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Kim Lighting VRB Series Vandal Resistant Bollard Brochure 1993

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Single Function Dual Function

Luminaire Lu minaire

VFIBl Hor zo|tar olvers prcv de 360' ol down rghtngwthtota VRB2Horzonta ouvc.s provdc 2I0'ofcutolf dowr ofrt rcl
amp source culoil above 90" lrorizortal Des gned lor lghting and vertica ouvers providc I50" of non cu:off acccnt
wa kways, entrafces. courlyar(ls ancl landsarilf)e(l areas where l ght ng Des gned lor ight nlJ \,\/il kv/.rys,"r,,hcre adla
I are v ewable from a directons Seepage2 cerl builcl ng facades wa s or afdscap rg may
be efharced by a veat ca wash of ght F xtures
should be v ewab e from the wa kway only
See paqe 2



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Performance and Strenglh 2.3
Specif cations and Order ng
LANDSCAPE Photometrics I
PO BaJX 1275
PHONE 8r6I 948 :666 O 1992 K m Lghting lnc
FAX 8- 8 i 369 2lj95 This v-orsion O 1993
Vandal Resistant Bollards



".'>*..aqil *E

Performance and Strength

VRB1 Single Function Luminaire VRB2 Dual Function Luminaire

J60 rlor zonto LoL,ers 210" Horizontal Louvers 150'Vert cal Louvers

360' 150"

65'Louver Angle
Compact g ass amp enclosure
a lows deep horizontal louvers
wth a hlgh angle for greater ght
throw C osed vertica spac ng
elim nates direct view ng ol the
ight source allove hor zonta
ensurlng g are free, efflclenl
il urn nation.
Vertical Wash
Tota Source Cutoff Above 90' Option (VRB2)
150'of unobskucted um nation
prov des accent iqht on building
High Light Throw facades walls or andscap ng

Vert ca ouvers provde protectjon
Exce entght uniformity and
and sh elding a ong this non
f xturespac ng ls ach eved as
cutoff segment of the f xture
a resu t of the high ang e ght
throw Peak cand epower s
at 67 5'.

Vertica Sect on

Shadowless Lighting
lnterna f utes n the g ass larr]p
enc osure e irr] fate shadows by
refract ng llght around structura
supporis and vert cal louvers.
Phosphor coated amps are
recomr.rended and VR82
mode s shou d be ocated at
least 10 from the vertical surface
for best resuLts.

nterna ly I uted tempered and

qasketed glass lamp enc osu[e
Horizontal Section
ai L ght Center

2 Km Light ng
o Vandal Resistant
Added secur ty aga nst vanda
Access Air Cooling
Natura air currents provide
srn s prov ded by concealed through venti a1on. coo ng
f o\,1,
Lurar naire coanponents are
access screl\/s A standard a ef the exter or meta sLrriaces and
heavy wa alum num cast ngs \,!rench oosefs screws. a owing nter or opt ca/ compartmefL,
The iop cap s domed for greater
access for amp rep acement lly thereby m I m zing excessive
rnpact strength and the ouver
st ock remova of the top cap
tv/ heai bu d-up
modules are one p ece castrngs
Cornp ete rernova ol screws
\/h ch prov de greater strength
s not requ red
than individua y stacked ouvers

Ve(rca Sectron Above Socket

Base Detail - Aluminum Shaft Base Detail - Concrete Shaft


E eclrca comrloncrils
are factory moLrfted Corcrete shaft bor-
a rd pre,/r'ired to e Ereclr ca componenLs
are faclory mounted arcs are nsta ed
r gdbrackei we ded ,alh anchor bo ts
io the afchor h:js-. anar pre\,' real to e r g al
harncss, susDended emtledded n a
poured- n'piace
A Lrm n un" shall
loo: ng (by othcrs)
bo ards are fsta cd
Leve ng nLrts make
wth anchor bots I a
rsta at on and
poured n place
\rvhen mounl nq a g nr'rent fast ano
foot ng (by others) n
so anchor bo t accLrate Aiiasiel]ng
A un num shaft nterna anchor base
hard,"!are.nL-rsl not
t$, sl
ocks to the ls eve ed prlor io 'astcners and other
contact so or other
base cast ng and lnsla ng the shaft hardware mLrst be
proteclcd from corros ve e ements
secLrres u/ th tr|/o
T-ocessed alef scT-ows so by groLrl ng


