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Dark Heresy Second Edition - Hope You Know What You'Re Doing Edition

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The document discusses various home world options in Dark Heresy that provide character bonuses and aptitudes. It also covers preparing a host for daemonic possession and binding a daemon, as well as changes made in rulebook updates.

Some of the home world options described include agri-world, death world, feral world, forge world, frontier world, garden world, hive world, and highborn world.

Preparing a host for daemonic possession is a grueling process that involves applying arcane glyphs and runes to the host's skin with sanctified pins and warded chains over 2d10 hours. A test must then be passed to provide bonuses to binding the daemon.


Home World Options
Fate Home World
Home World Modifiers Home World Bonus Wounds
Threshold Aptitude
Agri-World +5 Fellowship, +5 Strength
2 (7+) Strength from the Land Strength 8 + 1d5
DH2 Enemies Within p. 24 –5 Agility
Death World +5 Agility, +5 Perception
2 (5+) Survivor’s Paranoia Fieldcraft 9 + 1d5
DH2 Enemies Without p. 26 –5 Fellowship
+5 Strength, +5 Toughness
Feral World 2 (3+) The Old Ways Toughness 9 + 1d5
–5 Influence
Feudal World +5 Perception, +5 Weapon Skill
3 (6+) At Home in Armour Weapon Skill 9 + 1d5
DH2 Enemies Within p. 26 –5 Intelligence
+5 Intelligence, +5 Toughness
Forge World 3 (8+) Omnissiah’s Chosen Intelligence 8 + 1d5
–5 Fellowship
Frontier World +5 Ballistic Skill, +5 Perception Rely on None but
3 (7+) Ballistic Skill 7 + 1d5
DH2 Enemies Within p. 26 –5 Fellowship Yourself
Garden World +5 Fellowship, +5 Agility
2 (4+) Serenity of the Green Social 7 + 1d5
DH2 Enemies Without p. 28 –5 Toughness
+5 Fellowship, +5 Influence
Highborn 4 (10+) Breeding Counts Fellowship 9 + 1d5
–5 Toughness
+5 Agility, +5 Perception Teeming Masses in
Hive World 2 (6+) Perception 8 + 1d5
–5 Willpower Metal Mountains
Research Station +5 Intelligence, +5 Perception
3 (8+) Pursuit of Data Knowledge 8 + 1d5
DH2 Enemies Without p. 30 –5 Fellowship
+5 Fellowship, +5 Willpower
Shrine World 3 (6+) Faith in the Creed Willpower 7 + 1d5
–5 Perception
+5 Intelligence, +5 Willpower
Voidborn 3 (5+) Child of the Dark Intelligence 7 + 1d5
–5 Strength
Daemon World +5 Willpower, +5 Perception
3 (4+) Touched by the Dark Willpower 7 + 1d5
DH2 Enemies Beyond p. 26 –5 Fellowship
Penal Colony +5 Toughness, +5 Perception
3 (8+) Finger on the Pulse Toughness 10 + 1d5
DH2 Enemies Beyond p. 28 –5 Influence
Quarantine World +5 Ballistic Skill, +5 Intelligence
3 (9+) Secretive by Nature Fieldcraft 8 + 1d5
DH2 Enemies Beyond p. 30 –5 Strength

Stage 2: Choose Home World spaces, he also gains a +20 bonus to Navigate (Surface) tests.

Faith in the Creed

Home World Bonuses Whenever a shrine world character spends a Fate point, he
rolls 1d10. On a result of 1, the character’s total number of Fate
The Old Ways points is not reduced.
Any Low-Tech weapon the character uses loses the Primitive
quality (if it had it) and gains the Proven (3) quality. Child of the Dark
A voidborn character starts with the Strong Minded talent,
Omnissiah’s Chosen and gains a +30 bonus to tests for moving in a zero gravity
A forge world character starts with either the Technical environment.
Knock or Weapon-Tech talent.
Touched by the Dark
Breeding Counts Daemon world native begins with one Rank in the Psyniscience
Any time a highborn character would reduce his Influence, skill. Should he gain this skill again in a later step of character
he reduces it by 1 less (to a minimum reduction of 1). creation, he instead gains one additional Rank in the skill. Note
that he cannot purchase more Ranks of this skill unless he
Teeming Masses in Metal Mountains
acquires the Psyker aptitude. This character also begins with
A hive world character ignores crowds for purposes of
1d10+5 Corruption points.
movement, treating them as open terrain. When in enclosed
Secretive by Nature
Those who manage to leave a quarantine world learn how
to keep secrets. Whenever the warband’s Subtlety would
decrease, it decreases by 2 less (to a minimum reduction of 1).

Strength from the Land

An agri-world character starts with the Brutal Charge (2) trait.

Rely on None but Yourself

A frontier world character gains a +20 bonus to Tech-Use tests
when applying personal weapon modiications, and a +10 bonus
when repairing damaged items.

At Home in Armour
A feudal world character ignores the maximum Agility value
imposed by any armour he is wearing.

Survivor’s Paranoia
While a death world character is Surprised, non-Surprised
attackers do not gain the normal +30 bonus to their Weapon
Skill and Ballistic Skill tests when targeting this character.

Serenity of the Green

A garden world character halves the duration (rounded up)
of any result from Table 8–11: Shock or Table 8–13: Mental
Traumas, and can remove Insanity points for 50xp per point
rather than the normal 100xp.

Pursuit of Data
Whenever a research station character reaches Rank 2
(Trained) in a Scholastic Lore skill, he also gains Rank 1 (Known)
in one related or identical Forbidden Lore skill specialisation
of his choice. The GM is the final arbiter of whether the two
specialisations are related.
Choose 3: Choose Background
Adeptus Arbites
Adepta Sororitas Starting Skills
Dark Heresy 2 Enemies Within p. 30 Awareness, Common Lore (Adeptus Arbites,
Underworld), Inquiry or Interrogation, Intimidate,
Starting Skills Scrutiny
Athletics, Charm or Intimidate, Common Lore (Adepta
Sororitas), Linguistics (High Gothic), Medicae or Parry Starting Talents
Weapon Training (Shock, Solid Projectile)
Starting Talents
Weapon Training (Flame or Las, Chain) Starting Equipment
Shotgun or shock maul, Enforcer light carapace
Starting Equipment armour or carapace chestplate, 3 doses of stimm,
Hand lamer or laspistol, chainblade, armoured manacles, 12 lho sticks
bodyglove, chrono, dataslate, stablight, micro-bead
Background Bonus
Background Bonus The Face of the Law: An Arbitrator can re-roll any
Incorruptible Devotion: Whenever an Adepta Sororitas Intimidation and Interrogation test, and can substitute
character would gain 1 or more Corruption Points, she his Willpower bonus for his degrees of success on
gains that many Insanity Points minus 1 (to a minimum these tests.
of 0) instead.
Background Aptitude
Background Aptitude Offence or Defence
Offence or Social

Adeptus Astra Telepathica

Adeptus Administratum
Starting Skills
Starting Skills Awareness, Common Lore (Adeptus Astra
Commerce or Medicae, Common Lore (Adeptus Telepathica), Deceive or Interrogation, Forbidden Lore
Administratum), Linguistics (High Gothic), Logic, (the Warp), Psyniscience or Scrutiny
Scholastic Lore (Pick One)
Starting Talents
Starting Talents Weapon Training (Las, Low-Tech)
Weapon Training (Las or Solid Projectile)
Starting Equipment
Starting Equipment Laspistol, staff or whip, light flak cloak or flak vest,
Laspistol or stub automatic, Imperial robes, autoquill, micro-bead or psy focus
chrono, dataslate, medi-kit
Background Bonus
Background Bonus The Constant Threat: When the character or an ally
Master of Paperwork: An Adeptus Administratum within 10 metres triggers a roll on Table 6–2: Psychic
character counts the Availability of all items as one Phenomenon (see page 196), the Adeptus Astra
level more available. Telepathica character can increase or decrease the
result by amount equal to his Willpower bonus.
Background Aptitude
Knowledge or Social Tested on Terra: If the character takes the Psyker elite
advance during character creation, he also gains the
Sanctioned trait (see page 138).

Background Aptitude
Defence or Psyker
Adeptus Mechanicus Exorcised
Dark Heresy 2 Enemies Beyond p. 32
Starting Skills
Awareness or Operate (Pick One), Common Lore Starting Skills
(Adeptus Mechanicus), Logic, Security, Tech-Use Awareness, Deceive or Inquiry, Dodge, Forbidden
Lore (Daemonology), Intimidate or Scrutiny
Starting Talents
Mechadendrite Use (Utility), Starting Talents
Weapon Training (Solid Projectile)
Hatred (Daemons), Weapon Training (Solid Projectile,
Starting Trait
Mechanicus Implants Starting Equipment
Autopistol or stub revolver, shotgun, chainblade,
Starting Equipment
Imperial robes, 3 doses of obscura or tranq, disguise
Autogun or hand cannon, monotask servo-skull
kit or excruciator kit, rebreather, stablight or glow-
(utility) or optical mechadendrite, Imperial robes, 2
vials of sacred unguents
Starting Malignancy
Background Bonus
An Exorcised character starts with one Malignancy
Replace the Weak Flesh: An Adeptus Mechanicus
chosen from Table 8–15: Malignancies.
character counts the Availability of all cybernetics as
two levels more available. Background Bonus
Touched by a Daemon: An Exorcised character
Background Aptitude
counts his Insanity bonus as 2 higher for purposes of
Knowledge or Tech
avoiding Fear tests. Additionally, he can never again
become possessed by the same Daemon that once
possessed him.
Adeptus Ministorum
Background Aptitude
Starting Skills Defence or Knowledge
Charm, Command, Common Lore (Adeptus
Ministorum), Inquiry or Scrutiny, Linguistics (High

Starting Talents
Weapon Training (Flame) or Weapon Training (Low-
Tech, Solid Projectile)

Starting Equipment
Hand flamer (or warhammer and stub revolver),
Imperial robes or flak vest, backpack, glow-globe,
monotask servo-skull (laud hailer)

Background Bonus
Faith is All: When spending a Fate point to gain a
+10 bonus to any one test, an Adeptus Ministorum
character gains a +20 bonus instead.

Background Aptitude
Leadership or Social
Heretek Imperial Navy
Dark Heresy 2 Enemies Without p. 32 Dark Heresy 2 Enemies Without p. 34

Starting Skills Starting Skills

Deceive or Inquiry, Forbidden Lore (pick one), Athletics, Command or Intimidate, Common
Medicae or Security, Tech-Use, Trade (pick one) Lore (Imperial Navy), Navigate (Stellar), Operate
(Aeronautica or Voidship)
Starting Talents
Weapon Training (Solid Projectile) Starting Talents
Weapon Training (Chain or Shock, Solid Projectile)
Starting Trait
Mechanicus Implants Starting Equipment
Combat shotgun or hand cannon, chainsword or
Starting Equipment shock whip, flak coat, rebreather, micro-bead
Stub revolver with 2 extra clips of Expander bullets
or Man- Stopper rounds, 1 web grenade, combi-tool, Background Bonus
flak cloak, filtration plugs, 1 dose of de-tox, dataslate, Close Quarters Discipline: An Imperial Navy character
stablight scores one additional degree of success on successful
Ballistic Skill tests he makes against targets at Point-
Background Bonus Blank range, at Short range, and with whom he is
Master of Hidden Lores: When a Heretek makes engaged in melee.
a Tech-Use test to comprehend, use, repair, or
modify an unfamiliar device, he gains a +20 bonus Background Aptitude
if he has one or more relevant Forbidden Lore skill Offence or Tech
specialisations at Rank 1 (Known) or higher.

Background Aptitude
Finesse or Tech

Imperial Guard
Starting Skills
Athletics, Command, Common Lore (Imperial Guard),
Medicae or Operate (Surface), Navigate (Surface)

Starting Talents
Weapon Training (Las, Low-Tech)

Starting Equipment
Lasgun (or laspistol and sword), combat vest, Imperial
Guard flak armour, grapnel and line, 12 lho sticks,

Background Bonus
Hammer of the Emperor: When attacking a target that
an ally attacked since the end of the Guardsman’s last
turn, the Guardsman can re-roll any results of 1 or 2
on damage rolls.

Background Aptitude
Fieldcraft or Leadership
Mutant Outcast
Dark Heresy 2 Enemies Within p. 32
Starting Skills
Starting Skills Acrobatics or Sleight of Hand, Common Lore
Acrobatics or Athletics, Awareness, Deceive or (Underworld), Deceive, Dodge, Stealth
Intimidate, Forbidden Lore (Mutants), Survival
Starting Talents
Starting Talents Weapon Training (Chain, and Las or Solid Projectile)
Weapon Training (Low-Tech, Solid Projectile)
Starting Equipment
Starting Traits Autopistol or laspistol, chainsword, armoured
One of the following: Amphibious, Dark-sight, Natural bodyglove or flak vest, injector, 2 doses of obscura or
Weapons, Sonar Sense, Sturdy, Toxic (1), Unnatural slaught
Agility (1), Unnatural Strength (1), or Unnatural
Toughness (1) Background Bonus
Never Quit: An Outcast character counts his
Starting Corruption and Toughness bonus as two higher for purposes of
Mutation determining Fatigue.
A Mutant character begins play with 10 Corruption
points. Instead of rolling as normal for malignancy
Background Aptitude
or mutation, roll 5d10 on Table 8–16: Mutations to Fieldcraft or Social
determine a starting mutation for the character.

Starting Equipment Rogue Trader Fleet

Shotgun (or stub revolver and great weapon), grapnel Dark Heresy 2 Enemies Without p. 36
and line, heavy leathers, combat vest, 2 doses of
stimm Starting Skills
Charm or Scrutiny, Commerce, Common Lore (Rogue
Background Bonus Traders), Linguistics (pick one alien language),
Twisted Flesh: A Mutant character can always choose Operate (Surface or Aeronautica)
to fail any test associated with resisting malignancy or
mutation. Whenever he would gain a malignancy, he Starting Talents
may roll on Table 8–16: Mutations to gain a mutation Weapon Training (Las or Solid Projectile, Shock)
Starting Equipment
Background Aptitude Laspistol or autopistol (fitted with Compact weapon
Fieldcraft or Ofence upgrade), shock maul, mesh cloak or carapace
chestplate, auspex, chrono

Background Bonus
Inured to the Xenos: A character from a Rogue Trader
Fleet gains a +10 bonus to Fear tests caused by aliens
and a +20 bonus to Interaction skill tests with alien

Background Aptitude
Finesse or Social
Stage 4: Choose Role
Dark Heresy 2 Enemies Beyond p. 34
Dark Heresy 2 Enemies Without p. 38 Role Aptitudes
Knowledge, Offence, Strength, Toughness, Willpower
Role Aptitudes
Agility, Finesse, Perception, Tech, Willpower Role Talent
Bodyguard or Deny the Witch
Role Talent
Hard Target or Hotshot Pilot Role Bonus
Smite the Unholy: In addition to the normal uses of
Role Bonus Fate points, a Crusader character can also spend a
Right Stuff: In addition to the normal uses of Fate Fate Point to automatically pass a Fear test with a
points, an Ace character may spend a Fate point to number of degrees of success equal to his Willpower
automatically succeed at an Operate or Survival skill bonus.
test involving vehicles or living steeds with a number In addition, whenever he inflicts a hit with a melee
of degrees of success equal to his Agility bonus. attack against a target with the Fear (X) trait, he
inflicts X additional damage and counts his weapon’s
penetration as being X higher.
Role Aptitudes
Agility, Ballistic Skill or Weapon Skill, Fieldcraft,
Finesse, Perception
Role Aptitudes
Role Talent Agility, Ballistic Skill, Defence, Fellowship, Finesse
Jaded or Leap Up
Role Talent
Role Bonus Catfall or Quick Draw
Sure Kill: In addition to the normal uses of Fate points,
when an Assassin successfully hits with an attack, he
Role Bonus
may spend a Fate point to inflict additional damage Move and Shoot: Once per round, after performing
equal to his degrees of success on the attack roll on a Move action, a Desperado character may perform
the first hit the attack inflicts. a single Standard Attack with a Pistol weapon he is
currently wielding as a Free Action.

Role Aptitudes Dark Heresy 2 Enemies Within p. 34

Fieldcraft, Intelligence, Knowledge, Strength,

Role Aptitudes
Leadership, Ofence, Toughness, Weapon Skill,
Role Talent Willpower
Resistance (Pick One) or Takedown
Role Talent
Role Bonus Deny the Witch or Jaded
Dedicated Healer: In addition to the normal uses of
Role Bonus
Fate points, when a Chirurgeon character fails a test
Death to All Who Oppose Me!: In addition to the
to provide First Aid, he can spend a Fate point to
normal uses of Fate points, a Fanatic character may
automatically succeed instead with the degrees of
spend a Fate point to count as having the Hatred
success equal to his Intelligence bonus.
talent against his current foe for the duration of the
encounter. Should he choose to leave combat against
a Hated foe in that encounter, however, he gains 1
Insanity point.
Hierophant Sage
Role Aptitudes Role Aptitudes
Fellowship, Offence, Social, Toughness, Willpower Intelligence, Knowledge, Perception, Tech, Willpower

Role Talent Role Talent

Double Team or Hatred (Pick One) Ambidextrous or Clues from the Crowds

Role Bonus Role Bonus

Sway the Masses: In addition to the normal uses of Quest for Knowledge: In addition to the normal uses of
Fate points, a Hierophant character may spend a Fate Fate points, a Sage character may spend a Fate point
point to automatically succeed at a Charm, Command, to automatically succeed at a Logic or any Lore skill
or Intimidate skill test with a number of degrees of test with a number of degrees of success equal to his
success equal to his Willpower bonus. Intelligence bonus.

Mystic Seeker
Role Aptitudes Role Aptitudes
Defence, Intelligence, Knowledge, Perception, Fellowship, Intelligence, Perception, Social, Tech
Role Talent
Role Talent Keen Intuition or Disarm
Resistance (Psychic Powers) or Warp Sense
Role Bonus
Role Bonus Nothing Escapes My Sight: In addition to the normal
Stare into the Warp: A Mystic character starts the uses of Fate points, a Seeker character may spend a
game with the Psyker elite advance. Fate point to automatically succeed at an Awareness
or Inquiry skill test with a number of degrees of
success equal to his Perception bonus.

Dark Heresy 2 Enemies Within p. 36
Role Aptitudes
Agility, Fieldcraft, Intelligence, Ofence, Toughness Role Aptitudes
Ballistic Skill, Defence, Offence, Strength, Weapon
Role Talent Skill
Die Hard or Flagellant
Role Talent
Role Bonus Iron Jaw or Rapid Reload
Cleansing Pain: Whenever a Penitent character
sufers 1 or more points of damage (after reductions Role Bonus
for Toughness bonus and Armour), he gains a +10 Expert at Violence: In addition to the normal uses of
bonus to the irst test he makes before the end of his Fate points, after making a successful attack test,
next turn. but before determining hits, a Warrior character may
spend a Fate point to substitute his Weapon Skill
(for melee) or Ballistic Skill (for ranged) bonus for the
degrees of success scored on the attack test.

d100 Roll Prophecy Effect

Mutation without,
01 Roll once on Table 8–15: Malignancies and apply the result.
corruption within.

02-05 Trust in your fear. Increase this character’s Perception by 5, He also gains the Phobia Mental Disorder.

Humans must die so that This character gains the Jaded talent. If he already possesses this talent, increase
humanity can endure. his Willpower characteristic by 2 instead.

The pain of the bullet Reduce this character’s Agility characteristic by 3. The first time this character
10-13 is ecstasy compared to suffers Critical damage each session, roll 1d10. On a result of 10, he does not suffer
damnation. any Critical Effects, though the damage still counts as Critical damage.

Be a boon to your allies and This character gains the Hatred (choose any one) talent. If he already possessed
the bane of your enemies. this talent, increase his Strength characteristic by 2 instead.

The wise learn from the Increase this character’s Agility or Intelligence Characteristic by 3. Reduce his
deaths of others. Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill characteristic by 3.

Kill the alien before it can This character gains the Quick Draw talent. If he already possesses this talent,
speak its lies. increase his Agility characteristic by 2 instead.

Increase this character’s Perception characteristic by 3. The first time he would gain
26-29 Truth is subjective.
1 or more Corruption points each session, he gains that amount plus 1 instead.

Reduce this character's Intelligence characteristic by 3. The first time he would

30-33 Thought begets Heresy. gain 1 or more Corruption points each session, he reduces that amount by 1 (to a
minimum of 0) instead.

Increase this character’s Fellowship or Strength characteristic by 3. Reduce his

34-38 Heresy begets Retribution.
Toughness or Willpower characteristic by 3.

A mind without purpose When gaining Mental Disorders (see page 287), the character may choose to gain a
wanders in dark places. new Disorder instead of increasing the severity of an existing Disorder.

If a job is worth doing, it is Increase this character’s Toughness or Willpower characteristic by 3. Reduce his
worth dying for. Fellowship or Strength characteristic by 3.

Dark dreams lie upon the Whenever this character would roll on Table 8–15: Malignancies, he may instead
heart. select any one result and gain that Malignancy.

Increase this character’s Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill characteristic by 3. Reduce

55-59 Violence solves everything.
his Agility or Intelligence characteristic by 3.

Reduce this character’s Perception characteristic by 3. The first time he would gain
Ignorance is a wisdom of
60-63 1 or more Insanity points each session, he reduces that amount by 1 (to a minimum
its own.
of 0) instead.

Only the insane have Increase this character’s Willpower characteristic by 3. The first time he would gain
strength enough to prosper. 1 or more Insanity points each session, he gains that amount plus 1 instead.

A suspicious mind is a Increase this character’s Perception characteristic by 2. Additionally, he may re-roll
healthy mind. Awareness tests to avoid being Surprised.
Divinations (Continued)
d100 Roll Prophecy Effect

Reduce this character’s Toughness characteristic by 3. The first time that this
Suffering is an unrelenting
72-75 character suffers any damage each session, he gains a +20 bonus to the next test
he makes before the end of his next turn.

The only true fear is dying This character gains the Resistance (Cold, Heat, or Fear) talent. If he already
without your duty done. possesses this talent, increase his Toughness characteristic by 2 instead.

Only in death does duty The first time this character would suffer Fatigue each session, he suffers that
end. amount of Fatigue minus 1 (to a minimum of 0) instead.

This character gains the Keen Intuition talent. If he already possesses this talent,
84-87 Innocence is an illusion.
increase his Intelligence characteristic by 2 instead.

This character gains the Dodge skill as a Known skill (rank 1). If he already
88-91 To war is human.
possesses this skill, increase his Agility characteristic by 2 instead.

There is no substitute for This character gains the Clues from the Crowds talent. If he already possesses this
zeal. talent, increase his Fellowship characteristic by 2 instead.

When this character burns Fate threshold to survive a lethal injury, roll 1d10. On a
Even one who has nothing
96-99 result of 10, he survives whatever grievous wound would have killed him but does
can still offer his life.
not reduce his Fate threshold.

Do not ask why you serve.

100 Increase this character’s Fate threshold by 1.
Only ask how.
Jack of all Trades
Inquisitor Elite Advancement Tier: 2
Prerequisite: Intelligence 45
Experience Cost Aptitudes: Knowledge
1000 xp Effect: When this talent is acquired, the character gains all
unknown non-Specialist skills as Known skills (rank 1).
Prerequisites Master of All Trades
• Influence 75
Tier: 3
• Emperor’s blessing: A character elevates to this
Prerequisite: Intelligence 55, Jack of all Trades
rank through the decree of an existing Inquisitor or
Aptitudes: Knowledge
some other suitably momentous occasion.
Effect: When this talent is acquired, the character immediately
• GM Guidance: This advance should only be
advances all Known skills (rank 1) to Trained (rank 2).
considered for a character not only of high
Influence but who has also displayed through his Shared Destiny
actions that he is ready for the office. It not only Tier: 1
changes the character, but also the group dynamic Prerequisite: Willpower 40
and the roleplaying experience as well. Aptitudes: Fellowship, Leadership
Effect: The character may spend two Fate points as a Free
Instant Changes Action to grant another character within 10 metres a Fate point.
Gains the Peer (Inquisition) talent, the Forbidden Lore Likewise, any character in 10 metres may spend two Fate
(Pick One) skill, and the Leadership Aptitude. points as a Free Action to grant this character a Fate point. This
does not allow characters to gain Fate points in excess of their
Unlocked Advances Fate threshold.
An Inquisitor character gains access to a special set
of talents. Shield of contempt
Tier: 2
Prerequisite: Willpower 50
Inquisitor Aptitudes: Defence, Toughness
Effect: Whenever this character would gain any amount of
Corruption points, he may spend a Fate point to gain 0 instead.
Inquisitor Talents
Strength Through Conviction
Complete Control
Tier: 2
Tier: 2
Prerequisite: Willpower 50
Prerequisite: Perception 45
Aptitudes: Defence, Willpower
Aptitudes: Intelligence, Social
Effect: Whenever this character would gain any amount of
Effect: The character may spend a Fate point to increase or
Insanity points, he may spend a Fate point to gain 0 instead.
decrease his warband’s Subtlety value by 1d10 + his Willpower
bonus at any time. Will of the Inquisitor
Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Fated, Intelligence 50, Perception 50, Willpower
Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Inspired Intuition, Shield of Contempt, Strength
Aptitudes: Knowledge, Willpower
through Conviction
Effect: Before rolling the d100 when making a test, the
Aptitudes: Knowledge, Willpower
character may spend one Fate point to count as having rolled a
Effect: When this talent is acquired, the character immediately
result of 01 on that roll.
increases his Fate threshold by one.

Inspired Intuition
Tier: 2
Prerequisite: Intelligence 50
Aptitudes: Perception, Social
Effect: The character may spend a Fate point to gain
exceptional insight into his immediate status. This is
represented by the player asking the GM a question about the
current situation the character faces, which the GM should
answer as helpfully as possible.
Daemonic Anathema
Untouchable Elite Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Warp Anathema, Willpower 55
Advancement Aptitudes: Willpower
Effect: All creatures with the Daemonic trait within WPB metres
Experience Cost of the character do not gain any benefits from that trait.
300 xp
Null Field
Prerequisites Tier: 3
• A Void in the Warp: Characters with the Psyker Prerequisite: Psychic Null, Willpower 50
elite advance cannot gain the Untouchable elite Aptitudes: Willpower
advance. Effect: The effects of Psychic Null apply to all characters within
• GM Guidance: Psychic Untouchables are incredibly WPB metres of the character.
rare, and often live lonely and short lives due to the
effect they have on all living beings that get near Psychic Null
them. This advance could be part of character Tier: 2
creation, given that it is something the character is Prerequisite: Willpower 40
born with, or can be something added later once Aptitudes: Defence, Willpower
the effects of the genetic curse become impossible Effect: The character gains the Deny the Witch talent. He also
to ignore. gains a +20 bonus when making Evasion tests against psychic
attacks and when making Opposed tests to resist psychic
Instant Changes powers. This talent stacks with Resistance (Psychic Powers)
• Can no longer gain the Psyker trait for any reason. and can be purchased multiple times; each time a character
• Gains the Resistance (Psychic Powers) talent. purchases it, increase the bonus it grants by +5.
• Fellowship characteristic always counts as one-
Soulless Aura
half (rounding up) its value for tests or other game
usage. When interacting with anyone who has a Tier: 1
psy rating or the Psyniscience skill, the Fellowship Prerequisite: Willpower 30
characteristic counts as 1. Aptitudes: Finesse, Willpower
• Can never gain nor benefit from the positive effects Effect: Enemy characters within WPB metres of the
of Psychic Powers or any other related unnatural Untouchable suffer a –10 penalty to all Charm and Deceive
talents, traits, or abilities that call on the Warp for tests.
power. Warp Anathema
• Automatically ignores any effects resulting from
Tier: 3
Psychic Phenomena, and gains a +30 bonus on
Prerequisite: Warp Disruption, Willpower 55
any tests to resist effects from a Perils of the Warp
Aptitudes: Intelligence, Willpower
Effect: Characters affected by Warp Disruption reduce their
Unlocked Advances psy rating by 2, instead of the normal amount. This talent can
be purchased multiple times; each time a character purchases
An Untouchable character gains access to a special
it the reduction in psy rating increases by 1. If purchased 3
set of talents.
times, for example, the reduction would be 4.

