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Uviworkstation User Guide en PDF

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The key takeaways from the EULA are that it grants a non-exclusive license to use UVI products on up to 3 computers, forbids renting or lending the software, and reserves all rights not expressly granted in the EULA.

The EULA allows the licensee to use the product on up to 3 computers or iLok dongles owned exclusively by the licensee. It also allows reselling the software to a third party or permanently transferring the license, subject to a fee.

The EULA restricts the licensee from renting or lending the software to third parties, reselling or transferring individual products obtained in a bundle, or redistributing the sounds from the product. It also requires returning or deleting the software if the agreement is terminated due to a breach.

Software User Manual

Version 2.6
EN 161010
End-User License Agreement (EULA)

Do not use this product until the following license agreement is understood and accepted.
By using this product, or allowing anyone else to do so, you are accepting this agreement.

This End-User License Agreement (EULA) represents the contractual conditions C- Protection of Software
between you, the Licensee, and UVI, located 159 rue Amelot, 75011 Paris - France for You agree to take all reasonable steps to protect the Product and any accompanying
the use of software, documentation and other materials created by UVI. documentation from unauthorized copying or use. You agree not to modify the
Product to circumvent any method or means adopted or implemented by UVI to
You should not register, install or use UVI Products until the following license protect against or discourage the unlicensed use or copying of the Product.
agreement is understood and accepted.

By using UVI Products, or allowing anyone else to do so, you are accepting this D- Ownership
agreement. Ownership of, and title to, the enclosed digitally recorded sounds (including any
copies) are held by UVI.
A- License Grant Copies are provided to you only to enable you to exercise your rights under the
1. UVI grants to you, subject to the following terms and conditions, the non-exclusive license.
right to use each authorized copy of the Product.

2. UVI Product license are granted only to a single user. You may use this product on E- Term
up to three separate computers or iLok Dongles, which shall be owned and used by This agreement is effective from the date you open this package, and will remain in
you exclusively. full force until termination. This agreement will terminate if you break any of the terms
or conditions of this agreement. Upon termination you agree to return to UVI all copies
3. Renting or lending the licensed Software to a third party is expressly forbidden. of this product and accompanying documentation and destroy any other copies made.

4. Except if otherwise stated within this EULA, Licensee may resell the software to
a third party or transfer the software permanently. Request may be done using the F- Restrictions
‘Transfer License’ feature in your iLok account, subject to a $25 fee per-license ($50 Except as expressly authorized in this agreement, you may not rent, lease, sub-license,
maximum) by Pace. The serial number of the Product will be transferred to the third distribute, copy, reproduce, display, modify or timeshare the enclosed Product or
party by UVI, and Licensee’s original registration will be deleted. documentation.

5. Resale or ownership transfer of individual products obtained in a bundle, or those

used to upgrade or cross-grade to other products are not allowed. G- NFR Serials and Free Products
UVI Products serial numbers labeled as “NFR” (Not For Resale) shall only be used for
6. UVI allows you to use any of the sounds and samples in the products you’ve demonstration, testing and evaluation purposes. NFR Products may not be used for
purchased for commercial recordings without paying any additional license fees or commercial purposes, and may not be resold or transferred.
providing source attribution to UVI. They are not eligible for license recovery and are exempt from update, upgrade
or crossgrade offers, and cannot be purchased with or exchanged for vouchers.
7. This license expressly forbids resale or other distribution of the sounds and software Furthermore, as an owner of an NFR Product, you are not entitled to promotions
included in the Product or their derivatives, either as they exist on disc, reformatted available for the commercial version of the Product.
for use in another digital sampler, or mixed, combined, filtered, resynthesized
or otherwise edited, for use as sounds, multi-sounds, samples, multi-samples,
wavetables, programs or patches in a sampler, microchip or any hardware or software H- No Support Obligation
sample playback device. You cannot sell the Product content or give it away for use by UVI will make its best effort to support you in the event of technical difficulty with a
others in their sampling or sample playback devices. UVI Product. However, UVI is not obligated to furnish or make available to you any
additional information, software, technical information, know-how, or support.
8. In the event UVI terminates this agreement due to your breach, you agree to return
the original and all other copies of the software and documentation to UVI.
I- Specifications and System Requirements
9. UVI reserves all rights not expressly granted to herein. All technical specifications of UVI Products provided are intended to be estimates
or approximations. Due to numerous variables no guarantees of compatibility or
performance can be made. All such specifications shall be in writing.
B- License Activation End-User is solely responsible for, prior to purchase, ensuring that End-User’s devices
1. In order to use UVI Products it is required that you authorize them by registering are compatible and meet the system requirements for UVI Products, and that the
your Serial Number on, have a free iLok account (not necessarily applicable UVI Products meet End-User’s requirements.
a dongle) and install the free iLok License Manager (done automatically by UVI
Workstation and Falcon installers). It is impossible to use UVI Products if they are not
registered and authorized. This EULA is governed by the laws of France.