by others
by oihers

K m L ghtlng
VRBl s ng e Functon Lumlna re A uminum shaft
VRBl C , nn " Funct on Lum na re concrete shaft
.".- a''--tF_...'.---..-,
VR BC un ighted concrete Bo ard
Specifications: VRBl
Certilication sha I be Underwrlters Laboratories isted (for 120
208 240 and 277 Vo t on y) and Canadan Standards Associaton
cert flecl (for 12O, 2AB, 277 and 347 Volt on y) for wet locat ons.
Top Cap shal be a one piece aluminurn cast ng %6" m nlmun]
th ckness secured to ouvers by concealed a en screws in keyho e
s ots. For re amping access a len screws sha I not requ re comp ete I
Louvers sha I be a one p ece a uminur.l cast ng w th vert cal sup- \
port ribs at90' ntervas Horlzontal ouver bades shal have al3/a'
depth a 65' upward p tch and provide ghtsource cutoff above
hor zontal. Louver castifg sha be secured to shaft by Jour inlerna
tie rods.
Lamp Enclosure sha be one piece tempered molded glass with
nternal fLutes and fu lgasket ng at llottom edge.
Socket sha I be porce ain med urn base rated 4KV
Fixture Head sha alow flow-through veft atlon aroufd and above
the amp enclosure
Shaft shall be one pece extruded auminum .125'waI thckness
wilh a heavy cast alum num twist lock anchor base concea ed
with n the shaft. ConceaLed set screws shall lock shaft onto the cast
anchor base.
Ballastshaibe high power factor for 20'F. starting factory mounted
to the anchor base and prew red Wir ng shal be supp ied from the
socket for I e d connect on to the prew red ba ast components.
Anchor Bolts shall be lour 5/B' x 10' + 2' ztrc pated L-hooks each
w th two nuts, washers and a rigid pressed board temp ate
Finish shaLl be TG C thermoset polyesler powder coat pa nt
app ied over a chromate conversion coating Avalabecoorsare
black dark bronze lght gray or while.

Specifications: VBBl C
Shatt cernent sha conloTTn 10 cLtrrent specificatlons for "Portland
Cement. ASTIM C150, Type lor I Aggregates sha meet cuTTenl
requirernents of 'Spec ilcations for Cofcrete Aggregates,' ASTN,4
C33 Water sha be c ean and f ree lrom de eter ous amounts of s lt
ol aclds a ka ies or organic materials W re for re nforcement shal
conform to ASTN/I Al85 Steel lor lugs and p ates sha lconforlr] to
ASTI\,4 A36 or A2B3 grade D
Ballast shall be high power factor for 20"F starting, factory mounted
to a r g d harness for field w r ng and suspension from flxiure wlth n
the concrete shaft j
Surface shal be med um sand-blasted with anti-graffi seaer
Availab e co ors are Charcoa Brown, Natural Gray or White, integra
n concrete rnix
Cure and Strength shal allow for com plel on of the hyd ration
process and result n a 28 day cotnpressive strength ol not ess
than 4 500 psi.
Manufacture sha I be by f berg ass mo ds io nsure unlform
parts. lMo d part ng llnes r.ray be sl ghtly vls ble n f n shed parts
Anchorage sha I be by four stee moLlting tabs for nsta latlon on
four %" x 10'+ 2'z nc e ectroplated L hook anchor bolts. Each
anchor bolt s supp ied w th two nuts, two washers, and a r g d
pressed board template.
Shipment shall be pallet zed wlth adequate ho d downs to prevent
oad movemenl n translt.

Specifications: VRBC

Warninq: Flxtures must be grounded n accordance wth oca codes

or the Nat onal E ectrical Code. Failure to do so may resull ln ser ous
personal n ury
4 KmLightng
Ordering Guide

Electrical Module Note: See page ,l lor LIL and CSA

4 ae( lca:of fcr ne \,o tages be ow

E ectr ca
2OIBL.P Lamp f,/ode N4odue Lne Lne Mlax
F,r a'e a . (Lam ps by others) Cat No. Volts Watts Amps.
^-.n, no e on --r' .

