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A Curvature Invariant Inspired by Leonhard Euler's Inequality

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Forum Geometricorum

Volume 18 (2018) 119–127.

ISSN 1534-1178

A Curvature Invariant Inspired by Leonhard Euler’s

Inequality R ≥ 2r

Nicholas D. Brubaker, Jasmine Camero, Oscar Rocha Rocha,

Roberto Soto, and Bogdan D. Suceavă

Abstract. It is of major interest to point out natural connections between the ge-
ometry of triangles and various other areas of mathematics. In the present work
we show how Euler’s classical inequality between circumradius and inradius in-
spires, by using a duality between triangle geometry and three-dimensional hy-
persurfaces lying in R4 , the definition of a curvature invariant. We investigate
this invariant by relating it to other known curvature invariants.

1. A historical motivation
Leonhard Euler believed that one could not define a good measure of curvature
for surfaces. He wrote in 1760 that [5]: “la question sur la courbure des surfaces
n’est pas susceptible d’une réponse simple, mais elle exige à la fois une infinité de
déterminations.” Euler’s main objection to the very idea of the curvature of sur-
faces was that if one can approximate a planar curve with a circle (as Isaac Newton
described ), then for a surface it would be impossible to perform a similar con-
struction. For example, Euler wrote in his investigation, what would we do with a
saddle surface if we intend to find the sphere that best approximates it at a saddle
point? On which side of the saddle should an approximating sphere lie? There are
two choices and both appear legitimate. Today we see that Euler’s counterexample
corresponds to the case of a surface with negative Gaussian curvature at a given
point, but in Euler’s period no definition of curvature for a surface was available.
Since Leonhard Euler contributed so much to the knowledge of mathematics in his
time, one might expect that he was responsible for introducing and investigating
a measure for the curvature of surfaces. However, this is not what happened. In-
stead, Leonhard Euler wrote a profound paper in which he obtained a well-known
theorem about normal sections and stopped right there.
Moreover, Euler’s paper [5] was extremely influential in the mathematical world
of his times. When Jean-Baptiste Meusnier came to see his mentor, Gaspard
Monge, for the first time, Monge instructed him to think of a problem related to
the curvature of curves lying on a surface. Monge asked Meusnier to study Euler’s
paper [5], yet before reading it, in a stroke of genius the following night, Meusiner

Publication Date: April 30, 2018. Communicating Editor: Paul Yiu.

120 N. D. Brubaker et al.

proved a theorem that today bears his name, and he did so by using a different geo-
metric idea than Euler’s. Decades afterwards, C.F. Gauss [7] introduced a measure
for the curvature of surfaces that was complemented by the very inspired Sophie
Germain [8], who introduced the mean curvature.
Perhaps the most direct way to explain the two curvature invariants for surfaces
is the following. Consider a smooth surface S lying in R3 , and an arbitrary point
P ∈ S. Consider NP , the normal to the surface at P, and the family of all planes
passing through P that contain the line through P with the same direction as NP .
These planes yield a family of curves on S called normal sections. We now de-
termine the curvature κ(P ) of the normal sections, viewed as planar curves. Then
κ(P ) has a maximum, denoted κ1 , and a minimum, denoted κ2 . The curvatures
κ1 and κ2 are called the principal curvatures. Using these principal curvatures,
one may define the Gaussian curvature K(P ) as, K(P ) = κ1 (P ) · κ2 (P ), and
the mean curvature H(P ) as, H(P ) = 12 [κ1 (P ) + κ2 (P )] . Note that in the 18th
century these constructions were not possible. They are related in a very profound
way to the birth of non-Euclidean geometry and the revolution that took place in
geometry at the beginning of the 19th century.
Taking into account this important historical context, we would like to investi-
gate the following question. Was it possible for Leonhard Euler to have determined
himself a curvature invariant, perhaps a concept for which all the algebra that he
needed was in place, but in which it was just a matter of interpretation to define it?
We are here in the territory of speculations, of alternative history, and only our sur-
prise while we read and re-read Euler’s original works leads us to such a question.
However, this question makes a lot of sense as Euler had many contributions in ge-
ometry - from plane Euclidean geometry to the geometry of surfaces - and one of
them in particular could have been tied to his investigations on curvature. Hence,
was there any geometric property that was actually obtained by Euler which leads
us to a property related to curvature?

