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The Jews of Morocco. 369


WHILE so much righteous indignation is being stirred up
among us with regard to the barbarities daily chronicled
in Russia, we are apt to overlook the condition of the Jews
in Barbary itself. From time to time statements are made
on behalf of the Jews of Morocco, and momentary interest
is aroused, but ere long they seem again forgotten. Shall we
wait until the treatment meted out under the re'gine of the
Czar is imitated under that of the Sultan of the Maghreb ?
Or shall we, by united effort and by timely zeal, prevent the
arrival of such a crisis ? Which were better, to be snatched
from drowning or to be kept from danger ? It is seven-
and-twenty years since the mission of Sir Moses Montefiore
to MarrAkesh obtained some slight concessions to the
Jewish subjects of the Sultan, for which they have been
ever thankful; but there is much more to be done. Bad
as the position of the Moor himself is, under a rotten
Government, that of his Israelitish neighbour is much
worse, and ever will be till the Morocco rulers learn that
even Jews have friends, and powerful ones, and that many
of themselves are powerful. With a new generation the
memories of the Montefiore Mission have passed away, and
though the whole policy of the Moorish Government and
its attitude towards foreigners have undergone changes for
the better during the past quarter of a century, there is
still much to be done. At the same time, the fact must
not be overlooked that no royal or imperial rescripts, no
Shereefian firmans, can afford the Morocco Jews the friend-
ship or respect which they would fain experience. Nothing
but their own behaviour can secure them these, and it will
be long before the evil impressions of ages can be removed.
For a right appreciation of the present position and
370 The Jewish Quarterly Review.

future prospects of these communities some idea of their

past history is needful. Though of course of one common
stock, they are divided into two distinct classes, the one
being formed of the descendants of those who first settled
in Morocco,now to be found in their unmixed state only
in the interior, chiefly in the Atlas. The other class con-
sists of those who emigrated to Morocco when in the
fifteenth century zeal-mad Spain expelled her Jewish
subjects. Those who took refuge on the Moorish coast
soon absorbed their co-religionists in their neighbourhood,
and gave rise to what is to-day the more cultured and im-
portant section of the two. It will be well, therefore, to
consider them separately before drawing any general
conclusion applicable to the whole, though it is as one
body that after all they appear to their rulers and the
outside world. The main distinction has ever been the
language, for while the one has spoken Berber and Arabic,
the other has spoken Spanish and Arabic. The proportion
who speak both Berber and Spanish -always with the
intermediary Arabic-is microscopic, if it exists at all. As
in other countries, the Jews of Morocco have shown them-
selves apt linguists, ever ready to master French or
English in addition to their mother tongues, but the special
facilities afforded in favour of the former in some towns
enable it to be spoken the more correctly. The lads in the
Tangier schools put the majority of English boys to shame
with their assiduity and perseverance in this respect. The
merest smattering is turned to the best account in practice
upon visitors, till the progress made is often astonishing.


How far back to date the first arrival of ISraelites in

that part of Barbary which we call Morocco, I am at
a loss to say, though no doubt some of the diligent his-
torical delvers, who bring so much of interest to light
through the pages of this Review and kindred publications,
The Jews of Morocco. 371

may be able to inform us. My researches have lain rather

among such materials as during six years on the spot have
come to hand in daily intercourse with my subject, than
among dusty tomes and worm-worn pages. The people
themselves have no intelligent idea of their past, beyond
that at some stage or other their ancestors hailed from the
Holy City. Some have opined that one of the earlier dis-
persions sent them forth, and doubtless there are in
Morocco a few descended thus; but from the completeness
of the teachings in their possession, it is evident that the
bulk of the immigrants belonged to a later period.
The utmost I can attempt to do is to bring together
a few scattered data gleaned from various sources, which,
with no pretence at completeness, may serve as beacon
lights along their history. The earliest authentic references
I have come across are in connection with the invasion
of the Arabs cir. 670 C.E., who found Jews already estab-
lished in Morocco. Several references to this fact occur
among the native historians, but one of the most curious
is by Ibn Khaldoon, who says that in the year 688 the
Berbers were allied against the Arabs under a queen
named Dhimmeeah el Kahanah, or the Tributary Sooth-
sayer, who belonged to the Jewish tribe of Jerooa, of the
Aures mountains. Where these are I know not, but the
designation "tributary" is that always applied to a Jew in
Moorish legal documents, instead of the national appel-
latives, Yahoodi or Hebrani, the former of which is in
conversation applied to the people, and the latter to their
language. Similar allusions in various quarters show that
a goodly number of Jews must even at that early date
have found their home in Morocco. In one of the legends
which recount in so many ways the founding of Fez,
about 807 C.E.,a native Jew plays his part, and as soon
as the town began to rise, a numbei of Jews took refuge
there, and were allotted a quarter to themselves, on the
payment of tribute of 30,000 dinars a year in lieu of
military service. This tax continues to be levied, not
372 The Jewish Quarterly Review.

only in Fez, but throughout the kingdom, though of course

the sum has increased very many times during these
centuries. Owing to the present Sultan's generosity this
tax has been paid very irregularly, and is much in arrear
in some parts.
In 1275 the mob rose against the Jews of Fez, and
fourteen had already been slain when the Ameer, riding
to the spot himself, succeeded in quelling the tumult. He
forbade any Moor to approach the Jewish quarter, and
next morning laid the foundation stones of New Fez, in
which he accorded them the district they still inhabit.
Previous to this time it would seem from the record called
Raod el Kartas (the Garden of Documents) that their
home was in the centre of the old town, for in 1133, when
the famous Karueein Mosque was enlarged, the adjoining
property of certain Jews had to be seized and paid for at
a valuation. The quarters thus allotted to their Jewish
subjects by the Moorish Sultans after a time became known
either as the Mellah (place of salt), or as the Missoos (the
saltless place). The former designation is explained by
the fact that the Jewish butchers are forced to pickle the
heads of rebels which are to be exhibited according to
custom above the gates of the towns as a warning to others.
The latter name is given in derision, saltlessness and worth-
lessness being terms proverbially synonymous.
It is probable that the Jewish inhabitants of Morocco
have never been free from a certain amount of oppression,1
and that from the first they have had to suffer indignities
which have long been regarded from both sides as matters
of course. Under the heading of the present condition
of the Moorish Jews an opportunity will be afforded of
dealing further with these indignities, of which too many
still exist, as also with the causes or excuses for some of
For the persecutions of the Jews of Moiocco and of North Africa
generally, during the reign of Abd Allah bin Toomert, cir. 1146, see
Graetz, Geschichte der Juden, VI. 170.
The Jews of Morocco. 373

