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Lab 03

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Lab 03

Investigate the network using “ping” , “tracert” and other Network related



Following topics will be covered in this lab

 Learn to use the TCP/IP Packet Internet Groper (ping) command.
 Learn to use the Trace Route (tracert) command.
 Observe name resolution occurrences using WINS and/or DNS servers.


The original PING command stood for "Packet Internet Groper", and was a package of
diagnostic utilities used by DARPA personnel to test the performance of the ARPANET.
However, the modern Internet Ping command refers to a program written by Mike Muss in
December, 1983, which has since become one of the most versatile and widely used diagnostic
tools on the Internet.

Typical Diagnostic Tests Performed By Ping Command

Some of the internet diagnostic tests performed by ping command are:

 Access – Ping is used to determine whether the remote host is active or inactive. If a
certain site is not pinged, but the other sites can, then it's a pretty good sign that your
Internet network is fine and that site is down. On the other hand, if you can't ping any
site, then likely your entire network connection is down that needs rebooting.
 Time & distance – Another use of Ping command is to determine how long it takes to
bounce a packet off of another site. Thereby giving Internet distance in network terms.
For example, a web site hosted on your neighbor's computer with a different Internet
service provider (ISP) might go through more routers and be farther away in network
distance than a site on the other side of the ocean with a direct connection to the Internet
backbone. If a site seems slow, then ping distance of that site can be compared with that
of other Internet sites to find out whether it is the site, the network, or your system that is
slow. You can also compare ping times to get an idea of which sites have the fastest
network access and would be most efficient for downloading, chatting, and other
 Domain IP address – Typically, Ping command is used to probe either a domain name
or an IP address; if a domain name is pinged, and then it displays the corresponding IP
address in its response.
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ping [-t] [-a] [-n count] [-l size] [-f] [-i TTL] [-v TOS] [-r count] [-s count] [[-j host-list] | [-k
host-list]] [-w timeout] target_name

where target_name can be either IP Address or host name.

Option Description


-t Ping the specified host until stopped. To see stats &

Continue, type Control-Break; to stop, type


-a (Resolve Addresses) Resolve address to host names

-n count (Echo Count) Sends echo packets specified by count; Default is 4

-l size (Send buffer Size) Use to increase or decrease the size of the ICMP packets sent in the
ping request;

Min=0, Max=65500

-f (Set Packet don’t Select to send a DO NOT FRAGMENT flag in the

Fragment Flag) packet. The packet will not be fragmented by Gateways on the route. Use in
conjunction with

Send Buffer Size option.

-i TTL (Time to Live) set the number of hops (routers) that the ping request can traverse before
it is discarded. The TTL field in the packet is decremented by one each time it passes through a
router. When the number reaches zero, the router discards the packet and sends a TTL Expired
ICMP message back.

-v TOS (Type of Service) Sets the TOS value in the ICMP packet for routers that are set up to
treat packets with certain types of service differently than others. ToS is not used very often, and
most routers ignore it.

-r count (Record Route Records the route of the outgoing packet and the for Hops) returning
packet in the record field;

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Min=1, Max=9

-s count (Timestamp for Specified the timestamp for the number of hops

Hops) Min=1, Max=4

-w timeout Timeout in milliseconds that ping waits for each reply


Ping a Local host

In this example, a local host is pinged to see if the computer is able to send and receive

Step 1

Use the Start menu to open the command-prompt:

Start>Programs>Accessories>Command Prompt or

Start>Programs>Command Prompt

Step 2

Type ping, space, and 192.168.2.x. Press Enter key.

Since Ping uses the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo-request and echo-reply
feature to test physical connectivity, it reports on four attempts and gives an indication the
reliability of the connection. Look over the result and verify that the ping was successful. Was
the ping successful? If not, report to the instructor. A successful host ping is shown in Figure 2.1.