2. Notations in the geometry of hypersurfaces

In order better approach the problem, we turn our attention to some classical
ideas from the differential geometry of smooth hypersurfaces, a concept that was
extensively explored after the second half of the 19th century. Let σ : U ⊂ R3 →
R4 be a hypersurface given by the smooth map σ and let p be a point on the hyper-
surface. Denote σk (p) = ∂x k
, for all k from 1 to 3. Consider {σ1 (p), σ2 (p), σ3 (p), N (p)},
the orthonormal Gauss frame of the hypersurface, where N denotes the normal
vector field to the hypersurface at every point.
The quantities similar to κ1 and κ2 in the geometry of surfaces are the principal
curvatures, denoted λ1 , λ2 , and λ3 . They are introduced as the eigenvalues of the
so-called Weingarten linear map, as we will describe below. Since our discussion
is focused on the curvature quantities of three-dimensional smooth hypersurfaces
in R4 , we start by introducing these quantities. Similar to the geometry of surfaces,
the curvature invariants in higher dimensions can also be described in terms of the
A curvature invariant inspired by Leonhard Euler’s inequality R ≥ 2r 121

principal curvatures. The mean curvature at the point p is

H(p) = [λ1 (p) + λ2 (p) + λ3 (p)],
and the Gauss-Kronecker curvature is
K(p) = λ1 (p)λ2 (p)λ3 (p).
In Riemannian geometry, a third important curvature quantity is the scalar cur-
vature ([2], p.19) denoted by scal(p), which intuitively sums up all the sectional
curvatures on all the faces of the trihedron formed by the tangent vectors in the
Gauss frame [4]:
scal(p) = sec(σ1 ∧ σ2 ) + sec(σ2 ∧ σ3 ) + sec(σ3 ∧ σ1 ) = λ1 λ2 + λ3 λ1 + λ2 λ3 .
The last equality is due to the Gauss’ equation of the hypersurface σ(U ) in the
ambient space R4 endowed with the Euclidean metric.
To provide a brief description of how the Weingarten map is computed, we will
review its construction here. Denote by gij (p) the coefficients of the first funda-
mental form and by hij (p) the coefficients of the second fundamental form. They
are the outcome of the following dot products:
gij (p) = σi (p), σj (p), hij (p) = N (p), σij (p).
The quantities λ1 , λ2 , λ3 are always real; here we explain why. The Weingarten
map Lp = −dNp ◦ dσp−1 : Tσ(p) σ → Tσ(p) σ is linear. Denote by hij (p)1≤i,j≤3 the
matrix associated to the Weingarten map, that is:

Lp (σi (p)) = hki (p)σk (p),
Weingarten’s operator is self-adjoint, which implies that the roots of the algebraic
det(hij (p) − λ(p)δji ) = 0
are all real, at every point p of the hypersurface.
In the last decades several very interesting inequalities with geometric invariants
have been obtained and investigated by many authors, see e.g. [2] for a thorough
presentation of these developments.

3. A duality in triangle geometry

After this brief presentation of a few concepts pertaining to differential geome-
try, we will turn our attention to the classical geometry of a triangle. The duality
described here is discussed also in [11]. Consider a triangle ΔABC in the Eu-
clidean plane, with sides of lengths a, b, c.
Consider three arbitrary real numbers x, y, z > 0. By using the substitutions
a = y+z, b = z+x, and c = x+y, one can immediately see that there exists a non-
degenerate triangle in the Euclidean plane with sides of lengths a, b, c. The reason
why this is true is that a+b = x+y +2z > x+y = c, hence the triangle inequality
is always satisfied. Similarly for the other two triangle inequalities involving a, b, c.
122 N. D. Brubaker et al.

