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Zelda-Phantom Hourglass Walk Through

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By: Matthew Rorie

Zelda. It's an institution in gaming, having seen the first title in the series debut on the Nintendo Entertainment
system over 20 years ago. Many sequels have followed, with some better than others, but now the series makes
its first entry on Nintendo's incredibly popular DS handheld system with Phantom Hourglass.

Phantom Hourglass is a sequel to the beloved Wind Waker, which appeared on the GameCube. In it, Link and
Tetra, his pirate friend, are whisked away to another watery world when they stumble upon an abandoned ship.
Soon enough, Tetra is held captive by an unspeakable evil while Link is forced to make his way around the world,
visiting dungeons and vanquishing foes, in order to save her.

One thing to note is that there are very few screenshots in this guide: taking screenshots is difficult to do from a
Nintendo DS, so we've foregone their use for the most part. Also note that this isn't intended to be a 100%
completion guide; you can beat the game without doing many of the side quests that are available. We'll cover
what we can (and may expand this guide later), but if you're looking for more information, you may want to check As always, if you have something to add to the guide, feel free to click on that feedback link in
the table of contents…

Here's what we've got in store for you in GameSpot's Game Guide to Phantom Hourglass.

A complete walkthrough of the game, including dungeon guides, tips on boss fights, and, most importantly,
directions on where to go at each step in the journey!

Lists of heart containers and spirit gems! We're not going to cover every single item in the game, but we've found
many of them. We'll update these lists in the future as more information comes out.

Sea Information
You'll see a lot of weird stuff on the waves of the ocean. This section is a mini-guide on what to expect.

Sea Information
The high seas of Phantom Hourglass are an adventurer's best friend…and worst nightmare. There's plenty to see
and do on the open seas, so here's a brief guide on what to expect.


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There are lots of enemies out on the water, ranging from the easily killed to the annoyingly difficult. Most easy
enemies can be dispatched with a single blow from your cannon, but the tougher ones will take multiple hits
before going down, and some will even submerge themselves and become unhittable. If you come across a tough
enemy, find a port nearby and steam to it; docking and undocking will clear the map near you.

Beedle's Ship
Beedle is a seaborne merchant that floats around between all of the four map quadrants; he'll usually appear on
your present map shortly after you transition in. If you dock with him, you can buy a variety of objects. His stock
rotates over time, so check back often to find new and expensive goods; he eventually starts selling ship parts,
some of which are worth over 5,000 rupees.

Beedle will also sometimes be replaced with an assistant of his, who wears a golden mask. This assistant appears
only very rarely, but will sell you a Heart Container. Visit his ship whenever you see it, and eventually you'll get

Beedle also offers membership rewards. If you spend enough money at his shop to earn 20 points (this will take
around 2,000 rupees to be spent with him), you'll earn 10% off all future merchandise purchases, as well as a
Freebie Card, which will let you pick any item that he sells and buy it for free. There's also a Gold membership at
50 points, which presumably has many more fabulous prizes for you.

Adventurer's Ships
There are four Adventurer's Ships roaming the high seas, with a different one appearing in each quadrant of the

Southwestern Sea
The Ship here features a down-on-his-luck adventurer who keeps getting boarded. Climb onto his ship and help
him kill the enemies in exchange for treasure.

Northwestern Sea
The Ship here has a self-styled swordsman. He'll offer to teach you some tricks of the trade. Hit him with your
sword each time you board him for a reward. He progressively gets harder to take down, and will eventually start
fighting back with a stick; if he hits you three times, the match is over. On the other hand, if you manage to keep
fighting him and get up to 100 hits on him, he'll give you a Heart Container. You can do this pretty early on in the
game, so it may be worth trying out!

When you get the Hero's New Clothes from the Northeastern adventurer, give them to this guy in exchange for
the Kaleidoscope.

Southeastern Sea
This Ship features treasure collectors. They'll pay top dollar for the treasure that you manage to collect.

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Northeastern Sea
The Man of Smiles rules over this boat. Defeat the enemies here, then continually talk to him for your reward. If
you choose the Mysterious reward, he'll give you the Hero's New Clothes, which don't do much, but which take
up a slot on your Collection screen, at least. He'll also give you a treasure map. Presumably you can keep
boarding the ship for more rewards.

Jolene is a female pirate who is constantly on the lookout for you. Or, more accurately, for Linebeck, who you ride
with. They have quite a history together.

When Jolene spots you, she'll come after your ship. If you run, she'll try to torpedo you to death; you can jump
over these torpedos with the jumping feature of your ship. It's usually better to just run right towards her,
though. When she boards your ship, you'll have to fight her off; she'll usually attempt a big lunge that you can
dodge, then attack from the side. A few hits and she'll run off, leaving Linebeck to give you progressively better

Sunken Treasure
As you play the game, you'll find lots and lots of treasure maps. These will leave little X marks on your sea charts.
After you unlock the salvage arm for your ship, you can head to these dots and select Salvage from the menu to
attempt to grab the treasure off the ocean floor.

This can be easier said than done, though. The salvage arm will have to get all the way to the bottom of the
ocean, and apparently every single square foot of the seas here has a large array of explosives beneath it. The
salvage arm has five hit points, and will lose one whenever it hits a bomb or a cliff. You can change the speed at
which it dives, so it's usually best to yank back the speed as soon as you get into danger. Only the tip of the
salvage arm can hit anything; the chain can overlap with the bombs here without a problem.

When you reach the bottom of the ocean, you have to guide your grappling hook to the treasure chest; if you
miss, then you fail, and you have to start all over again. When you grab the chest, you then have to pull it all the
way back up to the ship. This makes the target for the bombs and walls that much bigger and clunkier.

With a little practice, you'll get the basics of salvaging down, but it can still be difficult to salvage properly. If you
get your salvage arm banged up, return to Mercay Island and speak to the dockmaster there; he'll fix it, for a

Golden Frogs
There are a number of golden frogs in the seas here, six in all. You'll know when you're near one because they'll
start jumping out of the water, giving up shiny sparks from their bodies.

You can't do much with the golden frogs until you've spoken to their king. He dwells on an uncharted island in the
northwestern sea. If you go to the eastern side of the sea here and follow the rocks up to the north, you'll find the

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hidden island, which actually has no map even when you land. If you can unlock the path to the center of the
island, you'll be able to speak to the king, who'll give you a special slate.

After obtaining the slate, you can return to the golden frogs and hit them with your cannon. Doing so will cause
them to give over a symbol. Mark the symbol in detail on your map. With that done, you can draw the symbol on
your slate when you stop your boat, allowing you to instantly travel to where you found the golden frog. Pretty

As per usual, Phantom Hourglass features a number of minigames that you can partake in as you travel around.
You can find some of these on uncharted islands (such as the DS Island on the south side of the southeastern
sea, or the Bannen Island in the northwestern sea), and some will become available on islands after you visit
them for the first time (such as Romano's Shooting Range on Molida Island). Some of these will have substantial
rewards (such as a Heart Container for besting Romano's minigame), but for the most part, the best you can hope
for is treasure and ship parts, neither of which are vitally important unless you plan on trading items with your
friends. Since you can easily beat the game without partaking in any minigames, we won't cover them in depth

After you sit through the opening cutscene here (you can skip it by pressing Start and tapping the Skip icon that
pops up on your screen), you'll find yourself on a deserted beach, accompanied only by Ciela, a fairy that can
apparently talk. And here you've been imprisoning sentient, intelligent creatures in bottles for your entire
adventuring career—for shame.

Mercay Island
At any rate, your adventure begins here, and most of the opening action is pretty simple, as you might expect.
After you gain control of Link, place the stylus on the screen to begin moving around. You need to head up to
Oshus's house to move on. He lives just up the beach; if you head up north a bit you'll find his house soon
enough. Head inside and talk to him. Oshus is a bit of a coward, and tells you to stay away from the Ghost Ship.
Old fool. He'll tell you to head to Linebeck's boat, which is docked in the port off to the east.

Tip: Get used to picking up barrels, stones, and jars, and throwing them to the ground. That'll net you some
rupees, which will let you buy some stuff in the port, when you reach it.

Unfortunately, as soon as you head off in that direction, a quake will come and destroy the bridge leading to the
port. Speak to the woman nearby, then head back to Oshus. He'll tell you again not to try and do anything. What
a maroon! Despite his dire warnings, head to the northwest and see about the alternate path leading to the cave;
it's overrun with monsters, so heed Ciela's advice and turn back, then speak to Oshus one last time. He still
refuses to help you out, though. Doesn't he know that you're the mythical hero sent to bring peace to all the
land? Apparently not, so how smart could he be?

Finding the Sword

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Take Ciela and head to the east a bit from Oshus' house to find his storage cave. If you head into it, Ciela will tell
you that the code to open the door inside is the number of palm trees on the beach. Click on the sign, then draw
a 7 on it; that'll open the door. It has to be a pretty straight seven, so if nothing happens, rewrite it until it clicks.

Nab the sword from the chest here, then head outside. Oshus agrees to help you out here, so head back into his
house and take the sword lessons from him. Nothing too complicated. He'll teach you about the targeted attack,
the side slash, and the spin attack, all of which are going to be useful. He doesn't seem to mention the forward
stab, which occurs when you slide the stylus in a line leading from Link to his enemy; he'll make a little charge
motion when you do this.

Into The Cave

Before you head to the north and go through the cave, visit the farmer to the west and help him with his rock
problem. He'll tell you about a tree to the north that you can shake to find some treasure, so mark its location on
your map. To roll, you need to put the stylus near the edge of the screen and make a curlicue motion. It's not
super useful much of the time, but it'll come in handy when you want to knock things around.

Head to the northern valley and start cutting up enemies with targeted attacks. The monsters you face here are
easily dispatched, so kill them and chop down plants until you find the entrance to the cave.

Northern Cave

First Floor
The first door here is easily unlocked by finding the key to the east of it and using that on it. The northern door is
a bit of a tricker proposition. You need to pull the levers beside it in a certain order in order to obtain the key. The
first lever is the second from the left, the second lever is all the way to the left, the third lever is all the way to the
right, and the fourth lever is second from the right. Pull them in that order to drop a small key from the sky and
use that to get to the second floor.

Second Floor
Start killing the rats here, noting the presence of one that has a small key in its mouth. It won't let you get close
enough to kill it, however, instead hiding away in the mouse holes here. To kill it, you'll have to drag the block in
the corner and place it in front of the western hole. With that done, return to the southern steps and check your
minimap; the key will appear there when the rat leaves the eastern hole and heads west. He won't be able to
bypass the block, though, and will have to turn around and head back to the eastern hole. If you start moving
when he's heading to the west, you can get in his way when he returns to the east and use a spin attack to kill
him and net you the key.

The Port
When you reach the port (it's right outside the cave exit), head directly to the docks and speak to the man there.
He'll tell you to ask at the milk bar about Linebeck. If you do so, the bartender will tell you that Linebeck travelled
off to the Temple of the Ocean King, far to the northwest. You'll have to head there and find him.
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Before you leave town, head to the southernmost building and buy a wooden shield from the vendor there. You
can buy the crown, if you like, too, but it won't do anything for you at the moment. You can't buy any bombs,
either, since you don't have any bags.

Head north out of town and start weaving your way to the Temple. One of the trees here, near the ocean to the
north, has a 100-rupee piece inside of it. Roll into it and nab your cash.

Temple of the Ocean King, 1st Trip

Head inside the Temple when you reach it. Dire peril? Ha! You're Link! Anyway, you can talk to the spirits here,
and they'll tell you about scary monsters and life-sucking curses and all kinds of stuff. Sounds like a problem for
lesser men.

1st Floor
Head back to the 1st Floor here, and you'll meet up with Linebeck, who's trapped behind some pointy spikes. He
wants you to disable the trap and set him free, which will require a bit of exploration. Unfortunately, the bulk of
the level is cursed, and will constantly drain your life. You can stay healthy by breaking pots, and the purple zones
on your map will let you avoid the life draining effect.

Begin by moving up and to the left here. You'll find a locked door and a small crystal ball. Hit the ball with your
sword to deactivate the spikes and let Linebeck move down to the doorway. Go talk to him, and he'll give you the
Small Key.

Use the key to open the door near the ball that you hit earlier. There are two more crystals on this level, one to
the northeast and one to the northwest. Start with the one in the northeast. Time your movement to avoid the
spike trap, then quickly smash it and run back to the northwestern ball and hit that, too. If you manage to light
both of the balls up at the same time, you can open the door in the northern side of the floor. Head there to find
the Sea Chart, which will reveal a portion of the world map to you.

Back To Town
Return with it to the exterior of the temple and hand it over to Linebeck, who'll quickly run back to the docks.
Follow him there. When Oshus gives you the map, rub your stylus over the island in the southeastern corner of
the map to reveal a secret mark, denoting the Isle of Ember.

With the mystery revealed, hop onto Linebeck's ship. There are a few places you can go now, but there won't be
much you can do on the new islands until you talk to Astrid on the Isle of Ember, so head there first.

Isle of Ember
Trace a path in the ship to the Isle of Ember and head aboard. Most of the houses here are empty…what could've
happened? Astrid's home is the second one from the western edge, near a flight of stairs. Unfortunately, no one's
home here, either. Head into the basement and kill all of the enemies with targeted attacks to finish them off,
then head towards the locked door here to find Astrid. You'll need to yell something into the microphone to get
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her attention; anything will do. Feel free to curse the game itself for including a contrived feature that'll make you
look like an idiot if you play the game around any other living person.

Anyway, Astrid will tell you that she's locked in, and ask you to find Kayo, her assistant, to help unlock the door. If
you examine the map nearby, you'll be told what to do; you need to mark the location of the three torches on the

Finding Kayo
Kayo's house is to the south of Astrid's, but he's not at home either. If you head to the east along the coast, you'll
eventually come to the eastern side of the island, where Kayo's skeleton and ghost can be found. Talk to the
ghost, then place a dot on your map to indicate where the eastern torch is located. You need to find all three
torches to open the door, though. One of them is near Kayo's skeleton, one of them is inside Kayo's house, and
one of them is near the little island in the northwestern corner of the map.

Return to Astrid's house when you've found all of the torches and unlock her door by tapping their locations onto
the map. After speaking with her, you'll be able to get your fortune told. She'll tell you to head to the Temple of
Fire atop the volcano here and clean it out; that will somehow let you find the Ghost Ship.

The gates leading to the Temple are now opened, so head that way and dodge the falling rocks as you try to
reach the temple. When you do get there, you'll have to blow out the candles on either side of the doorway to
enter. Face Link towards the candles and blow into the microphone; that'll blow the candles out. You can head up
to the top of the mountain to find a 20 Rupee piece in a chest; apart from that, you're good to head into your first
full-fledged dungeon.

Temple of Fire
1st Floor
Ciela gives you a hot tip here: don't touch the fire in the temple, or you'll get burned. She's a brilliant fairy,
indeed. Head up and to the east here. You'll come to a locked door that you have to jump past; do so, then head
down to the southeastern corner of the map. Kill all of the bats in the room with side slashes and spin attacks to
unlock a Small Key.

Take the key and head up to the only locked door you've seen thus far, in the room to the north. There's a map
on the wall nearby that'll show you the route you need to take through the northeastern room here. Unlock the
door and head upwards, following the path (hopefully you marked it on your map?) through the room. Even if you
didn't mark the path, you can just move slowly and you'll avoid the pitfalls. The ground will open up and attempt
to make you drop, but if you don't move superquick you can avoid it.

In the northern middle section of the floor, you'll find four crystal balls. Hit them all simultaneously with a spin
attack to open the door in the middle of the map here. Head back and head up the stairs to the second floor.

2nd Floor
You'll come out in the northeastern corner of this floor here. Try to avoid the electrical enemies here when they
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pop up; wait for their electrical power to wear off, then hit them with the sword.

Hit the ball in the upper corner of this room to unlock the path leading onward. You'll come to another monster
room, this time with jellies that split in two when you hit them. They'll attempt to grab onto you, but you can
shake them off by quickly rubbing the stylus against the screen. Kill them all to find the Boomerang.

The boomerang is the first piece of equipment that you find, but not the last. To use it, just click on the icon in
the corner, then trace a path around the screen where you want it to go. Practice this a bit; you'll be doing it a lot
in here. To begin with, use the boomerang to hit the crystal ball on the right side of this room to move on. That'll
extinguish the fire on the left side of the room.

Move up to the northwestern corner of the map where two torches overlook two balls. Avoid the flames from the
torches and quickly hit both of the balls; that will unlock a set of stairs.

