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Journal 8 Solubility of Organic Compounds

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ACTIVITY # 8 chemical principle underlying three major

techniques you will study in the organic

chemistry laboratory: crystallization,
extraction, and chromatography. In this
experiment on solubility you will gain an

ABSTRACT understanding of the structural features of a

substance that determine its solubility in
The method or process of separating
various solvents. This understanding will
different mixtures of liquids based on their
help you predict solubility behavior and
differences in volatility using evaporation-
understand the techniques that are based on
condensation process are known as
this property.
distillation. Distillation is done with the use
of specific set-up, using the proper Five common reagents are used for

distillation apparatus. Through this process, solubility tests: (1) water, (2) 5% NaOH, (3)

the identities of the components in the 5% NaHCO3, (4) 5% HCl, and (5)

solution can be determined through the concentrated (96%) H2SO4. Except in the

obtained boiling points. In this experiment, case of water, solubility experiments probe

we determined on how to acquire basic the acid-base properties of organic

skills of conducting simple and fractional compounds. If a compound is an acid, you

distillation, separate components of the can obtain a relative measure of its acid

liquid mixture and compare the efficiency of strength by testing it against the weak base

separation of each method. sodium bicarbonate and the stronger base

sodium hydroxide. Naturally, any organic
At the end of our experiment, we
compound that is soluble in water is also
found out that methanol has a very low
likely to be soluble in 0.6 M NaHCO3, 1.5M
boiling point the reason why it condensed
HCl, and 2.5 M NaOH solutions because
first and mostly left in the boiling flask.
these solutions are composed largely of

The solubility of a solute (a II. OBJECTIVES

dissolved substance) in a solvent (the
1. To explore the relative solubility of
dissolving medium) is the most important
organic compounds in a particular solvent.
2. To understand the relative solubility solid) to determine whether the
of organic compounds in various solvents. compound is very soluble or slightly
soluble. Record your observations
3. To determine the functional group of
and determinations of solubility in
an unknown organic compound.
the data table.
III. METHODOLOGY & SET-UP I – Insoluble, SS – Slightly

Materials: Soluble, VS – Very Soluble

Properly dispose the solution.
(5) 10-mL Test Tubes
Dispose all aqueous solution in the
(1) Hot Plate
Aqueous Waste Container. Leftover
(2) 250-mL Beaker
organic compounds should be
(1) Unknown Organic Compound
disposed on either halogenated or
(1) Test Tube Rack non-halogenated Organic Waste
Procedure: container.

A. General Procedure
B. Solubility of Alcohols

Place approximately 1mL of the test

solvent into a small test tube. Add 3 1. Take 1mL of distilled water and add

drops of the liquid (or a few crystals 3 drops of Methanol. Note the

of the solid) test substance to the results.

solvent. Stir by gently tapping the 2. Repeat the experiment using other

test tube with your finger. Determine alcohols: Ethanol, Propanol, 1-

if the small amount of compound Butyanol, and Tert. Butyl Alcohol

dissolves immediately (if not you 3. In another test tube, add 1mL of

may need to stir more, wait a few Hexane and add 3 drops of

minutes or use a very gentle Methanol. Note the results.

heating)/ If the small amount does 4. Repeat the experiment using other

not dissolve, the compound is alcohols: Ethanol, Propanol, 1-

insoluble in that solvent. If the Butyanol, and Tert. Butyl Alcohol

sample does dissolve, add several

more drops of liquid (or crystals of
C. Solubility of Various Organic 2. Repeat the experiment using other
Compounds in Different Solvents solvents: 2.5 M NaOH, 0.6M NaHCO3,
1.5 M HCl, Concentrated H2SO4.
I. Solubility of Glacial Acetic Acid
IV. Solubility of Ethyl Acetate
1. Perform the water test first on all
compounds. If the compound is soluble 1. Take 1mL of distilled water and add a
in water, test the aqueous solution with 3 drops of Ethyl Acetate. Note the
red and blue litmus paper. Use the results.
stirring rod to place 1 drop of the
2. Repeat the experiment using other
solution to the litmus paper. Do not solvents: 2.5 M NaOH, 0.6M NaHCO3,
perform the litmus paper test on 1.5 M HCl, Concentrated H2SO4.
compounds that are not soluble in water.
V. Solubility of Hexane
2. Take 1mL of distilled water and add 3
1. Take 1mL of distilled water and add 3
drops of Glacial Acetic Acid. Note the
drops of Hexane. Note the results.
2. Repeat the experiment using other
3. Repeat the experiment using other
solvents: 2.5 M NaOH, 0.6M NaHCO3,
solvents: 2.5 M NaOH, 0.6M NaHCO3,
1.5 M HCl, Concentrated H2SO4.
1.5 M HCl, Concentrated H2SO4.
VI. Solubility of Benzaldehyde
II. Solubility of Benzoic Acid
1. Take 1mL of distilled water and add 3
1. Take 1mL of distilled water and add a
drops of Benzaldehyde. Note the results.
pinch of Benzoic Acid. Note the results.
2. Repeat the experiment using other
2. Repeat the experiment using other
solvents: 2.5 M NaOH, 0.6M NaHCO3,
solvents: 2.5 M NaOH, 0.6M NaHCO3,
1.5 M HCl, Concentrated H2SO4.
1.5 M HCl, Concentrated H2SO4.
D. Determination of the functional
III. Solubility of Phenol
class of an unknown organic
1. Take 1mL of distilled water and add 3
drops of Phenol. Note the results.
1. Take 1mL of distilled water and add 3 V. DISCUSSION
drops of an unknown compound. Note
At the molecular level, solubility is
the results.
controlled by the energy balance of
2. Repeat the experiment using other intermolecular forces between solute –
solvents: 2.5 M NaOH, 0.6M NaHCO3, solute, solvent – solvent and solute – solvent
1.5 M HCl, Concentrated H2SO4. molecules. Intermolecular forces come in
different strengths ranging from very weak
3. Identify the functional class of your
induced dipole – induced dipole interactions
to much stronger dipole – dipole forces
IV. DATA RESULTS (including important special case, hydrogen