The converse of this claim is also true. Namely, if a, b, c are the sides of a
triangle in the Euclidean plane, then the system given through the equations a =
y+z, b = z+x, and c = x+y, has a unique solution x = s−a, y = s−b, z = s−c,
where we denote by s the semiperimeter of the triangle, namely s = 12 (a + b + c).
Some classical facts in advanced Euclidean geometry can be proved by substi-
tuting a, b, c, instead of the variables x, y, z,. This technique is called Ravi substi-
We can view these three positive real numbers x, y, z in a different way. We
could view them as principal curvatures in the geometry of a three-dimensional
smooth hypersurface lying in the four dimensional Euclidean space. To every tri-
angle with sides a, b, c there corresponds a triple x, y, z > 0, and these numbers
can be interpreted as principal curvatures, given pointwise, at some point p lying
on the hypersurface. We call this correspondence a Ravi transformation and we
would like to see whether this duality leads us to some interesting geometric inter-
pretations of facts from triangle geometry into the geometry of hypersurfaces into
R4 endowed with the canonical Euclidean product.



I z =s−c
y =s−b

y =s−b z =s−c C

Figure 1

To better see how we use Ravi’s substitutions, we recall here a few useful for-
mulae for a triangle ΔABC lying in the Euclidean plane. Denote the area of the
triangle by A, its circumradius by R , its inradius by r,its semiperimeter by s, and
 perimeter by P. Then Heron’s formula is A = s(s − a)(s − b)(s − c) =
xyz(x + y + z). The inradius can be obtained as

A xyz
r= = ,
s x+y+z
A curvature invariant inspired by Leonhard Euler’s inequality R ≥ 2r 123

and the circumradius can be obtained as

abc (y + z)(z + x)(x + y)
R= =  .
4A 4 xyz(x + y + z)
Euler’s inequality was originally obtained in 1763 (see [6]) when he tried to
construct a triangle by giving its incenter, its orthocenter, its barycenter and its
circumcenter. That investigation generated several important consequences and
ushered a new era in the investigations on the geometry of the triangle. Euler’s
inequality states that in any triangle in the Euclidean plane, the circumradius and
the inradius satisfy R ≥ 2r.
For a direct proof, using the formulae derived above, we note that by using the
Ravi substitutions we need to show that the following holds:

(y + z)(z + x)(x + y) xyz
 ≥2 ,
4 xyz(x + y + z) x+y+z
or, by a direct computation:
(y + z)(z + x)(x + y) ≥ 8xyz.

This last inequality holds true since x + y ≥ 2 xy, and two other similar inequal-
ities, multiplied term by term, conclude the argument. Actually we notice that the
inequality (y + z)(z + x)(x + y) ≥ 8xyz is equivalent, via Ravi transformation,
to Euler’s inequality R ≥ 2r.





Figure 2

It is natural to consider a duality between a triangle ΔABC with lengths of sides

a, b, c, and corresponding x = s − a, y = s − b, z = s − c, and a convex three-
dimensional smooth hypersurface such that a point p lies on it, and the principal
124 N. D. Brubaker et al.

curvatures stand for λ1 (p) = x, λ2 (p) = y, λ3 (p) = z. The convexity condition

is needed to insure that x, y, z > 0 in an open neighborhood around p. For further
details about this idea see [11].

