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Mr. Delgado Outcomes-Based Syllabus in Social Science 1 - Philippine History

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(Common First Year Course)

San Isidro, Nueva Ecija


(Philippine History)
First Semester, SY 2016-2017

General de Jesus College as a leading learning institution where every learner is transformed into a God-loving and highly-productive citizen responsive to the local, national and
global needs.

General de Jesus College is committed to produce graduates who are instilled with nationalistic, moral and spiritual values and who are equipped with life and career


Course Credits 3 units
Course Description A study of the economic, social, political, and cultural development of the Philippines. Emphasizes the relevant and recurring issues in
Philippine history and studies the serious problems that confront the country.
Contact Hours/Week 54 hours / 3 hours per week
Prerequisite None
Course Objectives By the end of the course, students should be able to:

1. Develop skills in historical interpretation, research and writing.
2. Organize within graphic organizers key historical concepts: cause and consequence, change and continuity, and similarity and

1. Construct graphical representations (timelines) of significant events in the history of the country.
2. Conduct a historical research of one’s family lineage based on historical sources on evidences.


1. Demonstrated a sense of identity and pride in being a Filipino.
2. Support advocacies regarding current national issues.


Week Course Content/ Subject Matter
1 Class orientation on the Vision and Mission of General de Jesus College, its policies and regulations; Introduction to Philippine History
2 Understanding History
3 The Philippines and Its People
4 The Philippines in Ancient Times
5 Early Contacts with Neighboring Countries
6 Encounter with the West; PRELIMINARY EXAMINATIONS
7 The Philippines Under Spanish rule
8 Challenges to Spanish Authority
9 The Beginnings of Filipino Nationalism and the Reform Movement
10 The Katipunan, 1896 Revolution and Independence
11 The Philippine-American War
12 American Rule and the Commonwealth; MIDTERM EXAMINATIONS
13 The Philippines During the Second World War
14 -15 The Third Republic
16 From Martial Law to People Power
17 Post-EDSA to the Present

Required Readings 1. De Viana, Augusto, The Philippines: A Story of the Nation. Rex Book Store, Inc., 2011
2. Francia, Luis, A History of the Philippines: From Indios Braos to Filipinos, The Overlook Press, Peter Meyer Publishers, Inc., 2014.
3. Pila and Buraga, The Rise of the Philippine Republic, Anvil Publishing, Inc., 2013
4. Tuzon-Caday and Pangilinan, History of the Philippines, Mindshapers Co., Inc., 2015
5. Zaide and Zaide, Philippine History and Government. All-Nations Publishing Co., Inc., 2014
Suggested Readings and 1. Carpio, Antonio, Historical Facts, Historical Lies, and Historical Rights in the West Philippine Sea, 88 PHIL. L.J. 389, 2014.
References 2. Coroza, Michael (translated), Ang Rebolusyong Filipino, Komisyon sa Wikang Filipion, 2015.

3. Ocampo, Ambeth, Meaning & History: The Rizal Lectures (Revised Edition), Anvil Publishing, Inc., 2013.
4. Ocampo, Ambeth, Two Lunas, Two Mabinis,, 2015.
5. Salazar, Zeus, Ang Pantayong Pananaw Bilang Diskursong Pangkabihasnan, Daluyuan 2015. (retrieved June 15, 2016)
Course Requirements 1. Family history research
2. Film review
3. Multimedia presentation
4. Reflection Paper
Grading System In academic requirements the following criteria is used:

Term Examination 40%

Class Standing:
Quizzes 30
Seatwork/Assignment 10
Project/Output 15
Recitation 10
Total 100%

Classroom Policies It is the aim of General de Jesus College to prepare our young men and women, not only mentally and intellectually but also morally and
spiritually, to meet the demands of a growing nation and of a global community. Every student is always identified as a General de Jesus
College man or woman and shares in whatever reputation or honor is earned by the school. It is therefore, expected that every student should
conduct himself/herself with propriety and decorum both inside and outside the school premises. He/she must always adhere to the Code of
Conduct and Discipline of College Students as presented in the Student Handbook.

In addition, the students’ responsibility is to come to each class prepared. He is also expected to take all examinations on the date scheduled.
He should read the assigned problems/exercises prior to class. He is expected to attend each class and participate actively in the discussions.

