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Buckling Consideration in Pile Design ISFOG 2005

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Buckling considerations in pile


Conference Paper · September 2005

DOI: 10.1201/NOE0415390637.ch93


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Tim Carrington Subhamoy Bhattacharya

Fugro World Wide University of Surrey


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Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics: ISFOG 2005 – Gourvenec & Cassidy (eds)
© 2005 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 0 415 39063 X

Buckling considerations in pile design

S. Bhattacharya, T.M. Carrington & T.R. Aldridge

Fugro Limited, United Kingdom

ABSTRACT: Buckling instability is one of the more destructive forms of pile failure. Buckling of piles
can be classified into two groups; (a) Global buckling, where a part or full length deforms longitudinally
as in Euler’s buckling of unsupported struts; (b) Local buckling where the cross-section of the pile deforms
and the damage is localised. Global buckling is currently considered in design where piles are partially
exposed or driven in extremely soft soil or during installation under driving stresses. Recent studies have
shown that fully embedded end-bearing piles passing through saturated loose to medium dense sand can
buckle if the surrounding soil liquefies in an earthquake. There have been a number of cases where offshore
piles have collapsed during driving due to progressive closure of the internal dimensions – the initiat-
ing mechanism being local buckling. This paper summarizes the different cases where buckling should be
considered in pile design. Mechanisms of collapse of offshore piles by local buckling are discussed in a
companion paper.

1 INTRODUCTION 1.2 Limit State of Collapse and Limit State of

1.1 Buckling as a mode of failure
The failure of piled foundations can be classified into
Buckling instability is one of the more destructive two groups:
forms of pile failure. It is sudden and is the cause
(a) Structural failure of the pile whereby the load
of failure of many, if not most structures. The import-
carrying capacity of the foundation drops, see for
ance of buckling instability in structural design
example Figure 1. The figure shows plastic hinges
cannot be underestimated. McRobie (2002) in his
formed in the piles during the 1964 Niigata earth-
introductory lecture on buckling to undergradu-
quake. The fundamental failure mechanisms that
ates states; “If you ever intend to design a structure,
do not even think of skipping these (buckling) lec-
tures”. This form of failure mechanism dominates
the design of slender members carrying substantial
axial loads. Piles are slender members normally used
to transfer the axial load of the superstructure to
the deep bearing strata. Bond (1989) collated embed-
ded lengths and diameters of piles used in practice.
The study shows that the length to diameter ratio
of piles ranges between 25 and 100. These can be
considered as slender columns, in the absence of soil
Buckling of piles is currently considered in pile
design under the following headings:

1 Partially exposed piles, as in jetties or offshore

platforms where part of the pile is in water or air. Figure 1. Structural failure of piles by forming plastic
2 Piles in very soft soil (clay). hinges Hamada (1992). A piled foundation that collapsed
3 During pile installation by driving. during the 1964 Niigata earthquake.

can cause plastic hinge formation in a pile are shear reviewed with respect to the current understanding.
failure, bending failure and buckling failure. The A simplified design graph is recommended to avoid
above three forms of failure are often known as global buckling of piles in liquefiable soils.
tioned that each of these types of failure can cause
a complete collapse of the foundations. 2 REVIEW OF CODES OF PRACTICE FOR
(b) Failure by excessive settlement. Often the settle- PILE DESIGN
ment of piled foundations exceeds the acceptable
limits of the structure, which is essentially SER- This section of the paper reviews the design guide-
VICEABILITY LIMIT STATE. In this type of fail- lines against buckling of piles in some of the most
ure, the piles may not fail structurally. used codes of practice.
This paper deals with the buckling aspect of Limit
State of Collapse.
2.1 Eurocode 7 and Part 5 of Eurocode 8
Eurocode 7 (1997) suggests that:
1.3 Structural design of piles “Slender piles passing through water or thick deposits
Structurally most piles are designed against bending of very weak soil need to be checked against buckling.
failure due to lateral loads. The semi-empirical P-y This check is not normally necessary when piles are
concept is normally used to design the piles. However, completely embedded in the ground unless the char-
this approach cannot be applied if buckling under axial acteristic undrained shear strength is less than 15 kPa”.
loading is a possibility for the member under consid- For design of piles in seismic areas, Eurocode 8
eration. These considerations would lead to the fact advises designers to design against bending due to iner-
that, if part of the pile loses lateral support during its tia and kinematic forces arising from the deformation
design period, the pile should be treated as unsup- of the surrounding soil. It says:
ported column. The structural design of the pile in the “Piles shall be designed to remain elastic. When this
unsupported zone should be designed as a column is not feasible, the sections of the potential plastic
carrying lateral loads. hinging must be designed according to the rules of
A recent investigation, Bhattacharya et al. (2004), Part 1–3 of Eurocode 8”.
has revealed that fully embedded end bearing piles Eurocode 8 (Part 5) also says:
passing through loose to medium dense sand can “Potential plastic hinging shall be assumed for:
buckle under the axial load alone if the surrounding soil a region of 2d from the pile cap
liquefies in an earthquake. Buckling of fully embedded a region of 2d from any interface between two
piles in extremely soft clay is known, but should also be layers with markedly different shear stiffness (ratio of
considered in loose to medium dense sand in liquefi- shear moduli 6)
able areas. This approach should be applied equally to where d denotes the pile diameter. Such region shall
earthquake or wave induced liquefiable soils. be ductile, using proper confining reinforcements”.