1st Floor
You'll return to the first floor now. More electrical jellies will appear, and you can try using your boomerang on
them to stun them if you like. There are some red blocks here; stand near the boing-oing statue and use your
boomerang. Curve it around the corner to the west and have it hit the switch nearby; that'll raise the red blocks
and lower the blue blocks to the south.

Head south a bit (you can hit another block to unlock the flames leading back to the center of the map) until you
reach the southwestern room. You'll need to kill two flaming skulls here; hit them with the boomerang to snuff out
their shrouds of flame, then whack them with your sword to kill them. That'll unlock another stairwell to the
second floor.

2nd Floor South

Use your boomerang to kill the firebats here. There are two near where you come up the steps, and another one
off to the east a bit. Doing so will cause a treasure chest to appear with 20 rupees inside of it.

Find the two switches on the southern side of the first room here and pull both of them. That'll open the door to
the north, leading to another rat with a key. Stay south, out of the room that he's in, and trace a long path for
your boomerang leading it upward to where the rat runs around. If you draw a lot of circles for it to move around
in, it should hit the rat as it goes by, letting you pick up the small key.

Head to the southeast now and find the ball and the colored blocks. Flip the switch, then use your boomerang to
stun the octorock before moving forward and killing it. Flip the switch again when you're standing where the
octorock was to unlock the path to the third floor.

3rd Floor
Head south here to find a drawing on the wall; that'll be a puzzle solution for you in a second. When that's done,
head north, blow out the candles, and head to the northeastern corner of the map. In this room, you have to use
your boomerang to hit all of the switches in a certain order. According to the clue, it's: southwest, northeast,
northwest, and southeast. Hitting the switches in that order will reveal a small key which you need to move on.

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Use the key on the door to the south; you'll pass by the door leading to the boss of the dungeon. In the combat
room, kill the electrical jellies with your sword and the firebats with your boomerang. Head to the north a bit and
kill both of the flaming skulls to unlock the path to the northwestern corner of the map. When there, stand on the
switch to light the torch, then trace your boomerang path from the lit torch to the two unlit torches to light them

That'll unlock a door in the middle of the map. Head there and use your boomerang across the gap to close it,
then head north to find the Boss Key. Pick it up and return to the boss's door to open it.

Boss Fight: Blaaz, Master of Fire

Head up through the fourth floor to reach the top of the dungeon, where Blaaz awaits. As you may expect from
the game's first boss, he's not very difficult to take down. He'll constantly shift between a form where he splits
into three separate copies of himself, then return to his full size. Either way you look at it, though, he should be a
piece of cake. If you're quick, you can probably prevent him from ever attacking you.

Blaaz will begin by splitting himself up into three portions of himself. Use your boomerang here to nab all three of
the portions in one swing; that'll clump them together and force them to meld. They'll often break free after a
second, though. If you want to force Blaaz to get bigger, look at your map screen; one of the icons will have no
horns, while one will have a single horn, and the last will have two. You need to hook them together in order of
horn number, i.e. the first target should have no horns, the second should have one, and the third should have
two. In practice, though, if you simply keep boomeranging your foes without looking, you'll eventually get the
right combination after four or five tries.

When Blaaz himself is standing in front of you, quickly hit him with the boomerang to stun him, then run over to
him and tap on him as quicky as possible to hurt him. Stunning him will prevent him from being able to turn
invisible and float away. Even if he does move away, though, you can still hit him until he splits himself again.

You'll need to go through a few cycles of this to kill Blaaz. If he somehow manage to damage you, smash a vase
on the perimeter of the platform to nab a heart.

When Blaaz is dead, speak to Leaf, the Spirit of Power. He'll join your group. With him along for the ride, nab the
Heart Container in the chest, then hop into the blue portal to return to the Isle of Ember. Return to Astrid. She'll
tell you to return to the Temple of the Ocean King, and give you a Spirit Gem. It's currently unusable to you, but
it'll come in handy later.

With that done, head back to Kayo's spirit to the east. He'll tell you of two buried Treasure Maps on the island:
one lies under a tuft of grass to the east of the entrance to the Temple of Fire, while another one is buried in
Astrid's basement.

Return to Mercay
Head back to Mercay, the island where you started the game. Head back to the Temple of the Ocean God, where
Oshus will tell you a secret: you need to get up on the altar above the first doorway. You'll nab the Phantom

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Temple of the Ocean King, 2nd Trip
Head inside the temple proper here, and Leaf will allow you to open the door emblazoned with the symbol of
power. Head downstairs to the B1 floor.

B1 Floor
You'll come across your first Phantoms here. These monsters are currently unkillable, so avoid them as best you
can. You can spot them on your minimap, including where they're looking, so do your best to avoid them. If you
ever get spotted by them, run to a safe zone and they'll lose your scent.

To move on here, you need to light both of the torches in the middle southern portion of the map. To do so, head
to the northeastern corner, near the crystal ball there. When the Phantom in the middle southern section of the
map is heading north toward the door through which you entered this floor, flip the ball, run to the south, avoid
the phantom, get to the torches, and use your boomerang to light up the torch that didn't get set alight by the
switch. That will drop the flames in the southwest, allowing you to move on.

Sit in the middle western safe zone and wait for the phantom to head south. When it does so, move to the north
and find the switch in the middle northern side of the map; that'll open the door leading to a Small Key. Nab it,
then time your movements so that you can return to the northeastern corner of the map and unlock the steps
leading downward.

B2 Floor
There's a Phantom near your starting point here; he stand stationary in front of a switch. You'll need to let him
spot you, then move him away from the switch and run towards it yourself (make a circuit around one of the
blocks here), then quickly pull it out from the wall and return to a safe zone to clear your pursuer. That'll drop the
flames to the southwest. With that done, hit the two crystal balls here to drop a small key a bit to the south, then
move past where the flames were to move on.

You'll find another flame barrier to the west. Throw a boomerang through it to hit the switch beyond it and move
on. When you reach the southwestern corner, though, wait inside the safe zone there and take a look at the
Phantom in the southeast. It looks like it'll be tough to get past him, but there is a pot with magical juice in it in
the southeastern corner of the map. If you can rush past him and break the pot, you'll be invisible and safe.

When the Phantom is patrolling away from the key, run up to the switch here. That'll drop the spikes nearby. Use
your boomerang to grab the Small Key on the far side of them, then use it to unlock the door and head down
one more flight of stairs.

B3 Floor
Your goal here is to find three Force Gems and place them on the pedestals on the floor in the northeastern
corner of the map. You can find the first Force Gem by heading northwest from where you enter the floor; it's in a
treasure chest in a safe zone. Take it slowly but surely to the east and plant it into one of the receptacles there.

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There are two more Force Gems to find here. Begin by heading to the southwestern corner of the map and pulling
the lever on the wall there; that'll drop the flames near the platform in the southeast. Head there and take note of
the two switches. If you stand on these, trap doors will open on the floor. Wait for the Phantom to get underneath
one of them and hit the switch; he'll drop a key.

With the key in your possession, you can nab another Force Gem behind the locked door near the southwestern
corner of the map. The last Force Gem is in a chest in the southeastern safe zone.

Plant all of the Force Gems into their slots, and a door will open leading to the B3 North. Head in there and nab
the Northwestern Sea Chart.

Back To The Seas

Return to the overworld via the blue portal here and return to Linebeck. A man standing near him will tell you that
someone else named Eddo will outfit your ship with a cannon if you visit him on an island to the south Great.
When you give Linebeck the map, you'll have to blow into your microphone.

Cannon Island
Take a trip to Cannon Island to the south of Mercay. When you land, head into the workhouse to the east and
speak to the apprentice within. He'll open the door to the west that leads to the rest of the island.

Follow the path here, trying to not get stung by bees. There's a treasure map in a chest near the middle of the
path, in the midst of a nest of beehives; be sure to nab it.

Bomb Garden
The cave here is underneath an area called the Bomb Garden; it's known as such since bombs actually grow here.
You'll need to pick them up and throw them to move on. Tap a bomb, then throw it at the crumbly rocks that bar
your way to destroy them. You can nab another bomb here and quickly run to the southeast to destroy a cracked
wall there to find another Power Gem.

When you're ready to navigate through the cave, pick up a bomb and throw it over the fence to break the block
there. With that done, push the metal block into the fenced-in area to get inside. With that done, you'll have two
blocks blocking your path to the north. You need to pull the one closest to you so that you can push it up against
the right wall here, then push it south to where the bomb plant is. That'll let you pull the other block to the right
and up so that you can move past it. Nab a bomb from the bomb plant and destroy the crumbled block that
prevents you from moving on.

You'll come out to the real Bomb Garden when you exit the cave. Make your way along the path until you reach
the steps heading down. Continue along the path until you come to some crumbled blocks that prevent you from
moving on. It may seem impossible to reach them with a bomb, but it's not; you have to head back up the steps,
find one of the bombs that grows along the little cliff to the north, pick it up, then jump off the cliff and book it to
the east and throw the bomb over the fence before it explodes.

With that done, you can reach Eddo and buy the Cannon from him for a whole 50 rupees. With that installed on
your ship, you'll be able to fire at your enemies by tapping at them while you're floating around.
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To The North! Kind of!
If you attempt to head up to the northwestern map screen at this point, you may see the Ghost Ship. Do your
best to give chase, but eventually you'll wind up getting lost in the fog and will be forced to turn back. That'll end
your trip pretty quickly. You need to find some way to get past the fog if you want to head to the north!

Molida Island
Head to Molida Island in the southwestern corner of the southwestern map zone. You'll need to use your cannon
to reach it. If you look at your map, you should see a gap in the wall of mountains that runs north to south here.
There's no gap in the actual wall, though, but if you head to the gap you can blast your way through the weaker
rocks there with the cannon itself.

When you land at Molida, you'll learn that it's a fishing island, and that one of its inhabitants has managed to
penetrate the fog. He's not present at the moment, however. If you head to the easternmost house, though, and
speak to the woman outside of it and the boy inside of it, you'll learn that the man has probably left behind some
clues as to how to penetrate the fog.

Tip: One of the homes here, near the middle of the village, has a treasure chest with a piece of random treasure
inside of it.

Molida Cave
Head into the cave here and begin exploring. You can destroy the first enemies easily enough, then boomerang
the bats and hop to the northeast. Unfortunately, you'll come across a large, tough enemy here, who acts
something like an overgrown Link: he uses a sword and shield, just like you, and it's tough to penetrate his guard.
What's worked for us is to get him into the middle of the arena, between you and the water, and start to attack
him by rapidly tapping away at him. He'll block all of your attacks, but will eventually hit the water's edge and
stop. If you're lucky, you can keep attacking him and he'll slide off to the side a bit, meaning that you'll eventually
be attacking him from the side and will be able to bypass his guard. A few hits like that and he'll die, opening the
door. It sounds complicated, but if you just try to hit him repeatedly while his back is to the water, it should
eventually work.

Pass through another chamber here, and you'll come out to a path with a couple of bomb plants. Find the crack in
the wall and bust through to reach the wayfarer's hideway. You can read his journal here; apparently he has
another hideaway that's located where the lines drawn between all of the Wayfarer's Stones intersect; you've
probably seen a couple of them back in the village.

Nab the Shovel here and equip it by clicking on the Items button. If you dig on the slightly off-colored spot just
below the chest that it's located in, you can find a 100-Rupee piece. There's another one of these back where you
fought the large monster with the shield, as well.

Finding The Hideaway

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Head out of the cave via the stairs to the north; there'll be a treasure chest with a random treasure in it, as well
as a couple more Wayfarer's stones. Mark them on your map, then return to the village and mark the two that are
there, as well.

Now, the point where all of the lines between these stones meet can be difficult to find, depending on your skill
on drawing. Luckily, you can pretty easily find your way by heading to the southernmost Wayfarer's Stone (in the
village, with the woman standing by it), then heading directly north from there. Across the stone path you'll spot a
palm tree; use your shovel on the square directly south of it, between the tree and the path, and you'll find the

Inside this second hideaway, you'll find a map on the wall that indicates the only way to bypass the northern fog
bank. Be sure to etch it onto your map, as it'll be difficult to remember later. You'll also find a Treasure Map in a
chest, and another journal. Make your way out of the cave, taking note of the strange door that you find, and
return to Linebeck to shove off.

Spirit Island
You're pretty close to Spirit Island at this point, if you want to check it out. It's located to the south of Molida, in
the middle of the three tiny islands on your map. It's not charted, but you will discover it if you get close enough
to it.

There isn't much to see on Spirit Island at the moment, but you can get a Courage Gem in a chest here. If you
explore the shrine, you'll find that you need to have 10 Gems to power up a spirit so that it can be equipped, and
20 to fully power it. You won't have anything near that amount of gems at the moment, but if you're about to
max out your cash, you may want to consider buying a gem or something at a shop somewhere; they're

Traveler's Ship
You can also find the Traveler's Ship near Molida. This guy's ship has been overrun by monsters, but if you save
him and talk to him, he'll give you some treasure and tell you that he's looking for a special book. Hmm…maybe
you'll find it on your adventures!

Northwestern Sea
When you're ready to reach the Isle of Gust for real, head up the western side of the map until you reach the
northwestern sea. The fog will be thick and heavy, so trace your route right over the route that you marked down
earlier on. If you perform it correctly, you'll wind up in the middle part of this map segment and can head down to
the Isle of Gust and land.

Before you land, though, here are some other things to keep an eye out for in the northwestern sea.

Bannen Island
To the north of the Isle of Gust is Bannen Island. If you want to visit it, feel free; it's a pretty spartan
environment. The Wayfarer can be found there, and if you speak to him, you'll learn that he wants you to help
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him find a Mermaid. Speaking to him now will also let you get something in the mail soon. You can blast your way
through a rock wall in a cave here to find the cannon mini-game where you can win various prizes by hitting little
markers in your ship. You'll want to try this game at least once. Even if you don't win, Salvatore will send you
something in the mail pretty soon that'll be worth the money.

Traveler's Ship
There's another Traveler's ship here in the northwestern map section. If you visit him and agree to become his
apprentice, he'll try to teach you some swordsmanship. You'll easily defeat him, but you'll gain a treasure for
doing so.

Uncharted Island
Just to the south of Bannen Island, along the rocks there, lies the Uncharted Island. If you land here, you'll have
no map on your top screen.

Wander around banging on the statues until you find one that gives you a riddle: “It steers with rudder, then
makes spray! And third, it paddles, then sees a way!” That apparently indicates the order in which to hit the
other statues around the island to unlock the mystery here. You need to hit the other statues in the order that the
riddle tells you in order to move on to the center of the island.

Now, we thought we had the order correct, but apparently we were wrong, because we got it right without
entering the order correctly. Apparently, the statue in the southwest is the rudder and the one in the northwest
was the spray. We thought the northeastern statue was “sees a way” and the one in the middle-west was
“paddle”, but we didn't hit the statues in that order and still managed to extend the bridge leading to the center
of the area. Weird!

Anyway, if you head to the center, you can speak to Golden Chief Cylos. He'll give you the Cyclone Slate. If
you've happened across any of the golden frogs in your travels, then try to remember where you saw them: if you
return to them, you can shoot them with a cannon to learn of a secret symbol. Draw it on your slate, and you'll be
instantly warped back to that position! It's not needed to finish the game, but the Cyclone Slate will help reduce
the amount of time it takes to get from place to place.

Isle of Gust
Start making your way around the southern part of the island here, doing your best to avoid getting slammed by
the wind. Eventually you'll find a sign warning you of very strong winds. There are some bomb plants at the
bottom of the stairs here; destroy the wall to the north to find a little cave with a chest that contains a Courage
Gem inside of it. There's also a map on the wall with what appear to be treasure marks; make a note of them on
your sea chart.

With that done, return to the sign at the top of the stairs. You can jump to the left here, past the cave entrance, if
you wait until the wind is blowing at your back before you jump; that'll give you a bit more momentum to jump
across the gaps.

Into The Cave

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There's a small cave that you'll come to shortly, after the field with no wind in it and plenty of goblins (you can dig
up plenty of coins here). Inside the cave, drop down to where all the Goblins are. You can find a Wisdom Gem
inside the chest here; killing all of the Goblins will net you another chest with a Treasure Map inside of it.

When you exit the cave, ride the wind geysers up to the top of the cliffs nearby, then jump off to the left (after
waiting for the wind) and you'll eventually come to the entrance to the temple on the island. You won't be able to
reach it just yet, however; the sign and the map will point you to the northwest.