The student should seat only on his designated place inside the classroom and avoid unnecessary noise or movement during discussions to
avoid distracting the other students who are listening to the instructor. The use of gadgets such as mp3 players, smart phones, tablets and other
similar devices are strictly prohibited if such use will only divert class attention to unimportant matters.

All students are expected to be academically honest. Cheating, lying and other forms of immoral and unethical behavior will not be tolerated.
Any student found guilty of cheating in examinations or plagiarism in submitted course requirements will (at a minimum) receive a 5 or
failure in the course requirement or in the course. Plagiarism and cheating refer to the use of unauthorized books, notes or otherwise securing

help in a test; copying tests; assignments; reports or term papers; representing the work of another person as one’s own; collaborating without
authority, with another student during an examination or in preparing academic work; signing another student’s name on an attendance sheet,
or otherwise practicing scholastic dishonesty.

Students must attend their classes regularly and punctually. A student who is late for 15 minutes or more shall be considered absent in his
class. A student who was absent for 20% (11 hours) or more of the prescribed number of hours per 3-unit subject should be given a grade of 5.
A student who enrolls after the start of classes will be considered absent during the days when he is unable to attend classes. A student who,
without permission from the instructor, leaves the classroom for more than 10 minutes before the end of the period shall be marked absent.

Request for excused absences or waiver of absences must be presented upon reporting back to class. Special examinations will be allowed
only in special cases, such as prolonged illness. In such case, he must present a valid medical certificate signed by a competent physician and
a written letter signed by his parent or guardian before admission. It is the responsibility of the student to monitor his own tardy incidents and
absences that might accumulate leading to a grade of 5. It is his responsibility to consult with the instructor, head or dean should his case be of
a special nature.

Any student of good class standing who fails to take the Final Examination is given an INC (incomplete) grade. However, a student whose
class standing is below passing and who fails to take the Final Examination for any reason should be given a grade of 5.00.

Desired Learning Outcomes Course Content/ Textbooks/ Teaching & Learning Assessment Tasks Resource Time
Subject Matter References Activities (TLAs) (ATs) Materials Table
At the end of the semester, the Introduction to Philippine A History of the Lecture/ /Discussion Essay DLP 1 week
students must have: History Philippines: From
1. Stated the importance Indiois Bravos by Luis
of the study of world Francia pp. 9 – 15
history and civilization
in the attainment of
vision, mission and
core values of the
1. Stated one’s own Understanding History Meaning and History: Lecture/ /Discussion Annotated family DLP 1 week
definition of history - Meaning of History The Rizal Lectures by tree/family history
2. Identified the different - Sources of History Ambeth Ocampo pp. Hand-outs

sources of history - Persisting Problems in xi – xx
the Study of Philippine
History Ang Pantayong
Pananaw Bilang
Pangkabihasan by
Zeus Salazar pp. 56 –
1. Described the role The Philippines and Its People Philippine History and Lecture/ /Discussion Research: DLP 1 week
played by geography in - Mythological and Government by Zaide Philippine
the development of Scientific Explanations and Zaide pp. 2 – 29 Informal debate territorial claims Different Maps
Filipino culture of the Formation of the Philippines in of the Philippines
2. Described the processes Philippines The Philippines: A North Borneo and
and theories used in - The Archipelago’s Story of a Nation by the West
explaining the Name Augusto De Viana pp. Philippines Sea
formation of the - Geography and 1 – 33
Philippine archipelago Resources Quiz
3. Explained the bases - Filipino Traits and Historical Facts,
used in determining the Values Historical Lies, and
boundaries of the - Philippine Territorial Historical Rights in
Philippines Claims the West Philippine
4. Discussed the natural Sea by Antonio Carpio
resources found in the
5. Evaluated the territorial
claims of the
Philippines in North
Borneo and the West
Philippines Sea
1. Traced the migrations The Philippines in Ancient Philippine History and Lecture/ /Discussion Quiz DLP 1 week
of the Austronesians Times Government by Zaide
2. Analyzed the - Theories on the Origin and Zaide pp. 30 – 43 E-museum visit: Recitation Hand-outs
characteristics and way of the Filipinos
of life of the early - The Life and Culture of A History of the
Filipinos Precolonial Filipinos Philippines: From
3. Described the cultural Indiois Bravos by Luis

