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Bilayer CVD Graphene Fets

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12, DECEMBER 2017 1747

High Voltage Gain Inverters From Artificially

Stacked Bilayer CVD Graphene FETs
Himadri Pandey , Student Member, IEEE , Satender Kataria, Amit Gahoi, Student Member, IEEE ,
and Max C. Lemme , Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract — In this letter, we report on inverters made is yet to be optimized due to technological limitations
from graphene field effect transistors with channels of arti- encountered in its growth using chemical vapor deposi-
ficially stacked bilayer graphene (ASBLG). The materials tion (CVD) [13].
were grown by scalable chemical vapor deposition. The
devices demonstrate enhanced voltage gain (Av ) figures at Even though there have been several reports of large
relatively lower input voltages when compared with devices area growth of Bernal stacked bilayer graphene [14]–[16],
with single layer graphene channels. A gain value as high the device performance obtained from such grown material
as 7.134 is obtained using ASBLG-based inverters without was found to be largely varying [15]. Recently, we have
any applied back-gate voltage. The improved performance reported improved voltage gain in FETs made with channels
is discussed in terms of transconductance and contact
resistance. Our results suggest that ASBLG-based inverters of artificially stacked bilayer graphene (ASBLG), which we
may be useful for future RF circuit applications. attributed to enhanced carrier-carrier scattering under certain
Index Terms — Artificially stacked bilayer graphene, biasing conditions [17]. In this letter, we demonstrate and
chemical vapor deposited graphene, inverters, voltage gain. discuss inverters made from ASBLG fabricated by stacking
two single layers of graphene (SLG), grown in-house using a
I. I NTRODUCTION thermal CVD method [18]. We demonstrate improved voltage
gain at zero back gate voltage conditions in these inverters
A N INVERTER is a complementary NOT gate, typically
consisting of a co-joined pair of p-doped and n-doped
field effect transistors (FET). It is the most fundamental circuit
compared to those based on SLG channels at ambient condi-
tions. Our results suggest possible radio frequency (RF) circuit
building block and it demonstrates the capability of any FET applications of ASBLG inverters.
technology for signal inversion and thus, circuit applications.
Single layer graphene has zero band gap which results in II. D EVICE FABRICATION
poorly saturating output characteristics of graphene field effect
We fabricated graphene based inverters on thermally
transistors (GFETs), and in turn poor intrinsic voltage gain
oxidized Si substrates using optical lithography with gate
values in both transistor [1], [2] and inverter configurations [3].
lengths (Lg ) between 3 and 12 μm. Channel widths (W) in
Improvements have been achieved by enhancing gate control
different cases were 10 μm to 60 μm (in steps of 10 μm). Two
through thin top gate dielectrics [4]–[7]. Alternatively, Bernal
sets of devices were simultaneously prepared, each consisting
stacked bilayer graphene with electrically tunable band gaps
of a co-fabricated pair of SLG & ASBLG CVD graphene
of the order of a few hundred meV have been proposed
devices. For the first set, electron-beam evaporated silicon
and successfully demonstrated to improve current saturation,
dioxide (SiO2 ) and for the second set, ambient oxidized
intrinsic transistor voltage gain and inverter gain [8]–[12].
aluminum (i.e. AlOx , tox ∼ 4 to 8 nm) were used as gate
However, the scalable production of Bernal stacked bilayer
dielectrics [5], [12]. Contact metal in all devices was 100 nm
Manuscript received September 30, 2017; revised October 18, 2017; thick e-beam evaporated gold (Au). Device fabrication details
accepted October 18, 2017. Date of current version November 22, can be found in [17].
2017. This work was supported in part by the German Research
Foundation under Grant LE 2440/1-2, Grant LE 2440/2-1, and
Grant LE 2440/3-1 and in part by the European Commission through III. R ESULTS & D ISCUSSIONS
an ERC starting grant (InteGraDe, 307311). The review of this let-
ter was arranged by Editor D. Akinwande. (Corresponding author: The devices were characterized under ambient and vac-
Max C. Lemme.) uum conditions using a Keithley 4200 SCS Semiconductor
H. Pandey and S. Kataria are with the Chair for Electronic Devices, parameter analyzer. The measurements under vacuum were
RWTH Aachen University, 52074 Aachen, Germany.
A. Gahoi is with Graphene-based Nanotechnology, Universität Siegen, carried out using Lakeshore TTPX probe station connected
57076 Siegen, Germany. to a similar analyzer. Fig. 1 (a) shows a schematic of an
M. C. Lemme is with the Advanced Microelectronic Center Aachen, inverter circuit with ASBLG channels and Fig. 1 (b) shows
AMO GmbH, 52074 Aachen, Germany, and with the Chair for Electronic
Devices, RWTH Aachen University, 52074 Aachen, Germany, and also the optical micrograph of a fabricated ASBLG device in
with the Graphene-based Nanotechnology, Universität Siegen, 57076 co-planar waveguide layout, along with the equivalent circuit
Siegen, Germany (e-mail: diagram for the inversion functionality overlaid to the real
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this letter are available
online at device image for easy reference to the reader. Complementary-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LED.2017.2768076 like inverters are obtained from these co-joined parallel gate

