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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 3 Issue 4, July-Aug 2017


Evaluation of Security Aspects of Some Optical Code Division

Multiple Access (OCDMA) Systems
Karambir Singh1, Karamdeep Singh2, Shivinder Devra3, Gagandeep Kaur4
1, 2, 3
(Department of Electronics Technology, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar.)
(Department of Electrical & Instrumentation Engineering, Thapar University, Patiala)

Optical Code Division Multiple Access (OCDMA) is an attractive multiple accessing technique that is used
in fiber optics network. As the data being transmitted can be analysed be the eavesdroppers. Therefore, security is a
major concern in OCDMA. We have analysed and examined different modulation schemes for three dimensional
Single Pulse per plane for direct detection in case of On-Off Keying or differential detection in case of Code Shift
Keying and Differential Phase Shift Keying to deduce which of these techniques are best suited against

Keywords — Optical Fiber Communication, Optical Code Division Multiplexing (OCDMA), On-Off Keying
(OOK), Code Shift Keying (CSK), Differential Phase Shift Keying (DPSK), Four Wave Mixing (FWM).

The Literature survey of many different 1D, 2D

I. INTRODUCTION and 3D OCDMA codes has been done. It is
Optical transmission has been topic of observed that as we introduce a new dimension in
tremendous interest for past few decades. A fiber is the system, we can achieve a larger codeset and
used as a waveguide to transmit the information have better BER performance. All the codes
from one place to another and optical wave is used emphasise on the reduction of out of phase auto
as information carrier. As optical signal operates in correlation and cross correlation. Main objective of
the frequency range of THz, large bandwidth is these codes is to increase the total number of
available for use. In optical transmission, higher simultaneous users that can be allowed in a system
data-rate and data security demands can be met while keeping the multiple access interference
which has been a global challenge. Optical code- minimum. The security of the data is also improved
division multiple access (OCDMA) takes advantage as we increase the dimensions of the code. Yet, the
of both: extreme wide bandwidth offered by optical security of OCDMA codes is still a major concern.
fiber and flexibility of CDMA to achieve reliable So, we need different schemes which can improve
high speed connectivity [1-2]. the security of the information signal.
In optical CDMA system, different users whose signalsIn may be overlapped
this paper bothand
we analysed in time and frequency
examined different share a comm
interference from other users.In an Optical CDMA modulation schemes for three dimensional (3D
system, each bit is divided up into n time’s periods SPDD) Single Pulse per plane for direct detection
called chips. An optical signature sequence or a in case of On-Off Keying or differential detection
codeword is created, by transmitting short optical [4, 5] in case of Code Shift Keying and Differential
pulses during some chip interval but not for others. Phase Shift Keying. We simulated OCDMA system
Pulse can be transmitted in time, frequency or space by comparing different modulation schemes based
or in the combination of these domains. Each user on the received power, number of planes used in
has a unique code assigned to them. The encoder of code, number of active users and bit rate of the
each transmitter represents each ‘1’ by transmitting operating network to reckon the BER and security
the unique codeword and represents each ‘0’ by performance [6-9] using OptisystemTM software.
transmitting an all zero sequence [3].

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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 3 Issue 4, July-Aug 2017
The remainder of this paper is organised as (CSK) and Differential Phase Shift Keying (DSPK).
follows: Section II consists of the simulation setups All the setups are performed on the OptiSystem v14
of OCDMA system using modulation schemes like software. The simulation setups of these schemes
On-Off Keying (OOK), Code shift Keying (CSK) are as given below:
and Differential Phase Shift Keying (DPSK). This
A. On Off Keying
helps us understand how the OCDMA system will
work under the effects of different modulation As shown in Figure 1, there are five main blocks
schemes. Section III involves the results and for OOK in any OCDMA codes: User, Encoder,
Fiber, Decoder and Receiver. The value of
discussion part of this paper. Section IV discussed
wavelength, time slots and Space channel is W = 4,
the future scope for the research. And at the last
conclusion is given in Section V. T = 4 and S = 2. The setup works at the bit rate of
4.5 Gbps. We have a total number of four
II. SIMULATION SETUPS wavelengths, four time slots or delays and two
In the section, we are going to explain the space channels. Each space channel has for
simulation setup of different modulation schemes wavelengths that depends upon the time slots or
like ON-Off Keying (OOK), Code Shift Keying delay. This is the simplest scheme among all others.

Figure 1 Simulation setup for implementation of 3D SPDD codes with eavesdropper using On-Off Keying.
The performance of the setup is analysed using
B. Code Shift Keying
BER analyser and eye diagram. As for the security
analyses we use the eavesdropper. As the light As shown in Figure 2, the light is transmitted for
travelling in the fiber may leak out of the core and both ‘0’ and ‘1’ in this case. So, the energy in
clad, the person eavesdropping may place a tap that present at all-time intervals which makes
receives a portion of the light that is leaked out. By eavesdropping using the Simple Eavesdropper
analysing this light and then analysing, there is a difficult. Therefore DPSK eavesdropper is used.
chance that the eavesdropper will be able to decode Basic setup is same as On-Off Keying.The encoder
the user data successfully. We have studied two is used to encode both the signals separately. Due to
types of eavesdropper devices: Simple energy this the actual number of users is half of the code
detector eavesdropper and DPSK eavesdropper. It set size and OOK users. Signal for space channel 1
has been observed in pass studies that an isolated and 2 for both data and data bit is first multiplexed
user is more vulnerable to the eaves dropping, and then transmitted over optical fiber.For the
therefore we have analysed a single user more security analysis both simple and DPSK
carefully. In case of OOK, the simple eavesdropper eavesdropper are analysed. This scheme is the one
works well so we didn’t analyse DPSK which shows best results among all the other
eavesdropper but it will be analysed for other studied schemes.