1.4 Purpose of this paper 2.2 American Petroleum Institute (API)

This paper aims to list the cases where buckling Clause 3.3.1.b of API (2000) recommends the
should be considered in design. Buckling of piles has following:
been subdivided into two groups: “Column buckling tendencies should be considered
for piling below the mudline. Overall column buck-
(a) Local buckling, where the transverse section of
ling is normally not a problem in pile design, because
the pile deforms. In practice, this is often observed
even soft soils help to inhibit overall column buckling.
at the pile tip.
However, when laterally loaded pilings are subject to
(b) Global buckling, like Euler’s buckling of an unsup-
significant axial loads, the load deflection (P-)
ported strut, where the longitudinal section of the
effect should be considered in stress computations. An
pile deforms.
effective method of analysis is to model the pile as a
Checking against local buckling is crucial for thin beam column on an elastic foundation.”
walled sections and is an important consideration dur- Clause 6.10.2 of API (2000) states:
ing the installation of piles, particularly when driving “General column buckling of the portion below the
into extremely hard soil or rock. A companion paper, mudline need not be considered unless the pile is
Aldridge et al. (2005) in this symposium deals with pile believed to be laterally unsupported because of
tip damage. Therefore, this paper does not address local extremely low soil shear strengths, large computed
buckling. The codes of practice for pile design are lateral deflections, or for some other reason”.

API (2000) considers stresses in a pile during driv- 3 WHERE BUCKLING IS IMPORTANT
ing. The code advises designers to have a minimum
pile wall thickness to avoid local buckling. The rec- 3.1 Pile as a beam-column
ommendations are:
A pile can be best described as a beam-column i.e. a
“For piles that are to be installed by driving where
column section carrying lateral loads. A general equa-
sustained hard driving is anticipated, the minimum
tion can be described following Heelis et al. (2004).
piling wall thickness used should not be less than


