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Mechanical Galv

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Mechanical Plating & Galvanizing

The mechanical plating process is a process in which fine metal powders are
cold welded to metal components without electricity and without heat.
The mechanical plating process takes place in a tumbling barrel filled with
tumbling media (e.g. glass beads) which causes the metal powder to be
mechanically welded onto the component surface. Once the plating reaches the
desired thickness the parts are then dried and post-plating finishes are applied if
CIP can process parts up to 26” in length and up to 8” in diameter as well as
process a maximum of 800 lbs at a time.

Specializing in Mechanical Zinc Plating and Galvanizing

Uniformity of thickness depends on part size and shape with typically thinner
deposits on edges and thicker deposits in recesses. Any metal that can be made
into a fine powder can be mechanically plated, however CIP specializes in zinc,
tin, and aluminum. Mechanical plating takes place at room temperature and does
not induce hydrogen embrittlement of which hardened steels are highly

Additional Post-Plating & Metal Finishing Services

CIP offers two post-plating services: trivalent and hexavalent chromate finishes
and sealant finishes. Along with those post-plating services, we offer chromate
finishes in clear trivalent, yellow, black, and olive drab chromates.

Mechanical Galvanizing and Plating Specifications & Thicknesses

CIP is certified to work with coating for zinc deposited mechanically onto iron and
steel basis metals. We also work with both Type I (as coated, without
supplementary treatment) and Type II (with chromate conversion treatment)
B695 specifications for special processing needs.
ASTM B695 Classification Minimum Thickness, µm
Class 5 5 µm = .0002 in

Class 8 8 µm = .0003 in

Class 12 12 µm = .0005 in

Class 40 40 µm = .0015 in

Class 50 50 µm = .002 in

Class 55 53 µm = .0021 in

Class 65 66 µm = .0026 in

Class 70 69 µm = .0027 in

Class 80 81 µm = .0032 in

Class 110 107 µm = .0042 in

Other Mechanical Plating & Galvanazing Specifications

 ASTM – ASTM B695-00
 ISO – ISO 12683
 Chrysler Corporation – PS-1536
 Ford – ESF-M1P37-A
 General Motors – GM4344M & GM4345M
 John Deere – JDM F22
 United States of America – MIL-C-81562B
 RoHS Compliance

Mechanical Plating
Mechanical zinc plating is accomplished by tumbling small parts in a drum with zinc and
proprietary chemicals. Small iron and steel parts – usually limited in size to about 8-9
inches (200-300 mm) and weighing less than one pound (0.5 kg) – are cleaned and
flash coppercoated before loading into a plating barrel. The barrel is then loaded with
proprietary chemicals, glass beads and zinc powder and tumbled. During tumbling, the
glass beads peen zinc powder onto the part. Once finished, the parts are dried and
packaged, or post-treated with a passivation film, dried, and packaged.
As mentioned, mechanical plating can only be appliedto small parts limited to the
capacity of the drum. Furthermore, the materials must be simple in design to ensure
peening to all surfaces. Mechanical zinc plating is most commonly used on high-
strength fasteners and other small parts not suitable for hot-dip galvanizing.

Coating Characteristics
Mechanical plating consists of a flash coating of copper followed by the zinc coating.
Coating thickness requirements contained in ASTM Specification B695 range from 0.2-
4.3 mils (5 to 110 µm). While thicker coatings are possible, the common thickness on
commercial fasteners is 2 mils (50 µm). The coating density is approximately 0.45
oz/ft2/mil compared to the hot-dip galvanized coating density of about 0.6 oz/ft2/mil. The
hot-dip coating has over 30% more zinc per unit volume than the mechanical coating.

