dependent
on the value of the other.
Linear Graph
A graphical representation of relative column locations of fac-
tors and their interactions. Linear graphs were developed by
Dr. Taguchi to assist in assigning different factors to columns
of the orthogonal array.
Loss Function
A mathematical expression proposed by Dr. Taguchi to quan-
titatively determine the additional cost to society caused by
the lack of quality in a product. This additional cost is viewed
296 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

as a loss to society and is expressed as a direct function of the

mean square deviation from the target value.
Noise Factors
Factors that have an influence over a response but cannot be
controlled in actual applications. There are three types:
Outer noise: Consists of environmental conditions such as
humidity temperature, operators, and so on.
Inner noise: Deterioration of machines, tools, and parts.
Between-product noise: Variation from piece to piece.
Off-Line Quality Control
The quality enhancement efforts in activities before produc-
tion, such as, upstream planning, R&D, system design, para-
metric design, tolerance design, loss function, and so on.
Orthogonal Array (OA)
A set of tables used to determine the least number of experi-
ments and their conditions. “Orthogonal” means balanced.
Outer Array
An orthogonal array that is used to define the conditions for
the repetitions of the inner array to measure the effects of
various noise factors. An experiment with outer arrays will
reduce product variability and sensitivity to noise factors.
Parameter Design
Used to design a product by selecting the optimum condition
of parameter levels so that the product is least sensitive to
noise factors.
Quality Characteristic
Measures the performance of a product or a process under
study. For example, for a plastic molding process, this could
be the strength of the molded piece; for a cake, this could be
a combination of taste, shape, and moistness.
A quantitative value of the measured quality characteristic,
for example, stiffness, weight, flatness.
Describes a condition in which a product or process is least
influenced by the variation of individual factors. To become
robust is to become less sensitive to variations.
Glossary 297

Signal Factor
A factor that influences the average value but not the vari-
ability in response.
S/N (Signal-to-Noise) Ratio
Ratio of the power of a signal to the power of the noise (error).
A high S/N ratio means that there is high sensitivity with the
least error of measurement. In Taguchi analysis using S/N
ratios, a higher value is always desirable regardless of the
quality characteristic.
System Design
The design of a product or process using special Taguchi
Taguchi Design
A methodology to increase quality by optimizing system design,
parameter design, and tolerance design. This text deals with
system design.
Target Value
A value that a product is expected to possess. Most often this
value is different from what a single unit actually exhibits.
For a 9-volt transistor battery, the target value is 9 volts.
Tolerance Design
A sophisticated version of parametric design that is used
to optimize tolerance, reduce costs, and increase customer
Variables (or Factors or Parameters)
These words are used synonymously to indicate the control-
lable factors in an experiment. In the case of a plastic molding
experiment, molding temperature, injection pressure, set time,
and so on, are the factors.
Variation Reduction
Variation in the output of a process produces nonuniformity
in the product and is perceived as an important criteria for
quality. Reduced variation increases customer satisfaction
and reduces warranty cost arising from variation. To achieve
better quality, a product must perform optimally and should
have less variation around the desired critical characteristic
for quality.
“…a clear, step-by-step guide to the Taguchi design of experi-
ments method. The careful descriptions, calculations and examples
demonstrate the versatility of these practical and powerful tools.”
— Fred Schenkelberg, consultant, FMS Reliability, Los Gatos,

“Dr. Roy presents the theory and relates it to practical examples,

explaining difficult concepts in an understandable manner. This is an
easy-to-read, right-on-the-mark guide to understanding and applying
Taguchi robust design and DOE. Readers will find these techniques
extremely useful, practical and easily applied to the daily job.”
— George Li, process improvement manager, Research In Motion,
Waterloo, Ont.

“The book has a detailed discussion of Taguchi methods that are

not covered in great detail in many books on DOE.”
— Frederick H. Long, president, Spectroscopic Solutions, LLC,
Randolph, N.J.

“Dr. Roy’s name is instantly associated with Taguchi methodolo-

gies in the manufacturing industries. His skill set is also being recog-
nized for project management instruction. The new edition includes
more easy-to-follow descriptions and examples.”
— Andrea Stamps, engineering specialist, six sigma master black
belt, General Dynamics, Southfield, Mich.

“Research engineers, process development engineers, pilot

plant engineers, design engineers, national research labs and aca-
demic research laboratories should use this book extensively. It’s a
practical textbook on how to maximize output with minimal use of
— Dr. Naresh Mahamuni, research associate, North Carolina
A&T State University, Greensboro, N.C.
“Dr. Roy has many years of practical experience helping engineers
understand and improve their engineering, reliability and problem-
solving skills using Dr. Taguchi’s ideas. He anticipates questions
engineers would ask and provides the needed information exactly
when it is needed.”
— Larry R. Smith, quality and reliability manager (retired), Ford
Motor Co., Dearborn, Mich.

“A large number of examples support the contents. Case studies

are enumerated, which is a strength of the book.”
— Dr. Pradeep Kumar, professor and head, Department of
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Indian Institute of
Technology Roorkee

“Dr. Roy’s book lists many application examples that can help
engineers use the Taguchi method effectively.”
— Dr. Side Zhao, control engineer, NACCO Materials Handling
Group, Portland, Ore.

“The author’s experience on the topic is what makes this book

very useful as a principal reference in teaching the Taguchi method
in quality engineering.”
— Dr. Carlos Díaz Ramos, research professor, Instituto Tecnológico
de Orizaba and Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico

“The author is able to explain concepts in a very knowledgeable

yet down-to-earth and systematic manner. The material is very well
— Kush Shah, manager, alternative propulsion technology quality,
General Motors, LLC, Pontiac, Mich.

“This book is a valuable introductory text in Taguchi methods

with a number of illustrative examples and case studies that make
the concepts clearer than books with theory only.”
— Dr. R. Mahalinga Iyer, senior lecturer, Queensland University
of Technology, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
References 293

[1] Fisher, R[onald] A. 1951. The design of experiments. Ed-
inburgh: Oliver & Boyd.
[2] Nutek, Inc. DOE application resources.
[3] Nutek, Inc. Experiment design tips.
[4] Nutek, Inc. Experiment planning steps. http://nutek-
[5] Nutek, Inc. OEC description.
[6] Ross, Philip J. 1988. Taguchi techniques for quality engi-
neering. New York: McGraw-Hill.
[7] Roy, Ranjit K. 1996. Qualitek-4, software for automatic
design and analysis of Taguchi experiments. Bloomfield
Hills, Mich.: Nutek, Inc. Limited-capability working copy
downloadable from
[8] Roy, Ranjit K. 2001. Design of experiments using the Tagu-
chi approach: 16 steps to product and process improvement.
New York: John Wiley & Sons.
[9] Taguchi, Genichi. 1987. System of experimental design.
New York: UNIPUB, Kraus International Publications.
[10] Wu, Yuin. 1986. Orthogonal arrays and linear graphs.
Dearborn, Mich.: American Supplier Institute, Inc.
Appendix A


Table A-1. Common orthogonal arrays**

L4 (23) 3 2
L8 (27) 7 2
L12 (2 ) 11 2
L16 (215) 15 2
L32 (231) 31 2
L9 (3 ) 4 3
* L18 (21, 37) 1 2
and 7 3
L27 (313) 13 3
L16 (45) 5 4
* L32 (21, 49) 1 2
and 9 4
L64 (421) 21 4
* Mixed-level arrays
** Orthogonal arrays from G. Taguchi and S. Konishi, Orthogonal Arrays and Linear Graphs—Tools for
Quality Engineering, Dearborn, MI: American Supplier Institute, Inc., 1987.

Table A-2. Orthogonal arrays L4 and L8 (two-level)*

(a) (b)
COLUMN L4 (23) L8 (27)
CONDITION 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2
3 2 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 1 2 2
4 2 2 1 4 1 2 2 2 2 1 1
5 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
6 2 1 2 2 1 2 1
7 2 2 1 1 2 2 1
8 2 2 1 2 1 1 2
* Reprinted with permission of the American Supplier Institute, Inc.
262 A Primer on the Taguchi Method
Appendix A 263

1 2

Figure A-1. Linear graph for L4

(a) 1 (b)

3 5 5 4
2 4 7

Figure A-2. Linear graphs for L8

1 3
L4 1 2
3 5
7 3 14
2 4 13
6 2 15

2 L16 11
3 6 5 7
5 10
1 4
4 8
7 9

3 14
7 1
15 8
14 10 7
L16 9
13 L16 11
12 10
1 11 6 5 15
5 2
2 4 12 8
6 4

Figure A-3. Linear graphs for two-level orthogonal arrays

Table A-4. Orthogonal arrays L32 (two-level, 31 factors)*
L32 (231)

A Primer on the Taguchi Method

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

5 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2

6 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1

7 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1

8 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2

9 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2

10 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1

11 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1

12 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2

13 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1

14 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2

15 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2

16 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1

17 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

18 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1

19 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1

20 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

21 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1
22 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2

23 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2

24 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1

25 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1

26 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2

27 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1

28 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1

29 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2

30 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1

31 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1

32 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2

* Reprinted with permission of the American Supplier Institute, Inc.