2. During authorization you will need to enter your name, email address and postal
address which will be stored in the UVI database. UVI uses a secure SSL connection
with 128-bit-encryption that meets current security standards to transmit your data
over the web. For further information about UVI’s handling of personal data please see:

3. The UVI Product license allows up to 3 simultaneous activations on any combination

of iLok dongles and computers. Activations can be moved between devices at anytime
through the iLok License Manager. ©2017 UVI. All rights reserved.
All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Table of Contents

System Requirements..................................................................................................................................5
Installing UVI Workstation..........................................................................................................................6
Browser View Interface
Single-Part View Interface
Instrument Edit Interface......................................................................................................................8
Loop / Phrase Edit Interface...............................................................................................................9
Effects Interface........................................................................................................................................10
Arpeggiator Interface.............................................................................................................................11
Multi-Part View Interface
Expert View Interface
Preferences Interface
UVI Workstation: Tips and Tricks.............................................................................................................15


UVI Workstation
Multi-Timbral Instrument

Use as many parts as your system can handle. Our new

built in browser and search functions make it painless
to locate the sound or instrument you’re looking for.
From setups as basic as a single synth to complex
orchestral arrangements, UVI Workstations sophisticated
architecture can handle them with ease.

UVI Workstation offers a clear and efficient mixing

interface, giving you immediate access to core functions
like solo, mute, volume and pan as well as 2 aux sends
and pitch control per-part. It’s never been easier to
explore the rich potential of layered sounds or mix
complex arrangements.

The effect system in UVI Workstation is unprecedented,

offering a full suite of dynamics, delays, distortions, EQs,
filters, reverbs, even the new SparkVerb! UVI effects
are of the highest quality, offering sounds that range
from modern and transparent to warm and textured.
With unlimited effects per-part, two aux channels and
a master you can freely shape or mangle your sound in
any way imaginable.

Crafted for efficient and intuitive operation, the interface

in UVI Workstation is clear, efficient and easy on the
eyes. Carefully thought out and tested for usability,
controls are logically arranged and elegantly designed
with a modern aesthetic.

System Requirements

Compatibility Compatibility
Audio Units, VST, AAX or standalone VST, AAX or standalone

Tested and Certified in : Tested and Certified in :

Digital Performer 8+, Pro Tools 11+, Logic 9+, Cubase Digital Performer 8+, Pro Tools 11+, Cubase 7+, Nuendo
7+, Nuendo 6+, Ableton Live 8+, Studio One 2+, Garage 6+, Ableton Live 8+, Studio One 2+, Sonar X3+, Maschine 1
Band 6, Maschine 1 & 2, Tracktion 4+, Vienna Ensemble 5, & 2, Tracktion 4+, Vienna Ensemble 5, Reaper 4, Sonar X3,
Reaper 4, Sonar X3, Main Stage 3, MuLab 5.5+ Main Stage 3, MuLab 5.5+

Minimum System Requirements Minimum System Requirements

Mac OS X 10.7 or higher (64-bit / 32-bit compatible) Windows 7 or higher (64-bit / 32-bit compatible)
Mac Intel Processor, 4 GB RAM (8 GB+ recommended] Intel Core Duo2+, 4 GB RAM (8 GB+ recommended]
Plenty of disk space for Soundbank, 7,200 rpm+ hard Plenty of disk space for Soundbank, 7,200 rpm+ hard
drive or Solid State Disk (SSD) recommended drive or Solid State Disk (SSD) recommended

About iLok

UVI Workstation is completely free, however certain sound libraries utilized within UVI Workstation may require
that you have an iLok account for licensing.
All UVI licenses allow up to 3 concurrent activations on any combination of computer hard drives or iLok USB
keys, easily managed through the iLok License Manager (ILok account required).

