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Homeopathy and Digestion

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The document discusses the digestive system and provides tips for improving gut health such as eating more fiber, staying hydrated, reducing stress, and getting exercise.

The document suggests that many people are suffering from gastrointestinal distress due to factors like a low fiber diet, diet imbalances, lack of exercise, supplements, high stress, sedentary lifestyles and more.

The document lists common causes of GI distress such as low fiber diet, diet imbalances, lack of exercise, supplements, high stress, sedentary lifestyle, lack of fluids, medications, personal care products, refined foods, contaminated food/water, overeating, and lack of fresh produce.

National Center for Homeopathy

Webinar Series Presents:

Our Amazing
Digestive System
with Tanya Renner, CCH, RSHom(NA)

© 2016 Tanya Renner

Homecare Conditions

Homecare: self-diagnosis, self-treat and self-manage

Welcome to the NCH Homeopathy Academy of Moms program!

This material is offered for educational purposes only. Nothing

herein is intended as medical advice nor is any claim made that
the comments or opinions expressed herein are approved by any
government department or agency. Whenever dealing with a
health issue consult a qualified health care provider.
Why are so many suffering from
gastrointestinal distress?
Food is my favorite thing to eat!
Don’t treat the gut like a
garbage disposal
Too much of a good thing?
Toxins on the outside =
toxins on the inside
Human Microbiome Eco-system

Friendly Unfriendly
The Total Load

it’s simply too much!

Return To Nature
Nature Heals
Nature Heals: nourish and hydrate

Nourished By The Sea

Sea Vegetables
 Nibble on dulse or nori
sheets or a “Kelp
Krunch Bar”
 Sprinkle on the Sea
Squat On The Pot

Squatting instead of sitting to

move bowels straightens the
rectum and relaxes the
puborectalis muscle.
Common Causes of GI Distress

High Stress Medications Supplements

Low fiber diet Overeating

Lack of exercise
Refined Foods

Lack of fluids

Personal Care Products

Lack of fresh produce

Diet Imbalance
Contaminated Food/Water Sedentary Lifestyle
Make A Shift
Explore Balance
Gastrointestinal Imbalance

Constipation Diarrhea
Infrequent, difficult The passage of frequent
bowel movements unformed stools.

Aim for 1-2 easy, formed

BMs daily.
Know when to see your doctor

Acute constipation requires assessment by a

medical provider and may include symptoms
such as

• sudden, severe onset,

• fever,
• rectal bleeding or bloody stool,
• nausea and vomiting,
• Involuntary loss of weight.

Acute constipation may be associated with emergency medical conditions

such as appendicitis, intestinal invagination, advanced urinary infection or
strangulated hernia.
Know when to see your doctor

Young children with constipation may

adopt postures that indicate the child is
withholding stool such as standing on
tiptoes and rocking back on the heels of
the feet, clenching buttock muscles, and
other unusual dance-like behaviors.
Know When To See Your Doctor

Reoccurring indigestion and heartburn may be associated

with other conditions:

o Gallbladder/Liver Conditions

o Heart Problems

o Peptic Ulcer

o And more

Stay in contact with your doctor for appropriate diagnosis and management.
Homeopathic Cell Salts for
Digestive Complaints

Super firm, large stool: Silica 6x

Bilious: Nat sulph 6x

Bilious: a term applied sometimes to indigestion with
irritability, vague nausea, headache and constipation

Antacid: Nat phos 6x

Cell Salt remedy: One of the 12 essential

macro minerals in a 3x-12x potency.
Large, hard stool: Silica 6x

o Stool large, firm – may clog the toilet

o Bashful stool

o Worn down, snappish w/bloating, belching and

head pain
Bilious: Nat sulph 6x
o Abdominal discomfort after overindulging – alcohol,
sweets, fats – simply “overdoing” leading to

o Diarrhea, esp. in the morning

o Diarrhea with flatulence especially from vegetables,

breads, sweets, and acid foods.

o Yellowish stool

o Rumbling in the abdomen

o Constipation after medications

Antacid: Nat phos 6x

o Strong heat sensation in the stomach

o Sour risings and heartburn after eating.

o Indigestion worse w/fats, cold drinks, milk, sour foods

o Alternating constipation with diarrhea

o Bottom may burn from acid stools

Stomach distress w/headache,
flatulence & biliousness??