Appendix A
Table A-5(a). Orthogonal arrays L64 (two-level)*
L64 (263)

A Primer on the Taguchi Method

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

9 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2

10 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2

11 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1

12 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1

13 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1

14 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1

15 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2

16 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2

17 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2

18 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2

19 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1

20 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1

21 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1
22 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1

23 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2

24 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2

25 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1

26 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1

27 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2

28 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2

29 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2

30 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2

31 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1

32 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1

33 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

34 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2

35 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1

36 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1

37 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1

38 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1

39 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

40 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

41 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1

42 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1

Appendix A
43 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2

44 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2

45 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2

46 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2

Table A-5(a). Orthogonal arrays L64 (two-level)* (continued)
L64 (263)

A Primer on the Taguchi Method

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47 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1

48 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1

49 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1

50 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1

51 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2

52 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2

53 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2

54 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2

55 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1

56 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1

57 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2

58 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2

59 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1

60 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1

61 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1

62 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1

63 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2

64 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2

* Reprinted with permission of the American Supplier Institute, Inc.

Table A-5(b). Orthogonal array L64* [continues Table A-5(a)]
L64 (263)
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2

2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2

1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2

1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2

2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1

1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2

Appendix A
2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1

1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2

2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1

1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1

2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2

Table A-5(b). Orthogonal array L64* (continued)
L64 (263)

A Primer on the Taguchi Method

32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63

1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2

2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1

1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1

2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2

1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2

2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1

1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2

2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1

1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1

2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1

2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1

2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1

1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1

2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2

1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2

2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1
1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2

2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1

1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1

2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2

1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1

2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2

1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2

2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1

1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2

2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1

1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1

2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2

1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2

2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1

1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1

2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2

1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1

2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2

1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2

2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1

* Reprinted with permission of the American Supplier Institute, Inc.

Appendix A
Table A-6. Triangular table for two-level orthogonal arrays*
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

A Primer on the Taguchi Method

(1) 3 2 5 4 7 6 9 8 11 10 13 12 15 14 17 16 19 18 21 20 23 22 25 24 27 26 29 28 31 30
(2) 1 6 7 4 5 10 11 8 9 14 15 12 13 18 19 16 17 22 23 20 21 26 27 24 25 30 31 28 29
(3) 7 6 5 4 11 10 9 8 15 14 13 12 19 18 17 16 23 22 21 20 27 26 25 24 31 30 29 28
(4) 1 2 3 12 13 14 15 8 9 10 11 20 21 22 23 16 17 18 19 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27
(5) 3 2 13 12 15 14 9 8 11 10 21 20 23 22 17 16 19 18 29 28 31 30 25 24 27 26
(6) 1 14 15 12 13 10 11 8 9 22 23 20 21 18 19 16 17 30 31 28 29 26 27 24 25
(7) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
(8) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
(9) 3 2 5 4 7 6 25 24 27 26 29 28 31 30 17 16 19 18 21 20 23 22
(10) 1 6 7 4 5 26 27 24 25 30 31 28 29 18 19 16 17 22 23 20 21
(11) 7 6 5 4 27 26 25 24 31 30 29 28 19 18 17 16 23 22 21 20
(12) 1 2 3 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 20 21 22 23 16 17 18 19
(13) 3 2 29 28 31 30 25 24 27 26 21 20 23 22 17 16 19 18
(14) 1 30 31 28 29 26 27 24 25 22 23 20 21 18 19 16 17
(15) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
(16) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
(17) 3 2 5 4 7 6 9 8 11 10 13 12 15 14
(18) 1 6 7 4 5 10 11 8 9 14 15 12 13
(19) 7 6 5 4 11 10 9 8 15 14 13 12
(20) 1 2 3 12 13 14 15 8 9 10 11
(21) 3 2 13 12 15 14 9 8 11 10
(22) 1 14 15 12 13 10 11 8 9
(23) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
(24) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(25) 3 2 5 4 7 6
(26) 1 6 7 4 5
(27) 7 6 5 4
(28) 1 2 3
(29) 3 2
(30) 1
* Reprinted with permission of the American Supplier Institute, Inc.
Appendix A 273

Table A-7. Orthogonal arrays (three-level, L9 and L18)*

COLUMN L9 (34)

1 1 1 1 1
2 1 2 2 2
3 1 3 3 3
4 2 1 2 3
5 2 2 3 1
6 2 3 1 2
7 3 1 3 2
8 3 2 1 3
9 3 3 2 1
COLUMN L18 (21 × 37)

CONDITION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 1 2 1 1 2 2 3 3
5 1 2 2 2 3 3 1 1
6 1 2 3 3 1 1 2 2
7 1 3 1 2 1 3 2 3
8 1 3 2 3 2 1 3 1
9 1 3 3 1 3 2 1 2
10 2 1 1 3 3 2 2 1
11 2 1 2 1 1 3 3 2
12 2 1 3 2 2 1 1 3
13 2 2 1 2 3 1 3 2
14 2 2 2 3 1 2 1 3
15 2 2 3 1 2 3 2 1
16 2 3 1 3 2 3 1 2
17 2 3 2 1 3 1 2 3
18 2 3 3 2 1 2 3 1
Note: Like the L12 (211), this is a specially designed array. An interaction is built in between the first two
columns. This interaction information can be obtained without sacrificing any other column. Interactions
between three-level columns are distributed more or less uniformly to all the other three-level columns,
which permits investigation of main effects. Thus, it is a highly recommended array for experiments.
* Reprinted with permission of the American Supplier Institute, Inc.
274 A Primer on the Taguchi Method
Appendix A 275
276 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Table A-10. Orthogonal arrays (four-level)*

L16 (45)
NO. 1 2 3 4 5
1 1 1 1 1 1
2 1 2 2 2 2
3 1 3 3 3 3
4 1 4 4 4 4

5 2 1 2 3 4
6 2 2 1 4 3
7 2 3 4 1 2
8 2 4 3 2 1

9 3 1 3 4 2
10 3 2 4 3 1
11 3 3 1 2 4
12 3 4 2 1 3

13 4 1 4 2 3
14 4 2 3 1 4
15 4 3 2 4 1
16 4 4 1 3 2

* Reprinted with permission of the American Supplier Institute, Inc.

Appendix A 277
Table A-12. Triangular table for four-level orthogonal arrays*

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
3 2 2 2 7 6 6 6 11 10 10 10 15 14 14 14 19 18 18 18

A Primer on the Taguchi Method

(1) 4 4 3 3 8 8 7 7 12 12 11 11 16 16 15 15 20 20 19 19
5 5 5 4 9 9 9 8 13 13 13 12 17 17 17 16 21 21 21 20
1 1 1 10 11 12 13 6 7 8 9 6 7 8 9 6 7 8 9
(2) 4 3 3 14 15 16 17 14 15 16 17 10 11 12 13 10 11 12 13
5 5 4 18 19 20 21 18 19 20 21 18 19 20 21 14 15 16 17
1 1 11 10 13 12 7 6 9 8 8 9 6 7 9 8 7 6
(3) 2 2 16 17 14 15 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 12 13 10 11
5 4 21 20 19 18 20 21 18 19 19 18 21 20 15 14 17 16
1 12 13 10 11 8 9 6 7 9 8 7 6 7 6 9 8
(4) 2 17 16 15 14 15 14 17 16 11 10 13 12 13 12 11 10
3 19 18 21 20 21 20 19 18 20 21 18 19 16 17 14 15
13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 7 6 9 8 8 9 6 7
(5) 15 14 17 16 16 17 14 15 12 13 10 11 11 10 13 12
20 21 18 19 19 18 21 20 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14
1 1 1 2 3 4 5 2 5 3 4 2 4 5 3
(6) 8 7 7 14 16 17 15 10 13 11 12 10 12 13 11
9 9 8 18 21 19 20 18 20 21 19 14 17 15 16
1 1 3 2 5 4 5 2 4 3 4 2 3 5
(7) 6 6 17 15 14 16 12 11 13 10 13 11 10 12
9 8 20 19 21 18 21 19 18 20 16 15 17 14
1 4 5 2 3 3 4 2 5 5 3 2 4
(8) 6 15 17 15 14 13 10 12 11 11 13 12 10
7 11 18 20 19 19 21 20 18 17 14 16 15
5 4 3 2 4 3 5 3 3 5 4 2
(9) 16 14 15 17 11 12 10 13 12 10 11 13
19 20 18 21 20 18 19 21 15 16 14 17
1 1 1 2 4 5 3 2 5 3 4
(10) 12 11 11 6 8 9 7 6 9 7 8
13 13 12 18 21 19 20 14 16 17 15
1 1 4 2 3 5 5 2 4 3
(11) 10 10 9 7 6 8 8 7 9 6
13 12 20 19 21 18 17 15 14 16
1 5 3 2 4 3 4 2 5
(12) 10 7 9 8 6 9 6 8 7
11 21 18 20 19 15 17 16 14
3 5 4 2 4 3 5 2
(13) 8 6 7 9 7 8 6 9
19 20 18 21 16 14 15 17
1 1 1 2 3 4 5
(14) 16 15 15 6 8 9 7
17 17 16 10 13 11 12
1 1 3 2 5 4
(15) 14 14 9 7 6 8
17 16 12 11 13 10
1 4 5 2 3
(16) 14 7 9 8 6
15 13 10 12 11
5 4 3 2
(17) 8 6 7 9
11 12 10 13
1 1 1
(18) 20 19 19
21 21 20