Warp Bane
Untouchable Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Warp Disruption, Willpower 55
Untouchable Talents Aptitudes: Willpower
Effect: The effects of Warp Disruption apply to all characters
Bane of the Daemon with a psy rating within two times WPB metres of the character,
Tier: 2 instead of the normal amount.
Prerequisite: Willpower 40
Aptitudes: Defence, Willpower
Warp Disruption
Effect: Creatures with the Warp Instability trait within WPB Tier: 2
metres of the Untouchable suffer a penalty on their Willpower Prerequisite: Willpower 45
test to remain in realspace equal to five times the Untouchable’s Aptitudes: Perception, Willpower
WPB. Effect: All characters with a psy rating within WPB metres
of the character reduce their base psy rating by 1 while they
remain within range. Characters reduced to a psy rating of 0
cannot use any psychic powers.
Astropath Elite Advancement Second Sight
Dark Heresy 2 Enemies Beyond p. 36
Tier: 2
Prerequisite: Perception 35
Experience Cost Aptitudes: Perception, Willpower
300 xp Effect: The value of the Astropath’s Unnatural Senses trait
increases to twice his Willpower characteristic.
• Sanctioned Psyker: A character must possess Soul Ward
the Psyker elite advance and the Adeptus Astra Tier: 3
Telepathica background in order to gain the Prerequisite: Strong Minded, Willpower 50
Astropath elite advance. Aptitudes: Defence, Willpower
• GM Guidance: The Astropath elite advance is Effect: The Astropath may re-roll Willpower tests he must make
generally most appropriate for starting characters. due to results on Table 6–2: Psychic Phenomena or Table 6–3:
It is extremely rare for a psyker to become Perils of the Warp, tests to avoid gaining mutations, and tests to
sanctioned and to later become an Astropath, and resist daemonic possession.
to do so would require a journey to Holy Terra in
order to undergo the ritual of Soul Binding. Warp Awareness
Tier: 2
Instant Changes Prerequisite: Warp Sense
• Gain the Soul Bound trait. Rather than choosing Aptitudes: Perception, Psyker
a side effect, the character permanently loses his Effect: The Astropath may use his Psyniscience skill in place of
sight. his Awareness skill for Awareness tests.
• Gains the Unnatural Senses (X) trait, where X
equals the Astropath’s Willpower characteristic. Astropath Psychic Powers
Unlocked Advances Astral Telepathy
An Astropath character gains access to a special set Value: 200 xp
of talents and psychic powers. The psychic powers Prerequisite: Telepathic Link, Willpower 40
do not belong to a discipline, but can require certain Action: Full Action
discipline powers as a prerequisite. Focus Power: Hard (–20) Opposed Willpower test
Range: 1,000 kilometres × psy rating
Sustained: No
Subtype: Concentration
Astropath Effect: The psyker chooses a person he is aware of within
range who resists the power with a Willpower test. This can
Astropath Talents be someone the psyker has met personally, or someone he is
aware of by description. If the power succeeds, the psyker can
Bound to the Highest Power
transmit a brief verbal message of no more than 5 seconds ×
Tier: 3
psy rating.
Prerequisite: Warp Lock
If the target is aware of the psyker’s action, he may choose
Aptitudes: Willpower, Defence
to fail the Willpower test, counting as having rolled a 100.
Effect: The Astropath may spend a Fate Point to ignore a result
on Table 6–2: Psychic Phenomena he has rolled (including a Telepathic Bond
result of Perils of the Warp), completely negating its effects. Value: 200 xp
Doing so requires him to distance himself from the Warp, Prerequisite: Telepathic Link, Fellowship 35
and he cannot use the Focus Power action or sustain psychic Action: Full Action
powers until the start of his next turn. Focus Power: Difficult (–10) Opposed Willpower tes
Range: 20 metres × psy rating
Supreme Telepath
Sustained: Free Action
Tier: 3
Subtype: Concentration
Prerequisite: Fellowship 40, Willpower 50
Effect: The psyker establishes a telepathic bond with a number
Aptitudes: Fellowship
of individuals up to half his psy rating, who resist the power with
Effect: Before making a Focus Power test to manifest a power
a Willpower test. As long as the bond is held, the psyker and
from the Telepathy discipline or the Astropath elite advance, the
targets can send and receive messages telepathically. This
Astropath may spend a Fate point to increase his psy rating by
does not grant full awareness of all of the characters’ thoughts,
an amount equal to half his Willpower bonus (rounded down)
but allows each character to choose what messages to send.
for that test.
All characters involved in the bond receive all messages.
If a target is aware of the psyker’s action, he may choose
to fail the Willpower test, counting as having rolled a 100. If a
character moves out of range of the psyker, the power ceases
to affect him.

Mind Scan
Value: 300 xp
Prerequisite: Fellowship 40, Telepathic Bond, Willpower 50
Action: Full Action
Focus Power: Hard (–20) Willpower test
Range: 1 metre × psy rating
Sustained: Full Action
Subtype: Concentration
Effect: The psyker chooses a target within range and line of
sight who resists the power with a Willpower test. The target
may attempt to resist each round the power is sustained. If
the target wins, the psyker is repelled from his mind and gains
no further information. The information the psyker learns
corresponds to the number of rounds he successfully sustains
the power:
• First Round: The psyker learns basic information, including
the target’s name, mood, and general state of health.
• Second Round: The psyker accesses the target’s surface
thoughts and learns his number of Insanity points and
number of Corruption points.
• Third Round: The psyker successfully gains access to
the target’s short-term memory and learns of any mental
• Fourth Round: The target’s subconscious is revealed.
• Fifth Round: The target’s mind is laid bare for the psyker to
plunder at will, from the target’s happiest memories to his
darkest secrets.

Though Shield
Value: 300 xp
Prerequisite: Strong Minded
Action: Reaction
Focus Power: Hard (–20) Willpower test
Range: Self
Sustained: No
Subtype: Concentration
Effect: The psyker can choose to use this power when he
is the target of a rival psyker’s mind-influencing ability, a
Daemon’s attempt to possess him, or any creature’s attempt to
subvert his control of himself. If the power succeeds, the psyker
successfully shields his mind from the influence or possession
attempt, which immediately fails.
Psyker Elite Advancement
Experience Cost
300 xp

• Willpower 40
• A Beacon in the Warp: Characters with the
Untouchable elite advance cannot gain the Psyker
elite advance.
• Rogue Psyker: Characters without the Adeptus
Astra Telepathica background who gain the Psyker
elite advance are not sanctioned. They do not gain
the Sanctioned trait and count as rogue psykers.
• GM Guidance: Psykers are rare, but often useful.
The GM should feel free to allow characters to take
the Psyker elite advance if they want.

Instant Changes
• Gains the Psyker trait, the Psyker aptitude, and a
psy rating of 1.
• Can no longer gain the Untouchable elite advance
for any reason.
• If the character does not have the Sanctioned trait,
he immediately gains 1d10+3 Corruption points as
his mind abruptly opens to the Warp.

Unlocked Advances
The character can now purchase psychic powers by
spending experience points.

A character with the Psyker elite advance can also

purchase psy rating advances to increase his psy
rating. When a character purchases an advance in his
psy rating, he increases his psy rating by 1. To do this,
the character spends an amount of experience equal
to 200 multiplied by his new psy rating value.
she does so, each other friendly character within 30 metres

Sister of Battle Elite removes 1 level of Fatigue.

Advancement Cleanse with Fire

Dark Heresy 2 Enemies Within p. 38 When attacking with a weapon with the Flame quality, this
character can re-roll any results lower than her Willpower
Experience Cost bonus on damage rolls.
750 xp
Divine Vengeance
Prerequisites The first time in each combat that this character inlicts
• Influence: 50 Righteous Fury upon an enemy, she regains 1 spent Fate point.
• Willpower: 40 Emperor’s Guidance
• Adepta Sororitas Background: Only members of
As a Free Action, this character may spend a Fate point to
the Adepta Sororitas can undertake the harsh
increase the penetration of her weapon by her Insanity bonus
training to become Sisters of Battle.
until the end of her next turn.
Instant Changes Furious Zeal
Gain the Peer (Adepta Sororitas) and Weapon This character adds her Insanity bonus to damage she inlicts
Training (Bolt) talents, the Scholastic Lore (Tactica with melee attacks against targets included in one or more of
Imperialis) skill, and the Willpower aptitude. her Hatred talents.

Equipment Spirit of the Martyr

Gain Adepta Sororitas power armour, and Godwyn- As a free action, this character may spend a Fate point to gain
De’az bolt pistol or flamer. additional Armour points on all locations equal to her Insanity
bonus until the end of her next turn.
Unlocked Advances
A Sister of Battle character gains access to a special Shielding Faith
set of talents. When using the Deny the Witch talent to make an Evasion
reaction against a psychic power, this character may spend
a Fate point to automatically pass the test with a number of
Sister of Battle degrees of success equal to her Willpower bonus. If she does
so, the psyker must make a Fear test against a Fear rating of 1.
Sister of Battle Talents Zealot’s Passion
As a Free Action, this character may spend a Fate point and
Blessed Martyrdom
choose a foe. Until the end of the encounter, she and each of
Whenever this character burns Fate threshold to survive a
her allies within ten times her Willpower bonus in metres count
mortal blow, each other friendly character who witnesses her
as possessing the Hatred talent against that kind of enemy.
miraculous survival regains 1 spent Fate point. When this
character dies in battle, each other friendly character who
witnesses her glorious demise regains all spent Fate points.

Ceaseless Crusader
As a free action, this character may spend a Fate point to ignore
the efects of Fatigue until the end of the encounter. When

Sister of Battle Talents

Talent Tier Aptitude 1 Aptitude 2 Prerequisites
Ceaseless Crusader 1 Leadership Willpower Willpower 45
Furious Zeal 1 Weapon Skill Offence Insanity 10, Hatred (Any One)
Shielding Faith 1 Willpower Defence Deny the Witch
Blessed Martyrdom 2 Leadership Willpower Ceaseless Crusader, Shielding Faith
Cleanse with Fire 2 Willpower Offence Ballistic Skill 40
Divine Vengeance 2 Ballistic Skill Offence Cleanse with Fire, Ballistic Skill 45
Emperor’s Guidance 2 Willpower Offence Insanity 25, Furious Zeal
Spirit of the Martyr 2 Willpower Defence Insanity 20, Furious Zeal
Zealot’s Passion 3 Fellowship Offence Fellowship 35, Spirit of the Martyr
Talent Tier Aptitude 1 Aptitude 2 Prerequisites
To Scourge the Daemon (DH2 EB p. 52)
Bodyguard 1 Agility Defence Agility 35
Bulwark of Faith 2 Defence Willpower Willpower 45, Iron Faith
Daemonhunter 2 Offense Willpower Forbidden Lore (Daemonology), Willpower 40
Psy rating 3, Willpower 45, Forbidden Lore
Daemonologist 2 Psyker Willpower
Hardened Soul 2 Defence Willpower Willpower 35, 10 Corruption points
Ispiring Aura 2 Leadership Willpower Halo of Command
Iron Resolve 2 Defence Willpower Resistance (Fear), Jaded
One-on-One 2 Finesse Weapon Skill Weapon Skill 40
Common Lore (Imperial Creed) +10 or Forbidden
Rites of Banishment 2 Offence Willpower
Lore (Daemonology)
Bane of the Daemon, Willpower 50, Untouchable
Daemonic Disruption 3 Willpower —
elite advance
Dark Soul 3 Toughness Willpower Hardened Soul, 20 Corruption points
Instrument of His Will 3 Offence Willpower Willpower 50
Iron Faith 3 Defence Willpower Iron Resolve
Daemonologist, Favoured by the Warp, Willpower
Sanctic Purity 3 Psyker Willpower
Shield Wall 3 Defence Weapon Skill Ambidextrous, Weapon Skill 40

may apply to other tests, such as rituals to summon or bind a

Talents Daemon.

Talent Descriptions Dark Soul

When the character would test to gain a mutation as a result
Bodyguard of increasing Corruption, he may choose to automatically pass
After an enemy makes a successful attack against an ally, the the test. If he does, he also gains a Malignancy and increases
character may use a Reaction to move up to his Half Move his Corruption total by 1d10.
distance in order to interpose himself between the attacker
and target. The attack is then resolved against the character Hardened Soul
instead of the original target. In the case of a melee attack, the Whenever the character would gain Corruption points, he
character may also attempt to Parry the attack as part of his may reduce the amount gained by half (rounded up) and gain
Reaction. Insanity points equal to the amount reduced.

Bulwark of Faith Ispiring Aura

When the character passes a Fear test caused by a Daemon, The character can affect allies of any kind—not only
the Daemon suffers 1 Energy damage ignoring armour and subordinates—with the Terrify special use for the Command
Toughness bonus for each degree of success on the Fear test. skill. This need not represent threats and intimidation, but
might represent inspiring words, encouragement, or sheer
Daemonhunter steadfastness in the face of terrifying foes.
The character may re-roll failed Awareness and Psyniscience
tests to detect the presence of Daemons. In addition, his Instrument of His Will
attacks against Daemons gain the Proven (3) quality. After making a successful attack against a Daemon (this can
include striking it with a psychic power), the character may
Daemonic Disruption spend a Fate point to increase the damage of the first hit he
Whenever a creature with the Warp Instability trait makes a inflicts as part of that attack by an amount equal to twice his
successful attack test against this character, it must immediately Willpower bonus. This additional damage ignores armour and
test for Warp Instability after resolving the attack. Toughness bonus.
Daemonologist Iron Faith
When the character takes the Focus Power action and the The character is immune to the effects of the Baneful Presence
target of the psychic power is a Daemon, he gains a +10 bonus trait.
to the Focus Power test. At the GM’s discretion, this bonus
Iron Resolve
After failing a Fear or Pinning test, the character can re-roll the
test with a –10 modifier.

When facing an enemy in single melee combat (i.e., no allies
or other enemies are engaged in the melee and neither
combatant has been the target of a ranged attack within the
last round), the character scores extra degrees of success on
successful Weapon Skill tests equal to half of his Weapon Skill
bonus (rounded down).

Rites of Banishment
Once per round as a Half Action, the character may speak the
litanies and invocations to disrupt Daemons. Until the beginning
of his next turn, Daemons within a distance equal to twice the
character’s Willpower bonus in meters suffer a –10 penalty to
Willpower tests.

Sanctic Purity
When the character triggers Psychic Phenomena when
manifesting a power from the Sanctic Daemonology discipline,
he may spend a Fate point in order to negate the result entirely.

Shield Wall
When armed with a shield, the character can re-roll one failed
Evasion test to Parry an attack per round.
Talent Tier Aptitude 1 Aptitude 2 Prerequisites
The Art of Hatred (DH2 EW p. 57)
Flagellant 1 Offence Toughness Willpower 30
Rank 2 (Trained) in any Operate skill or Rank
Mounted Warrior 1 Melee Ranged 2 (Trained) in Survival skill, Ballistic Skill 30 or
Weapon Skill 30
Penitent Psyker 2 Psyker Defence Psy rating, Strong Minded, Willpower 40
Purity of Hatred 2 Offence Willpower Hatred (Any)
Psy rating, Rank 2 (Trained) in Psyniscience skill,
Tainted Psyker 2 Knowledge Psyker
10 Corruption points
Rank 2 (Trained) in the Forbidden Lore (Psykers)
Witch Finder 3 Knowledge Perception
skill, Willpower 45
Aegis of Contempt 3 Defence Leadership Shared Destiny, Shield of Contempt, Hatred (any)
Divine Protection 3 Finesse — Ballistic Skill 45, Willpower 35
Adamantium Faith, Halo of Command, Will of the
Into the Jaws of Hell 3 Leadership Willpower
Shared Destiny, Strength through Conviction,
Indomitable Conviction 3 Leadership Willpower
Resistance (Fear), Jaded

to other servants of the Imperium ighting under the Inquisitor’s

Talents orders, as well as others at the GM’s discretion.

Talent Descriptions Indomitable Conviction

Whenever this character or an ally within 10 metres gains
Aegis of Contempt Insanity, reduce the amount gained by 1. In addition, an ally
Whenever this character or an ally within 10 metres gains within 10 metres can spend a Fate point to gain 0 Insanity
Corruption, reduce the amount gained by 1 to a minimum of 0. instead. These efects do not stack when there are multiple
In addition, an ally within 10 metres can spend a Fate point to characters with this talent within range.
gain 0 Corruption instead.
These efects do not stack when there are multiple characters Mounted Warrior
with this talent within range. When a character purchases this talent, he selects the
specialisation that matches the characteristic prerequisite
Divine Protection and aptitude used in purchase. He then reduces any penalty
When the Acolyte attacks using a weapon with the Spray for making corresponding attacks (Melee or Ranged) from
quality, it only strikes enemies within the area of efect; the a moving vehicle or mount by 10 for each time the talent has
attack does not harm allies. been purchased in that specialisation. This applies to both
ordinary attack actions and vehicle combat actions, such as Hit
and Run.
The character knows that pain is cleansing, and regularly
mortiies his own lesh to atone for his sins. As a Full Action, the Penitent Psyker
character can inlict some suitable punishment on his own body, When the psyker or an ally within 10 metres becomes the target
sufering 1d5–2 levels of Fatigue (to a minimum of 1). He then of a psychic power, the psyker may voluntarily sufer any number
gains a +10 bonus on Willpower tests to resist Fear, Pinning, of levels of Fatigue. Each level of Fatigue sufered grants the
psychic powers, or sufering Corruption, for one hour or until the target a +10 bonus on any Opposed test to resist the power or
end of the current encounter. Evasion test to avoid its efects.
If the Acolyte also possesses the Frenzy talent, he can enter If the target’s test to resist or avoid the power results in a roll
a Frenzied state as a Free Action while under the efects of this of doubles, the psyker generates Psychic Phenomena, just as if
talent. he had used the Focus Power action.
Into the Jaws of Hell Purity of hatred
Servants and allies within 10 metres can subtract the Inquisitor’s When selecting this talent, the character chooses one specific
Fellowship bonus from their degrees of failure on a failed Fear group for which he possesses the Hatred talent. Against
or Pinning test, so long as the Inquisitor passes the test. If this opponents of this group, the Acolyte’s attacks gain the Vengeful
reduces the degrees of failure to 0 or less, a character counts (9) quality. If the Acolyte’s weapon or attacks already possess
as having passed the test with 1 degree of success. The efects this quality, decrease the value by one (to a minimum of 1).
of this talent apply to characters in the Inquisitor’s warband and
Tainted Psyker
When making a Focus Power test, the character may gain a
number of Corruption points up to his psy rating. For each point
he gains in this way, he gains a +10 bonus to the Focus Power
test but adds +5 to rolls on Table 6–2: Psychic Phenomena.

Witch Finder
The character counts as possessing the Psyniscience skill at
Rank 1 (Known), even though he is not a psyker. Note that he
cannot spend experience to gain additional ranks in the skill.
Weapon Qualities
There are special Ordo Malleus rites that go beyond mere
sanctification. When used against targets with the Daemonic
trait, weapons with this quality gain the Vengeful (8) quality and
their damage is not reduced by the target’s Toughness bonus.

Permeated with the power of the Warp, these weapons draw
out the inner darkness of their wielders. Weapons with this
quality inflict additional damage equal to the value of the user’s
Corruption bonus or Daemonic (X) trait value (whichever is
Ranged Weapons
Name Class Range RoF Dam Pen Clip Rld Special Wt. Availability
Bolt Weapons
Godwyn-De’az Bolt
Pistol 40m S/2/– 1d10 + 5 X 4 10 Full Reliable, Tearing † 3kg Extremely Rare
Pistol DH2 EW p. 42
Basic 90m S/2/– 1d10 + 5 X 4 30 Full Reliable, Tearing † 6kg Very Rare
Boltgun DH2 EW p. 42
Godwyn-De’az Heavy
Heavy 140m –/–/6 1d10 + 8 X 5 80 Full Reliable, Tearing † 35kg Extremely Rare
Bolter DH2 EW p. 42
Godwyn-De’az Storm Reliable, Storm, Tearing
Basic 80m S/2/4 1d10 + 5 X 4 60 Full 8kg Near Unique
Bolter DH2 EW p. 42 †
Bolt Pistol Pistol 30m S/2/– 1d10 + 5 X 4 8 Full Tearing 3.5kg Very Rare
Boltgun Basic 100m S/3/– 1d10 + 5 X 4 24 Full Tearing 7kg Very Rare
Heavy Bolter Heavy 150m –/–/6 1d10 + 8 X 5 60 Full Tearing 40kg Very Rare
Psycannon Daemonbane, Reliable,
Heavy 120m –/2/5 2d10 + 5 X 5 40 3 Full 20kg Near Unique
DH2 EB p. 41 Tearing †
Storm Bolter Basic 90m S/2/4 1d10 + 5 X 4 60 Full Storm, Tearing 9kg Extremely Rare

Flame Weapons
Cerberus Heavy Flame, Reliable, Spray,
Heavy 40m S/–/– 1d10 + 5 E 3 6 2 Full 50kg Very Rare
Flamer DH2 EW p. 42 Vengeful (9) †
Flamer Basic 20m S/–/– 1d10 + 4 E 2 6 2 Full Flame, Spray 6kg Scarce
Corrosive, Felling (1),
Gorgon Chemical
Basic 20m S/–/– 1d10 + 4 E 2 6 2 Full Flame, Spray, Toxic 8kg Very Rare
Flamer DH2 EW p. 42
(2) †
Hand Flamer Pistol 10m S/–/– 1d10 + 4 E 2 2 2 Full Flame, Spray 3.5kg Rare
Heavy Flamer Heavy 30m S/–/– 1d10 + 5 E 4 10 2 Full Flame, Spray 45kg Rare
Hydra Flamer Array Flame, Proven (3),
Basic 8m S/–/– 1d10 + 4 E 2 10 2 Full 10kg Very Rare
DH2 EW p. 42 Spray †
Incinerator Daemonbane, Flame,
Basic 30m S/–/– 1d10 + 6 E 6 10 2 Full 3kg Extremely Rare
DH2 EB p. 41 Spray †

Las Weapons
Laspistol Pistol 30m S/2/– 1d10 + 2 E 0 30 Half LWVS, Reliable 1.5kg Common
Lasgun Basic 100m S/3/– 1d10 + 3 E 0 60 Full LWVS, Reliable 4kg Common
Laslock Basic 70m S/–/– 1d10 + 4 E 0 1 Half LWVS, Unreliable 4kg Plentiful
LWVS, Accurate, Felling
Long Las Basic 150m S/–/– 1d10 + 3 E 1 40 Full 4.5kg Scarce
(4), Reliable
Hot-shot Laspistol Pistol 20m S/2/– 1d10 + 4 E 7 40 2 Full † 4kg Rare
Hot-shot Lasgun Basic 60m S/3/– 1d10 + 4 E 7 30 2 Full † 6kg Rare

Launcher Weapons
Grenade Launcher Basic 60m S/–/– ‡ ‡ 6 2 Full ‡ 12kg Average
Missile Launcher Heavy 300m S/–/– ‡ ‡ 1 Full ‡ 35kg Rare
† These weapons have additional rules.
‡ The damage, penetration, and special qualities of these weapons are dependent upon the grenade or missile used.
Ranged Weapons (Continued)
Name Class Range RoF Dam Pen Clip Rld Special Wt. Availability
Low-Tech Weapons
Arquebus Concussive (1),
Basic 45m S/–/– 2d10 I 2 1 2 Full 8kg Common
DH2 EW p. 42 Inaccurate, Unreliable †
Bolas Thrown 10m S/–/– — 0 1 — Inaccurate, Snare (1) 1.5kg Average
Bow Basic 30m S/–/– 1d10 R 0 1 Half Primitive (6), Reliable 2kg Common
Castigator Heavy Concussive (2), Reliable
Heavy 70m S/–/– 1d10 + 6 I 1 14 2 Full 12kg Scarce
Crossbow DH2 EW p. 44 †
Crossbow Basic 30m S/–/– 1d10 R 0 1 2 Full Primitive (7) 3kg Common
Deliverance Light
Pistol 15m S/–/– 1d10 R 0 1 Half Primitive (7) † 1kg Rare
Crossbow DH2 EW p. 42
Blast (3), Crippling (1),
Drake’s Claw
Heavy 200m S/–/– 1d10 + 2 X 2 1 — Inaccurate, Primitive (7), 6kg Rare
DH2 EW p. 42
Tearing †
Flintlock Pistol Inaccurate, Primitive (8),
Pistol 15m S/–/– 1d10 + 2 I 0 1 2 Full 3kg Common
DH2 EW p. 42 Unreliable †
Blast (4), Flame,
Heavy 200m S/–/– 1d10 R 0 1 — Inaccurate, Primitive 6kg Rare
DH2 EW p. 42
(8) †
Musket Inaccurate, Primitive (8),
Basic 30m S/–/– 1d10 + 3 I 0 1 2 Full 7kg Common
DH2 EW p. 44 Unreliable †
Inaccurate, Overheats,
Snapper Repeating
Basic 50m S/2/– 1d10 + 3 I 0 8 2 Full Primitive (8), Unreliable 45kg Very Rare
Rifle DH2 EW p. 44

Melta Weapons
Inferno Pistol Pistol 10m S/–/– 2d10 + 10 E 12 3 Full Melta 3kg Near Unique
Meltagun Basic 20m S/–/– 2d10 + 10 E 12 5 Full Melta 15kg Very Rare

Plasma Weapons
Plasma Pistol Pistol 30m S/2/– 1d10 + 6 E 6 10 3 Full Maximal, Overheats 4kg Very Rare
Plasma Gun Basic 90m S/2/– 1d10 + 7 E 6 40 5 Full Maximal, Overheats 18kg Very Rare
Sentinel Plasma Rifle
Basic 120m S/5/10 1d10 + 5 E 3 40 Full Reliable 20kg Extremely Rare
DH2 EW p. 44

Solid Projectile Weapons

Autopistol Pistol 30m S /–6 1d10 + 2 I 0 18 Full — 1.5kg Average
Autogun Basic 100m S/3/10 1d10 + 3 I 0 30 Full — 5kg Average
Autocannon Heavy 300m S/3 /– 1d10 + 8 I 6 24 2 Full Reliable 40kg Very Rare
Hand Cannon Pistol 35m S /– /– 1d10 + 4 I 2 5 2 Full † 3kg Scarce
Heavy Stubber Heavy 100m – /–/8 1d10 + 4 I 3 80 2 Full — 30kg Rare
Shotgun Basic 30m S /– /– 1d10 + 4 I 0 8 2 Full Scatter 5kg Average
Shotgun (Combat) Basic 30m S/3 /– 1d10 + 4 I 0 18 Full Scatter 6.5kg Scarce
Sniper Rifle Basic 200m S /– /– 1d10 + 4 I 3 20 Full Accurate, Reliable 5kg Scarce
Stub Automatic Pistol 30m S/3 /– 1d10 + 3 I 0 9 Full — 1.5kg Average
Stub Revolver Pistol 30m S /– /– 1d10 + 3 I 0 6 2 Full Reliable 1.5kg Plentiful
† These weapons have additional rules.