Installing UVI Workstation

The newest version of UVI Workstation can be downloaded free at

1. Visit ,
Scroll to UVI Workstation
Choose your platform and hit ‘Download’

If you plan to use a 32-bit DAW on 64-bit

Windows, choose UVI Workstation 32-bit

2. Once downloaded,

On Mac:
Double-click the disk image to mount it then
double-click ‘UVI Workstation.pkg’ to launch
the installer

On PC:
Double-click the .exe to launch the installer

3. Follow the on-screen instructions,

Note for Windows:

Select VST Plug-ins folder for your DAW.

The default path is:

Program Files/Steinberg/VSTPlugins

Interface: Browser View
View Toggle 1

Category 2

Grouping 3

Loadable Files 4

Instrument Details 5

1 View Toggle 3 Groupings

» Single-Part View Groupings/Folders are indicated with an
Selected instrument’s UI/parameters arrow ‘>’, click to view their contents in
» Multi-Part View the adjacent column
Add and select various instrument layers
» Preferences View 4 Loadable Files
General, streaming, and sound bank UVI Workstation can load many types
» Browser View of samples and instruments, compatible
View and load instruments files will be displayed here

2 Category Column 5 Files Details

» Search Compatible meta-data for the selected
Seach your collection of UVI instruments, file will be displayed here
loops and sounds
NOTE: Must index on initial use
» Places
Browse saved locations (file system)
» Devices
Browse available volumes (file system)
» Soundbanks
Browse loaded UVI soundbanks

Interface: Single-Part View (Instrument Edit)

1 Volume

MIDI & Part Menus 2

5 Arpeggiator View

Part Title /Browser 6

4 Effect View

3 Edit View

Part Interface 7

8 Transport

Controller 9

1 Volume 5 Arpeggiator View 8 Transport

Master output volume control Arp edit view [see pg 15] » Tap/Tempo
Click to manually set tempo or type-in a
2 MIDI and Part Menus 6 Part Title / Browser specific value
» Input MIDI Channel and Port Active patch title appears here » Stop/Sync to Host/Play
Select Omni or select a controller » Double-click this field to open the Control loops within UVI Workstation and
(A,B,C,D) as defined in the ‘Audio and browser how they interact with a host application
MIDI Settings’ menu » Click the right/left arrows to navigate
» Part Selector patches within the loaded instrument 9 Controller
Select the part page to be viewed in Operate UVI Workstation through an
Single-Part View 7 Part Interface external controller or by using the built-
Edit the part, multi or UVI Workstation in soft keyboard
3 Edit View config parameters, dependent on which
Edit instruments in single-part view the chosen view [3 top buttons]

4 Effects View
Edit part effects [see page 14]
NOTE: UVI Workstation comes with 200+
built-in professional effects

Interface: Single-Part View (Loop / Phrase Edit)

Playback Behaviors 1

Controls 2

3 Transport

UVI Instruments and sound files (WAV/AIFF/REX and Apple Loops files) may be loaded (drag & drop). Loaded sound files are mapped across the keyboard.
When the source is a sliced sound (like REX files), the sound will automatically play with the browser’s default setting.