Whether any of the Jews expelled from Italy in 1342,

from Holland in 1350, from France and England about 1400,
found refuge in Morocco, with most of those expelled from
Spain in 1492,1 and from Portugal two years later, I must
leave others to determine, but it is very likely that to them
some of the Moroccan families owe their origin. Those
who sought shelter with the Moors from the outset suffered
treatment hardly better than that which had driven them
forth, and the story of their sufferings is a harrowing one.

In spite of the subservient position enforced upon these
"Tributaries" by their cousins, the Arabs, their inherent
cleverness was no less manifest in Barbary than elsewhere,
and those who oppressed them also took care to avail
themselves of their business qualities. At times the rulers
of the Empire drew their chief advisers from this race.
The influential posts once held by Jews under the Moorish
dominion of Spain, and the renown of many of their
learned men during that period of comparative enlighten-
ment, are sufficiently known to need no recapitulation
here; but it miay be well to recall the names of some of the
famous Israelitish diplomats of the Moorish Empire in
Afiica. Their most prosperous time in Morocco itself
would seem to have commenced soon after the expulsion
from Spain, and it was doubtless the arrival of so many
men of higher training and superior ability which secured
them these posts. Shoomel-el-Barensi was one of the first
to rise to power, as Minister of the Ameer Said-el-Watas,
who reigned during the first quarter of the sixteenth cen-
I Prof. Graetz, ibid., VIII. (ed. 3, 1890), p. 360, seq., gives a full account
of the Jews who found an asylum on the Berber Coast in 1391, as also in
1492. In Fez exiles at the latter date were well received by Malai Sheikh,
though the populace at first was unfavourably disposed to them. A
general survey of the Jews in Morocco is given in the opening chapter of
Graetz's ninth volume.
374 The Jewish Quarterly Review.

tury; and his influential position opened the court of Fez

to many a co-religionist. This was the hey-day of the
Moorish Jews, as one after another of their number became
a sort of privy councillor, notably during the reign of
Mohammed VIII., in 1576. As controllers of finances the
successive Sultans had the same experience of them as have
European potentates, but they also employed them as
ambassadors. In 1610 Shooml-el-Farrashi was sent by
MftAi ZeedAnas his representative to the United Provinces,
and he was succeeded in 1675 by Yoosef Toledano, whose
brother Haim was Ambassador to England. Few ever exer-
cised more power in the Moorish Court than did the
favoured Maimaran at the close of the seventeenth cen-
tury, without whose money and influence the brutal Mulai
IsmAil would never have reached the sultanate. Though
he virtually ruled his poorer brethren, he had a formid-
able rival in Moses Ben Attar, whose inhumanities
rivalled those of his master. It is this man's signa-
ture which appears as Moorish plenipotentiary at the
foot of the treaty with Great Britain of 1721, which was
the basis of every subsequent agreement with European
nations, and also laid the foundation of the Protection
system. It is a curious and interesting fact that a
Jew should have, on the Moorish side, permitted the
entrance of the thin end of a wedge which has since
entered so much further as to have become not only the
sine qud non of intimate European relations with Morocco,
but also the one hope of the Jews in the country almost
ever since that time. But Ben Attar's competitor Maimaran
offered the Sultan so many coins for his head, and the
millionaire Moses of those days, being informed of the bid,
offered twice as much to reverse the bargain, which then
became his; but the Sultan, having pocketed both sums,
commanded the two he could so ill spare to become friends,
Maimaran to give his daughter to Ben Attar, who hence-
forth stood supreme. An instance of both his power and
his cruelty was afforded on the occasion of the British
The Jews of Morocco. 375

Embassy of 1720, when he had his Gibraltar agent brutally

maltreated and all but strangled for cheating, without the
interference of any other authority, or the semblance of a
In 1750 the Morocco Ambassador to Denmark was a
Jew, and thirty years later Yakoob ben Ibraheem, of Bent
Idder, came to London in the same capacity, being succeeded
in 1794 by one named Zumbal, who had been in charge of
the Sultan's finances, and was high in favour. St. Olon
had found him thus when he went to MarrAkeshas envoy
from France just afterwards. Yakoob Attar, who acted as
secretary to Mohammed X., had the credit of speaking
English, French, Spanish and Italian-presumably in an
original style-and of being a great rogue. In 1859 an
English Jew from York was captain of the port at Mogador,
and it is stated that one Sultan had a Jewish cook.
To-day, though no son of Israel holds office of note
under the Sultan, many of those whose parents enjoyed
European protection, and who have become to a greater
or less extent Europeanized, occupy positions of influence,
both among natives and foreigners, such as hardly a single
Moor has attained.


There exist among the Moors a number of curious tradi-
tions concerning tribes among the Berbers who are affirmed
to have once been Jews. Unfortunately these are too frag-
mentary and too scattered to be of any real service till
they have been collated, compared and condensed by some
painstaking stu.dent of Folk Lore. To such an one there
is little doubt that they would yield abundant interest, and
at the same time furnish historic clues of importance. In
a similar way other tribes in the Anti-Atlas are reported to
have once been Christian, and an entangled series of myths
is current about them all. To unravel the most prominent
would be a worthy undertaking, but a toilsome labour of
376 The Jewish Quarterly Review.