Head off in that direction, using the wind gust to put you up on the platform above you. You'll come to another
field in which you can dig into the ground to make new airjets. Dig to the west, near the treasure chest, and open
it to obtain another Power Gem. Head north along the western side of the island here. Keep in mind that if you
come to a dead end, you can fill in the airjet holes by tapping on them with your shovel; you'll need to do so in
order to get to the northwestern corner of the island.

When you reach the northwestern corner of the island, take a look at the map; it'll denote the three sacred
windmills that you need to blow on to open the path into the temple here. Mark them down, then head to the east
a bit and move out onto the sand. There are giant worms underneath the sand that will try to eat you if you move
too fast. You can kill them by reaching a safe elevated spot and throwing bombs at them, however; we found it
easiest (or at least quicker) to just dash from spot to spot. When you reach a windmill that you need to blow on,
blow into your mic to set it spinning. When all three of them have been spun, the door to the Temple of Wind will

Temple Of Wind
1st Floor
Head north here, avoiding the gusts of wind as best you can. When you reach the bomb plant, pick it and throw it
directly to the north so that it explodes the two lines of bombs on either side of it; that'll extend a path leading to
the north.

When you reach the northwestern corner of the map, push the metal block to the east so that it blocks the gust of
wind that blocks your passage. Hit the crystal ball on the far side to shut down the next gust, then head up the
stairs to the east. Follow the bridge to the south and hit the door in the southwestern corner of the next room.
Stand on the switch to unlock the door here, which will save you some time if you need to exit the temple again.

From this switch, head up the stairs nearby and head east. Navigate your way past the gusts of wind on the
platform and get yourself down to the southeastern corner of the map. When you get past the battle room with
the snakes inside, you'll come to the big door leading to the boss. You won't be able to unlock it yet, though; that
much is obvious.

Head to the west from the big door and push the statue that's blowing wind to the south and west until you can't
move it any more. Then, move in front of it and let the wind push you across the gap; that'll lead you to the steps
heading downward.

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B1 Floor
The first battle room here seems odd—there aren't any enemies in it! If you move around, though, you'll cause
some of the boulders to explode, revealing rock creatures underneath. Throw bombs at them to kill them. There
are three in all; get them all to move on.

In the next large section of this room, you'll spot two windmills on elevated platforms. You'll need to move the
wind statues near them so that both of the windmills are rotated, but doing so is easier said than done. Begin by
moving off to the middle platform, where the windmills are located, and finding the switch to the east of it.
Standing on it will drop a barrier to the southeast.

Explore the southeastern corner of the map to find a piece of treasure in a chest. With that done, hop into the
airjets nearby to find a Courage Gem. Return to the airjets after nabbing it, but drop down to the ground beside
them. To move on, you'll need to block one of the airjets with the metal block here. Push it up and to the right so
that it fits into the third slot from the bottom. Then move back to the bottom airjet and jump into it; you should
wind up in a position where you can land on top of the block you just placed, then walk off of it to the east to find
stairs leading downward.

B2 Floor
Use bombs to break the door here, then head out to a large, sandy room where more of the sandworms await
you. Bomb them if you can, but you need to head to the middle of the room and check the map there; that'll point
out four particular airjets that need to be dug up. Move around and dig up the four spots; that'll unlock two doors
here, one to the north and one to the southwest. You can find a Power Gem on the western side of this room,
by the way.

If you head out the door to the north, you can bomb a barrier and come back out to the B1 floor. Move south
from there and push the wind statue to the left to set it to move the windmill there. Head back down to B2,
proceed up the southwestern stairs, then repeat the process on the other windmill to bring down a Small Key.

Take the small key and return to floor B2, where you can unlock the door in the northeastern corner of the room.
Doing so will lead you to the Bombs. Nab them and stash them on your equipment bar. Time to blow some stuff

First, return to the large room in the middle of this map and look to the middle northern section of the area. Head
through the doorway that led to the northern windmill and move back inside. See the 100-piece Rupee off to the
left? Well, if you head back to the large sandworm room and throw some bombs against the wall off to the left a
bit and you'll find a hidden entrance leading to the rupees. There's no crack in the wall; you just have to guess as
to the location of the entrance.

In the northwestern corner of the room, though, you will find a crack in the wall. Bust it open with a bomb, then
return to the B1 Floor.

B1 Floor North
Throw a bomb into the airjet near the doorway here; that'll set off a chain reaction that'll open the door nearby.
In the second small hallway, you have to find the part of the wall that you can break through. Again, there's no

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crack in it, but there is a bit of tile just to the south of it. Throw a bomb onto the tile and you'll unlock the passage
leading onward.

1st Floor Northeast

You come out here into a room with numerous rocks. Ignore them, if you wish, and examine the north wall. There
aren't any tiles on the southern side of it, like before, but there is one on the northern side, a few squares off
from the western side of the wall. Chuck bombs at it until you find the weak spot and head on through.

When you come to the room with two rows of bombs in it, stand in the middle of them and spin attack to hit both
sides at the same time. That'll open the door leading to the Big Key. Grab it, drop it down to the floor to the
west, then chuck a bomb into the airjets in front of the Big Door. With the blocks out of the way, you can grab the
key, jump into the airjets, unlock the lock, and get going on the boss fight.

Boss Fight: Cyclock, Master of Wind

Cyclock will require bombs to defeat, as is usually the tradition when you find a weapon inside a dungeon. He'll
rotate around the stage on the top screen, periodically throwing cyclones down at you. He'll also sometimes drop
down himself and attempt to charge you. The cyclones are easy enough to avoid by running away from them, but
the charge attack is another matter. Try rolling away from it when you see him coming down. Even if it does hit,
though, it'll only do light damage, and there are plenty of pots around to nab hearts from.

If you look around on the ground here, you'll notice three spots where airjets will periodically appear from. Only
one will pop at any given time, although Cyclock rotates around the three of them. Wait by the active airjet here
and stand there until Cyclock's shadow is close to the active airjet; when he's above it, throw a bomb into the
airjet and it'll pop into Cyclock's underbelly, dropping him to the floor. Hit him often and hard with your sword
while he's on the ground. You'll need to repeat this cycle three or four times before he goes down, but down he
will go, eventually.

After Cyclock goes down, you'll gain two minutes on your Phantom Hourglass timer, and you'll meet Neri, the
Spirit of Wisdom. She'll come along for the ride. You will also, of course, nab yourself a Heart Container here.

Temple of the Ocean King: Third Visit

Head back to Mercay Island and return to the TOK. There's a cracked wall on the way; bomb it to find a Power

B1 Floor
There's a new shortcut here; just head to the northwestern corner, bomb the bricks there, step on the plate, grab
the key, and unlock the door heading downward.

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B2 Floor
There's another shortcut here, but this one's a bit more difficult to find. Begin by flipping the two crystal balls to
drop the key onto the ground. Then look in the southeastern corner of the first room here for a cracked wall; it's
just above the pressure plate that drops the spikes leading to the key. Bomb it, and you'll have a much quicker
route to the key, which you can grab and take to the door.

B3 Floor
Not much in the way of shortcuts here; just grab the Force Gems and plant them in the pedestals. When you get
past the door locked by the Force Gems, you'll come to a Spirit Door which you can now bypass.

B4 Floor
A new wrinkle is thrown into the mix here: Phantom Eyes, which summon Phantoms if they spot you. You can kill
the Phantom Eyes, however, by hitting them with a boomerang from a position where they can't spot you, then
running up and hitting them with your sword. If one attaches itself to you, be sure to head back to a safe zone

Head towards the southeast here, to the safe zone on the eastern wall. If you head south a bit from there, you
can send your boomerang through the wind jet (wouldn't it be blown off course more easily than you would?) and
hit the crystal ball to shut down the wind. Without moving, send your boomerang down again to hit the Phantom
Eye; that'll knock it silly, allowing you to rush up and kill it. You can pause for a second and use the boomerang in
the southeastern corner of the map to reveal a small bonus to your sand count.

What you need to do now is rush to the west. Move along the corridors in the only direction you can until you
reach the western safe zone. It doesn't matter much if you get seen by a Phantom Eye, but you can try to hit
them with boomerangs if you see them; being spotted will spawn another Phantom, but it won't matter much in
the long run. When you reach the western safe zone, use your boomerang from inside of it to disable the
remaining Phantom Eyes. Doing so will cause a large chest to appear far to the east, back in the eastern safe

Before heading back, though, first head to the southwestern corner and dig up the soft spot on the ground there.
That'll let you jump up to another crystal ball, which you can hit to disengage most of the wind jets on the level
and make it a little easier to get around. (You can also wrap your boomerang around to the north here and hit the
yellow jar to find an extra 30 seconds of time.) Secondly, you can head just to the east of the western safe zone
to find a crack in the wall of the room there; blowing it and hitting the switch will lower the spikes leading to the
small key on this floor.

Grab the small key and note that the skeleton on the floor wants you to stop by the next time you're in the
Temple; he'll have something to teach you if you do. The eastern treasure chest will have a Power Gem for you,
so grab it, then unlock the southern door and move down.

B5 Floor
Head to the west from the door's exit and run over the spikes when they retract. Use your boomerang in the

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southwestern corner to flip the switch there, then head to the east and smash the jars there for extra time and

There are two combat rooms on this floor. The first consists of electro-jellies. If you don't want to wait for them to
become normal enemies, hit them with the boomerang to shut down their electrical powers. Kill them all, nab the
15 second time boost, then move on. The second room is simply goblins. Kill them by tapping them, nab another
time boost, and move to the northeast. Flip the switch in the northeastern corner to move down to the next floor.

B6 Floor
There are six crests on this floor, and a door that remains locked until you draw a symbol on it. The symbol can
be discovered by examining the crests around the area; each one will say that it's the second, fourth, third, or
whichever number. If you mark down these numbers on your map, you'll be able to draw the correct symbol that
you need on the doorway and move on.

Begin in the northwestern corner. There's a switch that's blocked off from you by an airjet which you can dig and
some crumbled blocks. Dig up the airjet, wait for it to shut itself off, then throw a bomb onto it. When it starts
back up again, it'll throw the bomb up to the blocks, destroying them and letting you flip the switch. That'll unlock
the northwestern crest. If you examine it, it'll tell you that it's the beginning and the end of the symbol. Mark it
with the numbers 1 and 5 on your map.

Move down the western passage and hit the switch on the floor to reach the middle-western crest. Don't speak to
it, though; it's cursed, and will respawn any Phantom Eyes that you've killed if you do examine it. (Killing both
Phantom Eyes will unlock a yellow jar that will gain you some time, by the way.)

The southwestern crest is accessible by bombing; it's the third crest. The southeastern crest is the fourth; it's
easily reached by flipping a switch nearby. The northeastern crest is the second; it's unguarded.

If you've marked all these crests on your map, head to the south and look at the large door there. You need to
draw an hourglass symbol on it. Start at the northwestern corner, then draw a line to the northeast, and from
there to the southwest, southeast, and back to the northwest again. Doing so properly will unlock the door and let
you pass inside.

Map Room
When you move forward and examine the star crest in front of you, you'll be told to press the sea chart against
the sacred crest. What the heck does that mean?

Well, if you get frustrated and close your DS to take a break, you're on the right track. What you need to do is
open your sea chart and look at the southwestern map quadrant. When you're displaying the grey map on the
upper screen of your DS, and the southwestern sea chart on the bottom screen, flip your DS closed and open it
back up again. That'll show you where the sea crest is on your map.

Back To The Open Seas

Return to Linebeck here. If you spoke to the Old Wayfarer before, he'll probably send you something in the mail
here; we got a ship part, the Barrel Shack. You can equip any ship parts you've bought at this point; the ship yard

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here in town will be accessible to you now. We also received a Wisdom Gem from Salvatore, the game master
on Bannon Island, after we went into a shop and came back out.

Your goal now is to get a salvage arm attached to your ship. Head to Cannon Island now. (You can head to the
marker on your map, but there's nothing there.) If you speak to Eddo, he'll offer to sell you the Salvage Arm. The
price he'll offer you will depend on how loudly you shout into your microphone jack. So it's basically a tradeoff
between rupees and personal dignity. We personally found a quiet corner of the office and mumbled into the
microphone for a couple of seconds and bought the Salvage Arm for 300 rupees. If you want to yell directly into
the thing, we're sure the price will be lower…although your pride will probably be wounded.

Regardless, you need the salvage arm to move on. Do what you need to get it, and it'll automatically be useable
as a tool on the high seas.

You can now head anywhere on the seas that you've marked underwater treasure as appearing and attempt to
salvage it. Salvaging involves sending your salvage arm down under the water and attempting to claw the
treasure at the bottom without losing your arm to bombs or by hitting it on the surfaces down there. You need to
be delicate here, and not go too fast, as some of the bombs will be mobile and charge up from the bottom of the
screen to hit you if you try to plummet too quickly.

Eventually you'll spot black chests on the very bottom of the sea. If you home in on those, you'll have to reverse
your course and take whatever treasure you've obtained back up to your ship. You can find all manner of stuff
underwater, including treasures and things like Sand of Hours, which will increase your Phantom Hourglass's
time limit. It's a complicated procedure, but you have up to five mistakes per run before the salvage arm breaks.
If you need to fix it, head back to the shipyard on Mercay Island.

Head to the spot on your map and salvage there to find the Sun Key, which you need to move on.

Back To Molida
Head back to Molida Island. Unfortunately, as you approach, you'll be attacked by a sea monster. It's not difficult
to kill. First, draw a route that keeps you on the move around it. You can get pretty close to it without any real
danger, so just make a semicircle that keeps you rotating around it, close enough to hit it with your cannon. It will
alternate between looking at you with its eye and attempting to hit you with green projectiles. Hit the eyeball with
your cannon (move in closer if your shots are coming up short) and shoot the projectiles in the same fashion.

Molida island has the door that requires the Sun Key to be unlocked. To find it, return to the second wayfarer's
hideaway. (Use the shovel in the village, beneath the tree to the north of the woman by one of the wayfarer's
stones.) If you fend your way through the passage, you'll find the door, allowing you to move on.

Entering the Temple

When you move back outside, you'll come across a boing-oing statue that'll tell you to dig outside of Oshus's
warehouse for a secret treasure. Good tip, but don't bother heading back to do it right now. Instead, move up to
the northeast until you see a statue on a cliff above you. When you climb the steps that put you on the same level
as it, use your boomerang to hit it; it'll light up and shoot a laser beam at the nearby temple door.

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Move around to the east here, where you'll find another statue. Hit it with your sword to light it, then tap it again
and move it so that it points back at the temple. The last statue is found to the south, but you have to kill a
couple of the powerful monsters that you earlier encountered in the Molida Cave. To do so, wait for them to lunge
at you with their swords, dodge them by rolling, then quickly strike them in the side. You can also attempt to
throw bombs their way, but it's unclear if this hurts them through their shields or not. When both of the creatures
are dead, the final statue will appear. Reorient it to point at the temple door to open it up.

Temple of Courage
1st Floor
Head north here and avoid the rolling spikes; there's usually a small gap that you can hide in that will prevent you
from getting hurt. When you wrap around and head south, watch out for the spinning blade trap. If you step in
front of it, it'll snap at you; do this, then dodge away and move through the gap it left behind.

Tip: There's a treasure chest hidden in the northern part of this section, near the rolling block the moves left to
right. You should be able to see a narrow corridor on the other side of a wall there. Throw a bomb at the wall
below it and spin attack it to set it off. (If you let it blow on its own, the rolling spikes will likely move it.) Inside
the treasure chest you'll find…some treasure.

You'll find a Small Key in a chest atop the platform here. Nab it and head to the northeast to unlock the door
there. Make your way to the combat room and attack the two worms there. Their weak spots are on their tails;
aim for the pink parts of their bodies as they spin around. A few hits will finish them off and reveal the steps
leading downwards.

B1 Floor
Smash the jars by the door here for some goodies, then hop onto the moving plate nearby and head to the west.
The next platform has an unkillable enemy on it, but you can knock it off the platform by repeatedly hitting it.
Ride the other platforms towards the stairway to the west, but use your boomerang to flip the switch that you see
as you ride; it should be glowing blue, not red.

1st Floor, West

When you return to the first floor, start killing the enemies here and avoiding the electrical shockers that rotate
around on the walls. To the north, you'll find a couple of signs. If you plant a bomb one spot to the east of the
western sign, you'll reveal a passage to the north, leading to a couple of treasure chests, one of which will contain
a Power Gem.

There's also a map on the wall inside this little chamber that will reveal a path that you need to follow when you
return to the B1 floor. Mark it down on your map to save you some time later on. One of the signs in this area
indicates that the pattern that rules the temple is "up, down, right, and left". Nothing to mark it down on yet, but
keep this pattern in mind.

