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Pseudo-Myocardial Infarction Versus Pseudo-Pseudo-Myocardial Infarction

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Pseudo-Myocardial Infarction Versus 1.

In left ventricular hypertrophy, there is often a QS

Pseudo-Pseudo-Myocardial Infarction deflection or poor R wave progression in the right
To the Editor: precordial leads that suggests anterior myocardial infarc-
Hung and colleagues1 present a very important example of a tion. The secondary ST-segment elevation in these leads
pseudo-infarction pattern presumably related to pancreatitis, one may be mistaken as a current of injury.
of several clinical situations in which thrombolytic therapy is 2. In pulmonary emphysema, the R waves in the right
either not indicated or contraindicated. I am intrigued by the precordial and sometimes midprecordial leads become
quite small or are absent, suggesting anterior myocardial
pattern of the bizarre T waves in the limb leads and wonder if
infarction. These QRS changes are explained by the
part or all of this phenomenon is artifact. The T waves are of
vertical displacement of the heart secondary to a low-lying
unusually abrupt onset and offset. They are of greatest magnitude
diaphragm and the intervention of hyperinflated lungs.
in leads I, II, and aVR. Lead III, however, appears to be
3. The pseudoinfarction pattern may also be seen in patients
isoelectric to this postulated artifact but not to the T wave that is with pneumothorax. The voltage of the QRS complex may
1 to 2 mm in height and gently (ie, normally) inscribed. The be reduced. QS deflection may appear in the right precor-
artifact is of about half the magnitude and is approximately equal dial leads.
in leads aVL and aVF. The precordial leads reflect the artifact, 4. In pulmonary embolism, the Q waves in lead III (as part
which is increasing the apparent height of the actual T waves, of the S1Q3 pattern), and sometimes in lead aVF, that are
which appear inscribed on top of the artifactual elevation. The accompanied by ST-segment and T-wave changes are
initial j-point or ST elevation in the precordial leads appears real, often interpreted as inferior myocardial infarction. In
in that the onset is before that of the artifact in the limb leads but addition to T-wave inversion, with or without an rSr⬘
difficult to interpret in the presence of the artifact. pattern in the right precordial leads due to acute right heart
Because the artifact is of greatest magnitude in the 3 leads that strain, QS complexes with ST-segment elevation may
have a right arm electrode attachment in common, could there occasionally develop in these leads and mimic acute
have been motion of the electrode or its connections leading to anterior myocardial infarction.
this artifact? For instance, the timing of onset, duration, and 5. In hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, abnormal Q waves are
contour of the artifact seem compatible with an arterial pulse often seen, especially in the left precordial leads and lead
wave altering skin contact with each heart beat. It would be I. These Q waves have been attributed to ventricular septal
important to know whether the bizarre T waves in the limb leads hypertrophy.
and the terminal T wave elevation in the precordial leads all 6. Myocardial fibrosis is often responsible for the pseudoin-
resolved slowly or whether there was an abrupt change that farction pattern in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy,
would favor artifact. The follow up electrocardiograms are progressive muscular dystrophy, Friedreich’s ataxia,
essential to resolving this issue. scleroderma, amyloidosis, and primary and metastatic
Finally, whenever an unusual, bizarre, or unexplainable elec- tumors of the heart.
trocardiographic finding is detected, it is most helpful to repeat 7. QS deflections are often seen in the right precordial leads
the electrocardiogram personally, with a machine that is known in patients with complete left bundle branch block in the
to be trustworthy, to confirm that the findings are indeed real. absence of myocardial infarction.
8. Left anterior hemiblock is occasionally associated with
Kenneth M. Kessler, MD small Q waves in the precordial leads that mimic anterior
Professor of Medicine myocardial infarction.
University of Miami School of Medicine 9. The delta waves in Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome are
Miami, Florida frequently interpreted as abnormal Q waves of myocardial
1. Hung S-C, Chiang C-E, Chen J-D, et al. Pseudo-myocardial infarction.
10. Pheochromocytoma may be associated with striking ECG
Circulation. 2000;101:2989-2990.
changes masquerading as ischemic heart disease.4
11. Other conditions that may be associated with ECG
Pseudoinfarctions changes simulating myocardial infarction include intra-
To the Editor: cranial hemorrhage, hyperkalemia and, as mentioned
The pseudoinfarction ECG presented by Hung and associates1 above, acute pericarditis.3
was described as revealing “ST-segment elevation of 2 mm and
peaked upright T waves in leads V1 through V3, with reciprocal Tsung O. Cheng, MD
changes in lead II.” Actually, the ST-segment elevations spared Professor of Medicine
the first 0.12 s in all the leads. Furthermore, the so-called The George Washington University
ST-segment elevations occurred in all the leads except lead aVR, Washington, DC 20037
not lead II, as the authors alleged. 1. Hung S-C, Chiang C-E, Chen J-D, et al. Pseudo-myocardial infarction.
An alternative explanation for these ECG changes in their Circulation. 2000;101:2989 –2990.
patient with acute pancreatitis could be acute pericarditis with 2. Perez Oteyza C, Rebollar JL, Chantres MT, et al. Alteraciones electro-
ST-segment elevations in all the leads except aVR, which “faces” cardiográficas en la pancreatitis aguda. Rev Clin Esp. 1979;152:287–290.
the endocardium. ECG changes similar to acute myocardial 3. Cheng TO. The International Textbook of Cardiology. New York: Per-
infarction have been reported in association with acute pancre- gamon; 1987;72–73.
atitis; they are probably caused by pancreatic enzymes or 4. Cheng TO, Bashour TT. Striking electrocardiographic changes associated
with pheochromocytoma masquerading as ischemic heart disease. Chest.
vasoactive peptides.2 1976;70:397–399.
Although ST-segment displacement and T wave changes, with
or without abnormal Q waves, are the characteristic ECG Response
findings in myocardial infarction, similar changes may be seen in We are grateful to Drs Kessler and Cheng for their insightful
patients without coronary artery disease (“pseudoinfarctions”).3 comments regarding our article.1 The possibility of artifact in this
The latter may occur in the following conditions. ECG recording came to our minds, too. However, the follow-up