This question as to the presumed Jewish origin of certain

tribes is of itself most interesting, and there is probably
some foundation for it. One writer states that M ilai
Edrees, the founder of Fez, was considered a saint because
he secured the conversion of so many Jews to Islam. The
unfortunate Davidson, who rashly attempted to cross the
Atlas unprepared, half a century ago, and lost his life in
consequence, was told of such a tribe who betrayed their
origin by their features, and who, according to the Arabs,
had a Jewish odour about them. They engaged in com-
merce only, or acted as clerks, and although Mohammedans,
never attained to high civil or religious positions, nor did
they observe the Friday as the " Day of the Congregation."
Side by side with these rather doubtful reports of con-
versions is a series of accounts of advantage taken of sonme
thoughtless word to inflict punishments for presumed
apostasy. In 1820 a Jew, in a tipsy condition, was caught
entering a mosque, and was induced to testify belief in the
Divine mission of Mohammed. Realising, when sober, next
day, what he had done, he went to the governor to explain
the matter, but word being sent to the Sultan that he had
recanted, the answer came, " On the arrival of the courier,
off with the Jew's head and send it to me." Within half
an hour after the message arrived the head was on its way
to Court in a leather bag.
The story of Sol Hachuel is far more touching, and is,
indeed, one of genuine heroism. Two Moorish women
swore, in 1834, that this Hebrew girl, who had fled to them
on account of domestic troubles, had agreed to "resign
herself" to the will of God as taught by Mohammed.
After imprisonment for some time, she was sent to Court,
and her extreme beauty obtained for her a promise of the
imperial hareem with every honour, if she would but con-
firm her presumed change of creed. But her noble courage
brought her to a martyr's death, for she was beheaded out-
side Fez.
It is hardly possible that this sort of thing should be
The Jews of Morocco. 377

repeated now, though theoretically the same threats exist

for the pervert from the faith of Islam. Richardson,
writing in 1859, tells a story, then fresh, of a Jewish lad,
who went to his Kaid and proclaimed himself Mohamme-
dan, but this official, with greater sense than usual, sent
him to prison till next day, when he had him beaten and
sent back home. In reply to King John of England, whom
a well-known ecclesiastical historian1 states to have ap-
pealed to Morocco for help against Louis and the Pope,
-offering to hold his kingdom in fief from Morocco,and to
embrace Islam-the Sultan En-NAser expressed a similar
sentiment. "I have read a book in Greek by a Christian
sage named Paul," he told one of the ambassadors,2" whose
words and doings greatly pleased me, but what displeased
me was that he left the religion in which he was born. I
say as much to the king, your master, who now wishes to
leave the Christian law, so holy and so pure. God knows
-He who is ignorant of nothing-that if I was without
religion I would choose it in preference to any other."
But MAlai En-NAser overlooked the fact that Paul accepted
Jesus as the promised Messiah because he was born and re-
mained a Jew; that to become a Christian one must become
a Jew by religion first, and that to become Mohammedan
great portions of the teachings of both must be accepted.
Mohammed held his creed to be the natural outcome of
Christianity as we Christians consider our creed the fulfil-
ment of Judaism.
A set of traditions, perliaps more curious than those of
desertions from the Jewish ranks, exists to account for the
earliest peopling of the country itself. Authors, too many
to quote, tell of legends that Moroccowelcomed the nations
whom Joshua drove out of Canaan, and from Procoplus
downwards they have offered proofs in the shape of pillars
with inscriptions, and stories handed down without them,
but hitherto all these have failed to prove their case,

I Matthew Paris. 2 Robert of London, a priest.

378 The Jewish Quarterly Review.

although it may nevertheless have some foundation in


Morocco is an absolutely non-statistical country; for

this reason it is altogether impossible to arrive at any
conclusion as to the actual numbers of the Moorish Jews,
or even as to the proportion which they bear to the popula-
tion of the country. Even if one endeavours to mentally
form an idea, it is an impossibility to do so without an
intimate acquaintance with every town of the Empire, for
they are much more numerous in one part than in another,
and even their agglomeration in one town often means their
sparsity in its immediate neighbourhood. In Tangier, the
advantages afforded by the presence of so many foreigners,
by the opportunities for trade, and, above all, by the com-
parative immunity from the indignities inflicted further
inland, have all tended to allure considerable numbers, and
to keep them there. For these reasons it is probable that,
out of some 25,000 inhabitants, of whom some 5,000 are
Europeans (there are 3,500 Spaniards and 500 British sub-
jects on their respective Consular registers), as many as
7,000 or 8,000 are Israelites. Mogador, which ranks
second to Tangier as a busy port, takes the same posi-
tion with regard to its Jewish population. It has been
estimated by men well able to judge that the average pro-
portion of the Jewish inhabitants of the towns is one-
fourth; though out in the country, with the exception of
the Atlas district, it is only under the protection of powerful
governors, few and far between, that little colonies of the
peculiar people thrive. The largest settlement is naturally
found in the largest city, Fez, the dwellers in which are
reckoned at 150,000, including, perhaps, 30,000 Jews.
With the exception of the ports of Tangier, Arzila,
Casablanca, Mazagan, and Saffi, every town, and almost
every hamlet, has its Jewish quarter, wherein alone, en-
closed by gates at night, the sons of Israel are allowed to
The Jews of Morocco. 379
live. The sacred city of Zerh6n they and all foreigners
are prevented from even approaching, and in Wazzan they
live in rookeries on sufferance. It is curious that, in 1834,
they were not to be found in Saffi or Agadeer. Perhaps
the fanaticism concomitant with the veneration in which
the rabat, or camp, of the former port is held had some-
thing to do with that case. It was only in the end of the
last century that Chenier, when representing France there,
broke the spell, as it were, by boldly riding through on
horseback, where Jews and foreigners were previously
compelled to stumble bare-foot. It should be remembered
that, till within the last fifty years, " Christians "-a terml
which in Morocco is equivalent to " foreigners "-and Jews
were classed together and treated alike. It is only awe of
the superior power of the former which has secured them
the privileges they now enjoy. Even to this day, un-
recommended foreigners are forced to dwell in the Jew-
ries of the interior and some of the ports, no Muslim
daring to take them in without an order. In certain
places, Jews who can afford it dwell outside the Mellah, in
the portion allotted to Europeans, but this is not possible
everywhere. In the country, several districts are reported
to be without Jewish inhabitants, such as the Berber tribes
of Beni M'teer, Bent M'gild, Beni Walghain, Ait Yoossi,
Zemmoor Shilh, and Zair.


