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Printer Types

Dot Matrix
• An impact printer that transfers characters by striking a pattern
(from a matrix) through an inked ribbon and onto paper.
• The most common number of pins on a dot matrix printer is 9, 18,
or 24.
• The speed of dot matrix printers is measured in characters per
second (CPS). Common speeds for a dot matrix printer are 32 to
72 CPS.
• Dot matrix printers can use either a friction feed or a tractor feed
system to move paper through the printing assembly.
• Because dot matrix printers strike the image onto paper, it is a
4. Developing: Image is developed by attracting positive toner onto
good printer to use when carbon-copy documents are being

Formation of images in a dot-matrix printer as shown below.

5. Transferring: Transfer corona wire charges paper. Toner from

drum transfers to paper.

Ink Jet (Ink Dispersion)

• The ink reservoir is in a disposable cartridge that includes the
printing mechanism.
• Bubble jet printers print by heating the ink and squirting it through
tiny nozzles in the print head and onto the paper.
• The crispness of an ink jet printer’s image is usually rated in terms
of Dots per Inch or DPI. Ink jets range from 150 to over 1400 dpi.
• Ink jet printers feed single cut sheets of paper, from a feed tray,
by clamping them between rollers and advancing them one print
line at a time, from top to bottom, and then placing the newly
printed paper into a tray, other than the feed tray. 6. Fusing: Fuser roller heats the toner and then melts it. Pressure
roller presses onto paper permanently.
• Laser printers are classified as page printers because they print
text and graphics simultaneously one complete page at a time.

1. Cleaning: Cleans the photosensitive drum.

The entire print process as shown below.

2. Charging: Puts a uniform negative charge on the drum and then

wipes the previous image.

Dye Sublimation (Dye Diffusion Thermal Photo)

• A dye sublimation printer is a non-impact printer that uses film-
embedded dye.
3. Writing: Writing is done with a laser beam striking the drum, then • The print head heats and passes over the film, causing the dye to
forming the image. vaporize and soak into the film paper.
• Dye sublimation printing prints in transitioning colours rather than

Solid Ink
• Solid ink printers melt ink onto the print head (which is as wide as
the paper). The head jets the melted ink onto the paper as the
paper passes by on the print drum (similar to the laser printing Language Description
• The head takes as long as 15 minutes to heat prior to printing. Escape Codes Used to control dot matrix printers.
Hewlett-Packard has created several versions of a
Thermal Printer Control
printer control language called PCL. Many modern
• A thermal printer is a non-impact printer that uses heat to cause a Language (PCL)
printers understand PCL.
reaction on specially treated paper.
Adobe created a printer language called PostScript
• Monochrome thermal paper is chemically treated to darken where
PostScript that easily handles scaling of certain fonts and
heated (photosensitive). Many cash registers use this type of
printer for creating receipts.
• Colour thermal paper is chemically treated to absorb colour from
a ribbon where heated. Troubleshooting Printers
• Ink is applied via the ribbon in a similar manner to a solid ink If the printer prints, but the printout quality is poor, check the following:
printer. • Check ribbon, ink, and toner levels.
• The colour system used by thermal printers is CMYK (Cyan, o For dot matrix printers, printer images become faint when
Magenta, Yellow, and black). the ribbon needs to be replaced. Also, ensure that there isn’t
• The paper must make one pass for each application of a different too much of a gap between the printer head and the paper.
colour. o For inkjet printers, if letters have missing lines, use the
• Colour thermal printers are very expensive, high quality, and printer's automatic cleaning feature. If this doesn't work,
operate quietly. replace the printer cartridge. For missing or incorrect
colours, verify ink levels.
Printer Configuration Facts o For laser printers with missing lines, try shaking the toner
Print Server: is responsible for managing the flow of documents from cartridge to distribute the toner evenly. If lines are still
the queue to the printer. When the printer is ready, the print server missing, or if extra characters appear, you might need to
takes the next document out of the queue and sends it to be printed. have the printer cleaned or some internal components
Printer: A virtual device (logical software entity) inside the print server • For laser printers:
that can be configured to send output to a printing device. The printer o A dirty primary corona wire can cause a vertical stripe down
is made up of the print driver, the printing device, and the spooler. the print job because that part of the OPC drum is not being
charged by the charge corona.
Print Device: The physical device connected to the print server where o A dirty secondary corona wire could cause the same
print output occurs. problem because the charge is not being applied to part of
the paper.
Print Driver: The software that allows the printer to communicate with o If toner is not sticking to the paper, check the transfer rollers.
the print device. Printer drivers provide the following support functions: o A faulty static eliminator strip might cause paper jams
• Translate data into a recognizable form for the given printer. because the paper will stick to the components inside the
• Manage graphics via graphics drivers, converting graphics into printer.
the appropriate printer commands. • For newer laser and inkjet printers, calibrate the printer (perform a
• Allow management of the print job by displaying print and printer self test). Calibration fixes blurry text or incorrect colours.
properties in the operating system. • If the text appears garbled, make sure the proper printer driver is
When a print job is sent to the printer, the printer driver: • If the page only prints part way through (and the rest of the page
1. Formats the print job and creates a file of commands the printer is blank), you might need to upgrade the memory on the printer or
understands. The file is in a specific format called a printer check the print server settings.
language (also called page-description languages). • Check the pickup rollers; if paper is not being fed through the
2. The file is then sent to the printer where it is stored in the printer's printer properly.
3. The printer's formatter board and control circuitry then read the Scanners
commands in the file and translate them into physical actions by • Scanners use a light source and a Charge-Coupled Device (CCD)
the printer. that captures light and converts it to digital data.
• Twain is a scanner language that bridges the different scanners to
Print Queue: The portion of the hard drive where print jobs are stored a common form that can be interpreted by typical graphics
before going to the print device. software applications.
Print Spooling: In print spooling, documents are loaded into a buffer Below is a typical scanner and its components
(usually an area on a disk), and then the printer pulls them off the
buffer at its own rate. Because the documents are in a buffer where
they can be accessed by the printer, the user is free to perform other
operations on the computer while the printing takes place in the
background. Spooling also lets users place a number of print jobs in a
queue instead of waiting for each one to finish before specifying the
next one.

Printer Port: The means by which a print device connects to a print

server (parallel port, serial port, or to the printer's NIC). Traditional
parallel ports are quickly being replaced by USB ports for printing
devices. In this respect, many printers can be configured in the same
way that most plug and play devices are.

All parallel connections must adhere to the IEEE standard 1284. You
should look at your printer configuration to see which mode your printer
requires. The five modes addressed in the IEEE standard are: Serial, Parallel IEEE 1284 & PS/2 Components
• Nibble Connector Description
• Compatibility Serial Connector
• BYTE • The maximum length for an RS-232
• EPP serial cable is 50 feet.

Printer Languages Parallel Connectors • There are two common types of

parallel cables: PCMCIA dimensions, excluding thickness, are the same for each type
of card and each card type has a 68-pin connector.
• An IBM Printer cable is a uni-
directional cable with a 25-pin male
Type 1 PC Cards generally contain computer memory, Type 2 PC
DB-25 connector at one end (top
Cards are used for network adapters and Type 3 cards generally
graphic on the left) and a 36-
contain disk storage.
conductor male Centronics connector
at the other end (bottom graphic on
the left).
Version Speed Data Transfer Rate Max Cable Length
• IEEE 1284 is a newer, bi-directional
(Mbps) (meters)
cable more commonly used.
Connectors used are similar to the 1.0 Low 1.5 Mbps 3m
IBM printer cable, but with different 1.1 Full 12 Mbps 5m
connector genders possible. 2.0 High 480 Mbps 5m
o The maximum specified length is
10 meters (approx. 30 feet). Note: You can connect up to 127 USB devices to a single USB port.
o Data can be transferred at up to
2 MB/s. USB Connectors
You should know the following facts about Connector Description
parallel connectors: A Connector
• The IEEE 1284 specifies a daisy
chaining standard that allows up to
eight devices to be connected to a Rectangular connector that generally plugs
single parallel port. directly into the computer or a hub.
• Enhanced parallel port (EPP) is an
IEEE 1284 mode that specifies a half-
duplex, bi-directional standard used by
non-printing devices to send large
amounts of data to the host. B Connector
D-shaped connector that plugs into a hub,
• Extended capabilities port (ECP) is an
printer, or other peripheral device to connect
IEEE 1284 mode that specifies a half-
the device to the computer.
duplex, bi-directional standard that
Most USB cables have an A connector on one
allows greater transfer speeds and
end (to connect to the computer or hub) and a
B connector on the other end (to connect to the
PS/2 connectors are 6-pin mini-din device)
connectors. The connector's sleeve has a
notch to ensure proper alignment when
Mini Connector (4 pin) Small square connector designed to plug in to
PS/2 Connectors inserted into the port and to prevent the
pins in the connector from being bent. devices with mini plugs such as a digital
• The keyboard connector is typically camera. Most USB cables with a mini connector
towards the outside of the have an A connector on the other end to
motherboard faceplate. connect to the computer
• The PC99 standard uses purple for
Mini Connector (5 pin)
the keyboard and green for the
mouse. Small connector designed to plug in to devices
with mini plugs such as a digital camera.
Redundant Array of Independent Disks
RAID 0: striped set (min 2 disks) w/o parity and no fault tolerance. Any
disk failure destroys the array.

