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Thermal Diffusivity and Adsorption Kinetics of Silica-Gel/Water

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Adsorption 7: 211–219, 2001

c 2001 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Manufactured in The Netherlands.

Thermal Diffusivity and Adsorption Kinetics of Silica-Gel/Water


UFPB/LES/CT/DTM/CPGEM, 58.059-100 João Pessoa, PB, Brazil

LIMSI/CNRS, B.P. 133 F-91403 Orsay Cedex, France

CNAM-IFFI, 292 rue Saint-Martin, 75141 Paris Cedex 03, France

Received September 7, 2000; Revised June 18, 2001; Accepted June 18, 2001

Abstract. There have been performed experimental measurements of effective thermal conductivity of silica-gel
for a stagnant cylindrical fixed bed under transient and steady state conditions in the presence of dry air at different
pressures and for different amounts of adsorbed water. The Bauer-Schlünder and Kunii-Smith models have been used
to identify the thermal solid conductivity of silica gel pellets from measurements of the conductivity in an adsorbent
bed. Sorption rates of water vapor in silica gel were measured using a single-step thermal method by monitoring
the sample surface temperature by infrared detection. In order to obtain the mass diffusivity it is necessary to match
the numerical solution of the mathematical model to the experimental data.

Keywords: silica-gel, adsorption, conductivity, mass diffusivity

Introduction sorption systems. The silica-gel here studied is com-

mercially known as “type R Sorbead”, produced by
Silica-gel is a solid adsorbent utilized as drying agent in Kalichemie . It is presented as spheroidal beads with
industrial processes. Silica gel-water vapor is proposed an average diameter d = 3.5 mm, with a specific surface
as a working couple for solar refrigerators, heat pumps of 750 m2 /g, an average pore diameter of 2.0 µm, and a
and desiccant cooling systems. The relatively regen- pore volume of 0.35 ml/g, according to what is reported
erating temperature makes it very attractive for such by the maker (Kalichemie . AG 1979). Bed porosity
applications. The analysis of the thermal behavior of ε and density ρb have been found experimentally to
devices using silica-gel shows that their performance be ε = 0.36 ± 0.01 and ρb = 746 kg m−3 (Gurgel and
is very sensitive on heat and mass transfer rates inside Klüppel, 1996).
the adsorbent beads. Therefore it is necessary to mea- The present work aims at giving a contribution for
sure the thermal diffusivity and sorption rates in these determining mass diffusivity of water in silica gel and
beads. Thermal conductivity of silica-gel from differ- the effective thermal conductivity of the silica gel bed.
ent suppliers was previously investigated by Bjürström In order to measure the thermal conductivity of
et al. (1984) and Gurgel and Klüppel (1996). The results packed beds, a great variety of methods have been used.
here presented are intended to be used in the modeling Those methods can be classified as steady and transient
of the heat and mass transfer processes occurring in methods and are classed as very good in a review make
by Tsotsas and Martin (1987). In the present work, two
∗ To whom correspondence should be addressed. different techniques to measure thermal conductivity
212 Gurgel et al.

were considered. Measurements were performed us-

ing a technique under transient conditions for the dry
bed and another technique under static conditions when
there were amounts of adsorbed water in the bed. Both
techniques available in the same apparatus are neces-
sary to evaluate with good precision the thermal diffu-
sivity and the influence of different loads of humidity.
To identify the thermal solid conductivity of silica gel
pellets it is necessary to use a prediction model. In this
work two models are used, which were respectively
developed by Sahnoune and Grenier (1988) and Bauer
and Schlünder (1978). These two models are suggested
(Tsotsas and Martin, 1978) by a lot of works concern-
ing thermal conductivity of packed beds.
Mass diffusion inside the porous pellets may occur
by several different mechanisms depending on the pore
size, the sorbate concentration and other conditions.
The mass diffusion coefficients can be measured Figure 1. Experimental apparatus for thermal conductivity
(Kärger and Ruthven, 1992) by either microscopic measurement.
techniques (Pfeiter, 1976) and neutron scattering
(Jobic et al., 1989) or macroscopic techniques (Barrer
and Brook, 1953), chromatography (Schneider and 400 mm height, limited at the upper and lower ends
Smith, 1968; Ruthven and Kumar, 1980), permeation by stainless steel disks. An electrical resistance wire,
(Hayhurst and Paravar, 1988), frequency response 0.1 mm diameter, dissipates a heat flux in the axis of the
(Yasuda et al., 1991; Van den Begin and Rees, 1989) cylinder. Five platinum 100  temperature sensors are
and zero length column (Eic and Ruthven, 1988). located radially in the central section of the cylinder.
In this work, the sorption rates of water vapor in The sensors measure 2.0 mm diameter, and 10 mm in
silica gel, were measured by a single-step thermal length and have an absolute precision of 0.3 K. The top
method by monitoring the sample surface temperature and the bottom of the bed are well insulated in order to
by infrared detection. The major advantages of that insure purely radial temperature gradients. The system
technique are: no intrusive perturbations (no sensor) can thus be treated as an unidimensional one (Gurgel
during the experiment, high temperature sensitivity and Klüppel, 1996) verified using a numerical solution

(∼10−3 C), short response constant time (∼10−3 s) of a two-dimensional Laplace equation in cylindrical
and the possibility to precisely focus the temperature coordinates.
measurement on a small region enabling the measure-
ment of a single-pellets response. The experimental
results allow obtaining the mass diffusivity by match- Steady State Measurements
ing the numerical response of a mathematical model to the Thermal Condutivity
to experimental data. The model used in this work is
a nonisothermal heat and mass transfer one developed Steady state conductivity measurements are performed
by Sun and Meunier (1987) . dissipating a constant heat power Q in the axis of
the sample, while the external cylinder wall is kept
at constant temperature T5 = 27◦ C. The temperatures,
Experimental Setup for Measuring Thermal T (ri , t), at the radial locations r1 to r4 are recorded
Diffusivity and Conductivity until steady state condition is attained. The conductiv-
ity of the silica bed is then calculated from the Fourier
The apparatus is shown in Fig. 1. It consists of a vertical unidimensional heat conduction equation :
cylindrical reactor designed to work under transient and
steady state conditions (Gurgel and Klüppel, 1996).
The sample of test material is packed as a pellet bed Q
λb = (1)
within a cast iron tube, 113 mm internal diameter and 2π L dT/d(ln r )

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