Of these, who speak only Berber, we have yet very much

indeed to learn. There are stories current about agricul-
tural colonies dwelling beyond the Atlas, which, if true,
would add a further interest to an already fascinating
subject. The man who has given to the world the most
complete account of the peoples of that district, meagre
as it is, is De Foucauld, the prince of Moroccoexplorers, the
only one worthy of the name. From him we know that
the customs observed in comparatively well-known dis-
cc 2
380 The Jewish Quarterly Review.

tricts with regard to them extend to the whole of tlhe vast

area embraced by the Great and Lesser Atlas. Their condi-
tion there varies between that of serfs and slaves. Some-
times they are practically the property of the local sheikh,
and at others they belong to private individuals, who have
the right to sell them. They are not only compelled to do
much without payment, but they are imposed upon at every
turn. They may not marry, nor remove their families, till
they have, to all intents and purposes, re-bought them-
selves. All this is inflicted in the name of protection,
without which they would not be safe for a day. Yet
some five-and-twenty shillings has been considered suffi-
cient blood money for one of these unfortunates. On the
other hand, outsiders are permitted to do them no injury,
which would be considered as inflicted upon their pro-
tector, who makes the duty of revenging it a point of
honour. Disputes of this nature between powerful men
not infrequently lead to intertribal quarrels. In travelling
it is sufficient for the protegdto bear some article belonging
to his master to ensure his safety, written documents being
scarce up there, with few to understand them. The treat-
ment that individuals receive depends entirely on the
temper and the pleasure of their masters, for their chance
of redress for injury is practically nil, so that their position
is in some respects worse even than that of negro slaves,
who, being Mohammedans,may benefit from certain rights in
law, denied to those who spurn their Prophet. Centuries
of this oppression have naturally had a very deleterious
effect upon the characters of the victims, who are cringing,
cowardly creatures, never daring to answer back, and
seldom even standing erect-a people demanding our utmost

From the day of his birth till all trace of his last resting-
place has disappeared, the Hebrew of Morocco is despised
and scorned. " Dog of a Jew !" is a very mild term to be
The Jews of Morocco. 381

employedin abusing him, and the soubriquetsof "ass !" and

"swine!" stand in equal favour. But the various indig-
nities to which his race is exposedin daily life differ too
much in one district from what they are in another for any
completelist to apply universally. I shall, therefore,only
attempt to take notice of the chief, with the exception of
those specially connected with the serfdomof the Atlas,
dealt with already. The enforced collection in Mellahs,
except round Tangier,outside which they may acquire no
lands or property, has been noted. As at times the Moors
have made raids upon the riches concentrated in these
Mellahs,the gates are strictly shut and watched at night
for their protection. In the day-time,in most towns, except
on the coast,they can only leave their quarterbarefoot,and
until recently they could not ride in towns,and outsideonly
on mules,with the exception of the Hazz&n(Rabbi). Before
certain Mosquesthey must always removetheir shoes, and
formerly this was incumbent also upon the women, till
Mfilai SulaimAnexempted them, in the wordsof a quaint
writer, "becauseit was indecentand disturbingto devotion
to see their tremendouscalves." To leave the country,the
men used to have to pay $4 and the women $100, and
sometimes the departureof the latter is still prohibited.
The compulsory dress is considered also an indignity,
which is fast being laid aside in favour of European
ugliness, when foreign protection is obtained. M lAi
kbder Rahman objected to this, and once ordered all
dressed as foreigners to be stripped and put in black
again, a colourno Moorever wears in any garment. It is
most unfortunatethat the younger ladies on the coast are
so misinformedas to reject their own becomingcostunies
to such an extent as they do, in favour of hideousParisian
fashions,not to be comparedfor beauty or grace with that
worn by their mothers. Manyof the elder membersof the
community are conservative enough to retain the time-
honouredstyle, but their juniors think they know better.
For an unprotectedJew to lift his hand against or curse
382 The Jewish Quarterly Review.

a Moor would be to bring down untold vengeance on his

head. Yet in the Muslim Courts they may tender no
evidence on oath-nor may the foreigners-so that they
are obliged by force majeure to put up with whatever is
inflicted on them. At one time the slightest retaliation
meant death to the avenger, however he might have been
provoked, except by violation of domicile. While in Tan-
gier considerable laxity of these restrictions is allowed, in
other parts they are much more severe, and every day un-
lucky Jews are punished for imaginary offences or out of
pure spite. Lack of civility to a Moor, or outbidding him
on the market becomes an offence, and an attempt to seek
the aid of strangers an unpardonable crime.
In addition to the poll-tax, it has always been customary
for the Jewish subjects of the Sultans to present them with
specially valuable offerings on the occasions of family
festivals. Though these continue, they are not now the
irksome impost which they once were. A century ago, the
usual thing was, on the birth of a son to the Emperor, to
contribute gold pendants and earrings set with pearls, with
gold plates bearing as inscriptions prayers in favour of
mother and child. The value of this jewellery was
estimated in 1715 at ?15, a much more considerable sum
in those days and in that country than it represents to us
-and as M&lAIiIsmael was credited with some 900 sons,
and received this amount for each, as well as similar
articles in silver (minus the pearls) for some 300 daughters,
he must have reaped a considerable harvest in this field
alone. Forced labour, and the most unreasonable levies of
manufactured goods, have also been frequently inflicted on
this much-suffering people. In public works, such as the
building of the walls of Mequinez and Tetuan, we have it
on record how they, by the side of the European slaves
were compelled to toil unpaid. When MflaViIsmael was
besieging Ceuta during a space of many months, he was
wont to make the Jews supply the powder used on Fridays,
when they did the chief cannonading.
The Jews of Morocco. 383


