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Women and Labour Law

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Law 567 – Women And Labour Law

Statutory Provisions Under The EA On The Employment Of Women

1. Prohibition on the employment of women

1.1 Prohibitions As Regards The Employment Of Women

No female employee can be required to work within the hours of 10.00 in the
evening and 5.00 in the morning in any agricultural or industrial undertaking
unless the Director-General so allows it on the basis of an application made to
him by an employer.

[S.34(1) EA]

1.2 Prohibition on Underground work

No female employee can be employed in any underground working.

Underground working means any undertaking in which operations are
conducted for the purpose of extracting any substance from below the surface
of the earth, and where access is by way of shafts, adits or natural caves.

[S. 35 & S.2(1) EA]

2.Sexual Harassment

2.1 Section 2(1) – Definition of Sexual Harassment

Any unwanted conduct of a sexual nature whether verbal, non-verbal, visual,

gestural or physical directed at a person which is offensive or humiliating or is a
threat to his well-being arising out of and in the course of his employment.

2.2 Part XVa Employment Act 1955 - Sexual Harassment

Section 81A EA 1933 - Interpretation

For the purposes of this Part, "complaint of sexual harassment" means any
complaint relating to sexual harassment made—
(i) by an employee against another employee;
(ii) by an employee against any employer; or
(iii) by an employer against an employee

2.3 Section 81B - Inquiry into complaints of sexual harassment

(1) Upon receipt of a complaint of sexual harassment, an employer or any

class of employers shall inquire into the complaint in a manner prescribed by
the Minister.
(2) Subject to subsection (3), where an employer refuses to inquire into the
complaint of sexual harassment as required under subsection (1), he shall, as
soon as practicable but in any case not later than thirty days after the date of
the receipt of the complaint, inform the complainant of the refusal and the
reasons for the refusal in writing.
(3) Notwithstanding subsection (2), an employer may refuse to inquire into
any complaint of sexual harassment as required under subsection (1), if—
(a) the complaint of sexual harassment has previously been inquired into and
no sexual harassment has been proven; or
(b) the employer is of the opinion that the complaint of sexual harassment is
frivolous, vexatious or is not made in good faith.
(4) Any complainant who is dissatisfied with the refusal of the employer to
inquire into his complaint of sexual harassment, may refer the matter to the
Director General.
(5) The Director General after reviewing the matter referred to him under
(4) shall:
(a) if he thinks the matter should be inquired into, direct the employer to
conduct an inquiry; or
(b) if he agrees with the decision of the employer not to conduct the inquiry,
inform the person who referred the matter to him that no further action will be

2.4 Section 81C - Findings of inquiry by employer

Where the employer conducts an inquiry into a complaint of sexual

harassment received under subsection 81B (1) and the employer is satisfied
that sexual harassment is proven, the employer shall—
(a) in the case where the person against whom the complaint of sexual
harassment is made is an employee, take disciplinary action which may
include the following:
(i) dismissing the employee without notice;
(ii) downgrading the employee; or
(iii) imposing any other lesser punishment as he deems just and fit, and
where the punishment of suspension without wages is imposed, it shall not
exceed a period of two weeks; and
(b) in the case where the person against whom the complaint of sexual
harassment is made is a person other than an employee, recommend that the
person be brought before an appropriate disciplinary authority to which the

person is subject to.

2.5 Section 81D - Complaints of sexual harassment made to the Director


(1) If a complaint of sexual harassment is made to the Director General, the

Director General shall assess the complaint and may direct an employer to
inquire into such complaint.
(2) The employer shall inquire into the complaint of sexual harassment when
directed to do so under subsection (1) and submit a report of the inquiry to the
Director General within thirty days from the date of such direction.
(3) If a complaint of sexual harassment received by the Director General is
made against an employer who is a sole proprietor, the Director General shall
inquire into such complaint himself in a manner prescribed by the Minister.
(4) Upon inquiry by the Director General of the complaint of sexual
harassment under subsection (3), the Director General shall decide if sexual
harassment is proven or not and such decision shall be informed to the
complainant as soon as practicable.
(5) Notwithstanding subsection (3), the Director General may refuse to inquire
into any complaint of sexual harassment received under subsection (3), if—
(a) the complaint of sexual harassment has previously been inquired into by
the Director General and no sexual harassment has been proven; or
(b) the Director General is of the opinion that the complaint of sexual
harassment is frivolous, vexatious or is not made in good faith.
(6) Where the Director General refuses to inquire into the complaint of sexual
harassment received under subsection (3), he shall, as soon as practicable
but in any case not later than thirty days after the date of the receipt of the
complaint, inform the complainant of the refusal and the reasons for the
refusal in writing.