» Coarse / Fine » Trigger

1 Playback Behaviors
Adjust tuning in semitones or cents Immediate: instantly triggers
Sliced soundfiles can be switched to
» Sync Next Beat: triggers on beat
Stretch or Sample, but non-Sliced
Off: Loop/phrase does not sync to tempo Next Bar: triggers at measure
soundfiles cannot be switched
Tempo: Follow Tempo, but not position » Slice Start
» Sample
Position: Tempo and position are Sample/Stretch: define where the
Loop/phrase plays like a regular sampler
followed. NOTE: Not available to phrases. sample will begin within the soundfile.
NOTE: Half/Double speed does not work
» Speed Slice: provides a range from the first slice
in Sample mode
Adjust speed in relation to Tempo and of the sample to the last slice.
» Stretch
Sync settings. Double-click to reset. » Drag & Drop
Sample length is not pitch-dependent.
Half/Double: Slow to 1/2 or 1/4; Speed Quickly export your soundfile with ease
Loop/phrase starts at the beginning of
to 2x or 4x of the assigned tempo. Fine
the loop/phrase
works similarly, but with any rate value. 3 Transport
» Slice
» Latch Simply click to manually set tempo or
Default mode
The loop/phrase will play even after you type-in a specific tempo
release a controller key. » Stop/Sync to Host/Play
2 Controls
Stretch/Slice: it will repeat indefinitely. Control loops within UVI Workstation and
» Key / Tempo
Sample: it will play once, then stop. how they interact with a host application
Key displays the root key for the loop/
NOTE: hit the same controller key again
phrase. Tempo controls the loop’s rate
to silence the loop/phrase

Interface: Single-Part View (Effects)

3 Sync, Bypass, Delete

Preset / Part 1

Effect Parameters 2

1 Preset / Part Effects 2 Effect Parameters 3 Sync, Byprass, Delete

Add, remove, change (Right-click or Each effect has a unique set of Sync: sync time-based effects to host
double-click) or manipulate effects parameters visible here tempo
» Preset NOTE: Arrows at the right edge of the Bypass: bypass effect
Displays the effects built into the preset screen appear if an effect has more than Remove: delete effect
NOTE: Removing or adding effects to/ five parameters, use these arrows to
from this list can break the instrument! scroll through all available parameters
» Part
Apply effects to the part, signal is post
Preset Effects

Interface: Single-Part View (Arpeggiator)

Enable, Save, Preset 1

Steps 2

Parameters 3

Arpeggiators can act as a pattern gate, arpeggiator, or even an advanced rhythmic processor for your live MIDI performance or sequenced MIDI tracks. Arpeggiotors can be
insterted in an unlimited number of parts.

1 Enable, Effect Parameters 3 Parameters » Octave

» Save » Trigger Mode Number of octaves below and above
Customized arpeggiator settings can be Legato: first note starts at first step, notes to be played
saved and used in other parts or songs pattern will restart from the first step » Step Length
» Preset when notes are released and next notes Globally effects the length of all steps.
Choose a preset arpeggiator pattern are triggered For example, a step set to 50% and a
Song Position: song position always knob setting of 50% will cause the step
2 Steps determines the pattern position length to become 25%.
The display is completely interactive. » Repeat Button » Num Strike
» Enable / Disable The bottom note is repeated The number of times a note will trigger
Click the box below the blue bar » Repeat Top before proceeding to the next note
» Merge The top note is repeated » NumSteps
Shift-click box below the blue bar » Hold Assign from 1 - 128 steps
» Velocity Notes are held » Groove Amt
Click and drag the blue bar up or down » Mode Apply a swing by slightly altering the
» Length Determines the order notes are played trigger time to the steps
Shift-click and drag the blue bar left or » Resolution » Arp Vel Blend
right 32 bar to 1/64 triplets range Control the depth of the steps’ velocities

Interface: Multi-Part View

Mutli Menu 1

MIDI & Part 2

4 Poly, Oct, Semi, Fine

Sound Control 3

Effects 5

» Volume » Aux 1 & 2 Effect Busses

1 Multi Menu
» Pan Effect busses, feedable from any part»
» Wrench
» Aux 1 & Aux 2 Master Effect Buss
Load, save or reset the current multi
Establish amounts of effects from Aux 1 Fed by all parts and effect busses
» Plus
or 2 buss effecting individual parts » Add FX / Change FX
Add a new part to your multi
Click [Add FX] to instance a new effect
» Minus
4 Poly, Oct, Semi, Fine Right-click or Double click an effect to
Remove a part from your multi
» Polyphony change it
» Octave (oct) » Sync, Bypass, Remove
2 MIDI Mute & Part
» Semitone (semi) Sync: sync time-based effects to host
» MIDI Mute Toggle
» Finetune (cents) tempo
» MIDI Signal
Bypass: bypass effect
» MIDI Channel and Port
5 Effects Remove: delete effect
» Part Name
» Preset Effects
Double-click to open browser, use the
These effects are mirrored in the
left/right arrows to change the patch
instruments user interface
NOTE: removing preset effects can break
3 Sound Control
UI functionality
» Mute
» Part Effects
» Solo
Part-level effects