The peculiar dress to which unprotected male Jews in

Morocco are confined, consists outwardly of a dark blue or
black gaberdine of a sort of felt cloth, embroidered with
narrow silk braid of the same hue, in which is worked on
the right-hand side a distinctive badge almost identical
with that once worn in England. Below this garment
are visible the ankles-bare or clad in white stockings-
thrust into black slippers, while the Moors wear yellow, a
colour which, in common with all other bright hues, is
strictly forbidden to the sons of Israel. At the throat
a bit of white, or what was so once, is visible, and the
sleeves, tight when buttoned, may be flapping loosely
open. The face, a characteristic one, often pox-marked--
though not so often as among the Moors-will be sur-
mounted in the North by a proverbially greasy skull-cap,
black, of course, while abundant locks crop out all round,
left long, and forming a most unintellectual-looking fringe
in front. Mourning customs are in this respect most
strictly adhered to. In the south, peculiar bunches of
curly, almost " frizzly hair, adorn each temple, and this is
a distinctive feature of one of the tribes of alleged Jewish
origin, the Oodaia, now the royal body-guard. Here,
also, the cap is replaced by a blue cotton handkerchief
spotted with white, which is folded corner-wise, with the
ends tied under the chin, giving a most "old-womanish "
appearance, far from prepossessing. This costume is
varied considerably in the Atlas, where a hooded cloak of
one piece, identical with that worn by many Moors, is
much in vogue, thrown back over the left arm, and, of
course, everywhere there are deviations from these cos-
tumes, down to shirt and drawers alone, or rags and
The dress of the women affords the most extreme of con-
trasts. At home, in the morning, it is of the dirtiest and
most slovenly-skirt and bodice, not unlike the European
384 The Jewish Quarterly Review.

equivalents,but the latter often very low and loose. On

high days and holidays the gorgeous attire worn by the
same individualwill be overwhelmingin value and bright-
ness. Rich dark velvets, loadedwith gold braid,form the
costume, while the hair of a married woman,which the
public may never see, is enveloped from the forehead in
an expensive Lyons silk kerchief,bedizened with costly
jewellery, as also are neck and wrists. A whole fortune is
sometimes invested in these inalienable chattels, which,
from their value, often develop into heirlooms. The free
use of antimony to darkenthe eyelashes far from enhances
their undisputedgood looks in Europeaneyes.
Among the Berbers,the dress of the women sometimes
so nearly resemblesthat of Muslimhasas to deceive even a
native when a stranger. I have a lively recollectionof the
suddenchange of my servant's languagefrom courtesy to
vituperationwhen he discoveredone day in an Atlas village
that he was addressingJewesses instead of Mooresses,as
he had supposed.


For one who has the misfortuneto be classed with the

Goimto attempt any detailed comparisonof the method
of performingthe religious ceremonies of Israel followed
in Moroccowith the better known kindred rituals of other
lands, would be presumption. I would rather refer those
specially interestedto accountsI publishedsome years ago
in The Timesqf Morocco, which merely set forth in order
such facts as I had been able to observe or glean from
inquiry. Subsequent experience would,it is true, neces-
sitate considerableadditionsand some corrections,but they
may serve to convey an intelligent idea.
The synagoguesof Moroccoare,on the whole, despicable,
but only on a par with the habitationsof the worshippers.
I have visited many, but they have a wearisomesameness.
I speak now of the typical ones, with no referenceto the
The Jews of Morocco. 385

fine modernbuildings erectedby public subscriptionor by

private liberality in some of the coast towns,as for instance
the New Synagogue on Tangier Wall, next door to my
home,or that of the Messrs.Nahon, close by. I may point
out here, en passant, that the position of the former Jewry
of Tangier is fairly well determined by the fact that the
street into which the latter opens, tenanted entirely by
Jews, contains no less than seven synagogues. One of
these is the oldest in the town, on the other side of which
are three more, and there is a small one outside the Walls.
Most of these are merely private houses, fitted up for
worship, which is not unusual. The segregation of the
women in the galleries is general, and in some towns the
women veil themselves in the streets somewhat like the
Mooresses, but they are poor attendants of the house of
God as a rule. Several of these synagogues are small, with
labyrinthine entrances, some passing through dwellings, and
are distressingly odoriferous. The accommodation on the
great feast days is so very inadequate that numbers of the
congregation have to stand in the street outside. In other
towns the condition of things is often very much worse,
the houses of prayer serving also to sleep, eat, and kill
chicken in, not to mention cooking and trade. I never
saw more neglected places in actual use than in Marrakesh
(Morocco City) and Amzmiz, the latter a town on the slopes
of the Atlas. As a rule the Shochet performs his duties
in the poultry line at street corners and other public places,
where the interesting preliminaries may be studied gratis.
However carefully the slaughtered bird is handed to the
bright-eyed maid who stands there to receive it, the final
struggles often prove too much for her, and it is dropped
to flap about among the passers by, or the operator holds
it under his foot as he examines his blade, and prepares for
action again.
The visits of the Mohel are made occasion for the most
prodigal feasting, and a still more prodigal display of
female attire and jewellery, as well as of female adiposity
386 The Jewish Quarterly Review.