The coating, upon micro cross-section, appears to consist of flattened particles of zinc
loosely bonded together. The bond between zinc and steel, and zinc-to-zinc, being
mechanical in this process, is weaker than the metallurgical bond found in hot-dip
galvanizing. Edge, corner and thread coating thicknesses are usually lower at these
sharp radii areas due to minimal peening action at these locations.
Because of the application process (tumbling and peening), the coating thickness can
vary throughout the part. Complex designs with recesses or blind holes as well as
edges, corners and threads can have inconsistent or non-existent coatings due to
inaccessibility to the peening action of the glass beads. It is also importantthe
compaction agents (beads) are large enough to avoid being lodged in any cavities,
recesses, or small threads inthe part. The coating is mechanically-bonded to the steel
with a similar adhesion to zinc plating.

Barrel Finishing Guide

Producing good surface finishes using barrel finishing depends on the right selection and use
of tumblers, abrasives, lubricating agents, carrying agents and polishing agents.

Barrel finishing, also known as barrel tumbling, is a surface improving operation in which a
mixture of parts, media and compounds are placed in a six- or eight-sided barrel and
rotated at a predetermined speed for the purpose of rounding corners, deburring, grinding,
descaling, deflashing, improving surface finish, burnishing, polishing and radiusing parts in
bulk. It works by tumbling parts in a rotating barrel, thus creating friction by tumbling parts
against each other and against other materials, such as media and compounds.

Tumbling Highlights

 Parts can be finished less expensively than by hand.

 Many parts can be processed at one time.
 Requires very little handling.
 Parts are tougher and stronger after tumbling.
 Tumbling provides a certain amount of stress relief.
 Forgings and castings can be blended.
 Machine parts and stampings can be deburred and burnished to a high finish.
 On long runs, the systems can run overnight.
 Careful and proper machining of your parts will save tumbling time.

There are two types of barrel finishing: wet tumbling and dry tumbling. Wet tumbling is
used almost exclusively for removal of excess stock. Dry tumbling is used for all phases,
including polishing.

Wet Tumbling

Horizontal and oblique barrels are commonly used in wet tumbling. The horizontal barrel is
generally octagonal or hexagonal in shape. Though the oblique barrel is easier to load and
unload, the horizontal is preferred because of its larger capacity and better tumbling action.
Barrels are made of steel, often with linings of wood, rubber, neoprene, urethane, PVC or
vinyl. The lining cushions the impact of the tumbling parts against the barrel, thus
prolonging the life of the barrel. The most popular barrel dimensions vary in diameter (18"
to 36") and in length (18" to 42"). Usually, the diameter is smaller than the length.
Horizontal barrel speeds vary from 20 to 38 RPM, depending on the barrel size and the
items to be tumbled. Fragile parts, for example, require slower speeds to prevent possible

After a barrel is filled up to about half of its capacity with parts and media, water is added to
within three to five inches below the load. This can be varied either way. The lower the
water level, the faster the cut. The more water used, the finer the finish and the slower the
cutting rate. For burnishing, the water should be about level with the load.

The compound is put into the barrel last. Depending upon the amount of material to be
removed from the parts, tumbling will take anywhere from 6 to 24 hours. Very light plastic
parts require adding smooth ceramic or hardwood media in a dry process to increase the
load weight.

After a run, the parts and the barrel should be rinsed thoroughly with fresh water. Parts are
then removed and dried by one of several methods, such as tumbling with corn cob grit,
sitting under heat lamps or spinning dry. Rinsing media after it has been used can prevent
contamination or undesirable results if reused later.

Most mass finishing methods employ the use of water to lubricate and carry away the
cutting residue. Without water, the parts would be scratched and black from embedded
abrasives. When combined with our compounds, the water not only carries the abrasives
and keeps the media clean, but also acts as a cushion to help protect the parts.

However, there are times when water can be a hindrance, such as when processing thin,
flat parts (where the water surface tension makes the parts cling together) or when trying
to polish or smooth a plastic part (that can absorb the water and become too soft to resist
scratching or deformation). There are also polishing operations on jewelry that are limited
to the smoothness of the shine that is produced when the media is too heavy and hard. So,
how do we run parts safely without the help of water?

