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Denomination Talonas Relieve Shortage: High Notes Issued To Ruble

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VOLUME l*f, No. 5. Issue #80. The LITHUANIAN Numismatic Association.

Frank Passic, EDITOR May-June 1992


The government has issued
new notes denominations of 200 and 500
Talonas, to act as temporary currency due
to a shortage of Soviet rubles. These high-
denominatibn notes are intended to help
alleviate the ruble shortage until the Lithua-
nian Litas reintroduced as the official
currency unit of the country.
The notes went into circulation on May
1, and are considerably smaller than the
Talonas notes which were used in late 1991
and early 1992 in denominations up to 100
Talonas'. These notes measure only 105 x 53
mm. They are watermarked with a 32 mm.
diameter band inside which is a number of
interconnecting rhombi. The 1991 Talonas
notes on the other hand contained the Columns
of Gediminas as the watermark. While the
1991 Talonas notes were used as a supplement
currency for specific goods, these 1992 200
and 500 Talonas notes are valued at par
with the Soviet ruble and can be used for
any purchases in Lithuania the ruble can be
used for.
, Both denominations carry the legend,
"Republic of Lithuania note." The counter-
feiting clause on the bottom translates, "A
note of value. Its manufacture is punishable
by law." On the right side is a 25 m.. wide
white band at the top of which is the year
of issue, 1992. At the bottom of the 200
Talonas, the numeral "200" appears in a
dark brown color, and in between is the
national emblem of Lithuanian, Vytis, in
On the 500 Talonas note, the date and
denomination numeral are of a dark brown
color, and the Vytis emblem is printed in
dark red.
The obverse of the 200 Talonas note is
colored with a red-brown weave pattern, A5
X 75 mm. Behind the large numeral "200" in
the center, is found embelished Icelandic
lichen. It should be noted that Iceland was
the first western country to recognize the
Republic of Lithuania in 1990.

Continued on page 1 —
2 .
(Continued from page 1...)

On the reverse side of the

200 Talonas note is found a pair
of elk. The pattern color is blueish,
greenish, and brownish, in a weave
pattern. The serial number appears
in red in the top left corner on
the reverse of both denominations.
The 500 Talonas note contains
a green weave pattern, A5 x 75
mm., with a branch of blackberries
decorating the large numeral
"500" in the center of the obverse.
On the reverse is contained a
blueish, greenish and brownish
weave pattern, with a bear looking
to the left. One cannot help but
think "Russian bear" considering
it is the Russian ruble which is
being used.
In addition to the 200 and
500 Talonas notes, new smaller
50 and 100 Talonas notes with
new designs were issued. These
are the same size as the new
200 and 500 notes.
The new 100 Talonas note
features design of fern leaves,
in a reddish/brownA)lue design.
The reverse shows two sea lions.
(See page A for illustration).
We will illustrate and desc-
ribe the new 50 Talonas note in
the next issue.
Relatedly, the original 1991
Talonas note series has now
been discontinued, and the notes
returned. A government announce-
ment No. 88p dated 30 January Illustrated above is an uncut sheet of Talonas FOOD
1992 stated. ration coupons issued for May (Geguze), 1992. These are not
It is decided that the talonas to be confused with the Talonas currency notes. These food
notes will be accepted from workers by ration coupons were issued in Lithuanian beginning in February,
companies, offices and organizations and measure 120 x 75 mm. Each sheet contains a red serial
and from residents by bank offices, number (with letters), and was printed with the same paper
communication sections, municipalities as was used for the Talonas currency notes, containing the
in accordance with the December 30 1991 Columns of Gediminas in the watermark.*
decision No. 592 of the Government of These coupons can only be used in government shops and
the Republic of Lithuania 'On the —
nowhere else. No. 1 is for flour. No. 2 salt; No. 3 sugar, —
organizaiton of the system for trade —
and No. A butter. Each month has a different color of the
and payment' until February 29, 1992. coupons.
Companies, offices and organizations These notes enable Lithuanian citizens to purchase these
who have collected talonas notes from specific rationed food items at reduced "controlled" prices,
workers (residents) are to return them instead of on the open market where "top dollar" is charged,
to bank offices by February 29, 1992. as wages have not come up to a free market economy.
The Talonas notes will be purc-
hased from residents at a prescribed * Note: The May coupons are printed on paper contain-
ing small wavy lines as the watermark.
^Continued on page )
FEATURE OF THE MONTH, by Frank Passifc, Albibn, Mifchi^an. 3 .


Lithuanian National Olympifcs
Medal, 1938.
Sculptor: Jonas Burba
Minter: Hugenih Bros., Le Lode,
Diameter: 60 mm.
Metal content: Bronze with gold
wash. Other sizes of bronze
and silver.

As Lithuanian athletes are

now finally competing in the
international Olympics under
their own flag now, we thought
we'd feature this month the
medal of the first All Lithuanian
Natibnal Olympic Games, minted urer's name, "HUGENIN," iis incused on the bottom. Information
in 1938. As we all know, another for article was taken from Henry Gaidis' article in the July-
one of these was held just last August 1984 ilssue of The Knilght.
year and the Siauliai Olympic As long as we're at it, depicted below is another Lithuanian
banknotes was a numifematifc Olympic Medal. During the Soviet occupatibn of the country, Lith-
issue that came
out of them. uanians in exile staged their own Olympic games outside of the
Lithuania was represented country. The medal pictured here ife from the 1962 South American
in the Olympics in the 192A Lithuanian Sports Games.
Paris, and 1928 Amsterdam games. In the Lithuanian Museum at Adelaide, Australia, there is a
However, Lithuania did not send special plaque listing the names of known Lithuanians who have
any representatives to the 1932 participated in the ihternational Olympibs. At the base of this
and 1936 games due to politibs. plaque is the inscription, "How many unknown blood brothers have
With theit absence from been carrying the Olympic flame under foreign flags?"
the international Olympics, there now however, Lithuania is again competing
was still a desire for Lithuanians under its national flag. We wish the Lithuanian team the
to compete against other natibnals. very best, as they proudly carry the flag of a free and independent
The first All Lithuanian National Lithuania.
Olympic Games were held in
Kaunas from July 17 to July 31,
1938. 2,000 Lithuanians from
around the world competed in
the games, including 25 Lithua-
nians from the U.S. who won
The special medal that was
issued is a cherished momento
of that event.
OBVERSE: Shown is a
walking Lithuanian maiden bearing
a laurel branch of vibtory. To
the right is a modern Columns
of Gediminas emblem, which
bears the ring insignia of Olympic A NOTE FROM THE EDITOR
competition. The base is raised,
with the ihcused letters of the Because of the overwhelming amount of news, both numismatic and econom-

designer/artist, "JONAS BURBA." ic, we have

a large backlog of articles (an editor's joy) of the "normal"
variety which we have had to hold back. Please bear with us during this very
REVERSE: Contained is the
historic Lithuanian numismatic
inscription, year as we devote our issues mainly to the
latest news, the anticipated release of the Litas, and new Lithuanian coins.
We expect to come out with a special issue of The Inight when the Litas is
meaning, "Fitst Lithuanian National released. We have discontinued the Karys dictionary series until further
Olympics, 1938." The manufact- notice, due to space limitations. Thank you for your understanding. -F. Passic.
(Continued from page 2...)

rate at bank and communication offices

until February 29, 1992.
Prime Minister of the Republic
of Lithuania, G. Vagnorius.

According to one Lithuanian

resident who wrote us, the talonas
notes were sold back to the
bank at a rate of I to 0.50
We have also learned that
while the government announce-
ment in 1991 stated that the
Talonas notes would be issued
beginning in September 1991, the
notes were actually issued earlier,
in July 1991.
variety error has been
discovered on the 1991 0.50 Tal-
onas note bearing the counterfeit-
ing warning overprint.
The error note cont ains
lUS" meaning "government note,"
instead of the normal " VERTYB I-
NIS POPIERIUS" meaning "rede-
emable note."
Everyone check their 0.50 ABOVE: New 1992 small versibn 100 Talonas note.
talonas notes and see if you
have one of these. These are
definately scarcer, and will
command a higher premium. We
are illustrating one below.
Finally, below is a photog-
raph of Lithuanian Prime Minister AT RIGHT: Lith-
Gediminas Vagnorius, under uaniian Prime Mihilster
whose direction these notes were Geditnihas Vagnorius.
issued, and likewise was the
object of the nickname, "Vagnor-
ukai." Incidentally, Vagnorius
would translate as "Wagner"
here in the U.S.