RAID 1: mirrored set (min 2 disks) w/o parity. Provides fault tolerance Self Powered
from disk errors and single disk failure. Devices that rely on their own power supply (in other words, you plug
them into an AC outlet) are called self-powered devices. All devices
RAID 3 & RAID 4: striped set (min 3 disks) w/ dedicated parity. This that draw more than 500 mA of power are required to be self-powered.
mechanism provides an improved performance and fault tolerance
similar to RAID 5, but with a dedicated parity disk rather than rotated Bus Powered
parity stripes. USB cables have wires to carry both power and data. Bus-powered
devices get their power from the USB cable. Bus-powered devices are
RAID 5: striped set (min 3 disks) w/ distributed parity. Distributed classified as low-powered or high-powered devices depending on the
parity requires all but one drive to be present to operate; drive failure amount of power they draw from the USB bus.
requires replacement but the array is not destroyed by a single drive • Low powered devices use 100 mA or less
failure. • High-powered devices use between 100 and 500 mA
Like USB devices, USB hubs can be bus-powered or self-powered.
RAID 6: striped set (min 4 disks) w/ dual distributed parity. Provides You cannot connect high-powered devices to a bus-powered hub (you
fault tolerance from two drive failures; array continues to operate with can only connect low-powered or self-powered devices to a bus-
up to two failed drives. powered hub). Therefore, self-powered hubs that provide 500 mA per
port are recommended to ensure an adequate power supply to all bus-
PC Card Types powered devices that you may wish to connect to the hub.

Ethernet IEEE 802.3

Name Cabling Speed Type Max
Mbps Length
10Base5 Thicknet Coax Thick 10 Digital 500 M
10Base2 Thinet Coax Thin 10 Digital 185 M
10BaseT Star Bus Twisted Pair 10 Digital 100 M
100BaseTX Star Bus Twisted Pair 100 Digital Varies
10BaseF Fiber Optic 10 Digital Varies
100BaseF Fiber Optic 100 Digital Varies
Firewire IEEE 1394 o A solid green light indicates a good physical connection.
Version Description o On some switches, an amber link light indicates a slower
1394 • Supports speeds of 100, 200, 400 megabits per connection (such as 10 Mbps compared to a 100 Mbps
second connection which might show a green light).
• Maximum cable length is 4.5 meters (15 feet) • The activity light indicates that the connection is being used.
• Can connect up to 63 devices on one IEEE 1394 bus o This light should flash periodically, even if you are not
1394.A • Clarifies and enhances the original standard currently sending data over the link. This is known as a
1394.B • Under development to support speeds of 800, 1600, heartbeat or keepalive signal that lets the NIC know it has an
and 3200 megabits per second active connection.
• Maximum cable length is 100 meters (328 feet) o The light flashes more constantly as data is being sent.
1394.3 • Supports peer-to-peer data transmission
If a single computer is having problems:
• Devices like scanners and digital cameras can send
1. Make sure all cables are plugged in.
data directly to a printer (no computer involvement
2. Swap the cable with one you know to be working.
3. Plug the computer into a different hub or switch port.
4. Troubleshoot or replace the network card.
Wireless IEEE 802.11
Standard If multiple computers are having a similar problem, then the problem is
Specification 802.11a 802.11b 802.11g likely with the hub, switch, or router.
Frequency 5.75-5.85 GHz 2.4-2.4835 GHz 2.4-2.4835 GHz
Speed 54 Mbps 11 Mbps 54 Mbps Common Boot Errors Codes
Range 150 ft. 300 ft. 300 ft. 1xx: Motherboard 601: Floppy
Backwards- NA No With 802.11b 2xx: RAM 7xx: Math Coprocessor
Compatibility 301: Keyboard 9xx: Parallel Port
4xx: Monitor 11xx: Serial Port
Wireless Architecture 501: Video 17xx: Hard Disk
Ad Hoc:
• Works in peer-to-peer mode without an Access Point (AP) Port Numbers
• Uses a physical mesh topology with up to four hosts FTP: 20 (transfer) & 21 (listen) HTTP: 80
SSH: 22 POP3: 110
Infrastructure: TELNET: 23 IMAP: 143
• Employs an AP that functions like a hub on an Ethernet network SMTP: 25 HTTPS: 443
• Uses a physical star topology and can easily add hosts without DNS: 53 Remote Desktop: 3389
increasing administrative efforts (scalable) DHCP: 68

Service Set Identification (SSID): The SSID identifies a network and Protocols
logically groups all devices onto a single network. The SSID is Protocol Description
commonly referred to as the network name. HTTP is used by Web browsers and Web servers to
exchange files through the World Wide Web and
Wireless Equivalent Privacy (WEP): WEP is an encryption mechanism HyperText intranets. HTTP can be described as an information
designed to provide wireless networks the same type of protection that Transfer requesting and responding protocol. It is typically used to
cables provide on a wired network. Only users with the correct WEP Protocol (HTTP) request and send Web documents, but is also used as
key are allowed to authenticate. the protocol for communication between agents using
different TCP/IP protocols.
Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA): WPA is a security mechanism that HyperText
attempts to address the weaknesses of WEP by assigning unique keys Transfer
to each host and changing the dynamic keys periodically. WPA offers Protocol over
greater protection than WEP. HTTPS is a secure form of HTTP that uses SSL as a sub
Secure Socket
layer for security.
Layer or HTTP
Infrared (IrDA) over SSL
• Infrared uses invisible light waves for communication. (HTTPS)
• Is a line-of-sight medium. HTML is a data format that is used to create hypertext
• Communicates at 9600 bps up to 4 Mbps and uses the resources documents that can be viewed from multiple platforms.
of a COM port. HyperText
Although HTML is not technically a programming
• Works best for devices within 1 meter, but can operate up to 30 Markup
language, it has become a common language used for
meters in areas without ambient light interference Language
programming information in a format that is readable by
web browsers. It consists of a series of tags that define
Bluetooth the attributes of displayed text and images.
• Bluetooth uses radio waves for communication. SSL secures messages being transmitted on the
• Uses ad hoc connections between devices to create personal Internet. It uses RSA for authentication and encryption.
area networks called piconets. A piconet can have up to 7 Secure Sockets
Web browsers use SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) to
devices, and each device can participate in multiple piconets at Layer (SSL)
ensure safe Web transactions. URLs that begin with
the same time. https:// trigger your Web browser to use SSL.
• Operates in the 2.4 GHz frequency range and uses adaptive FTP provides a generic method of transferring files. It
frequency hopping (AFH). It automatically detects other devices in can include file security through usernames and
the area and avoids the frequencies used by those devices. It can passwords, and it allows file transfer between dissimilar
switch between 79 channels to avoid interference. File Transfer computer systems. FTP can transfer both binary and text
• Transmits at up to 3 Mbps. The maximum distance depends on Protocol (FTP) files, including HTML, to another host. FTP URLs are
the device class: preceded by ftp:// followed by the DNS name of the FTP
o Class 3 devices transmit up to 1 meter. server. To log in to an FTP server, use:
o Class 2 devices transmit up to 10 meters. ftp://username@servername.
o Class 1 devices transmit up to 100 meters. SMTP is used to route electronic mail through the
• Class 2 devices are the most common. internetwork. E-mail applications provide the interface to
• Can be used for both voice and data signals. Simple Mail
communicate with SMTP or mail servers. SMTP is a
relatively simple, text-based protocol, in which one or
Troubleshooting Networks Protocol
more recipients of a message are specified (and in most
If the connection shows that the cable is unplugged, check the status (SMTP)
cases verified to exist) and then the message text is
indicator lights on the network card. transferred.
• The link light indicates a valid connection to the network. Internet IMAP is an e-mail retrieval protocol designed to enable
users to access their e-mail from various locations Communication between hosts on a network generally takes one of
Message without the need to transfer messages or files back and three forms:
Access Protocol forth between computers. Messages remain on the • Simplex: one-way communication from a sender to a receiver.
(IMAP) remote mail server and are not automatically • Half-duplex: two-way communication between two hosts.
downloaded to a client system. Communication only travels in one direction at a time.
POP3 is part of the TCP/IP protocol suite and used to • Full duplex: two-way communication between hosts.
Post Office Communication can travel in both directions simultaneously.
retrieve e-mail from a remote server to a local client over
Protocol 3
a TCP/IP connection. With POP3, e-mail messages are
downloaded to the client. Address Range Default Class Default Subnet Mask
Telnet allows an attached computer to act as a dumb
Remote to A
terminal, with data processing taking place on the
Terminal to B
TCP/IP host computer. It is still widely used to provide
connectivity between dissimilar systems. Telnet can also to C
be used to test a service by the use of HTTP commands.
SSH allows for secure interactive control of remote to D Multicast
Secure Shell
systems. SSH is a secure and acceptable alternative to to E Reserved
Can’t contact
DHCP is a protocol used by networked computers to to DHCP server,
Dynamic Host
obtain IP addresses and other parameters such as the APIPA
default gateway, subnet mask, and IP addresses of DNS
servers from a DHCP server. The DHCP server ensures
(DHCP) is a special purpose address reserved for use on each
that all IP addresses are unique.
computer. is conventionally a computer's loopback address.
DNS is a system that is distributed throughout the Network software and utilities can use to access a local
internetwork to provide address/na computer's TCP/IP network resources. Messages sent to loopback IP
Domain Name
me resolution. For example, the name addresses like do not reach outside to the local area network
System (DNS) would be identified with a specific (LAN) but instead are automatically re-routed by the computer's own
IP address. network adapter back to the receiving end of the TCP/IP stack.
The suite of communications protocols used to connect
hosts on the Internet. UTP Cable Types
Programs on networked computers can send short Type Connector Description
messages sometimes known as datagrams (using
Datagram Sockets) to one another. Datagrams may Phone RJ-11 Used to connect a modem to a phone jack in a wall
User Datagram arrive out of order, appear duplicated, or go missing cable outlet to establish a dial-up Internet connection.
Protocol (UDP) without notice. Avoiding the overhead of checking Has two pairs of twisted cable (a total of 4 wires).
whether every packet actually arrived makes UDP faster Cat 3 RJ-45 Designed for use with 10 megabit Ethernet or 16
and more efficient, at least for applications that do not megabit token ring.
need guaranteed delivery.
Cat 5 RJ-45 Supports 100 megabit and 1 gigabit Ethernet and
IPX/SPX is the protocol suite used on legacy NetWare
ATM networking.
• NetWare 3 and NetWare 4 use IPX/SPX by default. Cat 5e RJ-45 Similar to Cat 5 but provides better EMI protection.
However, both can be configured to use TCP/IP. Supports 1 and 10 gigabit Ethernet (gigabit
IPX/SPX connections require the use of all four twisted
• One way to configure a Microsoft client computer to
connect to a NetWare server running IPX/SPX is to pairs).
install the NWLink protocol software supplied by Cat 6 RJ-45 Supports high-bandwidth, broadband
Microsoft. communications.
AppleTalk is the protocol suite used by early Apple
Macintosh computers. Twisted Pair & Coaxial Cables
• AppleTalk over IP is the protocol for using Appletalk
on a TCP/IP network Connector Description
NetBIOS is the term used to describe the combination of • Has 4 connectors
two protocols: Because NetBIOS is a non-routable RJ-11 • Supports up to 2 pairs of wires
protocol, it was often combined with TCP/IP or IPX/SPX • Uses a locking tab to keep connector
to enable internetwork communications. secure in outlet
• NetBEUI is the native protocol of Windows • Used primarily for telephone wiring
• Has 8 connectors
WINS provides a centralized method of name RJ-45 • Supports up to 4 pairs of wires
management that is both flexible and dynamic. A WINS
server automatically collects entries whenever a client is • Uses a locking tab to keep connector
Internet Name secure in outlet
configured with that WINS server’s address. In theory, if
Service (WINS) • Used for Ethernet and some token
DNS is available, WINS is only necessary if pre-Windows
2000 clients or servers need to resolve names. ring connections
• Twisted onto the cable
Network Address Translation (NAT) F-Type
• Used to create cable and satellite TV
NAT refers to network address translation involving the mapping of connections
port numbers, allowing multiple machines to share a single IP address. • Used to hook a cable modem to a
broadband cable connection
Networking Utilities
NSLOOKUP.EXE: enables you to verify entries on a DNS server. BNC
• Molded onto the cable
PING.EXE: Sends a series of packets to another system, which in turn • Used in 10Base2 Ethernet networks
sends back a response. This utility can be extremely useful for
troubleshooting problems with remote hosts. AUI
• DB15 serial connector
TRACERT.EXE: enables you to verify the route to a remote host. The
• Used in 10Base5 Ethernet networks
results also include the number of hops needed to reach the
destination router.