Dry Tumbling

For dry tumbling, the horizontal octagonal barrel is used almost exclusively. This barrel
sometimes has a metal skin, and a hardwood lining which can be replaced when necessary.
A barrel that is 30" in diameter by either 36" or 42" in length is considered standard. For
versatility, these barrels may be divided into two compartments. Dry barrels are often
double-decked so that one barrel is above the other, although both are set in the same
frame. This saves floor space, especially when operating multiple barrels. Barrel speeds in
dry tumbling are generally kept at 28 to 32 RPM.

Over the years, several techniques have been developed. In the earliest tumbling
operations, water was not used. Sand was used with smooth stones. The sand not only
aided the cutting, but also provided an extraordinary amount of surface area to carry the
dirty residue. This avoided having the residue embedded into the surface of the parts. Thus,
if something is provided to carry the dirt instead of water, parts can be run successfully.
The addition of an organic material such as corn cob grit or walnut shell gritproves more
absorbent than sand, therefore carrying more dirt and even oils. Organic materials are also
very good carriers of abrasives.

Plastics require a soft media, such as wood pegs, to avoid damage. However, a soft media
does not cut much. Adding corn cob grit treated withpumice to the load greatly speeds up
cutting. Pumice is silica that is a volcanic ash product. It is a friable, very sharp, long
crystal. Because it is soft, it will fracture into smaller sharp crystals even under the light
load ofwood media. Harder abrasives will not fracture and, therefore, will stop cutting when
they get dull. Hence, pumice is the abrasive of choice for dry cutting.

Self-tumbling metal parts with ceramic or plastic media will work very well
with pumice added as an abrasive and with corn cob grit added to absorb the dirt.

Extremely high, bright finishes can be achieved by using wood pegs orwalnut shells treated
with a wax and an abrasive. The abrasive used should be one micron or less in size. There
are ready-made polishing creams for this type of work, such as Metaglos and Microlyte.
Metal parts can be finished in a tumbling barrel overnight, or in an hour or less in a high-
energy machine. Most wire eyeglass frames and quite a bit of gold jewelry are polished in
this process.

Plastic parts, such as buttons and plastic eyeglass frames, are usually run with wood
pegs or sometimes extra large corn cob grit. If given time and careful handling, plastic parts
can be polished to a finish that approaches hand buffing. Since the media is comparatively
light, it takes a 10 to 15 hour run to get results. Since there is no burnishing effect, the
whole job is done by the abrasives. A plastic eyeglass frame must go through three to four
steps (progressively finer) and it could take one day for each step. Still, compared to hand
polishing, mass finishing is a lot more economical.

Although the barrel-finishing cycle described here will suffice in the majority of cases, some
simple deflashing operations, as is often done with plastic compression molded parts, can be
performed by just tumbling the parts against each other in a screened barrel that will permit
the scrap to fall out. This type of operation does not usually require media. The action of
part against part will remove the flash while the holes in the barrel will permit the waste to
escape, keeping the parts clean. Vinyl molded parts cannot be deflashed this way because
the flash will bend rather than break. Freezing the vinyl can overcome this. Tumbling with
dry ice in either liquid or solid form will do the job in a standard wet barrel.


The number of parts which will fit safely into a barrel will be determined by the barrel size,
size of the part, the part's fragility, shape and weight and the end result desired.

Parts usually account for 1/3 of the total barrel load. The amount of parts that can be put
into the barrel in relation to the amount of media is a compromise between maximum
economy and maximum finish. Good surfaces will not be obtained if there are too many
parts in the barrel. On the other hand, stock removal will be slowed down if there are too
few parts in the barrel. The fewer parts there are in the barrel, the better the finish. The
more parts there are in the barrel, the more economical.
As a general rule, simple shapes, such as balls and squares, can be barrel-finished with little
fear of damage. Assuming that two parts are of a similar size, it is possible to process more
of a simple shape than an intricate one. This is also true when considering weight, since
larger quantities of lighter items as opposed to heavier items can be barrel finished in one

Barrel Load

Barrel load heights (parts and media) should not be less than 45% or more than 60% of
capacity. Load heights between 40% and 45% produce more action but a poorer finish. The
optimum load height is 50%, with approximately three parts media to one of parts to keep
parts from impinging. On large or fragile parts, the ratio may have to increase to as much
as 6:1. As the load height increases, the action is slowed. Raising the load height may be
used to soften the action; lowering the height speeds up cutting but can cause a coarser
finish. However, it is at times possible to tumble very large parts if the barrel is overloaded
to 80% with additional media and run at a slower speed.