Legend: bonding). However, there is a simple, very

useful and practical empirical rule that is
I – Insoluble
quite reliable. That simple rule is “like
SS – Slightly Soluble dissolves like” and it is based on the polarity
of the systems (i.e.: polar molecules
VS - Very Soluble
dissolves in polar solvents and non-polar
A. Solubility of Alcohol molecule in non-polar solvents). This is why
ALCOHOLS WATER HEXANE ionic compounds (take salt for an example)
Methanol VS I or sugar dissolves in water but do not
Ethanol VS SS
Propanol VS VS dissolve to any great extent in most organic
1-Butanol SS SS solvents. It also applies to the separation of
tert-Butyl I SS
Alcohol oil and water. The polarity of organic
molecules is determined by the presence of
polar bonds due to electronegative forms in
B. Solubility of Various Organic
polar functional groups such as amines and
The solubility of a substance is a
measure of the equilibrium between the
C. Functional Class of Unknown: substance in its solid state and substance, or
Alkanes (Hexane) its ions in solution. It can also be defined as
the maximum amount of solute that can be containing several polar groups. The
dissolved in a fixed amount of solvent at a presence of an acidic –CO2H or –NH2
specific temperature. group in water – soluble compound can be
detected by low or high pH.
Since the polarity of an organic
molecule is related to the presence of polar Compounds that are insoluble in
bonds that are found within functional water can be soluble in aqueous
groups, the solubility characteristic of environment if they form ionic species when
organic compounds can provide treated with an acid or base. This is because
experimental evidence for the presence or the ionic form is much more polar.
absence of several important organic
The solubility of carboxylic acids
functional groups.
(pKa = 3 to 5) and phenols (pKa = 9 to 10)
SOLVENTS SOME SOLUBILITY / in aqueous hydroxide is due to formation of
the polar (ionic) carboxylate or phenoxide
Water alcohols, amines, acids, groups since they are much stronger acids
esters, ketones, aldehydes than water (pKa = 15) and therefore the acid
5% NaOH carboxylic acids and
phenols – base equilibrium lies far to the right,
5% NaHCO3 carboxylic acids which is the more polar side.
5% HCl Amines
Concentrated most organic molecules The solubility of amines in dilute
aqueous acid similarly reflects the fact that
they are stronger bases than water, and are
Most organic molecules are
converted by reaction with proton to the
relatively non-polar and usually soluble in
polar ammonium ions.
organic solvents but not in polar solvents
like water. However, some organic Unknown Substance (Compound)
molecules are more polar and therefore There are three kinds of information
soluble in water. This denotes a rather high that can be obtained in identifying an
ratio of polar groups to non – polar unknown compound by the study of its
hydrocarbon chain (i.e.: a low molecular solubility in water, 5% NaOH solution, 5%
weight compound containing an –OH, - NaHCO3 solution, 5% HCl solution, and
NH2, or -CO2H group or a larger molecule concentrated H2SO4:
• The presence of functional group can Water
be detected. For an instance, since
This is a polar solvent which
hydrocarbons are soluble in water, the mere
dissolves polar compounds. Several
fact that an unknown is partially soluble in
structural features of the unknown can be
water indicates that a polar functional group
deduced if it is water – soluble. It must be of
is present.
low molar mass and will usually contain no
• Solubility in certain solvents gives more than four to five carbon atoms, unless
more specific information about the it is polyfunctional. It must contain a polar
functional groups. For example, benzoic group that will form a hydrogen bond with
acid is insoluble in a polar solvent, water, water like the hydroxyl group of alcohol or
but is converted into 5% NaOH solution to carboxylic acid, the amino functionality of
salt, sodium benzoate which is readily water an amine or the carbonyl group of aldehydes
soluble then the solubility in 5% NaOH or ketones. Ester, amides and nitriles
solution of a water insoluble unknown is a dissolve to a lesser extent and acid chlorides
strong indication of an acidic functional or anhydrides react with water rather than
group. simply dissolving in it. On the other hand,
alkenes, alkenes, alkynes and alkyl halides
• Deductions about molecular size and
are water – soluble.
composition can be made sometimes. For
example, in many homologous series of 5% NaOH
monofunctional compounds, the members
Compounds dissolve in aqueous base
with fewer than about 5 carbon atoms are
solutions because they for sodium salts that
water soluble, wheras the higher homologs
are soluble in aqueous medium. However,
are insoluble.
the salts of some high molecular weight
Since most organic molecules have both a compounds are not soluble and will just
polar and non – polar entity, it can be precipitate.
deduced that its solubility would depend on
Both phenols and carboxylic acids
the balance between two parts. As the
produce resonance stabilized conjugate
percentage of the hydrocarbon portion
bases. In phenols, substitution of an electron
increases while the polar solvent decreases
withdrawing group at the ortho and para
while that in non – polar solvent increases.
positions od the ring increases the acidity.
Phenols with 2 or 3 nitro groups at the ortho Concentrated H2SO4
and para positions are strong acids that will
Concentrated H2SO4 protonates all
dissolve in both strong and weak bases.
organic compounds that contains oxygen
Carboxylic acids, which are strong to and/or nitrogen, as well as alkenes and few
their water – soluble acids and phenols aromatic hydrocarbons. They exist as isonic
which are weak acids dissolve in NaOH salts in sulfuric acid. Because sulfuric acid is
because they are converted into their water – a highly polar liquid, it dissolves the
soluble sodium salts. protonated compounds. The dissolution of
compounds in H2SO4 may also produce
5% NaCO3
large amounts of heat and/or a change in the
When a compound is insoluble in color of the solution. For example, an alkene
water but soluble in NaOH, it is either a adds the elements of sulfuric acid to form an
weak or a strong acid. Testing its unknown alkyl hydrogen sulfate that is soluble in acid,
solubility ins NaCO3 which is less basic and an oxygen – containing compound
than NaOH will differentiate strong acids becomes protonated in concentrated acid to
from weak acids. As Strong acids can easily from soluble oxonium salt.
be deprotonated and can attack even a weak
Compounds which are insoluble in
base such as NaCO3 so they are soluble in
sulfuric acid are extremely weak base. It is
solvent. Weak acids do not react with weak
the extreme acidity of concentrated sulfuric
acid along with its powerful ionizing ability
5% HCl that allows these compounds to be soluble in

