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1. - Some people say that using the Internet is the best way of learning things.

Do you
Notes: Write about
1. Learning a language
2. Playing a musical instrument
3. …………………………. (your own idea)

140-190 words in an appropriate style

Nowadays the Internet has a remarkable importance in our daily life due to information is
available for every person around the world. This essay discusses the influence of learning new
skills such as new languages, how to play a musical instrument and how to cook.

To begin with, technophiles are quite pleased with the excel way that the Internet provides us
with information about languages. You can watch, listen, read, and speak any time during the day.
Practice is vital when you are learning a new language.

Secondly, playing a new musical instrument can be challenging, but if you practice several hours,
you will master it in a short term. Unlikely other mediums, on the Internet you can practice
watching videos, select pause and repeat the lesson as many times as you want, and receive
update videos.

Finally, we are able to elaborate an incredible meal by learning how to make it on a tutorial video
or downloading a file with the original recipe. What is more, we can receive feedback from other
cooks which want to give their opinions and advice.

In conclusion, I agree the Internet provides us with ease whatever topic we want to learn, it is a
sensible and fast way to learn new things, also it is a breakthrough to receive instantly different
opinions from other users.


Time: 52 min

2. - Your English class has had a discussion about the different characters in the book. Now your
English teacher has given you this essay for homework

Which character in the book do you admire the most and why?

140-190 words in an appropriate style

3. - Everyone should take part in a free-time activity with other people. Do you agree?
Notes: Write about
1. Meeting different people
2. Learning/improving skills
3. …………………………. (your own idea)

140-190 words in an appropriate style

4. - Your English class has had a discussion about the main topic of the book you have read. Now
your English teacher has given you this essay for homework

What is the main topic of the book you have read? Describe the central idea that runs through the
book and explain what you have learned about it.

140-190 words in an appropriate style

5. - People should not be judged by the clothes they wear. Do you agree?
Notes: Write about
1. Whether people’s appearance is important
2. How people choose what to wear
3. …………………………. (your own idea)

140-190 words in an appropriate style

6.- Your English class has had discussion about what happens in the book. Now your English
teacher has given you this essay for homework

What is the most important even in the book? Describe the event and explain its effect on the rest
of the story. Why do you think the event is so important?

140-190 words in an appropriate style

7. - Some people say it’s a waste of time studying subjects they are not interested in. What do you
Notes: Write about
1. Passing on knowledge to others
2. Talking to other people
3. …………………………. (your own idea)

140-190 words in an appropriate style

8. - Write about two of the main characters in the book you have read. Describe the two
characters and say what makes them similar and different from each other. Which character are
you most like?

140-190 words in an appropriate style

9.-Some people say they can discover everything about other countries without ever going there,
so there’s no point in foreign travel these days. What do you think?
Notes: Write about
1. Making friends with different people
2. Finding out about other cultures
3. …………………………. (your own idea)

140-190 words in an appropriate style

10. - Some people worry too much about the way they look. They should concentrate on
becoming more interesting instead. Do you agree?
Notes: Write about
1. Why people care about the way they look
2. Spending money
3. …………………………. (your own idea)

140-190 words in an appropriate style

11. - Is earning money the only good reason for working?

Notes: Write about
1. Training and studies
2. Colleagues
3. …………………………. (your own idea)

140-190 words in an appropriate style

12. – Write an essay about two characters in the book you have read. Describe the two characters
and the relationship between them, and explain what part each character plays in the story.

140-190 words in an appropriate style

13. - Money isn’t important. Do you agree?

Notes: Write about
1. Relationships with other people
2. Health
3. …………………………. (your own idea)

140-190 words in an appropriate style

14. –Write an essay about the ending of the book you have read. Describe what happened in this
part of the story and explain how the other events in the book led to this ending. Was the ending
what you expected to happen? Why/why not?

15. - Not enough is being done to protect endangered animals. Do you agree?

Notes: Write about

1. Which animals are under threat
2. Why we need to protect these animals
3. …………………………. (your own idea)

It is said that animals are our partners on the planet Earth, but do we really consider them like our
companions? This essay discusses about some animals that are under threat of extinction, how we
can protect them and protected areas

First, we know now that some animals are already extinct like Javan Tiger, and other animals are
under threat of disappear like the blue whale in the oceans, the pink dolphin in the Amazon river,
etc. The major reasons are illegal hunting and the loss of their habitats.

The main reason to protect these animals is keeping the natural balance in nature likewise
maintain the food chain in different ecosystems.

Protected natural areas are places where the natural life can develop and grow, without any
human threat. Furthermore, these areas have scientific, touristic and preservation purposes.

To sum up, we need to protect endangered animals to ensure our survival. I agree there is not
enough effort to keep them safe, creating more protected areas and making people aware of the
problem, would be a good start.


16. - All films must have a happy end. Do you agree?

Notes: Write about
1. People love happy endings
2. Unexpected endings
3. …………………………. (your own idea)

Although filmmakers often make films with a surprising and a happy final, is it necessary that all
films must have happy and unexpected endings? This essay discusses cheerful and unpredicted
endings as well as film sequels.