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2 Correspondence

ECGs, which were performed with another ECG machine, pathway; such a change includes an elevated ST segment and
revealed similar findings. The likelihood of interference by other tented T waves in the right precordial leads after elimination of
extrinsic factors, such as an arterial pulse (suggested by Dr the left accessory pathways. The repolarization changes after
Kessler), in producing the observed bizarre T waves cannot be successful ablation of accessory pathway is presumably due to
completely excluded. The bizarre T waves disappeared several “cardiac memory.”2
hours later, and the subsequent ECGs, which were not shown,
still revealed ST segment elevation with positive T waves in V1 Szu-Chun Hung, MD
to V3, and inverted T waves in V4 to V6. We think the key finding Chern-En Chiang, MD, PhD
was the ST segment elevation in the right precordial leads, Jen-Dar Chen, MD
especially V3, and we consider it a good example of pseudo- Philip Yu-An Ding, MD, PhD
myocardial infarction. Taipei Veterans General Hospital
The possibility of acute pericarditis, as suggested by Dr and National Yang-Ming University School of Medicine
Cheng, should be considered as well. However, the ST segments Taipei, Taiwan
in several leads, including leads I, II, and aVL, show depression
instead of elevation, a finding uncommon for pericarditis. The
list of causes of pseudoinfarction raised by Dr Cheng is impor- 1. Hung SC, Chiang CE, Chen JD, et al. Pseudo-myocardial infarction.
tant. Moreover, an intriguing ECG finding in the contemporary Circulation. 2000;101:2989 –2990.
era of interventional electrophysiology is the ST-T change after 2. Goldberger JJ, Kadish AH. Cardiac memory. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol.
radiofrequency catheter ablation of the accessory atrioventricular 1999;22:1672–1679.

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Tsung O. Cheng

Circulation. 2001;103:e69
doi: 10.1161/01.CIR.103.12.e69
Circulation is published by the American Heart Association, 7272 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX 75231
Copyright © 2001 American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved.
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