Coaxial Cable Types

Grade Uses
Resistance • Uses a ceramic ferrule to
Rating insure proper core
10Base2 Ethernet networking (also called alignment and prevent light
RG-58 50 ohms ray deflection
• Half the size of other fiber-
RG-59 Cable TV and cable networking 75 ohms optic connectors
RG-6 Satellite TV 75 ohms • Used with single and multi-
10Base5 Ethernet networking (also called mode cabling
RG-8 50 ohms
Thicknet) • Composed of a plastic
connector with a locking tab
Fiber Optic Facts • Uses metal guide pins to
MT-RJ Connector
To connect computers using fiber optic cables, you need two fiber ensure it is properly aligned
strands. One strand transmits signals, and the other strand receives • A single connector with one
signals. Fiber optic cabling is composed of the following components: end holds both cables
• The core carries the signal. It is made of plastic or glass. • Uses a ceramic ferrule to
• The cladding maintains the signal in the center of the core as the insure proper core
cable bends. alignment and prevent light
• The sheathing protects the cladding and the core. ray deflection

Multi-mode and single mode fiber cables are distinct from each other Internet Connectivity
and not interchangeable. The table below describes multi-mode and Method Description
single mode fiber cables.
PSTN is an example of a circuit switched technology.
Type Description Each time a call is placed, it is assigned the next
• Transfers data through the core using a single light ray available connection pathway to the other party. This
(the ray is also called a mode) connection is lost at the end of the call. PSTN Internet:
Single •
• The core diameter is around 10 microns Uses a single POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service)
Mode phone line with a modem.
• Supports a large amount of data
• Cable lengths can extend a great distance • Uses a single channel on the line.
PSTN (Public • Has common data transfer rates include 28.8 Kbps,
• Transfers data through the core using multiple light rays Switched 33.3 Kbps, 56 Kbps.
• The core diameter is around 50 to 100 microns Telephone • Offers sufficient network connectivity for a minimal
• Cable lengths are limited in distance Network) investment.
• Is available virtually anywhere that regular voice
Fiber Optic Connector Types grade communications are available.
Type Description • Requires the destination host's phone number
(username and password are required at log on) for
• Used with single and multi- configuring a dial-up connection.
mode cabling • Cannot be used for voice and the Internet
• Keyed, bayonet-type concurrently.
• Also called a push in and DSL is a newer broadband digital service provided by
twist connector telephone service providers that operates using digital
signals over regular telephone lines. DSL Internet:
• Each wire has a separate
• Comes in many different varieties (such as
ST Connector connector
• Nickel plated with a ceramic
ferrule to insure proper core • Sends digital signals over existing copper
alignment and prevent light telephone wire using multiple channels.
ray deflection DSL (Digital • Has one channel that is dedicated to phone line
Subscriber data, with additional channels used for data.
• As part of the assembly
process, it is necessary to Line) • Can be used for voice and the Internet
polish the exposed fiber tip concurrently.
to ensure that light is • Requires a DSL router (or a cable modem) or NIC
passed on from one cable to attached (with USB or Ethernet) to the phone line.
the next with no dispersion • Requires filters (also called splitters) before the
phone with some implementations.
• Used with single and multi- • Requires a location to be within a fixed distance of
mode cabling network switching equipment.
• Push on, pull off connector
type that uses a locking tab ISDN ISDN is a digital service, running over a switched
to maintain connection (Integrated network. ISDN Internet:
• Each wire has a separate Services Digital • Uses a switched network which includes 4-wire
SC Connector Network) copper telephone lines in a local loop and standard
• Uses a ceramic ferrule to telephone lines.
insure proper core • Establishes a virtual circuit through dial-up before
alignment and prevent light communication (on-demand service).
ray deflection • Supports most upper-level protocols
• As part of the assembly (communication protocols allow all media types to
process, it is necessary to transmit over the same line at high speeds).
polish the exposed fiber tip Levels of service include:
BRI (Basic Rate Interface):
LC Connector • Used with single and multi- o 2 64-Kbps bearer (B) channels can transfer
mode cabling data up to 128 Kbps (data compression
• Composed of a plastic increases the data transfer rate). Only one B
connector with a locking tab, channel is used during phone use reducing
similar to a RJ-45 connector maximum speed to 64 Kbps.
• A single connector with two o 1 16-Kbps delta (D) channel for connection
ends keeps the two cables control.
in place
o Often called 2B + 1D.
o Suitable for periodic bursts of data.
PRI (Primary Rate Interface):
• 23 B channels (each at 64 Kbps) for data
o 1 D channel (at 64 Kbps) for connection
o Often called 23B + 1D.
o Is not available in all service areas;
subscribers are required to be within a certain
proximity of telephone company equipment.
Cable Internet uses the extra bandwidth on cable
television connections. Cable Internet:
• Uses a high-speed bi-directional channel connected
Cable directly to an Internet Service Provider (ISP) Application Layer 7:
through cable TV lines. Responsible for providing network services—like file services,
• Uses a cable modem to convert analog signals over print
multiple channels. services, and messaging services (not applications like word
Satellite Internet service providers offer nearly 100% processing or spreadsheets, as the layer's name might lead
global network coverage where there is a local network you to believe).
infrastructure. Satellite Internet: Network Component:
• Requires a local portable transmitter with an
antenna (dish) directed skywards to a satellite.
Satellite • Requires direct line of sight (dish placement is Presentation Layer 6:
crucial). Responsible for the presentation of data (for example, the
• Is subject to mild atmospheric and weather translation of character sets—e.g., ASCII to EBCDIC).
conditions (fog or slight wind can disrupt service). Network Component:
• May have a long delay time (latency) between Gateway, Redirector
requests and downloads.
Session Layer 5:
Wireless Internet offers continuous network access Responsible for establishing and maintaining a
through strategic placement of Wireless Access Points. communications “session.” IP and IPX operate at this layer.
Wireless Internet:
Wireless Network Component:
• Broadcasts openly and can be easily detected (data Gateway
encryption is advisable).
• Availability is increasing
Transport Layer 4:
A cellular WAN is the network that is used to make Responsible for providing reliable end-to-end communications.
cellular telephone calls. If you install a cellular WAN Includes most of the error control and flow control. TCP and
adapter to your notebook or desktop system, you can SPX operate at this layer.
Cellular WAN connect to the Internet through the cellular WAN Network Component:
wherever a signal is available. Use this option to provide Gateway, Brouter
Internet access in remote areas (as long as a cellular
signal is available).
Network Layer 3:
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) sends voice phone Responsible for translating logical network addressing and
calls using the TCP/IP protocol over digital data lines. their names to their physical address. Some error control and
VoIP solutions typically combine voice and data over the flow control is performed at this level. DNS, FTP, SNMP, SMTP
Protocol (VoIP)
same lines, allowing both to be used together. and Telnet operate at this layer.
Network Component:
Firewalls Gateway, Advanced Cable Tester, Brouter, Router
A firewall is a network device installed on the border of secured
networks that acts as a barrier between your computer or private Data Link Layer, Layer 2:
network and another network such as the Internet. The firewall This layer really has two separate layers; Logical Link Control
examines incoming traffic and allows only the traffic that meets & Media Access Control. Responsible for the logical topology
predetermined criteria. and logical (MAC) addressing. Individual network card
addresses also function at this level.
Network Firewall: A network firewall monitors and filters the activity of Network Component:
all computers hooked up to a network. Bridge, Switch, ISDN Router, Intelligent Hub, NIC
• A firewall is created by installing two interfaces on a central
network device: one interface connects to the private network, Physical Layer 1:
and the other interface connects to the external network. Responsible for placing the network data on the wire, by
changing binary data into electrical pulses on the physical
Host-based Firewall: A host-based firewall monitors and filters the medium. The physical topology is defined at this level.
activity of a single computer. Network Component:
• Firewall software is installed on a single system that is connected Hubs (Passive, Active), Transceivers, Amplifiers
to the Internet through a modem, network, cable modem, or DSL
line. Network Components
Repeaters: allow a cabling system to extend beyond its maximum
allowed length by amplifying the network voltages so they travel
farther. Repeaters are nothing more than amplifiers and, as such, are
very inexpensive.