The expertly crafted Godwyn-De’az line of bolters are

Ranged Weapons handcrafted artefacts.
Such weapons are normally only available to Acolytes with
Bolt Weapons the Adepta Sororitas background.
Godwyn-De’az Bolt Weapons Psycannon
Psycannons have integral suspensor technology, granting the “Longflame” Launcher
wielder the Auto-Stabilised trait while in use, and are always of This rocket is a single use item and cannot be reloaded.
at least Good craftsmanship. They ignore all protective benefits
granted by psychic powers and inflict +2 additional damage for Musket
every point of the wielder’s psy rating. A musket counts as a staf when used in melee combat.

Flame Weapons “Snapper” Repeating Rifle

If a Snapper’s wielder uses it as an improvised melee weapon
“Cerberus” Heavy Flamer and scores two or more degrees of failure on the Weapon Skill
The Magnus-Pattern Heavy Flamer is known for its triple- test, its mechanisms snap and it is damaged.
barrelled design. Its weight includes the backpack fuel supply.
Solid Projectile Weapons
“Gorgon” Chemical Flamer
Its specialised design prevents the use of other types of Flame Hand Cannon
weapon ammunition. Hand cannons kick like a grox and, unless used with two hands
or a Recoil Glove, impose a –10 penalty on Ballistic Skill tests.
“Hydra” Flamer Array
When a character ires a Hydra Flamer Array, he gains the Fear
(1) trait until the end of the encounter. The Hydra’s Spray quality
afects a 90° cone, rather than the usual 30° arc for weapons
with this quality Its weight includes the backpack fuel supply.

An Incinerator ignores any protective benefits granted by
psychic powers, and targets in its area of effect suffer a –10
penalty on Agility tests to avoid the flames for each point of the
wielder’s psy rating.

Las Weapons
Hot-shot Laspistol & Lasgun
Hot-shot weapons use a 10 kg backpack power source rather
than a standard plug-in pack, even for the smaller hot-shot
pistol. Larger packs mean greater power behind each shot, but
make reloading more impractical, which is a trade-off most are
willing to make. Hot-shot weapons can also be linked to larger
backpacks for additional ammunition.

Low-Tech Weapons
If a character with a Strength bonus of 3 or less uses this
weapon, it counts as a Heavy weapon instead of Basic weapon.
When ired, an arquebus also creates a cloud with the Smoke
(1) quality centred on the firer that lasts for 1d5-1 rounds.

“Castigator” Heavy Crossbow

Whenever a Castigator inlicts damage (after reductions for
Armour and Toughness bonus) on a target that has the Size
trait with a value of 5 or lower, that target is knocked Prone.

“Deliverance” Light Crossbow

If given a forearm weapon mounting, the Deliverance’s range is
not reduced. Tests to ind a concealed Deliverance sufer a –20
penalty, and it counts as having a built-in silencer.

“Drake’s Claw” Launcher

This rocket is a single use item and cannot be reloaded.

Flintlock Pistol
This pistol counts as a truncheon when used in melee combat.
Exotic Ranged Weapons
Name Class Range RoF Dam Pen Clip Rld Special Wt. Availability
Imperial Origin
Basic 100m S/–/– 1d10 + 4 R 2 1 2 Full Accurate, Reliable † 8kg Rare
DH2 EW p. 42

Digi Weapon
Pistol 3m S/–/– 1d10 + 2 E 0 1 – Reliable † 0.5kg Near Unique
DH2 EWo p.42

Firesprite Needler
Pistol 30m –/4/8 1d10 + 2 R 2 16 2 Full Inaccurate, Toxic (2) † 1.5kg Extremely Rare
DH2 EWo p.43

Grav Pistol Pistol 15m S/–/– 1d10 + 3 I 6 6 Full Concussive (1), Graviton 3kg Near Unique
Concussive (2),
Graviton Gun Basic 30m S/3/– 1d10 + 6 I 8 9 2 Full 6kg Extremely Rare
Basic 300m S/–/– 1d10 + 4 R 4 – – Felling (2) 10kg Very Rare
DH2 EB p. 40

Holo Spectus
Pistol 600m S/–/– – – 1 – † 6kg Very Rare
DH2 EWo p. 43

Integration Cannon Blast (5), Concussive

Heavy 100m S/–/– 4d10 + 4 I 8 6 Full 65kg Near Unique
DH2 EWo p. 43 (0), Inaccurate †
Accurate, Felling (1),
Needle Pistol Pistol 30m S/–/– 1d10 R 0 6 Full 1.5kg Very Rare
Toxic (5) †
Accurate, Felling (1),
Needle Rifle Basic 180m S/–/– 1d10 R 0 6 2 Full 2kg Very Rare
Toxic (5) †
Purgatus Crossbow
Basic 50m S/–/– 1d10 + 5 I 0 5 2 Full Reliable † 16kg Rare
DH2 EW p. 44

Quillgun DH2 EWo p.43 Basic 120m S/–/– ‡ ‡ 3 Full ‡† 6kg Very Rare
Quillgun (Ataractic) – – – – 0 – – Concussive (5), Reliable – Very Rare
Quillgun (Venenum) – – – 1d10 I 3 – – Reliable, Toxic (4) – Scarce
Silverseine Launcher Blast (4), Reliable,
Heavy 60m S/–/– 1d10 I 0 1 2 Full 25kg Very Rare
DH2 EB p. 41 Sanctified, Snare (2)
Web Pistol Pistol 30m S/–/– — 0 1 Full Snare (0) 3.5kg Very Rare
Webber Basic 30m S/–/– — 0 1 Full Blast (5), Snare (1) 8kg Rare
† These weapons have additional rules.
‡ The damage, penetration, and special qualities of these weapons are dependent on the ammunition type.

Availability of Near Unique.

Exotic Imperial Weapons
Firesprite Needler
Ranged Weapons The firesprite needler has the Compact, Forearm Weapon
Mounting, and Silencer modifications.
Condemnor Combi-Boltgun
The condemnor combines a boltgun with a single-shot Holo Spectus
crossbow armature that can be loaded with a variety of bolts. Successfully firing a holo-spectus into the air requires a
Challenging (+0) Tech-Use test, after which the user gains
Digi-Weapon a visual representation of the area below the hovering pict-
Table 2–1: Armoury Imperialis lists the most common digi- recorder out for several kilometres.
weapon, which incorporates the profile of a laspistol. The control interface allows the Acolyte to zoom and
Other digi-weapon types can include ones incorporating highlight parts of the holographic display, and turning on the
the profile of a flamer, grav pistol, inferno pistol, needle pistol, spot causes the recorder above to turn, allowing the Acolyte to
plasma pistol, or others at the GM’s discretion, by using that survey the area around him in great detail, which grants a +20
weapon’s damage, penetration, and weapon qualities. bonus to Navigate (Surface), Survival (Tracking), and Scrutiny
The rate of fire, range, and clip size are always set to the tests.
values listed in Table 2–1: Armoury Imperialis, no matter the The recorder can stay airborne for 5 hours before its power
weapon’s normal values. cell is exhausted.
Digi-weapons are worn as rings and do not prevent the hand
from performing other tasks. They take one hour to recharge Integration Cannon
between shots, cannot be modified, and always have an
After being fired, the cannon creates a gravitic anomaly
within the area of its Blast quality that persists for 1d5 rounds.
Whenever a character begins his turn in this area, he must
make a Hard (–20) Dodge (Strength) test.
If he fails, he is Immobilized until the end of his turn and
suffers a single automatic hit to a randomly determined location
for 4d10+4 Impact damage with penetration 8.

Needle Weapons
Needle weapons count as having a built-in silencer.

“Purgatus” Crossbow
The Purgatus can use any type of shotgun and crossbow
ammunition, as well as its own Purgatus Stakes.

When Acquired, the quillgun comes with one clip each of
Ataractic and Venenum rounds, the only types of ammunition it
can use. The weapon has the Silencer modification.

Silverseine Launcher
Silverseine launchers double their Snare value against
characters with the Daemonic trait. Any such adversary trapped
in a silverseine net must also test for Warp Instability at the start
of each round.

Webber Weapons
The filaments becomes brittle and dissolve away after 1d5

Melee Weapons
When a ghostblade Overheats, it is damaged and counts as a
regular sword until repaired. Its weight includes the backpack
power supply.

Silver Shield
Provides 4 AP to the Body and Arm wielding the shield (this is
doubled to 8 AP against weapons that cause Energy damage),
which stacks with existing armour.

Exotic Melee Weapons

Name Class Range Dam Pen Special Wt. Availability
Chain Weapons
Ghostblade DH2 EWo p. 43 Melee — 1d10 + 5 E 6 Felling (4), Razor Sharp, Overheats 6kg Extremely Rare
Graviton Hammer ‡
Melee — 1d10 + 2 R 2 Balanced, Tearing 6kg Average
DH2 EWo p. 43

Silver Shield DH2 EWo p. 43 Melee — 2d10 R 9 Razor Sharp, Tearing, Unwieldy † 15kg Very Rare
† These weapons have additional rules.
‡ Weapon is Two-Handed
Grenades and Explosives
Name Class Range RoF Dam Pen Clip Special Wt. Availability
Grenades / Missiles
Abyssal Charge Blast (3), Crippling (2),
Thrown SB × 3 S/–/– 1d10 + 4 X 4 1 0.5kg Extremely Rare
DH2 EB p. 40 Tainted
Argent Globe Blast 3, Crippling (3),
Thrown SB × 3 S/–/– 2d10 X 2 1 0.5 Extremely Rare
DH2 EB p. 40 Sanctified †
Blind Grenade Thrown SB × 3 S/–/– — 0 1 Smoke (2) 0.5kg Scarce
Choke Grenade Thrown SB × 3 S/–/– Special 0 1 Blast (3) † 0.5kg Scarce
Frag Grenade Thrown SB × 3 S/–/– 2d10 X 0 1 Blast (3) 0.5kg Common
Graviton Grenade Blast (3), Concussive (3),
Thrown SB × 3 S/–/– 1d10 + 7 I 7 1
DH2 EWo p. 43 Graviton
Hallucinogen Grenade Thrown SB × 3 S/–/– — 0 1 Blast (6), Hallucinogenic (2) 0.5kg Scarce
Haywire Grenade Thrown SB × 3 S/–/– — 0 1 Haywire (2) 0.5kg Very Rare
Incence Grenade Daemonbane, Sanctified,
Thrown SB × 3 S/–/– 1d10 X 0 1 0.5kg Rare
DH2 EB p. 41 Smoke (3) †
Krak Grenade Thrown SB × 3 S/–/– 2d10 + 4 X 6 1 Concussive (0) † 0.5kg Rare
Photon Flash Grenade Thrown SB × 3 S/–/– — 0 1 Blast (6) † 0.5kg Rare
Psychotroke Grenade
Thrown SB × 3 S/–/– — — 1 Blast (3), Hallucinogenic (4) † 0.5kg Rare
DH2 EB p. 44

Psyk-Out Grenade
Thrown SB × 3 S/–/– 1d10 X 0 1 Blast (3), Smoke (3) † 0.5kg Extremely Rare
DH2 EB p. 41

Rad Grenade
Thrown SB × 3 S/–/– 1d10 E 0 1 Blast (2) † 0.5kg Extremely Rare
DH2 EB p. 44

Smoke Grenade Thrown SB × 3 S/–/– — 0 1 Smoke (4) 0.5kg Common

Spore Bomb
Thrown SB × 3 S/–/– — — 1 Blast (5) † 0.5kg Very Rare
DH2 EB p. 45

Stun Grenade Thrown SB × 3 S/–/– — 0 1 Blast (3), Concussive (2) 0.5kg Common
Tears of the Emperor
Thrown SB × 3 S/–/– 1d10 X — 1 Blast (2), Sanctified † 0.5kg Near Unique
DH2 EB p. 45

Web Grenade Thrown SB × 3 S/–/– — 0 1 Blast (3), Snare (2) † 0.5kg Rare
Whitefire Grenade Blast (3), Corrosive, Flame,
Thrown SB × 3 S/–/– 1d10 + 4 X 3 1 0.5kg Extremely Rare
DH2 EB p. 45 Smoke (5), Toxic (2) †
Frag Missile — — — 2d10 + 2 X 2 — Blast (5) 1kg Average
Krak Missile — — — 3d10 + 8 X 8 — Concussive (3), Proven (2) 1kg Scarce

Fire Bomb Thrown SB × 3 S/–/– 1d10 + 2 E 0 1 Blast (2), Flame † 0.5kg Plentiful
Melta Bomb — — — 6d10 E 12 1 Blast (2), Flame, Melta † 12kg Very Rare
† These weapons have additional rules.

Four or more degrees of failure indicates serious harm, and the

Grenades and Explosives
character suffers a 1d10 Toughness damage. The gas lasts for
Unless stated otherwise, grenades can be thrown or loaded
2d5 rounds, or less in adverse weather conditions.
into grenade launchers, while missile rounds can only be
loaded into missile launchers. Fire Bomb
Fire bombs take a Half Action to ready before use, and cannot
Argent Globe
be loaded into launcher weapons.
This weapon benefits from Crippling only against targets with
the Daemonic trait. Incence Grenade, “Ironfaith”
Whenever a character suffers a hit from this grenade, enters its
smoke, or begins his turn within the smoke, he suffers Energy
Characters within the radius of the choke gas must make a
damage equal to his Corruption bonus or his Daemonic (X) trait
Toughness test each turn; failure inflicts one level of Fatigue.
(whichever is higher), ignoring armour and Toughness bonus.
Krak weapons gain the Vengeful (9) quality when used against Mind-Mould
vehicles. A character exposed to mind-mould spores must
make an Ordinary (+10) Toughness test to withstand
Melta Bomb
infection. Over the next day, an infected character
Unlike other grenades, melta bombs adhere to their target then
develops a painful rash. After a further 2d10 hours,
detonate with a shaped charge blast similar in effect to a melta
fungal growths begin to emerge agonisingly from the
weapon. Melta bombs cannot be used with launcher weapons
character’s skin. From this point, the character must
and cannot be thrown.
make a Toughness test every hour, with a cumulative
Photon Flash –10 penalty on each attempt.
If he succeeds on any of the tests with three or
Any character within the blast radius of a photon flash grenade
more degrees of success, he has fought off the fungus
when it detonates must succeed on an Ordinary (+10) Agility
and fully recovers. Those with the Medicae skill can
test or be blinded for a number of rounds equal to his degrees
assist, as per page 25.
of failure.
Whenever an infected character fails this test, he
Psychotroke Grenade suffers 10 points of Toughness damage and 5 points
Respirators and sealed armour grant no bonuses against these of Intelligence damage, and must roll on Table 5–3:
grenades. For every degree of failure on a Toughness test to Hallucinogenic Effects. He continues to test as above
resist the grenade’s efects, add +1 to the roll (to a maximum of every 1d5 hours, but once his Toughness reaches 0,
10) on Table 5–3: Hallucinogen. his head detonates, killing him instantly. This scatters
a spore cloud over a 5 metre radius.
Psyk-Out Grenades Psykers suffer a –20 penalty to the initial
Whenever a character with the Psyker trait suffers a hit from this Toughness test to withstand infection. When using
grenade, enters its smoke, or begins his turn within the smoke, psychic powers, an infected psyker must always Push
he must make a Very Hard (–30) Willpower test or have his psy to 2 above his base psy rating. Psykers who perish
rating temporarily reduced by 1 for every degree of failure. from mind-mould infection not only emit a spore cloud,
If the character fails the test by two or more degrees of but also generates a psychic eruption. Each psyker
failure, he must also immediately roll on Table 6–2: Psychic within a number of kilometres equal to 1d10 times the
Phenomena. Every six hours, a psyker automatically recovers dead psyker’s Willpower bonus must also pass an
1 point of psy rating lost this way. Ordinary (+10) Willpower test to avoid infection.
Additionally, any attempt to manifest a psychic power from
within the cloud automatically fails.

Rad Grenade
When a character is struck by an attack from this weapon
(whether or not he sufers damage), he must immediately make
a Hard (–20) Toughness test or sufer 2d10 Toughness damage.

Spore Bomb
Any character within the blast radius of a spore bomb sufers the
efects described under mind-mould.

Tears of the Emperor

When a psyker is struck by an attack from this weapon, he
must immediately roll on Table 6–3: Perils of the Warp. When
a creature with the Daemonic trait is struck by this weapon, it
gains the Warp Instability trait until the end of the encounter.
If it already has this trait, it sufers a –20 penalty to the tests it
makes for this trait until the end of the encounter

Web filaments becomes brittle and dissolve away after 1d5

Whitefire Grenade
Whenever a character begins his turn in the cloud of smoke
created by the Smoke quality of the grenade, he suffers a single
automatic hit that inlicts 1d10 Impact damage with the Corrosive
and Toxic (2) qualities and must test for suffocation.
Melee Weapons
Name Class Range Dam Pen Special Wt. Availability
Chain Weapons
Chainaxe‡ Melee — 1d10 + 4 R 2 Tearing 13kg Scarce
Chainblade Melee — 1d10 + 1 R 1 Tearing 2kg Scarce
Chainsword Melee — 1d10 + 2 R 2 Balanced, Tearing 6kg Average
Eviscerator ‡
Melee — 2d10 R 9 Razor Sharp, Tearing, Unwieldy † 15kg Very Rare

Flame Weapons
Brazier of Holy Fire
Melee — 1d10 +5 E 3 Flame, Unbalanced † 6kg Very Rare
DH2 EW p. 45

Fire Gauntlets DH2 EW p. 46 Melee — 1d10 I 2 Flame, Unbalanced † 1kg Very Rare

Force Weapons
Animus Hammer Daemonbane, Force, Power Field,
Melee — 2d10 + 10 ¶ E 4 8kg Near Unique
DH2 EB p. 42 Unwieldy †
Force Hammer DH2 EB p. 42 Melee — 2d10 I 0 Force, Unbalanced † 10kg Extremely Rare
Force Sword Melee — 1d10 + 1 R 2 Balanced, Force 5kg Scarce
Force Staff ‡
Melee — 1d10 I 2 Force 2kg Scarce
Nemesis Daemon Hammer Daemonbane, Force, Power Field,
Melee — 2d10 + 6 ¶ E 4 10kg Near Unique
DH2 EB p. 43 Unwieldy †
Sanctus Hammer‡ Balanced, Concussive (4),
Melee — 2d10 + 6 ¶ E 4 6kg Near Unique
DH2 EB p. 43 Daemonbane, Force, Power Field †
Tempus Hammer‡ Daemonbane, Force, Power Field,
Melee — 2d10 + 4 ¶ E 6 14kg Near Unique
DH2 EB p. 43 Unwieldy †

Low-Tech Weapons
Axe of Retribution‡
Melee — 2d10 R 6 Felling (2), Sanctified 8kg Near Unique
DH2 EW p. 45

Flail of Chastisement Crippling (2), Flexible, Primitive (8),

Melee — 1d10 + 3 R 2 3kg Very Rare
DH2 EW p. 45 Snare (0) †
Great Weapon‡ Melee — 2d10 R 0 Unbalanced 7kg Scarce
Hunting Lance Melee — 2d10 + 3 X 7 Concussive (3) † 4kg Scarce
Improvised Melee — 1d10 - 2 I 0 Primitive (7), Unbalanced — —
Melee /
Knife 5m 1d5 R 0 — 1kg Plentiful
Man-Catcher‡ DH2 EW p. 46 Melee 2m 1d10 I 0 Snare (4), Unwieldy † 8kg Scarce
Praesidium Protectiva
Melee — 1d10 I 0 Defensive † 14kg Very Rare
DH2 EW p. 46

Rune Weapon (Sword)

Melee — 1d10 R 0 Balanced, Tainted, Tearing, Vengeful (8) 3kg Near Unique
DH2 EB p. 43

Shield Melee — 1d5 I 0 Defensive † 3kg Common

Spear ‡
Melee — 1d10 R 0 Primitive (8) 3kg Common
Staff †
Melee — 1d10 I 0 Balanced, Primitive (7) 3kg Plentiful
Stealth Claw
Melee — 1d10 + 4 R 4 Felling (2), Razor Sharp, Sanctified † 1.5kg Very Rare
DH2 EB p. 43

Sword Melee — 1d10 R 0 Balanced 3kg Common

Truncheon Melee — 1d10 I 0 Primitive (7) 2kg Plentiful
Wailing Trident ‡
Melee / Balanced, Crippling (3), Felling (3),
6m 1d10 + 8 R 4 9kg Very Rare
DH2 EB p. 43 Thrown Sanctified †
Warhammer‡ Melee — 1d10 +3 I 1 Concussive (1), Primitive (8) 4.5kg Scarce
Whip Melee 3m 1d10 R 0 Flexible, Primitive (6) 2kg Average
† These weapons have additional rules.
‡ Weapon is Two-Handed
¶ Add the user’s SB × 2 to the damage.

Melee Weapons (Continued)

Name Class Range Dam Pen Special Wt. Availability
Power Weapons
Desoleum Power Blade
Melee — 1d10 + 3 E 5 Power Field † 2kg Very Rare
DH2 EWo p. 42

Ebenus Hammer DH2 EB p. 42 Melee — 2d10 + 6 ¶ E 10 Daemonbane, Power Field, Unwieldy † 16kg Near Unique
Omnissiah Axe ‡
Melee — 2d10 + 4 E 6 Power Field, Unbalanced † 8kg Extremely Rare
Ordo Malleus Power Glaive ‡
Balanced, Power Field, Proven (4),
Melee 3m 1d10 + 8 E 5 4.5kg Extremely Rare
DH2 EB p. 43 Sanctified
Power Axe‡ Melee — 1d10 + 7 E 7 Power Field, Unbalanced 6kg Very Rare
Power Fist Melee — 2d10 ¶ E 9 Power Field, Unwieldy 13kg Very Rare
Power Maul (High) Melee — 1d10 + 5 E 4 Power Field, Shocking † 3.5kg Very Rare
Power Maul (Low) Melee — 1d10 + 1 E 2 Shocking †
Power Shield DH2 EB p. 43 Melee — 1d10 E 1 Defensive, Power Field † 6kg Very Rare
Power Stake DH2 EW p. 45 Melee — 1d10 + 7 E 5 Power Field, Sanctified, Unbalanced † 1kg Very Rare
Power Sword Melee — 1d10 +5 E 5 Balanced, Power Field 3kg Very Rare
Thunder Hammer DH2 EB p. 43 Melee — 2d10 + 4 ¶ E 10 Concussive (2), Power Field, Unwieldy † 16kg Very Rare

Shock Weapons
Electro-Flail Melee — 1d10 + 2 R 0 Flexible, Shocking 4.5kg Rare
Shock Maul Melee — 1d10 + 3 I 0 Shocking 2.5kg Scarce
Shock Whip Melee — 1d10 + 1 I 0 Flexible, Shocking 3kg Rare
† These weapons have additional rules.
‡ Weapon is Two-Handed
¶ Add the user’s SB × 2 to the damage.

Melee Weapons Force Weapons

Chain Weapons Animus, Hammer of Illyricum

An Animus hammer acts as a psy-focus. If the wielder
Eviscerator possesses the Psyker trait, the weapon adds +1 to his psy
If an attack made with an eviscerator triggers Righteous Fury, rating.
the wielder adds +1 to the resulting roll on the appropriate
Force Hammer
Rending Critical Effects Table.
A force hammer requires two hands to use, unless the wielder
Flame Weapons has a Strength bonus of 5 or higher.

Brazier of Holy Fire Nemesis Daemon Hammer

Any character who can draw line of sight to an ally wielding an A nemesis hammer is a one-handed weapon, but when used
active Brazier of Holy Fire gains a +10 bonus to his Willpower with two hands it gains the Concussive (X) quality, where X
tests. Additionally, it can be used as a heavy lamer with a clip equals the user’s psy rating.
size of 1. Once fired, it loses the Flame quality in melee until it is
Sanctus, Hammersof Illyricum
reloaded, a process that takes roughly 20 minutes and involves
A Sanctus hammer includes an exterminator cartridge loaded
several special hymns.
with Incinerator ammunition.
Fire Gauntlets
Tempus, Hammer of Illyricum
As a Free Action, the user can ignite the gauntlets, granting
Once per game session, as a Full Action, a character wielding
a +20 bonus to Intimidate tests. They always come in pairs,
Tempus may smite the ground, causing a blast with a radius of
and the reservoir lasts until the end of the encounter (or 2d10
2d10 metres. Each other character in this area must make a
minutes outside of structured time).
Hard (–20) Agility test or lose a Half Action during his next turn;
if a character fails with two or more degrees of failure, he loses Ordo Malleus Power Glaive
his Full Action instead. Ordo Malleus power glaive grants the wielder an
additional +10 bonus to Parry tests.
Low-Tech Weapons
Power Maul
Flail of Chastisement This weapon has two entries in the weapons table, representing
A target who escapes from this weapon’s Snare quality is no its two power settings: high and low. Switching the power maul
longer affected by its Crippling quality. between its two settings is a Free Action. This is a One-Handed
melee weapon, but when used with two hands it gains the
Hunting Lance
Concussive (0) quality.
After a successful attack is made with this weapon, its tip
is destroyed and it is treated as a staff. Power Shield
A power shield adds 4 Armour points to the wearer’s Body and
the Arm holding the shield.
The user must spend a Half Action each round in order to
maintain a hold of his victim. The Best craftsmanship version is Power Stake
fitted with electrical wiring and gains the Shocking quality. A power stake inlicts an additional 1d10 Energy damage for
every point of psy rating the target possesses. Additionally,
Praesidium Protectiva
possessing a power stake grants a +10 bonus to all Interaction
The Praesidium Protectiva adds +4 AP to the body and the
tests made with those aligned with the Ordo Hereticus.
arm holding the device, and also acts as a force ield with a
protection rating of 35. It is only available to characters with the Thunder Hammer
Adepta Sororitas background. A thunder hammer is a one-handed weapon, but it inflicts an
additional +2 damage when used with two hands.
Rune Weapon
A rune weapon can take the form of any Low-Tech melee
weapon; it uses the profile for that weapon, with the Primitive
quality removed if it was present. It gains the Tainted, Tearing,
and Vengeful (8) qualities and cannot be destroyed by a
weapon with the Power Field quality.
Whenever a character wielding a rune weapon triggers
Righteous Fury, he gains 1d5 Corruption points.

Provides 2 AP to the Body and Arm wielding the shield, which
stacks with existing armour. As they are not designed for
offense, attacks made with shields suffer a –20 penalty instead
of the normal penalty from the Defensive quality.

Stealth Claw
A stealth claw has the Compact modification. When a character
successfully inflicts a hit as part of an All Out Attack action
using a stealth claw, he inflicts additional damage equal to his
psy rating.

Wailing Trident
This weapon benefits from Crippling only against targets with
the Daemonic trait.

Power Weapons
Desoleum Power Blade
It has the Compact modification.

Ebenus, Hammer of Illyricum

An Ebenus hammer acts as a null rod and grants the wielder
the Deny the Witch talent.