Interface: Expert View
Expert View Toggle

Lokey / Hikey 1
5 Output
Lovel / Hivel 2
4 Streaming
Key Switch 3

1 LOKEY / HIKEY 3 Key Switch 5 Output

Adjust the parts playable key range by Assign a MIDI note to toggle parts on/off Assign parts to the master stereo output
setting upper and lower key limits or one of 16 additional stereo outs
4 Streaming » Note about Plug-In use:
2 LOVEL / HIVEL Rather than loading entire samples into If using as a plug-in, please consult your
Remap the incoming note velocities by RAM, samples are read from the hard DAWs user manual for working with
setting upper and lower velocity limits drive as the preset is played multi-out instruments

Interface: Preferences View

1 General
Tuning applies to UVI Workstation in addition to any other instrument-specific
tuning adjustments that have been made (Global). If you have multiple UVI
Workstation plug-ins instantiated in your host application, the global tune
setting will affect each plug-in separately.

NOTE: Alt-click the Tune value to return it to the default value

2 Streaming
In most cases the default settings will be ideal, but, rather than loading the
entire sample set into RAM, the samples may be read (streamed) from the hard
disk as the program is being played. To optimize your experience, please select
the appropriate hard drive type and cache size for your system.

NOTE: UVI Workstation’s performance is directly affected by the speed of the

hard disk, so the faster the hard disk, the better.

3 Sound Banks
» Search Path
Identifies the locations your computer scans for sound libraries. You may
add or delete paths as well. To add a search path, click the “...” button
to the right of the search path. To delete a path, click on the path to be
deleted and then press delete.
» Indexed
When utilizing Search within Browser View, enabled indexing determines
which search paths UVI Workstation will scan.
» Recursive
Enabled recursive expands UVI Workstation to scan top-leveled files and
sub-folders. This can significantly extend startup time.
» Auto-Mount
Enabled Auto-Mount will mount any sound banks in the search path

UVI Workstation: Tips + Tricks

MIDI Learn Arpeggiator

Most UVI Workstation parameters can be automated via. a convenient UVI Workstation comes equipped with a robust arpeggiator. To insert
MIDI Learn. MIDI Learn allows you to bind a physical MIDI controller an arpeggiator in a part, you need to display the Single view in the
to specific parameters within UVI Workstation. UVI Workstation, then click on the note icon. The arpeggiator can
be employed as a pattern gate, arpeggiator, or even an advanced
Any FX tab parameter, Macro Knob or Slider in UVI instruments can rhythmic processor for your live MIDI performance or sequenced MIDI
use the MIDI Learn feature tracks. Arpeggiators can be inserted in an unlimited number of parts.
The MIDI controller type and the MIDI Channel assignment will be
saved with the multi or with your song in the host sequencer
Automation is assigned per-part Preset Stacking
To use MIDI Learn: 1. Right-click the parameter in UVI Workstation Thanks to the simplicity of the UVI Workstation you can stack as
that you want to automate 2. After the MIDI Learn dialog appears, many preset as you want by simply assign multiple part on the same
Trigger the desired MIDI input controller (knob, fader etc.) MIDI channel.

To remove a MIDI controller assignment: Right-click the desired

parameter and press “Delete”
Split, Velocity & Key Switch

Remap knob range: Alt+right click parameter, choose CC, set remap
range with slider

Unlimited FX The Keyswitch settings allow you to load multiple presets into two
or more parts and dynamically play and mute them from your MIDI
controller using key switching, note range, velocity range or any
combination of the three parameters. This powerful feature gives you
a great deal of real-time control.

Scroll Wheel
UVI Workstation offers a wide variety of FX, or effect processors,
to cover all your audio processing needs. The FX implementation is All knobs can be adjusted with the scroll wheel on your mouse.
robust and includes the ability to insert unlimited FX slots in several When you double-click on any knob or slider, you can manually enter
stages of the signal flow. or type in the desired value.