Some cell salts combine well: When headache, gas and biliousness are
CONNECTED complaints, dissolve these three cell salts, nat phos 6x, nat sulph
6x and silica 6x in warm water and drink.

Usually, the best indicated single homeopathic remedy is used, but sometimes
this cell salt combination works brilliantly.
Homeopathic Cell Salts: Instructions for Use

Potency: 6x or 12x

Dosing: follow the label, or 2 tablets per dose

How often? Every 15 minutes until relief is obtained.

When to stop? As soon as symptoms start to improve.

If there is no improvement after 3 doses, stop and try a
different remedy.
If there is not improvement after trying 3 different
remedies, stop and contact your physician or a
professional homeopath.
GI Complaints with Constipation: Nux vomica

o Straining at stool, but passing only a little at a time

o May have alternating constipation and diarrhea
o Onset after rich or spicy foods or alcohol and sweets
o Onset after medical procedure requiring anesthesia
o Onset after medications (including laxative use)
o Ineffectual desire for bowel movement
o Crampy
o Impatient
Difficult Stool After Medication: Nux vomica
“Party or Holiday Remedy”: Nux vomica
GI Complaints with Constipation:

o Constipation with little urging

o Abdomen distended w/gas & passes gas
o Bloating after even a small meal
o Averse to pressure on the abdomen
o Symptoms may be worse 4-8 am/pm
o Loosens the belt buckle
GI Complaints from Rich Foods:

• Indigestion after meal.

• Food sits like a stone in the stomach,
particularly after fatty and rich foods.
• May feel nausea.

Craves Butter, Cream, Cheese or

Aversion to Fat

Casework: Nux vom, Lyc, Puls

Case 1: I just returned home from

surgery and my bowels aren’t moving.

Case 2: I couldn’t decide which flavor ice

cream to get and got them all. Now my
stomach feels like there’s a rock in it and
I’m nausea.

Case 3: Maybe I did have too much to

drink last night?!
Casework: Nux vom, Lyc, Puls

Case 1: I recently had surgery. Help! My

bowels aren’t moving! Nux vom

Case 2: I couldn’t decide which flavor ice

cream to get and got them all. Now my
stomach feels like there’s a rock in it and
I’m nausea. Pulsatilla

Case 3: Maybe I did have too much to

drink last night?! Nux vom
Casework: Nux vom, Lyc

Case 1: I find I am often constipated

when my schedule is full. Right now I am
taking laxatives a couple times a week. I
have the urge to go but I can’t!!

Case 2: I really enjoy my food but as soon

as I eaten even a couple of bites I am
gassy and full.
Casework: Nux vom, Lyc

Case 1: I find I am often constipated

when my schedule is full. Right now I am
taking laxatives on a regular basis. I have
the urge to go, but I can’t!!
Nux vomica

Case 2: I really enjoy my food but as soon

as I eaten even a couple of bites I am
gassy and full.
Casework: Nat sulph 6x, Nat phos 6x

Case 1: I just returned home from

surgery and my bowels aren’t moving.

Case 2: I couldn’t decide which flavor ice

cream to get and got them all. This sour
burping is nasty and hurts.

Case 3: Maybe I had too much to drink

last night?! I have a headache with
Casework: Nat sulph 6x, Nat phos 6x

Case 1: I just returned home from

surgery and my bowels aren’t moving.
Nat sulph 6x

Case 2: I couldn’t decide which flavor ice

cream to get and got them all. This sour
burping is nasty and hurts. Nat phos 6x

Case 3: Maybe I had too much to drink

last night?! I have a headache with
gastritis. Nat sulph 6x

The passage of frequent unformed stools.

Maybe caused or aggravated by

 Change in diet
 Excessively spicy food
 Nervous upsets
 Ingestion of contaminated foods or water
Know when to see your doctor

Acute diarrhea requires assessment by a

medical provider and may include symptoms
such as

• sudden, severe onset,

• fever,
• rectal bleeding or bloody stool,
• nausea and vomiting,
• Involuntary loss of weight.