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To the east, you'll come across more jelly enemies. These green guys will avoid your sword attacks. You can kill
them with bombs, or by hitting them with the boomerang and then slashing them. There's one platform here with
a blue pedestal that you can't use quite yet, and another one that will spawn a large bunny-like enemy on it. It's
difficult to kill with normal attacks, as it will periodically leap at you and cause a full heart's worth of damage. If
you've been reading the signs that have been posted thus far, you may remember something about enemies with
large ears being stunnable by large sounds. Theoretically, this means that you can make this guy stop in his
tracks by clapping your hands near the mic of your DS and then hitting it with your sword. Since we were playing
the game in an office, though, we had to take it down the hard way, which entailed whacking it with your sword,
running away just before it morphed and attacked, then repeating the process. It took a while, obviously. If you're
forced to attack in this manner, be sure to flip the switch to the southeast first; that'll unlock the door to the
beginning of the dungeon, making for a quick run back to this area if you happen to die.

One way or another, you need to kill the super-bunny; it'll drop a Small Key when you take it down. Move north
and use it on the door up there.

2nd Floor
There are four switches here, guarded by laser-shooting turrets and more electrical balls. The turrets can be
avoided by moving past them when they're not looking at you; you can also set off bombs near them to
temporarily shut them down. Pull the north switch first, then the southern, eastern, and western switches. That
will reveal the Square Gem. Nab it.

1st Floor
Take the Square Gem upstairs and place it in the receptacle near where you emerge, on the platform to the
south. That will unlock more stairs going down.

B1 Floor North
You come out to a platform here that's apparently surrounded by nothingness, but looks can be deceiving. If you
marked down the path here from when you examined the map on the 1st Floor (remember, after you bombed
through the wall to find the two treasure chests?) then you can find your way across the invisible surface. If you
manage to get yourself all the way to the northwestern corner of the map, you'll find the Bow And Arrows.

Tip: On your way across the invisible platform here, you'll spot a chest to your south. You can walk directly
towards it from the north to grab a 100-piece Rupee.

The bow can be used to fire on any of the eerie-looking eye targets that you've seen so far, including the one
above the chest here. Hit it with an arrow to extend a bridge to the south. You'll notice another little arrow device
here; these things will propel your arrow farther distances when you hit them. If you swing at this one so that it
points to the east and shoot it with an arrow, you should be able to hit a crystal ball off to the east a bit. You may
not need to, though; just make sure the ball there glows red, and you should be fine.

1st Floor West

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If you can't bypass the stones here, head back down to B1 Floor, aim the arrow-pusher to the east, and shoot it
to flip the switch. Hopefully you should be able to move to the south, though, where you can kill the worms and
the jelly. Move to the east and shoot the target across the gap with an arrow to open the doorway leading to the
north, then retrieve the Square Gem and move it back down to the southwest here and place it in the new
pedestal you've uncovered. That'll open another door leading up.

2nd Floor Southwest

Kill all of the enemies here with the bow and arrow, or with your sword. Doing so will extend a bridge to the east.
Follow it and stock up on arrows, then head across the platforms to the south. There are a lot of bats here that
will attempt to knock you off as you go past. Step onto the first block that moves left to right and use your
boomerang to eliminate most of them. With that done, fire at the two eye targets on the north side of this room.
If you hit them both, a chest with a Power Gem will appear.

With that done, move off into the corridor to the east, avoiding the spinning blades. When you reach the laser
turret, jump to the south, bomb the crumbled brick there, and push the iron block to the north to give you a
respite from the other spinning blade. With that done, move around to the stairwell and nab the treasure before
going down.

1st Floor Southeast

Avoid the electrical balls here and head to the west. Jump across the gap and hit the switch to open the doors,
just in case you wind up dying, and then head down the stairs nearby.

B1 Floor Southeast
Ride the first block here to the southeast corner of the map, then head north and use your boomerang to light all
of the torches in the area. That will drop the spikes to your north, letting you move on to the platform there. The
red blocks here will likely be raised; use your boomerang to rotate the arrow device to the left of the platform so
that it points west, then shoot an arrow at it to drop them and move on.

There's also a Courage Gem here. Use the boomerang to point the arrow device to the north, then fire an arrow
at it. That'll cause the arrow to hit a target, causing a chest to appear.

1st Floor Northeast

Another bunny enemy here. Hit it with 15 or so arrows to kill it easily, then grab the Small Key that it drops and
move on.

2nd Floor Northeast

When you step onto the blue block here, you can draw lines on your map to move it around. Do so, and head to
the four pillars in this open area in the order of the whole temple: north, south, east, and then west. If you head
to these pillars in that order, and shoot the targets on them, then you'll unlock the Big Key to the northeast. Grab
it, then step back on the platform and take it to the Big Door in the southwestern corner of this room and unlock

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it to fight the boss.

3rd Floor
Before moving up to the boss, check behind the steps leading upward here. There's a crack in the wall there;
bomb it to find a Courage Gem.

Boss Fight: Crayk, Bane of Courage

Crayk requires a bit of ingenuity to beat. He's got two phases, with the first phase being a bit more complicated.

Phase One
In this phase, Crayk will usually be invisible to you. He's around, and hittable, but he's impossible to see. Luckily
for you, the top screen here will represent his point of view: you'll be able to see what he sees. What you need to
do is move around the area until your back is to a wall, and then check the upper screen. Eventually Crayk will
lock onto you and start coming your way. Flip on your bow and arrows here and turn so that Link appears to be
facing the camera on the upper screen. With that done, start firing away with your bow and arrows straight in
front of Link on the lower screen. If you've turned correctly, you should be able to get a lucky shot on Crayk, even
if he is invisible.

When you manage to hit Crayk, he'll become visible and start rotating around. There are a number of blue
crystals embedded into his shell. Hit them with your sword or the bow. You'll probably have to go through another
round of invisibility, but eventually you'll get all of the blue crystals, and Crayk's shell will come off entirely,
shuffling you to the second part of the fight.

Phase Two
Time to finish Crayk off. Equip your bow and wait for him to get close, then fire a shot at his face. That won't hurt
him, but will force him to stop in place for a bit. Quickly put away your bow, run around him, and start whacking
away at his tail. Repeat this process a few times to finish him off. Keep in mind that you can kill the smaller crabs
that run around here for more hearts or ammo, although they rarely drop anything at all.

After you kill Crayk, you'll earn the usual rewards: more sand for the Phantom Hourglass and a Heart Container.
The Spirit of Courage will join you here, although it appears to be mute.

Head back to Molida. Romanos, the Wayfarer's son, will now offer up a bow and arrow minigame that's
surprisingly difficult. Try it if you like, but eventually you'll need to head back to the docks, where Oshus will have
a special message for Ciela.

Off To The Ghost Ship

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Before you get ten feet away from Molida island, a pirate named Jolene will accost you and Linebeck, but she's
more upset at Linebeck than anything. Although Linebeck will tell you to run, don't bother; just let Jolene catch

When she does, she'll board your ship and attempt to fight you. She's not too difficult if you know her pattern.
She has a proclivity for trying for powerful attacks. To goad her, repeatedly strike her and back her up against a
wall. She'll block all of your attacks, and then wind up for a charge attack that will knock you over if it hits. If you
can dodge it, though, you can strike her before she gets her guard back up. Repeat the process a few times and
you'll eventually lock swords with her. Swipe your stylus back and forth across the screen, and you'll fling her
sword away from her and win. Linebeck will give you a token reward for defeating her, and the next time you find
a mailbox, you'll get Jolene's Letter.

If you wish, you can head back to Mercay Island at this point. The Treasure Teller's shop is open, allowing you to
sell your treasures for more rupees. You may want to try and get up over 1,000 rupees and buy the Bomb Bag
from Beedle's Ship, which will extend the maximum number of bombs you can carry.

Finding The Ghost Ship

Head to the western side of the southwestern map quadrant and head to the north from there, into the fog bank.
As soon as you do so, the engine of your ship will conk out, forcing you to aim the ship manually. This isn't
difficult; just keep the ship in Go mode and move the rudder to the left or right, depending on how the spirits
react. As you turn, you'll see them periodically give off stars and act excited. Try to keep going in the direction
you're headed when they act excited. It'll be difficult to keep them 100% excited all the time, but if you're turning
the wheel, just keep turning it back and forth from left to right, trying to keep the excited sparks flying. Eventually
you'll start seeing the pirate depth charges in the water. Avoid them and keep going until you find the ship, then
come up alongside it.

Into The Ghost Ship

B1 Floor
Head south when you enter this area to find an boing-oing statue and the first treasure chest; leap to it to find a
piece of random treasure.

Head to the west from the stairs here and you'll enter a combat room. The ghost wizards here can be annoying,
since they constantly vanish from sight, but if you catch them when they're visible, they'll be easily killed. After
defeating them, speak to the girl nearby. She'll ask you to rescue her sisters who've been captured aboard the
ship. But there's something off about her…

Head along the north side of the boat here, being careful of the spiders that drop down from above with little
warning. You can kill them with the boomerang from a distance, if you like. To move past the spikes, you'll need
to make a precision throw with your boomerang to hit the northern crystal ball here; trace a path for it between
the spikes and the oil barrels. You'll need to repeat the maneuver to the east a bit. Try to take out the magicians
so that they don't foil your throw.

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When you reach what appears to be a dead end, hop to the southeastern portion of the level and move around to
the southeastern corner. There are a couple of retracting spike strips there; time your move across them, then hit
the crystal ball nearby to drop the flames and spikes in this area.

Reuniting the Sisters

The sister to your north wants to be reunited with her sister, so let her follow you. Grab the Triangle Gem from
the treasure chest nearby, then jump the gap to the north (you may need to throw the gem across first). If you
place the triangle gem in the northern pedestal, you'll drop the flames and will be able to lead the older sister
back to the first girl you talked to. Just keep in mind that she's scared of spiders. If you happen to see one, try to
boomerang it before she gets too close to it. If she gets scared and stops moving, return to her and speak to her
again to prod her along.

When the sisters are reunited, head to the stairs in the southeast that lead downward and take them.

B2 Floor
There's a Reapling here. It acts just like the Phantoms in the Temple of the Ocean King; it can't be killed, and
patrols around the area looking for you. Unlike the Phantoms, though, the Reaplings will continue to whack you
until you die, instead of just taking time off your hourglass. Luckily, there are safe zones here that you can hide
in. Unfortunately, the Reaplings can not only see through walls, but travel through them, as well. Be careful!

Head to the east and north from there, avoiding the spike traps as best you can. If you can avoid the northern
Reapling, you can make it to the third sister, who resides in the west. Flip the switch near her, then speak to her.

Unfortunately, she's a liar; the leftmost chest of the two near her will cost you 10 rupees if you open it and spawn
another Reapling. (The rightmost chest will contain a yellow potion.) Don't open the leftmost chest; just the right

With that done, the switch that you flipped will have lowered pretty much all the spikes on the level, including
those surrounding the chest in the middle of the map, which contains the Round Gem. Grab it while still
escorting the sister and take her back to the stairs leading up to B1.

B1 Floor
The Round Gem will douse the flames here, leaving you with a short escort back to the group of sisters. Drop
your remaining sister off there, then head back down the steps to B2. The steps in the southwestern corner are
free now, letting you move down to the B3 floor.

B3 Floor
Boomerang the wizard here to kill it, and don't bother pulling any of the switches here. Instead, head east into the
combat room, take out the spiders, then head north to the safe zone and flip the crystal ball there. That'll drop
the spikes leading to the room full of drums. Even this is a trap, though, as attempting to head through that way
will lead to a pitfall.

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Instead, head to the central safe zone here, to the north of the barrel room. It'll give you the code for the levers
near the beginning of the level: 2, 4, 5, 1, 3. Head back to the levers and pull them in that order, then return to
the north side of the barrel room and enter it. There's a pressure plate inside; stand on it to release the flames to
the west.

You'll need to run past the Reapling and make it to a safe zone to move on, although you can make a somewhat
safe passage by waiting in the southeast and waiting for the Reapling to make the southern part of his patrol
before moving past him.

When you reach the far western safe spot, you'll have to pick up the barrels to find the fourth sister. Getting her
back to the stairs can be a pain due to the route that the Reapling takes. It's best to wait in the safe spot near the
end of his northern route, then try and follow as closely behind him as you can get when he walks away from that
safe spot. You'll need to kill the spiders as they fall to avoid upsetting the sister, but that should be easier to do
than avoiding the Reapling if it comes back your way while you're walking her.

Anyway, escort her around the edges of the map back to the stairs leading upward. You'll need to take her
through B2 as well to reach B1, obviously. Just keep it slow, kill the spiders as soon as you see them, and you'll
get there eventually.

Boss Fight: Diabolical Cubus Sisters

The Cubus Sisters will attack you all at once, but they don't do it physically. Instead, they'll keep themselves up on
the upper screen. Three of them will launch laser beams at you that you'll have to avoid, while the fourth will fire
a ball of energy your way.

The only thing you need to do to win the fight is to reflect the ball of energy back at the Sisters. You can do this
by getting underneath it and performing a spin attack by rotating your stylus around Link. Performing this move a
second before the energy ball reaches you will reflect it backwards, up towards the sister that fired it. You'll know
where it's coming from by watching the sisters on the top screen; three of them will fire lasers. The one that
doesn't will always fire the energy ball.

As the fight goes on, you'll eventually wear down your opponents and cause some of them to disappear. They'll
get trickier as the fight goes on. Sometimes, bouncing the energy ball back to your opponents will cause them to
bounce it back and forth between themselves, only to send it back at you faster than it came before. You'll need
to start your spin attack a bit earlier than you normally would to accurately reflect the energy ball in this case.

When a single sister is left, she'll send three projectiles, only one of which is solid. Hit the solid one and let the
other two impact. You'll have to bounce the energy ball back and forth a few times, but eventually it will hit and
the sister will go down, leaving you the Big Key and a Heart Container. Return to Floor B2 and open the big
door in the northeastern corner to find Tetra.

Zauz's Island
After the lengthy cutscene with Oshus, return to Linebeck's ship and head out to the east. The island that Zauz is
on isn't on your map. It's in the middle northern section of the northwestern map, north of the Isle of Gust, near
the top of the map. If you move around for a bit, you'll spot it.

When you dock, head to the northern tip of the island and read the sign there. It'll tell you of buried treasure.
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Find the two western stone tiles and draw a line between them, then repeat the process on the eastern tiles.
Extend these lines to the south until they overlap; if you dig where they intersect, you'll find a Treasure Map.
The line should cross to the southwest of where the road makes a 90 degree angle and heads to the north.

Speak to Zaus, and he'll tell you of the Phantom Sword, which he can make for you if you bring him some
Aquanine, Azurine, and Crimsonine. In order to find these materials, though, you'll have to locate another sea
chart in the Temple of the Ocean King. Be sure to note the icon on the wall before you leave!

Return to Mercay Island

Return to Mercay Island now. If you haven't visited the Treasure Teller, now would be a good time to do so.
Otherwise, you can return to Oshus's house and dig one spot to the south of the tree outside his storehouse;
that'll net you a Treasure Map. If you speak to Oshus inside his house, he'll also give you a Power Gem.

The Secret Cave

Head up from there toward the Temple of the Ocean King. Before you go inside, though, find the cave that you
bombed open earlier and head in there. If you jump across the path, you'll spot an eye statue near the treasure
chest. Hit it with an arrow to extend a bridge to the south. Defeat the monster there and head outside.

The cliffside here has two treasure chests, with 100 rupees and a ship part inside. There's also a stone tile on the
ground. If you stand at the top of the steps and fire at the eye near the cave with an arrow, you'll reveal a laser
statue. The sign nearby indicates that it can be used to weaken a nearby cliff, so point the laser to the north-
northeast and walk until you find where the laser points at. Plant a bomb there to ease the passage to Freedle's
island in the northeast. This is where you can exchange goods with other players in Tag or Battle mode. You can
also find a Wisdom Gem here.

Temple of the Ocean King, Fourth Visit

Head to the Temple of the Ocean King again. It's worth noting that the time pressures on you here will be
somewhat worse than they have been in the past; if you wish to do so, now might be a good time to head out
and try to salvage some of the treasure spots you've seen in the ocean in the hopes that some of them might
contain more sand for your Hourglass.

B1 Floor
You'll have to deal with Swift Phantoms here. These guys are just as tough as regular Phantoms, but faster. Like
the Reaplings, though, they'll be stunned by arrow shots to the back. Doesn't change the way you get through the
levels, though. In some cases it'll actually make it easier, since you won't have to wait as long for certain enemies
to patrol.