development of the Francia pp. 19 – 48
ancient Filipinos
1. Traced the origin and Early Contacts with Neighboring Philippine History and Lecture/ /Discussion Group DLP 1 week
spread of Islam in the Countries Government by Zaide presentation
Philippines - Early Trade Routes and and Zaide pp. 44 – 50 Library research: Hand-outs
2. Described the Contacts Influences from
influences from - Economic and Cultural The Philippines: A neighboring countries
neighboring countries Exchanges Story of a Nation by
as a result of - The Coming of Islam Augusto De Viana pp.
intercultural exchanges
1. Explained the events in Encounter with the West Philippine History and Document-based Essay DLP 1 week
the history of Spain - Who Discovered Whom: Government by Zaide Questions
before the colonization the Coming of the and Zaide pp. 52 – 62 Hand-outs
of the Philippines Spaniards Lecture/ /Discussion
2. Discussed events that - Legazpi and the A History of the
led to the establishment Colonization of the Philippines: From
of Spanish colonialism Philippines Indiois Bravos by Luis
in the Philippines Francia pp. 49 – 96
3. Identified the methods PRELIMINARY
used by the Spaniards EXAMINATIONS The Philippines: A
in the conquest of the Story of a Nation by
Philippines Augusto De Viana pp.
69 – 83
1. Described the structure The Philippines Under Spanish Philippine History and Lecture/ /Discussion Quiz DLP 1 week
of Spanish colonial rule Government by Zaide
government - The Colonial and Zaide pp. 63 – 92 Recitation Hand-outs
2. Analyzed the various Government
economic policies of - Philippine Society The Philippines: A
the Spaniards During Spanish Rule Story of a Nation by
3. Analyzed the cultural - The Economy Under Augusto De Viana pp.
changes that occurred Spain 84 – 107
during Spanish period
4. Identified the effects of
Spanish colonization of
the country
1. Analyzed patterns of Challenges to Spanish Authority Philippine History and Lecture/ /Discussion Timeline: DLP 1 week

response to Spanish - Portuguese and Dutch Government by Zaide Challenges to
colonial rule Threats and Zaide pp. 103 – Library research: Spanish Authority Hand-outs
2. Examined the causes of - Native Revolts Against 106 Challenges to Spanish
revolts against the Spain Authority
Spaniards - The Chinese Presence The Philippines: A
3. Analyzed the reason Story of a Nation by
why the revolts failed Augusto De Viana pp.
108 – 137
1. Analyzed the factors The Beginnings of Filipino Philippine History and Document-based questions Reflection paper DLP 1 week
that gave birth to Nationalism and the Reform Government by Zaide
Filipino nationalism Movement and Zaide pp. 107 – Lecture/ /Discussion Hand-outs
2. Explained the patterns - The Rise of the Middle 115
of economic Class
development in the - The Secularization Issue A History of the
Philippines as - Cavite Mutiny of 1872 Philippines: From
influenced by new - The Propaganda Indiois Bravos by Luis
forms of global trade Movement Francia pp. 97 – 134
and communications - La Liga Filipina
3. Described the struggle - Why the Reform The Philippines: A
of Filipinos for reforms Movement Failed Story of a Nation by
and national Augusto De Viana pp.
independence during 138 – 159
Spanish colonial era
1. Explained the The Katipunan, 1896 Revolution Philippine History and Lecture/ /Discussion Reflection paper DLP 1 week
circumstances leading and Independence Government by Zaide
to the founding of the - The Founding of the and Zaide pp. 116 – Informal debate Hand-outs
Katipunan Katipunan 121
2. Traced the - 1896 Revolution Lakbay Aral: Intramuros,
developments leading - The First Philippine The Philippines: A San Isidro, Nueva Ecija
to establishment of the Republic Story of a Nation by
First Philippine Augusto De Viana pp.
Republic 160 – 199
1. Explained the causes Philippine-American War Philippine History and Lecture/ /Discussion Film review DVD copy of 1 week
and effects of - “Benevolent Government by Zaide Heneral Luna
American imperialism Assimilation” and Zaide pp. 127 – Film viewing: Heneral film
2. Traced the - Victory of the 132 Luna