Acute diarrhea may be associated with emergency medical conditions such

as appendicitis, inflammation of the gallbladder or pancreas, intestinal
obstruction, infection of reproductive organs, etc.
GI Complaints w/Diarrhea: Arsenicum

o A top choice for food poisoning

o Forceful diarrhea and/or vomiting
o Restless, Fearful, Chilly, Exhausted
o Even small sips of water may cause vomiting
o Burning with passing stool
o Symptoms worse at night
GI Complaints W/Diarrhea:
Veratrum album

Looks a lot like Ars with explosive

diarrhea & vomiting
Chilly, Exhausted
Cold perspiration on the forehead – cold
clammy feeling
GI Complaints w/Diarrhea: Podophylum

Rumbling and gurgling in

abdomen before watery
explosive diarrhea.

Soils the entire bowl and

GI complaints w/diarrhea: Nux vom
Complaints from too much

Too much Symptoms

Tension Heartburn
Mental Work Nausea
Food & Drink Irritability
Coffee Bloating and gas
Drugs Backache esp. with
Casework: Nux vom, Podo, Ars, Vert alb

Case 1: Yikes! You can hear the

abdomen rumbling & grumbling and then
diarrhea explodes! Now I know what a “2-
feet radius” means.

Case 2: I ate from the buffet table and

now I feel nausea and have diarrhea. It
burns on the way out. I can’t get warmed
up! I don’t know what’s going on! Maybe
I have food poisoning and a bad flu!!

Case 3: He won’t move from the coach

and it’s coming out both ends. He is so
depleted. I noticed he has broken out in
cold sweat.
Casework: Nux vom, Podo, Ars, Vert alb

Case 1: Yikes! You can hear the

abdomen rumbling & grumbling and then
diarrhea explodes! Now I know what a “2-
feet radius” means. Podophylum

Case 2: I ate from the buffet table and

now I feel nausea and have diarrhea. It
burns on the way out. I can’t get warmed
up! I don’t know what’s going on! Maybe
I have food poisoning and a bad flu!! Ars

Case 3: He won’t move from the coach

and it’s coming out both ends. He is so
depleted. I noticed he has broken out in
cold sweat. Veratrum album
Colic Digestive Pain

2015, April NCH Webinar:

Homeopathy for Colic
with Kim Kalina, CCH, RSHom(NA) -academy -moms

HOMEOPATHY TODAY, an NCH publication

Digestive Imbalance Ar ticles:

Beyond Flat Ear th Medicine – Curing Constipati on, May 2003,

Timothy Dooley, M.D.

Hemorrhoids and Constipation during Pregnancy

Traveler’s Diarrhea, Aug. 2001 , Dr. Timothy Dooley, M.D.

Beat the BBQ Bug, Aug. 2007, Mar y Aspinwall , ISHom,

Relieve Reflux, Hear tburn, Ulcer s, Aug. 2007, Dr. Timothy Dooley, M.D.

Ease Irritable Bowel Syndrome!, July 2006, Nancy Gahles, DC, CCH

Ever ybody’s Guide to Homeopath ic Medic ines by Stephen Cummings, M.D. and
Dana Ullman, M.P.H.

Severe dehydration is a
Hydrates medical emergency
 Mineral Waters  Dry mouth and tongue
 No tears when crying, dry
 Clear Broth w/sea salt eyes or weak cry
or umeboshi plum  Sunken eyes, scanty, dark
paste  Poor skin tone & elasticity;
doesn’t flatten back
 Coconut & lime water immediately with pinched
 Watermelon  Lethargy, listlessness or
 Hydrating mixes  High Fever
 Dizziness and Light-
 Ginger root drink headedness

“ You put the lime in the coconut, you drink them both up.”
Fig & Walnut gemmo:
“Tummy and Gut Tamer”

Used by gemmo
practitioners to settle
digestive upset.
Prevent GI upset

 Lemon Juice, Lime Juice or Apple Cider Vinegar in water at

meals is a very nice tonic for preventing GI trouble.
 Chai Tea: cardamom, cinnamon, fennel seeds, ginger, etc.
 Ginger root: fresh, capsules, herbal extract or candied with
 Ground flax seeds with lots of water to keep the gut moving .
 Garlic: fresh or capsules
 Probiotics: beneficial bacteria
Prevent GI upset

Choose water purification appropriate to area of travel and have

a backup purification strategy. Have Plan A and Plan B!