Carrying Agents

The purpose of abrasive operations is to remove tool marks and flash, to smooth rough
surfaces and to form radii. In dry tumbling, it is advisable to use a carrying agent in
addition to abrasive powders.

A carrying agent, by acting as a buffer between the parts, will prevent them from damaging
each other and produce smoother surfaces. The carrying agent will also carry the abrasive
into recesses that would not be reached otherwise. Carrying agents include corn cob
grit, walnut shell grit and wood pegs.

The majority of abrasive operations are carried out with wood pegs, sincecorn cob
grit and walnut shell grit are too light to create sufficient friction. All carrying agents should
be of a size which makes part separation easy and which will not lodge in any holes or
crevices. Therefore, carrying agents come in a variety of sizes.


Media is any material that is added to the load of parts to act as a cushion, keeping the
parts from hitting one another, and act as a carrier for the compound. Normally media is
used in a ratio of three parts media to one part parts by volume. Using more media and
fewer parts per load can protect large or fragile parts.

In barrel finishing, the size and type of media depends on the material, size and holes in the
part. The media should be small enough to freely pass through holes, recesses and prongs,
or large enough not to lodge. The larger the media is, the faster the cut; the smaller the
media is, the finer the cut.

Media Hints
 Wood pegs are usually used in "dry tumbling", but denser or coarser media, such
as walnut shell or corn cob grit, can be used for faster cutting action if the finish is
not important.
 Aluminum oxide is used for deburring and honing where irregular shape and size is
not important. Aluminum oxide is economical and long lasting.
 Preformed plastic media is a lightweight, resilient media, excellent for finishing
aluminum, die-cast and delicate parts. It will give little or no impingement on parts.
 Preformed ceramic media is an abrasive media used where regularity in size and
shape are important. It cuts faster than aluminum oxide, but also wears faster.
 Steel burnishing balls and shapes are used only in burnishing and brightening. They
will not remove metal, but will dull light burrs. Very high finishes can be obtained
with the addition of a burnishing compound. Use three to five parts of media to one
part of work pieces by volume for general ferrous work (3:1 for steel, 5:1 for
magnesium or aluminum). By increasing the ratio or the media, the finish will be
finer. Do not use or mix steel burnishing shot with abrasive media.
 In self-tumbling (tumbling the parts without media), only deburring or burnishing
compounds and water are used. If the parts are not too delicate or intricate in shape
and the burrs are fully exposed, self-tumbling is possible. It is economical, because
more parts can be loaded in the barrel. An additional benefit is that there is not a
separation problem.


An abrasive compound is the next consideration. This is the additive that determines the
type of operation that will be performed. If the media is treated with a cutting compound,
there will be a grinding action; with a polishing cream, a smooth luster will appear. Do not
mix acidic compounds with alkaline compounds, since undesirable pressure may result in
the barrel.

Cutting & Pre-Polishing (Dry Tumbling)

Our Dry Abrasive Cream and Dry Cutting Cream produce smooth cutting without caking on
parts or clogging recesses. This abrasive compound must be removed from the barrel after
each run of 16 to 24 hours because the pumice in the cream breaks down after
approximately 20 hours of running time. If it is not removed, the broken down compound
will dirty the plastic and barrel and retard the action of any new compound introduced.
Automatic removal of the compound can be achieved by running the barrel with a screen

There will be times when a pumice and compound mixture should not be used since it will
clog holes or recesses in the parts. In such a situation, Shynolyte Pre-Polishing Cream can
be applied directly to wood pegs.

Although the abrasive process creates a smooth surface, the surface will not be smooth
enough to take a polish and further abrasive operations are necessary.