Hubs: are devices used to link several computers together. There are
two types of hubs: active and passive. Passive hubs connect all ports
together electrically and are usually not powered. Active hubs use
electronics to amplify and clean up the signal before it is broadcast to
the other ports. In the category of active hubs, there is also a class
called intelligent hubs, which are hubs that can be remotely managed
• copy [source] [destination] copies the specified file to
on the network.
the new location.
• copy [folder] [*.*] [path] [destination] copies all files
Switches: operate very similarly to hubs because they connect several
with extensions in a folder to the new location.
computers. However, switches don’t repeat everything they receive on
one port to every other port as hubs do. Rather, switches examine the • copy /n copies files using short filenames.
header of the incoming packet and forward it properly to the right port • copy /y will not prompt you before each deletion.
and only that port. • copy /v verifies files after they are copied.
Use the xcopy command to copy files and directory trees.
Bridges: join similar topologies and are used to divide network Common switches used with xcopy are:
segments. Bridges keep traffic on one side from crossing to the other. • xcopy /a copies files with the archive attribute set and
doesn't change the attribute.
Routers: are highly intelligent devices that connect multiple network • xcopy /m copies files with the archive attribute set and
types and determine the best path for sending data. They can route turns off the archive attribute.
packets across multiple networks and use routing tables to store
• xcopy /d copies files changed on or after the specified
network addresses to determine the best destination.
date. If no date is given, it copies only those files whose
source time is newer than the destination time.
Brouters: They are used to connect dissimilar network segments and
• xcopy /p prompts you before creating each destination
also to route only one specific protocol. The other protocols are xcopy file.
bridged instead of being dropped. Brouters are used when only one
protocol needs to be routed or where a router is not cost-effective (as • xcopy /s copies directories and subdirectories (except
in a branch office). empty ones).
• xcopy /e copies directories and subdirectories,
including empty ones.
Gateways: connect dissimilar network environments and architectures.
Gateways convert data and repackage it to meet the requirements of • xcopy /h copies hidden and system files also.
the destination address. • xcopy /r overwrites read-only files.
• xcopy /k copies attributes. Normal xcopy will reset
Command Line Utilities read-only attributes.
• xcopy /y overwrites existing files without prompting.
Command Description
Use the edit command to view, create, or modify files.
Converts a drive from FAT or FAT32 to NTFS w/o losing any
Common switches used with edit are:
convert data
edit • edit [file] specifies initial files(s) to load. Wildcards and
• convert C: /fs:ntfs
multiple file specs can be given.
Use the cd command to work with the current directory. • edit /r load file(s) in read-only mode.
Common switches used with cd are:
The IPCONFIG command checks your computer’s IP
• cd by itself shows the current directory (the current configuration.
directory is usually showed in the command prompt as • /all shows full configuration information
well). ipconfig • /release releases the IP address, if you are getting
• cd [folder name] changes the current directory to the addresses from a DHCP server
cd one specified (if the directory is within the current • /renew obtains a new IP address from a DHCP server
directory). • /flushdns flushes the DNS name resolver cache
• cd [full path] changes to the directory specified by the
Memory Types
• cd .. changes the current directory to the immediate
parent directory (moves up one directory level). 72-pin SIMM
• cd /D [file] [path] changes the current drive in addition
to changing the directory.
Use the dir command to display a list of files and
subdirectories in a directory. Common switches used with dir
• dir /p pauses output at every page.
168-pin SDRAM (Synchronous Dynamic RAM)
• dir /s display information in subdirectories.
• dir /a[xx] display files with the specified attributes:
o Options may be combined, such as /arh, to show
read-only, hidden files.
o Use - to show files without an attribute. For
example, dir /a-r shows files that are not read only.

Use the md command to create (make) a directory. Common 184-pin RDRAM (Rambus DRAM)
switches used with md are:
md • md [directory] creates a new directory in the current
mkdir directory.
• md [path] [directory] creates a new directory in the
directory specified by the path.

Use the rd command to delete (remove) a directory. 184-pin DDR (Double-Data Rate Synchronous Dynamic RAM)
Common switches used with rd are:
• rd [directory] removes the specified directory within the
current directory.
rd • rd [path] [directory] removes the directory specified in
the path.
• rd /s removes subdirectories in addition to files in the
current directory. 240-pin DDR-2
• rd /q will not prompt you before each deletion.
copy Use the copy command to copy files from one location to
another. Common switches used with copy are:
Shadow Mask: consists of a metal screen full of holes that are aligned
with each dot. The screen shields the electron beam from illuminating
between dots and leaves an outline around each pixel.

Aperture Grill: consists of a screen of ultra thin vertical and horizontal

wires. This configuration allows more electrons through resulting in a
richer colour display. On an aperture grill monitor you might be able to
144-pin SODIMM
see two horizontal lines running across the display. These lines are the
wires that are used to dynamically change the grill opening.

Dot Pitch: is the distance between pixels.

Refresh Rate: The refresh rate is the amount of time required for the
CRT's electron beam to paint the screen from top to bottom.

200-pin SODIMM Interlacing: Interlacing is drawing the screen in two passes; even lines
on the first and then the odd lines on the second pass. Non-interlaced
monitors produce the least amount of flicker.

Note: CRT monitors have a 4:3 aspect ratio which matches the display
ration of a television set.

LCD Monitor Facts

Active Matrix Displays:
• Use a TFT (Thin Film Transistor)
Types of Memory & RAM
• Use 1 to 4 transistors at each pixel to control the image on
Type Description • Require more power to operate because of all the transistors.
ROM (Read-only • Programmed by the chip manufacturer • Are more expensive but have a higher image quality (this applies
Memory) • Not erasable to flat-panel and laptop displays).
• Have a wider viewing angle.
PROM (Programmable • Programmed by chip manufacturer
Read-only Memory) • Not erasable once programmed Dual-scan passive-matrix displays:
EPROM (Erasable • Programmed by the OEM or user • Have two groups of transistors; a row across the top with one
Programmable Read- • Erasable by the user with ultraviolet light transistor for each column and a row down the left side with one
only Memory) • Re-programmable by the user after erasure transistor for each row.
• Have a matrix of wires connect the vertical and horizontal
EEPROM (Electrically • Programmed by the chip manufacturer or transistors.
Erasable user • Send power down the vertical and horizontal transistors, and the
Programmable Read- • Erasable and re-programmable by the user interconnecting wire to a converging point, darkening the pixel at
only Memory; also with software (electronically) that particular location
known as Flash • Stores data even without power • Use less power than active-matrix displays.
Memory) • Limit to how many times the data in an • Operate slower than active-matrix displays.
EEPROM chip can be flashed (modified)
Static RAM (SRAM) • No refresh required (non-volatile, meaning LCD Resolutions:
that no power is required to retain memory • SVGA = 1024 x 768
contents) • XGA = Non-interlaced 1024 x 768
• Comes on motherboard (cache memory) as • SXGA (Super Extended VGA) = 1280 x 1024
chips, or COAST (cache-on-a-stick) • UXGA (Ultra Extended VGA) = 1600 x 1200
• No memory addresses assigned Aspect Ratio: is the ratio of the width and the height.
Dynamic RAM (DRAM) • Requires constant refresh (volatile, meaning Viewing Angle: identifies the angle at which the image can still be
that power is required to retain memory seen. The viewing angle is often described with two numbers:
contents) horizontal angle and vertical angle. The higher the number, the better
• Memory addresses assigned the quality.
• Used as the main system memory and
memory on other components Pixel Pitch: is the distance between pixels.
• Is slower than SRAM
Contrast Ratio: refers to the difference in light intensity between the
Note: To find the bandwidth, multiply the frequency by 8. For example, brightest white and the darkest black.
DDR-300 operates at 300 MHz, and has a bandwidth of 2400 (300 x 8
= PC-2400). The original DDR modules used the frequency in the PC Response Time: indicates how quickly a pixel can go from black, to
designation for a time. For this reason, DDR-200 memory might be white, and back to black.
labeled either PC-200 (identifying the frequency) or PC-1600
(identifying the bandwidth). Components of an LCD Monitor

CRT Monitor Facts
Screen Size: The physical screen size or actual size is the diagonal
measure of the display tube.

Viewing Size: identifies the largest image size that can be displayed.
Because of how the CRT monitor works, portions of the display tube
cannot be used for displaying the image.

Resolution: is the number of pixels available on a display screen.

Female port
DMS-59 The DMS-59 connector is
used to allow multiple video
ports from a single
connection. The DMS-59

Female port Is typically included on

slimline video cards that
can have only a single port.

