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Nature's First "Atypical Opioids": Kratom and Mitragynines.

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Received: 10 January 2018    Accepted: 9 February 2018

DOI: 10.1111/jcpt.12676


Nature’s first “atypical opioids”: Kratom and mitragynines

R. B. Raffa PhD1,2  | J. V. Pergolizzi Jr, MD3  | R. Taylor Jr, PhD3  | 
M. H. Ossipov PhD4 | NEMA Research Group

University of Arizona College of Pharmacy,
Tucson, AZ, USA Summary
Temple University School of Pharmacy, What is known and objective: Advances in pain research have led to an understand-
Philadelphia, PA, USA
ing that many pains are driven by more than one underlying (patho)physiologic cause
NEMA Research, Inc., Naples, FL, USA
(ie, they are “multimechanistic”) and that better pain relief is obtained with fewer
Research Professor Emeritus, University
of Arizona College of Medicine, Tucson, AZ, adverse effects when an analgesic is correspondingly multimechanistic. At least two
USA of the more-­modern analgesics combine opioid and non-­opioid mechanisms, and

Correspondence have become known as “atypical opioids.” Less well known is that just as Nature
Robert B. Raffa, University of Arizona evolved opioids, it also evolved atypical opioids, presaging modern drug discovery
College of Pharmacy, Tucson, AZ, USA.
Email: efforts.
Comment: Traditional (typical) opioids are extracts or analogs of substances derived
from the poppy plant. They produce their analgesic and adverse effects primarily through
a single, opioid mechanism (albeit with individual differences). Two most recent analge-
sics were developed to have both an opioid mechanism and, a second, non-­opioid mech-
anism of action (inhibition of monoamine neurotransmitter reuptake). Little known is
that Nature had already evolved a plant source of compounds with the same
What is new and conclusion: As debate about the use and abuse potential of kratom
swirls, conflicting, often contradicting, opinions are expressed. A review of the basic
pharmacology of kratom reveals the explanation for the bifurcation in viewpoints:
kratom has both opioid and non-­opioid properties. Fascinatingly, just as the poppy
plant (Papaver) evolved the typical opioids, Mitragyna evolved the mitragynines—
Nature’s “atypical opioids.”

analgesic, kratom, neurotransmitter, non-opioid, opioid, pharmacognosy

1 |  W H AT I S K N OW N A N D O B J EC TI V E for abuse intensifies, even regulatory agencies take what seems
like contradictory points of view regarding kratom’s effects, and
Technically, “kratom” is one of the common names for an ever- whether or not it should be scheduled as a controlled substance. 3
green tree in the coffee family (Mitragyna speciosa) that is native The confusion is magnified when attempts are made to classify
to South-­E ast Asia.1 But, because of the use of its dried leaves kratom as either an opioid or a non-­o pioid. A review of kratom’s
or extract(s) for an energy boost or various medicinal purposes, 2 chemistry and basic pharmacology reveals that it is actually
“kratom” has come to indicate the leaves or other parts of the both.4 More importantly, it reveals that Nature evolved a second
plant, or even to the active ingredients (Figure 1). As the debate plant source of opioids and, further, a natural source of “atypical
about kratom’s postulated therapeutic properties and potential opioids.”

J Clin Pharm Ther. 2018;1–5. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd |  1  
2       RAFFA et al