B2 Floor
The Swift to the southeast will apparently pick up the key here and start walking with it. You'll need to knock him
around if you want him to drop the key. What we did was to run to the southeastern corner of the map and grab
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the red jar there, then snuck up behind him and chucked it at his back. This caused him to drop the key and also
created a puddle of safe zone at his feet, allowing us to walk right up to him and both grab the key and avoid his
detection. An easier way to do it is to hit them in the back with an arrow; that'll cause him to drop it and stun him
for a while.

Regardless, you need the key to move on.

B3 Floor
There's a hidden Power Gem here. Head to the southeastern corner and stand on the platform with the pressure
plates that cause the floor to drop out. On the northeastern side of the platform, aim your bow to the north,
towards the eye sculpture there. That'll cause a chest to appear. Grab it before the timer runs out to claim your

B4 Floor
You can head to the northeastern corner of this level and shoot the eye there to shut down all of the steam vents
on this floor. Apart from that it's pretty much the same as you've seen before.

B5 Floor
The enemies in the combat rooms are a bit tougher than usual, but still nothing too special. If you hit the switch
in the northeastern corner, you'll obtain a 100-rupee piece.

B6 Floor
Run your way to the door here, and don't worry about being spotted. When you reach the red door, you have to
draw the triforce symbol that Zauz showed you in one stroke. It can be a pain to get the game to recognize the
drawing, though, no matter how well you draw it. One thing to consider is that you can't overlap any lines. We
started at the top of the outer triangle, went halfway down the left line, then drew the inner triangle, then
completed the outer triangle, and that seemed to work.

When you move into the next room, you'll see a Door of Courage, and also get a new midway point to the temple
from the skeleton there; you can now skip down to here whenever you like, with the same time it took you to
reach it. (We had a time of five minutes and 42 seconds.) The three skeletons in the entryway will now sell you
secrets to the Temple for 50 rupees apiece. Pay them if you like, but this guide should have everything you need
to know in it.

Anyway, when you're ready to move on, return to B6 and open the Door of Courage.

B7 Floor
Ride the cubes here to the northwest. As long as you have a shield, the arrows that jump from the walls shouldn't
hurt you, but they can still knock you off your cube. When you reach the northwest, you'll learn of a new wrinkle:
floors that alert Phantoms when you run on them. If you're on one of these special floors and there's a Phantom
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nearby, be sure not to run too quickly, or it'll hear you.

Anyway, you have a pretty clear shot to the southwestern corner of the floor here, so head there and take the
steps downward.

B8 Floor
There isn't much to see on the western side of this floor (but you should mark the location of the circle-shaped
pedestal), but there's no way across to the east…or is there? Watch the patrol patterns of the southern Swift
Phantom. It walks across the gap between the two sides of the floor in the middle, where there's no apparent
walkway. Follow him across the gap to reach the eastern side of the floor. The triangle pedestal is on the northern
side here, behind a bombable wall. Mark its location, then take the stairs in the southeastern corner to return to

B7 East
There's a difficult maneuver required here. You need to get on the platform that lands at the flames here, but the
switch to shut off the flames is located in the southeast, which is also where a Phantom has set up shop and
refuses to leave. The switch will shut itself off 15 seconds or so after you flip it, making things much more

To get past the flames, grab the red jar near the other set of flames along the eastern wall and bring it south,
throwing it down just above the Phantom that guards the switch. Be sure you throw it where you can still manage
to hit the switch with a boomerang, though. When the Swift Phantom has patrolled away and the southeastern
Phantom is looking away from you, hit the switch with the boomerang and take off for the flames. If you're lucky
you'll reach the platform and will be able to get onto it.

Ride the platform to the north and exit it to the west. Open the chest there to obtain the Round Crystal. That'll
drop the fire along the eastern wall. Hop across the platforms with the crystal to reach the northeastern corner of
the room. There's a Power Gem you can find here. Hop onto the little pedestal near the safe zone and fire your
boomerang at the switch to the south. That'll pop a chest into existence which contains the gem.

Take the crystal to the south and head down the stairs to B8.

B8 Floor
Take the crystal across the invisible gap again and place it into the pedestal. That'll drop the spikes nearby. Hit
the switch here, and an airjet will start blowing nearby. You can also climb the stairs here and use your
boomerang on the southern yellow jar for a time boost. Before investigating the airjet, go down the stairs here.

B9 Floor
Open the chest here and nab the Triangle Crystal. Grab it and head back up the stairs.

B8 Floor
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Take the triangle crystal and move around to where the airjet is blowing. Let it blow you up onto the upper level
here, then move up a bit and throw the crystal across to the eastern side.

Head around the invisible walkway to reach the triangle crystal and then implant it in the pedestal nearby. This
will cause a treasure chest to appear to the west. Walk along the musical walkway nearby and approach it from
the north to find a Courage Crystal.

With that done, head down the path that the spikes revealed to find another crystal ball. Hit it to open a door
nearby, then head down the stairs there.

B9 Floor
A Phantom paces the halls here, carrying the Square Crystal. You'll need to get it from him to move on, but
there's also a new threat to worry about: invisible ghosts. They'll appear on your minimap. From the first doorway
here, curve your boomerang around to where the skull appears on your minimap to hit it and kill it. You can do
this for the other ghosts in the area; the one to the southeast dropped a 30 second time boost for us. They will
only approach you if your back is turned to them, so you can walk right up to their positions on the map and
boomerang them if you like.

Head to the southeast and move to the west a bit; you'll spot an arrow target. Flip the redirection device with
your boomerang, then fire an arrow into it; that'll drop some spikes to the east a bit.

Head north after that and use a bomb to destroy the blocks there. The safe zone here is directly in front of where
the Swift Phantom patrols. Wait for him to come by, then hit him with an arrow in the back and steal the Square
Crystal from him, hiding it in the safe zone.

Now, head to the southwest a bit and into the safe zone with the pressure plate. Stepping on the plate causes a
bit of the nearby floor to collapse. Wait until the Phantom patrols over it, then drop the floor to eliminate him.
That will cause a chest to appear in the southwest. Reach it to find the Strong Cannon for your ship. You can
also find a Wisdom Gem by killing all of the ghosts on this level.

Put the Square Crystal into the square pedestal in the northwestern corner of the room. That'll drop the nearby
flames, letting you return to floor B8.

B8 Floor
Your goal now is to get all of the crystals down to floor B9. If you have a couple of minutes left on the timer, it
should be doable, so long as you don't get hit by any Phantoms. Any less than that, and you'll be pushing it.

Begin by grabbing the Round Crystal from the pedestal here. That'll raise the spikes, preventing you from
returning to B9. You'll need to carry the crystal to the south a bit, jump into the airjet, and throw it across the
gap, like you did with the Triangle Crystal not too long ago. With that done, head back across the invisible path,
grab the Round Crystal off the floor, and bring it down to B9 and place it in the pedestal in front of the northern
door there. Head back upstairs and grab the Triangle Crystal from its pedestal and do the same. Head to the
northwestern corner of B9 and grab the Square Crystal for the trifecta.

Head into the room when you've unlocked the door to find the Southeastern Sea Chart. The fallen adventurer
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will tell you to exit the room and replace the crystals in the order of square, circle, triangle. If you do so, then
move back into the map room, the floor will sink down to level B10, but it's exceedingly unlikely that you have
enough time left to explore it. Take the blue portal here and head back up topside.

Moving On
You can head back to port now and equip the Strong Cannon to your ship. If you've obtained ten Power Gems,
and you likely have, you can take them to Spirit Island and increase the power of your Power Spirit, which will let
you set your sword on fire when you have the Power Spirit equipped on the Collections screen.

Southeastern Sea
Head to the southeastern map quadrant when you're ready to go and make your way to the Goron Island, in the
southwestern section of that map. If you want to check out the uncharted islands first, here they are:

Uncharted Isles

Harrow Island
Get back in your ship and take off to the northeast. If you spot the small triangle in the sea consisting of three
small rocks, head there to find Harrow Island. This is a mini-game island where you can pay for the privelege of
digging up dirt! You get to pick up ten treasures from the island, which range from stuff like treasure maps and
100-piece rupees to Rupoors, which actually drain rupees from your wallet. Generally playing this game is a
money-losing proposition, but the appearance of treasure maps will probably be worth spending the money if you
have a little excess.

Hidden DS Island
Head to the southern side of this map section and proceed to the east. You'll eventually spot a large rock island
near the border. Head to it and dock, but watch out for pirates. The island itself is shaped like a huge DS.
Eventually it will host something called the Goron Game, but for now, all you can really do is clear a bunch of
rocks and dig up the marked locations. This will probably net you a few hundred Rupees, though. If you fall into
the northern arena and defeat the two Cyclopes, you can find a Courage Gem in a chest.

Goron Island
Before you reach Goron Island, you'll be whirled up into a vortex and forced to fight another sea monster. This
guy can fly, and will shoot a large amount of projectiles at you. Just keep firing, though; if you hit the projectiles,
you'll earn more hearts and cash, and hitting the creature's body will eventually kill it. The fight will be difficult if
you enter it with only one or two hearts, though. If you wind up getting a game over, try entering the
southeastern map quadrant from the southeastern section of the western map; that'll give you a beeline to run
towards the island and reduce the chance that you'll have to hit pirates or other unsavory enemies.

When the sea monster is dead, you'll land on Goron Island. Start making your way through the areas in front of

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you, talking to all of the Gorons that you; you'll need to speak to every single one of them if you want to proceed
past this island. Eventually you'll see a sign indicating that you should shout at the Goron across the way. Ignore
that for now and keep wending your way to the north. Eventually you'll see a Goron that asks you to kill some
electrojellies on the upper plateau nearby. Dig out the airjet and ride it up to the platform, then shoot the jellies
with your bow. Killing them all will net you a Treasure Map.

With that done, head back to the sign and yell into the microphone on your DS. There's no other way around this
puzzle; you have to yell at the Goron across the way, and he'll extend the bridge for you. Hope you're not playing
on the bus. Anyway, yell at him, then talk to every Goron you can find here (including the one guarding the pass
on the eastern side of the island) before heading to the chieftan's hut.

To The Chief!
When you arrive, he'll charge you 20 rupees and force you to take a quiz. The questions are randomized, at least
in the order that they're given. Here are the ones that we've noticed.

Q: The Goron at this spot! What is he staring at? A: Ship

Q: How many Gorons live on this island? A: 14
Q: How many homes are there on the island? A: 6
Q: What color were the odd creatures on the cliff? A: Yellow
Q: How many Rupees have you won so far? A: Depends on when it's asked. For each question you answer
correctly, you receive 1, 5, 20, 20, and 100 Rupees for the first five. Add them up to get the answer.
Q: How many Goron Children live on this island? A: 6
Q: How many Gorons are outside right now? A: 7
Q: How many Gorons are in their homes right now? A: 7
Q: What is on this spot? A: Chest
Q: Of those Gorons outside, how many are adults? A: 4

When you get past the Chief's questions, he'll take back all the cash he's given you and give you a Wisdom
Gem. He'll tell you to follow his son, Gongoron, to the temple.

To The Temple!
Unfortunately, Gongoron is something of a brat and will run away from you. Walk off to the western side of the
island until you find him up on a cliff. When he runs off again, return to the eastern trail and he'll be there, but
he'll quickly head off for the temple itself.

The northern maze here isn't too complicated; just explore it thoroughly, and you should be able to find a 100-
piece rupee, as well as a switch that'll drop some nearby spikes. The maze seems to deadend after finding those
items, but on the northern side, there is a hidden weak spot that you can blast. If you noticed, there was a weak
spot in one corridor that was just below a large smudge on the ground. If you find another one of those smudges
a bit to the west, you can blast the ground below it to open up a new passage. The chest with the spikes near it
contains a Power Gem.

There'll be a wind-based monster standing between you and the Temple. Throw a couple of bombs at it to kill it
off, then head up the steps, extend the bridge here to prevent you from having to wind around the entire island
again, then head into the temple.

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Temple of Goron
1st Floor
Avoid the quicksand here and head to the east. The blue jellies will stay sparking until you hit them with a
boomerang, so whack them with that, then finish them off with your sword. Eventually you'll find a switch that
drops the nearby spikes. You'll have to drag the nearby statue on top of it in order to cause the spikes to
permanently drop.

Eventually you'll reach a locked door and another large statue. The statue here is actually alive, however; you'll
have to chuck a bomb at it to shut it down and enable you to push it around. Push it to the north so that it rests
atop the switch that opens the door, then head up the steps and repeat the process on the next statue you see to
extend a bridge to the west.

After digging out an airjet and moving up to the upper platform here, grab a bomb and throw it against the wall
to the north of the bridge. You probably noticed a crystal ball here when you were pushing around the first
statue; if you can hit it with a bomb, a chest will appear. Nab the Treasure Map from it.

With that done, head across the bridge to the west and use bombs on the two statues here to unlock the door to
the south. Head through it, then equip your bow and arrow and fire it to the east. There's an eye target there;
hitting it will let you spawn another treasure chest with 20 rupees inside.

Into The Cave

Flip the switch here to clear your way back to the temple entrance, should you need to return later. To the west,
though, you'll find a cracked wall. Blow it and head inside to refill your supply of bombs. Hmm, looks like there's
another entrance to the east…head back out to the main room here and blow another bomb through the other
pillars nearby to find it. If you head through there, you'll find a passage down to the B1 floor.

B1 Floor
You have to defeat the two flaming skulls here to move on. Use your boomerang to lighten them up, then finish
them off with the sword. Doing so will clear your passage to the east, where you'll find Gongoron. Before you can
free him, though, you'll need to kill a Cyclops. He's not difficult; just shoot him straight on with an arrow, then
whack him with your sword a few times.

After the Cyclops is dead, you'll be able to switch control between yourself and Gongoron whenever you feel like
it. You'll need to switch to him now, for instance.

Gongoron: Move to the south here and start smashing the rocks. Some of the enemies here will be the rock-
based jellies you've seen before. Use targeted attacks to jump onto them and kill them. When everything's dead,
the spikes below Link will drop.

Link: Restock your arrow supplies from the garden here, then head south to reach more wind creatures. Kill them
with your arrows to drop the spikes near Gongoron.

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Gongoron: Jump across the gap to the west and stand on the pressure plate there.

Link: Stand on the pressure plate as well to reveal a chest with the Bombchus inside of it. This new piece of
equipment lets you place a remote-controlled bomb on the ground and draw a line for it with your stylus to tell it
where to go. It'll come in handy pretty soon!

Gongoron: Switch to Gongoron and head to the southeastern corner of the map. Kill all the enemies there by
rolling over them; that'll open a door to the west.

Link: Head to the west and through the open door. Killing all of the enemies here will reveal a chest with a piece
of Goron Amber inside. Grab it. With that done, put a Bombchu through the hole in the wall here and trace a
path for it so that it'll hit the crystal ball inside. That'll open the spikes here, letting you head back up to the 1st
floor, if you wish (where you can open a new passage back to the entrance), or head down to B2.

B2 Floor
Note that you can use Bombchus to attack enemies off the screen, before they can even see you. They're pretty
handy in that sense.

Kill the enemies here and destroy the rocks; eventually you'll be left with two switches. You need to stand by the
one that you can hit and send a bombchu from there to reach the other one. While the bombchu is moving, move
your stylus on the screen to revert the camera back to Link. When the bombchu is about to hit the eastern switch,
stab the western switch at the same time to drop the spikes nearby and let you move down.

B3 Floor
First things first: kill all the goblins and enemies here to cause a chest with 20 rupees to appear.

There's a hole in the wall to the north here, which will let you send a bombchu through it towards a switch.
There's another switch nearby that raises and lowers the blue and red blocks here. What you need to do is ensure
that the red blocks are lowered, trace a path for your bombchu all the way to the switch above the quicksand,
then flip the other switch with your sword while the bombchu is en route so that it passes over the lowered red
rocks, then flip the switch so that the blue blocks are lowered as well.

Move to the northeast, stun the statues with bombs, and place each of them atop a pressure plate there to drop
the spikes leading to the southeast. That'll bring you around to a set of stairs leading upward.

B2 Southeast
Press the plate here to make a shortcut to the entrance, if you like, then head into the combat room nearby.
There'll be two Cyclopes here; hit them with arrows to stun them, then rapidly hit them with the sword to finish
them off.

