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President'S Comments: Pi Chapter News May 2018

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Pi Chapter News May 2018

Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Perquimans

and Pasquotank Counties
Region 1, Eta State, North Carolina
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
Rachel Gragson, Editor Volume 9, Number 4


Sunnier days are finally here! It is so nice to be

able to go outside without a heavy coat. This 4 years. I have learned so much and been so
winter challenged our patience as we waited for proud to belong to such a wonderful group of
spring weather to actually arrive. women educators. I look forward to seeing what
Pi Chapter has in store for continuing to support
We had a small group at our February meeting education locally and globally.
but it was amazing as we learned more about the
travels that Hannah Saunders has coordinated for Please attend our last meeting for this year on
lots of students during the past few summers. She Tuesday, May 15, at Nothin’ Fancy Café, in
has been such a blessing to offer this opportunity Edenton. We will have a fun, special meeting as
to so many students who would not have we install new officers and celebrate Delta
experienced such a wonderful travel and Kappa Gamma!
educational experience.
Don’t forget to bring your greeting card fronts to
Congratulations to our own Kristin Johnson for our next meeting. I will mail them after the
having her entries, acrylic painting “Cabbage meeting to the St. Jude’s Children’s Ranch. So
Field” and two watercolor paintings “Stepping proud that we support this wonderful group!
Out” and “Sunflowers” accepted into “The
Butterfly Effect Exhibit” of the DKG Gallery of I look forward to seeing you on May 15!
Fine Arts! Her works will be on display in the Joy Johnson, President
Gallery for six months beginning the first week
of May.
252.264.3095 or 252.331.3140
I was proud to represent Pi Chapter at the DKG
Eta State Convention, April 27-29, at the Rachel Gragson, Editor
University Hilton in Charlotte, NC. There were
about 300 DKG Sisters in attendance to learn 252.335.1849 or 252.337.4446
about and celebrate our great society. I was
honored to accept the “Newsletter Excellence Pi Chapter Meeting
Award” and the “Distinctive Chapter Tuesday, May 15, 2018, 5:00 PM
Achievement Award” for Pi Chapter. Your Nothin’ Fancy Café
accomplishments and support were recognized at 701 North Broad Street, Edenton
the state level! There will be more highlights at
the May 15th meeting. We will meet in the back room and order from
the menu. Our special guests will be our past
It is with love and respect that I mention the state president Pat Taylor, who will install the
death of our Pi Sister Mary Partin. She had been new officers, and Leah Nicole Maclin, the
an active member of Pi Chapter for 25 years. She recipient of our grant in aid. Please plan to attend
will truly be missed! this final meeting of the year and bring a guest!

I would like to “Thank You” for the honor of

serving as your Pi Chapter President for the past

The Delta Gamma Society International promotes professional and personal growth
of women educators and excellence in education.

Our dear sister Mary Forehand Partin died April

7, 2018. Her obituary is too long to reproduce
here in full, but she was truly an outstanding
woman educator. She earned degrees from Wake
Forest and Duke Universities, and was honored
for her many contributions to education, to her
church (Edenton Baptist) and to her community.
She came to Edenton originally as an English
teacher, and later worked for College of the
Albemarle as Director of the ABLE Program and
as Dean of the Chowan County Campus. She is
included in William Sterritt’s book celebrating 2019 SERC Steering Committee
COA’s 50th anniversary: 50 Years – 50 Women Sheila Groves, Chair
(1961-2011). We will truly miss her.
North Carolina will host the Southeast Regional
Conference June 27-29, 2019 at the Crowne
Plaza Tennis and Golf Resort in Asheville. The
Southeast Region is made up of Alabama,
Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky,
Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South
Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. Save the date
now and make plans to join DKG members and
friends at this exciting event.

Sheila Groves (chair), Elaine McRae, Teresa

Cowan, Dedra Davis and Thommi Stammer were
appointed to the Planning Committee at the Fall
Executive Board Meeting. There will be many
opportunities for NC members to assist with the
conference. If you are interested in
volunteering, please let Sheila know. Plans will
soon be underway for North Carolina Night, a
time to showcase our wonderful state!

Let’s SPARKLE and volunteer to make this a

memorable event!

NC DKG Educational Foundation Awards

The Foundation is now receiving grant proposals
for the 2018-19 cycle. Information about grants
and proposal forms are on the Foundation
website ( Proposals are due
September 31, 2018. Awards will be announced
by November 15, 2018. There will be four
awards up to $500 each.
Sunflowers by Kris Johnson
Now on display in the Fine Arts Gallery
Congratulations, Kris!!
INTERNATIONAL NEWS supporting this project for several years now. We
are truly making a difference in the world!

Schools for Africa

Schools for Africa became the Society’s first

official international project in 2010. Since that
time, members have donated approximately
#324,150 to the project (October 2016).
Currently the project works with 13 countries in
sub-Saharan Africa including Angola, Malawi,
Mozambique, Rwanda, South Africa, Zimbabwe,
Niger, Burkina Faso, Mali, Ethiopia,
Madagascar, Sierra Leone and Guinea Bissau.
The SFA mission involves providing access to
quality basic education for children, focusing on
girls, orphans and other vulnerable youngsters.
According to UNICEF’s most recent annual
report, major gains have been made in early
childhood development, access and retention to
quality primary basic education, non-formal
education, HIV prevention in schools and
education in emergencies. Our chapter has been


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

5:00 PM
Nothin’ Fancy Café
701 North Broad Street
Edenton, NC

2018-2020 New Leaders’ Training

June 22, 2018 Greensboro
June 23, 2018 Wilson – Barton College
June 26, 2018 Black Mountain – Christmont

July 16-20 DKG International Convention

JW Marriott Austin
Austin, Texas

September 15 Eta State Executive Board

Elon Community Church
Elon, NC

May 3-5, 2019 Eta State NC Convention

Crowne Plaza
Hickory, NC Region X

Lobby of the Crowne Plaza,


June 25-27 Southeast Regional Conference

Crowne Plaza Tennis and Golf
Asheville, NC

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