Omnissian Axe
An Omnissian axe also functions as a combi-tool
Backpack Ammo Supply
Weapon Modifications
This increases the clip size of the weapon to five times its
Name Weight Availability current clip size, but it cannot be reloaded in combat. To reload
Auxiliary Grenade Launcher + 2.5kg Rare the weapon, the character must have the necessary amount of
Backpack Ammo Supply + 15kg Scarce ammunition and spend five minutes reloading the backpack. If
the weapon jams, it only loses one clip’s worth of ammunition
Compact × 1/2 Average
and does not need to be reloaded.
Custom Grip — Rare Upgrades: Any Bolt, Flame, Las, Melta, Plasma, and Solid
Deactivated Safety Features — Rare Projectile weapon.
Expanded Magazine + 1kg Scarce
Ecterminator + 1kg Common This halves the clip size and range of the weapon as well as
Fire Selector + 1kg Rare reducing the inflicted damage by 1. Anyone attempting to find
Fluid Action — Rare a concealed weapon with the Compact upgrade suffers a
–20 penalty to any related Skill test. If this upgrade is forcibly
Forearm Weapon Mounting + 1kg Scarce
removed the weapon remains smaller, but its range and clip
Melee Attachment +2 kg Plentiful size are reduced by half again, and its damage is reduced by 2.
Modified Stock — Scarce Upgrades: Any Pistol or any Las, Solid Projectile, Flame, Bolt,
Mono + 0.5kg Scarce or Plasma weapon of the Basic class.
Motion Predictor + 0.5kg Very Rare Custom Grip
Omni-Scope + 2kg Near Unique The weapon’s grip is customized to perfectly fit in it’s owner’s
Photo Sight + 0.5kg Very Rare hand or a glove armor he wears. As a consequence of these
Pistol Grip — Rare changes, the character for whom the customisation was
performed receives a +5 to Ballistic Skill or Weapon Skill when
Preysense Sight + 0.5kg Rare
wielding the weapon. Other characters wielding the weapon
Quick-Release — Rare suffer a –5 penalty, as the weapon feels slightly out of alignment
Red-Dot Laser Sight + 0.5kg Scarce when they attempt to use it.
Reinforced + 20% Scarce Upgrades: Any weapon.
Sacred Inscriptions — Scarce
Deactivated Safety Features
Silencer + 0.5kg Plentiful When using a Ready action to prepare a weapon with this
Suspensors × 1/2 Extremely Rare modification, a character may Ready another weapon or draw
Targeter + 1.5kg Rare another item as part of the same action. However, any time
a character who is carrying a weapon with this modification
Telescopic Sight + 1kg Average
suffers four or more degrees of failure on a Movement skill test,
Tox Dispenser + 0.75kg Rare this weapon fires, activates, or cuts itself free as a result of the
Tripod/Bipod + 2kg Average jostling.
Truesilver Gilding (DH2 EB p. 45) — Very Rare Upgrades: Any weapon.
Truesilver Weaving (DH2 EB p. 45) — Very Rare
Vox-Operated + 0.5kg Rare
Warpleech Canister (DH2 EB p. 45) + 1kg Very Rare

Expanded Magazine
Weapon Modifications The clip size of the weapon increases by half its current clip size
A weapon can have a total of four modifications, only one of (rounded up), and thus must be reloaded using ammunition/
which can be a sight. energy from multiple standard clips to fully stock the larger
Auxiliary Grenade Launcher
Upgrades: Ranged weapons.
A character using a weapon with an auxiliary grenade launcher
can choose to either fire the launcher or the weapon it is Exterminator
attached to in his turn, but not both at once. It has a range of This device contains a small one-shot fuel canister that shoots
45 metres with damage and penetration as per the loaded out a sheet of fire. Rather than firing the weapon as normal,
grenade, and can be fired Indirectly. The device however is the wielder may discharge the exterminator cartridge as a Half
too cumbersome to be reloaded during combat; each new Action, resolving the effects as if he had made a Standard
acquisition for the weapon reloads the launcher with one fresh Attack action with a flamer.
round but does not require the modification to be reapplied. Upgrades: Any weapon except Pistol or Thrown.
Upgrades: Any Las, Solid Projectile, or Bolt weapons of the
Basic class can take this upgrade. Fire Selector
The weapon can now have up to three different types of Upgrades: Any Las, Solid Projectile, Bolt, Low-Tech, or Plasma
ammunition loaded (the total amount of shells not exceeding weapon of the Basic class. An omni-scope counts as a sight,
its clip size); at the start of his turn, the wielder can use the and a gun can only have one sight.
fire selector to select which type of ammunition he fires for his
shooting that round. This is a free action. Photo Sight
Upgrades: Any Bolt, Launcher, and Solid Projectile weapon of A character using a photo sight suffers no penalties due to
the Pistol or Basic class. darkness.
Upgrades: Any ranged Las, Solid Projectile, Bolt, Low-Tech,
Fluid Action or Plasma weapon of the Basic class. A gun can only have one
When the character uses the weapon as part of a successful sight.
Semi-Auto Burst action, he counts as scoring one additional
degree of success for purposes of determining the number of Pistol Grip
rounds that hit the target. Weapons with this customisation are This allows the weapon to be wielded in one hand without the
trickier to load, as the ammunition feed must be more carefully usual –20 penalty. However, it becomes more difficult to aim
engaged, and so reload time is increased by an additional Half accurately and thus its range is halved.
Action. Upgrades: Any Basic ranged weapon.
Upgrades: Any ranged weapon capable of Semi-Automatic
Preysense Sight
A character using a preysense sight suffers no penalties due
Forearm Weapon Mounting to darkness and gains a +20 bonus to vision-based Perception
This heavy bracing allows a single ranged weapon to be tests in the dark.
mounted along the arm, with specific hand movements Upgrades: Any ranged Las, Solid Projectile, Bolt, Low-Tech,
triggering the weapon. It allows the user to keep both hands or Plasma weapon of the Basic class. A gun can only have one
free but reduces the weapon’s range by one-third. sight.
Upgrades: Any Las, Low-Tech, Solid Projectile, Bolt, or Melta
weapon of the Pistol class.
The weapon’s reload time is reduced by a Half Action, down to
Melee Attachment a minimum of a Half Action.
The ranged weapon counts as a spear when used in melee Upgrades: Any ranged weapon.
Upgrades: Any Basic ranged weapon.
Red-Dot Laser Sight
It grants a +10 bonus to Ballistic Skill tests when firing a single
Modified Stock shot.
When the character holds a weapon with a modified stock Upgrades: Any Las, Solid Projectile, Bolt, Low-Tech, or Plasma
up to aim, its contours perfectly align to his form. When a weapon of the Pistol or Basic class can take this upgrade. A
character takes an Aim action with weapons modified in this gun may only have one sight.
way, he receives an additional +2 bonus on a Half Action or
an additional +4 bonus for a Full Action. This customisation
is compatible with any other devices that modify Aim actions. If the weapon is a ranged weapon, it receives an additional
Upgrades: Any weapon. +1 bonus to damage when used as an improvised weapon. A
melee weapon with this upgrade is only destroyed on a result
Mono of 41 or higher when Parried by a weapon with the Power Field
A weapon with this modification loses the Primitive quality (if it quality.
had it) and has its penetration increased by 2. This upgrade can Upgrades: Any weapon.
be applied to a power weapon, but it has no effect whilst the
power field is active. If the power field is ever lost or deactivated,
Sacred Inscriptions
the mono upgrade’s bonuses then apply. A character who possesses one or more weapons with this
Upgrades: Any Low-Tech or Power Melee weapon. modification gains a +10 bonus to Pinning tests.
Upgrades: Any weapon.
Motion Predictor
A motion predictor adds a +10 bonus to any Ballistic Skill test
made as part of a Semi-Auto Burst or Full Auto Burst action. Awareness tests to hear shots made with a silenced weapon
Upgrades: Any ranged weapon (except Low-Tech) capable of suffer an additional –20 penalty, and can only be attempted at
Semi-Auto or Full Auto fire. half the normal distance.
Upgrades: Any Solid Projectile weapon of the Basic or Pistol
Omni-Scope class.
Some of these scopes plug directly into a bionic cranial port,
allowing the user to shoot around corners without exposing
himself. The omni-scope combines the benefits of a preysense Suspensors reduce the weight of a weapon by one-half. When
sight, red-dot laser sight, and telescopic sight. firing a weapon with suspensors, the operator counts as having
the Auto-stabilised trait and so always counts as being braced.
Upgrades: Any Heavy weapon.

If there is a final penalty to a Ballistic Skill test when using a
weapon with a targeter, it is reduced by ten.
Upgrades: Any Las, Solid Projectile, Bolt, or Heavy weapon.

Telescopic Sight
A weapon with a telescopic sight ignores penalties for Long and
Extreme range, as long as the shooter is benefitting from a Full
Action to Aim.
Upgrades: Any Las, Solid Projectile, Bolt, Low-Tech or Plasma
weapon of the Basic class. A gun can only have one sight.

Tox Dispenser
As a Free Action, a character with a weapon equipped with a tox
dispenser may cause his weapon to gain the Toxic (2) quality
for one round. A tox dispenser can be used 10 times before
requiring refilling; no Requisition test in needed as long as the
character is in a location the ingredients would be available.
Upgrades: Any Low-Tech or Chain melee weapon.

Bipods and tripods allow a weapon to be braced anywhere
there is a reasonably flat surface. A weapon braced on a bipod
has a 90° fire arc, while one on a tripod has a 180° arc.
Upgrades: Any Basic or Heavy weapon.

Truesilver Gilding
Effect: A weapon with Truesilver gilding grants its wielder a
bonus to tests to Parry the attacks of foes with the Daemonic
trait equal to 5 times the wielder’s Willpower bonus.
Used With: Any Low-Tech melee weapon.

Truesilver Weaving
Effect: Truesilver weaving does not upgrade the weapon, but
the ammunition the weapon uses. The modification requires
a skilled artisan and upgrades one clip at a time. Whenever
a target with the Daemonic trait attempts to Dodge an attack
made with a weapon using ammunition upgraded with
Truesilver weaving, the target suffers a penalty to the Dodge
test equal to 5 times the attacker’s Willpower bonus.
Used With: Any Launcher, Low-Tech, or Solid Projectile ranged

With spoken commands, the operator can fire his gun, switch
firing modes, and also change ammunition (should it be fitted
with a fire selector).
Upgrades: Any Pistol, Basic, Launcher, or Heavy weapon that
is not of the Low-Tech type.

Warpleech Canister
Effect: A weapon with this upgrade gains the Crippling (2)
quality against targets with the Daemonic trait. Each canister
contains enough liquid to last for 40 rounds.
Used With: Any Solid Projectile weapon without a silencer.
Used With: Stub revolvers, stub automatics, sniper rifles, and
Custom Ammunition hand cannons
Name Availability
“Emperor’s Light” Thermal Bolts
Abyssal Bolts DH2 EB p. 44 Very Rare
Effect: A weapon using thermal bolts loses the Primitive and
Amputator Shells Extremely Rare Accurate qualities (if it has them), but gains +1d10 Energy
Bleeder Rounds Rare damage, penetration 6, and the Melta and Inaccurate qualities.
Dumdum Bullets Scarce These bolts weigh twice as much as regular crossbow bolts.
Used With: Crossbows.
“Emperor’s Light” Thermal Bolts DH2 EW p. 46 Rare
“Emperor’s Wrath” Shard Bolts DH2 EW p. 47 Scarce “Emperor’s Wrath” Shard Bolts
Expander Rounds Scarce Effect: A weapon using shard bolt ammunition gains the
Crippling (2) quality.
Explosive Arrows/Quarrels Scarce
Used With: Crossbows.
“Heretic’s March” Incendiary Rounds
DH2 EW p. 47 Expander Rounds
Hot-Shot Charge Packs Scarce Effect: These rounds add 1 to a weapon’s damage and
Inferno Shells Rare penetration.
Used With: Stub revolvers, stub automatics, sniper rifles,
Man-Stopper Bullets Scarce
autopistols, and autoguns.
Nitidus Rounds DH2 EB p. 44 Very Rare
Psybolts DH2 EB p. 44 Extremely Rare Explosive Arrows/Quarrels
Psyflame DH2 EB p. 44 Very Rare Effect: Attacks using these rounds suffer a –10 penalty. These
rounds change the weapon’s damage type to Explosive,
Purgatus Stakes DH2 EW p. 47 Extremely Rare
remove the Primitive quality, and grant the weapon the Blast
Purity Bolts DH2 EW p. 47 Very Rare (1) quality.
Sanctified Ammunition DH2 EW p. 47 Rare Used With: Bows and crossbows.
Scrambler Rounds Rare
“Heretic’s March” Incendiary Bolts
Silver Stakes DH2 EW p. 47 Very Rare
Effect: A weapon using this ammunition gains the Flame and
Tempest Bolt Shells Near Unique Unreliable qualities, and loses the Blast quality (if it had it).
Theta Pattern Concussion Bolts DH2 EW p. 47 Very Rare Used With: Bows, Crossbows, Shotguns.
Theta Pattern Shock Bolts DH2 EW p. 47 Very Rare Hot-Shot Charge Packs
Tox Rounds Scarce Effect: A weapon using a hot-shot charge adds 1 to its
damage, gains the Tearing quality, and gains a penetration of
4. The weapon also loses its Reliable quality, and its clip size is
Custom Ammunition
reduced to 1.
Abyssal Bolts Used With: Laspistols, lascarbines, lasguns, and long las
Effect: A weapon using this ammunition gains the Crippling
(2) and Tainted quality, but loses the Reliable and/or Sanctified Inferno Shells
qualities (if the weapon has them).
Effect: A weapon using inferno shells gains the Flame quality.
Used With: Bolt weapons, crossbows.
Used With: Shotguns and all Bolt weapons.
Amputator Shells Man-Stopper Bullets
Effect: Amputator shells add 2 to the weapon’s damage.
Effect: Man-stopper bullets add 3 to the weapon’s penetration.
Used With: Stub revolvers, stub automatics, shotguns (all
Used With: Stub revolvers, stub automatics, hand cannons,
types), sniper rifles, hand cannons, autopistols, and autoguns.
sniper rifles, autopistols, and autoguns.
Bleeder Rounds
Nitidus Rounds
Effect: If a target takes damage from bleeder rounds, he begins
to gush blood and suffers from the Blood Loss condition for 1d5 Effect: When a psyker suffers damage from this weapon, he
rounds or until it is successfully treated. Bleeder rounds do not must make a Difficult (–10) Willpower test or be Stunned for a
affect targets with the Daemonic or Machine traits. number of rounds equal to his degrees of failure. When a target
Used With: Stub revolvers, stub automatics, hand cannons, with the Warp Instability trait suffers damage from this weapon,
autopistols, and autoguns. it must immediately test for Instability with a –10 penalty.
Used With: Combat shotguns, shotguns.
Dumdum Bullets
Effect: Dumdum bullets add 2 to the weapon’s damage, but
Armour points count double against them. Effect: The weapon using this ammunition gains the
Daemonbane and Sanctified qualities, ignores all protective
benefits granted by psychic powers, and inflicts +1 damage for
every point of the user’s psy rating.
Used With: Bolt weapons.

Effect: A weapon using this ammunition gains the Sanctified
quality and ignores any protective benefits granted by psychic
powers. Targets in its area of effect suffer a penalty to the Agility
test to avoid it equal to 5 times the psyker’s psy rating.
Used With: Flame weapons.

Purgatus Stakes
Effect: A weapon using Purgatus stakes gains the Sanctified
quality. Further, whenever a target with either the Psyker or
Daemon trait is struck by a Purgatus stake-bolt, it must make
a Challenging (+0) Willpower test. If it fails, it must immediately
roll on Table 6–2: Psychic Phenomena.
Used With: Purgatus Crossbow only.

Purity Bolts
Effect: A weapon using purity bolts gains the Haywire (2)
Used With: Crossbows.

Sanctified Ammunition
Effect: A weapon using this type of fuel or ammunition gains
the Sanctiied quality.
Used With: Bows, Crossbows, Flame, Solid Projectile

Scrambler Rounds
Effect: Scrambler rounds add the Hallucinogenic (2) and
Recharge qualities to the weapon.
Used With: Bolt and Solid Projectile weapons.

Theta Pattern Concussion Bolts

Effect: A weapon using this ammunition gains the Blast (5) and
Concussive (5) qualities. Additionally, anyone within the blast
radius must pass a Hard (–20) Strength test or be thrown 1d5
metres away from the centre of the blast and knocked Prone.
Used With: Crossbows.

Theta Pattern Shock Bolts

Effect: A weapon using shock bolts gains the Shocking
quality. In addition, if the target fails its Toughness test from
the Shocking efect by three or more degrees, it becomes
Unconscious instead of Stunned for a number of rounds equal
to his degrees of failure.
Used With: Crossbows.

Tempest Bolt Shells

Effect: Tempest bolt shells change the weapon’s damage type
to Energy and grant it the Shocking quality. They also add 3 to
the weapon’s damage against targets with the Machine trait.
Used With: Bolt pistols, boltguns, and heavy bolters.

Tox Rounds
Effect: Tox rounds add the Toxic (1) quality to the weapon but
reduce its damage by 2.
Used With: Bolt and Solid Projectile weapons.
Name Locations covered AP Max Ag Wt. Availability
Basic Armor
Heavy Leathers Arms, Body 1 — 5kg Common
Imperial Robes Arms, Body, Legs 1 — 4kg Average
Armoured Bodyglove Arms, Body, Legs 2 — 5kg Rare
Chainmail Suit Arms, Body, Legs 3 35 15kg Common
Feudal World Plate All 5 25 30kg Scarce
Obsidian Plate (DH2 EB p. 46) Body 6 35 35kg Very Rare
Xenos Hide Vest Body 6 50 20kg Very Rare

Flak Armour
Flak Helmet Head 2 — 2kg Average
Flak Gauntlets Arms 2 — 1kg Average
Light Flak Cloak Arms, Body, Legs 2 55 4kg Scarce
Flak Vest Body 3 60 5kg Average
Flak Cloak Arms, Body, Legs 3 55 8kg Scarce
Flak Coat Arms, Body 3 60 5kg Average
Imperial Guard Flak Armour All 4 50 11kg Scarce

Mesh Armour
Mesh Vest Body 4 — 2kg Rare
Mesh Cloak Arms, Body, Legs 4 60 3kg Very Rare

Carapace Armour
Carapace Helm Head 4 — 2kg Rare
Carapace Gauntlets Arms 5 — 2kg Rare
Carapace Greaves Legs 5 — 3kg Rare
Enforcer Light Carapace All 5 45 15kg Rare
Carapace Chestplate Body 6 55 7kg Rare
Militarum Tempestus Carapace All 6 45 15kg Very Rare
Praetor Armour (DH2 EB p. 47) All 6 50 16kg Extremely Rare

Power Armour
Adepta Sororitas Power Armour (DH2 EW p. 48) All 7 50 35kg Extremely Rare
Light Power Armour All 7 40 40kg Very Rare
Heavy Power Armour (DH2 EB p. 46) All 8 35 65kg Extremely Rare

Praetor Armour contains an integral respirator, commlink,

Protective Gear photo-visor, targeter, and recoil suppression sleeves, as well
as a magnetic harness on the back capable of holding a single
Basic Armour basic weapon.
Any character without the Adeptus Mechanicus background
Obsidian Plate
gains the Enemy (Adeptus Mechanicus) talent while openly
A character wearing this armour gains the Resistance
wearing or displaying Praetor Armour.
(Psychic Powers) talent, or an additional +10 to tests to
resist psychic powers if the character already has this talent. Flak Armour
Obsidian plate counts its listed Armour points as triple against
As long as the wearer is not on the target spot of the blast, flak
hits inflicted by Psychic Bolts. A psyker wearing obsidian plate
armour counts as 1 AP higher against damage from weapons
cannot push his psychic powers, and reduces his psy-rating by
with the Blast quality.
3 (to a minimum of 1).
Power Armour
Carapace Armour
Adepta Sororitas Power Armour
Praetor Armour
Adepta Sororitas power armour grants the Unnatural Strength
(1) trait, and the wearer always counts as braced. The armour
does not increase the wearer’s Size trait, and is only available
to characters with the Adepta Sororitas background.

Light power Armour

Light power armour requires a constant power supply, normally
built into the suit, which offsets its weight so it does not count
against the user’s normal carrying limit. It grants the user the
Unnatural Strength (1) trait and increases the value of his Size
trait by 1 level. Unless stated otherwise, the power supply
functions for 1d5 hours before needing recharging or refuelling.
Most suits feature a detachable helmet; when this in place, the
wearer benefits from an internal oxygen supply and standard
vox systems.

Heavy Power Armour

Heavy power armour grants the wearer the Auto-Stabilised
and Unnatural Strength (1) trait, and increases the value of his
Size (X) trait by 1. When used with the detachable helmet, it
is environmentally sealed with its own oxygen supply and
voxcaster systems. Its power supply can operate for 2d5 hours
before recharging or refueling is needed, and while powered
the suit’s weight does not count towards the user’s carry limit.
upgraded armour’s Armour points are doubled against hits
Armour Modifications inlicted by psychic attacks. The Warp Weapon quality does not
Name Weight Availability ignore the AP provided by this armour.
Used With: Carapace and power armour.
Adamantine Chainguard DH2 EW p. 49 + 4kg Very Rare
Auto-Senses DH2 EW p. 49 + 2kg Very Rare Pentagramatic Wards
Brazier of Saint Roberto DH2 EW p. 49 + 10kg Common Effect: Whenever a character with the Daemonic or Warp
Ceramite Plating DH2 EW p. 49 + 2kg Rare Instability trait becomes engaged in melee with the warded
armour’s wearer or begins his turn engaged with the wearer,
Devotional Iconography DH2 EW p. 49 + 1kg Common
that character must make a Hard (–20) Willpower test. If the
Hexagrammic Wards DH2 EW p. 49 — Extremely Rare character fails, he suffers 1d5 Energy damage per degree of
Pentagramatic Wards DH2 EB p. 44 — Extremely Rare failure (ignoring armour and Toughness bonus). If the character
Sacred Incence Burner DH2 EB p. 44 + 3kg Rare scores 4 or more degrees of success on the test, however,
the pentagramatic ward shatters and the armour permanently
Truesilver Filigree DH2 EB p. 44 — Very Rare
loses this upgrade.
Unguents of Warding DH2 EB p. 45 — Common Used With: Any armour.

Sacred Incence Burner

Armour Modifications Effect: A sacred incense burner must be affixed to a backpack,
helmet, or similarly worn item. Setting it aflame requires a Half
Adamantine Chainguard
Action and it can burn for 1 hour. While the burner is alight, any
Effect: When an enemy successfully inflicts one or more hits creature with the Daemonic trait within 3 metres of the bearer
with a melee weapon against a character wearing this armour, suffers a –10 penalty to Weapon Skill tests and a –10 penalty to
if the 1s digit of the attack roll is a 1, the weapon is destroyed Warp Instability tests.
unless it has the Power Field or Warp Weapon quality, or is Used With: Any armour.
otherwise immune to being destroyed.
Used With: Any armour. Truesilver Filigree
Effect: While engaged in melee with the wearer of Truesilver-
filagreed armor, any character with the Daemonic trait suffers
Effect: As long as the user wears the upgraded helmet, the a penalty to Weapon Skill tests equal to 5 times the wearer’s
wearer gains a +5 bonus to his Ballistic Skill and a +10 bonus to Willpower bonus.
all Awareness tests based on Sight and Hearing. Used With: Any armour.
Used With: Power armour.
Unguents of Warding
Brazier of Saint Roberto
Effect: Working the unguents onto armour takes roughly one
Effect: A brazier must be aixed to a backpack, helmet, or hour, and empties one container for each hit location treated.
similarly worn item. Setting it alame requires a Half Action and As part of the process, careful rituals must also be performed
it can burn for 2 hours. Whilst alight, it acts as a glow-globe and to inscribe runes and litanies into the armour. This requires a
grants a +30 bonus to all Charm and Command tests, a +10 Hard (–20) Scholastic Lore (Occult) or Forbidden Lore (Imperial
bonus to Intimidate tests, and a –40 penalty to all Stealth tests. Creed) test for each location; failure means the unguents must
If the wearer is ever knocked Prone while it is lit, he must be cleaned off that location and the ritual started again.
pass an Ordinary (+10) Agility test to avoid setting himself on For each hit location treated with Unguents of Warding,
ire. the armour grants its wearer a +5 bonus to tests to resist Fear
Used With: Any armour, helmet, or backpack. caused by characters with the Daemonic trait and to resist
Ceramite Plating psychic powers. The effects of the unguents last for one month
(or less due to wear and tear or contamination, at the GM’s
Effect: Armour upgraded with ceramite plating provides an
additional 3 Armour points of protection against attacks with the
Used With: Any armour.
Flame or Melta qualities and other heat-based attacks.
Used With: Carapace and power armour.

Devotional Iconography
Effect: The wearer gains a +10 bonus to Command tests when
dealing with those faithful to the Imperium, but sufers a –10
penalty to Fellowship tests when dealing with those not loyal to
the Emperor.
Used With: Any armour.

Hexagrammic Wards
Effect: The wearer gains a +20 bonus to tests made to resist
any psychic attack or manipulation directed at him. The
Force Fields
Name Protection Rating Weight Availability
Refractor Field 30 2kg Very Rare
Conversion Field 50 1kg Extremely Rare
Displacer Field 55 2kg Near Unique
Field Wall Generator DH2 EW p. 48 65 18kg Very Rare
Flare Shield DH2 EWo p. 43 25 3kg
Icon of the Just DH2 EB p. 46 55 0.5kg Extremely Rare
Power Field (Personal) 80 50kg Near Unique
Power Field (Vehicle/Emplacement) 80 500kg Very Rare
Rosarius DH2 EW p. 48 50 0.5kg Extremely Rare

A proud, glowing symbol of Inquisitorial might, each Icon of the

Force Fields
Just projects a personal force field.
Unless stated otherwise, force fields offer protection for the
Each Icon of the Just also contains holy wards that repel
entire body. It is a Half Action to turn the field on or off..
Warpspawn. Opponents with the Daemonic trait suffer a –10
Conversion Field penalty to attack tests and Focus Power tests against the
Also known as flare fields, these devices convert the energy of
an attack into radiated light. If the conversion field blocks more Power field
than 12 points of damage from a single attack, the release of
Power Fields are large, bulky affairs that cannot be easily
light is strong enough to act as a photon flash grenade burst
disguised. A power field causes the air to visibly ripple and
centred on the wearer. The character wearing the conversion
crackle with static discharge, imposing a –20 penalty on all
field is unaffected by this burst.
Stealth tests. It also does not defend against ranged attacks
Displacer Field made within 1 metre, or attacks in melee.
Displacer Fields operate not by absorbing or shunting away Refractor Field
an attack’s energy, but instead by shifting the user away using
Refractor fields are small enough to be disguised as jewellery
miniature Warp-jump technologies. When the field successfully
or other ornamentation. The glow of an active refractor field
nullifies an attack, the user jumps in a random direction using
makes the user more noticeable in low lighting or darkness,
the Scatter Diagram. Roll 3d10 for the number of metres
and imposes a –20 penalty on all Stealth tests he takes
travelled—the wearer always emerges on solid footing and in
a suitable empty space. If all three dice come up with the same Rosarius
number, then the user does not re-emerge for 1d5 rounds Equal parts force ield, devotional icon, and badge of oice,
and gains 1 Corruption point from exposure to the unnatural the rosarius is a conversion ield commonly used by the
energies within the Warp. If the activation is unexpected, then Ecclesiarchy and its allies.
the wearer cannot act for one round while he regains his sense Allies who can draw a line of sight to a character with a
of place. rosarius gain a +10 bonus to Fear and Pinning tests; this is
lost if the wearer dies or sufers any Critical damage. It is only
Field Wall Generator
available to characters with the Adeptus Ministorum or Adepta
The wall consists of two or more generators. Activating or
Sororitas backgrounds, or who have taken the Inquisitor elite
deactivating a generator requires a Full Action, which also
activates all other linked generators. A linear force field then
forms between each generator, 1.5 metres high and up to 8
metres in length. The barrier acts as cover, so only parts of the
body protected by the ield wall gain force field protection. If a
wall section overloads, then only that portion between the two
generators shuts down, and any other linked sections remain

Flare Shield (Magnus-Pattern)

A flare shield has a protection rating of 25, which is doubled
against weapons with the Blast or Spray qualities. If the shield
overloads, it inflicts 1d10 Energy damage to the wearer that
ignores Toughness bonus and Armour.