0741-3106 © 2017 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted,
but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

FET compared to SLG FET by around 50%. Moreover,

improved gm is also observed in the case of the ASBLG
FET. The mobility (μ) and contact resistance (Rc ) values were
extracted by fitting a model [21] to the respective transfer
curves. We extracted typical values of μ = 1000 cm2 /Vs and
Rc = 8.25 k ·μm for the SLG FET, and μ = 1100 cm2 /Vs
and Rc = 4.09 k ·μm for the ASBLG FET. The slightly
higher mobility and a lower contact resistance point towards
somewhat improved electronic properties of the ASBLG FET.
Moreover, the highest mobility and DC gm values measured
in ASBLG FETs are μ = 2200 cm2 /Vs at VDS = 10 mV and
gm = 41 μS/μm at VDS = 4.1 V, respectively. Transfer length
method (TLM) structures (not shown) confirmed the trend: The
Rc value for SLG TLMs was ∼ 1628 μm and ∼ 632 μm
for the ASBLG TLM for a channel width of 40 μm. The Rc
values were obtained at a back-gate bias of 0V, and hence are
generally much lower compared to the ones obtained using
Fig. 1. (a) Schematic of ASBLG inverters showing biasing scheme
used in this work (Input voltage: VIN ; Output voltage: VOUT; Supply the fit model. An additional reason for the large difference
voltage: VDD ; ground: GND; inset: randomly stacked graphene channel. between the values obtained from the model and the TLM
(b) Optical micrograph of a graphene FET in coplanar waveguide layout is that the model assumes constant mobility and Rc , which
with conventional equivalent circuit diagram for the inverter functionality
overlaid for easy reference. (c)(d) Total device resistance as a function of is not the case in reality, as they both depend on the back
gate overdrive for co-fabricated single layer (SLG) and ASBLG FETs for a gate bias [22]. Nevertheless, these independent results confirm
source drain voltage of VDS = 0.1 V. The right axes show corresponding the better electronic properties of ASBLG FETs, including
DC transconductance (gm ) values. The ASBLG FET shows improved
gm . Lg = 3 µm and W = 50 µm, respectively. improved gm . This may be attributed to screening of one
graphene layer by the other, resulting in improved transport in
the screened layer. In order to understand the device perfor-
GFETs by electrostatically doping them using a supply volt- mances obtained in our experiments, we consider the transport
age (VDD ), as described by the equivalent circuit diagram. in ASBLG devices. There could possibly be two scenarios:
Since both GFETs are co-fabricated with similar geometry and either the top layer screens the gate field while the bottom
parameters, they behave very similarly at low VDD (∼0.1V). layer acts predominantly as a channel where carrier transport
However, when a large VDD (>1V in this work) is applied at takes place, or the bottom layer screens the substrate effects
the drain terminal of one of the GFETs and the source terminal while the top layer acts predominantly as the channel. In the
of the other GFET is grounded, while the output is measured latter case, the carrier transport would be improved as the top
at the common terminal (VOUT ), the VDD connected GFET layer would demonstrate more intrinsic-like transport. In the
behaves like a p-FET while the ground (GND) connected former case, screening of the gate field by the top layer would
GFET behaves like a n-FET [12]. This is because the voltage at least to some extent deteriorate the (top) gate modulation
drop across the source-drain terminals of the two GFETs is and thus, the transport properties observed in the device. Also,
different with respect to each other as the lateral electric field if the bottom graphene layer acted as channel, quantities like
“dopes” them differently. Note that this electrostatic doping transconductance would instead degrade because of substrate
is entirely different from classic semiconductor doping. As a interactions; i.e., SiO2 /Si surface below. As this is not the
result, the drain induced Dirac shifts (DIDS) [19] observed in case in the experimental results, we attribute the improved
the two GFETs are different, when their respective channels voltage gain performance in ASBLG inverters to improved
are modulated by a common input (gate) voltage VIN . This carrier transport in the top graphene layer while the bottom
approach of obtaining complementary-like inversion through layer screens the substrate effects.
electrostatic doping is similar to that reported in [12] and [5], Fig. 2 (a) and 2 (b) show characteristics of SLG & ASBLG
and in contrast to literature reports where one of the GFETs inverters in ambient conditions, respectively. The ASBLG
was modified (i.e. “doped”) by methods such as current inverter shows much steeper switching and improved gain, as
annealing [3] or polymer doping [20]. Av is the direct derivative of the inverter transfer curve [23].
We measured the transfer characteristics of the individual We attribute this to improved gm in these devices, as dis-
FETs in the inverter devices. Fig. 1 (c) and 1 (d) show cussed above. We further characterized some ASBLG inverters
the variation of total resistance (RTotal ) as a function of under vacuum. The corresponding data in Fig. 2 (c) shows
gate overdrive (VTG -VD , where VTG is the top gate voltage reduced steepness in transfer curves and reduced voltage gain
and VD is the Dirac voltage) for a SLG and ASBLG FET, under vacuum conditions. In addition, RTotal increases, which
respectively. The data is presented for two randomly chosen effectively reduces gm . This is a result of ambient (humidity)
devices with equal gate length, channel width and oxide doping of graphene which decreases in vacuum [24], leading
thicknesses for a fair comparison. On the corresponding right to a shift in VD and an increase of Rc at VBG = 0V [25], [26].
axes, the DC transconductance (gm ) values are shown for Furthermore, for the ambient condition, the ASBLG FET
each case. We observe a decrease in RTotal for the ASBLG shows the maximum voltage gain in a region closer to the


