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Optibuilds' Notes: FREE Optibuilds' Paladin PDF

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Optibuilds’ Paladin PDF
Part I

The Self-Healing Tank

February 2016


for additional powerful builds
Introduction Aasimar Paladin: The Aasimar version of this
build focuses on maximizing Charisma (and
The main reasons to be a Paladins have for a thereby Saves, LoH uses per day, and spells per
long time been Smite Evil, Divine Grace, full day). At 13th level, that’s 19 LoHs.
BAB, and Diplomacy. Once Fey Foundling /
Greater Mercy builds came on the scene, Lay Human Paladin I and II: These Human
on Hands (“LoH”) became a primary reason. versions are more versatile build versions who
master Handle Animal (See Skills Focus PDF),
The Paladin could now be a self-healing tank Diplomacy, Use Magic Device, and Cleave
rather than a super high AC tank. Opponents fighting (version I only). At 13th level, these
are given the illusion of thinking that the builds get 17 LoHs.
Paladin is beatable, so they don’t ignore the
Paladin to attack others. Of course, after the Raging Paladin Self-Healing Tank
self-healing Paladin takes his lickings, he
immediately heals up and keeps on ticking. Human Raging Paladin: This version gets 11
LoHs that heal an average of 50.5 (self / swift
Even if they don’t ignore, you have Shield action and/or standard) and 31.5 (others /
Other, Paladin’s Sacrifice and Suicidal. standard action) HPs per LoH. It also
leverages Optimistic Gambler & Community
Quick Note Minded to get the most out of Eldritch
Heritage: Orc Bloodline (Touch of Rage) and
Optibuilds has never made one of its builds Bloodrage. The +2 inherent bonus to Strength
premised on a house rule before. However, the at 11th level tops off the Rager concept well.
Tiefling build in this guide is constructed off of Further, its attack stats with Divine Favor,
an almost universal house rule regarding Power Attack and Weapon Bond (without
Fiendish Heritage. Most GMs simply ignore it Smite and Touch of Rage) are +27/+22/+17
and allow you to select variant Tieflings (2d6 + 34). See the Skills Focus PDF to see
without need for the feat, like the Pathfinder how he can get a Tiger and Dire Tiger into his
rules allow for an Aasimar. If for some reason repertoire with Handle Animal. Touch of Rage
your GM is unusual and requires the Fiendish + Community Minded, Aura of Justice and
Heritage feat, then disregard the Tiefling build your self-sacrificing abilities keep your tigers
and convert it to one of the alternative builds. viable for a loooong time.

Standard Self-Healing Tank Builds Fully Maximizing Builds

General Note: While the Aasimar is slightly The Leadership Feat (See Martials & Pocket
lower, these builds with Divine Favor, Power Cohorts as an example), Handle Animal Skill
Attack and Weapon Bond (and without Smite or (See Optibuilds Skills PDF Part I), Created
Alter Self) basically attack for +26/+21/+16 Races, and Created Magical Items will upgrade
(2d6 + 32). Other than the Tiefling build, at 13th any build. I have not included the
level, these builds can heal for an average of abovementioned, other than the Handle Animal
50.5 (self / swift action and/or standard) and skill for some builds. If you should want to
31.5 (others / standard action) HPs per LoH. upgrade even more, then feel free to work these
concepts into the builds.
Tiefling Paladin: The Tiefling version of this
build maximizes LoH healing. At 13th level, this Don’t Forget to Get Optibuilds’
build can heal for an average of 63.5 (self) and Paladin PDF Part II – The Divine
31.5 (others) per LoH and gets 16 LoHs.
Standard Self-Healing Tank Composite (10K), +2 Ring of Protection (8K),
+2 Amulet of Natural Armor (8K), Ring of
Race: Tiefling (Oni-Spawn) (+2Str/+2Wis/- Force Shield (4K), +4 Headband of Charisma
2Chr) (Alter-Self 1/day) (16K), +4 Headband of Strength (16K), Quick
Runner’s Shirt (1K), Potions: Enlarge Person
Traits: Suicidal, Fate’s Favored x5,