AT LEFT: 1991 0.50

Talonas with error over-
print "VALSTYBINIS..."

NOTE: Any idea who

is pictured on the
above note? Lietuvos Raudonojo
Kryziaus draugijosr
slekis - bet kuriomis aplinkybemis
iSsaugoti imogaus gyvybQ,
sveikatq ir onim^.
Remdami draugij^. Jus padesite ap-
saugoti nelaimingus, nusenusius,
vieniSus, socialiai apleistus zmones nuo
kandiii bei jas palengvinti. >

Illustrated above is a 5-unit Charity JANUARY 13 MEDAL
Note issued in 1991 by the Lithuanian Red
Cross. The note measures 153 x 66 mm.
With a blue wavy line background, most of
the text is in red on the obverse, and blue
on the reverse. The notes were printed in
Minsk, Belarus.
The text on the obverse translates,
5 FIVE."
The reverse translates, "CHARITY
NOTE. Purpose of the Lithuanian Red Cross

Association to preserve human life, health
and dignity in all situations. By supportihg
the association, you help to protect the
unfortunate, the elderly, the lonely and the
socially deprived people from suffering and
also to lessen it."

Shown above is drawing of Lithuan-


ESTONIA ISSUES KROON ia's newest order/decoration, the January 13

Medal, issued for those who defended the
Estonia issued its own national currency, television tower from the murderous Soviet
the Kroon, on June 20. It was the first troops on January 13, 1991. Due to space
Baltic country to do so. Can Lithuania be limitations, we will report the details about
far behind? the medal in the next issue of The Knight.
Eugenijus Ivanauskas and Albinas Kuncevitius

16th Centurycoin dies were found during

excavations of a southeastern corner in a former
building site on the grounds of the Vilnius Lower
Castle. Apoparently, early medieval European dies
have not survived. Later (medieval) dies are also
rare: one in Poland and a few in Estonia and Russia.
Thus, the five reverse dies and the two obverse dies
are a unique find in Europe.
The dies were found in a cellar heavily dam-
aged by fire. The bricks of the walls were fire
damaged and even fused. The cellar was filled with
rubble, segments of arches, flooring tiles. The first
floor, as evidenced by the arch fragments, was
Gothic. The floor was covered with square fired
clay tiles. The second floor arches were made of
16-17th century renaissance bricks. The dies were
found above the collapsed first story flooring and
the cellar arches, among other works of iron: iron
rods, chopped up strips of iron and many burned
nails. The two obverse dies look like little anvils,
the heads are of elongated pyramidal form and the
distal ends are tapered to permit driving them into
a block of wood. F ound alongside were five reverse
dies. Their condition was poor: not only were they
rusted but also worn from use. Accurate information
Thife i!s how coihs were mihted
on them will only be available when the restoration
work is completed by the P. Gudynas Museum Piece MAGNI DUCAT LITVA. clear that one
It is
Restoration and Conversation Center. obverse die is form 1546 and it is possible to
How were coins minted? Coins were minted speculate how it got to the Lower Castle.

with specially manufactured dies. Dies steel tool During the reign of Sigismund August
on which is engraved the negative of the coins (1548-1572), the mint operated in a house on
obverse (obverse die) and the reverse (reverse die). German Street. Without great interruptions, it
The die which mints the obverse is called the top remained there from 1545 to 1571. The place
die, and the reverse, the bottom die. The dies were where the dies were found is evidence that
poured, hammered, engraved and tempered. During when the mint ws shut down, the equipment
the middle ages, coins were minted by hand. The was moved to the castle. The dies from 1546
obverse die was driven into a block of wood, on it and the fact that half-grasis coins were no
a flan was placed. Then the hand held reverse die longer minted after 1565 are evidence that
was placed on top. The coin was minted with one the dies are from the whole period when half
or more strikes. Such technology limits coin size. grasis coihs were mihted, and not only from
Hand minting was used in Europe until the beginning the later period. The larger diameter dies are
of the 18th century. more difficult to identify, since a number of
Judging from the diameters of the engraved larger denomihatibn coihs had similar diam-
surfaces, they are dies for half-grasis (one obverse eters.
and three reverses) and larger value (one obverse
and one reverse) coin dies. On one obverse die a
portion of the obverse legend has survived. There
are two groups of letters-MAG and ITV, and a BALT/CA PO BOX 66882
circle under them. Such a circle was used by Mel- SEATTLE, tVA 98166 USA
choir, and engraved working at the Vilnius mint
December 1, 15A5 to October 30, 15A6 and is known (paid ad.)
from half-grasis' dated 1546. By comparing the and
Has Talonas notes for sale
legends of coins minted that year with the surviving LNA
other Baltic material. Mention
portions on the dies, there is no doubt that they
and write for price list.
are the same. The legend is as follows: MONETA
7 .



By Linas Sauka from launching recip-

[From Lithuaniian Weekly newspaper, February rocal attacks in the
21-27, 1992, pg. 2.] press until the final
The conflict that flared up between the conclusions are made.
Lithuanian government and the Bank of Lithuan-
ia by flinging reciprocal accusations ih the AT LEFT: BANK OF
media has now moved on to the Lithuania LITHUANIA PRESIDENT
Parliament, and seems to be becoming a matter VILIUS BALDISIS
of principle. Lithuanian Prime Minister Gedimi-
nas Vagnorius suggested that the Parliament
replace the Bank's leadership accusing it of
deliberate delay in implementing the bank
reform. According to Mr. Vagnorihs, the Bank
continues to keep to former Soviet by-laws WORLD BANK EXPERTS RECOMMEND AN
and hinders the stablizatibn process of the
By not rupturing all links with the Soviet NATIONAL CURRENCY— LITAS
credit system, the Bank loses nearly seven
billion rubles people's savihgs, and up to 120 [Article in the Lithuanian Weekly, February 1992]
million dollars in hard currency deposits. Until
now, commercial departments remain to be an For ten days running, a group of World
inseparable structural part of the Bank which Bank experts has studied the current situation
allows to profiteer from monetary and credit in Lithuanian finances, state budget, trade,
operations. The Bank does not abide by the agriculture and social security. According to
law of April 1, 1991 providing Lithuaian enterpr- Adil Kanaan, head of the World Bank's Baltic
ises with the right to a free exchange of hard Department, Lithuania is currently facing three
currency into rubles. Consequently, Lithuanian major problems: shortages in consumer goods
experiences a monthly loss of 25-30 millibn and raw materials; ihdustrial recession, and
dollars and has a considerably smaller import sky-rocketing ihflation.
of goods. Mr. Vagnorius has also accused the Experts say that the first two problems
Bank of self-will in prolonging contract terms are linked with the former Soviet republics.
with a U.S. company and thus putting off the Meanwhile, Lithuanians can overcome inflation
printing of Lithuanian national currency-litas- by either waiting for the ruble to stabilize or
for six months. introducing a national currency of its own.
On his part. Chairman of the Board of Experts strongly recommend to get ready for
the Bank of Lithuania, Vilius Baldisis denounces an immediate introduction of the litas. They
the Government for attempting to bring the have also mentioned possible World Bank credits
Bank under its full control and stresses that for a monetary stabilization fund during the
the separation of governmental and banking transition period.
functions and activities is a necessary precondi- The World Bank hopes speed up the
tion for the stability of the country's economic usual procedure the Bank and supply
for joining
and monetary systems. Lithuania with loan rights after it becomes a
According to Mr. Baldisis, if the govern- full fledged member. The loans will be granted
ment manages to subordinate the emission of for the special purposes of supporting trade,
curreny it will not have to seek ways to price liberalization, and promoting the develop-

create an effectively functioning economic ment of the private sector. Lithuania could
system. The government's plan to sell 1.5 count on an initial amount of ten million dollars
million tons of Lithuanian gold and 1.5 million in aid.

dollars from the state hard currency fund World Bank experts on transport, commun-
would further delay the introduction of the ications, power engineering, municipal services
litas. and environmental protection are also expected
The Lithuanian Parliament has set up a to arrive in Lithuania in the nearest future.
special commission to investigate into the After both groups of experts return back to
conflict raging between the Government and Washington with an official statement, the
and the Bank. Stasys Kropas, chairman of the World Bank is going to set credit limits for
commission, has called on both sides to restrain Lithuania when it becomes a Bank member,
presumably in July.