Sends out two separate

DVI-I signals through the
Video Connectors single connector.
Interface Description Composite video A composite video
D-sub The D-sub connector, connection on a video card
sometimes called a VGA provides analog, video-only
connector, uses a DB-15 TV output. Composite
connector with three rows video connectors are RCA
of pins. The D-sub connectors (typically
connector on a video card Cable yellow). Composite signals
provides analog output. combine three qualities of
Cable video into a single signal:

The Y channel is for

Female port brightness or luminance

U and V channels provide

Female port colour information

DVI-A A DVI-A (digital video- S-video S-video (separate-video,

analog) connection on a Y/C, or S-VHS)
video card provides analog connections are present on
output. DVI-A connections many video cards and
are rarely used for supply analog, video-only
computers monitors, but TV output. The s-video
Cable connector is a 4-pin mini-
might be used on some
Cable HDTV systems. din connector that has two
separate channels, one for
DVI-D A DVI-D (digital video- Y (luminance) and one for
digital) connection on a UV (colour). S-video can
video card provides digital easily be converted to
output. Female port composite video by
combining the Y and UV
Single link connectors have channels into a single
3 rows of 6 pins with one signal.
Single link cable additional larger horizontal
pin. Single link can support HDTV (Component) An HDTV connector
60 Hz up to 1920x1080 supplies analog, video-only
resolution. TV output in three separate
channels: R (red), G
Dual link connectors have (green), and B (blue). The
3 rows of 8 pins plus the HDTV connector uses a 7-
Dual link cable pin mini-din cable. Video
horizontal pin (often called Female port
a 25-pin, 24+1-pin, or 24- cards with HDTV output
pin connector). Dual link typically include a
can support 60 Hz up to conversion cable that
2048x1536 resolution. converts the 7-pin
Female port Dual link allows for longer connector into three RCA
cable lengths and a higher cables for connecting to an
video resolution. HDTV device.

DVI-I A DVI-I (digital video- HDMI High-Definition Multimedia

integrated) connection on a Interface (HDMI) is a digital
video card provides both video and audio connector
analog and digital output. used for high-definition
The DVI-I connection has digital audio and video.
all of the pins present in HDMI combines the audio
Cable connector and video signals onto a
both the DVI-A and DVI-D
Single link cable connections. Most video single cable.
cards and many LCD Cable TV (BNC) Video cards and monitors
monitors have a DVI-I with a built-in TV tuner
connection. have a BNC cable TV
connector. Most video
cards that provide cable TV
Dual link cable Cable input also include audio
output. However, most of one AGP and one PCI card (not two AGP cards).
these cards do not provide • Make sure the video cards support dual display.
analog or digital monitor
There are two main causes for missing colours:
Female port • The monitor is malfunctioning and should be
brought to a specialist or replaced.
Missing colours • Bent or broken connector pins in the cable plug
Video Troubleshooting
are preventing certain colours from being
Problem Description transmitted. To fix this you will either need to
Newer systems must have a video card and a monitor readjust the connector pins, or replace the
connected in order to boot. If the system does not broken plug or port.
boot and the screen is blank, check the monitor If a monitor is flickering, you should check to see if
connection. If that doesn't correct the problem, plug in the monitor is running in interlace mode. A monitor
System does not a monitor that you know is working.
boot enters interlace mode when the video board is
• If the system boots, then the original monitor is pushing the monitor at a rate that is faster than the
the problem. monitor can handle. To keep up with the demands of
• If the problem still exists, then troubleshoot the the video board, interlace mode causes the monitor
video card or BIOS settings. Flickering display only to refresh every other display line. To fix this,
reduce all or some of the following settings on your
Ensure that the video card is enabled in the system
video output:
BIOS. You might need to revert to a video board that
No display on the • The synchronization rate
is already working for the troubleshooting process so
monitor • The colour depth
you will be able to see the BIOS on the screen
display. • The resolution
Incorrect display of colours is often caused by low Digital video can be saved in one of several file
colour depth settings or capabilities of the video card. formats (called codecs). Before you can play a video
Video files or DVD
• A colour palette is the current list of colours that file, your computer must have the corresponding
video does not
can be shown on the screen. codecs installed. Many video files actually use two
Colours not play, audio plays
• Colour shift occurs when a new image must load codecs: one for video and one for audio. If the audio
correct but no video
a different palette than is currently used. plays but the video does not, you have the correct
audio codec but need the video codec installed.
Colours are not • Colour shift is common on display systems that
smooth use 4, 16, or 256 colours.
• If you cannot increase the colour settings, make Note: If you change video settings in operating system and then the
sure you have the latest drivers. If that doesn't monitor is unreadable or blank, reboot into Safe Mode, adjust the video
work, upgrade the video card to one with more settings, and reboot.
Sound Card Connections
This problem is often caused by a weak or corrupt
signal from the video card. Port Description
• Make sure the monitor cable is securely TRS TRS ports on
Blurry images, fastened to the video card. the sound card
strange colour • Check for bent or missing pins. accept 1/4"
tints • On CRT monitors, degauss the monitor to plugs for analog
eliminate built-up magnetic fields that can be audio input and
distorting images. Use the degauss button on output.
the monitor, or turn the monitor off and back on. Cable
Image doesn't fill
the screen, image Use the monitor settings to change the horizontal and
skewed, image cut vertical sizes and image geometry settings.
Female ports
Software or system problems can be caused by
Toslink A Toslink
Program or incorrect video settings, especially for programs that
connector is
system lockup, have high video demands. To correct the problem:
used with digital
system crashes, • Update the video card drivers. optical input or
slow video • Decrease the video acceleration settings. This output for
performance decreases the amount of processing done by the S/PDIF audio.
video card.
Correct these problems by increasing the refresh rate
setting for the video card. Cable
• Before increasing the refresh rate, make sure
Screen flickers or
the monitor can handle the higher setting.
appears wavy,
user reports • If you cannot increase the refresh rate, try Female port
headaches decreasing the resolution size and see if higher RCA An RCA
settings become available. If not, increase the connector on a
video card memory or purchase a new card that sound card is
supports higher settings. usually used for
These problems could occur if the monitor is not coaxial digital
Scrambled or capable of handling the output from the video card. input or output
distorted images, This problem can be temporarily addressed by Cable for S/PDIF
blank screen, lowering settings in Windows Display Properties. audio.
high-pitched tone However, upgrading the monitor is the only way to
really fix the problem.
Image does not For problems with dual-monitor systems:
display on a • Verify that the operating system is capable and Female port
second monitor configured for dual displays. DB-15 A DB-15
• Disable the on-board video card if you have connector on a
another AGP card installed. You will need to use sound card is
used to connect FAT16 FAT32 NTFS
to MIDI devices Partition size 2 gigabytes 2 terabytes 256 terabytes
or game Unicode
joysticks. Long File Names
8.3 (255
File name length (255 characters,
Cable (8 characters) characters,
anything but /)
File size 2 gigabytes 4 gigabytes 16 terabytes
Amount of files 65,517 268,435,437 4,294,967,295
Volume size 2 or 4 gigabytes 2 terabytes 256 terabytes
Female port
Windows 95a X
Firewire Some sound Windows
cards include X X
one or more
Windows NT 4.0 X X
Firewire ports.
These ports Windows
function as 2000/XP/2003
Cable normal Firewire
ports for Basic Input Output System (BIOS)
connecting a The BIOS is a program stored in a read-only memory (ROM) chip that
variety of the CPU automatically loads and executes when it receives power.
devices. Important things to know about the BIOS are:
• The BIOS program controls the startup process and loads the
Female port operating system into memory.
• The BIOS is an example of firmware.
Hard Drives • You should check for BIOS updates from manufacturers frequently.
Updating the BIOS (called flashing the BIOS) makes new features
available, such as allowing the BIOS to recognize newer hardware
• Most BIOS chips are 64k in size, though there is 384k address
space available for the BIOS to use.
• SCSI devices include a BIOS chip on a device itself. These devices
have their own ROM chip called an option ROM.

Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS)

• CMOS is a type of semi-conductor chip that holds data
without requiring an external power source. In a pc the CMOS
holds the basic instructions the computer needs to initialize its
hardware components and boot up. These settings are known as
the BIOS, also referred to as CMOS settings.
• CMOS controls a variety of functions, including the POST.
When the computer’s power supply fires up, CMOS runs a series
Cylinder: The platter or set of platters that magnetically hold data. of checks to make sure the system is functioning properly. One of
these checks includes counting up RAM.
Track: The spaces between concentric circles emanating from near the
• Once POST has completed, CMOS runs through its other
center of the platter and outward.
settings. Hard disks and formats are detected, RAID
configurations, boot preferences, the presence of peripherals, and
Sector: The spaces (pie shaped) in between equally spaced lines that
overclocking tweaks.
emanate from the center to the outside edge of the platter. These
sectors are either physically (on the platter) or logically (determined by
System File Facts
software) grouped and like data is often clustered together to increase
read and write time. File Function
The Master Boot Code is a small program which
Head (Arm): The mechanism and mechanical arm that physically serves as a starting point for launching operating
moves across tracks and sectors to read or write data. There are Master Boot Code
system files. Its main function is locating the active
usually two (one on each side) of these per platter. partition and launching the volume boot code from it.
Seek Time: time taken for a read-write head to reach a particular item The Volume Boot Code is a small program located in
Volume Boot Code
of data on a disk track. the active partition which launches NTLDR.
NTLDR (short for NT Loader) is responsible for
Access Time: the time taken by a computer, after an instruction has loading most of the system files. It performs the
been given, to read from or write to memory. following tasks:
1. Looks for operating systems listed in the
Latency: Disk latency is the time it takes for the selected sector to be BOOT.INI file and requests that the user select
positioned under the read/write head. NTLDR one.
2. Loads the selected operating system.
Cache Memory: After reading a sector of data from the hard disk, the 3. Configures hardware and loads low-level
likelihood is high that the hard drive will also need to read the next drivers.
sector. For this reason, some hard disk drives read ahead to other 4. Turns control of the boot process over to the
sectors and store the data in a disk cache. When the next sector is NTOSKRNL.EXE.
ready to be processed, the hard drive can take it from the cache rather
than reading the data from the hard disk. BOOT.INI is a text file which lists the operating
BOOT.INI systems installed on a computer and their hard drive
The data transfer rate at the inner zone ranges from 44.2 MB/s to 74.5 locations.
MB/s, while the transfer rate at the outer zone ranges from 74.0 MB/s BOOTSECT.DOS is optional and is only used to boot
to 111.4 MB/s. A HDD's random access time ranges from 5 ms to 15 BOOTSECT.DOS a DOS-based operating system such as Windows 95,
ms. Windows 98, or Windows ME.
NTBOOTDD.SYS NTBOOTDD.SYS is only required if you have a
particular type of SCSI hardware drive that does not
File Systems
load its own BIOS as part of the startup routine. • Assigning log files to be stored on distinct partitions can help
minimize the effects of a system crash due to excessively large
NTDETECT.COM detects information about log files.
hardware installed on a computer and reports its • Distinct operating systems can be assigned to run on assigned
findings back to NTLDR. It also places a list of partitions to allow a dual boot system setup.
hardware in the registry.
NTOSKRNL.EXE is the Windows operating system Volume: A volume is a single accessible storage area within a file
kernel. It resides in memory at all times and provides system. A volume can encompass a single partition or span across
NTOSKRNL.EXE multiple partitions depending on how it is configured and what
the basic operating system services for all other parts
of the operating system. operating system you are using. Volumes are identified by drive letters.
The registry is a database which stores critical
Primary Partition
information about the operating system. If the
A primary partition is one that is used to store the operating system.
information in the registry is incorrect or corrupt, the
Primary partitions:
computer could function improperly or be completely
• Can hold operating system boot files.
disabled. The registry is saved in distinct locations in
Registry different versions of Windows: • Can be set to active. The active partition is the one whose
operating system will boot. The system can have only one active
• In Windows 2000 and NT4, it is saved in
partition at a time. Primary partitions that are not set to active are
not visible.
• In Windows XP, it is saved in
• Cannot be further subdivided into logical drives.
• Can be formatted.
Services are programs, routines, or processes which • There can be a maximum of four primary partitions on a single
support other programs. hard disk drive.