Class/Archetypes: Paladin (Standard)13 Wands: Cure Light Wounds, Honeyed

Tongue, Endure Elements, Heightened
Paladin Oaths: Oath of Vengeance or None Awareness

Favorite Class Bonus: +1 healing/level Lay Alternative Builds

on Hands
Human Version I (Charisma Skills / Cleaver):
Starting Stats (20pts): Str (18), Dex (10), Con  Traits: Adopted (Suicidal), Fate’s Favored;
(14), Int (9), Wis (9), Chr (14). Add +1 to  Favorite Class Bonus: +1 Skill Point per
Strength at 4th, 8th. Add +1 to Wisdom at Level;
12th.  Starting Stats (20pts): Str (18), Dex (10),
Con (14), Int (9), Wis (7), Chr (16).
Feats / Class Abilities & Selections:  Feats / Abilities: 1) Fey Foundling, Power
1) Fey Foundling, Aura of Good, Detect Evil, Attack; 5) Cleave;
Smite Evil 1/day;  Spells: 1 more 1st level spell;
2) Divine Grace, Lay on Hands;  Skills: Diplomacy (13), Use Magic Device
3) Greater Mercy, Aura of Courage, Divine (13), Handle Animal (13). Get Skills PDF
Health, Mercy (Sickened); Part 1 to enjoy the benefits of the Handle
4) Channel Positive Energy, Smite Evil Animal skill.
5) Power Attack, Divine Bond (Weapon); Human Version II (Super Charisma Skills):
6) Mercy (Dazed); same as Human Version I, except that you
7) Extra Lay on Hands, Smite Evil 3/day; replace your bonus feat for the Focused Study
8) Aura of Resolve; alternative trait and choose the following:
9) Extra Lay on Hands, Mercy (Nauseated);
 Feats / Abilities: 1) Fey Foundling, Skill
10) Smite Evil 4/day; Focus (Diplomacy); 5) Power Attack; 8)
11) Extra Lay on Hands, Aura of Justice; Skill Focus (Handle Animal); 13) Skill
12) Mercy (Paralyzed); Focus (Use Magic Device)
13) Dazing Assault, Smite Evil 5/day
Aasimar Version (Super Duper Charisma):
Spells (includes extra spells from Chr
 Starting Stats (20pts): Str (18), Dex (10),
headband): 1st) Divine Favor x2, Hero’s
Con (14), Int (9), Wis (7), Chr (18). Add +1
Defiance x2; 2nd) Protection v. Evil
to Charisma at 4th, 8th.
Communal, Shield Other, Paladin’s
Sacrifice; 3rd) Magic Circle v. Evil, Remove  Spells: 1 more 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level spell;
Blindness/Deafness; 4) Holy Sword or
Alternative Oaths: Oath against Undeath is a
Guardian of Faith
viable alternative to Oath of Vengeance. Also
Oath against Fiends can be taken with or in
Skills (13 points): UMD (1), Diplomacy (12)
alternative to Oath of Vengeance.
Equipment (98.5K): +4 Mithral Full Plate
(26.5K); Bracer’s of Merciful Knight, +3
Greatsword (9K), +3 Adaptive Longbow
Human Raging Self-Healing Tank Skills (13 points): UMD (1), Diplomacy (13),
Survival (12), Handle Animal (12), Perception
Race: Human (+2Str)
Traits: Community Minded, Optimistic Equipment (111.5K): Hat of Greater Disguise
Gambler (12K), +4 Mithril Full Plate (26.5K); Bracer’s
Class/Archetypes: Bloodrager 1 / Paladin of Merciful Knight, +3 Greatsword (9K), +3
(Standard) 12 Adaptive Longbow Composite (10K), +2 Ring
Paladin Oaths: Oath of Vengeance of Protection (8K), +2 Amulet of Natural
Armor (8K), Ring of Force Shield (4K), +4
Favorite Class Bonus: +1 skill point / level Headband of Charisma (16K), +4 Headband of
Starting Stats (20pts): Str (18), Dex (10), Con Strength (16K), Quick Runner’s Shirt (1K),
(14), Int (9), Wis (7), Chr (16). Add +1 to
Strength at 4th, 8th. Add +1 to Intelligence at Potions: Enlarge Person x20 (1K)
Wands: Cure Light Wounds, Honeyed
Feats / Class Abilities & Selections: Tongue, Endure Elements, Heightened
B1) Fey Foundling, Skill Focus Awareness
(Survival); Bloodline (Celestial),
Bloodline Power (Angelic Attacks), Pet: You still have a considerable amount of
Bloodrage, Fast Movement left over money for the Tiger or Dire Tiger. At
P2) Aura of Good, Detect Evil, Smite Evil the very least get it a Mithril Chainshirt, Holy
1/day; Amulet of Mighty Fists, +2 Strength Belt,
P3) Greater Mercy, Divine Grace, Lay on
Hands; Alternative Builds
P4) Aura of Courage, Divine Health, Mercy
(Sickened); Alternative Oaths: Oath against Undeath is a
P5) Power Attack, Channel Positive Energy, viable alternative to Oath of Vengeance. Also
Smite Evil 2/day; Oath against Fiends can be taken with or in
P6) Divine Bond (Weapon); alternative to Oath of Vengeance.
P7) Eldritch Heritage (Orc Bloodline: Touch
of Rage), Mercy (Dazed); Alternative Eldritch Heritage (Arcane)
P8) Skill Focus (Handle Animal), Smite Evil Build: P7) Eldritch Heritage (Arcane
3/day; Bloodline: Arcane Bond (Familiar); P9)
P9) Extra Lay on Hands, Aura of Resolve; Improved Familiar; P11) Extra Lay on Hands
P10) Mercy (Nauseated);  There are so many familiars, improved
P11) Imp. Eldritch Heritage (Orc Bloodline: familiars, and familiar archetypes to choose
Strength of the Beast), Smite Evil 4/day; from. See the Optibuilds Shaman PDF to
P12) Aura of Justice; get a taste for what the mauler familiar can
P13) Dazing Assault, Skill Focus (Perception) do.
Mercy (Paralyzed)

