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Sylvania AlleyKat Outdoor HID Wall-Pole Series Brochure 3-83

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w th extreme y ow ve I ng g are and
A new concept ianrp design w th precls on optlcs, t
d rects the ight where it s needed at control ed cut off Th s
in outdoor lighting: the owest possib e energy cost operat ng efficiency
results in s gnificant
high efficiency Saving energy energy cost sav ngs
with low wattage! means dollars
Our Light r]g Ener
gy Sav ng Systenrs
You watch your enorgy b ls soar Lrp "LESS" proqram
as mLrch as 40% n a s ng e year. in your pocket! represents our com
There's not much VoLr can do about .n tnreni to helping
the cost ol efergy. Compare the Sylvania A eyKat yo! save rioney on energy costs
lghtlng system perlornrance w th that And on y our proven energy effcient
But NOW yo! have a choice where of conventiona f xtures ["4ost con producls earn the "LESS" symbo.
- . ,.d qhr g .r .rg. vent onal fixtures not o. y fa lo fu !'
oosls aT-o conceTned uti lze the lumens produced by lhe The rlght buying dec sion now can
amp, they a so lai to provrde good save you power costs lor years to
The Sy van a A eyKatTf ight ng
system sets a new stafdard the llrst
cut ofl ang es and can cause g are co me.
prob ems. That waste s cosllng you
t nie a f xture's lota optica des gn
has beef developed around this low
money The AleyKat ghting system More Light,
no1 of y delvers high umens per
wattage .ned um base high pressure
sod um (HPS) sourc-o Fesu i: The
walt output, but puts the ght on the
surface where t's needed, uniform y,
Fewer Fixtures.
70 walt A eyKat ighl ng sysle.n
de ivers the equiva ent ilum nat on of The Al eyKat lght ng system is the
a convent ona 175 '"1,a1t lvlercury Oporating Cost Comparbon Chart result of computerized design of the
Vapor f xture. And that h gh umen reflector refractor and amp com-
o..o.r goo 4L- F .oJ ,\o o go - ,ist . bination ior optimum performance.
not off nto the sky, creating g are ^+' -.*ot -ocC -:" Because oi this integraled des gn, the
and wast ng cost y energy. Al eyKat ighting syslem provides h gh
eff clency and control ed lght distr bu-
Why does the A leyKat ght rlg
system succeed where other H D f x "{:- ""s,":f:5;1.:;:s."";tf
t on a lowing spac ng ol up to eight
' -6< ra rrou^r ng hp g'l w lh sJpe
tures fa i? Because the A levKat
gh o -^ o po drF IF Ligrr lilt'r.:l: i:l'l s's oo rior ight un lorm ty. This meafs you
insta I ess I xtures pay lor less power
lumen elficiency of this compact .1]:1.' l,T and s1i have the security that good
I ght nq provides.

tl; l9', "'g


lir Nom ia !auesdependPn.nspe.'r,.b.rasl rpF

12r 5o ,io! bas.d.n 4000 rro rsr\eJrsrs065rrwH

3 versatile mounting positions.

Provides ight n cose n areas For broad area app catrons where For safety and security of larger areas
designaled for pedestr an movement hor zonta cut ofi and redLrced g are away from bu ld ngs, such as parklng
such as sta rwe ls and wa kways

pre-wired, and
to mount,
..: \
a ,\_J.,
\'-, '

P .ce fcom f!t suPP Y $r r rr!l

thro!qh cefter iroe ll !t.skel and ALt;ch horlzorta or vert(ra wa
mourl ng p nle Allacb qaskel nrouft ng bra.k-.t and gasket 1o
rnC p ate 1o .iectr c! ilrf(rt on 1 Llre i xturc E th-.r atl!ches $r th 2
f.rrr s.r-"\{rs 1o llre frxl!rc

Fast and simple to


,l\ i''
The high y engineered A leyKat t,
ght ng system is a tota y ftegrated
Lrnt: ba asl, socket, amp, refector,
refractor, and compact hous ng, a
work ng together to opt r'n ze th-. onLo the moLrrl nq brackeL and
amount of ight de vered. t's pre tghlen thc scl s{irew to hold II
amped, and pre w red, w th externa p nce, wh e yo! conrp ete w r ncr. 3
eads for ease of nsta at on The un t
o^- o polF,rt ou rrrI"d WALL MOUNTING
Ao 6 O o
The f xlure mounts on any standard
e-.ctrcal box or 1" 1 l/4" arrn ARM MOUNTING
The nstal at on requ res only a
screwdriver. Pre dri ed ar]d ready to
nstal You save tools, t me, and

..4 CAUTlON Be cerla I that power is

off al the e ectrical pane before
Artech sq!are s Pl ller and g:skct cle \r r fg connecl on and
s de I xlure onlo erm T ghlcn s-.t
beg nn ng insta at on. Fol ow w ring
nslructlons as provided w th fixt!re.

