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With over 300 customers, ASSET ™ is the market-leading radio
network planning tool.

It has been engineered to facilitate the most demanding

needs of today and tomorrow’s multi-vendor, multi-operator,
multi-technology mobile networks and includes
comprehensive planning/optimisation and automation

ASSET provides a one-stop-shop for planning and optimising

multi-technology radio networks. Its advanced network design
capabilities can save both time and money during network
deployment by automating time consuming tasks such as site
configuration, traffic planning, network analysis, network
dimensioning and parameter planning.



SUPPORT GENERATION AND Excellent security provides

ASSET features multi- PRINTING a true multi-user environment
technology support allowing ASSET coupled with for large scale corporate
simultaneous modelling of ARRAYWIZARD can schedule deployments. Privileges
multiple technologies in a and produce nationwide may be specified to manage
single project. Modelling coverage plots and statistical individual and group access
of the interaction between reports. These can then be at multiple levels within
technologies is also possible. published over the Web or the tool.
AMPS and other technologies. Traffic modelling with ASSET shared across multiple users
allows traffic forecasting and and multiple sites, with a
GIS – MAP VIEW capacity analysis as well as current view of the network
At the heart of ASSET is a GIS the modelling of new services always available, without
designed specifically with the prior to implementation. manual synchronisation
radio network planner in Running ‘What if?’ scenarios
mind. ensures the best design is WEB-ENABLED
It features a comprehensive A modern approach for
set of display and layering NEIGHBOUR PLANNING integration based on SOA
functionality including the ASSET features the most compliant web services
ability to display Web Maps powerful neighbour planner endows ASSET with the ability
and to edit cell parameters on the market. Neighbour to easily integrate into large
directly from the GIS. relations between cells scale multi-application
including IRAT handovers environments.
PROPAGATION can be planned and analysed.
MODELLING Neighbour relation parameter AIRCOM INTEGRATION
Included with ASSET are a planning including ASSET integrates tightly
number of empirical and frequencies, scrambling codes with AIRCOM OPTIMA™ to
deterministic propagation and BSIC’s is also included. utilise PM data to enhance
models as well as the option planning such as for
to add 3rd party models from MEASUREMENT TOOLBOX neighbour analysis.
providers such as Siradel, Network measurements from Integration with CONNECT™
Wavecall and AWE multiple sources such as allows for simultaneous
Communications. drive tests, carrier wave visualisation of sites and links
measurements and mobile in one GIS and the ability to
Models can be automatically measurement reports can be utilise site traffic from ASSET
or manually tuned and their imported into ASSET to tune for backhaul routing and
accuracy can be improved by propagation models and capacity analysis in
using measurement data. enhance neighbour planning. CONNECT.
WhAT’S nEW? With version 8.0, AIRCOM has expanded
ASSET’s advanced functionality around the
3 key themes of Visualisation, Planning
Capability and Efficiency.

To understand and analyse complex planning

scenarios requires effective visualisation.
ASSET 8.0 introduces significant steps forward
in this area. Planning is core to what ASSET
does and version 8.0 introduces several new
planning components and further enhances
others. Understanding the needs of our
customers to do more in less time has led
AIRCOM to add a number of features which
greatly improve efficiency.

All these enhancements allow you to confidently address the challenges ahead
and maximise the performance of your network.


Effective visualisation is the Sandbox Enabling engineers to work
key to evaluating the results The Sandbox allows an faster and smarter was a key
from complex planning engineer to share proposed focus for ASSET 8.0. Major
scenarios. network changes with other enhancements in this area
members of their team include:
Web Maps creating an environment
Support for Web Map layers of collaboration around • Antenna configuration
means maps from Bing, planning network changes. workflow enhanced and
OpenStreetMap and others streamlined.
can be shown as layers in Neighbour planner • Interference Matrix
the ASSET GIS. Coverage prediction or generation and full LTE
network measurement support added to
Google Earth exports neighbour plans can now ARRAYWIZARD.
ASSET’s GIS export feature be refined with neighbour • Support for higher LTE
now includes KML raster and statistics imported from elements such as MMEs
vector file generation which the live network. and S-GWs added.
allows users to display • New SOA interface for
prediction arrays such as Emergency area planner ARRAYWIZARD allows
coverage and best server The identifier of a geographic easy integration to
plots in Google Earth. polygon into which a cell external tools.
propagates can be • Maximum prediction radius
Analysis Zones automatically assigned to can now also be specified
Analysis Zones allows that cell, allowing for by received signal strength.
engineers to focus their emergency area planning. • Carried traffic is now
analysis to a specific vector aggregated up from cell
or polygon, streamlining the Location based level and stored at higher
optimisation process. services planner level nodes for easier
Automatically defines the dimensioning exercises.
GIS view measurements ‘centre of gravity’ and radius This along with improved
A new distance ruler provides of a cell’s service area, useful integration with CONNECT
enhanced functionality for external applications such also allows ASSET’s
including the ability to as those providing location Carried Traffic Analysis
quickly measure the distance based services. functionality to be used as
between two points as well an input for CONNECT’s
as the total distance between LAC and RAC planner capacity and routing
multiple points on the map Automatically plan the LAC functionality.
view. and RAC of a cells taking
into account hierarchy,
neighbours relations and
user-defined rules.
PRODUCTIVITY ASSET includes optional productivity packs
to accommodate a multitude of requirements
and provide for significantly increased
network engineering efficiencies.