2.6 Section 81E - Effects of decisions of the Director General

(1) Where the Director General decides under subsection 81D(4) that sexual
harassment is proven, the complainant may terminate his contract of service
without notice.
(2) If the complainant terminates the contract of service under subsection (1),
the complainant is entitled to—
(a) wages as if the complainant has given the notice of the termination of
contract of service; and
(b) termination benefits and indemnity,as provided for under the Act or the
contract of service, as the case may be.

2.7 Section 81F - Offence

Any employer who fails—

(a) to inquire into complaints of sexual harassment under subsection 81B(1);
(b) to inform the complainant of the refusal and the reasons for the refusal as
required under subsection 81B(2);
(c) to inquire into complaints of sexual harassment when directed to do so by
the Director General under paragraph 81B(5)(a) or subsection 81D(2); or
(d) to submit a report of inquiry into sexual harassment to the Director General
under subsection 81D(2);

commits an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding

ten thousand ringgit.

2.8 Section 81G - Application of this Part irrespective of wages of


Notwithstanding paragraph 1 of the First Schedule, this Part extends to every

employee employed under a contract of service irrespective of the wages of
the employee.

3. Maternity Protection

3.1 Eligibility of a female employee to maternity leave

Every female employee is entitled to a period of not less than 60 consecutive

days of maternity leave in respect of each confinement. Confinement means
the birth of a child whether alive or dead after 22 weeks of pregnancy.

[S.37(1) (a)(i), S.37(1)(d)(ii) & S. 2(1) EA]

3.2 When can the leave be taken
A female employee is entitled to commence her maternity leave at any time
during the 30 days immediately proceeding her confinement or not later
than the day immediately following her confinement.

[S. 37(1) (b) EA]

If a female employee takes any leave in excess of the 30 days immediately

preceeding her confinement, such excess of leave will not be considered as
maternity leave under this Act.

3.3 Eligibility of a female employee to maternity allowance


A female employee will not be entitled to any maternity allowance if at the

time of her confinement she has 5 or more surviving children. Children means
all natural children.
[ S. 37(1) (c) and (d)(i) EA]
A female employee will only be entitled to the maternity allowance if at the
time of confinement she has been so employed by an employer at any time
during the 4 months prior to her confinement and has been employed by the
employer for a period of not less than 90 days in the 9 months prior to her

[S. 37(2) (i) and (ii) EA]

3.4 Notice that has to be given to the employer

A female employee who is about to leave her employment and who knows
that she will be confined within 4 months of leaving employment must notify
her employer of her pregnancy before she leaves. If she fails to notify her
employer she shall not be entitled to maternity allowances.

[S. 40(1) EA]

Where an employee is still in employment she is required to notify her
employer of her confinement and of the date she intends to commence her
maternity leave within a period of 60 days proceeding her expected
confinement. If she fails to notify her employer her entitlement to maternity
allowance may be suspended until she does so.

[S. 40(2) EA]

The notice by the employee to the employer can be given orally or in writing
and it maybe given to the foreman, supervisor or any other person to whom
she is required to give such notice.

[S. 40(7) EA]

Her failure to notify her employer of her expected confinement will not be a
bar to the eligibility for maternity allowance if she had failed to notify her
employer as a result of a mistake or any other reasonable excuse.
Moreover the employer will be required to pay maternity allowance where no
notice has been given to him if he has not been prejudiced by the failure to
give such notice.

[S. 40(5) & (6) EA]

3.5. Payment Of Maternity Allowance

A female employee is entitled to maternity allowance at her ordinary rate of

pay of each day of her maternity leave or at a rate not less than RM6/= per

day whichever is greater.

[S. 37(1)(a)(ii), S.37(2)(b) EA]

Where a female employee receives her monthly wages during the period in
which she is on maternity leave, she will not be entitled to any other payments
in respect for her maternity leave.

[S. 37(2)(b) EA]

3.6 Termination Of An Employee During Confinement

Any employer who terminates a female employee while she is on maternity

leave commits an offence provided such termination shall not include
termination on the ground of closure of the employer’s business.
[S. 37(4) EA]
Where a female employee:-

(i) remains absent from work after the expiration of her maternity leave as a
result of illness certified by a registered medical practitioner; and
(ii) the illness arises out of her pregnancy and confinement, she cannot be
terminated from service or be issued with a notice of termination until her
absence exceeds 90 days.

[S. 42(1) EA]

3.7 PART IX Applies To All Women Employees

Notwithstanding paragraph 1 of the First Schedule, this Part extends to every

female employee who is employed under a contract of service irrespective of
her wages.

[S. 44A EA]

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