Spells (includes extra spells from Chr

headband): 1st) Divine Favor x2, Hero’s
Defiance x2; 2nd) Protection v. Evil
Communal, Shield Other, Paladin’s
Sacrifice; 3rd) Magic Circle v. Evil, Remove
Blindness/Deafness; 4) Holy Sword or
Guardian of Faith
Leveraging Community Minded &
Optimistic Gambler

Simply start your rage the 1st round, get your

attacks or whatever, and then turn off rage as a
free action before the end of your turn. Next,
let Optimistic Gambler and Community
Minded (you are your own ally) kick in. You
can cure the rage fatigue with your Lay on
Hands or just let it naturally go away in
basically one round, since the rd. you end rage
counts towards the 2 rds. the fatigue will last.

Keeping your Tigers Viable

If and when you purchase Tigers as suggested

in Skills PDF Part I, you will find that they
eventually run out of juice because at higher
levels you will be fighting creatures with
damage reduction. Most builds have to retire
the tigers from melee combat and/or invest
heavily in equipment. However, the Rager
Paladin build can boost the Tiger’s and Dire
Tiger’s attacks with Touch of Rage and later
with Aura of Justice. This means the Tiger is a
menacing option throughout 13th level
(especially against Evil).

Equipment Honorable Mentions

1. Jingasa Jacket – At lower levels, this is

a more accessible option that the Hat of Greater
Disguise. At higher levels I prefer the Hat of
Disguise Greater not just for the +2 stat bonus
to strength or dexterity, but for scent
(pheromone arrows and etc. discussed in Skills
PDF Part I), swim, climb, claw/bite attack
(troglodyte), and roleplay advantages.

2. Prism Ioun Stones – I am not a big fan

of these because they can be taken away so
easily. With that said, if you GM does not
have NPCs steal Ioun Stones, they are great.
Dusty Rose Prism Ioun Stone gives a +1
insight AC bonus for 5k. Cracked Dusty Rose
Prism for 500g give +1 to initiative. Cracked
Pale Green Prism gives a +1 competence bonus
to attack rolls or saving throws.

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