Appendix A
1 1
(19) 18 18
21 20
(20) 18

* Reprinted with permission of the American Supplier Institute, Inc.
Appendix B


1. What are we after?

B Design the experiments

C Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Experiment X

D Analysis of test results

E Run confirmation test with optimum condition

Figure B-1. A Taguchi experiment flow diagram

282 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Table B-1. F-table F.10 (f1,f2), 90% confidence

f1 = number of degrees of freedom of numerator
f2 = number of degrees of freedom of denominator
f1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 39.864 49.500 53.593 55.833 57.241 58.204 58.906 59.439 59.858

2 8.5263 9.0000 9.1618 9.2434 9.2926 9.3255 9.3491 9.3668 9.3805

3 5.5383 5.4624 5.3908 5.3427 5.3092 5.2847 5.2662 5.2517 5.2400

4 4.5448 4.3246 4.1908 4.1073 4.0506 4.0098 3.9790 3.9549 3.9357

5 4.0604 3.7797 3.6195 3.5202 3.4530 3.4045 3.3679 3.3393 3.3163

6 3.7760 3.4633 3.2888 3.1808 3.1075 3.0546 3.0145 2.9830 2.9577

7 3.5894 3.2574 3.0741 2.9605 2.8833 2.8274 2.7849 2.7516 2.7247

8 3.4579 3.1131 2.9238 2.8064 2.7265 2.6683 2.6241 2.5893 2.5612

9 3.3603 3.0065 2.8129 2.6927 2.6106 2.5509 2.5053 2.4594 2.4403

10 3.2850 2.9245 2.7277 2.6053 2.5216 2.4606 2.4140 2.3772 2.3473

11 3.2252 2.8595 2.6602 2.5362 2.4512 2.3981 2.3416 2.3040 2.2735

12 3.1765 2.8068 2.6055 2.4801 2.3940 2.3310 2.2828 2.2446 2.2135

13 3.1362 2.7632 2.5603 2.4337 2.3467 2.2830 2.2341 2.1953 2.1638

14 3.1022 2.7265 2.5222 2.3947 2.3059 2.2426 2.1931 2.1539 2.1220

15 3.0732 2.6952 2.4898 2.3614 2.2730 2.2081 2.1582 2.1185 2.0862

16 3.0481 2.6682 2.4618 2.3327 2.2438 2.1783 2.1280 2.0880 2.0553

17 3.0262 2.6446 2.4374 2.3077 2.2183 2.1524 2.1017 2.0613 2.0284

18 3.0070 2.6239 2.4160 2.2858 2.1958 2.1296 2.0785 2.0379 2.0047

19 2.9899 2.6056 2.3970 2.2663 2.1760 2.1094 2.0580 2.0171 1.9836

20 2.9747 2.5893 2.3801 2.2489 2.1582 2.0913 2.0397 1.9985 1.9649

21 2.9609 2.5746 2.3549 2.2333 2.1423 2.0751 2.0232 1.9819 1.9480

22 2.9486 2.5613 2.3512 2.2193 2.1279 2.0605 2.0084 1.9668 1.9327

23 2.9374 2.5493 2.3387 2.2065 2.1149 2.0472 1.9949 1.9531 1.9189

24 2.9271 2.5383 2.3274 2.1949 2.1030 2.0351 1.9826 1.9407 1.9063

25 2.9177 2.5283 2.3170 2.1843 2.0922 2.0241 1.9714 1.9292 1.8947

26 2.9091 2.5191 2.3075 2.1745 2.0822 2.0139 1.9610 1.9188 1.8841

27 2.9012 2.5106 2.2987 2.1655 2.0730 2.0045 1.9515 1.9091 1.8743

28 2.8939 2.5028 2.2906 2.1571 2.0645 1.9959 1.9427 1.9001 1.8652

29 2.8871 2.4955 2.2831 2.1494 2.0566 1.9678 1.9345 1.8918 1.8560

30 2.8807 2.4887 2.2761 2.1422 2.0492 1.9803 1.9269 1.8841 1.8498

40 2.8354 2.4404 2.2261 2.0909 1.9968 1.9269 1.8725 1.8289 1.7929

60 2.7914 2.3932 2.1774 2.0410 1.9457 1.8747 1.8194 1.7748 1.7380

120 2.7478 2.3473 2.1300 1.9923 1.8959 1.8238 1.7675 1.7220 1.6843

d 2.7055 2.3026 2.0638 1.9449 1.8473 1.7741 1.7167 1.6702 1.6315

Appendix B 283


10 12 15 20 24 30 40 60 120 d

60.195 60.705 61.220 61.740 62.002 62.265 62.529 62.794 63.061 63.328

9.3916 9.4081 9.4247 9.4413 9.4496 9.4579 9.4663 9.4746 9.4829 9.4913

5.2304 5.2156 5.2003 5.1845 5.1764 5.1681 5.1597 5.1512 5.1425 5.1337

3.9199 3.8955 3.8689 3.8443 3.8310 3.8174 3.8036 3.7986 3.7753 3.7607

3.2974 3.2682 3.2380 3.2067 3.1905 3.1741 3.1573 3.1402 3.1228 3.1050

2.9369 2.9047 2.8712 2.8363 2.8183 2.8000 2.7812 2.7620 2.7423 2.7222

2.7025 2.6681 2.6322 2.5947 2.5723 2.5555 2.5351 2.5142 2.4928 2.4708

2.5380 2.5020 2.4642 2.4246 2.4041 2.3830 2.3614 2.3391 2.3162 2.2926

2.4163 2.3789 2.3396 2.2983 2.2768 2.2547 2.2320 2.2085 2.1843 2.1592

2.3226 2.2841 2.2435 2.2007 2.1784 2.1554 2.1317 2.1072 2.0818 2.0554

2.2482 2.2087 2.1671 2.1230 2.1000 2.0762 2.0516 2.0261 1.9997 1.9721

2.1878 2.1474 2.1049 2.0597 2.0360 2.0115 1.9861 1.9597 1.9323 1.9036

2.1376 2.0966 2.0532 2.0070 1.9827 1.9576 1.9315 1.9043 1.8759 1.8462

2.0954 2.0537 2.0095 1.9625 1.9377 1.9119 1.8852 1.8572 1.8280 1.7973

2.0593 2.0171 1.9722 1.9243 1.8890 1.8728 1.8454 1.8168 1.7867 1.7551

2.0281 1.9854 1.9399 1.8913 1.8656 1.8388 1.8108 1.7816 1.7507 1.7182

2.0009 1.9577 1.9117 1.8624 1.8362 1.8090 1.7805 1.7506 1.7191 1.6856

1.9770 1.9333 1.8868 1.8368 1.8103 1.7827 1.7537 1.7232 1.6910 1.6567

1.9557 1.9117 1.8647 1.8142 1.7873 1.7592 1.7298 1.6988 1.6659 1.6308

1.9367 1.8924 1.8449 1.7938 1.7667 1.7382 1.7083 1.6769 1.6433 1.6074

1.9197 1.8750 1.8272 1.7756 1.7481 1.7193 1.6890 1.6569 1.6228 1.5862

1.9043 1.8503 1.8111 1.7590 1.7312 1.7021 1.6714 1.6389 1.6042 1.5668

1.8903 1.8450 1.7964 1.7439 1.7159 1.6864 1.6554 1.6224 1.5871 1.5490

1.8775 1.8319 1.7831 1.7302 1.7019 1.6721 1.6407 1.6073 1.5715 1.5327

1.8548 1.8200 1.7708 1.7175 1.6890 1.6589 1.6272 1.5934 1.5570 1.5176

1.8550 1.8090 1.7596 1.7059 1.6771 1.6468 1.6147 1.5805 1.5437 1.5036

1.8451 1.7989 1.7492 1.6951 1.6662 1.6356 1.6032 1.5687 1.5313 1.4906

1.8359 1.7895 1.7395 1.6852 1.6560 1.6252 1.5925 1.5575 1.5198 1.4784

1.8274 1.7808 1.7306 1.6759 1.6465 1.6155 1.5825 1.5472 1.5090 1.4670

1.8195 1.7727 1.7223 1.6673 1.6377 1.6065 1.5732 1.5376 1.4989 1.4564

1.7627 1.7146 1.6624 1.6052 1.5741 1.5411 1.5056 1.4572 1.4248 1.3769

1.7070 1.6574 1.6034 1.5435 1.5107 1.4755 1.4373 1.3952 1.3476 1.2915

1.6524 1.6012 1.5450 1.4821 1.4472 1.4094 1.3676 1.3203 1.2646 1.1926

1.5987 1.5458 1.4871 1.4206 1.3832 1.3410 1.2951 1.2400 1.1686 1.0000
284 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Table B-2. F-table F.05 (f1,f2), 95% confidence

f1 = number of degrees of freedom of numerator
f2 = number of degrees of freedom of denominator
f1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 161.45 199.50 215.71 224.58 230.16 233.99 236.77 238.88 240.54