and flashing eye. The chair belonging to the community

being set up on one side of the courtyard or balcony, the
other side is thronged with lady spectators, as the venerable
Rabbi, who combines so many functions, initiates the scion
of the house to Judaism, always performing the meziza. In
some instances the birth of a daughter serves for little
less rejoicing. It is the invariable custom for the mother
to lie in bed in state to receive her guests, for in Morocco
no distinction is known between bed and sitting-room.
But the weddings! If money is foolishly wasted in
London to make a grand affair of these, the Morocco
brethren are not one whit behind. The Arabs are credited
with a proverb in which there lies much truth, to the effect
that while the Muslim squanders his substance in religious
festivals, and the Christian in lawsuits, the Israelite does
so in nuptial bouts. What shall I say of the days of pre-
paration, of the breaking of a jar of corn at the door of
the bride's room to ensure her fruitfulness, of the slaughter
of cattle and sheep and fowls, of the synagogue service, of
festivities at the bride's house, of the jollifications at that
of the bridegroom, of the special bathing, of the customs
and fun of the talamo, of the torchlight procession of the
lady to her new home, of her induction in state by two of
the most important male guests, of her sitting for hours
like a waxen doll, of her stealthy tears from beneath
closed eyes, of the binding forms and ceremonies, of the
nasal chant, and irregular chorus, of the reading and the
signing of the settlement, of the exchange of the ring, of
the drinking of wine and the breaking of the glass, or of
the thousand and one minor observances which vary inde-
finitely here, there, and then ? Suffice it to say that on
every hand hospitality abounds; that in place of the
hard boiled eggs-two a-piece-which are customary at
the Melah and minor ceremonies, luxurious repasts are
spread and include a series of excellent almond sweets
with preserved and dried fruits, of which each guest takes
away a kerchief full; and that for drinks there are good
The Jews of Morocco. 387

wines and bad, with abundance of villainous anis-seed and

fig spirit, while the utmost good humour prevails, even
though there is hardly standing room, and the din of the
seldom-ceasing native music necessitates abnormal exercise
of lung. So they get married in Barbary.
Their well-attended funerals, too, are imposing sights
and sounds, for the sonorous chanting of a procession of
male voices as they slowly pace to their special graveyard
is very beautiful. Transported from their homes where
the hired mourners wail, in coffin-like biers, the property
of the community, they are buried in shrouds under hori-
zontal stones some eighteen inches thick, which a Moor once
suggested to me were made thus heavy by the heirs to keep
the dead one quiet in his grave! The Habra is an institu-
tion in full work in Barbary, and after burial at stated
times the women shriek upon the tombstones, but especially
at the feast of Tammuz, when a whole night is spent
in camp there. The customs of Bar Mitzvah and Pidyon
Habben are also generally recognised.


In proportion as the conditions of life in Morocco

approximate the more to those under which the Mosaic
festivals were instituted, it will be understood that so much
is their observance more literal, and altogether more
primitive. In this consists a special charm. Probably no
Israelitish communities are more strict in the fulfilment of
their ceremonial duties than the one now under considera-
tion. In more ways than one their ritual is allied to, and
in some parts is identical with that of the Spanish and
Portuguese congregations in other lands, a considerable pro-
portion of them being of the same origin. A whole
volume might be written on this point alone, but it must
suffice to glance in passing at a few of the special features
of the greater fasts or festivals. Nowhere could the
Sabbath be more strictly adhered to than among these
388 The Jewish Quarterly Review.

people, and on Fridays everything is "redded up." The

shalet-containing the Sabbath meals-is prepared over a
carefully built fire, to keep it hot for twenty-four hours,
with the seuda shilishit, or food for the third meal snug
down at the bottom of the jar.
Y6m Kippur is a great day in Morocco, duly observed
with groans and lamentations in the Synagogues, by the
slaughter of fowls for sacrifice, and by repairing to the
largest body of water available to pray for forgiveness and
often to cast in stones as they would cast away their sins.
The fasting is general, and on the conclusion of the Day
of Atonement the Birkhat ha lavana is performed in open
spaces on the way home.
The Feast of Tabernacles sees its Succah in or on top of
every house, frequently gay with evergreens and flowers,
real or artificial; and the subsequent Simhat Torah is
kept with the greatest of show and excitement, while the
daily use of etr6g and loolav, and the processions of the
Sepharim give quite a gay appearance to the synagogues.
During the Feast of Hanuca or Dedication, a curious
form of the special lamp is used, with a representation
of the seven-branched candlestick on the back. A peculiar
fritter called sfinj, or in Spanish banuelo, is sold about the
streets during this week.
Purim is duly taken advantage of by beggars of all
sorts for themselves and for charitable purposes, in sub-
scribing to which the Jews of Morocco are not backward,
and the payment of the half shekelis not forgotten. While
the Megilla is being read in the synagogue the boys rap
the seats vigorously with wooden hammers when the name
of Haman occurs. At this time visits are made at dusk
incognito, and presents of sweetmeats and fruits are sent
from house to house on trays. Shushan Purim is also
But Pesach, after all, is the feast, withal a fast. The
preparatory search for leaven and the Serifat Hekhamis is
most diligent and careful, and the care exercised in the
The Jews of Morocco. 389

growing 'of the wheat and the selectionof the water for
the Mazzothare almost superstitious. Space prevents my
entering upon the well-known detail of the solemn Seder,
with its shoulder of lamb and its bitter herbs, its un-
leavened cakes and its wine, though in many points it
doubtless differs in Moroccofrom that of Europe, and is
altogether more primitive. The "reception" on the last
day of everybodyby everybodyelse is a notable occasion
over there. And on the same day they have in some parts
a curiouscustom of going to the sea to .;ay the Kaddesh
and the Tephilot. During the Feast some Jewish con-
fectioners "sell" the keys of their shops to Moors,to re-
purchasethem afterwards.
The Feast of Weeks is markedby few peculiar customs,
except the reading of the prayerscalled Azharothin the
synagogue at noon,a verse each by membersof the con-
gregation. If any one is caught tripping he is made to
correcthimself, and on going out has water thrown at him.
Another observanceof this feast is for the young folk to
mount their roofsand syringe the passers-bywith the same
liquid, whence this is sometimes spoken of as the " water
feast." The sea-bathingseason then commences.