Icon of the Just

the wearer gains a +10 bonus to his Ballistic Skill tests against
Wargear them.
Name Weight Availability The psyocculum distorts standard vision, however, imposing
a –20 penalty to all other sight-based tests made while it is
Banishing Rod (DH2 EB p. 47) 8kg Very Rare
used. It also cannot be used at the same time as another piece
Consecrated Scrolls (DH2 EB p. 47) 1kg Scarce
of headgear, such as a helmet, and requires a Half Action to
Empyrean Brain Mine (DH2 EB p. 47) 1kg Very Rare both put on or take off.
Psyocculum (DH2 EB p. 47) 1.5kg Rare Using a psyocculum causes the wearer to gain one level of
Fatigue for every 5 minutes of operation beyond the first minute.

Banishing Rod
Made of darkened iron slabs enscrolled with hallowed
parchment and curled purity seals, banishing rods do not
subdue the Warp so much as calm it. When held aloft or even
jammed into the ground, they create an area where psychic
energy flows sluggishly.
Psykers within 5 metres of one or more banishing rods
cannot push psychic powers, and reduce the result of any
rolls they make on Table 6–2: Psychic Phenomena by –20 (to
a minimum of 1). Characters with the Daemonic trait treat this
area as a treacherous environment.
When used in an exorcism, each rod placed around the
target of the exorcism grants a +5 bonus to the Daemonic
Mastery test.

Consecrated Scrolls
Soaked in sacred oils and covered in illuminated texts of
devotion, consecrated scrolls offer a small measure of
protection against the machinations of the Warp.
Before making a Focus Power test, a character possessing
one of these scrolls may choose to burn a single one as a Free
Action; this destroys that scroll. Should the user have to roll on
Table 6–2: Psychic Phenomena as a result of the subsequent
Focus Power test, he may re-roll the result.

Empyrean Brain Mine

Thought to be created using forbidden technologies found on a
ghost world, these objects latch onto a victim’s body and send
disruptive energies directly into the brain, rendering the target
temporarily catatonic.
A brain mine must be attached to an enemy through a
successful Grapple action in melee combat. At the start of his
turn for the following 3 rounds, the target must make a Hard
(–20) Agility test. If successful, he can perform a Half Action;
otherwise he is unable to perform any actions, including
Reactions, that round.
The mine deals 1d10+5 Rending damage that is not reduced
by armour if forcibly removed, but after 3 rounds, it burns out
and dislodges from the target.

An arcane assemblage of strange lenses and scarcely-
understood ætheric scryers, a psyocculum tracks the Warp
signatures of psykers and Daemons alike.
As a Half Action, the wearer may make a Challenging (+10)
Awareness test to detect psykers and characters with the
Daemonic trait without the need for normal lighting until the end
of the encounter. While these targets are illuminated in this way,
A combat vest can hold 15 kg comfortably. Items held in
Clothing and Personal Gear the combat vest can be drawn as a Free Action during the
Name Weight Availability character’s turn. Only one backpack or combat vest can be
worn at a time.
Backpack 2kg Rare
Chameleoline Cloak 0.5kg Scarce Concealed Holster
Chrono — Average These conformal pouches can hold a small pistols.
Clothing 2kg Rare Attempts to detect a weapon in a concealed holster suffer a
–20 penalty, but Ready actions for this weapon become a Full
Combat Vest 2kg Rare
Action rather than a Half Action (or a Half Action instead of a
Concealed Holster 1kg Scarce Free Action where applicable).
Deadspace Earpiece — Common
Deadspace Earpiece
Explosive Collar 3kg Rare
Each of these tiny devices can limit high-volume sonic
Filtration Plugs — Rare
disturbances such as explosions.
Mouldsuit (DH2 EW p. 48) 10kg Rare Users wearing this earpiece make any Toughness tests
Photo Visors / Contacts 0.5kg Scarce against sonic effects or against the auditory effects of a
Concussive weapon with a +20 bonus.
Preysense Goggles 0.5kg Plentiful
Rebreather 1kg Scarce Explosive Collar
Recoil Glove 0.5kg Scarce Each of these heavy collars comes with a remote, usually with
Respirator/Gas Mask 0.5kg Very Rare a range of 1 km. The remote can either release or explode
the collar, which automatically explodes if out of range of the
Survival Suit — Near Unique
remote for longer than 5 minutes. When triggered, the explosive
Synskin 2kg Very Rare on the collar detonates. The resulting decapitation instantly kills
Void Suit 8kg Rare the wearer, and counts as having a frag grenade detonated at
the location. Removing an explosive collar without the remote
requires a Hard (–20) Tech-Use test. If the character trying to
Gear remove the collar fails by two or more degrees of failure, the
collar explodes.
Clothing and personal gear
Filtration Plugs
Backpack Worn in each nostril, filtration plugs screen out most pollutants
Backpacks allow the wearer to transport roughly 30 kg of extra and hazardous gases.
weight, but removing an object from the pack requires a Full A character wearing filtration plugs gains a +20 bonus to any
Action. Only one backpack or combat vest can be worn at a Toughness test made to resist the effects of damaging gases.
time. Good craftsmanship models add another +10 bonus, while
Poor models must be replaced after five hours of usage as the
Chameleoline Cloak filter becomes clogged and unusable.
Chameleoline material is made up of mimic fibres that blend the
coloration of the wearer into their surroundings. Mouldsuit
The wearer gains a +20 bonus to Stealth tests. If he remains A character wearing a mouldsuit is completely immune to the
stationary during his turn, Ballistic Skill tests targeting him suffer efects of mind-mould (and thus spore bombs), unless he has
a –30 penalty until the beginning of his next turn. the Psyker trait, in which case the spores afect him normally.
The filtration system grants a +40 bonus to any Toughness
Chrono test made to resist the efects of harmful gasses, as well as a
Chronos are small timepieces, and are essential for Characters +10 bonus to tests for resisting extreme temperatures and
to properly time their actions. Basic versions simply indicate being set on fire. Each contains a separate rebreather unit that
local time and require manual setting, but finer models can lasts for 5 hours before requiring replacement.
synch to external datastreams for the greatest possible It is not designed for battle, and ofers no combat protection
accuracy. though it can be worn over armour. If the wearer takes more
than 5 points of damage in a single round, the suit becomes
damaged and ceases to provide filtering beneits until repaired.
While basic clothing common to a setting should be simple
to acquire, more elaborate garb of either higher status or Photo Visors / Contacts
specialised function should be more difficult. These can be worn as corneal lenses or as outer eyewear.
Characters wearing these gain the Dark-sight trait. Good
Combat Vest
craftsmanship visors also dampen the effects of photon flash
Common styles of combat vests include hip packs, holsters,
grenades, making the wearer immune to their effects.
bandoliers, and vests.
Preysense Goggles craftsmanship versions have six hours of air, while Good and
Poor craftsmanship models are bulky goggles with glowing Best craftsmanship versions eliminate the Agility penalty.
lenses; Good and Best craftsmanship models are disguised as
normal (if elaborate) eyeglasses.
A character wearing these goggles suffers no penalties due
to darkness, and gains a +20 bonus to vision-based Perception
tests at night.

These devices store and recycle breathable air via a mask and
external supply tank.
The air canister lasts only for about one hour and then must
be replaced, which takes a Full Action. Good craftsmanship
models last two hours, while Poor ones take two Full Actions to
replace the canister. Replacement canisters are Scarce.

Recoil Glove
This heavy absorbs the shock from powerful hand weapons.
A character using a recoil glove can fire a Basic weapon with
one hand without the normal –20 penalty, and can wield pistol
weapons that normally require two hands in one hand without

Respirator/Gas Mask
A simple breathing mask that covers the nose and mouth or
entire face.
A character wearing a respirator gains a +30 bonus to a
Toughness test made to resist the effects of gas and can re-roll
the test if failed. Good craftsmanship models add another +10
bonus, while Poor models must be replaced after 10 hours of
usage as the filter becomes clogged and unusable.

Survival Suit
A survival suit can maintain proper body temperature and
hydration via excellent insulation capabilities. Using the
differential between body temperature and outside temperature
to drive thermoelectric power cells, it also has reclamation
systems for turning sweat into drinking water.
The suit grants a +20 bonus to any tests to withstand
the effects of extreme environments and keeps the wearer
hydrated. Good and Best craftsmanship suits grant a +25 and
+30 bonus, respectively, while Poor outfits only last three days
before their internal mechanisms falter and need removal from
the extreme temperatures to recharge.

Synskin is a bio-reactive skin-tight body glove with a non-
reflective surface.
It grants 2 Armour points to all locations not already
armoured and the wearer gains a +10 bonus to Stealth tests.
It also renders the wearer invisible to the use of preysense
goggles and those with the Dark-sight trait.

Void Suit
These fully-sealed suits are essential for operating in the
vacuum of space, but can also be useful in toxic or hostile
environments. A Common craftsmanship void suit has 12
hours of air and imposes a –10 penalty to Agility tests. Poor
Drugs and Consumables
A mild narcotic, each stick contains dried and cured plant
Name Weight Availability leavesthat release a scented, stimulating smoke when ignited
Amasec 1kg Average and inhaled through a cheap tube that burns away with the
Desoleum Fungus — Scarce drug.

De-Tox — Rare Obscura

Frenzon — Very Rare Obscura-users enter a dream-like state for 1d5 hours (if
Lho-Sticks — Common required to engage in combat, consider them under the effects
ofa hallucinogen grenade). For 1d10 hours after the effects
Obscura — Rare
wear off, they enter a deep depression, unless another dose of
Ration Pack 2kg Plentiful obscura istaken. Obscura is Addictive.
Recaf — Abundant
Ration Pack
Sacred Unguents — Very Rare
These small pouches contain concentrated or dehydrated
Slaught — Scarce
foodstuffs suitable for one complete meal, and also include
Spook — Rare vitamin supplements, water puri-tabs, a protein bar, and heating
Stimm — Average pellets.
Tranq 1kg Abundant Eating one or more ration packs (or other, comparable
meals) during a period of rest of at least two hours removes one
additional level of Fatigue.
Drugs and Consumables
These common beverages offer a mild stimulant effect as well
This refreshment is made from distilled wine or other fermented
as pleasing taste.
beverages, and is popular in many regions of the Imperium. It
Consuming recaf helps to hone senses dulled by exhaustion,
is usually a fine-quality product, with some well-aged vintages
and a dose removes one level of Fatigue from the character.
renowned across the sector for bouquet and flavour.
The cumulative penalty to Toughness tests taken for consuming
Desoleum Fungus additional doses of recaf is –20 instead of the normal –10.

A hallucinogen made from unusual narcotic mushrooms. Sacred Unguents

A dose of lasts 1d10 rounds, and the user immediately
Holy lubricating oils that have received the blessings of the
suffers 1 Fatigue as his body spins wildly. A character under
the effects of the drug can take advantage of the skewed
If applied to a weapon— which requires a Full Action—the
perspective this gives him: once during this time, he may invert
weapon becomes immune to jamming for a number of shots
the result of any 1d100 roll, exchanging the tens digit for the
equal to its clip size. If the unguent is applied to an already
ones digit.
jammed weapon, the jam immediately clears, but there is no
De-Tox further effect.

De-tox can negate most of the dangerous effects of other Slaught

drugsor toxins. Using de-tox is both painful and debilitating, and
Slaught literally speeds up the user, but causes neural and
can cause several unpleasant side effects such as vomiting,
physiological damage with prolonged application.
nosebleeds, and a great voiding of the bowels.
Taking a dose increases the user’s Agility bonus and
A dose immediately ends the effects, both positive and
Perception bonus by 3 for 2d10 minutes. When the drug runs its
negative. Upon taking this drug, a character is Stunned for a
course, the user must pass a Challenging (+0) Toughness test
number of rounds equal to 1d10 minus his Toughness bonus. A
or suffer a –20 penalty to Agility tests and Perception tests for
result of 0 or less means that the character suffers no ill effects.
1d5 hours. Slaught is Addictive.
Frenzon Spook
A dose of frenzon creates a fanatical and fearless state, leaving
A highly-proscribed drug, spook creates and augments that
the user ready to fight any foe, no matter how suicidal it may
most hazardous of effects: psychic abilities.
If a character without any psy rating takes a dose of this
A character using frenzon gains the Frenzy talent and
drug, he must successfully make a Challenging (+0) Willpower
immediately becomes Frenzied. These effects last for the
test or gain 1d5 Insanity points due to his mind being filled with
duration of the drug; a single dose of which lasts for 1d10
terrifying visions of the Warp. If he succeeds, the user gains a
minutes. Frenzon is Addictive.
psychic power from Table 5–16: Spook Effects. The power lasts
for 1d5 hours, and the user makes all Focus Power tests during
this time as if he had a psy rating of 1.
If a character with a psy rating of 1 or more uses spook, he
must make a Challenging (+0) Willpower test. If he fails, he
gain 1 Insanity Point and the drug has no further effects. If he
passes, he adds 1 to his psy rating for the next hour. However,
add +25 to rolls he makes on Table 6–2: Psychic Phenomena.
Spook is Addictive, and depending on the setting, its mere
possession can incur intense and even lethal punishment from
local authorities.

A dose of stimm is enough to energise the weary and mask
pain with short-term vitality.
Each dose lasts for 3d10 rounds. During this time, a
character ignores any negative effects to his characteristics
from damage, Critical damage, and Fatigue, and cannot be
Stunned. When the stimm wears off, the character suffers a
–20 penalty to Strength, Toughness, and Agility tests for one
hour and gains one level of Fatigue. Stimm is Addictive.

The drug tranq covers an array of artificial, alcoholic chem-
distillates brewed by underhive scum, criminals, and even
Guardsmen desperate for respite from their wretched lots.
It numbs the body and mind, which provides a very different
feeling than being drunk on amasec, rotgut, or other spirits.
Though similar in the end result, the effects of tranq are
unpleasant, depressive, and require an acquired taste.
To operate an Adaptive Logis-Engine, an Acolyte must place
Tools it onto the alien computer, lock, or other interface device that
Name Weight Availability he wishes to crack, and make a Hard (–20) Security (Int) test.
If successful, the engine accesses the alien device, and the
Adaptive Logis Engine DH2 EWo p. 42 4kg Extremely Rare
character treats it like any other cogitator or electronic lock for
Auspex/Scanner 0.5kg Scarce
the purposes of additional tests.
Auto-Quill — Scarce An Adaptive Logis-Engine takes 5 minutes to access a basic
Clip/Drop Harness 2kg Common alien system, less 30 seconds for each degree of success on
Combi-Tool 1kg Rare
the user’s Security test (to a minimum of 30 seconds).

Comm Leech 1kg Very Rare Auspex/Scanner

Dataslate 0.5kg Common These standard Imperial detection devices are used to reveal
Demolition Kit 4kg Very Rare energy emissions, motion, life-signs, and other information.
A character using an auspex gains a +20 bonus to
Diagnostor 4kg Rare
Awareness tests. Once per round, as a Free Action, a character
Disguise Kit 2kg Very Rare with one may make a Tech-Use test to spot things not normally
Excruciator Kit 2kg Very Rare visible to human senses, such as invisible gases, nearby signs
Field Suture 0.5kg Average of life, non-visible radiation, or other things as appropriate.
The standard range is 50m, though walls more than 50cm
Glow Globe/Stablight 0.5kg Abundant
thick and certain shielding materials can block a scanner. Good
Grapnel & Line 2kg Common craftsmanship models increase the bonus to +30, but Poor
Grav Chute 15kg Rare models an only penetrate 20cm of material.
Hand-Held Targeter 0.5kg Scarce
Inhaler/Injector 0.5kg Common
These devices allow a user to copy text or transcribe speech
Lascutter 4kg Average with impressive speed and accuracy.
Laud Hailer 4kg Scarce A character with a relevant Trade skill can use it to gain a
Magboots 2kg Rare
+10 to his tests involving this skill when recording data.

Magnoculars 0.5kg Average Clip/Drop Harness

Manacles 1kg Plentiful A simple spooled safety line with a magnetic or hooked clasp at
Medi-Kit 2kg Common the end, these tools attach to the user’s belt or shoulder straps.
A character using a clip harness to descend a vertical
Micro-Bead — Average
surface gains a +30 bonus on tests to Climb and cannot fall
Monotask Servo Skull 2kg Rare if he fails. Common quality harnesses can hold 150kg, while
Multicompass 4kg Near Unique Good quality harnesses can support 200 kg.
Multikey — Scarce
Null Rod 1kg Near Unique
Most combi-tools are small, compact devices filled with foldout
Pict Recorder 1kg Average and extending probes, blades, hooks, and socket-plugs.
Psy Focus — Average A character using a combi-tool gains a +10 bonus to Tech-
Regicide Set 1kg Plentiful
Use tests.

Screamer 2kg Scarce Comm Leech

Signal Jammer 2kg Rare A somewhat heretical item in the eyes of the Mechanicum,
Stasis Cage DH2 EWo p. 44 6kg Extremely Rare these tap into vox signals or data transmissions.
After making a successful Tech-Use test, the user can use
Static Generator 3kg Very Rare
it to receive a signal or transmission within 1km for a number of
Stummer 2kg Average minutes equal to his degrees of success.
Vox-Caster 4kg Scarce If the character fails by a number of degrees of failure
Writing Kit 2kg Plentiful greater than his Intelligence bonus, the sender and receiver of
the signal become aware that someone is attempting to tap in.

Tools Dataslate
These devices are common across the Imperium, and are the
Adaptive Logis Engine primary means of storing data. Well-crafted dataslates can also
Adaptive Logis-Engine uses intrusion machine spirits, chem rerecord new information, or transmit and receive data from
dispensers, electromagnetic pulses, and other forceful means other devices.
to break into alien networks and make them accessible to the
agents of the Imperium. Demolition Kit
A demolition kit contains the tools for a character to more easily at twice that distance. Both last roughly five hours before their
set up sophisticated detonation devices and explosives. power packs need recharging or replacing.
Each kit includes the following:
• Five demolition charges: These detonate with the same Grapnel & Line
profile as krak grenades. A combination of clip-harness and gas-powered pistol, this can
• 100 metres of det-cord: This thin rope can be lit with any fire a hook or magnetic clasp attached to a thin, strong wire at
fire source or detonator, and burns at a rate of 10 seconds an overhead target up to 100m away.
per metre, useful for setting a delay on an explosive or Once the grapnel attaches to the desired spot such as a
activating it at a distance. rooftop, a user can manually climb the line or activate a powered
• Five pressure-release detonators: These can be used to winch that can lift the user roughly 5m per round. Common sets
light a det-cord line or trigger explosives directly. can hold 150kg, while Good or Best can support 200 kg.
All of the materials in this kit can be refilled to these quantities
Grav Chute
without the use of a Requisition test as long as the character is
in a location they would be available. Grav chutes use anti-grav fields to slow a rapid fall into a
controlled (and safe) descent, with small attitude jets allowing
Diagnostor for extra braking and directional finesse
The diagnostor is a sophisticated medical device used across If the character passes a Challenging (+0) Agility test or
the galaxy that can detect and diagnose almost every ailment Routine (+20) Operate (Aeronautica) test, the grav chute allows
known to the Imperium. for a safe, guided fall from any height; otherwise the character
A diagnostor provides +20 to Medicae or Perception tests to counts as having fallen two metres for each degree of failure.
determine an ailment; success indicates the proper treatment
Hand-Held Targeter
to be used.
A hand-held targeter is a small device capable of detecting
Disguise Kit ranges to targets using optical sights for zooming, prediction
Acolytes often conceal their true identity as part of their systems for firing, and so on.
investigation, either to create new personas or impersonate Acolyte with a hand-held targeter may spend a Half Action
others. to grant another character +20 bonus to his next Ballistic Skill
These kits contain the following: test when firing a weapon with the Indirect quality.
• Basic makeup: Grants a +10 bonus to Deceive tests made
to visually disguise the character
• Prosthetic appliances: Allow the character to impersonate Many drugs require a device to administer a dose such as a
individuals with different facial structures. syringe, spray-injector, or gas flask. Each can hold one dose of
• Skin dyes: Allow the character to impersonate individuals any drug, which a character may administer as a Half Action.
with different skin colours.
• Vocal augmenter: Grants a +10 bonus to Deceive tests
Ideal for slicing open doors and bulkheads, lascutters were
made to impersonate another voice.
originally designed for mining, where their short-range, intense
• Retina lenses: Allow the character to impersonate
cutting beam could chop apart even the toughest rock.
individuals with different eye colours.
Most can cut or weld around 10cm of metal depending on
All of the materials in this kit can be refilled to these quantities
the thickness involved. They are large and cumbersome, and
without the use of a Requisition test as long as the character is
so can only be used as a Heavy weapon (acting as a Meltagun
in a location they would be available.
without any special weapon qualities) on stationary targets
Excruciator Kit within 2 metres.
Most kits contain a wide range of blades, needles, chemicals,
Laud Hailer
drugs, barbed hooks, neural probes, thermal prods, and other
Whether belting orders over the ferocious roar of combat
essential tools needed to extract the truth.
or addressing a crowd of thousands of the faithful, Imperial
Employing an excruciator kit grants the user a +20 bonus to
officials often require great volume, and a laud hailer is the
Interrogation tests.
perfect tool. Each can amplify normal speech levels such that
Field Suture an entire crowd can hear the speaker’s words clearly.
Common implements found on battlefields across the
Imperium, field sutures are used to quickly sew shut wounds to
Heavy and bulky, these oversized boots contain
prevent blood loss.
electromagnets. They allow the wearer to adhere to metallic
Field sutures provide a +30 bonus for Medicae tests used to
surfaces such as exterior hull plating, and are often found in
staunch Blood Loss.
voidship emergency lockers.
Glow Globe/Stablight Magboots reduce the character’s Agility bonus by 2, but
Glow-globes are roughly the size of a clenched fist, and allows him to move normally when in low- or zero-gravity areas,
can illuminate an area a dozen or so metres in radius, while provided there is a suitable metallic surface to walk upon.
cylindrical stablights can project a narrower, conical beam but
These powerful vision aids can magnify distant items into After a few seconds of analysing planetary data, a multicompass
clear focus, helping ensure no heresy goes unspotted. More can display directions, show topographical maps, point out
advanced, high-quality magnoculars can also do such things compass bearings, indicate altitude, and much more.
as give range read-outs, detect heat sources, calculate target Possessing a multicompass grants a +20 bonus to all
location positioning, and take pict-captures of a view for later Survival and Navigation (Surface) tests.
Manacles In the right hands, a multikey can open most standard Imperial
No bounty hunter or Enforcer would be without several sets locks and is thus is highly suspect for honest citizens to
of these solid restraints, though they are often used to ensure possess.
sacrificial offerings do not stray from a cult’s altar or for other, A character with a multikey gains a +30 bonus to any
darker purposes. Security test when trying to open locks.
A character bound with manacles suffers a –40 penalty to all
Ballistic and Weapon Skill checks. Null Rod
Most null rods appear as short obsidian cylinders, often
crawling with arcane icons and glyphs.
Each can dampen the powers of any psykers within 2d10
metres, causing them to take all tests to use any of their psychic
powers with a –30 penalty.
Medi-Kit They also offer a Character personal protection from psychic
Medi-kits contain synth-skin patches, antiseptics, self-sealing attacks by granting a +30 bonus to resist any psychic power
bandages, pressure tourniquets, and other medical aids. that directly affects him.
A standard kit grants a +10 bonus to Medicae tests so long A null rod acts as a truncheon with the Power Field quality
as the user possesses the Medicae skill. when used in close combat.
Advanced versions also contain tox wands, synth-skin spray,
diagnostic cogitators, and additional high-quality supplies. Pict Recorder
These grant a +20 bonus to Medicae tests (whether or not the A relatively simple recording device, pict recorders can capture
user possesses the Medicae skill) but weight an extra 3kg and audiovisual media. Most models can also display recorded data
are of Rare Availability instead of Common. on integrated screens, with advanced models using holographic
imagery. Specialised pict-servitors are essentially ambulatory
Micro-Bead recorders, brought on hazardous events or missions to
Also known as a bead-comm, these small devices are worn autonomously capture occurrences for later codifying.
in the ear and allow for short-range communications out
to roughly 1 kilometre. Each fits discreetly in the ear, with Psy Focus
higher Craftsmanship models nearly undetectable in casual Many psykers use these small, personalised items to steady
inspection. themselves before accessing the terrible powers of the Warp.
Each is different; some might be no more than a carved finger
Monotask Servo Skull bone or pressed flower.
Monotask models are dedicated to a single, basic function When a psyker with a psy focus makes a Focus Power test,
and are a common sight on many worlds. Each responds to he gains a +10 bonus.
basic verbal commands, and unless otherwise commanded,
always hovers near its master. The types below represent only Regicide Set
a fraction of the countless patterns found across the sector. A two-player game played across all classes from lowly
• Augur: The skull carries a scanner and vox-data systems refresherscrubbers to spire nobility, regicide is simple to learn
to relay its findings. The character gains the benefits of an but difficult to master.
auspex as long as the servo-skull is within 10 metres and A typical regicide game takes 1d5 hours, and while it usually
active. has no in-game effects, the GM can offer benefits to well-
• Illumination: The skull is fitted with a glow-globe or burning roleplayed games such as a +10 bonus to Fellowship-based
brazier to light an area 20 metres in radius. tests with the opponent for the following day.
• Laud Hailer: The servo-skull incorporates a laud-hailer,
which can play recorded speech or amplify its master’s Screamer
speech as directed. These proximity alarms set off a piercing wail when they detect
• Medicae: The skull is fitted with a medicae scanner and intruders. Screamers can detect sound, movement, and even
tools. The character gains the benefits of a standard medi- odours.
kit as long as the servo-skull is within 2 metres and active. To activate, the player must succeed on a Challenging (+0)
• Utility: The skull is equipped with probes, plugs, and tools Tech-Use test, but the GM rolls this test in secret. Once set, a
to aid in technical tasks. The character gains the benefits of screamer has a Perception of 75 for the purposes of detecting
a combi-tool as long as the servo-skull is nearby and active. sounds or motions. If it detects an intruder, it sounds its alarm,
which can be heard anywhere out to one kilometre.
Multicompass Poor craftsmanship models only detect loud noises or fast
movements nearby. Good versions can detect specific sounds,
movement, or even odour ranges, and can also have more
subtle warning methods.

Signal Jammer
As the name suggests, this device acts to overpower local vox,
data, or other transmissions within a range of roughly 1km.
Basic models are overt and obvious, such that the transmitting
agencies know they are being jammed. Sophisticated
versions emit precisely-tuned frequencies that dampen out
transmissions without anyone detecting the action.

Stasis Cage
The Stasis Cage is a fast and portable method of holding xenos
creatures for further study.
A Stasis Cage generates a field large enough to hold
anything with a Size trait of 7 or lower that does not possess
the Incorporeal trait for five hours (if using the battery pack), or
indefinitely if connected to a power source. A creature inside
cannot take any actions, and characters outside cannot attack
or interact with anything inside.
The cage itself is compact and unfurls into a flat circular plate
three metres across. It activates via a small remote mechanism;
once active, it can hover with its captive two metres above
ground and can be pushed or towed as desired.

Static Generator
Simple but obvious, this emits a powerful sphere of white noise
across commonly used transmission frequencies within 30
metres. Comm devices do not function, but it is also clear to
all users that they are being disrupted, and the device can be
easily located.

The reverse of a screamer, a stummer blankets sound within
5m through sonic detection and dampening projectors.
A character carrying an active stummer gains a +30 bonus
to Stealth tests. A stummer typically has enough power for 20
minutes of continuous use before needing to be recharged, a
process that takes about one hour.

A standard Imperial long-distance communications device,
voxcasters can transmit and receive to other units within
100km, and can reach most orbiting vessels overhead. Higher
craftsmanship models have increased ranges, and can include
encryption and other security settings.