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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 3 Issue 4, July-Aug 2017

Figure 2 Simulation setup for implementation of 3D SPDD codes with eavesdropper using Code Shift Keying.

C. Differential Phase Shift Keying

channels is also same. The layout for 3D SPDD
codes for DSPK is given in Figure 3. Both Simple
Basic outlook of the DPSK and OOK is and DPSK eavesdropper are analysed for security.
approximately same with few internal changes. The This scheme is most difficult to implement both on
bit rate at which the setup works is 4.8 Gbps. The the transmitter and receiver side.
number of wavelengths, time slots and space

Figure 3 Simulation setup for implementation of 3D SPDD codes with eavesdropper using Differential Phase Shift Keying.


the modulation techniques (On-Off Keying, Code
We have implemented the three dimensional shift Keying and Differential Phase Shift Keying) is
SPDD codes in Optisystem for different number of done by varying the received power against the
space channels, different number of users, different BER, by varying the number of space channels
received power levels and different bit rates while against the BER, by varying the number of users
keeping the value of number of wavelengths W and against the BER and by varying the Bit rate on
time slots T constant. We will analyse all these which the system works against the BER. The
parameters and observe for which parameter value power at the receiver is measured using the Optical
the OCDMA system gives best performance. We Power Meter and the BER is measured using the
have also compared the performance of all the BER analyser.
methods such as On-Off Keying, Code shift Keying Figure 7 shows that as we change the value of
and Differential Phase Shift Keying to find out received power, the BER value is also changed. As
which of them works better on the account of the Received power of the signal decreases the BER
performance and security. The comparison of all value of the signal increases. By varying the

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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 3 Issue 4, July-Aug 2017
received power using the attenuator at the receiving this graph, CSK shows the best BER performance
terminal for all the modulation schemes i.e. OOK, compared to OOK and DPSK until the received
CSK and DPSK and then measuring the BER using power approx. drops below -45 dBm. Also, security
BER analyser, we can compare the BER for all the wise the CSK again shows better performance than
methods and thus from their combined plot between the rest. OOK has the least security against the
received power the BER, find out which of the eavesdroppers, while DPSK shows medium
three schemes shows best results based on performance compared to the CSK.
performance and security analysis. By observing

Figure 7 Effect of Received power on BER performance of Different OCDMA modulation schemes.
Figure 8 shows how the BER of the signal is Figure 9 shows that with the variation in the Bit
affected with the change in number of space Rate of the system, the BER also changes.As the
channels used. As the number of lanesincreases,the Bit rate of the system increases the BER value of
BER value of the signal decreases.By varying the the signal decreases. By varying the bit rate (in
value of number of planes S = 2, S = 3 and S = 4 for Gbps) on which the systemperforms for all three
OOK, CSK and DPSK, their corresponding BER modulation schemes OOK, CSK and DPSK, their
value is measured and compares the varied Number corresponding BER value is measured using the
of Planes versus BER for all the modulation BER analyser.After that the results are compared
schemes and find out among all of the analysed for all the schemes using varied Bit Rate versus
scheme which one shows the better performance BER and we find out that among all these schemes
and security than the rest. By observing the graph, it which one performs better.On observing the graph,
can be interpreted that DPSK receiver shows best it can be deduced that the BER performance of
performance among all the three schemes, them OOK with respect to changing Bit Rate is best
after the DPSK is CSK which also shows better among all the schemes. After the OOK, the CSK
performance than OOK. As far as the security is modulation performs better and DPSK performs
concerned, for simple eavesdropper, OOK is the least good of all. Also it can be noted that around
least secure and DPSK is the most secure but for 4.5 Gbps all the scheme converges to almost same
the DPSK eavesdropper the security of the DPSK is BER and as we increase the Bit Rate from that
least among all the other techniques. point all the scheme shows similar performance.
Also, Security of the DPSK against the DPSK

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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 3 Issue 4, July-Aug 2017
eavesdropper for low bit rate is more vulnerable. Bit rate. Out of all the schemes the CSK is most
Then the OOK is less secure against simple secure for almost all value of bit rate.
eavesdropper but security improves with increasing

Figure 8 Effect of Number of Space Channels on BER performance of Different OCDMA modulation schemes.

Figure 9 Effect of Bit rate on BER performance of Different OCDMA modulation schemes

Figure 10 shows how the change in number of previously no other users were active. Figure 11
users affects the BER of the User 1 while shows how the change in number of users affects

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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 3 Issue 4, July-Aug 2017
the BER of the User 2 while previously only one we increase the number of active users in the
user was active. Figure 12 shows how the change in system. On observing all these graphs, it can be
number of users affects the BER of the User 3 deduces as with increase in number of users the
while previously two users were active. The varied performance of the users slightly decreases and the
number of users are applied to all the modulation security of the users improves by a huge margin.
schemes and the BER values of all the users are The performance of newly active user is also better
measured. The maximum number of users analysed than previous users.
are four. Based on the measured value we are able
to find which scheme shows best performance as

Figure 10 Effect of increasing users on BER performance of Different OCDMA modulation schemes at User 1.

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Figure 11 Effect of increasing users on BER performance of Different OCDMA modulation schemes at User 2.

Figure 12 Effect of increasing users on BER performance of Different OCDMA modulation schemes at User 3.

both OOK and DPSK than CSK as in case of CSK

each user is assigned set of two codes. The overall
During the course of this research, several performance of CSK is better than other two
avenues for the continuationof this study became schemes and can be easily implemented as same as
evident. So, here brief remarks on the future scope On-Off keying.
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