2 18.513 19.000 19.614 19.247 19.296 19.330 19.353 19.371 19.385

3 10.128 9.5521 9.2766 9.1172 9.0135 8.9406 8.8868 8.8452 8.8123

4 7.7086 6.9443 6.5914 6.3883 6.2560 6.1631 6.0942 6.0410 5.9988

5 6.6079 5.7861 5.4095 5.1922 5.0503 4.9503 4.8759 4.8183 4.7725

6 5.9874 5.1433 4.7571 4.5337 4.3874 4.2830 4.2066 4.1468 4.0990

7 5.5914 4.7374 4.3468 4.1203 3.9715 3.8660 3.7870 3.7257 3.6767

8 5.3177 4.4590 4.0662 3.8378 3.6875 3.5806 3.5005 3.4381 3.3881

9 5.1174 4.2565 3.8626 3.6331 3.4817 3.3738 3.2927 3.2296 3.1789

10 4.9646 4.1028 3.7083 3.4780 3.3258 3.2172 3.1355 3.0717 3.0204

11 4.8443 3.9823 3.5874 3.3567 3.2039 3.0946 3.0123 2.9480 2.8962

12 4.7472 3.8853 3.4903 3.2592 3.1059 2.9961 2.9134 2.8486 2.7964

13 4.6672 3.8056 3.4105 3.1791 3.0254 2.9153 2.8321 2.7669 2.7144

14 4.6001 3.7389 3.3439 3.1122 2.9582 2.8477 2.7642 2.6987 2.6458

15 4.5431 3.6823 3.2874 3.0556 2.9013 2.7905 2.7066 2.6408 2.5876

16 4.4940 3.6337 3.2389 3.0069 2.8524 2.7413 2.6572 2.5911 2.5377

17 4.4513 3.5915 3.1968 2.9647 2.8100 2.6987 2.6143 2.5480 2.4943

18 4.4139 3.5546 3.1599 2.9277 2.7729 2.6613 2.5767 2.5102 2.4563

19 4.3808 3.5219 3.1274 2.8951 2.7401 2.6283 2.5435 2.4768 2.4227

20 4.3513 3.4928 3.0984 2.8661 2.7109 2.5990 2.5140 2.4471 2.3928

21 4.3248 3.4668 3.0725 2.8401 2.6848 2.5727 2.4876 2.4205 2.3661

22 4.3009 3.4434 3.0491 2.8167 2.6613 2.5491 2.4638 2.3965 2.3419

23 4.2793 3.4221 3.0280 2.7955 2.6400 2.5277 2.4422 2.3748 2.3201

24 4.2597 3.4026 3.0088 2.7763 2.6207 2.5082 2.4226 2.3551 2.3002

25 4.2417 3.3852 2.9912 2.7587 2.6030 2.4904 2.4047 2.3371 2.2821

26 4.2252 3.3690 2.9751 2.7426 2.5868 2.4741 2.3883 2.3205 2.2655

27 4.2100 3.3541 2.9604 2.7278 2.5719 2.4591 2.3732 2.3053 2.2501

28 4.1960 3.3404 2.9467 2.7141 2.5581 2.4453 2.3593 2.2913 2.2360

29 4.1830 3.3277 2.9340 2.7014 2.5454 2.4324 2.3463 2.2782 2.2229

30 4.1709 3.3158 2.9223 2.6896 2.5336 2.4205 2.3343 2.2662 2.2107

40 4.0848 3.2317 2.8387 2.6060 2.4495 2.3359 2.2490 2.1802 1.1240

60 4.0012 3.1504 2.7581 2.5252 2.3683 2.2540 2.1665 1.0970 2.0401

120 3.9201 3.0718 2.6802 2.4472 2.2900 2.1750 2.0867 2.0164 1.9588

d 3.8415 2.9957 2.6049 2.3719 2.2141 2.0986 2.0096 1.9384 1.8799

Appendix B 285


10 12 15 20 24 30 40 60 120 d

241.88 243.91 245.95 248.01 249.05 250.09 251.14 252.20 253.25 254.32

19.396 19.413 19.429 19.446 19.454 19.462 19.471 19.479 19.487 19.496

8.7855 8.7446 8.7029 8.6602 8.6385 8.6166 8.5944 8.5720 8.5494 8.5265

5.9644 5.9117 5.8578 5.8025 5.7744 5.7459 5.7170 5.6878 5.6581 5.6281

4.7351 4.6777 4.6188 4.5581 4.5272 4.4957 4.4638 4.4314 4.3984 4.3650

4.0600 3.9999 3.9381 3.8742 3.8415 3.8082 3.7743 3.7398 3.7047 3.6688

3.6365 3.5747 3.5108 3.4445 3.4105 3.3758 3.3404 3.3043 3.2674 3.2298

3.3472 3.2840 3.2184 3.1503 3.1152 3.0794 3.0428 3.0053 2.9669 2.9276

3.1373 3.0729 3.0061 2.9365 2.9005 2.8637 2.8259 2.7872 2.7475 2.7067

2.9782 2.9130 2.8450 2.7740 2.7372 2.6996 2.6609 2.6211 2.5801 2.5379

2.8536 2.7876 2.7186 2.6464 2.6090 2.5705 2.5309 2.4901 2.4480 2.4045

2.7534 2.6866 2.6169 2.5436 2.5055 2.4663 2.4259 2.3842 2.3410 2.2962

2.6710 2.6037 2.5331 2.4589 2.4202 2.3803 2.3392 2.2966 2.2524 2.2064

2.6021 2.5342 2.4630 2.3879 2.3487 2.3082 2.2664 2.2230 2.1778 2.1307

2.5437 2.4753 2.4035 2.3275 2.2878 2.2468 2.2043 2.1601 2.1141 2.0658

2.4935 2.4247 2.3522 2.2756 2.2354 2.1938 2.1507 2.1058 2.0589 2.0096

2.4499 2.3807 2.3077 2.2304 2.1898 2.1477 2.1040 2.0584 2.0107 1.9604

2.4117 2.3421 2.2686 2.1906 2.1497 2.1071 2.0629 2.0166 1.9681 1.9168

2.3779 2.3080 2.2341 2.1555 2.1141 2.0712 2.0264 1.9796 1.9302 1.8780

2.3479 2.2776 2.2033 2.1242 2.0825 2.0391 1.9938 1.9464 1.8963 1.8432

2.3210 2.2504 2.1757 2.0960 2.0540 2.0102 1.9645 1.9165 1.8657 1.8117

2.2967 2.2258 2.1508 2.0707 2.0283 1.9842 1.9380 1.8895 1.8380 1.7831

2.2747 2.2036 2.1282 2.0476 2.0050 1.9605 1.9139 1.8649 1.8128 1.7570

2.2547 2.1834 2.1077 2.0267 1.9838 1.9390 1.8920 1.8424 1.7897 1.7331

2.2365 2.1649 2.0889 2.0075 1.9643 1.9192 1.8718 1.8217 1.7684 1.7110

2.2197 2.1479 2.0716 1.9898 1.9464 1.9010 1.8533 1.8027 1.7488 1.6906

2.2043 2.1323 2.0558 1.9736 1.9299 1.8842 1.8361 1.7851 1.7307 1.6717

2.1900 2.1179 2.0411 1.9586 1.9147 1.8687 1.8203 1.7689 1.7138 1.6541

2.1768 2.1045 2.0275 1.9446 1.9005 1.8543 1.8055 1.7537 1.6981 1.6377

2.1646 2.0921 2.0148 1.9317 1.8874 1.8409 1.7918 1.7396 1.6835 1.6223

2.0772 2.0035 1.9245 1.8389 1.7929 1.7444 1.6928 1.6373 1.5766 1.5089

1.9926 1.9174 1.8364 1.7480 1.7001 1.6491 1.5943 1.5343 1.4673 1.3893

1.9105 1.8337 1.7505 1.6587 1.6084 1.5543 1.4952 1.4290 1.3519 1.2539

1.8307 1.7522 1.6664 1.5705 1.5173 1.4591 1.3940 1.3180 1.2214 1.0000
286 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Table B-3. F-table F.025 (f1,f2), 97.5% confidence

f1 = number of degrees of freedom of numerator
f2 = number of degrees of freedom of denominator
f1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 647.79 799.50 864.16 899.58 921.85 937.11 948.22 956.66 963.28