Writing Kit
Simple and basic, standard writing kits contain parchment, inks,
and quills for Characters to transcribe confessions, diagram
important finds, and leave messages for fellow Characters.
Cybernetics Bionic Senses
Eyes, ears, and even noses are often lost through combat or
Bionic Replacements accident, and replacement versions use cranial interfaces to
Bionic replacement limbs are assumed to operate at the same allow a very close approximation to natural senses. Common
level of strength and dexterity as the body they are attached systems, while usually clearly artificial and often oversized,
to though their robust construction does add 2 to the owner’s manage to more or less duplicate the approximate human
Toughness bonus against hits scored to that particular location. range of senses adequately and have no further game effects.
Any critical damage that results in bleeding or some other • Poor quality cybernetic senses are problem-ridden imitations
inappropriate result instead renders the bionic limb useless. of the real thing. Hearing might be troubled by static, for
Critical damage to a limb that results in death has the full effect. example, or vision rendered in low-resolution monochrome.
A character with this system suffers a –20 penalty to tests
Bionic Arm made involving the cybernetic sense.
Bionic arms are a common replacement, and Common models • Good cybernetic senses grant a +10 bonus to tests using
can mimic normal hand and arm functions, including dexterity that particular sense, and a +20 bonus to tests made to
and even sense of touch. resist attacks on the sense itself, such as deafening noises
• Poor craftsmanship versions are more cumbersome and and blinding flashes.
visibly artificial; halve the owner’s Agility characteristic Advanced cybernetic eyes can also incorporate magnifying
(rounded up) where matters of fine dexterity are involved. In lenses, a full photo-visor, or a system granting the Dark-sight
addition, Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill tests made when trait. Advanced cybernetic ears can also include an internal
using the limb suffer a –5 penalty. micro-bead system.
• Good craftsmanship bionic arms improve on natural design Each additional upgrade requires a separate Requisition test to
and provide a +10 bonus on Agility tests requiring delicate be fitted into existing cybernetic senses
• Best craftsmanship bionic arms provide a +10 bonus on
Agility tests requiring delicate manipulation and add a +10
bonus to Strength tests using the arm. They can be also Name Availability
used to store small items (such as pistol ammo clips) inside Augur Array Rare
concealed interior compartments within the arm.
Baleful Eye Near Unique
Bionic Heart Bionic Arm Scarce
A character with this implant gains +1 Armour point to the Body Bionic Legs Scarce
location—this bonus stacks with any armour worn—and gains Bionic Respiratory System Rare
the Sprint talent.
Bionic Heart Very Rare
Bionic Legs Bionic Senses Rare
These bionics are fully integrated into the hip with a spinal link, Calculus Logi Upgrade Very Rare
and Common versions allow the user to walk, run, and climb at
Cerebral Implants Very Rare
normal human levels.
• Poor craftsmanship models are lumbering affairs that reduce Cranial armour Scarce
a character’s Movement rate by 1, and when running, the Interface Port Rare
user must succeed on an Ordinary (+10) Agility test or fall Locator Matrix Rare
Prone at the end of his movement.
Memorance Implant Rare
• Good craftsmanship bionic legs grant the owner the Sprint
talent, and add a +20 bonus to Agility tests that he makes Mind Impulse Unit (MIU) Rare
when attempting to jump or leap. MIU Weapon Interface Rare
Respiratory Filter Implant Rare
BionicRespiratory System
Scribe-Tines Rare
Common bionic lungs and implanted respiratory systems mimic
the action of human lungs and keep the body supplied with Subskin Armour Very Rare
oxygen. Such characters gain a +20 bonus to Toughness tests Synthmuscle Rare
made to resist airborne toxins and gas weapons. Vocal Implant Scarce
• Poor bionic lungs offer the same benefits as the Common
Volitor Implant Rare
system, but are raucously loud affairs and characters suffer
a –20 penalty to Stealth tests. Their generally poor oxygen
supply to the body means that the character suffers a –10 Bionic Augmentations and Implants
penalty on all tests involving strenuous physical activity.
• Good bionic lungs count as a full life support system and can
Augur Array
be designed to be unnoticeable if desired. These implanted devices duplicate the effects of sensor
systems that go beyond normal human senses. In all cases,
their use requires concentration and a Half Action. Common
systems function identically to a standard hand-held auspex Locator Matrix
device. Micro-cogitators implanted at the base of the skull allow the
• Poor systems possess only a single detection ability (heat, user to be aware of the direction of the planetary poles, the
radiation, electromagnetics, or very rarely daemonic taint) Acolyte’s present location to within a few metres, relative
and have the limited range of 20 metres. If the augur is velocity, altitude, time of day, and other valuable information.
set to detect daemonic taint, it has the possibility to be
overwhelmed and malfunction should a Warp-denizen get Memorance Implant
too close. This implant is a neurally-linked datavault and pict-capture
• Good systems function as a full auspex, but also allow the array, often incorporating augmetic replacement of one or both
character to re-roll all Perception-based tests. eyes, that records information on people or scenes viewed. It
can then later replay that information, or overlay the present
Baleful Eye view with additional data on people and objects viewed.
This legendary archaeotech bionic pattern incorporates a tiny It provides a +10 bonus to Trade (Loremancer) tests or
las weapon. other tests in social situations where the recorded information
A character with this implant has a weapon in his eye that provides leverage or value.
counts as a hot-shot laspistol with a range of 10m. The baleful
eye can be fired even if the character’s hands are full. It has Mind Impulse Unit (MIU)
no clip size, however a jam result causes the character to lose These devices, also known as sense-links, allow the owner
sight in the eye for a number of rounds equal to the degrees of to interface directly with a machine or technological device.
failure on the attack. Common models impose no modifiers to machine spirit
communication, and add a +10 bonus to Tech-Use or Operate
Calculus Logi Upgrade tests used in conjunction with devices capable of MIU linking.
These bionics are internal cogitator implants which aid in data • Poor MIU systems require a Challenging (+0) Willpower
retention and processing. test to use and impose a –10 penalty when attempting to
This implant grants the user a +10 bonus to Linguistics, interface with a device.
Logic, and Scholastic Lore tests. • Good models grant a +10 bonus to commune with machine
spirits and for Tech-Use, Operate, Logic, Inquiry, and
Cerebral Implants
Ballistic Skill tests made as part of interfacing with the MIU
Commonly used to repair a severely damaged brain or
(hopefully) augment its abilities, these often-risky implant
systems represent a major step from simply replacing a limb to MIU Weapon Interface
altering a character from human to mechanism. This system allows the user to fire the linked ranged weapon
Common-level implants can restore paralysed and brain- as a Free Action during his turn. Note that he can still only take
damaged users to a semblance of normality, but with a a single Action with the Attack subtype during his turn. This
permanent loss of 1d10 points from the character’s Weapon additional weapon must be connected to the user via the MIU
Skill, Ballistic Skill, Agility, Intelligence, and Fellowship weapon interface, and is usually equipped as a shoulder mount.
• Poor versions restore brain function, but destroy the subject’s Respiratory Filter Implant
personality and memories, rendering them no better than a The implant sifts out most toxic gases; inhaled particulate
servitor, and as such are unsuitable for PCs. matter is also filtered, making breathing easier in heavily
• Good cerebral implants are very rare even among high polluted atmospheres.
ranking Imperial officials, and are exceedingly difficult to This implant grants the user a +20 bonus to resist inhaled
acquire, becoming Near Unique in Availability. These grant poisons, gas weapons, or atmospheric toxins.
the user the Unnatural Intelligence (2) trait and a +20 bonus
to Logic and Lore tests. Scribe-Tines
The hand and lower forearm are replaced with specialised and
Cranial armour sensitive tools ideal for manipulating parchment, autoscribing,
This augmentation covers or replaces most of the skull with dataslate tuning, and other efforts to record and preserve
layers of plasteel and gel padding to better prevent concussion information.
and other brain injuries. This implant gives the user a +10 bonus to all Lore skill tests.
This implant adds +1 Armour point to the Head, and stacks
with any worn armour on that location. Subskin Armour
Thin carapace plating is inserted under the skin in various
Interface Port locations, giving the user added protection against damage.
The Acolyte now has a mechanical port implanted in his body, While not as impressive as most augmentations and sometimes
commonly in the rear of the neck, which can be connected to uncomfortable, subskin armour is very reliable.
machines via a data cable. This implant adds +2 Armour points to the Arms, Body, and
This grants a +10 bonus to Common Lore, Inquiry, or Tech- Legs locations, which stacks with any other Armour points for
Use tests whilst connected to a relevant mechanism or data these locations.
Ropey strands of vat-grown muscle tissue, thick with slurried
nutrients and laced with flakweave, are woven into existing
muscle groups, granting increased strength of varying levels.
This implant grants the Unnatural Strength (1) trait; Best
craftsmanship grafts instead grant the Unnatural Strength (4)
trait but also impose a –10 penalty on Agility tests due to the
newly misshapen and unnatural body form.

Vocal Implant
This implant is usually found with those who use their voice to
project commands or proclamations.
This implant works to amplify the vocal cords to an inhuman
range in order to shout commands over the noise of a raging
battle, and counts as using a laud hailer.

Volitor Implant
The subject has cranial surgery to implant neural receptors and
artificial nerve routing, and can be compelled not to reveal a
certain item of information, remain within a set area, or perform
a specific task. If the subject attempts—or is forced—to counter
this compulsion, his brain shuts down into unconsciousness, or
even death for some severe volitor patterns.
variants grant a +10 bonus to all Toughness tests made to use
Mechanicus Cybernetics them.
Name Availability
Maglev Coils
Autosanguine Very Rare
Archaeotech systems of powerful gravimetric coils are
Ferric Lure Implants Very Rare implanted in the body, allowing the user to become unshackled
Internal Reservoir Rare from gravity’s grasp for short periods.
Luminen Capacitor Very Rare Using a Half Action, the user may hover 20-30 centimetres
off the ground for a number of minutes equal to 1d10 plus the
Maglev Coils Very Rare
character’s Toughness bonus.
Mechadendrite Very Rare The character must employ a Half Action each round to
concentrate on operating this implant and may use the other
action to move normally.
The character can slow his rate of descent when falling so
This ancient and blessed microscopic technology flows as a
long as this implant is active when the character reaches the
metallic liquid within the character’s bloodstream, repairing
ground, reducing all falling damage to a maximum of 1d10+3
minor injuries and accelerating healing.
Impact damage.
When applying healing, the character is always considered
Each time the character activates the coils, it drains the
Lightly Damaged, and heals at an increased rate, removing 2
stored power and cannot be used again until recharged (which
points of damage per day instead of 1.
takes 24 hours).
Ferric Lure Implants
Powerful electromagnets are implanted in the Character,
Mechadendrites are mechanical attachments of brass and
allowing him to cast forth a net of invisible energy as a Full
steel that act as additional arms. Each is usually 2 metres in
Action after a successful Challenging (+0) Willpower test. He
length when fully extended, and has a specialised function
can call an unsecured metal object into his hand; the object
based around the mechanisms affixed at their end.
cannot mass more than 1 kg per point of Willpower bonus, and
Unless stated otherwise, mechadendrites can only be used
must be within 20 metres. He must already have Mechanicus
to perform tasks that the owner already knows how to do. A
Implants trait for this system to function, and it can be improved
character must have the appropriate Mechadendrite Use talent
through certain talents.
to operate his mechadendrite, and the maximum number of
Internal Reservoir mechadendrites he can have installed upon his body is equal to
his Toughness bonus.
This implant acts as a powerful battery, storing energy for
various implants and for functions that require energy to be Ballistic
expended in rapid or violent fashions. Designed for ranged combat, this mechadendrite is fitted with
When it is fully charged, the Character no longer gains a weapon that functions as a laspistol that does not require
Fatigue from using Luminen Capacitors either to recharge or recharging. The user does not need weapon training in this
attack something, but each use of those implants drains the weapon class to fire the mechadendrite’s weapon without the
reservoir by half. The battery fully recharges after one day of normal untrained penalty, and can attack with this weapon as
resting his Reaction.
Luminen Capacitor Manipulator
This implanted energy source charges internal capacitors, A heavy and powerful attachment, this mechadendrite is
allowing the character to recharge devices or even unleash designed for heavy lifting and handling of industrial gear. It
powerful energy blasts. With a successful Toughness test, the grants the user +20 to Strength-based tests; the vicious gripping
character recharges or powers machinery. This requires one and crushing pincers can also tether the user to gantries or
minute of mental focus and meditation. The difficulty of the suitably heavy objects as a Free Action. Once per round,
Toughness test varies depending on the nature of the powered the character can utilise this mechadendrite as a weapon
system, and the GM can impose Fatigue upon the user based by spending a Half Action or a Reaction to make a Standard
duration and amount of power used in the effort. Attack action with it. It counts as a melee weapon that inflicts
• Ordinary (+10): Simple power cell, glow-globe 1d10+2 Impact damage, Pen 0. While powerful, the manipulator
• Challenging (+0): Lasgun charge pack, dataslate is not subtle, and attempts to use it for such tasks as dataslate
• Difficult (–10): Shuttle launch systems, servo-skull typing, inscribing sacrificial etchings, handling delicate objects,
• Hard (–20): Lascannon charge pack, servitor or the like only ends with equipment being dropped, smashed,
• Very Hard (–30): Cogitator core, xenos technology or otherwise ruined.
The device can also be used offensively, but requires talents to
use properly. Only a Character with the Mechanicus Implants Medicae
trait may use this device. This model hosts a variety of medical and surgical tools ideal
Poor craftsmanship variants impose a –10 penalty to all for combat first aid, and grants a +10 bonus to Medicae and
Toughness tests made to use them. Good craftsmanship Interrogation tests. The mechadendrite houses six injector
pistons, each of which may be filled with one dose of a drug. In
addition to providing first aid, the mechadendrite’s flesh staplers
may be used to staunch Blood Loss as a Half Action.
Once per round, the character can utilise this mechadendrite
as a weapon by spending a Half Action or a Reaction to make
a Standard Attack action. It counts as a melee weapon with the
Balanced quality that inflicts 1d5 Rending damage, Pen 0

Often consisting of highly flexible, snake-like tubing, this
contains pict-capture and other sensory devices for inspection
and detection. It is long for a mechadendrite, extending to 3
metres, and grants a +10 bonus to all vision-based Perception
The mounted pictdevices allow it to examine surfaces at a
microscopic level or to be used as telescopic sight. It contains
an infrared torch and sensors with a range of 40m, and so
within this area the user ignores combat or other penalties due
to darkness.
The mechadendrite is also fitted with a stablight that can be
tinted a variety of different colours depending on the controller’s

The most common type of mechadendrite, these are tipped with
a variety of mechanisms for the repair and succour of blessed
technologies. It counts as a combi-tool, granting a +10 bonus
to all Tech-Use tests. The limb also houses six injector pistons,
each of which may be filled with one dose of a sacred unguent.
In addition to this, the limb contains an electrically-powered
censer, which can gust incense fumes over troublesome faults.
Unless the censer is deactivated, all Perception tests made to
detect the Tech- Priest that rely on a sense of smell gain a +10
As a Half Action, the censer can create one “blast” of smoke
every fifteen minutes, which imposes a –5 penalty to Weapon
Skill tests made by all living creatures within a two-metre radius
for one round.
Once per round, the character can also utilise this
mechadendrite as a weapon by spending a Half Action or
a Reaction to make a Standard Attack action. It counts as a
melee weapon with the Defensive quality that inflicts 1d5
Rending damage, Pen 2.
creatures that defy reality itself.
Services The Ordo Malleus, as well as elements of the Ordo Hereticus
Type Examples Availability and the Adeptus Ministorum, all maintain a number of rituals
that take ordinary weapons and purify them for use against
these unspeakable adversaries
Hab capsule, grox barn, taproom
Low Grade Abundant
hammock Sanctification (DH2 EB p. 47)
Basic hab room, main cabin Sanctification of a weapon involves elaborate liturgies
Mid Grade Average
quarters, mid-hive hostelry performed along with the anointing of blessed oils.
Grand hall lodgings, high berth It has an Availability of Very Rare and requires an Influence
High Grade Rare
billet, spire suite of 40. This service takes at least a day for completion, and
Provisions grants the weapon the Sanctified quality or removes the Tainted
quality from the weapon.
Stickrats, fungus loaf, void sweat
Low Grade Abundant
Purified Construction (DH2 EB p. 47)
Vatmeal cakes, grox stew, bowl Purified Construction is similar to Sanctification, but instead the
Mid Grade Average
of recaf
craftsman completely takes apart the weapon and rebuilds it
Vatmeal cakes, grox stew, bowl piece by piece, with complex cleansing rituals along each step
High Grade Rare
of recaf
of the process.
Transportation This has an Availability of Near Unique, requiring an
Rickshaw, dust sailer, hab Influence of 60 and reducing the character’s Influence by 1d10.
Low Grade Abundant
conveyer This service takes several days or even weeks to complete,
Basic autocarriage, short-range and grants the weapon the Daemonbane quality.
Mid Grade Average
cutter, intra-hive tramway
Orbital shuttle, dedicated
High Grade autocarriage with driver, furnished Rare

Travel through the Void

Ship Type Availability
Bulk Transport Abundant
Passenger Ship Plentiful
Pilgrim Ship Common
System Ship (intra-system only) Average
Tramp Freighter Average
Void Jumper (nearby systems only) Scarce

Medical Care
Type Examples Avl Effect
Poor Average Int 30, Medicae +0
Standard Factory medic Scarce Int 40, Medicae +0
Trained medicae,
Good Rare Int 50, Medicae +10
med servitor
Excellent Spire medicae Very Rare Int 60, Medicae +20

Some services can, at the GM’s discretion, increase or
decrease the group’s Subtlety level.

Rites of Sanctity (DH2 EB p. 47)

When arrayed before the denizens of the Warp, the most crucial
aspects of any given weapon often fall short. The sharpness
of a blade or the explosive force of a grenade means little to
Daemonic Remnants DH2 EB p. 48 Mental disorders gained from the Carillon are always
Obsession/Compulsion disorders focused around cataloguing
Objects left in the wake of daemonic incursions often hold a
innocuous and unrelated items.
power more terrible than any blasphemous symbol or alien
A cloud of smog with a radius of 20 metres surrounds it,
artefact. Coveted by only the foolish or the damned, these
which increases by 5 metres per day; any living creature within
Warp-spawned relics twist the minds and bodies of any who
the smoke suffers the effects of suffocation after 30 minutes of
look upon them and to use one is to sell one’s very soul to the
exposure regardless of sealed armour/ breathing apparatus.
Dark Gods.
The cursed bells can alternatively be the source of
quavering breaches in reality or even befoul Gellar Fields into
Balestone DH2 EB p. 48 puddles of tainted energies. It could also attract the attention
Many Askellian Daemonologists believe Balestone to be the of the Daemon who lost it aeons ago, and wishes to reward the
desiccated remains of banished Daemons. Grey and porous, unfortunate mortals nearby for finding its prized possession.
it seems to constantly generate heat but crumbles to ash when
touched Hound’s Teeth Gauntlet DH2 EB p. 48
Containing the Corruption Supposedly ripped from the mouths of slain Flesh Hounds
during the Seventh Cleansing of Juno, the gauntlet is a
Balestone needs to be stored in stasis to counter its effects, but
misshapen collection of huge fangs arranged around a skeletal
the unclean heat the substance emits eventually destroys any
brass glove. The gauntlet acts as a focusing tool that allows the
user to locate and track people through the Warp.
Using the Remnant
Containing the Corruption
Any ritual to summon Daemons gains a +30 bonus when
Tied to a number of extremely high profile assassinations
enacted within a circle or symbol of Chaos composed of
throughout Askellian history, the gauntlet’s reported powers
make it a prime goal for many different organisations.
Coating a weapon with Balestone grants it the Overheats
and Tainted weapon qualities, and permanently removes Using the Remnant
the Sanctified quality, while covering skin with it grants the
A character could use the gauntlet to track targets across
Daemonic (X) trait for X minutes, where X equals half the
almost any distance, or find a path through unknown areas. The
character’s Willpower bonus.
gauntlet grants a +30 bonus to any Navigate and Psyniscience
Any character who uses Balestone gains 1d5 Corruption
tests, and Survival tests for the Tracking special use.
points per minute of exposure, and suffers a –20 penalty to any
Each time the character makes such a test, he gains 1d5
resulting Malignancy and Mutation tests.
Corruption points, plus 1 additional Corruption point per degree
Balestone could also be used for increasing the power of
of success on the test. The GM can have it turn on its wearer
Malefic psychic powers, or to heighten the chances or effects of
should he use it too much, sending packs of Flesh Hounds after
Psychic Phenomena.
him for daring to use their power, or even turning inwards to
devour his hand whole.
Cursed Carillion DH2 EB p. 48 In melee combat, the gauntlet acts as a sword and has the
Said to appear without warning near towns and cities across Tainted and Unwieldy weapon qualities. Other possibilities for
the sector, and always shrouded by clouds of green smog, the the gauntlet include it enraging anyone it touches into frenzied
Carillon’s bells ring gently even in utterly still air. Over time, attacks, or inflicting bleeding wounds that are impossible to
the noise builds to a nauseating barrage capable of sending staunch.
the sanest man into a pit of despair and madness. No one is
sure what the Cursed Carillon actually is, other than reports Realitus DH2 EB p. 49
that stretch back thousands of years describing it as a series of
The first Daemon Hammer created for the Conclave of Illyricum,
bells surrounded by rotted parchments.
Realitus saw only one battle before it was lost to the forces of
Containing the Corruption Chaos.
The smog that accompanies the Carillon quickly overwhelms Containing the Corruption
any who approach, even when they are equipped with sealed
Changed fundamentally by the Herald’s touch, Realitus is no
longer just a weapon but a shifting conduit of Warp energy that
Using the Remnant acts as a lightning rod for unholy malice.
Using the Remnant Characters wielding Realitus could gain
When the Cursed Carillon appears it could stay for several
the Baneful Presence (X), Daemonic (X), Phase, and Warp
weeks. It might move by itself to a nearby location, and seems
Instability traits, where X equals the character’s Willpower
to vanish in a haze of smoke when attacked directly, only to
bonus. Those who already possessed the Daemonic trait would
appear nearby a few moments later.
lose the Warp Instability trait (should they have possessed it) as
A character must take a Willpower test at the end of every
the hammer now sustains their physical presence.
hour of exposure to the Carillon, with a –10 penalty for each day
Characters who did not previously possess the Daemonic
the Carillon has been present, gaining 1 Insanity point for every
trait gain 1d10 Corruption points for every hour they wield the
degree of failure.
hammer; other characters without that trait who come within and are often the first victims to the torrent of terror they
10m of the hammer must pass a Hard (–20) Willpower test for unwittingly bring about.
each hour they remain within this radius or gain 1d10 Corruption
points for each degree of failure. Using the Remnant
Realitus could also grant the Command skill at Rank 4 and Anyone might use the Void Talon to tear a literal hole in reality,
the Halo of Command talent, and in melee combat function as opening up a direct gateway to the Warp. Those brave (or
a Nemesis Daemon Hammer with the Tainted quality in place foolish) enough to stay near the opening must pass a Hellish
of the Daemonbane quality. (–60) Willpower test every minute or gain 1d10 Insanity and
The unholy hammer might also draw the attention of the Corruption points for each degree of failure.
Blood God, eager for its return to battle, or even be used A tear lasts for 6 minutes, in which time raw unreality pours
against Khorne’s Daemons as the hammer remembers its first through the opening, corrupting everything nearby. The GM
failure and is eager for vengeance. may also have Daemons (especially those of Slaanesh) emerge
as desired, launch Psychic Phenomena out of the tear, or even
Spectral Flame DH2 EB p. 49 cause Daemonic Possessions in nearby mortals..
Sketches depict it as an ornate stand holding a seemingly
mundane candle, with an unending, unnatural flame. The fire
reshapes itself endlessly into daemonic faces, grasping claws,
lost friends, and other terrors beyond imagination.

Containing the Corruption

The writings of Inquisitor Berenika Turchi document the item’s
long history and the poor souls that fell under its influence. Her
words hinted that the flame almost has a mind of its own, and
promises forbidden knowledge to any who could withstand its
gaze. Sadly, the Inquisitor’s writings give no indication of how to
extinguish the fire, and recount the tales of those who tried and
failed, and the sheer madness they descended into for even
looking upon the flames.

Using the Remnant

The flame can gift those who look closely into the twisting fires
with any desired Rank in one chosen Lore skill, up to Rank 4,
after performing a Willpower test with a penalty equal to ten
times the desired Rank (Rank 3, for example, would inflict a –30
penalty). This lasts for a number of days equal to the degrees
of success on the test, but the user also gains 1d5 points of
Corruption per Rank gained.
Failing the test results in 1d10 Intelligence damage for
each degree of failure. The flame can attract the attention
of Daemons, eager to cavort with the unnatural fire or even
seeking to reclaim it back to the bosom of the Warp.
Staring into the flame could also inflict Insanity points on the
weak, as their minds collapse from the terrible secrets revealed
to them.