Move on to the northeastern portion of the level. There'll be a switch here that drops the spikes nearby, but you
won't be able to run across the spikes if you hit the switch with your sword. Instead, take a bombchu and make a
lengthy path for it across the sand and back to the switch. While it's traveling, run up to the spikes; after it hits

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the switch, quickly run across to move on.

To the west, you'll find a large field full of snakes and rocks. Use your bombchus here. If you can hit both of the
switches on the western side of the quicksand; you'll drop a chest back behind where the spikes were; killing all of
the snakes on the quicksand itself will drop another chest down near where you're standing. Head back to the
large chest to get the Boss Key, then take it back to the stairs and head down.

You'll wind up right next to the big door here, so unlock it with the boss key and head through. The statue here
isn't lying; there's no secret bombable spots between the pillars, so leave them be and head down the stairs.

Boss Fight: Dongorongo, Armored Lizard

Phase One
In the first phase of this fight, you'll have to take on Dongorongo with both yourself and Gongoron. You can
switch between characters as you did before, and you're going to need to. Link will be on the bottom side of the
screen, prevented from moving north by quicksand, thus leaving Gongoron to do the hard work here.

Gongoron is who you want to be controlling most of the time here; he's the one who will be taking down the
Dongorongo. Link isn't out of trouble, though, as there are snakes that will try to get to him; watch the skulls on
your screen, and when they get close to Link, flip over to him and slash at them with your sword.

Gongoron should be your main concern, though. If you control him, try to move him in a circle around
Dongorongo. Your primary goal here is to get to his side and use your targeted attacks to hit him there. If you
bump into his head, he'll sometimes stop circling and let you reach his side and bounce into it (be sure to tap him
on your screen!). Otherwise, you can rotate around in front of his head and wait for him to charge into a wall.
Doing so will cause him to get dizzy, letting you hit him in the side with a number of attacks. Repeat the process
until the Dongorongo falls on its side onto the ground.

At this point, you need to flip back to Link. Use bombchus here and draw a line for them to enter the
Dongorongo's mouth. If you do so, they'll blow up the Dongo from the inside. You'll need to repeat this entire
process three times, but be careful, as more enemies will attack Link the longer this fight gets, so you'll need to
be quicker as you go on.

Phase Two
After Gongoron moves off, cross the bridge and get ready for the second part of this fight. The Dongo will breath
lots of fire at you here. He'll either shoot fireballs in a spread, which is easily dodged, or breath in and shoot a
long, sustained fire breath at you.

What you need to do here is have your bombs equipped. Dodge the Dongo's fire attacks, but when you notice it
breathing in, activate a bomb and throw it into the mouth. When it keels over, hit the large blue spot on its back
as much as you can. After a few rounds of this, it'll die, revealing a Heart Container. You can head north from
there to grab the Crimsonine.

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Out Of The Temple
Head out of the temple thanks to the teleporter and head east to the maze. You may have recalled that there's
another small bombchu hole there, on the southeastern side of the maze, near where you originally entered it. If
you send a bombchu through, you'll reveal a treasure chest containing a Treasure Map. If you return to the
Goron Chief now, he'll give you 200 rupees before sending you on your way, one pure metal richer.

Isle of Frost
Head to the northeastern corner of this map section, where another island is to be found on your map. When you
reach it, draw a route around the circumference of the island and start blasting its icy shield with your cannon.
Small enemies will attack you while you do so, so be sure to take them down before they sink you.

When you clear out the entire ice shield, you'll be able to dock on the Isle itself.

Meet the Anouki

Start talking to the Anouki characters around town here, and most of them will tell you to talk to the village chief,
who dwells in a hut in a little rise on the eastern side of town here. If you find him and speak to him, he'll give
you a task: find the Yook that has infiltrated the Anouki Estates to the north and expose him for the liar that he is!

Head north to the Anouki Estates. There are two signs here that both read "Anouki Estates"; if you head to the
easternmost sign and dig on the spot directly beneath it, you should find a 200-rupee piece.

The Liar Game

Your goal in the Estates is to examine the statements of the six residents of the homes here and find out who's
lying. Each person will make a claim about one or two other residents, claiming either that they're liars or that
they're honest. You need to find the truth!

Here's what everyone says about everyone else:

● FoFo says Gumo is honest.

● Kumu says Mazo or Aroo is lying.
● Dobo says Mazo is honest.
● Gumo says Fofo or Aroo is lying.
● Aroo says Kumu is lying.
● Mazo says that he and Dobo are honest.

The Solution
If you don't want to solve this puzzle on your own, read on…

One assumption you can make (this is the clue that you can pay the wandering Anouki for) is that everyone who
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tells you that someone else is honest is telling the truth. If a liar told you that someone else is honest, that means
that the person they're talking about is actually a liar as well, which means that there would be two liars, which is
impossible since you're only looking for one liar. Thus, you can strike Mazo, Dobo, and Fofo off your list of
subjects automatically, leaving only Aroo, Gumo, and Kumu.

Thus, your list of statements is reduced to:

● Kumu says Aroo is lying.

● Gumo says Aroo is lying.
● Aroo says Kumu is lying.

Since both Kumu and Gumo say that Aroo is lying, he's the only suspect left. Even if Aroo was correct about Kumu
being a liar, that would only mean that Gumo's statement is correct, which wouldn't make any sense.

Exposing The Liar

Head to Aroo's house and rat him out. When you do so, he'll "blow you away" and run off. Return to the Chief at
this point, and he'll open up the cave that leads to the east, allowing you to move on and find the Temple of Ice.

Through the Ice Field

Head through the cave to the east of the Anouki village to reach the ice field. There are six Yooks here. They're
easy to kill: keep bombs equipped, get close to them, wait for them to inhale, then chuck a bomb at them. They'll
somehow manage to suck the whole thing into their mouths, leaving them stunned when it explodes inside their
bodies, letting you whack them with your sword. You need to kill all six Yooks to unlock the passage to the

Before you reach the Temple, a super Yook will appear! How on earth will you kill this ultra-difficult enemy? Well…
you have to throw a bomb into his mouth and then hit him with your sword. It's complicated, we know, but you'll
figure it out. This guy is a bit more complicated, to be fair, since he sometimes settles for sword swings instead of
inhaling, but if you stay away from him and are quick with the bomb-throwing when your opportunity arises, he
shouldn't be too problematic.

Temple of Ice
1st Floor
Head north here and hit the switch to lower the red blocks. Stand between the red blocks and the blue blocks,
then throw your boomerang back towards the switch to move on. You'll come to another group of raised red
blocks. Head to the south here and press the switch to reveal the passage back to the entrance chamber. Move
above the recessed blue blocks here, then send a bombchu back to the original switch. That'll drop the red blocks
here and let you move on.

2nd Floor

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Not much to see here. Head north and up the stairs.

3rd Floor
Head to the south here and hop onto the little peg in the ground. Fire an arrow at the switch to the north to drop
the ice crystals that lead onward.

On the far side of the bridge, you'll spot four levers. If you look to the south and the southwestern and
northwestern corners, you can find a few signs that will point you towards the sequence they need to be pulled in.
The correct sequence, counting from the left, is 1, 4, 3, 2. Pull them in that order and a door will open to the

Tip: The spiderlike enemies here have a tough covering on their heads, so they're difficult to kill. Try to hit them
from behind, or just knock them into the crevasses in the area to finish them off.

The steps here will lead you up to a number of platforms that are suspended above the room. Ignore the switches
on them for now and follow the walkways to the southwestern corner of the room, near the only treasure chest in
the area. Throw a bomb onto the switch to the west of you, then drop down to reach the chest, which contains a
Wisdom Gem.

The Boomerang Puzzle

Head back to the steps where the door unlocked and go up to the middle platform in the room. The blue blocks
on the western side of it should have receded, letting you move over to a platform to the west with a single sign
on it and a blue tile. Read the sign, then stand on the tile and use your boomerang to hit the four switches here in
the order it prescribes: northwest, northeast, southwest, southeast. If you do so, a Small Key will drop from the
sky. Hit it with your boomerang to nab it, then take it to the remaining door here and head up.

2nd Floor
There's another combat room here, consisting of a couple of Yooks. Take down the white one first, as it's the
easier, then dance outside of the range of the darker one until it breathes in. Bomb it to kill it, then grab the
Grappling Hook from the chest that appears. Use it from your items list to grab onto the pole across the gap
and move back upstairs.

1st Floor
The spider enemies here are vulnerable to your grappling hook; use it to pull their helmets off, then hit them with
your sword. When you clear the enemies out, use the hook to pull the tongue down on the middle of the three
statues, then move to the south. Flip the switch leading back to the entrance room, then grapple the tongues of
both of the statues there to melt the ice preventing you from heading down.

B1 Floor
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Bomb the wall here and flip the switch to reveal a treasure chest on the far side of the gap. Grapple to it, grab the
200 rupees inside, then flip the switch here to extend a bridge back to the other side. Head to the east here,
smash the jars, then drop a bomb on the blue plate on the ground to move to the north.

You can make tightropes between two poles by selecting your grappling hook, aiming at the first pole, then
aiming at the second, just like using a boomerang. Begin by making a tightrope to the east and heading over to
the torches there. There'll be a switch across the gap to the north here; grapple it and pull it to reveal a chest in
the southeastern corner of the map.

Move to the northeast until you encounter a locked door. There'll be another statue with a tongue to the right of
it. Pull the tongue with your grappling hook, then quickly run to the south where the ice melted and get past it. If
you made the treasure chest appear in this area, you can open it for the Small Key. Move up and flip the switch
here, then head north into the locked room to find a Wisdom Gem. Stand outside of the room and flip the switch
with a boomerang to drop the red blocks elsewhere on the level.

To The West!
Head back to the first couple of tightropes you made and head to the west. Extend a tightrope across the two
poles that are directly to the south of the eye target with the icicles in front of it. If you stand in the middle of this
tightrope and use your boomerang, you can hit all four targets to the north, thus melting the ice in front of the
eye and letting you hit it with an arrow. That will melt the ice near the southwestern tongue statue. Find the blue
panel near the westernmost pole here and bomb it; that'll give you a shortcut to reach the tongue.

Make your way to the tongue statue near where you first entered the floor. Stand to the south of it, near the
southern wall, and pull the tongue through the gap. The farther away you stand from it, the farther you'll pull it,
and the more time you'll have here. After it's fully extended, return to the poles on the western side of the main
room here and make your way around to the door that opened up. That'll lead you to a set of steps heading

B2 Floor
Head to the west here and get across the gap by latching onto the torch. The combat room here is simple, with a
Yook and a slime enemy. Kill them both, make a tightrope, and avoid the spinning blade as you move to the
north. Make a couple of tightropes until you get all the way to the northern edge of the room, then make a
tightrope on the western side of that platform. If you walk into this tightrope while standing on the ground, Link
will eventually turn around and face away from the direction you're pushing him in. If you remove the stylus from
the screen here, he'll jump across the gap with no problems.

Move to the four switches here and spin attack in the middle of them to unlock a large chest to the south; you'll
also open a door near the stairs. Bomb your way through the wall to the south of the switches to nab some
rupees, then head to the southeast, through the door.

The Next Chest

You'll come out to some icy platforms with torches on them. Make a tightrope between the two torches on the
ground level here and jump from it up to the platform above it, being sure not to fall off the upper edge. If you
claw your way to the northwest, you can fire an arrow from the last platform at the eye target there, opening the
door leading on to the north.
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The northern room here is another puzzle. What you need to do is jump to the small one-tile wide platform in the
middle of the room and get up on the northernmost edge, where there's a blue tile. Stand there and make a
tightrope between the two poles here. With that done, switch to your bow and fire downward at the rope. Your
arrows will bounce off and into the eye targets, revealing a chest that holds the Small Key.

Combat Room
Take the key and unlock the combat room nearby. It holds a strong Yook and a couple of flying enemies. Kill
them all to earn 200 rupees; you'll also unlock the door to the south. Head down there and start climbing the
small hill. You can do so by hopping onto the poles and then swinging your grapple at the next pole above you.
Eventually you'll reach the switch here; press it to unlock a passage to the west. Walk along the narrow ice that
you've revealed to reach a switch that unblocks the large chest in the southwestern corner of the area.

The Boss Key is, predictably enough, inside. Grab it and lug it upstairs to reach the boss's room.

Boss Fight: Gleeok, Two-Headed Dragon

Phase One
As you may have surmised, this fight will require you to use the grappling hook. When you enter the room, note
that there are four poles here, one to the northwest, northeast, southwest, and southeast. Soon after the fight
begins, you'll notice one of the dragon heads rearing up to fire a fireball at you. It's a subtle movement; they'll
just kind of rear up and look like they're about to sneeze. Memorize this movement and get to the point where
you can see when a fireball is headed your way.

When the dragon on the left fires at you, quickly make a rope from the northwest to the southeastern poles; if the
dragon on the right fires at you, make a rope from the northeast to the southwest. These diagonal ropes will
reflect the fireballs as they come towards you, causing them to hit the opposite head and weakening its beak. Be
prepared, though, as one of the heads will subsequently chomp at you, which will snap your rope and can hurt;
be sure to keep moving side to side when this attack comes your way.

After a few hits in this manner, the heads will recede beneath the water, causing a huge wave to come up your
way. Jump onto one of the poles here to avoid it. After that happens, a number of ice blocks will appear and start
coming your way. Stay on your pole as long as you can, then jump off to dodge the ice and run towards the
opposite side of the platform. Run slowly, and you will wind up with a buffer on the side of the platform that won't
have any ice coming towards it.

Phase Two
After a couple cycles of Phase One, the masks on the heads of the dragons will disappear, leaving them without
any protection. They'll rise up here and chomp away at the two northern poles, removing them from the playing
field. After that, one head at a time will come down your way and try to chomp you. Avoid the chomps—they hurt
—and wait for them to start charging up their tongues with power. When this occurs, quickly use your grappling
hook to connect their tongue with one of the remaining poles. That'll bonk them against the pole and stun them;
take the opportunity to hit them repeatedly with your sword.

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After another round of ice-dodging, the dragons will come up and snap at you more often than they did before,
but the tongue-charging escapades will still wind up being their downfall.

As per usual, you'll net more sand for your hourglass here and another Heart Container. You can also find the
Azurine atop a pedestal behind the dragons after they die. Grab your junk, and get out of the temple.

Exploring The Island

When you reach the temple's entrance, you can use the grappling hook to start climbing the walls to the west.
Start exploring the upper reaches here. Among other things, you can find a Power Gem in the southeastern
corner in a chest, a Wisdom Gem to the west of the Anouki Chief's hut, and lots of rupees. You'll also find an
Anouki called Noabode near the village, who'll tell you to dig up in front of every sign near every house. Doing so
will net you a few hundred more rupees.

To the north, near the Estates, you can speak to a sign that will tell you to dig in front of the Wayfarer's hut on
Bannen Island. To the southeast of the estates, you'll find a small island with nothing on it…or so it seems. Dig
right in the middle of the stones to find a 300-piece rupee.

Temple Of The King, 5th Trip

Now that you have a couple more tools, it's time to head back to the Temple of the Ocean King, where you'll be
able to proceed further down than you could before. The time pressures will be eased a bit by the addition of four
more minutes to your clock, but again, if you haven't yet, you may want to hit all of your treasure points to try
and find more sand for you Hourglass.

When you reach the Temple, you can take the shortcut down that you unlocked earlier, or you can try and use
your tools and knowledge to substantially improve your time, not just to the B6 shortcut, but beyond that, as well.
Remember all those gems you had to collect on floors B7 and B8? Well, there's a way to avoid doing that again if
you read carefully. There are also some new items to be unlocked on some of the floors.

B1 Floor
Use the grappling hook and the bow to the west of the door here to unlock a new treasure chest with a Courage
Gem inside of it.

B2 Floor
Bomb the wall in the northwestern corner and use a bombchu to flip the switch beyond. The chest that appears
contains a Wisdom Gem.

B3 Floor
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There's a substantial shortcut here, as you can head north from the entrance and then use the grappling hook
between the two torches to jump up to the upper platform. It's important that you go to the southeastern corner
of this level, though, dig up the airjet, and drop the patrolling Phantom into the ground and grab the Small Key
from him. You don't need it to exit the level, but it'll be handy to do so. You can also find a 30 second time bonus
by heading up to where you used to insert the gems and standing in the safe zone there. Use a bombchu on the
bombable blocks in the northeast, then boomerang the jar there to get the time.

B4 Floor
Another big shortcut. Head to the northeastern corner and shoot an arrow into the eye to shut down the steam
jets, then hug the northern wall and head west. Run past the Phantom Eye that patrols here, grab the red jar, and
break it near the two mouseholes here. You can use bombchus to the north and south to lower the spikes leading
to the small key and the door leading on. You'll need to unlock the door here with the key you brought from B3,
then grab the key on this floor before heading downwards.