70HPS120 124 BB 085

L- n n.i e alr 70HPS208 208 048
r"1.,,1. _.1i (:r 1"1..r- e Frch 70 Watt Coated
H gh Pressure Sod um 70HPS240 244 88 a.42
vRBl C/1 00MH1 20lBL-P/CH-C F 17 at B-17 t\4ed um Base 7oHP5277
l Examp e S ng e FLrnct on Lur.rifa re Concrete Shalt
100HPS120 124 118 I 50
248 130 0 76
i lLillr
F sl
) .. t:it) 100 Watt Coated
ll gh Press!re Sod um
E 17 or B 17 Ny'ed urn Base
100HP5277 277
244 130 0 66
130 0 60
VRBC/CH-C 100HPs347 130 A 44
! Examp e Un Ohied Concrete Bolard
70 Wa11 Coated 70MH120 124 89 085
["4etal Ha ide 70MH277 277 89 037
Luminaire Finish (a um.,um shalt fin shed to nratch) Venture ED I7 lvled Base* 70MH347 347 94 030
TG C thermoset po yesier powder coat pa nt
Note B ack and Dark Brofze co ors wl ptoduce s qflt V ess ouver I00 Watt Coated 100MH120 124 129 115
brightness than L ght Gray or Wh le See page 8. l',4eta Ha de 100MH277 277 129 050
ED 17 l\4edium Base 100MH347 347 129 0 ,10
Cat. Color
BL-P B ack 75 Watt Coated 75MV120 12A 93 A 82
DB-P Dark Bronze. resemb es Durafod c" 313ln color lvlercury Vapor 7'MV277 277 93 0 36
LG-P Light Gray E 17 or B 1 7 [4ed L]m Base
WH-P Wh te
I00 Watt 100tNc 124 100 083
lncandesceft. A 21 LF
Concrete Finish Ny'edium Base
Avai ab e co ors are ftegra I corcrete m x See page I for
suggested cor.rb nat ons of concrete afd um faire f n shes. *Lar.rp ava ab e lrom K m L ghting
Cat. Co or Cat No Descr ptlorl
CH-C Charcoa MH7o/C/U/MED Venture 70 Watt N4etal lla de,
BR-C Brown coeTed ED- 17 medium base
NG-C NatLrra Gray.
WH-C White


.3il ir 31i ofera h! !lr: ave irlr.
l C.n5! i l(.r r.Dr.serla !!
3 r,r, Con.rLr'

rle liri

Fle gri

G ad.