April 1. Radio Riga and Western agencies reported visiting Lithuania, should be ready in June. Lithuania is
about critical shortage of rublesin the
a Baltic States. one of H
former USSR republics whose applications to
Consequently, Lithuanian Premier Gediminas Vagnorius has join the IMF are expected to be approved at next week's
suspended the pay of members of the government and legis- semi-annual meeting of the IMF and World Bank in Washing-
lature, as well as the central bank staff. The government ton. (Saulius Girnius)
is also allowing delays of one month in the payment of April 28. Baltic States Provisionally Admitted
rents and housing charges. The Estonian government is to IMF, World Bank Along
Russia and 12 other With CIS.
trying to overcome the ruble shortage by selling some of republics of the former USSR were privisionally admitted
its hard currency reserves. The Latvian government is to the IMF and WOrld Bank on 27 April. ..(Ben Slay)
considering the possibility of introducing an interim April 30. On 29 April Lithuania became the first
currency, the Latvian ruble, before going over to the former USSR republic to assum full membership in the IMF
LATS, but most economists say that this would not stabil- and World Bank, an RFE/RL correspondent in Washington
ze the monetary situation in the country. The ruble reports. International Economic Relations Minister Vytenis
shortage can be attributed in part ot inflation and to Aleskaitis signed the articles of agreement at the U.S.
the new conditions of trade with Russia. (Dzintra Bungs) State Department. Lithuania will pay membership dues of
April 3. On 2 April Great Britain repaid gold to $9*t.5 million of which 22.1% must be in hard currency. It
Estonia and Lithuanian that was deposited in the Bank of will need IMF help in introducing its own currency, the
England when the Baltic States were annexed by the USSR LITAS, by establishing a stabilization fund similar to
in 19^0. Reuters reported that day. A settlement with the one promised for the ruble. (Saulius Girnius).
Latvia is still being negotiated. Before 19*f0 the Baltic May On 1 May Lithuania began to issue a new
States had about 1^ tons of gold deposited in the Bank set of currency, commonly known as vagnorkas (in reference
of England. In 1967 Britain sold the Baltic gold for 10 to the prime minister), that will serve as a temporary
million dollars and used most of the proceeds to meet currency. Because the Russian Central Bank has not deliv-
claims by Britons for assets lost when the Baltic States ered sufficient quantities of rubles, many workers in
were taken over by the USSR. (Oznitra Bungs) Lithuania could not be paid. The currency, intended to
April 22. The Estonian Currency Reform Bureau supplement regular ruble bills, will be issued in various
reports that preparations for currency reform are in unnamed denominations, including 200 and 500 units and
high gear. According to BNS on 21 April, local currency will serve inthe same way as rubles. (Saulius Girnius).
reform committees have been formed to compile lists of May 7. On 6 May Latvian Prime Minister Ivars
all permanent residents and foreigners who have lived in Godmanis and Bank of Latvia president Einars Repse told
Estonia for at leas 1 year. The deadline for the lists Radio Riga that the Latvian ruble will be introduced on
is 30 April, and residents must recheck their names and May 7. The new currency will exist alongside the ex-USSR
data on the lists by 15 May. Supreme Council forces have ruble in Latvia. It is being introduced becauseLatvia
also decided to use the currency reform lists to compile does not have enough bank notes to meet its financial
a master list of those eligible to vote in Estonia's obligations to its residents, a situation that has arisen
upcoming parliamentary and presidential elections and because Russia has failed to honor its agreement to
constitution reform. (Riina Kionka) provide an adequate supply of banknotes. The Latvian
April 22. On 21 April the Swedish Foreign Ministry ruble will aninterim currency until the lats is
serve as
outlined a one billion crown ($165 million) aid program —
issued possibly next spring. The exchange rate for the
for Eastern Europe, Reuters reports. 300 million crowns Latvian ruble to the ex-USSR ruble will be one to one.
($50 million) would be used in the 1992/93 budget year (Dzintra Bungs)
to back up the new currencies Lithuanian, Latvia, and May 8. Radio Riga reported May 7 that the

Estonia plan to introduce this year. Ove Heyman, head of first payments of salaries and pensions have been made in
the ministry section supervising the aid, stressed the Latvian rubles and that recipients seem to accept the new
importance of a successful launch, noting, "It is diffic- currency. Banks and commodities exchanges appeared to be
ult to remake a failed currency reform." The aid program largely ignoring the Latvian ruble, using the ex-USSR
will be put to a vote in the Swedish parliament on 29 ruble in transactions. A notable exception was
April. Heyman also noted that the issue of how to compen- Parex, the largest banking establishment specializing in
sate Estonia and Lithuania for more than k tons of gold the exchange of foreign currency, which already started
deposited Swedenin and then sent to Moscow in to sell U.S. dollars for Latvian rubles. The current
in 1939
19^0 would be rsolved later in the week. (Saulius Girnius) exchange rate was not reported, although Radio Riga said

April 23. On 22 April Lithuanian Prime Minister that the value of the dollar against the Russian ruble

Gediminas Vagnorius sent a letter to IMF Managing Direc- had fallen this week. Several banking experts, however,

tor Camdessus stating that Lithuania

Michel plans to see the Latvian ruble as an immediate impediment to

speedy monetary and financial reform in Latvian, Diena

introduce its own currency, the LITAS, in the second
half of this year, Reuters reports. VAgnorius wrote that reported on 6 May. (Dzintra Bungs).
the Lithuanian government supported the IMF's proposals May 12. The Estonian government will try to

for developing a program to stabilize the country's alleviate its ruble shortage wihtout issuine one kroon

economy. The program prepared by IMF experts, who are coins in lieu of 500 and 1000 ruble bills as previously