t  wall thickness in mm, where
D  diameter, in mm.” EI  Flexural rigidity of the pile;
P0  External axial compressive force applied at
2.3 Japanese Road Association code the top of the pile i.e. x  0
(JRA 1996) f(x) is the friction per unit length
k(x) is the modulus of subgrade reaction.
The guidelines for designing piles in liquefiable soils The above equation suggests that if part of the soil
are shown in Figure 2. The code advises practicing surrounding the pile loses its effective stress, then
engineers to design piles against bending failure due f(x)  0 and k(x) will be near zero, and the equation
to lateral loads arising out of inertia or slope move- reduces to Euler’s buckling equation. The theoretical
ment (lateral spreading). The code discourages the buckling load can be estimated by equation 3.
additions of effects due to inertia and lateral spread-
ing. To check against the bending failure due to lateral
spreading, the code recommends that the non-liquefied (3)
crust above the liquefied soil exerts passive pressure
(qNL in Fig. 2) and the liquefied soil offers 30% of the
total overburden pressure (qL in Fig. 2). where Leff  Effective length of the pile in the unsup-
Eurocode 8 (1998), JRA (1996) focus on bending ported zone. This depends of the boundary condition
strength and omit considerations of the bending stiff- of the pile below and above the support loss zone, see
ness necessary to avoid buckling in the event of soil Bhattacharya et al. (2004).
liquefaction. API (2000) code does consider column
buckling, but only for soils having low shear strength,
i.e. soft clay. The following sections point out that buck- 3.2 Role of lateral load in buckling
ling needs to be considered even for fully-embedded Rankine (1866) recognized that the failure load of
piles passing through loose to medium dense sand structural columns predicted by equation 3 is more
where there may liquefy for any reason. than the actual failure load (PF) i.e. equation 3 is
unconservative. This is because buckling is very sen-
sitive to imperfections and lateral loads. The collapse
also involves an interaction between elastic and plas-
tic modes of failure. Lateral loads and geometrical
imperfections both lead to the creation of bending
moments in addition to axial loads. Bending moments
have to be accompanied by stress resultants that dimin-
ish the cross-sectional area available for carrying the
axial load, so the failure load PF is less than the plastic
squash load (PP) given by A. y (A  area of the pile
section, y is the yield stress of the material). Equally,
the growth of zones of plastic bending reduces the
effective elastic modulus of the section, thereby
reducing the critical load for buckling, so that PF  Pcr.
Furthermore these processes feed on each other, as
explained in Horne & Merchant (1965). As the elastic
critical load is approached, all bending effects are
magnified. If lateral loads in the absence of axial load
Figure 2. Japanese Roadways Association (JRA) code. would create a maximum lateral displacement 0 in the

critical mode-shape of buckling, then the displacement 2 Initial imperfection or lack of straightness. Figure 5
 under the same lateral loads but with a co-existing shows a pile attached to a towing bollard in an off-
axial load P is given by: shore pile installation. This creates an initial eccen-
tric moment.
3 Loss of lateral support due to liquefaction or scour.
(4) Recent investigation has shown that fully embed-
ded end bearing piles passing through saturated,
loose to medium dense sand can buckle under the
axial load alone if the surrounding soil liquefies in
The same magnification factor applies to any initial an earthquake. The stress in the pile section will
out-of-line straightness of the pile in the mode shape initially be within the elastic range, and the buckling
of potential buckling. Correspondingly, all curvatures length will be the entire length of the pile in liquefied
are similarly magnified and so are the bending strains soil. Figure 6 shows a failure of a fully embedded
induced in the column by its lateral loads or eccen- pile by buckling in a centrifuge test.
tricities. The progression towards plastic bending fail- 4 Partially exposed pile. This is often encountered in
ure is accelerated as axial loads approach the elastic jetties or offshore platforms.
critical load (Pcr). Not only do axial loads induce extra 5 Piles in extremely soft clay. Buckling of slender
bending moments (P- effects), but the full plastic steel piles in soft, quick clay in Trondheim (Norway)
bending resistance cannot be mobilized due to the has been reported by Brantzaeg & Elvegaten (1957).
fact that part of the pile section is required to carry
the axial loads. Equation 4 indicates that for a column
carrying an axial load of half its Euler load, that lat-
eral displacements and therefore bending moments
would be 1/(1  0.5) or 100% bigger than those cal-
culated ignoring axial load effects. This is important
if significant lateral loads must also be carried.

3.3 List of cases where buckling is important

The cases where buckling needs special attention are
listed below:
1 During installation by driving. The stability of
slender piles during driving has been dealt with by
Burgess (1976). This is also a design consideration
in offshore installations, see Figures 3 and 4. Figure
3 shows a typical offshore installation and Figure 4
shows the pile stick up. Once the pile is in the sleeve,
it is important to check the buckling potential under
the action of the lateral forces due to the wave Figure 4. Pile stick up.
loading and the hammer weight.

Figure 3. A typical offshore pile installation. Figure 5. Attachments at the bottom of the pile.