Windows Boot Process Extended Partition

The startup process is comprised of the following steps: An extended partition is an optional partition that does not have an
1. The BIOS runs the POST (power-on self test) routine to detect operating system installed on it and thus is not bootable. Extended
hardware and start the system. The BIOS takes the following partitions:
actions: • Cannot be set to active.
1. BIOS scans for BIOS extensions on various devices. One of • Can be further subdivided into logical drives.
the first things it does is check for the video card. You will • There can be a maximum of one extended partition on a single
see on screen information about the video card if it is hard disk drive.
detected. After the extensions have been loaded, you will • Cannot be directly formatted.
see BIOS information on the screen. • You can have multiple partitions (up to four total, including
2. The BIOS tests various devices such as memory. One thing primary and extended partitions) on a single hard drive. Windows
you will see are the results of the memory tests that are 2000/XP can use volumes instead of partitions. A volume can be
performed. When these initial tests are done, you will also a single partition on a single disk or can span multiple partitions
see a message telling you how to enter the BIOS setup on multiple disks. To take advantage of volumes, your disk must
program. be dynamic.
3. BIOS then checks CMOS settings and verifies that it can
communicate with all identified hardware devices. The Disk Types
system typically displays information about the keyboard, Basic Disk
mouse, and IDE drives in the system. Following this A basic disk is a physical disk type that can be accessed by all
summary, you will also see information about devices and operating systems.
system resources. • A basic disk has a limit of four partitions, only one of which can be
4. The BIOS looks for bootable devices until it locates the an extended partition.
master boot code. The master boot code runs the volume
• One primary partition must be marked active.
boot code.
• A basic disk can only host basic volumes.
2. The Volume Boot Code runs NTLDR.
3. NTLDR reads the BOOT.INI file to locate available operating • Most operating systems can recognize only one primary partition.
system installations. If more than one is found, NTLDR displays a All other primary partitions are invisible. (Windows
list of installations from which you can choose. If only one NT/2000/XP/Server 2003 can recognize multiple primary
installation is found, the operating system loads automatically. partitions.)
4. NTLDR runs NTDETECT.COM which detects installed hardware. • The active primary partition is represented with one drive letter
5. NTLDR loads NTOSKRNL.EXE and other system files (such as (C:). The extended partition can be divided into multiple logical
part of the registry). At this stage, the Starting Windows... drives (up to 26).
message is displayed. During this portion of the startup you can
press F8 to get advanced startup options (such as Safe Mode). Dynamic Disk
6. NTLDR passes control of the system to NTOSKRNL.EXE. At this A dynamic disk is a physical disk that can only be accessed by the
point you will see the graphical Windows logo. During this phase, Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003 operating systems. Other computers
NTOSKRNL.EXE loads device drivers, starts services, and will not recognize volumes on a dynamic disk if the disk is imported
configures the computer. into the system.
7. After the system has been configured, the Welcome screen or a • Volumes on dynamic disks are like partitions and logical drives on
logon box is displayed. basic disks.
• A volume can be made of non-contiguous space on a single drive
Partitions or space taken from more than one drive.
Partition: A partition is a logical division of a storage device associated • You cannot install the operating system on a dynamic disk. You
with a hard disk drive. Multiple partitions can be assigned to a single can, however, upgrade a basic disk containing the operating
device in which case a drive letter is assigned to represent each system to dynamic after installation.
partition. Multiple letters do not always mean that there are multiple
devices, just multiple partitions. Some reasons why you may consider NTFS Permission Facts
partitioning your hard drive are: With NTFS permissions, each file and folder has an access control list
• Assigning the boot system to a different partition than application (ACL). The ACL identifies the users or groups and their level of access
and data files can help many computers run more smoothly and to the folder or file.
minimize damage in a system crash.
• It is sometimes necessary or useful for the swap file to be stored Permission Allowed Actions
on its own partition.
View folder details and attributes. View file attributes;
• Some operating systems can't run on a large partition. Creating a Read
open a file.
separate partition for your operating system can help it run
properly. Write Change folder or file data and attributes.
List Folder Includes all Read actions and adds the ability to view a
Contents folder's contents. Power Supplies
Power supplies provide +/- 5 volts and +/- 12 volts (DC power). ATX
Includes all Read actions and adds the ability to run power supplies also provide + 3.3 volts.
Read & Execute
Includes all Read & Execute and Write actions and adds Connector Description
the ability to add or delete files.
• An AT motherboard, the power supply
Includes all other actions and adds the ability to take connector consists of 2 connectors, which,
Full Control
ownership of and change permissions on the folder. if plugged in incorrectly (black wires not in
the center), could cause a short.
(Small Computer Systems Interface) SCSI Cabling • Older Pentium III, IV, and Athlon XP
Single Ended (SE): This method sends each signal line against the processor motherboards use a 20-pin
ground. This method is susceptible to noise and allows limited cable connector (as shown here).
lengths (slow = 20 ft, fast = 10 ft, ultra = 5 ft.). AT • Newer 64-bit and dual core motherboards
might use a 24-pin connector.
High Voltage Differential (HVD): This method sends two lines for each • Some power supplies have a 20+4 pin
signal. One line is the inverse of the other. The difference between connector that can be used on either 20-pin
these two lines is the SCSI signal. This method is less susceptible to or 24-pin motherboards. Simply remove the
noise and allows an increase in cable length (82 ft. for all speeds). ATX additional 4-pin connector when using on a
20-pin motherboard.
Low Voltage Differential (LVD): This method is similar to HVD, only it Note: Do not confuse the 20+4 pin main power
uses less voltage and allows an increase in cable length. It is also connector with the additional 4-pin connector
faster and less susceptible to noise than HVD. required by the processor (as shown below).

Connectors Description • Additional power for P4 and Athlons

IDC cables are internal ribbon • Newer processors, like the Pentium 4, have
cables (similar to internal IDE greater power needs.
cables) with 50-pins. The IDC
cable connects to the internal
Male Fan power connectors
port on the host adapter. IDC
cables are used for 8-bit SCSI.
Molex power used for hard disks, CD-ROM
DB Two common DB cables are drives, and many other devices
used: Note: The red wire provides 5 volt power, while
• DB25 connectors have the yellow wire provides 12 volts.
two rows of pins and are
used with older Macs, Zip Mini molex used for floppy drives
Male drives, and scanners.
• DB50 connectors have
three rows of pins and are
typically used with Sun Serial ATA power cable used for SATA drives
DB connectors are not very
Female common today.
Centronics Reset switch, power on switch, and additional
internal connectors

Male Centronics connectors have 50

pins and are used with 8-bit
Intel P4 - Socket 478 Intel P4 - Socket 423
SCSI-1 and SCSI-2 devices.