2 38.506 39.000 39.165 39.248 39.298 39.331 39.355 39.373 39.387

3 17.443 16.044 15.439 15.101 14.885 14.735 14.624 14.540 14.473

4 12.218 10.649 9.9792 9.6045 9.3645 9.1973 9.0741 8.9796 8.9047

5 10.007 8.4336 7.7636 7.3879 7.1464 6.9777 6.8531 6.7572 6.6810

6 8.8131 7.2598 6.5988 6.2272 5.9876 5.8197 5.6955 5.5996 5.5234

7 8.0727 6.5415 5.8898 5.5226 5.2852 5.1186 4.9949 4.8994 4.8232

8 7.5709 6.0595 5.4160 5.0526 4.8173 4.6517 4.5286 4.4332 4.3572

9 7.2093 5.7147 4.0781 4.7181 4.4844 4.3107 4.1971 4.1020 4.0260

10 6.9367 5.4564 4.8256 4.4683 4.2361 4.0721 3.9498 3.8549 3.7790

11 6.7241 5.2559 4.6300 4.2751 4.0440 3.8807 3.7586 3.6638 3.5879

12 6.5538 5.0959 4.4742 4.1212 3.8911 3.7293 3.6065 3.5118 3.4358

13 6.4143 4.9653 4.3472 3.9959 3.7667 3.6043 3.4827 3.3880 3.3120

14 6.2979 4.8567 4.2417 3.8919 3.6634 3.5014 3.3799 3.2853 3.2093

15 6.1995 4.7650 4.1528 3.8043 3.5764 3.4147 3.2934 3.1987 3.1227

16 6.1151 4.6867 4.0768 3.7294 3.5021 3.3406 3.2194 3.1248 3.0488

17 6.0420 4.6189 4.0112 3.6648 3.4379 3.2767 3.1556 3.0610 2.9849

18 5.9781 4.5597 3.9539 3.6083 3.3820 3.2209 3.0999 3.0053 2.9291

19 5.9216 4.5075 3.9034 3.5587 3.3327 3.1718 3.0509 2.9563 2.8800

20 5.8715 4.4613 3.8587 3.5147 3.2891 3.1283 3.0074 2.9128 2.8365

21 5.8266 4.4199 3.8188 3.4754 3.2501 3.0895 2.9686 2.9740 2.7977

22 5.7863 4.3828 3.7829 3.4401 3.2151 3.0546 2.9338 2.8392 2.7628

23 5.7498 4.3492 3.7505 3.4083 3.1835 3.0232 2.9024 2.8077 2.7313

24 5.7167 4.3187 3.7211 3.3794 3.1548 2.9946 2.8738 2.7791 2.7027

25 5.6864 4.2909 3.6843 3.3530 3.1287 2.9685 2.8478 2.7531 2.6766

26 5.6586 4.2655 3.6697 3.3289 3.1048 2.9447 2.8240 2.7293 2.6528

27 5.6331 4.2421 3.6472 3.3067 3.0628 2.9228 2.8021 2.7074 2.6309

28 5.6096 4.2205 3.6264 3.2863 3.0625 2.9027 2.7820 2.6872 2.6106

29 5.5878 4.2006 3.6072 3.2674 3.0438 2.8840 2.7633 2.6686 2.5919

30 5.5675 4.1821 3.5894 3.2499 3.0265 2.8667 2.7460 2.6513 2.5746

40 5.4239 4.0510 3.4633 3.1261 2.9037 2.7444 2.6238 2.5289 2.4519

60 5.2857 3.9253 3.3425 3.0077 2.7863 2.6274 2.5068 2.4117 2.3344

120 5.1524 3.8046 3.2270 2.8943 2.6740 2.5154 2.3948 2.2994 2.2217

d 5.0239 3.6889 3.1161 2.7858 2.5665 2.4082 2.2875 2.1918 2.1136

Appendix B 287


10 12 15 20 24 30 40 60 120 d

968.63 976.71 984.87 993.10 997.25 1001.4 1005.6 1009.8 1014.0 1018.3

39.398 39.415 39.431 39.448 39.456 39.465 39.473 39.481 39.490 39.498

14.419 14.337 14.253 14.167 14.124 14.081 14.037 13.992 13.947 13.902

8.8439 8.7512 8.6565 8.5599 8.5109 8.4613 8.4111 8.3604 8.3092 8.2573

6.6192 6.5246 6.4277 6.3285 6.2780 6.2269 6.1751 6.1225 6.0693 6.0153

5.4613 5.3662 5.2687 5.1684 5.1172 5.0652 5.0125 5.9589 4.9045 4.8491

4.7611 4.6658 4.5678 4.4667 4.4150 4.3624 4.3089 4.2544 4.1989 4.1423

4.2951 4.1997 4.1012 3.9995 3.9472 3.8940 3.8398 3.7844 3.7279 3.6702

3.9639 3.8682 3.7694 3.6669 3.6142 3.5604 3.5055 3.4493 3.3918 3.3329

3.7168 3.6209 3.5217 3.4186 3.3654 3.3110 3.2554 3.1984 3.1399 3.0798

3.5257 3.4296 3.3299 3.2261 3.1725 3.1176 3.0613 3.0035 2.9441 2.8828

3.3736 3.2773 3.1772 3.0728 3.0187 2.9633 2.9063 2.8478 2.7874 2.7249

3.2497 3.1532 3.0527 2.9477 2.8932 2.8373 2.7797 2.7204 2.6590 2.5955

3.1469 3.0501 2.9493 2.8437 2.7888 2.7324 2.6742 2.6142 2.5519 2.4872

3.0602 2.9633 2.8621 2.7559 2.7006 2.6437 2.5850 2.5242 2.4611 2.3953

2.9862 2.8890 2.7875 2.6808 2.6252 2.5678 2.5085 2.4471 2.3831 2.3163

2.9222 2.8249 2.7230 2.6158 2.5598 2.5021 2.4422 2.3801 2.3153 2.2474

2.8664 2.7689 2.6667 2.5590 2.5027 2.4445 2.3842 2.3214 2.2558 2.1869

2.8173 2.7196 2.6171 2.5089 2.4523 2.3937 2.3329 2.2695 2.2032 2.1333

2.7737 2.6758 2.5731 2.4645 2.4076 2.3486 2.2873 2.2234 2.1562 2.0853

2.7348 2.6368 2.5338 2.4247 2.3675 2.3082 2.2465 2.1819 2.1141 2.0422

2.6998 2.6017 2.4984 2.3890 2.3315 2.2718 2.2097 2.1446 2.0760 2.0032

2.6682 2.5699 2.4665 2.3567 2.2989 2.2389 2.1763 2.1107 2.0415 1.9677

2.6396 2.5412 2.4374 2.3273 2.2693 2.2090 2.1460 2.0799 2.0099 1.9353

2.6135 2.5149 2.4110 2.3005 2.2422 2.1816 2.1183 2.0517 1.9811 1.9055

2.5895 2.4909 2.3867 2.2759 2.2174 2.1565 2.0928 2.0257 1.9545 1.8781

2.5675 2.4688 2.3644 2.2533 2.1946 2.1334 2.0693 2.0018 1.9299 1.8527

2.5473 2.4484 2.3438 2.2324 2.1735 2.1121 2.0477 1.9796 1.9072 1.8291

2.5286 2.4295 2.3248 2.2131 2.1540 2.0923 2.0276 1.9591 1.8861 1.8072

2.5112 2.4120 2.3072 2.1952 2.1359 2.0739 2.0089 1.9400 1.8664 1.7867

2.3882 2.2882 2.1819 2.0677 2.0069 1.9429 1.8752 1.8028 1.7242 1.6371

2.2702 2.1692 2.0613 1.9445 1.8817 1.8152 1.7440 1.6668 1.5810 1.4822

2.1570 2.0548 1.9450 1.8249 1.7597 1.6899 1.6141 1.5299 1.4327 1.3104

2.0493 1.9447 1.8326 1.7085 1.6402 1.5660 1.4835 1.3883 1.2684 1.0000
288 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Table B-4. F-table F.01 (f1,f2), 99% confidence

f1 = Number of degrees of freedom of numerator
f2 = Number of degrees of freedom of denominator
f1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 4052.2 4999.5 5403.3 5624.6 5763.7 5859.0 5928.3 5981.6 6022.5