If the compound is soluble in HCl slfuric acid. Thus is able to protonate

but insoluble in water, an amine should be alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, esters, and

considered immediately. Aliphatic amines unsaturated hydrocarbons. The resulting

(RNH2) are basic compounds which readily ions produced are soluble in the medium.

dissolves in an acid because they from VI. CONCLUSION

hydrochloride salts that are soluble in
In this activity, we have concluded that
aqueous medium.
distillation is a great method in separating
mixtures of liquids by using evaporation-
condense technique. We found out that
while simple distillation separated the are completely miscible. They dissolve in
majority of the two compounds near the water in any amount. Starting with the four-
beginning and the end of the distilling carbon butanol the solubility of alcohols is
process, fractional distillation produced starting to decrease.
much more pure fractions.
2. Construct a solubility flow scheme for
Lastly, we conclude that fractional
the results in part B.
distillation is more efficient to used in this
experiment because it separate the mixture
and produced pure collection of the ANSWER ATTACHED ON THE LAST
distillated compound. PAGE


1. Arrange the alcohols in increasing

solubility in water. Explain the trend. This is to certify that the following
members of the group participated in the
Methanol – Ethanol – Propanol – 1-butanol – preparation of this report.
tert-butyl alcohol

Each alcohol consists of a carbon

chain (always nonpolar) and a OH group
Rochelle Joyce O. Bersamin
(which is polar). For ethanol for example the
chemical formula looks like this: C2H5OH.
Ethanol has a 2 carbon chain and an OH
group. As water is polar it attracts OH
Christine Grace B. Infante
group. Carbon chain on the other hand as
non-polar is repelled. Solubility of alcohols
is therefore determined by the stronger of
the two forces.
Khyscia Judenly R. Lagarto
Because of the strength of the
attraction of the OH group, first three
alcohols (methanol, ethanol and propanol)

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