HD connectors (also called
Micro DB or HP (half pitch)) are
HD (high density) used for both internal and
external SCSI-2 and SCSI-3
devices. Intel Celeron - Socket 370 AMD XP - Socket 462 or A
• 50-pin connectors are
Male used for 8-bit data
• 68-pin connectors are
used for 16-bit data
transfer. These
Female connectors are about 1/2
inch larger than the 50-pin
VHD (very high density) AMD Opteron - Socket F AMD Athlon 64 X2
VHD connectors have 68-pins
and are smaller than the HD
Male connectors. VHD connectors
are often used in SCSI cards
and are sometimes called
SCSI-5 connectors.
Virus: is a program that attempts to damage a computer system and
replicate itself to other computer systems.
• Requires a host to replicate and usually attaches itself to a host
file or a hard drive sector.
• Replicates each time the host is used.
• Often focuses on destruction or corruption of data.
• Usually attaches to files with execution capabilities such as
.doc, .exe, and .bat extensions.
• Often distributes via e-mail. Many viruses can e-mail themselves
Throttling: Throttling is the process of modifying the operating
to everyone in your address book.
characteristics of a processor based on current conditions.
• Throttling is often used in mobile processors to change the Worm: is a self-replicating program that can be designed to do any
operating frequency to minimize power consumption and heat number of things, such as delete files or send documents via e-mail. A
output. worm can negatively impact network traffic just in the process of
• Throttling can also be used in low memory conditions to slow replicating itself.
down the processing of I/O memory requests, processing one • Can install a backdoor in the infected computer.
sequence at a time in the order the request was received.
• Is usually introduced into the system through a vulnerability.
• Infects one system and spreads to other systems on the network.
Hyper-threading: Hyper-threading is a feature of some Intel processors
that allows a single processor to run threads in parallel, as opposed to
Trojan horse: is a malicious program that is disguised as legitimate
the older and slower technology of processing threads linearly.
software. Discretionary environments are often more vulnerable and
susceptible to Trojan horse attacks because security is user focused
Overclocking: Overclocking is a feature that causes the processor to
and user directed. Thus the compromise of a user account could lead
operate at a higher speed.
to the compromise of the entire environment.
Multi-processor: two (or more) processors on the motherboard. • Cannot replicate itself.
• Often contains spying functions (such as a packet sniffer) or
Multi-core Processor: multiple processor cores integrated into a single backdoor functions that allow a computer to be remotely
processor package. controlled from the network.
• Often is hidden in useful software such as screen savers or
Processor Size: The process size refers to the manufacturing process games.
used to etch transistors onto the silicon wafer that will become the
CPU. A smaller process size means smaller transistors, which Logic Bomb: is malware that lies dormant until triggered. A logic bomb
translates into a smaller CPU die with more transistors and less power is a specific example of an asynchronous attack.
consumption. Process size is expressed in microns (such as .25 • A trigger activity may be a specific date and time, the launching of
microns) or nanometers (90 nm which equals .09 microns). a specific program, or the processing of a specific type of activity.
• Logic bombs do not self-replicate.
Voltage Regulator Module (VRM): The VRM is an electronic device
that supplies the appropriate voltage to a processor; thus allowing Spyware: monitors the actions you take on your machine and sends
multiple processors with different voltage requirements to be mounted the information back to its originating source.
on the same motherboard. A VRM can either be an installable device • Spyware is a program that is installed on your machine by visiting
controlled through the BIOS, or soldered directly to the motherboard a particular webpage or running a particular application.
and controlled by the processor. Installable VRMs are more common in • Some spyware intercepts sensitive information.
dual processor and server systems.
Adware: monitors the actions of the user that would denote their
ESD personal preferences, then sends pop-ups and ads to the user that
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD): Static electricity is the accumulation of match their tastes.
an electric charge (produced by friction) on a non-grounded object. • Is usually passive.
The static charge on the surface of a non-grounded object can jump • Is a program that is installed on your machine by visiting a
when it contacts the surface of any grounded object. particular webpage or running a particular application.
• Is usually more annoying than harmful.
Catastrophic failures: cause components to fail. The only solution for a
failed component is to replace it. Grayware: is a term used to describe any application that is annoying
or negatively affecting the performance of your computer. If an
Upset failures: degrade components, leading to ongoing or intermittent application doesn’t fall into the virus or Trojan category, it can get
problems or eventual failure. With these types of failures, it is difficult to lumped under grayware. Spyware and aware are often considered
identify the source of the intermittent problem or even know if damage types of grayware, as are programs that log user keystrokes and
has occurred. certain hacking programs.
Precautions against ESD include: Spam: is sending unwanted e-mail messages. Spam can become a
• Use antistatic mats under the PC and on the floor. form of DoS attack because:
• Discharge yourself before touching any computer component. • It consumes bandwidth that is used by legitimate traffic.
• When touching anything inside the computer, wear an antistatic • It can fill a mailbox or hard disk and result in legitimate e-mail
wrist strap that is attached with an alligator clip to the metal PC being rejected.
chassis. • Spam is often distributed by hijacking misconfigured SMTP
• Ground both yourself and the computer to the same ground. This servers.
provides a single path for the flow of electrical potential.
• Use static resistant materials to handle computer components. Social Engineering
• Never touch the metal connectors on a circuit board. Social engineering exploits human nature by convincing someone to
• Avoid dry air in the computer repair location. reveal information or perform an activity. Examples of
• Keep computer repair location free of materials that accumulate social engineering include:
electric charges (for example, plastic or Styrofoam). • Impersonating support staff or management, either in person or
• Store sensitive components in static shielded bags (usually tinted over the phone.
gray). Static resistant bags are not near as effective (usually • Asking for someone to hold open a door rather than using a key
tinted pink or blue). for entrance.
• If a wrist strap is unavailable, keep your body in constant contact • Spoofed e-mails that ask for information or ask for tasks to be
with the metal frame when working inside the computer. performed (such as delete a file or go to a Web site and enter
• Keep the relative humidity high (over 70%). sensitive information).
• Looking on desks for usernames and passwords. Unlike user rights, security options are either enabled or
disabled for everyone. Examples of Security Options
Attack Description policies include:
• Computer shut down when Security event log
Dumpster diving is the process of looking in the trash for Options
reaches capacity
Dumpster diving sensitive information that has not been properly
disposed of. • Unsigned driver installation
• Ctrl+Alt+Del required for log on
Shoulder surfing involves looking over the shoulder of
Shoulder surfing
someone working on a laptop.
Piggybacking refers to an attacker entering a secured
Piggybacking Threat Description
building by following an authorized employee.
Sniffing is an inside attack in which someone connects to the
Masquerading refers to convincing personnel to grant
network and captures all of the packets that are transmitted
access to sensitive information or protected systems by
over a network. They then use a sniffing program to
pretending to be someone who is authorized and/or
rearrange the packets so they can see all of the information
requires that access.
Masquerading Sniffing being transmitted. The best ways to prevent sniffing are:
• The attacker usually poses as a member of senior
• Install software packages that can detect sniffing.
• Don't use clear-text passwords. Be especially careful
• A scenario of distress is fabricated to the user to
with FTP, TELNET, and LDAP servers because they
convince them that their actions are necessary.
commonly transmit in clear text.
Eavesdropping refers to an unauthorized person
Password cracking is a serious threat to your system. There
Eavesdropping listening to conversations of employees or other
are many different tools that attackers can use to break into
authorized personnel discussing sensitive topics.
a password-protected system. If a password is successfully
Phishing uses an e-mail and a spoofed Web site to gain cracked by an unauthorized user, they can alter your current
sensitive information. password settings and then login into your system as an
• A fraudulent message that appears to be legitimate administrator. The best way to prevent password cracking is
is sent to a target. to never use the default usernames or passwords provided
Phishing • The message requests the target to visit a Web Password by a system, especially on administrator accounts. A strong
site which also appears to be legitimate. cracking password policy typically:
• The fraudulent Web site requests the victim to • Requires passwords 8 characters or longer (longer
provide sensitive information such as the account passwords are stronger).
number and password. • Prevents the use of the username or a dictionary word
(or common variations) in the password.
Security Settings • Requires the use of numbers and symbols.
• Forces periodic password changes and prevents the
Setting Group Description
use of previous passwords.
The password policy defines characteristics that valid
Lurking is a security threat that entails a user walking around
passwords must have. Settings that you can configure in
a workplace and casually recording the usernames and
the password policy include:
passwords being entered on office computers. This is done
• Requiring passwords to have a minimum length. by either watching over someone's shoulder as they login or
• Forcing users to change passwords at regular by searching through personal notes or reminders that may
Password Lurking
intervals. include usernames and passwords. To help prevent
• Requiring complex passwords (password that contain successful lurking, you should use long, complex, passwords
numbers, symbols, upper- and lower-case letters). that are changed frequently. Train your users to use
• Preventing users from changing passwords too passwords that are not easily guessed and don't contain any
quickly. information that is indicative of the user.
• Not allowing users to reuse previous passwords.
Use account lockout settings to protect user accounts from There are alternative authentication systems available to improve your
being guessed and to also prevent accounts from being security:
Account used when hacking attempts are detected. For example, a • Smart cards are cards that contain a memory chip with encrypted
Lockout common setting is to lock the user account when three authentication information that allows a user access to facilities in
Policy consecutive incorrect passwords have been entered. the office. Smart cards can:
Locked accounts cannot be used for logon until they are o Require contact such as swiping or they can be contactless.
unlocked or until a specific amount of time has passed. o Contain memory chips similar to swipe cards, but with more
Auditing (also referred to as logging) is an operating data.
system feature that records user and system actions. Use o Contain microprocessor chips with the ability to add, delete,
the audit policy to identify the types of actions and events and manipulate data on it.
you want to track. For example, you can enable auditing to o A smart card can store digital signatures, cryptography keys,
Audit Policy and identification codes.
monitor all logon attempts. When a user logs on,
information about the logon will be recorded in the • A biometric system attempts to identify a person based on metrics
Security event log. Use Event Viewer to view information or a mathematical representation of the subject's biological
about audit events. attribute. This is the most expensive and least accepted, but is
generally considered to be the most secure form of
User rights determine what actions a user can perform on
authentication. Common attributes used for biometric systems
a computer or domain. User rights settings identify users
or groups with the corresponding privilege. Examples of
o Fingerprints (end point and bifurcation pattern)
user rights include:
o Retina scans (blood vein pattern)
• Access this computer from the network (the ability to
access resources on the computer through a network o Iris scans (colour)
User Rights connection) o Facial scans (pattern)
Assignment • Allow log on locally (the ability to log on to the o Palm scans (pattern, including fingerprints)
computer console) o Hand topology (side view) or geometry (top down view)
• Allow log on through Terminal Services (the ability to o Voice recognition
log on using a Remote Desktop connection) o Handwriting dynamics
• Back up files and directories (does not include o Keyboard or keystroke dynamics (behavioral biometric
restoring files and directories) systems)
• Shut down the system
Fire Extinguishers
Class A extinguishers are for ordinary combustible materials such as Good communication skills are essential when communicating with
paper, wood, cardboard, and most plastics. The numerical rating on customers and colleagues. This includes being tactful and using
these types of extinguishers indicates the amount of water it holds and discretion. Some things to remember about communication skills are:
the amount of fire it can extinguish. • Use clear, concise, and direct statements.
• Allow the customer to complete statements--avoid interrupting.
Class B fires involve flammable or combustible liquids such as • Clarify customer statements--restate what they have said and ask
gasoline, kerosene, grease and oil. The numerical rating for class B pertinent questions.
extinguishers indicates the approximate number of square feet of fire it • Avoid using jargon, abbreviations, and acronyms.
can extinguish. • Actively listen to customers.
Class C fires involve electrical equipment, such as appliances, wiring, Another important aspect of acting in a professional manner is to treat
circuit breakers and outlets. Class C extinguishers do not have a your customers with respect. This includes always providing
numerical rating. The C classification means the extinguishing agent is confidentiality, using caution when entering a customer's workspace or
non-conductive. working on their computer, and never treating a customer in a
demeaning manner. Some other important things to remember about
Class D fire extinguishers are commonly found in a chemical dealing with your customers in a respectful manner are:
laboratory. They are for fires that involve combustible metals, such as
• Maintain a positive attitude and tone of voice.
magnesium, titanium, potassium and sodium. These types of
extinguishers also have no numerical rating, nor are they given a multi- • Avoid arguing with customers or becoming defensive.
purpose rating - they are designed for class D fires only. • Realize the importance of your task--do not minimize customers’
• Avoid being judgmental, insulting, or calling the customer names.
• Avoid distractions or interruptions when talking with customers.
You should attempt to resolve all customer problems yourself as long
as the task falls within your scope of responsibility. If a request is
outside of your ability or your responsibility, help the customer get in
contact with the appropriate people (such as another technician who
handles those requests or a manager who has the authorization to
respond to a problem or a request).