2 98.503 99.000 99.166 99.249 99.299 99.332 99.356 99.374 99.388

3 34.116 30.817 29.457 28.710 28.237 27.911 27.672 27.489 27.345

4 21.198 18.000 16.694 15.977 15.522 15.207 14.986 14.799 14.659

5 16.258 13.274 12.060 11.392 10.967 10.672 10.456 10.289 10.158

6 13.745 10.925 9.7795 9.1483 8.7459 8.4661 8.2600 8.1016 7.9761

7 12.246 9.5466 8.4513 7.8467 7.4604 7.1914 6.9928 6.8401 6.7188

8 11.259 8.6491 7.5910 7.0060 6.6318 6.3707 6.1776 6.0289 5.9106

9 10.561 8.0215 6.9919 6.4221 6.0569 5.8018 5.6129 5.4671 5.3511

10 10.044 7.5584 6.5523 5.9943 5.6363 5.3858 5.2001 5.0567 4.9424

11 9.6460 7.2057 6.2167 5.6683 5.3160 5.0692 4.8861 4.7445 4.6315

12 9.3302 6.9266 5.9526 5.4119 5.0643 4.8206 4.6395 4.4994 4.3875

13 9.0738 6.7010 4.7394 5.2053 4.8616 4.6204 4.4410 4.3021 4.1911

14 8.8616 6.5149 5.5639 5.0354 4.6950 4.4558 4.2779 4.1399 4.0297

15 8.6831 6.3589 5.4170 4.8932 4.5556 4.3183 4.1415 4.0045 3.8948

16 8.5310 6.2262 4.2922 4.7726 4.4374 4.2016 4.0259 3.8896 3.7804

17 8.3997 6.1121 5.1850 4.5590 4.3359 4.1015 3.9267 3.7910 3.6822

18 8.2854 6.0129 4.0919 4.5790 4.2479 4.0146 3.8406 3.7054 3.5971

19 8.1850 5.9259 5.0103 4.5003 4.1708 3.9386 3.7653 3.6305 3.5225

20 8.0960 5.8489 4.9382 4.4307 4.1027 3.8714 3.6987 3.5644 3.4567

21 8.0166 5.7804 4.8740 4.3688 4.0421 3.8117 3.6396 3.5056 3.3981

22 7.9454 5.7190 4.8166 4.3134 3.9880 3.7583 3.5867 3.4530 3.3458

23 7.8811 5.6637 4.7649 4.2635 3.9392 3.7102 3.5390 3.4057 3.2986

24 7.8229 5.6136 4.7181 4.2184 3.8951 3.6667 3.4959 3.3629 3.2560

25 7.7698 55.680 4.6755 4.1774 3.8550 3.6272 3.4568 3.3239 3.2172

26 7.7213 5.5263 4.6366 4.1400 3.8183 3.5911 3.4210 3.2884 3.1818

27 7.6767 5.4881 4.6009 4.1056 3.7848 3.5580 3.3882 3.2558 3.1494

28 7.6356 5.4529 4.5681 4.0740 3.7539 3.5276 3.3581 3.2259 3.1195

29 7.5976 5.4205 4.5378 4.0449 3.7254 3.4995 3.3302 3.1982 3.0920

30 7.5625 5.3904 4.5097 4.0179 3.6990 3.4735 3.3045 3.1726 3.0665

40 7.3141 5.1785 4.3126 3.8283 3.5138 3.2910 3.1238 2.9930 2.8876

60 7.0771 4.9774 4.1259 3.6591 3.3389 3.1187 2,9530 2.8233 2.7185

120 6.8510 4.7865 3.9493 3.4706 3.1735 2.9559 2.7918 2.6629 2.5586

d 6.6349 4.6052 3.7816 3.3192 3.0173 2.8020 2.6393 2.5113 2.4073

Appendix B 289


10 12 15 20 24 30 40 60 120 d

6055.8 6106.3 6157.3 6208.7 6234.6 6260.7 6286.8 6313.0 6339.4 6366.0

99.399 99.415 99.432 99.449 99.458 99.466 99.474 99.483 99.491 99.501

27.229 27.052 26.872 26.690 26.598 26.505 26.411 26.316 26.221 26.125

14.546 14.374 14.198 14.020 13.929 13.838 13.745 13.652 13.558 13.463

10.051 9.8883 9.7222 9.5527 9.4665 9.3793 9.2912 9.2020 9.1118 9.0204

7.8741 7.7183 7.5590 7.3958 7.3127 7.2285 7.1432 7.0568 6.9690 6.8801

6.6201 6.4691 6.3143 6.1554 6.0743 5.9921 5.9084 5.8236 5.7372 5.6495

5.8143 5.6668 5.5151 5.3591 5.2793 5.1981 5.1156 5.0316 4.9460 4.8588

5.2565 5.1114 4.9621 4.8080 4.7290 4.6486 4.5667 4.4831 4.3978 4.3105

4.8402 4.7059 4.5582 4.4054 4.3269 4.2469 4.1653 4.0619 3.9965 3.9090

4.5393 4.3974 4.2509 4.0990 4.0209 3.9411 3.8596 3.7761 3.6904 3.6025

4.2961 4.1553 4.0096 3.8584 3.7805 3.7008 3.6192 3.5355 3.4494 3.3608

4.1003 3.9603 3.8154 3.6646 3.5868 3.5070 3.4253 3.3413 3.2548 3.1654

3.9394 3.8001 3.6557 3.5052 3.4274 3.3476 3.2656 3.1813 3.0942 3.0040

3.8049 3.6662 3.5222 3.3719 3.2940 3.2141 3.1319 3.0471 2.9595 2.8684

3.6909 3.5527 3.4089 3.2588 3.1808 3.1007 3.0182 2.9330 2.8447 2.7528

3.5931 3.4552 3.3117 3.1615 3.0835 3.0032 2.9205 2.8348 2.7459 2.6530

3.5082 3.3706 3.2273 3.0771 2.9990 2.9185 2.8354 2.7493 2.6597 2.5660

3.4338 3.2965 3.1533 3.0031 2.9249 2.8442 2.7608 2.6742 2.5839 2.4893

3.3682 3.2311 3.0880 2.9377 2.8594 2.7785 2.6947 2.6077 2.5168 2.4212

3.3098 3.1729 3.0299 2.8976 2.8011 2.7200 2.6359 2.5484 2.4568 2.3603

3.2576 3.1209 2.9780 2.8274 2.7488 2.6675 2.5831 2.4951 2.4029 2.3055

3.2106 3.0740 2.9311 2.7805 2.7017 2.6202 2.5355 2.4471 2.3542 2.2559

3.1681 3.0316 2.8887 2.7380 2.6591 2.5773 2.4923 2.4035 2.3099 2.2107

3.1294 2.9931 2.8502 2.6993 2.6203 2.5383 2.4530 2.3637 2.2695 2.1694

3.0941 2.9579 2.8150 2.6640 2.5848 2.5026 2.4170 2.3273 2.2325 2.1315

3.0618 2.9256 2.7827 2.6316 2.5522 2.4699 2.3840 2.2938 2.1984 2.0965

3.0320 2.8959 2.7530 2.6017 2.5223 2.4397 2.3535 2.2529 2.1670 2.0642

3.0045 2.8685 2.7256 2.5742 2.4946 2.4118 2.3253 2.2344 2.1378 2.0342

2.9791 2.8431 2.7002 2.5487 2.4589 2.3860 2.2992 2.2079 2.1107 2.0062

2.8005 2.6649 2.5216 2.3689 2.2880 2.2034 2.1142 2.0194 1.9172 1.8047

2.6318 2.4961 2.3523 2.1978 2.1154 2.0285 1.9360 1.8363 1.7263 1.6006

2.4721 2.3363 2.1915 2.0346 1.9500 1.8600 1.7629 1.6557 1.5330 1.3805

2.3209 2.1848 2.0385 1.8783 1.7908 1.6964 1.5923 1.4730 1.3246 1.0000
290 A Primer on the Taguchi Method

Table B-5. F-table F.005 (f1,f2), 99.5% confidence

f1 = number of degrees of freedom of numerator
f2 = number of degrees of freedom of denominator
f1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 16211 20000 21615 22500 23056 23437 23715 23925 24091