These packs can be added as and when

required, to ensure ASSET can deliver a
custom solution, ready to cope with the
continually changing requirements of the
network design team.

These packs cover automatic cell and

frequency planning, complex propagation
models, financial analysis modules, external
interfaces (including to the live network),
automatic array creation and support for 64
bit simulations and multi-core distributed


An Automatic Cell Planning Using the SONORITY MEASUREMENT SUPPORT
(ACP) module, designed to automatic frequency planner Allows third party
enable operators to make allows frequencies, BSICs, interference tables to be
better business decisions HSNs and MAIOs to be loaded into ASSET. Planning
by assessing the impact effectively planned, taking efficiency and accuracy is
of different network into consideration inter- then improved through
configurations, maximising technology interference. measurement based
capacity, coverage and SONORITY delivers a neighbour planning, path loss
network quality, whilst powerful new way to visualise correction and propagation
reducing OPEX. and interact with frequency model analysis.
plans, utilising user-defined
The core functionalities of For seamless integration of
a full blown ACP product are I-VIEW LIVE PLAN™ ASSET information from any
introduced into the everyday A fully automated solution source. Typical use cases
planning activities of an RF which updates ASSET with include the integration or
planner using ASSET. This the latest live network interaction with inventory
results in improved efficiency configuration and parameter data, site acquisition and
and effectiveness of radio information. This allows rollout systems, performance
planners. network expansion plans management data and the
and optimisation changes live network itself. This new
MYRIAD to be performed using solution affords users the
(PROPAGATION MODEL) the actual live network ability to consolidate
AIRCOM’s MYRIAD model is configuration to ensure information from many
able to automatically adapt maximum integrity of disparate sources ultimately
to all cell sizes from micro to the design. leading to faster and more
macro, to all environments informed decisions.
from dense urban to maritime, FINANCIAL ANALYSIS
and to all technologies in ASSET’s Financial Analysis ASSET WED
frequency ranges from module has the power to Web Enabled Data (WED) is
400MHz to 5GHz. effectively tell the user if a simple method of viewing
there is even a business data from external systems
ARRAYWIZARD case for rolling out a new inside ASSET. This allows
ARRAYWIZARD automatically technology (e.g. LTE). It also site plans, performance
maintains up-to-date arrays allows for detailed OPEX management data, customer
and predictions, ensuring and CAPEX ’what if‘ planning care data and other useful
that detailed and up-to-date scenarios to be completed, information to be displayed
statistics on predicted maximising revenues and within ASSET alongside the
national network coverage operating margins. relevant cells.
are produced reliably and
AIRCOM is an independent provider of network management
tools and services. Our I-VIEW framework allows mobile network
operators to rapidly, efficiently and seamlessly plan, manage,
configure and optimise their networks. I-VIEW enables operators
to regain visibility and control of their entire network, enabling
radical shifts in business dynamics to become more efficient,
more agile and more profitable.

The market leader in the provision and deployment of network

engineering tools, AIRCOM products are in use across 135+
countries by over half the world’s mobile operators. Every day,
the 20 top global operators depend upon AIRCOM’s tools and
consultants to improve network coverage and quality for more
than 1.1 billion subscribers worldwide. Established for 15 years,
we have built our reputation on creating and releasing
additional value from within cellular networks.

With offices in 14 countries, we provide local and regional

viewpoints and resource, as well as ensuring that our operator
customers benefit from our global knowledge. By looking ahead
of the market and sharing intelligence, we develop the skills and
tools that network operators need to remain competitive,
whatever the economic climate.

With over four million hours working on 3G networks alone,

our expertise translates into direct and measurable cost savings
for mobile operators. From initial consultancy through project
implementation, using our staff, training yours, or sourcing
expertise for you to take in-house, we are dedicated to
maximising the performance of your network, and therefore
your business.

AIRCOM InternationalTM is a registered trademark.

AIRCOM International Ltd TEL: +39 06 4542 2210 TEL: +46 8 556 194 55
TEL: +44 (0) 1932 442 000 EMAIL: EMAIL:
AIRCOM CENTRAL EUROPE TEL: +52 (55) 5546 4633 TEL: +971 4 391 2640
TEL: +32 (0) 2704 92 00 EMAIL: EMAIL:
BRAZIL TEL: +92 51 2272 184 TEL: +1 214 576 2700
TEL: +55 12 3203 2199 EMAIL: EMAIL:
CHINA TEL: +65 6372 0548
TEL: +86 21 6279 2779 EMAIL:
INDIA TEL: +27 11 745 1475
TEL: +91 124 451 7700 EMAIL:

AIRCOM OPTIMA™, CONNECT™, ASSET™ and I-VIEW Live Plan™ are trademarks of AIRCOM International Ltd.

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