developments leading Autonomists: The Fall TV set
to Filipino-American of Mabini and the The Philippines: A Document-based questions
hostilities Assassination of Luna Story of a Nation by speakers
3. Analyzed causes of the - Fall of the First Augusto De Viana
failure of the Philippine Philippine Republic pp.200 – 223 Hand-outs
Revolution - Results of the War
4. Evaluated the impact of Two Lunas, two
the Philippine- Mabinis by Ambeth
American War in Ocampo
Philippine society
Ang Rebolusyong
Filipino by Apolinario
Mabini (translated by
Michael Coroza) pp.
86 – 95
1. Described the American Rule and the Philippine History and Lecture/ /Discussion Quiz DLP 1 week
campaigns undertaken Commonwealth Government by Zaide
by Filipinos for - “Pacification” of the and Zaide pp. 133 – Recitation Hand-outs
independence Philippines 153
2. Explained the nature of - Campaign for
the relationship Independence A History of the
between Filipino and - The Commonwealth Philippines: From
American leadership Government Indiois Bravos by Luis
3. Identified and - Impact of American rule Francia pp. 135 – 186
explained the problems
faced by the The Philippines: A
Commonwealth of the MIDTERM EXAMINATIONS Story of a Nation by
Philippines Augusto De Viana pp.
4. Assessed the impact of 224 – 261
American rule
1. Assessed the The Philippines During the Philippine History and Lecture/ /Discussion Multimedia DLP 1 week
significance and impact Second World War Government by Zaide presentation
of the Japanese - The Road to War and Zaide pp. 154 – Interview: World War II Hand-outs
occupation - Entry of Japanese 160 survivors
2. Analyzed patterns of Imperial Forces
response to Japanese - The Second Philippine The Philippines: A

occupation Republic Story of a Nation by
3. Identified post-war - Resistance and Augusto De Viana
problems in the country Collaboration pp.262 – 299
1. Evaluated the policies The Third Republic Philippine History and Lecture/ /Discussion Quiz DLP 2 weeks
of administrations of - Manuel Roxas Government by Zaide
the Third Republic - Elpidio Quirino and Zaide pp. 161 – Informal debate Recitation Hand-outs
2. Assessed the - Ramon Magsaysay 166
socioeconomic and - Carlos Garcia
cultural development of - Diosdado Macapagal The Rise of the
the country during the - Ferdinand Marcos Philippine Republic by
Third Republic Pila and Buraga pp.
3. Discussed the features 113 – 123
of the Filipino-
American neo-colonial The Philippines: A
relations from the Story of a Nation by
administration of Roxas Augusto De Viana
to Marcos pp.300 – 323
1. Identified the bases for From Martial Law to People Philippine History and Lecture/ /Discussion Quiz DLP 1 week
the declaration of Power Government by Zaide
martial law - Crisis in Society and Zaide pp. 167 – Recitation Hand-outs
2. Described the features - Declaration of Martial 172
of “constitutional Law
authoritarianism” - Marcos’ New Society A History of the
3. Explained the nature of - Mass Movements to End Philippines: From
resistance to martial Martial Rule Indiois Bravos by Luis
law - EDSA People Power Francia pp. 227 – 278
4. Reconstructed the Revolution
events leading to the The Philippines: A
EDSA People Power Story of a Nation by
Revolution Augusto De Viana pp.
324 – 340
1. Evaluated the policies Post-EDSA to the Present Philippine History and Lecture/ /Discussion Quiz DLP 1 week
of post-EDSA - Corazon Aquino Government by Zaide
administrations - Fidel Ramos and Zaide pp. 173 – Library research: Current Group Hand-outs
2. Assessed the - Joseph Estrada 182; 242 – 252 issues presentation
socioeconomic and - Gloria Macapagal- (PowerPoint)

cultural development of Arroyo The Rise of the
the country during the - Benigno Simeon Aquino Philippine Republic by
post-EDSA III Pila and Buraga pp.
administrations Current Issues 136 – 141
3. Analyzed different - Land Reform
current issues in the - Moro Rebellion History of the
Philippines - Federalism and Charter Philippines by Tuzon-
Change Caday and Pangilinan
- Human Rights pp. 159 – 186
1. Synthesized an Synthesis The Philippines: A Lecture/ /Discussion Reflection paper DLP 1 week
overview of the course Story of a Nation by
and its importance in FINAL EXAMINATIONS Augusto De Viana pp.
attaining the 373 – 376
institutional mission,
vision and core values


Tue-Thurs 10:00 – 11:00 Rm. Wednesday - Friday 8:00 – 9:00 Publication Office
Tue 11:00 – 12:00 Rm.

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Noted by:


Dean, CMAIT Dean, College of Education


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