2 198.50 199.00 199.17 199.25 199.30 199.33 199.36 199.37 199.39

3 55.552 49.799 47.467 46.195 45.392 44.838 44.434 44.126 43.882

4 31.333 26.284 24.259 23.155 22.456 21.975 21.622 21.352 21.139

5 22.785 18.314 16.530 15.556 14.940 14.513 14.200 13.961 13.772

6 18.635 14.544 12.917 12.028 11.464 11.073 10.786 10.566 10.391

7 16.236 12.404 10.882 10.050 9.5221 9.1554 8.8854 8.6781 8.5138

8 14.688 11.042 9.5965 8.8061 8.3018 7.9520 7.6952 7.4960 7.3386

9 13.614 10.107 8.7171 7.9559 7.4711 7.1338 6.8849 6.6933 6.5411

10 12.826 9.4270 8.0807 7.3428 6.8723 6.5446 6.3025 6.1159 5.9676

11 12.226 8.9122 7.6004 6.8809 6.4217 6.1015 5.8648 5.6821 5.5368

12 11.754 8.5096 7.2258 6.5211 6.0711 5.7570 5.5245 5.3451 5.2021

13 11.374 8.1865 6.9257 6.2335 5.7910 5.4819 5.2529 5.0761 4.9351

14 11.060 7.9217 6.6803 5.9984 5.5623 5.2574 5.0313 4.8566 4.7173

15 10.798 7.7008 6.4760 5.8029 5.3721 5.0708 4.8473 4.6743 4.5364

16 10.575 7.5138 6.3034 5.6378 5.2117 4.9134 4.6920 4.5207 4.3838

17 10.384 7.3536 6.1556 5.4967 5.0746 4.7789 4.5594 4.3893 4.2535

18 10.218 7.2148 6.0277 5.3746 4.9560 4.6627 4.4448 4.2759 4.1410

19 10.073 7.0935 5.9161 5.2681 4.8526 4.5614 4.3448 4.1770 4.0428

20 9.9439 6.9865 5.8177 5.1743 4.7616 4.4721 4.2569 4.0900 3.9564

21 9.8295 6.8914 5.7304 5.0911 4.6808 4.3931 4.1789 4.0128 3.8799

22 9.7271 6.8064 5.6524 5.0168 4.6088 4.3225 4.1094 3.9440 3.8116

23 9.6348 6.7300 5.5823 4.9500 4.5441 4.2591 4.0469 3.8822 3.7502

24 9.5513 6.6610 5.5190 4.8898 4.4857 4.2019 3.9905 3.8264 3.6949

25 9.4753 6.5982 5.4615 4.8351 4.4327 4.1500 3.9394 3.7758 3.6447

26 9.4059 6.5409 4.4091 4.7852 4.3844 4.1027 3.8929 3.7297 3.5989

27 9.3423 6.4885 5.3611 4.7396 5.3402 4.0594 3.8501 3.6875 3.5571

28 9.2838 6.4403 5.3170 4.6977 4.2996 4.0197 3.8110 3.6487 3.5186

29 9.2297 6.3958 5.2764 4.6591 4.2622 3.9830 3.7749 3.6130 3.4832

30 9.1797 6.3547 5.2388 4.6233 4.2276 3.9492 3.7416 3.5801 3.4505

40 8.8278 6.0664 4.9759 4.3738 3.9860 3.7129 3.5088 3.3498 3.2220

60 8.4946 5.7950 4.7290 4.1399 3.7600 3.4918 3.2911 3.1344 3.0083

120 8.1790 5.5393 4.4973 3.9207 3.5482 3.2849 3.0874 2.9330 2.8083

d 7.8794 5.2983 4.2794 3.7151 3.3499 3.0913 2.8968 2.7444 2.6210

Appendix B 291


10 12 15 20 24 30 40 80 120 d

24224 24426 24630 24836 24940 25044 25148 25253 25359 25465

199.40 199.42 199.43 199.45 199.46 199.47 199.47 199.48 199.49 199.51

43.686 43.387 43.085 42.778 42.622 42.466 42.308 42.149 41.989 41.829

20.967 20.705 20.438 20.167 20.030 19.892 19.752 19.611 19.468 19.325

13.618 13.384 13.146 12.903 12.780 12.656 12.530 12.402 12.274 12.144

10.250 10.034 9.8140 9.5888 9.4741 9.3583 9.2408 9.1219 9.0015 8.8793

8.3803 8.1764 7.9578 7.7540 7.6450 7.5345 7.4225 7.3088 7.1933 7.0760

7.2107 7.0149 6.8143 6.6082 6.5029 6.3961 6.2875 6.1772 6.0649 5.9505

6.4171 6.2274 6.0325 5.8318 5.7292 5.6248 5.5186 5.4104 5.3001 5.1875

5.8467 5.6613 5.4707 5.2740 5.1732 5.0705 5.9659 4.8592 4.7501 4.6385

5.4182 5.2363 5.0489 4.8552 4.7557 4.6543 4.5508 4.4450 4.3367 4.2256

5.0855 4.9063 4.7214 4.5299 4.4315 4.3309 4.2282 4.1229 4.0149 3.9039

4.8199 4.6429 4.4600 4.2703 4.1726 4.0727 3.9704 3.8655 3.7577 3.6465

4.6034 4.4281 4.2468 4.0585 3.9614 3.8619 3.7600 3.6553 3.5473 3.4359

4.4236 4.2498 4.0698 3.8826 3.7859 3.6867 3.5850 3.4803 3.3722 3.2602

4.2719 4.0994 3.9205 3.7342 3.6378 3.5388 3.4372 3.3324 3.2240 3.1115

4.1423 3.9709 3.7929 3.6073 3.5112 3.4124 3.3107 3.2058 3.0971 2.9839

4.0305 3.8599 3.6827 3.4977 3.4017 3.3030 3.2014 3.0962 2.9871 2.8732

3.9329 3.7631 3.5866 3.4020 3.3062 3.2075 3.1058 3.0004 2.8906 2.7762

3.8470 3.6779 3.5020 3.3178 3.2220 3.1234 3.0215 2.9159 2.8058 2.6904

3.7709 3.6024 3.4270 3.2431 3.1474 3.0488 2.9467 2.8408 2.7302 2.6140

3.7030 3.5350 3.3600 3.1764 3.0807 2.9821 2.8799 2.7736 2.6625 2.5455

3.6420 3.4745 3.2999 3.1165 3.0208 2.9221 2.8198 2.7132 2.6016 2.4837

3.5870 3.4199 3.2456 3.0624 2.9967 2.8679 2.7654 2.6585 2.5463 2.4276

3.5370 3.3704 3.1953 3.0133 2.9176 2.8187 2.7160 2.6099 2.4960 2.3765

3.4916 3.3252 3.1515 2.9685 2.8728 2.7738 2.6709 2.5633 2.4501 2.3297

3.4499 3.2839 3.1104 2.9275 2.8318 2.7327 2.6296 2.5217 2.4078 2.2867

3.4117 3.2460 3.0727 2.8899 2.7941 2.6949 2.5916 2.4834 2.3689 2.2469

3.3765 3.2111 3.0379 2.8551 2.7594 2.6601 2.5565 2.4479 2.3330 2.2102

3.3440 3.1787 3.0057 2.8230 2.7272 2.6278 2.5241 2.4151 2.2997 2.1760

3.1167 2.9531 2.7811 2.5984 2.5020 2.4015 2.2958 2.1838 2.0635 1.9318

2.9042 2.7419 2.5705 2.3872 2.2989 2.1874 2.0789 1.9622 1.8341 1.6885

2.7052 2.5439 2.3727 2.1881 2.0890 1.9839 1.8709 1.7459 1.6055 1.4311

2.5188 2.3583 2.1868 1.9998 1.8983 1.7891 1.6691 1.5325 1.3637 1.0000

Index Terms Links

Advertising 22 210
Analysis of results v vii 4
6 19 50
56 57 75
124 126 154
196 237
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) 3 4 20
39 41 59
63 75 119
129 154 158
172 182 295
Appendixes 261 281
Application techniques/areas 1 5 10
21 23 37
49 50 107
123 124 135
172 189 190
205 208 225
226 293 294

This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation.

Index Terms Links

Automobile components 146 152 196

221 222 230–234
238 241 243
244 247
Average value 27 77 174
176–178 181 297

Battery examples 26 27 41
42 44–47 199
202 203 297
Bearings 16 17 127
Bell Laboratories 9
Brainstorming 9 22 37
39 40 54
205–209 212 214–216
221 225 226
230 231

Cake baking example 30 32 34

71 74 85
103 122 210–214

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Casestudyexamples(Chapter 9) 225 226 230

234 236 238
241 244 247
Castings 93 135 140
141 144 173
Column(s) 18 19 34
38 58 70
71 73 79
84 86–89 91–96
126 156 164
218 231 235
242 247 296
Combination design 2–5 18 19
30–34 41 49
50 56 73
74 98 103
122 123 124
129 225 229
239 295
Complexity 31 37 39
53 83
Confidence/Confidenceinterval(C.I.) viii 65 129
144–146 152 165–169
172 178

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Confirmation experiment/test 20 37 39
57 65 82
169 225
Conformance (to specifications) 11 12 17
27 47
Consistency 5 12 15
19 22 27
29 30 41
50 103 104
173 176 259
Control/controllable factor(s) 20 31 35
41 54 103–105
110 112 113
121–124 129 173
174 216 219
295 298
Cookie baking example 2–4
Costbenefit/Cost saving 1 4 6
9 17 21–23
29 31 37
41 42 44–47
56 72 189
190 192 194–196
201 202 243
255 259 297
Cost of quality 10 13 23
142 185

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Cost(s) 4 11 13
17 21–23 27
31 47 56
72 74 104
107 126 186
194–196 203 207
243 296
Crash/crush testing 241 243 247
Customer(s) 2 13–15 17
27 29–31 41
45–47 87 185
188 190 194
197 207 211
222 297 298

Data-driven solution 5 22 75
107 108 110
122 124 129–132
135 137 146
174 178 198
Degree of freedom (DOF) viii 59 61
72 73 82
83 86 88
96 129 130
134 138 145

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Degree of freedom (DOF) (Cont.)

146 149 152
153 160 164
172 178 182
235 247
Deming, W.E. 10
Design of experiments (DOE) v vi viii
1 2 5
6 9 12
22 23 26
33 37 38
49 50 53
86 103 121
122 124 154
198 199 205
225 226 247
Designparameters 11 13 14
25 30 31
37 185 202
Deviation 10 11 13–15
17 22 25
27 28 30
118 131–133 142
174 175 177
182 185–187 189
237 296

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Dummy treatment 86 93 95

Engine components 16 17 26
93 127 135
226 230 236
Error viii 56 59–63
97 129 135
137–139 148 149
152 153 164
165 295 297
Evaluation criteria vii 25 74
208 212–214 221
Examples/studies 2–4 15 16
25 26 30–34
40 41 44–47
54 55 71
72 74–76 86
93 105 106
111 135–137 141
144 146 147
149 150 152
153 178–180 190
192 193 196
198–200 202 210

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Examples/studies (Cont.)
211 212 213
221–223 226 230
234 236 238
241 244 247
252 259
Exercises(end of chapters) 6 23 35
48 126 182
202 221
Experiment conditions/layout vii 1 6
9 18 19
21 22 32–35
38 40 49–51
53–55 57 59
65 66 71
82 89 96
122 126 129
149 205–211 218
220–223 225 226
234 253 294–296

Factor effect(s) 2 6 20
39 50 56–58
77–79 82 105
112 113 115
116 118 120

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Factor effect(s) (Cont.)