Fig. 2. (a) Inverter characteristics and voltage gain of a SLG inverter in

ambient. (b) ASBLG inverter in ambient and (c) in vacuum conditions. The
red line indicates the mid point voltage condition in each case, whereas
the blue solid line indicates the points where respective maximum gains
occur. The maximum gain region lies between the two dotted lines for
2.5 V < VDD < 3.5 V in each case. ASBLG inverters show higher gain
than SLG inverters when measured in ambient, and when measured in
vacuum. Lg = 4 µm and W = 40 µm in each case.

at VDD = 4.1 V. The top gate oxide in both cases was

thin ambient oxidized aluminum (AlOx ). For the other two
chips with 10 nm e-beam evaporated SiO2 top gate dielectric,
the ASBLG and SLG inverters exhibit Av = 3.42 (VDD =
3.9 V) and Av = 2.21 (VDD = 3.5 V), respectively. A total
of 47 inverters of both SLG and ASBLG type were charac-
terized and summarized in Fig. 3 (b). The values reported in
this work are compared to previously reported best inverter
gain figures along with their respective technological metrics
in Table I.

Artificially stacked bilayer large-area CVD graphene
inverters offer performance improvements over single layer
Fig. 3. (a) The best gain observed in artificially stacked BLG FET
inverters, where also a near perfect input-output matching could be graphene devices irrespective of the top gate dielectric used.
realized at a VDD = 4.7 V in ambient conditions (Lg = 12 µm and An output matched Av > 4 is obtained for several devices
W = 20 µm). This improvement in voltage gain was observed as a trend on the same chip in our experiments, enabling cascading into
in a total of 47 devices characterized in this experiment. (b) Statistical
summary of inverter gain of 47 devices, measured in ambient and at zero more complex circuit architectures in the future. A maximum
back gate voltage. gain of > 7 was observed under input-output matching con-
dition at a supply voltage of 4.7 V. This improvement appears
threshold voltage condition. The threshold voltage or mid- to have its origins in higher transconductance and lower
point voltage (VM ) condition is marked in Fig. 2 as a red contact resistance. The present results indicate the potential of
dotted line along which VIN = VOUT = VM . Generally, large-area artificially stacked bilayer CVD graphene for future
maximum gain in conventional CMOS inverters is obtained device & circuit applications.
at VM = VDD /2 [23]. However, this condition is not fulfilled
if there is asymmetry in hole and electron mobilities, as it is ACKNOWLEDGMENT
often the case in graphene FETs (e.g. Fig. 1 (c) and (d)). The authors would like to acknowledge fruitful discussions
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