Void Talon DH2 EB p. 49

Many fear the Void Talon is actually a Daemonette’s severed
claw, held in the material plane by ancient and long-forgotten
rituals. While too delicate for combat, it is sharp enough to
rend the veil of reality and open doorways directly into the

Containing the Corruption

There are few relics in the sector that garner as much
Inquisitorial attention as the Void Talon. Even the faintest of
rumours is enough for an Ordo Malleus Inquisitor to abandon
decades of vital research in the hope of finally destroying the
detestable device. The cults that somehow obtain the talon
usually know nothing of the scale of the horror they unleash,
Profane Objects DH2 EW p. 52 Ministorum) (5) talent, and members of that organisation (or
others at the GM’s discretion) gain the Hatred and Frenzy
Chaos is as insidious as it is deadly, capable of enthralling even
talents when ighting him.
the greatest of minds and the strongest of wills. Many cultists—
Smaller bones could also be used to aid in dark rites,
and also Witch Hunters of the Ordo Hereticus—begin their
daemonic summonings or bindings, or even act as protection
paths to damnation thanks to a corrupted icon or unholy relic.
against holy weapons and psychic attacks.
Animus Skull DH2 EW p. 52 Candles of Ending DH2 EW p. 52
Within the Askellon Sector, though, there are tales of a
Most accounts relate that these eight ivory-coloured candles
servo-skull that became possessed during a turbulent Warp
can only be lit after the wicks are dipped in the fresh blood of
translation, one that now hosts a daemonic entity.
the owner. They are never diminished with use, though; no wax
Questing for the Profane melts, and wicks remain untouched. The lames on each dance
as if in harsh winds, but burn so strongly that the air screams as
Few realise the faithful servo-skull loating nearby might be this
if in agony. While lit, they are believed to weaken the barriers
terrible mechanism. Those seeking it out might capture every
to the Immaterium and allow Warp energies to drip into real
device they find, examining each with psychic powers or other
eldritch probes, but never entirely certain whether it is truly
mundane or cleverly hiding its true nature. Questing for the Profane
Using the Object Many cults seek the candles for unholy rites, such as binding
Daemonhosts or attracting the Pandaemonium, based on the
Any servo-skull might actually be the Animus Skull, as it is
legendary connections to the Warp the candles are said to
possible it can possess other skulls when its current shell is
Its “owner” gains a +30 bonus on Tech-Use tests, which is Using the Object
added at the GM’s discretion, especially when success might
Lighting the candles does not require fresh blood, though the
have terrible or perverse consequences.
user is encouraged to perform similar obscene rites when
The Animus Skull counts as having a Willpower of 60,
setting each aflame.
and can be ordered to grant this bonus on command via an
A user who does this gains 1d10 Corruption points, and an
Opposed Hard (–20) Willpower test.
additional 1d10 points if he did not have Corruption prior to the
If the owner fails this test, he gains 1 Corruption point and
candles’ use.
sufers 1 point of Intelligence damage per degree of failure on
When all eight are lit, they grant a +30 bonus to any activities
the test.
within 9 metres that draw upon the Warp for power, and
The skull delights in other actions that cause death and
creatures in that range with the Warp Instability trait lose this
destruction, such as corrupting other machine spirits to its
trait while they remain in the afected area.
bidding, or abruptly deactivating life-support or engines in
The candles can have other efects as well, such as
increasing the chances for Psychic Phenomena, causing the
Bones of Cardinal Cassille DH2 EW p. 52 results from psychic powers to vary wildly, or even causing
Sanctified items to grow listless and ineffective as the unholy
Many within the Ecclesiarchy fear these are the desecrated
light from the candles burns reality itself.
remains of a holy relic from the shrine world of Ossuar.
After his death while banishing a foul Daemon in the 36th Carmine Aquila DH2 EW p. 53
Millennia, Cardinal Cassille’s crypt became a major pilgrimage
Stories of this tarnished sigil appearing after Warp translations
destination, but his tomb collapsed several centuries ago and
within vessels across Askellian space, from humble system-
was found empty.
hoppers to mighty battleships, have become common. For it
Questing for the Profane to appear within a ship is the foulest of luck, and none survive
for long afterwards, as the Pandaemonium seeks out its unholy
The charred bones seem to call to each other, and many have
claimed that even the smallest shard pulls softly towards its
fellow remains. Some are so tarnished and bloodstained as to Questing for the Profane
be unrecognisable, except to adepts of dark tomes or psychic
Few but the utterly insane would dare seek out this cursed item,
meaning countless heretics scour ships whenever travelling
Using the Object for any sign of the crimson sigil. Most hope it can somehow be
used as a weapon against the hated Imperium, even if it means
Having been used in numerous rituals over many decades,
their own deaths. Others, especially within the Ecclesiarchy,
the once-holy bones are now infused with the blasphemous
hope to ind and cleanse it of Warp-taint, or appease whatever
energies of a thousand thousand cultists.
dark forces empower it and make it once more an icon of the
If a bone suitable for combat is used to attack, it counts as
a power axe; the user does not need a Weapon Training talent
to wield it without penalty and adds twice his Corruption bonus Using the Object
to the damage inlicted. The owner gains the Enemy (Adeptus
If this cursed item is within 3 metres of an event calling for
Psychic Phenomena, the event instead automatically triggers a Using the Object
roll on Table 6–3: Perils of the Warp; whoever is nearest to the The correct rituals required to open the eye require a Very Hard
object counts as the triggering psyker, if needed. (–30) Forbidden Lore (Daemonology) test. For every degree of
Each character who witnesses the event gains a number of success, the user gains 2 Corruption points; for every degree of
Corruption points equal to his Fate threshold. failure, he gains 2 Insanity points.
The item seems to bring ill-favour to those following the Once opened, raw Warp energies rush through the icon
Imperial Creed, perhaps depressing the number of Fate points and through its wielder for 1d10 rounds; any psychic power he
available for those loyal to the Emperor, or twisting Fate point manifests during that time counts as being used at twice the
usage into results that inlict horrific outcomes. Each translation efective psy rating.
into the Warp should be a horrific event if the Aquila is aboard, A power strengthened this way always generates Psychic
with flickering Gellar fields and cracking hull plates. Phenomena, with a bonus to the roll equal to twice the efective
psy rating the psyker chose.
Chalice of Tears DH2 EW p. 53 Even unopened, the icon is a powerful item, and can easily
This ornate metallic cup is said to be covered with elaborate sway those who follow the Dark Gods to the side of its user or
filigree and complex designs of an almost hypnotic nature. ignite a cult into violent uprisings.
Many scholars of the malefic hold that it originally contained the
tears of redeemed heretics, who wept with rediscovered love Foundation Stone of House Dane DH2 EW p. 54
for the Emperor before being properly executed. Now, though, Some hold it is a huge edifice, others a mere stone fragment,
more fear the veracity of tales that it is always filled with tears but all seek it out and have even built rites around its return.
that did not come from any human or natural creature at all. They uniformly believe that it can reveal the truth of Askellon’s
Spilling the shimmering, pungent liquid within has been linked origins and the terrible betrayals that nearly destroyed the
to many accounts of breaches of reality into the Immaterium emergent sector ten millennia ago.
and daemonic possessions.
Questing for the Profane
Questing for the Profane The story of the stone is a lightning rod for rebellious and
Many heretics are certain the chalice contains unique waters heretical activity, making its discovery a high priority among
that grant immortality or immediate ascension to blessed both the faithful and the faithless. The following represent only
daemonhood, and have made elaborate rituals in preparation a fraction of the sects, cults, and recidivist groups seeking out
for its discovery. Other schools believe it has the tears of a the stone.
banished power of the Warp, and can summon this monster to Danist Scions: A deluded group that truly thinks itself the
bound servitude. ancestors of House Dane, this group claims to have found the
stone on at least four separate occasions.
Using the Object
The Shining Way: This group claims the Foundation Stone
He who dares to drink from the chalice must spend a Half
belongs to the Emperor, and has attacked even Ecclesiarchy
Action to make a Very Hard (–30) Willpower test, followed by a
forces in an attempt to keep supposed locations a secret.
Challenging (+0) Corruption test.
The Star of Dane: A number of Inquisitors have joined the
He removes an amount of damage equal to the sum of the
hunt for this Slaanesh cult, which hides its activities under the
degrees of success from these tests or can remove 1 point
façade of charitable organisations spread across a number of
of Critical damage, but also gains 1 Corruption point for each
point of any type of damage removed.
The Emergent Hand: Believed to be a Nurgle-dedicated cult,
Otherwise, he is overcome by the unnatural liquids and
this group operates from the swamps of Orinoca. Its adherents
gains 1 Corruption point for each degree of failure summed
claim that one of the numerous massive lagoons was the actual
from the two tests; on three or more degrees of failure, he also
site of House Dane’s palace, and search their depths for its
triggers a roll on Table 6–2: Psychic Phenomena and adds ten
times the degrees of failure to the result.
Sons of Temperance: A more recent Danic cult, whose
In the hands of those without Corruption, the chalice might
fanatical members believe the Foundation Stone central to a
burn the skin or tempt the pure with visions in the shining
mass ritual of reconciliation with the Imperium. Some within the
waters; its waters could also be used as part of daemonic
Ordo Hereticus suspect there are links to Khorne worship in
summoning rituals or desecrating a holy shrine.
these activities.
Eye of Chaos DH2 EW p. 54 Using the Object
This eight-sided arrangement of spiked metal is similar to other Reports of the Foundation Stone vary its size from as large as
obscene marks of Chaos, but at its centre is a fleshy, closed a Baneblade to as small as a coin held in a stasis chamber.
eye. With the proper sacrifices and profane rites, the eye opens Whatever the truth, and assuming the stone even exists,
(it is claimed) to reveal a tiny spark of the Warp itself. Acolytes would most likely use the stone (or false rumours
of the stone’s location) as a way of luring heretical cults and
Questing for the Profane
separatist movements out of hiding.
Also known as Tzeentch’s Pupil or the Warpsoul, this item is a
By the same token, cultists that believe they are either
dark legend amongst those who draw upon the Sea of Souls
fighting for, or in defence of, the stone gain the Adamantium
for good or ill.
Faith talent and the Hatred talent for anyone—including rival Maleficarum; it is likely that many already possess a copy
cultists—attempting to take the stone (or what they think is the and are ready to put it to use. Whispers tell that copies exist in
stone) away from them. circulation between a number of Askellian nobles, and that an
Psykers could perhaps use the stone to gain visions from original might reside on Juno.
Askellon’s founding, though attempts to comprehend the titanic
struggles of those eras could inlict Insanity points or worse. Using the Object
Unlike other Profane Objects, multiple copies of the Libris
Hammer of Saint Lucillus DH2 EW p. 54 Maleficarum exist. Very few retain the original’s text, and most
Despite no records of a Saint Lucillius in Askellian history, exist as copies corrupted by cult leaders.
his hammer appears several times throughout the sector’s Reading the Libris requires three ranks in either the Forbidden
records, often in the hands of cult leaders or firebrand military Lore (Daemonology) or Forbidden Lore (The Warp) skill.
commanders. In each instance, reports speak of an incredible Acolytes can use the Libris Maleficarum when investigating
power that has destroyed armies and brought enemy warlords various aspects of Chaos, represented by further bonuses to
to their knees. Some reports also indicate a wailing noise later Forbidden Lore tests, or tests to resist the inluence of the
emanating from the hammer, a sound that grew louder with daemonic or the profane (the GM has the final say on the exact
each strike and sent adversaries into a frenzy. Others relate nature of the bonuses).
accounts of a barely perceptible halo of energy surrounding A character gains 1d5 Corruption points for each hour spent
the user that became brighter as nearby comrades sank to studying the horrid books.
their knees in agony. Many have the user falling dead into a The GM can use the Craftsmanship ratings to represent
desiccated husk after the battle is won, or collapsing into diferent versions of the Libris Maleficarum:
weeping insanity. Poor: The books are scarcely legible scrawls, written by
someone with no real understanding of the original text. The
Questing for the Profane Acolytes never gain Corruption points for reading these books;
Khorne cults seem the most interested in the hammer as researching them should take at least twice as long and offer
a potent weapon, as do other sects eager for its legendary very limited benefits.
prowess in combat. The Askellian Ecclesiarchy also seeks it Common: This specimen is a typical modern example of the
out, as many believe it could indeed be a holy relic of a forgotten Libris Maleficarum and likely a copy of a copy, with a number
saint. A variety of Inquisitors, especially those with Isstvanian of annotations and additions made by this version’s twisted
leanings, have their warbands continually searching for the author.
hammer for their own inscrutable reasons. Good: This is one of the scant few copies that retain most of
Inquisitor Belenos’ original text. Acolytes need only Linguistics
Using the Object (High Gothic) in order to study this set of books.
The Hammer of Saint Lucillius is an exceptionally dangerous Best: This version of the Libris Maleficarum clearly bears the
tool that draws strength from nearby allies and fills enemies marks of the daemonic. The leathery covers are patchworks
with uncontrollable anger. of human and inhuman skin, and the rusty text is jagged and
Any character using the Hammer gains the Frenzy talent uncomfortable to view. Simply being near it sends strange
and a +5 bonus to Weapon Skill tests for each other friendly whispers into the Acolytes’ heads, and they see shapes in their
character within 8 metres, but each of those allies sufers a –5 peripheral vision that vanish when looked at directly. An Acolyte
penalty to Weapon Skill tests. also gains 1 Insanity point for each Corruption point he gains as
The Hammer itself counts as a Best craftsmanship power a result of reading this version of the foul text.
fist with the Concussive (3) and Tearing qualities.
At the end of combat, each other friendly character within Madani’s Music box DH2 EW p. 56
8 metres sufers one level of Fatigue and the user sufers This apocryphal item originates, according to most legends,
+1d5 Corruption points for each adversary he killed using the from the private workshops of amateur metalsmith Baron
Hammer. Michellius Madani of Vouxis Prime. Roughly the size of a fat
The Hammer’s corrupting nature might reduce the dataslate, its baroque exterior hides an impossible number of
Disposition of allies towards its owner, or the user could insist gears and levers that whirr frantically when the brass crank is
he must always wield the Hammer in favour of any other operated. Tales claim that it only plays a single piece of music—
weapon, as it instils him with a sense of invincibility. “Nuella’s Lament to the Fallen of Juno”—although no records
remain of who Nuella was, or who the “Fallen of Juno” were.
Libris Maleficarum DH2 EW p. 55 The sad tales relate that those hearing the song were
Most denounced the books as trickery and subterfuge, and enraptured, ignoring everything else and swaying oddly to
claimed the work actually concealed daemonic rituals as well the ringing tune. Some scholars believe reports of mass
as other forbidden secrets. Fresh versions surface every few disturbances linked to the item; these describe a cacophony
decades to only further stain the soul of Askellon, each one of discordant noise emerging from a main harmony that grows
more tainted than the last as new authors reine or twist Belenos’ louder to eventually drown out the original tune.
original words into even more terrible forms. When the tune ceased, listeners fell to the ground as their
skin erupted with lesions and unusual scars. Driven mad
Questing for the Profane without it, these wretched suferers would thrash uncontrollably,
Untold Askellian cults constantly seek a copy of the Libris
pleading to hear the music once again. For each point removed, however, he suffers the same amount
of Willpower damage, and gains twice that number of Insanity
Questing for the Profane points. After each use he must roll on Table 8–15: Malignancies;
Some believe the music box to be a form of terror weapon, should he gain a Malignancy he already possesses, he then
but many feel this fails to explain the euphoric and addictive gains an additional 1d10 Insanity points instead.
nature that has made it the target of many Slaanesh cults. The GM can also impose an Addiction to the statue; its
Those seeking it out often search for news of unusual illness ownership could become a source of jealous friction within the
outbreaks, or habs—or even hives—going silent as their warband, or it could inflict horriic facial deformities if used to
populations fall to the irresistible melodies. Some fear that if it remove too much Corruption.
were allowed to play long enough, it could enrapture an entire

Using the Object

As long as the user keeps playing the music box, everyone
except the operator cannot leave the area or even turn away
from the box’s user without first passing an Arduous (–40)
Willpower test.
Additionally, those that fail the test suffer an Addiction to
the music box, where the afflicted character gains 1d5 Insanity
points each day he goes without hearing the music.
GMs might want to inflict further Insanity depending on
the size of the enraptured crowds, or even have a user gain
Corruption points as each note takes something away from his

Vocram’s Effigies DH2 EW p. 56

The first records of the master sculptor Vocram appear only a
few decades after the Askellian Wars of Compliance. It is said
he created busts of Juno’s six most powerful leaders, gifting
the perfect works of hand-quarried Desoleum quartz to each
personage in a grand ceremony. Despite the artificer’s renown,
which spread to other sectors as he departed to travel the
nascent Imperium, all the busts were soon quietly hidden away
from public viewing after their presentation. After each noble’s
death, as the legend goes, others discovered that the effigies
held more than suspected. Many expected to see the busts
displayed at the nobles’ grand funerals, but the now-masterless
servants refused to go near the items. Some claimed they
could hear their former masters screaming whenever they
approached, and another asserted that simply looking at the
sculpture caused her to see visions of endless flames before
she blacked out. Some believe that Vocram created the busts
to expose dark secrets, whereas others claim the busts are
capable of corrupting even the most pious with nothing more
than a glance. Some Inquisitors posit that the busts themselves
hold no real power, but that it was some sorcerous enchantment
on Vocram’s chisel that imbued each with a darker purpose.

Questing for the Profane

Many within Askellon see the six Effigies as some form of
prize, and over the centuries several unscrupulous nobles have
attempted to gather all six in a kind of macabre collection. Even
those who understand the danger seek the busts, as each
holds an unexplainable allure.

Using the Object

A character who owns one of the Effigies may use it to cleanse
the taint from his soul, but at the price of his sanity. After staring
with total concentration at the disturbing marble for at least an
hour, he can remove any number of Corruption points.
Daemon Weapons (DH2 EB p. 50)
uniquely deadly implement, one which can prove a great boon
to the work of a Character who dares to wield it.
A Daemon weapon is an instrument of warfare with a Daemon
of the Warp bound within. The creature within rages against its Preparation
confinement, even as its unholy essence suffuses the weapon, Before one can set about creating a Daemon weapon, he
granting it powers and abilities far beyond any mundane must acquire two things: the knowledge of how to do so, and
armament. a suitable weapon. The rites of daemonic summoning and
binding can be found in certain tomes of forbidden lore, learned
Wielding Daemon Weapons from a master daemonologist, or even bartered for as part of a
Most Daemon weapons take the form of archaic melee Dark Pact, all of which might inflict Corruption points.
weapons—swords, axes, mauls, and the like. Even a simple It is less difficult to coax a Daemon into an appropriate
steel blade bound with a powerful Daemon is more potent than vessel. There are two primary categories of weapon suited for
a power sword. However, some skilled artificers and magisters the creation of a Daemon weapon: those wrought specifically
are capable of binding a Daemon within a more complex device, for that purpose, and those with a legacy of slaughter. A
be it a bolter, plasma gun, or even more esoteric weapon. weapon of Poor craftsmanship, or one that is damaged, can
Lethality: Daemon weapons with the Primitive quality never be forged into a Daemon weapon.
lose it, and all add the bound entity’s Willpower bonus to
their damage and penetration values. In addition, due to their Wrought for Purpose
blasphemous nature, weapons that originally had the Sanctified By engraving a weapon with profane sigils, crafting it with
quality lose it permanently when turned into Daemon weapons. a form pleasing to the Daemon, or even inlaying it with a
Damage from Daemon weapons negates the benefit of the Daemon’s True Name, an artificer can create a weapon well-
Daemonic trait. Finally, any ranged Daemon weapons lose their suited to housing a Daemon, perhaps even a specific Warp
original clip and reload values—the Daemon within produces entity. This process follows the crafting rules. Crafting such a
the ammunition, and consequently the weapon need never weapon is a tremendous undertaking, and should require many
be reloaded, although it also cannot use any other type of days of work. In addition, crafting such a unique item imposes a
ammunition. difficulty of Very Hard (–30) to crafting skill tests.
Uncanny Resilience: Regardless of their appearance and As most Daemon weapons are original designs based on
apparent construction, Daemon weapons are extraordinarily simple weapons, Trade (Armourer) is the most appropriate
difficult to damage. They count as innately having 20 Armour crafting skill. However, for more advanced weapons based on
points, and are not destroyed if used to Parry or are Parried existing patterns, the GM might instead require the Tech-Use
by weapons with Power Fields or similar effects. If a Daemon skill to be used.
weapon is somehow destroyed, though, roll immediately on Before crafting the weapon, the character must first make
Table 6–3: Perils of the Warp. On any result that indicates a a Difficult (–10) Forbidden Lore (Daemonology) test. Some
daemonic manifestation, it is the Daemon within the weapon conditions, such as using instructional tomes of forbidden lore
that is released, at which point it attempts to slaughter every or having daemonic tutelage, modify this test, and at the GM’s
living creature it can find—starting with the weapon’s bearer. discretion a different Acolyte may make this test than the one
The Beast Within: In order to wield a Daemon weapon, the actually crafting the item. For each degree of success on the
user must first succeed in a Difficult (–10) Daemonic Mastery Forbidden Lore (Daemonology) test, crafting skill tests to create
test. The Daemon suffers a penalty to this Opposed test equal the weapon receive a +5 bonus, while each degree of failure
to –5 x the Binding Strength, determined when the weapon imposes a –5 penalty.
was created. Success cows the weapon into obedience. After
this point, should the wielder’s concentration slip—should he Forging Ritual Modifiers
be Stunned or forced Unconscious, or should his Willpower
fall below that of the bound Daemon—then the entity again Ritual Circumstance Modifier
attempts to assert control, forcing another Daemon Mastery Weapon has never taken a life -30
test. The weapon’s creation or history reflects the
If, at any point, the wielder fails a Daemonic Mastery test, nature of a god opposed to the Daemon
the Daemon takes control of the wielder. Once the Daemon Weapon is of Common craftsmanship -10
enslaves him, he is under its control until the weapon is
Weapon is Best craftsmanship +10
removed from his grasp. At the GM’s discretion, the controlled
wielder may attempt a further Daemonic Mastery test when Weapon is a Low-Tech melee weapon +10
conditions change. If the character does break free of the Legacy of Slaughter: Killed 1,000 or more +10
Daemon’s control, he gains 1d5 Corruption points. Legacy of Slaughter: Killed 10,000 or more +20

Creating a Daemon Weapon Weapon is wrought for purpose +20

Legacy of Slaughter: Killed 100,000 or more +30
The act of creating a Daemon weapon is gruelling and
dangerous, requiring forbidden knowledge that can damn even The Daemon’s True Name is known +30
the purest of souls. Each stage in the process has its own perils,
but those who successfully forge a Daemon weapon possess a
Legacy of Slaughter Daemon Weapon Attributes (DH2 EB p. 52)
Each time a weapon takes a life, it leaves a psychic imprint, Daemon weapons might display an almost limitless variety of
forging an emotional link that resonates with the Warp. For this different powers and attributes, which the beast within grants
reason, weapons with a history of death and destruction are grudgingly to the wielder, or generates as a simple side-effect
naturally more amenable to Daemons. A weapon must have a of its potent presence.
truly notorious past, though, to be enticing to a creature of the The following illustrate just some of the possibilities, and
Warp. It is unlikely that even a seasoned Character has such GMs are encouraged to assign different weapon qualities or
a weapon, and finding such a weapon may well require many create their own unique abilities.
months or years of searching. If desired, the weapon can also take on a personality based
Once a candidate is in hand, a character must perform a on its host Daemon. Table 2–13: Daemon Personalities can
Very Hard (–30) Psyniscience test to confirm the presence be used to generate these, or the GM can create new ones to
or absence of a suitable emotional charge. With 2 degrees of better match the specific type of Daemon involved.
success on the test, he learns the strength of the emotional
charge (approximately how many the weapon has slain) and
with 3 or more degrees of success, learns whether the weapon
Daemon Personalities
resonates with a particular Chaos God or Daemon. 1d5 Roll Attribute
General Attributes
Vulgar: Whenever the warband’s Subtlety would
Before the Daemon can be bound within the weapon, it must 1
decrease, it decreases by an additional 1d5.
be summoned. It is important to determine the type of Daemon
Jealous: After the user performs an attack using another
summoned, as the Daemon’s Willpower affects the abilities of
weapon, the Daemon weapon loses all of its daemonic
the Daemon weapon. The specific ritual determines the type of 2
attributes and acts as a regular version of that weapon
Daemon, or specific Daemon summoned. until the end of the encounter.
Prideful: This Daemon weapon cannot be used to Parry
Binding 3
Having successfully summoned the Daemon, the character
Vindictive: Whenever the user fails an attack roll using
must now ritually bind it within the weapon. This requires not 4 this weapon, it bites him and he suffers 1 point of Rending
only forbidden knowledge of the necessary rites and actions, damage that ignores Toughness bonus and armour.
but a contest of wills against the Daemon.
Overbearing: Whenever the user would gain 1 or more
To imprison the summoned Daemon within the weapon, 5
Insanity points, he gains that amount plus 1 instead.
the summoner must succeed at a Daemonic Mastery test. The
difficulty of this test is Hellish (–60), modified according to Table
2–7: Forging Ritual Modifiers. As with all Daemonic Mastery
tests, this is an opposed Willpower test against the Daemon. If
the Daemon knows it has been summoned to be bound within
a weapon, it receives a +20 bonus to its Willpower test.
The summoner’s degrees of success on the Daemonic
Mastery test determines the maximum Binding Strength of the
Daemon weapon. The summoner can choose to create a less
strongly bound weapon if he desires, trading safety and control
for greater power.

Determine Abilities
Once bound into the weapon, the Daemon is trapped, unable to
free itself and forced to serve whoever wields and can master
it. The weapon gains the abilities described under Wielding
Daemon Weapons, and a number of Daemon Weapon
Attributes equal to the Daemon’s Willpower bonus minus the
weapon’s Binding Strength, to a minimum of one.
All Daemon weapons may have attributes from Table 2–8:
General Attributes but only Daemons aligned to a particular
Chaos God can roll on the god-specific tables. For each
attribute, the GM may either select which of the two tables to
roll on, or determine one randomly. A Daemon weapon can
have attributes from both tables. The GM should also apply
a powerful Subtlety modifier for warbands carrying Daemon
weapons; note that even if these weapons are well hidden,
psykers might still detect their unholy presence.
Daemon Weapon Attributes
1d5 Roll Attribute
General Attributes
1 Voidchill: Each time the weapon inflicts a hit, the target suffers 1d10 Toughness damage.
2 Howling: While the weapon is drawn, the wielder gains the Fear (1) trait, or increases his existing Fear trait by 1.
3 Wounding: The weapon gains the Crippling (X) quality, where X equals the bound Daemon’s Willpower bonus.
4 Vicious: The weapon gains the Tearing quality. If it already possesses this quality, it instead gains the Razor Sharp quality.
5 Accursed: The weapon’s damage is increased by an additional 1d10, and it gains the Felling (4) quality.

Khorne Attributes
Bloodlust: Upon drawing the weapon, the user must make a Challenging (+0) Willpower test or become Frenzied, per the Frenzy
talent, as a Free Action.
2 Thirsting: Each time the weapon inflicts a hit, the target gains 1 level of Fatigue.
3 Null: Any psychic power targeting the wielder suffers a –20 penalty to the Focus Power test.
4 Fury: The weapon grants a +10 bonus to all attack tests its user makes with it.
Skulltaker: When making a Called Shot action against the target’s head, the wielder can do so as a Half Action with a difficulty of
Challenging (+0). The weapon also counts as having the Vengeful (8) quality when used for the Called Shot action.

Tzeentch Attributes
Illusory: The weapon appears to be a normal weapon of its type unless the observer passes a Hard (–20) Awareness test. The
weapon imposes a –10 penalty on all Evasion tests to avoid its attacks.
Mind Eater: Each time this weapon inflicts a hit, instead of dealing damage as normal, the target suffers Intelligence damage and
Perception damage equal to half of the weapon’s damage value (rounded up).
Spellbound: The weapon confers upon the wielder a single psychic power, chosen when the weapon is created, that is manifested
3 using the characteristics of the Daemon. The Focus Power test requires the normal action for that power, and suffers a –10 penalty
for every 100xp the power costs after the first.
4 Warp Flame: The weapon gains the Flame and Warp Weapon qualities.
Sorcerous Force: The weapon gains the Force quality, which the wielder always activates using the Daemon’s Willpower and psy
rating (instead of his own).

Nurgle Attributes
Bile-Quenched: A creature wounded by this Daemon weapon loses a Half Action in its next turn. This does not affect creatures
with the From Beyond, Daemonic, or Machine traits.
2 Enfeebling: Each time the weapon inflicts a hit that causes damage, the target suffers 1d10 Strength damage.
Plague Carrier: Each time this weapon inflicts a hit, it infects its target for the next 7 rounds. At the beginning of each of his turns,
an infected target must make a Challenging (+0) Toughness test or suffer 2d10 Impact damage (ignoring armour and Toughness
bonus). Any living creature that an infected target touches also becomes infected for 7 rounds (and suffers the effects listed above
as well). The bearer of the weapon is immune to this infection.
Stream of Corruption: The weapon can be used make a ranged attack as a Basic weapon with a range of 30m, dealing 2d10 plus
the Daemon’s Willpower bonus in Impact damage, with the Felling (2), Corrosive, Spray, and Toxic (3) qualities.
Pestilent Stench: While the weapon is drawn, all creatures within the Daemon’s Willpower bonus in metres, except for the wielder
and those devoted to Nurgle, suffer a –10 penalty on Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill, Agility, Intelligence, and Perception tests.