In each communityintermarriageof the various families

has rendered the relationshipsbetween the memberscom-
plex and confusing. Often unions take place which must
be bugbears to genealogists, as once when a young lad
puzzledme greatly by referring to a certain individual as
uncle and grandfather indiscriminately,for it seemedthat
his grandfather had married his aunt in-law. Divorce is
not difficult to obtain under certain conditions, but the
husband seems always to retain some semblance of
authority. I believe that bigamy is also legal though un-
common. The greatestevil, however,is the system of child
marriages. These take place in the interior from the ages
390 The Jewish Quarterly Review.

of six or eight, the "wife" coming to live with her

" husband " at his parents' home. At twelve or so she may
be a mother, but very many lose their lives at this critical
stage. If the lad has got tired of her ere this, and he is
rich while she is poor, he will put her away in favour of
some one else. As a set-off against all this, the Jews of
Morocco set a good example to their Muslim neighbours in
the general level of their morals, and as a result the national
skin diseases of the Empire are but rare among them,
though they are cruelly libelled by the Moors, who accuse
them of having introduced them when they came from
Spain. In habits of drinking, nevertheless, they lead the
way, and teach the Moors this vice. The Sabbath after-
noon to the poorer classes means invariable drunkenness,
and a well-known Hebrew gentleman of Tangier, in ex-
plaining to me the Passover ceremonies, concluded by
saying "then they all fall about drunk, and lie till morn-
In matters of food no one could be more particular. In
large communities there are special Jewish markets, where
Kosher viands may be obtained, while even water-barrels
bear this word embranded on the ends. The preparations
for Passover take the place of spring cleaning, and are very
thorough, including even whitewashing outside, while old
crocks are broken and new ones brought out. The streets
of the Jewish quarters are the filthiest of all the Moorish
towns, and are often several feet deep in rubbish, so that
visitors descend by steps into the houses. Ceremonial
washings are, of course performed, but otherwise water is
not beloved. Interpreting for a doctor one day to a
Moorish Jew suffering from a skin complaint, I had to ask
how often he bathed, which brought out the indignant
answer "MIe wash? Of course I don't, except three or
four times a year. Otherwise I only wash my face and hands
sometimes. Oh dear no." The Moors, when rain is scarce,
make the Jews go out with them to pray, and with but
scant justice declare that they shall stop outside the walls till
The Jews of Morocco. 391
their reeking breath and feet shall so annoy the Almighty,
that he shall grant their prayers to get rid of them! It is
striking to see how readilythose who becomemorecultured
on the coast adopt the European standard in respect of


Although the possible existence of agriculturalJews in

the unknown parts of the Atlas has been hinted at, the
means of obtaininga livelihood followed by the Israelites
of Moroccodo not differ greatly from those adopted in
other lands similarly situated. As artificersthey are con-
spicuousin the manufactureof jewellery, and of brass,tin
and metal work generally; in the embroideringof slippers,
etc.; in tailoring and in carpentry, as also in the pre-
paration of a number of useful and ornamentalarticles
producedby the Moorsas well. As merchants and shop-
keepers, a large proportion of the trade of the country
passes through their hands. Perhaps it would be no ex-
aggerationto state that the larger proportiondoes so, first
and last, much of that which is eventually retailed by
Moors having been imported by them. In this special
branchthey probablydo as much as Europeansand Moors
together, though in exports the Europeansrank first.
It is, however, where the handling of money comes in
that our Hebrew friend ranksfacileprinceps. At the street
corneryou may see him squatted on the ground,in dirty
gown and dishevelled hair, complacentlypassing through
his bony fingers a peck or two of copper"change" in a
basket set before him. From the deep recessesof his ample
leather wallet, slung acrosshis shoulder to the left, he can
producequite a quantity of silver coins,from dollars down
to pieces worth but 2?d., which he gives or receives in
change at the current rates of the day. Or in the sea-
ports you may see his fellow trudge from house to house,
negotiating cheques and bills and what not at a micro-
392 The Jetrish Quarterly Revieo.

scopic commission. Or you may see him appear before the

Moorish notary with a starveling Arab who has borrowed
twenty dollars from him. The poor fellow states that
Yakoob has purchased of him thirty dollars' worth of wool,
or grain or oil, which he has undertaken to deliver, carriage
paid, that day three months. When that day comes, in-
stead of bringing goods, or returningthe cash, he consents to
the signing of a document for forty dollars, to replace the
first, and so the ball rolls on, till the presumable value of
the pledges entrusted to the usurer is reached, when further
extension of time is refused, and the debtor is cast into
prison and sold up, or perhaps this is not sufficient, so he
dies there. Powerful governors are frequently the debtors,
who have borrowed to purchase their post, or to secure it,
and often they have a Jewish partner, each playing into the
other's hands.
But the highest ambition of the average Jew in Morocco
who means to rise in the World is an interpretership to a
foreign legation, which not only secures a comfortable
living, with unlimited opportunities for " palm oil," but also
gives a certain rank and importance which may be made
the means of stepping higher. Many of the principal
Jewish bankers and merchants of the coast towns owe
their present position to this initiatory lift, enjoyed either
by themselves or by their fathers, and many occupy
foreign vice-consulships. From what has been remarked
on their share of the trade, the commercial importance of
many of these gentlemen will already have been inferred.
Two families have obtained hereditary protection by France
and Great Britain respectively, and the others are alnost
invariably protected in some way. Many are decorated
with European honours.