4. Constructing a curvature invariant inspired by Euler’s inequality

We recall here a class of curvature invariants introduced in [9], namely the sec-
tional absolute mean curvatures defined by
|λi (p)| + |λj (p)|
H̄ij (p) = .
By using the same method as above Euler’s inequality, R ≥ 2r, transforms, as we
have seen before, into
(y + z)(z + x)(x + y) ≥ 8xyz,
which admits the interpretation in terms of curvature invariants as follows:
H̄12 · H̄23 · H̄31 ≥ K.
This inequality between the curvature invariants of a three dimensional smooth hy-
persurface in R4 was obtained and investigated in [9]. We recall here the following.
Definition. [3] Let σ : U ⊂ R3 → R4 be a hypersurface given by the smooth
map σ. The point p on the hypersurface is called absolutely umbilical if all the
principal curvatures satisfy |k1 | = |k2 | = |k3 |. If all the points of a hypersurface
are absolutely umbilical, then the hypersurface is called absolutely umbilical.
In conclusion, a curvature invariant inspired by this result obtained by Leonhard
Euler is
E(p) = H̄12 · H̄23 · H̄31 = (y + z)(z + x)(x + y).
Building on the development from [1], in [9] the following is proved.
Theorem 1. Let M 3 ⊂ R4 be a smooth hypersurface and k1 , k2 , k3 be its principal
curvatures in the ambient space R4 endowed with the canonical metric. Let p ∈ M
be an arbitrary point. Denote by A the amalgamatic curvature (for its definition
see [3, 1]), by H the mean curvature, H̄ the absolute mean curvature, and K
the Gauss-Kronecker curvature. Introduce the sectional absolute mean curvatures
defined by
|ki (p)| + |kj (p)|
H̄ij (p) = .
Then the following inequalities hold true at every point p ∈ M :
A · H̄12 · H̄23 · H̄13 ≥ H̄ · |K| ≥ A · |K|.
Equality holds for absolutely umbilical points.
In conclusion, the inequality in the theorem can be written as follows.
A curvature invariant inspired by Leonhard Euler’s inequality R ≥ 2r 125

Corollary 2.
A · E ≥ H̄ · |K| ≥ A · |K|.
This relation naturally relates the amalgamatic curvature, the Gaussian curva-
ture, and the curvature invariant E, which we introduced inspired by Euler’s in-
equality for triangles in Euclidean geometry, R ≥ 2r. In particular, note that we
have the following.
Corollary 3.
E(p) ≥ |K(p)| (1)
at any point p of M3⊂ R4 . The equality holds at a point p if and only if the point
is absolutely umbilical.
It may be of interest to note that this inequality may be viewed as an extension
of the inequality H 2 (p) ≥ K(p) from the geometry of surfaces.
We conclude this section by pointing out that all the algebra was definitely in
place in Euler’s times, and the only new part was the geometric interpretation in
terms of curvature invariants. This vision was greatly enhanced after the major
revisitation of curvature invariants described in Bang-Yen Chen’s comprehensive
monograph [2], which best represents a research direction with many developments
(see e.g. [10, 12], among many other works), which inspires also the context of our
present investigation.

5. Hypersurfaces of dimension n lying in the Euclidean space Rn+1

In this section we inquire whether it is possible to extend the inequality (1) to
hypersurfaces in the general case.
To establish our notations, let σ : U ⊂ Rn → Rn+1 be a hypersurface given
by the smooth map σ. Let p be a point on the hypersurface. Denote σk (p) = ∂x k
for all k from 1 to n. Consider {σ1 (p), σ2 (p), ..., σn (p), N (p)}, the Gauss frame
of the hypersurface, where N denotes the normal vector field. We denote by gij (p)
the coefficients of the first fundamental form and by hij (p) the coefficients of the
second fundamental form. Then we have
gij (p) = σi (p), σj (p), hij (p) = N (p), σij (p).
The Weingarten map Lp = −dNp ◦ dσp−1 : Tσ(p) σ → Tσ(p) σ is linear. Denote
by (hij (p))1≤i,j≤n the matrix associated to Weingarten’s map, that is:

Lp (σi (p)) = hki (p)σk (p),

where the repeated index and upper script above indicates Einstein’s summation
convention. Weingerten’s operator is self-adjoint, which implies that the roots of
the algebraic equation
det(hij (p) − λ(p)δji ) = 0
are real. The eigenvalues of Weingarten’s linear map are called principal curvatures
of the hypersurface. They are the roots k1 (p), k2 (p), ..., kn (p) of this algebraic
126 N. D. Brubaker et al.