Windows Utilities
Event Viewer: Use Event Viewer to view logs about programs, system
events, and security. Each entry is listed as a warning, error, or
information event. Events are added to the following logs:
• The Application log contains a list of all application-related events
such as application installations, un-installations, and application
• The System log contains a list of all system-related events such
as system modifications, malfunctions, and errors.
• The Security log contains a list of all security-related events such
as security modifications and user login events.

MSCONFIG.EXE: Use the System Configuration Utility to configure

your system to enable optimal troubleshooting and diagnosis of
technical issues. Use the System Configuration Utility to:
• Configure startup preferences
• Configure system components
• View and customize Windows setup components
• Customize Bootup configuration
• Turn services on or off
• Enable and disable startup utilities and programs

CHKDSK: An MS-DOS utility you can use to scan and repair both FAT
and Windows NT NTFS volumes.

Disk Cleanup: Disk Cleanup helps manage disks by locating and

disposing files that can be safely removed from the disk by:
• Emptying the Recycle Bin.
• Deleting temporary files such as those used by Internet Explorer
or for application installation.
• Deleting installation log files.
• Deleting Offline files.
• Compressing old files.
You can type cleanmgr at the command prompt to run Disk Cleanup.

Disk Defrag: Disk Defragmenter optimizes the performance of your

hard drive by joining fragments of files that are in different locations on
your hard drive into a single location.
• Some files, such as certain system files, cannot be moved.
• Any disk access while Disk Defragmenter is running (whether to
read from or write to the disk) Disk Defragmenter will slow down.
• To improve defragmentation, disable programs that run in the
background like screen savers and virus software.
• The more information that is on the drive, the more time it will take
to defragment the drive.
Run defrag at a command prompt in Windows XP to run Disk
Defragmenter in a text mode.

Professionalism Facts
Check Disk: Check Disk is a utility that verifies the file system integrity automatically flags the file as needing to be archived. When the file is
of a hard disk. Errors that can be checked and fixed by Check Disk backed up, the backup method may reset (clear) the archive bit to
include: indicate it has been backed up.
• Lost clusters--series of clusters on the hard disk drive that are not
associated with a specific file. Resets Archive
• A cross-linked file occurs when two files claim the same cluster. Backup Type Backs Up
Check Disk will identify cross-linked files and correct their cluster
associations. Backs up all files regardless of the
Full Yes
You can run Check Disk by typing chkdsk at a command prompt. Use archive bit.
chkdsk with the /f switch to automatically fix errors. Note: Check Disk Backs up files on which the archive bit is
replaces the ScanDisk utility that was available in Windows 9x/Me. Incremental Yes
Backs up files on which the archived bit
SCANREG: allows you to back up and verify the integrity of the Differential No
is set.
Backs up all files regardless of the
Copy No
WINNT32.EXE: The executable you use to re-install or upgrade archive bit status.
Windows 2000 on a computer that already has Windows 95, 98, or NT
installed. Registry Facts
The registry is a database that holds hardware, software, and user
WINNT.EXE: The executable you use to install Windows 2000 on a configuration settings. The registry is composed of the following
computer that does not have a previous version of Windows 95, 98, or components:
NT installed.
Component Description
System Restore Facts A key is a logical division or grouping of values in the
System Restore is a component of Windows XP that is used to restore registry. A key contains subkeys and values. The top-layer
a computer to a previous state. System Restore monitors the actions keys in the registry are:
on a system and saves restore at regular intervals and also before a • HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT contains associations of
change that could potentially affect the system is made. The different programs and file types, and configuration data for
types of System Restore points are: COM objects.
• HKEY_CURRENT_USER contains the profile, or
System restore: points are automatically made every 24 hours. configuration information for the user currently logged
on to the computer, including desktop folders, screen
Application installation restore: points are made before a new colors, and Control Panel settings. It is important to
application is installed. Only applications that are specially designed Keys and remember that this file is very dynamic.
will trigger the restore point creation process. subkeys • HKEY_USERS contains settings for all of the user
profiles on the computer. The
Restore operation: restore points are made every time you initiate a HKEY_CURRENT_USER key is an alias for a key
system restore. This makes it possible for the system to revert to the inside this subtree.
state it was in before you initiated a system restore in the following
• HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE contains configuration
information for the computer itself, which applies to all
• You don't like the results from a system restore and wish to users.
cancel the restore that you initiated.
• HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG contains information
• A restore is unsuccessful and System Restore must automatically about the hardware profile that the computer uses at
revert to the previous restore point. startup. Portions of this subtree come from the
Unsigned driver: install points are made each time before a new driver
is installed or updated. Installing a signed driver will not cause a Every key in the registry contains values. Values consist of
restore point to be made. a value type, a name, and the value data. Value types are:
• String value
Manual restore: points are created by the user through the System Values • Binary value
restore wizard. • D-word value
• Multi-string value
Be aware of the following when using System Restore: • Expandable-string value
• System Restore does not affect files in My Documents or e-mail
accounts, so manual backups will still need to be made of all A hive is a group of keys, subkeys, and values within a
personal files. specific set of files. While registry-editing utilities display the
registry as a single entity, the various values are actually
• System Restore requires a minimum of 200 MB of disk space. If
saved in different hives. Examples of hives include:
that much disk space is not available, System Restore will be
disabled. It will be enabled automatically once the minimum disk • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security
space is available. • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software
• When disk space available to System Restore is used, older • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System
restore points will be deleted, making room for new restore points. • HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG
The filenames of the files saved in the registry are:
ASR Facts Hive • SAM
Automated System Recovery (ASR) is a last-resort method of backing • Security
up and restoring the operating system. Use the ASR Wizard in the • Software
Windows Backup Utility (NTBACKUP) to create the ASR backup. The • System
process does the following: • Default
• Backs up operating system information to a backup set. • UserDiff
• Creates an ASR diskette. This diskette contains information • NTUSER.dat (located in
regarding disk partitions and volumes and other information WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\SYSTEMPPROFILE
necessary to restore the backup set. in Windows XP). The User.dat file contains user-
specific registry settings.
Note: An ASR should only be attempted after your backups and
system restore points have failed; ASR should never be your primary
In Windows NT/2000/XP, Regedt32.exe and Regedit.exe are both
means of disaster recovery.
included, but only Regedt32 allows you to apply security restrictions to
configuration settings.
Backup and Restore Facts
Most backup methods use the archive bit on a file to identify files that
Surge Protectors
need to be backed up. When a file is modified, the system
Here are some specifications which are critical to understand when
choosing a surge protector.

• Clamping voltage - This says what voltage will cause the metal
oxide varistors (MOVs) to conduct electricity to the ground line. A
lower clamping voltage indicates better protection. There are
three levels of protection in the UL rating -- 330 V, 400 V and 500
V. For most purposes, a clamping voltage more than 400 V is too

• Energy absorption/dissipation - This rating, given in joules, says

how much energy the surge protector can absorb before it fails. A
higher number indicates greater protection. Look for a protector
that is at least rated at 200 to 400 joules. For better protection,
look for a rating of 600 joules or more.

• Response time - Surge protectors don't kick in immediately; there

is a slight delay as they respond to the power surge. A longer
response time says your computer (or other equipment) will be
exposed to the surge for a greater amount of time. Look for a
surge protector that responds in less than one nanosecond.

Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

A UPS is a device which maintains a continuous supply of electric
power to connected equipment by supplying power from a separate
source when utility power is not available. There are two distinct types
of UPS: off-line and line-interactive (also called on-line).

An off-line UPS remains idle until a power failure occurs, and then
switches from utility power to its own power source, almost

An on-line UPS continuously powers the protected load from its

reserves (usually lead-acid batteries), while simultaneously
replenishing the reserves from the AC power. The on-line type of UPS
also provides protection against all common power problems, and for
this reason it is also known as a power conditioner and a line

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