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Everest North Col Expedition

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Everest North Col Expedition (7033) -

Climbing in Tibet
(24 days)
List of our expeditions in Nepal and Tibet | Dispatches from our expeditions

We get 7000m high on Everest with North Col Expedition.

This is a trip of highlights, from Lhasa and the eighth wonder Potala Palace to the drive along the
Friendship highway to trekking up to the 6380m ABC (sometimes called Camp 3). Then we
climb to 7000m on North Col using the fixed ropes of the Everest expeditions. Wow!


Trip length: 24 Days

Grade: climbing expedition
Starts in: Kathmandu
Ends in: Kathmandu
Accommodation: Hotel and camping
Transportation: 4WD Land cruiser
Maximum altitude: 7033m

6380m - highest trek in the world
7033m North Col climbing on Everest
meet Everest expeditions
spectacular views of Everest

Day 01 - Arrive Kathmandu
Day 02/03 - Sightseeing in Kathmandu
Day 04 - Fly to Lhasa (3660m)
Day 05/06 - In Lhasa (3660m)
Day 07 - Drive Lhasa - Shigatse (3900m) 280 km
Day 08 - Drive Shigatse - Shegar (4050m) 244km
Day 09 - Rest day at Shegar for acclimatization
Day 10 - Drive to EBC
Day 11/12/13 - At EBC
Day 14 - Trek to Interim Camp (5760m)
Day 15 - Rest day at Interim Camp (5760m)
Day 16 - Trek to Camp 3/ABC (6400m)
Day 17/18 - Rest day at camp 3
Day 19 - Climb North Col
Day 20 - Trek to Base Camp
Day 21 - Spare day
Day 22 - Drive to Nyalam
Day 23 - Drive back to Kathmandu
Day 24 - Depart Kathmandu

Contact us

Please contact us

Billie Bierling

3 star hotel in Kathmandu, single with breakfast
Kathmandu sightseeing tour
Kathmandu-Lhasa flight
twin-share hotels and guesthouses in Tibet
China (Tibet) visa
airport transfers
group transportation by private vehicle
entrance fees and permits as needed
expedition-style trek:
all meals and hot drinks on trek
roomy single tent on trek

insurance, Nepal visa, meals in towns and cities
Kathmandu departure tax
international flights, equipment rental, alcohol and soft drinks, laundry, tipping and other items
of a personal nature


We begin with two full days in Kathmandu then fly to Lhasa, stay 2 full days then drive to
Rongbuk and Everest Base Camp. After some acclimatization we trek up to Everest ABC,
sometimes called Camp 3 at 6340m, and after a couple more days acclimatizing then we climb
up to the North Col at just over 7000m on a day trip, then trek out and drive onto Kathmandu.

Also note that we expect to fly to Lhasa on a Wednesday, assuming there Wednesday flights. If
they have yet to start then we will fly to Lhasa on Tuesday and the whole itinerary will be
brought forward by a day, and there will be one full day in Kathmandu on return.

Early arrival
Arriving early can be a great way to begin unwinding, we will arrange airport transfer and hotel,
no problem.

Day 1 - arrive Kathmandu

You must arrive this day or earlier. You’ll be met at the airport, look for a Project Himalaya
signboard, perhaps with your name on it.

Usually your leader will meet you at the hotel and show you around Thamel. Thamel is a mass of
energy and chaos with a myriad banners, signs, pumping music shops, bakeries, internet cafes,
restaurants, bars, hotels and eccentrically clad backpackers. Normally we meet at Sam's bar over
a drink before dinner.

We collect your passports ready for processing the Chinese visa tomorrow, and discuss how to
acclimatize for Lhasa.

Day 2 - Kathmandu
Today we’ll explore the sights of Kathmandu and the valley (opens in a new window) with a
good local guide. Many trekkers are already familiar with Kathmandu so we match the
sightseeing itinerary to what people haven't seen before.

Day 3 - Kathmandu
You have a free day and this is a good time to sort out any equipment that you need.

Day 4 - fly Kathmandu 1350m to Lhasa 3660m

We check in early for the for the hour long flight to Tibet. This spectacular flight, on a China
Airlines Boeing takes us right across the main Himalayan range and provides us with
magnificent mountain views. After landing at Gonggar Airport and meeting our Tibetan guide, it
is 45 minutes more to Lhasa via the new tunnel. It's advisable to rest or take it easy for the
remainder of the day due to Lhasa's altitude.

Days 5 and 6 - in Lhasa 3660m

Today will be spent visiting four of Lhasa's main sites, two each day, in the company of a guide-
interpreter. The order is decided by the guide.

We visit Sera Monastery or Depung Monastery, both are the best preserved monasteries in Tibet.
Within their white-washed walls and golden roofs, several hundred monks live and study.

Norbulingka is the summer palace of the Dalai Lama, a quiet place of gardens and a pleasant
house with impressive murals of Tibetan history and beliefs.

The Jokhang (temple) is the most sacred shrine in Tibet and on public days there is a procession
of devout Tibetans through the complex. This is the real Tibet as it was and is usually a highlight
of the trip. Surrounding the Jokhang is the Barkor - a maze of narrow cobbled streets which is
the central market of Lhasa and since our hotel is close to this you can wander around any time.

The Potala is the icon of Tibet, with its eighth wonder architecture, and dominates the city of
Lhasa. A spectacular building, it contains the private quarters of the Dalai Lama as well as
numerous grand state rooms and many important chapels. There has been a palace on this site
since the 5th or 6th century, but the present palace was constructed in the 17th century.