First of all, when we are watching a film, sometimes it is obvious how the film is going to finish, but
people don’t seem to bother as long as it has a happy ending. What is more, the soundtrack plays
a happy song to reinforce the idea.

An unexpected ending is the best option to recapture the public attention, mainly because people
get interested in what is going to happen next.

Sequels are seen as the continuation of the story after an unexpected ending. The audience mostly
want to attend a film that has an intriguing plot and an incredible script.

To sum up briefly, people like being immersing into films, in order to achieve this, filmmakers
often use happy and unexpected endings. To my mind, it is not necessary all films must have
happy ends to gain the public favour; films just need to be original and has a clever turn.


Science is very important in the 21st century.

How do you think it could be made more appealing to young people?

Notes: Write about

1. TV programmes
2. Interactive museums
3. …………………………. (your own idea)

Nowadays science has a remarkable importance in our life as a society; however, most
young people do not feel really into science. This essay discusses how science could be
more attractive for adolescences.

To begin with, educational TV programmes such as Professor Proton, Bill Nye the science
guy, and Cosmos persuade young people to follow science. What is more, those TV shows
give to adolescences the needed curiosity to continue studying nature.
Secondly, interactive museum which uses digital technology gives its visitors an
unforgettable experience. Digital characters can interact with you and with each other.
This creates new possibilities like having digital expositions about dinosaurs.

Finally, interactive classes at school could make a difference if it used suitable equipment
to teach teenagers how nature works. For example, pupils could use a microscope to
observe how bacteria make yoghurt from milk or how yeasts make wine from grapes.

In conclusion, there are many different ways to turn science into a fascinating world to
young people. The more interactive and practical it is, the more attention they will pay.


There are differences between small shops and supermarkets. Discuss about advantages
and disadvantages of buying in these places

Notes: Write about

1. Small shops
2. Supermarkets
3. …………………………. (your own idea)

While some people prefer to buy their goods in supermarkets, others prefer to purchase
them in small shops. This essay discusses some advantages and disadvantages of buying in
these places as well as the attention their customers receive.

To begin with, a small shop has various kinds of products, but these represent a small
quantity. Its major strength is the selected products that a small shop has, likewise some
discounts its customer can opt if they buy repeatedly in the store.

On the other hand, a supermarket has major discounts in its products such as promotions,
black Friday, and buying one you get one free, but it has some disadvantages like queuing
for a long time when there is a promotion, selling massive products could be a problem
for someone who wants to buy something personalized.

Finally, the costumer attention could be the best way to stand out from the rest. Small
shops may be more thorough than supermarkets, but they do not have a larger staff to
attend the whole public and supermarkets have major resources to invest in customer
attention than small shops.
To sum up, small shops and supermarkets have their own way to attract loyal customers.
These businesses count with strengths and weaknesses, which make them unique and


Teenagers cannot succeed in business until they gain some experience. Do you agree?

Notes: Write about

1. Why teenagers start companies
2. How studying might be affected
3. …………………………. (your own idea)

While some people believe that adolescents have many flaws and they cannot succeed in
business at such young age without any experience, others do not share this point of view.
This essay discusses how teenagers may want to start a company and be affected as well
as family support.

Firstly, teenagers are usually unconcerned about their future, but there are some
exceptions like Mark Zuckerberg who created Facebook in 2004, due to its success he
started a company without having any business experience. Adolescents could be
motivated by the success they can reach with just an innovative idea.

Secondly, a company needs to be taken care of, so it will take much of their time,
especially if they do not have any experience. Teenagers might want to attend class in the
evenings in order to balance their time during the day.

Finally, family support is really important to everyone who wants succeed in business,
particularly if you live with them. Adolescents might work better if they are supported by
their parents, just being concerned only by the job.

In conclusion, I disagree teenagers cannot succeed in business; there are some particular
situations that they have to overcome in order to reach success, but that what business is


The only way to solve traffic problems in cities is to improve public transport. Do you
Notes: Write about
1. Problems with public transport
2. Limiting the use of private cars
3. …………………………. (your own idea)

Traffic problem and its solution in major cities

Nowadays the overgrowth of the population has begot severe traffic problems which rely
on the management of transportation and cause unsustainable levels of the number of
cars in cities. This essay discusses the importance of public transport, the limitation of
using private cars, and the integrated transportation network.

To begin with, public transport has some inconveniences when we go around the city. For
example, the high number of passengers and the quality of the service is not always the
best, but despite those problems, there is no other way to travel cheaper.

Secondly, modulating the use of private cars could represent the dropping of traffic
congestion, and the less emission of car fumes, which have a detrimental impact on the

Finally, despite some general pitfalls and dissatisfaction, the construction of a new
network of transportation is needed. Engineers are endeavouring to locate new integrated
environmental friendly public transport in the main part of the cities.

To sum up, I agree traffic problems can be reduced improving the public transport, but it
will not be enough if we do not embrace the idea of using new ways of transport, rather
than owning a car, changing our lifestyle can be uncomfortable, but it will be fulfilling in
the longer term.


Time: 1h 34 min

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