B5 Floor
If you enter this area from the B4 shortcut given above, you'll come out on the northwestern corner of this map.
Dig an airjet and land yourself up near the switch and shut it down. Grab the Treasure Map from the chest and
then turn the airjet back on to jump across the gap.

B6 Floor
Head to the northeast and shoot the eye target across the gap to reveal a treasure chest with a Treasure Map in
it. With that done, you can head directly to the door and enter your symbol onto it. Do the Sacred Crest symbol
(the hourglass) first, pick up the 30 second boost inside, then head back out and put the triforce symbol in.

At this point, if you've been picking up the new treasures on each floor, you may simply want to go back outside
the Temple and start over from the first floor, concentrating solely on doing everything quickly. We managed to
get to the beginning of floor B4 in a total of four seconds, thanks to the two 30-second jars on floor B3. Our time
to the Triforce door was 1:22, although we're sure you can do better if you seek out more time bonuses.

It's important to note, however, that when you do manage a good time you don't want to warp back to the
entrance; doing so will cause you to lose the small key that you've picked up. Just keep on going down when
you're satisfied with your timing. Things get a bit tricky here, but if you have a small key on your person, then
you're golden.

B7 Floor
You should still have a small key in your possession here. (If you don't then you'll be able to perform the shortcut
that we describe here, but you'll still have to perform some of the older steps from the last time you were in the
castle.) Ride the platforms around to the northwest, but don't head to the northeast corner. Instead, pull yourself
over to the middle-north section, directly north of the doorway, with the grapple. Open the chest to find one of
the three Crystals. Wait for the platform to arrive on your east side, walk across, then use your key on the door
here, pick up the crystal again, and head down.

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B8 Floor
Drop down here and head to the bombchu slot that you can see on your map. Send a bombchu through and flip
the switch, then head through the door to reach B9, still carrying the crystal with you.

B9 Floor
OK. You have one crystal in your possession, and the other two are located on this floor. Go ahead and start
killing the ghosts here to gain a bit more time, then place your crystal into its pedestal. Shoot the Phantom in the
back to obtain the Square Crystal, then bring it to the northwestern corner of the map and place it in the
pedestal there. Open the treasure chest nearby to find the Triangle Crystal, then place all of the crystals in the
pedestals by the northern door. You need to put them in their pedestals in a certain order, though. Put the square
one in first, then the circle, then the triangle. If you do so, then the screen will shake when you enter the
northern door here. Exit it via the southern exit to reach floor B10.

B10 Floor
New Phantoms here. They can teleport! Joyous occasion!

Use a bombchu from the doorway here and send it down the eastern path on the inside of the big square so that
it hits the switch there. If you have enough bombchus, try to take out some of the Phantom Eyes as well. The
switch will lower the spikes to the west. Head up to the northwestern corner of the map. See the boulder in the
safe zone there? Push it to the south to kill the phantom in the corridor. Grab the Small Key from his body. If
you can, use a bombchu on the southwestern corner of the inner circle and hit the switch there.

Head up to the northeastern corner, avoiding the remaining Phantom. Jump on the poles and use the grappling
hook to make it to the safe zone. When the Phantom is to your south, push the boulder here and kill him, as well.
That will cause a chest to appear to the west.

Continue down the eastern hallway, shutting off the spikes when you get past them. Nab the time bonus from the
jar in the southeastern corner, then bomb the suspicious-looking spot on the southern side of the central area and
head in. If you don't care about the western chest (100 rupees) and already managed to flip the western switch
with a bombchu, then head through the first set of lowered spikes here; otherwise you'll have to head around to
the western side.

When you kill the last Phantom Eye, a large chest will appear on the southern side of the area. If you want to get
it, you have to run back to the southern corridor and find the pole there. Hop onto the pole and grapple your way
to the chest. It has another 100 rupees, so it's probably not worth the time. Regardless, use the key on the door
and head through.

B11 Floor
Try to kill some of the Phantom Eyes here from the comfort of the safe zones. Just be patient and your time will

When you have some kills under your belt, head to the eastern side of the map and pick up the red jar there.
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Take it to the northwest and drop it near the digging spot in the corridor there as a new safe zone, then head to
the northeastern corner of the map and pull the switch to extend a bridge. Return to the jar's safe zone, then
head to the northwestern corner and pull the switch there, as well. That'll extend another bridge on the northern
part of the zone. With that done, dig up the airjet and ride it upward. Step on the two switches on either side of
the platforms here, then drop down into a safezone.

Tip: Killing all of the Phantom Eyes here will reveal a chest containing a piece of treasure.

Now you have to step on the two switches on the southern side of the room. Begin by heading to the southwest
and finding the airjet there. Dig it up and hit the southeastern switch. If you look in the southeastern corner of
the room, you'll find a switch. Hitting it will cause the bridge to extend to the southwestern switch, but it's on a
very short timer. If you stand just to the north of the sonic flooring to the northwest of the switch, hit it with a
boomerang, and run towards the airjet while the boomerang is still in flight, you'll be able to make it to the airjet
and across the bridge before it retracts. You can do the same with a bombchu if you happen to have one.

When you hit all four switches, the stairs leading on will open up.

B12 Floor
Hit the jars here from the safe zone with your boomerang, grab the contents, then pull the switch nearby. That'll
lower the spikes. Kill the Eye with your boomerang and sword, then move up to the northwestern corner. There's
a red pot here; grab it and break it a bit to the southeast of the safe zone in this part of the map.

When you open the chest here, you'll nab a Force Gem but a Phantom will spawn nearby. Avoid its gaze by
hiding in the safe zone that you made and take it to the northern room here. Place it into the pedestal there, but
keep in mind that that will spawn a ghost in the southwestern corner. Try to goad it towards you by keeping your
back to it, dashing into the safe zone when necessary; when it gets close, pelt it with a boomerang for some free

Hit the Phantom here in the back with an arrow as it patrols, then grab the Force Gem it carries and place it in
another pedestal, then repeat the game with the ghost.

With that done, wrap around to the southeast and head up the passage to the northeastern corner. The last
Force Gem is here. The Phantom that spawns now is actually easier to avoid than the other one was, since it will
patrol instead of standing still. Avoid it, then move back to the center room and place the Gem into the pedestal
to open the door.

B13 Floor
This room might look like there's a boss fight waiting to happen here, as indeed there is, later on in the game. For
now, just grab the Northwestern Sea Chart and book it back to your ship.

Off To The Northeastern Sea

Head to the southeastern and then the northeastern sea. There's a large island here that's circled by rocks, and

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which is guarded by a cyclone; don't bother trying to head through it just yet. Head instead to the northeastern
corner and the Isle of the Dead.

Isle of the Dead

Land here and head into the cave in front of you. You'll find a book by an explorer. Read it thoroughly to learn
about the island a bit. Apparently it's shaped like the head of someone wearing a crown, and the writer indicates
that something key might be found near the mouth area. It also makes reference to a treasure somewhere in this
very room…

If you dig on the western side of this room, near the other exit from the cave, you'll find a couple of spots that
can't be dug up. Blow up a bomb here to uncover a secret room. Head north, using your bow to kill the bats and
walking slowly to avoid the Rupoors, and eventually you'll reach the treasure room. We found a Courage Gem, a
Treasure Map, and some very nice ship parts.

When you're done poking around in the cave, head outside and start looking around on the main part of the
island. You won't be able to access the northwest yet, so check out the rest of the island. All of it's pretty
innocuous, save for the skeletons that roam around.

Enter the pyramid to the northeast here and check out the two signs here. The one on the right has a clue for
you: find the tree on the king's chin and head 13 steps west and seven steps north. The rest of this area is an
impenetrable maze at the moment, so don't poke around too long. If you want to check it out, feel free to do so;
just remember to head south repeatedly if you want to find the exit.

Head back out of the pyramid and count your steps as you walk northwest from the tree on the southeastern tip
of the island. You'll eventually dig up a real hole in the ground, not too far south from the tall pillar with the
switch on it.

The Hidden Cave

When you find the hole, drop down and blow open the crack on the northern wall. That'll lead you to a treasure
room with another hint: “Face west from the King's Eye and shoot an arrow.” (It's not clear what this refers to, as
there appears to be no arrow targets to the west of the pyramid…) There'll also be a Power Gem here. Leave
the treasure room and make your way to the exit from the cave, dodging the boulders as you go. When you reach
the exterior again, you'll be on the King's mustache. Grab the Treasure Map from the chest here, then hit the
switch to the west with a boomerang to unlock the door leading to the Six Sages area.

Drop down and head to the Six Sages graveyard and start reading the signs. Here are the clues you're given, in
order of sage:

● Go North through the first room.

● Go East through the second room.
● Go East through the third room.
● Go North through the fourth room.
● Go North through the fifth room.

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Head back to the pyramid and follow these instructions to reach Brant's tomb. If you explain your plight, he'll let
you through the locked door behind him. Head through and open the treasure chest to obtain the Regal
Necklace. The necklace may look like treasure, but it is in fact a key to accessing the western island in this map
quadrant, as it'll calm the cyclone in front of it and let you pass through.

The Isle of Ruins

With the Regal Necklace in your grips, head to the Isle of Ruins to the west. You'll be able to pass through the
cyclone without any problems here. Land your ship and head into the cave nearby. After defeating the warrior
within, read the sign and exit out to the main portion of the island.

Make your way through the southwestern maze, using your bow or bombs to destroy the worms that pop up from
the ground. When you exit the maze, head northwest a bit to find a little alcove where another worm resides. Kill
it, then dig up the soil underneath it to find 100 rupees. Head to the east afterwards and take the stairs leading to
the northwest, where the boulders are rolling downhill. Make your way past them to the stairs and head towards
the pyramid in the northwest.

The Three Knights

Speak to Bremeur, then exit his pyramid. There'll be a new bridge leading across the the gap to the east, so head
there. Before moving off to the eastern section of the Isle, walk up the steps and slam into the tree near the
fence. You'll gain 200 rupees for doing so.

With that done, head to Doylan's Temple in the northeast. He'll give you the King's Key. Return with it to
Bremeur and use it on the obelisk in his tomb; that will open a number of new paths outside, since the ocean
level will drop substantially.

Head to the east along the riverbed, avoiding the boulders. Eventually you'll come to some stationary boulders.
Find the one atop the stairs and push it to the west; it'll smash the boulder below it and let you move on. There's
another boulder to the south a bit; you can push it to the south to smash the boulder below it, then move
offscreen and back to have it respawn, then push it to the east. The eastern passage will lead to a Wisdom

Max's Challenge
Head south and flip the switch on the riser to open a shortcut back to the port, should you need it, then move
around to Max's Temple and head inside. Max says that he'll let you into the main temple on the island, but first
you'll need to discover the shape of a certain crest and draw it on the tablet in the corridor.

Head to the east and into the corridor there. The tablet is here, but you don't currently have any symbol to etch
on it. The sign nearby will point you back to the maze in the southwestern corner, so head back that way and
start reading the signs.

There are five signs here, in various positions in the maze. You need to find them all and read them. (You can
also find a Power Gem in the northeastern corner of the maze.) Begin in the northwest, where you'll find the
sign with the first star on it. It says to head east, so travel along the water until you find the two-star sign. Head
south from there (draw lines on your map as you go) to the southwestern corner, near the water. From there,
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head northwest to the middle of the maze, then head to the southwestern corner, and then trace a line to the
north, back to where you started. In the end, the symbol winds up looking like a square that someone pushed up
from the bottom so that the bottom line makes a 90-degree triangle that has its peak at the center of the square.
Or a W letter with a line drawn across the top.

Luckily, the tablet in the corridor has guide dots on it, so you should be able to trace the symbol no matter how
poor of an artist you are. Do so, then head north and defeat the two warriors that appear. They're tough, so be
sure to have full health before approaching! When they die, the Temple will become accessible to you.

Mutoh's Temple
1st Floor
As Ciela will warn you here, there are going to be plenty of traps in your path here. Get ready to fall into
trapdoors a lot. Feel free to mark them on your map, if you wish.

Your goal on this floor is to head up to the north and drop the spikes in front of the northern set of steps. This
involves proceeding through both the western and eastern portions of the room here to stand on pressure plates
on either side of it.

Western Side
Begin with the western side. Plant a bomb near the western switch at the beginning of the room, and while it's
ticking down, run to the northwest and hop over the moving blocks there. If you can make it to where the bridge
is extended (planting a bomb to set off the switch gives you extra time), then you can cross over it, head north,
kill the enemies in the combat room, then move across the northern bridge and flip the switch there.

Eastern Side
The only clean way to get across the bridge that you extend to the east is to bomb the wall to the south of it.
There's an apparent dead end here if you look around, but there's also a tile on the floor. Bomb the wall to the
south of the gap to create a shortcut, then flip the switch and run across the bridge, avoiding the trapdoor. Head
to the north, defeat the skeletons, flip the switch, and head downstairs.

B1 Floor
Uh oh, this place looks annoying. Luckily you won't have to deal with it much right now. Head to the east, then
south a bit, and find the stairs leading upward.

1st Floor
You can't kill the turtle enemies here; that'll come later. Avoid them for now and head upwards.

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2nd Floor
The worms were easy to avoid before, but in these tight spaces you're going to want to kill them. Repeatedly hit
them with your grappling hook for free kills; no need to waste bombs or arrows. There's a treasure piece in a
treasure chest on the western side of this room. Kill the worms and make your way to the south to move up.

3rd Floor
Kill all the enemies here to grab the Hammer. This last piece of equipment will let you hit things from a distance,
and you can also tap and hold the stylus down for a second to gain energy for big hits.

2nd Floor
Smash the switch on the floor with a hammer shot to open the door, then proceed upwards by standing on the
footprint markers and hitting the targets. That'll launch you up to the top of the room, where you can kill the
turtles and drop down to move on.

1st Floor
Kill the turtles and flip the switch to return to…

B1 Floor
Smash the boulders to the west and follow the path that they open up to reach the northwestern corner of the
map. Use your hammer on the two skels in the combat room to kill them, then proceed down the stairwell to floor

B2 Floor
Smash the switches here to move off to the west, then hop onto the platforms that hover above the chasm. As
you ride, smash the skeletons and switches off to the left and right. When you get all of the switches, the log to
the south will start rolling, letting you move on. You can find a Courage Gem in the southwestern corner of the

Heading up the stairs near the block will net you a Small Key. Nab it and head upstairs.

B1 Floor
Unlock the door in front of you, then head north across the bone path to reach the locked door. Unlock it with the
key, then hit the switch inside of it to drain the water in this level.

Jump down to the floor and move to the west to find a puzzle. You need to change all of the symbols on the

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ground so that the blue X's become red O's. With a little bit of hammering you can manage this by luck, but if you
want an easy solution, simply hit the lower middle tile first, then the central middle tile, then the lower middle tile
again. That'll flip everything around to the way you need it.

With the way to the south opened, head there, use the seesaw to get up to the platform above you, grab some
arrows, then shoot to the southeast and hit the pyramid switch to refill the water in the level.

Head to the south now and pound the floor there until it's one solid color; doing so will open a door nearby. That
will let you move around to the east and fire an arrow through the space where the door way. Do so to flip the
water back down, then drop down to the southeast and find the ladder leading downward.

B2 Floor
Another color puzzle here. One thing to keep in mind is that you can stand on one tile to prevent it from flipping.
It may be necessary to do that here since there are so many diagonal patterns here; try flipping the switches until
you get vertical lines of two X's and one O, then standing on the O and flipping the other blocks to make the
entire vertical line a solid color. You can also tap the gray tiles outside the puzzle area itself to flip smaller portions
of the puzzle.

Solving the puzzle will unlock a bridge to the southeast. Head across to return upward.

B1 Floor
Examine the blocks above you here; this is the “true form” of the square puzzles. Write it down somewhere; mark
it in large letters on the far side of the map if you have to. With that done, ride the platforms up to the upper level
until you find the arrow dispenser. Use your boomerang to the east to flip the arrow redirectioner and point it to
the south, then fire an arrow into it to refill the level with water. That'll let you pass over to the east.

There's another hammering board here. Your goal is to flip the squares until they resemble the “true form” of the
squares below. This can be complicated, but it is doable, especially if you get in the habit of standing on one of
the tiles to prevent it from flipping, or trying to hammer the squares outside of the puzzle area to flip one or two
tiles at a time.