Consider hydrogen peroxide purification as well as other water

purification strategies.

Bring a veggie/fruit peeler.

Prevent GI upset

Charcoal capsules or tablets

Do NOT take charcoal or clay with

Medications including birth control
medications. Medicinal clay capsules or drinks
Prevent GI upset

Take with lots of water!

Charcoal will temporarily turn

stools black.

Do NOT take charcoal or clay with

medications including birth control
medications. Check with your provider if
you have questions.
Your Questions
We can help, if you get stuck.

Contact your health care provider or a professional homeopath

National Center for Homeopathy Practitioner Directory -homeopath

North American Society of Homeopaths

Council for Homeopathic Certification
Always consult a qualified health care provider if you are
dealing with health care issue.

This material is of fered for educational purposes only. Nothing

herein is intended as medical advice nor is any claim made
that the comments or opinions expressed herein are approved
by any government department or agency.
A Special Thank You To Our
keep the fun coming!
What about potency?
(Always use 3x-12x potencies for homeopathic cell salts . )

More sensitive 30x or 12c More Robust 30C

You… You…
 Require less medication  Tolerate medications
than the average person easily
 Avoid certain foods  Can eat “anything”
 Are sensitive to changes  Express a wide range of
in environment emotions and are not
 Have difficulty with effected by other
confrontation people’s emotions
 Identify yourself as  Enjoy a stable mood and
“sensitive” high energy throughout
most days
What about frequency?

Potency: 30x or 12c (sensitive) or 30c (robust)

Potency-Cell Salts: Always in 3x-12x, decrease number of pellets and frequency for
the sensitive individual.

Dosing: follow the instructions or 1-3 pellets per dose

• Every 15 minutes for very recent strong clear symptoms.
• Every couple of hours for strong symptoms.
• A couple doses a day for milder symptoms.

When to stop?
• Stop as soon as symptoms start to improve. Re-start if the same symptoms
• If there is no improvement after 3 doses, stop and try a different remedy.
• If there is no improvement after trying 3 different remedies,
stop and contact your health care provider or a professional homeopath.
© 2016 Tanya Renner
Webinar Q&A – Cell Salts

Q: Can homeopathic cell salts be taken more frequently than higher potency
A: Yes, generally homeopathic cells can be taken more frequently than higher
potency remedies, but as always, dosing plans should be individualized.

Cell Salt Education

Homeopathic Cell Salt Remedies by Nigey Lennon and Lionel Rolfe
Super great book, especially for homecare use!

“Gentle Little Souls” Excellent introductory article Miranda Castro.

Excellent 110 minute audio with 9 pg. handout by Kim Kalina.

“Nurture Your Inner Athlete with Homeopathic Cell Salts”, Tanya Renner,
Homeopathy Today, Summer, 2015
Webinar Q&A – Cell Salts

Q: Can I take multiple homeopathic remedies at once?

A: Most remedies should be taken individually as indicated, but some cell salts
also act nicely when combined. Please see your cell salt resources for a more
detailed discussion.

Within the homeopathic cell salt system, some practitioners do not recommend
taking the following remedies together in the same dose:
• Calc sulph 6x & Kali mur 6x
• Nat sulph 6x & Nat mur 6x
• Silica 6x & Calc sulph 6x

For advanced homeopathy study about remedy relations refer to

Encyclopedia of Remedy Relationships in Homeopathy by Abdur Rehman.
Webinar Q&A – Motion Sickness

Q: What is a good remedy for motion sickness?

A: As with all homeopathic remedies, they have to be matched to the symptom

set. First set to consider: Cooculus, Tabacum, Petroleum, Ipecacuanha.

Some people also use pressure wrist bands-acupressure and ginger. (Maybe
ginger candy.)
Webinar Q&A - Dosing

Q: Can you take just one pellet instead of the usual 3 pellets? Is this dosing just
as effective?