It is a matter of deep regret that in speaking faithfully

of a portion of the grandest nation upon Earth, of a people
The Jews in Morocco. 393

among whose finer characters I count so many friends, I am

obliged to note one or two serious faults. Let me, therefore,
at the outset make it plain that I consider them less as
innate qualities than as the outcome of adverse circum-
stances, as the result of evil surroundings and of great
inherent talents misdirected. De Foucauld remarked that
the Jews of Morocco " observe with the utmost rigour
the external practices of their religion, but conform in
nothing to the moral duties which their religion prescribes
to them. Not only do they not follow them, but they
oppose them." This may be true, generally, with regard to
principles of honesty of which both native Moorsand Jews-
ignorant on the whole as to any but the ceremonial teach-
ings of the Pentateuch-know but little, but it applies far
less to social morals. Before condemning them it must be
remembered that they have had no chance to do better.
Another writer says that the poor Jews believe it no sin to
rob Moors and Christians, while the Moors regard their
treatment of Christians and Jews in the same light. I have
no hesitation in adding, as a rider to this, that many so-
called "Christians" consider themselves fully justified in
defrauding Moors and Jews. Too many such, equally black
themnselves,refuse to hear anything good about natives of
either class.
I would not have it supposed that in quoting from these
authorities I wish to imply that such a character is uni-
versally deserved by the Moorish Jews. Though it un-
doubtedly is so by a large number, there are many who
stand out the brighter for surrounding darkness, and whose
credit is the greater for the hindrances with which they
In other points I do not think the Moorish Jew is
peculiar. He is hospitable, and his family are genial; if
his habits are dirty and his probity weak, his morals are
the highest in Morocco. With the exception of the dis-
graceful child-marriages alluded to, he stands as far ahead
of the Moor in this, as he is behind him in other respects.
394 The Jewish Quarterly Review.


What has already been recorded of the present condition

of the Morocco Jews will have thrown considerable light
upon their political status. Strictly speaking they enjoy no
status at all under purely Moorish r6gime,for without even
the most elementary rights in the native tribunals, and no
position of authority in view, they are treated altogether
rather as serfs than citizens. Those instances in which
their high intelligence and skill have won great power for
single individuals have seldom to any extent affected the
well-being of the race. Had Morocco remained ever closed
to outside influence, had the concessions wrung at intervals
from the unwilling Sultans by the European Powers not
opened up a pathway for the Jews, their lot would be
to-day upon the coast what it still is in the interior. The
possibility of sharing foreign rights and privileges has,
however, changed all this for those who come within its
range. The treaties assuring protection to the native
agents of foreign officials and merchants have been taken
far greater advantage of by Jews than Moors; firstly,
because they feel the need of protection in a higher degree,
and secondly, because they are more astute in obtaining it.
I am not going here to discuss the indispensable protegd
system in force to-day in Morocco, but I must point out
two of its chief-its typical-abuses, which immediately
concern my subject. The one is the purchase of its benefits,
which are only really intended for bondfide employds. Since
the Jew, whatever his outward circumstances, has always
a larger amount of cash than his Moorish neighbour, in
proportion as he excels him in point of brain, he here scores
a decided advantage, and is able to secure far better pro-
tection. The other abuse to which I would refer is the
enforcement of unjust claims, and the imprisonment of
debtors under the aegis, and through the influence, of
foreign Powers. Though too many foreigners commit the
same abuses, and are equally blameworthy -nay, more so,
The Jews in Morocco. 395

on account of their superior education and opportunities of

learning better-it is the Hebrew community which, from
its numbers, gets credit for the bulk of these misdeeds.
The sin of grasping usury, for which, even in the early
days of the Exodus, their nation had to be so sternly
reprehended, flourishes and cankers in Morocco to the full.
I might fill a whole paper by itself with disclosures of the
oppression meted out by Jews in that country to their
Mohammedan fellow-subjects; I might even go further, and
proclaim what grinding of the face of their own poor, more
grievous still in its nature, goes on in those semi-civilized
Mellahs. But I will not dwell on this unpleasant side of
things. Suffice it to hint at what will ever breed retri-
butive oppression from the Moor, incurring, too, the wrath
of God.
In Morocco two causes have for centuries acted and
reacted one upon the other to produce the existing strained
relations between Moors and Jews. The steadfast inde-
pendence which has cut the latter off from intermixture
with the former,and their greed of gain, have fostered
enmity and hatred, in a populace itself almost as dishonest,
which have brought about reprisals and revenge. These
have been repaid with that amount of interest which they
would make their victims pay; so fire has kindled fire.
The misgovernment of the Empire permits and encourages
this sort of thing in a manner unknown in England,
though even here that page of history has had its parallel.
It is idle for us to demand emancipation for the Jew
unless we are prepared to raise his moral level and to
educate his powers. Until dishonesty, as a universal
characteristic of the country, gives way to honesty, peace
cannot be hoped for. If foreign protection could be
secured for every son of Israel in Morocco, it would
rather expose them to the fury of the populace, and
threaten serious war, than attain its primary objects, if the
immediate result were a mnultiplication of the present
holders of that privilege without raising their tone. The
DD 2
396 The Jewish Quarterly Review.

presence among them of civilised and well-instructed

men, with the polish and air of Europe, men whom
the foreign schools have drawn from their ranks and
placed by the side of any European, proves their capa-
bilities, and forms one of the brightest hopes of Morocco.
The schools of the Alliance Israelite and those of the
Morocco Relief Fund, under the Anglo-Jewish Associa-
tion, have steadily worked wonders, and they need
abundant extension everywhere. Many of the leading
citizens of the Moorish ports-not only as members of
the despised community, but also as members of their
cosmopolitan society-have been their pupils, who have
completed their education abroad and returned to honour
their nation at home. These, even when poor and unpro-
tected, suffer so little indignity at the hands of the Moors,
that they might almost be born Europeans, and in proportion
as the whole Jewish population of Morocco can be rendered
like them, the greatest inducements to oppression will
vanish, and day will have broken on the horizon of the
Morocco Jews. O for a Jonah to stir them up, that they
may repent ere it be too late ! O for a Samuel to teach and
warn them! They need not only the united political
influence on the behalf of their brethren in more
favoured lands, to secure from their government what is
their due as free-born men, but they need awakening
themselves, and raising till they shall be worthy of the
pedestal on which we fain would see them.

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