Polishing (Dry Tumbling)

This is the most critical operation in the finishing of plastic parts. Should the surface of the
plastic parts be too rough, a satisfactory finish cannot be obtained.

As a general rule, a cream is used as the polishing agent and applied directly to wood
pegs. Finishing creams consist of waxes and/or abrasives. The drawback of a cream made
with waxes is that the wax is removed during handling, thus eliminating the polish. It is
wise to polish with a combination cream of wax and abrasives, such as our Microlyte
Polishing Cream or our Metaglos Polishing Cream for metals. Waxes can be mixed with an
abrasive, serving as a lubricant while receiving some protection during handling.

Plastic parts should be relatively clean before going into the barrel for polishing.
Enough cream should be placed in the barrel or the wood pegswill scratch the parts.
The wood pegs must be watched for cream and dirt build-up. When there is an excessive
build-up, the plastic parts scrape the cream and dirt from the pegs, creating a powder. This
powder then nullifies any lubricating agents and the pegs scratch the plastic parts. Placing
too many parts in the barrel will also produce this condition as well as cause damage from
parts colliding against other parts.


The RPM of the barrel is very important. Speeds that are too slow will not create enough
friction between parts. The best results can be achieved at 28 to 30 RPM, depending on the
work to be done and the size of the barrel. Greater speeds will result in a faster action, but
a poorer finish. Slower speeds will take longer to do the job, but will be safer for large or
delicate parts. When deburring parts, it is best to start at a low RPM to cut the burr instead
of rolling it over. The RPM can be increased when this danger has passed. For burnishing, a
higher RPM can be used.

Small barrels require faster speeds to equal the same amount of surface feet per minute as
larger barrels. Faster speeds may be desirable for deburring parts, but these faster speeds
may overcome the force of gravity and interrupt the constant even slide zone within the
barrel, causing part impingement, pitting, or damage to the parts being processed. Instead
of the parts tumbling, they may become airborne and get pounded or showered with heavy
particles, causing impact damage. Where the part surface finish is not important and shorter
cycle times are more desirable, this may be an acceptable process, but it is not the best use
of the equipment. Continued use at a high RPM will shorten the life of the media by
breaking it up faster or it may affect the inner walls or liner of the work chamber.

Slide and Slope

The standard barrel system's efficiency to deburr or polish depends on the ability of the
parts and media to slide down a slope created by gravity. If the slope is broken up by too
fast of a speed, the parts may become airborne causing part damage and/or the barrel
system to become ineffective. Too slow a speed does not hurt the parts, but makes the
cycle time longer. When faster speeds are desirable, there should be a greater quantity of
water and chemical compound in the barrel to give more cohesion to the mass; this will also
soften or buffer the impact or hammering effect of the media on the parts.

If the barrel is turning too fast, the desired sliding action will be adversely affected. Parts
will be carried toward the top of the barrel and dropped. This can damage the plastics. The
slide of the workload depends on the diameter of the barrel, the RPM of the barrel, the
height of the load level and the height of the water level. With a 60% load level and a water
level one inch below load level, the greatest slide is obtained at about 150 surface feet per
minute (SFPM). At the beginning of the tumbling cycle, a low SFPM will avoid the rolling
over of some burrs. The SFPM can be raised after ten or fifteen minutes. A low SFPM will
also help protect delicate parts. Too much SFPM will cause the load to fly around in the
barrel and create impinging and pitting.
Mechanical plating
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mechanical plating, also known as peen plating, mechanical deposition, or impact plating, is
a plating process that imparts the coating by cold welding fine metal particles to a
workpiece. Mechanical galvanizationis the same process, but applies to coatings that are thicker
than 0.001 in (0.025 mm).[1] It is commonly used to overcome hydrogen embrittlement problems.
Commonly plated workpieces include nails, screws, nuts, washers, stampings, springs, clips,
and sintered iron components.[2][3]
The process involves tumbling the workpieces with a mixture of water, metal powder, media, and
additives. Common coating materials are zinc, cadmium, tin, copper, and aluminium.[4]
Invented by the Tainton Company in the 1950s, it was further developed by the 3M company.[5]