When you get the pattern correct, a blue door to the west will open. Drain the water if needed, then head down
and hammer the platforms until you reach it and head towards the middle section of the floor. You'll come to a
boulder; push it to the west until it's on top of the hammering board, then hammer it up to the top of the stairs
and push it to the east. That'll open the path to a nearby treasure chest containing a Small Key.

Hammer yourself up to the northern part of this area and proceed to the northeastern corner. Unlock the door on
the eastern side of the area and walk down to where the boulder rests on a launching pad. You need to launch it
up to the next pad, then follow by launching yourself. Repeat this process a few times until the boulder can't go
any higher, then push it to the west to clear the path to the Boss Key. Grab it, then drop down to the stairwell to
the south here and head back down.

B2 Floor
Place the Boss Key on the moving block here and use your Hammer to hit the skels as they fire at you. Then place
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it into the locked door and jump up to the boss fight.

Boss Fight: Eox, Ancient Stone Soldier

Why does Link always look so surprised when the doors lock behind him? It's not like he shouldn't be expecting it
by now.

Phase One
Eox likes to smash you with his fists here. He can't reach all the way to the edge of the platform, though, so as
long as you stay on the outside of the ring you'll be relatively safe. He'll also periodically fire spikes at you from
high above. If you keep moving, both of these attacks are easy to dodge.

What you have to do here is use your hammer to set off the jumping platforms here, then try to hit the red
targets on Eox's body while you're in midair. There are around eight or nine of them all told, and they're spread
out around his body, so this will take some time. The hardest ones to hit are on his back, but if you wait for Eox
to fire his spikes at you, then run around to his rear side, use the platform there, and try to hit some of the
targets. You'll be most likely to get hit just after you land from a jump, so move out to the rim as quickly as

The hardest target to hit here will be the back of Eox's neck, since it's the highest target up.

Phase Two
When you do manage to hit the neck and disassemble the rest of the body, four more targets will appear on Eox's
front side. He'll move a little quicker here, and his fist strikes will have a larger area of effect. What you need to
do now is launch yourself at his front side and hit all four of the targets up there one time each, preferably in one
jump. When you do that, his body will disintegrate, leaving only his head behind.

Phase Three
It's just a flesh wound, apparently, as Eox will attempt to hop around with only his head and shoot spikes at you.
There are three jump platforms remaining, so you need to figure out where they land, try to goad Eox into
moving there (he'll follow you around a bit), and then jump onto his head and whack at the blue crystal there with
your sword. Repeat the process a couple of times to finish Eox off.

Heart Container, more sand, etc., etc. Grab the Aquanine and leave. Before you head back to the ship, though,
you may want to explore the northeastern side of the island. Revealed by the receding waters was a chest with a
Courage Gem inside, as well as a chest with 200 Rupees.

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Return to Zauz
Return with the Aquanine to Linebeck and shove off. Now that you have all three pieces of rare metal, head back
to the northwestern map quadrant and return to Zauz's island. There's a Wisdom Gem here that you can reach
now that you have the grappling hook. Give Zauz the metals, and he'll begin crafting a powerful sword for you.
It'll take some time for it to get done, though.

While you wait, head out to sea and find Jolene's ship. Track her down and let her board you. The fight here will
be much the same as it has been, although she'll use a new slashing attack that will hurt when it hits. She'll use
her lunge attack less often here, but when she does, dodge it and hit her from the side. Do it five or six times and
you win!

With Jolene out of the way, return to Zauz for the Sword Blade. Bring that back to where you started the game,
at Oshus's hut, and you'll receive the Phantom Sword.

Temple of the Ocean King, Final Trip

It's now time to delve into the Temple of the Ocean King for the final time. Now would be a fine time to travel the
four seas, revisiting each of the islands that you previously travelled to; there are plenty of places with secret
areas that are only accessible through use of the bow or the grappling hook.

Head into the Temple when you're ready and use your shortcut to get to B6. Head down the stairs from there.

B7 Floor
Since you don't have the small key this time around, you'll have to do things a bit differently.

Tip: One major note here is that you can now kill the Phantoms with the Phantom Blade. They can only be
taken out if you hit them from behind, though. What you generally want to do is get their attention, run to a safe
zone, then slice them from behind when they walk away. Also note that killing all of the Phantoms on these floors
(and possibly floors B1 through B6) will reveal new treasure chests to you, usually containing rare ship parts.

Anyway, ride the platforms here to the north and grab the Crystal from the chest there. Without a key to open the
door in the corner, you'll have to take it to the stairs in the southeast. Get used to luring Phantoms in and killing

B8 Floor
Take the crystal to the north and use a Bombchu to trigger the switch in the northeastern corner. That'll unlock
the door to the north that heads downward. Take the crystal with you when you head downstairs.

B9 Floor

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Take the crystal around to the pedestals and drop it. Kill the Phantom to grab his crystal, then take the square
crystal to the northwest and drop it into the pedestal to drop the flames nearby. Grab the triangle crystal from the
chest, bring it back to the pedestals, then retrieve the square crystal. Place them into the pedestals in the order of
square, circle, triangle (middle, left, right), then head north and back out again to keep on keepin' on.

B10 Floor
There are a couple of new treasure chests to be found here. Using the hammer on the southwestern corner's
switch will spawn a chest with a Treasure Map, while killing both of the phantoms will reveal a 100-piece Rupee

B11 Floor
Kill the Phantoms here for your treasure, but ignore the switch puzzle. Instead, head down through the
easternmost door.

B12 Floor
You'll come out into a small room with a switch and a hammer paddle. Flip the switch and quickly jump over to
the chest; it contains a Treasure Map. You now have to nab the three Force Gems again, but they're easier to
get this time, since you can kill the Phantoms. Killing them all will net you a 300 Rupee piece, by the way.

B13 Floor
There'll be a test of your mettle before you can proceed downward from here. Begin by picking up the red jar in
the northeastern corner and throwing it down onto the floor near the open treasure chest in the middle of the
room. When that's done, three groups of three Phantoms will appear. Stand in the safe zone you created and hit
them in the back.

When all of the Phantoms are done in, the large blue door will open. Save your game now. If you want to return
topside and use the new treasure maps that you have, head to the north and tell Ciela that you're not ready to go
on; she'll spawn a blue portal for you. Otherwise, head up the steps to face your destiny.

Boss Fight: Bellum, Evil Phantom

Phase One
Equip your grappling hook here. Bellum's main attack here will be to spit at you; this spit will create new creatures
on the ground that will attack you independently. They're easy to kill, though, and will often drop hearts for you.

To kill Bellum here, use your grappling hook on the purple smoke on his body. Pull it off of him until he's exposed,
then use the hook on the body itself to pull it to you, then deliver some swift hits. Eventually he'll raise up out of
the water and head up to the second floor. Take the stairs to follow him.

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Phase Two
Bellum will whack you with his hands here, as well as send creatures out after you. Watch for the whacks, as they
hurt. While you run around, use your bow to fire at the yellow eyes on the backs of the hands that cling to the
pillars here. When you hit them all, Bellum will slip back down to the first level and start shooting more spit-
creatures at you. You can wait up on the second floor and kill a bunch of them to get more hearts, if need be,
before returning downstairs.

Phase One Repeat

This is the same as phase one, but there'll be more purple smoke on Bellum's body, and he'll shoot more
creatures at you. Still, the technique used to defeat him is the same.

Phase Two Repeat

Bellum has one new attack here, where he'll spin around and attempt to whack you with all of his hands; hide
behind the pillars to avoid it. The yellow targets on the hands will blink on and off; wait until they're yellow to fire.

Eventually Bellum will move up to the topmost level and repeat Phase Two again, but he'll move even more
quickly and fire even more enemies at you. Hit the eyes

Phase Three
When the cutscene is done, head to the bottom of this area. Ciela will now be able to give you full power over the
Phantom Hourglass, which will let you stop time. You do this by tapping the icon on the bottom of the screen
when it's orange, then quickly tracing the symbol of the hourglass into the box that appears. No tracing lines will
show up here, so you need to draw it freehand. If you don't recall, the hourglass shape goes from northwest to
northeast to southwest to southeast and back to northwest. You can draw this pretty quickly and sloppily and it
should still register.

Bellum won't attack you now, but he will rotate around the stage. If he runs into you, it'll hurt, so try to avoid him
as best you can. Better yet, wait for him to get close, then bust out the hourglass symbol. That'll stop time for
about 8 or 10 seconds, allowing you to whack at his exposed eye. It can be difficult to swing your sword here, for
whatever reason, but spin attacks seem to connect just fine.

After a few instances of eye-whacking, Bellum will sink for good, causing a lengthy cutscene to play. But it's not
over yet…

Boss Fight: Possessed Ghost Ship

Just as Link and Tetra are about to press their spiky appendages together, Bellum reappears and kidnaps her,
then possesses the Ghost Ship and attempts to run.

Your primary focus here will be on the purple projectiles that the Ghost Ship sends at you. Hit them as quickly as
you can by tapping on them in midair. If they hit you, they'll drain a full heart from the ship, but if you

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consistently manage to hit them before they hit you, you should nab some hearts from them.

When there aren't any projectiles in the air, focus on hitting the purple and yellow eyes on the ship itself. These
are what launch the projectiles. Hitting them once will cause them to disappear, but they'll come back fairly
quickly. No worries, though; just keep hitting them and hitting them.

Eventually, after making a couple of laps around the ship, most of the side eyes will be done for. Focus your
attention upwards, at the two eyes on the deck of the ship. These appear and disappear with some regularity, but
if you fire on them enough, eventually you'll hit them and be able to board the ship.

Boss Fight: Bellum Knight

Bellum will come at you in knight form at this point, and you'll notice with some dismay that your life total is what
you ended the last Bellum fight with. If it's low, then this will be a tough fight here. Don't forget that you probably
have Potions that you can drink from the items menu; it's unlikely that you've had to use them up until now.
Yellow potions will restore your entire health bar; blue ones will restore you to life if you die.

Anyway, Bellum's weak spot is on his back. After Ciela allows you to stop time, though, you'll head towards it and
find that it's protected, after which Bellum will capture Ciela as well. To free her (and recharge your hourglass),
you'll need to lead Bellum to one of the corners of the platform and start hitting him with your sword while
dodging his blows. He will attempt two main attacks here. One is an overhead slam that will hit directly in front of
him; side step this. The other will occur when he blocks a few of your attacks; he'll jump to your side, then swing
his sword. Since he attacks with his right arm, move off to your right (his left) and away from him to avoid this
blow, but mostly just move away.

Hit him enough and you'll lock blades with him (you need to hit him as rapidly as possible after dodging his
counterattack for this to happen); rapidly rub your stylus on the screen to break the lock, then quickly hit him with
your sword. If you do so, Ciela will temporarily break free from his tentacle and recharge your hourglass.

When you have an hourglass charge, you can attack the weak spot on Bellum's back. Avoid him until the eye
opens up on your top screen, then get close, quickly activate the hourglass, and run around to the eye and start
hitting it. Do this as quickly as you can and try to get as many hits in as possible.

The fight gets a lot tougher as it goes on, as Bellum debuts a whirlwind attack that is very difficult to dodge. Try
rolling away from it, but it'll still probably hit you twice for a full heart's worth of damage. Just before Bellum goes
down, he'll start keeping the eye protected almost all the time. Since it's difficult to keep an eye on the bottom
screen while also keeping an eye on the eye on the top screen, try to listen for the sound that the eye makes
when it opens. When you hear it, quickly activate the hourglass and whirl around Bellum for the final few blows.

Spirit Gem and Heart Container Locations

Heart Containers
There are 16 total Heart Containers in Phantom Hourglass, including the three you start with. There are seven
that you'll pick up automatically in each of the seven main dungeons of the game. That leaves six to find in the
game world. We're not going to cover these quests in depth (mostly because the game is easily finished with the
10 heart containers you obtain naturally, and because we didn't complete them all ourselves), but if you want to
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get a hint on where to look for them, here's a list.

● Romano's Shooting Range. After defeating the Temple of Courage, Romano will have a mini-game
available in his hut on Molida. Score 2,000 points for the heart.
● Wayfarer on Bannen Island. Complete the Wayfarer's quest to find a Mermaid companion, and he'll grant
you a container.
● Beedle's assistant. If you catch Beedle's assistant on his ship, he'll sometimes sell you a container.
● Island shops. Check around at the island item shops. One of them will sell a Bombchu bag for you to carry
more bombchus with. If you buy it, then a heart container will replace it at one of the shops.
● Beat the Treasure Maze challenge on Expert difficulty.
● Defeat the Northwestern Adventurer's Ship fighter by hitting him 100 times, and he'll fork over a heart

Spirit Gems
There are 20 of each type of spirit gem located around the game. If you find ten of a certain kind of gem, you can
take them to the Spirit Island in the southwestern corner of the southwestern map quadrant to power up that
spirit with a certain new feature. It's not necessary to power up your spirits if you don't want to. If you do,
though, you can change spirits on the Collections menu.

We didn't find all of the spirit gems during our playthrough, so this isn't a complete list, but hopefully will help you
track some of the ones that you missed. If you have a lead on any that we're missing, feel free to drop us a line.
We know for sure that some will arrive in packages in the mail that we didn't mark down.

Power Gems
When upgraded, the power gems allow your red spirit to imbue your sword with fire. Arguably the most useful of
the ten-gem upgrades.

● Bomb Garden, Cannon Island.

● Item Seller, Molida.
● Isle of Gust, exterior platform. Dig to reveal an airjet on the western side of the island and jump up.
● B2 Floor Temple of Wind, off on the western side of the large desert room.
● Mercay, small bombable cave on the way to Temple of the King
● 2nd Floor of Temple of Courage.
● 1st Floor of Temple of Courage.
● Power Gem from Oshus after defeating the Diabolical Cubus Sisters.
● Temple of the Ocean King, B3 floor, only accessible after obtaining bow.
● Temple of the Ocean King, B7 Floor, jump onto pedestal in northeastern corner and hit switch to the
● Isle of Goron, in the maze to the north before the temple.
● Ice Island, southeastern corner, need a grappling hook.
● Bannen Island, near the dock, requires grappling hook.
● Spirit Island, requires grapple.
● Isle of the Dead, inside the cave you dig to the south of the switch on the pillar.
● Isle of Ruins, after dropping the water, northeastern corner of the southwestern maze.

Courage Gems
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The ten-gem powerup allows your sword to shoot a blade of light when you use a slashing attack. Handy enough,
but we personally almost always used targeted attacks, thrusts, or spin attacks during combat, so we never found
this to be useful. You also have plenty of items that can attack at range.

● Courage Gem, treasure chest on Spirit Island

● Isle of Gust, small cave knocked open by bombs when you first land.
● Temple of Wind, B1, ride an airjet up to it.
● Temple of Courage, 3F
● Temple of the Ocean King, B8, after inserting the triangle crystal.
● Hidden DS-Shaped island in southeastern map quadrant. Drop down on northern side and defeat the
Cyclopes to reveal a chest.
● Hidden DS Island. Head to the lower section of the DS and walk around where the touchscreen is located.
Dig in the southwestern most square to find the gem.
● Isle of Ember, northwestern corner, need the grappling hook.
● Uncharted Isle, center chamber, need the grappling hook.
● Temple of Ocean King, B1, need grappling hook and bow
● From Gongoron in the mail after the fourth trip to Temple of Ocean King.
● Treasure room in explorer's cave near the dock on Isle of the Dead.
● Mogoh's Temple, B2 Floor, southwestern corner.
● Eastern side of Isle of Ruins, after the water has been drained, near the northeastern temple.

Powering up your Wisdom spirit increases your shield power.

● Beedle's Ship
● Isle of Gust, small cave with jets of wind blowing you off the path.
● Letter from Salvatore, game master of Bannon Island, after you attempt his minigame.
● B1 Temple of Courage, arrow maneuvering minigame near northeastern exit.
● B9 Temple of the Ocean King, kill all of the ghosts on the level and it appears.
● From Goron Chieftan upon answering his questions.
● 3rd Floor, Temple of Ice, treasure chest.
● B1, Temple of Ice, northeastern treasure chest.
● Ice Island, east of Chief's Hut, after obtaining the grappling hook.
● B2 Temple of the Ocean King, need bombchus and bombs.
● From Aroo in the mail, after the fourth trip to the Temple of the Ocean King.
● Isle of Ruins, after unlock the obelisk in Bremeur's Tomb, you'll head to the west, then south, push the
boulder into the other boulder to the east.
● Freedle's island, northeastern corner of Mercay. Need the bow and arrow.
● Zauz's island, requires the grappling hook.

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