Click the “FX” tab to open the FX page on the Single view
In Multi view the FX section is always displayed

UVI Workstation: Tips + Tricks

Audio and MIDI Settings Shortcuts & Key Commands

Be sure to have your Audio/MIDI controller turned on and plugged in Space Bar: play/stop
before launching UVI Workstation. If you do not hear sound or if your Alt-click or Option-click: restore default parameter
controller does not send signal, select file, then Audio Midi Settings. Right-click or Control-click: open the MIDI Learn dialog box
You can also hit Refresh Audio/MIDI Devices to locate your devices. Keyboard Arrows: navigate the browser

Sample Buffer
If there’s a delay before you hear a note, you’ll need to set the
sample buffer of your audio hardware driver to a low number.
Experiment with this setting to get the best response and
computer performance. You can change the buffer size by
selecting file, then Audio/MIDI Settings.

NOTE: This is an example. You will need

to locate your device names. Multiple Audio Outputs
UVI Workstation is a multi-out instrument, offering 17 (main
If these settings look accurate and you still do not hear sound or if
+ 16) discrete stereo outputs. Most DAWs support multi-out
your MIDI device still does not send signal, check the MIDI channel
instruments, see your specific DAWs user manual for more details.
and port settings are correctly set:

UVI Workstation: Tips + Tricks

UVI Workstation in a Sequencer Isolate the problem...

UVI Workstation is an audio instument plug-in. Load UVI Workstation One of the best troubleshooting techniques is to try to isolate the
as an instrument plugin within your DAW, see your DAWs user manual problem. If you can whittle down a complicated setup or scenario to
for more information on working with virtual instruments plugins. a much simpler case, chances are you’ll zero in on the problem more
quickly. For example, you could try running UVI Workstation in a different
host application to see if the problem persists. If it does, it may have to do
Avoid Output Distortion with the actual samples, presets, and/or performances being used.
UVI Workstation allows a lot of user customizations. Check to see
that your effects are not overboosting output and that multi-parts
Simplify your setup...
are not creating excessive gains. Remember to keep an eye on the
One of the most common causes of problems is a conflict with other
output level of UVI Workstation.
software in the system. Run UVI Workstation by itself, with no other
plug-ins or virtual instruments, and see if the problem you are having still
Avoid Excessive Sample Loading occurs.
As a general rule-of-thumb, avoid loading large amounts of samples
that exceed 70% of your available RAM. For example, if you have 1 If you cannot open a particular UVI Workstation project or session in your
GB of RAM, do not load more than 700 MB into UVI Workstation. host application...
First try opening other existing files, or a new file, to be sure the UVI
Workstation is working at all. If other files work fine, try temporarily
General Troubleshooting removing the UVI Workstation plug-in, or disable audio in your host
Troubleshooting is always simplest and most effective when the exact
application. If other files also exhibit similar behavior, then you know that
problem can be specified clearly and concisely. If you are surprised
the problem is not specific to one file.
by an error message or by seemingly erratic behavior in the program,
take a moment to jot down the relevant details: exactly what the error
message said (including any error ID numbers), what actions were
done on-screen just before the problem occurred, what kind of file
you were working with, how you recovered from the problem, and any
unusual conditions. This may not enable you to solve the problem at
once, but will greatly aid in isolating the problem should it reoccur.

If the problem you are encountering seems inconsistent, try to

determine what the necessary pattern of actions are that will
cause it to occur. Genuine bugs in application software like UVI
Workstation are almost always consistent in their manifestation:
the same set of actions under the same conditions invariably brings
about the same results. Determining the exact cause of a bug often
requires experiments which replicate the problem situation with one
factor changed: choosing a different (smaller) preset, opening UVI
Workstation in a different host application... If the problem is truly
inconsistent, then it is likely to be a hardware problem: a bad hard
drive, a failing computer motherboard...


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Your Registered Product Serial Numbers and Download Links . . . . . . . . .

FAQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Tutorial and Demo Videos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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FAQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Credits and Thanks

Produced by UVI

Software + Scripting
Olivier Tristan
Remy Muller

Nathaniel Reeves

Nathaniel Reeves
Kai Tomita

Special Thanks
Nate Lindley

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