A: For most people that number of pellets in not as important as the frequency
of dosing. The frequency of dosing is important. See slide on “Frequency.”
Webinar Q&A - Microbiome

Q: Where can I learn more about the Human Microbiome?

A: Resources follow:
• Microbirth: Revealing the microscopic secrets of childbirth – documentary
and The Microbiome Effect: How Your Baby’s Birth Affects Their Future. See This is a powerful documentary.

• “Your Changing Microbiome” at Learn.Genetics See

• “Chronic Illness and the Human Microbiome” by Ronald Whitmont, MD-


• Happy Healthy Baby VIII: Your Baby’s Microbiome by Lauren Hubele. See
Webinar Q&A - Gemmotherapy

Q: How can I learn more about the Fig and Walnut Gemmos?

A: See the book “Gemmotherapy for Everyone: An Introduction To Acute Care”

by Lauren Hubele, CCH

Also see website:

In the search field, search for your topic of interest and see e-newsletters, blogs and
Facebook account.

Gemmos, Babies and The Whole Body

Gemmos and Happy Healthy Babies Part I with Lauren Hubele:
Why it really is all about elimination
Article is applicable to all ages.

Gemmos and Happy Healthy Babies Part II with Lauren Hubele:

Infrequent Elimination Article is applicable to all ages.
Webinar Q&A – Nutrition, Agriculture &
Food Politics

Q: Where can I learn more about food and food politics?

A: FMTV or FoodMatters -- ‘Food for Thought’ Documentaries,

recipes and much more!
Related Resources - 1

Mg naturally w/foods like fig, almond, pumpkin seed: Josh Axe, Magnesium Rich Foods
Freshly Ground Flaxseed: Dr. David Williams, How to Relieve Constipation Naturally
More on Flaxseed: Happy Bowel

YouTube Videos: Abdominal Self Care
Massage for Constipation (Dr. Lorn Allison, 10 minutes)
Abdomen Self Massage for Constipation (LindsayRoseHeal, 6 minutes)

The Porcelain Thrown: YouTube Video

This Unicorn Changed the Way I Poop (SquattyPotty, 2 minutes)

Stool: your guide to wellness

Bristol Stool Chart: Internet search for images of Bristol Stool Chart
For young children see, “Choose your Poo!” (by Movicol Paediatric)
Look, Listen and Smell Before You Flush: by Mercola
Related Resources - 2

Connections between the GI and Urinary Systems

How Much Do You Really Need to Know About Your Kids’ Poop?
By Steve Hodges, M.D. at “Parents Magazine”
The Shocking Danger of Constipation in Kids
By Steve Hodges, M.D. at “Everything Kids

Bedwetting and Accidents Dr. Steve Hodges, M.D.

Books: Bedwetting and Accidents Aren’t Your Fault and

It’s No Accident by Steve Hodges, M.D. and Suzanne Schlosberg

The Porcelain Thrown: YouTube Video

This Unicorn Changed the Way I Poop (SquattyPotty, 2 minutes)

Stool: your guide to wellness

Bristol Stool Chart: Internet search for images of Bristol Stool Chart
For young children see, “Choose your Poo!” (by Movicol Paediatric)
Look, Listen and Smell Before You Flush: by Mercola
Conditions Associated with GI Distress

Down Syndrome Eating Disorders Neurological Disorders

Crohn's dx IBS

Food Allergies/
Microbiome Imbalance

Diabetes Hormonal Disorders:


Chronic Toxicity
Parasites Pregnancy

About the presenter: Tanya Renner, CCH, RSHom(NA), is a holistic wellness

coach, homeopath, passionate educator and speaker. She is dedicated to helping
people discover their innate, natural power for healing and growth. In additional
to classical homeopathy and gemmotherapy, she has studied herbalism, flower
essences, nutrition and Inspiring Homeopathy, and has been certified in CEASE

Tanya served as a Core Faculty member and Co-Administrator of the Teleosis

Homeopathic Collaborative, LLC from 2010 – 2015. She has a private practice in
New Hampshire where she combines her experience as a wellness coach and
homeopath in working with clients.

© 2016 Tanya Renner

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