SYLUANTA Equipment
Here's the di fference AlleyKat@ optics make:

F gures 1 and 2 c early show the

dlflerence AleyKat@ opt cs make lor a
typca application. Both fxtures Lrse a| Area : 800 sq ll
elf cient 7o-walt, 6,300 lumen, med um Mount ng He ghl : 10 fl
base high pressure sodium amp powered
by a 12-watt ba lasl system Other than Average n t a ll um nat on:

appearance and weight, there are three ,d 8 Verl ca I 3 Nor zonta lc

important points of ditference:
Energy Consumed : 0ll0wal1s/sq il
(1.) Fixture A costs 1B7o ess than the
(2 ) A eyKato has a precsion optica
syslem wh ch wi I save the user 30
to 50 percent on e ectr c ly.
(3.) Flxture A drops a poo ol ight under '-
. -"*** "--"^
o,Eac'€^€bo--"^ Fixture 11
FlAlUlii A A >Lctl
l1 Vvctll pack
ludl(l wall
standard 70
I watts HPS
lhe fxlure wth liitLe spreadlng to
lhe rght and lefl. A eyKat@ pro- Fiqure 2 -
OUlf(SpEC' 2
vides un lorm smooth coverage over
a much larger area. lt covers twice
-o.-a1rdr I
the area at strong lum nat on eve s
at hall the energy per-square-fool
rate. 1
? r4,,.

Pay for only the light

'"'''1 *ffi-
you need!
Only lhe Sylvan a AlleyKato ighting
system g ves you the sophict cat-od
optca performance and lowest energy
cost lo Lrm nate your specil c task. No
waste no blinding glare, as ls foLrnd with
1yp cal dusk lo dawn 1 xtures.

i"/.+,"X-->;,.t X '
When you make your decision on the
bas s of reduc ng your rnonth y power b
wh e prov d ng sufficient i umination,


yo! ll choose the Sylvan a AleyKato
ighling systern o"" booo
There s no other fixlure like it. You
see the result in unlform llght d s
tribut on w lholrt wastefLr g are. '" -"i'"" ::ilTil:::""
AllevKat@ 70 Watt HPS
Use QuikSpec'" for lighting task solutions
Ou kSpecTM ls an nnovatlve method lo
ay ou1 task-rnatched precislon HID
lghling lor owest possibe installation
and operal ng cosls. s a fasler way lo
do a better lght ng job re iab y

Pro.Wir€d. Ballast Housing.
Unil comes pre Cornpact, high-
wlred, w th sLrpply pTessure d e casl
eads and wire con' a uminum ba last
nectors for ease of hous ng, f n shed in
insta lation Porsy o l

Woatherprool. Construclion.
Hlgh ternperalure Sturdy h gh
neoprene gaskets pressure die casl
sea oul molsture a urn n!m housing
and dust. and mounling hard
ware provides years
of troub e lree sec
v ce High y -alf cienl
po ycarbonale relractor
Dark Bronze Anionic provides ong I fe
Elect"ocoel Flniih. even Lrnder extreme
Permanent y cond lions
bonded llnish,
cotTos on teslstant,
and low
ma ntenance.
Photocell oplion,
Automat c on-off
feature saves trme
and money. Thls
optlona energy sav
ng contro prov des
aLrlomatlc dusk-to-
dawn operat on.

N,,ledium base por,
ce ajn spr ng oaded
socket has nickel-
p aled contaclS. Relractor.
Rated lor 4000V Vanda reslstant
pu se
iA po ycarbonale
refractor sc enlific
aly designed and
coaapllter malched
w th reflector and
Pre.lamped, amp for max rn!m
beam contro and
Availab e w th 50 or eff ciency.
70 or 100 walt
med um base HPS

Adaptable d6sign. Retl6ctor.

Crisp, compacl Listings. Ref ector compound
des gf and atlrac- LlL lsted and IBEW parabolic hydro-
live bronze f nish
lormed relleclor,
computer des gned
chitectura for maxlnruaa eff -
backgrounds ciency and precislon
beam contro

SYLUANTA Equipment
Ordering Information
r 00, Hioh Press'rre Sod Lrm I llr00/M-6.lrm base AK3.P.1OOH PS.12O'N' 10 5lbs
Hioh PressLrre So.liLrn-r I ll70/i.'lediLrm base AK3.P.7OH PS.120'N'

50 Hrgh Pressure Sod um Lll50/Medium base AK3.P.5OH PS.120'N'

1. For npulvotages otlrer than 120, specily 208,240 277. Use MT n place ol l20lor mullipe tapped lor 120 208.24D and 277 50wattava able
only n 120 and 277 voil l00wallavalableonyinl20vot
2 Normal power faclor ba asl standard Hlgh power laclor ballasl ava able change N to H
NOTE: Pholocontro ava abe add sulfix-Pc






1) a' 6', 5I/8" 13t4 r 3/8', 34

304.8mm 203 2mm 152 4mm 130 2mm


GTE Products Corporation

Sylvan a Light ng Equ pment
2l Penn Street
Fal Rver MA O2f 24
617 678 3911

SYLUANTA Equipment
AK 1 7500 3183 9900001

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