6 Buckling of pile due to dredging operation in a (column carrying lateral loads) element with bi-axial
marine harbour. It has been reported by Sovinc bending. If the section of the pile is a “long column”,
(1981) that a piled marine harbour was seriously analysis would become extremely complex and an
damaged during a dredging operation due to soil explicit closed-form solution does not exist. The solu-
movement. tion of such a problem demands an understanding of
7 Local buckling at the sleeve during driving. the way in which the various structural actions inter-
8 Local tips buckling due to faulty shoe design. act with each other i.e. how the axial load influences
the amplification of lateral deflection produced by the
lateral loads. In the simplest cases i.e. when the sec-
4 SIMPLIFIED APPROACH TO AVOID tion is a “short column”, the superposition principle
GLOBAL BUCKLING OF PILES can be applied i.e. direct summation of the load
effects. In other cases, careful consideration of the
As mentioned earlier, the part of the pile in liquefiable complicated interactions needs to be made.
soil should be treated as an unsupported column. A pile Designing such a type of member needs a three-
not only has axial stress but also may have bending dimensional interaction diagram where the axes are:
stresses in two axes due to the lateral loads. The pile Axial (P), major-axis moment (Mx) and minor-axis
represents a most general form of a “beam-column” moment (My). The analysis becomes far more com-
plicated in presence of dynamic loads. The above
complicated non-linear process can be avoided by
designing the section of the pile as a “short column”
i.e. for concrete section – length to least lateral dimen-
sion less than 15 (British Code 8110) or a slenderness
ratio (effective length to minimum radius of gyration)
less than 50.
Figure 8 shows the study of 14 reported case histor-
ies of pile foundation during earthquakes, after
Bhattacharya (2003) and Bhattacharya et al. (2004).
The case histories were from four different earth-
quakes. Six of the piled foundations survived while
others suffered severe damage. Essentially, it is
assumed that the pile is unsupported in the liquefiable
zone. For each of the case histories, the Leff of the pile
in the liquefiable region is plotted against the min-
imum radius of gyration (rmin) of the pile. rmin is intro-
duced to represent piles of any shape (square, tubular,
circular) and is given by √I/A where I is the second
Figure 6. Buckling of a fully embedded pile in a centrifuge moment of area; and A is the cross sectional area of
test, after Bhattacharya (2003). the pile section. For a solid circular section, rmin is

Figure 7. Failure of Adriatic harbour during dredging operation, Sovinc (1981).

0.8 kept as “short column” i.e. for concrete section –
length to least lateral dimension less than 15 or a slen-
derness ratio (effective length to minimum radius of
0.6 Good gyration) less than 50.
0.5 performance The main assumptions in developing the design
chart are:
(rmin) m

0.4 Poor
performance 1 The piles are either solid concrete section having E
(Young’s Modulus) of 22.5 GPa or steel tubular
0.2 section having E of 210 GPa.
0.1 2 The piles are not in a single row and at least in
2  2-matrix form – this ensures that the pile heads
0 are restrained against rotation but free to translate.
0 10 20 30 40 50
3 The thickness of the steel pile is based on
Effective length (Leff) m
equation (1).
Figure 8. Study of 15 case histories, Bhattacharya et al.

Minimum dia of pile from buckling consideration Buckling of pile can be classified into two groups:
2.25 global buckling and local buckling. In global buck-
2 Concrete pile ling, the pile deforms longitudinally leading to lateral
Diameter of pile (m)

Steel tubular pile instability of the entire structure. On the other hand in
local buckling, the cross section of the pile deforms
1 leading to a localized damage. In either case, the load
0.75 carrying capacity of the pile reduces drastically and
0.5 may lead to complete collapse of the foundation. Eight
0.25 cases have been listed where buckling is a design con-
0 sideration.
4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Global buckling should be considered for fully
Thickness of liquefiable layer (m)
embedded end-bearing piles passing through loose to
Figure 9. Minimum diameter to avoid buckling of piles,
medium dense where they may liquefy for any reason.
Bhattacharya and Tokimatsu (2004). This can be avoided by reducing the slenderness ratio
of the pile in the “likely-to-be-unsupported” zone. A
simplified approach to avoid buckling under such situ-
ations has been described.
0.25 times the diameter of the pile and for a hollow
circular section rmin is 0.35 times the outside diameter
of the pile. Leff is dependent on the thickness of the
liquefiable zone, depth of embedment and the fixity REFERENCES
at the pile head. In the figure, a line representing a
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Propagation of pile tip damage during installation,
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