planned. According to an 11 May BNS report, a shipment of proceeding according to plan and will be limited. Should
100 million rubles expected by theend of May will go a long the government ask for the emission of additional bankno-
way towards relieving the shortage. (Riina Kionka). tes in an effort to cover a budget deficit, he would
May 13. On 12 May at a session of the Lithuanian resist such requests, he said, adding that the Latvian
Supreme Council, broadcast live by Radio Lithuania, Prime ruble is now being widely accepted in Latvia (Bzintra
Minister Gediminas Vagnorius failed to get the parliament's Bungs).
approval to dismiss Energy Minister Leonas Asmantas and June 3 Estonia's new currency, the KROON, was
BAnk of Lithuanian chairman Vilius Baldisius. Although the produced in the United States, and the United Kingdom,
votes dismissing Asmantas and Baldisius were A3 to 32
for Rahva Haal reports on June 3. The 1 and 2 Kroon bills
with 15 abstentions and A5 to 22 with 20 abstentions respec- were printed by the United States BAnknote International,
tively, they remain in their posts because the majority of and 10, 25, 100, and 500 kroon notes by Thowas de la Rue
the 93 deputies registered as attending did not vote for and Company, Ltd. (Riina Kionka).
dismissal (Saulius Girnius).
May lA. Estonia will link the value of its new curren- NEWS FROM LITHUANIAN WEEKLY
cy to the Deutsche Mark, BNS reported on 13 May. Estonian
Bank President Siim Kallas told reporters that when he was May 15-21. May 19. The Lithuanian Savings Bank was
in Frankfurt on an unofficial visit last week Deutsche
accepted as member of the International Institute of
Bundesbank officials approved a plan by which the kroon
Savings Banks with headquarters in Geneva and membership
will match the value of the DM — by ± 0.3?^. Kallas also said
of 2,800 banks from 85 countries of the world. In March,
Estonia's stablization fund for the kroon now holds some
the LSB had been provided with full-membership rights by
$120 million. (Riina Kionka).
the international banks organization "Eurocard."
May 15. Russia will return some $1A.5 million depos-
On May 6, the Lithuanian Government adopted a
ited in the Soviet Foreign Trade Bank, BNS reported on 13
resolution on establishing an index for the exchange
May. The agreement came after a meeting between Estonian
rate of hard currency against the market ruble. From
Bank President Siim Kallas and Russian Central Bank Presi-
June 1, U.S. $1 equals 120 market rubles. This index
dent Georgii Matyukhin that day in Moscow. (Riina Kionka)
will be recalculating hard-currency profits or
used for
May 18. On 16 May Lithuainan Prime Minister Gediminas
expenditures and foreign investments, when the contribut-
Vagnorius sent a letter to parliament chairman Vytautas
ion of the Lithuanian side to a joint venture is estimat-
Landsbergis asking for aceptance of his resignation effect-
ed at free-market price. According to the new index,
ive May 28, Redio Lithuania reports. Vagnorius wrote that
fixed on May 1, the value of buildings and premises is
his government could no longer control the republic's
estimated at the rate of U.S. $1 to 15 rubles; in other
economic and social life because the left-wing opposition
cases the exchange rate is 1:35.
has taken the initiative inthe parliament. It had rejected
May 22-28. The Sajudis Seimas and the Coalition of
his request to dismiss the chairman of the Bank of Lithuania
Sajudis movements held a session in Vilnius to discuss
and the minister of energy and to call new parliamentary
the post-referendum situation in Lithuania. Participants
elections. In a television address on 17 May, Landsbergis
of the meeting issued a statement asserting that a
asked Vagnorius to remain in office. (Saulius Girnius).
pro-communist coup is being carried out in Lithuania.
May 19. The Baltic States will achieve telephonic
May 8-lA.. On May 7, Vytautas Landsbergis presented
independence as early as next autumn, BNS reported on 18
January 13th Remembrance Medals to AO people of the
May that the International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
press. Radio and TV, and communications for courage and
has agreed in principle that the telephone area codes of
dedication in defending the Lithuanian freedom and
370, 371, and 372 will be assigned to Estonia, Latvia, and
independence in January-September of 1991. Among those
Lithuania, respectively. These codes, which currently belong
awarded are two foreign journalists: Karel Bartak, chief
to the eastern part of Germany, will be available as early
of Press Czechia-Slovakia, and Hans-Wilhelm
Agency of
as September. The Baltic States now use the telephone code
Steinfeld, correspondent of the Norwegian TV.
of "7" used by the former Soviet Union (Riina Kionka).
May 26. On May 26 Lithuanian Supreme Council Chairman
Vytautas Landsbergis, in a speech brodcast live by Radio
Lithuania, clearly affirmed that he is not going to change FREE POSTCARD ENCLOSED
his policies after the referendum vote. He accused the
left-wing deputies of planning a "creeping coup" to seize Enclosed with this
in the envelope
all control in Lithuania and directly attacked the Lithuan- issue The
Knight is a free postcard
ian Democratic Labor Party. He called for a 3 month freeze showing Lithuanians demonstrating in Washing-
on replacing high officials in parliament and government ton, D.C. in April, 1990 for Lithuania's
and the holding of elections to a new parliament on 23 independence. This postcard courtesy of the
August. The speech is likely to further inflam the already Balzekas Museum of Lithuanian Culture in
heated situation in the parliament. (Saulius Girnius). Chicago.
May 29. Estonia formally joined the International
Write the Museum for their latest
Monetary Fund on May 26.
newsletter, their gift shop items, and other
June 3. Bank of Latvia president Einars Repse told
services. 6500 S. Pulaski Rd., Chicago,
Diena on 1 June that the emission of the Latvian ruble is
Illinois 60629.
10 .
FUR SALE: Polish 3 Groschen, assorted Zenonas Duksa's book, MONETOS PASAKOJA
dates and mints, VF-plus, $18. 3 for $50. (Coins Tell a Story) which we have mentioned ih
Fine-plus, $15, 3 for $A2. Lithuanian stamps, the last couple of issues of The Knight, is now
covers and birchbark cancelled envelope, write available from the Balzekas Museum of Lithuanian
for list. $1.75 postage on all orders, SASE for Culture. Those who ordered copies via this editor
price list. Anthony Tumonis, 3A11 S. Camiho have now had their copies sent to them. But from
Seco #128, Tucson, AZ 85730. now on, write the Museum to obtaih a copy. The
price is $10 each plus $2.50 p & h.
WANTED: Spearpoint/Columns denare,
Lithuanian patterns. Specimen notes, mint
sets (original with box), Memel, etc. Write MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL TIME
first with what you have and prices. All
responses answered. Anthony Tumonils, 3A11 S. It is now time for everyone to renew their
Camino Seco #128, Tucson, AZ 85730. membership/subscription in the Lithuanian Numisma-
tic Association and The Knijght. for Volume 15.
disposing of my Lithu- This will be a most historic year in Lithuanian
anian collection medals, lapel pins, books,
of numiSamtic history, and we know you'll want to
newspapers, postcards and albums, vekselius, learn all about it when new Lithuanian coins and
perlaidas, kvitas, old and new currencies, banknotes are released into circulation!
including talonas and Siauliai sports game Our director. Bob Douchis, will be sending
money. Send SASE with two stamps for listing renewal noti'ces out shortly, but if you want to
to Victor Zilaitis, 2018 Heathfield Circle, Sun save us postage and an envelope, feel free to
City Center, FL 33573 or phone (813) 633-3A03. send in your renewal to him now. The cost is
still a donatibn of $10 or more.
FOR SALE: Lithuanian coins holders We thank you our members for your support
for complete circulation 1925, 1936, 1938 all these years, whith makes a specialty association
lA-coin set. Beautiful blue Capital plastic, like ours possible. If you would like to help sponsor
with dates and denominations printed on a subscription to Lithuania, please designate that
them. Excellent for safety deposit boxes, or ih your renewal letter. We will be lifting these
for proud display. $25 each (we have about sponsors and our entire list of members in the
only 25 of these left). Balzekas Museum of next issue of The Knight, along with our director's
Lithuanian Culture, 6500 S. Pulaski Rd., report.
Chicago, IL 60629.

FOR SALE: have some Talonas notes

I A new weekly newspaper, Lithuanian
without the counterfeiting clause, some Siaul- Weekly, is printed in the English
iai Sports games money, and other odds & language and keeps you up to date with
ends. What do you need? Write your editor, the very latest news from Lithuania. A
Frank Passic, 900 S. Eaton St., Albion, Mi' subscription is U.S. $36. Write: Lithuan-
A922A. ian Weekly, P.O. Box 533, Vilnius, Lith-
uania 2024.

THE KNIGHT, Volume No. 5. Issue #80.


May-June 1992. The official publication of the

Lithuanian Numismatic Association. Frank Passic,
Albion, Michigan, EDITOR. Robert J. Douchis,
Columbia, MD., Director.
EDITOR'S ADDRESS: Frank Passic, 900 S.

Eaton Albion, Michigan A922A.

Subscription/membership Lithuanian
Numismatic Association, P.O. Box 612, Columbia,
MD 210A5. Price: a donation of $10 or more per
volume (5 issues). The LNA is a member of the
American Numismatic Association C-117903.
FOR BACK ISSUES: Write to: Roland Martick,
Goose Hole Road, Otterville; New London, New
Hampshire 03257.
Largest Sale of Lithuanian Numismatics Takes Place!

Our LNA Director and Co-Founder, Bob Douchis, is once again

making selections from his fabulous collections available to LNA
members. Remeber his sale in 1985? Several of you added to your
collections at that time. This sale is the largest offering of
either Lithuanian coins or paper money in at least 20 years.
Taken together, we wouldn't hesitate to say that this is the
largest offering of Lithuanian numismatics ever! It contains

date runs of medieval by variety, patterns obtained by auction

15-20 years ago, superb specimen notes including the extremely
rare Pick 28, etc., etc. All in all, a fabulous opportunity to
acquire many items that may not appear again in the market place
for many years.

Terms of Sale:
Discount to LNA members only:
0 to $500 20 %
$501-up 25%
Short on cash? 1/3 down, balance in 60 days

Up to $100 $2.00
$101 to $300 $3.00
$301-up $5.00

Prices are in US dollars and all material is subject to prior


Please order by stock number and list alternates when possible.

Seven day return provilege from your date of receipt when sent
back in original holders.

Personal checks are OK from LNA members but large orders may be
held until check clears. Immediate shipment on certified and
cashier checks or money orders.