 1Process
o 1.1Equipment
 2Advantages and disadvantages
 3References
o 3.1Bibliography

The process begins with a descaling and removing soil from the workpiece. This can be done in the
tumbler or in a separate cleaning system. After cleaning, the parts are prepared by combining them
with water, medium, and a surface conditioner. The surface conditioner lightly coats the workpiece
in copper, while the medium removes any residual mill scale or oxides. Finally, accelerators,
promoters and metal powder are added to the mix. The accelerators and promoters provide the
proper chemical environment for the plating to occur, such as the maintenance of a pH level of 1 to 2
to prevent oxidation and promote adhesion. The medium that is already in the mixture cold welds the
metal powder to the workpiece through impacts that are induced by the tumbling action of the
tumbler. At this point the surface finish is typically matte to a semi-bright finish, however the finish
can be improved with a water polish. The time required for the above process is approximately
50 minutes.[1][4]
For some thinly coated workpieces a chromate passivation is necessary. Finally, the workpiece,
whether passivated or not, is dried.[4]
The medium material is usually soda lime glass or a ceramic. It is usually spherical in form, but
angular shapes are also used. For plating, medium usage is usually 1 part medium for every
workpiece, but for galvanization the ratio is 2:1. However, various sized media are used in each
batch with a typical batch consisting of 50% 4–5 in (100–130 mm) sized beads, 25% 2–2.5 in (51–
64 mm) sized beads, and 25% 1–1.25 in (25–32 mm) sized beads. The smaller media are omitted
when the workpiece has a cavity that the medium can get caught in, such as a fastener's recessed
head. Note that the medium is reused many times.[1][4]
This process works better if the workpieces' surface finish is slightly rough.[1]
The most important piece of equipment in the process is the tumbler. It is constructed
of steel or stainless steel and lined with an acid and abrasion resistant material, such
as neoprene, polypropylene, and polybutylene. The barrel sizes range from 0.04–1.13 m3 (1.4–
39.9 cu ft), however the working volume is only 25 to 35% of the total volume. For most plating
applications the tumbler is rotated at 60 RPM, however it can vary. If the speed is too fast then
lumpy deposits will form on the workpieces, but if the speed is too slow then the metal powder will
not deposit onto the workpiece.
The separator separates the coated workpieces from the medium after coating. It can be as simple
as a screen with water nozzles or as complicated as a vibratory system with magnetic separators.
A medium handling machine then takes the separated medium and transports it to a storage tank for
The separated workpieces are then taken to a dryer to remove any moisture. Usually centrifugal
dryers are used, however oven are used for larger parts or loads.[4]

Advantages and disadvantages[edit]

Corrosion protection results for various thickness and passivations of zinc mechanical plating, based on ASTM
B117 test conditions

The greatest advantage of the process is its ability to overcome hydrogen embrittlement problems,
which is important for workpieces that have a hardness greater than HRC 40. Note that there still is
some embrittlement of the workpiece.[2] While this process does not cause problems with hydrogen
embrittlement, and electroplating does, it still offers equivalent corrosion protection. There is a great
cost savings in using mechanical plating over electroplating on hardened workpieces, because the
electroplating processes requires a pre- and post-plating operation to overcome hydrogen
embrittlement problems. Moreover, because mechanical plating occurs at room temperature there is
no tempering of hardened workpieces.[4]
Another advantage is that mechanical plating evenly coats all surfaces and features, unlike
electroplating which has issues plating recesses. Mechanical plating can evenly coat up to 75 μm
thick. For thicker plating mechanical plating is especially cost advantageous versus electroplating,
because the cycle time does not increase much for the thicker plating, unlike electroplating.[4]
One of the disadvantages is the processes size limitations. Workpieces heavier than 1 lb (0.45 kg)
can be damaged by the process, while flat lightweight workpieces tend to stick together so they are
not properly plated.[1]

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