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Figure 2.1: Command Screen for ping
The first output line shows the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) followed by the IP

A Domain Name Service (DNS) server somewhere in the network was able to resolve the name
to an IP address. DNS servers resolve domain names, not hostnames, to IP addresses.
Without this name resolution, the ping would have failed because TCP/IP only understands valid
IP addresses. It would not be possible to use the web browser without this name resolution.
With DNS, connectivity to computers on the Internet can be verified using a familiar web
address, or domain name, without having to know the actual IP address. If the nearest DNS
server does not know the IP address, the server asks a DNS server higher in the Internet
--------------------------------------------TASK 01--------------------------------------------
a) Ping the IP address of the Default Gateway and DNS Servers. Was the result successful?
b) Ping the computer’s loop-back address. Type the following command: >> ping
c)What is the IP Address of ______________________________________.
How much time did our ping took to reach ____________________________
d) Ping the hostname of another computer. Try to ping the hostname of the computer that was
recorded in the previous lab.
e) Ping the hostname of another computer using –t. Try to ping repetitively, the hostname of the
f) How can we stop the ping?______________________________________

Use of Ping Option: Resolve Address

In this example, a website is pinged using its IP Address. By means of ping option: Resolve
Address (-a), this IP Address is resolved into its respective host name. Also the ping option:
Echo Count (-n count) is used to send only 2 echo packets. The details are shown in Figure 2.2.

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Figure 2.2 Use of Address Resolution Ping Option


The tracert command is used to visually see a network packet being sent and received and the
amount of hops required for that packet to get to its destination. Trace route (tracert) is a
command-line utility used to trace the path that an Internet Protocol (IP) packet takes to its
destination from a source. Tracert will determine the path taken to a destination. It does this by
sending Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Echo Request messages to the destination.
When sending traffic to the destination, it will increment the Time to Live (TTL) field values to
aid in finding the path taken to that destination address. The path is outlined from this process.


tracert [-d] [-h maxaimum_hops] [-j host-list] [-w timeout] target_name where target_name can
be either IP Address or host name.

Option Description

-d (Do Not Resolve Displays the route using numeric addresses only
Addresses) rather than showing both IP address and host
names, for faster display.
-h maximum_hops (Max. Specifies the maximum number of hops to use for
Hops) tracing; Default is 30
-w timeout Specifies how long to wait for a reply to each
Request in milliseconds; Default is 4000 [for 4 sec]
Step 1
Trace the route to the Yahoo web site
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Type tracert and press Enter.

Figure 2.3 Command Screen for tracert

Tracert is TCP/IP abbreviation for trace route. The preceding figure shows the successful result
when running tracert from Bavaria in Germany. The first output line shows the FQDN followed
by the IP address. Therefore, a DNS server was able to resolve the name to an IP address. Then
there are listings of all routers the tracert requests had to pass through to get to the destination.
tracert uses the same echo requests and replies as the ping command but in a slightly different
way. Observe that tracert actually contacted each router three times. Compare the results to
determine the consistency of the route. Notice in the above example that there were relatively
long delays after router 11 and 13, possibly due to congestion. The main thing is that there seems
to be relatively consistent connectivity. Each router represents a point where one network
connects to another network and the packet was forwarded through.

--------------------------------------------TASK 03--------------------------------------------
a) Trace the route to the GOOGLE PAKISTAN website by typing:
>> tracert
The result shows the complete route to the site, along with the number of hops in the path.
b) Trace the route to the UET website using options listed in option description table.
c) What is the difference between the following commands?
Tracert –h 20

Task 04 (Long Life Learning)

Practice the following network commands and understand/report their usage

i) netstat
Displays active TCP connections, ports on which the computer is listening, Ethernet
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statistics, the IP routing table, IPv4 statistics (for the IP, ICMP, TCP, and UDP
protocols), and IPv6 statistics (for the IPv6, ICMPv6, TCP over IPv6, and UDP over IPv6
protocols). Used without parameters, netstat displays active TCP connections.
ii) pathping
Provides information about network latency and network loss at intermediate hops
between a source and destination. Pathping sends multiple Echo Request messages to
each router between a source and destination over a period of time and then computes
results based on the packets returned from each router.
iii) telnet
Telnet is software that allows users to remotely access another computer such as a server,
network device, or other computer. With telnet users can connect to a device or
computer, manage a network device, setup a device, transfer files, etc.
iv) nslookup
Displays information that you can use to diagnose Domain Name System (DNS)
infrastructure. Before using this tool, you should be familiar with how DNS works. The
Nslookup command-line tool is available only if you have installed the TCP/IP protocol.

v) getmac
Command used to show both local and remote MAC addresses. When run with no
parameters (ie. getmac) it displays MAC addresses for the local system. When run with
the /s parameter (eg. getmac /s \\foo) it displays MAC addresses for the remote computer.
When the /v parameter is used, it also displays the associated connection name and
network adapter name.

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