All orders to: Robert Douchis

P.O. Box 612
Columbia, MD 21045
(410) 964-5710

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stock No, Country, Catalog Numbers, Denomination, Date, Condition, Price

316 Moldavia ;siling; 8 ;F/F+; counterfeit of Jan Kazimierz schilling; $35 00 .

317 Moldavia;siling;15;F;counterfeit of Jan Kazimierz schilling;$35. 00

62 Lithuania ;denare;F;modern copy of Vytautas denare;$10.00
368 Lithuania ;denare;F;modern copy of Vytautas denare;$10. 00
61 Poland-Hungary,*0-444 ;denare (Buda) ;VG;Hus-607 R-145a c. 1434-1444
ObvrLith arms Rev: Hungarian arms; $50. 00
2 Lithuania ;G-472 ;HCz-197 ;Kop pg 292, I, a;^ groschen;VF; $25 00

3 Lithuania ;G-507 ;HCz-222 ;Kop pg 18,I,2a;^ groschen;1509 ;F;$25. 00

4 Lithuania;G-507 ;HCz-228 ;Kop pg 18,I,3a;^ groschen;1510;F-VF;$25. 00
5 Lithuania ;G-507 ;HCz-232 ;Kop pg 18,1,4;^ groschen;1511;F;$15. 00
6 Lithuania ;G-507 ;HCz-233 ;Kop pg 18,I,5a;^ groschen;151Z;F;$25.00
342 Lithuania ;G-507 ;HCz-234 ;Kop pg 18,I,5a;^ groschen;1512 ;F+;$25. 00
352 Lithuania ;G-507 ;HCz-233 ;Kop pg 18,I,5,a;^ groschen;1512 ;VF;$35. 00
7 Lithuania ;G-507 ;HCz-2 37 ;Kop pg 18, I, 6a; ^ groschen; 1513 ;F; $25 00

344 Lithuania ;G-507 ;HCz-236;Kop pg 18,I,6a;is groschen; 1513 ;VF; $35 00 .

8 Lithuania ;G-507 ;HCz-243 ;Kop pg 18,1,7;^ groschen; 1514 ;VF; $35 00 .

9 Lithuania ;G-507 ;HCz-7065;Kop pg 18,1,7;^ groschen; 1514 ;F; $25 00 .

345 Lithuania ;G-507;HCz-245;Kop pg 18,1,7;^ groschen; 1514 ;F; $25 00 .

10 Lithuania ;G-507 ;HCz-248 ;Kop pg 18,I,8b;^ groschen; 1515 ;F; $20 00 .

11 Lithuania ;G-507;HCz- (249a) ;Kop pg 18,I,9a;^ groschen;1516;F;$25. 00

12 Lithuania;G-507 ;HCz-251;Kop pg 18,1,10;^ groschen; 1517 ;F; $20 00 .

13 Lithuania;G-507 ;HCz-252 ;Kop pg 18,I,lla;^ groschen;1518;F;$20.00

14 Lithuania ;G-512 ;HCz-257 ;Kop pg 19,1, 12a;^ groschen; 1519 ;F+; $20 00 .

15 Lithuania;G-512 ;HCz-259/260 ;Kop pg 19,I,13a;^ groschen;15Z0;F;$20. 00

17 Lithuania ;G-507 ;HCz-7080;Kop pg 19,I,15a;Js groschen; 15ZZ;F; $25. 00
19 Lithuania ;G-512 ;HCz-272 ;Kop pg 19, I, 19, r;^^ groschen; 15Z6 ;VF; $75 00 .

21 Lithuania ;G-514 ;HCz-5645;Kop pg 20, la, r ;groschen; 1535 ;aF;ex Sawicki

lot 671 ,*$100. 00
24 Lithuania ;G-592 ;HCz-482 ;Kop pg 40 I 11, r ;denare; 1555 ;EF; $50 00
, , .

25 Lithuania ;G-592 ;HCz-488 ;Kop pg 40 I 12 r ;denare; 1556 ;VF; $40 00

, , , .

26 Lithuania ;G-592 ;HCz-495;Kop pg 40 I 13 r ;denare ; 1557 ;VF; $40 00

, , , .

27 Lithuania ;G-592 ;HCz-504 ;Kop pg 40 I , 14 r ;denare; 1558 ;VF;$40 00

, , .

28 Lithuania ;G-592 ;HCz-510;Kop pg 40,1, 15a,r;denare;1559;F;$25.00

32 Lithuania ;G-595;HCz-557;Kop pg 40,I,3;2 denare;1567 ;F-VF;$40. 00
33 Lithuania ;G-595 ;HCz-572 ;Kop pg 40,I,4;2 denare;1569;F;$25.00
36 Lithuania ;G-598 ;HCz-4918 ;Kop pg 41, II, 3?, r;^ groschen; 1546 ;F-VF; $35 00 .

37 Lithuania ;G-598 ;HCz-458 ;Kop pg 41,11,4;^ groschen;1547 ;EF;$45. 00

38 Lithuania ;G-598 ;HCz-464 ;Kop pg 41,11,5;^ groschen; 1548 ;F-VF; $25 00 .

39 Lithuania ;G-598 ;HCz-465;Kop pg 41,11,6;^ groschen ; 1549 ;VF+ ; $30 00 .

328 Lithuania;G-598 ;HCz-7129 ;Kop pg 41,11,6;^ groschen; 1549 ;VF+ ; $35 00 .

40 Lithuania ;G-598 ;HCz-468 ;Kop pg 41, II, 7; groschen ; 1550 ;VF+; $35. 00

42 Lithuania ;G-598 ;HCz-470 ;Kop pg 41, II, 8, r;^ groschen; 155Z ;F-VF; $35 00 .

361 Lithuania;G-598 ;HCz-474 ;Kop pg 41, II, 9, r;^ groschen; 1552 ;VF+ ; $50 00 .

44 Lithuania ;G-598 ;HCz-xxx;Kop pg 41,11,12;^ groschen;1555;VF-EF;$35. 00

45 Lithuania;G-598 ;HCz-486 ;Kop pg 41,11,13;^ groschen;1556;VF;$30. 00
46 Lithuania ;G-598 ;HCz-487 ;Kop pg 41,11,13;^ groschen; 1556 ;EF; $45 00 .

329 Lithuania ;G-598 ;HCz-4924 ;Kop pg 41,11,13;^ groschen; 1556 ;EF; $45 00 .

349 Lithuania ;G-598 ;HCz-4925 ;Kop pg 41,11,13;^ groschen; 1556 ;XF; $45 00 .

47 Lithuania ;G-598;HCz-4928;Kop pg 41,II,14a;^ groschen ; 1557 ;F-VF; $25. 00


330 Lithuania ;G-598 ;HCz-494 ;Kop pg 41,11, 14a;^ groschen; 1557 ;VF; $30 00

348 Lithuania ;G-598 ;HCz-5675 ;Kop pg 41,II,14a;^ groschen; 1557 ;XF; $30 00 .

48 Lithuania;G-598 ;HCz-502 ;Kop pg 41,II,15;is groschen; 1558 ;VF; $25. 00

353 Lithuania ;G-598 ;HCz-503 ;Kop pg 41,11,15;^ groschen; 1558 ;VF+ ; $35 00

49 Lithuania ;G-598 ;HCz-4934 ;Kop pg 41,11, 16a;^ groschen; 1559 ;VF+; $30. 00
50 Lithuania ;G-598 ;HCz-509 ;Kop pg 41,11, 16a;^ groschen;1559;VF;$30. 00
331 Lithuania ;G-598 ;HCz-7144 ;Kop pg 41,II,16a;^ groschen ; 1559 ;VF-EF; $45. 00
332 Lithuania ;G-598 ;HCz-4933 ;Kop pg 41,II,16a;^ groschen ; 1559 ;EF; $45. 00
51 Lithuania ;G-598 ;HCz-511;Kop pg 41,II,17a;^ groschen ; 1560 ;F-VF; $20. 00
333 Lithuania;G-598 ;HCz-4936 ;Kop pg 41,11, 17a;^ groschen; 1560 ;EF; $45 00 .

52 Lithuania ;G-598 ;HCz-4938 ;Kop pg 41,Ii;i8a;^ groschen ; 1561 ;VF; $30. 00

53 Lithuania ;G-598;HCz-7145;Kop pg 41,II,18a;^ groschen;1561;F-VF;$25. 00
335 Lithuania ;G-598 ;HCz-516 ;Kop pg 41,II,18a;^ groschen; 1561;EF; $45 00 .

336 Lithuania ;G-598 ;HCz-515;Kop pg 41,II,18a;^ groschen;1561;EF;$45.00

54 Lithuania ;G“603 ;HCz-515;Kop pg 42,11, 19b/c,rr;^ groschen; 1562 ;VF; $25. 00
337 Lithuania ;G-603 ;HCz-4945 ;Kop pg 42,11, 19a;^ groschen ; 1562 ;VF; $30. 00
55 Lithuania ;G-604 ;HCz-526;Kop pg 42,II,20a;^ groschen; 1563 ;VF; $20 00 .