Slaanesh Attributes
1 Envenomed: The weapon gains the Toxic (X) quality, where X equals half of the Daemon’s Willpower bonus.
Lashing: A melee weapon with this attribute gains the Flexible quality and the weapon’s Range becomes a number of metres
2 equal to the Daemon’s Willpower bonus. A ranged weapon instead gains the Snare (X) quality, where X equals half the Daemon’s
Willpower bonus.
Swiftness: When drawn, the weapon grants the wielder the Unnatural Agility (X) trait, where X equals half of the Daemon’s
Willpower bonus (rounded up).
Soporific Musk: All creatures except the wielder within the Daemon’s Willpower bonus in metres suffer a –20 penalty on
Perception and Agility tests.
Entrancing Aura: A melee weapon with this attribute allows the wielder to use the Feint action as a Free Action once during each
of his turns. A ranged weapon with this attribute instead imposes a –10 penalty to Dodge tests that targets of attacks using it make.
Daemonic Summoning (DH2 EB p. 59) might take the form of the Daemon stepping through a rift in
reality, possessing the flesh of a sacrificial victim, or bursting
Several Malefic Daemonology psychic powers affect the
forth from the body of one of the ritual participants.
summoning of Daemons. This almost always requires a
Any character who participates in (or even witnesses) a dark
ritual, which benefits from the use of certain psychic powers.
ritual should gain Corruption points.
The summoner is not required to be a psyker, but sorcerers
are undoubtedly best suited to summoning and controlling Daemonic Mastery Test
Once the Daemon appears, the summoner must succeed
The forms summoning rituals take are innumerable, as
in a Daemonic Mastery test in order to control it. Otherwise,
Daemonologists and Warp dabblers have dredged ever more
the Daemon is free to act as it wills, which most likely means
insane rites from the depths of the Warp down through the
attacking the summoner.
millennia. The two things they all have in common are their
A Daemonic Mastery test is an opposed Willpower test
indelible stain on the soul of the summoner and no small
against the Daemon. The base difficulty for this test is Very
amount of danger, for summoning a Daemon and controlling it
Hard (–30), as Daemons are loath to serve mortals. If the
are two distinct matters.
summoner is a servant of the Daemon’s patron Chaos God,
Learning the Ritual he receives a +10 bonus to the test. If the character knows the
Daemon’s True Name, he receives a +30 bonus to the test. The
All rituals are unique, although many share certain qualities or
GM may allow additional bonuses based on the
bear similar aspects. Before a character can attempt to summon
circumstances of the ritual, as described above (and the
a Daemon, he must learn a ritual or develop one through
Daemon’s Baneful Presence trait). If the summoner wins the
original research. There are numerous ways a character might
Opposed test, the Daemon is bound to serve him for one hour
obtain knowledge of a daemonic ritual, such as consulting
per degree of success.
malefic tomes, learning under an accomplished practitioner of
At the end of this time, the summoner can attempt another
the dark arts, or striking a bargain with a Daemon. Regardless,
Daemonic Mastery test to extend his control. If at any time the
learning a ritual should be a major event in a campaign, one
Daemon is ordered to act against its nature, a further Daemonic
involving a great deal of roleplaying and challenge.
Mastery test is necessary, with a –30 penalty.
A ritual exists to summon either a specific Daemon, in
the case of Daemon Princes, Heralds, and other powerful
Daemons, or a certain type of Daemon, in the case of Lesser
Daemons. For each type of Daemon a diabolist wishes to
summon, he must learn another ritual, or modify an existing
ritual based on his own knowledge and experimentation. In
either case, the process should involve roleplaying and at least
one Forbidden Lore (Daemonology) test.

Performing the Ritual

The details of a summoning ritual vary greatly, and might
include tortuous incantations, hallucinogenic drugs, human
sacrifice, bloodletting, orgiastic celebration, dark artefacts, and
more. The specifics of the ritual are left to the GM and player
to determine, but should almost always require some material
component, such as blood, a living sacrifice, ash, candles,
or a profane relic. Acquiring the necessary items for a ritual
might pose a challenge in itself, or might be resolved with a
Requisition test.
Conducting the ritual requires a Hellish (–60) Forbidden Lore
(Daemonology) test. In addition to the use of psychic powers,
this test might be modified based on the quality of the material
components, the number of assistants or cultists helping the
summoner, the time spent preparing a ritual circle, the power of
the Daemon, or any number of other factors. If the summoner
knows the True Name of the Daemon, he gains a +30 bonus to
the test.
The ritual should take at least an hour, and as long as
several days, depending on the nature and power of the
Daemon and the origin of the ritual. The GM should modify
the time spent based on the summoner’s degrees of success
on the test. Should the summoner succeed on the Forbidden
Lore (Daemonology) test at the culmination of the ritual, he
summons the intended Daemon. Depending on the ritual, this
The Daemonoly Disciplines (DH2 EB p. 54) Exorcism
Daemonology is divided into two opposed disciplines, Sanctic Value: 200 xp
and Malefic. The use of Malefic Daemonology is the gravest Prerequisite: Willpower 40
heresy to the Adeptus Astra Telepathica, the Imperium at large, Action: Full Action
and all but the most desperate and anti-Puritan of Inquisitors. Focus Power: Difficult (–10) Opposed Willpower tes
Range: 5 metres × psy rating
Sustained: Half Action
To Invite Corruption Subtype: Attack, Concentration
Practicing Malefic Daemonology and invoking the daemonic Effect: The psyker selects a single target character with the
leaves an indelible stain on a psyker. A character who uses Daemonic trait, which opposes the power with a Willpower
his full power or pushes consequently opens himself even test. If the psyker wins the opposed test, the character suffers
further to the Warp, while one that holds back minimises the Willpower damage equal to the user’s psy rating for each
taint on his soul. degree of success on the psyker’s test.
Each time a psyker successfully manifests a power from
the Malefic Daemonology discipline, he gains Corruption Hammerhand
points equal to the psy rating used to manifest the power. Value: 300 xp
This is gained after the power’s effects are resolved. Prerequisite: Psy rating 3
Action: Half Action
Focus Power: Difficult (–10) Willpower test
Sanctic Daemonology (DH2 EB p. 54) Range: 5 metres × psy rating
The practice of Sanctic Daemonology is amongst the most Sustained: Free Action
difficult arts a psyker can study, and amongst the most potent. Subtype: Concentration
Many who have attempted to master the discipline have lost Effect: The psyker selects a number of allies within range
their sanity or succumbed to the temptation offered by the equal to his psy rating (which may include the psyker). While
darker branch of Daemonology. the power persists, the affected characters gain the Unnatural
Strength (X) trait where X is equal to the user’s psy rating, or
Banishment increases their existing trait’s value by 4. This benefit ends if a
Value: 300 xp character moves out of range.
Prerequisite: Psy rating 3
Action: Full Action Holocaust
Focus Power: Hard (–20) Willpower test Value: 500 xp
Range: 10 metres × psy rating Prerequisite: Psy rating 5
Sustained: No Action: Full Action
Subtype: Attack, Concentration Focus Power: Hard (–20) Opposed Willpower test
Effect: The psyker selects a target in range and line of sight, Range: Self
which must possess the Warp Instability trait. The targeted Sustained: Full Action
Daemon must immediately make a Willpower test, with a –5 Subtype: Attack, Concentration
penalty for each degree of success on the Focus Power test. Effect: Each round the psyker sustains Holocaust, he emits a
The target suffers 1 point of Energy damage per degree of psychic blast centred on himself. He is not affected by the blast,
failure on the test, ignoring Toughness bonus and armour. If but each turn the psyker sustains the power he suffers 1d10+psy
this would deal damage equal to or in excess of the target’s rating Energy damage, ignoring armour and Toughness bonus.
remaining wounds, it is immediately cast back into the Warp.
Holocaust Psychic Blast
Cleansing Flame Rng Self Dmg 1d10 × PR (E) Pen 0
Value: 300 xp
Special: Blast (PR), Flame, Warp Weapon
Prerequisite: Psy rating 4
Action: Half Action
Focus Power: Challenging (+0) Willpower test Psychic Communion
Range: 5 metres × psy rating Value: 100 xp
Sustained: No Prerequisite: Perception 35
Subtype: Attack, Concentration Action: Full Action
Effect: When a character is set on fire by this power, the Focus Power: Ordinary (+10) Willpower test
damage he suffers from the flames counts as having the Range: 10 metres × psy rating
Sanctified quality. Sustained: Free Action
Subtype: Concentration
Cleansing Flame Psychic Bolt
Effect: The psyker selects a number of allies up to psy rating
Rng 5m × PR Dmg 1d10 + PR + WPB (E) Pen 0 within range. While the power persists, the psyker and his
Special: Flame, Sanctified, Spray affected allies add +2 to their Initiative. This can change an
already established Initiative order.
Purge Soul the duration of the power, each affected character benefits from
Value: 200 xp a force field with a protection rating of 5 × PR and no overload
Prerequisite: Willpower 35 chance. In addition, Daemons must pass a Challenging (+0)
Action: Half Action Willpower test in order to move toward an affected character.
Focus Power: Difficult (–10) Opposed Willpower test
Word of the Emperor
Range: 10 metres × psy rating
Value: 200 xp
Sustained: No
Prerequisite: Fellowship 30
Subtype: Attack, Concentration
Action: Half Action
Effect: The psyker chooses a target within range and line
Focus Power: Difficult (–10) Willpower test
of sight, who opposes the power with a Willpower test. If the
Range: 10 metres × psy rating
psyker wins the Opposed test, the target suffers 1 point of
Sustained: Half Action
Energy damage per degree of success on the test, plus an
Subtype: Concentration
amount equal to the target’s Corruption bonus, ignoring armour
Effect: Whilst the power remains in effect, whenever a
and Toughness bonus.
character within range takes an Attack action targeting the
Sanctuary psyker, the attacker must pass a Challenging (+0) Willpower
Value: 400 xp test or suffer a –5 penalty to his attack roll for each degree of
Prerequisite: Willpower 45 failure.
Action: Full Action
Focus Power: Challenging (+0) Willpower test
Range: Self
Sustained: Half Action
Subtype: Concentration
Effect: The psyker selects a number of allies up to psy rating
(which may include the psyker) within 10 metres x psy rating. For
Malefic Daemonology (DH2 EB p. 56) Dark Flame
Malefic Daemonology is not viewed as a psychic discipline by Value: 100 xp
the Adeptus Astra Telepathica, but as the gravest of sorcery Prerequisite: 10 Corruption points
and Warpcraft. To practice this discipline is to invite corruption Action: Half Action
and, should it be discovered, the branding of Excommunicate Focus Power: Challenging (+0) Willpower test
Traitoris. Range: 5 metres × psy rating
Sustained: No
Cursed Earth Subtype: Attack, Concentration
Value: 100 xp Effect: Any character who suffers damage from Dark Flame
Prerequisite: Willpower 40 must succeed at an Easy (+30) Willpower test or gain 1
Action: Full Action Corruption point for each degree of failure.
Focus Power: Difficult (–10) Willpower test
Range: 1 metre × psy rating Dark Flame Psychic Bolt
Sustained: Free Action Rng 5m × PR Dmg 1d10 + PR + CB (E) Pen CB
Subtype: Concentration
Special: Flame, Spray
Effect: The psyker selects an area of ground with a radius
in metres equal to psy rating. While the power is sustained,
Daemons standing within this area increase the value of their Infernal Gaze
Daemonic trait by half psy rating and receive a bonus of +5 × Value: 200 xp
psy rating to Warp Instability tests. In addition, psychic powers Prerequisite: 15 Corruption points, Willpower 45
used within the affected area add +10 to Focus Power tests Action: Half Action
and rolls on Table 6–2: Psychic Phenomena. Those in the Focus Power: Difficult (–10) Willpower test
presence of the Cursed Earth may experience disturbing Warp Range: 5 metres × psy rating
phenomena at the GM’s discretion. Sustained: No
Subtype: Attack, Concentration Summoning
Effect: This power affects all characters within range and line Value: 50 xp
of sight, friend and foe, who do not possess the Daemonic trait. Prerequisite: Willpower 35
Each affected character opposes the power with a Challenging Action: Full Action
(+0) Willpower test. Any character who fails suffers Energy Focus Power: Challenging (+0) Willpower test
damage equal to the user’s psy rating plus Corruption bonus, Range: Self
ignoring armour and Toughness bonus, and gains Insanity Sustained: Free
points and Corruption points equal to half the user’s psy rating. Subtype: Concentration
Effect: As long as this power is sustained, the psyker gains a
bonus of +10 x psy rating to Forbidden Lore (Daemonology)
Value: 100 xp
tests made to summon Daemons.
Prerequisite: Willpower 45
Action: Full Action
Focus Power: Difficult (–10) Willpower test
Range: Self
Sustained: Free Action
Subtype: Concentration
Effect: As long as this power remains in effect, the psyker gains
a bonus to his Daemonic Mastery tests of +10 × psy rating.

Value: 200 xp
Prerequisite: 20 Corruption points
Action: Full Action
Focus Power: Difficult (–10) Willpower test
Range: Self
Sustained: Free Action
Subtype: Concentration
Effect: While the power is sustained, the psyker gains the
Daemonic (X) and Unnatural Strength (X) traits, where X equals
half his psy rating, as well as the Deadly Natural Weapons trait.
In addition, the psyker must succeed at a Challenging (+0)
Willpower test each round the power is sustained or enter a
Frenzied state per the Frenzy talent.
While Frenzied, the psyker must continue to sustain the
power (in a special exception to the prohibition on using psychic
powers while Frenzied).
Psychic Phenomena: A result of Psychic Phenomena
when using this power means that a more powerful Daemon,
as chosen by the GM, has taken the psyker’s invitation. The
psyker must succeed in an Opposed Willpower test against the
Daemon or become possessed.

Value: 100 xp
Prerequisite: Willpower 45
Action: Half Action
Focus Power: Ordinary (+10) Willpower test
Range: Self
Sustained: No
Subtype: Concentration
Effect: This power can only be used if the psyker has inflicted
damage on a target (possibly himself) since the beginning
of the previous round. If the Focus Power test succeeds, the
psyker gains a +5 bonus to his next Focus Power test for each
point of damage inflicted (after reductions for armour and
Toughness bonus) with the preceding attack. This bonus must
be used within 1 hour.
Daemonhosts (DH2 EB p. 62) Fear (3), From Beyond, Hoverer (3)†††, Size (5), Stuff of
Nightmares, Unnatural Strength (4)
A Daemonhost is a powerful Daemon ritually bound into the
Thrice-Bound: Baneful Presence (X)†, Brutal Charge (3),
living flesh of a human. Although a Daemon can possess
Daemonic (4), Dark-sight, Deadly Natural Weapons (Claws)††,
humans, particularly psykers, such occurrences happen of the
Fear (2), From Beyond, Hoverer (2)†††, Size (5), Stuff of
Daemon’s choosing, and are temporary affairs. The Daemon
Nightmares, Unnatural Strength (3)
within a Daemonhost is bound against its will, and the effects †
The value of a Daemonhost’s Baneful Presence trait is
are permanent until the creature is destroyed, banishing the
equal to half its Willpower characteristic.
Daemon back into the Warp. ††
A Daemonhost’s natural weapons have penetration 2 and
Daemonhost Creation inflict Rending damage.
As an unnatural being of the Warp, a Daemonhost does
Binding Strength not need to expend any Actions in order to remain hovering.
Although the exact wards and bindings vary, a Daemonhost is Daemonhost Skills
broadly categorised into four levels of binding strength. If the
All Daemonhosts possess the following skills: Awareness,
GM is creating a Daemonhost as an NPC, he chooses the
Deceive, Forbidden Lore (Daemonology, Heresy, Warp) +30,
binding strength. If the Acolytes take it upon themselves to
and Psyniscience +20.
create a Daemonhost, the binding strength is determined by
In addition, a Daemonhost possesses skills based on
the success of the ritual.
its patron god. GMs should feel free to add additional skills,
Unbound: The result of a ritual gone wrong, a Daemonhost
particularly Lore and Linguistics skills, as Daemons are
who has broken its bindings, or the creation of a truly mad
knowledgeable far beyond the ken of mortals.
individual, an Unbound Daemonhost suffers no master and are
• Khorne: Athletics +10, Dodge +10, Intimidate +10
free to utilise its full, incredible power as it sees fit. Each is the
• Tzeentch: Deceive +20, Psyniscience +30
Warp made manifest.
• Nurgle: Intimidate +20, Medicae +10
Once-Bound: A Once-Bound Daemonhost is apocalyptically
• Slaanesh: Awareness +10, Charm +20, Deceive +10, Dodge
powerful, but only barely contained.
Twice-Bound: More tightly bound with powerful wards, a
Twice-Bound Daemonhost uses its formidable powers as Daemonhost Talents
instructed, yet always plot against its master. All Daemonhosts possess the Warp Sense talent, and also
Thrice-Bound: The most strongly bound from of Daemonhost possess a number of additional talents based on their patron
is the least able to rebel against those who would control it, yet god. GMs should feel free to modify these lists of talents to
still possess inhuman strength and power. create unique adversaries and allies for their Acolytes.
• Khorne: Ambidextrous, Combat Master, Deathdealer
Daemonhost Characteristics
(Melee), Devastating Assault, Crushing Blow, Frenzy, Swift
To determine a Daemonhost’s characteristics, a GM has two
Attack, Two-Weapon Master, Two-Weapon Wielder (Melee)
options. He can generate characteristics randomly based on
• Tzeentch: Constant Vigilance (Intelligence), Favoured by the
the Daemon’s alignment, or if he knows a specific Daemon or
kind of Daemon, he can begin with those characteristics and
• Nurgle: Thunder Charge, True Grit
modify them based on the Daemonhost’s binding strength. If
• Slaanesh: Constant Vigilance (Perception), Hard Target,
the GM prefers to generate characteristics randomly, use Table
Preternatural Speed
2–14: Daemon Characteristics.
A Daemonhost’s abilities are affected by the strength Daemonhost Special Rules
of its bindings. After determining the residing Daemon’s A Daemonhost receives one or more special rules based on its
base characteristics, determine the characteristics of the patron god.
Daemonhost based on its binding strength according to the
values from Table 2–15: Characteristic Modifier. Khorne
A Daemonhost of Khorne gains the following special rule:
Daemonhost Traits Bloodthirsty: The Daemonhost’s natural weapons gain +2
The traits a Daemonhost possesses depend on its binding penetration and the Tearing quality. In addition, any attack roll
level: that scores 3 or more degrees of success causes the target to
Unbound: Baneful Presence (X)†, Brutal Charge (3), Daemonic gain the Blood Loss condition. A Daemonhost of Khorne can
(4), Darksight, Deadly Natural Weapons (Claws)††, Fear (4), enter a Frenzy per the Frenzy talent as a Free Action.
From Beyond, Hoverer (5)†††, Size (5), Stuff of Nightmares,
Unnatural Strength (5) Tzeentch
Once-Bound: Baneful Presence (X)†, Brutal Charge (3), A Daemonhost of Tzeentch gains the following special rule:
Daemonic (4), Dark-sight, Deadly Natural Weapons (Claws)††, Innate Sorcerer: The Daemonhost may re-roll any failed Focus
Fear (3), From Beyond, Hoverer (4)†††, Size (5), Stuff of Power test. However, if the result of either die on the second roll
Nightmares, Unnatural Strength (4) is a 9, it causes Psychic Phenomena. If Psychic Phenomena
Twice-Bound: Baneful Presence (X)†, Brutal Charge (3), would be triggered regardless, each 9 instead adds +10 to the
Daemonic (4), Dark-sight, Deadly Natural Weapons (Claws)††, result from Table 6–2: Psychic Phenomena.
Nurgle Warp Fire: The Daemonhost burns with unholy fire. Its
A Daemonhost of Nurgle gains the following special rule: 3 natural weapons’ damage type changes to Energy and
Aura of Decay: The Daemonhost’s natural weapons gain the gain the Flame quality.
Toxic (3) Quality. While within 10 metres of the Daemonhost, Charred Form: The Daemonhost’s body is charred and
all weapons, armour, and equipment function as if they were 4 smoulders from within. It is immune to Energy damage
of Poor craftsmanship, regardless of their actual craftsmanship, that does not come from psychic or Holy sources.
unless they possess the Sanctified weapon quality. Other items Maddening Vapours: The Daemonhost exudes an
may also be immune to this rule at the GM’s discretion. 5 unholy mist that breaks the minds of mortals. Its attacks
gain the Hallucinogenic (3) quality.
Insect Hive: Beneath the Daemonhost’s skin burrow
A Daemonhost of Slaanesh gains the following special rule: 6
colonies of Warp-born vermin. It gains 1d10 Wounds.
Torturous Caress: The Daemonhost’s natural weapons gain Serpent Nest: The Daemonhost’s body writhes with
+1 penetration and the Shocking quality. In addition, its attacks 7 unnatural serpents or even fouler creatures. It gains the
impose a –20 penalty to Evasion tests. Toxic (4) trait.
Horns: Great bestial horns sprout from the
Daemonhost Psychic Powers 8 Daemonhost’s head. It increases the value of its Brutal
All Daemonhosts other than Daemons of Khorne possess Charge trait by 3.
psychic powers. A Daemonhost’s psy rating is based on its
Armoured: The Daemonhost is protected by reptilian
binding strength, as follows: 9 scales, bony plates, an insect-like carapace, or Warp-
Unbound: Psy rating 7 hardened flesh. It gains the Natural Armour (5) trait.
Once-Bound: Psy rating 6 Seeming Normality: Discard any other Unholy
Twice-Bound: Psy rating 5 Changes. Aside from the instruments of its binding
Thrice-Bound: Psy rating 4 (brandings, tattoos, etc.), the Daemonhost appears
Daemonhosts are masters of the powers of the Warp, and utterly, perfectly normal. Increase its Fellowship by 1d10.
the abilities they evince are near limitless. A Daemonhost can
possess powers from any psychic discipline without meeting the
prerequisites or following the discipline tree. GMs should select
appropriate powers based on the Daemon’s patron god and
the nature of the Daemon itself. As a guideline, a Daemonhost
possesses 2000 xp worth of psychic powers.
Note that Daemonhosts of Khorne do not possess a psy
rating, for sorcery is anathema to the Blood God.

Unholy changes
All Daemonhosts are marked by the unholy creature bound
within. As time goes by, the fleshy prison of a Daemonhost
warps and twists to better reflect its occupant. GMs should
feel free to embellish a Daemonhost’s disturbing physical
appearance, from contorted limbs and glowing eyes to vestigial
horns, weeping sores, and bloated flesh.
In addition, roll on Table 2–16: Unholy Changes to determine
what game effects a Daemonhost’s form has. Generate one
Unholy Change for a Thrice-Bound Daemonhost, two for a
Twice-Bound or Once-Bound Daemonhost, and three for
an Unbound Daemonhost. If the GM prefers, he can select
appropriate results for the specific Daemon, or apply additional
Traits to create a unique terror.

Unholy changes
1d10 Roll Attribute
Beweaponed Extremities: The Daemonhost’s limbs
1 fuse into bony blades or other weapons. Its natural
weapons inflict 2d10 damage.
Wings: Leathery, bat-like wings or pinions of sinew and
2 bone sprout from the Daemonhost’s back. It gains the
Flyer (X) trait, where X equals twice its Agility bonus.
Daemon Characteristics
Daemon of Daemon of Daemon of Daemon of
Characteristic Unknown Daemon
Khorne Tzeentch Nurgle Slaanesh
Weapon Skill 40 + 3d10 20 + 3d10 25 + 3d10 30 + 3d10 25 + 3d10
Ballistic Skill 30 + 3d10 30 + 3d10 25 + 3d10 25 + 3d10 25 + 3d10
Strength 40 + 3d10 25 + 3d10 30 + 3d10 30 + 3d10 30 + 3d10
Toughness 30 + 3d10 30 + 3d10 40 + 3d10 30 + 3d10 30 + 3d10
Agility 30 + 3d10 25 + 3d10 20 + 3d10 40 + 3d10 30 + 3d10
Intelligence 25 + 3d10 40 + 3d10 30 + 3d10 30 + 3d10 30 + 3d10
Perception 30 + 3d10 30 + 3d10 30 + 3d10 40 + 3d10 30 + 3d10
Willpower 35 + 3d10 50 + 3d10 40 + 3d10 40 + 3d10 40 + 3d10
Fellowship 10 + 1d10 25 + 3d10 5 + 1d10 40 + 3d10 30 + 3d10
Influence 25 + 3d10 30 + 3d10 25 + 3d10 25 + 3d10 20 + 3d10
Wounds 25 + 2d10 25 + 2d10 25 + 2d10 25 + 2d10 25 + 2d10

Characteristic Modifiers
Characteristic Unbound Once Bound Twice Bound Thrice Bound
Weapon Skill +5 +0 +0 –5
Ballistic Skill +0 +0 +0 +0
Strength +10 +5 –5 –10
Toughness +10 +5 –5 –10
Agility +0 –5 –5 –10
Intelligence +5 +0 +0 +0
Perception +0 +0 –5 –10
Willpower +0 –5 –10 –15
Fellowship +0 +0 +0 +5
Influence +0 –5 –10 –15
Wounds +5 +0 +0 +0

must be applied to the host’s skin. As well as words of power,

Creation of Daemonhosts (DH2 EB p. 66) many rituals call for the use of sanctified pins to pierce the flesh
The creation of a Daemonhost is a laborious and dangerous of the host, and warded chains to wrap it.
process that requires specific and forbidden knowledge. Preparing a host takes 2d10 hours minus the ritual leader’s
Intelligence bonus, to a minimum of 1 hour. At the end of this
period, the person leading the preparations makes a Very Hard
Damnable Knowledge (–30) Forbidden Lore (Daemonology) test. The GM can modify
Before one can bind a Daemonhost, the would-be master must the difficulty of this test based on the quality of the instructions
first know the necessary rites and processes, as well as the followed. Every degree of success on this test provides a +5
Daemon to be bound. There is no single ritual for binding a bonus to the test to bind the Daemon, while each degree of
Daemonhost. In many cases, a ritual goes hand in hand with failure imposes a –5 penalty.
a particular Daemon, the rites and steps being tailored to that
Before a warband can create a Daemonhost, the characters
Binding Strength
must obtain the requisite knowledge. The two most likely Test Result Maximum Binding Strength
sources are a tome of forbidden lore or a tutor learned in the 1–2 Degrees of Failure Unbound
dark arts.
1–2 Degrees of Success Once-Bound

Preparing the Host 3–4 Degrees of Success Twice-Bound

The creation of a Daemonhost requires a living human, whose 5+ Degrees of Success Trice-Bound
soul is consigned to an eternity of torment upon completion of
the ritual. Preparing the host body is gruelling, and agony for
the likely-unwilling host. Arcane glyphs and forbidden runes
Binding Modifiers
1d10 Roll Modifier
The Daemon’s Influence (should it have one) is higher
than the binder’s
Each degree of failure when preparing the host for
the Daemon
Each degree of success when preparing the host for
the Daemon
The binder has previously encountered this particular
The Daemon’s True Name is known +30

Summoning and Binding the Daemon

Once the host is prepared, the next step is to summon the
Daemon to inhabit it. Once the Daemon is summoned, the
summoner must succeed at a Daemonic Mastery test. The
difficulty of this test is Hellish (–60), modified according to Table
2–17: Binding Modifier. As with all Daemonic Mastery tests, this
is an opposed Willpower test against the Daemon. The result
of this test indicates the highest level of binding possible, as
shown on Table 2–18: Binding Strength.
The character leading the ritual may select any binding level
up to that maximum.
If the summoner fails the Daemonic Mastery test by 3 or
more degrees of failure, the Daemon is not bound to the host at
all, and is free to do as it wills—which almost invariably means
punishing the foolish mortals who sought to bind it. An
Unbound Daemonhost is physically contained but
uncontrolled, and likewise free to enact retribution on its
summoner, except in those extraordinarily rare circumstances
of a willing Daemonhost—not that such a creature can be
trusted to keep its word.
Possession and Exorcism (DH2 EB p. 68)
One of the greatest threats posed by the Enemy Beyond is
possession. Entire worlds have fallen to ruin when a single
important leader succumbed to daemonic possession.
Possession is insidious, and a Daemon might lurk within a host
for some time before the tell-tale signs reveal its presence,
working its foul plans.

Dark Heresy 2.0

Adeptus Arbites Background
Starting Talents: Gain both Shock and Solid Projectile weapon
training instead of only one

Weapon modification descriptions

Clarified fire selector usage as free action

Survival Suit
Added a note in the rule block about water reclamation effect

Enemies Beyond
Force Hammer
Changed damage type from Rending to Impact

Enemies Within
Changed weight from 0.6kg to 0.5kg

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