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Leave Policy

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This policy will be applicable from 1st January 2018


The policy sets up the guidelines for facilitating employees and the
organization to know about the leaves, its procedure, how the leaves should
be availed and encashment of leaves. Based on the need / reason and length
of leave, the following categories of leave can be availed:

A. Casual Leave.
B. Sick Leave.
C. Earned Leave.
D. Maternity leaves.
E. Leave Without Pay.
G. Casual leave for consultants /Trainees.

Applicability guidelines are given under each head.

Guidelines for Availing Leaves:

 Though leaves are important to all of us but leaves are not a matter of right.
The discretion of allowing or disallowing leaves lies with the management
based on the exigencies of business or seriousness of the case.
 Ideally leave information has to be mailed one week in advance to his /her
immediate reporting officer with a copy to HR. For any kind of leave, one has
to fill up the leave application form and get it approved or signed by the
concerned authorities and submit it to concerned HR person.
 Incases where employees are not able to inform in advance, it is expected and
required that the employee telephonically informs his / her immediate
superior regarding proposed leave and expected duration of the same. The
person on receipt of such information has to put a mail to HR.

 The HR department maintains leave record and employees shall ensure that
his/her leave record is updated and communicated to HR within 48 hrs of
 As a policy, a combination of any two leaves is not permitted except for
SL which can be suffixed with EL only on the approval of the
appropriate reporting officer however the management may decide
clubbing of leaves for specific cases based on circumstances/reasons,
other than sick leave with privileged leave.
 All leave entitlements will be on a pro-rata basis and are credited only after
the completion of the month.
 “Year” is defined as the calendar year commencing on the first day of Jan (1 st
Jan) to the thirty-first day of December (31st December) of the year.
 Any unauthorized leave would be treated as absenteeism and shall be viewed
 The verbal intimation for leaves should be made to the respective supervisors
in person, no intimation through a professional friend would be accepted.
 Any one who is absent for three days or more without any information, shall
have to give a written explanation of such act and shall be liable to
appropriate disciplinary action.
 Only confirmed employees are eligible for the encashment of leaves. All
leave encashment are taxable.
 Off days and holidays falling within a spell of leave will be debited from
the leave account.


To provide leave to attend to personal exigencies/unforeseen circumstances.

This policy is applicable to all employees from their date of joining except
consultants and trainees.

a) The employee is entitled for twelve (12) leaves in a year.

b) Maximum number of consecutive days for which CL can be

availed at a time is 2.
c) CL cannot be accumulated and be availed of with prior sanction
(to the extent possible.
d) Casual leave will not be allowed to be combined with Sick Leave,
Earned leave or Maternity Leave.
e) Unutilized casual leaves shall not be encashed or carried forward
to the next year.


To provide leave to attend to sickness & medical ailments.

This policy is applicable to all employees from the date of their joining
except consultants and trainees.

a) The employee is entitled for six (6) medical leaves in a year.

b) The sick leaves will be credited to the employees account at the

beginning of the year but can be availed on pro-rata basis.
c) For availing sick leaves of three days or more the employee shall
have to produce certificate from Registered Medical Practitioner,
Nursing Home or Hospital or Doctor Prescription.
d) Sick leave cannot normally be combined with casual leave but can
be suffixed to earned leave and would require approval of the
appropriate verifying officer.
e) Utilized sick leaves shall be carried forward and can be
accumulated up to 25 days, beyond twenty-five it will lapse.
f) The sick leave shall not be encashed.


To provide for long duration planned leave.
This policy is applicable to all employees from the date of their joining
except consultants and trainees.
a) The employee is entitled for Twelve (12) leaves in a year after
completion of one year.
b) Minimum number of consecutive days for which EL can be
availed at a time is 3. It can be availed only on 4 occasions in a
c) At least 7 days of advance notice is required to avail EL.
d) Half day earned leave is not allowed.


Earned leaves may be accumulated up to 36 days.

a) Earned leaves balance over and above 36 days will be encashed
on 15th January and 15th July to the employee, based on last drawn
salary as applicable less PF. (For the encashment the basic salary
of the last month shall be considered)
b) EL Encashment amount is taxable. Encashment at the time of
retirement will be dealt according to the tax laws as applicable at
that point of time.


a) To provide for Leave to female employees during the final stages
of pregnancy, at time of delivery and convalescence.
b) To provide for Leave to female employees at the time of adoption
of a child.
c) To provide for Leave to female employees in case of miscarriage.

All female employees who have put in 80 days of service in the twelve
months immediately preceding the date of expected delivery / adoption of
a) A female employee, who has worked for a period of not less than 80 days
in the twelve months preceding the delivery date, is entitled to maternity
b) On joining duties, she must submit a medical certificate confirming her
As per the Maternity Act, leave of a total of 12 weeks, inclusive of delivery
date can be availed by the lady employee.
Leave for 6 weeks in case of miscarriage, following the date of miscarriage.
c) Leave for a maximum period of one month in case of illness caused out of
premature delivery, pregnancy and miscarriage in addition to the aforesaid
maternity leave benefit.
d) All intervening holidays will be counted for the purpose of maternity
e) Maternity leave is restricted to two living children only.Application for
maternity leave must be at least 30 days in advance of the start of leave.

For rejoining after Maternity leave, the lady employee must submit a fitness
certificate. In case of miscarriage, the employee must send information along with
the Medical Certificate as soon as is possible.

Operative Guidelines
The employee may claim this facility for a maximum of two instances in
one's career in netCustomer and only once in any financial year.
Maternity Leaves would not be treated as break-of-service and all benefits
due in the normal course would be payable.
Maternity leaves cannot be accumulated or encashed.

Procedure for Availing the leave

Advance information to be provided at least two months in advance before
the proposed date, for proceeding on leave and in case of adoption of a child
at least 15 days in advance.
On resuming duty after the ML, the employee must bring with her a fitness

certificate and submit it to HR through the concerned manager.

Leaves exceeding entitlement / without approval would be treated as leave

without pay.

To provide for authorized absence of employees when Employees have no

leave to their credit.

All Employees who are currently on the rolls of the company.

Procedure for Availing the leave

a) Advance information to be provided at least a day in advance.

b) Should be resorted to as a last resort after adjustment of all accrued leave.

c) In such cases all payments including, LTA, performance bonus and other

benefits would stand prorated for payment during that year.

Accumulation / Encashment
Not Applicable

To provide leave to attend to personal exigencies.

This policy is applicable only to the consultants and trainees and not to the
regular employees of the company.


a) Total number of Casual Leaves available in a year is 12 days.

b) The leaves would be credited on completion of every month.

c) If leave exceeds accumulated balance, then leave in excess of

accumulation would be considered leave without pay.

e) To be limited to two instances in a month.

Operative Guidelines

Leave applications to be submitted at least 24 hours in advance and approval

obtained except in unforeseen emergencies.

Encashment / Accumulation

Not Applicable

Management has the right to review, modify and rescind this policy at any given
point of time.


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