339 Lithuania ;G-604 ;HCz-4956 ;Kop pg 42,II,20a;^ groschen ; 1563 ;F-VF; $25. 00
56 Lithuania ;G-605 ;HCz-7162 ;Kop pg 42,11,21;^ groschen;1564 ;F;$20.00
340 Lithuania ;G-605 ;HCZ“7163 ;Kop pg 42,11,21;^ groschen; 1564 ;F; $20 00

58 Lithuania ;G-606;HCz“541;Kop pg 42,II,22b;is groschen ; 1565 ;VF; $25. 00

321 Lithuania ;G-606;HCz-540;Kop pg 42,II,22a;^ groschen;1565;VF;$30. 00
67 Lithuania ;G-610 ;HCz-449 ;Kop pg 42,II,l,r;groschen;1546;VF;old head,
struck to Polish standard; $75. 00
68 Lithuania ;G-610;HCz-5665;Kop pg 42,II,2,r;groschen;1547;VF;old head,
struck to Polish standard; $75. 00
69 Lithuania ;G-610 ;HCz-463 ;Kop pg 42,II,3;groschen;1548;VF+;old head,
struck to Polish standard; $75 00

70 Lithuania ;G-610;HCz-546;Kop pg 42 , III, 1, r ;groschen; 1566 ;VF;old head,

struck to Polish standard; $60. 00
71 Lithuania ;G-610 ;HCz-547 ;Kop pg 42 , III, 1, r ;groschen; 1566 ;VF;old head,
struck to Polish standard; $50. 00
72 Lithuania ;G-610 ;HCz-2567 ;Kop pg 42 III , 2 r ;groschen; 1567 ;VF;old head,
, ,

struck to Polish standard; $45. 00

79 Lithuania ;G“620 ;HCz-xxx;Kop pg 45,IV;3 groschen ; 1562 ;F;unlisted; LI on
rev, no L or LI on obv;$45.00
80 Lithuania ;G-622 ;HCz-4952 ;Kop pg 45,V,2;3 groschen; 1563 ;VF-XF; $75. 00
81 Lithuania ;G--622 ;HCz-529 ;Kop pg 45,V,3,r;3 groschen ; 1564 ;aVF; $75. 00
82 Lithuania;G-624 ;HCZ“10114 ;Kop pg 46,I,l,r;4 groschen ; 1565 ;F-VF; $35. 00
83 Lithuania ;G-624 ;HCz-543 ;Kop pg 46,I,2,r;4 groschen;1566;F;$35. 00
84 Lithuania ;G-624 ;HCz-554 ;Kop pg 46,I,3,r;4 groschen ; 1567 ;F-VF; $4 5. 00
85 Lithuania ;G-624 ;HCz-560 ;Kop pg 46,I,4,r;4 groschen; 1568 ;F-VF; $35 00 .

86 Lithuania ;G-624 ;HCz-569 ;Kop pg 46,I,5,r;4 groschen; 1569 ;aVF; $45 00.

87 Lithuania ;G-746;HCz-668;Kop pg 92 , II 2 b; schilling; 1581 ;aVF; $35 . 00

89 Lithuania;G-745;HCz-721;Kop pg 92 II 5 ;schilling; 1584 ;F-VF; $35 00
, , .

92 Lithuania ;G-752;HCz-10128;Kop pg 93,111, l,r;3 groschen;1580;F;$50.00

94 Lithuania ;G”754 ;HCz-7203 ;Kop pg 94,V,lb,r;3 groschen; 1581 ;VF; $35 00 .

96 Lithuania;G-758;HCz-10137;Kop pg 94,V,3a,r;3 groschen; 1583 ;VF; lightly

cleaned; $30. 00
98 Lithuania ;G-762;HCz-742;Kop pg 94,V,5a,r;3 groschen; 1585 ;VF/F; light
trace crease; $30. 00
364 Lithuania ;G-763 ;HCz-743var;Kop pg 94,V,5c,r;3 groschen; 1585 ;F-VF; No dot
after M. ; $25 00
0 0

99 Lithuania ;G-764 ;HCz-767var;Kop pg 94,V,6a,r;3 groschen; 1586 ;F-VF;No dot

between DL on obv;$25.00
101 Lithuania ;G-767 ;HCz-741;Kop pg 95,II,a,rr;6 groschen; 1585 ;VF; flan
crack, unlisted var rev legend ends LI; $175. 00
308 Lithuania ;G-1274 ;HCz-xxx;Kop pg 222 II 3 rr ; 2 denari ; 1609 ;F/VF; $150 00
, , , .

103 Lithuania ;G-1278 ;HCz-1302 ;Kop pg 222,11, 6, r;2 denare;1613 ;VG;$15. 00

104 Lithuania ;G-1281;HCz-1406;Kop pg 222,II,9a;2 denare; 1620 ;XF; $35 00 .

315 Lithuania;G-1281;HCz-7494 ;2 denari ; 1620 ;VF;Error date backwards

"6"; $50. 00
105 Lithuania ;G-1282 ;HCz-1425;Kop pg 222,II,10;2 denare; 1621 ;VF+ ; $30 . 00
106 Lithuania ;G-1284 ;HCz-810;Kop pg 222,1, l,rr; schilling; 1589 ;F;$45. 00
108 Lithuania;G-1291;HCz-1337 ;Kop pg 223 , II, 2a; schilling; 1615 ;F/VF;
(1-5) ;$15.00
109 Lithuania ;G-12 92 ;HCz-7468 ;Kop pg 223 , II , 2c, r; schilling; 1615 ;F;$25. 00
110 Lithuania ;G-1293 ;HCz-1353 ;Kop pg 223 , III , 3c ; schilling; 1616 ;F-VF ; $25 00 .

307 Lithuania ;G-1294 ;HCz-xxx;Kop pg 224,V, 3 ,b;schilling; 1617 ;EF;$45. 00

111 Lithuania ;G-1295;HCz-1369var;Kop pg 223 , III , 4a, r ;schilling; 1617 ;UNC;no XX
after LIT on rev; $3 5. 00
112 Lithuania ;G-1298 ;HCz-1381 ;Kop pg 224 ,V, 4d; schilling; 1618 ;F-VF;$25 . 00
113 Lithuania ;G-1299 ;HCz-1394 ;Kop pg 224 ,V, 5, r; schilling; 1619 ;F;$20. 00
115 Lithuania ;G-1305;HCz-1503;Kop pg 225, VII , 4c; schilling; 1624 ;aVF; $15 . 00
116 Lithuania ; G- 1 3 0 7 ; HCz -xxx ; Kop pg 225,VIII,2a;schilling;1624; F-VF ; $ 2 0 0 .

117 Lithuania ; G- 1 3 0 8 ; HCz - 5 1 6 9 ; Kop pg 2 2 5 , VI 1 , 5 ; sch i 1 1 ing ; 1 6 2 5 ; VF ; $ 2 5 . 0

118 Lithuania;G-1309;HCz-5173;Kop pg 225, VII, 6; schilling; 1626; F-VF; $15. 00
119 Lithuania ; G- 1 3 1 0 ; HCz -9 6 4 9 ; Kop pg 2 2 5 , VI 1 , 7 ; schil 1 ing ; 1 62 7 ; VF ; $ 2 5 . 0
66 Lithuania ;G-13 13 ;HCz-1230 ;Kop pg 226, I, a; groschen; 1607 ;VF; $50. 00
121 Lithuania ;G-1315;HCz-7436; Kop pg 226,1,2; groschen ;1608;VF ,*$50.00
122 Lithuania ;G-1316;HCz-1248;Kop pg 226, II , 1, r ;groschen; 1608 ;F;eagle
reverse ; $ 2 5 0 0

125 Lithuania ;G-13 19 ;HCz-102 38 ; Kop pg 226,111,3 ;groschen; 1611;VF;$25 00 .

126 Lithuania ;G-1323 ;HCz-1519var;Kop pg 227 ,V, 1 ;groschen; 1625 ;F-VF;var on

dots on obv and rev; $15. 00
127 Lithuania ;G-13 2 4 ;HCz-1538 ;Kop pg 227, VI, la;groschen; 1626 ;F;$15. 00
128 Lithuania ;G-1324 ;HCz-1324 ;Kop pg 227 VI lb, r; groschen; 1626 ; F; $50 00
, , .