Krf Lghtng 5
VR B2 Duat Funct on Lumina re A uminum shatt
VRB2C Dua Function Lur naire ooncrete shatt
VRBC un qhted concrete Bo tarcl
Specifications: VHB2
Certification sha be Underwriters Laboratories isted (for 120,
2O8, 24O and 277 Volt on y) and Canadian Standards Assoc at on
certified (for 12A,208,277 and 347 Vo t on y) for wet locat ons
Top Cap sha be a one piece alum num cast ng 316'm nimum
thickness, secured to ouvers by concea ed allen screws in keyho e
sots. Forreamping access alen screws shall not require comp ete
Louvers shal be aone piece alum num castingwth horzontal and
vertrca blades. Ilorizonta louvers sha provide 210'of down- ghtng
with source cutoff above horizonta. Vertical louvers sha I provide
'150'of non-cutoff ightng lorzonta ouver bades shaLl havea
l%'depth with a 65" upward p tch from horizontal. Vertical louver
b ades shall have a 131'depth with a 30' spac ng. Louver castifg
sha I be secured to shaft by four interna tie rods
Lamp Enclosure shal be one piece tempered mo ded g ass with
nternal I utes and lul gasketng at bottonr edge.
Socket shal be porce a n medium base rated 4KV
Fixture Head sha alow flow-through ventiation around and above
the amp enclosure.
Shattshall be one pece extruded auminum,.125'wa thckness
with a heavy cast aluminum twist- ock afchor base concea ed
with n the shaft. Concea ed set screws shall lock shaft onto the cast
anchor llase.
Ballast sha I be h gh power factot fot 20'F. starting factory
mounted to the anchor base and prewired. W ring sha I be supp ed
from the socket for fie d connection to the prewired ba ast compo
Anchor Bolts sha I be iour 78" x 10" + 2' zinc plated L-hooks, each
w th two nuts washers and argd pressed board ten'rp ate.
Finish shal be TGIC thermoset po yester powder coat paint
appled over a chromate convers on coating Available co ors are
b ack, dark bronze lghtgray orwhite.
Specitications: VRB2C
Shatt cement sha I conform to current spec f cat ons for "Port and
Cement' ASTN4 C150, Type or ll Aggregates shall meet curent
requirements of 'Spec flcat ons Jor Concrete Aggregates ' ASTM
C33. Water sha be c ean and free frorr] deleterious amounts of s t,
o l, ac ds, alka es or organ c mater a s Wire for rejnforcerarent shall
confornr toASTM A185. Stee for lugs and p ates shal conform to
ASTI\I 436 or A2B3 grade D
Ballast shall be high power factor lor 20'F start ng factory rfounted
to a rig d harness for I e d wir ng and suspenslon from fixture w th n
the concrete shaft.
Surface sha be medium sand-b asted wlth ant -gratfltl sea er
Ava lab e co ors are Charcoa Brown, Natural GrayorWhlte
inteqra n concrete mix.
Cure and Strength shal allow for cofir p etion of the hydration
process and resu 1 n a 28 day compressive strength of not ess
than 4 500 psi.
Manufacture sha be by flberglass mo ds to nsure uniform
parts [/old parting nes may be s ight y v s]b e in iinished parts.
Anchorage sha be by four stee mouting tabs for nsta latlon on
Iour 1/z' x 1O' + 2" zinc e ectroplated L hook anchor bo ts. Each
anchor bolt s supp ied with two nuts, two washers, and a r g d
pressed b,oard temp ate
Shipment sha be pa etized w th adequate ho d-downs to prevent
oad movement in trans L
Specitications: VHBC
Warning: Fixtures nrust be grounded n accordance w th ocal
codes or the National Electr ca Code Fai ure to do so may resu t in
ser ous persona njury.
6 K m Lighung
Ordering Guide

Electrical Module Note: See calle 6 or UL:nd (lSA

ce.t f cat on lo e !o lages oe cr
re L^ ^ )l
Lamp N4ode
Electr ca
N/lodu e Lne Lfe Max
ts Watts Amps
,^-r.nn D -a r-ncuon Lm nd a
(Lamps by others) Cat. No Vo
70HPS120 124 BB 085
gl L!..are Co.. el.
70 Watt Coated 70HPS208 2AB B8 048
ll gh Pressure Sodi!r.r 70HPS240 240 B8 a.42
VRB2CN OOH PS1 2OILG.P/NG-C E 17 or B-l7 N/led utn Base 70HPS277 277 8lJ 037
Example DLra Funct on Lum na re Concrete Shaft 70HPS347 347 93 0.30

100HPS120 r20 118 r 50

100 Watt Coated 100HPS208 208 130 0 76
! rr r" t H gh Pressure Sod !m 100HPS240 240 130 0 66
E 17 at B 17 lMed ur.r Base 1OOHPS277 277 130 0 60
VRBC/NG.C 100HPS347 347 130 A 44
! ,r"ro ". Un ghtecl Concrete Bo ard
12A 085
70 Watt Coated 70MH120 89
I'leta Ha de 70MH277 277 89 037
Luminaire Finish t shaft tin shed to nTatch) Venture ED 17 [,/]ed. Base* 70MH347 347 94 u30
TG C thermoset polyesler powder coat paint.
Note: Black afd Dark Bronze colors w I produce s ight y ess 100 Wati Coated 100MH120 124 129 1 t5
louver br ghtness than L ght Gray or White. See page 8 Vleta Hal de 100MH277 277 129 050
FD 17 N4ed !m Base 100MH347 347 129 040
Cat Co or
BL-P Black 75 Watt Coated 75MV120 120 93 0 82
DB-P Dark Bronze resemb es Duranod c" 313 n co or Mercury Vapor 7sMV277 277 93 0 36
LG-P L ght Gray. F 11 ot 317 lvlediLrm Bas-o
WH-P While
100 Watt 100lNc 120 10t) 083
Concrete Finish ncandescent, A 2l .F
N4ed um Base
Ava able co ors are ntegral I concrete m x See page B lor
suggested comblnat ors ol concrete and umina re I nlshes *Larnp avai ab e from K m L ght ng
Cat Color Cat. No. Descr plion
CH-C Charcoal. MH7o/C/U/MED Venture 70 Watt N4etal lla de.
BR-C Brown coated. ED I7 med um base
NG-C Natura Gray.
WH-C Wh t-^