perception of pain. This phenomenon has as its basis pathways

that descend from the brain to the spinal cord and synapse on af-
ferent neurons of the ascending pathways. These “descending”
pain-­sensation modulating pathways in the brain and spinal cord,8
including DNIC (diffuse noxious inhibitory control) modify the am-
plitude or temporal characteristics of incoming pain signals.9 In con-
trast to ascending pathways, the monoamines norepinephrine and
serotonin play prominent neurotransmitter roles in the descending
pathways, with variable contributions in different types of pain, at
different anatomical sites, and at different periods in the progression
or time course (chronification) of pain, depending on the receptors
(subtypes) they activate.
Critically, experience and research have shown that many pains
involve more than one (patho)physiological process.10,11 For exam-
F I G U R E   1   Leaves from the kratom plant (Mitragyna speciosa)
ple, they might be a mixture of a nociceptive component (normal
pain detection) and a neuropathic component (aberrant processing).
2 |   CO M M E NTA RY Therefore, treatment of such pains with mono-­mechanistic analge-
sics usually yields suboptimal results (either insufficient pain relief
Given the importance of the endogenous opioid system (recep- or excess adverse effects). In such cases, better separation of ther-
tors and transmitters) to so many physiological processes, it is apeutic from adverse effects can be achieved using analgesics with
perhaps somewhat surprising that there is only one extant natu- multiple mechanisms of action that match the multiple mechanisms
ral source of opioids, Papaver (an exception is Commiphora, the of pain (patho)physiology.12,13
source of myrrh). The alkaloids morphine, codeine, and thebaine
are extracts of the poppy plant, and multiple synthetic and semi-­
2.2 | “Typical opioids”
synthetic analogs comprise a family of compounds that display
similar characteristics (albeit with individual differences in phar- The opiates morphine, codeine, and thebaine are derived from
macokinetics or receptor binding). The therapeutic effects, and Papaver and, because of difficult/expensive synthesis, are still ex-
most common adverse effects, of the opioids are mediated through tracted from this plant source. All of the commonly used opioids, by
activation of three types (and subtypes) of seven-­t ransmembrane definition opiate-­like substances, produce similar effects by similar
G protein-­coupled “opioid” receptors. 6 Their mechanism of action mechanism. The predominant mechanism underlying the analgesic
is therefore mimicry of endogenous opioid ligands. They relieve effect of these analgesics is agonist action at MOR (mu-­opioid re-
pain when an opioid-­s ensitive mechanism is the cause of the pain, ceptor),14 with individual differences in affinity and efficacy at DOR
but are not effective when some other mechanism underlies the (delta-­
opioid receptor), and KOR (kappa-­
opioid receptor). Some
pain. recent compounds in development are more selective for one or
another type of opioid receptor, or to the coupling of the receptor
with the second-­messenger transduction by G protein. There are
2.1 | Multimechanistic pain
also individual differences in pharmacokinetic properties and recep-
The stimulus-­to-­brain “pain-­transmitting” pathways have long been tor binding, but fundamentally, all of the typical opioid analgesics
known. Injury at the source releases several chemical mediators produce their well-­known pain relief and adverse effects through
that activate a variety of sensory neurons.7 In particular, primary a single, opioid, mechanism—if not, they would not be classified as
afferent A-­
δ (fast-­
conducting myelinated neurons) and C (slow-­ “opioid” (morphine-­like).
conducting non-­
myelinated neurons) transmit the signal to the For a long time, it seemed that Nature had evolved only a single
dorsal horn of the spinal cord. Secondary afferent neurons mostly source for opiates (and by extension opioids), Papaver. A minor ex-
decussate and send the signal to higher centres within the brain, ception is myrrh, which is derived from Commiphora trees and dis-
where subjective perception is added atop the objective sensa- plays typical opioid pharmacology (receptor binding and naloxone
tion of pain. These pathways have collectively become known as reversibility).
the afferent (“ascending”) pain-­sensation transmitting pathways.
According to this model, all pain is “mono-­mechanistic”; that is,
2.3 | “Atypical opioids”
transmission goes in a single direction and involves a limited set of
neurotransmitters. Drug discovery efforts aimed at finding analgesics with more fa-
Experience suggested, and now research has shown, that the vourable properties (eg, greater separation of pain relief from the
incoming pain signal can be modulated (attenuated)—that is, the usual opioid adverse effects) led to first serendipitous, then inten-
presumably same tissue injury gives rise to different sensation/ tional, drugs that have some opioid pharmacology—but also have
RAFFA et al |