310 Lithuania;G-1330;HCz-10157 ;Kop pg 228 I 2 ,b, r ; 3 groschen; 1590 ;VF; $50 00

, , .

365 Lithuania;G-1330;HCz-825;Kop pg 228 I 2 a, r ; 3 groschen; 1590 ;VF; $35 00

, , , .

130 Lithuania ;G-1331;HCz-827;Kop pg 228 I 2 c, rr 3 groschen; 1590 ;VF+ ; $35 00

, , , ; .

131 Lithuania ;G-1332 ;HCz-849 ;Kop pg 228,I,3b,r;3 groschen ; 1591 ;VF; $35. 00
132 Lithuania ;G-1333 ;HCz-875;Kop pg 228,I,4,r;3 groschen; 1592 ;VF-EF; $45 00 .

133 Lithuania;G-1334;HCz-9502;Kop pg 228,I,5;3 groschen; 1593 ;VF-XF; $45 00 .

134 Lithuania;G-1334 ;HCz-895R;Kop pg 229 III 1 r ; 3 groschen 1593 ;EF; $45. 00

, , , ;

135 Lithuania;G-1334 ;HCz-9502 ;Kop pg 228,I,5;3 groschen; 1593 ;VF; $35 00 .

136 Lithuania ;G-1335;HCz-928;Kop pg 229, II, 2 ;3 groschen; 1594 ;F; $25 00 .

322 Lithuania;G-1335 ;HCz-927 ;Kop pg 229,III,2;3 groschen; 1594 ;aEF; $45 00 .

137 Lithuania ;G-1336;HCz-5045;Kop pg 229, IV, 3a; 3 groschen; 1595 ;VF; $35 00 .

356 Lithuania;G-1336 ;HCz-963 ;Kop pg 229 III 3 ,b, r ; 3 groschen;1595;XF;$50. 00

, ,

138 Lithuania ;G-1336 ;HCz-963 ;Kop pg 229 III 3 ,b, r ; 3 groschen;1595;XF;$50. 00

, ,

139 Lithuania ;G-1340;HCz-1061;Kop pg 229,III,5,r;3 groschen; 1597 ;VF; $40 00 .

140 Lithuania ;G-1341 ;HCz-1103 ;Kop pg 229,III,6a;3 groschen; 1598 ;aVF; $35 00 .

142 Lithuania;G-1346;HCz-7407 ;Kop pg 230,III,9e,rr;3 groschen;1601;aVF;$100. 00

293 Lithuania ;G-1366;HCz-xxx; 10 ducats; 1621 ;UNC; copy by PANA circa 1960 s $45 00 ' ; .

123 Lithuania ; G-1609 ;HCz-12 54 ; Kop pg 226,11, 2a; groschen; 1609 ;aVF; $350 00 .

124 Lithuania ;G-1610 ;HCz-12 64 ;Kop pg 226, IV, 2a, r; groschen; 1610 ;VF; light
crease;$25. 00
147 Lithuania;G-1653 ;HCz-2040;Kop pg 118 III 2 /‘schilling; 1653 ;F-VF; $20. 00
, ,

148 Lithuania ;G-1653 ;HCz-xxx;Kop pg 118 III, 3 rrr /‘schilling; 1653 ;VF;$25. 00
, ,

149 Lithuania /‘G-1864 /‘HCz-xxx;Kop pg 118,IV,4,rrr/‘schilling/‘1661/‘VF/‘o/C/‘$25.00

150 Lithuania /‘G-1865/‘HCz-2171/‘Kop pg 124 IV,U, l/‘schilling/‘1660/‘VF+/‘TLB/‘$15. 00

151 Lithuania/‘G-1866/‘HCz-2200/‘Kop pg 124,IV,r,2a;schilling/‘1661/‘F+/‘TLB Russ

Klunen lot 2113 8/84; $10. 00
152 Lithuania ;G-1867 ;HCz--2583 ;Kop pg 125, IV,UL, 1 r ;schilling; 1663 ;F; $5. 00

153 Lithuania/‘G-1868,‘HCz-2268,‘Kop pg 118 IV, W2 ;schilling,‘ 1664 ,‘F+/EF,‘ $20 00

, .

154 Lithuania ;G-1868 ,‘HCz-2268 ;Kop pg 118 , IV, W2 ;schilling; 166 (4) ;aVF; $5 00.

155 Lithuania ;G--1870;HCz-2290;Kop pg 118,IV,W3;schilling;1665;F;$5.00

156 Lithuania ;G-1870;HCz-2290;Kop pg 118,IV,W3;schilling;1665;VF;$10.00
157 Lithuania ,‘G“1869 ,‘HCz-2584 ,‘Kop pg 127 , IV, 1 a, r /‘schilling; 1665 ,‘VF/VF+,‘ $15 00
, .

160 Lithuania /‘G-1877 /‘HCz-2026/‘Kop pg 118,I,a/‘groschen/‘1652/‘VF/‘Russ Klunen

lot 2113 8/84, obv LIT, rev off center, date does not show; $65. 00
161 Lithuania ,‘G-1882 /‘HCz-2267 /‘Kop pg 119,II,l,r;3 groschen; 1664 ,‘VG,‘ scarce
two year type; $4 0.00
163 Lithuania ;G-1884 ,‘HCz-2265;Kop pg 120,II,2,rr;6 groschen; 1664 ;F; $75. 00
165 Lithuania ,‘G-1887 ;HCz-2301;Kop pg 120,II,3,r;6 groschen; 1666 ;F; $75. 00
167 Germany ,‘KM-21 /‘I ost kopeck; 1916 ;BU,‘ choice condition Y-18a,‘$10.00
168 Germany ; KM-22 ; 2 ost kopecks; 1916 ;BU; choice, one spot on rim, Y-18b;$10. 00
172 Lithuania ,‘Y-8 ,‘5 litai; 1925; PL; specimen strike, very rare, listed as proof in
173 Lithuania ,‘KM-PN4 ,‘5 litai ; 1936 ; obv: die lines on bust, rev: rotated,
rims: wire, test strike edge: normal lettered, Y-12;$500.00
175 Lithuania ;KM-PN6; 10 litu; 1936;PL;test strike (pattern) , rev: rotated,
wire rims, very rare Jess Peters lot 171, Y-13;$600.00
176 Lithuania ; KM-PN13 ; 10 litu; 1938 ;UNC;test strike (pattern) , obv: part wire rim,
rev: rotated, very rare, Y-14,‘$300.00
178 Lithuania ,‘KM-PN9 ,‘2 litai ; 1938 ,‘PL,‘silver pattern, lettered edge, rotated
reverse, Ray Bows 1972; $500. 00
180 Lithuania ,‘KM-PN8 ,‘2 litai,‘1938 ;PL;silver pattern, reeded edge, rotated
reverse, Jess Peters lot 173 1/75; $550. 00
182 Lithuania ,‘KM-PNll ,‘2 litai; 1938 ,‘PL,‘silver pattern, columns rev:, 5% off
center, plain edge, rotated rev:, Lepczyk lot 599 9/76,‘$850.00
197 Lithuania ,‘mint set ; 1925 ,‘PL,‘Mint set, double set of Y-1 thru Y-5,
original mint presentation box; $800. 00
305 Lithuania ,‘Y-14 ,‘10 litu; 1938 ,‘GEM BU/‘$150.00
i 0
* «

Abbreviations used: PC punch cancelled

Stock No, Country, Pick No, Denomination, Date, Condition, Description, Price

198 Lithuania P- 1;1 centas ;1922;UNC;$55.00

199 Lithuania P- 1 ; 1 centas ;1922;UNC;$55.o6
202 Lithuania P- 2 ; 5 cent a ;1922;UNC;$55.00
203 Lithuania P- 3 ; 2 0 centu ;1922;F;$30.00
204 Lithuania P- 3; 20 centu ;1922;UNC;SPECIMEN,PC;$105.00
206 Lithuania P- 4; 50 centu ; 1922 ;UNC; SPECIMEN, PC; $130. 00
208 Lithuania P- 5b ;1 litas ; 1922 ;VF ; Watermark: loops ; $100 00 .