equation. The mean curvature at the point p is

H(p) = [k1 (p) + ... + kn (p)],
and the Gauss-Kronecker curvature is
K(p) = k1 (p)k2 (p) (p).
Definition. Let σ : U ⊂ Rn → Rn+1 be a hypersurface given by the smooth map
σ. The point p on the hypersurface is called absolutely umbilical if all the principal
curvatures satisfy |k1 | = |k2 | = ... = |kn |. If all the points of a hypersurface are
absolutely umbilical, then the hypersurface is called absolutely umbilical.
Definition. Define the curvature invariant
E(p) = (2)−(2 ) (|ki | + |kj |).

With this definition we prove the following.

Proposition 4. Let M n ⊂ Rn+1 be a smooth hypersurface and k1 , k2 , . . . , kn be
its principal curvatures in the ambient space Rn+1 endowed with the canonical
Euclidean metric. Let p ∈ M be an arbitrary point. Denote by K the Gauss-
Kronecker curvature. Then the following inequality holds true at every point p ∈
M: n−1
E(p) ≥ |K(p)| 2 .
Equality holds if p is an absolutely umbilical point.
Proof: Denote by xi = |ki |, for all i = 1, 2, ..., n. Then we have (n2 ) inequalities
of the following form:

xi + xj ≥ 2 xi xj ,
with equality if and only if xi = xj . By multiplying term by term these (n2 ) in-
equalities we obtain the stated result. 
It may be of interest to note that this inequality represents an extension of the
inequality H 2 (p) ≥ K(p) that holds true in the geometry of surfaces. To see this,
let n = 2 in the statement above.

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[4] M. P. do Carmo, Riemannian Geometry, Birkhäuser, 1992.
[5] L. Euler, Recherches sur la courbure des surfaces, Memoires de l’academie des sciences de
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[6] L. Euler, Solutio facilis problematum quorundam geometricorum difficillimorum, Novi
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A curvature invariant inspired by Leonhard Euler’s inequality R ≥ 2r 127

[7] C. F. Gauss, Disquisitiones circa superficies curvas, Typis Dieterichianis, Goettingen,

[8] S. Germain, Mémoire sur la courbure des surfaces, Journal für die reine und andewandte
Mathematik, Herausgegeben von A. L. Crelle, Siebenter Band, pp. 1–29, Berlin, 1831.
[9] B. D. Suceavă, The amalgamatic curvature and the orthocurvatures of three dimensional
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[10] B. D. Suceavă, The spread of the shape operator as conformal invariant, J. Inequal. Pure
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[11] B. D. Suceavă, A geometric interpretation of curvature inequalities on hypersurfaces via
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[12] B. D. Suceavă and M. B. Vajiac, Remarks on Chen’s fundamental inequality with classical
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Nicholas D. Brubaker: California State University Fullerton, 800 N. State College Blvd, 154
McCarthy Hall, Fullerton, California 92831-6850, U.S.A.
E-mail address:

Jasmine Camero: California State University Fullerton, 800 N. State College Blvd, 154 McCarthy
Hall, Fullerton, California 92831-6850, U.S.A.
E-mail address:

Oscar Rocha Rocha: California State University Fullerton, 800 N. State College Blvd, 154 Mc-
Carthy Hall, Fullerton, California 92831-6850, U.S.A.
E-mail address:

Roberto Soto: California State University Fullerton, 800 N. State College Blvd, 154 McCarthy
Hall, Fullerton, California 92831-6850, U.S.A.
E-mail address:

Bogdan D. Suceavă: California State University Fullerton, 800 N. State College Blvd, 154 Mc-
Carthy Hall, Fullerton, California 92831-6850, U.S.A.
E-mail address:

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