It is also extremely busy. Once past the ticket office and thru the main courtyard, from that point
you might only be allowed one hour for the interior, you guide will explain the latest rules. You
do have plenty of time prior to the point, however.

Day 7 - drive Shigatse 3900m ~250 km

We drive to Shigatse, arriving in time for a late lunch. Shigatse is the second largest city in Tibet
and Tashilunpo Monastary is the seat of the Panchen Lama, often considered the second most
important Rinpoche after the Dalai Lama. Tashilhunpo Monastery is one of the largest
functioning monasteries in Tibet and there is much to explore within its high surrounding walls.

Day 8 - drive Shegar 4350m ~244km

We continue along the Friendship Highway. Beyond the small town of Lhatse we cross the
highest pass on our journey, the Gyamtso La, 5220m. From here we descend to some of the most
spectacular panoramas of the drive.

During the 1921 expedition a madman attacked their camp stoves here.

Day 9 - Shegar 4350m

This is a rest and acclimatization day. The best day trip is to walk or drive to the new town of
Shegar and climb to the monastery and past that to the top of the fort. See the expedition photo
galleries for photos of this.

Day 10 - drive Everest Base Camp 5150m 76km

Shortly after leaving Shegar, we turn off the Friendship Highway and head south over the Pang
La 5150m towards the main Himalayan range. The view from the top is incredible with
uninterrupted views stretching from Makalu to Shishapangma, and including Everest. Below the
pass, Everest initially is hidden from view, but as we turn the corner into the upper Rongbuk
Valley it reappears, more impressive than ever.

Days 11, 12 and 13 - Everest Base Camp 5150m

We rest here several days to acclimatize; it is important to be well acclimatized prior to trekking
to Interim Camp. How often do you get a chance to sit and read and dine with the sheer north
face of the highest mountain in the world towering above us. There are several possible day trips.

Day 14 - trek to Interim Camp 5760m

We begin in a dusty ablation valley with views of Pumori, Lingtren and even Nuptse then branch
off up the East Rongbuk valley. The trail climbs moraine rubble. Nearby, the first ice seracs [ice
pinnacles] rise like white sails from the dark debris-laden surface of the glacier.

Day 15 - Interim Camp 5760m

We spend a day here in the intermediate camp, resting to further acclimatize. This is another
good chance to finish that book.

Day 16 - trek to ABC 6340m

The Rongbuk Glacier is an impressive frozen ocean of ice waves; the views of the glacier and
the Himalayan peaks are some of the most dramatic in Tibet. Along the middle moraine of the
glacier is the trail that expeditions use to begin their climbs of Everest and this is the trail we are
taking. About two hours above the Interim camp the central ridgeline leads in to a confused of
ice at the confluence with the Changtse glacier, and this is Changtse Base Camp [5970m] which
is sometimes called Camp 2; it was the 1920's and 1930's camp 2. The appropriately named
Serac Highway continues to extend its unusual gravel arm trough the centre of the of the ice

Rounding the corner, first Lhakpa Ri Base Camp comes into view, then eventually Everest ABC
(The old "Camp 3"), and this last section is always tough.

Days 17 and 18 - ABC acclimatization

We have a well-deserved rest, taking a couple of days to acclimatize here at Advance Base Camp
(ABC). We meet some of the expeditions here. The summit pyramid of Everest appears
phenomenally close; it is little more than 2400 metres higher than ABC. This is the closest non-
climbers can get to the top of Everest. With a pair of binoculars, you are almost there...

Day 19 - North Col-ABC

We climb to the top of North Col, just over 7000m, for fantastic views across Tibet and into
Nepal. Mountains litter the horizon.

Day 20 - spare day

This is a spare day that covers bad weather and other unforeseen events. If you are on schedule
with the itinerary you might just want to trek to interim camp to break the long trek down...

Day 21 - trek down to Base Camp

This is a  LONG day's trekking down to Base Camp but to much lower, more comfortable

Day 22 - drive Nyalam 3750m or Zhangmu 2400m

We normally take the shortcut to Tingri where we have lunch. Beyond Tingri are more views of
Everest, Cho Oyu and other giants. Then we cross two high passes, the Lalung La (5124m) and
the Shung La (5200m). Once more we are rewarded with magnificent views, this time
Menlungtse and Gauri Shankar, and to the right of the road is Shishapangma. Over the last pass
we begin the long descent leaving the arid Tibetan Plateau into the gorge to Zhangmu. Where we
stay depends on the driver and Tibetan guide.

Day 23 - drive Kathmandu

We wait in line for Immigration. A few kilometres further is the Friendship Bridge which spans
the Bhote Kosi River and marks the Chinese - Nepalese border. We say goodbye to our Tibetan
guide and driver and walk to Nepalese Immigration Control in Kodari where we will be met by
our Nepalese staff. After completing the re-entry formalities we continue the drive to Kathmandu
which, depending on road and weather conditions, should take about 5 hours. It's time to get
cleaned up at the hotel, which has abundant hot water.

Day 24 - depart
Farewell. We take you to the airport for your flight home. We hope you had a fantastic trip, the
journey of a lifetime.

You are welcome to arrive earlier / stay longer in Kathmandu and we can assist with hotels,
tours, showing you around etc.

For more information please go to our official website :

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