121 126 127
130 135 138
142 146 152
153 156 157
161 162 164–166
168 173 219
225 255 296
Factorial design/experiment 1 2 4
5 24 33
34 49 50
51 295
Factor level 5 12 18
20 34 79
85 97 104
110 113 116
118 119 121
122 154 209
222 255
Fisher, Sir Ronald A. v 1 33
50 138 294
Fishing example 40
Fixedlevelsoffactors 49 82 102
Fractional factorial design/experi-
ment 4 5 6
34 40 49

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F-tables 138 144 152

165 166 168
182 281 282
284 286 288
Full factorial design/experiment 3 6 19
20 40 50
63 64 129
Fundamental concepts 10 12 19
20 25 37
57 225

Glossary 295

Influence/contribution viii 3 4
6 11–13 19–21
24 26 30
39 41 53
54 57 59
60 63 68
75 77–79 82
83 86 103–105
107 110 120–124
130 137 139
140 143 144

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Influence/contribution (Cont.)
153 156 158
165 172 173
182 215 216
219 223 226
229–231 235 238
242 245 257
259 295–297
Injection molding 111
Inner array 35 122 123
221 295 296
Interaction 3 6 19
49 53 67–75
77–85 87–89 91
92 96 99
103–105 110–113 116
118 124 126
149 156–158 164
165 209 218
219 223 226
231 232 239
247 295 296
Intersecting lines 3 79 157

Japan v 4 9
15 16 21

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Latin squares 18
Life cycle/expectancy 11 22 25
146 152 173
194 211 212
Linear graph 71 73 82
84 88 92
261 262 264
293 294 296
Logarithmictransformation vii 6 35
39 42 108
109 173–177 181
Lossfunction vii viii 6
13–15 17 18
22 23 27
41 42 46
47 185–190 198
Lower acceptable limit (LAL) 14–16 28 201

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Main effect(s) 2 3 20
39 53 58
63 67–69 71
75 77 80
92 97 100
102 103 109
110 114–118 121
149 156 158
163 166 170
178 181 182
226 227 229
231 235 237
240 247 255
Marketing and advertising 22 38 205
207 208 210
Market research 2–4
Mean squar edeviation (MSD) viii 42 45
108 173 189
Mean square variance viii 59 129
130 135 161
Mixed levels of factors 38 49 53
67 85 86

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Molding process 54 57 58
61 64 86
111 210 211
297 298
Multiple factor/level 1–6 12 18
19 22 25
31 32 34
38 40 49–51
53 54 58
61 65 67
70–73 77 79
80 83–89 91–99
105 110–112 126
127 130 141
146 154 159
170 178 196
209 212 214
217–219 221 223
226 227 229
231 234–237 239
242 244 246
247 254 259
Multiple sample(s) 6 35 39
103 106 107
191 220 254

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Noise effect/factor 6 12 22
35 38 39
103–105 107 110–113
121–124 126 129
173 182 209
215 216 218–221
259 296
Noise (sound) 26 178 196
226 234 235
Nonparallel lines 3 68 105

Objective evaluation 25 41 174
176 190 207
213 222 223
Off-line quality control 11 296
One-way ANOVA 135 141
Optimization 1 5 6
9 20–22 30
35 37 40
53 100 112
116 118 121
185 189 190
210 222 231
238 247 253
293 297

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Optimum condition 1 12 14
15 20 21
30–33 35 37
39 41 53
54 57 58
63–65 75 77
78 80–83 93
97 103 107
110 120 121
123 126 127
156–158 167–169 172–175
178 181 182
187 196 201
202 218 222
225 229 230
232 235–238 240
245 247 255
295 296
Orthogonal array (OA) viii 5 12
18 19 21
23 34 35
38 40 49
54 65 72
108 122 126
129 154 196
214 219 231
261–265 267 270
274–278 293–296

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Outer array 6 12 35
122 123 126
219–221 296
Overall Evaluation Criteria (OEC) vii 25 213
214 221 222

Parallel lines 3 68 79
82 157
Parameter design 12 31 35
294 296 297
Pareto 111 215 253
Partial factorial experiment 4 49 50
51 129 295
Perception of quality 30 190
Performance v vii 1
5 6 12–17
20 21 25
26 30 31
35 39 41
49 53 57
63–65 75 80–82
103 104 108
110 111 120
127 167 168
172 175 178

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Performance (Cont.)
181 182 185
189 195 196
198 199 201
208 210 212
215 229 230
232 235–238 240
242 245 250
255 297 298
Pooling/pooled effects 62 63 120
152 153 161–165
167 229 231
232 235
Poorquality 10 11 13
17 23 24
27 30 185
Process parameter 12 93 211
Product/process development 21–23 294

Qualitek-4 software 154 220 254


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Quality characteristic(s) 25–27 37 38

45 46 56
58 63 74–76
97 98 108
109 111 116
118 120 126
127 167 172–174
177 182 185–189
201 212 214
226 231 250
254 297
Quality control 9 10 13
15 296
Quality definition vii 1 5
10 11 13
15 17 22
25 29–31 48
Quality improvement v vi 9–11
22 23 41
103 189
Quality measure viii 5 10
13 14 17
22 25 26
28 30 39
40 53 56
108 129 130
131 135 137

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Quality measure (Cont.)

138 173 174
182 189 198
208 212–214 226
229 297

Random order 39 54 56
66 73 74
84 96 140
References 293
Reject/repair/rework 11 13 14
17 22 23
27 47 111
187 190 191
193–195 202 211
Repetitions/replications/runs 12 19 20
39 40 51
56 57 61–63
65 72–74 77
79 81 93
96–100 107–110 121–124
126 129 130
145 146 148
154 160 166–170

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Repetitions/replications/runs (Cont.)
172 174 178
214 221 227
235 239 240
246 296
Reproducibility 50 172
Responses/results 2 3 12
20 26 130
135 141 146
148 210 213
230 295–297
Robust design vii viii 6
11 12 22
23 30 103
104 114 117
121 172 174
185 219 220
294 297

Service cost(s) 11 23 30
Signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio viii 6 12
20 21 23
35 39 42
107–110 118 119
121 123 125

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Signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio (Cont.)

126 166 168
172–178 180–182 196
199–202 237 238
250 254 259
Significant factor 4 14 19
20 41 63
79 83 113
117–119 121 138
144 145 152
153 156 158
161 163–165 167
181 226 229
231 232 235
Simulation 21 23 231
239 246
Societal loss (due to poor quality) 13 14 18
23 185 296
Sony Corporation 15
Specifications viii 11 13
16 17 24
26 27 53
56 86 191
194 196 200
201 231 243

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Standarddeviation viii 107 108

110 116 118
Statistical process control (SPC) vi 41 48
Subjective evaluation 25 165 207
212 213 221
Sum of squares viii 59–61 130–133
137–144 147 148
150–152 158 159
161–163 170 182
System design 12 13 296

Taguchi, Dr. Genichi v 4–6 9–15

18 20 23
27 29–31 33–35
37 39–42 45
47 49–51 53
54 70 71
83 86 103
104 110 121
122 129 142
152 163 164

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Taguchi, Dr. Genichi (Cont.)

173 174 185
187 205 206
219 261 293–296
approach 5 9 10
21 22 24
29 30 39–41
45 50 57
231 294
case studies/experiments 38–41 57 63
154 182 196
205 212 221
226 230 234
236 238 239
241 242 244
247 252 253
design strategy vii 6 18
104 110 164
discipline/philosophy/principles 5 9–11 15
34 37 41
185 219 226
fundamental concepts 10 12 19
20 25 37
57 225

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Taguchi (Cont.)
methods/techniques v–vii 9 10
19 21–23 31
32 37 39–41
48–50 54 59
65 68 89
104 124 202
205 207 225
226 234 293
294 297
quality strategy 11 30
Target value 5 10–15 17
22 26 30
31 42 103
107 110 116
121 174 182
185–187 198 296
Taylor’s theorem 187
Team approach 22 23 40
205 207 208
210 215–217 220
222 223 253
Television examples 15 16 31

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Time benefit/Time saving 4 9 21

22 41 71
72 74 107
126 154 217
220 223 243
Tolerance(s) 12 13 15
16 27 47
185 188 190
191 193–196 203
296 297
Trial condition 18 19 39
53 56 97
107 122
Trial run 19 63 65
74 97 107
122 126 172
Triangular table 70 71 73
82–84 92 261
273 276 278
Two-way ANOVA 146

Uncontrollable (noise) factor(s) 6 10–12 30

35 38 103–105
107 110–113 121–124
126 129 173

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Uncontrollable (noise) factor(s) (Cont.)

174 182 209
215 216 218
219 221 259
United States/U.S. v 9 10
15 21
Unpooled 164 231
Unused column 66 84 227
237 247
Up-front thinking 23 38–40 107
205–209 211 220–222
226 253 296
Upper acceptable limit (UAL) viii 14 15
28 201 208

Validation 21 175 210

215 241
Variability 4 5 19
31 35 39
41 57 103
104 107 108
110 116 118
120–122 129 140
223 250 253
255 296 297

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Variance viii 59–63 107

129 130–133 135
137 138 143
148 149 164
173 198 201
Variation 5 10–13 15
21–23 26–32 35
39 41 45
47 59 61
103 104 118
121 132 140–142
174 182 187–189
198 202 295–298
Voltage 26 27 31
42 44–47 202

Warranty 11 23 27
41 47 187
188 193 202
203 211 298
World War II 9 18

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