an equally important contribution from a non-­o pioid mechanism and colleagues). Out of the more than twenty alkaloids present in
of action. kratom, the main active ingredients are the two indole alkaloids mi-
Buprenorphine and tramadol are examples of analgesics that tragynine (MG) and 7-­
hydroxymitragynine (7-­
MG) (Figure 2).
were found to have multiple mechanisms of analgesic action after The details of their pharmacology have been published and are thus
their synthesis. Buprenorphine has very high affinity for MOR, only summarized here:33-37
which is a major mechanism of its analgesic action.15 It has been
shown to have an additional supraspinal naloxone-­, PTX (pertussis
2.4.1 | Opioid pharmacology
toxin)-­, and NOP (nociception/orphanin FQ peptide)-­insensitive, Gz-­
and Ser-­/ Thr-­sensitive mechanism, and possibly other contributory
mechanisms.16 Tramadol produces its analgesic effect by the com- • MG and 7-OH-MG bind to opioid receptors with nM affinity
bined action of the enantiomers of parent drug and enantiomers of (MOR > DOR and KOR) and efficacy (agonist action).
its O-­desmethyl (M1) metabolite. Tramadol has at least three mech- • MG and 7-OH-MG produce antinociceptive effect when adminis-
anisms: affinity for MOR, inhibition of neuronal norepinephrine re- tered orally, s.c., or directly into brain ventricles.
uptake (NRI), and inhibition of neuronal reuptake of serotonin (SRI). • The antinociceptive effect is antagonized by naloxone and the
Tapentadol was chemically engineered to possess strong analgesic more MOR-selective antagonist cyprodime (but less so by the
efficacy by combining specific dual mechanisms of analgesic action more DOR- and KOR-selective antagonists naltrindole and
(“directed polypharmacology”).17,18 The two mechanisms are acti- nor-binaltorphimine respectively).
vation of MOR and the inhibition of neuronal reuptake of norepi- • Antinociceptive tolerance develops with 7-OH-MG, as does
nephrine (MOR-­NRI).19-24 This was accomplished by building on the cross-tolerance to morphine.
experience with the weaker analgesic tramadol, with the following • Naloxone precipitates withdrawal signs in 7-OH-MG-tolerant an-
major changes: minimize SRI activity; have both analgesic mecha- imals, but the withdrawal is milder than that from morphine.
nisms reside in a single molecule; and eliminate active metabolite(s).
The outcome is that tapentadol is more potent in a variety of animal
pain models, and in clinical trials has been shown to have compara-
ble efficacy to oxycodone, with more favourable tolerability. 25-31
Because of the distinction of these drugs, mechanistically and
clinically, from the typical opioids (meaning contributory opioid and
non-­opioid mechanisms), they have become known as “atypical opi-
oids.” Interestingly, these compounds originated in drug discovery
laboratories. But unbeknownst to the discoverers of these drugs,
Nature had already evolved plants that contain natural substance
compounds that possess both opioid and non-­opioid properties.
The plant source is Mitragyna (kratom), and the substances are the

2.4 | Kratom and mitragynines

The dual nature of kratom’s pharmacology is apparent in the dual
nature of its use by populations where the plant is indigenous (eg,
Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, Borneo, Sumatra, Philippines, and
New Guinea). At low doses (eg, chewed leaves), it is used by la-
bourers to reduce fatigue (cocainelike effect), whereas at higher
doses, it is used for a variety of medicinal effects, including pain
relief, and recreationally for its sedative and mildly intoxicating
effects (opioid-­like effect). 32 These seemingly contradictory char-
acteristics have now been explained by multimechanistic opioid
(agonist action at opioid receptors) and non-­opioid (monoamine
neurotransmitter) contributions to its mechanism(s) of action and,
indeed, we propose that kratom is Nature’s source of “atypical
Elucidation of the mechanism of action of kratom resulted pri-
marily from a pharmacologic tour-de-force by a small group of re- F I G U R E   2   Chemical structure of (A) mitragynine and (B)
searchers (Hiromitsu Takayama, Kenjiro Matsumoto, and co-­workers 7-­hydroxymitragynine
4       RAFFA et al

analgesic, increasing the separation between the desired thera-

2.4.2 | Non-­opioid pharmacology
peutic and unwanted adverse effects. 39 Current analgesic drugs
having such attributes have been termed “atypical opioids.”
• MG interacts indirectly with α2-adrenoceptors, a known mecha- Kratom not only reveals an interesting evolution of another plant
nism of analgesic action. source of opioid-­like compounds in addition to the opium poppy,
• MG suppresses serotonin-induced head-twitch response in mice, but, remarkably, it also shows that Nature was the first source of
suggestive of a 5-HT2A-related action. atypical opioids.
• MG is moderately active in antidepressant tests in mice.
• A role for descending noradrenergic and serotonergic inhibitory
systems has been postulated for MG-induced antinociception. ORCID

R. B. Raffa
The contribution of the dual components is evident in at least two
J. V. Pergolizzi
pharmacologic characteristics:
R. Taylor

2.4.3 | Composite pharmacology REFERENCES

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How to cite this article: Raffa RB, Pergolizzi JV Jr, Taylor R Jr,
tolerability of tapentadol immediate release and oxycodone HCl
Ossipov MH. Nature’s first “atypical opioids”: Kratom and
immediate release in patients awaiting primary joint replacement
surgery for end-­ stage joint disease: a 10-­day, phase III, random- mitragynines. J Clin Pharm Ther. 2018;00:1–5.
ized, double-­blind, active-­and placebo-­controlled study. Clin Ther.

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