.30 or 36 olera re lllr arra aD e
Cons! t K rn representat!e


ti. CondL
:l I
Opcn fg


He ght

KmLcthinq 7
Color Guide

Fixture with Fixture with

Aluminum Concrete
Shaft Shaft
Match Only. VRB1 ard VRB2 Mix or Match. VRBl C arrc
rrodcis are on y ava ab e w:'t VFIB2C n-odc:r are avir irb -o u
matcfr ng rc\,/der coat ca rt ary comb nat of r)l f)a r1 and
if shes of l xtJre ard shaft cofcrete 1f sfr-os olrer fg
Slandard co ors are as fo o!i,s grcart.rr 1 ex l) ly I arch tectura
co atr ceor(l Ial of The 10 o','/ nr,i
:r:arala{d Da nt ard col.crete
rr ors are spec I ca ,/ de!e oll-oaj
1. ..ord n.Te w Tl- each olhe'

Cat. No. Cat. No.

Powc-or Coat Pa nt Corr.iele ao or

BL-P cH-c
B ac< aharaoe


L !lht Gray Natura Gray

try'h ite Wh te

8 I nLth.rl
f-- Photometrics

o VRB1 Single Function Luminaire

A 70 W HPS coated E 17 or B 17 med. base, 5985 initial lurnens
B 100W HPS coated E 17 or B 17 med. base, BB00 initial lumens
rvpca Har

C 70W l\lH, coated ED-17 med base 5400 initia lumens

D 100W l\,'lH, coated ED-17 med. base,8000 nta umens.
E 75W N,1V coated E 17 or B 17 med. base 3150 n t a umens.
F 100W ncandescent, A 2'1 .F med base, 1690 initia lumens
Note: Al photometric tests were conducted using coated amps
C ear H gh Pressure Sod urn lamps may be used if sl ght ouver ln t al Hor zonta
shadows are acceptable. Footcand es for
42' Ba la"d
Typ cal Cand epower Distribution Curve (36' L ghl Cented


]B 2.6 .40

39 6.4 orlo,,n 1.2

t3 2.4 .33

50 .76 ::[:;: 10

23 .36 26 38 12 05

12 .19 ,. ,ol no 03

l1 o"ol* .42
r5 TB 21

Typica Half
VRB2 Dual Function Luminaire
A 70 W HPS, coated E 17 or B 17 med. base 5985 n tia umens Non-Cutoif S de
B 100W HPS, coated E 17 or B 17 med base BB00 in t a umens. (Vertica Lowert _
C 70W l\,4H. coated ED 17 med base,5400 nta umens.
D l00W MH. coated ED 17 med. base.8000 initial lumens - -crtofisde
-(Horizontal Louvers)
E 75W N,4V coated E 17 or B 17 base,3150 initial lumens
F 100W lncandescent. A 21 .F med base 1690 n t a umens
Note: Al photometric tests were conducted us ng coated amps.
C ear H gh Pressure Sod um lamps rnay be used il s ight louver ln tia Horizontal
shadows are acceptable. Footcandles for
42" Ballatd
Typ ca Cand epower D stributior Curve (36' Liqht Cenler)

21 3.2 2 3.5 .94

38 6.8 45 1B

1.4 2.2 16 2.3 .64

.51 .81 .61 90 24 l:;

23 .39 .27 4A

12 .20 .13 .20 06 ::

07 .12 07 .11 03 .a2

Kim L ghtincl

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