209 Lithuania P- 5 1 itai ; 19 2 2 ; UNC ; SPECIMEN , PC ; $ 3 50 00


210 Lithuania P- 5 litai;1922;VF;$155.00

211 Lithuania P- 1 centas ; 1 9 2 2 ; UNC ; S PECIMEN PC ; $ 6 0 0 0
, .

212 Lithuania P- 1 centas; 1922 ;UNC; SPECIMEN, VE on OBV,PICK PLATE NOTE; $65. 00
213 Lithuania P- 1 centas ; 1922 ;UNC; SPECIMEN, PB on OBV,REV is blank;$45.00
214 Lithuania P~ 1 centas ; 1922 ;UNC; $60. 00
215 Lithuania P- 2 centu;1922;UNC;$70.00
216 Lithuania P- 2 centu ; 19 2 2 ; UNC ; SPECIMEN PC ; $7 5 . 0

217 Lithuania P- 2 centu; 1922 ;UNC; SPECIMEN, PB on OBV,REV ground print;$60.00

218 Lithuania P- 2 centu ; 1922 ;UNC; PRINTER'S TRIAL, OBV no ground print, REV is
blank; $45 00
219 Lithuania P- 9;5 centai;1922;UNC;$70.00
220 Lithuania P- 9;5 centai; 1922 ;UNC; SPECIMEN, VE on OBV; $75. 00
221 Lithuania P- 9 ; 5 centai ; 1922 ;UNC ; SPECIMEN, PC ; $75 00

224 Lithuania P~ 10 10 cen tu ; 1 9 2 2 ; UNC ; S PECIMEN PC ; $ 9 0 0 0

, .

225 Lithuania P- 10 10 centu;1922; UNC ; SPECIMEN, PB on REV;$90.00

226 Lithuania P- 10 10 centu; 1922 ;UNC; $85. 00
227 Lithuania P- 11 20 centu; 1922 ;UNC; SPECIMEN, VE on OBV, PICK PLATE NOTE; $105. 00
228 Lithuania P- 11 2 0 centu ; 1 9 2 2 ; UNC ; S PECIMEN PC ; $ 1 0 5 0 0
, .

230 Lithuania P- 12 50 centu; 1922 ;UNC; SPECIMEN, VE on REV;$155.00

231 Lithuania P- 12 5 0 centu ; 1 9 2 2 ; UNC ; S PECIMEN PC ; $ 1 5 5 0 0
, .

234 Lithuania P- 13 1 litas ; 1922 ; UNC; SPECIMEN, PC; $200.00

G Lithuania P- 13 1 litas ; 1922 ;VF-EF; $120. 00
235 Lithuania P- 13 1 litas; 1922; UNC; SPECIMEN, PB on OBV; $200. 00
236 Lithuania P- 14 2 litu;1922;F-VF;$80.00
237 Lithuania P- 14 2 litu; 1922 ;UNC; SPECIMEN, PB on OBV; $225. 00
238 Lithuania P- 14 2 litu; 1922 ;UNC; SPECIMEN, VE on OBV;$225.00
239 Lithuania P- 15 5 litai;1922;VG;$95.00
241 Lithuania P- 16 5 litai;1922;UNC;SPECIMEN,PB on OBV; $300. 00
242 Lithuania P- 16 5 litai;1922;UNC;SPECIMEN,VE on REV; $300. 00
245 Lithuania P- 18 10 litu ; 1922 ;UNC; SPECIMEN, VE on REV;$500.00
246 Lithuania P- 18 10 litu; 1922 ;UNC ; SPECIMEN, PB on REV;$500.00
247 Lithuania P- 18 10 litu; 1922 ;UNC;SPECIMEN,PB on OBV;$500.00
248 Lithuania P- 19 50 litu; 1922 ;UNC;SPECIMEN,VE on OBV;$1400.00
249 Lithuania P- 19 50 litu; 1922 ;UNC ; SPECIMEN, PB on OBV;$1400.00
252 Lithuania P- 20 100 litu; 1922 ;UNC; SPECIMEN pair,PB on OBV and REV, backs
faint; $1100. 00

253 Lithuania; P-20; 100 litu;1922 ;UNC;SPECIMEN,PC;$1100. 00

256 Lithuania; P-21; 500 litu; 1922 ;UNC; SPECIMEN, Bradbury Wilkinson seal and punch
holes; $650. 00
H Lithuania; P-21; 500 litu;1922 ;UNC;$800. 00
257 Lithuania;P-21;500 litu; 1924 ;UNC; SPECIMEN, PC; $650. 00
318 Lithuania;P-22;1000 litu; 1924 ;UNC; $1200 . 00
319 Lithuania ; P-22 ; 1000 litu; 1922 ;UNC; SPECIMEN, Bradbury Wilkinson seals and
punch holes; $1200. 00
320 Lithuania;P-22 ;1000 litu; 1922 ;UNC; PRINTER s TRIAL, brown REV,OBV

blank; $500.00
258 Lithuania ; P-23 ; 10 litu; 1927 ;EF; $60 00

259 Lithuania;P-23;10 litu; 1927 ;UNC; SPECIMEN, P on OBV and REV;$75.00

260 Lithuania; P-24; 50 litu;1928;EF;$50.00
261 Lithuania ; P-24 ; 50 litu; 1928 ;UNC; SPECIMEN, Bradbury Wilkinson seal and punch
I Lithuania; P-24; 50 litu; 1928 ;EF; $50. 00
262 Lithuania P-24 ; 50 litu; 1928 ;UNC; SPECIMEN pair, PC and P on OBV and

J Lithuania; P-25; 100 litu; 1928 ;F; $20. 00
263 Lithuania; P-25; 100 litu; 1928 ;EF;PICK PLATE NOTE;$65.00
264 Lithuania; P-25; 100 litu; 1928 ;UNC; SPECIMEN pair, PC and P on OBV and
265 Lithuania; P-25; 100 litu; 1928 ;UNC; SPECIMEN, Bradbury Wilkinson seal and punch
266 Lithuania; P-25; 100 litu; 1928 ;UNC; SPECIMEN, Bradbury Wilkinson seal and punch
hole;$100. 00
267 Lithuania; P-26; 5 litai;1929;UNC;SPECIMEN pair,P on OBV and REV, back
269 Lithuania; P-27; 20 litu;1930;EF;$80.00
270 Lithuania; P-27; 20 litu; 1930 ;UNC; SPECIMEN pair,P on OBV and REV, backs
blank; $110. 00
271 Lithuania; P-28; 10 litu; 1938 ;UNC; SPECIMEN, P on OBV and REV;$3000.00
301 Germany ;P-R120/R12 6; 19 16 ;EF-UNC; German occupied territory set,+R126
SPECIMEN; $225. 00
302 Germany ;P-R127/R13 4 ,*1918 ;VF-UNC; German occupied territory set;$78.00
C Germany ;P-R12 4 ; 10 ruble; 1916 ;VF+; German occupied territory ; $12 00

D Germany ;P-R12 6; 100 rubles; 1916 ;VF+;German occupied territory; $25. 00

E Germany ;P-R131; 20 marks ; 1918 ;F;German occupied territory; $5. 00
304 Lithuania ;EF; Bank of Lithuania blank check;$10.00
190 England ;UNC; Bradbury Wilkinson advertising note; $60. 00
297 Germany; 1916 ;UNC; Potato ration card issued in Vilnius October, 1916 ; $45 00 .

295 Germany; 1916 ;UNC;Ration card in Polish for flour, bread, sugar, etc. ; $45. 00
303 Germany 1931; EF; Postcard showing Lith coins/exchange rate; $50. 00

F Germany; 1946 ;UNC;UNRRA set;$65.00

A Latvia; 19 19 ;EF-AU; Voluntary western army "Bermondt Notes”, 4 pc set; $48. 00
189 Lithuania; 100 auksinu; 1929 ;XF; Bond approx. 4X10”, only 1 coupon
clipped; $4 5. 00
187 United States;! share; 1919 ;VF-EF; Stock certificate, Lith publishing company
in NYC;$35.00
282 Lithuania; 1922 ;VF-EF;4 part lottery ticket approx. 3X11”; $45. 00
284 Russia; 1912 ;VF;Large 5% Vilnius orange bond suitable for framing; $65 00 .

296 Lithuania ;F-UNC;”Punkte” ration notes 1(2), 3, 5, 10

5 notes ; $225 00

K Lithuania; 1989 ;UNC;Samogitian Fair notes (with ser nos) 1,5,10 LITS;$40.00

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